影视美联英语 山姆史密斯成本届格莱美最大赢家

写格莱美的英文作文英文:The Grammy Awards, also known as the Grammys, is an annual music awards ceremony that honors outstanding achievements in the music industry. As a music lover, I always look forward to watching the Grammys every year.One of the reasons I love the Grammys is because it showcases a diverse range of musical genres and artists. From pop to rock to hip-hop to country, there's something for everyone. It's always exciting to see which artists and songs will be nominated and who will take home the coveted awards.Another reason I enjoy the Grammys is because of the live performances. The Grammys always have some of the best performances of the year, with artists putting on elaborate and unforgettable shows. One of my favorite performances was when Beyoncé performed "Love Drought" and"Sandcastles" at the 2017 Grammys. Her powerful vocals and stunning visuals left me in awe.In addition to the awards and performances, the Grammys also provide a platform for important social and political messages. For example, at the 2018 Grammys, many artists wore white roses as a symbol of solidarity with the Time's Up movement against sexual harassment and assault.Overall, the Grammys are a celebration of music and artistry, and I always feel inspired and entertained after watching the show.中文:格莱美奖,也称为格莱美,是一年一度的音乐颁奖典礼,表彰音乐行业的杰出成就。
影视美联英语 男版阿黛尔 无望之爱的孤单之声

小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0美联英语提供:影视英语男版阿黛尔无望之爱的孤单之声Adele, whose 2011 album 21 recently reached 30 million in worldwide sales, is still taking her time to make new music. While her fans are anxiously waiting, a “male version Adele”is quickly rising to stardom in the UK, singing his soul out and touching listeners’hearts, just like Adele.不久前,阿黛尔的专辑《21》(发布于2011年)在全球的发行量超过了3000万,而她现在仍在创作新的音乐。
Sam Smith, winner of the 2014 BRIT Critics’Choice Award and the BBC’s Sound of 2014, grabbed the spotlight even before his debut album In the Lonely Hour was released in June. At the age of 22, he seems far beyond his years, with a charm that stems from years of professional training.他就是山姆•史密斯——2014年全英音乐奖“评论选择奖”及英国BBC年度之声冠军获得者,在6月发布第一张专辑《In the Lonely Hour》之前就已经备受瞩目。

格莱美奖是什么格莱美奖(Grammy Awards,简称Grammys),美国录音界与世界音乐界最重要的音乐奖项之一,由国家录音艺术与科学学院(National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences,NARAS)颁发。
美国当地时间2011年4月6日,美国录音艺术科学院宣布,2012年起将把格莱美音乐奖(Grammy Awards)奖项从原本的109个减为78个。

格莱美音乐奖虽然是美国唱片行业 中的奖项,但它如今已经成为世界范围 内最具影响力的音乐大奖之一。音乐界 的格莱美就如同电电影界的奥斯卡一样, 虽然毫无疑问地打上了美国文化的印记, 但世界各地的多数音乐人仍以能够捧得 这架老留声机为荣。 格莱美所以能够为世界音乐人津津 乐道,除了美国一直是全球流行音乐 的中心、代表了流行音乐的较高水平 外,还因为他的权威性、公正性以及 广泛的影响性。
制作人:曹斯童 范启辰 黄智
格莱美的所有奖项每年都由录音 学会选举出的代表颁发给那些在录 音艺术和技术方面做出突出贡献的 人。格莱美大奖的和其他奖项的不 同之处在于他的所有奖项的评比都 不受销售和排行榜的影响, 而是完 全取决于在技术和艺术方面的贡献 所以它当之无愧地成为了世界流行 音乐最高奖
了解完格莱美,让我们走进第53 届格莱美,那个不眠之夜
Beyonce单届的得奖最多的女歌 手。第52届:6项
专业人士评价:一年一度的格莱美 颁奖礼落下帷幕,Lady Antebellum 独揽5个大奖成最大赢家。纵观今年 的获奖名单,得奖较为平均,但凡 提名的歌手都可以在自己所属的风 格领域分到一杯羹,多数的大奖都 是在情理之中,但是一场颁奖礼下 来,有惊喜,当然也有不少冷门。
获得最佳流行女歌手的不出人意料的是Lady GaGa,但Katy Perry无疑也是最佳的候选人
最佳男歌手Bruno Mars夺冠
这是由最佳流行组合Train带来的Hey,soul sister
Lady GaGa也同时得到了最佳流行专辑奖
本届格莱美最大赢家 共荣ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้5项大奖
一届格莱美获得最多奖项的歌手: 迈克尔· 杰克逊在1983年一举获得8 项格莱美大奖,成就了历史!

2023第65届格莱美获奖名单揭晓2023第65届格莱美获奖名单揭晓年度制作(通项) | Record of the YearAbout Damn Time - Lizzo年度专辑(通项) | Album of the YearHarry’s House - Harry Styles年度歌曲(通项)|SONG OF THE YEARJust Like That - Bonnie Raitt年度新人(通项) | Best New ArtistSamara JoyBest Pop Solo Performance 最佳流行歌手Easy on Me - AdeleBest Pop Duo/Group Performance 最佳流行对唱/组合Unholy - Sam Smith and Kim PetrasBest Traditional Pop Vocal Album 最佳传统流行演唱专辑Higher - Michael BubléBest Pop Vocal Album 最佳流行演唱专辑Harrys House - Harry StylesBest Dance/Electronic Recording 最佳舞曲/电子乐制作BREAK MY SOUL - BeyoncéBest Dance/Electronic Music Album 最佳舞曲/电子音乐专辑Renaissance - BeyoncéBest Contemporary Instrumental Album 最佳当代器乐演奏专辑Empire Central - Snarky PuppyBest Rock Performance 最佳摇滚歌手Broken Horses - Brandi CarlileBest Metal Performance 最佳金属乐表演Degradation Rules - Ozzy Osbourne Featuring Tony IommiBest Rock Song 最佳摇滚歌曲Broken Horses - Brandi Carlile, Phil Hanseroth Tim Hanseroth, songwriters (Brandi Carlile)Best Rock Album 最佳摇滚专辑Patient Number 9 - Ozzy OsbourneBest Alternative Music Album 最佳另类音乐专辑Wet Leg - Wet LegBest RB Performance 最佳RB歌手Hrs Hrs - Muni LongBest Traditional RB Performance 最佳传统RB歌手PLASTIC OFF THE SOFA - BeyoncéBest RB Song 最佳RB歌曲CUFF IT - BeyoncéBest Progressive RB Album 最佳创新RB专辑Gemini Rights - Steve LacyBest RB Album 最佳RB专辑Black Radio III - Robert GlasperBest Rap Performance 最佳说唱歌手The Heart Part 5 - Kendrick LamarBest Melodic Rap Performance 最佳旋律说唱歌手WAIT FOR U - Future Featuring Drake TemsBest Rap Song 最佳说唱歌曲The Heart Part 5 - Jake Kosich, Johnny Kosich, Kendrick Lamar Matt Schaeffer, songwriters (Kendrick Lamar)Best Rap Album 最佳说唱专辑Mr. Morale The Big Steppers - Kendrick LamarBest Country Solo Performance 最佳乡村歌手Live Forever - Willie NelsonBest Country Duo/Group Performance 最佳乡村组合Never Wanted To Be That Girl - Carly Pearce Ashley McBrydeBest Country Song 最佳乡村歌曲Til You Cant - Matt Rogers Ben Stennis, songwriters (Cody Johnson) Best Country Album 最佳乡村专辑A Beautiful Time - Willie NelsonBest New Age Album 最佳新世纪专辑Mystic Mirror - White SunBest Improvised Jazz Solo 最佳爵士乐器独奏Endangered Species - Wayne Shorter Leo Genovese, soloistBest Jazz Vocal Album 最佳爵士演唱专辑Linger Awhile - Samara JoyBest Jazz Instrumental Album 最佳爵士演奏专辑New Standards Vol. 1 - Terri Lyne Carrington, Kris Davis, Linda May Han Oh, Nicholas Payton Matthew StevensBest Large Jazz Ensemble Album 最佳大爵士乐团专辑Generation Gap Jazz Orchestra - Steven Feifke, Bijon Watson, Generation Gap Jazz OrchestraBest Latin Jazz Album 最佳拉丁爵士专辑Fandango At The Wall In New York - Arturo OFarrill The Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra Featuring The Congra Patria Son Jarocho Collective Best Latin Pop Album 最佳拉丁流行音乐专辑Pasieros - Rubén Blades Boca LivreBest Latin Rock or Alternative Album 最佳拉丁摇滚或另类专辑MOTOMAMI - RosalíaBest Tropical Latin Album 最佳热带拉丁专辑Palla Voy - Marc AnthonyBest Bluegrass Album 最佳蓝草音乐Crooked Tree - Molly Tuttle Golden HighwayBest Traditinal Blues Album 最佳传统布鲁斯专辑Get On Board - Taj Mahal Ry CooderBest Contemporary Blues Album 最佳当代布鲁斯专辑Brother Johnny - Edgar WinterBest Folk Album 最佳民俗音乐Revealer - Madison CunninghamBest Regional Roots Music Album 最佳本土音乐专辑Live At The 2022 New Orleans Jazz Heritage Festival - Ranky Tanky Best Reggae Album 最佳雷鬼专辑The Kalling - Kabaka PyramidBest Global Music Performance 最佳世界音乐歌手Bayethe - Wouter Kellerman, Zakes Bantwini Nomcebo ZikodeBest Global Music Album 最佳世界音乐专辑Sakura - Masa TakumiBest Childrens Music Album 最佳儿童音乐专辑The Movement - Alphabet RockersBest Audio Book, Narration, and Storytelling Recording 最佳有声读物旁白故事专辑Finding Me - Viola DavisBest Comedy Album 最佳喜剧专辑The Closer - Dave ChappelleBest Musical Theater Album 最佳音乐剧专辑Into The Woods (2022 Broadway Cast Recording)Best Compilation Soundtrack For Visual Media 最佳影视音乐合辑Encanto - (Various Artists)Best Score Soundtrack For Visual Media(Includes Film And Television)最佳影视配乐Encanto - Germaine Franco, composerBest Score Soundtrack for Video Games and Other Interactive Media 最佳电子游戏交互媒体配乐Assassins Creed Valhalla: Dawn Of Ragnarok - Stephanie Economou, composerBest Song Written For Visual Media 最佳影视创作歌曲"We Dont Talk About Bruno" from "Encanto," Lin-Manuel Miranda (performed by Carolina Gaitán - La Gaita, Mauro Castillo, Adassa, Rhenzy Feliz, Diane Guerrero, Stephanie Beatriz and the "Encanto" cast) Best Instrumental Composition 最佳器乐作曲Refuge - Geoffrey Keezer, composer (Geoffrey Keezer)Best Arrangement, Instrumental or A Cappella 最佳编曲器乐和声Scrapple From The Apple - John Beasley, arranger (Magnus Lindgren, John Beasley The SWR Big Band Featuring Martin Aeur)Best Arrangement, Instruments and Vocals 最佳编曲配乐演唱Songbird (Orchestral Version) - Vince Mendoza, arranger (Christine McVie)Best Recording Package 最佳唱片包装Beginningless Beginning - Chun-Tien Hsia Qing-Yang Xiao, art directors (Tamsui-Kavalan Chinese Orchestra)Best Boxed Or Special Limited Edition Package 最佳特别限定版包装In And Out Of The Garden: Madison Square Garden818283 - Lisa Glines, Doran Tyson Dave Van Patten, art directors (The Grateful Dead)Best Album Notes 最佳专辑注释Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (20th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition) - Bob Mehr, album notes writer (Wilco)Best Engineered Album,Non-Classical 最佳非古典类工程专辑Harrys House - Jeremy Hatcher, Oli Jacobs, Nick Lobel, Mark "Spike" Stent Sammy Witte, engineers; Randy Merrill, mastering engineer (Harry Styles)Producer Of The Year,Non-Classical 非古典类年度制作人Jack Antonof - WINNERAll Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylor’s Version) (From The Vault) (Taylor Swift) (T)Dance Fever (Florence + The Machine) (A)I Still Believe (Diana Ross) (T)Minions: The Rise Of Gru (Various Artists) (A)Part Of The Band (The 1975) (S)Best Remixed Recording 最佳混音唱片About Damn Time (Purple Disco Machine Remix) - Purple Disco Machine, remixer (Lizzo)Best Immersive Audio Album 最佳虚拟现实音频专辑Divine Tides - Eric Schilling, immersive mix engineer; Stewart Copeland, Ricky Kej Herbert Waltl, immersive producers (Stewart Copeland Ricky Kej)Best Engineered Album,Classical 最佳古典类工程专辑Bates: Philharmonia Fantastique - The Making Of The OrchestraShawn Murphy, Charlie Post Gary Rydstrom, engineers; Michael Romanowski, mastering engineer (Edwin Outwater Chicago Symphony Orchestra)Best Orchestral Performance 最佳管弦乐演奏Works By Florence Price, Jessie Montgomery, Valerie Coleman -Michael Repper, conductor (New York Youth Symphony)Best Opera Recording 最佳歌剧唱片Blanchard: Fire Shut Up In My Bones -Yannick Nézet-Séguin, conductor; Angel Blue, Will Liverman, Latonia Moore Walter Russell III; David Frost, producer (The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra; The Metropolitan Opera Chorus)Best Classical Instrumental Solo 最佳古典乐器独奏Letters For The Future - Time For Three; Xian Zhang, conductor (The Philadelphia Orchestra)Best Classical Solo Vocal Album 最佳古典独唱专辑Voice Of Nature - The Anthropocene -Renée Fleming, soloist; Yannick Nézet-Séguin, pianistBest Contemporary Classical Composition 最佳当代古典乐作曲Puts: Contact - Kevin Puts, composer (Xian Zhang, Time for Three The Philadelphia Orchestra)Best Music Video 最佳音乐MVAll Too Well: The Short Film - Taylor SwiftBest Music Film 最佳音乐电影Jazz Fest: A New Orleans Story - (Various Artists)Frank Marshall Ryan Suffern, video directors; Frank Marshall, Sean Stuart Ryan Suffern, video producers碧昂丝成获奖最多艺人当地时间2023年2月5日,洛杉矶,第65届格莱美颁奖礼现场,阿黛尔、碧昂斯领奖。

