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SWA’s Planning Experience SWA规划经验
SWA Group 规划 城市设计 景观建筑
Table of Contents 目录
History of SWA’s Experience SWA的项目经验 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Irvine Ranch, Orange County California (1963–present)
美国加利福尼亚州橘郡欧文庄(1963–迄今)2 Golden Gate National Recreation Area, San Francisco Bay Area (1960s)
美国旧金山金门桥国家级风景名胜区(20世纪60年代)5 Long Beach and San Diego Waterfronts (1970s)
美国南加州长滩与圣地亚哥滨海区(20世纪70年代)6 Disneyland and Universal City redevelopment (1990s)
美国迪斯尼乐园与好莱坞环球影城重建(20世纪90年代)7 China: Qingpu, Zhuhai, Hangzhou (2000s)
中国:青浦、珠海、杭州(21 世纪初)8 Recent Relevant Projects 近期相关项目 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Riyadh East Subcenter 沙特阿拉伯首都利雅得东部第二中心12 Agra & Varanasi Plans 印度阿格拉与瓦拉纳西规划14 River Islands 美国旧金山江心岛16 Anaheim & Disneyland Resort 美国洛杉矶阿纳海姆区与迪斯尼乐园18 SWA’s Planning & Urban Design Philosophy SWA规划与城市设计理念 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Land-Based Planning and Urban Design 土地规划与城市设计19 Focus on the Framework 侧重框架19 Create a Memorable Place 构建令人瞩目的场所20 Lead the Market 引领市场20 Plan to build 计划建造22 Working With the Client 客户参与 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Involvement of Senior Personnel 高级人员的参与23 Creating a Vision 创新观念23 Team leader and team member 团队精神23 Professional Process: Initial Planning 专业流程:初步规划. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Gather and Analyze Data 数据收集与分析24 Synthesis: Planning and Design Principles 综合:规划与设计理念24 Framework Plan 框架规划24 Preferred Plan 最佳方案24 Documentation 文件资料24 Professional Process: Succeeding Steps 专业流程:后续步骤 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
SWA Group
规划 城市设计 景观建筑
History of SWA’s Experience
The SW A Group is a private consulting firm based in the United States that has nearly 50 years of experience provid-ing urban planning and urban design services for private developers, municipalities, public agencies, and landowners. Founded by Hideo Sasaki and Peter Walker in 1958, SW A Group was known for many years as Sasaki, Walker Associ-ates. SW A Group currently has a staff of over 125 persons at offices in seven locations: two in the San Francisco Bay area, two in Southern California, one in Dallas, Texas, one in Houston, Texas, and a representative office in Shanghai, People’s Republic of China.
From the beginning, SW A has been involved in large-scale urban planning and design projects, including community planning, open space planning, and urban redevelopment planning. The following is brief description of some of SW A ’s

1958年,Hideo Sasaki (佐佐木.英夫)和Peter Walker (彼得.沃克)创立了SWA集团(Sasaki, Walker Associates 景观设计公司)。



以下选取了部分项目,简短介绍 SWA在大规模城市规划与设计过程中的经验。

Lakefront, Varanasi, India
SWA Group 规划 城市设计 景观建筑experience in large-scale urban planning and design
Irvine Ranch, Orange County California (1963–present)
The Irvine Ranch is a 400 square kilometer ranch located on Southern California’s gold coast in Oarnge County. Originally comprised of two large Spanish land grants, the Irvine Ranch is considered today to be one of the most successful and at-tractive new towns developed since the end of WWII. SW A’s participation in the planning of the Ranch began in the early 1960s with University Park, an innovative new community lo-cated near the campus of the University of California, Irvine, which was just being constructed.
SW A prepared a plan for the Central Ranch properties in the late 1960s. Covering approximately 40% of the total area of the Ranch, SW A’s planning effort resulted in the development of a 700-hectare planned community, Woodbridge, which was built between 1975 and 1985. This community is widely recognized as one of the most original and well designed planned communities in the United States, and has won numberous awards, including the highest award from the Urban Land Institute, the leading professional organization of developers in the world.
SW A was also involved in the planning of Newport Center, a 200-hectare mixed-use retail and office development located in Newport Beach. SW A designed the landscape for the 100,000 square meter shopping center, Fashion Island, as well as for the surrounding streets in the mid-60s, and again as part of a major renovation in the mid-80s.
More recently, SW A has prepared plans for a number of the Irvine Company’s planned developments, including Shady Canyon, a 600-hectare exclusive golf course community, Quail Hill, a 600-hectare mixed-use residential community, and Woodbury, a 250-hectare high density residential com-munity. All three have won major awards for design from the
The extent of the 40,000 hectare Irvine Ranch in Orange County, California. Areas colored yellow are major developments for which SWA prepared plans.美国加利福尼亚州橘郡欧文庄(1963–迄今)





