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Lydie-Edwige Biye;葛卫红;于锋
【摘要】Objective: To understand current the state of standardized anticoagulant therapy in patient with atrial fibrillation and analyze the factors that affect standard anticoagulant therapy, and at the same time, to make progress by the foundation of corresponding countermeasures. Methods:Diagnosed nonvalvular atrial fibrillation patients were history inspected for a period of 12 months (January-December 2010) in Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital Cardiovascular Department, CHADS2 scheme method was used to stratify atrial fibrillation patient and assess their risk of bleeding, the standardized anticoagulant therapy conditions were evaluated according to ACC/AHA/ESC (American College of
Cardiology/American Heart Association/ European Society of Cardiology) atrial fibrillation treatment guidelines. Results: A total of 200 patients were enrolled, 39 (19.5%) patient were on warfarin anticoagulant therapy, among which 18 (46%)had international normalized ratio (INR) in therapeutic range (2.0~3.0). According to the CHADS2 scheme,143 patients were divided into the high risk group, in which only 31 were on warfarin anticoagulant treatment. Conclusion: The percentage of standard anticoagulant treatment in patients with atrial fibrillation is very low (40%),
still more, the percentage of high risk patients using warfarin standard anticoagulant treatment was even low 22%. Further investigation and understanding of the causes of this phenomenon will help intervene effectively and improve the standard of anticoagulant therapy in patient with atrial fibrillation.%目的:了解心房颤动患者规范化抗凝治疗现状,分析影响规范化抗凝治疗的因素,同时为进一步提出相应的对策打下基础.方法:查阅2010年1~12月份南京鼓楼医院心内科明确诊断患有非瓣膜性心房颤动的患者病历,采用CHADS<,2>风险评分法对这些患者进行出血风险评估,根据
【作者】Lydie-Edwige Biye;葛卫红;于锋
1.抗凝治疗心房颤动患者的分级规范化管理 [J], 陈志云;余健;何正飞;孙凌刚;胡炜律
2.非瓣膜性房颤患者华法林抗凝治疗受限因素调研 [J], 李兴凤;张兴增;梁江久
3.某三甲医院心房颤动患者华法林规范化抗凝治疗现状调查分析 [J], 郑必龙;刘俊
4.非瓣膜性房颤患者规范化抗凝治疗的临床应用效果分析 [J], 李辉;刘阳;张坡;魏建国;劳家珩;田志伟;王文静
5.抗凝治疗心房颤动患者的分级规范化管理探讨 [J], 游华;任新生
