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英语作文外刊Title: Writing for Foreign Publications。

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, writing for foreign publications has become an attractive opportunity for many writers. Whether you are a journalist, a blogger, or a freelance writer, publishing your work in foreign publications can expand your audience, broaden your perspective, and enhance your writing skills. In this article, we will explore the benefits and challenges of writing for foreign publications, as well as some tips for success.Benefits of Writing for Foreign Publications。

1. Exposure to new audiences: Writing for foreign publications can introduce your work to readers who may not have had the opportunity to read your work otherwise. This can help you build a following in new markets and expand your reach.2. Diversification of portfolio: Writing for foreign publications can help you diversify your portfolio and showcase your versatility as a writer. This can be especially useful for freelance writers who want to demonstrate their ability to write on a variety of topics.3. Cultural exchange: Writing for foreign publications can provide opportunities for cultural exchange and understanding. By writing about different cultures and perspectives, you can help bridge gaps between people and promote understanding.Challenges of Writing for Foreign Publications。



sci投稿英文伦理模板Title: Ethical Considerations in Scientific Research and PublicationAbstract:Ethics plays a crucial role in scientific research and publication, as it ensures the responsible conduct of research, safeguards the rights and welfare of participants, and maintains the integrity and credibility of the scientific community. This article aims to provide a comprehensive outline of ethical considerations in scientific research and publication, including key principles, guidelines, and potential challenges. By adhering to ethical standards, scientists can promote the advancement of knowledge while maintaining public trust and accountability.Keywords: ethics, scientific research, publication, responsible conduct, integrity1. IntroductionScientific research and publication play a vital role in expanding our understanding of the world, driving technological advancements, and improving human well-being. However, ethical considerations must be given equal importance in order to ensure the responsible conduct of research and safeguard the interests and rights of all stakeholders involved in the scientific process.2. Ethical Principles in Scientific Research2.1 Respect for Autonomy and Informed ConsentRespecting the autonomy of research participants by obtaining their informed consent is a fundamental ethical principle.Researchers must provide clear and comprehensive information about the study purpose, procedures, potential risks, benefits, and confidentiality while ensuring participants' autonomy to make voluntary and informed decisions.2.2 Beneficence and Non-maleficenceResearchers have a duty to maximize potential benefits and minimize harm or risks to research participants. Careful planning, risk assessment, and regular monitoring are essential in balancing potential benefits against risks to ensure participants' well-being.2.3 Integrity and Scientific RigorMaintaining scientific integrity and rigor is crucial for the credibility and reproducibility of research findings. Researchers should adhere to sound research methodology, accurately report results, disclose conflicts of interest, and avoid misconduct such as fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism.3. Ethical Considerations in Scientific Publication3.1 Authorship and ContributorshipThe determination of authorship should be based on substantial contributions to the conception, design, data collection, analysis, and interpretation of the study. All authors should agree to be accountable for the published work and any identified ethical issues.3.2 Plagiarism and Self-PlagiarismAuthors must acknowledge and appropriately cite all sources used in their work to avoid plagiarism. Self-plagiarism, or the reuse of one's own previously published work without proper citation,should also be avoided as it undermines the integrity of the scientific literature.3.3 Data Sharing and ReproducibilityPromoting data sharing and transparency enables independent verification of research findings and facilitates scientific progress. Researchers should make their data available to others, subject to legal, ethical, and commercial limitations.4. Ethical Challenges and Considerations4.1 Conflicts of InterestResearchers should disclose any financial, professional, or personal relationships that could influence their research or publication. Transparency in disclosing conflicts of interest is essential for maintaining the credibility and trustworthiness of the scientific community.4.2 Publication Bias and Ethical ReportingPublication bias, where positive results are more likely to be published, can distort scientific knowledge. Researchers and publishers should strive for ethical reporting, including the publication of negative or inconclusive findings, to prevent knowledge gaps and biased conclusions.5. ConclusionAdhering to ethical principles and guidelines in scientific research and publication is essential for responsible conduct, protection of participants' welfare, and maintenance of scientific integrity. Researchers and publishers should be aware of the potential challenges and strive to uphold ethical standards, ensuring thegrowth of scientific knowledge and public trust in the scientific community.Acknowledgements:This work was supported by [Grant Name and Number]. Conflict of Interest:The authors declare no conflicts of interest.References:[List of relevant references]。



• 3.The bad influence of the
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Yan Caihong(晏才宏), a lecturer
of School of Electric Information
and Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong
Engineering Index
Published by Engineering information Inc , the Engineering
Index is a famous search tool, which provides abstracted
information from the world's significant engineering and technological literature. It provides worldwide coverage of more than 4,500 journals and selected government reports and books. Subjects include all engineering fields such as energy, environmental, geological, and biological engineering; electrical,
was a master teacher, whose lectures about
History of Western Philosophy were welcomed by
college students. Yet he was fired at 43 ,because



英文科研论文写作简介1. 引言英文论文写作的前提是有创新研究成果,创新研究成果的关键是选题。

“An acceptable primary scientific publication” must be “the first disclosure”.科研论文写作常出现的一个误区是:以为好论文是“写”出来的,只要会写,论文总能被接受发表。






The goal of scientific research is publication. Scientists, starting as graduate students, are measured primarily not by their dexterity in laboratory manipulations, not by their innate knowledge of either broad or narrow scientific subjects, and certainly not by their wit or charm; they are measured, and become known (or remain unknown) by their publications.A scientific experiment, no matter how spectacular the results, is not completed until the results are published.Thus, the scientists must not only “do” the science but must “write” science. Bad writing can and often does prevent or delay the publication of good science.2.科研论文的一般格式。



Conducting Scientific ResearchScientific research is a systematic investigation that aims to discover new knowledge and solve existing problems in various fields of study. It involves a series of steps that are designed to gather and analyze data in order to answer specific research questions. Conducting scientific research requires a rigorous approach and adherence to established methodologies to ensure the validity and reliability of the results.Importance of Scientific ResearchScientific research plays a crucial role in advancing human knowledge and understanding of the world around us. It provides the foundation for technological innovations, medical breakthroughs, and policy decisions that can improve the quality of life for individuals and communities. Through scientific research, researchers can uncover new phenomena, develop theories to explain them, and test these theories through systematic experimentation.Steps in Scientific Research1.Identifying the Research Problem: The first step in scientificresearch is to identify a research problem or question that is worthinvestigating. This step involves reviewing existing literature, identifying gaps in knowledge, and formulating a clear research question.2.Reviewing the Literature: Researchers need to review existingliterature on the topic to understand what is already known and what areasstill require investigation. This step helps researchers build on previous work and avoid repeating studies that have already been conducted.3.Formulating a Hypothesis: A hypothesis is a testable statement thatpredicts the outcome of a research study. Researchers formulate a hypothesis based on their knowledge of the topic and the results they hope to achieve.4.Designing the Study: The research design outlines the methods thatwill be used to collect and analyze data. Researchers must carefully design their study to ensure that the results are reliable and valid.5.Collecting Data: Data collection involves gathering information fromvarious sources, such as experiments, surveys, interviews, or observations.Researchers must ensure that the data collected is accurate and relevant to the research question.6.Analyzing Data: Once the data has been collected, researchersanalyze it to draw meaningful conclusions. This often involves statisticalanalysis to determine if the results are statistically significant.7.Interpreting Results: Researchers interpret the results of their studyin the context of the research question and hypothesis. This step involvesdrawing conclusions based on the data and discussing the implications of the findings.municating Findings: Finally, researchers communicate theirfindings through scientific journals, conferences, or other forums. This step is essential for sharing knowledge with the scientific community and contributing to the advancement of the field.Challenges in Scientific ResearchDespite its importance, conducting scientific research comes with its own set of challenges. Some common challenges include:•Funding: Securing funding for research projects can be difficult, especially for studies that are not seen as high priority.•Ethical Considerations: Researchers must adhere to ethical guidelines when conducting their studies to ensure the safety and well-being of participants.•Publication Bias: Journals may be more likely to publish studies with positive results, leading to a bias in the literature.•Peer Review: The peer review process can be rigorous and time-consuming, with reviewers providing feedback that researchers must address before publication.ConclusionScientific research is a vital process that contributes to the advancement of knowledge across various disciplines. By following a systematic approach and conducting studies with rigor and integrity, researchers can generate new insights and make significant contributions to their fields. Despite the challenges, the rewards of scientific research are immense, ultimately leading to a better understanding of the world and the development of solutions to complex problems.。




下面是一些关于"研究"的丰富内容和用法以及中英文对照的例句:1. 名词用法:- "研究"可以指代对特定主题或问题进行系统的调查和分析。

- The professor is conducting research on climate change. (教授正在对气候变化进行研究。

)- This research will contribute to our understanding of human behavior. (这项研究将有助于我们理解人类行为。