SWA还参与了新港中心(Newport Center)的规划,这是一处位于新港滩的200公顷的多功能零售兼办公开发区。

在20世纪60年代中期SWA为100,000平方米的购物中心时尚岛(Fashion Island)以及周边街道进行景观设计,并于80年代中期对其主要修缮工作进行规划。

SWA Group
规划 城市设计 景观建筑
Above: Aerial photo from 2005 showing University Park in foreground and Woodbridge beyond.
Below Left: Master Plan for 600-hectare Woodbridge (center) prepared by SWA in 1970s.
Below Right: Guidelines for mass-grading of Woodbridge pre-pared in 1970s.
最近,SWA为Irvine Company的若干开发区提供规划设计,包括600公顷专属高尔夫球场社区Shady Canyon、600公顷多功能住宅区Quail Hill以及250公顷高密度住宅区Woodbury。


SWA Group 规划 城市设计 景观建筑
Above: Photo of Newport Center and Fashion Island, an impor-tant 200-hectare commercial development on the Irvine Ranch.
Left: Master Plans for Woodbury (center) and other new com-munities in Central Irvine prepared in the last few years. Below: Master Plan for Shady Canyon, a 600 hectare exclusive golf course community in the Irvine Ranch currently nearing the completion of implementation.
SWA Group 规划 城市设计 景观建筑Pacific Coast Builder’s Conference, the leading organization
of home builders on the west coast of the United States.
Golden Gate National Recreation Area, San Francisco
Bay Area (1960s)
In the mid-1960s, the United States government hired SW A
Group to prepare a master plan for one the great treasures of open space in the world, the Golden Gate National Recre-
ation Area (GGNRA). Comprising tens of thousands of acres on the northern California coast either side of the Golden
Gate Bridge, the GGNRA was formed from a collection of
public lands belonging to various public agencies from the
Defense Department to the Interior Department. Prepara-
tion of the plan involved numerous meeting with the public
and a lengthy public review process, and the plan is the result of this collaboration. Today, the GGNRA is one of the San
Center: Aerial View showing the context of SWA’s plan for the
Golden Gate National Recreation Area in San Francisco. SWA
also designed the park in the center of the photo that is a popu-lar place to photograph the bridge.
Above and Below: natural hills in the GGNRA
园- 金门桥国家级风景名胜区进行总体规划。





SWA Group
规划 城市设计 景观建筑
Franciso Bay Area’s greatest attraction for both local residents and international visitors.
Long Beach and San Diego Waterfronts (1970s)In the early 1970s, SW A prepared redevelopment plans for the shoreline and downtown areas of two of the largest cities in California, San Diego and Long Beach. Both plans empha-sized reconnecting the city to the ocean through a combina-tion of public investments and private redevelopment proj-
ects. The revitalization of these cities that occurred as a result Above: Master Plan and aerial photo of the Long Beach, Cali-fornia Shoreline
Below: Master Plan and photo of a portion of the Embarcadero area of San Diego Harbor



