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李晓民1,2,3,张 兴1,2,3,辛荣芳1,2,3,李宗仁1,2,3,李得林1,2,3,李冬玲1,2,3
(1.青海省青藏高原北部地质过程与矿产资源重点实验室,青海 西宁 810012;2.青海省地质调查院,
青海 西宁 810012;3.自然资源青海卫星应用技术中心,青海 西宁 810012)
摘 要:利用青海省国内高分辨率卫星数据,对祁连县、湟源县和玛沁县南部的泉水点进行了遥感解译。





中图分类号:P237 文献标志码:B





1.1 遥感数据源选择与处理

高分二号数据全分辨融合后达到0.81 m ,高分一号数据全分辨融合后达到2 m 。


遥感数据处理采用GS 变换融合影像

1.2 泉点解译方法

相关学者利用国产卫星水体信息提取方法研究较多,本次提取采用ESWI 决策树法进行水体信息提取(图2)[9]。

遥感解译主要以人机交互为主,在ArcGIS 软件下进行全像素遥感信息提取



本区泉点的遥感解译标志有:①位于沟谷尽头,冻土边缘,冻结层上水下潜形成的地下水露头,影像上呈灰白色等的短线; ②位于山坡坡脚,是小河的源头,并形成积水潭,影像呈蓝绿色、灰白色等,或者有水系迹象;③位于沟谷尽头,其上游地区没有冰川等水源补给;④位于山坡之上,多处泉点线性排布,影像上呈灰白色、墨绿色等斑点;⑤线性串珠状展布,位于断层上或者断层交汇处。

图1 泉点信息提取流程图

项目来源:青海省科技厅创新平台建设专项项目(2019-ZJ -T04);青海省地质勘查基金资助项目(2016020022ky022)。

期图2 祁连县地区ESWI 决策树法提取水体信息结果(GF-2)
2.1 湟源县地区泉点分布




泉点主要集中出露在克素尔组(J ×k )等地层,分布于基岩山区,岩性为灰白色厚—块层状结晶灰岩夹深灰色中—厚层状白云质灰岩,局部夹少量灰色—银灰色千枚岩。



图3 断层控制的泉遥感影像特征
图4 侵蚀泉遥感影像特征(GF-2)
2.2 祁连县地区泉点分布


泉点多位于海拔3 700 m 以上的冻土边缘,其顶部常常可见积雪,



图5 冻土边缘分布的泉遥感影像特征
图6 小河的源头出露的泉遥感影像特征
图7 山坡坡脚出露的泉遥感影像特征(GF-2)
2.3 玛沁县南部地区泉点分布

泉点多分布于马尔争组(P 2m )等地层中,岩性以砂岩、玄武岩、夹灰岩、板岩、硅质岩为主,是形成泉点的主要母岩,邻

2.4 泉点遥感解译存在问题
图8 玛沁县南部地区泉遥感影像特征(GF-1)


