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You can do better.
1. Name: Class: Math– hard-working Spanish—good at listening History—can do better Science—lazy student 3. Name: Class: Math– hard-working Spanish—good at speaking History—can do better Science—lazy student
In English, I’m better at reading than listening.
I can do better in math. 在…方面做得更好
• Use these words and phrases: hard-working, lazy, be good at…, be better at…than…, do well in…, do better in…, (math, Chinese, English, physics…)
A: What did your math teacher say? B: He said I was hard-working.
Read the story and fill in the chart.
My best friend is Xiao Li,but last week in school we had a big fight, and she didn’t talk to me.It all started when she asked me if she could copy my homework.I asked her why she wanted to do that ,and she said that she had forgotten to do hers . I said I didn’t think it was a good idea for her to copy my homework. She wanted to know why I didn’t think it was a good idea. I said it would start a bad habit and that she should do her own work . She got really mad at me and said she didn’t want to be my best friend anymore.I said that was OK and I was sure she would get over it . And she did . Yesterday she told me she was sorry .She said it was much better if she did her own work.
2. Name: Class: Math– hard-working Spanish—good at speaking History—can do better Science—good student 4. Name: Class: Math– hard-working Spanish—good at speaking History—should do better Science—lazy student
1. Complete the conversation in pairs. Write it down. 2. Write your own report card. ( You don’t have to tell the truth. )
强夯 / 强夯 强夯法即强力夯实法,又称动力固结法 简宁听完这样的话,莫名的感到有点难过,就像是看到被自己子女嫌弃的、衰弱而又无能为力的老母亲一般,让人感到甚是心 酸! 在简宁的认知里,只要回到那样一处地方、回到亲人的身边,他们的方言便是唯一的固有的交流方式! 你有过为了购买一张回归故里的火车而定好闹钟早早起床、不惧挤过拥挤的人群、不惧长途跋涉,只为能够在年关来临之际心 满意足的待在家人身边么——我有过! 简宁每年过年便会跟父母跨越几个省份回归故里,对于简宁他们全家那样不辞辛劳的去参加春运大作战的行为,身边的同事们 总是不能理解,他们总说“简宁,你们家,不是都在这个地方买房子了么,干嘛,每年过年还要回家?” 简宁笑“回家过年好玩呀!”她当时当真是这般想便也这般答了。 同事们反问她“有什么好玩的,这里不也一样么,你们回趟老家路费都要花费不少,关键是,春运人那么多,你都不嫌挤么, 没事,干什么要去凑一个春运活跃分子!” 简宁想了想,在春运的火车一难求的那些年里,在她好不容易购上了、而回归故里的人又多得不胜其多、上下车的间隙、连下 脚的地方都是困难、在那样的一种时刻,她是有想过“明年过年再也不回家的念想!”。可惜,等到明年,爸妈一旦开始回归 家乡的时候,她便觉着在异地他乡的每一秒钟都是过得煎熬,恨不能飞身前往故里!
2c Pairwork
1. Name: Class: Math– hard-working Spanish—good at listening History—can do better Science—lazy student 3. Name: Class: Math– hard-working Spanish—good at speaking History—can do better Science—lazy studபைடு நூலகம்nt 2. Name: Class: Math– hard-working Spanish—good at speaking History—can do better Science—good student 4. Name: Class: Math– hard-working Spanish—good at speaking History—should do better Science—lazy student
Period 4
(sectionB 1a-2c selfcheck 2)
What did you do last night? What did she/he say?
I am hard-working.
I am lazy.
I am good at English. I am better at math than English.
Report : What did he/ she say about himself/ herself?
You are hardworking
My teacher said I was hard-working.
You are good at English.
My teacher said I was good at
You can do better in math.
My teacher said I could do better in math.
You are lazy.
My teacher said I was lazy.
2a Listen and fill in the speech bubbles. You’re hard-working. You’re good at speaking.
Best friend’s name What’s the matter? Why did it happened?
What’ the result?
What do you think of it?
Pair work A: Who is your best friend? B: My best friend is Xiao Li, But last week we had a big fight and now she isn’t talking to me. A: How did it happened? B: …
I do well in swimming. I do better in soccer than swimming.
1a Check () the sentences that are true for you.
I’m hard-working.
I’m good at speaking.
I’m lazy.