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1.The birds are ______ in the trees. (singing)
2.The _______ (小狼) plays with its friends in the snow.
3.We should plant more __________ (树木) for a better future.
4.What is the capital of Denmark?
A. Oslo
B. Stockholm
C. Copenhagen
D. Helsinki答案:C
5.They are _____ (going/come) to the party.
6.h Revolution led to the rise of ________ (拿破仑). The Fren
7.What do you call the place where you buy food?
A. School
B. Store
C. Park
D. Library答案: B
8.The basic unit of a carbohydrate is a ________.
9.My favorite food is ______. (pizza)
10. A ____ has a long tail and loves to swing from branches.
11.The capital of Russia is ________ (莫斯科).
12.I always carry a ________ (水瓶) to stay hydrated during ________ (运动).
13.I believe that compassion can bridge gaps between __________.
14.The element with the symbol Rn is __________.
15.The chemical formula for hexanoic acid is ______.
16.The __________ is a famous mountain range in North America.
17.What is the opposite of "slow"?
A. Fast
B. Tall
C. Small
D. Heavy答案:A Fast
18.Recognizing plant diseases early can prevent further ______. (及早识别植物病害可以防止进一步感染。

19. A __________ is a reaction that involves a change in energy.
20.I enjoy playing with my _________ (飞行器玩具) during the summer.
21.My ___ (小猫) chases after its tail.
22.We have a ______ (快乐的) family gathering every month.
23.I play pretend with my ________ (玩具名称).
24.__________ are used in the manufacture of plastics.
25.Listen and number.(听音标号。

26.The ______ is a talented writer.
27.My brother has a _____ (机器人) that can walk and talk. 我的哥哥有一个可以走和说话的机器人。

28.I love playing with my ______ blocks.
29. A bear's claws are perfect for digging and ________________ (抓捕).
30.My family goes on a ________ (旅行) every summer.
31.The __________ is a major river in Russia. (伏尔加河)
32.I enjoy _______ (与朋友聚会).
33.The __________ (绿叶) provide oxygen.
34.The snail moves very _______ (慢).
35.__________ are important for the growth of crops.
36.Which of these animals says "meow"?
A. Dog
B. Cat
C. Cow
D. Bird答案:B Cat
37.My favorite pet is a ______ (狗) that keeps me company.
38.I watched a _______ (小蛇) slither by.
39.What type of animal is a shark?
A. Mammal
B. Reptile
C. Fish
D. Amphibian答案: C
40.I enjoy cooking ______ (美味) meals for my family.
41.We will _______ (explore) the city tomorrow.
42.The ________ (train) goes to the city.
43.In 1969, humans landed on the __________. (月球)
44.The ice cream is ___ (cold/warm).
45.I want to _____ (learn) about planets.
46.The chemical formula for potassium hydroxide is ______.
47. A parakeet enjoys hanging upside down on its ______ (栖木).
48.I have a ______ of crayons in my art box. (set)

50.The rabbit hops quickly in the _______ (兔子在_______中快速跳跃).
51.The element with atomic number is __________.
52. A fulcrum is the point where a lever _______.
53.My teacher is very ______ (好).
54.We are learning about ______ (animals) in class.
55.What do you call a baby cow?
A. Calf
B. Foal
C. Kid
D. Lamb答案:A
56.I like _____ (playing) the piano.
57.Which animal is known for its ability to fly?
A. Fish
B. Elephant
C. Bird
D. Dog答案:C
58.We participate in ________ (initiatives) regularly.
59.climate adaptation) prepares for climate impacts. The ____
60.The __________ is a famous historical site in Mexico. (特奥蒂瓦坎)
61.The ________ was a significant battle during World War II.
62.The ________ has colorful petals that shine.
63.The soup is _____ (hot/cold) today.
64.We have a ______ (大) family reunion every year.
65.The capital of Tonga is ________ (努库阿洛法).
66.My aunt loves __________ (唱歌).
67.The bat flies at ______.
68.The turtle can live for many _______ (年).
69. Depression began in __________ (1929) and affected many countries. The Grea
70.The _______ (The Age of Imperialism) saw European powers expand their empires.
71.I enjoy sharing ______ with my friends.
72.The capital of Chad is ________ (恩贾梅纳).
73.The country known for its lighthouses is ________ (美国).
74.The _______ of a curve can determine its path.
75.She is _______ (sharing) her snacks with friends.
76.The Earth's surface is influenced by both natural and ______ processes.
77.The process of photosynthesis converts sunlight into __________.
78.What do we call a collection of maps?
A. Atlas
B. Globe
C. Chart
D. Directory答案: A. Atlas
79.My sister enjoys __________. (游泳)
80.The capital of Bonaire is __________.
81.The _____ (whale) is huge.
82.The __________ (探险家) discovered new lands.
83. A small ___ (小蜥蜴) darts away quickly.
84.The chemical formula for sodium citrate is _____.
85.My __________ (玩具名) is a great way to have __________ (名词).
86.The process of ______ can change the Earth's surface dramatically.
87.Which animal is famous for its black and white stripes?
A. Lion
B. Tiger
C. Zebra
D. Leopard答案:C
88.What is the name of the famous singer known as the "King of Pop"?
A. Elvis Presley
B. Michael Jackson
C. Prince
D. Freddie Mercury答案:B
89.The cake is ________ and sweet.
90.My cousin is very __________ (务实).
91. A ____ is a friendly creature that loves to be with friends.
92.Which animal is known for its long ears and ability to hop?
A. Squirrel
B. Rabbit
C. Raccoon
D. Deer答案: B
93.What is the national flower of the USA?
A. Rose
B. Tulip
C. Lily
D. Daisy答案: A
94.The ______ is a part of the brain that processes information.
95.I have a ___ (story) to share.
96.What is the capital city of Slovenia?
A. Ljubljana
B. Maribor
C. Celje
D. Kranj答案: A
97.What is the capital of Indonesia?
A. Bali
B. Jakarta
C. Surabaya
D. Medan答案:B.Jakarta
98.ts have _____ (刺) for protection. Some pla
99.I want to _____ (read/write) a story.
100.Every evening, I take a walk in the ______ (社区). I enjoy seeing my neighbors and saying ______ (你好).。
