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【摘要】Colloidal gas aphrons(CGAs) were first defined by Sebba(J.Colloid Interface Sci.,1971,35(4):643) as micro bubbles(25—300*μm).These microbubbles do not coalesce easily and are markedly different from conventional soap bubbles in their stability and flow properties.CGAs are composed of a gaseous inner core surrounded by a thin surfactant film, which are created by intense stirring of a surfactant solution. CGA dispersion typically contains about 65% gas. CGA suspensions have viscosity similar to water, which make them suitable for pumping without deterioration in quality. Two important considerations in the application of CGA suspensions are: ① their colloidal size, resulting in a large su rface area to volume ratio, and ② the existence of a double film of surfactant encapsulating the gas that retards the coalescence of the bubble. CGA suspensions are found very effective for separating hydrophobic organic compounds and heavy metal ions. In this paper, flotation of Cu(Ⅱ) by colloidal gas aphrons has been conducted in order to explore a new method for separating heavy metal ions from dilute solution. The effects of CGA flow rate, amounts of CGA introduced to the system, surfactant concentration on the flotation efficiency have been systematically
investigated. The optimum flotation condition is determined. The results show that flotation efficiency at pH=5—6 has an optimum value to CGA flow rate and amount. When pH is greater than 7, the flotation efficiency can be as high as 99% at the optimum condition.
1.胶质气体泡沫基泡沫水泥体系 [J], VELAYATI Arian; ROOSTAEI Morteza; RASOOLIMANESH Rasool; SOLEYMANI Mohammad; FATTAHPOUR Vahidoddin
2.不同气源压缩气体泡沫灭浮顶罐密封圈火灾性能比较 [J], 陈涛; 胡成; 包志明; 杨震铭; 夏建军; 靖立帅; 王荣基; 陈旸
3.胶质气体泡沫水基钻井液流变性及封堵性研究 [J], 黄桃
4.胶质气体泡沫气浮分离含Cu(Ⅱ)废水的试验研究 [J], 储金宇;王晓燕;陈志刚;吴
5.用胶质气体泡沫从废水中浮选Cu(Ⅱ)的实验研究 [J], 王永田;刘炯天
