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make (sth) damp 使(某物)潮湿:
I always dampen shirts before ironing them.
make (sth) less strong; restrain 使(某事物)减弱; 抑制: dampen (down) sb’s spirits, enthusiasm, etc
lessen the force or intensity of (sth) 减低(某物)的力量或强度: Your constant criticism has deadened their enthusiasm.
make sb insensitive to sth 使某人对某事的感觉迟钝: Unhappiness had deadened her to the lives of others.
become tired, less active, or less interesting; weaken 变得疲倦﹑不活跃或乏味; 衰弱: My strength, interest, enthusiasm, etc is flagging.
(尤指植物)萎蔫, 枯萎: Roses will flag in the summer heat. Flagging flaggy
(fig 比喻) vigour or energy 元气; 精力:
He’s full of sap and ready to start.
> sappy adj (-ier, -iest) full of sap 多树液的; 精力充沛的.
gradually weaken sb/sth by taking away (strength, vitality, etc) 逐渐削弱某人[某事物](力量﹑活力等): I was sapped by months of
hospital treatment.
[Tn] gradually take away (sb’s strength, vitality, etc) 逐渐消耗(某人的力量﹑活力等): Stop sapping her confidence!
physically weak (esp from old age or illness) 体弱的, 虚弱的: walk with infirm steps欠缺某方面的力量: infirm of purpose, will, etc
> infirmity Old age and infirmity had begun to catch up with him.
DERELICT/ derelict deserted and allowed to fall into ruins; dilapidated 弃置的; 破旧的; 坍塌
的: a derelict house
[U] being derelict 遗弃; 弃置: a house in a state of dereliction
dereliction of duty 失职
DILAPIDATED/ dilapidated
(of furniture, buildings, etc) falling to pieces; in a bad state of repair (指
家具﹑ 建筑物等)残破的, 破烂的, 失修的: a dilapidated chair, bed, etc
> dilapidate v
DECREPIT/ decrepit made weak by age or hard use 衰老的; 老朽的; 破旧的:
a decrepit person, horse, bicycle .
> decrepitude n
ABJURE/abjure promise or swear to give up (a claim, an opinion, a belief)
abjure my religion
RENOUNCE/renounce to give up, refuse, or resign usually by formal declaration
<renounce his errors>
FORSWEAR/forswear to make a promise that you will stop doing or using sth:
◆ The country has not forsworn the use of chemical weapons
RECANT/recant recant one’s former beliefs Recantation
ABJURE, RENOUNCE, FORSWEAR, RECANT, RETRACT mean to withdraw one’s word or professed belief. ABJURE implies a firm and final rejecting or abandoning often made under oath <abjured the errors of his former faith>.
RENOUNCE often equals ABJURE but may carry the meaning of disclaim or disown <renounced abstract art and turned to portrait painting>.
FORSWEAR may add to ABJURE an implication of perjury or betrayal <I cannot forswear my principles>. RECANT stresses the withdrawing or denying of something professed or taught <if they recant they will be spared>.
RETRACT applies to the withdrawing of a promise, an offer, or an accusation <the newspaper had to retract its allegations against the mayor>.
REPUDIATE/repudiate repudiate a charge, view, claim, suggestion
ABNEGA TE/abnegate 1: DENY, RENOUNCE <abnegated their God>
2: SURRENDER, RELINQUISH <abnegated her powers>
GAINSA Y/ gainsay contradict (sb/sth); deny (sth) 反驳(某人[某事物]); 否认(某事物):
There’s no gainsaying his honesty, ie We cannot deny that he is honest.
WHEEDLE/wheedle To influence or entice by soft words or flattery 甜言蜜语哄骗
she wheedled the money out of her father.
COAX/coax =wheedle
BLANDISH/blandish -ment =coax
manage or control (sth) fraudulently (以欺诈手段)操纵或控制(某事RIG/ rig
物): He claimed (the result of) the election was rigged. INVEIGLE/inveigle She inveigled him into the house and robbed him while he slept. CAJOLE/ cajole persuade sb (to do sth) by flattery or deceit; coax sb 哄骗某人(作某
事); 劝诱某人: She was cajoled into (accepting) a new contract.
> cajolery n
DELUDE/ delude sb (with sth/into doing sth) deliberately mislead sb; deceive sb 诳惑
某人; 欺骗某人; 哄骗某人: delude sb with empty promises
BEGUILE/ beguile (a) charm (sb) 迷住(某人):
The ravelers were beguiled by the beauty of the landscape.
deceive sb 欺骗某人:
They were beguiled into giving him large sumsof money.
