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喷液流量 1 800 mL·min-1。
陶波, 孔令伟. 无人机喷雾雾滴分布研究[J]. 东北农业大学学报, 2018, 49(8): 64-72. Tao Bo, Kong Lingwei. Study on spray droplet distribution of uav[J]. Journal of Northeast Agricultural University, 2018, 49 (8): 64-72. (in Chinese with English abstract)
机田间飞防作业时,应避免高温干旱、风速较高天气,建议无人机作业状态为:飞行高度 1 m,飞行速度 5 m·s-1,
the plant protection uav system. The spray distribution test used the water sensitive test paper as the target to explore the droplet deposition distribution in different operation conditions and operation surroundings. The field biological activity test used the plant protection uav to carry out the field flight protection test, compared the field weed control effect, and analyzed the optimal operation status of the plant protection uav. The results showed that the spray height, flight speed, spray flow rate, air humidity, temperature, wind speed and deposition distribution of pesticide droplets and pesticide efficacy were significantly positive correlated, among them, the flight speed, spray flow rate and temperature within a certain range of pesticide droplet deposition distribution and pesticide efficacys influence were not significant. When the plant protection uav system for field work was carried out, it should avoid weather with high temperature and drought, high wind, and it suggested to keep the uav operation status to spray height 1 m, flight speed 5 m·s-1, and spray flow rate 1 800 mL·min-1.
第 49 卷 第 8 期 2018 年 8 月 网络出版时间 2018-8-24 13:4 of Northeast Agricultural University [URL] /kcms/detail/23.1391.S.20180824.1340.014.html
Key words: flight prevention; droplet distribution; operation status; outdoor environment; deposi-
tion rate
收稿日期:2018-03-15 基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目子课题(2016YFD0200503-11) 作者简介:陶波(1963-),男,教授,博士,博士生导师,研究方向为除草剂生物化学及应用技术。E-mail: botaol@
Study on spray droplet distribution of uav/TAO Bo, KONG Lingwei(School of
Agriculture, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China)
Abstract: The distribution of droplet deposition and the field efficacy were studied by using
陶 波等:无人机喷雾雾滴分布研究
农业病虫草害是中国粮食安全和农产品供给制 约因素。农用可防治农作物病虫害、消除杂草。 目前国内施药机械和技术水平相对落后,农药利 用率低 。 [1] 随农业现代化、规模化发展,我国田间 施药需科学施药、规范用药,调节除草剂药液性 状,提高药效、降低用药量,缓解后茬作物残留药 害,改进喷雾设备,使用大型喷雾器械及植保无人 机喷药[2]。植保无人机机动性强、控制灵活、作业成 本低[3];喷雾作业不受地形限制,作业效率高,节省 劳力并提高田间施药效率[4];喷雾作业时,操作者与 无人机分离,避免农药雾滴接触人体造成农药中毒 事件;采用低量或超低量喷雾,降低农药使用量, 提高农药利用率,减少环境污染[5]。
49(8): 64~72 August 2018
陶 波,孔令伟
( 东北农业大学农学院,哈尔滨 150030 )
摘 要:利用植保无人机系统研究雾滴沉积分布情况及田间药效。雾滴分布试验以水敏试纸为靶标,探究不同