

A.3 B.4 C.5【答案】B【完整解答】解:9、+17、21、5.9是正数,有4个。
【典例分析02】(2021四上·乐昌期末)喜羊羊写出的-5,+3,-1.9, 2,0,-1这些数中,负数有()个。
A.2 B.4 C.3【答案】C【完整解答】解:-5,-1.9,-1是负数,有3个。
北京航空航天大学数学专业考研试题汇编(数学分析+高等代数98-08 基础课09-11 综合课09-10)

北京航空航天大学2010年硕士研究生入学考试试题(科目代码:360)北航2010年研究生入学考试 数学专业基础课试题卷第1页,共3页北京航空航天大学2010年硕士研究生入学考试试题(科目代码:360)数学专业基础课考生注意:所有答题务必书写在考场提供的答题纸上,写在本试题单上的答题一律无效(本题单不参与阅卷).一、 (本题16分,每小题各8分)计算(1) ; 2121001lim(cos )d e x t x x t t -→⎰(2) . π2201001d 1tan x x +⎰二、 (本题12分)计算积分,I =⎰⎰其中∑是上半球面的下侧.2222(0)x y z a z ++=≥三、 (本题13分)讨论级数的绝对敛散性与条件敛散性。
111(1)1(1)2n p n n p n ∞--=->+-∑四、 (本题12分)设在内一致连续,在内一致收敛于,证()(1,2)n f x n =L (,)-∞+∞()n f x (,)-∞+∞()f x 明:在内一致连续。
()f x (,)-∞+∞五、 (本题12分)设在上可微,并且,.证明:对任意的正整数n ,()f x [0,1](0)0f =()0,(0,1)f x x ≠∀∈m ,均存在使得,(0,1)n m ξξ=∈. ()(1)()(1)f f n m f f ξξξξ''-=-北京航空航天大学2010年硕士研究生入学考试试题(科目代码:360)北京航空航天大学2010年硕士研究生入学考试试题(科目代码:360)六、 (本题10分)设非负数列满足{}n x 121,1,2,3n n x x n n +≤+=L 证明:数列收敛.{}n x 七、 (本题12分)设A 为n 阶方阵,X 为n 维列向量,多项式与的最大公因式为1.证明:若()f x ()g x ,,则X = 0.()0f A X =()0g A X =八、 (本题12分)设A 为实对称阵,并且,证明:A = 0.20A =九、 (本题10分)设σ 是线性空间V 上的可逆的线性变换,W 是σ 的不变子空间.证明:W 也是σ -1的不变子空间十、 (本题14分)设线性空间V 上的线性变换σ 以所有非零向量为特征向量,证明:σ 必是数乘变换。


第九讲应用题综合练习【学生注意】本讲练习满分100分,考试时间70分钟.一、填空题Ⅰ(本题共有8小题,每题6分)1.语文测验,卡莉娅前三次的平均分是77.若想使平均分达到80,她的第四次测验最少要得_______分.2.小高、萱萱、卡莉娅和墨莫四人一起折了1200只千纸鹤.已知小高和萱萱两人共折了600只,小高和卡莉娅两人共折了400只,小高和墨莫两人共折了300只,那么小高折了______只千纸鹤.3.一个灰太狼玩具的进价是20元,售价是50元,结果没人来买.于是店主决定打折出售,但希望利润率不低于25%,那么这个玩具最多能打_______折.4.晴天时,汽艇从甲地逆流而上行驶到乙地需要6天,从乙地顺流而下行驶到甲地需要4天.近日天降大雨,水流湍急,水流速度变为原来的3倍,那么汽艇从甲地行驶到乙地需要______天.5.近日李白酒量大增,有诗为证“李白提壶去买酒,遇店加三倍,见花喝五斗.三遇店和花,喝光壶中酒”.那么壶中原有_______斗酒.6.小萱很开心地对汪老师说:“2005年,我年龄的5倍只是你年龄的两倍,但到2015年的时候,我的年龄的5倍就是你的年龄的3倍了.”那么小萱今年(2010年)________岁了.7.印刷厂装订一批书,装订完了49后,装订变得很熟练,效率提高了25%,结果比预定时间缩短了8个小时就完成了,那么实际装订这一批书共用了_______小时.8.萱萱和卡莉娅都很喜欢写信,两人各买了相同数量的信封与相同数量的信纸.萱萱每写一封信用掉3张信纸和1个信封,卡莉娅每写一封信用掉4张信纸和1个信封.一段时间后,萱萱用掉了所有信封还剩下20张信纸;卡莉娅用掉了所有信纸,还剩下10个信封.则她们每人各买了_______个信封,_______张信纸.二、填空题Ⅱ(本题共有4小题,每题7分)9.开始时,王老师的积分券有120张,墨莫的积分券数量是萱萱的两倍.后来,王老师给墨莫和萱萱发了相同数量的积分券,现在三人的积分券数量之比为2:4:3.现在王老师还剩积分券______张.10.现有两列火车同时同向齐头行进,快车每秒行20米,慢车每秒行12米,15秒后快车超过慢车.如果这两辆火车车尾对齐同时同向行进,则9秒后快车超过慢车.如果两列火车相向而行,它们从车头相遇到车尾相离需要_______秒.11.赵老师、钱老师、孙老师、李老师所带的学生一共有425名,已知赵老师带的学生人数是钱老师带的119倍,是孙老师带的1110倍,那么李老师所带的学生人数是_______名.12.甲、乙两地是电车发车站,每隔一定时间两地同时发出一辆电车.小王骑自行车每隔12分钟就被一辆后面开来的电车追上;每隔8分钟就与一辆迎面开来的电车相遇.那么相邻两辆电车的发车时间相差_______分钟.三、填空题Ⅲ(本题共有3小题,每题8分)13.如果取70克甲种酒精和30克乙种酒精溶液混合,那么浓度为50%;如果取同样重量的甲种酒精和乙种酒精混合,那么浓度为56%.如果取30克甲种酒精和70克乙种酒精混合,混合后的浓度是_______%.14.今天由小高到菜市场买菜,萝卜2.2元/千克,西兰花3.3元/千克,莴笋10.8元/千克,木耳22元/千克,最后他共花了124元,且四种菜各买了正整数千克,那么小高共买了_______千克莴笋.15.甲从A出发步行向B,同时乙丙从B地出发向A地行驶.甲、乙两人相遇在离A地6千米的C地;乙到A地后,立即掉头,与丙在C地相遇.若开始出发时,甲就跑步,速度提高到步行速度的2倍,则甲、丙相遇地点距A地12千米.则A、B两地的距离是________千米.第九讲 应用题综合练习1. 答案:89.解答:用基准数法,每个77比80少3,共少了9分,因而第四次测验至少要得80989+=分.2. 答案:50.解答:小高折了()6004003001200250++-÷=只千纸鹤.3. 答案:五.解答:()20125%500.5⨯+÷=,所以最多能打五折.4. 答案:12.解答:不妨设甲、乙之间的路程为1份,则船速-水速=16份,船速+水速=14份,所以船速是524份,水速是124份.水速加快后,汽艇从甲地行驶到乙地需要5113122424⎛⎫÷-⨯= ⎪⎝⎭天. 5. 答案:10564.解答:还原,()()()105054545464+÷+÷+÷=. 6. 答案:13.解答:2005年,小萱与王老师的年龄比为2:5;2010年,两人的年龄比为3:5;由于年龄差不变,设年龄差为6份,则2005年时,小萱的年龄是()65224÷-⨯=份,2015年小萱的年龄是()65339÷-⨯=份,中间差了10年,是5份年龄,所以每份是2岁.2005年时,小萱是8岁,今年是13岁. 7. 答案:64.解答:效率提高25%,即变为125%,故时间只需41125%5÷=,节省下来15的时间是8小时,装订后面59的书的预定时间是18405÷=小时.所以时间装订这一批书共用了()54404086499÷⨯+-=小时. 8. 答案:60、200.解答:设两人各买了x 张信封,y 张信纸,则320410x y x y=-⎧⎨-=⎩,解得60200x y =⎧⎨=⎩.9. 答案:40.解答:不妨设现在三人各有积分券2x 、4x 、3x 张,由于墨莫与萱萱的积分券数量之差是固定的.在发积分券之前,墨莫比萱萱多x 张积分券,由于当时墨莫的积分券数量是萱萱的2倍,故墨莫有2x 张积分券,萱萱有x 张积分券,王老师有24326120x x x x x x ++--==张,所以20x =.10. 答案:6.解答:快车长()201215120-⨯=米,慢车长()2012972-⨯=米,两车错车时间是()()1207220126+÷+=秒.11. 答案:116.解答:赵、钱、孙老师所带学生数量之比为110:99:100,只能恰好是110名、99名和100名,所以李老师所带学生人数是42511099100116---=名.12. 答案:9.6.解答:不妨设电车速度为a 米/分,自行车速度为b 米/分,由发车时间间隔固定,相邻两车的距离总是固定的,则()()128a b a b -=+,化简得:5a b =,相邻两辆电车之间的距离是()1248a b b ⨯-=米,说明发车间隔时间是489.6b a ÷=分钟.点评:算术解法是29.611128=+. 13. 答案:62%.解答:将“30克甲种酒精和70克乙种酒精”与“70克甲种酒精和30克乙种酒精”混合,得到的溶液浓度是56%(即100克甲种酒精与100克乙种酒精的混合溶液),说明所求溶液浓度是62%. 14. 答案:7.解答:不妨设四种菜分别买了x 、y 、z 、w 千克,则2.2 3.310.822124x y z w +++=,化简得:22331082201240x y z w +++=,即()1123201081240x y w z +++=,令2320a x y z =++,得111081240a z +=,此二元一次不定方程只有一组自然数解447a z =⎧⎨=⎩.所以小高买了7千克莴笋. 15. 答案:18.解答:设A 、B 两地的距离是x 千米,由于甲以正常速度走6千米的时间与甲以2倍速度走12千米的所花时间相同,说明甲步行6千米的时间、乙行驶6x -千米、丙行驶12x -千米三者所花时间是一样的;另外乙、丙在C 点相遇,说明乙行驶6x +千米的时间与丙行驶6x -千米的时间相同.当时间相同时,路程比等于速度比,因而以乙、丙的速度比为等量条件可列出方程:6:126:6x x x x --=+-,解得18x =.。

珠心算口诀大全一、加法口诀表二、减法口诀表三、乘法大九九口诀表方法首积满十:被乘数位数+乘数位数 48X63= ,首位数积是4X6=24>10,就是首积满10,积为4位首积不够十:被乘数位数+乘数位数-1,48X10= ,首位数积是4X1=04<10,就是首积满10,积为3位764X2=三、除法商(结果)的位数商位数=被除数位数-除数位数(如果被除数位数的首位小于除数的首位)商位数=被除数位数-除数位数+1 (如果被除数位数的首位大于除数的首位)特殊:如果首位比较不出来,则比较下一位。
珠算除法有归除法和商除法两种.归除法用口诀进行计算,有九归口诀,退商口诀和商九口诀.九归口诀共61句:一归(用1除):逢一进一,逢二进二,逢三进三,逢四进四,逢五进五,逢六进六,逢七进七,逢八进八,逢九进九. 二归(用2除):逢二进一,逢四进二,逢六进三,逢八进四,二一添作五.三归(用3除):逢三进一,逢六进二,逢九进三,三一三余一,三二六余二.四归(用4除):逢四进一,逢八进二,四二添作五,四一二余二,四三七余二.五归(用5除):逢五进一,五一倍作二,五二倍作四,五三倍作六,五四倍作八.六归(用6除):逢六进一,逢十二进二,六三添作五,六一下加四,六二三余二,六四六余四,六五八余二.七归(用7除):逢七进一,逢十四进二,七一下加三,七二下加六,七三四余二,七四五余五,七五七余一,七六八余四.八归(用8除):逢八进一,八四添作五,八一下加二,八二下加四,八三下加六,八五六余二,八六七余四,八七八余六.九归(用9除):逢九进一,九一下加一,九二下加二,九三下加三,九四下加四,九五下加五,九六下加六,九七下加七,九八下加八. 退商口诀共9句:无除退一下还一,无除退一下还二,无除退一下还三,无除退一下还四,无除退一下还五,无除退一下还六,无除退一下还七,无除退一下还八,无除退一下还九,商九口诀共9句:见一无除作九一,见二无除作九二,见三无除作九三,见四无除作九四,见五无除作九五,见六无除作九六,见七无除作九七,见八无除作九八,见九无除作九九.除数是一位数的除法叫“单归”;除数是两位或两位以上的除法叫“归除”,除数的首位叫“归”,以下各位叫“除”.如,除数是534的归除,叫“五归三四除”.即用五归口诀求商后,再用34除。

