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Managing Training &Development for the Business
Welcome to this workbook. It has been designed to support the three—day Managing Training &Development for the Business workshop for Departmental Training coordinators。
Through the workbook, you will see various icons:
Invites you to pause and think for a few moments
Invites you to write your own thoughts
Indicates an exercise for you to complete
Indicates an exercise to complete in your case study group ☝注意!
Take note!/ NB
The workbook has been purposely designed with wide margins and lots of space for you to make your own notes and reminders of learning points.
All workshops and sessions need to have formal objectives, and we hope that by reading the workbook,attending the workshop and taking part in the related exercises,you will be able to:
Explain your role for organising training and development of people within your area of responsibility
Identify training and development needs within your area of responsibility to meet the strategic issues for the relevant business plan
Set learning objectives to achieve desired outcomes using a variety of development methods
Build and communicate a plan for a specified time period,to meet priority needs in your area,for both groups and individuals
Explain how to evaluate training and development activity
In short, an important part of coming on this workshop is to help you to manage the development of people within your department or area of responsibility, to get the best out of them for your department, the business – and for themselves.
As always,when attending workshops, it can be helpful to remember who was there with you – in case you want to contact each other afterwards。
You might like to make a note here of the other people attending your workshop:姓名/Name 酒店/Hotel 联系电话/Contact Number
☺ We hope you will enjoy using this workbook,and attending the workshop。
If you have any questions at all, then please do not hesitate to ask your tutor/facilitator.
1 目标介绍/Introduction & objectives of the workshop
第一部分Section One – Sessions
6 1、介绍培训与发展/Introduction to Training & Development
11 2、明确角色与职责/Who does tha t?– Roles and Responsibilities
14 3、创建合适的环境/How people learn– Creating the Right Conditions 22 4、运用系统的方法/Where do I start?– Applying a Systematic Approach
25 5、识别培训需求与优先顺序-开始计划/Identifying business needs and priorities–Starting to Plan
44 6、制定计划—为部门和个人/Making a plan– Planning for Groups and Individuals 49 7、实施培训与发展/Implementing Training and Development
54 8、回顾与评估/What difference did it make? – Reviewing &Evaluation
60 个人学习笔记/Personal Learning Log
第二部分—案例分析/Section Two – Case Study Exercise
61案例分析练习Case Study Exercises
第三部分—回到工作岗位/Section Three – Back-to-work
69联系到工作岗位的练习活动Back—to—work Activities
The content above can all be found in this workbook. You might find that on your workshop you spend more time on some areas, and less time on others。
This is because your trainer will try to meet the needs of your group.
Before you start on the rest of the content,it is worth spending some time thinking about why you are attending, what you would like to gain as a result。
What are your personal aims for the workshop?
Write them in here:
Return to them at the end of the workshop and check if they have been met.
Session One
Introduction to Training &Development
介绍/ Introduction
In your role as a departmental training co-ordinator, you will be responsible for many factors that help your department to run smoothly and contribute to making the business successful。
Within the areas of your control,one of the most – if not the most – expensive items you control will be the cost of employing people。
The costs are made up of many things。
There are direct costs such as wage costs, and the costs of labour turnover and replacing people。
There are also many and varied indirect costs – such as the costs of mistakes, costs of dissatisfied customers, costs of people not giving their best commitment to the job etc。
Because of the potential costs, and to gain the best results for the business,it is important that all departments are able to get the best from the individuals within the team。
It is a proven fact that the skilful management of training and development is an effective tool to help you do this。
Of course, if you are responsible for a large department, or have a number of people in your team, you cannot hope to do all the training yourself。
It is important in your department co-ordinator role,that you know how to manage the process of training
within your department so that you are able to ensure that what needs to get done gets done,and that both the business and the people benefit as a result。
In this section we will look at:
✧理解培训与发展/Understanding training and development
✧做好培训与发展的好处/Benefits of getting it right
✧培训与发展的潜在障碍/Potential blockages in getting it done
By the end of this section and related exercises you will be able to:
✧解释培训与发展所包括的主要内容及其与你的部门和你的角色的联系/Explain the key
activities that are covered by training and development and how they relate to the department and coordinator
✧解释培训与发展的好处/Explain the key benefits of training and development
✧识别培训与发展的潜在障碍/Identify potential blockages to training and development
✧描述成功管理员工的培训与发展应具备的素质/Describe the qualities required to
successfully manage training and development of other people
理解培训与发展/Understanding training and development
Good training and development activities involve planning to give people a chance to learn and achieve their potential and the performance standards that the job demands。
Good training and development activity is therefore about these four P's:
✧计划/P lanning
✧员工/P eople
✧潜力/P otential
✧绩效/P erformance
The better organised the training and development effort,the more likely we are to be able to make the best of the benefits。
Working in any role in any department in the hotel takes a rich mixture of…
✧知识/knowledge - 对工作的了解程度/knowing about the job
✧技能/Skills —做好工作所需的技能/Skills to be able to do the job
✧态度/Attitude —做好工作应具备的正确的态度/Having the right attitude for the job
1 /EXERCISE: 1.1
Think of the requirements for knowledge,skills and attitudes for some of the jobs in your department
工作职位需要的知识需要的技能需要的态度Job title Knowledge required Skills required Attitudes required
What are some of the benefits for these groups of people if all the training and development is carried out and completed effectively?
