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2, route of transmission of AIDS
◎ AIDS through sexual contact, blood and mother-to-child transmission of the three, with HIV infection or the patient's daily life and work of the contact will not be infected.
Worldwide, AIDS, sexual contact is the main route of transmission. At present, China's share in the syringe AIDS is intravenous drug use the main route of transmission, but the spread of AIDS through sexual contact ratio increased year by year.
◎ AIDS through sexual intercourse (vaginal pay, oral sex, anal sex) between men and women in the way men and transmission. The more sexual partners, the greater the risk of AIDS infection.
◎ syringes shared by intravenous drug use is an important blood-borne HIV risk behaviors.
Input by HIV through contaminated blood or blood products, without the use of strict sterilization surgery, injections, acupuncture, dental, beauty, and other equipment into the human body, can spread AIDS.
◎ infected with the AIDS virus to women through pregnancy, childbirth and breast-feeding is likely to spread AIDS to the fetus or infant. Not to take precautionary measures, about 1 / 3 of the fetus and infants will become infected.
◎ in their daily lives and work with AIDS patients or HIV shaking hands, hugging, kissing a courtesy, common meals, sharing work tools, office supplies, such as coins will not be infected with AIDS.
◎ AIDS will not ring through the toilet, telephone, tableware, bedding, bath or pool of public facilities such as the spread.
◎ coughing and sneezing do not spread AIDS.
◎ mosquito bites will not be infected with AIDS.
3, the early symptoms of AIDS
Common symptoms in the following areas:
◎ general symptoms: fever, weakness, sweating, the body of superficial lymph nodes, weight loss in the three months up to 10%, to reduce up to 40% of patients suffering from weight loss was particularly evident. ◎ respiratory symptoms: long-term cough, chest pain, breathing difficulties, severe blood sputum.
◎ gastrointestinal symptoms: decreased appetite, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, severe cases can be hematochezia. The infection is usually used to treat gastrointestinal drugs such diarrhea null and void. ◎ nervous system symptoms: dizziness, headache, slow, mental decline, psychosis, ventilation, paralysis, dementia, and so on.
◎ skin and mucous membrane damage: diffuse papules, herpes zoster, oral and pharyngeal mucosa inflammation and ulceration.
◎ tumor: a variety of malignant tumors appear, at the surface of Kabo Xi's sarcoma can be seen in red or purple spotted, papules and invasive tumor.
Therefore, the symptoms of AIDS is very complex.
Clinical regular place in three stages:
First of all, hidden, infected with HIV, patients with fever, headache, nausea, persistent splenomegaly 3 to 14 days, the symptoms go away into the silent period, infected 2 months after that into a positive antibody. If the whole body once again swollen lymph nodes, fever, diarrhea more than in January over the second period, followed by the third period, both spouses are infected with HIV.
A generally asymptomatic, had no effect on sexual desire, sex, sexual intercourse, the frequency of sexual intercourse should not be too long. If the infection is not a party should be prohibited sex life, must not be infected with the virus. II and III of the patients had a variety of clinical symptoms of serious psychological blow to suppress sexual desire was strong. No specific treatment of AIDS drugs, the current application of the drug on sexual function and inhibition, second and third phases of life should be reduced to the main treatment.
How to Prevent AIDS
So you have thought you will contact aids because you have shaken hand with an AIDS patient! Or are you afraid because you have come to know that you have shared the bathroom and swam in the same swimming pool with the person infected with AIDS.
Are you skeptical about the food that has been cooked by an AIDS patient or do you stay away from the blood drives for the same fear of contacting AIDS? Or do you have the impression that you have the risk of catching AIDS through sweat, cough or sneeze of the infected person? Do you really believe that you can get AIDS if bitten by the same mosquito that bit an AIDS patient? Well, if
these are your ideas regarding the transmission about HIV, then I must say you are grossly under informed. It's high time that you start doing some meaningful researches to know the real causes of HIV transmission in the human body.
Here are some instances where you have the chances of contacting this deadly disease.
Suppose you have undergone a blood transfusion following an accident. There are chances of HIV virus entering your body through the donated blood. Suppose the carrying mother contacted AIDS, then the child will be born with AIDS viruses in his blood. Do you have this dangerous habit of changing your sex-partner every alternate day? Then you are at a high risk of being infected with AIDS, as unprotected sex with a partner having AIDS is the most potent cause of AIDS.
Then another way AIDS virus can enter your body and that is by using a needle with the remains of AIDS infected blood in it. You can also get AIDS if the blood from the wounds of an infected patient gets into yours by an open wound.
So you can see, AIDS is hard to contact and it is not a contagious disease in the sense flu is. AIDS causing HIV virus is spread through the blood; it does not survive in the sweat, tears or air.
Here are some tips to help you prevent this disease.
-Avoid having unprotected sex with multiple partners. Never reuse condoms.
-Be careful to take only HIV free blood, if you ever need to take blood at all.
-Never pick up any needle from the ground and never let it enter your body.
-Always use disposable needles and syringes.
-Be careful not to share needle at the time of body piercing or tattooing.
-In the salon, never share razor.
-You can kiss an AIDS patient in the cheek, but do not go for deeper kiss, as AIDS virus can be sometimes found in the saliva.




















