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''Light M ovem ents in the Dark",a Israeli Concert Held in Chongqing, Unfolds Stories Behind the Notes
□文图/本刊记者刘丁睿Article Photo /Journalist Liu Dingrui Translator/ 巳ai Zhuomin

第二次世界大战期间,华沙犹太隔离区的犹太交响音乐会 公告上写着这样_句话:“音乐比面包更重要,尤其是在完全不 需要它的时代。

”身陷纳粹集中营的人们既是音乐家也是诗人,他们遭受精神和身体上的残酷迫害,却仍然表现出坚韧不拔的 乐观精神。

在那段黑暗的曰子里,他们创作出了大量的艺术作 品,用音乐的力量,激励集中营里的同胞,抚慰他们的心灵。

2月20日,由意大利驻重庆总领事馆和以色列驻成都总领 事馆联合主办的,“黑暗中的光明乐章”纪念犹太大屠杀及意 大利犹太作家普里莫•莱维诞辰100周年文学音乐会,在重庆白 象303城市剧场举行。

以色列作曲家、钢琴家和犹太大屠杀音 乐研究的知名学者A m it W einei•博士,联手西南交通大学交响 乐团小提琴乐手段嘉华,再次奏响了这些黑暗中的光明乐章。

演出结束后,A m it W einer博士向本刊记者讲述了那些藏在 音符背后的故事。

During World War II, it is said in a public notice of Jewish symphony concerts in the Warsaw ghetto that “music weighs more than bread, especially when it is not needed at all”. The Jews in the Nazi concentration camp were musicians as well as poets, who managed to bring out perseverance and optimism even when suffering from cruel persecution both mentally and physically. In the time of horrible darkness, they wrote numerous art works to encourage their compatriots in the concentration camp and comfort their souls with the power of music.
On February 20, “Light Movements in the Dark”,the literary concert, was held in Chongqing Baixiang 303 City Theater in memory of the Holocaust and the 100th anniversary of the Italian Jewish author, Prime Levi's birth. The concert was co­hosted by the Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing and the Consulate General of Israel in Chengdu. Doctor Amit Weiner, the well-known Israeli composer, pianist, and scholar studying the music during the Holocaust performed these movements once more together with Duan Jiahua, the violinist from the symphony orchestra of Southwest Jiaotong University.
The World and Chongqing
Exchange /交流/往来
以色列知名学者A m itW e in e rlf 士对大屠杀期间的犹太音乐进行研究。

A m it W einer 博士是耶路撒冷音乐与舞蹈学院跨学科编曲

2011年,他开始负责 每年以色列大屠杀纪念曰音乐会,并受以色列外交部邀请,前往 世界各地进行该主题音乐会巡演。

“黑暗中的光明乐章”这一项 目于2012年由以色列犹太大屠杀纪念中心和耶路撒冷音乐舞蹈 学院共同发起,目前已经在中国、泰国、缅甸、越南、尼泊尔、新 加坡和菲律宾等亚洲多个国家演出。

