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Flexible Graph Layout for the WebTrevor Hansen,Kim Marriott&Bernd MeyerSchool of Computer Science and Software EngineeringMonash UniversityClayton,Victoria3168,Australiamarriott,berndm@.auPeter J.StuckeyDept.of Computer Science and Software EngineeringUniversity of MelbourneParkville,Victoria3052,,2001Corresponding Author InformationPeter J.StuckeyAddress Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering University of Melbourne3010,Australia.Email powerful personal computers and higher network bandwidth has meant that graphics has become increasingly important on the web.Graph-based dia-grams are one of the most important types of structured graphical information. Here we demonstrate how XML can be used as basis for contents-based delivery of graph-based diagrams.The main distinguishing feature of our approach is that it separates style and content of diagrams in the same way as(XML-based)markup languages for textual information do:The diagram itself is marked-up according to its logical structure and its visual appearance is defined via attached style-sheets. Such an approach poses interesting challenges for the browser component,be-cause it requires automatic layout of complex diagrammatic information that takes stylistic constraints into account.We present a prototype system for our approach comprised of three main components:A contents-based markup language,GXML, for specifying graph-based diagrams,a style sheet language,GXSL,for such dia-grams and a browser that can display styled graphs from this information.2More powerful personal computers and higher network bandwidth has meant that graphics has become increasingly important on the web.Graph-based dia-grams are one of the most important types of structured graphical information.Here we demonstrate how XML can be used as basis for contents-based deliveryof graph-based diagrams.The main distinguishing feature of our approach is that itseparates style and content of diagrams in the same way as(XML-based)markuplanguages for textual information do:The diagram itself is marked-up according toits logical structure and its visual appearance is defined via attached style-sheets.Such an approach poses interesting challenges for the browser component,be-cause it requires automatic layout of complex diagrammatic information that takesstylistic constraints into account.We present a prototype system for our approachcomprised of three main components:A contents-based markup language,GXML,for specifying graph-based diagrams,a style sheet language,GXSL,for such dia-grams and a browser that can display styled graphs from this information.keywords:graph layout,constraints,style sheets,World Wide Web.1INTRODUCTIONWith the advent of increasingly more powerful personal computers and higher band-width connections the web has become a medium that relies more and more on graphi-cal communication.Traditionally,most of the graphical information exchanged on the web is in the form of low-level pixel-based encodings such as GIF or JPEG formats,but it is clear that for many applications this is inadequate.Not only does such an encoding waste bandwidth,it does not support searching and does not allow manipulation of the graphical contents on the client side.Worse,it makes it virtually impossible for a client to adapt graphics to different viewing conditions,such as very small displays on PDAs or mobile phones.The arguments for a separation of structure from style,such as adaptability to view-ing conditions,searchability,ability to easily generate output from databases etc.,are well known.In fact,this separation of concern is one of the fundamental issues in the design of languages for web documents and is manifest in almost all web standards from the HTML/CSS[1]combination to XML/XSL[6,23].Recent graphics standards,such as SVG[12]and VRML[20]have addressed this issue and have introduced structured high-level representation of graphics.However, SVG and VRML still do not use a contents-based representation,but simply a vector-based or object-oriented graphics representation consisting of high-level visual entities, such asfilled polygons,instead of pixel-based representations.In this paper we show how XML can be used as basis for delivery of high-level graphics information that is truly contents-based.The basic idea is that,analogously to the use of XML for textual information,we can use XML to define a high-level graphics markup language for each class of diagrammatic languages and use either dedicated browsers to display concrete visualizations of this data or use a dedicated (possibly XSL-based)preprocessor to convert the XML-based description into concrete graphics information in an appropriate vector-based format,such as SVG,which can be displayed by standard browsers.3In this paper we focus on graph-based diagrams,such as class hierarchies or state-transition diagrams,which are one of the most important types of structured graphical information.They occur in almost every technical discipline as well as in many non-technical contexts.On the web a particularly important application is the visualization of web-site structures(site maps).We demonstrate how XML can be used as basis for contents-based delivery of such graph-based diagrams.There have been previous proposals for graph modelling languages,using both XML[18]and non-XML languages[19].The focus there has been on providing an interchange format for graphs.None of them provide a language for describing graph styles or the ability to separate content information from layout information.Nor do they address the problem of how to display and browse the graphs.Significant other differences arise in the treatment of hierarchical graphs,which have to be decomposed intoflat graphs in the above treatments,but are an integral part of the“document”structure in our markup language.We have developed a prototype system whose architecture consists of three main components:A contents-based markup language,GXML,for specifying graph-based diagrams,a style sheet language,GXSL,for such diagrams and a post-processor or browser that can display styled graphs from this information.One interesting feature of the system are the powerful sub-graph matching constructs provided in GXSL.These are required because unlike textual documents which are naturally tree-structured,dia-grams,and in particular graphs,are not.Clearly,any system based on such an architecture crucially depends on a com-ponent which computes a concrete layout for the graph from the structure and style information.To illustrate the importance of layout,consider Figure1and Figure2.1 Both visualize the same web site:information on a computer science subject num-bered141which has various pages relating to organization,news and projects.While Figure2fairly clearly exhibits its structure,Figure1only does so inadequately.It is desirable to support at least some elementary interaction in a graph browser.At the very least the browser should allow the viewer to move nodes and collapse/expand subgraphs in order to support hierarchical exploration of the graph.This means that the browser must also support re-layout of the graph during interaction.The automated drawing of graphs is a conceptually difficult and complex(com-putationally hard)task,and a whole sub-field of data visualization is devoted to the development of graph drawing algorithms[14].An excellent overview of the current state of the art can be found in[10].Specialized algorithms have been developed for many different specific types and styles of graphs,in particular trees,directed acyclic graphs,orthogonal graphs and several domain-dependent forms.Unfortunately,the style of thefinal layout in existing graph layout algorithms is almost always“hard-wired”,e.g.a layout algorithm for orthogonal graphs is not useful when a tree has to be displayed.However,in the suggested architecture,the separation of graph structure from lay-out style is a core concept and the layout mechanism must,for example,be able to satisfy additional specific layout requirements that arise from a graph style sheet,such as some nodes must be at the center of the graph,particular types of nodes must beFigure1:A web site diagram with labelled circular nodes.Figure2:A web site diagram with labelled rectangular nodes.aligned horizontally,etc.Thus,most existing graph layout algorithms do not support our architecture.We will therefore describe a new kind of layout method based on simulated anneal-ing which can be used to support our architecture since it allowsflexible layout in the presence of user-defined style constraints.The remainder of the paper is structured as follows:Section2presents the graph markup language(GXML)and Section3discusses the graph style sheet language (GXSL)and its relation to GXML.Following this,Section4presents the structure of our prototype system to process these languages and discusses possible alternative architectures.Finally,we sketch aflexible layout method that can accommodate the user-defined style constraints in Section5.Section6concludes.2GRAPH MARKUP LANGUAGE(GXML)This section describes the structure-based Graph Markup Language(GXML),which is specified using XML.The core of GXML is straight-forward:XML-defined tags describe the logical components of the graph,i.e.its nodes,edges,and node and edge types(classes).A graph can be hierarchically structured by using subgraphs as logical nodes in another graph.Not only can GXML be used for a purely structural description of a graph,but5it is also possible to specify concrete layout information by defining coordinates, sizes,stroke weights,bitmaps for nodes and edges,etc.However,it is important that these elements can be left undefined or partially defined,since it is the task of the browser/preprocessor to compute a concrete visualization from the GXML code and the style sheet.We allow the concrete layout information to be part of GXML so that we can use it uniformly as the representation of graphs before and after layouting.Figure3gives the GXML code for the example graph in Figure2.We will briefly discuss the logical aspects and the layout aspects of GXML in turn.Each GXMLfile contains one or more<GRAPH>tags each of which is a list of <NODE>tags and<EDGE>tags with the obvious meanings.ID attributes of nodes are used as references in edge definitions,edges carry an attribute that defines whether they are DIRECTED and all objects can use a CLASS attribute that defines a conceptual kind of node,edge or graph.This attribute can be queried in style sheets to allow different layout conditions for different kinds of nodes,edges or graphs.In addition the standard ALT and IMG attributes can be used with graphs for browsers that do not support GXML.Nodes,edges and graphs can all contain a<LABEL>element which defines a textual label to be displayed with the respective element.A slightly more involved aspect of the logical GXML structure is the definition of hierarchical graphs.This is modeled in the following way:A<GRAPH>tag can recur-sively contain other<GRAPH>tags.A subgraph must define a<PORTLIST>element which associates an abstract unique port identifier with each node of the subgraph that is incident to a node outside of this subgraph.The idea is that the thus defined ports are used as the attachment point for edges outside this subgraph.It is an error for an arc to directly connect a node from outside the subgraph with a node within the subgraph.In a fully expanded view such edges can then directly be routed to the as-sociated node,while in a collapsed view the non-expanded subgraph is represented by some primitive shape with only these ports on its outside and the edges are routed to the ports.Figure4illustrates this with a collapsed version of our example graph.Ac-cordingly,each subgraph has a VISIBLE attribute that can take the values EXPANDED and COLLAPSED with the obvious meanings,HIDDEN which prevents the subgraph and its associated edges from being displayed and OUTLINED which is identical to EXPANDED but requests an additional borderline drawn around the subgraph in order to make the hierarchy apparent.The ports are invisible except in OUTLINED mode where the external edge is routed to the port and an additional edge from the port to the internal reference node is added.We also allow arbitrary non-hierarchical grouping of nodes in a graph into possi-bly overlapping sub-graphs using the<SUBGRAPHS>element which in turn consists of an arbitrary number of<SUBGRAPH>elements.Each<SUBGRAPH>element has a<NODEREF>element listing the IDs of the nodes in the subgraph.Unlike hierarchi-cal subgraphs they cannot be expanded or collapsed independently of the graph they occur within.Consequently there is no need for connection points.There are two rea-sons why subgraphs may have to be used:To display outlines around non-hierarchical groups of nodes and to provide additional structural information as input to the style sheet processor so that,for example,elements in the same subgraph can be displayed tightly clustered.In the following we describe the elements that are used to specify concrete layout6<!DOCTYPE GML SYSTEM"gxml.dtd"><GRAPH><NODE ID="root"><LABEL>141Home Page</LABEL></NODE> <EDGE FROM="root"TO="ap1"DIRECTED="TRUE"></EDGE><EDGE FROM="root"TO="up1"DIRECTED="TRUE"></EDGE><NODE ID="update"><LABEL>News</LABEL></NODE><EDGE FROM="update"TO="pp1"DIRECTED="TRUE"></EDGE><EDGE FROM="update"TO="ep2"DIRECTED="TRUE"></EDGE><EDGE FROM="sp1"TO="pp1"DIRECTED="TRUE"></EDGE><GRAPH><LABEL>Organization</LABEL><PORTLIST><PORT ID="ap1"ASSOC="about"/><PORT ID="sp1"ASSOC="assess"/><PORT ID="ep2"ASSOC="ep1"/></PORTLIST><NODE ID="about"><LABEL>Organization</LABEL></NODE> <EDGE FROM="about"TO="assess"DIRECTED="TRUE"></EDGE><EDGE FROM="about"TO="tp1"DIRECTED="TRUE"></EDGE><NODE ID="assess"><LABEL>Assessment</LABEL></NODE><GRAPH><LABEL>Tutorials</LABEL><PORTLIST><PORT ID="tp1"ASSOC="tutes"/><PORT ID="ep1"ASSOC="enrol"/></PORTLIST><NODE