
——本期目录————微聚焦——【微聚焦】心存感恩——微课堂——【微口语】颜控必看!英语如何夸人“颜值高”?【微听力】人为何都爱金子?【微翻译】世界上最近的距离!英语如何译“很近”?【微阅读】震惊!eBay惊现1000英镑塑料袋——微分享——【微智慧】如果吃肉致癌,我们还能吃什么?【微幽默】请别忘记感谢身边的人【微音乐】《She Used To Be Mine》(Sara Bareilles)【微影评】《海绵宝宝3D》(The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water)——微互动——【微讨论】话题讨论:让美好生活触手可及【微测试】英语四六级翻译题(27)——微动态——【微聚焦】心存感恩当我们享受阳光的时候,是否想过感恩?当我们品味佳肴的时候,是否想过感恩?当我们默默索取的时候,是否想过感恩??“滴水之恩,当以涌泉相报。
心存感恩,你的生活中才会少了许多怨气和烦恼;心存感恩,你才会有好的心态,发现更多生活的美好!【编者语】To be grateful means you are thankful for and appreciative of what you have and where you are on your path right now. Gratitude fills your heart with the joyful feeling and allows you to fully appreciate everything that arises on your path. As you strive to keep your focus on the present moment, you can experience the full wonder of "here."感恩是指你感激、珍惜自己当前所拥有的一切以及所处的人生境遇。

优酷下载《海绵宝宝》(1999)第一集与之匹配的英文台词海绵宝:What a wonderful day.The sun is out, the water is shimmering,scallops are chirping.So peaceful.章鱼哥:Can we lower the volume,please.I can’t work with all that racket going on.海绵宝:Oh, sure thing.Squidward.章鱼哥:Right, hum.海绵宝:Okay.章鱼哥:And now for some soothing sounds from Squidward’s clarinet.Thank you, thank you.I thought I……! 海绵宝:Hey, Squidward ,want to blow some bubbles? Only 25cents.章鱼哥:Oh, right, like I would spend a moment of my time. Blowing bubbles.Oh, please! I mean, who in the world would pay to blow bubbles?派大星:Good morning.章鱼哥:Oh, boy.海绵宝:Good morning to you,sir. Would you care you blow a bubble?派大星:Oh, how much is it?海绵宝:Only a quarter.派大星:Sounds reasonable. Uh……I’m going to need to borrow a quarter.海绵宝:Sure thing. Patrick.派大星:Ah! One quarter.派大星:Thank you.章鱼哥:Business is booming. How did I ever get surrounded by such I loser neighbors?海绵宝:One bubble wand, dipped and ready to go.Could I interest you in some lessons? Only 25 cents.派大星:Uh……very well,then. Hey ,Sponge,can I borrow another quarter? Thanks.海绵宝:Okay,Patrick, it’s all in the technique. First go like this. Spin around—stop!Double –-take three times—one, two, three. Then……pelvic thrust! Stop on your right foot. Don’t forget it! Now, it’s time to bring it around town. Bring around town. Then you do this then this and this, then that and this and that and this and then……And now……with tow hands.派大星:It’s a giraffe.海绵宝:Excuse me ,sir, but we are close……章鱼哥:Don’t give me any of that. How could you two possible make all this noise just blowing bubbles?海绵宝:We’re not just blowing bubbles; we’re making bubble art. Watch carefully. Firstgo like this. Spin around—stop! Double –-take three times—one, two, three.Then……pelvic thrust! Stop on your right foot. Don’t forget it! Now, it’s time tobring it around town. Bring around town. Then you do this, then this and this,then that and this and that and this and then……章鱼哥:That’s not art. That’s just annoying.Blowing bubbles. That’s the lamest idea I have ever heard. You should be ashamed of yourself. Bubbles. Art. Bubbles. Ridiculous.海绵宝:That’ll be 25 cents, sir.章鱼哥:Aah! Whoa! What! Who would pay 25 cents to blow bubbles?!海绵宝:We are offer lessons for beginners.章鱼哥:Beginners? What could be more simple than blowing a stupid bubble?Here’s your 25 cents. Watch and learn. Uh……wait, wait, wait. One more time. Here, wait, wait. Aah, just a mere warm—up.海绵宝:Hey, Squidward ,remember the technique. Technique—you do this and this. Step back.派大星:Technique, Squidward.海绵宝:Spin around like this. Over here. One, two, yeah, three……派大星:The pelvic whoo!海绵宝:Don’t for……don’t forget the “whoo”!派大星:Listen to Sponge.海绵宝:Technique! Technique! Technique! Technique!海绵宝&派大星:Technique! Technique!海绵宝:Tech……You’re ……not doing the ……technique.章鱼哥:Technique?! Technique?! Technique, technique, technique, technique, technique!First I do this. Spin around, stop. Double –-take three times. And here we go, pelvic thrust. Oh ,stop on your right foot.Don’t forget it. Then bring it around town. And a little of this, a little of that. A little of this, this, that, that, that, that, that, then……海绵宝:All right, Squid! That was so good!派大星:Squid is numer one.章鱼哥:I really did it ,didn’t I ? Yeah—you guys didn’t blow anything like that.