)- "研究"还可以指代已完成的学术工作或学术论文。

- Her research on ancient civilizations was published in a prestigious journal. (她关于古代文明的研究被发表在一本有声望的期刊上。

)2. 动词用法:- "研究"作为动词,表示进行系统的调查和分析。

- The team is researching the effects of exercise on mental health. (团队正在研究运动对心理健康的影响。

)- He spent several years researching the history of architecture. (他花了几年时间研究建筑史。

)- "研究"也可以表示对某一主题进行深入的调查和学习。

- I need to research this topic before I can give you ananswer. (在给你答复之前,我需要对这个话题进行研究。

)- She researched different methods of teaching mathematics. (她研究了不同的数学教学方法。



几乎所有的科技和非技术类期刊都要求作者披露潜在或实际的与研究相关的利益冲 突。某些期刊如《美国用学会期刊》要求作者提交签名的财务披露表。而某些期刊 如《英国医学委员会肿瘤学》在其指南中强调,论文必须包含单独的利益冲突部分 并在投稿信中提供所有的详细信息。 在介绍利益冲突时,研究者需要提供如下详细信息:相关的经济利益;行业提供的 补助金、财务支持和经费;及其它的知识产权收益如将来可带来经济收益的申请专 利或未决专利。研究者还需要阐述资助机构或研究发起者在研究设计和实施;数据 收集、分析和阐释;以及文稿起草、审核和最终批准中所起的作用。
7.Shalala, D. (2000). Protecting research subjects—what must be done. New England Journal of Medicine, 343(11) 808–810. 8.Akst, J. (2009). Consent issues nix blood samples. The Scientist. Available at /blog/display/56230/%20and%20/?p=1096 9.International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Ethical Considerations in the Conduct and Reporting of Research: Privacy and Confidentiality. Available at /ethical_5privacy.html 10.The American Journal of Psychiatry. Guidelines For Authors On Preparing Manuscripts. Available at/misc/ifora.dtl 11.Journal of the American Medical Association. Instructions for Authors. Available at /site/misc/ifora.xhtml#EthicalApprovalofStudiesandInformedConsent 12.Levine, S. B., & Stagno, S. J. (2001). Informed consent for case reports: The ethical dilemma of right to privacy versus pedagogical freedom. Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research, 10. 193–201. Available at /cgi/content/full/10/3/nd(从容):如果我忽略或不披露利益冲突,我将面临什么后果?如



英文文章投稿指南Submitting an article for publication can be a daunting task, especially for those who are new to the process. However, with the right guidance and understanding of the submission guidelines, the process can be streamlined and increase your chances of having your work accepted. In this essay, we will explore the key elements to consider when submitting an English article for publication.First and foremost, it is crucial to thoroughly research the publication you are targeting. Each journal, magazine, or website will have its own set of guidelines and requirements for submissions. These guidelines can include the preferred length of the article, the formatting style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago), the type of content they are looking for, and any specific instructions for the submission process. Failing to adhere to these guidelines can result in your article being rejected, even if the content is of high quality.When it comes to the length of the article, it is important to strike a balance between providing enough detail and information to fully address the topic, while also respecting the publication's guidelines.Many publications have a word count range, such as 800-1200 words, that they prefer for articles. It is essential to stay within this range, as exceeding the maximum word count may result in your article being trimmed or rejected altogether.Formatting is another crucial aspect of the submission process. Different publications may have specific requirements for font size, line spacing, and the use of headings and subheadings. It is important to carefully review the guidelines and format your article accordingly. Consistency is key, as inconsistent formatting can be a distraction for the reader and may reflect poorly on your writing abilities.In addition to the technical aspects of the submission, the content of the article itself must be of high quality and relevance to the publication's target audience. This means conducting thorough research, presenting a clear and well-structured argument, and providing valuable insights or information that the reader will find engaging and informative.One effective strategy for ensuring the quality of your article is to have it reviewed by others before submitting it. This could include colleagues, peers, or even professional editors. They can provide valuable feedback on the clarity, coherence, and overall effectiveness of your writing. Incorporating this feedback can help to strengthenyour article and increase the likelihood of it being accepted for publication.Another important consideration when submitting an article is the tone and style of your writing. Different publications may have preferences for a more formal, academic tone or a more conversational, engaging style. It is important to carefully study the tone and style of the publication you are targeting and to align your own writing accordingly.When it comes to the actual submission process, it is essential to follow the publication's instructions to the letter. This may include submitting the article through an online portal, emailing it to a specific address, or even sending a physical copy by mail. Failure to follow the correct submission process can result in your article being overlooked or rejected.In addition to the technical requirements, it is also important to consider the timing of your submission. Many publications have specific deadlines for article submissions, and it is crucial to respect these deadlines. Submitting your article well in advance of the deadline can also increase your chances of being accepted, as it allows the editorial team more time to review and consider your work.Finally, it is important to be patient and persistent in the submission process. Even if your article is rejected, it is important to learn from the experience and to continue refining your writing and submission process. Many successful writers have had articles rejected multiple times before finally being accepted for publication.In conclusion, submitting an English article for publication requires a careful and strategic approach. By understanding the specific guidelines and requirements of the publication you are targeting, formatting your article correctly, ensuring the quality of your content, and following the submission process to the letter, you can increase your chances of having your work accepted. With persistence and a commitment to continuous improvement, you can navigate the submission process and successfully share your writing with a wider audience.。



