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Taoist and Buddhist thinking;The difference from Zhuang-zi
湖南大学学位论文原创性声明和学位论文版权使用授权书 ..................................... I 摘 要 ........................................................................................................................ II Abstract ..................................................................................................................... III 绪 论 ......................................................................................................................... 1
本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保 留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。 本人授权湖南大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检 索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。
Researches on Yuan Hong-dao’s “Guang Zhuang”
by HUANG Yinghan B.A.( Harbin Normal University)2010 A thesis submitted in partial satisfaction of the Requirements for the degree of Master of Literature
The writing of Guang Zhuang has its inevitability, it is not only the product of the discussion on knowledge by Yuan Hong-dao and his friends, but also the assiduously longing for the theory of Life and Death by Yuan Hong-dao and his brothers. By interpreting Guang Zhuang, it can reveal the decline in the period of Wan-li, it can also break the stereotype of Yuan Hong-dao. We will get new understanding about the literati in the late Ming Dynasty, who has an superficial unrestrained leisure, but suffers inner anguish and contradiction. At the same time, as the study of Yuan Hong-dao is mainly concentrated in the field of literature, the research of his Buddhist thinking still remains to go deeper. So in this thesis, in addition to analyze the features of Guang Zhuang’s three-religion-included thinking individually, it will also discuss the purport of the Buddhism ideas in many ways, so as to show Yuan Hong-dao’s identity of Lay Buddhist. As the thoughts change of Yuan Hong-dao concentrated around the year 1598, namely the writing period of Guang Zhuang, so this thesis quotes many poetries which was written during this period as evidences. This thesis also integrates various aspects of Yuan Hong-dao’s creation to explore the development of his thought and mentality. Finally, for Guang Zhuang is a work to annotating Zhuang-zi, the interpretation of its philosophical connotations should
学校代号:10532 学 号:S12281001 密 级:公开
学位申请人姓名: 导师姓名及职称: 培 养 单 位: 专 业 名 称: 论 文 提 交 日 期: 论 文 答 辩言文学学院 中国语言文学 2015 年 4 月 28 日 2015 年 5 月 16 日 郭建勋 教授
本学位论文属于 1、保密□,在______年解密后适用本授权书。 2、不保密□√。 (请在以上相应方框内打“√”)
作者签名: 导师签名:
日期: 日期:
年月日 年月日
在晚明诸多《庄子》注疏中,袁宏道之《广庄》独树一帜。《广庄》不仅融 三教于一炉,有着独特的思想体系,其所蕴含的学术思想更是影响着袁宏道的诗 文创作倾向。近年来庄学研究成果显示,晚明庄学并没有获得学界应有的注目, 而有关《广庄》的研究尤为零散,尚无全面系统的论述。有鉴于此,本文选择《广 庄》作为研究对象,通过对其进行深入的义理阐释,力求揭示其融摄三教的特质 及其所体现的袁宏道思想转变之端倪,以期对袁宏道及晚明庄学研究添砖加瓦。
compare with the analysis of the inner chapters of Zhuang-zi. Therefore, on one hand, this thesis discusses Zhuang-zi’s profound influences on Guang Zhuang, including the Ideal Life, the Preservation of Life, “Inner cultivation” and “Exterior action”. On the other hand, Guang Zhuang also has distinct differences from Zhuang-zi, this thesis mainly discusses the following different topics: the View of the World, Attitude towards Life and the Concept of Life and Death. All in all, this paper tries to get the Samadhi of Guang Zhuang through repeated comparisons. Key Words: Yuan Hong-dao;Guang Zhuang;The integration of Confucian,
in Chinese Ancient Literature
in the Graduate School
of Hunan University
Supervisor Professor LIU Zaihua
April, 2015
湖南大学 学位论文原创性声明