省计算机二级考试计算机基础知识真题汇编(内部资料,2011春至2009秋)2011春计算机基础知识1. 下列有关通信技术的叙述中,错误的是_____1______。
A.无论是模拟通信还是数字通信,目前都是通过载波技术实现远程距离的信息传输B.多路复用技术可以降低信息传输的成本,常用的多用复用技术有TDM和FDMC.卫星通信属于微波通信,它是微波接力通信技术和空间技术相结合的产物D.目前3G移动通信有多种技术标准,我国三大电信运营商均采用同一标准2. 使用存储器存储二进位信息时,存储容量是一项很重要的性能指标。
A.TBB.XBC.GBD.MB3. 设有补码表示的两个单字节带符号整数a=01001110和b=01001111,则a-b的结果用补码表示为_____3______。
A.11111111B.10011101C.00111111D.101111114. 下列有关PC机主板上BIOS和CMOS的叙述中,错误的是_____4______。
A.BIOS芯片是一块闪烁存储器,其存储信息关机后不会丢失B.BIOS中包含加电自检程序、系统自检程序等C.CMOS芯片属于易失性存储器,它使用电池供电D.CMOS中存放着与硬件相关的一些配置信息,以及CMOS设置程序5. 下列有关PC机中央处理器(CPU)和内存(内存条)的叙述中,错误的是_____5______。
A.目前PC机所使用的Pentium和Core2微处理器的指令系统有数百条不同的指令B.所谓双核CPU或四核CPU,是指CPU由两个或四个芯片组成C.DDR内存条、DDR2内存条物理结构上有所不同,例如它们的引脚数目不同D.通常台式机中的内存条与笔记本电脑中的内存条不同,不能互换6. 下列有关PC机I/O接口的叙述中,正确的是_____6______。
A.PC机中串行总线的数据传输速率总是低于并行总线的数据传输速率B.SATA接口主要用于连接光驱,不能连接硬盘C.通过USB集线器,一个USB接口理论上可以连接127个设备D.IEEE1394接口的连接数与USB连接数完全相同,均有6根连接线7. 蓝光光盘(BD)是全高清影片的理想存储介质,其单层盘片的存储容量大约为_____7______。


比 例 比例的基本性质
正 比
正比例 正比例的图像
比和比例的 联系与区别
正、反比例的 联系与区别
4. 能解决有关圆柱、圆锥体积的实际问题,在解决 问题的过程中体会圆住、圆锥在生活中的应用价 值。
重点: 圆柱、圆锥的特征,圆柱、圆锥体积计算。 难点: 圆柱、圆锥体积计算公式的推导与掌握。
1、首先学生应达到灵活运用公式对圆柱底面积、侧面积、表面积、体积、 圆锥体积进行正确计算的水平。
六年级数学教材培训 西师版(下册)
1. 一本书看了30%,把( 2. 一根绳长80%米。
)看作单位“1”,表示( (判断)
3. 百分数的分母是100,分母100的分数就是百分数。(判断)
1、能与1/5:4组成比例的比是( )
2、《少年百科知识报》全年定价为每份24元,则希望小学六年级订阅人数与总价( ) A、成反比例;B、成正比例;C、不成比例 (09年)
3、圆住的侧面积一定,它的底面周长和高成反比例。(判断) (10年)
4、如果m和n两个数互为倒数,那么m和n成正比例。(判断) (11年)

一种无盖的圆柱形水桶, 一种无盖的圆柱形水桶,它的底面直径 分米, 分米。 是4分米,高5分米。 分米 分米
①做一个这样的水桶至少需多少平方米的 铁皮?(得数保留整平方米) 铁皮?(得数保留整平方米) ?(得数保留整平方米
千克, ②如果每升水重1千克,这个水桶最多能装 如果每升水重 千克 水多少千克?(铁皮厚度不计) ?(铁皮厚度不计 水多少千克?(铁皮厚度不计)
将一个底面是15.7平方厘米,高10厘米 平方厘米, 将一个底面是 平方厘米 厘米 的圆柱形钢材锻造成一个与它底面积 相等的圆锥,圆锥的高是多少分米? 相等的圆锥,圆锥的高是多少分米?
11.如下图 整个物体的体积相 如下图,整个物体的体积相 如下图 当于绿色部分体积的( 当于绿色部分体积的 三 )分 分 之( 五 ).
1 2. 圆锥的体积等于和它等底等高的圆柱体的 3
(√ )
3. 正方体、长方体、圆锥体的体积都等于 正方体、长方体、 底面积× 底面积×高。
(× )
4. 等底等高的圆柱和圆锥,如果圆柱体的体积是 等底等高的圆柱和圆锥, 27立方米,那么圆锥的体积是9立方米。 (√ 立方米,那么圆锥的体积是 立方米 立方米。 立方米
1 8、 如果圆锥的体积是圆柱的 ,那么 、 如果圆锥的体积是圆柱的 3 它们一定等底等高。 它它们一定等底等高。… … …( × )
1.甲乙两人分别利用一张长 厘米, 甲乙两人分别利用一张长20厘米 甲乙两人分别利用一张长 厘米, 宽15厘米的纸用两种不同的方法围成 厘米的纸用两种不同的方法围成 一个圆柱体(接头处不重叠), ),那么 一个圆柱体(接头处不重叠),那么 围成的圆柱( 围成的圆柱( B )。 A高一定相等 高一定相等 C侧面积和高都 侧面积和高都 A相等 B侧面积一定相等 侧面积一定相等 D侧面积和高都不 侧面积和高都不 相等


第09讲二元一次方程(组)及解法(核心考点讲与练)一.二元一次方程的定义(1)二元一次方程的定义含有两个未知数,并且含有未知数的项的次数都是1,像这样的方程叫做二元一次方程.(2)二元一次方程需满足三个条件:①首先是整式方程.②方程中共含有两个未知数.③所有未知项的次数都是一次.不符合上述任何一个条件的都不叫二元一次方程.二.二元一次方程的解(1)定义:一般地,使二元一次方程两边的值相等的两个未知数的值,叫做二元一次方程的解.(2)在二元一次方程中,任意给出一个未知数的值,总能求出另一个未知数的一个唯一确定的值,所以二元一次方程有无数解.(3)在求一个二元一次方程的整数解时,往往采用“给一个,求一个”的方法,即先给出其中一个未知数(一般是系数绝对值较大的)的值,再依次求出另一个的对应值.三.解二元一次方程二元一次方程有无数解.求一个二元一次方程的整数解时,往往采用“给一个,求一个”的方法,即先给出其中一个未知数(一般是系数绝对值较大的)的值,再依次求出另一个的对应值.四.二元一次方程组的定义(1)二元一次方程组的定义:由两个一次方程组成,并含有两个未知数的方程组叫做二元一次方程组.(2)二元一次方程组也满足三个条件:①方程组中的两个方程都是整式方程.②方程组中共含有两个未知数.③每个方程都是一次方程.五.二元一次方程组的解(1)定义:一般地,二元一次方程组的两个方程的公共解,叫做二元一次方程组的解.(2)一般情况下二元一次方程组的解是唯一的.数学概念是数学的基础与出发点,当遇到有关二元一次方程组的解的问题时,要回到定义中去,通常采用代入法,即将解代入原方程组,这种方法主要用在求方程中的字母系数.六.解二元一次方程组(1)用代入法解二元一次方程组的一般步骤:①从方程组中选一个系数比较简单的方程,将这个方程组中的一个未知数用含另一个未知数的代数式表示出来.②将变形后的关系式代入另一个方程,消去一个未知数,得到一个一元一次方程.③解这个一元一次方程,求出x(或y)的值.④将求得的未知数的值代入变形后的关系式中,求出另一个未知数的值.⑤把求得的x、y的值用“{”联立起来,就是方程组的解.(2)用加减法解二元一次方程组的一般步骤:①方程组的两个方程中,如果同一个未知数的系数既不相等又不互为相反数,就用适当的数去乘方程的两边,使某一个未知数的系数相等或互为相反数.②把两个方程的两边分别相减或相加,消去一个未知数,得到一个一元一次方程.③解这个一元一次方程,求得未知数的值.④将求出的未知数的值代入原方程组的任意一个方程中,求出另一个未知数的值.⑤把所求得的两个未知数的值写在一起,就得到原方程组的解,用的形式表示.一.二元一次方程的定义(共2小题)1.(2021春•浦东新区期末)在下列方程中,属于二元一次方程的是()A.x2+y=3B.2x=y C.xy=2D.2x+y=z﹣1 2.(2021春•奉贤区期末)观察下列方程其中是二元一次方程是()A.5x﹣y=35B.xy=16C.2x2﹣1=0D.3z﹣2(z+1)=6二.二元一次方程的解(共2小题)3.(2021春•萧山区校级期中)下列四组数值是二元一次方程2x﹣y=6的解的是()A.B.C.D.4.(2021春•浦东新区校级期末)已知是方程2x﹣ky=5的解,那么k=.三.解二元一次方程(共2小题)5.(2021春•闵行区期末)将方程4x﹣3y=5变形为用含y的式子表示x,那么x=.6.(2021春•普陀区期末)将方程x+2y=11变形为用含x的式子表示y,下列变形中正确的是()A.y=B.y=C.x=2y﹣11D.x=11﹣2y四.二元一次方程组的定义(共2小题)7.(2021春•浦东新区期末)下列方程组中,属于二元一次方程组的是()A.B.C.D.8.(2021春•松江区期末)下列方程组中,属于二元一次方程组的是()A.B.C.D.五.二元一次方程组的解(共3小题)9.(2020春•恩平市期末)以为解的二元一次方程组是()A.B.C.D.10.(2021春•杨浦区期末)方程组的解的情况是()A.B.C.无解D.无数组解11.(2018春•宝山区期末)若关于x、y的二元一次方程组的解满足x+y<2,求a的取值范围.六.解二元一次方程组(共7小题)12.(2021秋•普陀区校级月考)对于两个一元多项式(含字母x)来说,当未知数x任取同一个数值时,如果它们所得的值都是相等的,那么就称这两个一元多项式(含字母x)恒等.如:如果两个一元多项式x+2与ax+b(a、b是常数)是恒等的,那么a=1,b=2.请完成下列练习:(1)多项式ax4﹣1与bx2+cx+1具备什么条件时,这两个多项式恒等?(2)如果多项式(a+b)x3+3x2+1与1+x2+10x3恒等,试求a、b的值.13.(2021春•浦东新区校级期末)解方程组:.14.(2021春•浦东新区期末)定义一种新运算“⊕”,规定:x⊕y=ax+by,其中a,b为常数,已知1⊕2=7,2⊕(﹣1)=4,则a⊕b=.15.(2021春•闵行区期末)解方程组:.16.(2021春•闵行区期中)(1)解方程组:;(2)解方程组:.17.(2016春•浦东新区期末)已知m、n满足==2,求m、n的值.18.(2014春•闵行区期中)解方程组:.七.二元一次方程组的应用(共1小题)19.(2021秋•福田区校级期末)目前节能灯在城市已基本普及,某商场计划购进甲、乙两种型号的节能灯共600只,这两种型号的节能灯的进价、售价如表:进价(元/只)售价(元/只)甲型2530乙型4560(1)要使进货款恰好为23000元,甲、乙两种节能灯应各进多少只?(2)如何进货,商场销售完节能灯时获利恰好是进货价的30%,此时利润为多少元?题组A 基础过关练一.选择题(共3小题)1.(2020春•普陀区期末)下列方程中,二元一次方程是( ) A .2x +1=0B .x 2+y =2C .2x ﹣y =1D .x ﹣y +z =12.(2020春•营山县期末)二元一次方程3x +2y =12的解可以是( ) A .B .C .D .3.(2021春•金山区期末)下列方程组中,是二元一次方程组的是( ) A .B .C .D .二.填空题(共10小题)4.(2021春•杨浦区期末)二元一次方程3x +y =8的正整数解是 .5.(2021春•上海期中)将方程2x +5y =7变形为用含y 的式子表示x ,那么x = . 6.(2020•奉贤区二模)二元一次方程x +2y =3的正整数解是 . 7.(2021•闵行区二模)二元一次方程组的解是 .8.(2021春•浦东新区期末)将x +2y =4变形成用含x 的式子表示y ,那么y = .9.(2021春•普陀区期末)使二元一次方程两边的值相等的两个未知数的值,叫做二元一次方程的解.