大学英语第六册Unit 1TextWriting research reports for college or work is often found far more difficult than it need so be. The following article offers some excellent advice on how to make the task easier and the report more impressive and effective. Whether you write a research report for a college professor or for a demanding boss in your profession, the author's advice will put you well on your way to becoming a skillful report writer.RESEARCH REPORTS FOR BUSINESS AND THECNICAL WRITINGWayne LosanoA surprising amount of one's time as a student and professional is spent reporting the results of one's research projects for presentation to teachers, managers, and clients. Indeed, without basic research skills and the ability to present research results clearly and completely, an individual will encounter many obstacles in school and on the job. The need for some research-writing ability is felt nearly equally by college students in all fields, engineering and science as well as business and the humanities. Graduate study often makes great demands on the student's research-writing skills, and most professions continue the demand; education, advertising and marketing, economics and accounting, science and engineering, psychology, anthropology, the arts, and agriculture may all require regular reporting of research data.ELEMENTS OF THE RESEARCH PAPERThe standard research report, regardless of the field or the intended reader, contains four major sections. These sections may be broken down into a variety of subsections, and they may be arranged in a variety of ways, but they regularly make up the core of the report.Problem Section. The first required section of a research report is the statement of the problem with which the research project is concerned. This section requires a precise statement of the underlying question which the researcher has set out to answer. In this same section there should be an explanation of the significance -- social, economic, medical, psychological, educational, etc. -- of the question; in other words, why the investigation was worth conducting. Thus, if we set out, for example, to answer the question "What is the effect of regular consumption of fast foods on the health of the American teenager?" we must explain that the question is thought to have significant relevance to the health of this segment of the population and might lead to some sort of regulations on such foods.A frequent subsection of this problem section is a review of past research on the topic being investigated. This would consist of summaries of the contributions of previous researcher to thequestion under consideration with some assessment of the value of these contributions. This subsection has rhetorical usefulness in that it enhances the credibility of the researcher by indicating that the data presented is based on a thorough knowledge of what has been done in the field and, possibly, grows out of some investigative tradition.Procedures Section. The second major section of the research report details, with as much data as possible, exactly how the study was carried out. This section includes description of any necessary equipment, how the subjects were selected if subjects were used, what statistical technique was used to evaluate the significance of the findings, how many observations were made and when, etc. An investigation of the relative effectiveness of various swim-strokes would have to detail the number of swimmers tested, the nature of the tests conducted, the experience of the swimmers, the weather conditions at the time of the test, and any other factors that contributed to the overall experiment. The goal of the procedures section is to allow the reader to duplicate the experiment if such were desired to confirm, or refute, your findings.Results Section. The third, and perhaps most important, section of the research report is the presentation of the results obtained from the investigation. The basic rule in this section is to give all data relevant to the research question initially asked. Although, of course, one's natural tendency might be to suppress any findings which do not in some way support one's hypothesis, such dishonesty is antithetical to good research reporting in any field. If the experiments undertaken fail to prove anything, if the data was inadequate or contrary to expectations, the report should be honestly written and as complete as possible, just as it would be if the hypothesis were totally proven by the research.Discussion Section. The final required section of a research report is a discussion of the results obtained and a statement of any conclusions which may be drawn from those results. Of primary interest in business and technical research reports is the validity of the results as the bases for company decisions: Will our planned construction project meet federal environmental guidelines and be approved for building? Will this new program attract skilled personnel to our company? Will this new oil recovery technique be financially feasible? Thus, the discussion section of the research report must evaluate the research results fully: were they validly obtained, are they complete or limited, are they applicable over a wide range of circumstances? The discussion section should also point out what question remain unanswered and perhaps suggest directions for further research.STYLE OF RESEARCH REPORTSResearch reports are considered formal professional communication. As such, there is little emphasis on a lively style, although, of course, there is no objection to writing that is pleasing and interesting. The primary goals of professional communication are accuracy, clarity, and completeness. The rough draft of any research report should be edited to ensure that all data is correctly presented, that all equipment is listed, that all results are properly detailed. As an aid to the reader, headings indicating at least the major section of the report should be used, and all data should be presented under the proper headings. In addition to their function of suggesting to the reader the contents of each section, headings enhance the formal appearance and professional quality of the report, increase to some degree the writer's credibility by reflecting a logical and methodical approach to the reporting process, and eliminate the need for wordy transitional devices between sections.Research data should be presented in a way that places proper emphasis on major aspect of the project. For different readers different aspects will take on different degrees of importance, and some consideration should be given to structuring research reports differently for different audiences. Management, for example, will be most concerned with the results of a research project, and thus the results section should be emphasized, probably by presenting it immediately after the problem section and before the procedures section. Other researchers would be most interested in the procedures section, and this should be highlighted in writing up research projects for publication in professional journals or for presentation at professional conferences. For non-technical readers and federal agencies, the implications of the results might be the most important consideration, and emphasis should be placed on the discussion of the report for this readership.For additional clarity and emphasis, major results should be presented in a visual format -- tables, charts, graphs, diagrams -- as well as in a verbal one.Beyond checking the report for clarity and accuracy in the presentation of technical data, the author of a research report should review for basic grammatical and mechanical accuracy. Short sentences are preferable to long in the presentation of complex information. Listings should be used to break up long passages of prose and to emphasize information. The research writer should try to use the simplest possible language without sacrificing the professional quality of the report. Although specialized terms can be used, pretentious jargon should be avoided. A finished research report should be readable and useful document prepared with the reader in mind.CONCLUSIONAlthough we struggle with research reports in high school, dread them in college, and are often burdened by them in our professional live, learning to live comfortably with them is a relatively easy task. A positive attitude (i.e. one that seem the oral or written presentation of research results as of equal importance to the data-gathering process); an orderly approach which includes prewriting (i.e., before any actual research is done, the researcher should try to get down on paper as much about the subject under investigation as possible) and a formal research report structure as the framework for the investigation; and a reasonable approach to the actual writing process including editing for accuracy and clarity, will help one to produce effective research reports efficiently.New Wordspresentationn. the act of presenting; a talk, usu. to a group of people 提出,呈递;介绍,报告clientn. a person who gets help or advice from a professional, e.g. a lawyer, an accountant, an architect, etc.; a person who buys goods or services 委托人,当事人,顾客obstaclen. sth. which prevents action, movement or successn. the branch of business concerned with advertising, publicity, etc. 营销economicsn. the science that deals with money, goods and services and how they are related to each other 经济学accountingn. the art, practice or system of keeping, analyzing and interpreting business accounts 会计学anthropologyn. the scientific study of man, including his physical characteristics, the origin and development of races, and the cultures, customs and beliefs of mankind 人类学datan. facts; informationelementn. a basic part of which sth. is made upintendvt. have in mind as a goal; planprecisea. clearly expressed; exact; accuratesignificancen. importance; meaningeconomica. connected with trade, industry and the management of money; of economicsconsumptionn. the act of consuming or an amount consumed 消费(量)teenagern. a young person of between 13 and 19 year oldrelevancen. importance or significance to the matter at handrelevanta.n. a part into which a whole is or can be divided; sectionregulationn. a law or a set of rules by which sth. is regulatedinvestigatev. examine carefully in a search for facts, knowledge, or informationinvestigativea.summaryn. a short statement of the main points of a report, etc.considerationn. careful thoughtassessmentn. the act of calculating or deciding the value or amount; the value or amount at which sth. is calculatedrhetoricala. in using a style designed to impress or persuade 修辞(学)的enhancevt. make greater; improve 增加,提高thorougha. complete in all respectstraditionn. ideas, customs, beliefs that have been passed down from generation to generationdescriptionn. the act of describing sth.; an account in words describing sth.subjectn. a person or thing that is an object of study or experiment 实验对象,试验品evaluatevt. judge the value ofstroken. a single complete movement that is repeated often, as in swimmingfactorn. sth. that helps bring about a result 因素overalla. including everything; containing allduplicatevt. make an exact copy oftendencyn. an inclination to think or behave in a certain wayhypothesisn. idea or suggestion put forward as a staring point for reasoning or explanation 假设antitheticala. opposite to and unable to exist together with 对立(面)的expectationn. the act of expecting sth. or sth. that is expectedvalidityn. truth or soundness; state of legally acceptable 正确(性);合法(性),有效valida.constructionn. the act of constructing sth. or sth. that is constructedfederala. of the central government of the USA(美国)联邦政府的guidelinen. (pl.) informal rules or instruction on how sth. should be doneapprovev. have a favorable opinion (of); give permission or consent (to)skilleda. having skill; requiring training and skillpersonneln. all the people who work for a company or organizationapplicablea. that can be applied (to)formala. (of words or style of writing or speaking) suitable for official occasions, serious writing, etc.emphasisn. special importance given to sth. 强调objectionn. disapproval or opposition; a reason for being against sth.pleasinga. likable; giving delight or enjoymentaccuracyn. the condition of being correct and exact.clarityn. clearnessdraftn. a rough sketch, plan or outline 草稿,草图,草案editvt. prepare for publication by checking, correcting and revising 编辑ensurevt. make sure or certain; guaranteeaidn. help; assistanceheadingn. a title at the top of a page, chapter, or lettermethodicala. arranged or done according to a clear plan or method; orderly and systematiceliminatevt. get rid of; removewordya. using too many wordstransitionala. of change from one condition, activity or topic to anothertransition n.publicationn. (the printing and selling of) books, newspapers and magazinesagencyn. (esp. AmE) department of a government or an international bodyreadershipn. the particular number or type of people who read a book, newspaper or magazinevisuala. of, relating to, or used in seeingformatn. the way or order in which sth. is arranged or presentedgraphn. a mathematical diagram which shows the relationship between two or more sets of numbers or measurement (曲线)图diagramn. a simple drawing consisting mainly of lines used, for example, to explain how a machine works 简图,图表mechanicala. concerned with small technical detail 技巧上的,细节上的preferablea. more desirable or suitablelistingn. an act or instance of making a listprosen. ordinary written language, in contrast to poetrysacrificevt. give up, usu. for obtaining sth. for oneself or for othersspecializeda. suitable or developed for one particular usespecializev. adapt for a particular purposepretentiousa. claming (in an unpleasant way) to have importance, artistic value or social rank that one does not really possess 矫饰的,做作的jargonn. technical words expert use to discuss their subjects 行话readablea. easy and enjoyable to readorderlya. arranged in good order, in a well organized and controlled wayframeworkn. a structure that shapes or supports sth. 