本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的 研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或 集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均 已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。
《广庄》的撰写有其必然性,它既是袁宏道与友人交游论学的产物,亦是袁 氏伯仲对性命之学孜孜以求的成果。通过解读《广庄》,可观万历时期大厦将倾 之颓势,更可打破对袁宏道的刻板印象,重新认识这个表面潇洒闲适,实则内心 苦闷矛盾的晚明文人。同时,由于对袁宏道的研究尚多集中于文学领域,对其佛 学思想的开掘还有待深入,故本文除对《广庄》融摄三教之特色逐一分析外,还 多处探讨其佛学旨趣,还袁宏道以居士本色。又因袁宏道思想的转折集中在万历 二十六年前后,即《广庄》写作时期,故本文援引袁氏诗文为证时,亦集中于此 一时期,拟综合其多方面的创作,来共同探究袁氏思想心态之变化。最后,《广 庄》既为“广”《庄》之作,进行义理阐释时自离不开与《庄子》内篇的对照分 析。故辟专章,先从继承拓展《庄子》的角度对《广庄》进行义理阐释,主要探 讨了破除自我中心、自适逍遥的理想人生,顺任自然的养生之道以及“内圣”之 学与“外王”之道;再从“自为一庄”的角度阐发《广庄》的独特性,主要探讨 了如下问题:认识世界的方式由《庄子》的万物一齐到《广庄》的物本自齐,处 世之道由《庄子》的乘物游心到《广庄》的与世委蛇,而生命的安顿更是从《庄 子》的死生一如到《广庄》的生死心切。总之,本文力图在反复比较之中,探得 《广庄》三昧。
Of many interpretation on “Zhuang-zi” in the late Ming Dynasty, Yuan Hong-dao’s “Guang Zhuang” is a distinctive work. In addition to the integration of Confucian, Taoist and Buddhist thinking, Guang Zhuang also presents a unique thinking system that makes it different from other works. What’s more, the implication of academic thought in it also has an influence on the creation of Yuan Hong -dao’s poetry and other literary works. But in recent years, the research achievements in the study of Zhuang-zi show that the study of Zhuang-zi in the late Ming Dynasty did not get due attention. And the study of Guang Zhuang is particularly scattered, there is no systematic arrangement and discussion at present. Therefore, this thesis choose Guang Zhuang as the object of study, based on the thorough interpretation of philosophical connotations, to show the overall features of its three-religion-included thinking, and reveal the indication of the change of thoughts of Yuan Hong-dao, so as to make a contribution to the research of Yuan Hong-dao and the study of Zhuang-zi in the late Ming Dynasty.
湖南大学学位论文原创性声明和学位论文版权使用授权书 ..................................... I 摘 要 ........................................................................................................................ II Abstract ..................................................................................................................... III 绪 论 ......................................................................................................................... 1
本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保 留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。 本人授权湖南大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检 索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。
Researches on Yuan Hong-dao’s “Guang Zhuang”
by HUANG Yinghan B.A.( Harbin Normal University)2010 A thesis submitted in partial satisfaction of the Requirements for the degree of Master of Literature
The writing of Guang Zhuang has its inevitability, it is not only the product of the discussion on knowledge by Yuan Hong-dao and his friends, but also the assiduously longing for the theory of Life and Death by Yuan Hong-dao and his brothers. By interpreting Guang Zhuang, it can reveal the decline in the period of Wan-li, it can also break the stereotype of Yuan Hong-dao. We will get new understanding about the literati in the late Ming Dynasty, who has an superficial unrestrained leisure, but suffers inner anguish and contradiction. At the same time, as the study of Yuan Hong-dao is mainly concentrated in the field of literature, the research of his Buddhist thinking still remains to go deeper. So in this thesis, in addition to analyze the features of Guang Zhuang’s three-religion-included thinking individually, it will also discuss the purport of the Buddhism ideas in many ways, so as to show Yuan Hong-dao’s identity of Lay Buddhist. As the thoughts change of Yuan Hong-dao concentrated around the year 1598, namely the writing period of Guang Zhuang, so this thesis quotes many poetries which was written during this period as evidences. This thesis also integrates various aspects of Yuan Hong-dao’s creation to explore the development of his thought and mentality. Finally, for Guang Zhuang is a work to annotating Zhuang-zi, the interpretation of its philosophical connotations should