海绵宝:Nope.章鱼哥Now, that’s a bubble.海绵宝:You said it, Squidward. See, it is all in the technique.派大星:Yeah, technique.章鱼哥:Technique? Huh! Sponge Bob, you didn’t think I created that……beautiful work of art with your help.Come on, it’s my genes.海绵宝&派大星:Squid’s got genes. Squid’s got genes.章鱼哥:Thank you, thank you, thank you.海绵宝&派大星:Squidward, Squidward, Squidward, Squidward.海绵宝:Squidward, Squidward, Squidward, Squidward, Squidward, Squidward.章鱼哥:I rock.海绵宝&派大星:Squidward, Squidward, Squidward, Squidward, Squidward, Squidward, Squidward, Squidward, Squidward, Squidward, Squidward, Squidward, Squidward. Squid, Squid, Squidward! Squid,Squid, Squidward!派大星:Squidward, Squidward, Squidward, Squidward, Squidward……海绵宝:Squidward.海绵宝&派大星:Squidward, Squidward.章鱼哥:Hello, my friends. You are looking at a ……海绵宝&派大星:Squidward.章鱼哥:Genius。

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钢铁侠:噬甲危机 神偷奶爸2 森林战士 超级巴迪 怪兽大学 蓝精灵2
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The Book of Life Batman: Assault on Arkham
Justice League: War Son of Batman
Scooby-Doo! WrestleMania Mystery Heavenly Sword Rio 2 The Boxtrolls

Season 1 Transcripts第一季目录1 Help Wanted 急征店员2 Bubble stand 吹泡泡3 Jelly fishing 捉水母4 Naughty Nautical Neighbors 挑拨离间5 Pizza Delivery 外送披萨6 Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy 海超人与大洋游侠7 Hall Monitor 纠察队长8 Sandy's Rocket 珊迪的火箭9 Nature Pants 回归自然10 Culture Shock 才艺表演11 Muscle Bob Buff Pants 超级猛男12 The Chaperone 欢乐舞会13 Scaredy Pants 胆小鬼14 SB-129 时空旅行15 Sleepy Time 睡觉时间16 Valentine's Day 情人节17 Arrgh! 寻宝游戏18 Texas 想家的珊迪19 Fools in April 愚人节20 Hooky 逃学人物介绍:海绵宝宝(Sponge Bob)小蜗(Gary)派大星(Patrick)珊迪(Sandy Cheeks)章鱼哥(Squid ward)蟹老板(Mr.Crab)泡芙阿姨(Mrs.Puff)珍珍(Pearl Krabs)痞老板(Plankton)1 *Help Wanted*DialogueAnnouncer: Ah, the sea. So fascinating. So wonderful. Here, we see Bikini Bottom, teeming with life, home to one of my favorite creatures, SpongeBob SquarePants. Yes, of course he lives in a pineapple, you silly. (The giant foghorn wakes up SpongeBob)Spongebob: Today's the big day, Gary!Gary: Meow!Spongebob: Look at me! I'm naked! (Gets His Pants On) Gotta be in top physical condition for today, Gary.Gary: Meow!Spongebob: (SpongeBob tries to throw a weight) I'M READY!! I'm ready! I'm ready! I'm ready!Starfish: Go SpongeBob!SpongeBob: There it is. The finest eating establishment ever established for eating. The Krusty Krab, Home of the Krabby Patty. With a 'Help Wanted' sign in the window! For years I've been dreaming of this moment! I'm gonna go in there, march straight to the manager, look him straight in the eye, lay it on the line,and I can't do this! (he runs, but Patrick blocks his way) Patrick!Patrick: Where do you think you're going?SpongeBob: I was just....Patrick: (cutting him off) No you're not. You're going to the Krusty Krab and get that job!SpongeBob: I can't, don't you see? I'm not good enough!Patrick: Whose first words were, "May I take your order?"SpongeBob: Mine were.Patrick: Who made a spatula out of toothpicks in wood shop?SpongeBob: I did.Patrick: Who's a.... (thinks) ....uh, who's.... (thinks even harder) ....who's a big yellow cube with holes?SpongeBob: I am!Patrick: Who's ready?SpongeBob: I'm ready!Patrick: Who's ready?SpongeBob: I'm ready!Patrick: Who's ready? (Does a split)SpongeBob: I'm ready!! (with his confidence restored, he runs toward the restaurant. There, An Octopus is spraying the glass windows to eliminate graffiti of himself with the word 'Loser.' He sees SpongeBob.)Octopus: Oh no, SpongeBob. What could he possibly want?SpongeBob: (in background) Go SpongeBob! Go SpongeBob! Go self! Go self! (The Octopus noticed the 'Help Wanted' sign and runs inside.)Octopus: Mr. Krabs! (cut to the ordering window, where Mr. Krabs is smelling a handful of money. Squidward runs up to him) Hurry, Mr. Krabs, before it's too late, I gotta tell you... (too late.)SpongeBob: (off-screen) Permission to come aboard, captain! (cut to SpongeBob, casting a shadow across the restaurant) (manly voice) I've been training my whole life for the day I could finally join the Krusty Krew, (regular voice) And now I'm ready. (while walking, he accidentally steps on a nail. He trips and bounces all over the last. The Octopus and Mr. Krabs just stare at each other. SpongeBob finally comes to a stop) So, uh, when do I start?Krabs: Well lad, it seems like you don't even have your sea legs.SpongeBob: Mr. Krabs, please. I'll prove I'm fry cook material. Ask Squidward! He'll vouch for me.