> beguilement n beguiling adj.
HOODWINK/ hoodwink sb (into doing sth) deceive sb; trick sb 欺骗某人; 哄某人上当: I was
hoodwinked into buying fake jewels.
JOCKEY/ jockey v manoeuvre to gain (an advantage, a favour, etc) 用计谋获取(利益
﹑好处等): jockey for position, power, favours, 骑师
CAJOLE, COAX, SOFT-SOAP, BLANDISH, WHEEDLE mean to influence or persuade by pleasing words or actions.
WHEEDLE suggests more strongly than cajole the use of seductive appeal or artful words in persuading
<hucksters wheedling her life’s savings out of her>.
CAJOLE suggests the deliberate use of flattery to persuade in the face of reluctance or reasonable objections <cajoled him into cheating on the final exam>.
COAX implies gentle and persistent words or actions employed to produce a desired effect <coaxed the cat out of the tree>.
SOFT-SOAP refers to using smooth and somewhat insincere talk usually for personal gain <politicians
soft-soaping eligible voters>.
BLANDISH implies a more open desire to win a person over by effusive praise and affectionate actions
<legislators blandished with promises of support>.
DELUSION/ delusion n. 错觉Your hope of promotion is a mere delusion.
ILLUSION/ illusion n. 幻觉,错觉,错误的信仰(或观念)
I thought I saw a ghost but it was just an optical illusion.
Illusive illusory
HULLUCINA TION 幻觉Tending to induce hallucinations, delusions, or other symptoms of a
psychosis. Used of a drug.
MIRAGE/ mirage 海市蜃楼. (fig比喻) 不能实现的希望; 幻想; 妄想.
n idle and pleasant thoughts 幻想; 空想; 遐想: be deep, sunk, lost in reverie REVERIE/ reverie
DELUSION, ILLUSION, HALLUCINATION, MIRAGE mean something that is believed to be true or real but that is actually false or unreal. DELUSION implies an inability to distinguish between what is real and what only seems to be real, often as the result of a disordered state of mind <delusions of persecution>. ILLUSION implies a false ascribing of reality based on what one sees or imagines <an illusion of safety>. HALLUCINATION implies impressions that are the product of disordered senses, as because of mental illness or drugs <suffered from terrifying hallucinations>. MIRAGE in its extended sense applies to an illusory vision, dream, hope, or aim <claimed a balanced budget is a mirage>.
DESPISE/despise To look down upon sth and have no respect
You must no despise a man because he is poor.
CONTEMPT/contempt =despise
~ (of sb/sth) feeling or showing that you have no respect for sb/sth: She
gave him a contemptuous look. ◆You’re contemptuous of everything I
do. ◆contemptuously adverb: to laugh contemptuously
not deserving any respect at all: mean and contemptible behaviour NOUN I feel nothing but contempt for those who steal.
DISTAIN/distain =despise
Distain an offer for help/invitation
Distain him as coward
SCORN/scorn =despise
Scorn an offer for help/invitation
FLOUT/flout Flout the law
He flouted his mother’s advice
SLIGHT/ slight
UNDERRATE/ underrate v [Tn] have toolow an opinion of (sb/sth) 对(某人[某事物])评价过低: underrate an opponent, achievement
DESPISE, CONTEMN, SCORN, DISDAIN mean to regard as unworthy of one’s notice or consideration. DESPISE may suggest an emotional response ranging from strong dislike to loathing <despises cowards>. CONTEMN implies a vehement condemnation of a person or thing as low, vile, feeble, or ignominious
<contemns the image of women promoted by advertisers>.
SCORN implies a ready or indignant contempt <scorns the very thought of retirement>.
DISDAIN implies an arrogant or supercilious aversion to what is regarded as unworthy <disdained popular music>.
FLOUT stresses contempt shown by refusal to heed <flouted the conventions of polite society>.
BELITTLE/ belittle make (a person or an action) seem unimportant or of little value
轻视; 贬低: Don’t belittle yourself
> belittlement belittling
I find it belittling to be criticized by someone so much
DECRY/ decry speak critically of sb/sth to make him/it seem less valuable, useful 贬低其
价值: He decried her efforts (as a waste of time).