• The first Grammy Awards ceremony was held on May 4, 1959, to honor the musical accomplishments by performers for the year 1958.
• Following the 2011 ceremony, The Academy overhauled many Grammy Award categories for 2012.
• Best New Artist 最佳新人 is awarded
to a promising breakthrough performer who releases, during the Eligibility Year, the first recording that establishes the public identity of that artist (which is not necessarily their first proper release).
• Record of the Year 年度制作is
awarded to the performer and the production team of a single song.
• Song of the Year 年度单曲is awarded
to the writer(s)/composer(s) of a single song.
• The music executives decided to rectify this by creating an award given by their industry similar to the Oscars and the Emmys.

格莱美20132013年格莱美音乐奖(Grammy Awards)是美国音乐界最重要的盛事之一,于2013年2月10日在洛杉矶斯台普尔中心(Staples Center)举行。
格莱美奖是由美国唱片学院(Recording Academy)颁发,每年表彰在音乐行业中取得卓越成就的艺术家和唱片制作人。
皇后乐队(Queen)的成员布莱恩·梅(Brian May)与罗杰·泰勒(Roger Taylor)搭档,和亚当·兰伯特(Adam Lambert)一起演唱了皇后乐队的经典歌曲,掀起了现场观众的热情。
蕾哈娜(Rihanna)获得了最佳当代流行音乐专辑奖,而卡莉·蕾·吉普森(Carly Rae Jepsen)的著名歌曲《Call Me Maybe》赢得了最佳流行乐单曲奖。
另一个令人难忘的时刻是由贾斯汀·汀布莱克(Justin Timberlake)带来的精彩表演。
他在舞台上演唱了他的新单曲《Suit & Tie》和《Pusher Love Girl》,展示了他独特的音乐风格和舞台魅力。
2019格莱美获奖名单 山姆抱四奖满载而归(英语学习).doc

2019格莱美获奖名单山姆抱四奖满载而归(英语学习)Sam Smith, Pharrell Williams and Beyonce were among the early winners at Sunday’s Grammy Awards.在上周日的格莱美颁奖中,山姆·史密斯,法瑞尔·威廉姆斯和碧昂斯都榜上有名。
Smith, who has six nominations including for the top four categories, won the first award of the ceremony, best new artist, and also snagged pop vocal album for In the Lonely Hour. He lost pop solo performance to Williams (“Happy”), who won two awards during the pre-show: best music video for “Happy” and best urban contemporary album for Girl. 史密斯作为颁奖仪式上的首位获奖者,获得了包括前四大奖项在内的六次提名,最终夺得最佳新人奖,并以自己的专辑《In the Lonely Hour》夺得最佳流行演唱专辑奖。
Beyonce, also won two awards during the pre-show: R&B song for “Drunk in Love” an d surround sound album for her eponymous EP. She has now won 19 Grammys, surpassing Aretha Franklin for second most won by a female artist.碧昂斯同样也在预告场中获得了两项奖励:凭借单曲《Drunk in Love》获得最佳R&B歌手奖,以她的同名专辑《Beyonce》获得最佳环绕声专辑奖。

格莱美是音乐界的奥斯卡,“格莱美终身成就奖”的音乐家名单不止来自流行音乐领域,还有古典.歌剧.爵士.乡村音乐.钢琴家.等领域的音乐家xx 终身成就奖“格莱美终身成就奖”主要用于奖励终生在音乐创作与演唱中做出突出贡献的艺术家们。
以下为历年格莱美终身成就奖获奖者资料:Roy Acuff:“乡村音乐之王”,乡村音乐的杰出代表和主要代言人,在超过半个世纪的时间里,作为歌手、音乐家、歌曲作者和音乐发行人在乡村音乐及唱片领域做出了极具创新的贡献。
获奖时间:1987 年Marian Anderson:其华丽动人的女低音曾被艺术大师托斯卡尼尼赞叹为“百年一遇”,其不仅在古典音乐的歌剧、圣歌及音乐会的演唱方面得到人们的尊敬与赞美,而且也激发了其他艺术家的无数灵感。
获奖时间:1991 年Louis Armstrong:“美国的友好大使”,无论指他对世界音乐与唱片出版的杰出贡献,也指他对爵士音乐的引领作用,他的数百张唱片至今听来仍十分清新,还犹如它们当初被创作时的那样,他对音乐与人类有永远无尽的热情与贡献。
获奖时间:1972 年Fred Astaire:虽然主要作为舞蹈演员受到人们的尊敬,但是却是音乐方面的良师益友,通过电影与舞台引进了更多音乐喜剧的标准。
获奖时间:1989年Chet Atkins:他无与伦比的手指拨动了吉它,其广泛的创作被收录进超过100 多张唱片,他在演唱与录音方面都有深远的影响。
获奖时间:1993年HarryBelafonte:“卡里普索即兴歌曲之王”,他是最成功的美籍非裔音乐明星之一,其吸收了民谣、爵士和世界打击节奏音乐的精髓,在主流音乐方面取得了成功,其受到欢迎的程度在黑人民权运动之前绝无仅有,而且他也是民权运动的先锋获奖时间:2000年Irving Berlin:在他超过半个世纪的作曲生涯中谱写了无数歌曲,许多都为美国乃至世界其它地方的人们所熟悉与喜爱,这些歌典看似简单,但却充满了温暖与亲情。
娱乐美联英语 万达在美国打造最大连锁电影院线

