











在中国人和西方讲英语的英国人、美国人和加拿大人的眼中,狐狸总是和狡猾联系在一起,驴和愚蠢相联系(stupid ass),鹦鹉是没有主见,只会人云亦云的一类人的代名词,羊羔温顺腼腆,猪肮脏贪吃,猴子身体灵活敏捷,狼凶残好杀等等,不一而足,具体表现在以下几种情况之中:1.在like…,as…as句式所构成的明喻结构中,例如:as agile as a monkey (象猴子一样敏捷)as blind as a bat (瞎地象蝙蝠似的)as busy as a bee (如蜜蜂般忙碌)as crafty as a fox (如狐狸般狡猾)as meek as a lamb (温顺地象羊羔一样)as stupid as a donkey (蠢驴)like fish out of water (像鱼离开了水一样)2.在含有动物名的动词短语中,如:to fish in troubled waters (浑水摸鱼)to pass fish eyes before pearls(鱼目混珠)3.由动物名词所构成的复合形容词:bird-brained (没有头脑的,傻的)eagle-eyed (目光敏捷的)4.在固定短语中:(1)A dark horse (黑马有本事而深藏不露的人)(2)A wolf in sheep’s clothing(披着羊皮的狼)(2)A snake in the grass (伪装成朋友但却阴险的人)(3)A dog in the manger (狗占马糟)(4)Cry wolf (喊狼来了,发假警报)(5)make a monkey out of sb. (把某人当猴耍了)5.谚语:(1)A mouse can see an inch. (鼠目寸光)(2)Barking dogs do not bite. (吠犬不咬人)(3)One swallow does not make a summer.(一燕不成夏)(4)When the cat’s away,the mice will play(猫儿不在,鼠儿成精)二不完全对等表达法如前所述,同一种动物对于生活在不同环境中的人们所引起的情感和产生的反映未必时时相同,某些习语的表达方式在两种语言中结构类似,含义基本相同,但其中所使用的动物名词却略有不同。


( 自己 出洋相 、 使 干蠢事 ) s t i a a s( ;a u d s las蠢如 驴 )hv n ’ s i as g走 投 无 路 ) s p l ;aeoesasn l ( i n 。汉 语 习语 中 有黔 驴技 穷等 。 蛇( ae在中英习语中都指阴险冷酷的人 。英语 习语如 : aei t s k) n a nk e s nh
言 和不 同文化 背景下 , 动物 习语存 在着 诸多方 面 的差异 。每个 词 除 了具 有 字面 意义 外 。 还有 丰 富 的文 化
寓意 , 同一动物词汇在不同的文化背景里给人带来 的联想会截然不同。通过深 入了解和掌握两国动物 习语 , 有助于语言学习和跨文化语 言交际。本文就汉语 、 英语动物 习语的对 比来看 中英文化在历史文 化、 风俗习惯 、 宗教信仰等方面的异同。
・【 收稿 日期】06 2D一 作者简介】 ( 8 一 王盛 1 0 9 )女 , , 湖北黄石人 , 黄石理工学院外国语学院教 师。
第2 期
・3 ・ 7
猪(i 除了生性肮脏、 p) g 贪吃外 , 还有懒 、 、 憨 丑等文化内涵。英语习语如 :ae g fns f 指大 m k p oe l( a io e

同一 动物 习语在 汉英 文化 内涵上 的统一
人们通常用 比喻把某些品质与特征同某些动物联系起来 , 从这一角度来认识动物 , 中英文化 自然会
产生 相 同或 相近 的联想 , 而 赋予动 物词相 同的文化 内涵 。 从 狼( o)本 性贪 婪 、 wl f 凶残 , 两种 语言 中都有 相 似的表 达方 式 。英 语 习语 如 :sc e f o ( 英汉 i u s f r ltaw l 像 t i f 狼一样 凶残 )c o ( 报 )awl i sep sc ti ( I 温厚 内心 险 恶 之人 ) ;r w l谎 y f ; o e ’ l n P貌 f nh o g " h 。汉 语 习语 如 : 狈 为 狼 奸 、 名狼籍 、 声 狼狈 不堪 等 。 狐狸 ( x在 中英文 化 中都 含有狡 猾 、 计 多端之 意 。英语说 :H x 中 国人 的理 解 是 “ f) o 诡 “ eiaf .” s o 他这 个人 非常狡 猾 。又如 f unn s x( 狐狸 一样 狡 猾 ) a l x老 狐 狸 精 ) ” i cn i f f 象 t s gi a o t ; o f( n do 。汉语 习语 如 狐 假 虎 威、 狐劳、 hr ) s 勇敢 、 可靠等品质。英语 习语如: o k o e( wr lehr s拼命干活 ) ki s ; fm t r ’ m u ( r e o es ot 来源确凿可靠) o h hs h 。而汉语习语有 : 老马识途 、 老骥伏枥 、 一马当先 、 马到成功等。



英汉动物习语比喻形象的文化差异Ξ印晓红(中南大学外国语学院,湖南长沙 410012)摘要:通过对英汉语动物习语比喻形象的对比研究,探讨英汉两种语言所负载的文化信息差异,从人类文化进化的二重性、人类赖以生存的地理环境以及不同民族的审美观等角度分析了导致这些差异的原因,并由此得出结论:在进行跨文化交际时,不仅要准确无误地传达语言信息,更要重视隐含在语言里的文化信息传递。

关键词:英汉语;动物习语;形象;文化差异中图分类号:H0-05 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100825831(2001)0120066204The Cultural Dissimilarities betw een E nglish and Chinese Languagesfrom the Angle of the Figurative Images used in Animal IdiomsYI N X iao2hong(College o f Foreign Languages o f Central South Univer sity,Changsha410012,China) Abstract:This article probes into the cultural differences between English and Chinese languages,by way of a com parative and contrastive study on the figurative images of animal idioms in English and Chinese languages.I t analyzes the origin of the differences from the development of human cultural ev olution,the geographical environment and the various tastes of different nationalities.Thus it draws a conclusion that we should pay m ore attention to the conveying of the im plied cultural in formation when we transmit language in formation in cross2cultural communi2 cation.K ey w ords:English and Chinese;animal idioms;images;cultural differences 习语是语言的精华,是长期以来惯用的、表达完整意义、结构定型的固定词组成的短句;是公认的、广泛使用的和必不可少的语言成分;是多种修辞,特别是比喻手段的集中表现。














