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Unit 4 What would you like to be?
Tasks in this unit
Talking about jobs an preferences; giving reasons for preferences; interviewing people about their jobs;
Period One
Language focus:
Using nouns to identify people
e.g., a doctor, a dentist
Language skills:
Listen for specific information
Maintain an interaction by replying, adding or giving examples
Use knowledge of what words look or sound like to work out their meanings
1.Student’s Book 6A page 26
2.Cassette 6A
3.Cassette player
Pre-task preparation
Ask: What would you like to be? To elicit: e.g., I’d like to be a policeman. Compile a list of jobs on the board as the students reply. Then go through the list asking individual students: e.g., Would you like to be a policeman? To elicit: Yes, I’d like to be a policeman. No, I’d like to be a teacher.
While-task procedure
1.Play the cassette for Look and Learn. The students listen and repeat.
2.Give the students time to look at the picture in the Look, Listen and number.
3.Play the cassette for Look, listen and number. The students listen and write
the correct numbers in the boxes.
4.Play the cassette again. The students listen, repeat and check the answers.
5.Ask a few other individual students: What would you like to be? To elicit:
e.g., I’d like to be a pilot.
Workbook 6a page 21
Period Two
Language focus:
Using modal verbs to express preferences
e.g., Would you like to be a policeman?
Asking wh-questions to find out the reason
e.g., Why/why not?
Using connectives to give reasons.
e.g., I’d like to be policeman because I want to make out city a city place.
Language skills:
Listen for specific information
Maintain an interaction by replying, asking questions, explaining and using formulaic expressions where appropriate.
Read for specific information
1.Student’s Book 6A page 27
2.Workbook 6A pages 21, 22, 24 and 26
3.Cassette 6A
4.Cassette player
Pre-task preparation
Play a miming game. Ask the students to look at the jobs on student’s Book page 26 and choose one of the jobs. Ask for volunteers to come out and mime a job. The students guess: e.g., Would you like to be a doctor? The student who guesses correctly takes the next turn to mime a job.
While-task procedure
1. Give the students time to look at Read and think. The students write the jobs in the table and tick the ones they would like to do.
2. Ask questions about the table: e.g., this person teaches children English. What is his/her job? To elicit: He/She is an English teacher.
3. Workbook 6A page 21
a. Read the sentences. The students match them with the pictures.
b. Ask questions: e.g., Look at picture one. What does this person do?
4. Give the students time to read Play a game. Play the cassette. The students listen. Play the cassette again. The students repeat.
5. In pairs, students practice the dialogues. Select pairs to read a dialogue.
6. Ask individual students questions: e.g., Would you like to be a doctor? To elicit: Yes, I would. No, I wouldn’t.
7. Write the beginning of the two sentences on the board: I would like to be a doctor
because…Ask the students to complete the sentences. Replace ”doctor”with other jobs and repeat the procedure.
8. The students practice in groups, taking turns to ask a member of the group: Would you like to be a /an…?
9. Workbook 6A page 24
a. Give the students time to look ar the pictures.
b. play the cassette. The students listen and match.
Post-task activities
Workbook 6A page 26
a In groups, students discuss different jobs and why they would or would not like to do them. They then write their own lists.
b Ask a few individual students: What job would /wouldn’t you like to do? Why?
c. The students write the sentences. Ask individual students to read one of their sentences.
Workbook 6A page 22
Period Three
Language focus:
Using wh-questions to find out specific information
e.g., What’s your job?
Using connectives to give reasons.
e.g., Because I like to make sick people better.
Using prepositions to indicate time
e.g., I usually start work at half past eight in the morning.
Language skills:
Identify details that support a main idea
Open an interaction by greeting someone in an appropriate manner
Maintain an interaction by replying, asking questions, explaining an using formulaic expressions where appropriate
Recognize the presentation of ideas through headings
Gather and share information by using strategies such as interviewing Materials:
1.Student’s Book 6A page 28
2.Workbook 6A pages 23, 25 and 27
3.Photocopiable pages 2 and 3
4.Cassette 6A
5.Cassette player
Pre-task preparation
Ask the students about their daily routines: e.g., When do you get up? When do you go to school? What is your favourite lesson? Why? What do you do after school? When do you go to bed?
While-task procedure
1 Give the students time to look at the picture in Look and Read.
2 Play the cassette. The students follow in their books..
3 In pairs, students practise the dialogue. Select pairs to read a section of the dialogue.
4 Ask questions about the dialogue : e.g., How old is Samuel Han? What’s his job? Does he like his job? Why? When does he usually start/ finish work?
5 The students complete Read an write. Ask one or two students to read their completed reports.
6.Workbook 6A page 25
a.In pairs, students practice the dialogue. Select pairs to read a section of the
b.The students complete the card at the bottom of page 25.
c.Ask questions about the information on the card:
e.g., What’s the man’s name?
7. Read the instructions in Find out. You may want to use photocopiable pages 2 and 3 here.
Post-task activities
Workbook 6A page 27 (for more able students)
The students can either interview an adult or complete the cards as follows: a.In groups, students select a job and write notes about it, using their
b.The students each interview another member of the group an complete the card.
c.Select individual students to talk about the card:
e.g., Miss Zhu is a bank clerk. She is twenty years old. She likes here job because
she meets a lot of people. She starts work ar nine o’clock in the morning. She finishes work at five o’clock in the afternoon
d. The students write about the person they have interviewed or imagined using the notes they have mad
e. Ask one or two students to read what they have written about the person to the class.
Workbook 6A pages 23
Period Four
Language focus:
Using wh-questions to find out specific information
e.g., What would you like to be?
Using modal verbs to express wishes.
e.g., I would like to be a pilot.
Language skills:
Listen for specific information
Maintain an interaction by replying, asking questions, explaining and using formulaic expressions where appropriate
Recognize formats and language features in narrative and non-narrative texts Writing
Develop written texts by presenting main and supporting ideas
1.Student’s Book 6A page 29
2.Drawing paper
3.Cassette 6A
4.Cassette player
Pre-task preparation
Ask individual students: What would you like to be? To elicit: e.g., I would like to be a policeman. Ask: Why? To elicit: Because I want to make our city a safe place.
While-task procedure
1 Give the students time to look at the pictures.
2 Play the cassette of the poem. The students listen. Play the cassette again. The students repeat.
3 Select individual students to read a verse of the poem.
4 Read About you. Distribute drawing paper. The students write their peoms: e.g., What would you like to be?
What would you like to be?
I would like to be a dentist.
That’s what I would like to be.
The students then draw a picture of the job.
5 Ask a few individual students to read their poems. Display some of the poems.
Copy the new words
Recite the passage.。