公司/酒店顾客涉及员工您自己Company/Hotel Customer/Guest The individual concerned You
You have probably realised that with all principles of managing people, the theories are sound, but putting it all into practice is more complicated – particularly if you have to rely on others to help you。
It may be helpful to understand a little about some of the blockages that can be involved in gaining and maintaining enough energy and commitment for training and development.
练习1.3 /EXERCISE:1.3
List any barriers or blockages to training and development that you may encounter in your role as department training co-ordinator:
Knowing that certain barriers exist is the first step in managing the training and development of people in your team.
See Activity One in the Back—to-Work section at the end of this workbook (page 71).
Session Two
明确角色与职责/Roles and Responsibilities
Your responsibility as a departmental training coordinator
Your responsibility as a departmental training co—ordinator
✧合适的人从事/the right people doing …
✧合适的工作/the right thing at …
✧在合适的时间/the right time
In this section we will look at:
✧您对培训和发展的责任/Your responsibilities for training and development
✧其他员工和责任/Other people and responsibilities
✧如何与酒店相关/How it links with the context of the company
✧用所学的知识进行案例分析/Relating your learning to a case study exercise
By the end of this section and related exercises you will be able to:
✧Describe your role and responsibility as a departmental training co—ordinator
✧Explain that responsibility and why it is important to the hotel and the company
Broadly speaking, the responsibilities for training and development fall into 5 main categories:
✧员工/The individual
✧部门培训员和部门培训协调员/The departmental trainer and training coordinator
✧部门经理/The departmental manager
✧酒店高级管理层/the senior managers
✧集团总部—如区域培训经理或区域培训总监/the company – represented by the regional
training manager and area director of training
1/ EXERCISE: 2.1
Consider each of these as they relate to you –what do you think the key responsibilities are?
1、个人/ The Individual
2、部门培训员/ The Departmental Trainer
3、部门经理/ The Departmental Manager
4、酒店高级管理层/The Senior Manager/s
5、集团公司—区域培训经理或培训总监/The Company represented by the Regional
Training Manager and Area Director of Training
You should now turn to SECTION 2 of this workbook,and begin to work on Exercise One from the Case Study (page 61)。
Session Three
创建合适的环境/Creating the Right Conditions
How people learn,and how to create the right conditions
As you will be discovering,one of your key responsibilities as a departmental training co—ordinator lies in helping people in your team to learn about the things they need to know in order to perform to the standards required, and to achieve their own potential.
A key to being effective in helping people to learn is to understand some of the process of learning.
In this part of your workbook you will learn about:
✧人们如何学习/How people learn
✧不同的发展方式/Different development methods
✧为学习创造一个合适的环境/Creating right environment for learning
By the end of this section and related exercises you will be able to:
✧描述学习过程以及部门培训协调员在此过程中的作用/Describe the learning process and
the role of the training coordinator in helping with the process
✧解释不同的发展方法以及如何在部门中加以运用/Explain different methods of
development and how they might be used within the department
✧描述学习文化的关联以及如何在部门和工作环境中加以实施/Describe the relevance of a
learning culture and how it might be developed within the department or a work situation
You will apply your learning from this section to an exercise in the case study.
