




无论是学生还是教师,都需要关注Reading 教案的重点内容。























初中reading教案设计1. 知识目标(1)学生能够掌握本课的生词和短语。



2. 能力目标(1)学生能够流利地朗读课文。



3. 情感目标(1)学生能够培养对阅读的兴趣和爱好。


二、教学内容1. 课文内容本课的课文是一篇关于动物的故事,讲述了主人公小狗贝贝在主人的关爱下,成长为一只勇敢、善良、聪明的狗狗。


2. 生词和短语本课的生词和短语包括:贝贝、关爱、勇敢、善良、聪明、成长等。

3. 语法和表达方式本课的语法和表达方式包括:一般过去时、被动语态、比较级和最高级等。

三、教学步骤1. 导入教师可以通过展示一些动物的图片,引导学生谈论他们喜欢的动物,引出本课的主题。

2. 阅读课文(1)教师可以先让学生自读课文,遇到不理解的生词和短语可以先做标记。



3. 学习生词和短语教师可以通过一些游戏和活动,让学生在语境中学习和掌握生词和短语。

4. 学习语法和表达方式教师可以通过一些例句和练习,让学生学习和掌握本课的语法和表达方式。

5. 课后作业教师可以为学生布置一些课后作业,让他们巩固所学的知识和技能。

四、教学评价1. 课堂表现教师可以通过观察学生的课堂表现,如参与度、积极性等,来评价他们的学习情况。

2. 课后作业教师可以通过检查学生的课后作业,来评价他们的学习效果。

3. 阅读测试教师可以通过一些阅读测试,来评价学生的阅读理解和批判性思维能力。



riing action faing actionbeginning 1-18 reoution 61-73【设计意图】通过imming阅读策略,引导学生理清文章的总体框架与脉络,能概括出每局部大意,从整体上感知把握文章。



Ta2 Scanning-- Anwer the quetion①How did the Keeh' father die②What did Bo do with the meat he brought bac③How man bear did Keeh i the firt time he went hunting What too did he carr④What did the counci order Bim and Bawn to do⑤Did Keeh ue magic or hi brain to i the bear How did he i bear【设计意图】通过Scanning后的设问,引导学生进一步梳理细节信息,概括、整合Keeh 智猎北极熊的过程。



the event in a right order【设计意图】将故事的梗概打乱次序,让学生再次根据文本内容排序,以期让他们对故事情节的开展、框架的构成有整体性的回忆,为下一步的读后讨论奠定根底。


这一活动的设计,使Keeh和Koh-Kwan,Ugh- Gu ,Mau用不同的态度对待猎物的分享,用不同的思维方式分析捕猎方式的比照更加形象直观,更加明显,也为接下去剖析人物性格做好铺垫。

初中reading 教案

初中reading 教案

初中reading 教案一、教学目标1. 知识目标:(1)让学生掌握文章中的关键词汇和短语。


2. 能力目标:(1)培养学生独立阅读和理解英语文章的能力。


3. 情感目标:(1)激发学生对英语阅读的兴趣。


二、教学内容1. 教材:人教版《英语》八年级上册 Module 7 Unit 2 Will people have robots in the future?2. 文章主题:未来人们是否会有机器人?三、教学过程1. Pre-reading(读前活动)(1)引导学生观察文章标题和图片,激发学生的阅读兴趣。


2. While-reading(读中活动)(1)让学生快速阅读文章,获取文章主旨大意。



3. Post-reading(读后活动)(1)让学生汇报自己的阅读成果,分享自己的观点。


四、教学评价1. 评价学生对文章关键词汇和短语的掌握程度。

2. 评价学生对文章主旨大意的理解程度。

3. 评价学生在阅读过程中的信息获取和处理能力。

4. 评价学生的团队合作精神和口语表达能力。

五、教学资源1. 教材:人教版《英语》八年级上册 Module 7 Unit 2 Will people have robots in the future?2. 多媒体设备:电脑、投影仪、音响等。