ID="tutes"><LABEL>Tutorials</LABEL></NODE><EDGE FROM="tutes"TO="enrol"DIRECTED="TRUE"></EDGE><NODE ID="enrol"><LABEL>How to Enrol</LABEL></NODE> </GRAPH></GRAPH><GRAPH><LABEL>Projects</LABEL><PORTLIST><PORT ID="pp1"ASSOC="ps"/></PORTLIST><NODE ID="ps"><LABEL>Projects</LABEL></NODE><EDGE FROM="ps"TO="pA"DIRECTED="TRUE"></EDGE><EDGE FROM="ps"TO="pB"DIRECTED="TRUE"></EDGE><NODE ID="pA"><LABEL>Project A</LABEL></NODE><NODE ID="pB"><LABEL>Project B</LABEL></NODE> </GRAPH></GRAPH>Figure3:GML description of the hierarchical graph shown in Figures1,2and4. information for a graph:Virtually all non-edge elements have optional X and Y at-tributes,which can be used to suggest the-and-position of the object.For labelswe can define FONT attributes such as COLOR,SIZE,and FACE.7Figure4:A reduced web site diagram to accommodate large fonts.All nodes and subgraphs can have an<OBJSHAPE>attached to them which de-fines how this node is displayed.It is either a predefined primitive shape,such as <CIRCLE-NODE>,<RECTANGLE-NODE>or<ROUNDTANGLE-NODE>,or an ar-bitrary graphics shape defined by SVG[12]code inside an<SVG>element.In analogy, an edge can have a<CONNECTOR>and an<ARROWHEAD>subtag to define the visual appearance of the edge itself and its direction indicator(if applicable).Again,both of these tags can either contain basic predefined elements,such as<STRAIGHTLINE>, <CURVEDLINE>or<SIMPLEARROW>or an arbitrary<SVG>element.2 Each element that carries a label can make use of a LABELPOS attribute that sug-gests a preferred placement of the label relative to the object being labeled,i.e.north, north-east etc.Edges can additionally use a PATHFRACTION attribute indicating how far along the edge to place an edge label.GXML also supports layout description on a more abstract and versatile level by means of the<CONSTRAINT>tag.As we have seen in the motivating example,the designer will often wish to provide layout information in terms of desired geometric re-lationships between elements of the graph,for example alignment or relative distances. This can be used to convey information about aesthetically desirable layout and also to capture additional layout requirements arising when the diagram has a richer semantic structure.Our approach is to use constraints for specifying layout.A constraint is simply a statement of a relation(in the mathematical sense)that we would like to hold.Con-straints have been used for many years in interactive graphical applications for such things as specifying window and page layout[8].They allow the designer to spec-ify what are the desired properties of the system,rather than how these properties are to be maintained.The major advantage of using constraints is that they allow partial specification of the layout,which can be combined with other partial specifications in a predictable way.We note that constraints have previously been used for web-document layout[5,2]and in animated Java applets[5].In GXML/GXSL constraints are specified using a<CONSTRAINT>element which can occur within GRAPH elements.Among other properties,constraints can refer to the and location of elements within that graph as well as to global variables.Forexample the constraint,<CONSTRAINT TERM="pA.X>=ps.X+2*ps.width"/>constrains the node with ID pA to be to the right of the node with ID ps by at least2 times the width of ps.This constraint is satisfied in both Figures1and2.Clearly lay-out constraints can only be taken into account on elements that are actually displayed, e.g.if a constraint is defined on a node position within a subgraph and this subgraph is hidden or collapsed than this constraint can be disregarded by the layout module.One complication in the use of constraints is that it is easy to accidentally define conflicting set of constraints.To allow for this we use the constraint hierarchy for-malism[4].A constraint hierarchy consists of a collection of constraints,each labeled with a strength.The relative strengths of the constraints give an order of preference if a decision has to be made which constraint to satisfy at the expense of another constraint violation.There is a distinguished strength labeled required:Such constraints must be satisfied.There can be an arbitrary number of non-required strengths,and stronger constraints are satisfied in preference to ones with weaker strengths.The required label must be used judiciously,so as to ensure that the resulting constraint system is satisfiable.For this reason,by default constraints have the strength strong rather than required.Given a system of constraints,it is the layout engine’s task tofind a solution to the variable attributes in the layout(positions,sizes)such that all required constraints are satisfied,and such that the non-required constraints are satisfied as well as possible in regard to the defined order of preference.For example,adding the weak constraint<CONSTRAINT TERM="pA.X=ps.X"STRENGTH="weak"/>which attempts to make the coordinate of the two nodes equal,will have the effect of minimizing the distance between the coordinates of the two nodes,since the previous constraint is stronger than this one.The complete DTD for GXML is given in Appendix A.3GRAPH STYLE LANGUAGE(GXSL)This section describes GXSL,the style definition language for GXML documents.We could instead have used XSL,the generic style sheet language for XML.The major disadvantage of XSL is that it is complex and difficult to use,largely because it is a general purpose style language for all XML documents.As such,it does not support any special operations on graph structures,such as selection of connected nodes.Another possibility would be to perform such operations by embedding Java Script methods into XSL,but this would complicate the language structure even further and would render such a style language unusable for the average web designer.For these reasons we have designed a specialized style sheet language,GXSL,for specifying the appearance of GXML documents.GXSL is an XML-based language, just as XSL is defined in XML.Though this makes GXSL considerably more verbose than,for instance,CSS[1],it has the advantage of greater portability and offers a9<!DOCTYPE GXSL SYSTEM"GXSL.dtd"><GXSL><PRECONDITION><CONSTRAINT TERM="Browser:frame-width>=550px"/> </PRECONDITION><LAYOUTER NAME="CSA1"><PARAMETER NAME="iterations"VALUE="50e3"/></LAYOUTER><RULES><RULE DESC="horizontally align allconnected pairs of nodes"><LHS><GRAPH><NODE ID="_n1"Y="_y1"></NODE><NODE ID="_n2"Y="_y2"></NODE><WHERE><EDGE FROM="_n1"TO="_n2"></EDGE></WHERE></GRAPH></LHS><RHS><CONSTRAINT TERM="(_y1=_y2)"/></RHS></RULE></RULES></GXSL>Figure5:A simple GXSLfilenumber of possibilities for processing GXSL with standard XML tools,such as parsers, XSL processors etc.A standard GXSL document can contain three main elements(see Figure5).The first element<PRECONDITION>specifies preconditions that test whether a style sheet is applicable.The second element<LAYOUTER>specifies which layout engine is to be used to draw the graph.The third(and most interesting)element is a set of rules that are applied to the GXMLfile to derive additional layout conditions.Preconditions are constraints which determine the applicability of the style sheet. They can only refer to various predefined read-only variables such as browser capabil-ities.The layout engine must be specified,because each engine encapsulates a particular layout algorithm that determines the broad style in which the graph will be drawn,such as a straight-line graph,an orthogonal graph or a radial graph.Though,at afirst glance the rule structure appears very similar to the style of XSL rulefiles,there is a major difference:GXSL rules are not chained,i.e.each rule is applied in turn individually(and exhaustively),and rules cannot call other rules.This makes the semantics of GXSL documents easier to understand(and to define)than the more procedurally oriented semantics of XSL documents.10Each<RULE>consists of a left hand side<LHS>and a right hand side<RHS>. The left hand side defines a graph structure(using the same syntax as GXML)to be matched by an ordinary subgraph match in the GXMLfile on which the GXSL oper-ates.If a match is found,the rule is applied.This means that the variables on the left hand side are bound according to this match and the right hand side is applied with appropriately instantiated variables.We call the left-hand side of the rule the selector and the right-hand side the declaration.The consequence of the rule application is that new layout constraints are added to the document.Matching in GXSL is necessarily more powerful than in any other style sheet lan-guages that we are aware of.The reason is that the elements of textual documents naturally form a hierarchy and so may be structured into a so-called document tree. For this case structure matching in style definitions depends mainly on parent-child or sibling relationships in the document tree.The whole structure of XSL is based on this idea.For graphs,however,this concept is not powerful enough:Though a GXML doc-ument,being an XML instance,is syntactically necessarily tree structured,the logical structure of the graph will usually not be tree-like.The style language must therefore allow for non-hierarchical and more complex structural matching.For example,in our style sheet we might wish to horizontally align all of the chil-dren of a particular class of nodes,say MANAGER.In order to do this we need to match a node of class MANAGER using a variable(par.We can then to horizontally align these children.The following GXSL rule does this:<RULE>(1)<VARIABLE ID="_childx">(2)<LHS>(3)<NODE ID="_par"CLASS="MANAGER"></NODE>(4)<GROUP ID="_children">(5)<NODE ID="_child"></NODE>(6)<WHERE>(7)<EDGE FROM="_par"TO="_child"(8)DIRECTED="TRUE"></EDGE>(9)</WHERE>(10)</GROUP>(11)</LHS>(12)<RHS>(13)<FORALL ID="_child"GROUPID="_children">(14)<CONSTRAINT"_childx=_child.X"/>(15)</FORALL>(16)</RHS>(17)</RULE>(18)Line(2)in the rule is a declaration for the variablepar"is a local name within the rule for<NODE>.Itdoes not ensure that the element being matched has an ID attribute with the value)indicates thatpar into a set of nodes identified bychildren.Note that more complex alignment constraints can be defined on a higher-level using a special<ALIGNBOX>tag(see GXSL.DTD in Appendix B).Since rule applicability is tested by subgraph matching,we need a method to ex-plicitly restrict to total matches instead of subgraph matches.This is given by the <NOMORE/>tag.For example,the left hand side<LHS><GRAPH><PORTLIST><PORT ID="_a"ASSOC="_x"><PORT ID="_b"ASSOC="_y"></PORTLIST><NODE ID="_x"></NODE><NODE ID="_y"></NODE><EDGE FROM="_x"TO="_y"></EDGE><NOMORE/></GRAPH></LHS>will match all those subgraphs that contain precisely two nodes and one edge con-necting them,but not any other elements,whereas the same definition without the NOMORE would match any subgraph which includes such a structure.More selective matching can be achieved by using the negation tag<NOT>in the WHERE clauses.Some subtle problems arise,because matching,which can in principle be defined as subgraph matching on the underlying DOM structure,has to take hierarchical sub-graph definitions into account.We provide two ways of matching:Simple matching as outlined above will match a subgraph only if it is explicitly marked as a subgraph in the left hand side pattern.However,more often than not this is not the intention: We want to be able to arbitrarily ignore subgraph boundaries when matching.This capability is provided by two mechanisms:(1)Bracketing a group of elements with an<ANY>tag results in a match that ignores subgraphs,i.e.if these elements occur at all in the graph,it does not matter at which level of the hierarchy they occur.(2)A second problem arises from the usage of ports as representatives of internal nodes in subgraphs.If,as above,we are looking to match,say,two nodes_x and_y connected by an edge no match would occur if_x and_y are on different levels in the subgraph hierarchy,because it is prohibited for an edge to connect them directly instead of us-ing ports.To overcome this we have introduced a mechanism termed port chasing:An edge in a matching pattern can use two additional boolean attributes FROMPORTS and TOPORTS.If one of these attributes is true it will enable port chasing on the origin or destination side of the edge.This means that the match will ignore intermediate ports and will handle a multi edge that is routed through intermediate ports as if it connects its origin and destination directly.12。