人们如何学习/How people learn
Broadly speaking,when any of us set out to learn anything new,we generally follow a pattern。
It goes like this:
首先,我们需要有学习的意愿,动机或诱因/desire, trigger or motivation to learn。
Firstly, we need to have a desire,trigger or motivation to learn。
This may be driven by external factors such as increased pay and reward,but more often than not it is driven by internal factors such as a feeling of confidence, a sense of self-worth and value,curiosity or competition.
这个过程用专业术语来说我们正在获得信息/acquiring information。
Next,having formed the desire to learn,we generally tend to begin finding out about the subject – take learning to drive as an example。
Once we have decided to learn to drive,very often we set out to find the right person to teach us, the right relative, friend or driving school. We sit in the car for the first time in the driving seat and begin to work out how it all works. In learning terms we are acquiring information。
这叫作我们正在消化信息并增加理解/assimilating the information and developing our understanding.这一步需要清晰的指示、解释或者能观摩其他人的演示。
The next steps in learning are to take all the information in and try to make sense of it。
At this point we are assimilating the information and developing our understanding. This stage can be helped by having clear instructions,explanations and perhaps being able to watch someone else demonstrate.
当然,仅仅观摩别人演示或听到解释并不意味着我们已经理解—如果是学习驾驶的话就太危险了!最终我们需要形成自己的理解模式/form our own pattern of understanding。
Of course, just because we watch someone else,or have it all explained to us does not mean that we understand – that would be especially dangerous if we were learning to drive! Eventually, we need to form our own pattern of understanding. A similar process to the one when “the penny drops” and we suddenly understand or gain new insights into things we didn’t know before.
最后,一旦形成了对如何驾驶和避开路途障碍的自身理解,我们通过驾驶考试来测试我们的理解/test our understanding。
Lastly, having formed a way of understanding how to drive the car,and avoid everything else on the road, we test our understanding by taking our driving test.
If the test is not too difficult, then we either pass,or gain the commitment to take it again。
However, if the test and the whole experience is too dreadful,then we might never want to drive again。
Put together, the whole process looks like a circle –as in reality, we do not stop learning…
Desire to learn
In your group,discuss how as departmental training co-ordinators,you can help your learners to go around and complete the learning cycle.
产生学习愿望/Forming a Desire to Learn
获取信息/Acquiring Information
吸收信息/Assimilating Information
形成理解模式/Forming a Pattern of Understanding 检验所学/Testing out the Learning
不同的发展方式/Different development methods
练习3.2/ EXERCISE:3.2
Think about the ways of developing people you might use
✍ List some down here:
As you can see from your list,many of the development methods you are able to use are quicker,easier and more effective than applying a training session.
Therefore, before you launch into training, think about the alternative you could use。
Using a variety of methods will:
✧Develop you –as the more you do, the better you get
✧Develop your senior team members - as they can get more involved
✧Develop your individual team members - as they learn through a variety of ways
and means
不同的发展方式/ Different development methods
In your list on the previous page,you may have included some, or all,of the following:➢授权/Delegation ➢观察/Observation
➢增加责任/Increased responsibility ➢会议/Meeting &briefing
➢新项目或特殊任务/New projects &
➢工作交谈和评估/Job Chats & appraisals Special assignments
➢交叉培训/Cross Training ➢阅读/Reading
➢一对一培训/One to one training ➢视频/Videos
➢辅导/Coaching ➢网络培训/Computer based training
创建合适的环境/Creating the right environment
A vital part of your role as a departmental training co-ordinator in the business is to generate the best and most effective culture for learning.
This involves ensuring that everyone under your direct and indirect influence has the right degree of challenge and support.
A motivating environment where people want to learn and do better. Temporarily this may feel nice, but it is very cosy and complacent. People easily become bored and stop trying. In this area, people become bored, cynical, apathetic and critical. People will leave.
An environment where people feel
pressurised and blamed.
Probably a lot of stress in this area.
In your groups,discuss what you can do to help achieve the right levels of support and challenge
The right levels of support:
The right levels of challenge:
Session Four
运用系统的方法/Applying a systematic Approach
Applying a systematic approach to training and development
培训和发展可能非常昂贵- 时间、资源、设备和资金等。
Training and development can be expensive – in terms of time, resources, equipment and money。
By applying a logical approach to how we manage it,we are far more likely to be able to turn the cost into an investment.