小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0美联英语提供:娱乐英语万达在美国打造最大连锁电影院线In a significant consolidation of movie theater holdings, AMC Entertainment will acquire Carmike Cinemas for about $737 million in cash, forming the country’s largest chain with more than 600 theaters, the companies said on Thursday.AMC娱乐(AMC Entertainment)周四表示,该公司将在一次重大的影院控股公司合并中,以7亿3700万美元现金收购卡麦克影院(Carmike Cinemas),形成美国国内最大的、拥有超过600家影院连锁院线。
Under the terms of the deal, AMC will pay $30 a share, up 19 percent from Carmike’s closing price on Thursday. Including the assumption of Carmike’s debt, the transaction is valued at about $1.1 billion.根据交易条款,AMC娱乐每股将付30美元,相较于卡麦克周四的收盘价格溢价19%。
The deal is the biggest by AMC since it returned to the public markets in a 2013 stock sale. And it represents a bold effort by AMC’s controlling investor, Wang Jianlin of China’s Dalian Wanda Group, to consolidate the American cinemaindustry.这是AMC娱乐自2013年销售股票重新上市以来规模最大的一次交易。

另类音乐人Beck时隔8年的回归之作《Morning Phase》一举夺得了全场分量最重的年度专辑大奖。
据悉,这张《Morning Phase》被视为上一张经典作品《SeaChange》的续篇,整张专辑低调华丽又不乏张力,尽管在销量上相较其他提名专辑差距略大,但依然底气十足。
此外,Beck还凭借《Morning Phase》获最佳摇滚专辑,这是45岁的他获得的一个格莱美大奖。
(洛卡仓库同步更新:lkcknj 生活从未如此有趣!)而事前为媒体所看好的山姆·史密斯,作为颁奖仪式上的首位获奖者,众望所归横扫4大奖项,成为本届颁奖典礼获奖最多的歌手。
乐坛天后碧昂斯则凭借同名专辑《Beyonce》拿下了最佳环绕音响专辑奖,其与丈夫Jay-Z 合作的《Drunk in love》拿下了最佳R&B歌曲等3项大奖。
今年,除了Lady gaga、凯特·佩里、泰勒·斯威夫特、Jessie·J、亚瑟、碧昂斯等大牌纷纷亮相之外,中国钢琴家朗朗也再次登上格莱美的舞台,他与法瑞尔·威廉姆斯合作曾经风靡全球的电影《神偷奶爸2》中的主题曲《Happy》。

励志感人的格莱美获奖感言第58届格莱美颁奖典礼近日落下帷幕,你的偶像有木有获奖呢?每年的格莱美颁奖典礼,都会催生不少经典的获奖感言,英语君为各位盘点了本届格莱美颁奖典礼的几段精彩获奖感言,快来看看有多感人吧!1.Ed Sheeran earned his first Grammy win for song of the year for "Thinking Out Loud." He thanked his management, co-writers, his record label and his family. “[Thank you to] my parents”, he said, “who have flown for the past four years to come to the Grammys every single year, and every time I lose they go 'maybe next year!'"艾德·希兰凭借歌曲《Thinking Out Loud》获得第一座“格莱美年度歌曲”奖杯。
2. Megan Trainor, the “All About That Bass” singer nabbed the coveted rookie award and took the stage crying as this will be her first Grammy nomination and award since releasing her first album early last year. Trainor thanked legendary record for introducing her to the music world along with her parentsand manager for their continued support through her rise to success.梅根·特瑞娜,这位凭借《All About That Bass》一炮而红的歌手摘得令人垂涎的“年度新人”大奖。

英文颁奖词范文格莱美格莱美颁奖词迈克尔杰克逊I love you too, thank you… I hope this puts to rest, I hope this finally puts to rest another rumor that has been in the press for too many years: Me and Ja really are two different people…[audience laughs]… In the past months, I’ve gone from “Where is he?”to “Here he is again,” but I must confess, it feels good to be thought of as a person, not as a personality. Because I don’t read all the things written about me, I wasn’t aware that the world thought I was so weird and bizarre. But when you grow up as I did, in front of one hundred million people since the age of five, you’re automatically different. The last few weeks, I have been cleansing myself and it’s been a rebirth for myself. It’s like a cleansing spirit.[to the screeming crowd] I love you too.My childhood was pletely taken away from me. There was no Christmas, there were no birthdays, it was not a normal childhood, nor the normal pleasures of childhood — those were exchanged for hard work, struggle and pain and eventually material and professional suess. But as an awful price, I cannot re-create that part of my life.However, today, when I create my music, I feel like an instrument of nature. I wonder what delight nature mustfeel when we open our hearts and express our God-given talents. The sound… of approval rolls across the universe, and the whole world abounds in magic. Wonder fills our hearts, for what we have glimpsed, for an instant, the playfulness of life.And that’s why I love children and learn so much from being around them. I realise that many of our world’s problems today — from the inner city crime, to large scale wars and terrorism, and our overcrowded prisons — are a result of the fact that children have had their childhood stolen from them. The magic, the wonder, the mystery, andthe innocence of a child’s heart, are the seeds ofcreativity that will heal the world. I really believe that.What… what we need to learn, what we need to learn from children isn’t childish. Being with them connects us tothe deeper wisdom of life which is everpresent, and only asks to be lived. They know the solutions that lie waiting to be recognised within our own hearts. Today, I would like to thank all the children of the world, including the sick and deprived… I am so sensitive to your pain.I also want to thank all those who have helped me to channel my talent here on earth. From the beginning, my parents, all my brothers and sisters, especially Ja. I amso proud of her, it’s incredible. I mean, I remember when we were little, I used to ask her to be Ginger Rogers,while I was Fred Astaire… The Motown family, my teacher Berry Gordy. Diana Ross, I love you. Suzanne De Pazze. The wonderful, great Quincy Jones. Teddy Riley. My new godson Michael Gibb. My new Sony family, Akio Morita, Mickey Schulhoff, Tommy Motola, Dave Glew, Polly Anthony… Thanks for making one of my most creative efforts, the album‘Dangerous’, such an incredible suess. I love you all so much. Sandy Gallin, Jim Morey. All the fantastic fans around the world — I love you very much.(Michael receives more cheers from the audiece, as he and Ja leave the stage.)迈克尔:我也很爱你,谢谢……我希望这次真的可以消除几年以来被媒体渲染得沸沸扬扬的 ___:我和珍妮真的是两个不同的人。

2012格莱美获奖名单1. 年度最佳专辑•获奖者:《21》 - 阿黛尔(Adele)•提名者:–《Wasting Light》 - 酷玩乐队(Foo Fighters)–《Born This Way》 - 女神卡卡(Lady Gaga)–《Doo-Wops & Hooligans》 - 布鲁诺·马尔斯(Bruno Mars)–《Loud》 - 蕾哈娜(Rihanna)2. 年度最佳唱片•获奖者:《Rolling in the Deep》 - 阿黛尔(Adele)•提名者:–《Holocene》 - 铁松(Bon Iver)–《Grenade》 - 布鲁诺·马尔斯(Bruno Mars)–《The Cave》 - 酷玩乐队(Foo Fighters)–《Firework》 - 凯蒂·佩里(Katy Perry)3. 年度最佳新人•获奖者:邓肯、女魔力(Bon Iver)•提名者:–The Band Perry–J. Cole–Nicki Minaj–Skrillex4. 最佳流行个人表演•获奖者:《Someone Like You》 - 阿黛尔(Adele)•提名者:–《Yoü and I》 - 女神卡卡(Lady Gaga)–《Grenade》 - 布鲁诺·马尔斯(Bruno Mars)–《Firework》 - 凯蒂·佩里(Katy Perry)–《F**kin’ Perfect》 - 派克斯(P!nk)5. 最佳流行团体/合作表演•获奖者:《Body and Soul》 - 托尼·贝内特 & 阿黛尔(Tony Bennett & Adele)•提名者:–《Dearest》 - 梁静茹 & 曲婉婷–《Paradise》 - 酷玩乐队(Coldplay)–《Pumped Up Kicks》 - 火箭酱舞队 & 洛易思JI–《Moves Like Jagger》 - 魔力红 & 克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉(Maroon 5 & Christina Aguilera)6. 最佳流行专辑•获奖者:《21》 - 阿黛尔(Adele)•提名者:–《The Lady Killer》 - Cee Lo Green–《Born This Way》 - 女神卡卡(Lady Gaga)–《Doo-Wops & Hooligans》 - 布鲁诺·马尔斯(Bruno Mars)–《Loud》 - 蕾哈娜(Rihanna)7. 最佳摇滚表演•获奖者:《Walk》 - 酷玩乐队(Foo Fighters)•提名者:–《Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall》 - 酷玩乐队(Coldplay)–《Down By The Water》 - Decemberists–《The Cave》 - 酷玩乐队(Foo Fighters)–《Lotus Flower》 - 放射头8. 最佳摇滚专辑•获奖者:《Wasting Light》 - 酷玩乐队(Foo Fighters)•提名者:–《Rock ‘n’ Roll Party Honoring Les Paul》 - Jeff Beck–《Come Around Sundown》 - Kings Of Leon–《I’m With You》 - Red Hot Chili Peppers–《The Whole Love》 - Wilco9. 最佳流行摇滚专辑•获奖者:《The Paul McCartney Archive Collection - Band on the Run (Deluxe Edition)》 - 保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney & Wings)•提名者:–《Come Around Sundown》 - Kings Of Leon–《I’m With You》 - Red Hot Chili Peppers–《The Whole Love》 - Wilco–《Wasting Light》 - 酷玩乐队(Foo Fighters)10. 最佳嘻哈歌曲•获奖者:《All of the Lights》 - 卡尼·维斯特、蕾哈娜、大肚腩狗爸&菲利普斯•提名者:–《Look At Me Now》 - 克里斯·布朗、利尔·韦恩、伯斯、宾鸟–《Otis》 - 卡尼·维斯特、杰斯(Z)、奥蒂斯·雷丁–《The Show Goes On》 - 飞行侠–《Moment 4 Life》 - 尼基·米娜日11. 最佳嘻哈专辑•获奖者:《My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy》 - 卡尼·维斯特(Kanye West)•提名者:–《Watch the Throne》 - 卡尼·维斯特& 杰斯(Z)(Kanye West & Jay-Z)–《Tha Carter IV》 - 利尔·韦恩(Lil Wayne)–《Pink Friday》 - 尼基·米娜日(Nicki Minaj)–《Lasers》 - 飞行侠(Lupe Fiasco)以上就是2012年格莱美获奖名单,各个奖项涵盖了流行、摇滚、嘻哈等不同类型的音乐,体现了当年音乐界的杰出人物和出色作品。

