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【摘要】以白砂糖代替蔗糖,探讨白砂糖对大花萱草‘红运’试管苗生根生长的影响.将试管苗分为丛生芽芽块(不分切)和单芽两种,分别接种于含不同白砂糖浓度的生根培养基1/2MS上.试验结果表明:白砂糖对大花萱草试管苗生根率和平均生根条数有着重要的影响.不加砂糖培养的试管苗叶片变黄、细弱、生长势极差,无论是丛生芽还是单芽生根率均为0;2.5%的砂糖利于单芽生根,生根率达95%,平均根条数3.59条/株;3.5%的砂糖利于丛生芽生根,生根率达90%,平均根条数7.50条/块;丛生芽生根较单芽生根所需砂糖浓度要高;丛生芽生根在14~21 d生根速度最快,单芽生根在7~14 d生根速度最快.%Instead of sucrose using white granulated sugar,the action of white granulated sugar on the plantlets rooting of Hemerocallis hybrida ‘ Baltimore oriole’ was studied.The plantlets were divided into two types:the caespitose shoot and the single shoot,and were respectively inoculated in rooting media 1/2MS +0 which contain different sugar concentration.The result showed that the action of white granulated sugar on the rooting rate and the number of the rooting were obvious.The plantlets in no sugar media became yellow and weak,and with the worst growth potential,the rooting rate no matter caespitose shoot or single shoot was zero.2.5% concentration of sugar was suitable for single shoot rooting,the rooting rate reached at 95%,the
average count of the rooting was 3.59 in each plant.3.5% concentration of sugar was suitable for caespitose shoot rooting,the rooting rate reached at 90%,the average count of the rooting was 7.50 in each plant.The sugar concentration for caespitose shoot rooting was higher than single shoot rooting.The caespitose shoot had the largest rooting speed at the culture period from 14 days to 21 days,and for single shoot,the largest rooting speed period was from 7days to 14 days.
1.卡拉胶对大花萱草试管苗生长的影响 [J], 赵玉芬;储博彦;刘满光;尹新彦;李金霞
2.大花萱草新品种"红运"快繁体系的建立 [J], 李艳梅;王桂兰;陈超;刘敏
3.应用正交实验优化大花萱草试管苗生根的研究 [J], 赵玉芬;储博彦;尹新彦;刘满光;袁媛
4.喷施6-BA和PP333对大花萱草‘红运’分蘖能力的影响研究 [J], 赵玉芬;储博彦;尹新彦;刘满光
5.不同红蓝光质比对大花萱草组培苗增殖及生根的影响 [J], 刘伟超; 王政; 何松林; 孟新亚; 宋盈龙; 袁晓绘