学校代号:10532 学 号:S12281001 密 级:公开
学位申请人姓名: 导师姓名及职称: 培 养 单 位: 专 业 名 称: 论 文 提 交 日 期: 论 文 答 辩言文学学院 中国语言文学 2015 年 4 月 28 日 2015 年 5 月 16 日 郭建勋 教授
本学位论文属于 1、保密□,在______年解密后适用本授权书。 2、不保密□√。 (请在以上相应方框内打“√”)
作者签名: 导师签名:
日期: 日期:
年月日 年月日
在晚明诸多《庄子》注疏中,袁宏道之《广庄》独树一帜。《广庄》不仅融 三教于一炉,有着独特的思想体系,其所蕴含的学术思想更是影响着袁宏道的诗 文创作倾向。近年来庄学研究成果显示,晚明庄学并没有获得学界应有的注目, 而有关《广庄》的研究尤为零散,尚无全面系统的论述。有鉴于此,本文选择《广 庄》作为研究对象,通过对其进行深入的义理阐释,力求揭示其融摄三教的特质 及其所体现的袁宏道思想转变之端倪,以期对袁宏道及晚明庄学研究添砖加瓦。
compare with the analysis of the inner chapters of Zhuang-zi. Therefore, on one hand, this thesis discusses Zhuang-zi’s profound influences on Guang Zhuang, including the Ideal Life, the Preservation of Life, “Inner cultivation” and “Exterior action”. On the other hand, Guang Zhuang also has distinct differences from Zhuang-zi, this thesis mainly discusses the following different topics: the View of the World, Attitude towards Life and the Concept of Life and Death. All in all, this paper tries to get the Samadhi of Guang Zhuang through repeated comparisons. Key Words: Yuan Hong-dao;Guang Zhuang;The integration of Confucian,
in Chinese Ancient Literature
in the Graduate School
of Hunan University
Supervisor Professor LIU Zaihua
April, 2015
湖南大学 学位论文原创性声明
本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的 研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或 集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均 已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。
《广庄》的撰写有其必然性,它既是袁宏道与友人交游论学的产物,亦是袁 氏伯仲对性命之学孜孜以求的成果。通过解读《广庄》,可观万历时期大厦将倾 之颓势,更可打破对袁宏道的刻板印象,重新认识这个表面潇洒闲适,实则内心 苦闷矛盾的晚明文人。同时,由于对袁宏道的研究尚多集中于文学领域,对其佛 学思想的开掘还有待深入,故本文除对《广庄》融摄三教之特色逐一分析外,还 多处探讨其佛学旨趣,还袁宏道以居士本色。又因袁宏道思想的转折集中在万历 二十六年前后,即《广庄》写作时期,故本文援引袁氏诗文为证时,亦集中于此 一时期,拟综合其多方面的创作,来共同探究袁氏思想心态之变化。最后,《广 庄》既为“广”《庄》之作,进行义理阐释时自离不开与《庄子》内篇的对照分 析。故辟专章,先从继承拓展《庄子》的角度对《广庄》进行义理阐释,主要探 讨了破除自我中心、自适逍遥的理想人生,顺任自然的养生之道以及“内圣”之 学与“外王”之道;再从“自为一庄”的角度阐发《广庄》的独特性,主要探讨 了如下问题:认识世界的方式由《庄子》的万物一齐到《广庄》的物本自齐,处 世之道由《庄子》的乘物游心到《广庄》的与世委蛇,而生命的安顿更是从《庄 子》的死生一如到《广庄》的生死心切。总之,本文力图在反复比较之中,探得 《广庄》三昧。
Of many interpretation on “Zhuang-zi” in the late Ming Dynasty, Yuan Hong-dao’s “Guang Zhuang” is a distinctive work. In addition to the integration of Confucian, Taoist and Buddhist thinking, Guang Zhuang also presents a unique thinking system that makes it different from other works. What’s more, the implication of academic thought in it also has an influence on the creation of Yuan Hong -dao’s poetry and other literary works. But in recent years, the research achievements in the study of Zhuang-zi show that the study of Zhuang-zi in the late Ming Dynasty did not get due attention. And the study of Guang Zhuang is particularly scattered, there is no systematic arrangement and discussion at present. Therefore, this thesis choose Guang Zhuang as the object of study, based on the thorough interpretation of philosophical connotations, to show the overall features of its three-religion-included thinking, and reveal the indication of the change of thoughts of Yuan Hong-dao, so as to make a contribution to the research of Yuan Hong-dao and the study of Zhuang-zi in the late Ming Dynasty.