(Krabs and Squidward walk to the corner, where Squidward puts it plain and simple.)Squidward: No. (Krabs winks. The two walk back over.)Krabs: Well lad, we'll give you a test and if you pass, you'll be on the Krusty Krew! Go fetch me... (SpongeBob pulls out a notepad) a, uh, hydrodynamic spatula with, ah, port-and-starboard-attachments, and turbo drive! And don't come back till you get one! (Krabs puts a Krusty Krab hat on SpongeBob. SpongeBob, overjoyed, looks at himself in the mirror. He then gets serious)SpongeBob: Aye aye, captain! (reading) One hydrodynamic spatula, port-and-starboard attachments, turbo drive, coming right up sir! (he leaves)Krabs: Hurry on! (to Squidward) We'll never see that lad again.Squidward: You're terrible! A hydro-what? (the two laugh. Cut to outside, where SpongeBob walks off. Just then, five boats come and encircle around the restaurant. The doors open. Cut to Squidward and Krabs still laughing. Krabs stops, then Squidward.)Krabs: That sounded like hatch doors! (Krabs smells something, then close in on his wiggling eyes.) Do you smell it? That smell. The kind of smelly smell. The smelly smell that smells? smelly. (his eyes bug open) (silently) Anchovies.Squidward: What?Krabs: Anchovies (the anchovies come in, hoards of them, just swarming and swarming. Squidward tries to maintain some order)Squidward: Please, please, quiet! (the anchovies stop bickering) Is this any way to behave, hmm?Anchovy: Meep!Squidward: Could we show a little decency and form a neat, single file line in front of the register?(moment of silence, then the anchovies rock the ordering boat around a bit, very violently I might add. Cut to SpongeBob, walking to a store shaped like a treasure chest.)SpongeBob: Barg'n Mart: meeting all your spatula needs. (cut back to Squidward and Mr. Krabs, stuck in the ordering boat and being swung across, literally a sea of anchovies.)Squidward: One single file line was all I asked! (cut to the ship being thrown up)Krabs: Button down the hatches, Mr. Squidward! (getting thrown back up, the ship is in pieces) We're taking on water,Mr. Squidward! (getting thrown back up again, Krabs is holding Squidward) I want my mommy, Mr. Squidward! (cut back to SpongeBob, shopping)SpongeBob: (humming) Spatula, spatula, port-and-starboard attachments? (cut back to the restaurant, where Squidward and Krabs are hanging onto a pole)Krabs: Climb, Mr. Squidward! Climb! (they do climb and tidal wave after tidal wave of anchovies nears closer and closer) Well, this is the end. Good-bye, Mr. Squidward!Squidward: Oh Mr. Krabs! (the two start to cry. Then, some blinking red lights from off-screen illuminate the two. They look up to see, Spongebob with the spatula he was sent off to receive. He's using it as a propeller to keep him in air. He sings a tune as he arrives.)SpongeBob: Did someone order a spatula? (Squidward and Mr. Krabs babble to themselves on how he obtained this) One hydrodynamic spatula with (two other spatulas pop out on the sides of the previous one) port-and-starboard attachments, and let's not forget the turbo drive! (the two extending spatulas whirl around and smack Squidward and Krabs around) Would you believe they only had one in stock? To the kitchen! (SpongeBob makes a double-spin and flies into the kitchen window) (to anchovies) Who's hungry?Song: Tiny Tim "Living In The Sunlight, Loving In The Moonlight":Things that bother you never bother me,I feel happy as pie, a-ha!Living in the sunlight, loving in the moonlight,Having a wonderful time.Haven't got a lot, I don't need a lot,Coffee's only a dime,Living in the sunlight, loving in the moonlight,Having a wonderful time.Just take it from me, I'm just as free as any daughter,I do what I like, just when I like, and how I love it!I'm right here to stay, when I'm old and gray,I'll be right in my prime,Living in the sunlight, loving in the moonlight,Having a wonderful time.Krabs: That was the greatest fast-foodsmanship I've ever seen, Mr. SquarePants! Welcome aboard! (Krabs gives him a nametag with 'SpongeBob' written on it.)Squidward: But Mr. Krabs-Krabs: Three cheers for SpongeBob! Hip-hip!Squidward: (weakly) Hooray, Mr.