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1.My _____ (舅舅) is a pilot.
2. A _______ (海马) has a curled tail.
3.Which country is famous for kangaroos?
A. Canada
B. Australia
C. Brazil
D. India
4.What animal is known as “man's best friend”?
A. Cat
B. Dog
C. Rabbit
D. Hamster
5.In spring, flowers ______ (开放) and trees become green.
6.The chemical formula for nitric acid is __________.
7.Which of these is a common dairy product?
A. Bread
B. Cheese
C. Pasta
D. Rice
8.Which holiday is celebrated on December 25th?
A. Thanksgiving
B. Halloween
C. Christmas
D. New Year
9.We will _______ (去) the beach tomorrow.
10. A frog can leap from one place to another very ______ (远).
11.The train arrives at __________ o'clock.
12.We need to _______ (清理) our room.
13.The anteater uses its long _________. (舌头)
14.What do we call the largest type of shark?
A. Hammerhead
B. Great white
C. Whale shark
D. Tiger shark
答案:C Whale shark
15.I have a pet ___ (小鸽子) that coos softly.
16.The girl loves to ________.
17.What is the main ingredient in chocolate?
A. Sugar
B. Cocoa
C. Milk
D. Flour
答案:B Cocoa
18.Chemical bonds store ______ potential energy.
19. A __________ is a chemical change that can be reversed.
20.The _______ (The Civil Rights Act) aimed to protect individuals from discrimination.
21.I like to bake ______ for my classmates.
22.The _______ (Bubonic Plague) killed millions in Europe during the 14th century.
23.小河马) wallows in the mud. The ___
24.The chemical symbol for manganese is ______.
25. A wave can carry energy and information through ______.
26. A _______ is a reaction that involves the transfer of electrons.
27.This girl, ______ (这个女孩), is very good at math.
28.小鱼儿) swim together in schools. The ___
29. A flamingo's long legs allow it to wade through ________________ (浅水).
30.What do we call a story with talking animals?
A. Fable
B. Novel
C. Biography
D. Poetry
31.What is the name of the famous American singer known as the "Queen of Soul"?
A. Aretha Franklin
B. Whitney Houston
C. Tina Turner
D. Diana Ross
32.The ancient Egyptians used ________ for documenting their stories.
33.I need to _____ (finish/start) my homework.
34.We saw a ________ in the park.
35.The ______ is very kind and helpful.
36.The sun is ______ (bright) in the sky.
37.The ________ (生态恢复技术) promotes balance.
38.His favorite hobby is ________.
39.My cousin is a ______. She loves to play video games.
40.What is the capital of Eritrea?
A. Asmara
B. Massawa
C. Keren
D. Assab
41.The capital of Portugal is ________.
42.The __________ (峭壁) overlooks the sea.
43.My uncle is a great _______ (职业). 他知道很多 _______ (名词).
44.What is the name of the first successful Mars rover mission?
A. Spirit
B. Opportunity
C. Curiosity
D. Perseverance
45.What is the name of the famous space telescope?
A. Hubble
B. Kepler
C. Galileo
D. James Webb
46.What is the capital of Kyrgyzstan?
A. Bishkek
B. Osh
C. Jalal-Abad
D. Talas
答案:A Bishkek
47.The doctor, ______ (医生), gives advice on staying healthy.
48.I like to watch ________ on TV.
49. A barn owl hunts for ________________ (老鼠).
50.The periodic table contains over _______ elements.
51.The pH scale measures how ______ or basic a solution is.
52.Chemical symbols are used to represent ______.
53.The chemical symbol for uranium is ______.
54.She enjoys ________ (mentoring) young people.
55.What is the name of the famous ancient city in Ethiopia?
A. Axum
B. Lalibela
C. Gondar
D. All of the above
56.The __________ (历史的交响) weaves our stories.
57.The chemical symbol for zinc is _____.
58.The ancient Greeks laid the foundations for ________ (现代科学).
59. A cockroach can live for _______ (几周) without food.
60. A __________ is a mixture where particles do not settle.
61.I enjoy _______ (参与)学校活动。

62. A gas takes the shape of its ______.
63. Empire reached its peak under ________ (奥古斯都). The Roma
64.Every Saturday, I go to my friend's house and we play with our ________ (玩具名) together. It’s always a great time!
65.What do we call a scientist who studies the properties of matter?
A. Physicist
B. Chemist
C. Biologist
D. Geologist
66.The study of how landscapes evolve is crucial for ______ planning.
67. (40) is a large city in Egypt. The ____
68. A circuit can be powered by batteries or a ______ source.
69.Rain is important for _____ (生态) balance.
70.The ________ lives in the water and has fins.
71.The ____ is known for its climbing abilities and loves trees.
72.What is the main ingredient in bread?
A. Sugar
B. Flour
C. Rice
D. Salt
73.The wind is _______ (blowing) through the trees.
74.What do you call the first meal of the day?
A. Lunch
B. Breakfast
C. Dinner
D. Snack
75.The _____ (植物生态平衡) is vital for health and sustainability.
76.The cake is ___ (decorated) for the party.
77.The _____ (猫) likes to chase mice.
78.What animal is known for having stripes?
A. Lion
B. Tiger
C. Bear
D. Elephant
79.What is the name of the famous river in Egypt?
A. Nile
B. Amazon
C. Mississippi
D. Yangtze
80.The __________ (海洋) covers most of the Earth.
81. A _____ (植物文化交流) fosters appreciation for diversity.
82.Fish breathe ______ through their gills.
83.What do you call the large body of fresh water?
A. Ocean
B. Lake
C. River
D. Sea
84.What do we call the act of building connections with others?
A. Networking
B. Relationship-Building
C. Socializing
D. All of the Above
85.My favorite animal is a _______ (熊猫).
86.The river is ________ (清澈).
87.What is the name of the famous American singer known for "Thank U, Next"?
A. Ariana Grande
B. Taylor Swift
C. Selena Gomez
D. Demi Lovato
88.I enjoy ___ (making) new friends.
89.What is the capital of Dominica?
A. Roseau
B. Portsmouth
C. Salisbury
D. Cottage
90.The __________ (罗马军团) was a powerful military force.
91.How many wheels does a bicycle have?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
92.What do we call the act of setting goals?
A. Planning
B. Strategy
C. Targeting
D. All of the Above
93.I can ______ (维护) a healthy lifestyle.
94. A ______ is an elevated area of land surrounded by lower terrain.
95.The ______ teaches us about history.
96.We can ___ a movie night. (have)
97.My _____ (玩具车) is the fastest.
98.What do we call the water cycle's process of water vapor turning into liquid?
A. Evaporation
B. Condensation
C. Precipitation
D. Collection
99.The ________ (气候模式) changes with seasons. 100.My grandpa loves to ____.。