框架Phrase & Expressionson the jobwhile working; at workbreak down intoseparate into different kinds; divide into typesa variety (of)a number or collection of different sorts of the same general typemake upform as a whole; constituteunder considerationbeing discussed; begin given thoughtful attentionas suchas being what is indicated or suggested; in itself or in themselvestake onbegin to have; assumewrite uprewrite in a fuller, better organized way; give a full written account ofget downwrite, record (usu. quickly or with difficulty)Proper NamesWayne Losano韦恩.洛桑诺Unit 2TextThere is something fascinating about reading other people's mail if you are allowed to. Here is your chance to read the letters of American writer Sylvia Plath, which she wrote home to her mother from a hotel where she had a summer job as a waitress. At the time, she was a college student and was still at the start of her writing career. Through the letter we learn of her changing thoughts and moods concerning, boys and writing.THE BEGINNING OF A CARREERSylvia PlathThe Belmont Hotel, cape CodJune 11, 1952Dear Mother,Your amazing telegram [telegram announcing $500 Mademoiselle prize for "Sunday at the Mintons," which I forwarded] came just as I was scrubbing tables in the shady interior of The Belmont dining room. I was so excited that I screamed and actually threw my arms around the head waitress who no doubt thinks I am rather insane! Anyhow, psychologically, the moment couldn't have been better. I felt tired -- one's first night's sleep in a new place never is peaceful -- and I didn't get much! To top it off, I was the only girl waitress here, and had been scrubbing furniture, washing dishes and silver, lifting tables, etc. since 8 a.m. Also, I just learned since I am completely inexperienced, I am not going to be working in the main dining room, but in the "sidehall" where the managers and top hotel brass eat. So, tips will no doubt net much less during the summer and the company be less interesting. So I was beginning to worry about money when your telegram came. God! To think "Sunday at the Mintons" is one of two prize stories to be put in a big national slick! Frankly, I can't believe it!The first thing I though of was: Mother can keep her intersession money and buy some pretty clothes and a special trip or something! At least I get a winter coat and extra special suit out of the Mintons. I think the prize is $500!ME! Of all people!…So it's really looking up around here, now that I don't have to be scared stiff about money … Oh, I say, even if my feet kill me after this first week, and I drop 20 trays, I will have the beach, boys to bring me beer, sun, and young gay companions. What a life.Love, your crazy old daughter.SivvyJune 12. 1952No doubt after I catch up on sleep, and learn to balance trays high on my left hand, I'll feel much happier. As it is now, I feel stuck in the midst of a lot of loud, brassy Irish Catholics, and the only way I can jolly myself is to say, "Oh, well, it's only for a summer, and I can maybe write about them all." At least I've got a new name for my next protagonist -- Marley, a gabby girl who knows her way around but good. The ration of boys to girls has gotten less and less, so I'll be lucky if I get tagged by the youngest kid here. Lots of the girls are really wise, drinking flirts. As for me, being the conservative, quiet, gracious type, I don't stand much chance of dating some of the cutest ones … If I can only get "in" as a pal with these girls, and never for a minute let them know I'm the gentle intellectual type, it'll be O.K.As for the Mlle news, I don't think it's really sunk in yet. I felt sure they made a mistake, or that you'd made it up to cheer me. The big advantage will be that I won't have to worry about earning barely $300 this summer. I would really have been sick otherwise. I can't wait till August when I can go casually down to the drug store and pick up a slick copy of Mlle, flip to the index, and see ME, one of two college girls in the U.S.!Really, when I think of how I started it over spring vacation, polished it at school, and sat up till midnight in the Haven House kitchen typing it amidst noise and chatter, I can't get over how the story soared to were it did…I get great pleasure out of sharing it [her feeling about the story] with you, who really understand how terribly much it means as a tangible testimony that I have got a germ of writing ability. The only thing, I probably won't have a chance to win Mlle again, so I'll try for a guest editorship maybe next or my senior year, and set my sights for the Atlantic. God, I'm glad I can talk about it with you -- probably you're the only outlet that I'll have that won't get tired of my talking about writing …Speaking again of Henry and Liz, it was a step for me to a story where the protagonist isn't always ME, and proved that I am beginning to use imagination to transform the actual incident. I was scared that would never happen, but I think it's an indication that my perspective is broadening.Sometime I think -- heck, I don't know why I didn't stay home all summer, writing, doingphysical science, and having a small part-time job. I could "afford" to now, but it doesn't do much good to yearn about that, I guess. Although it would have been nice. Oh well, I'll cheer up. I love you.Your own SivvyJune 15, 1952Dear Mother.… Do write me letters, Mommy, because I am in a very dangerous of feeling sorry for myself … Just at present, life is awful. Mademoiselle seems quite unreal, and I am exhausted, scared, incompetent, unenergetic and generally low is spirits … Working in side hall puts me part, and I feel completely uprooted and clumsy. The more I see the main hall girls expertly getting special dishes, fixing shaved ice and fruit, etc., the more I get an inferiority complex and feel that each day in side hall leaves me further behind … But as tempted as I am to be a coward and escape by crawling back home, I have resolved to give it a good month's trial -- till July 10 … Don't worry about me, but do send me little pellets of advice now and then.June 24, 1952… Last night I went on a "gang" birthday party at the "Sand Bar" where we sang and talked for a few hours. There were about forty of us kids from the hotel. I managed by some magic to get myself seated next to a fellow in his first year at Harvard Law -- and he was just a dear … The best part was when we came back. It was a beautiful clear starry night, and Clark went in to get me two of his sweaters to wear because it was cold, and brought out a book of T.S. Eliot's poems. So we sat on a bench where I could just barely read the print, and he put his head in my lap and I read aloud to him for a wile. Most nice. The only thing is I am so inclined to get fond of someone who will do things with me like that -- always inclined to be too metaphysical and serious conversationally -- that's my main trouble … So glad to hear the check from Mlle is real. I hardly could believe it. Just now I am mentally so disorganized that I can't retain knowledge or think at all. The work is still new enough to be tiring, what with three changes a day into uniforms, and I am so preoccupied by mechanics of living and people that I can't yet organize and assimilate all the chaos of experience pouring in on me. In spite of everything, I still have my good old sense of humor and manage to laugh a good deal of the time … I'll make the best of whatever comes my way.Much love to you,SivvyNew Wordsmademoisellen. French title equivalent to Miss, abbr. Mlleshadya. full of or providing shad; darkinteriorn. the inner part of sth; insideinsanea. seriously ill in the mind; madanyhowad. in any case; anywaybrassn. (sl.) high officials, executives, etc.netvt. gain as profit 净赚slickn. a popular magazine printed on heavy, glassy paper(用油光纸印制的)通俗杂志franklyad. in an open, honest and straightforward wayfranka.intersessionn. a period between two academic terms, sometime utilized for brief concentrated coursesbeern. a bitter alcoholic drink made from grain 啤酒companionn. one who is often with another person; friend 同伴brassya. loud and daring in a tasteless mannerjollyvt. make (sb.) feel good or agreeable, esp. to gain and endprotagonistn. the chief character in a play or novelgabbya. very talkativeration. the relationship in number, quantity or size between two different things 比率tagvt. follow closelyflirtn. a person who behaves with a member of the opposite sex in a way that attracts interest and attentiongraciousa. very well-mannered and pleasantcutea. sharp-witted, clever, charmingly attractivepaln. (infml) friendflipvi. turn over quicklyindexn. an alphabetical list of the names and subjects in a printed work 索引polishvt. improve; perfect 润色soarvi. fly high into the air; rise beyond what is common and ordinarytangiblea. real; clear or definite enough to be easily seen, felt or noticedtestimonyn. proof; evidencegermn. the beginning of anything; origin 萌芽,起源editorshipn. the position of an editora. of the final year at high school or collegen. student in the senior classoutletn. a way of releasing sth.perspectiven. view; outlook; way of thinking about things 观点,看法broadenv. make or become broaderheckint. (used mainly as a mild curse) hellyearnvi. have a strong desire; longuprootvt. tear up by the rootsinferiorityn. the state or condition of being not good or less good in quality or valueinferiority complexan abnormal feeling not as good as other people, sometimes resulting in avoidance of others or overly aggressive behavior 自卑情结inferiora.cowardn. a person who is afraid to face danger, pain or hardshippelletn. a little ball or similarly shaped object; piecegangn. a group of friends who frequently meetstarrya. filled with stars that are visiblen. a warm knitted piece of clothing, which covers the upper part of one's body and arms 毛线衫,厚运动衫fonda. having a great liking or love for sb. or sth.metaphysicala. highly abstract; philosophical 高度抽象的,哲理的disorganizeda. in a confused state; badly planned or managedpreoccupyvt. fill the thoughts of sb. almost completely, esp. so that not enough attention is given to other thingsmechanicsn. the way in which sth. works or is donemechanics of livingsimple routine matters of lifeassimilatevt. take into the body and digest; understand completely and be able to use properlychaosn. a state of complete and thorough disorder and confusionPhrases & Expressionsno doubtwithout doubt; certainlyto top it off(usu. introducing sth. undesirable) in addition to everything elsebe stuck inbe unable to escape from (a disadvantageous position)know one's way around/ aboutunderstand how things happen in the world; be experienced in the way of the worldas forin regard to; speaking of; concerningsink inget a firm place in the mind; become fully understoodget overbelieve; learn to live with the shock of (sth. Very surprising or shocking)set one's sight foraim for, wish to get or wincheer upbecome hopeful, joyous or glad; stop being sad or discouragedat presentat this time; nowwhat withas a result of (used to introduce the reasons for a particular situation, esp. an undesirable one)be preoccupied by/withhave the mind fixed on sth., esp. sth. worrying so that no attention is paid to anything elsemake the best ofdo as well as one can withcome one's wayhappen to oneProper NamesSylvia Plath西尔维亚.普拉斯Belmont贝尔蒙特Cape Cod科德角Mademoiselle《小姐》杂志Minton明顿Marley马莉the Atlantic《大西洋》月刊Henry亨利Liz莉兹Harvard Law (School)哈佛大学法学院Clark克拉克T.S. EliotT.S. 艾略特Unit 3TextAre we humans alone in the universe? Or is there intelligent life on other planets? These questions are not new. What is new, however, is the scientific attempt to discover whether or not other planets beyond our own have given birth to advanced civilizations. In the following article, the author describes the scientific means now available for investigating this possibility and discusses how probable it is that we are not alone in the universe.THE QUEST FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL INTELLIGENCECarl SaganThrough all of our history we have pondered the stars and mused whether humanity is unique or if, somewhere else in the dark of the night sky, there are other beings who contemplate and wonder as we do, fellow thinkers in the cosmos. Such beings might view themselves and the。