-Krabs: Hip-Hip!Squidward: (quickly) Hooray, Mr.-Krabs: Hip-hip!Squidward: (quickly) Hooray, Mr. Krabs!Krabs: I'll be in my quarters, counting the booty. (he proceeds to drive a wheelbarrow full of money into his office. Then, Patrick walks in.)Patrick: Good morning, Krusty Crew!Squidward: What would you like to order, Patrick?Patrick: One Krabby Patty please. (as if as a signal, SpongeBob flies back through the ordering window via spatula and starts doing some stuff. Cut to outside, where Patrick gets hit by a wave of Krabby Patties and is flung out the door.)Squidward: Mr. Krabs! Mr. Krabs! Mr. Krabs, come see your new employee.... End Song: Tiny Tim "Living In The Sunlight, Loving In The Moonlight":Things that bother you never bother me,Living in the sunlight, loving in the moonlight,Having a wonderful time.*Reef Blower*DialogueSquidward walks out of his house and looks around Bikini Bottom when he notices his flower is bent, so he straightens it. He looks around again and then notices a shell on his front yard. He walks over to it then looks around to see if anyone is wa tching. No one is so he kicks the shell into SpongeBob’s yard. Soon, SpongeBob looks out his window. He then notices the shell on his lawn and gets an idea. He then slides around on the ground into his garage.The door opens and SpongeBob comes out with a leaf blower on his back. Squidward lifts his headwhile lying in a hammock to see where all the noise is coming from. He groans and puts some earplugs to work. SpongeBob walks over and blows on the shell with his reef blower. The shell just floats upward and comes back down but then he tries again, the same thing happens. He tries once more really hard and puts a hole in the ground where the sand used to be. While Squidward is eating some food at a table outside, all that sand that SpongeBob blew from the hole comes pouring down on him. SpongeBob runs over to see if he’s all right. SpongeBob blows off the sand including the piece of seaweed that Squidward was eating and the sand goes into Squidward's eyes. SpongeBob then blows Squidward’s eyeballs off which makes Squidward's eyes water. SpongeBob notices a pile of sand on his yard and points to it. He says "You!" (subtitle on bottom). He sucks up all the sand in his leaf blower bag. After he sucks it up and looks at his clean yard, the reef blower begins to shake. After it, about 3 seconds later, all the sand that he sucked up spits out and onto his yard. SpongeBob flips his reef blower around and unzips the back. He picks up all the sand and puts it in. He pulls the handle, but nothing happens. So, he pulls it back really far past the 4-way intersection. He takes a break and gets the dirt off his hand and grabs the handle again. He then flies off holding it. He flies past an intersection of traffic and he slams into the reef blower and starts to go wacky. It sucks up all the water in the ocean. Squidward takes a breath and notices there is no water so he holds his breath. Then SpongeBob notices the size of his bag on his reef blower. It explodes and the sand is all over Bikini Bottom. SpongeBob walks out of a sand door pile and it collapses after he closes it. He then walks back into his house with his new clean yard. Squidward is covered in sand and so is everything else around his house. The shell then floats down onto his nose.*Tea at the Treedome*DialogueSpongeBob: Wow, four stingers.