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1.第一次投稿Cover letter:主要任务是介绍文章主要创新以及声明没有一稿多投Dear Editors:We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled “Paper Title”, which we wish to be considered for publication in “Journal Name”. No conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is approved by all authors for publication. I would like to declare on behalf of my co-authors that the work described was original research that has not been published previously, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part. All the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed.In this work, we evaluated ……(简要介绍一下论文的创新性). I hope this paper is suitable for “Journal Name”.The following is a list of possible reviewers for your consideration:1) Name A E-mail: ××××@××××2) Name B E-mail: ××××@××××We deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comments from the reviewers. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the address below.Thank you and best regards.Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××二、催稿信:询问稿件处理到声明步骤Dear Prof. ×××:Sorry for disturbing you. I am not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript titled “Paper Title”. (ID: 文章稿号), although the status of “With Editor”has been lasting for more than two months, since submitted to journal three months ago. I am just wondering that my manuscript has been sent to reviewers or not?I would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some of your time check the status for us. I am very pleased to hear from you on the reviewer’s comments.Thank you very much for your consideration.Best regards!Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××三、修改稿Cover letterDear Dr/ Prof..(写上负责你文章编辑的姓名,显得尊重,因为第一次的投稿不知道具体负责的编辑,只能用通用的Editors):On behalf of my co-authors, we thank you very much for giving us an opportunity to revise our manuscript, we appreciate editor and reviewers very much for their positive and constructive comments and suggestions on our manuscript entitled “Paper Title”. (ID: 文章稿号).We have studied reviewer’s comments carefully and have made revision which marked in red inthe paper. We have tried our best to revise our manuscript according to the comments. Attached please find the revised version, which we would like to submit for your kind consideration.We would like to express our great appreciation to you and reviewers for comments on our paper. Looking forward to hearing from you.Thank you and best regards.Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××四、修改稿回答审稿人的意见(最重要的部分)List of ResponsesDear Editors and Reviewers:Thank you for your letter and for the reviewers’comments concerning our manuscript entitled “Paper Title”(ID: 文章稿号). Those comments are all valuable and very helpful for revising and improving our paper, as well as the important guiding significance to our researches. We have studied comments carefully and have made correction which we hope meet with approval. Revised portion are marked in red in the paper. The main corrections in the paper and the responds to the reviewer’s comments are as flowing:Responds to the reviewer’s comments:Reviewer #1:1. Response to comment: (……简要列出意见……)Response: ××××××2. Response to comment: (……简要列出意见……)Response: ××××××。



THE JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDSAUTHOR INFORMATION PACK TABLE OF CONTENTS• Description• Audience• Impact Factor• Abstracting and Indexing • Editorial Board• Guide for Authors p.1p.1p.1p.1p.2p.3ISSN: 0896-8446DESCRIPTIONThe Journal of Supercritical Fluids is an international journal devoted to the fundamental and applied aspects of supercritical fluids and processes. Its aim is to provide a focused platform for academic and industrial researchers to report their findings and to have ready access to the advances in this rapidly growing field. Its coverage is multidisciplinary and includes both basic and applied topics. Thermodynamics and phase equilibria, reaction kinetics and rate processes, thermal and transport properties, and all topics related to processing such as separations (extraction, fractionation, purification, chromatography) nucleation and impregnation are within the scope. Accounts of specific engineering applications such as those encountered in food, fuel, natural products, minerals, pharmaceuticals and polymer industries are included. Topics related to high pressure equipment design, analytical techniques, sensors, and process control methodologies are also within the scope of the journal. The journal publishes original contributions in all theoretical and experimental aspects of the science and technology of supercritical fluids and processes. Papers that describe novel instrumentation, new experimental methodologies and techniques, predictive procedures and timely review articles are also acceptable.AUDIENCEChemical engineers, Physical chemistsIMPACT FACTOR2009: 2.639 © Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports 2010ABSTRACTING AND INDEXINGScopusEDITORIAL BOARDEditor-in-Chief:Erdogan Kiran, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 141 Randolph Hall, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA, Fax: +1 540 231 5022, Email: ekiran@Regional Editor (Europe):Gerd Brunner, Arbeitsbereich Termische Verfahrenstechnik, Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH), Eißendorfer Str. 38, 21073 Hamburg, Germany, Fax: +49 40 42878 4072, Email: Regional Editor (Asia):Richard Smith, Jr., Research Ctr. for Supercritical Fluid Technology, Tohoku University, Aramaki Aza Aoba 6-6-11-413, Aoba-ku, 980-8579 Sendai, Japan, Fax: +81 22 795- 5863, Email: Editorial Board:M. Arai, Sapporo, JapanS. Bottini, Bahía Blanca, ArgentinaE.A. Brignole, Bahía Blanca, ArgentinaA. Çalimli, Ankara, TurkeyF. Cansell, Pessac cedex, FranceO. Catchpole, Lower Hutt, New ZealandM.J. Cocero, Valladolid, SpainC. Erkey, Istanbul, TurkeyJ.L. Fulton, Richland, WA, USAM. Goto, Kumamoto, JapanB. Han, Beijing, ChinaS.M. Howdle, Nottingham, UKK.P. Johnston, Austin, TX, USAI. Kikic, Trieste, ItalyJ.W. King, Fayetteville, AR, USAŽ. Knez, Maribor, SloveniaS. Koda, Tokyo, JapanA. Kruse, Karlsruhe, GermanyM. Mazzotti, Zurich, SwitzerlandM.A. McHugh, Richmond, VA, USAM. Nunes da Ponte, Caparica, PortugalM. Perrut, Champigneulles, FranceC.J. Peters, Abu Dhabi, United Arab EmiratesE. Reverchon, Fisciano (SA), ItalyP.E. Savage, Ann Arbor, MI, USAL.T. Taylor, Blacksburg, VA, USAF. Temelli, Edmonton, AB, CanadaJ.W. Tester, Ithaca, NY, USAM.C. Thies, Clemson, SC, USAD.L. Tomasko, Columbus, OH, USAM. Türk, Karlsruhe, GermanyE. Weidner, Bochum, GermanyGUIDE FOR AUTHORSINTRODUCTIONThe Journal of Supercritical Fluids is an international journal devoted to the fundamental and applied aspects of supercritical fluids and processes. Its aim is to provide a focused platform for academic and industrial researchers to report their findings and to have ready access to the advances in this rapidly growing field. Its coverage is multidisciplinary and includes both basic and applied topics. Thermodynamics and phase equilibria, reaction kinetics and rate processes, thermal and transport properties, and all topics related to processing such as separations (extraction, fractionation, purification, chromatography) nucleation and impregnation are within the scope. Accounts of specific engineering applications such as those encountered in food, fuel, natural products, minerals, pharmaceuticals and polymer industries are included. Topics related to high pressure equipment design, analytical techniques, sensors, and process control methodologies are also within the scope of the journal. The journal publishes original contributions in all theoretical and experimental aspects of the science and technology of supercritical fluids and processes. Papers that describe novel instrumentation, new experimental methodologies and techniques, predictive procedures and timely review articles are also acceptable.Types of Paper• Research papers• Reviews of specialized topics within the scope of the journalContributions are accepted on the understanding that the authors have obtained the necessary authority for publication. Submission of an article must be accompanied by a statement that the article is original and unpublished and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.Authors considering a review article are requested to consult one of the Editors before submission and provide an outline and a justification for the necessity of the review.Manuscripts should not exceed 6,000 words for research papers and 15,000 words for review articles. Only review articles should contain a table of contents.Contact details for submissionAuthors are requested to submit their original manuscript to: Professor E. Kiran (Editor-in-Chief), Professor G. Brunner (European submissions), or Professor R.L. Smith, Jr. (Asian submissions). 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Barnaby and Jones [8] obtained a different result ...."List:Number the references (numbers in square brackets) in the list in the order in which they appear in the text. Each reference appearing in the list must have been referred to in the text. Reference to a journal publication: Full journal names should be used in reference to a journal publication. However, for "Journal" or "Journal of", the abbreviation of "J." is acceptable as in "J. Supercritical Fluids" or "Chemical Engineering J."Authors' initials and last names should be followed by the full title of the article, full journal name, volume, year in parentheses, and the pages.Examples:[1] J. van der Geer, J.A.J. Hanraads, R.A. Lupton, The art of writing a scientific article, J. Scientific Communication 163 (2000) 51-59.[2] M. Bulut, C. Erk, Improved synthesis of some hydroxycoumarins, Dyes and Pigments 30 (1996) 99-104.Reference to a book:Examples:[3] W. Strunk Jr., E.B. White, The Elements of Style, 3rd ed., Macmillan, New York, 1979, pp.5-28.[4] A.B.P. Lever, Inorganic Electronic Spectroscopy, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1968, pp. 29-48. Reference to a chapter in an edited book:Examples:[5] G.R. Mettam, L.B. Adams, How to prepare an electronic version of your article, in: B.S. Jones, R.Z. Smith (Eds.), Introduction to the Electronic Age, E-Publishing Inc., New York, 1999, pp. 281-304. [6] L.V. Morris, Referring to a chapter in a book, in: S. Ottogalli, D.T. Parker (Eds.), Sample Reference Formats, Academic Publishing Co., New York, 2009, pp. 115-206.Reference to publications in proceedings:Examples:[7] M. Cocero, J. Soria, O. Ganado, R. Gonzales, F. Fernandez-Polanco, Behavior of a cooled wall reactor for supercritical water oxidation, in: P. Rudolf von Rohr, C. Trepp (Eds.), Proceedings of High Pressure Chemical Engineering, Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam, 1996, p. 121.[8] J. Bradley, Referring to sources in a proceedings publication, in: G. Rodney, D. DeMyer (Eds.), Proceedings of the First International Conference of Reference Experts, New Source Publishing, Inc., London, 1984, pp. 102-121.Web references: As a minimum, the full URL should be given. Any further information, if known (DOI, author names, dates, reference to a source publication, etc.), should also be given. Web references can be listed separately (e.g., after the reference list) under a different heading if desired, or can be included in the reference list.Examples:[9] M. Staring, Contributions to the normalized correlation and the mean squares metric, Insight Journal January-June 2006. Available from: /1926/190.[10] R. Capone, Citing online sources on the Internet, Online At Large, 21 January 2001. Available from: [11] C. 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Materials Letters-详细投稿指南

Materials Letters-详细投稿指南

以下是Materials Letters的作者指南,我觉得它已经非常简明的说清楚整个投稿过程需要注意的东西2009年影响因子:1.94Guide for Authors Materials LettersMaterials Letters is dedicated to publishing novel, cutting edge reports of broad interest to the materials community. The journal provides a forum for materials scientists and engineers, physicists, and chemists to rapidly communicate on the most important topics in the field in materials. We are primarily interested in those contributions which bring new insights, and papers will be selected on the basis of the importance of the new knowledge they provide.Contributions include a variety of topics such as:• Materials- Metals and alloys, amorphous solids, ceramics, composites, nanocrystals, polymers, semiconductors.• Applications - Structural, opto-electronic, magnetic, medical, MEMS, sensors, smart.• Characterization- Analytical, microscopy, scanning probes, nanoscopic, optical, electrical, acoustic, spectroscopic, diffraction.• Novel Materials- Micro and nanostructures (nanowires, nanotubes, nanoparticles), nanocomposites, thin films, superlattices, quantum dots.• Processing - Thin film processing, sol-gel processing, mechanical processing, assembly, and nanocrystalline processing leading to unique materials.• Properties - Mechanical, magnetic, optical, electrical, ferroelectric, thermal, interfacial, transport, thermodynamic.• Synthesis- Quenching, solid state, solidification, solution synthesis, vapor deposition, and high pressure, explosive processes leading to unique materials. The following topics are inappropriate for publication:Building materials - aggregate, asphalt, cement, concrete, plasterCatalytic materialsCorrosion and oxidation phenomena and protectionLiquid crystalsMetallurgical ProcessesNatural raw materials – clays, minerals, rocksOxide glasses and glass ceramicsRecycled materialsRefractoriesSingle crystal growthTheoryWearTypes of Contribution:Letters are intended as brief reports of significant, original and timely research results on the science, applications and processing of materials which warrant rapid publication. In considering a manuscript for publication, particular attention will be given to the originality of the research, the desirability of speedy publication, the clarity of the presentation and the validity of the conclusions. There is a strict four-page limit to printed articles. Manuscripts must not exceed 2000 words plus three figures and one table. The maximum number of figures is strictly limited to five. If the maximum of 5 figures is used, then the total number of words must be reduced to 1600. If more than 5 figures are used, the manuscript will be rejected. The manuscript submitted for review should not exceed 8 pages (including title, abstract, references, figures, tables and figure captions).Contact Details:Authors should submit their article via the online submission system. Authors will be asked to choose the Editor whose subject area is most closely aligned to the subject of their article. Each Editor's specialties are given below. To expedite the review process, authors will also be prompted to nominate 3 potential referees, who are not at the same institute, to serve as potential referees. Contact details are helpful.Principal EditorsProf. J. Hojo - Nano-composites, Composites, Sol-gel preparationProf. T.G. Nieh - Metallic Alloys, Ceramics, Composites, High Temperature Materials, Mechanical Behavior, Material ProcessingProf. L.S. 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通讯作者的准确含义 Corresponding Authors

通讯作者的准确含义 Corresponding Authors

Paul S. Weiss Editor-in-Chief
Acknowledgment. P.S.W. would like to thank his collaborators over the years who have helped shape the ACS Nano policy described.