☝The difference between a cost and an investment is that there is a return on the investment. If there is no return, then it becomes a cost.
Training and development should always be viewed as an investment – rather than a cost.
To meet the needs of the business, teams and individuals in any department or part of the hotel,there will often be a considerable amount of training and development required. Getting it all completed in a busy operation, and getting the right return on our investment relies on being organised, and tackling it in a systematic way。
Systematic just means being organised and working to a system. If we are not organised or systematic,then we risk not being able to get it all done,or not being able to measure what difference it has made。
Managing training and development in a department has the same principles as managing any other business issue,and needs to be approached in the same way。
Think about purchasing a piece of expensive equipment for your department,and the steps you would go through…
You would probably do the following:
✧Clarify why you need it, and what you want it to do
✧Shop around for different suppliers and look at different models - try to get the
best value for money
✧Purchase it and begin to use it
✧Make a judgment on whether it is doing the job you wanted it to,and whether it
was worth it
In the same way,managing training and development follows these steps but is best explained by the following cycle…
Plan for what needs
to be learned
If training activity is not tackled in this way, or if any parts of the cycle are missed out, then no matter how good the training activity or how good your trainee or learner,the results will not be as good as they could have been。
We will work through this systematic cycle in more detail in the next sections of this workbook, and for the remainder of your workshop.
Before you move on to the next part…
Check back on your learning so far. You should be able to:
Explain the key activities that are covered by training and development,and how they relate to your own department
Describe your role and responsibility for training and development as a departmental training co-ordinator
Explain how people learn, and the conditions that help to make learning most effective
Describe the logical approach to organising training and development, and how to apply it to your own situation
Use this space and over the page for recording notes and any further learning as you wish…
Session Five
开始计划/Starting to Plan
In the last part of this workbook, we examined some of the training and development responsibilities of your role as a department training co—ordinator and explored some techniques to help your people contribute to making the business successful.
In this part of your workbook,we will examine the systematic approach in more detail,and how it can be used to bring business benefits and efficiency for training and development activity in your department.
In this session we will look at:
✧定义根本原因/defining root causes
✧识别来自于外部因素的需求/identifying needs from external factors
✧识别来自于内部因素的需求/identifying needs from internal factors
✧有关培训和发展的相关标准/the relevance of standards to training and development
✧非培训需求/non training needs
✧培训需求的优先排序/prioritizing needs
By the end of this section and related exercises you will be able to:
what is meant by a training and development need, types of needs that might occur and why it is important to identify them correctly
✧解释如何运用现有的标准来帮助开展培训和发展/Explain how to use existing standards to
help with training and development
✧描述如何区分培训需求的轻重缓急以帮助您决定何事优先/Describe how need can be
prioritized to help you decide what you should be doing first
识别需求并决定轻重缓急/Identifying and prioritizing needs
我们期望的表现水平—现在或者将来- 和目前实际水平之间的差距。
A training need can be defined simply as “a gap”. It is the gap between the performance that is required,— either currently or in the future — and the actual performance that is happening.
差距形成的原因多种多样- 我们将在本章详细讨论.
In any business,wherever a gap occurs between what should be happening, and what is actually happening,then it should be investigated. The risk is that either the business or the people – or both – will suffer in the long term if we do not take steps to close gaps that occur。
Gaps can occur because of a wide variety of reasons – as we will discover through this section。
It is very important to do a thorough investigation of needs before drawing up a training and development plan so we can be sure that:
✧达到所有的标准/all standards are met
✧考虑到所有可能的变化/all likely changes are taken account of
✧保持标准并根据企业和客户需求加以改进/standards are consistently kept and improved
inline with business and customer needs
✧适当发展员工以发挥潜力/people are developed properly to achieve their potential
✧适当计划我们的行动并有目的性/our activity is properly planned and targeted
✧我们的行动完全有效/our activity will be thoroughly effective
✧满足所有优先需求/all our priorities are met
A little time spent in collecting likely needs within your department or area of responsibility will pay dividends in the long run by saving considerable time and effort。