如英汉中的蜜蜂都带有勤劳的意思,汉语中表述为像蜜蜂一样勤劳,英语中表述为as busy as a bee;羔羊都代表温顺,汉语中指人的性格温顺时表述为像羔羊一样,英语中表述为as gentle as a lamb等。



( )a e te( 老 虎 ) 2 p p ri r 纸 g

这 条 习语 出 白毛泽 东 著 名 的语 录 : 一 些 帝 国主 义 和 反 动 “ 派都是纸老虎。” 随后 引 申为 “ 表 强 悍 实 际 虚 弱 ” 外 的含 义 。
方 有 必 要 弄 清楚 哪些 话 题 和事 情 是 需 要 避 讳 的 ,要 学 会 避 免
习 语 是一 个 民族 经 过 长 时 间 的使 用 而 形 成 的独 特 的 固有 的表 达 方 式 ,是 人 们 在 劳动 实 践 与 认 识 世 界 的 过 程 中提 炼 出 来 的 思 想 结 品 , 语 言 巾 的精 华 。 何 一 种 语 言 都有 大 量 的习 是 任 语。 习语 的正 确 使 用 可 以增 强 语 言 的 表 现力 和感 染 力 英 语 和 汉 语 是 两 种 高度 发 展 的 语 言 , 因此 彼 此 都 有大 量 的 习语 。习语 是 一 种 具 有 丰 富历 史 或 文 化 内涵 和反 映 各 个 国家 民族 思 维 方 式 和 思 想 表 达 习惯 的语 言 现 象 。 此 , 过 习 语 的对 比研 究 通
英 汉 动 物 习 语 文 化 差 异 对 比 研 究
陈 海 燕
( 通航 运 职 业 技 术 学 院 成 习语 的 一 个 重要 组 成 部 分 , 动 具 有独 特 的 作 用和 丰 富 的表 现 力 , 明 地体 现 了英 汉 民族 的 文化 鲜 特 色 然 而 , 由于各 个 民族 不 同的 历 史发 展 、 理 环 境 、 地 风俗 习 惯、 宗教 信仰 和 思 维 方式 , 动 物 习语 具 有 独特 的 民族 文化 色 其
可 以反 映 出各 个 国 家 历 史 文 化 、 维 方 式 、 会 习 俗 等 方 面 思 社 的文 化 差 异 。 文 主要 就 动 物 习语 进 行研 究 , 讨 巾西 方 之 间 本 探



众所 周知,语言 与文化密 切 相关 。任 何一种语 言 ,都有其 丰 富的文化 内涵 。习语 ,作 为语言
发 展 的 精 华 ,是 一 个 民族 长 期 以 来形成并使用 的、形式简 洁而意 思 精 辟 的定 型 短 语 或 短 句 ,它 不 仅 具 有 浓 厚 的 民 族 色 彩 , 而 且 多 数 音 节 优 美 ,音 律 和 谐 , 给 人 一 种 美 的享 受 。 中 华 民族 是 一 个 有 着 五 千 年
作 为一 种国际性 的语言 ,也 是世 界上词 汇最丰 富的语言之 一,其
习语 更 是 纷 繁 浩 瀚 , 透 着 浓 浓 的 西方文化气息。
“ 羊质虎皮” 驴脾气”之类 的习 、“ 语 比比皆是 。值 得一提 的是 ,中 国人对 马情 有独钟 ,汉语 中与马 有 关的习语大都是褒 义词 , “ 如 马 到 成 功 ” “ 马 识 途 ” 龙 马精 、 老 、“ 神” 路遥知 马力 ”等 。而 马在 ,“ 英 国人 的 生 活 中所 起 的 作 用 绝 没 有在 中国这样大 。在英语 中,马
嘴 ) 、“ 马奔 腾 ” 羊 肠 小 路 ” ” 万 、“ 、
a i nh wa 拦路虎) tb ad l nite y( o :o er h o i h n( te i s e 入虎穴取虎子) l n n id ;
c mei i eal n a dg u l ea o nl i n o o t i k o k
虎 添 翼 等 等 。 有 趣 的是 , 英 语 有 关 “ 子 ” 的 习 语 在 译 成 汉 语 的 狮 时候 也 常 被 “ ”代 替 ,如 :l e 虎 i k a asnai ’S ie( 假 虎 威 ) n si l n hd 狐 o :


者 必须 对 这 些 文化 差 异 有 深入 的 了解 , 在 翻译 的过 程 中 并
儿 )c vr o 聪明的伙计 )t o 出类拔萃的人 )a ,l e dg( e , pdg( o , s
fi d g忠诚如狗 )L v e1 e ydg爱 屋及乌 ) aha a o( t s ,oem . v m o( o , E c o a idy 人人皆有得意 日) 与此相 反, vrd g s s a( y h h 等。 中国 人十分喜爱猫 , 馋猫” 用“ 比喻人贪嘴 , 常有亲呢的成份 , 而 在西方文化中 , 猫虽然是宠物 , 可名声与地位并不显赫 , 例
文章 编 号 :o 8 8 8 ( 0 9 0 - 0 1 0 1 0 — 8 12 0 )3 0 7 — 2
他语言的影响而含有贬义外 , 大部分都没有贬义。在英语
习语 中, 常以狗的形象来比喻人的行为 , lcy o( 如 uk dg 幸运
英语和汉语 中有许多和动物相关的词汇 。 所谓动物词 汇 ,是表示 动物的单词和包 括这些单词的短语和其他成 语。由于中西方文化的差异 , 英汉 两种语言 中的动物词汇 也传达出不同的含义 。在英汉动物习语互译 的过程中 , 译
英 汉动 物 词汇 的文化 差 异及 翻 译
刘利 斌
( 山西综合职业技术学院。 山西 太原 0 0 0 3 0 6)
口 e tr ee,水手 们管它 口 o e a yscik qt o pt l h s my r qM t r r ’ hc— h C e
en s ,
则往往表示给人带来麻烦 的人 , 可能是这种 鸟总是 出
大的影响。例如, 在历史上的 T ̄ nwa 中, r a r 希腊人凭借着
腹中掏空的木马 , H ww oe os,把将士藏在其中, a o o odnhr h e 巧妙地攻下了特洛伊城(h i o te toT y o特洛伊木马从此 cy f r

