翻译研究方法Research Proposal

翻译研究方法Research Proposal

11.1 Self-assessment
Here is a checklist of the kinds of purely methodological issues you might want to assess in your own work:
Research question / aim
Now what? Have you made some suggestions?
So what? Have you considered these, in the conclusion?
11.2 Internal Assessment
The key question is: are the readers convinced by what you are telling them? Behind this question there lie various assumptions. Readers are more likely to feel impressed if:
Have you presented your empirical material clearly? Have you explained why you chose it? How relevant is it to your research question? Have you explained how you collected it? How representative is it?
11.4 Typical Weaknesses
The following are the kinds of things that referees draw attention to when recommending, or in fact not recommending, that something be published:



2008年全国硕士研究生考试英语真题及答案Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)The idea that some groups of people may be more intelligent than others is one of those hypotheses that dare not speak its name. But Gregory Cochran is 1 to say it anyway. He is that 2 bird, a scientist who works independently 3 any institution. He helped popularize the idea that some diseases not 4 thought to have a bacterial cause were actually infections, which aroused much controversy when it was first suggested.5 he, however, might tremble at the6 of what he is about to do. Together with another two scientists, he is publishing a paper which not only7 that one group of humanity is more intelligent than the others, but explains the process that has brought this about. The group in8 are a particular people originated from central Europe. The process is natural selection. This group generally do well in IQ test,9 12-15 points above the 10 value of 100, and have contributed 11 to the intellectual and cultural life of the West, as the 12 of their elites, including several world-renowned scientists,13 hey also suffer more often than most people from a number of nasty genetic diseases, such as breast cancer. These facts, 14 ave previously been thought unrelated. The former has been 15 social effects, such as a strong tradition of 16 ucation. The latter was seen as a (an) 17 genetic isolation. Dr. Cochran suggests that the intelligence and diseases are intimately18 is argument is that the unusual history of these people has 19 em to unique evolutionary pressures that have resulted in this 20 ate of affairs.1. [A] selected [B] prepared [C] obliged [D] pleased2. [A] unique [B] particular [C] special [D] rare3. [A] of [B] with [C] in [D] against4. [A] subsequently [B] presently [C] previously [D] lately5. [A] Only [B] So [C] Even [D] Hence6. [A] thought [B] sight [C] cost [D] risk7. [A] advises [B] suggests [C] protests [D] objects8. [A] progress [B] fact [C] need [D] question9. [A] attaining [B] scoring [C] reaching [D] calculating10. [A] normal [B] common [C] mean [D] total11. [A] unconsciously [B] disproportionately[C] indefinitely [D] unaccountably12. [A] missions [B] fortunes [C] interests [D] careers13. [A] affirm [B] witness [C] observe [D] approve14. [A] moreover [B] therefore [C] however [D] meanwhile15. [A] given up [B] got over [C] carried on [D] got down16. [A] assessing [B] supervising [C] administering [D] valuing17. [A] development [B] origin [C] consequence [D] instrument18. [A] linked [B] integrated [C] woven [D] combined19. [A] limited [B] subjected [C] converted [D] directed20. [A] paradoxical [B] incompatible [C] inevitable [D] continuousSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)Text 1While still catching-up to men in some spheres of modern life, women appear to be way ahead in at least one undesirable category. ―Women are particularly susceptible to developing depression and anxiety disorders in response to stress compared to men,‖ according to Dr. Yehuda, chief psychiatrist at New York’s Veteran’s Administration Hospital.Studies of both animals and humans have shown that sex hormones somehow affect the stress response, causing females under stress to produce more of the trigger chemicals than do males under the same conditions. In several of the studies, when stressed-out female rats had their ovaries (the female reproductive organs) removed, their chemical responses became equal to those of the males.Adding to a woman’s increased dose of stress chemicals, are her increased ―opportunities‖ for stress. ―It’s not necessarily that women don’t cope as well. It’s just that they have so much more to cope with,‖ says Dr. Yehuda. ―Their capacity for tolerating stress may even be greater than men’s,‖ she observes, ―it’s just that they’re deal ing with so many more things that they become worn out from it more visibly and sooner.‖Dr. Yehuda notes another difference between the sexes. ―I think that the kinds of things that women are exposed to tend to be in more of a chronic or repeated nature. Men go to war and are exposed to combat stress. Men are exposed to more acts of random physical violence. The kinds of interpersonal violence that women are exposed to tend to be in domestic situations, by, unfortunately, parents or other family members, and they tend not to be one-shot deals. The wear-and-tear that comes from these longer relationships can be quite devastating.‖Adeline Alvarez married at 18 and gave birth to a son, but was determined to finish college. ―I struggled a lot to get the college degree. I was living in so much frustration that that was my escape, to go to school, and get ahead and do better.‖ Later, her marriage ended and she became a single mother. ―It’s the hardest thing to take care of a teenager, have a job, pay the rent, pa y the car payment, and pay the debt. I lived from paycheck to paycheck.‖Not everyone experiences the kinds of severe chronic stresses Alvarez describes. But most women today are coping with a lot of obligations, with few breaks, and feeling the strain. Al varez’s experience demonstrates the importance of finding ways to diffuse stress before it threatens your health and your ability to function.21. Which of the following is true according to the first two paragraphs?[A] Women are biologically more vulnerable to stress.[B] Women are still suffering much stress caused by men.[C] Women are more experienced than men in coping with stress.[D] Men and women show different inclinations when faced with stress.22. Dr. Yehuda’s research suggests that women[A] need extra doses of chemicals to handle stress.[B] have limited capacity for tolerating stress.[C] are more capable of avoiding stress.[D] are exposed to more stress.23. According to Paragraph 4, the stress women confront tends to be[A] domestic and temporary.[B] irregular and violent.[C] durable and frequent.[D] trivial and random.24. The sentence ―I lived from paycheck to paycheck.‖ (Line 6, Para. 5) shows that[A] Alvarez cared about nothing but making money.[B] Alvarez’s salary barely covered h er household expenses.[C] Alvarez got paychecks from different jobs.[D] Alvarez paid practically everything by check.25. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?[A] Strain of Stress: No Way Out?[B] Responses to Stress: Gender Difference[C] Stress Analysis: What Chemicals Say[D] Gender Inequality: Women Under StressText 2It used to be so straightforward. A team of researchers working together in the laboratory would submit the results of their research to a journal. A journal edi tor would then remove the authors’ names and affiliations from the paper and send it to their peers for review. Depending on the comments received, the editor would accept the paper for publication or decline it. Copyright rested with the journal publisher, and researchers seeking knowledge of the results would have to subscribe to the journal.No longer. The Internet – and pressure from funding agencies, who are questioning why commercial publishers are making money from government-funded research by restricting access to it – is making access to scientific results a reality. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has just issued a report describing the far-reaching consequences of this. The report, by John Houghton of Victoria University in Australia and Graham Vickery of the OECD, makes heavy reading for publishers who have, so far, made handsome profits. But it goes further than that. It signals a change in what has, until now, been a key element of scientific endeavor. The value of knowledge and the return on the public investment in research depends, in part, upon wide distribution and ready access. It is big business. In America, the core scientific publishing market is estimated at between $7 billion and $11 billion. The International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers says that there are more than 2,000 publishers worldwide specializing in these subjects. They publish more than 1.2 million articles each year in some 16,000 journals.This is now changing. According to the OECD report, some 75% of scholarly journals are now online. Entirely new business models are emerging; three main ones were identified by the report’s authors. There is the so-called big deal, where institutional subscribers pay for access to a collection of online journal titles through site-licensing agreements. There is open-access publishing, typically supported by asking the author (or his employer) to pay for the paper to be published. Finally, there are open-access archives, where organizations such as universities or international laboratories support institutional repositories. Other models exist that are hybrids of these three, such as delayed open-access, where journals allow only subscribers to read a paper for the first six months, before making it freely available to everyone who wishes to see it. All this could change the traditional form of the peer-review process, at least for the publication of papers.26. In the first paragraph, the author discusses[A] the background information of journal editing.[B] the publication routine of laboratory reports.[C] the relations of authors with journal publishers.[D] the traditional process of journal publication.27. Which of the following is true of the OECD report?[A] It criticizes government-funded research.[B] It introduces an effective means of publication.[C] It upsets profit-making journal publishers.[D] It benefits scientific research considerably.28. According to the text, online publication is significant in that[A] it provides an easier access to scientific results.[B] it brings huge profits to scientific researchers.[C] it emphasizes the crucial role of scientific knowledge.[D] it facilitates public investment in scientific research.29. With the open-access publishing model, the author of a paper is required to[A] cover the cost of its publication.[B] subscribe to the journal publishing it.[C] allow other online journals to use it freely.[D] complete the peer-review before submission.30. Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the text?[A] The Internet is posing a threat to publishers.[B] A new mode of publication is emerging.[C] Authors welcome the new channel for publication.[D] Publication is rendered easier by online service.Text 3In the early 1960s Wilt Chamberlain was one of only three players in the National Basketball Association (NBA) listed at over seven feet. If he had played last season, however, he would have been one of 42. The bodies playing major professional sports have changed dramatically over the years, and managers have been more than willing to adjust team uniforms to fit the growing numbers of bigger, longer frames.The trend in sports, though, may be obscuring an unrecognized reality: Americans have generally stopped growing. Though typically about two inches taller now than 140 years ago, today’s people –especially those born to families who have lived in the U.S. for many generations – apparently reached their limit in the early 1960s. And they aren’t likely to get any taller. ―In the general population today, at this genetic, environmental level, we’ve pretty much gone as far as we can go,‖ says anthropologist William Cameron Chumlea of Wright State University. In the case of NBA players, their increase in height appears to result from the increasingly common practice of recruiting players from all over the world.Growth, which rarely continues beyond the age of 20, demands calories and nutrients – notably, protein – to feed expanding tissues. At the start of the 20th century, under-nutrition and childhood infections got in the way. But as diet and health improved, children and adolescents have, on average, increased in height by about an inch and a half every 20 years, a pattern known as the secular trend in height. Yet according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, average height –5′9″ for men, 5′4″ for women –hasn’t really changed since 1960. Genetically speaking, there are advantages to avoiding substantial height. During childbirth, larger babies have more difficulty passing through the birth canal. Moreover, even though humans have been upright for millions of years, our feet and back continue to struggle with bipedal posture and cannot easily withstand repeated strain imposed by oversize limbs. ―There are some real constraints that are set by the genetic architecture of the individual organism,‖ says anthropologist William Leonard of Northwestern University.Genetic maximums can change, but don’t expect this to happen soon. Claire C. Gordon, sen ior anthropologist at the Army Research Center in Natick, Mass., ensures that 90 percent of the uniforms and workstations fit recruits without alteration. She says that, unlike those for basketball, the length of military uniforms has not changed for some time. And if you need to predict human height in the near future to design a piece of equipment, Gordon says that by and large, ―you could use today’s data and feel fairly confident.