如果一个二元一次方程的解中两个未知数的绝对值相等,那么我们把这个解称做这个二元一次方程的等模解.二元一次方程2x ﹣5y =7的等模解是 .10.(2021春•松江区期末)在二元一次方程3x +y =12的解中,x 和y 是相反数的解是 . 11.(2021春•松江区期末)已知是方程2x +ay =7的一个解,那么a = .12.(2018春•杨浦区校级月考)已知关于x 、y 的二元一次方程(m +1)x +(m +2)y +3﹣2m =0,当m 每取一个值时就有一个方程,而这些方程有一个公共解,则这个公共解为 .分层提分13.(2021春•黄浦区校级月考)方程组的解是.三.解答题(共5小题)14.(2020春•普陀区期末)解方程组:.15.(2020春•浦东新区期末)解方程组:.16.(2018春•杨浦区校级月考)试求方程组的解.17.(2021春•浦东新区期末)解方程组:.18.(2021春•嘉定区期末)解方程组:.题组B 能力提升练一.选择题(共2小题)1.(2021春•萧山区期中)已知关于x,y的方程组,将此方程组的两个方程左右两边分别对应相加,得到一个新的方程,当m每取一个值时,就有一个方程,这些方程有一个公共解,这个公共解为()A.B.C.D.2.(2015•下城区一模)已知方程组的解x为正数,y为非负数,给出下列结论:①﹣3<a≤1;②当时,x=y;③当a=﹣2时,方程组的解也是方程x+y=5+a的解;④若x≤1,则y≥2.其中正确的是()A.①②B.②③C.③④D.②③④二.填空题(共7小题)3.(2020春•普陀区期末)方程2x+y=3的正整数解是.4.(2019春•奉贤区期末)已知是方程2x+ky=1的一个解,那么k的值是.5.(2018春•普陀区期末)把方程x2+4xy﹣5y2=0化为两个二元一次方程,它们是和.6.(2017春•浦东新区期中)如果将方程4x﹣5y=15变形为用含有x的式子表示y,那么y =.7.(2017春•浦东新区校级月考)已知关于x、y的方程2x2m+y n﹣1=1是二元一次方程,那么mn =.8.(2016•浦东新区二模)定义运算“*”:规定x*y=ax+by(其中a、b为常数),若1*1=3,1*(﹣1)=1,则1*2=.9.(2021春•海淀区校级期末)已知方程组的解是,则方程组的解是.三.解答题(共5小题)10.(2019春•浦东新区期末)解方程组:.11.(2018春•浦东新区期末)解方程组:12.(2021春•金乡县期末)阅读材料并回答下列问题:当m,n都是实数,且满足2m=8+n,就称点P(m﹣1,)为“爱心点”.(1)判断点A(5,3),B(4,6)哪个点为“爱心点”,并说明理由;(2)若点C(a,﹣8)也是“爱心点”,请求出a的值;(3)已知p,q为有理数,且关于x,y的方程组解为坐标的点B(x,y)是“爱心点”,求p,q的值.13.(2021春•姑苏区期末)阅读以下内容:已知实数m,n满足m+n=5,且求k的值,三位同学分别提出了以下三种不同的解题思路:甲同学:先解关于m,n的方程组,再求k的值、乙同学:将原方程组中的两个方程相加,再求k的值丙同学:先解方程组,再求k的值(1)试选择其中一名同学的思路,解答此题(2)试说明在关于x、y的方程组中,不论a取什么实数,x+y的值始终不变.14.(2018春•石阡县期中)阅读材料:善于思考的小军在解方程组时,采用了一种“整体代换”的解法:解:将方程②变形:4x+10y+y=5即2(2x+5y)+y=5③把方程①代入③得:2×3+y=5,∴y=﹣1把y=﹣1代入①得x=4,∴方程组的解为.请你解决以下问题:(1)模仿小军的“整体代换”法解方程组;(2)已知x,y满足方程组,求x2+4y2与xy的值.。

马克·吐温(Mark Twain,1835年11月30日- 1910年4月21日),原名萨缪尔·兰亨·克莱门 (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) (射手座)是 美国的幽默大师、小说家、作家,也是著名演说 家,19世纪后期美国现实主义文学的杰出代表。
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萌生 拼音:méngshēng 意思:开始起步;开始发生,产生;有了某个念头(多用于抽象事物) 植物发芽生长;事物发生、发展。

六年级下册英语第11课人教版Sixth Grade English Lesson 11 in the People's Education Press textbook covers a variety of interesting topics related to language learning. In this lesson, students will explore new vocabulary, grammar structures, and engage in reading and writing activities to enhance their English language skills.The lesson begins with a review of the previous lesson's vocabulary and grammar, allowing students to reinforce their understanding and retention of the material. This helps to build a strong foundation for the new concepts introduced in Lesson 11.One of the key themes in this lesson is storytelling. Students will learn how to tell a story using past tense verbs and descriptive language. They will also practice sequencing events and using transition words to connect ideas in their narratives.To further develop their language skills, students will be exposed to new vocabulary related to family members, daily routines, and hobbies. They will have the opportunity to practice using these words in context through speaking and writing exercises.In the reading portion of the lesson, students will engage with a variety of texts, including stories, dialogues, and informational passages. This will help them improve their reading comprehension skills and expose them to different writing styles and genres.The writing activities in Lesson 11 focus on narrative writing and descriptive language. Students will have the opportunity to write their own stories, using the vocabulary and grammar structures they have learned. They will also practice editing and revising their work to improve clarity and coherence.Throughout the lesson, students will participate in various speaking and listening activities to practice their communication skills. They will engage in role-plays, discussions, and presentations to build confidence and fluency in English.By the end of Lesson 11, students will have expanded their vocabulary, improved their grammar skills, and gained experience in reading, writing, speaking, and listening inEnglish. This will help them become more proficient language learners and prepare them for future language learning challenges.Overall, Lesson 11 in the sixth-grade English textbook from the People's Education Press provides a comprehensive and engaging learning experience for students, helping them develop a solid foundation in the English language.。

前 言 欢迎和我们一起进入英语世界! 英语在世界上使用广泛,在日常生活中我们也经常会用到。
你想了解这种语言吗?你想知道讲英语国家的人有什么样的生活习惯,过什么样的节日吗?学习英语,能让我们交到更多的朋友,学到更多的知识,得到更多的快乐!让我们和书里的小伙伴们一起说、一起玩、一起唱,一起走进这个奇妙的英语世界吧! 本册教材适用于小学六年级下学期,主要板块与栏目说明如下:学习课 听对话,学单词,体会一下中西文化的不同。
*Listen and decide 听对话做一做,看看你听懂了多少。
复习课 试着读一读英语文章,看看是否理解了全文。