凡英文中带有bat 的习语都含有贬义,如as blind as a bat视力差、有眼无珠,as crazy as a bat发疯,have bats in the belfry异想天开,come to bat面临严峻考验等。

许多人还认为bat与巫婆有关,他们相信bat 闯入私宅是死亡的凶兆。







因此,英语中有as wise as an owl (象猫头鹰一样聪明)的习语。





行 了尝试性的探讨和对 比。 [ 关键词 ] 动物 ; 动物习语 ; 文化差异 [ 中图分类号 ] 3 59 H 1 . [ 文献标识码 】 B 此现象?本 文试从英汉两 国风俗 习惯 、 地理环 境和 民族审美 观等角度来探讨这一有趣的语 言现象。

习语是语言 的精华 , 是表 达完 整意义 、 构定型 的短语 , 结 是多种修辞 , 特别是 比喻手 段 的集 中表 现。 比喻 引 申动物 ) l nhat 勇士 ) ,o er( i 。英语 l n 引申作 “ i 还 o 危险 ” “ 、 险地” 如 paeoe Sha el , l n ’ edi t — c nh i o sm uh 置 身 于 险 地 ) l ni tew y 危 险 的 障 碍 ) n’ ot ( , o n h a ( i ,
a e be fGetB t n 。Lo n ncr 雄 狮 和 独 角 l m lm o ra ra ) i adu io i i n n(
英汉两种语 言都 以习语丰 富而著称 , 中 , 其 动物 习语 的
使用频率极高。这些动物 习语使得英汉 两种语言形象 生动 ,
性格鲜明 , 色彩丰富。仅 以“ 为例 , 语 中与 之相关 的 习 马” 汉
badtel ni hs e ( er o i d n 相当于汉语 的“ h i n 入虎穴取虎子 ” 等。 )
而汉语则 以“ 为 百兽之 王 , 虎” 例如 “ 狐假 虎威 ” “ 中无 老 、山 虎, 猴子称大王” 。这些语句 中的“ 虎”、老虎 ” “ 都含有 “ 兽中 王” 之意 。汉语“ 也象征 “ 虎” 权利 ” 勇猛” 和“ 。象征 “ 权利 ” 的 , 虎节”、虎符” 人“ “ 等古语词 均是 。象 征“ 勇猛” “ 、 威武 ”


。 ・
文 献 标 识 码 : A
文 章 编 号 :6 1 84 2 1 ) 30 8 - 17 - 6 ( 0 0 0 - 70 7 0 2
・ ・ - 夺 - ・ ・ ・ ・ ・各 ・ - ・ ・ ・ ・各 ・ 。 . . 夺 夺 夺 夺 . ・ ・ ・: 。 夺 ‘>・ 各
中 国是一个 有 五千年 文 明史 的东方 大 国 , 文化 源远 其
单 位来 运用 的词 组 , 的意义 一般 不 能 由各 个 组成 部 分推 它 断出来 。成 语 ( 语 ) 在 语 义 上 和 语 法 上 受 到 限 制 的 习 是 (e r t ) r tc d 词组 ( 语 ) 句 子 , 们 作 为一 个 单 位 来 使 sie 短 或 它 用 。从语 义 上看 , 语 的意义 不是 其 中单个 词 的意 义 的 总 成 和 ; 语法 上看 , 中的词是 不 允许任 意变 换 。《 从 其 牛津 高 阶 英 汉双 解 词 典 》 i o 的 释 义 是 : haew i en 对 dm i apr h hm as s c
夺 ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ - ・ ・ ・ ・ 夺 夺 . 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 - 夺 夺 } 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 。 争

习语 的释 义
动 、 横生, 妙趣 给人 一 种 美 的享 受 。英 汉 习语 中有 不 少 涉 及 到兽 、 、 鱼 鸟等动 物 , 这些 习语 使得 我们 学 习起 来更 加 饶 有兴 趣 , 们 在一笑 之余 扩 大我们 的词 汇 量 以及词 语 的 让我
直 与人类 保 持着密 切联 系并 对人 类 的生存 、 展有 着深 发
刻 的影 响 。这种 亲密 无 间 的关 系 使得 人 类综 复 杂 的 情感 , 们 也 常 常借 动 人