(He then puts away the telescope and puts on some black glasses. Cut to the jellyfish, just hanging out, and SpongeBob floats over besides it with net in hand. Cut to the jellyfish alone, where SpongeBob's foot stretches out from off-screen and then the rest of his body appears. He attempts to grab the jellyfish in his net, but he ends up catching himself in the net. The jellyfish flies away. Just then, SpongeBob hears some struggling noises from off-screen. He arrives at the top of a hill, where he sees a giant clam attempting to eat a squirrel, who is wearing some sort of space suit underwater. SpongeBob gasps as he sees the squirrel struggling to stay her ground)SpongeBob: Where have I seen this before?(He then takes out his handy dandy 'Field Guide' and skims through the pages)SpongeBob: Here it is!(SpongeBob comes upon a picture of the squirrel)SpongeBob: Land squirrel! That little squirrel is in trouble.(cut to the squirrel, who is bashing the squirrel into the ground)Squirrel: Take that, you sorry old clam! Y'all need to learn some manners! You're about as ugly as homemade soup.SpongeBob: Hooray, land squirrel!(cut back to The Squirrel, who is oblivious to the clam resurfacing and jumping right at her. Cut to SpongeBob, who is shock, his glasses shoot up)SpongeBob: Look out! Hold on, little squirrel!(he does a karate yell in front of the clam, then does the same while bouncing to different sides. He jumps high in the air, and lands on top of the clam)SpongeBob: You have fought well, giant clam. Prepare to be vanquished! (SpongeBob strains)SpongeBob: Hey, I'm actually doing it!(SpongeBob strains some more)(The squirrel holds open the clam's mouth and SpongeBob goes flying face-first into a coral reef.)SpongeBob: Your shell is mine!(SpongeBob attempts to grapple with an appendage in the clam's mouth. The clam then slams shut.)Squirrel: Hold on there, little square dude!(she then gets SpongeBob out and kicks the clam around some more and finally kicks it across the sea. The clam whimpers. The squirrel leans down to see if SpongeBob is OK)SpongeBob: Hey, you like karate too!(SpongeBob does a series of karate moves, spins in mid-air, and lands on his head with a splat.)SpongeBob: So, uh, what's your name?Squirrel: Sandy! So, what do y'all call yourself?(SpongeBob runs up a nearby rock and jumps off.)SpongeBob: I---'m SpongeBob!(One of the corners of his head gets stuck in the ground.)Sandy: Well SpongeBob, take a gander at this!(she walks next to a huge rock and slaps it with her hand, making a gong sound effect. The gong sound effect intensifies and the rock shatters into tiny pebbles.)SpongeBob: Oh.(Sandy stands with her hands on her hips and a big, proud smile on her face.)SpongeBob: Oh yeah? Well, watch this! (he prepares to do a karate move, but all he does is make an armpit fart noise. Sandy walks on screen laughing)Sandy: I like you, SpongeBob. Why, we could be tighter than bark on a tree. Hi-yah!(Sandy chops SpongeBob's head, leaving a triangle-shaped indent at the top.) SpongeBob: Uh, I like you too, Sandy. Hi-yah!(He tries to chop Sandy's head, but her air helmet stops him.)SpongeBob: D'oh. Say, what's that thing on your head?Sandy: Why, that's my air helmet.SpongeBob: May I try it on?Sandy: Heck no. I need it to breathe! I gotta have my air.SpongeBob: Me too! I love air! Air is good.Sandy: No kidding?SpongeBob: Why, "air" is my middle name! The more air, the better! Can't get enough of that air.Sandy: Shee-oot. How about coming over tomorrow for tea and cookies then? (shows a map) You are Here! (Points at "Sandy's House") Don't be late!SpongeBob: Okay, see you tomorrow.Patrick! Patrick! Patrick, Patrick, Patrick! What's air?Patrick (getting up): Huh?SpongeBob: I just met this girl. She wears a hat full of...air.(Patrick takes off his sunglasses)Patrick: Do you mean she puts on airs?SpongeBob: I guess so.Patrick: That's just fancy talk. If you want to be fancy, hold your pinky up like this. The higher you hold it, the fancier you are.SpongeBob (holding his pinky up): How's that?Patrick: Higher!SpongeBob (holding his pinky higher): Like that?Patrick: Now that's fancy! They should call you SpongeBob Fancypants!At Sandy's TreedomePatrick: Remember, when in doubt, pinky out. You can do it,SpongeBob. I'll be watching.SpongeBob: Thanks pal.Sandy: Hello?SpongeBob: Hi-ya, Sandy. It's me, SpongeBob!Sandy: Hold on a sec, I'll let you in.