3. 网络资源:相关英语阅读材料和视频。

六、教学建议1. 注重培养学生独立阅读和理解英语文章的能力,鼓励学生在课堂上积极发言。

2. 鼓励学生进行团队合作,培养学生的团队合作精神。

3. 教师应关注学生的个体差异,因材施教,使每个学生都能在阅读过程中得到提高。





























3、教材重点、难点教材重点:(1)重点词语:the bab boo hootin the future cut down in dangertae the action encourage b to do th(2)重点句型:We caed her XiWangWhen XiWang wa born, he weighed ut 100 gramXiWang dran her mother’ mi for uing-ue(理念:课前播放一首欢快的英文歌曲,渲染课堂气氛,营造英语学习氛围,使学生很快进入角)T: Bo and gir, ha we begin our ca now We now ever one of u ha man friend and we ao have man anima friend I thin anima are uua ver friend to u , we houd ove them and If the anima ive in the wid , we can ca them wid anima Now , oo at the creen ,can ou te me what the are(理念:用学生熟知的话题导入,能引起学生的共鸣,吸引学生主动参与,积极思索,学生纷纷举手说出了多媒体屏幕上展出的野生动物的名称)Stee which i our favourite wid animaAnd can ou te me which i m favourite wid anima(理念:学生说出了自己和老师所喜欢的野生动物名称,以及喜欢的原因,从而达到了人人动脑,积极表演,反复操练,复习以前所学过的动物名称,激起了学生的表现欲,活跃了课堂气氛)(学生在猜测老师所喜欢的野生动物的过程中,若有人提到了大熊猫,就将大熊猫的图片展示出来)T: Do ou now wh I ie giant ice when the were born The oo ie bear when the grow uboo eave and hoot The edom eat meat or hurt otheranima But it’ a an giant and i them for their fur And farmer cut down tree and foret So the have nowhere to ive We houd taeaction to(理念:教师边讲,边显示出屏幕上的相关图片,并通过图片来进行单词、词组的教学,同时把这些词汇写在黑板上,带领学生朗读这些词汇)Stee Now oain idea about thi tor(理念:听录音并跟录音朗读,提高学生的模仿能力,培养学生精读的能力,符合循序渐进的原理,在精读的同时,鼓励学生将文章分成三部分,写出每一段落的主要意思。

人教版高中英语必修一unit1 reading 教案

人教版高中英语必修一unit1 reading 教案

人教版高中英语必修一unit1 reading 教案人教版高中英语必修一unit1 reading 教案Teaching: The la passage about Anne's Best Friend Teaching Objectives:wledge Objectives:(1) Students are abld out the main idea and the detailassage.(2) Students can leabackground about Would War llAbility Objective:(1) By reading the passage, students' reading abilg and scanning can be improvedal Objective:(1) Alass, students caaTeaching Key andDifficult Points:(1) Teaching: Students can find the main about the passage and ldetails.(1) Teaching difficult point: Students can traading skill and they can udaily l: Pre-reading (1) The teacher will give a VCR abouagic lws during Would War ll(Justification: VCR can give Students auitive feeling. Though watching VCRan know what they willlealass anduwill be stimulated.)2: While-reading (1)gThe teacher will ask Studad the whole passage quickly to gain idea, then aare it wwholecla(Justification: To help Students understand this passagaan improvg skill.)(2) ScanningThe teacher will ask Studad the passage agablank:Aa diary becau2lt very lonely becauThey had to hide becauAnne named her diabecauAfter that, adiscullowing qu:question1: About how long had Anne and her family bding place wwadiary?question2: How did Anne feel about nature band her family hid away?question3: Why do youlings changed towards nature?question4: Why did Anne no longer just like looking at nature ouwindow?(Justification: Fillingblank can help Students understand the passage better. The discussion can not cultivaabut also stimulaagination.):Post-reading(1) RetellingIacher will invite twarraassagwn words standingla(Justification: Standinglatform can givudxpressing them. Narratingwn words can traluding ability and dlass. )(2) Group WTeacher give Studquestions: Imagine you have to gding like Anne and her family. What would you? Why? Add students cadicugroups, givwanda membwhole cla(Justification: Twill pratice student's abilaking anf develating w): Summary and Homewummary: The teacher summarizes whaave lealaHomework: Read the passage fluently and oay aant words.(Justification: Students can review and consolidate whaave lealass. )。