‖31. Wilt Chamberlain is cited as an example to[A] illustrate the change of height of NBA players.[B] show the popularity of NBA players in the U.S..[C] compare different generations of NBA players.[D] assess the achievements of famous NBA players.32. Which of the following plays a key role in body growth according to the text?[A] Genetic modification.[B] Natural environment.[C] Living standards.[D] Daily exercise.33. On which of the following statements would the author most probably agree?[A] Non-Americans add to the average height of the nation.[B] Human height is conditioned by the upright posture.[C] Americans are the tallest on average in the world.[D] Larger babies tend to become taller in adulthood.34. We learn from the last paragraph that in the near future[A] the garment industry will reconsider the uniform size.[B] the design of military uniforms will remain unchanged.[C] genetic testing will be employed in selecting sportsmen.[D] the existing data of human height will still be applicable.35. The text intends to tell us that[A] the change of human height follows a cyclic pattern.[B] human height is becoming even more predictable.[C] Americans have reached their genetic growth limit.[D] the genetic pattern of Americans has altered.Text 4In 1784, five years before he became president of the United States, George Washington, 52, was nearly toothless. So he hired a dentist to transplant nine teeth into his jaw – having extracted them from the mouths of his slaves. That’s a far different image from the cherry-tree-chopping George most people remember from their history books. But recently, many historians have begun to focus on the roles slavery played in the lives of the founding generation. They have been spurred in part by DNA evidence made available in 1998, which almost certainly proved Thomas Jefferson had fathered at least one child with his slave Sally Hemings. And only over the past 30 years have scholars examined history from the bottom up. Works of several historians reveal the moral compromises made by the nation’s early leaders and the fragile nature of the country’s infancy. More significantly, they argue that many of the Founding Fathers knew slavery was wrong – and yet most did little to fight it.More than anything, the historians say, the founders were hampered by the culture of their time. While Washington and Jefferson privately expressed distaste for slavery, they also understood that it was part of the political and economic bedrock of the country they helped to create.For one thing, the South could not afford to part with its slave s. Owning slaves was ―like having a large bank account,‖ says Wiencek, author of An Imperfect God: George Washington, His Slaves, and the Creation of America. The southern states would not have signed the Constitution without protections for the ―peculiar institution,‖ including a clause that counted a slave as three fifths of a man for purposes of congressional representation.And the statesmen’s political lives depended on slavery. The three-fifths formula handed Jefferson his narrowvictory in the presidential election of 1800 by inflating the votes of the southern states in the Electoral College. Once in office, Jefferson extended slavery with the Louisiana Purchase in 1803; the new land was carved into 13 states, including three slave states.Still, Jef ferson freed Hemings’s children –though not Hemings herself or his approximately 150 other slaves. Washington, who had begun to believe that all men were created equal after observing the bravery of the black soldiers during the Revolutionary War, overcame the strong opposition of his relatives to grant his slaves their freedom in his will. Only a decade earlier, such an act would have required legislative approval in Virginia.36. George Washington’s dental surgery is mentioned to[A] show the primitive medical practice in the past.[B] demonstrate the cruelty of slavery in his days.[C] stress the role of slaves in the U.S. history.[D] reveal some unknown aspect of his life.37. We may infer from the second paragraph that[A] DNA technology has been widely applied to history research.[B] in its early days the U.S. was confronted with delicate situations.[C] historians deliberately made up some stories of Jefferson’s life.[D] political compromises are easily found throughout the U.S. history.38. What do we learn about Thomas Jefferson?[A] His political view changed his attitude towards slavery.[B] His status as a father made him free the child slaves.[C] His attitude towards slavery was complex.[D] His affair with a slave stained his prestige.39. Which of the following is true according to the text?[A] Some Founding Fathers benefit politically from slavery.[B] Slaves in the old days did not have the right to vote.[C] Slave owners usually had large savings accounts.[D] Slavery was regarded as a peculiar institution.40. Washington’s decision to free slaves originated from his[A] moral considerations.[B] military experience.[C] financial conditions.[D] political stand.Part BDirections:In the following article, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41—45, choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the blanks. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)The time for sharpening pencils, arranging your desk, and doing almost anything else instead of writing has ended. The first draft will appear on the page only if you stop avoiding the inevitable and sit, stand up, or lie down to write. (41) -------Be flexible. Your outline should smoothly conduct you from one point to the next, but do not permit it to railroad you. If a relevant and important idea occurs to you now, work it into the draft.(42) ------- Grammar, punctuation, and spelling can wait until you revise. Concentrate on whatyou are saying. Good writing most often occurs when you are in hot pursuit of an idea rather than in a nervous search for errors.(43) ------- Your pages will be easier to keep track of that way, and, if you have to clip a paragraph to place it elsewhere, you will not lose any writing on the other side.If you are working on a word processor, you can take advantage of its capacity to make additions and deletions as well as move entire paragraphs by making just a few simple keyboard commands. Some software programs can also check spelling and certain grammatical elements in your writing.(44) ------- These printouts are also easier to read than the screen when you work on revisions. Once you have a first draft on paper, you can delete material that is unrelated to your thesis and add material necessary to illustrate your points and make your paper convincing. The student who wrote “The A & P as a State of Mind” wisely dropped a paragraph that questioned whether Sammy displays chauvinistic attitudes toward women. (45) -------Remember that your initial draft is only that. You should go through the paper many times – and then again – working to substantiate and clarify your ideas. You may even end up with several entire versions of the paper. Rewrite. The sentences within each paragraph should be related to a single topic. Transitions should connect one paragraph to the next so that there are no abrupt or confusing shifts. Awkward or wordy phrasing or unclear sentences and paragraphs should be mercilessly poked and prodded into shape.[A] To make revising easier, leave wide margins and extra space between lines so that you can easily add words, sentences, and corrections. Write on only one side of the paper.[B] After you have clearly and adequately developed the body of your paper, pay particular attention to the introductory and concluding paragraphs. It’s probably best to write the introduction last, after you know precisely what you are introducing. Concluding paragraphs demand equal attention because they leave the reader with a final impression.[C] It’s worth remembering, however, that though a clean copy fresh off a printer may look terrific, it will read only as well as the thinking and writing that have gone into it. Many writers prudently store their data on disks and print their pages each time they finish a draft to avoid losing any material because of power failures or other problems.[D] It makes no difference how you write, just so you do. Now that you have developed a topic into a tentative thesis, you can assemble your notes and begin to flesh out whatever outline you have made.[E] Although this is an interesting issue, it has nothing to do with the thesis, which explains how the setting influences Sammy’s decision to quit his job. Instead of incl uding that paragraph, she added one that described Lengel’s crabbed response to the girls so that she could lead up to the A & P “policy” he enforces.[F] In the final paragraph about the significance of the setting in “A & P,” the student brings together the reasons Sammy quit his job by referring to his refusal to accept Lengel’s store policies.[G] By using the first draft as a means of thinking about what you want to say, you will very likely discover more than your notes originally suggested. Plenty of good writers don’t use outlines at all but discover ordering principles as they write. Do not attempt to compose a perfectly correct draft the first time around.Part CDirections:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)In his autobiography, Darwin himself speaks of his intellectual powers with extraordinary modesty. He points out that he always experienced much difficulty in expressing himself clearly and concisely, but (46) he believes that this very difficulty may have had the compensating advantage of forcing him to think long and intently about every sentence, and thus enabling him to detect errors in reasoning and in his own observations. He disclaimed the possession of any great quickness of apprehension or wit, such as distinguished Huxley. (47) He asserted, also, that his power to follow a long and purely abstract train of thought was very limited, for which reason he felt certain that he never could have succeeded with mathematics. His memory, too, he described as extensive, but hazy. So poor in one sense was it that he never could remember for more than a few days a single date or a line of poetry. (48) On the other hand, he did not accept as well founded the charge made by some of his critics that, while he was a good observer, he had no power of reasoning. This, he thought, could not be true, because the “Origin of Species” is one long argument from the beginning to the end, and has convinced many able men. No one, he submits, could have written it without possessing some power of reasoning. He was willing to assert that “I have a fair share of invention, and of common sense or judgment, such as every fairly successful lawye r or doctor must have, but not, I believe, in any higher degree.” (49) He adds humbly that perhaps he was “superior to the common run of men in noticing things which easily escape attention, and in observing them carefully.”Writing in the last year of his life, he expressed the opinion that in two or three respects his mind had changed during the preceding twenty or thirty years. Up to the age of thirty or beyond it poetry of many kinds gave him great pleasure. Formerly, too, pictures had given him considerable, and music very great, delight. In 1881, however, he said: “Now for many years I cannot endure to read a line of poetry. I have also almost lost my taste for pictures or music.” (50) Darwin was convinced that the loss of these tastes was not only a loss of happiness, but might possibly be injurious to the intellect, and more probably to the moral character.Section III WritingPart A51. Directions:You have just come back from Canada and found a music CD in your luggage that you forgot to return to Bob, your landlord there. Write him a letter to1) make an apology, and2) suggest a solution.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.Do not write the address. (10 points)Part B52. Directions:Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) give your comments.You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)2008年硕士研究生考试英语真题详解完型填空1、答案:B解析:本题测试语义逻辑衔接。