SWA Group 规划 城市设计 景观建筑
of these plans is a model for success, and both cities enjoy the
benefits of SW A ’s planning efforts on their behalf.
Disneyland and Universal City redevelopment (1990s)Beginning in the early 1990s, SW A prepared plans for two major urban redevelopment projects in Southern Califor-nia: the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California, and the Universal City master plan in Hollywood, California. For the Disneyland Resort, SW A was consultant to both the Walt Dis-ney Company and the City of Anaheim, preparing interlock-ing, complementary plans for both the Disney properties and for the properties of surrounding landowners. SW A prepared a Specific Plan for the project, a 450-page document that included basic policy recommendations, as well as a zoning ordinance and detailed urban design guidelines. Following approval of the plan, SW A prepared detailed landscape plans for portions of the public landscape of the project, and SW A ’s guidelines have been used by the City to guide both new development and renovation of existing properties. The total planning area of the Disneyland resort is approximately 500 hectares.
SW A prepared similar plans for Universal City, a nearly 200-hectare site located in Hollywood, California. The site is a complex mix of uses that included an active motion picture Above: Master Plan for the Disneyland and Anaheim Resort areas of Anaheim, California
Below: Photographs showing the character of the streetscapes implemented as a result of SWA ’s detailed urban design guide-lines and landscape architectural design.








SWA Group
规划 城市设计 景观建筑
studio, a world-famous them park, a large retail center and a 50-story office tower.
China: Qingpu, Zhuhai, Hangzhou (2000s)
Starting in the late 1990s and continuing to the present, SW A has prepared plans for large-scale urban developments throughout China. The focus of this work has been to accom-modate China’s burgeoning urban population while creating memorable, world-class living environments.
Zhuhai is a city of approximately one million located across the Pearl River Delta from Hong Kong. Designated a Special Economic Zone by the Chinese government, many compa-nies have located factories and offices in the north end of the city. SW A prepared plans for three new high density mixed-use residential communities to help house the workers who will be coming to work in the factories in Zhuhai. Two of the communities are located on fill in the Pearl River, and the third is located among existing village. They range in size from 500- to 700-hectares each.
Qingpu is an historic water town located on the Yangtze River Delta 50 kilometers west of Shanghai. Anticipating growth of more than 150,000, the City conducted an invited competi-tion between SW A Group and another firm. SW A ’s plan cov-ers a 60 square kilometer area and proposed a water-oriented community that built on the natural beauty of the site and its many existing waterways.
Described in the thirteenth century by Marco Polo called it the most beautiful city in the world, Hangzhou is one of Chi-na’s oldest and most beautiful cities. As a result of its growth, the downtown area of Hangzhou has suffered from the ills of urbanization . The downtown is located adjacent to West Lake, a 6 square kilometer lake lined with historical buildings and public open space that is the treasure of the City. SW A was hired to prepare a plan that reconnected the City to the lake and solved the traffic problems that were degrading the City’s quality of life. SW A proposed a 1.5 kilometer tunnel under the lake to remove traffic from an important lakeside collector road, reclaiming the surface road for pedestrians and tourist traffic. Although the project is still being imple-
mented, the initial phase of development was awarded an Top: Framework Plan for the North Zhuhai area ner Hong Kong
Middle: Illustrative Plan showing new communities within the North Zhuhai area.
Bottom: Aerial perspective view of the Jinding New Town in North Zhuhai.
中国部分规划经验(21 世纪初)
自20世纪90年代后期, SWA开始在中国范围内为大规模的城市开发建设进行规划设计。


中国珠海新城(21 世纪初)


为此,SWA 规划了三个高密度、多功能的居住区,为珠海市新进涌入的工作人员提供住所。


小区占地面积约 500-700公顷不等。

SWA Group
规划 城市设计 景观建筑
Illustrative Plan and Aerial Perspective view of New Watertown near Shanghai
中国上海青浦水乡新城(21 世纪初)



SWA Group
规划 城市设计 景观建筑
Master Plan for redevelopment of Hangzhou downtown
Portion of the master plan showing proposed new development with treatment of public spaces
Photographs showing completed phase 1 improvements designed by SWA
中国杭州湖滨特色街区(21 世纪初)