复习单元这些综合的英语活动,你能做到什么程度呢?CONTENTSUNIT ONE WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR?Lesson 1 2Lesson 2 4Lesson 3 6Lesson 4 8 UNIT TWO CAN YOU TELL ME MORE ABOUT HER?Lesson 5 10Lesson 6 12Lesson 7 14Lesson 8 16 UNIT THREE LET’S LIVE A LOW-CARBON LIFELesson 9 18Lesson 10 20Lesson 11 22Lesson 12 24 UNIT FOUR WHAT’S THE WEATHER LIKE?Lesson 13 26Lesson 14 28Lesson 15 30Lesson 16 32UNIT FIVE WE’RE GOING TO HIGH SCHOOLLesson 17 34Lesson 18 36Lesson 19 38Lesson 20 40 UNIT SIX REVISIONLesson 21 42Lesson 22 48 ENGLISH SONGS 54WORD LIST (1)60WORD LIST (2)62 IRREGULAR VERBS 631L e s s o n WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR?U N IT O N EYangyang: What are you looking for, Sara? Sara: I’m looking for my water bottle. I can’t find it. Y angyang: What’s it like? Sara: It’s blue and in the shape of a teddy bear.Y angyang: Look. There are a few water bottles over there on the ground.Sara: They are small. My bottle is bigger than those. Y angyang: Well, would you mind using my water bottle? Sara: Thank you, but no.Y angyang: Look. Lingling is using a paper cup. Where did she get it? Sara: I don’t know. Let me go and ask her.Listen and say2Act, guess, and say.Sara is _______ for her water bottle. It’s in the shape of a teddy _______. It’s a big blue one. There are _______ _______ water bottles on the _______, but they are small. Yangyang comes to help. He tells Sara she can _______ a paper _______ first.Let’ s do1Read and writeWhat am I doing?What did he do?... .Listen and decide1. 2. 3. 4.3L e s s o n2Listen and sayMaomao: Why do you look so worried, Sara? Can I help you?Sara: Yes, please. I’m looking for my pencil case.Maomao: Don’t worry. Let’s look for it together. What colour is it?Sara: It’s black and purple.Maomao: Mike’s pencil case is the same colour. Look. There is something on the teacher’s desk. Whose pencil case isthat?S ara: It’s Mike’s. My pencil case is wider. I like big ones better.Maomao: So do I.S ara: Can I borrow your pen, please?Maomao: S ure. Here you are.Sara: Thanks a lot! I’m doing my maths homework, and I can’t do it without a pen.Maomao: Y ou’re welcome.4Find the differences and write.Let’ s doRead and write2Listen and matchSara has a black and ___________ pencil case. The one on the teacher’s _______ is the same colour. _________ pencil case is it? It’s Mike’s. Sara’s is _________. Her pencil case is missing. She looks _________.The house in Picture A is bigger._________________________________________________________________________________A B30 km / h20 km / hSara’s Mike’s Maomao’s5L e s s o n3Listen and saySecurity man: What’s the matter, young man? What are you doinghere?B aobao: I’m looking for my little kitten. He’s missing. Should Icall the police?Security man: For your kitten? I think I can help. What does he look like?B aobao: Mmm ... , he has beautiful eyes. He’s all white but blackon the top of his head.Security man: I guess you are feeling very sad.B aobao: Yes. My uncle gave the kitten to me only yesterday.I hope he’s not out there on the street. There are somany cars and buses there.Security man: Perhaps he’s just having fun in the garden.Baobao: Would you please look for him together with me?Security man: Sure. Let’s go.63 Listen, guess, and numberRead and writeBaobao has a gift from his uncle—a pretty ________ kitten. He has ________ eyes, and he is all white but black on the top of his ________. He came to Baobao’s home ________ yesterday, but now he is missing. Baobao is worried because there are many cars and buses on the ________, but there is no need to call the ________. Perhaps the kitten is just having fun in the ________. Let’ s doChoose one picture and describe it.There is / are ... .A BL e s s o n4Can you read?The Foolish Old Man Removed the Mountains Taihang and Wangwu were two big mountains in the south of Jizhou and north of Heyang. They were seven hundred li around, and ten thousand metres high. An old man lived on the north side of the mountains. He was 90 years old. People called him the Foolish Old Man.The mountains stood in his way to the south. He was very unhappy. So he said to his family, “Shall we work together to remove (搬掉) the two mountains? Then we can go straight to the south.” They agreed to his idea.The Foolish Old Man andhis sons began to break rocksand dig earth. They carriedthe rocks and earth in basketsto the seaside of Bohai. Onetrip to the sea took them along time. They left in winterand came back in summer.Another old man livedby the river. People calledhim the Wise Old Man. Helaughed at the Foolish Old Man and said to him, “How unwise you are! You are old and weak. You cannot even pull out a tree from the mountains. How can you remove them?”The Foolish Old Man said, “You don’t understand. When I die, there will be my sons, and my sons will have their sons and grandsons. The family will carry on, but the mountains will not grow. Why can’t we remove them?”4Task 1Number the pictures.Task 3Act out the story.Characters: the narrator, the Foolish Old Man, his family, the Wise Old Man, the God of Mountains, the Heavenly God, and the two sons of Kua’ershi.Task 2Answer the following questions.Do you think the Foolish Old Man is foolish? Why or why not?The God of Mountains heard the Foolish Old Man’s words. He reported the whole thing to the Heavenly God. The Heavenly God was touched (被感动的). He ordered the two sons of Kua’ershi (夸娥氏) to remove the two mountains.CAN YOU TELL ME MORE ABOUT HER?Guoguo: Do you go fishing in Canada, Mike? Mike: Yes. I often do with my uncle, Mark, during thesummer vacation. It’s his hobby.G uoguo’s dad: Can you tell us about your uncle?Mike: Sure. He’s 40, two years older than my father. He’svery strong. He has broad shoulders and huge hands. He has a farm in Canada.Guoguo: What’s the farm like?Mike: It’s beautiful. Everything turns green in spring, andthere are lots of flowers in the grass.G uoguo’s dad: Do you enjoy living on the farm?Mike: Yes, very much. I help my uncle with his farm work. I really enjoy feeding the sheep.5L e s s o n U N IT T W O Listen and sayIntroduce your mother / father / friend.Let’ s do5Listen and choose1. Which one is Pam?2. 