占有 非常重要的地位 , 农 民在我 国的人 口中占的比重也 还是最大的 , 而
学 生的跨 文化交际能力的培养提供些许帮助。 2 . 英汉动物 习语所 用比喻形象的联 想意义比较 联想意 义是 通过象 征 、 类 比等 心理手段构 建的语 义世 界。 当处 于 某一特定社会文化语境 中的人 们概括 自己对客观世界 的感性认识 和情 感体验 , 把吉凶 、 善恶 、 美丑等蕴 意强加给词 汇 , 使其具有 文化 内涵 时 , 联想意义便产生 了。人们 常常把某种品质或者特征与某些 动物联 系在 起, 通过动物 的形态 、 习性等特征来表达一种抽象 的联想 意义。英汉 两种语言 中都有很多表示 动物的词, 虽然使用 的是不 同的词, 但所 指的 动物却是一致 的。由于英汉两种文化 的差异, 人们 的生活环 境 、 思维方
a s a l i o n ( 狮 子般 威 严) ; a s m a j e s t i c a s a l i o n( 像狮 子 一样 雄 伟) ; c o m e i n l i k e a l i o n a n d g o o u t l i k e a l a m e ( 来若 雄狮 , 去若 羔羊 , 虎头 蛇尾) ; a l i o n i n t h e w a y ( 拦路 虎) ; l i k e a d o n k e y o n a l i o n ’ s h i d e ( 狐假虎威) 。以勇猛著 称 的英王 查理一 世被誉 为 l i o n — h e a r t e d ( 狮心查 理1 , 英 国还有 t h e B r i t i s h L i o n 的别称 , 英 国人把狮子 也作为 自己国家的象征 。英国人赋予 狮子 的情感 内涵 , 中国人则大体上都给 了老虎 , 例如 我们 常说 : 英雄虎胆 、 虎 背雄 腰 、 虎踞 龙盘 、 虎 口拔 牙 、 狐假 虎威 、 苛政猛 于虎等。 牛和马在英汉两种语言文化 中使用 的频 率是不同的。农业在 中国






1. 英语中的动物词汇英语中的动物词汇往往有其象征性和情节化,具有一定的文化内涵。




2. 汉语中的动物词汇汉语中的动物词汇同样具有丰富的文化内涵,但与英语中的有所不同。




以下是英汉两种语言中常用的动物象征意义:1. 狮子狮子是一种充满力量和雄壮,被视为英勇和正义的象征。


2. 熊熊是一种温顺、有力和威猛的动物,被视为勇猛和坚定的象征。









1 利用动物形体特征形成的相同的象征意义。

例如,根据蛇的体形及运动特点,英汉语言中都用“蛇”表示一种行进路线和行进方式,如“蛇行”和“ snake its way through /across(蜿蜒斗折,沿曲折道路行进)”,又如“ as slippery asan eel(像泥鳅一样圆滑)”。

2 由于语言翻译、词语借用和文化交流形成的相同的象征意义。

如,汉语中有“纸老虎”之说,英语中有a pa-per tiger 。

英语中有a bird ' s view,汉语中有“鸟瞰” 一词。

又如:a dark horse(黑马),an ugly duck(丑小鸭),bull market(牛市)等。

3 根据动物的生活习性和行为特征形成的相同的象征意义。


如英语中可以用“ horse ”指各类人,如a dark horse(黑马),a willing horse(积极工作的人),a Troian horse(潜伏在内部的敌人),汉语中有“犬马、驽马、响马、马贼、探马、马前卒、老马识途” 等。


从 英 汉 动物 习语看 中西 方 动物 文 化差 异
王 佳
摘 要 :动物为人类所熟悉,根据动物的习性 和特征 ,人类创造了关于动物的大量俗语 和成语 。但是 不 同的文化背景又赋 予了动 物独 特的文化内涵。笔者试着通过从 两个个方面 阐述中西方动物文化 内涵的差异 :动物词汇在 英语 和汉语文化 中的相 同点 ;动物词汇在英语 和 汉语 文化中的区别 。笔者通过举例 分析 ,为读者展现 汉语和荚语文化的差异 ,从而克服语 言交际中出现的障碍 。 关 键 词 :动 物 词 汇 ;文 化 内涵 ; 差异
I。 引 言
作为人类 的朋友 ,动物在人类社会发展的过程中扮演 着很 重要的角 色。在长期与动物 和谐相处的过程中,人们 自然而然地根据动物的外表 或性情赋予 了它们一些文化内涵。因此 ,不 同的动物也 时不时被人们用 来 比喻具备 同样性质的人 ,从而达到一种生动幽默的效果。基于对认知 上的共性 ,某些动物在 中国文化和英语文化 中有着相 同的寓意 ,如汉语 中有 “ 狡猾 的狐狸” 一说 ,而英语 中也对应 有 “ a 8 s l y a s a ox f ” 。然而 又由于不 同的文化背景赋予人们 不同的看待事物的方 式 ,很 多动物在汉 语文化和英语文化 中又被赋予了不同的文化 内涵 ,如 “ 龙 ”在汉语 中是 吉祥 、威严 的象征 , 在英语文化中却象征着邪恶 。由于不同文化背景而 引起的交流障碍无处不在 ,只有对一门语言 的文化有了深入 的了解 ,才 能游刃有余 地与异 国人进行沟通。本文通过例子的形式向读者剖析 了产 生动物文化意义 的原 因,以此帮助英语学 习者克服由动物词汇弓 l 发 的交 际障碍。 Ⅱ。不同的动物具有相 同的文化内涵 由于各个名族 生活在 同一个地球之上,各 民族看待事物的方式也有 着共 同之处 ,这 就是被人们熟知的文化重合现象 。同样 ,汉英两个 民族 对动物文化的理解 和使用也有相似之处 , 继而在英语和汉语 中对某些动 物赋予相同或者相似 的形象。例如 : 由于狼具有贪婪 、狡猾 、残忍的本性 ,在 中西方文化中狼经常用来 指代 阴险狡猾残忍 的人 。与狼有关 的习语成 语及 谚语大 都含有 贬义 色 彩 。汉语 中 “ 披着羊皮 的狼”通 常用来指伪善之人。 “ 狼子野 心”形 容 人居心狠毒 、权利欲望极强 ,另外 ,“ 狼心狗肺 ”形容人 的心肠像狼 和 狗一样恶毒 ,“ 如狼似虎” 表示像 狼和虎一样 凶狠 的人。英 语 中也也有 不少关于狼的谚语及 习语 ,比如 a w o l f i n s h e e p c l o t h i n g( 披 着羊皮 的 狼) ;a s c r u e l a s a w o l f( 像狼一样凶残 ) ;w o l f d o w n( 饿狼扑食 ) ;h a v e a w o l f b y e a r s( 骑虎难下);c r y w o l f( 狼来 了) 。在汉 文化中,人们通常用 “ 色狼”来 指代好色 的男人 ,有趣的是英语中也用 w o l f 指代不尊重 女性 的好色之徒 ,w o l f — w h i s t l e 指好色 的男子为了调戏女子吹起的调情 口哨。 狐狸狡猾的本性在英汉文化 中都有所体现 ,中西方人都通 常用 狐狸 来形容人的奸诈 、狡猾 、阴险。汉语 中有 “ 老狐狸 ” 、 “ 狐 假虎 威”、 “ 狐朋狗友” 、“ 狐狸 的尾 巴藏 不住” 等说 法。英语 中有 a s c u n n i n g a s a f o x( 像狐 狸一 样狡 猾 ) ;A f o x m a y g r o w g r e y ,b u t n e  ̄ e r g o o d( 本性 难