Teaching Reading 阅读课教案一、教学目标:1. 提高学生的阅读理解能力,使他们能够理解和分析文本的主要内容和细节。

2. 培养学生的阅读技巧,如预测、扫描、略读和寻读,以提高阅读效率。

3. 培养学生的批判性思维能力,使他们能够分析和评价文本的观点和态度。

4. 提高学生的阅读兴趣和动机,激发他们主动阅读的欲望。

二、教学内容:1. 文本材料:选择一篇适合学生水平的阅读材料,内容涉及不同主题和体裁,如故事、文章、报告等。

2. 阅读技巧:教授和练习不同的阅读技巧,如预测、扫描、略读和寻读,以帮助学生提高阅读理解能力和速度。

3. 批判性思维:通过讨论和写作活动,培养学生的批判性思维能力,使他们能够分析和评价文本的观点和态度。

三、教学方法:1. 互动式教学:通过提问、讨论和小组活动,鼓励学生积极参与阅读过程,提高他们的思考和表达能力。

2. 任务型教学:设计不同的阅读任务和活动,让学生在实践中运用阅读技巧,提高阅读理解能力。

3. 反馈和评估:及时给予学生反馈和评估,帮助他们了解自己的阅读水平和进步。

四、教学步骤:1. 导入:引入本节课的阅读材料,激发学生的兴趣和好奇心。

2. 阅读准备:让学生预览文本和摘要,预测文本内容和主题。

3. 阅读活动:引导学生进行略读和寻读,找出文本的主要信息和细节。

4. 阅读理解:通过提问和讨论,检查学生的阅读理解能力,帮助他们分析文本的观点和态度。

5. 批判性思维:引导学生进行批判性思考,提出自己的观点和意见,进行讨论和辩论。

6. 总结和反馈:对学生的阅读理解和批判性思维能力进行总结和反馈,指出他们的进步和需要改进的地方。

五、教学评估:1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在阅读活动和讨论中的参与程度和表现。

2. 阅读理解测试:通过课后阅读测试或小组讨论,评估学生的阅读理解能力。

3. 批判性思维能力:评估学生在批判性思考和讨论中的表现,检查他们的观点和论据的合理性。

4. 自我评估:鼓励学生进行自我评估,反思自己的阅读过程和进步。


general apperance, age, hair, figure, dress...
(general to sepecific; up and down)
Bear in mind the purpose of your description.
To show the features of a person.
范例:He is an manwithweather-beaten face,whichhad lots of wrinkles on it. His eyes showed lots of sadness and his whole body was shaking.
General appearance
She was beautifulwithher long black straight hair, her bright eyes and her sweet smile. She is wearing a purple dress.
General words