From the point of view of editors, when we search for appropriate referees of submitted manuscripts by looking at the authors of papers on related work, we are most likely to select only the corresponding authors, unless we personally know the authors involved. We select these potential referees carefully, and we depend on senior scientists' wisdom, perspective, and opinions in order to come to our editorial decisions.1 For more information on what is expected of referees, please see the ACS Publishing 101 videos on the topic.2
In contrast to the long-term obligations of the corresponding authors described above, during the submission and revision processes, the submitting author (perhaps this designation is more accurate) coordinates the manuscript, cover letter, editor and referee

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corresponding author译为“通讯作者”。







Corresponding Author’s Contact Information

Corresponding Author’s Contact Information

Automating Human-Performance Modeling at theMillisecond LevelAlonso H. VeraNASA Ames Research Center & Carnegie Mellon UniversityBonnie E. JohnCarnegie Mellon UniversityRoger RemingtonNASA Ames Research CenterMichael MatessaNASA Ames Research CenterMichael A. FreedNASA Ames Research CenterRUNNING HEAD: HUMAN PERFORMANCE MODELING)Corresponding Author’s Contact Information:Dr. Alonso H. VeraMail Stop 262-4NASA Ames Research CenterMoffett Field, CA 94035Brief Authors’ Biographies:Alonso Vera is a Cognitive Scientist with an interest in human performance modeling tools; he is faculty at Carnegie Mellon and a Senior Research Scientist at NASA Ames Research Center where he leads the HCI Group. Bonnie John is an Engineer and Cognitive Psychologist with an interest in modeling as a usability assessment method; she is a Professor in the Human Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. Roger Remington is a Cognitive Scientist with an interest in basic cognitive processes; he is a Senior Research Psychologist and heads the Cognition Group at NASA Ames Research Center. Michael Matessa is a Cognitive Scientist with an interest in communication and modeling; he is a Research Psychologist at NASA Ames Research Center. Michael Freed is a Computer Scientist with an interest in cognitive architectures and autonomy; he is faculty at the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition and a Senior Research Scientist at NASA Ames Research Center where he leads the Intelligent Architectures group.ABSTRACTA priori prediction of skilled human performance has the potential to be of great practical value but is difficult to carry out. This paper reports on an approach that facilitates modeling of human behavior at the level of cognitive, perceptual, and motor operations, following the CPM-GOMS method (John, 1990). CPM-GOMS is a powerful modeling method that has remained underused because of the expertise and labor required. We describe a process for automatically generating CPM-GOMS models from a hierarchical task decomposition expressed in a computational modeling tool, taking advantage of reusable behavior templates and their efficacy for generating zero-parameter a priori predictions of complex human behavior. To demonstrate the process, we present a model of automated teller machine interaction. The model shows that it is possible to string together existing behavioral templates that compose basic HCI tasks, (e.g., mousing to a button and clicking on it) in order to generate powerful human performance predictions. Because interleaving of templates is now automated, it becomes possible to construct arbitrarily long sequences of behavior. In addition, the manipulation and adaptation of complete models has the potential of becoming dramatically easier. Thus, the tool described here provides an engine for CPM-GOMS that may facilitate computational modeling of human performance at the millisecond level.1. INTRODUCTIONEngineering design makes extensive use of computer simulation to explore the consequences of design options. Similarly, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) has long recognized the potential value of having computer models of human performance that would allow anticipation of human responses to operational situations. Though the field is far from having a comprehensive model of human performance characteristics, several computational approaches have been successful in making accurate predictions of user choices as well as task completion times (e.g., Card, Moran & Newell, 1983; Gray, John, & Atwood, 1993; Kitajima & Polson, 1995; Pirolli & Card, 1999; Young, Green, & Simon, 1989; Young & Whittington, 1990).While some of the above efforts target specific classes of HCI behavior (e.g., label following on web pages), others try to provide a more general human model. These approaches combine theories from information processing psychology and cognitive science to model the flow of information from perception through cognition to action, incorporating known properties of human information processing (see Pew & Mavor, 1998). Architectures such as ACT-R, (Anderson & Lebiere, 1998), Soar (Newell, 1990), and EPIC (Meyer & Kieras, 1997a, 1997b), that were developed to explore computational theories of the underlying psychology, are now being applied to more complex real-word tasks (e.g., Salvucci & Macuga, 2001; Tambe, Johnson, Jones, Koss, Laird, Rosenbloom, & Schwamb, 1995). Still other architectures, such as MIDAS (Laughery & Corker, 1994; Corker, 2000) and Omar (Deutsch, Adams, Abrett, Cramer, & Freehrer, 1993), were developed explicitly as engineering models to assist in understanding and designing complex human-machine systems, such as those found in military and aerospace operations.manuscript page 1Despite these efforts, there has been little penetration of user modeling into HCI design practice. While modeling tools are well informed by current theory and empirical work, and can fit some existing data well, there remain significant usability problems with the tools themselves that pose barriers to their use. Crafting computational cognitive models requires specialized expertise in cognitive psychology as well as extensive knowledge of the specific underlying architecture itself. Consequently, the activity of modeling human performance has been confined largely to researchers involved in developing particular modeling architectures. It is clear that before cognitive modeling can be used in engineering development environments, we will have to advance our techniques and tools to enable easier and faster model development, testing, and refinement.What limited penetration into engineering development has occurred has been largely with task analysis methods that make strong simplifying assumptions about human performance (e.g., Haunold & Khun, 1994; John and Kieras, 1996b). One such class of simplifying assumptions was introduced in The Psychology of Human Computer Interaction, (Card, Moran, and Newell,1983) where the authors described a computational method that could be used to make a priori predictions about how users would accomplish a given task with a specified interface. Called GOMS – an acronym for Goals, Operators, Methods, and Selection rules – the method involved decomposing a task into a set of nested goals and subgoals. A GOMS analysis assumes that users accomplish a task by executing operators that move them from one state in the goal space to another. This straightforward method of cognitive task analysis has proven useful in representing the procedural knowledge that characterizes tasks in many domains. GOMS achieves a reasonable level of simplicity and usability by assuming serial execution of the leaf-node activities of the hierarchical decomposition.Card, Moran, and Newell (1983) also provided a simplified model of human information processing that embodied a set of assumptions (taken from theory and empirical data) about human perception, cognition, and motor behavior from which human performance predictions could be made. The approach was based on Bell and Newell’s (1971) analysis of computer architectures, which abstracted over details of circuitry to describe the functional architecture of the computer and allowed black box-like descriptions of the functions of particular aspects of the hardware. Similarly, Card, et al., proposed that the human cognitive system could be described in terms of separate processors for perception, cognition, and motor, each with associated cycle times. They called this characterization of the human information processing architecture the Model Human Processor (MHP). Though GOMS and the MHP would not be integrated until later (John, 1988), the method embodied in GOMS and the structure of human mental processing outlined in the MHP have constituted one of the primary tools for applied cognitive modeling for almost two decades. Even when not used directly, their influence on the architectures of many applied modeling systems is clear (see Pew & Mavor, 1998, Chapter 3).In this paper, we introduce a new tool for GOMS modeling at the MHP level that retains the accuracy of previous models while automating much of the difficulty in manuscript page 2constructing such models. First we review GOMS modeling, to provide background on the successes our tool preserves and difficulties it overcomes. We then describe the tool and how it automates those parts of the modeling process most difficult for human analysts. In section 4, we present an example of using our tool, to illustrate its current strengths and limitations. Finally, we conclude with a general discussion of how this tool fits into a larger picture of using computational cognitive modeling as a design method for interactive systems and future research toward that goal.2. Background on GOMSAs described by Card, Moran, and Newell (1983), GOMS task decomposition into a nested goal hierarchy is relatively straightforward given a sufficient understanding of the task itself. The hierarchy is created by recursive deepening of goals until the desired level of granularity is achieved (i.e., the operator level). Sequences of behavior derive from methods in GOMS that specify the order in which subgoals and operators are executed to achieve a goal. The effect of context and user preference can be captured by selection rules that determine which method is executed and, hence, which behavioral sequence will emerge. Because of a simplifying assumption of serial execution of operators, task completion times can be computed in a straightforward way by assigning times for individual operator execution and summing them for the desired behavioral sequence. Furthermore, earlier work has demonstrated that GOMS can be applied to modeling, not only user-driven tasks, but highly interactive tasks as well (John, Vera & Newell, 1994; Vera & Rosenblatt, 1995). Because GOMS can make good time-course approximations for procedural tasks and is relatively easy to learn and use, it is often taught in university courses. Most of the commonly used reference and textbooks in HCI have at least several pages and worked examples of GOMS models: (e.g., Brinck, Gergle, & Wood, 2002; Dix, Finlay, Abowd, & Beale, 1998; Eberts, 1994; Helander, Landauer & Prabhu, [Eds.], 1997; Newman, & Lamming, 1995; Preece, Rogers, Sharp, Benyon, Holland, & Carey, 1994; Raskin, 2000; Shneiderman, 1998). Its use in research contexts as an applied HCI task analysis method is also widespread (e.g., Bovair, Kieras & Polson, 1990; Byrne, Wood, Sukaviriya, Foley, Kieras, 1994; Gray, John & Atwood, 1993; Kieras, Wood & Meyer, 1997; Lerch, Mantei & Olson, 1989; Irving, Polson & Irving, 1994; Young & Whittington, 1990).The description above characterizes the original formulation of GOMS, from which variants have emerged. John & Kieras (1996a) describe four varieties of GOMS modeling techniques. Three make the assumption that all operators occur in sequence and usually do not contain operators below the task activity level (e.g., type-string, move-and-click-mouse). These three are the original formulation by Card, Moran and Newell (1980a, 1983) now termed CMN-GOMS, the Keystroke-Level Model (KLM) also formulated by Card Moran and Newell (1980b; 1983), and NGOMSL (Kieras, 1996). Software tools providing computational support for some aspects of GOMS modeling have been developed. QGOMS (Beard, Smith, & Denelsbeck , 1996) allows modelers to draw an hierarchical goal decomposition in a tree diagram. GLEAN (Kieras, Wood, Abotel, & Hornof, 1995) allows modelers to program an NGOMSL model in a dedicated programming environment. CATHCI (Williams, 1993) is a computer-based technique formanuscript page 3eliciting GOMS models from domain experts. CRITIQUE (Hudson, John, Knudsen, & Byrne, 1999) allows the modeler to automatically generate a KLM and most of a GOMS model simply by demonstrating a task.The fourth variant, called CPM-GOMS (John, 1988, 1990) allows parallel execution of C ognitive, P erceptual, and M otor processors, represented using the C ritical P ath M ethod, to achieve tighter estimates of performance for highly skilled users. The detail required for a CPM-GOMS model goes beyond the task-decomposition level supported by the software tools available for other GOMS methods. Human performance predictions are constructed from primitives explicitly based on estimates of the times for the elementary cognitive, motor, and perceptual operations. Activities such as typing a key or moving a mouse are modeled as an ordered set of cognitive, perceptual, and motor operators. Much of the power of CPM-GOMS to predict skilled behavior comes from its assumption of parallel operator execution. It models