DEPRECIATE [I] become less valuable 贬值: Shares in the company have
[Tn] state that (sth) is not valuable, important; disparage 贬低; 轻视:
Don’t depreciate my efforts to help/what I have done.
DISPARAGE/ disparage suggest, esp unfairly, that is of little value or importance 贬低, 轻视:
disparage sb’s work, talents, achievements, character,
disparagement disparaging adj: disparaging remarks
DETRACT/ detract make sth seem less valuable or important 减损某事物的价值; 贬低:
detract from the merit, value, worth, excellence, etc of sth
> detraction不恰当的批评; 贬低; 贬抑. Detractor
PEJORA TIVE/ pejorative expressing criticismor scorn; derogatory; disparaging 贬抑的; 贬损的; 轻
蔑的: pejorative remarks, comments
DECRY, DEPRECIATE, DISPARAGE, BELITTLE mean to express a low opinion of. DECRY implies open condemnation with intent to discredit <decried their defeatist attitude>. DEPRECIATE implies a representing as being of less value than commonly believed <critics depreciate his plays for being unabashedly sentimental>. DISPARAGE implies depreciation by indirect means such as slighting or invidious comparison <disparaged polo as a game for the rich>. BELITTLE usually suggests a contemptuous or envious attitude <belittled the achievements of others>.
DEBASE/ debase lower the quality, status or value of (sth) 降低(某物的)质量﹑地位或价值:
Sport is being debased by commercialism.
lower the value of (coins) by using less valuable metal in them 降低(硬币的)价值(减少含贵金属的成色). > debasement n
DEMEAN/ demean v [Tn, Tnt] ~ oneself lower oneself in dignity; deprive oneself of others’ respect 降低自己的身分; 失去别人的尊重; 贬低自己:
Don’t demean yourself by telling such obvious lies.
> demeaning adj lowering (sb’s) dignity; degrading 降低身分的; 卑微的; 堕落的:
He found it very demeaning to have to work for his former employee.
REPROBATE/ reprobate adj, immoral or unprincipled (person)道德败坏的(人); 堕落的(人): have reprobate tendencies
DEGRADE/ degrade [Tn] cause (sb) to be less moral and less deserving of respect 贬低(某人); 降低(某人)的身分; degrade oneself by cheating and telling lies
(使某物)降解, 分解, 退化: degrade molecules into atoms
> degradation堕落; 降解; 递降分解; 退化: living in utter degradation
VITIA TE/ vitiate weaken or spoil the quality or efficiency of (sth) 削弱或损害(某事物)的性质或效能; 使(某物)变质; 败坏(某物):
the vitiated atmosphere of our polluted inner cities
weakenthe force of (sth); make ineffective 削弱(某事物)的力量; 使无效: vitiate
a claim, contract, theory
> vitiation n
PERVERT/ pervert turn (sth) away from its proper nature or use 误用, 滥用(某事物):
pervert the truth/the course of justice
cause (a person, his mind) to turn away from what is right or natural使(人﹑心理)入邪路﹑反常或堕落Do pornographic books pervert those who read them?
> pervert 走上邪路者; 堕落者; 反常者; (尤指)性变态者, 性慾倒错者. DEBASE, VITIATE, DEPRAVE, CORRUPT, DEBAUCH, PERVERT mean to cause deterioration or lowering in quality or character. DEBASE implies a loss of position, worth, value, or dignity <commercialism has debased the holiday>. VITIATE implies a destruction of purity, validity, or effectiveness by allowing entrance of a fault or defect <a foreign policy vitiated by partisanship>. DEPRAVE implies moral deterioration by evil
thoughts or influences <the claim that society is depraved by pornography>. CORRUPT implies loss of soundness, purity, or integrity <the belief that bureaucratese corrupts the language>. DEBAUCH implies a debasing through sensual indulgence <the long stay on a tropical isle had debauched the ship’s crew>. PERVERT implies a twisting or distorting from what is natural or normal <perverted the original goals of the institute>.
SCOFF/scoff To talk about sb/sth in a way that makes it clear that you think they
are stupid or ridiculous
疯狂的吃Don’t scoff: he is quite right.
PERSIFLAGE/ persiflage light good-humoured teasing; banter 戏谑; 打趣; 玩笑.
PILLORY/ pillory n. 颈手枷, 示众, 嘲弄vt. 套上枷锁,使遭人嘲笑
She was pilloried in the press for her extravagant parties.