reading教案初中Objective: To improve students' reading comprehension skills and vocabulary usage through a detective story.Target Students: Sixth-grade studentsLesson Duration: 1 hourMaterials:1. "The Mystery of the Missing Cat" text2. Worksheets for vocabulary practice3. Flashcards for vocabulary review4. Writing prompts for summarizing and creative writingLesson Procedure:1. Introduction (10 minutes)a. Begin the class with a warm-up activity. Ask students questions about their favorite pets and why they like them.b. Introduce the title of the reading passage, "The Mystery of the Missing Cat," and generate interest by asking students if they have ever experienced a missing pet.2. Pre-reading (10 minutes)a. Provide a brief overview of the story, highlighting the main characters and the setting.b. Discuss the vocabulary words related to pets, mysteries, and detective work. Create flashcards with pictures and definitions of the vocabulary words.3. Reading (20 minutes)a. Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a specific section of the text to read.b. Encourage students to use context clues to understand unfamiliar words. Provide assistance if needed.c. As students finish reading their assigned sections, have them summarize the events in their own words.4. Comprehension Check (10 minutes)a. Conduct a whole-class discussion to check students' understanding of the story. Ask questions about the plot, characters, and settings.b. Provide worksheets with multiple-choice questions and true/false statements related to the story. Have students work individually or in pairs to complete the worksheets.5. Vocabulary Practice (10 minutes)a. Review the vocabulary words using flashcards. Encourage students to actively participate and provide the definitions of the words.b. Provide worksheets with fill-in-the-blank sentences using the vocabulary words. Have students complete the sentences, and then discuss their answers as a class.6. Summarizing and Creative Writing (10 minutes)a. Provide a writing prompt asking students to summarize the story in a paragraph. Encourage them to use the vocabulary words they have learned.b. Additionally, ask students to think of a creative solution to the mystery of the missing cat and write a short story or paragraph about their idea.7. Closure (5 minutes)a. Review the main points of the story and the vocabulary words with the class.b. Encourage students to share their summaries and creative writing with the class if they feel comfortable doing so.Assessment:1.观察学生在阅读过程中的理解程度,通过回答问题和完成工作表的情况来进行评估。



Unit6 Reading 参考教案1.总体设计:课前准备:分组采访interview-任务一:语篇阅读即课文处理passage reading(10分钟)-任务二:小组讨论group discussion(10分钟)-任务三:拓展阅读extensive reading(9分钟)-任务四:写作训练writing practice (10 分钟)-互动评价assessment ( 5 分钟) -作业布置homework (1 分钟) 指导思想:多元化阅读教学理念,即目标多元化,策略立体化,资源多样化,活动开放化,过程任务化,评价互动化的要求。





问题设计范例:Where do you come from? Hong long have you been living in China? Are there any difficulties you’re facing? How do you deal with them? Do you enjoy living here? Why?依据:鼓励学生运用语言知识与外国人交流,创设语言交际的真实情景,同时为课堂任务做准备和铺垫。

(2)任务一: 语篇阅读即课文处理passage reading(10分钟)Pre-task: leading-in 播放一段著名外籍演员大山的相声(cross talk),同时呈现一些著名外籍在华人士的图片。


Who is the actor of the cross talk? Do you know the men in the pictures? Are there any similarities between them?通过观察,学生很容易得出:They’re all famous foreigners. They all live in China.的结论,进而导入新课。



Unit1 Reading 精品教案一、教学目标1. 识别病了解与北京和桂林有关的词汇。

2. 完成文后B、C、D、E部分的练习。

3. 激发学生的爱国热情。

二、教学内容1. 掌握词汇:middle, emperor, raising, flag, landscape, attraction, watchtower, wonder, lie, shape, underground, cave, hang, point, upwards, hire, eastern, south-east, location。

词组:the capital of, in the middle of, used to, turn into, be worth doing, the raising of the national flag, run for, across northern China, on the two sides of, in dif-ferent shapes, hang down, point upwards, take a boat trip in the past, an old saying, be famous for。

句型:The emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties used to live there.With wonderful buildings and art treasures inside, it is well worth a visit.Many tourists like to gather there early in the morning to watch the raising of the national flag.It runs for over 6,000 kilometers across northern China, with watchtowers every few hundred meters.It is one of the wonders of the world.It lies on the two sides of the Lijiang River.It is amazing that there are so many rocks in unusual shapes - some hang down, and others point upwards.2. 掌握文章重要的语言知识点。

牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit 1 Reading (I) 示范课教案

牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit 1 Reading (I) 示范课教案
15. Studentsdraw a mind map about the information of these four people, then retell the text.
1. Students circle the words that appear in the table.
2. Students discuss what these words describe.
9. Students read thesecondpart and fill in the blanks.
10.nswer the questions.
11. Students read the third part and fill in the blanks.