格莱美获奖名单1-44届第一届格莱美获奖名单(1959)最佳爵士乐团: Count Basie 《Basie》最佳舞蹈组合: Count Basie《Basie》最佳R&B表现: The Champs《Tequila》最佳男艺人: Perry Como《Catch A Falling Star》最佳女艺人: Ella Fitzgerald《Ella Fitzgerald Sings The Irving Berlin SongBook》最佳西部乡村音乐: The Kingston Trio《Tom Dooley》最佳编曲: Henry Mancini《The Music From Peter Gunn》年度最佳专辑: Henry Mancini《Peter Gunn》年度最佳唱片: Domenico Modugno《Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu (Volare)》年度最佳歌曲: Domenico Modugno《Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu (Volare)》最佳电影原声乐: Original Cast《Gigi》最佳专辑封面: Frank Sinatra《Only The Lonely》最佳电影原声乐: Original Cast - Various《Porgy And Bess》年度最佳唱片: Bobby Darin《Mack The Knife》最佳新人: Bobby Darin第二届格莱美获奖名单年度最佳歌曲: Jimmy Driftwood《The Battle Of New Orleans》最佳电影原声乐: Duke Ellington《Anatomy Of A Murder》最佳女艺人: Ella Fitzgerald《But Not For Me》最佳专辑封面: Robert M. Jones(美术指导)最佳爵士乐团: Jonah Jones《I Dig Chicks》最佳民谣音乐:The Kingston Trio《The Kingston Trio At Large》最佳编曲: Frank Sinatra《Come Dance With Me》年度最佳专辑: Frank Sinatra《Come Dance With Me》最佳男艺人: Frank Sinatra《Come Dance With Me》最佳R&B表现:Dinah Washington《What A Difference A Day Makes》第三届格莱美获奖名单最佳民谣音乐: Harry Belafonte《Swing Dat Hammer》最佳R&B表现: Ray Charles《Let The Good Times Roll》最佳男艺人之专辑: Ray Charles《Genius Of Ray Charles》最佳男艺人之单曲: Ray Charles《Georgia On My Mind》最佳新人: Ray Charles《Georgia On My Mind》年度最佳唱片: Percy Faith《Theme From A Summer Place》最佳女艺人之单曲: Ella Fitzgerald《Mack The Knife》最佳女艺人之专辑: Ella Fitzgerald《Mack The Knife - Ella In Berlin》最佳电影原声乐: Ernest Gold《Ernest Gold》年度最佳歌曲: Ernest Gold《Theme From Exodus》最佳编曲: Henry Mancini《Mr. Lucky》最佳爵士组合: Henry Mancini《Blues And The Beat》年度最佳专辑: Bob Newhart《Button Down Mind》最佳新人: Bob Newhart最佳电影原声乐:Frank Sinatra & Original cast 《Can Can (Motion Picture)》最佳西部乡村音乐: Marty Robbins《El Paso》最佳专辑封面: Peggy Lee 《Latin A La Lee》第四届格莱美获奖名单最佳乡村音乐:Harry Belafonte Singers 《Belafonte Folk Singers At Home AndAbroad》最佳R&B: Ray Charles 《Hit The Road Jack》最佳摇滚乐: Chubby Checker《Let's Twist Again》最佳西部乡村乐: Jimmy Dean《Big Bad John》年度最佳专辑: Judy Garland《Judy At Carnegie Hall》最佳女艺人: Judy Garland《Judy At Carnegie Hall》最佳男艺人: Jack Jones 《Lollipops And Roses》最佳爵士组合: Stan Kenton《West Side Story》最佳电影原声音乐: Henry Mancini《Breakfast At Tiffany's 》最佳编曲: Henry Mancini《Moon River》年度最佳唱片: Henry Mancini《Moon River》年度最佳歌曲: Henry Mancini《Moon River》最佳新人: Peter Nero最佳电影原声乐: Original Cast《West Side Story》最佳专辑封面: Judy Garland 《Judy At Carnegie Hall》第五届格莱美获奖名单年度最佳唱片:Tony Bennett《I Left My Heart In San Francisco》年度最佳男艺人:Tony Bennett《I Left My Heart In San Francisco》年度最佳歌曲: Anthony Newley《What Kind Of Fool Am I》年度最佳摇滚唱片: Bent Fabric《Alley Cat》年度最佳女艺人:Ella Fitzgerald《Ella Swings Brightly WithNelson Riddle》年度最佳新人: Robert Goulet年度最佳乡村音乐唱片: Burl Ives《Funny Way Of Laughin'》年度最佳专辑封面: Lena Horne《Lena...Lovely And Alive》年度最佳专辑: Vaughn Meader《The First Family》年度最佳乡村音乐录音:Peter, Paul And Mary《If I Had A Hammer》第六届格莱美获奖名单最佳西部乡村唱片: Bobby Bare《Detroit City》最佳专辑封面:Barbra Streisand《The Barbra Streisand Album》最佳女艺人: Jack Jones《Wives And Lovers》最佳录音: Henry Mancini《Charade》最佳年度唱片: Henry Mancini《Days Of Wine And Roses》最佳年度歌曲: Henry Mancini《Days Of Wine And Roses》最佳民谣专辑: Peter, Paul And Mary〈Blowin' In The Wind〉最佳摇滚专辑: April Stevens And Nino Tempo〈Deep Purple〉最佳年度专辑:Barbra Streisand《The Barbra Streisand Album》最佳女艺人: Barbra Streisand《The Barbra Streisand Album》最佳新人: The Swingle Singers第七届格莱美获奖名单最佳男艺人: Louis Armstrong 《Hello, Dolly》最佳新人: The Beatles最佳专辑封面: Barbra Streisand《People》最佳摇滚唱片: Petula Clark《Downtown》最佳民间音乐唱片: Gale Garnett《We'll Sing In The Sunshine》最佳年度专辑: Stan Getz, Joao Gilberto《Getz/Gilberto》最佳年度唱片:Astrud Gilberto, Stan Getz《The Girl From Ipanema》最佳年度歌曲: Louis Armstrong《Hello, Dolly!》最佳乡村音乐新人:Roger Miller《Best New Country & Western Artist》最佳乡村歌曲: Roger Miller《Dang Me》最佳西部乡村男艺人: Roger Miller《Dang Me》最佳女艺人: Barbra Streisand 《People》最佳西部乡村女艺人: Dottie West《Here Comes My Baby》最佳R&B唱片: Nancy Wilson《How Glad I Am》第八届格莱美获奖名单最佳专辑封面平面设计:Erich Leinsdorf, cond. Joseph Silverstein, violin &cond.《Bartok: Con. No. 2 For Violin/Stravinsky: Concerto For Violin》最佳年度唱片: Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass《A Taste Of Honey》最佳民歌唱片: Harry Belafante, Miriam Makeba《An Evening WithBelafonte/Makeba》最佳R&B唱片: James Brown《Papa's Got A Brand New Bag》最佳年度专辑: Frank Sinatra《September Of My Years》最佳专辑封面摄影: Paul Horn《Jazz Suite On The Mass Texts》最佳新人: T om Jones最佳年度歌曲:Tony Bennett《The Shadow Of Your Smile (Love Theme From TheSandpiper)》最佳西部歌曲: Roger Miller 《King Of The Road》最佳西部乡村音乐女艺人: Jody Miller《Queen Of The House》最佳西部乡村音乐男艺人: Roger Miller《King Of The Road》最佳西部乡村歌曲: Roger Miller《King Of The Road》最佳西部乡村专辑: Roger Miller《The Return Of Roger Miller》最佳男艺人: Frank Sinatra最佳乡村音乐新人: The Statler Brothers《Best New Country & Western Artist》最佳女艺人: Barbra Streisand《My Name Is Barbra》第九届格莱美获奖名单最佳年度唱片: Frank Sinatra《Strangers In The Night》最佳年度专辑: Frank Sinatra 《Sinatra: A Man & His Music》最佳R&B男艺人或女艺人: Ray Charles《Crying Time》最佳民歌录音: Cortella Clark 《Blues In The Street》最佳西部乡村音乐录音: David Houston 《Almost Persuaded》最佳西部乡村音乐男艺人: David Houston《Almost Persuaded》最佳专辑封面摄影: Porter Wagoner《Confessions Of A Broken Man》最佳年度歌曲: The Beatles《Michelle》最佳西部乡村音乐女艺人: Jeannie Seely《Don't T ouch Me》最佳西部乡村歌曲: David Houston《Almost Persuaded》最佳男歌手: Frank Sinatra最佳专辑封面平面设计: The Beatles《Revolver》第十届格莱美获奖名单最佳年度唱片: The Fifth Dimension 《Up, Up And Away》最佳年度专辑: The Beatles《Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band》最佳专辑封面: Bob Dylan《Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits》最佳乡村男艺人: Glen Campbell《Gentle On My Mind》最佳录音: The Beatles《Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band》最佳R&B录音: Aretha Franklin《Respect》最佳R&B女艺人: Aretha Franklin 《Respect》最佳新人: Bobbie Gentry最佳西部乡村歌曲: John Hartford《Gentle On My Mind》最佳民歌: John Hartford《Gentle On My Mind》最佳R&B男艺人: Lou Rawls 《Dead End Street》最佳年度歌曲: The 5th Dimension《Up, Up And Away》最佳乡村女艺人: Tammy Wynette《I Don't Wanna Play House》第十一届格莱美获奖名单最佳专辑封面: Thelonius Monk《Underground》最佳年度专辑: Glen Campbell《By The Time I Get T o Phoenix》最佳乡村男艺人: Johnny Cash《Folsom Prison Blues》最佳新人: Jose Feliciano最佳R&B女艺人: Aretha Franklin《Chain Of Fools》最佳R&B男艺人: Otis Redding《(Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay》最佳R&B歌曲: Otis Redding《(Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay》最佳乡村女艺人: Jeannie C. Riley《Harper Valley P.T.A.》最佳乡村歌曲: Roger Miller, O.C. Smith《Little Green Apples》最佳年度歌曲: Roger Miller, O.C. Smith《Little Green Apples》最佳年度唱片: Simon And Garfunkel 《Mrs. Robinson》最佳流行组合: Simon And Garfunkel《Mrs. Robinson》第十二届格莱美获奖名单最佳年度唱片: 5th Dimension《Aquarius/Let The Sunshine In》最佳年度专辑: Blood, Sweat And Tears《Blood, Sweat And Tears》最佳乡村男艺人: Johnny Cash 《A Boy Named Sue》最佳新人: Crosby, Stills And Nash最佳R&B女艺人: Aretha Franklin《Share Your Love With Me》最佳R&B组合: Isley Brothers 《It's Your Thing》最佳专辑封面: Gary McFarland《America The Beautiful》最佳乡村歌曲: Johnny Cash《A Boy Named Sue》最佳R&B男艺人: Joe Simon《The Chokin' Kind》最佳年度歌曲: Joe South《Games People Play》最佳R&B歌曲: The Winstons《Color Him Father》最佳乡村女艺人: Tammy Wynette《Stand By Your Man》第十三届格莱美获奖名单最佳乡村女艺人: Lynn Anderson《Rose Garden》最佳新人: The Carpenters最佳乡村组合: Johnny Cash, June Carter《If I Were A Carpenter》最佳R&B歌曲: Clarence Carter《Patches》最佳R&B女艺人: Aretha Franklin《Don't Play That Song》年度最佳唱片: Simon And Garfunkel《Bridge Over Troubled Water》年度最佳专辑: Simon And Garfunkel《Bridge Over Troubled Water》最佳R&B男艺人: B.B. King《The Thrill Is Gone》最佳专辑封面: B.B. King《Indianola Mississippi Seeds》最佳乡村男艺人: Ray Price《For The Good Times》最佳乡村歌曲: Marty Robbins《My Woman, My Woman, My Wife 》年度最佳歌曲: Simon And Garfunkel《Bridge Over Troubled Water》年度最佳唱片: Simon And Garfunkel《Bridge Over Troubled Water》年度最佳专辑: Simon And Garfunkel《Bridge Over Troubled Water》第十四届格莱美获奖名单年度最佳唱片: Carole King《It's Too Late》年度最佳专辑: Carole King《Tapestry》最佳专辑封面: Pollution《Pollution》最佳流行组合: The Carpenters《Carpenters》最佳R&B女艺人: Aretha Franklin《Bridge Over Troubled Water》年度最佳歌曲: Carole King《You've Got A Friend 》最佳流行女艺人: Carole King《Tapestry》最佳乡村歌曲: Kris Kristofferson《Help Me Make It Through The Night》最佳R&B男艺人: Lou Rawls《A Natural Man》最佳乡村男艺人: Jerry Reed《When You're Hot, You're Hot》最佳新人: Carly Simon最佳乡村女艺人: Sammi Smith《Help Me Make It Through The Night》最佳流行男艺人: James Taylor《You've Got A Friend》最佳R&B歌曲: Bill Withers《Ain't No Sunshine》第十五届格莱美获奖名单最佳新人: America最佳年度专辑: George Harrison & Friends《The Concert For Bangla Desh》最佳专辑封面: Siegel-Schwall Band《The Siegel-Schwall Band》年度最佳唱片: Roberta Flack《The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face》最佳乡村女艺人: Donna Fargo《Happiest Girl In The Whole USA》最佳R&B女艺人: Aretha Franklin《Young, Gifted & Black》最佳流行组合: Donny Hathaway, Roberta Flack 《Where Is The Love》年度最佳歌曲: Roberta Flack《The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face》最佳流行男艺人: Harry Nilsson《Without You》最佳R&B男艺人: Billy Paul《Me & Mrs. Jones》最佳乡村歌曲: Ben Peters《Kiss An Angel Good Mornin》最佳乡村男艺人: Charley Pride《Charley Pride Sings Heart Songs》最佳流行女艺人: Helen Reddy《I Am Woman》最佳R&B歌曲: The Temptations《Papa Was A Rolling Stone》第十六届格莱美获奖名单最佳乡村组合: Rita Coolidge, Kris Kristofferson《From The Bottle To The Bottom》年度最佳唱片: Roberta Flack《Killing Me Softly With His Song》最佳流行女艺人: Roberta Flack《Killing Me Softly With His Song》年度最佳歌曲: Roberta Flack《Killing Me Softly With His Song》最佳R&B女艺人: Aretha Franklin《Master Of Eyes》最佳新人: Bette Midler最佳乡村女艺人: Olivia Newton-John《Let Me Be There》最佳乡村歌曲: Charlie Rich《Behind Closed Doors》最佳乡村男艺人: Charlie Rich《Behind Closed Doors》年度最佳专辑: Stevie Wonder《Innervisions》最佳流行男艺人: Stevie Wonder《You Are The Sunshine Of My Life》最佳R&B男艺人: Stevie Wonder 《Superstition》最佳R&B歌曲: Stevie Wonder 《Superstition》第十七届格莱美获奖名单最佳制作人: Thom Bell年度最佳歌曲: Barbra Streisand《The Way We Were》年度最佳唱片: Olivia Newton-John《I Honestly Love You》最佳R&B女艺人: Aretha Franklin(左图)《Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing》最佳新人: Marvin Hamlisch最佳乡村男艺人: Ronnie Milsap《Please Don't Tell Me How The Story Ends》最佳乡村女艺人: Anne Murray 《Love Song》最佳流行女艺人: Olivia Newton-John《I Honestly Love You》最佳乡村歌曲: Charlie Rich《A Very Special Love Song》年度最佳专辑: Stevie Wonder《Fulfillingness' First Finale》最佳流行男艺人: Stevie Wonder《Fulfillingness' First Finale》最佳R&B男艺人: Stevie Wonder《Boogie On Reggae Woman》最佳R&B歌曲: Stevie Wonder《Living For The City》第十八届格莱美获奖名单最佳年度唱片: Captain And Tennille《Love Will Keep Us Together》最佳R&B歌曲: Roberta Flack And Donny Hathaway《Where Is The Love》最佳R&B男艺人: Ray Charles《Living For The City》最佳新人: Natalie Cole最佳R&B女艺人: Natalie Cole《This Will Be》年度最佳唱片: Captain & Tennille《Love Will Keep Us Together》佳流行组合: Eagles《Lyin' Eyes》最佳流行女艺人: Janis Ian《At Seventeen》最佳制作人: Arif Mardin最佳乡村歌曲: (Hey Won't You Play) Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song最佳乡村男艺人: Willie Nelson 《Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain 》最佳乡村女艺人: Linda Ronstadt《I Can't Help It (If I'm Still In Love WithYou)》年度最佳专辑: Paul Simon(见右图)《Still Crazy After All These Years》最佳流行男艺人: Paul Simon《Still Crazy After All These Years》年度最佳歌曲: Judy Collins《Send In The Clowns》第十九届格莱美获奖名单年度最佳唱片: George Benson 《This Masquerade》最佳R&B女艺人: Natalie Cole《Sophisticated Lady (She's A Different Lady)》最佳乡村歌曲: Larry Gatlin《Broken Lady》最佳乡村女艺人: Emmylou Harris《Elite Hotel》年度最佳歌曲: Barry Manilow《I Write The Songs》最佳乡村男艺人: Ronnie Milsap《(I'm A) Stand By My Woman Man》最佳R&B歌曲: Boz Scaggs《Lowdown》最佳流行女艺人: Linda Ronstadt《Hasten Down The Wind》最佳新人: Starland Vocal Band年度最佳专辑: Stevie Wonder《Songs In The Key Of Life》最佳流行男艺人: Stevie Wonder《Songs In The Key Of Life》最佳制作人: Stevie Wonder最佳R&B男艺人: Stevie Wonder 《I Wish》第二十届格莱美获奖名单最佳新人: Debby Boone最佳年度歌曲: Debby Boone《You Light Up My Life》年度最佳唱片: Eagles《Hotel California》年度最佳专辑: Fleetwood Mac《Rumors》最佳乡村女艺人: Crystal Gayle《Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue》最佳R&B女艺人: Thelma Houston 《Don't Leave Me This Way》最佳乡村歌曲: Crystal Gayle《Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue》最佳R&B歌曲: Leo Sayer《You Make Me Feel Like Dancing》最佳R&B男艺人: Lou Rawls《Unmistakably Lou》《Live(Right Stuff) 》最佳乡村男艺人: Kenny Rogers《Lucille》年度最佳歌曲: Barbra Streisand 《Love Theme From A Star Is Born (Evergreen)》最佳流行女艺人: Barbra Streisand《Love Theme From A Star Is Born (Evergreen)》最佳流行男艺人: James Taylor《Handy Man》第二十一届格莱美获奖名单最佳专辑: Bee Gees,David ShireYvonne EllimanTavares,Kool & TheGang《Saturday Night Fever》最佳制作人: (Barry Gibb, Maurice Gibb & Robin Gibb): Artists. Bee GeesAlbhyGalutin & Karl Richardson最佳R&B男艺人: George Benson《On Broadway》最佳R&B歌曲: Donna Summer《Last Dance》最佳唱片: Billy Joel《Just The Way You Are》最佳单曲: Billy Joel《Just The Way You Are》最佳专辑: Bee Gees,David ShireYvonne EllimanTavares,Kool & TheGang《Saturday Night Fever》最佳流行男艺人: Barry Manilow 《Copacabana (At The Copa)》最佳流行女艺人: Anne Murray 《You Needed Me》最佳乡村女艺人: Dolly Parton 《Here You Come Again》最佳乡村男艺人: Willie Nelson《Georgia On My Mind》最佳乡村歌曲: Kenny Rogers《The Gambler》最佳R&B女艺人: Donna Summer《Last Dance》最佳新人: A Taste Of Honey第二十二届格莱美获奖名单最佳制作人: Larry Butler最佳乡村组合: The Charlie Daniels Band《The Devil Went Down To Georgia》最佳年度唱片: The Doobie Brothers 《What A Fool Believes》最佳摇滚男艺人: Bob Dylan《Gotta Serve Somebody》最佳R&B歌曲: Earth, Wind & Fire《After The Love Has Gone》最佳乡村女艺人: Emmylou Harris《Blue Kentucky Girl》最佳乡村歌曲: Kenny Rogers《You Decorated My Life》最佳R&B男艺人: Michael Jackson 《Don't Stop 'til You Get Enough》最佳专辑: Billy Joel《52nd Street》最佳流行男艺人: Billy Joel《52nd Street》最佳新人: Ricky Lee Jones最佳歌曲: The Doobie Brothers《What A Fool Believes》最佳乡村男艺人: Kenny Rogers《The Gambler》最佳摇滚女艺人: Donna Summmer《Hot Stuff》最佳流行女艺人: Dionne Warwick《I'll Never Love This Way Again》最佳R&B女艺人: Dionne Warwick 《Deja Vu》第二十三届格莱美获奖名单最佳爵士男艺人: George Benson《Moody's Mood》最佳R&B男艺人: George Benson《Give Me The Night》年度最佳唱片: Christopher Cross《Sailing》年度最佳专辑: Christopher Cross《Christopher Cross》年度最佳单曲: Christopher Cros《Sailing》最佳新人: Christopher Cross最佳爵士女艺人: Ella Fitzgerald (Count Basie Orchestra)《A Perfect Match/Ella& Basie》最佳摇滚男艺人: Billy Joel《Glass Houses》最佳乡村男艺人: George Jones《He Stopped Loving Her Today》最佳流行男艺人: Kenny Loggins《This Is It 》最佳R&B歌曲: Stephanie Mills《Never Knew Love Like This Before》最佳流行女艺人: Bette Midler《The Rose》最佳R&B女艺人: Stephanie Mills《Never Knew Love Like This Before》最佳乡村女艺人: Anne Murray《Could I Have This Dance》最佳乡村歌曲: Willie Nelson《On The Road Again》最佳制作人: Phil Ramone第二十四届格莱美获奖名单最佳摇滚女艺人: Pat Benatar《Fire And Ice》年度最佳唱片: Kim Carnes《Bette Davis Eyes》最佳年度单曲: Kim Carnes《Bette Davis Eyes》最佳年度专辑: John Lennon, Yoko Ono《Double Fantasy》最佳新人: Sheena Easton最佳摇滚女艺人: Rick Springfield《Jessie's Girl》最佳拉丁专辑: Clare Fischer《Guajira Pa La Jeva》最佳爵士女艺人: Ella Fitzgerald《Digital III At Montreaux》最佳R&B女艺人: Aretha Franklin《Hold On I'm Comin'》最佳流行女艺人: Lena Horne《Lena Horne: The Lady And Her Music, Live OnBroadway》最佳R&B男艺人: James Ingram 《One Hundred Ways》最佳爵士男艺人: Al Jarreau《Blue Rondo A La Turk》最佳流行男艺人: Al Jarreau 《Breakin' Away》最佳制作人: Quincy Jones最佳乡村男艺人: Ronnie Milsap《(There's) No Gettin' Over Me》最佳年度音乐录影带: Michael Nesmith《Michael Nesmith In Elephant Parts》最佳乡村女艺人: Dolly Parton 《9 To 5》最佳乡村歌曲: Dolly Parton 《9 T o 5》第二十五届格莱美获奖名单最佳乡村组合: Alabama《Mountain Music》最佳摇滚女艺人: Pat Benatar《Shadows Of The Night》最佳乡村歌曲: Willie Nelson《Always On My Mind》最佳R&B歌曲: George Benson《Turn Your Love Around》最佳流行组合: Joe Cocker, Jennifer Warnes《Up Where We Belong》最佳R&B组合表现: Dazz Band《Let It Whip》最佳R&B男艺人: Marvin Gaye《Sexual Healing》最佳R&B女艺人: Jennifer Holliday《And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going》最佳流行女艺人: Melissa Manchester《You Should Hear How She Talks About You》最佳爵士组合: Manhattan Transfer《Route 66》最佳摇滚男艺人: John Cougar Mellencamp《Hurts So Good》最佳新人: Men At Work最佳乡村男艺人: Willie Nelson 《Always On My Mind》最佳乡村女艺人: Juice Newton《Break It To Me Gently》年度最佳音乐录影带: Olivia Newton-John《Olivia Physical》最佳流行男艺人: Lionel Richie《Truly》最佳爵士男艺人: Mel Torme, George Shearing《An Evening With George ShearingAnd Mel Torme》最佳年度唱片: Toto《Rosanna》最佳专辑: Toto《T oto IV》最佳制作人: T oto最佳爵士女艺人: Sarah Vaughan《Gershwin Live!》第二十六届格莱美获奖名单年度最佳专辑: Michael Jackson《Thriller》年度最佳唱片: Michael Jackson 《Beat It》年度最佳新歌: Sting《Every Breath You Take》最佳R&B女艺人: Chaka Khan《Chaka Khan》最佳R&B男艺人: Michael Jackson《Billie Jean》最佳R&B组合: Rufus And Chaka Khan《Ain't Nobody》最佳乡村女艺人: Anne Murray《A Little Good News》最佳乡村男艺人: Lee Greenwood《I.O.U.》最佳乡村组合: Alabama《The Closer You Get...》最佳制作人: Michael Jackson & Quincy Jones最佳音乐录影带长片:Duran Duran 《Girls On Film/Hungry Like The Wolf》最佳流行女艺人: Irene Cara《Flashdance...What A Feeling》最佳流行男艺人: Michael Jackson《Thriller》最佳摇滚女艺人: Pat Benatar《Love Is A Battlefield》最佳摇滚男艺人: Michael Jackson《Beat It》最佳摇滚表现: The Police《Synchronicity》最佳新人: Culture Club最佳新乡村单曲: Ronnie Milsap《Stranger In My House》第二十七届格莱美获奖名单年度最佳专辑: Lionel Richie《Can't Slow Down》年度最佳单曲: Tina Turner《What's Love Got To Do With It》年度最佳唱片: Tina Turner《What's Love Got To Do With It》最佳R&B女艺人: Chaka Khan《I Feel For You》最佳R&B男艺人: Billy Ocean《Caribbean Queen (No More Love On The Run)》最佳R&B组合: Michael McDonald, James Ingram《 Yah Mo B There》最佳乡村女艺人: Emmylou Harris《In My Dreams》最佳乡村男艺人: Erle Haggard《That's The Way Love Goes》最佳乡村组合: The Judds 《Mama He's Crazy》最佳乡村歌曲: Willie Nelson《City Of New Orleans》最佳古典乐器演奏: Yo-Yo Ma, cello最佳制作人: David Foster最佳制作人: James Anthony Carmichael & Lionel Richie最佳录影带专辑:Michael Jackson《Making Michael Jackson's Thriller》最佳音乐录影带长片: David Bowie《David Bowie》最佳流行女艺人: Tina Turner《Tina Turner》最佳流行男艺人: Phil Collins 《Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now)》最佳摇滚女艺人: Tina Turner《Better Be Good To Me》最佳摇滚艺人与乐队组合: Prince And The Revolution《PurpleRain - Music FromThe Motion Picture》最佳摇滚表现: Bruce Springsteen 《Dancing In The Dark》最佳新人: Cyndi Lauper第二十八届格莱美获奖名单最佳乡村女艺人:Rosanne Cash《I Don't Know Why You Don't Want Me》年度最佳专辑: Phil Collins《No Jacket Required》年度最佳单曲: USA For Africa (Various Artists)《We Are The World 》最佳R&B女艺人: Aretha Franklin《Freeway Of Love》最佳R&B专辑: Commodores《Nightshift》最佳R&B男艺人: Stevie Wonder"In Square Circle"最佳R&B单曲: Aretha Franklin《Freeway Of Love》最佳乡村男艺人: Ronnie Milsap"Lost In The Fifties Tonight (In The Still Of TheNight)"最佳乡村歌曲: W. Jennings/W. Nelson/J. Cash/K.Kristofferson"Highwayman"最佳制作人: Hugh Padgham & Phil Collins最佳制作人: Phil Collins & Hugh Padgham最佳音乐录影带长片: Huey Lewis and the News《Huey Lewis And The News: TheHeart Of Rock 'n' Roll》最佳音乐录影带短片:USA For Africa "We Are The World - The Video Event"最佳流行女艺人: Whitney Houston 《Saving All My Love For You》最佳流行男艺人: Phil Collins《No Jacket Required》最佳摇滚女艺人: Tina Turner"One Of The Living"最佳摇滚男艺人: Don Henley《The Boys Of Summer》最佳新人: Sade第二十九届格莱美获奖名单年度最佳专辑: Paul Simon《Graceland》年度最佳单曲:D. Warwick, E. John, G. Knight, S. Wonder 《That's What FriendsAre For》最佳R&B女艺人: Anita Baker《Rapture》最佳R&B男艺人: James Brown《Living In America》最佳乡村女艺人: Reba McEntire《Whoever's In New England》最佳乡村男艺人: Ronnie Milsap《Lost In The Fifties Tonight》最佳乡村组合: The Judds《Grandpa (Tell Me 'Bout The Good Old Days)》最佳乡村歌曲: The Judds《Grandpa (Tell Me 'Bout The Good Old Days)》最佳节奏与布鲁斯: Anita Baker《Sweet Love》最佳制作人: Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis最佳音乐录影带长片: Sting《Bring On The Night》最佳音乐录影带短片:Dire Straits《Dire Straits Brothers In Arms》最佳流行女艺人: Barbra Streisand《The Broadway Album》最佳摇滚女艺人: Tina Turner《Back Where You Started》最佳摇滚男艺人: Robert Palmer《Addicted To Love》最佳摇滚组合: The Eurythmics《Missionary Man》最佳新人: Bruce Hor第三十届格莱美获奖名单年度最佳专辑: U2《The Joshua Tree》年度最佳单曲: Linda Ronstadt, James Ingram《Somewhere Out There》最佳R&B男艺人: Aretha Franklin 《Aretha》最佳R&B男艺人: Smokey Robinson《Just To See Her》最佳R&B组合:Aretha Franklin, Geroge Michael《I Knew You Were Waiting (ForMe)》最佳乡村男艺人: K.T. Oslin《80's Ladies》最佳乡村男艺人: Randy Travis《Always & Forever》最佳乡村歌曲: Randy Travis《Forever And Ever, Amen》最佳为影视而做音乐: Ennio Morricone《The Untouchables》最佳制作人: Narada Michael Walden最佳音乐录影带: Genesis《Land Of Confusion》最佳流行女艺人:Whitney Houston《I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)》最佳流行男艺人: Sting《Bring On The Night》最佳流行组合: Bill Medley, Jennifer Warnes《(I've Had) The Time Of My Life》最佳摇滚组合: U2《The Joshua Tree》最佳摇滚表现: Bruce Springsteen《Tunnel Of Love》最佳新人: Jody Watley第三十一届格莱美获奖名单年度最佳专辑: George Michael《Faith》最佳R&B女艺人: Anita Baker《Giving You The Best That I Got》最佳R&B男艺人:Terence Trent D'arby《Introducing The Hardline According ToTerence Trent D'arby》最佳乡村男艺人: Randy Travis《Old 8x10》最佳年度单曲: Bobby McFerrin《Don't Worry, Be Happy》最佳制作人: Neil Dorfsman最佳音乐录影带: U2《Where The Streets Have No Name》最佳流行女艺人: Tracy Chapman《Fast Car》最佳流行男艺人: Bobby McFerrin《Don't Worry, Be Happy》最佳流行组合: The Manhattan Transfer《Brasil》最佳摇滚女艺人: Tina Turner《Tina Live In Europe》最佳摇滚男艺人: Robert Palmer《Simply Irresistible》最佳摇滚组合: U2《Desire》最佳新人: Tracy C第三十二届格莱美获奖名单年度最佳专辑: Bonnie Raitt《Nick Of Time》年度最佳单曲: Bette Midler《Wind Beneath My Wings》最佳R&B女艺人: Anita Baker《Giving You The Best That I Got》最佳R&B男艺人: Bobby Brown《Every Little Step》最佳乡村男艺人: Lyle Lovett《Lyle Lovett And His Large Band》最佳乡村歌曲: Rodney Crowell《After All This Time》最佳制作人: Peter Asher最佳音乐录影带长片: Janet Jackson《Rhythm Nation 1814》最佳音乐录影带短片: Michael Jackson《Leave Me Alone》最佳流行女艺人: Bonnie Raitt《Nick Of Time》最佳流行男艺人:Michael Bolton《How Am I Supposed To Live Without You》最佳摇滚女艺人: Bonnie Raitt《Nick Of Time》最佳摇滚男艺人: Don Henley《The End Of The Innocence》第三十三届格莱美获奖名单年度最佳专辑:Quincy Jones And Various Artist《Back On The Block》年度最佳单曲: Bette Midler 《From A Distance》最佳乡村女艺人: Kathy Mattea 《Where've You Been》最佳乡村组合:The Kentucky Headhunters《Pickin' On Nashville》最佳乡村歌曲: Kathy Mattea《Where've You Been》最佳制作人: Quincy Jones最佳非主流艺人:Sinead O'ConnorI Do Not Want What I Haven't Got最佳音乐录影带长片: M.C. Hammer《 Please Hammer Don't Hurt 'Em The Movie》最佳音乐录影带短片: Paula Abdul《Opposites Attract》最佳流行女艺人: Mariah Carey《Vision Of Love》最佳流行男艺人: Roy Orbison(右图)《Roy Orbison》最佳流行组合: Linda Ronstadt, Aaron Neville《All My Life》最佳摇滚女艺人: Alannah Myles《Black Velvet》最佳摇滚男艺人: Eric Clapton《Bad Love》最佳摇滚组合: Aerosmith 《Janie's Got A Gun》最佳新人: Mariah Carey第三十四届格莱美获奖名单年度单曲: Natalie Cole (& Nat King Cole)《Unforgettable》年度最佳专辑: Natalie Cole《Unforgettable》最佳R&B单曲:Luther Vandross《Power Of Love/Love Power》最佳乡村女艺人:Mary-Chapin CarpenterDown 《At The Twist And Shout》最佳乡村男艺人: Garth Brooks《Ropin' The Wind》最佳制作人: David Foster最佳非主流专辑: R.E.M. 《Out Of Time》最佳音乐录影长片:Madonna《Madonna: Blonde Ambition World Tour》最佳音乐录影带长片:Bonnie Raitt《Something To Talk About》最佳流行男艺人:Michael Bolton《When A Man Loves A Woman》最佳摇滚歌曲: Sting《Soul Cages》最佳新人: Marc Cohn第三十五届格莱美获奖名单年度最佳专辑: Eric Clapton《Unplugged》年度最佳单曲: Eric Clapton《Tears In Heaven》最佳R&B歌曲: Boyz II Men《End Of The Road》最佳乡村女歌手: Mary-Chapin Carpenter《I Feel Lucky》最佳乡村男艺人: Vince GillI《 Still Believe In You》最佳制作人: Babyface & L.A. Reid最佳制作人: Brian Eno & Daniel Lanois最佳非主流专辑: T om Waits《Bone Machine》最佳音乐录影长片: Annie Lennox《Diva》最佳音乐录影短片: Peter Gabriel《Digging In The Dirt》最佳流行男歌手: Eric Clapton《Tears In Heaven》最佳摇滚女艺人: Melissa Etheridge《Ain't It Heavy》最佳摇滚歌曲: Eric Clapton《Layla》最佳新人: Arrested Development第三十六届格莱美获奖名单最佳摇滚组合: Aerosmith《Livin' On The Edge》最佳流行组合:Peabo Bryson, Regina Belle《A Whole New World(Aladdin's Theme)》最佳新人: T oni Braxton最佳制作人: David Foster佳音乐录影短片: Peter Gabriel《Steam》年度最佳专辑: Whitney Houston《The Bodyguard》最佳流行女艺人: Whitney Houston《I Will Always Love You》最佳单曲: Peabo Bryson, Regina Belle《A Whole New World》最佳摇滚歌曲: Soul Asylum《Runaway Train》最佳流行男艺人: Sting《If I Ever Lose My Faith In You》最佳音乐录影长片: Sting《Ten Summoner's Tales》最佳非主流专辑: U2《Zooropa》最佳乡村歌曲: Mary Chapin Carpenter《Passionate Kisses》第三十七届格莱美获奖名单年度最佳专辑: T ony Bennett《MTV Unplugged》年度最佳单曲:Bruce Springsteen“Streets Of Philadelphia”最佳R&B专辑: Boyz II Men《II》最佳乡村女艺人: Mary Chapin Carpenter《Shut Up And Kiss Me》最佳乡村男艺人: Vince Gill《When Love Finds You》最佳乡村音乐专辑:Mary Chapin Carpenter《Stones In The Road》最佳非主流艺人: Green Day《Dookie》最佳音乐录影短片: The Rolling Stones《Love Is Strong》最佳流行女艺人: Sheryl Crow《All I Wanna Do》最佳流行专辑: Bonnie Raitt《Longing In Their Hearts》最佳流行男艺人: Elton John 《Can You Feel The Love Tonight》最佳摇滚女艺人: Melissa Etheridge《Come To My Window》最佳摇滚专辑: Rolling Stones《Voodoo Lounge》最佳摇滚男艺人: Bruce Springsteen《Streets Of Philadelphia》最佳摇滚组合:Aerosmith (Tom Hamilton, Joey Kramer,Joe Perry, Steven Tyler &Brad Whitford)Crazy最佳新人: Sheryl Crow第三十八届格莱美获奖名单最佳乡村女艺人: Alison Krauss最佳乡村男艺人: Vince Gill最佳制作人: Babyface最佳流行女艺人: Annie Lennox最佳流行专辑: Joni Mitchell《Turbulent Indigo》最佳流行男艺人: Seal《Kiss From A Rose》最佳摇滚女艺人: Alanis Morissette 《You Oughta Know》最佳摇滚专辑: Alanis Morissette 《Jagged Little Pill》最佳摇滚男艺人: Tom Petty 《You Don't Know How It Feels》最佳新人: Hootie & The Blowfish (Mark Bryan,Dean Felber, Darius Rucker &Jim'Soni' Sonefeld年度最佳专辑: Alanis Morissette 《You Oughta Know》第三十九届格莱美获奖名单年度最佳专辑: Celine Dion《Falling Into You》最佳年度专辑: Eric Clapton《Change The World》最佳制作人: Babyface最佳非主流艺人: Beck《Odelay》最佳音乐录影带长片:Beatles (George Harrison, Paul McCartney & RingoStarr)The Beatles Anthology最佳音乐录影带短片:Beatles (George Harrison, Ringo Starr & PaulMcCartney)Free As A Bird最佳流行女艺人: T oni Braxton《Un-Break My Heart》最佳流行专辑: Celine Dion《Falling Into You》最佳流行男艺人: Eric Clapton《Change The World》最佳摇滚女艺人: Sheryl Crow《If It Makes You Happy》最佳摇滚专辑: Sheryl Crow《Sheryl Crow》最佳摇滚男艺人: Beck《Where It's At》第四十届格莱美获奖名单最佳R&B女艺人: Erykah Badu《On & On》最佳R&B专辑: Erykah Badu《Baduizm》最佳乡村女艺人: Trisha Yearwood《How Do I Live》最佳乡村女艺人: Vince Gill《Pretty Little Adriana》最佳乡村音乐专辑: BeauSoleil《L'amour Ou La Folie》最佳乡村音乐专辑: Johnny Cash《Unchained》。
2012年grammy awards格莱美

