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DOI:10.12148/hbnykx.20210072 河北农业科学,2021,25 (4):93-96
Journal of Hebei Agricultural Sciences
编辑 白瑞霞
Hale Waihona Puke 遁耕对轻中度退化草原植被的影响
杨志敏 1,刘建成 1,李峰 1,刘晓婕 1,通文海 1,黄金山 1,王文涛 1,李广有 1,温树芳 2,董晓 峰 3,王伟娟 2,刘尚金 4,王运涛 5*
Effect of Grass-friendly Tillage on Vegetation of Slightly and Moderately Degenerated Grassland
YANG Zhi-min1,LIU Jian-cheng1,LI Feng1,LIU Xiao-jie1,TONG Wen-hai1,HUANG Jin-shan1,WANG Wentao1,LI Guang-you1,WEN Shu-fang2,DONG Xiao-feng3,WANG Wei-juan2,LIU Shang-jin4,WANG Yun-tao5*
(1.张家口市农业科学院,河北 张家口 075000;2.张家口市崇礼区农业农村局,河北 张家口 076350;3.尚义县农业农村局, 河北 尚义 076750;4.张家口市林木良种场,河北 张家口 075000;5.张家口学院,河北 张家口 075000)
摘要:为探索草地修复措施与方法对草地植被的影响,以河北省坝上地区轻中度退化草地为研究对象, 采用遁耕施肥播种一体化技术措施开展草地修复试验,以相邻地块未进行遁耕处理为对照 (CK),研究 了不同遁耕措施 (遁耕、遁耕垣施肥、遁耕垣保水剂、遁耕垣施肥垣保水剂) 对退化草地生长量、多样性和 植物群落优势度的影响。结果表明:退化草地遁耕后,可显著提高株高和地上部生物量,增大草地密度, 提高 Simpson 优势度指数、Shannon-Wiener 多样性指数和 Pielou 均匀度指数,丰富物种多样性,提高优 质牧草羊草和冰草的种群优势度。遁耕可以作为轻中度退化草地修复技术进行推广。 关键词:遁耕;轻中度退化草地;植被;影响 中图分类号:S812.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-1631 (2021) 04-0093-04
.(1A.ZlhlangRjiaikgouhtAscadRemeyseorf vAegrdic.ultural Sciences,Zhangjiakou 075000,China;2.Agricultural and Rural Bureau of
Chongli District,Zhangjiakou 076350,China;3.Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Shangyi County,Shangyi 076750, China; 4.Zhangjiakou Tree Nursery, Zhangjiakou 075000, China; 5.Zhangjiakou University, Zhangjiakou 076350, China)
Abstract:In order to explore the impact of grassland restoration measures and methods on grassland vegetation, taking the slightly and moderately degraded grassland in Bashang area of Hebei Province as the research object, the grassland restoration experiment was carried out by using the integrated technical measures of grass-friendly tillage,fertilization and sowing. Taking the adjacent plots without grass-friendly tillage as the control (CK),the effects of different grass -friendly tillage measures (grass -friendly tillage, grass -friendly tillage 垣fertilization, grass -friendly tillage 垣water retaining agent, and grass -friendly tillage 垣fertilization 垣water retaining agent) on growth,diversity and plant community dominance of degraded grassland were studied. The results showed that the plant height and aboveground biomass,grassland density,Simpson dominance index,Shannon-Wiener diver原 sity index and Pielou evenness index significantly increased, the species diversity enriched, and the species dominance of high quality forage Leymus chinensis and Agropyron improved. Grass-friendly tillage can be popu原 larized as a restoration technology of slightly and moderately degraded grassland. Key words:Grass-friendly tillage;Degenerated grassland;Vegetation;Influence