GOBBLE/ gobble v.贪婪地吃,吞没
GUZZLE/ guzzle
GULP/ gulp 吞食
GIBE/gibe (jibe) He made several cheap jibes about his opponent yesterday.
JEER/jeer They jeered at the defeated opponent.
SNEER/sneer ―You, a writer?‖ she sneered.
MOCK/mock It’s wrong to mock the cripples.
DERIDE/deride They derided his efforts (as childish)
~ (of/on sth) humorous imitation or parody 滑稽的模仿: [attrib 作定SPOOF/ spoof
语] a spoof horror film
trick; hoax 骗人的玩意儿; 鬼把戏.
SCOFF, JEER, GIBE, FLEER, SNEER, FLOUT mean to show one’s contempt in derision or mockery. SCOFF stresses insolence, disrespect, or incredulity as motivating the derision <scoffed at their concerns>. JEER suggests a coarser more undiscriminating derision <the crowd jeered at the prisoners>.
GIBE implies taunting either good-naturedly or in sarcastic derision <hooted and gibed at the umpire>. FLEER suggests grinning or grimacing derisively <the saucy jackanapes fleered at my credulity>.
SNEER stresses insulting by contemptuous facial expression, phrasing, or tone of voice <sneered at anything romantic>.
BILK/ bilk avoid paying money to sb; cheat sb 躲某人的债; 骗取某人的财:
He bilked us of all our money
COZEN/ cozen v. 欺,骗
The clever salesman cozened the old lady into buying his goods.
DEFRAUD/ defraud v get sth from sb by deception; cheat sb 从某人处骗取某物; 欺骗某人
She was defrauded of her money by a dishonest accountant. FRAUDULENT/ fraudulent 欺骗的
SWINDLE/ swindle v cheat sb/sth, esp in a business transaction 诈骗(尤指在生意中):
swindle an insurance company
She swindled 1000 out of the Social Security. 她骗得了1000英镑社保。

> swindle n swindler
CHEAT, COZEN, DEFRAUD, SWINDLE mean to get something by dishonesty or deception. CHEAT suggests using trickery that escapes observation <cheated me out of a dollar>. COZEN implies artful persuading or flattering to attain a thing or a purpose <always able to cozen her grandfather out of a few dollars>. DEFRAUD stresses depriving one of his or her rights and usually connotes deliberate perversion of the truth <defrauded of her inheritance by an unscrupulous lawyer>. SWINDLE implies large-scale cheating by misrepresentation or abuse of confidence <swindled of their savings by con artists>.
LUCID/lucid clearly expressed; easy to understand
Luc A lucid explanation
PELLUCID/ pellucid transparentor translucent; very clear 透明的, 半透明的; 清澈的.
(of style, meaning, etc) very clear (指文体﹑意义等)清晰的, 清通的.
TRANSLUCENT/ translucent 半透明的
PERSPICUOUS/ perspicuous adj. 明晰的,易懂的perspicuity
ENUNCIA TE/ enunciate [I, Tn] say or pronounce (words or sounds) clearly (清晰地)发(音):
That actor enunciates very well.
阐明(理论等): He is always willing to enunciate his opinions on the
subject of politics. .> enunciation
ELUCIDATE/ elucidate make (sth) clear; explain 使(某事物)清楚; 解释; 阐明:
You have not understood; allow me to elucidate. > elucidation ILLUMINA TE/ illuminate 解释,阐明v
EXPLICA TE/ explicate explain and analyse (esp an idea, a statement or a work of literature) in
detail 详细解说并分析: explicate one’s moral values
EXPOUND/ expound sth (to sb) (fml 文) explain or make sth clear by giving details 详加解释
或详述某事物: expound a theory
INEXPLICABLE/ inexplicable that cannot be explained 无法解释的: an inexplicable phenomenon INTELLIGIBLE/ intelligible adj that can be (easily) understood 可(易)理解的: intelligible speech
ODIUM/odium (n) What an odious man!
OBNOXIOUS/ obnoxious adj very unpleasant; nasty; offensive 极不愉快的; 讨厌的; 可憎的:
obnoxious behaviour
INVIDIOUS/ invidious adj likely to cause resentment or unpopularity (esp because it is or seems
to be unjust) 易招怨恨的, 引起不满的(尤因不公正): You put me in an
invidious position by asking me to comment on my colleague’s work.