(Record Of The Year) (Album Of The Year) (Song Of The Year)
年度最佳专辑 年度最佳歌曲 最佳流行歌手
(Best Pop Vocal Album) (Best Pop Solo Performance)
最佳流行演唱专辑 最佳短篇音乐录影带
“Yummy”? Is Grammy “Yummy”? 格 莱 美 美 不 美?
• 格莱美音乐大奖成立于1958 • 美国唱片界的最高奖项,被誉为“音乐界奥斯 卡” • 由美国录音艺术与科学学会每年一次进行评 选颁奖 • 每年 的格莱美大奖的颁奖典礼都会吸引来自 世界各地数以千计的唱片业的精英 • 格莱美大奖的设立是为了表彰每年唱片界的 优秀人士
• 受到经济危机威胁比较严重的美国人民 依然可以给全世界的乐迷举行这么一场 盛大的颁奖礼,实在是勇气可嘉. • 生活中不能没有音乐,更不能没有让自己 开心的音乐.谁拿奖都不重要,关键是能让 自己开心一下,当然如果我们中国的音乐 也能拿很多的格莱美,那我们就更开心了.
谢谢观看^^ 谢谢观看^^
(Best Short For揽摇滚类四项全奖(最佳摇滚 乐队则包揽摇滚类四项全奖(
专辑、最佳摇滚歌曲、最佳硬摇滚/金属表演、 专辑、最佳摇滚歌曲、最佳硬摇滚/金属表演、最佳摇 滚表演) 滚表演)以及最佳唱片音乐录影带奖
乡村音乐歌手Taylor Swift献唱 献唱Mean 乡村音乐歌手Taylor Swift献唱Mean
第54届格莱美音乐大奖 54届格莱美音乐大奖
2012年2月13日第54届格莱美颁奖礼在洛 杉矶斯台普斯中心举行