作者: 翦洁;符韵
作者机构: 吉首大学外国语学院
出版物刊名: 吕梁教育学院学报
页码: 84-85页
主题词: 英汉习语;隐喻;英汉文化差异





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学科分类号0502本科学生毕业论文(设计)题目(中文):从英汉动物习语的对比看文化差异(英文): On the Cultural Differences BetweenEnglish and Chinese from Animal Idioms 姓名郭倩倩学号 200504091237院(系)湖南科技学院外国语言文学系专业、年级英语专业2005级指导教师罗小英2009 年 5月08 日On the Cultural Differences Between Englishand Chinese from Animal IdiomsSubmittedbyGuo QianqianSupervisedbyAssociate Professor Luo XiaoyingsubmittedtoThe Foreign Languages DepartmentIn partial fulfillment of the requirementsfor the degree ofBachelor of Artsin the subject ofEnglish Language and LiteratureHunan University of Science and EngineeringYongzhouMay, 2009湖南科技学院本科毕业论文(设计)诚信声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的本科毕业论文(设计),是本人在指导老师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,成果不存在知识产权争议,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。




三、湖南科技学院本科毕业论文(设计)答辩记录表Contents摘要.................................................................................ⅠAbstract....................................................................... . (Ⅱ)Introduction (1)1 A Brief Review of Animal Idioms (4)1.1 Definition and Features of Animal Idioms (4)1.2 Relationship Between Culture and Animal Idioms (6)1.3 Embodiments of Animal Idioms (7)2 Cultural Differences Between English and Chinese from AnimalIdioms……………………................................. (13)2.1 Dog andGou (13)2.2 Dragon andLong (14)2.3 Bat andBianfu (16)2.4 Peacock andKongque (17)3 Reasons for the Differences Between English and ChineseAnimalIdioms…………………………………………………........... (19)3.1 Different SocialConventions (19)3.2 Different LivingEnvironments (21)Conclusion………………………………………………………….......23 Bibliography………………………………………………………..... (25)Acknowledgements摘要习语在任何语言中都是精华。