ABHOR/abhor (v) Abhorrence Abhorrent abhor terrorism, terrorists
He abhors this banker.
Most people abhor cruelty to children.
EXECRATE/ execrate express or feel hatred of (sb/sth); curse 憎恨, 厌恶(某人[某事物]); 咒
骂; 诅咒.> execration
HIDEOUS/ hideous adj filling the mind with horror; very ugly; frightful 令人惊骇的; 极其丑陋
的; 可怕的: a hideous crime, face, noise,
LOA THE/loathe (v) loathe the smell of fried fish
DETEST/detest They detested each other on sight.
ABOMINA TE/abominate to feel hatred or disgust for sth/sb
I abominate fascism
A VERSE/ averse not liking sth; opposed to sth 不喜欢某事物; 反对某事物:
He seems to be averse to hard work. 看来他不愿做艰苦的工作.
A version=loathing
ANIMUS/animus 敌意, 意图
An inexplicable animus against intellectuals.
ANIMOSITY/animosity (instance of) strong dislike or of hostility 憎恶; 敌意:
He felt no animosity towards his critics. 他对批评他的人并不怀恨在心.
I could sense the animosity between them. 我能觉察他们彼此间的敌意. ENMITY/enmity condition or feeling of being an enemy; hostility 敌意; 仇恨
I don’t understand his enmity towards his parents.
INIMICAL/ inimical unfriendly; hostile 不友好; 含敌意: countries that are inimical to us/to
our interests
tending to prevent or discourage sth; harmful 对某事物不利; 有害:
actions that are inimical to friendly relations betweencountries RANCOR/rancor =Enmity
ANTAGONISM/antagonism Antagonize (v) active opposition or hostility, esp between two people 对立, 敌对
The antagonism he felt towards his old enemy was still very strong. 他对旧冤家的敌对情绪仍然很大.
You could sense the antagonism between them. 你能觉察出他们之间有对立情绪.
ANTIPATHY/antipathy Antipathetic strong or deep dislike 反感; 厌恶:
She felt antipathy towards younger women.
REPUGNANCE/ repugnance
causing a feeling of strong opposition or dislike; abhorrent 令人厌恶的;
Repugnant 使人极反感的; 讨厌的: I find his racist views totally repugnant. ENMITY, HOSTILITY, ANTIPATHY, ANTAGONISM, ANIMOSITY, RANCOR, ANIMUS mean deep-seated dislike or ill will.
ENMITY suggests positive hatred which may be open or concealed <an unspoken enmity>.
HOSTILITY suggests an enmity showing itself in attacks or aggression <hostility between the two nations>. ANTIPATHY and ANTAGONISM imply a natural or logical basis for one’s hatred or dislike, ANTIPATHY suggesting repugnance, a desire to avoid or reject, and ANTAGONISM suggesting a clash of temperaments leading readily to hostility <a natural antipathy for self-seekers> <antagonism between the brothers>. ANIMOSITY suggests intense ill will and vindictiveness that threaten to kindle hostility <animosity that led to revenge>.
RANCOR is especially applied to bitter brooding over a wrong <rancor filled every line of his letters>. ANIMUS adds to animosity the implication of strong prejudice <objections devoid of personal animus>.
One cannot inure oneself altogether to such malicious criticism. MALICIOUS/malicious
DIABOLICAL/ diabolical of, relating to, or characteristic of the devil : DEVILISH <a diabolical plot>
INIQUITOUS/ iniquitous (fml 文) very wicked or unjust 极邪恶的; 极不公正的:
an iniquitous system, regime, etc
(of a price, charge, etc) unfairly or ridiculously high (指价格﹑费用等)
怀恨的: a malevolent person, look, smile .
> malevolence
SPITE/ spite
ABASH/abash His boss’s criticism abashed him.
DISCONCERT/disconcert He was disconcerted to find the other guests formally dressed. DISCOMFIT/discomfit Hecklers discomfited the speaker
EMBARRASS, DISCOMFIT, ABASH, DISCONCERT mean to distress by confusing or confounding. EMBARRASS implies some influence that impedes thought, speech, or action <embarrassed to admit that she liked the movie>.
DISCOMFIT implies a hampering or frustrating accompanied by confusion <hecklers discomfited the speaker>.
ABASH presupposes some initial self-confidence that receives a sudden check, producing shyness, shame, or a feeling of inferiority <abashed by her swift and cutting retort>.