中国歌迷对格莱美的贡献之迷之绰号摘要:1.格莱美简介2.中国歌迷对格莱美的贡献3.中国歌迷迷之绰号正文:格莱美是音乐界的至高荣誉,自从1959 年设立以来,吸引了全球音乐人的目光。
格莱美奖是由美国国家录音艺术与科学学会(The Recording Academy)主办的音乐奖项,用以表彰上一年度在音乐领域有杰出表现的音乐人。

1. 保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney)2011年收入:6700万美元麦卡特尼这位披头士前成员,在2011年12月时间里接下了30场表演,获得了1.3亿美元票房,在2012年格莱美颁奖典礼上他又获得了一座格莱美奖杯。
2. 泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)2011年收入:4500万美元2011年10月她推出新专辑《现在说出来》,1个月后便获得了3白金的销量,受欢迎程度非常高。
3. Jay-Z2011年收入:3700万美元Jay-Z在各领域的投资全面开花,他的收获比两座格莱美奖座分量足得多。
4. 蕾哈娜(Rihanna)2011年收入:2900万美元蕾哈娜在2011年一边办世界巡演一边宣传新专辑,大厂商提供的广告代言赞助让她有充足的资金支持。
5.战前女神乐队(Lady Antebellum)2011年收入:2000万美元战前女神乐队是乡村流行音乐的大热门,2011年他们接下了100场演出,人气绝不输于阿黛尔。
6. 阿黛尔(Adele)2011年收入:1800万美元阿黛尔是英国继披头士之后最成功的歌手,2012年拿下6座格莱美奖杯,算是实至名归。
7. 坎耶·维斯特(Kanye West)2011年收入:1600万美元维斯特在2012年格莱美颁奖典礼上很失意,他共获得包括最佳演唱者在内的8项提名,却颗粒无收。