3结 语









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Index (Vol.19,No.2)
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Research on the Spatial Characteristics of Urbanization along the East Line of South-to-North Water Transfer by XUE Kai Abstract Based on the east line project of South-to-North Water Transfer in Shandong Province and Landsat remote sensing images in 1985, 1995, 2005 and 2015, we used the remote sensing image interpretation and GIS spatial analysis to obtain the spatial evolution map of urban land use. Then, we computed the four indicators of urban expansion intensity, compactness, fractal dimension and coordinate of urban gravity center to study the characteristics of urban expansion. The results show that the expansion intensity of the four cities is increasing continuously. The urban expansion intensity of Jining, Liaocheng, Dezhou and Tai’an in the past 30 years is 11.124%, 14.274%, 8.177% and 20.825%, respectively. The compactness and fractal dimension have also changed greatly, which shows that the expansion of the city not only extends to the surrounding areas, but also fills the urban interior.
Key words urbanization, east line of South-to-North Water T ransfer, urban space expansion, driving force (Page:44)Research and Application of the Method of Construction Project Planning and Setting Out by 3DGIS Technology by CHENG Liangyong Abstract Based on 3DGIS technology, we studied the surveying method and application of auxiliary construction project planning and setting out, and developed the application system software of 3D planning and setting out. Taking a construction project planning and implementation case for example, this software solves the problem that the review of traditional methods is not intuitive and comprehensive, and provides a scientific basis for planning, construction and management, with outstanding results.
Key words planning and setting out, planning implementation, building spacing, spatial analysis, image recognition, 3DGIS (Page:49)Application of Vehicle-borne LiDAR in Intelligent Holographic Surveying and Mapping by WANG Wenfeng Abstract In this paper, we studied the applications of vehicle-borne LiDAR in intelligent holographic surveying and mapping in detail. And then, we obtained the 3D holographic terrain data with high precision within the red line of the road, which could provide a new technical means for refine urban management.Key words vehicle-borne LiDAR, holographic terrain data, intelligent, refine
(Page:54)Design and Implementation of Decision Support System for Industry Spatial Analysis and Management by ZHOU Qing Abstract In the absence of spatial data and GIS technology, there are so many problems, such as low efficiency of park benefit analysis and lack of spatial macro management. On the basis of this, combining with the demands of the park development, enterprise management and investment of industrial park, we applied GIS into the planning and management of industrial park to realize the dynamic management, spatial management and auxiliary decision-making of industrial park. Based on WebGIS technology and big data of industrial information, urban planning data, public data and other spatial geographical information, we built a decision support system for spatial analysis and management of industrial park.
Key words geographical information, industry and informatization, industrial park, spatial analysis (Page:56)Briefly Explore of Remote Sensing Interpretation Spring Point Using Domestic High-resolution Data in Qinghai by LI Xiaomin Abstract In this paper, we used the domestic high-resolution satellite data in Qinghai Province to carry out the remote sensing interpretation spring points in Qilian County, Huangyuan County and the southern part of Maqin County. By extracting the water body information, combining with the previous relevant data, and assisting the field verification, we interpreted many spring points. Then, we summarized some interpretation marks of remote sensing interpretation spring points, including fault spring, erosion spring, spring on the edge of frozen soil, which could provide basic data for hydrogeology, optimal selection of mineral water target area and so on. For the remote sensing image spring point with large inrush and large flow, the interpretation effect is good, but the interpretation effect of the spring point with small inrush and small flow is not good. In order to better serve the investigation of natural resource elements and ecological conditions, it is suggested that the interpretation of spring points should be carried out repeatedly, and the remote sensing factor inversion of hydrological information of multispectral data should be assisted.
Key words domestic high-resolution satellite, remote sensing interpretation, spring (Page:60)
Application of Vehicle-born Laser Scanning T echnology in Highway Survey
by WANG Weibo Abstract In order to fully excavate and expand the application of laser scanning
technology, taking the highway reconstruction and extension survey project in
Naqu Area of Tibet as the opportunity, according to the special topography,
climate and traffic conditions, we proposed a new vehicle-borne laser scanning
system for highway survey. Then, we studied the key technologies of vehicle-borne
laser scanning in highway survey, and its advantages and disadvantages compared with the traditional way of surveying and mapping, to reveal the technical difficulties and social economic benefit of vehicle-born laser scanning technology in highway survey.
Key words vehicle-born laser scanning technology, highway survey, laser point cloud, key technology (Page:64)Research and Implementation of Large and Complex Building Measurement Base on Planning Management by GAO Jianwei Abstract To meet the needs of project construction and planning management for large and complex buildings, we applied the office and field integration operation mode of planning survey and 3D laser scanning technique to realize exchange and information sharing of work platform, which could solve the difficult problem of large and complex building measurement, and improve the working efficiency and quality.
Key words building, planning management, planning measurement, office and field integration, 3D laser scanning (Page:68)
Research on Assembly Measurement Method of Shaped Steel T ower
by HAN Guoqing Abstract Based on the assembly measurement of steel tower of Shele bridge, we introduced a method that using a common conversion point and a direction point to establish a micro control network on the steel tower segment by means of the one-to-one direction combined with the bilateral single-angle resection. And then, we converted the measurement coordinates of the micro control points into the design coordinates on the tower through the common conversion point. When the steel tower segments were assembled, the micro control points on the segments were measured by the 3D coordinate method, and the crane was commanded to move the steel tower segments to the design position.
Key words bilateral single-angle resection, common conversion point, micro control network, one-to-one direction, 3D coordinate method (Page:71)Comparison Analysis of Dynamic Visualization of Vector Field under Consumer-level CPU and GPU by LI Zhiyuan Abstract In this paper, we studied the feasibility of dynamic visualization of vector field under consumer-level GPU and CPU, and compared these two schemes. Then, we designed specific visualization algorithm for dynamic particles of vector field, dynamic symbol control and experimental program based on Canvas and Web GL. The experimental result verified the feasibility of dynamic visualization of vector field’s application on PC and mobile devices, while the GPU’s scheme was more efficient if the browser supported Web GL, and CPU’s scheme was more general but not suitable for mass data set.
Key words vector field, dynamic map symbol, CPU, GPU, visualization (Page:74)Evaluation of Geological Disaster Hazard Zoning in Lueyang County, Shaanxi Province by FENG Jianmin Abstract The geological disaster spots of Lueyang County in Shaanxi Province have increased to 255 after Wenchuan earthquake in 2008. In order to assess the level and scope of geological disaster spots of Lueyang County, we used GIS and RS technology combined with information model to evaluate the hazard level of geological disasters in ArcGIS. The results show that 76.50% of geological disaster spots are in the slope of 15°~40°. The geological disaster spots are focused on the range of loosen stratum, accounting for 33.03%. From the viewpoint of relief, the geological disaster spots are mainly in the small relief area (20~75 m), accounting for 79.4%. The geological hazards of Lueyang County concentrated distribute along the river valley, which are consistent with the distribution of active zone and tectonic belt. There is a strong correlation between the spatial distribution of geological disaster spots and hazard zoning. The study shows that the information method combined with GIS is objective and can provide valid basis for geological disaster prevention of the research area.
Key words geological disaster, hazard zoning, information model, ArcGIS, Lueyang County (Page:78)Key Technologies of LiDAR in the Inspection of Transmission Lines and Its Application by CAO Songyuan Abstract In this paper, we introduced the key technologies of LiDAR in the inspection of transmission lines, summarized the existing methods of fine cloud classification and 3D reconstruction, discussed the future research directions, and summarized the specific application of LiDAR in line inspection, which could provide reference for relevant industry.
Key words LiDAR, power line, point cloud classification, 3D reconstruction, key application (Page:83)
Quality Inspection of Electronic Navigation Channel Chart Based on Secondary Development of AutoCAD by ZHANG Chenyi Abstract Compared with the previous geographical information data, the basic geographic vector data of inland waterways have a wider operation range, more content and higher accuracy requirements. Therefore, it is a difficult task to。
