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1.We celebrate ______ (Christmas) in December.
2.The _____ (拼图) is challenging to complete.
3.We are going to ________ a concert.
4.Heat makes molecules move ______.
5.An octopus can change its ________________ (颜色).
6.The _____ (松树) stays green all year.
7.My toy ____ helps me learn new things. (玩具名称)
8.She has a beautiful ________.
9. A chemical equation must be balanced to comply with the law of ______.
10. A __________ (氯化物) is a compound formed from chlorine and another element.
11. to _______ (听音乐) in the evening. She love
12.What is the name of the famous speech delivered by Martin Luther King Jr.?
A. I Have a Dream
B. We Shall Overcome
C. Ask Not What Your Country Can Do
D. The Gettysburg Address答案: A
13.In chemistry, a _______ is a shorthand way to represent a chemical substance. (化学符号)
14.The _______ has many branches and leaves.
15.The Doppler effect can be observed in light from _______.
16.The chemical symbol for ununoctium is ______.
17.The ____ swims in the ocean and has colorful scales.
18.My sister loves _____ music. (listening to)
19.The sheep provides us with ______ (羊毛).
20.The ancient Egyptians believed in _______ for protection in the afterlife. (护身符)
21.I build things with my ________ (玩具名称).
22.The boiling point of a liquid is the temperature at which it changes to ______.
23. A barracuda is a fast and fierce ______ (鱼).
24. A ______ (蟒蛇) can be very long and thick.
25.The _____ (公寓) is spacious.
26.The ______ (树木的年龄) can be determined by growth rings.
27.The capital of Kosovo is ________ (普里什蒂纳).
28.I dream of having a ________ (玩具名) that can ________ (动词) by itself. That would be amazing and ________ (形容词)!
29.The chemical formula for glucose is _____.
30.The energy stored in chemical bonds is called ______ energy.
31.I can ___ my homework before dinner. (finish)
32.The _______ is a beautiful sight in the spring.
33.The ____ is often seen resting in the sun on warm days.
34.The cat is ___ (curious).
35.The country known for the Eiffel Tower is ________ (法国).
36.The cake smells _______ (甜美).
37.________ (生态系统动态) guide conservation.
38.This ________ (玩具) is perfect for family bonding.
39.Flowers can be enjoyed for their beauty, but they also have ______. (花朵不仅因其美丽而受到喜爱,还有它们的用途。

40.The _______ of a plant can tell us about its age.
41.My brother loves to challenge himself in __________ (学习).
42.I can ___ (catch) a ball easily.
43.Light takes time to travel across the vastness of _______.
44.n Wall fell in ______ (1989年), marking the end of the Cold War. The Berl
45.The Earth's crust can be altered by human ______.
46.I want to be a _______ (科学家) when I grow up.
47.The main component of air is ______.
48. A ____ is a swift animal that can leap great distances.
49.My favorite thing to do at the beach is _______ (堆沙堡).
50.He is a _____ (分析师) interpreting market trends.
51. (Globe) Theatre was associated with William Shakespeare. The ____
52.The _____ (花儿) in my backyard attract hummingbirds.
53.pyramid) shape can be seen in some mountains. The ____
54.What is the main ingredient in chocolate?
A. Sugar
B. Cocoa beans
C. Milk
D. Flour答案: B
55.I love to _____ (explore) different types of plants.
56.What do we use to write?
A. Paper
B. Pencil
C. Book
D. Table答案: B
57.The chemical formula for ethanol is _____.
58.The __________ is known for its diverse wildlife. (非洲)
59.At the toy shop, I found a magical ____. (玩具名称)
60.The bear is a powerful animal in the ____.
61.What is the term for a baby goat?
A. Kid
B. Calf
C. Fawn
D. Lamb答案:a
62.Chemists study the properties of _____ and their interactions.
63.The chef is passionate about _____ (烹饪).
64.I want to _____ (travel/go) to the beach.
65.The _____ is the nearest galaxy to Earth.
66. A ______ can be very protective of its territory.
67.The _______ (小龙) is a symbol of power in tales.
68.I want to _____ (go/stay) at home.
69.We visit the ______ (历史遗迹) to learn about the past.
70. A solution that has a high concentration of solute is called a _______ solution.
71.My sister has a pet ________.
72.What do you call a person who repairs cars?
A. Electrician
B. Mechanic
C. Plumber
D. Carpenter答案: B
73.My dad likes to go on ____ (hiking) trips.
74.The capital of Nepal is _____.
75.The sun shines bright in the ______ (白天).
76.What is the name of the place where you go to learn?
A. School
B. Park
C. Store
D. Home答案: A
77.My cousin's name is . (我表哥的名字是)
78.My hamster loves to ______ (吃东西).
79.My ________ (堂弟) is really good at soccer.
80.What do you call a person who builds roads?
A. Engineer
B. Architect
C. Constructor
D. Builder答案: A
81.The teacher is in the ___. (classroom)
82.The elephant uses its trunk to _______ (喝水).
83.The city of Lisbon is the capital of _______.
84.My sister's favorite flower is a ______.
85.The capital of Armenia is __________.
86.__________ (冷却剂) are used to remove heat in chemical processes.
87.What is the name of the famous American holiday celebrated in December?
A. Christmas
B. Thanksgiving
C. New Year's
D. Independence Day答案: A
88.The __________ (历史的智慧) guides our path.
89. A __________ is a mixture where the different components are not uniform.
90.The ________ (世界地图) shows all countries.
91.What do we call the act of looking at stars and planets?
A. Astrology
B. Geography
C. Astronomy
D. Biology答案:C.Astronomy
92.What color are strawberries?
A. Blue
B. Red
C. Yellow
D. Green答案:B
93. A thermometer measures ______ temperature.
94. A compound with a high melting point is likely to be an ______.
95.What is the name of the famous inventor known for his work with electricity?
A. Thomas Edison
B. Nikola Tesla
C. Alexander Graham Bell
D. Benjamin Franklin答案: A
96.What is the primary ingredient in a smoothie?
A. Ice
B. Fruit
C. Yogurt
D. All of the above答案: D
97.The process of breaking down a compound into simpler substances is called ______.
98.The garden is alive with colorful _______ and buzzing bees.
99.The periodic table shows all known ______.
100.中国的________ (legends) 经常包含神话与历史交织的故事。