1) How old is Dan’s cousin?A. 10.B. 12.C. 8.2) What’s she like?Read and writeMike’s uncle, Mark, is 40 years old. He is big and strong. Mike likes his broad _______ and huge hands.During summer _______, Mike often stays on Uncle Mark’s farm in Canada. The farm is beautiful with lots of ______ in the ______. He enjoys living on the farm; he enjoys ______ the sheep and he likes to go fishing with his uncle.A.A.B.B.C.C.My mother is a teacher. ...L e s s o n6Listen and sayB aobao: It’s my little sister’s birthday tomorrow. I want to buy her agift.Sara: Your little sister Wenwen? How old is she?Baobao: She will be ten years old, and she’s almost as tall as I am now. She was born in the U.S.A. on March 1st.Sara: What do you want to buy for her?B aobao: I’m not sure. My mum bought her a skirt and a pair of socks.Should I get her some crayons?Sara: I have an idea. Look at that eraser. It’s in the shape of a pig. Baobao: Oh, yes, it’s cute! How much is it?Sara: It’s 3 yuan.Baobao: I’ll take it. Thank you, Sara!Let’ s do6Listen and matchRead and writeWenwen will be ten years old tomorrow. Her mother bought her a _________ and a pair of _________. Baobao is now at a gift shop. There are all kinds of things to buy: pens, pencils, _______, erasers, key rings, cards, and so on. He will get Wenwen an eraser in the shape of a pig. That is Sara’s _________.Write about these famous people.He / She was born ... .He / She was from ... .He / She was a ... .Nie ErLu Xun Albert Einstein Lei Feng Audrey Hepburn Marie CurieL e s s o n7Listen and saySara: I’m nervous, Baobao. This is my first ping-pong class.B aobao: Everything will be all right, Sara. Our coach, Ms Wu, isvery kind.Sara: Can you tell me more about her?B aobao: She’s 38 years old. She is tall, with big eyes and a roundface. She smiles a lot.Sara: Wow! She sounds a nice lady.B aobao: Yes, she is. She’s quite good at teaching girl students.Sara: What did she do before?B aobao: She was a professional player.dancer worker farmer policemansingerpupilWhat are you good at? Write about it.I am good at music. I enjoy singing.Let’ s do7Listen and writeRead and writeThis is Sara’s first ping-pong class. She is going to meet her coach, Ms Wu. She feels ________. Baobao tells her that Ms Wu is tall. She has a round ________ and big eyes. She ________ a lot. She is good at teaching girl ________.English / Chinese / Maths / ...SportsMusicsinging playing the piano making cards making models playing tennis playing baseball the English classesreading booksHandicraftswimmerL e s s o n 8All skin colours come from melanin (黑色素). Our body makes melanin to protect our skin from the sun. People with more melanin are darker and those with less are lighter. People in hot areas developed (生长) more melanin because dark skin helped protect against the sun and skin cancer. In colder countries, people developed lighter skin because they did not face the same kind of pressure to protect themselves from the sun. If your parents came from sunny places, you were born with more melanin and darker skin. If your parents came from less sunny places, you were born with less melanin and lighter skin.Put a bandage around your finger on a sunny day. Take it off a few days later. Did that part of your finger make any melanin? No! The bandage blocked the sun from the skin. When sunlight hits your skin, melanin comes to protect it, and gives you a tan.Task 1Tick(√) or cross(×).( ) 1. Darker-skinned people have more melanin than lighter- skinned people.( ) 2. Dark skin can help protect against the sun and skin cancer.( ) 3. If you were born in a hot and sunny place, you would have darker skin.( ) 4. Our body can produce melanin without sunlight.Can you read?8What will your finger look like after you remove the bandage several days later?Task 4Answer the following questions.1. Why do the Chinese people have darker skin than most people in Northern Europe?2. Why do the Chinese people have lighter skin than many people in Africa?Task 3Think and match.Guoguo: Mum, what’s the date today?Mum: It’s April 22nd. It’s World Earth Day.Guoguo: What’s it for?Dad: It tells people to protect the environment.Guoguo: What can we do then?Mum: Well, that’s easy. How does your dad go to work every day?Guoguo: By car. Maybe he can go by bus or by subway. Dad: All right, I’ll try. And we should stop using plastic bags. Mum: Yes, let’s, and Guoguo, don’t litter in public places.Guoguo: Sure, Mum. I never do.Dad: Good girl! Now look around and answer my question: whatdo we need to keep the lawn clean and tidy?Guoguo: I think we need more trashcans by the roadside. Dad: Bingo!LET’S LIVE A LOW-CARBON LIFE9L e s s o n U N IT T H R E EListen and sayAsk and write what you can do on these days.Let’ s do9Listen