overlapping actions as the interleaving of cognitive, perceptual, and motor operators from neighboring elements in the behavior stream. By capturing the overlapping of perceptual, cognitive and motor operators for one task with those of subsequent tasks, it better approximates the smooth transitions between actions that characterize highly skilled human behavior. CPM-GOMS has been shown to make very accurate a priori predictions of human performance in real-world task domains. An example is Project Ernestine, which predicted the outcome of a test of new computer consoles, saving a telephone company $2 million per year (Gray, et al., 1993).Despite its success, there is no currently available software implementation of CPM-GOMS. As a result, the difficulty of constructing a CPM-GOMS model has been a significant barrier to its widespread use. Since the greater part of the difficulty lies in correctly capturing the intricate interplay of elementary perceptual, cognitive, and motor operators, great benefit would derive from a software tool that relieves the analyst of dealing with this level of detail, leaving only the relatively straightforward GOMS task decomposition. To illustrate what makes CPM-GOMS modeling difficult, we continue this background section by detailing the structure of CPM-GOMS models and the knowledge-intensive and tedious procedure analysts use to produce them by hand. We then describe how that manual procedure is automated in a system called Apex-CPM (Section 3) and present an example model with comparisons to data (Section 4).2.1 The Structure of a CPM-GOMS ModelA CPM-GOMS model combines the hierarchical task decomposition of CMN-GOMS with a detailed representation of the MHP-level operators required to achieve task goals. Whereas CMN-GOMS models typically stop expanding the goal hierarchy at a linear sequence of operators at the keystroke level (about 200 ms), CPM-GOMS models continue to expand the goal hierarchy to a more complex schedule of concurrent and sequential operator executions at the level of elementary cognitive, perceptual, and motor operators. These cognitive, perceptual and motor components are of very short duration – tens of milliseconds to hundreds of milliseconds – making their individual manipulation cumbersome for any but the shortest tasks to be modeled. In response, it has become manuscript page 4manuscript page 5standard practice to construct templates that describe the cognitive, perceptual, and motor sequences underlying commonly recurring task-level activities in HCI, such as mouse moving-and-clicking, or typing, which range from a fraction of a second up to several seconds (e.g., John & Gray, 1992; Gray & Boehm-Davis, 2001). Because they describe recurring interface activities, templates can be transferred from one application to another, often with no modification. Extended behavioral sequences can be created by stitching together strings of such templates. Templates currently exist for severalcommon HCI activities that include typing, visually acquiring information from a screen (with or without eye-movements), pressing a single key, having a short conversation, and so forth. These templates were not implemented in any computational architecture but rather distributed as text and graphic descriptions across journal papers, conferencepapers, and tutorial materials in the HCI literature (e.g., John, 1996; John & Gray, 1992; Gray & Boehm-Davis, 2001).Templates are typically represented as PERT charts (Program Evaluation Review Technique; US Navy PERT Summary Reports, 1958; Modell, 1996), which depict the flow of activity in the cognitive, perceptual, and motor processors over time needed to accomplish the activity. Figure 1 shows a template, in PERT chart format, adapted from Gray and Boehm-Davis (2001) that models a person moving a mouse to and clicking on a target. Each row in Figure 1 depicts a resource stream, which from top to bottom are: World events, Perception, Cognition, and two separate motor resources, Right-Hand and Eye-movements. Each box represents an operator in the respective resource stream with its duration (in milliseconds) at the lower left. The width of each box is proportional to the duration of the operator, so this representation is also a timeline of operation; this timeline representation is not standard in PERT charts, but provides significant value invisualizing the activity of a model.Figure 1. Model of carefully moving the cursor to a target and clicking themouse button. (Adapted from Gray & Boehm-Davis, 2001)Boxes are connected by lines, which represent dependencies on their execution. For example, the cursor must be moved to the target location before the mouse button can be clicked. Thus, the right-hand motor operator mouse-down must wait for the right-hand motor operator move-cursor to complete. With this in mind, it can be seen that this template, called Slow-Move-Click by Gray & Boehm-Davis, is composed of movements of the mouse done with the right hand (move-cursor, mouse-down), movements of the eyes to the target, as well as cognitive and perceptual activities that localize the target (attend-target, perceive-target, verify-target-position) and verify that the cursor is over the target before clicking the mouse button (attend-cursor-at-target, perceive-cursor-at-target, verify-cursor-at-target). The convention in CPM-GOMS, derived from MHP, is to precede every motor action by a cognitive operator that initiates the action. Thus, move-cursor, eye-move, and mouse-down are preceded by cognitive initiate operators (init-move-cursor,init-eye-move, and init-click.Two concepts related to scheduling are useful in understanding CPM-GOMS models: the critical path and slack time. In any CPM-GOMS model, be it of a single template or a total task, there is a critical path comprised of those processes whose durations directly influence the total duration. In Figure 1, the critical path (depicted by the thicker box outlines and connecting lines) is determined in large part by the move-cursor and subsequent operators that depend on its completion. Slack time occurs in a resource stream when all subsequent operators in that resource depend on the completion of an operator in another resource that has not yet occurred, resulting in a gap in the use of that resource. This can be seen in Figure 1 in the cognitive stream between init-eye-move and verify-target-position, and between attend-cursor-at-target and verify-cursor-at-target. The presence of slack time, or more precisely the lack of activity in resource streams, sometimes creates the opportunity for operators from subsequent templates to execute (Section 2.2). Both the critical path and slack time are properties of a model that emerge only after all operators and dependencies of a task have been scheduled. This fact will become important when we discuss the differences between CPM-GOMS modeling by hand and automatic CPM-GOMS modeling in Section 3.2.2 Building CPM-GOMS Models by HandBuilding a CPM-GOMS model of a task of any length by hand is a tedious and error-prone job. We report elsewhere on the many mundane sources of tedium and error (John, Vera, Matessa, Freed, & Remington, 2002). However, there are also substantive conceptual difficulties associated with interleaving CPM-GOMS templates.To build a CPM-GOMS model, the analyst first produces a CMN-GOMS goal hierarchy that expands to the level of the names of templates. The analyst then finds these templates in a template library (John & Gray, 1992) and lays templates end-to-end in a project management tool (MacProject™). The templates are locked into sequential order by making the first operator of a template dependent on the completion of the last operator of its predecessor (see Figure 2a). This produces a model that performs overtmanuscript page 6manuscript page 7motor actions in the correct task order, but predicts behavior that contains substantial slack time and is too slow to match highly skilled human behavior. The analyst then has to interleave the templates as much as possible to model highly skilled behavior.In order to begin interleaving the templates, the analyst first identifiesopportunities for cognitive operators to move forward from subsequent templates by looking for slack time in the earlier templates. Slack time occurs within templates because of dependencies that cause one process to wait for the completion of another. For example, in Figure 1, the verify-cursor-at-target must wait for perceive-cursor-at-target. This results in the cognitive resource stream sitting idle until the process in the perceptual stream completes.For an opportunity for interleaving to exist, the duration of the slack time has to be at least 50 msec, the duration of a cognitive operator. Figure 2a shows two areas of slack time in the first template (white) that are opportunities for interleaving: between the init-move-cursor and the verify-targ-pos and between the verify-targ-pos and the init-click cognitive operators. If the slack time is so large that multiple cognitive operators would fit, multiple operators can be considered for interleaving into that slack time. In Figure 2a, all the slack times are large enough for multiple operators to potentially interleave.Figure 2: Two consecutive templates before (a) and after (b) interleaving,with the critical path in bold.Once an opportunity is identified, the analyst searches for a candidate cognitiveoperator to move forward. In Figure 2 a, some candidates in the second template (gray) are attend-target, init-eye-move and init-move-cursor. Each cognitiveoperator in the next template is considered in turn and rejected as candidates if it islogically dependent on any operators in its own template. For example, init-eye-movewould be rejected as candidate because a modeling idiom in the MHP that an eye movement to a target cannot be initiated until the intention to attend to that target hasoccurred (the attend-target cognitive operator). On the other hand, the init-move-cursor operator in the gray template is not dependent on anything within that template, so would not be rejected by this criterion. Likewise, the attend-target operator in thegray template is not logically dependent on any operator within the template; there is no logical restriction on whether the eyes start to move first or the hand starts to move firstin a mouse movement. Therefore, the attend-target operator would also remain acandidate under this criterion. The determination of which operator is logically dependent on which other operator in a specific template requires an understanding of the psychology embedded in the template construction. Note that since all the slack time is over 100 ms, the combination of attend-target and init-eye-move could be considered as a pair for interleaving as long as they maintain their dependency order as described above.Once a candidate operator satisfies the above criterion, the analyst evaluateswhether the operator is dependent on any operators in the previous template that occurs later than the slack time. For example, consider moving the init-move-cursor operator from the gray template into the rightmost slack time of the white template. To fit transcription typing data, the TYPIST model (John 1996) requires that a motor operator on one hand has to complete before the cognitive operator to initiate the next movement could begin if the next movement is on the same hand. Extending this modeling result to mouse movements (an assumption that has yielded good fits to data as will be shown in Section 4), if the previous template ends with a motor operator on the right hand, and the candidate operator is an init-move-cursor for the right hand, this previously established MHP modeling idiom results in the rejection of the init-move-cursor as a candidate for interleaving. Thus, init-move-cursor cannot be moved into the white template at all because it must wait for the completion of the mouse-up; a dependency line is drawn from mouse-up (white) to init-move-cursor (gray) to denote this relationship. As another example, imagine attend-target and init-eye-move from the gray template advancing to between init-move-cursor and verify-targ-pos in the white template. Because nothing is constraining the gray eye-move operator from moving forward, it too could move to between init-move-cursor and verify-targ-pos. The resulting model would have an eye movement happening in the middle of a perceive-target perceptual operator. This model does not make sense because the eye would be moving away from the very information it was currently perceiving. Therefore, the attend-target and init-eye-move cannot move that far forward into the white template. However, attend-target and init-eye-move can move into the slack time between verify-targ-pos and the init-click because the perception is concluded by that time. Figure 2b shows the attend-target and init-eye-move in this new interleaved position. The effect of this interleaving is that the eyemanuscript page 8moves to the second target sooner, the second target is perceived sooner, and the critical path shortens from 1554ms to 1209ms.If the potential movement of a candidate operator across templates does not violate the assumptions imposed by the application of MHP-level psychological findings, the analyst moves it into the slack time and then examines the resulting critical path. If this interleaving causes the order of physical actions to change such that the task is no longer executed correctly, the operator is moved back to its original place and another candidate is considered. Although not demonstrated in Figure 2, this situation is prevalent