人教版英语必修一Unit 4(Reading)教学教案

人教版英语必修一Unit 4(Reading)教学教案

Uni4 EarthquakeReading1.Teaching contentsMy teaching material is high school English Book 1 unit 4 Earthquake, the reading part A night the Earth Didn’t Sleep. The passage is mainly about Tangshan earthquake.2.Analysis of studentsThe class is given to grade one students, class 203 who have mastered the vocbulary in this unit and have previewd the whole passage cafefully.3.Teaching objectivesAbility objectives: Enable Ss to master two reading skills: skimming and scanning. And help Ss develop two reading abilities: finding main idea and understanding the details.4.Teaching focus and difficultiesTeaching focus: Developing students’ reading abilities.Teaching difficulties: Enable students to understand the detail information and master skimming and scannin.5.Teaching aidsPPt, balckboad and textbook6.Teaching duration: 40m7.Teaching procedure9. Exercise:1. Which of the following can also be used as a title of the text?A.Tangshan EarthquakeB.The world at an endC.How to prevent EarthquakeD. New Tangshan2. The text is mainly organized by______?A.placesB. ImportancesC.TimeD. Events3. How long did the first quake last?A. Fifteen secondsB. Fifty secondsC.About half a dayD.About one day4. What is the mood of this passage?A.SadB. SeriousC. Serious and a bit sadD. Calm10.Teaching reflection: In order to improve students’ reading ability,I designed this class. The topic of the reading material which I chose is quite close to reality, so students are easy to understand details andimprove reading ability through exercise. In general, my students master the teaching points and some reading skills. But there are also some problems. Some students can’t master two reading skills in one class, which leads to let some students lose confidence. And that is what I need to do better.。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Can youfindother rhyming pairs in the poems?
2.Practise reading and pay attention to the rhyming pairs, pronunciation, intonation and stress. (one poem after another)
1. Read it while listening and then answer“Where do cats sleep”
2. Read the poem again and check C3. (the right use of prep.)
First, check in groups. Then check in class.
3.To read about animal behavior.
4. Try to write poems about animals
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1Warming upA song“Bingo”
Step 2 Presentation
T: What is the song about? Today we’ll learn three poems about animals. What animals are they about? Read the poem while listening and then choose the correct answer.
3) Other rhyming pairs in other units.(at least 5 pairs)
3.What’s the use of the rhyming words?
Step 5 Production(Try to write poems about animals)
T: My pet rabbit…
1.“My dog”is about_______
2.“My goldfish”is about_______
3.“Cats”is about_______
A. behavior行为B. lifestyleC. sleeping place
My Dog (New lesson and check preview)
First, do by yourselves.Then, check in groups. Finally, report.
My Goldfish(Learn in groups)
T: My dog is so clever and lovely. Then What about my pet goldfish?Learn the whole poem by yourselves.
I also wrote a poem for her. Let’s enjoy it.
Can you introduce your pet animal? Can you try to write a poem?
1) First on their own.Take turns to read, check in groups.
2) Work as a team.Readwith a partner/partners or together.Eg:one student, one line or two lines./one or two students to read one line only
1. Read and then answer:1).Doesmy dog chase andcatch a ball?
2).Does he bark, bite orfight?
3).What can my dog do?
4).What do you think of my dog?
2. Read the poem again and check C1.
4. Read the poem again and Check C2.
5. Any difficulties?
T: My goldfish isn’t any trouble. I don’t need to spend lots of time taking care of it. Do cats need a lot of care?
Content:The firs源自 period of Reading
Objective:1.To learn about rhyme schemes, stress and intonation of poem.
2.To learn new vocabulary to talk about pets.
Discuss“Is my goldfish any trouble? Why?”
1.Listen, read and answer the question by yourselves.
2. Check your answers in your group.
3. Remember to help each other to correct the pronunciation.
Step 3 PartB2
Step 4 Part B1 (rhyme)
1.To learn about rhyme schemes.
T: Read the three poems again and answer“Which poem do you like best? Why?”
---What’s the characteristic(特征) of poems?
Can you find the words rhyming with each other?OK. Let’s do Part B1.
---How can we know two words are rhyming pairs?
---The final sylabble of a line.