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1.Which retaurant wi the e bac ear at night
—Ye It wa not et eight o’coc ________ he arrived home
A before
B when
C that
D unti
A.find a "b a quic a e are there obtace ou mut avoid
A.Bug Bunn' Ho Madne.
C.Rudoan with the Minitr of Raiwa
A tota of 132 an with the minitr at a ain in critica condition, aid Cheng Jinguo, head of the heath bureau in the cit of Wenhou, where the coiion ha hoiie and incere ainitr i invetigating the caue of the crah, Wang aid Wang aid the minitr wi mae e of the ied and inured He aid the crah ha caued arge number of cauatie and great initr wi find out the caue through thorough invetigation and tae effective meaure to iar accident
Dean aid the minitr i ti confident in the high-aged rai have been re weather, according to Wang Wang did not e when the ine woud tart o the aage?
A The o when the train crahed
C The caue of the coiion wa made cear
D Simiar accident woud be avoided in ater oeration
63 Which of the foowing i NOT true?
A The Raiwa Minitr i invetigating the caue with the hean interference
D The o weather over
64 What can be the bet tite of the age
B Terribe Weather Leading to Train' Coiion
C Invetigation uent of High-ot ie to be taen from ________
A a cience fiction
B an ea
C a trave brochure
D a neweaning of ife”
The uua aughter foowed, and and ooed at me for a ong time, aing with hi ee if I wa eriou and eeing from m ee that I wa
“I wi anwer our quetion”
Taing hi waet out of hi hia round mirror, about the ie of a quarter And what he aid went ie thi:
“When I wa a ma chid, during the war, we were ver ote viage One da, on the road, I found the broen irror A German motorcce had been wreced in that together, but it wa not ade it round I began to e facinated b the fact that I coud refect ight into dar e a game for me to get ight into the mot inacceibe irror, and, a I went about m growing uoment and continue the chaenge of the game A I became a man, I grew to undertand that thi wa not ut a chid’ game but a metaight do with m ife I came to undertand that I am not the ight or the ource of ight But ight—truth, undertanding, nowedge—i there, and it wi hine in man dar a fragment(碎片)of a mirror whoe whoe deign and haen—and change ome thing in ome a ee and do iewie Thi i what I am about Thi i the meaning of m ife”
66 On hearing the author’ quetion, Dr a round mirror when he wa a chid?
A He found it on the road and made it round
B A ding German odier gave him a a ade it
68 Wh did Dr a round mirror o much a a chid?
A Becaue he wa too
D Becaue it tod him a ot about what ife rea meant to him
69 The underined “metaot ean_____
A mbo
B ource
C ight D
ight be the bet tite for the aage?
e e ome good habit Firt o
f a, we houd be honet and faithfu to other Never te ie or cheat in eamination Second, ree bad habit, uch bein
g ate for choo, throwing rubbi
h here and there or ent
In m ouch a we can to buid our choo into a harmoniou camu。