and matchRead and writeWhat’s the ______ today? It is April 22nd, World Earth Day. There are many things we can do to _______ the environment. We can go to school or work by bus or by bike. If the place is not far, we can go on foot. We should ______ using plastic bags, and we should be careful not to ______ so that we can keep our city ______ and tidy.OCT 4th APR 7th MAR 22nd MAY 12th What's the date today?It's ... today. We should ... .We can't ... . We can ... .Car Free Day(Sept. 22nd)World EnvironmentDay (June 5th)World Health DayL e s s o n10Listen and sayLingling: Let’s print your homework first, Yangyang.Y angyang: Thank you! But, wait a minute. Can I print on both sides of the paper, please?Lingling: OK. I always print that way.Y angyang: It’s a good way to save paper, and to save trees.Lingling: Yes. Let’s live a low-carbon life.Y angyang: What does that mean?Lingling: Well, for example, don’t leave the water running when you’re brushing your teeth.Y angyang: And also remember to turn off the TV when you aren’t watching.Lingling: You’re right.Let’ s doWhat should you say to the boy?10Listen and numberRead and writeLingling and Yangyang both need to ______ their homework. They want to help ______ paper and trees, so they print on both sides of the ______. They will ______ to turn off the TV when they are not watching.L e s s o n11Listen and sayLingling: Come on, you boys. Are you tired?Mike: No we’re not. It’s just too hot today. I’m thirsty.M aomao: I need to use the toilet.Mike: OK, go ahead, please. Lingling and I will rest under this tree. What a nice, big tree!Lingling: Look at the birds in the branches.Mike: Wow! There’s also a little squirrel.Lingling: Where is it? Ah, there it is, behind that big branch!Mike: What a cute thing! It has a big tail.Lingling: Shhh! Please don’t shout. It’ll be scared and run away. Mike: Oh, I’m sorry. We should be friendly to it.11 Listen, choose, and trace1. 2. 3. 4. 5.Read and writeMike, Lingling, and Maomao are climbing up a hill. They are not _______, but they stop half way. Mike is _______ and Maomao needs to use the _______. They want to rest _______ a big tree. In the branches of the tree, they see a cute squirrel with a big tail. They want to be _______ to this little animal so they stay quiet.Let’ s doT ake turns to ask a question and then write the answer down. Q: Where are the monkeys?Three are in the trees and two ... .L e s s o n 12and sound. One kind of energy can also change into another. Solar energy Heat from the sun warms the air, land, and sea. Plants use the energy in sunlight to make their own food. We can use solar panels to change sunlight into electricity.Motion energyWhen things move very fast such as the wind, they generate (产生) a lot of energy. A wind turbine has blades. The blades turn in the wind to drive a generator (发电机) to make electricity.Fuel energyFuels are rich in energy. Coal, oil, and gas are fuels. We burn them to make light and heat. Fuels come from the remains of dead plants and animals.Can you read?a blade a solar panel a wind turbine12Read and answer.1. Where can people get energy?2. How can we change sunlight into electricity?3. What is motion energy?4. Where do fuels come from?Task 2Read, think, and match.solar energy motion energy fuel energy Task 3Find out things in life that use fuel energy.U N IT F O U RWHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE?L e s s o n13Listen and sayJim: May I speak to Mike, please?M ike’s mum: Hold on. Mike, it’s for you.Mike: Hello! This is Mike speaking. Who is calling?Jim: Hi, Mike! It’s Jim. I’m calling from Canada. I’m going to visit Beijing. What’s the weather like there?Mike: It’s sunny, and windy sometimes. It doesn’t rain much now, but we’ll get a lot of rain in July and August. Whenare you coming?Jim: I’m coming early next month, and I’m going to stay in China for about six weeks.Mike: So you’ll spend most of your summer here.Jim: Yes. I’d like to see different places in China.Mike: It’ll be nice to see you again. We can go swimming and hiking together.Be a weatherman.Let’ s doListen and number13Read and writeMike’s friend Jim is ________ from Canada. He is coming to visit China in ________. He will ________ in China for six weeks. Mike tells him it is sunny and windy in Beijing ________ of the time now, but it will rain a lot in July and August.It’s foggy in Tianjin today, and will turn sunny tomorrow.Beijing Harbin Tianjin Haikou Shanghai UrumqiChongqingL e s s o n14Listen and sayJim: I’m travelling to Kunming this weekend. What’s the weather like there?M ike: It’s cooler in Kunming than in Beijing right now.Jim: Is it summer now in Kunming?Mike: Well, here in Beijing, we have four clear seasons. But in Kunming, it feels like spring all year round.Jim: Sounds wonderful! My parents and I will leave on Friday, and stay in Kunming for 3 days.M ike: How long does it take to get there? Are you going by train? Jim: No. The train is too slow. It will only take us three and a half hours to get there by air.Let’ s doListen and number14Read and writeJim and his parents are going to Kunming this ________. They won’t travel by