SWA Group
规划 城市设计 景观建筑
Shopping Street, Al Taiba, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Urban Land Institute prize in 2005 for being one of the best developments in Asia.
Recent Relevant Projects
The following five projects are all urban development plan-ning and urban design efforts undertaken by SW A in the last ten years. Several are still in process, while for others the planning process has concluded and implementation is underway. These projects are all complex, large-scale develop-ments in which SW A was a key member of a large consult-ing team. There is great variety among these projects and they range from high-density urban development, to lower density suburban residential communities, to a unique urban destination resort. We believe the breadth of SW A ’s experi-












SWA Group
规划 城市设计 景观建筑
Central spine focuses on new mosque and King Fahd stadium in distance
Computer massing model of development showing landscape character of proposed development
ence, as well as our depth is a compelling qualification for our involvement in the Wuxi planning project.Riyadh East Subcenter
As part of major planning effort, the City of Riyadh has pro-posed creating five urban subcenters within each of the City’s five major geographical subregions. The Eastern Subcenter is the largest of the five, covering an area of nearly 400 hectares immediately adjacent to King Fahd Stadium on the eastern edge of the City. Working for the Arriyadh Development Authority (ADA) through a Riyadh-based planning and en-gineering firm , DAR, SW A Group prepared an urban design concept plan for the entire site.
Located at the terminus of the King Abdullah Road light-rail transit system, SW A ’s plan proposes a major mixed-use development consisting of residential, retail, office, and
government services uses. The form of the plan builds on the commanding and striking form of King Fahd Stadium with a major open space and activity corridor that emanates north from the stadium site. A major new mosque in the middle of this corridor is the focus of two diagonal roads that also bring the light rail system into the heart of the site.
In addition to establishing the land uses, density and urban design structure of the site, SW A ’s plan proposes implementa-
SWA Group
规划 城市设计 景观建筑
Master Plan for the 700-hectare proposed development.
Aerial view of a portion of the project showing the use of the central open space as a location for religious and public facili-ties and public gardens.
tion methods that are consistent with both the best practices of Western countries and the special needs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Al Taiba
Al Taiba will be Saudi Arabia’s first planned community
intended primarily for Saudi citizens. Located on 700 hectares in southern Riyadh, Al Taiba will feature amenities and an open space structure that is unique in the Kingdom, though common in many Western countries, China and Southeast Asia. The project is being developed by Saedan, a large Saudi Arabian developer with extensive experience in residential development. In developing the plan, SW A has collaborated with DAR, a Riyadh-based consulting firm specializing in planning and engineering.
The form of the community is based on the pronounced topography created by a major drainage way that crosses diagonally through the site. The open space created by this drainage way will be the community’s central unifying fea-
沙特阿拉伯首都利雅得Al Taiba区规划
Al Taiba位于利雅得南部,将成为沙特阿拉伯的首个主要面向沙特市民的规划社区。

占地700公顷的Al Taiba以生活福利设施和开放的空间结构为主要特点。







SWA Group
规划 城市设计 景观建筑
Illustrative master plan for the Agra Hi-Tech Township with a closeup of a typical neighborhood on the right
ture. Public gardens, schools, mosques and other components of the community’s social infrastructure will be located in or adjacent to this open space.Agra & Varanasi Plans
SW A completing master plans for two large townships in In-dia. Each site is approximately 600 hectares and both are part of an Indian government plan to create new, hi-tech town-ships throughout the country to satisfy the need for middle-class housing in high-quality environments developed to an international standard.
The Agra Hi-Tech Township is located approximately 10 kilometers southeast of the City of Agra , home of the world famous Taj Mahal. The site is flat and is currently used for ag-riculture; several small villages are scattered around the site. SW A ’s plan is to create a new mixed-use residential commu-nity that consists of a series of smaller neighborhoods. Each neighborhood will include a full complement of various types and densities of dwellings, as well as retail, public parks and social infrastructure to satisfy Indian government community planning standards. The dominant element of the plan is a central spine open space that is a very broad, tree-lined bou-levard with public trails and other open space amenities. The form of this community responds to the numerous existing trees, many of which have been planted in rows that line the existing roads and agricultural field boundaries
Located 10 kilometers west of Varanasi, the Varanasi Hi-Tech Township is similar in many ways to the one near Agra: the site is flat agricultural land with scattered villages, and a number of existing trees dot the landscape. This will also be a collection of mixed-use neighborhoods linked by parkways,