关于格莱美的英语作文The Grammy Awards, also known as the Grammys, is an annual music awards ceremony that recognizes outstanding achievements in the music industry. The awards are presented by the Recording Academy, which is a professional organization of musicians, producers, and recording engineers.The Grammy Awards ceremony is one of the most prestigious events in the music industry, and it attracts the biggest names in music from around the world. The ceremony features performances by some of the biggest stars in the industry, as well as the presentation of awards in various categories.The Grammy Awards are divided into several categories, including Record of the Year, Album of the Year, Song of the Year, Best New Artist, and Best Pop Vocal Album. There are also categories for specific genres of music, such as Best Rock Album, Best R&B Album, and Best Country Album.The winners of the Grammy Awards are chosen by a voting process that involves members of the Recording Academy. The voting process is designed to be fair and impartial, and it ensures that the best artists and recordings are recognized.Over the years, the Grammy Awards have become a major cultural event, and they have had a significant impact onthe music industry. Winning a Grammy Award is considered a major achievement for any artist, and it can help to boost their career and increase their visibility in the industry.In conclusion, the Grammy Awards are an important event in the music industry, and they recognize the best artists and recordings of the year. The awards ceremony is a major cultural event, and it attracts some of the biggest namesin music from around the world. Winning a Grammy Award is a major achievement for any artist, and it can help to boost their career and increase their visibility in the industry.。
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小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0美联英语提供:影视英语山姆史密斯成本届格莱美最大赢家LOS ANGELES —The 57th annual Grammy Awards on Sunday were a mixture of old songs, new faces and upsets, as Sam Smith, a 22-year-old British singer barely known to American audiences a year ago, won three of the top four prizes, and Beck became the dark-horse victor of album of the year.洛杉矶——周日举行的第57届年度格莱美奖上混合了老歌、新面孔与搅局者,年仅22岁的英国歌手山姆·史密斯(Sam Smith)赢得了四项最重要大奖中的三项,仅仅在一年前,他在美国还罕有人知,而贝克(Beck)成为黑马,获得了年度专辑大奖。
Mr. Smith took best new artist as well as both record and song of the year for “Stay With Me,”a moody, lovelorn ballad that became a smash on pop radio stations.史密斯获得了年度最佳艺人,他的《留在我身边》(Stay With Me)获得年度最佳制作与最佳歌曲,这是一首忧郁的失恋歌曲,在流行音乐电台大受欢迎。
“I want to thank the man who this record is about,”Mr. Smith said when accepting the prize for record of the year. “Thank you so much for breaking my heart, ’cause you got me four Grammys.”“我想感谢这首歌里唱到的那个男人,”史密斯在接受年度最佳录音奖时说。
”Besides those awards, Mr. Smith also won best vocal album, for “In the Lonely Hour,”one of last year’s biggest hits. The record of the year prize is for the recording of a single song, while song of the year is for songwriters.除了上述奖项,史密斯还因《在孤独的时刻》(In the Lonely Hour)获得最佳演唱专辑,这首歌是去年最流行的金曲之一。
Beck’s win, for “Morning Phase,”was a classic Grammy surprise, as the awards’voters chose a modest-selling but critically admired album in a rock context over bigger pop hits. Among its competitors were Mr. Smith’s “In the Lonely Hour”; Beyoncé’s self-titled, multimedia album; and Ed Sheeran’s “x,”a hit around the world on streaming services like Spotify. Held at the Staples Center here, the show was broadcast by CBS.贝克的专辑《上午时段》(Morning Phase)获奖则是格莱美的经典意外,这个奖的投票者选择了这张销量一般,但受到评论界好评的摇滚背景专辑,没有选择大卖的流行专辑。
角逐这个奖项的其他专辑还包括史密斯的《在孤独的时刻》、碧昂斯(Beyoncé)的同名多媒体专辑,以及艾德·希兰(Ed Sheeran)的《x》,这首歌通过Spotify等流媒体服务,在全球成为热门金曲。
Speaking to reporters backstage, the country star Dwight Yoakam, who had performed on the show, defended Beck as a worthy recipient. “Beck is genuinely one of the great purveyors of the pure love of music,”Mr. Yoakam said.乡村歌星德怀特·尤卡姆(Dwight Yoakam)在颁奖礼上献唱,他在后台接受采访时认为贝克理应获奖,“贝克真是音乐真爱的伟大提供者之一,”他说。
In addition to album of the year, “Morning Phase”took best rock album, beating releases by U2, Ryan Adams, Tom Petty and the Black Keys.除去年度最佳专辑,《上午时段》还击败U2、瑞安·亚当斯(Ryan Adams)、汤姆·佩蒂(Tom Petty)与“黑键”(Black Keys)的专辑,获得年度最佳摇滚专辑奖。
Among the night’s other big winners, Pharrell Williams took home three prizes: “Happy”won best music video and, in a live version, best pop solo performance, while his “G I R L”won best urban contemporary album.在当晚的诸多赢家之中,法雷尔·威廉姆斯(Pharrell Williams)获得三项大奖:《快乐》(Happy)获得最佳音乐录像奖、其现场版获得最佳流行个人表演奖,他的《G I R L》获得最佳当代城市专辑奖。
Beyoncé, who like Mr. Smith had been up for a total of six awards, also won three: best R&B performance and R&B song, for “Drunk in Love,”and best surround sound album, for “Beyoncé.”碧昂斯和史密斯一样获得六项提名,最终赢得其中三项:最佳R&B表演奖,以及凭《醉在爱里》(Drunk in Love)获得的最佳R&B歌曲将,以及凭《碧昂斯》获得的最佳环绕声专辑奖。
Accepting the award for best R&B performance, Beyoncéthanked God and her husband, Jay Z, who appears on the track. But she made sure to thank her fans as well, with whom she keeps in constant contact through social media.在接受最佳R&B表演奖时,碧昂斯感谢了上帝和她的丈夫Jay Z,他也在歌曲中献声。
“I’d like to say thank you to my Beyhive,”she said. “Thank you guys for riding so hard.”“我想向我的歌迷‘Beyhive’们说谢谢,”她说,“谢谢你们那么支持我。
”That sentiment of treasuring the attention of fans and all the ways to reach them was echoed by a number of stars. Miranda Lambert, accepting the prize for best country album, for “Platinum,”thanked her record label and “all the people who get it to the fans.”许多歌星也同样表达了这种感谢歌迷关注的情绪,以及想办法同歌迷打成一片的心情。
因《白金》(Platinum)获得最佳乡村乐专辑的米兰达·兰伯特(Miranda Lambert)感谢了唱片厂牌与“所有让歌迷听到它的人们”。
Kendrick Lamar and Eminem split the four rap trophies. Mr. Lamar, a fast-rising young star who had walked away empty-handed last year, took best performance and song this year for “I.”Eminem won best rap album for “The Marshall Mathers LP 2”and shared best rap/sung collaboration with Rihanna, for “The Monster.”坎德里克·拉马尔(Kendrick Lamar)与埃米纳姆(Eminem)评分了四项说唱奖。
艾米纳姆凭借《马歇尔·马瑟斯LP2》(The Marshall Mathers LP 2)获得了最佳说唱专辑奖,并凭《怪物》(The Monster)一曲,同蕾哈娜(Rihanna)分享最佳说唱/演唱合作奖。