train because trains are ________. They will go by plane. It will take them three and a half hours. They will stay there for the ________. Mike tells Jim the weather in Kunming is nice. It feels like spring all year round. The four ________ are not very ________ there.Draw a map of your community and tell how long it takes you to get to ... from home.schoolthe bus stop the nearest park the nearest supermarketL e s s o n15Listen and sayMaomao: Hi, Baobao! What’s wrong with you?Baobao: I caught a cold yesterday. I have a runny nose, anda fever.B aobao’s mum: Thank you for coming, Maomao. It is so cold andrainy these days. You should be careful not to catcha cold.Maomao: Thanks, Auntie, I will. What did you do yesterday, Baobao?Baobao: I went to the cinema, and got all wet in the rain on my way home.Maomao: No wonder you fell ill. What can I do for you? What would you like to eat?B aobao’s mum: I’m afraid he can’t eat anything now. He must drinka lot of water and stay in bed.Baobao: I’d like some hot chocolate, Mum. Can you give me some, please?B aobao’s mum: I’m afraid not.Maomao: Don’t worry. You’ll get well soon.Act in pairs like a nurse and a patient.Let’ s doListen and match15Read and writeBaobao is ________. He went to the cinema ________ and got wet in the rain on his way home. Now he has a runny ________ and a fever. He must stay in bed and drink a lot of water. Poor boy! His friends will miss him. They should ________ be ________ not to catch a cold.What’s your name?When were you born?What’s your phone number?What’s wrong with you?fevertoothachecoughneckfootearacherunny nosearmfingerI have ... . My ... hurts badly.L e s s o n 16Rainbows are made of sunlight and water. Before and after it rains, there is a lot of water in the air. When sunlight touches the drop of water, the light scatters (散开) and we see all the colours of the rainbow.Light from the sun colours our world. Light can bounce (反射),scatter (散开), or be absorbed (被吸收). Light is made up from the colours of the rainbow. We see sunlight as white, so when light bounces, it comes back to us the same colour —white. When light is absorbed, it goes away and we see darkness. We see many different colours when light is scattered.The colours of sunlight are: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.We can make a rainbow with water and sunlight.Can you read?W a t e r g la s s me t h o d1. P l a c e a g l a s s o f w a t e r o n a t a b l e i n f r o n t o f a s u n n y w i n d o w .2. P u t a p i e c e o f w h i t e p a p e r o n t h e flo o r b e l o w t h e g l a s s .3. M o v e t h e g l a s s o r t h e p a p e r u n t i l y ou c a n s e e t h e r a i n b o w o n th e p a p e r .CD method1. Take a CD. Clean it.2. Place the CD on a table, under the sunlight.3. Look at the CD, and you will see the rainbow.M ir r o r m e t h o d 1. P l a c e a m i r r o r i n s i d e a f u l l g l a s s o f w a t e r . 2. M a k e s u r e t h e ro o m i s d a r k , a n d h a s w h i t e w a l l s .3. S h i n e a f l a s h l i g h t i n t o t h e g l a s s , m o v i n g t h e l i g h t a r o u n d u n t i l a r a i n b o w c a n b e s e e n .16 Task 1Read and number.1. the water glass method2. the mirror method3. the CD methodTask 2Answer the following questions.1. What do you need in the mirror method?Answer: __________________________________________ 2. What do you need in the CD method?Answer: __________________________________________ 3. What are the colours of the rainbow?Answer: __________________________________________WE’RE GOING TO HIGH SCHOOL17L e s s o n U N IT F IV EY angyang: When will the rehearsal begin, Guoguo? Guoguo: It’ll begin at four. You look nervous. Y angyang: Yes. This is my first time to be a host.Guoguo: It’ll be all right. You always enjoy speaking in front of theclass.Y angyang: Yes, I do. But how many students are there all togetherin our grade?Guoguo: There are over three hundred. Don’t be afraid. Ourclassmates are all your fans.Y angyang: Thank you so much. I’ll miss you and our classmates. Guoguo: So will I. We are all good friends. Y angyang: What’s there in that large box?Guoguo: Gifts for our teachers. We’ll invite them to come onto thestage.Y angyang: That box looks heavy! Do you want me to hold it for youthen?Guoguo: Yes, please, and I’ll say some words of thanks to theteachers.Listen and sayLet’ s doListen and match17How many students are there in your class? /Where did you go together during the last six years? /What did you do together? / ...Read and writeGuoguo and Yangyang are going to host the graduation ceremony. The rehearsal will ______ at four. They will stand in front of over three hundred students. Many of them are their ______. They have a ______, ______ box of gifts for their teachers. They will ______ them to come onto the stage and thank them with words and gifts.Collect school day memories.9:009:209:409:059:3010:00Baobao MikeLingling YangyangSaraMaomao GuoguoL e s s o n18Listen and saySara: This is the website for my high school. It’s in California. Y angyang: Where is California?Sara: It’s in the west of the U.S.A.Y angyang: Is the school far from your