关键词:动物习语;文化差异;原因AbstractIdiom is the cream of any language. The formation of idiomis achieved under different history, geographical environment and cultural background, which is a symbol of one national’s unique culture and culture information. English and Chinese languages both have a long history, and they contain many animal idioms. Because of the history, social life and some other influences, English and Chinese animal idioms reflect the similarities and differences between Chinese and Western cultures.Many scholars and linguists at home and abroad have done researches about idioms. Professor Deng Yanchang (2003) made a contrastive study of English and Chinese language cultures from the animal idioms. The research of animal idioms laid a foundation for the researches on idioms later on. This thesis starts its discussion from animal idioms to show the differences between Chinese and Western culture by contrasting the different connotation in different areas. To get people to know the function that animal idioms are used in multi-cultural communication, can make people use it proficiently.Key words: animal idiom, different culture, reasonIntroductionNowadays, with the economic globalization and the regional economic integration strengthening, the cultural exchanges between China and the West have become more and more important. Transmission and application in English is used widely, so understanding the differences between Chinese and Western culture is imperative. However, the social development is reflected in the language.Without idioms, our language would become dull and dry, whereas an appropriate use of them in our speech and writing will add to the strength and vividness of our language. And the idiom can better reflect the cultural characteristics and connotation. Idioms are fixed and unique expression, which are formed in the process of using a language. Idioms are the sediment of the history and culture, the essences of culture derived from the process of recognizing and transforming the nature, the substantial corpus of information, and a vivid reflection of national culture. Both English and Chinese languages have a long history, and they contain many idioms which are implicitly, humorous, serious, elegant, concise and vivid image. These idioms are closely linked with the culturaltraditions, which reflect the cultural characteristics and cultural information of the nation. Therefore, theidioms of English and Chinese, especially the animal idioms, reflect sharp differences of national culture. Deeply understanding animal idioms makes cross-cultural communication go smoothly.Animal idioms have been emphasized and studied at home and abroad. At home, Yu Fumin (1996) made strenuous and successful efforts in comparing English and Chinese idioms to illustrate the author’s pertinent points. Chen Dezhang (1999) had a research of cultural connotation of animal words in English and Chinese and find out what images people have over 30 common animals. Jiang Lei (2000) analysed animal idioms and made a survey of contrastive studies of English and Chinese idioms, which show the nation’s long history and cultural character. There are also overseas linguists who have done researches of idioms. Strassler (2004) made a pragmatic analysis on English idioms and created a pragmatic model for English idioms and to provide a basis for a theory of idioms as a phenomenon of natural language. (Chang Chenguang, 2004:36)A contrastive method will be taken to analyze the difference of animal idioms between English and Chinese to help people have a good understanding of the different cultures. It contains five parts.Introduction, the first part, states the significance, method, framework and modern researches of the thesis. The second part of this thesis is a brief review of animal idioms such as definition, features, the relationship between culture and animal idioms. Cultural differences between English and Chinese from animal idioms are illustrated in the third part. The fourth part of this thesis lists the reasons for the differences between English and Chinese animal idioms. The last part is a summary of the whole paper.1A Brief Review of Animal Idioms1.1 Definition and Features of Animal IdiomsAnimal idiom, just as its name implies, is one type of idioms which are combined by animal words, therefore it is essential to define idiom first of all.Idiom is a phrase or sentence whose meaning is not clear from the meaning of its individual and which must be learnt as a whole unit, in Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary.Idioms are fixed phrases or short sentences derived from a long-term use of language. It contains a wealth of cultural information, cultural characteristics and cultural background. It has a distinctive image and metaphor, showing thedistinctive national characteristics and geographical color. (包惠南,2001:148)The fixed phrases or sentences in English and Chinese are called “idiom”,and can also be interpreted as “set phrase”. Idioms, fixed in their structure, have been used for expressing the full meaning for a long time. Such phrases or short sentences are gradually formed in the development of the language, so they can not be opened or re-combined. (蒋磊,2000:49)Last but not least, idiom means an accepted phrase, construction, or expression contrary to the usual patterns of the language or having a meaning different from the language or having a meaning different from the literal, written in Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language.The Chinese equivalent for “idiom” is 熟语(shú yǔ). It means a kind of set phrase or sentence, which, like a stock expression, is often quoted by the common people. (郁福敏,郭珊琏,1999:8)English idioms, in a broad sense, include idiomatic phrases, proverbial sayings and a number of slang expressions. Whereas Chinese idioms can be roughly divided into: set phrases(成语),common sayings(俗语), proverbs(谚语), a two -part allegorical sayings(歇后语), and some vulgar expressions(粗俗语).As a particular linguistic unit, idiom shows its own specific characteristics. Firstly, idioms are usually forceful, concise, vivid and comprehensive, and some idioms such as animal idioms, often contain images and figures of speech, so they have acquired a figurative meaning. They convey more meanings as a whole than the few words could carry separately. Secondly, many idioms do not follow any standard rules, for they often violate conventional grammatical rules, and sometimes are wrong in logic. They seem arbitrary and it can not be explained how or why a particular idiomatic phrase has assumes its present form.They are the brief statement of English and Chinese idioms. Knowing the definitions and features of idioms will help people understand their cultures better.1.2 Relationship Between Culture and Animal IdiomsAnimals are friends of human beings. Languages of all nations contain a lot of words denoting animals, and so do Chinese and English. With the development and progress of human society, many animals were tamed to become domestic ones serving people, and many others have become people’s pets. So, animals have become part of people’s life. As science develops, people learn more and more about animals. Zoological gardens are now necessary scenes in many major cities all over the world. Hundreds of thousands of books on animal have been published. Every TV station broadcasts special programs about animal in certain channels. In all this process, animal words gradually got their established connotations in all languages, that is, people associate their feelings and emotions, even happenings and natural phenomena with various animals which are thought to represent different characters like people, or serve as omens. Many animals have become a kind of symbolism in people’s thinking and this symbolism is reflected in the language. However, because of different history and culture, the connotations of animal idioms in one language do not necessarily coincide with those in another. So, the idioms of animal best are reflected the culture. (胡文仲,1999:236)1.3 Embodiments of Animal IdiomsThere are so many kinds of animals in the nature, and they each have their own nature and living habits. Animals are the indispensable part of human’s daily life, whether it isthe rural labor, oxen and horses, or domestic pet in the town, they all closely linked with the people’s life. At long-term contacts with animals, people have a deep-rooted knowledge of the animals’nature. There have many English and Chinese idioms which derived from the animals’ nature and habits. Language, as an important part of the social cultural, can not avoid the influence of the society. It is often hard to understand or use animal idioms correctly. People often associate certain qualities with certain creatures or objects. These qualities often arouse certain reactions or emotions, although there is little or no scientific ground for such association. The qualities that are associated or the emotions that are aroused are not always the same as different peoples. 