SWA Group 规划 城市设计 景观建筑
Illustrative master plan of the Varanasi Hi-Tech Township. The curvilinear forms were
inspired by the sinuous form of the nearby Ganges River
SWA Group
规划 城市设计 景观建筑
River Islands Master Plan showing existing context.
but the form of this community is quite different, and is in-spired by the sinuous form of the nearby Ganges River, which resembles the sweeping forms reflected in the curving road alignments.River Islands
River Islands is a 2,000-hectare planned community located approximately 100 kilometers east of San Francisco in Cali-fornia’s fast-growing Central Valley. The site is surrounded by tributaries the San Joaquin River, which provides the domi-nant theme and character for the development. To mitigate downstream flooding that plagued neighboring properties, SW A ’s plan proposes a unique system of broad levees that are set back from the existing river channel. This approach not only creates more high-value land with frontage on the river, but increases the floodway capacity of the river, thereby providing needed storm water storage.
Within the community, SW A ’s plan provides an extensive hierarchical open space system that includes neighborhood parks, trails, recreation space and other water-oriented ame-nities that reflect the site’s location and context. The plan also provides for a new town center for the City of Lathrop, which currently has none.
To attract businesses to the 120-hectare business park, the de-veloper sponsored an initiative in which local voters approved a fee of US$5,000 per dwelling to be paid upon issuance of building permits. This fee can be used to provide incentives to business in the form of infrastructure or other amenities that will attract high-quality jobs to the development. By attract-ing jobs to the region, River Islands will help mitigate traffic pressure on existing highways that are currently at or above capacity with commuters to jobs in the San Francisco Bay area.
In addition to the master plan, SW A prepared detailed urban design guidelines for the project to be administered by
SWA Group
规划 城市设计 景观建筑
River Islands character sketches prepared to show public how the development might appear once completed










SWA Group
规划 城市设计 景观建筑
Date Palm-lined avenue in the heart of the Disneyland and Anaheim Resort. Other plans and photgraphs are on page 7.
the local government authority. River Islands received the Grand Award for large-scale planning from the Pacific Coast Builders Conference in 2004 in recognition of its innovative approach and design quality.Anaheim & Disneyland Resort
Located in Anaheim California, Disney is one of the major tourist attractions in the world, attracting nearly 12 million visitors per year. SW A prepared a detailed plan for properties owned by the Walt Disney Company, as well as a companion document under the direction of the local city government. The purpose of SW A ’s plan was to transform the area around the theme park, an area of nearly 500 hectares, from its
blighted condition into a world class urban destination resort.Working with a large team of engineers, economists and environmental specialists, SW A prepared a specific plan that included detailed urban design regulations for all public
spaces surrounding the theme park. Of particular importance was the creation of a new zoning ordinance that gave sur-rounding land owners detailed and measurable criteria for improvement of their properties. Improvements on public land, particularly along the roads within the district, included extensive new landscaping, as well as road widening and other new infrastructure. These improvements were funded by municipal bonds sold by the City and repaid by income from a transient occupancy tax on the more that 15,000 hotel rooms in the district.
SW A ’s plan was approved in 1996 and implementation of the plan began immediately. As a consultant to the Walt Disney Company, SW A prepared landscape design drawings and construction documents for most of the public land adjacent to the Walt Disney company’s property, as well as for im-provements on their land. SW A ’s guidelines for development were implemented by numerous other design consultants, too. Implementation of the improvements is nearly complete, and the transformation has been recognized with awards to SW A from both the American Planning Association and the American Society of Landscape Architects.