home? How will you go to school every day?Sara: It’s not far. I’ll walk to school. By the way, what’s so special about our school? Can you see?Y angyang: The playground and the gym are both large, but the classroom building is small.Sara: You’re right! Ball games are very popular in American high schools, and so are many other sports.Y angyang: Will you have a lot of activities after school?Sara: Yes. My school is famous for its science club.Y angyang: How exciting! We’re going to high school.Let’ s doListen, link, and circle18YiningWeihaiWuzhenRead and writeSara is going back to the U.S.A. She will study in a high school in California. The school is not far from her home, so she can walk to school every day. It has a small _______ building and a big _______. It is also famous for its science _______.Make your own graduation scrapbook.May all our dreams come true!I want to ________________ in the future.Name ________Nickname ________ Traits ________your photo (six years ago)your photo (now)draw a picture of yourself (ten years from now)ShandongN SEWXinjiangN S EWZhejiangNS EWHe YunWang XiaominLiang BoL e s s o n19Listen and sayBaobao: Do you know the way to ourhigh school, Maomao? Howdo we get there?M aomao: I don’t know. Let’s asksomeone.Baobao: OK. … Excuse me, sir, canyou tell me the way to theNo.1 High School?Man: W alk on and then turn rightat the first corner. The school is behind the green buildingover there. Do you see it?Baobao: Yes. Thank you very much. Let’s go, Maomao.M aomao: Here we are. Look, those students are wearing uniforms in different colours.Baobao: They must be in different grades. Which colour do you like? M aomao: The blue one looks nice. My new sneakers go well with it. Guard: Hello, young men! Why are you standing here?M aomao: Hi, sir! We’re going to be new students at this school soon.Can we go inside and have a look?Guard: Welcome to our school! But I can’t let you in now. It’s our Open Day this Saturday. Come between 9 am and 4 pm.19 Listen and drawZ O ORead and writeBaobao and Maomao go to see their high school. It is ______ the green building. They ______ outside the gate and see studentsin different uniforms. When they tell the guard they are going to be new students at the school, the guard ______ them and tells them to come back ______ 9 am and 4 pm on the Open Day.Let’ s doDesign your dream schooluniform and explain why.L e s s o n 20Hello and welcome. Parents, teachers, and friends, thank you for coming!My name is Li Maomao and it’s my pleasure to speak in front of you all today.Can you read?Now, we are ready for high school. We’ll face new challenges, but we are not afraid of them. We’ll do our best, and we’ll have new teachers and new friends to help us. We are confident in our study and life in high school.At the end of my speech, I wish you all a happy summer vacation. Thank you, and I’ll miss you all!It hurts to realize this period of time in our lives is coming to an end. It hurts more to realize we are going to say goodbye to our dear teachers and friends. Along the path of growth, we were lucky to have our teachers, parents, and friends always standing by our side. Thank you all for helping us come this far.I am sure all of us have sweet memories of life at this school. In the first grade, Guoguo and I sat next to each other. We wished we were like the older kids. In the third grade we celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas with Sara. In the fifth grade we travelled withMike to Canada and visited his grandma. I still remember the football and ping-pong games we played together. I am truly proud that I was a member of the Peking Opera club, and we won the first place out of 60 schools.20Task 3Write your own speech.Task 2Give your thanks.Who WhyTask 1Read and choose. (There may be more than one choice.) 1. This text is a ________.A. speechB. fairy taleC. storyD. report 2. Which is true about Li Maomao?A. He sat next to Guoguo in the fi rst grade.B. He celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas with Sara.C. He visited Canada.D. He helped the school win the fi rst place in football. 3. Who did Li Maomao thank?A. Parents.B. Friends.C. Coaches.D. Teachers.greet the parents, teachers, and studentsintroduce yourself recall some past eventsthank the teachers, parents, and friendsREVISION21L e s s o n U N IT S IXListen and choose1. C.C. D.D.A.A. C. D.B.A.C.D.B.A.C.D.B.A.3 / 155 / 153 / 55 / 5。

一、选择题1. 甲、乙两个数相差是4,甲数是乙数的2倍,那么甲、乙两个数分别是多少?答:甲数是乙数的2倍,即甲数= 2 × 乙数。
又甲、乙两个数相差是4,所以甲数 - 乙数 = 4。
将甲数代入得到的等式中,得到2 × 乙数 - 乙数 = 4,化简得乙数 = 4。
再将乙数代入甲数= 2 × 乙数的等式中,得到甲数= 2 × 4 = 8。
2. 一个数的百位数是4,十位数是2,个位数是9,这个数是多少?答:这个数的百位数是4,十位数是2,个位数是9,所以这个数是429。
二、填空题1. 两个数的和是36,差是12,那么这两个数分别是多少?答:设两个数分别为x和y,根据题意可得以下两个等式:x + y = 36x - y = 12将第二个等式两边同时乘以2,得到2x - 2y = 24。
将第一个等式和得到的等式相加,得到3x = 60。
解得x = 20。
将x的值代入第一个等式中,得到20 + y = 36,解得y = 16。
2. 一个两位数的个位数是4,十位数是比个位数大6,这个数是多少?答:设这个两位数为x,根据题意可得以下等式:x = 10 × 十位数 + 个位数x = 10 × (个位数 + 6) + 个位数化简得x = 16 × 个位数 + 60将个位数代入得到的等式中,得到x = 16 × 4 + 60 = 124。
三、解答题1. 一个数的三倍加上7等于31,那么这个数是多少?答:设这个数为x,根据题意可得以下等式:3x + 7 = 31将等式两边同时减去7,得到3x = 24。
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