英语的重要性 作文

英语的重要性 作文
English is often used as a lingua franca in the tourism industry and for international travel. Whether it's for business or leisure, English proficiency can enhance the travel experience by facilitating communication with people from different backgrounds. Additionally, when living or studying abroad, a good command of English can help individuals adapt to new environments, make friends, and navigate daily life in a foreign country.
From a personal development perspective, learning English can be intellectually stimulating and emotionally rewarding. Acquiring a new language challenges the mind and memory, and it can boost cognitive function and problem-solving skills. Additionally, being able to speak English opens up a wealth of learning resources, including books, online courses, and educational materials that are not available in other languages. This can broaden one's horizons and foster a lifelong love for learning.



Building a brilliant future together with shared perspectives is a concept that resonates deeply in our modern world.The idea is that when people come together with a common understanding or viewpoint,they can achieve great things collectively.Heres an essay that explores this idea in depth.Title:Constructing a Resplendent Future with Shared PerspectivesIn the tapestry of human existence,the threads of individual perspectives weave a complex and vibrant pattern.It is when these threads intertwine harmoniously that the most magnificent tapestries are created.The notion of constructing a resplendent future with shared perspectives is not merely an idealistic dream but a practical blueprint for progress and prosperity.The Power of Unity in VisionWhen individuals or groups share a common vision,they are able to pool their resources, knowledge,and skills towards a unified goal.This collective effort multiplies the impact of their actions and accelerates the pace of achievement.The Apollo moon landing is a testament to what can be accomplished when a nation unites behind a single,ambitious objective.The shared perspective of exploring the final frontier brought together scientists,engineers,and citizens in a concerted effort that defied the odds and expanded humanitys horizons.The Role of Diversity in Shared PerspectivesWhile unity in vision is crucial,it is the diversity of thought within that shared perspective that fuels innovation and resilience.A team of individuals with varied experiences and ideas can approach problems from multiple angles,leading to more robust and creative solutions.The tech industry,for instance,thrives on the diversity of its workforce,where engineers,designers,and marketers all contribute to the development of groundbreaking products.Overcoming Challenges with a Unified FrontShared perspectives also provide a solid foundation for overcoming challenges.When faced with adversity,a group that is united in its approach is better equipped to navigate the complexities and find effective solutions.The global response to climate change is an ongoing example of nations and organizations coming together with a shared understanding of the problem and a commitment to finding sustainable solutions.The Importance of Communication and OpennessFor shared perspectives to flourish,there must be a culture of open communication and active listening.This allows for the free exchange of ideas and the opportunity to refine and adapt the shared vision as new information becomes available.The scientific community is a prime example,where peer review and open publication of research ensure that knowledge is continually updated and improved upon.Cultivating a Culture of Shared PerspectivesTo cultivate a culture of shared perspectives,it is essential to foster an environment where every voice is heard and valued.This involves promoting inclusivity,encouraging dialogue,and being open to cational institutions,workplaces,and communities must work to create spaces where diverse viewpoints are not only tolerated but celebrated.ConclusionIn conclusion,the construction of a brilliant future is not a solitary endeavor but a collective journey.Shared perspectives lay the groundwork for this journey,providing direction,strength,and resilience.By embracing the power of unity in vision,the diversity of thought,and the importance of communication,we can overcome the challenges that lie ahead and build a future that is not only resplendent but also sustainable and inclusive.It is a future that we can all be proud to contribute to and look forward to.。



期刊发表渠道英文缩写Journal Publication Channels English Abbreviations。

In academic research, one of the most important aspects of getting your work recognized is through publication in reputable journals. However, the process of selecting the right journal for publication can be quite daunting, especially for early career researchers. To aid in this process, it is essential to understand the various publication channels and their corresponding English abbreviations. In this document, we will explore some of the most common journal publication channels and their English abbreviations.1. SCI: Science Citation Index。

SCI is a multidisciplinary citation index that covers over 9,200 high-impact journals in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities. Journals indexed in SCI are considered to be of high quality and are often used as a benchmark for evaluating the impact of research publications.2. SSCI: Social Sciences Citation Index。



期刊发表英文名怎么说As a document creator on Baidu Wenku, you may be wondering how to say "期刊发表" in English. The term "期刊发表" refers to the publication of academic papers in journals, and in English, it is commonly translated as "journal publication."When it comes to academic research, getting your work published in a reputable journal is a significant milestone. It not only validates the quality of your research but also allows it to reach a wider audience and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in your field.The process of journal publication typically involves several key steps. First, the researcher must carefully select a suitable journal for their work. This involves considering factors such as the journal's scope, audience, impact factor, and the relevance of the research to the journal's focus. Once a journal is chosen, the researcher can begin preparing their manuscript for submission.The manuscript preparation process is crucial, as it involves ensuring that the research is presented in a clear, concise, and well-structured manner. This often involves following the specific formatting and style guidelines of the target journal, which may include requirements for citations, references, figures, and tables.After the manuscript is prepared, it is submitted to the journal for peer review. Peer review is a critical part of the publication process, as it involves experts in the field evaluating the quality and validity of the research. Based on the feedback from the peer reviewers, the author may be required to make revisions to the manuscript before it is accepted for publication.Once the manuscript is accepted, it goes through the final stages of production, including copyediting, typesetting, and proofreading. The author may also be required to provide additional materials, such as author bios, abstracts, and keywords, to accompany the published article.Finally, the article is published in the journal and becomes part of the academic record. This allows other researchers and scholars to access and cite the work, contributing to the ongoing exchange of ideas and knowledge in the academic community.In conclusion, "期刊发表" in English is "journal publication," and it is a critical aspect of academic research. The process of journal publication involves careful selection of a suitable journal, meticulous manuscript preparation, rigorous peer review, and the final production and publication of the article. By successfully navigating this process, researchers can share their work with the broader academic community and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their field.。