正如大屠杀时期华沙犹太隔离区犹太交响音乐会公告上所 写的那句话:“音乐比面包更重要,尤其是在完全不需要它的时 代。

”在那个至暗时刻,音乐是抵抗纳粹的途径之一,音乐是精 神武器。

在纳粹集中营里的人们,虽然知道死亡已经临近,但是 他们希望在自己逝去之后,能够留下一些东西,证明他们曾经存 在过。

于是他们将乐曲谱在卫生纸上,并埋藏于地下,等待它们 重见光明。


这些来自于至暗时刻的音乐充满着力量,感动着我,激励着 我。

” A m it W einer 博士分享了自己与犹太人大屠杀的故事,“我 的祖父100年前出生于波兰。

1950年,他打算举家前往以色列, 却遭到了家人的反对。


不幸 的事终究发生了,祖父所有的家人都在大屠杀期间被无情地杀 害。

波兰作曲家M ordechai G ebirtig 先生谱写。

在大屠杀期间,这首 歌曲激励着年轻的犹太人积极抵抗纳粹。

”而Am it W einer 博士 却从这首歌曲中,听到了当时的犹太人对未来感到失望与困惑。


After the performance, Doctor Amit Weiner told us the stories behind the musical notes.
Music, the Spiritual Weapon in the Darkest Moment
Doctor Amit Weiner, head of the Cross-Disciplinary Composition Division of the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance, is also the visiting professor of several international colleges and universities. In 2011, he began to take charge of yearly concerts of Israel's Holocaust Remembrance Day and was invited on a world tour of that theme by the Israeli foreign ministry. The project, “Light Movements in the Dark”,was initiated in 2012 by the World Holocaust Remembrance
Center and the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance and has been performed in Asian countries, such as China, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Nepal, Singapore, and the Philippines.
Just as it said in the public notice of Jewish symphony concerts in the Warsaw ghetto that "music weighs more than bread, especially when it is not needed at
the darkest moment witnessed music
as a spiritual weapon, part of the war against the Nazi. The music was written by those in the Nazi concentration camp who knew that death was drawing near but wanted to leave something in the world afterwards to prove their existence. Thus, their music was composed on toilet paper, buried underground, and waited to be heard someday.
K As a composer, I am deeply encouraged every time I hear it. The music from the darkest time moves me and inspires me with its huge power>,. Weiner shared his story about the Holocaust. “My grandfather was born in Poland 100 years ago and in 1950, he decided to leave for Israel and take his whole family there. However, the disagreement among the family made him go alone. In the end, the tragedy happened and his whole family were killed ruthlessly during the Holocaust”.
K Our Homeland Is Burning, by Polish composer M ordechai G e b irtig , is his fa vo u rite piece and motivated the Jewish youth to fight actively against Nazis during the Holocaust” but Weiner heard the Jews’ disappointment and confusion for their future. Therefore, he set about studying Jewish musical works during the Holocaust and bringing them to life.
Music is a Mix of Sadness and Hope
“Music possesses a healing power which derives from the human heart, for both sadness and happiness exist in human emotions. And that’s why some of the
The World and Chongqing

照片中的所有年轻人都被驱逐到了奥斯维辛集 中营。

图片/意大利驻重庆总领事馆、以色列驻成都总领事馆提供作者:Mordechai Gebirtig(1877—1942)出生于波兰的克拉科 夫。

他是一位木匠,也是一名以意第绪语民间传说为灵感的诗人 和作曲家。

1938年,在波兰一个犹太社区遭到袭击后,他创作了其 最著名的歌曲《我们的家园在燃烧》。


1942年6月,Mordechai Gebirtig在克拉科夫的犹太隔离区被杀害。


它来自于人的心灵,人会有 悲伤的情感,也会有快乐的情感。

这便是为什么这些 至暗时刻的音乐,有的展现出悲伤的情绪,而有的却 是欢快的。

我希望向大家展示音乐的两面性,音乐既 可以悲伤,也可以充满希望。

”Amit Weiner博士说。

谈及第一次来重庆的印象,他说:“重庆是一座 非常美丽的城市,很高兴来到重庆演出。

这次与我同 台表演的段嘉华是一位非常出色的小提琴乐手,他对 大屠杀期间的犹太音乐有着很好的理解。

Amit Weiner博士表示,希望未来有更多的机会 来到中国,用音乐建立更多的交流联系。

同时,他非 常希望再次来到重庆,分享更多的音乐。

works from the darkest moment present sadness but others joy. I hope to show both sides of the music, full of sadness but also hope", says Weiner.
W hen ta lkin g a bout the firs t im pression of Chongqing, he says, "Chongqing is a very beautiful city and Tm very happy to give my performance here. My partner, Duan Jiahua, is an outstanding violinist and he has a good understanding of the Jewish music during the Holocaust”.
Doctor Amit Weiner says he hopes to have more chances to visit China in the future and bring more exchanges through music. Besides, he really wants to visit Chongqing again and shares more musical works with the audience. ^歌曲名称:Pavane for Violin and Piano《小提琴钢琴帕凡舞曲》作者:Aldo Finzi(1897—1945)出生于米兰一个马托瓦犹太音乐 世家。

他创作的歌剧“La serenata alvento”(灵魂小夜曲)在 1937年一歌剧比赛中脱颖而出。

1940年,Aldo Finzi被邀请去美 国管理芝加哥音乐学院,但他不愿抛开家人苟活于世。

1945年2月7日,Aldo Finzi惨遭杀害,并以假名埋葬。

待战争结束,种族法 律废除,他的妻子才得以书面申请,将他的遗体带回米兰纪念公 墓的家族礼拜堂。

作者:Ilse Weber(1903—1944)是一位未受过专业音乐教育的歌 手、作曲家。

在特雷津集中营,她谱写了约100首歌曲,用简单的旋 律描述集中营中的恐怖生活,也用吉他和歌曲安慰鼓励受困于此 的孩子们。

1944年,Ilse—家三口被驱逐到奥斯维辛集中营,她与 儿子Tommy惨遭毒气杀害,丈夫Willi Weber在大屠杀中幸存。

战 争结束后,Weber先生将妻子的所有歌曲收集至名为《特雷津集中 营》的书中。

歌曲名称:The Opening Song from the Opera Brundibar 《布隆迪巴》序曲
作者:Hans Kr4 sa(1899—1945)生于布拉格,从小学习钢琴和 小提琴,并在布拉格的德国音乐学院学习作曲。

《布隆迪巴》是 一部由阿里斯托芬作品改编的儿童歌剧,是Kr d sa于1942年8月10日被纳粹逮捕之前完成的最后一部作品。


后来,K r d s a与作曲家Viktor Ullmann, Pavel Haas和Gideon klein—同被关进奥斯维辛集中营,在1944 年10月的同一天被杀害。

The World and Chongqing