in models involving two hands, e.g., the order of typed characters reverses, or a mouse click occurs before a string is typed by the other hand. The analyst has to catch the error and undo the interleaving that produced it.As evident from the description above, the interleaving process is a difficult one. It requires a great deal of knowledge of cognitive psychology, MHP idioms, and an intimate knowledge of the task being modeled, as well as an attention to the details of an iterative process where many intermediate states might fail and have to be undone. The interleaving process is very difficult to explain, teach, or write about, resulting in the correct perception that CPM-GOMS modeling is more art than science. Clearly, CPM-GOMS will not become widespread in HCI practice until some of these difficulties are resolved, perhaps with computational support like the system we are proposing here. 3. Implementing CPM-GOMS in ApexApex is a software system for resource scheduling and plan execution (Freed, 1998).1 It was designed to simulate an agent deciding how best to allocate its limited resources to accomplish a set of tasks. Apex includes a Resource Architecture that can be used to represent the cognitive, perceptual, and motor resources necessary to carry out tasks, and an Action Selection Architecture that determines how those resources will be allocated. The Action Selection Architecture implements a procedure-based reactive planner that represents plans at multiple levels of abstraction, committing resources only at execution time. This deferment of resource allocation creates a nested set of intermediate plans that specify abstractly what needs to be accomplished at the next level of plan detail. As with a GOMS goal hierarchy, plans are recursively deepened until execution time when primitive plans are allocated resources. Together, the Resource Architecture and Action Selection Architecture provide the necessary mechanisms for implementing the constraints needed to produce CPM-GOMS templates and accomplish their interleaving.The Resource Architecture in Apex is flexible and supports a direct representation of MHP processors. Apex treats all resources as equal and unary, providing a mechanism to enforce resource use by only one activity at a time. Apex-CPM, the system presented1 /apex/index.htmlmanuscript page 9。

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Simulating non-small cell lung cancer with a multiscale agent-based model Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 2007,4:50doi:10.1186/1742-4682-4-50Zhihui Wang (billwang@)Le Zhang (adamzhan@)Jonathan Sagotsky (sagotsky@)Thomas S Deisboeck (deisboec@)ISSN1742-4682Article typeResearch Submission date12June 2007Acceptance date21December 2007Publication date21December 2007Article URL /content/4/1/50This peer-reviewed article was published immediately upon acceptance.It can be downloaded,printed and distributed freely for any purposes (see copyright notice below).Articles in TBiomed are listed in PubMed and archived at PubMed Central.For information about publishing your research in TBiomed or any BioMed Central journal,go to/info/instructions/For information about other BioMed Central publications go to/Theoretical Biology andMedicalModelling©2007Wang et al.,licensee BioMed Central Ltd.This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (/licenses/by/2.0),which permits unrestricted use,distribution,and reproduction in any medium,provided the original work is properly cited.Simulating non-small cell lung cancer with a multiscale agent-based modelZhihui Wang, Le Zhang, Jonathan Sagotsky, and Thomas S. Deisboeck §Complex Biosystems Modeling Laboratory, Harvard-MIT (HST) Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, MA 02129, USA§Corresponding Author:Thomas S. Deisboeck, M.D.Complex Biosystems Modeling LaboratoryHarvard-MIT (HST) Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging Massachusetts General Hospital-East, 2301Bldg. 149, 13th StreetCharlestown, MA 02129Tel: 617-724-1845Fax: 617-726-7422Email: deisboec@Email addresses:ZW: billwang@LZ: adamzhan@JS: sagotsky@TSD: deisboec@- 1 -AbstractBackgroundThe epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is frequently overexpressed in many cancers, including non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). In silico modeling is considered to be an increasingly promising tool to add useful insights into the dynamics of the EGFR signal transduction pathway. However, most of the previous modeling work focused on the molecular or the cellular level only, neglecting the crucial feedback between these scales as well as the interaction with the heterogeneous biochemical microenvironment.ResultsWe developed a multiscale model for investigating expansion dynamics of NSCLC within a two-dimensional in silico microenvironment. At the molecular level, a specific EGFR-ERK intracellular signal transduction pathway was implemented. Dynamical alterations of these molecules were used to trigger phenotypic changes at the cellular level. Examining the relationship between extrinsic ligand concentrations, intrinsic molecular profiles and microscopic patterns, the results confirmed that increasing the amount of available growth factor leads to a spatially more aggressive cancer system. Moreover, for the cell closest to nutrient abundance, a phase-transition emerges where a minimal increase in extrinsic ligand abolishes the proliferative phenotype altogether.ConclusionsOur in silico results indicate that in NSCLC, in the presence of a strong extrinsic chemotactic stimulus (and depending on the cell’s location) downstream EGFR-ERK- 2 -signaling may be processed more efficiently, thereby yielding a migration-dominant cell phenotype and overall, an accelerated spatio-temporal expansion rate.BackgroundNon-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) remains at the top of the list of cancer-related deaths in the United States [1]. The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is frequently overexpressed in NSCLC [2, 3]. Binding of epidermal growth factor (EGF) or transforming growth factor alpha (TGF ) to the extracellular domain of EGFR produces a number of downstream effects that affect phenotypic cell behavior including proliferation, invasion, metastasis, and inhibition of apoptosis [4]. In particular, increasing the expression of these growth factors leads to EGFR hyperactivity [5, 6], thus increases tumor cell motility and invasiveness, and finally enhances lung metastasis [7, 8]. Since approximately 90% of all cancer deaths originate from the spread of primary tumor cells into the surrounding tissue [9], quantitative measurements of the relationship between the level of the growth factors and the resulting tumor expansion is crucial - all the more so, since EGFR has emerged as an attractive therapeutic target for patients with advanced NSCLC [10].A number of EGFR-related intracellular signal transduction pathways have been studied [11-16], including NSCLC [17], and corresponding computational models at the molecular-level have been developed. These quantitative works mainly focused on signal-response relationships between the binding of EGF to EGFR and the activation of downstream proteins in the signaling cascade. With these in silico approaches, experimentally testable hypotheses can be made on signaling events controlling- 3 -divergent cellular responses such as cell proliferation, differentiation, or apoptosis [18, 19]. However, most signaling works did not yet consider the cellular level (see [20, 21] for a review), and, conversely, only a few recent EGF/EGFR-mediated cellular-level models have started to incorporate a simple molecular level in studying e.g., cell migration in breast cancer [22], cell proliferation [23], and autocrine receptor-ligand dynamics [24, 25]. We argue that a more detailed understanding of a complex cancer system requires integrating both molecular- and cellular-level works to properly examine multicellular dynamics. To our knowledge, to date, no multiscale model of NSCLC has been developed or published.Our group has been developing multiscale models to investigate highly malignant brain tumors as complex dynamic and self-organizing biosystems. Since this NSCLC model builds on these works, we will briefly review some milestones. First, an agent-based model for studying the spatio-temporal expansion of virtual glioma cells in a two-dimensional (2D) environment was built and the relationship between rapid growth and extensive tissue infiltration was investigated [26, 27]. This ‘micro-macro’ framework was then extended ‘top-down’ by incorporating an EGFR molecular interaction network [28] so that molecular dynamics at the protein level could be related to multi-cellular tumor growth patterns [29]. Most recently, an explicit cell cycle description was implemented to study in more detail brain tumor growth dynamics in a three-dimensional (3D) context [30]. These previous works have provided a computational paradigm in which biological processes have been successfully simulated from the molecular scale up to the cellular level and beyond. This progress led us to test the platform’s applicability to and flexibility for other cancer types as well.- 4 -In this paper, we have therefore extended these previous modeling works to the case of NSCLC. Necessary modifications include at the molecular level the implementation of a NSCLC-specific EGFR-ERK signal transduction pathway. A novel, data-driven switch that is operated by two key molecules, i.e. phospholipase C (PLC ) and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), processes the phenotypic decision at the cellular level. The aim of this in silico work is to provide insights into the externally triggered molecular-level dynamics that govern phenotypic changes and thus impact multicellular patterns in NSCLC. In the following sections, we will first show the detailed design of the model before we present and then discuss the simulation results.ModelMolecular Signaling PathwayThe kinetic model of the implemented NSCLC-specific molecular signaling pathway, which consists of 20 molecules, is shown in Fig. 1. These proteins, including both receptor (EGFR) and non-receptor kinases (e.g., PLC and protein kinase C (PKC) [31, 32], Raf, mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK), and ERK [33-35]), have been experimentally or clinically proven to play an important role in NSCLC tumorigenesis. Although in reality these molecules fulfil their functions by interacting with a multitude of other molecular species from many distinct pathways [36, 37], we choose to start with these proteins not only because of their significance in the case of NSCLC but also since most of their kinetic parameters can be found in the literature. Also, it is reasonable to reduce the number of involved molecules as a starting point- 5 -- 6 -for modeling [38]. Amongst these proteins, both PLC and ERK are of particular interest for determining the cell’s phenotypic changes as we will detail below.Kinetic equations are written in terms of concentrations and the reaction rates are functions of concentrations. The association and dissociation steps are characterized by first-order and second-order rate constants, respectively. We note that, although in reality chemical reactions of second or higher order are two-step processes, they are usually treated as a one-step process in mathematical modeling [39]. Our model is based on a total of 20 ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and uses exactly the same modeling techniques as other pathway analysis studies (see [11, 12] for detailed definitions). For simplicity, the ODEs for different molecules were calculated by Eq.(1):n Consumptio Production i )(v v dtX d (1)where X i represents one of these 20 molecular pathway components. In Eq. (1), the change in concentration of molecule X i is the result of the reaction rates producing X i minus the reaction rates consuming it. Each biochemical reaction is then characterized by v i (see Fig. 1) with forward and reverse rate constants. Tables 1 and 2 summarize the kinetic parameters and the ODEs used for the model.Micro-EnvironmentThe 2D virtual micro-environment is made up of a discrete lattice consisting of a grid with 200 x 200 points (Fig. 2). We use p(i,j) to express each point in the lattice, where- 7 -i and j indicate the integer location in Euclidean terms. One single, distant nutrient source (simulating a cross-sectional blood vessel) is located at p(150, 150). To start with, a number of M x N cells (in other words, an M-by-N matrix) are initialized in the center of the lattice (and this number can be set to meet different simulation purposes). Each grid point can be occupied by one cell only or remain empty at a time.Three external chemical cues are employed in the model: EGF, glucose and oxygen tension. As we have done in previous studies [29, 30], the nutrient source carries the highest value of these three diffusive cues, which implicates that it is the most attractive location for the chemotactically acting tumor cells. Then, by means of normal distribution, each grid point of the lattice is assigned a concentration profile of these three cues. The levels of these distributions are weighted by the distance, d ij , of a given grid point from the nutrient source. The distributions of these three cues are described by the following equations:)/2exp(22t ij m ij d T EGF(2) )/2exp()(22g ij a m a ij d G G G ose Gluc(3) )/2exp()(22o ij a m a ij d O O O Oxygen(4)Moreover, the three chemotactic cues continue to diffuse over the lattice throughout the entire process of a simulation with a fixed rate, using the following equation:,2ij M ijM D t M t = 1,2,3,… . (5)where M represents one of the three external cues, and t represents a time step. The coefficients in Eqs. (2-5) are listed in Table 3 (see also [30] for more details). It is evident then that the closer a given location is to the nutrient source, the higher the levels of the three cues will be at this grid point. Glucose will be continuously taken up by cells to support their metabolism. Only the nutrient source, p(150, 150), is replenished at each time step while all other grid points are not. In addition, cells take up both their own EGF and that secreted by adjoining cells in our model, because cancer cells act in both autocrine and paracrine manner in consuming EGF [40, 41].Each cell encompasses a self-maintained molecular interaction network (shown in Fig.1) and the simulation system records the molecular composite profile at every time step to determine the cell’s phenotype for the next step. In between time steps, the chemical environment is being updated, including EGF and glucose concentration as well as oxygen tension (according to Eq. (5)). When the first cell reaches the nutrient source the simulation run is terminated.Cellular Phenotype DecisionFour tumor cell phenotypes are considered in the model: proliferation, migration, quiescence and death. Cell death is triggered when the on site glucose concentration drops below 8 mM [42]. A cell turns quiescent when the on site glucose concentration is between 8 mM and 16 mM, when it does not meet conditions for migration or proliferation (see below), or when it cannot find an empty location to migrate to or proliferate into.