DISCONCERT implies an upsetting of equanimity or assurance producing uncertainty or hesitancy
<disconcerted by finding so many in attendance>.
BEFUDDLE/ befuddle =confuse
BEWILDER/ bewilder puzzle (sb); confuse 迷惑; 混乱: I am totally bewildered by the clues to
this crossword puzzle. 这个纵横字谜的提示完全把我弄糊涂了.
bewildering =puzzling bewilderment
NONPLUS/ nonplus surprise or puzzle (sb) greatly 使惊讶或困惑: I was completely
nonplussed by his sudden appearance. 他突然出现使我大吃一惊. CONFOUND/ confound puzzle and surprise (sb); perplex 使困惑和惊奇; 使迷惑:
His behaviour amazed and confounded her.
defeat (sb) 击败(某人): confound an enemy, a rival, a critic, etc DISCOMBOBULA TE UPSET, CONFUSE <inventing cool new ways to discombobulate the old
order ― Kurt Andersen>
OBFUSCATE/ obfuscate v [Tn] (fml 文) (deliberately) make (sth) confused or difficult to understand
The writer often obfuscates the real issues with petty details.
PUZZLE, PERPLEX, BEWILDER, DISTRACT, NONPLUS, CONFOUND, DUMBFOUND mean to baffle and disturb mentally. PUZZLE implies existence of a problem difficult to solve <the persistent fever puzzled the doctor>. PERPLEX adds a suggestion of worry and uncertainty especially about making a necessary decision <a behavior that perplexed her friends>. BEWILDER stresses a confusion of mind that hampers clear and decisive thinking <a bewildering number of possibilities>. DISTRACT implies agitation or uncertainty induced by conflicting preoccupations or interests <distracted by personal problems>. NONPLUS implies a bafflement that makes orderly planning or deciding impossible <the remark left us utterly nonplussed>. CONFOUND implies temporary mental paralysis caused by astonishment or profound abasement <the tragic news confounded us all>. DUMBFOUND suggests intense but momentary confounding; often the idea of astonishment is so stressed that it becomes a near synonym of astound <was at first too dumbfounded to reply>.
ABERRANT/aberrant Errant 1: straying from the right or normal way 2: deviating from the usual or natural type
ANOMALY/anomaly (n) Anomalous a thing, situation, etc. that is different from what is normal or expected:
◆the many anomalies in the tax system
DEVIANT/ deviant deviating especially from an accepted norm <deviant behavior>
ABET/abet To help/encourage to do bad things
He was abetted in these illegal activities by his wife.
INCITE/incite To incite violence, riot, racial hatred.
INSTIGA TE/instigate They were accused of instigating racial violence.
FOMENT/foment foment a rebellion
INCITE, INSTIGATE, ABET, FOMENT mean to spur to action.
INCITE stresses a stirring up and urging on, and may or may not imply initiating <inciting a riot>. INSTIGATE definitely implies responsibility for initiating another’s action and often connotes underhandedness or evil intention <instigated a conspiracy>.
ABET implies both assisting and encouraging <aiding and abetting the enemy>.
FOMENT implies persistence in goading <fomenting rebellion>.
ABEYANCE/abeyance temporary inactivity
SUSPENSION The decision is in abeyance until he returns from holiday.
ABIDE/abide I can’t abide people with no sense of humour.
Tolerate/ Bear/ Stand
STOMACH/ stomach 容忍
ABJECT/abject (悲惨的) An abject coward
IGNOBLE/ignoble an ignoble person
IGNOMINIOUS/ ignominious that makes, or should make, you feel ashamed
an ignominious defeat ignominy
SORDID/sordid (脏的) A sordid motive
BASE/base Basement His base conduct was condemned by everyone.
SEAMY/ seamy unattractive andsordid 难看而污秽的: the seamy side of life, ie corruption, crime, etc
SQUALID/ squalid 肮脏的
SQUALOR/ squalor 脏,不干净n
MEAN, IGNOBLE, ABJECT, SORDID mean being below the normal standards of human decency and dignity. MEAN suggests having such repellent characteristics as small-mindedness, ill temper, or cupidity <mean and petty satire>.
IGNOBLE suggests a loss or lack of some essential high quality of mind or spirit <an ignoble scramble after material possessions>.
ABJECT may imply degradation, debasement, or servility <abject poverty>.