本文就如何用英文就其意见进行回复做一下简单说明:1、In reply to the referee’s main criticism of paper, it is possible to say that您的回复:外审专家对于表1中xxx所提出的问题现已改正。


One minor point raised by the referee concerns of the extra composition of the reaction mixture in Figure 1 has now been corrected. Further minor changes had been made on page 3,paragraph 1(line 3-8)and 2(line 6-11).These do not affect our interpretation of the result.2、我非常仔细地阅读了外审专家的意见,而且我认为文章仅仅因为缺少xxx而被拒绝刊登的。

我承认本应在丈中包含XXX 然后这仅是出于对文章简洁的考量,没有提供相关数据而非疏忽。

I have read the referee’s comments very carefully and conclude that the paper has been rejected on the sole grounds that it lacked toxicity data. I admit that l did not include a toxicity table in my article although perhaps I should have done. This was for the sake of brevity rather than an error or omission.3、谢谢您对于我文章“XXX”的回复以及外审专家的意见。






GeneralName: Date of Birth :Gender : e Nationality : P.R. ChinaMajor : Business Administration Email :Mobile :Address :10 CaiHeFang Road, 1+1 Plaza, Room 901,ZhongGuanCun West, HaiDian District,Beijing,P.R.China, 100080Education BackgroundMaster School of Business Administration(2007。

9~2009.6)Bachelor ng University, Tourism Management, College of Tourism(1999.9~2003。

6)Professional Experience2007—Present:Carbonite China Software Co。

,Ltd , Beijing ,China Assistant President responsible for Admin &Human Resources Dept. 2003—2007: Dalian Shide Group ,Admin service company, Dalian, ChinaOffice ManagerLanguage Skills& Computer Skills1)English:Qualified for oral and written English in both daily and academic2)French: Start to learn now3)Academic Software: Proficiency in Microsoft Office, Photoshop, GraphPadPrism, Primer 5。

grand view research机构如何引用参考文献

grand view research机构如何引用参考文献

grand view research机构如何引用参考文献
Grand View Research 是一家市场研究公司,专注于提供行业报告、市场分析和技术研究。


1. 括号引用:在正文中,可以使用括号引用的方式插入参考文献。


2. 脚注:在报告的末尾或每页的底部,可以列出所有参考文献。


3. 参考文献列表:在报告的附录或结尾,可以提供一个完整的参考文献列表。


4. 编号引用:在正文中,可以使用编号来表示引用的参考文献。


5. 直接引用:在某些情况下,可以直接引用原文的内容。




至于Grand View Research 机构的报告,您可以参考他们报告中的引用方式。




English for Academic Paper Writing &riting requirements Integrity 1 paragraph about what has been done, especially the author’s own contribution Conciseness essential information, economy of words,no number, equations & mathematical expressions and others Consistency exclusion of non-mentioned information Concentration exclusion of certain elements (figures, tables, literature reference, etc.)
English for Academic Paper Writing & Publication
Unit 3 Abstract
2. Linguistic features Limited length 200 words; 50 ~ 100 words; 500 words Categories descriptive (indicative): general subject matter in a qualitative way informational (informative): findings and results in a quantitative way
English for Academic Paper Writing & Publication
Unit 3 Abstract




以下是一些常见的博士学术英语动词搭配,这些搭配通常用于描述研究、分析和写作过程:1. 提出观点(Propose):- advance a viewpoint- put forth an argument- posit a hypothesis2. 开展研究(Conduct Research):- undertake research- carry out investigations- conduct empirical studies3. 制定假设(Formulate Hypotheses):- formulate a hypothesis- articulate a conjecture- propose a theoretical framework4. 设计实验(Design Experiments):- design experiments- structure research protocols- develop experimental methodologies5. 收集数据(Collect Data):- gather empirical evidence- compile research data- amass a dataset6. 分析结果(Analyze Results):- analyze findings- scrutinize outcomes- interpret statistical data7. 提出建议(Make Recommendations):- make recommendations- propose policy implications- suggest practical applications8. 总结研究(Summarize Research):- summarize research- encapsulate key findings- provide a synthesis of the literature9. 评估影响(Assess Impact):- assess the impact- gauge the repercussions- evaluate the implications10. 发表论文(Publish Papers):- publish research articles- submit manuscripts to journals- disseminate findings through scholarly channels这些动词搭配强调了研究者在博士学术写作中的专业性和深度,有助于传达研究的严谨性和学术价值。

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* Department of Economics, Monash University
Department of Economics, Monash University We thank Mita Bhattacharya for helpful suggestions on an earlier version of this paper.
Monash University Victoria 3800 Australia
Electricity Consumption, Employment and Real Income in Australia
Paresh ~ a r a y a n and * Russell smythtt Mailing Address Associate Professor Russell Smyth Department of Economics POBox 11E Monash University, 3800 Victoria, Australia
per cent higher than in 1990 (AGO, 2000). The amount of electricity produced from renewable energy in Australia is very small. More than 92 per cent of Australia's electricity is produced by fossil fuels natural gas
employment to electricity consumption or if there is no causality in either direction this implies that electricity conservation policies would not affect economic growth. However, if unidirectional causality runs from electricity consumption to income or employment reducing electricity consumption could lead to a fall in income and/or employment.
Electricity Consumption, Employment and Real Income in Australia ABSTRACT
This paper has two objectives. The first is to ascertain whether there is a stationary, long run equilibrium relationship between electricity consumption, employment and income in Australia. The second is to examine the temporal causality between these variables. Our main findings are that electricity consumption, employment and real income are cointegrated and that in the long run employment and real income Granger cause electricity consumption, while in the short-run there is weak unidirectional Granger causality running from income to electricity consumption and from income to employment. The paper discusses the implications of these findings for energy conservation policies in Australia, which are designed to reduce greenhouse emissions and to move towards generating electricity from renewable resources.
KEYWORDS: Electricity Consumption, Causality, Bounds Test, Cointegration
JEL: C5, Q4
I. Intsector is one of Australia's major industries. In 1997-98 it generated $13 billion in sales to final consumers, which accounted for around 1.6 per cent of GDP, and employed 32,000 people (ESAA 1999, ABS Cat. No. 5206). Table 1 shows growth of electricity consumption and GDP since the beginning of the 1970s. The average growth in electricity consumption over this period has been 4.8 per cent, which has outpaced growth in real GDP, which has been 3.4 per cent. The purpose of this paper is twofold. The first objective is to determine whether there is a stationary, long run equilibrium relationship between electricity consumption, employment and income in Australia. The second is to examine the temporal causality between these variables. From a policy viewpoint, the direction of causality between these variables has important implications (Asafb-Adjaye 2000, pp. 616-6 17, Ghosh 2002 p. 125). If unidirectional Granger causality runs from income or
Department of Economics Discussion Papers ISSN 1441-5429
Electricity Consumption, Employment and Real Income in Australia
Paresh Narayan and Russell Smyth
coal and
and it is expected that fossil fuels will still account for 90
per cent of electricity generation in 2010 (ESAA, 2002). To put this in perspective, if Australia's 8 per cent Kyoto target was applied equally across all sectors then the electricity sector's net emissions could increase by 10.3 million tons over the period 1990 to 2010. However, Hamilton and Denniss (2001) estimate that competition policy, through focusing on short-term cost minimization, was responsible for an increase in greenhouse emissions from the electricity sector of l l million tons in 1998, the year that the National Electricity Market was introduced, alone. As Australia comes under increasing international pressure to ratify the Kyoto protocol it is important to know what effect, if any, electricity conservation will have on employment and real income. Methodologically, the paper contains two improvements over much of the existing energy consumption-economic growth literature. First, in testing for cointegration we employ the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model suggested by Pesaran (Pesaran and Pesaran 1997, Pesaran and Shin 1999, Pesaran et a1 2001) in addition to the more commonly used vector autoregression (VAR) approach developed by Johansen (1988) and