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Material Sciences 材料科学, 2018, 8(10), 1007-1015

Published Online October 2018 in Hans. /journal/ms


The Wear Behavior of High-Entropy Alloy

Particles Reinforced Titanium Alloy


Jingwen Qiu1, Zhengfan Fu2, Di Pan3*, Yi Shu4, Jianhui Yan1,2, Zhongyuan Duan2, Weihua Li2 1Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Advanced Materials for New Energy Storage and Conversion,

Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan Hunan

2Hunan Provincial Key Defense Laboratory of High Temperature Wear-Resisting Materials and Preparation

Technology, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan Hunan

3State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University, Changsha Hunan

4Hunan Yufone Vacuum Science and Technology Co., Ltd, Xiangtan Hunan

Received: Oct. 2nd, 2018; accepted: Oct. 19th, 2018; published: Oct. 26th, 2018


In this paper, Ti-11Fe-3Nb-3Mn-3Sn (at.%) alloys was prepared by the spark plasma sintering (SPS) method using elemental powders after ball-milling. And then the 10 wt.% FeCoCrNiMo alloy particles was mixed with the elemental powders after ball-milling to obtain high-entropy alloy particles reinforced Ti-11Fe-3Nb-3Mn-3Sn (at.%) alloy composite by the same SPS method. The wear behaviors of Ti-11Fe-3Nb-3Mn-3Sn (at.%) alloy and its composite were investigated by reci-procating sliding wear tests at the room temperature. Field emission scanning electron micro-scope, microhardness tester and 3D optical surface profiler were employed to study the micro-structures and wear behaviors. The results showed that: the hardness and wear resistance of the high-entropy alloy reinforced titanium alloy was improved significantly after the addition of high-entropy alloy particles. A diffusion layer with a certain thickness was formed between the particles and titanium alloy matrix. The wear mechanism of Ti-11Fe-3Nb-3Mn-3Sn and its compo-site is mainly adhesive wear, abrasive wear and some plastic deformation.


Titanium Alloys, High-Entropy Alloys, Particle Reinforced Composite, Microstructure,

Tribological Properties



邱敬文 等

邱敬文1,付正帆2,潘 迪3*,舒 逸4,颜建辉1,2,段中元2,李伟华2


湖南科技大学,新能源储存与转换先进材料湖南省重点实验室,湖南 湘潭 2湖南科技大学,湖南省国防科技高温耐磨材料及制备技术重点实验室,湖南 湘潭

3中南大学粉末冶金国家重点实验室,湖南 长沙

4湖南玉丰真空科学技术有限公司,湖南 湘潭


摘 要

本文首先利用金属元素粉末球磨后通过放电等离子烧结制备了Ti-11Fe-3Nb-3Mn-3Sn (at.%)钛合金。同时在球磨后的元素粉末中加入10 wt.%的FeCoCrNiMo0.15 (at.%)高熵合金颗粒通过放电等离子烧结制备了高熵合金颗粒增强的钛基复合材料。本文对两种材料在室温条件下进行了往复式滑动摩擦磨损试验,利用场发射扫描电子显微镜、显微硬度测试仪和超景深三维轮廓仪等设备对加入高熵合金颗粒前后的钛合金样品及其摩擦磨损行为进行了研究和对比。结果表明:在钛合金中加入高熵合金颗粒增强后,高熵合金颗粒增强钛合金硬度得到提高。高熵合金颗粒外层与钛合金形成一定厚度的扩散层,加入高熵合金颗粒后的钛合金耐磨性能提高明显。Ti-11Fe-3Nb-3Mn-3Sn 合金与高熵颗粒增强后的Ti-11Fe-3Nb-3Mn-3Sn 合金的磨损机制主要为粘着磨损,磨粒磨损和少量的塑性变形。



Copyright © 2018 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/

1. 引言

钛合金由于其高的比强度、较好的耐腐蚀性能、在飞行器制造、化学化工设备,车辆工程和生物医用等领域中均有着极为广泛的应用前景[1] [2]。但是钛合金存在硬度低,耐磨性能不佳的问题限制了其应用范围[3]。汤慧萍[4]等人指出钛基复合材料具有较高的拉伸强度、显微硬度,弹性模量和优良的耐磨性,但是纤维增强的钛基复合材料因其界面反应等原因导致制备工艺复杂,成本较高。粉末冶金作为一种近净成形工艺,具有材料利用率高,组织成分均匀等优点。采用粉末冶金方法制备颗粒增强钛基复合材料还可以在较大的范围内进行增强颗粒含量调整和优化,并且具有制备工艺简单,成本较低等特点,是制备低成本颗粒增强钛基复合材料的主要方法[5] [6] [7]。

高熵合金作为新兴的合金材料,突破了传统的合金设计理念,由于其高熵效应,使得其具有比传统合金更好的高强度,高硬度和耐磨性能[8] [9]。Meng 等人[10]研究发现采用激光熔覆方法制备了高熵合金增强的AZ91D 复合材料,其摩擦磨损性能相比基材,得到很大的提高。还有研究[11]表明FeCoCrNi 加入Mo 元素,会生成σ相,这种金属间化合物相能够大幅度提高了硬度,最高可达610.55 HV 。Tan 等Open Access