- 8 -- 9 - The most important two phenotypic traits for spatio-temporal expansion, i.e. migration and proliferation, are decided by evaluating the dynamics of the following critical intracellular molecules. (1) PLC is known to be involved in directing cell movement in response to EGF [43-45]; PLC dynamics are accelerated during migration in cancer cells [46]. Therefore, in our model, the rate of change of PLC (ROC PLC ) decides if a cell proceeds to migration or not. That is, if ROC PLC exceeds a certain set threshold, T PLC , the cell has the potential to migrate. (2) Similarly, the rate of change of ERK (ROC ERK ) decides if a cell proceeds with proliferation. ERK has been found experimentally to have a strong influence on cell proliferation [33, 47, 48], and transient activation of ERK with EGF leads to cell replication [49, 50]. If a cell decides to migrate or proliferate, it will search for an appropriate location to move to or for its offspring to reside in. Candidate locations are those grid points surrounding the cell. Implementing a cell surface receptor-mediated chemotactic evaluation, the most appropriate location is detected by using a ‘search-precision’ mechanism [27] according to:ij ij ij L T )1( (6) where T ij represents the perceived attractiveness of location p(i,j), L ij represents the result of an evaluation function for location p(i,j) (see [27] for the definition of L ij ), and ~N( , 2) is an error term following a normal distribution with mean and variance 2. [0,1] denotes the search-precision parameter that for a given run is held constant for all cells. Briefly, for a given cell at a certain location, when = 0 the cell performs a pure random walk, whereas when = 1 the cell always selects the location with the highest glucose concentration. Based on previous results [26], we set= 0.7 because this value tends to lead to the highest average velocity of the tumor’s spatial expansion.It is worth noting that even if ROC PLC or ROC ERK exceed their corresponding thresholds, it does not necessarily have to lead to cell migration or proliferation. Rather, if nowhere else to go, the cell remains quiescent and continues to search for an empty location at the next time step.Any cell in the process of changing its phenotype will fall into one of these four categories: (i) ROC PLC < T PLC and ROC ERK < T ERK; (ii) ROC PLC > T PLC and ROC ERK < T ERK; (iii) ROC PLC < T PLC and ROC ERK > T ERK; and (iv) ROC PLC > T PLC and ROC ERK > T ERK. Figure 3 lists these conditions and their phenotypic consequences, respectively. Following the first three cell decisions is straightforward; first, if a cell experiences condition (i) no phenotypic change results as both ROC PLC and ROC ERK remain below their corresponding thresholds; however, if a cell faces condition (ii) the cell migrates because of ROC PLC exceeding its threshold while in the presence of (iii) the cell proliferates due to ROC ERK exceeding its threshold. However, for (iv), and in the absence of any specific experimental data, i.e. for the case that both ROC PLC and ROC ERK exceed their corresponding thresholds, we explored two hypotheses: ‘rule A’ yielding migration advantage (i.e., the cell decides to migrate) whereas ‘rule B’ resulting in a proliferation advantage (i.e., the cell decides to proliferate). For simplicity, decision rules for the first three conditions are referred to ‘general rules’, while rules A and B are referred to ‘special rules’ hereafter. In the following section, we will describe the corresponding simulation results.ResultsOur algorithm was implemented in C/C++. A total of 49 seed cells were initially set up in the center of the lattice, and these cells were arranged in a 7 x 7 square shape (i.e., M = 7 and N = 7, see Fig. 2 for the configuration of the seed cells). We defined cell IDs from 0 to 48 (left to right, bottom to top). To investigate cell expansion dynamics, we monitored all cells and recorded their molecular profiles at every time step. We are particularly interested in the following four boundary cells: Cell No 0 (bottom-left corner, farthest from the source), Cell No 6 (top-left corner), Cell No 42 (bottom-right corner), and Cell No 48 (top-right corner, closest to the source). Through the distinct micro-environmental conditions they face, these corner cells exemplify the impact of location on single cell behavior, while they however still grasp the nature of the entire system. As described before, both rules A and B were tested for each different simulation condition.Multi-Cellular DynamicsFigure 4 shows two simulation results for rules A and B, respectively. The simulations were conducted with a standard EGF concentration of 2.56 nM. Note that this concentration is derived from the literature [51, 52] and has been rescaled to fit our model as a benchmark starting point for further simulations. In the upper panel of Fig. 4(a) for rule A, tumor cells first display on site proliferation prior to exhibiting extensive migratory behavior towards the nutrient source. However, for rule B (lower panel), cells remain stationary proliferative throughout, thereby increasing the tumor radius yet without substantial mobility-driven spatial expansion. The run time for the latter case (rule B) was considerably longer than for rule A. Based on the criterionchosen for terminating the run, i.e. the first cell reaching the nutrient source, this result is somewhat expected since rule A favors migration whereas rule B promotes proliferation. This is further supported by analysis of the evolution of the various phenotypes and the change of [total] cell numbers (Fig. 4(b)). While both rules generate all three cell phenotypes (proliferation (dark blue), migration (red), and quiescence (green)), rule A (left panel) indeed appears to result in a cancer cell population that exhibits a larger migratory fraction than the one emerging through rule B (right panel) which, however, yields a larger portion of proliferative cells (light blue). It is thus not surprising that for rule B, the [total] cell population of the tumor system exceeds the one achieved through rule A by a factor of 10.Influence of Decision Rules on Phenotypic ChangesTo better understand the significance of each rule for the tumor system, we have investigated its influence on generating the intended phenotype. Figure 5 shows the weight of rule A on migration (a), and that of rule B on proliferation (b). (The results are taken from the two simulation runs reported in Fig. 4). In Fig. 5(a), migrations derive from two sources: (1) general rule, i.e. [ROC PLC > T PLC and ROC ERK < T ERK] and (2) rule A; proliferations stem from one source only, i.e. if [ROC PLC < T PLC and ROC ERK > T ERK]. Rule A plays a more dominant role in triggering migrations than the general rule does, yet does not contribute to increasing proliferations. Likewise, rule B has influence on proliferation only (Fig. 5(b)) and it contributes more to inducing proliferations than the corresponding general rule does too.However, as documented in the linear least square fittings, the rate at which rule A causes an increase in migration exceeds by far the one by which rule B induces anincrease in proliferation. This indicates that the influence of rule A on increasing migrations is more substantial than that of rule B on increasing proliferations. Being particularly interested in gaining insights into spatially aggressive tumors, we continue in the following with investigating the implications of rule A on microscopic and molecular level dynamics of the cancer system.Phase-Transition at Molecular LevelTo further investigate (for rule A) the relationship between EGF concentration and phenotypic changes we varied the extrinsic EGF concentration from the standard value of 2.65 x 1.0 nM to 2.65 x 50.0 nM by an incremental increase of 0.1 nM in each simulation. As a result of the model’s underlying chemotactic search paradigm, expectedly a simulation under the condition of a higher extrinsic EGF concentration finished faster than that with a lower one. However, cells turn out not to exhibit completely homogeneous behavior.Specifically, we focus on Cell No 48, the cell closest to the nutrient source, and report its corresponding molecular changes in Fig. 6. One can see that as the standard EGF concentration increases, the number of proliferations (blue) decreases gradually up to a phase transition between 2.65 x 31.1 and 2.65 x 31.2 nM. That is, if the standard EGF concentration is less than 2.65 x 31.1 nM, proliferation still occurs in this particular cell, but if the ligand concentration starts to exceed 2.65 x 31.2 nM, its proliferative trait entirely disappears. In the presence of nutrient abundance, a very minor increase in extrinsic EGF can apparently abolish the expression of a phenotype. Even more intriguing, although the subcellular concentration change appears to be rather similar with regards to its patterns, on a closer look, the peak maxima of therate changes for PLC and the turning point of the rate changes for ERK occur at an earlier time point for increasing EGF concentrations. This finding suggests that in the presence of excess ligand, the here implemented intracellular network switches to a more efficient signal processing mode. We note that for cell IDs 0, 6, and 42, no such phase transition emerged (data not shown) hence further supporting that this behavior is concentration dependent, and that geography, i.e. a cell’s position relative to nutrient abundance, matters. Confirming the robustness of our finding for Cell No 48 we note that this cell continued to experience a phase transition when the coordinates of the center of the initial 49 cells was set randomly within a square region where p(100,100) is the lower left corner and p(110,110) is the upper right corner (5 runs, data not shown).Discussion & Future WorksWhile using mathematical models to investigate the behavior of signaling networks is hardly new, understanding a complex biosystem, such as a tumor, by focusing on the analysis of its molecular or cellular level separately or exclusively is insufficient, particularly if it excludes the interaction with the surrounding tissue. Recent analyses of signaling pathways in mammalian systems have revealed that highly connected sub-cellular networks generate signals in a context dependent manner [53]. That is, biological processes take place in heterogeneous and highly structured environments [54] and such extrinsic conditions alone can induce the transformation of cells independent of genetic mutations as has been shown for the case of melanoma [55]. Taken together, modeling of cancer systems requires the analysis and use of signalingpathways in a simulated cancer environment (context) across different spatial-temporal scales.Our group has been focusing on the development of such multiscale models for studying highly malignant brain tumors [27, 29, 30, 56]. Here, on the basis of these previous works, we presented a 2D multiscale agent-based model to simulate NSCLC. Specifically, we monitored how, dependent on microenvironmental stimuli, molecular profiles dynamically change, and how they affect a single NSCLC cell’s phenotype and, eventually, the resulting multicellular patterns.Proceeding top-down in our analysis, we first evaluated the multicellular readout of molecular ‘decision’ rules A and B (versus general rules; Fig. 3). The patterns of a more stationary, concentrically growing cancer system (following rule B) are quite different from the rapid, chemotactically-guided, spatial expansion that can be seen in the tumor regulated by rule A (Fig. 4(a)). Not surprisingly, the latter also operates with many more migratory albeit overall less [total] cells (Fig. 4(b)). Furthermore, examining in more detail the influence of the two distinct rules on their respective phenotypic yield, we found that the impact of rule A on increasing cell migration is more substantial than rule B’s influence on furthering proliferation (Fig. 5). This finding suggests that the migratory rule A can operate the cancer system through incrementally smaller changes (while the simulation system is more robust for rule B). Such sensitivity to migratory cues corresponds well with experimental data on the response of human breast cancer cells, which showed that a spatially successful expansive system reacts rather quickly to even miniscule changes in chemotactic directionality [57, 58].Continuing therefore with rule A, our effort was then geared to gain insights into tumor expansion dynamics not only with regards to extrinsic stimuli but also to cell geography, i.e. a cell’s location relative to the replenished nutrient source. Most interestingly, we found a phase transition in the cancer cell closest to the nutrient source (i.e. Cell No 48, while none of the other three corner cells showed similar behavior). Specifically, for a tumor cell at this location, i.e., facing nutrient abundance, proliferation is completely abolished once the extrinsic EGF concentration exceeds a certain level. While this at first may seems rather unexpected, this finding however only confirms the experimentally sound notion that EGF stimulates the spatial expansion of a cancer system [5-8]. Moreover, with increasing EGF concentrations, the maxima of ROC PLC (Fig. 6) gradually occur earlier which seems to indicate that, under these conditions, the downstream signal is processed faster. Interestingly, such a ‘no proliferation, just migration’ behavior in the presence of chemo-attractant has indeed already been reported in several in vitro studies using a variety of cancer cell lines [59, 60] as well as in non-cancerous human cells [61]. (While admittedly, for the reasons stated, rule B did not receive similar attention in our analysis), we nonetheless argue that, on the basis of our results and the experimental reports they seem to correspond with, rule A and thus a migratory decision prompted by a [ROC PLC > T PLC and ROC ERK > T ERK] condition is a reasonable outcome for the signaling process taking place in NSCLC also in vitro and in vivo.However, moving the model closer to reality will require a multitude of adjustments, one of which is its ability to account for up- or down-regulation in key molecules as a result of tumorigenesis. As a first step, and since experimental data on over-expression of EGFR in a variety of cancer types, including NSCLC, are ample [62-65] we have begun to simulate the impact of an increasing number of receptors on the cancer system (Fig. 7; simulations conducted with an EGFR concentration of 800 nM (per system)). Comparing this preliminary data with those reported in Fig. 6 (simulations conducted with an EGFR concentration of 80 nM (per system)), we find that an EGFR-overexpressing NSCLC tumor seems to operate with even more migration and does so earlier on. The result is a spatially even more aggressive cancer system, which seems to correspond well with the aforementioned experimental studies. And, intriguingly, while the phase transition itself is preserved, it however occurs already at a smaller EGF concentration, hence indicating that the increase in receptor density leads to an amplification of the downstream signal, which again corresponds well with experimental results in examining signaling activities generated by different EGFR family members [66]. Taken together, while preliminary, this finding demonstrates applicability and confirms flexibility of this multiscale platform, hence warrants its further expansion.There are a number of research tracks that can and should be pursued in future works. First, it will be intriguing to see if, in the presence of a non-replenished nutrient source, the proliferative phenotype eventually can be recovered once extrinsic ligand concentrations fall beyond the phase-transition threshold. More generally, while most of the pathway’s parameters, including rate constants and initial component concentrations were obtained from the experimental literature, this data naturally originated from a variety of often stationary experimental settings and different cell types. It therefore represents a less desirable and reliable input than time series data that come from one experimental setting only. Also, some parameters had to be。



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n+1 =
Under some conditions, n( n ? 0 ) is asymptotically N (0; S ). A major advantage of the averaged algorithm is that there is no need to know M1?1 . The conditions under which the above results have been proved, however, do not hold in the PARMSR setup. For example, conditional on n, the error 1
X 1 n+1 : n + 1 i=1 i
In this paper, we study the asymptotic e ciency of the PARMSR algorithm with averaging, in the context where the process fJi ( ); i 0g is one-dependent regenerative. This covers a wide class of systems. The PARMSR algorithm observes the process fJi ( )g, say, for Ln steps with = n , uses this information to obtain a PA gradient estimator fn+1 , computes the next parameter value n+1 from (1.2), continues running the system for another Ln+1 steps with = n+1 to estimate fn+2, and P so on. Let Nn = n=1 Lj be the cumulative computing budget for the rst n steps of the PARMSR j algorithm. We shall express the convergence speed of the algorithm in terms of Nn (as done, e.g., in p 24]). When Nn ( n ? 0 ) is asymptotically N (0; S ), with S = M1?1 S0 (M1?1 )0 , where S0 is the p P asymptotic covariance matrix of (1= Nn ) n=1 "j (which is the best possible limit covariance matrix j for a given gradient estimator), then for that particular gradient estimator we say that the PARMSR algorithm is asymptotically optimal , or asymptotically e cient as in 3, 5, 39]. Most limit theorems in the literature of stochastic approximation are, however, expressed in terms of n, the number of iterations, rather than in terms of Nn (see, e.g., 7] and 20]). We analyze the following two cases: (R) The parameter n is updated after each regenerative cycle (so, Ln is random and represents the length of the nth regenerative cycle). In this regenerative case, we use n?1 instead of n to obtain fn+1 , as explained in Section 2.3. (F) n is updated after every L steps in the system's evolution (so Ln = L, a positive constant). For case (R), the limiting behavior is relatively easy to analyze since the main part of the observation noise can be decomposed into two martingale di erence sequences. Then, standard results on stochastic approximation are applicable. For case (F), the analysis is much more di cult, primarily because the standard conditions on the observation noise, assumed in, e.g., 3], 28] and 39], do not hold. These authors require the observation noise to satisfy the properties of martingale di erences, or of stationary -mixing processes, or of the in nite sum of a martingale di erence sequence. But for the PARMSR algorithm with xed-length observation period, the observation noise has a very complicated dynamic, as shown in previous convergence studies; see, e.g., 9], 10], 21], 22], 24], 36], and 37]. In this paper, we rst obtain the strong convergence rate of the usual PARMSR algorithm (without averaging), using a limit theorem on double array martingales taken from 6] and 17]. We then apply this result to obtain the asymptotic e ciency of the PARMSR algorithm with averaging for case (F). Our main results say that for both (R) and (F), the PARMSR algorithm with averaging is asymptotically e cient. Both cases thus have the same convergence rate and the same limit covariance matrix, in terms of Nn . Moreover, for (F), this limit covariance is independent of the updating frequency L. Our emphasis in this paper is on the case (F). The implementation in this case is much easier, because there is no need to recognize the regeneration points, so it depends much less on the 2

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10 King’s College Road, Toronto ON, Canada M5S 3G4 Available online 11 November 2004
Abstract This paper presents a novel filtering framework capable of processing cDNA microarray images. The proposed two-component adaptive vector filters integrate well-known concepts from the areas of fuzzy set theory, nonlinear filtering, multidimensional scaling and robust order-statistics. By appropriately setting the weighting coefficients in a generalized framework, the method is capable of removing noise impairments while preserving structural information in cDNA microarray images. Noise removal is performed by tuning a membership function which utilizes distance criteria applied to cDNA vectorial inputs at each image location. The classical vector representation, adopted here for a two-channel processing task, as well as a new color-ratio model representation are used. Simulation studies reported in this paper indicate that the proposed adaptive fuzzy vector filters are computationally attractive, yield excellent performance and are able to preserve structural information while efficiently suppressing noise in cDNA microarray data. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
radiation. This new methodological advancement is used to analyze changes in genome-wide patterns of gene expression in different populations of cells. It is therefore not surprising that cDNA technology is used to identify potentially hazardous substances, such as carcinogens and reproductive toxins. A microarray (Fig. 1) is a collection of green, red and yellow discrete spots containing DNA, deposited on the surface of a microscope glass slide [6]. Each spot contains multiple copies of a single DNA sequence. The spots occupy a small fraction of the image area and they have to be individually located and isolated from the image background prior to the estimation of its mean intensity. The cDNA microarray image represents a two-channel Red–Green (RG) image (Figs. 1 and 2) and thus should be considered a vector-valued image signal or vector field [17]. In this set-up, variation in image background and image artifacts, as well as spot sizes and positions represent the major sources of uncertainty in spot finding and gene expression determination. In particular, non-specifically bounded DNA or dye molecules and the natural fluorescence of the glass slide result in a substantial noise floor in the microarray image. These noise impairments along with discrete image artifacts necessitate the use of image filtering prior to subsequent analysis [6,12]. The purpose of subsequent processing tasks is to analyze the spots, normalize the arrays and to identify which genes each type of cells are expressing. Due to thousands of spots, the procedure should be fully automated. Note that any errors or noise introduced is being propagated through subsequent analysis. Therefore, removing noise in cDNA microarray images makes the spots easier to detect and analyze, and in the end of the process obtained gene expression measurements are more accurate to interpret [30]. It has been observed that changes of the pixel intensities from the foreground to the background can be attributed to the Gaussian nature of noise corrupting cDNA chips [19]. Isolated discrete artifacts and
∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: lukacr@ (R. Lukac) URL:∼lukacr. 0165-0114/$ - see front matter © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.fss.2004.10.012
1. Introduction Complementary deoxyribonucleic acid (cDNA) microarray technology [1,7] is an advanced tool used in the investigation of toxicological problems determined via cellular response to low-dose ionizing
outliers present in the cDNA microarray image can be attributed to impairments which are impulsive in nature [14]. In conventional image processing applications, noise corruption of such nature is most often modelled through a mixture of additive Gaussian noise and impulsive noise [26]. Due to the vectorial nature of the microrray image data and taking into consideration the noise characteristics in cDNA microarray images, fuzzy logic-based techniques are adopted here to form a two-channel image processing framework and used as a solution to the estimation problem. Through the utilization of linguistic terms, a fuzzy rule-based approach to signal processing allows for the incorporation of human knowledge and intuition into the design, which cannot be achieved via traditional mathematical modelling techniques. However, there is no optimal way to determine the number and type of fuzzy rules required for the fuzzy image operation. Usually, a large number of rules are necessary and the designer has to compromise between quality and number of rules used, since even for a moderate processing window, a large number of linguistic rules are required. Therefore, data-dependent filters adopting fuzzy reasoning have been proposed to overcome these difficulties. These designs combine fuzzy concepts, such as membership functions, and fuzzy aggregators with nonlinear filters [23]. This paper builds on the developments in the area of data-dependent fuzzy systems suitable for vector signal processing. It has been observed that fuzzy filters can be successfully applied to many noise removal problems [22] and thus, there is a supposition that this signal processing framework may also be suitable in cDNA microarrays. To the best of the authors knowledge it is the first time ever that vector processing filters based on fuzzy logic concepts are designed and used to attenuate noise in two-channel images such as cDNA microarrays. Since in this application environment the original noise-free data are not available to the designers, the problem of determining the optimal filtering structure becomes more challenging