1.3.1 The Same Idiom with Same MeaningsChinese and English countries’ cultures have the same view of the most animals’ nature and living habits. Such as:Horses are hard-working and brave. People in Chinese and English countries all appreciate the horse’s reliable quality. In Chinese and English, most of the expressions of horses are complimentary sense. Here are Chinese idioms: 路遥知马力,日久见人心;(A long journey tests the horse’s strength, a long acquaintance shows you a man’s heart.); 一马当先,万马奔腾; (The horse taking the lead will make ten thousand horses gallop ahead.)In English, there are: work like horses(拼命干活),It’s a good horse that never stumbles(好马总有失蹄时),from the horse’s mouth(确凿可靠),a dark horse(黑马,实力难以预测)Wolf has the meaning of cruel and greedy in the idioms of English and Chinese. Most of the idioms are negative connotation, for example: 中山狼;(the Zhong Shan wolf in the fable, to express a person who repay good with evil);狼狈不堪;(to be in a fluster/ to be in terrible stuck/ to be in the suds /in an embarrassing situation/the situation is unbearable); 狼狈逃窜;(to flee in confusion/ to flee helter-skelter); 狼狈为奸; (to action in collusion with…/ to be banded together as traitors/collusion between…and…); 狼心狗肺; (to be ferocious and diabolical in nature as a wolf or a dog/ brutal and cold-blooded cruel and unscrupulous); 狼烟四起; (smoke signals rising on all sides, war alarms raised everywhere). In English, we can also find many phrases about wolf, such as:cry wolf (谎报)Wolf in sheep’s clothing. (温厚、内心陷恶之人;伪君子)Keep the wolf from the door. (很艰难的维持生活不受饥寒) In English and Chinese, ass has an implied meaning of foolish, stupid and the person who is in troubles, for example: 走投无路;(have one’s ass in a sling); 狐假虎威;(an ass in lion’s skin); 阿谀逢迎;(ass kissing); 蠢如驴; (as stupid as an ass). Make an ass of oneself. (做傻子受人嘲笑), don’t be an ass (别傻了), someone’s ass is on the line (处境危险), one’s ass in grass (受害遭殃、陷入困境)Both the Chinese and English think the fox stands for cunning and slyness.Here are Chinese idioms about fox:狐假虎威;(to assume some one else’s authority as one’s own/ the fox makes himself feared by walking in tiger’s company, to assume someone else’s authority to browbeat others); 狐狸尾巴;(fox’s tail-something that gives away a person’s real character or evil intentions); 狐群狗党;(a bunch of rascals); 狐疑不决;(to be wavering and unable to decide).There are also such idioms in English, for example: as sly as a fox(狡猾的像个狐狸), an old fox(老狐狸精), play the fox(行为狡猾), fox’s sleep(假装漠不关心).In English and Chinese, bear means the rude, stupid and reckless people, for example: as cross as a bear(脾气极坏), bea bear for punishment(倔强、顽强), like a bear with a sore head(脾气暴躁), sell the bear’s skin before one has caught the bear(过早乐观).From these examples above,we find a lot of similarities between Chinese and English animal idioms, so many scholars and researchers will take for granted the knowledge of Chinese animal idioms to grasp the study of English animal idioms. However, the English animal idioms are not entirely similar to the Chinese animal idioms, there are still many differences between them, and they have their own role in their own languages.(徐青,2000:90)1.3.2 The Same Idiom with Different MeaningsIn English and Chinese, there are some same idioms with different meanings. Such animals as dog, dragon, bat ect.Dog, man’s best friend, is sometimes heard in English conversation or seen in English writing. How many Chinese know what animal is being referred to? Many Chinese would be surprised that it is the dog. Dogs, in China, are generally associated with unpleasantness. They are kept not because they make good companions, but because they are useful. However, English appreciate the quality of dog, such as: loyalty, dependability, courage and intelligence.As we know, dragon is the symbol of royalty in China, and stands for the king or emperor. As an auspicious creature, dragon supposedly brings good luck. While in English, the dragon is often a symbol of evil, and is usually associated with fierceness.Another animal bat is usually associated with negative qualities in the west. “As blind as bat”, “crazy as a bat”and “have bats in the belfry”are typical expressions of the negative associations. To Chinese, however, the bat is a symbol of good fortune, well-being and happiness---all positive qualities.1.3.3 Different Idioms with Same MeaningsIn English and Chinese, there also are some different idioms having the same meanings, such as lion ect.To the English and most Westerners, “the king of the beasts”, is the lion. The lion enjoys high prestige, as can be seen from such expressions as “regal as a lion”, “majestic as a lion”. RichardⅠ, the King of England in the latter part of the 12th century, was known as lion-hearted for his courage and chivalry. It is no wonder that the English have chosen the lion as their symbol.In Chinese culture this beast has fewer such associations. It is regarded commonly as being fierce and powerful, but not necessarily majestic or regal. To Chinese, it is the tiger that more likely evokes such associations. However, the characteristics associated with the tiger in Chinese culture are embodies from two aspects: positive and negative, good and bad. On the positively it shows courage, vigor, decisiveness. On the negative side it expresses ferocity, cruelty, ruthlessness. (邓炎昌,刘润清,2003:53)There are the brief statement of English and Chinese idioms, such as definition, features and the relationship between culture and animal idioms. Animals are the indispensable part of human’s life, reflect the social cultures. In English and Chinese, there have some animal idioms that show the same meanings. There are also some different idioms showing the same meanings, and even different animal idioms show the same meaning.2Cultural Differences Between the English and Chinese from Animal IdiomsIn English and Chinese language, there are many animal idioms which have different connotation, and show the different cultures.2.1 Dog and GouWhether in China or the United States, Britain and some other western countries people have dogs. The main purpose of keepingdogs at the village of our country is for security, while in the city, people take dogs as pets recently. But in the West, dog, one of the most favorite pets, is consideredas man’s best friend. However, it will not be honored so muchin China. The Westerners are disgusting at eating dog meat. Because of people’s views and feelings about the dog are not exactly same, they express the different meanings in English and Chinese animal idioms.Dogs, in China, are generally associated with unpleasantness, so there are most negative connotations for dog, such as: 狗仗人势(like a dog counting on its master’s backing---to bully others because of one’s master’s power and position); 狗头军师(a good-for-nothing adviser/ a person who offers bad advice); 狗腿子(hired thug/ henchman/ lackey); 狗眼看人低(to act like s snob).In English, the connotation of dog is extremely different from that in Chinese. The English find loyalty, dependability, courage, intelligence in dogs. So many good expressions can be found often: a lucky dog(幸运儿), every dog has its day(人人皆有得意时), as faithful as dog(像狗一样忠诚), gay dog(快活的人), top dog (优胜者). Sometimes, in the eyes of the Western, they think the dog is poor. Here are some idioms about this:a good dog deserves a good bone (好狗应该得到好骨头), this idiomimplied that reward those people who have credit. dog-tired (非常疲劳的), die a dog’s death (悲惨的死去), sick as a dog (病的很厉害), to lead a dog life (生活贫困), give a dog a bad name and hang him (莫须有的).He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick (欲加之罪,何患无辞) Dogs in Chinese language have, however, negative connotation, therefore, Chinese use the word “dog” in a derogatory way. Unlike Chinese, English gives a dog much positive connotation as faithful, caring, etc. They use dog to show something good. (刘月琴,2005:24)2.2 Dragon and LongDragon is the Chinese traditional legendary or mythological creature. In the dynastic times in China, dragon was the traditional symbol of royalty. The dragon stood for the king or emperor. There were few negative connotations, and even today, these mythological creatures occasionally appear in traditional Chinese designs. As an auspicious creature that supposedly brings good luck, the dragon gave rise to the saying that parents----望子成龙longing to see their son become a dragon, that is , be successful. In Chinese, there have the expressions as following: 龙凤呈祥(Prosperity brought by thedragon and the phoenix---in extremely good fortune); 龙飞凤舞(Like a dragon flying and phoenixes dancing---lively and vigorous flourishes in calligraphy).To Westerners, however, dragon is often a symbol of evil, a fierce monster that is dangerous and must be destroyed. Several stories of saints or heroes deal with struggles against the monsters, which in most cases are slain in the end. The most notable perhaps is the story of Beowolf, an Anglo-Saxon epic around the year of 700A.D. telling how the hero Beowolf defeats a monster called Grendel, but was eventually killed in slaying a dragon. In English “th e old Dragon” refers to the devil instead of the old dragon, and “dragonish”is the meaning of violence. “D ragon”is always used to express one fierce person, especially a woman. If someone said “You are an absolute dragon”, it is not a praise sentence, but implies that “you are a fierce person”.So, the dragon is the totem of the Chinese people. The word “dragon” is in every sense a positive term in Chinese. Its common associations are “good luck and fortune”, “wisdom”, “royal and noble”, etc. There are some other phrases showing Chinese love for this legendary animal, the four most developed countries in Asia are called “四小龙 (four dragons)”in Chinese, but “four tigers”in English since English speakers attribute the power to the tigers rather than the dragons. In English, the dragon refers to a dreadful creature like a crocodile or snake, and it is associated with fierceness and derogatory sense when is used to describe a person. (宋莉,2004:104)2.3 Bat and BianfuIn English and Chinese, the bat has the same denotation but different connotations. The bat is usually associated with negative qualities in the West. For example:as blind as a bat to express the people who have eyes but can’t see anything(有眼无珠), vampire bat(吸血蝙蝠), have bats in the belfry(发痴、异想天开). They are typical expressions of the negative associations. They may be even worse. Mention of the bat often evokes the image of an ugly, sinister, blood-sucking creature.To Chinese, however, the bat is a symbol of good fortune, well-being, and happiness----all positive qualities. The reason for such association is probably that the name of the creature is pronounced the same as the word 福. Thus the popularity of the traditional design that shows the bat and thedeer together, 蝠鹿, pronounced the same as 福禄--- good fortune, happiness,wealth and position. In the New Year in China, lots of people will paste a red “fu” on the wall, and hope that they will have a good fortune the next year. Here is a Chinese folklore of bat, if the bat has a thousand years age, it will become white, and is hung upside on the tree, and the person who eats the meet of this bat will live longer.2.4 Peacock and KongqueIn our country peacock is one kind of bird for the people to watch. Because their feather has a bright color, they are considered as one of the most beautiful birds, especially when they are opening their tails, they’re very charming. In China, people think that the time when peacock open their beautiful tails is the symbol of fortunate and satisfying. In the Yun Nan province of China, the local people dances the pavane to express their best wishes.In the Western culture, people believe that the peacock is an arrogant animal, for they frequently swing their heads when they are walking, and open their beautiful tails to show off its beauty. Here are the idioms about peacock:the young peacock (arrogant young people)proud as peacock (as proud as a peacock)All these animal idioms are informative and instructive, and they reflect the culture difference between the Western and Chinese. Learning a foreign language can help us to make a good cross-cultural communication. So the knowledge of society, culture, custom and living environments is indispensable.3Reasons for the Differences Between the English andChinese Animal IdiomsDifferent languages may reflect different cultures, and different cultures entail different language expressions. Animal idiom is a common linguistic phenomenon in communication, which is not only a social language phenomenon, but also a cultural phenomenon. Both English and Chinese idioms are widely used in social life owing to their powerful communication functions.Animal idioms are gathered during the long history, so, one can find they are deeply rooted by social conventions and living environments. We compare idioms to a mirror, which best reflects the special features of a nation or a culture.3.1 Different Social ConventionsThe different historical background of the English and Chinese people with their different legends and anecdotes about historical figures, have provided rich and various materials for their idioms and consequently give a national color to theidioms in the two languages. In thedynastic times in China, the “dragon” stood for king or emperor, and it was the symbol of royalty; however, to the Westerner, the dragon is often a symbol of evil, a fierce monster. The mentioned example above, which is derived from ancient legend and historical event, bears the stamp of their nationality.As one kind of social ideology, religious belief has a very big influence on human society. Religion is also an important source for idioms. As religion once had an immense influence on people in feudal society, there are still many idioms which reflected religious belief at that time. Because most of the Westerners have a belief in Christianity, they go to church frequently. There is idiom like “as poor as church mouse”. China is a country with many kinds of religion, in contrast, Buddhism made an immense influence on Chinese, so there are many idioms and proverbs from it. Owing to their different religion, the English and Chinese people used different figures in their own idioms with religious allusions. (胡文仲,1999:107) Moreover, the Chinese people traditionally have a deep hatred for corrupt officials, and disrespect for religious services, because the working people had been oppressed by the ruling classes for more than two thousand years of feudal rule,theyregarded religion as a spiritual yoke on people’s neck. The following examples give expression to this traditional state of mind of the Chinese people, “苛政猛于虎(Oppressive government is fiercer and more feared than tiger)”, “一人得道,鸡犬升天(When one becomes a high official, even his fowls and dogs will get promoted---unashamed nepotism)”, etc.3.2 Different Living EnvironmentsCulture is formed on the basis of nature, society and human. So, the nature difference is the fundamental reason for the different cultures between the English and Chinese. As we all know, Britain is an island country, which has a long history of navigation, and therefore a great number of English idioms are derived from the sea, on the other hand, China, since the time immemorial, has been a large country chiefly based on agriculture, and an overwhelming majority of the people live in the rural area, and depend on farming, so there are many idioms form the agriculture.Owing to their different living conditions, the English and Chinese people have their own individual state of mind and ways of thinking, which also add national color to the idioms. Since different people can have different ways of viewing a thing,the English and Chinese traditionally have different opinions of the dog, though they both have cultivated the habit of keeping a dog. The Chinese usually despise such an。