SORDID is stronger than all of these in stressing physical or spiritual degradation and abjectness <a sordid story of murder and revenge>.
IMPECCABLE/ impeccable adj free from mistakes; excellent or faultless 无错误的; 无瑕疵的:
Your English is impeccable!
IMMACULATE/ immaculate perfectly clean and tidy; spotless 整洁的; 无污迹的; 无瑕的:
an immaculate uniform
right in every detail; having no mistakes 精确的; 无误的:
animmaculate performance
ABOLISH/abolish To officially end a law, a system or an institution:
This tax should be abolished.
Abolish law, slavery.
v [Tn] withdraw (a law, etc) officially; revoke 废止(法规等); 撤消; 取消. REPEAL/ repeal
cancel or repeal (a law, contract, etc); annul 取消, 废除或撤消(法规﹑合同RESCIND/ rescind
等); 废止: rescind an agreement, order, act, etc rescinssion
ANNUL/annul to state officially that sth is no longer legally valid
annul an agreement/a contract/a law/a marriage
NULLIFY/nullify to make sth such as an agreement or order lose its legal force
Judges were unwilling to nullify government decisions.
NEGATE/negate cancel the effect of (sth); nullify
These facts negate your theory.
ABROGATE/abrogate a law to abrogate trading privileges>
INVALIDATE/invalidate The making of false statements could result in the invalidation of the contract. NULLIFY, NEGATE, ANNUL, ABROGATE, INVALIDATE mean to deprive of effective or continued existence. NULLIFY implies counteracting completely the force, effectiveness, or value of something <a penalty nullified the touchdown>.
NEGATE implies the destruction or canceling out of each of two things by the other <the arguments negate each other>.
ANNUL suggests making ineffective or nonexistent often by legal or official action <the treaty annuls all previous agreements>.
ABROGATE is like ANNUL but more definitely implies a legal or official act <a law to abrogate trading privileges>.
INVALIDATE implies making something powerless or unacceptable by declaration of its logical or moral or legal unsoundness <the court invalidated the statute>.
ANNIHILA TE/annihilate destroy (sb/sth) completely 完全消灭, 歼灭:
The enemy was annihilated
EXTERMINA TE/exterminate destroy completely (a group of people or animals消灭; 根除; 灭绝:
exterminate all the inhabitants of the village
EXTIRPA TE/extirpate remove or destroy (sth) completely 根除
extirpate dissent, opposition, etc
ERADICA TE/eradicate destroy (sth) completely 根除, 消灭
Smallpox has almost been eradicated.
DERACINA TE/ deracinate to remove or separate from a native environment or culture especially:
to remove the racial or ethnic characteristics or influences from RELINQUISH/ relinquish
vt. 放弃,放手Finally he relinquish his plan for want of business. EXTERMINATE, EXTIRPATE, ERADICATE, UPROOT mean to effect the destruction or abolition of something. EXTERMINATE implies complete and immediate extinction by killing off all individuals
<exterminate cockroaches>.
EXTIRPATE implies extinction of a race, family, species, or sometimes an idea or doctrine by destruction or removal of its means of propagation <many species have been extirpated from the area>.
ERADICATE implies the driving out or elimination of something that has established itself <a campaign to eradicate illiteracy>.
UPROOT implies a forcible or violent removal and stresses displacement or dislodgment rather than immediate destruction <the war uprooted thousands>.
ABSOLVE/absolve to state formally that sb is not guilty or responsible for sth:
The court absolved him of all responsibility for the accident. EXCULPA TE/exculpate exculpate a person from a charge
exculpate oneself from blame
EXONERATE/exonerate declare sb free from blame 宣布某人无罪过: He was exonerated from all
responsibility for the accident
ACQUIT/acquit Acquittal (n) to discharge completely (as from an obligation or accusation) <the court acquitted the prisoner>
VINDICA TE/vindicate to prove that sb is not guilty when they have been accused of doing sth
wrong or illegal:
New evidence emerged, vindicating him completely.
EXEMPT/exempt free from an obligation, duty or payment; not liable
exempt from military service
IMPUNITY/ impunity with impunity with freedom from punishment or injury 不受惩罚或伤害:
You cannot break the law with impunity.
EXCULPATE implies a clearing from blame or fault often in a matter of small importance <exculpating himself from the charge of overenthusiasm>.
ABSOLVE implies a release either from an obligation that binds the conscience or from the consequences of。