(buzzer sounds as water drains from entryway)SpongeBob: Sandy, something's gone terribly wrong. There's no water in.....here. Sandy: 'Course there's no water. Nothing but air.(SpongeBob waves his hand around and smells this air)SpongeBob: No water?Sandy: That ain't a problem, is it? Hi-yah!SpongeBob: Problem? (laughs) Hi-yah! That's how I like my air! (takes deep breath, then lets out forceful cough) With no water.Sandy: Well all right. I made Texas tea and cookies. Well, come on in! Hi-yah! (SpongeBob is walking an inch forward and it makes weak squeaking sounds with every step) That's not in. In! (SpongeBob walks another inch with all the squeaking. Sandy runs and gets SpongeBob and takes his hand and runs off) You're a funny little dude.Come on, I'll give you the grand tour.(cut to the blazing sun and pan down where Sandy and SpongeBob are standing)Sandy: This is my own private little air bubble. This air is the driest... (SpongeBob gasps) ..Purest...SpongeBob (while gasping): Maybe...Sandy: ...most airiest air in the whole sea. Oh, over there's my birdbath.(cut to the birdbath, where a red robin is splashing and chirping)Sandy: And there's my oak tree. (SpongeBob seems enticed by the water in the birdbath. He tries to sneak away, but stays until Sandy lets her guard down)Sandy: It provides me with extra air. This dome is made of the finest polyurethane-- that's a fancy word for plastic. Ain't that just the bee's knees? Tellyou what, weren't easy getting here neither. First, I... (SpongeBob finally escapes and wallows in the birdbath, absorbing all the water. He then jumps back to his original spot, and the bird is quite angry. SpongeBob gets back before Sandy notices) ...that's my treadmill. That's how I stay in tip-top shape. Well, come on. Let's have that tea now. (does in-air karate moves and moves off-screen. SpongeBob gasps. He hears some knocking from outside. It's Patrick, pointing at his pinky)Patrick: Pinky! Pinky!(SpongeBob weakly holds up his pinky and gasps again. Cut to him sitting at a picnic bench. He holds up his bouquet)SpongeBob:I brought you some flowers. (Sandy walks over)Sandy: For me? How sweet! (Sandy grabs the flowers, which SpongeBob doesn't want to let go. She finally pries them loose and reveals SpongeBob's bony crusty looking hand) You OK?SpongeBob: Yes, I'm OK.Sandy: You know, you're the first sea critter to ever visit.SpongeBob: I can't imagine why.Sandy: Can I get you anything.SpongeBob: Water would be nice.Sandy: I'm going to put these in a vase.SpongeBob: Take your time. (he then gasps and stumbles toward the door and struggles to try and open it)I gotta get out of here! Aaaaahh! (he then thinks)Sandy: (in SpongeBob's head) I like you, SpongeBob. We could be tighter than bark on a tree! (SpongeBob struggles even more)Patrick: (in SpongeBob's head) When in doubt, pinky out.(SpongeBob lifts his pinky. He then gets confidence and victorious music plays)SpongeBob: I don't need water! Water's for quitters! I don't need it! I don't need it!I don't need it! I don't need it, I don't need it...(he then loses confidence again and the music stops)Sandy: Why, these flowers are just beautiful! They'll last much, much longer in a glass of ice, cold water. (SpongeBob is totally enticed by the water. Sandy sits down across from him) So tell me about yourself. It must be fascinating being asea critter.(SpongeBob watches a drop of water drop down the side of the glass)Sandy: SpongeBob? (a timer goes off) Oh, there's the cookies. (walks back into the tree) Be right back.SpongeBob: I don't need it. I don't need it. I definitely don't need it. I don't need it.I don't need it. I don't need it. I don't need it. I NEEEED IT (he shoots up in the air, bounces off the ceiling and holds the glass)Patrick: No, SpongeBob! No, no, no, stop! Pinky! Pinky! (SpongeBob holds up his pinky while guzzling down the whole glass)SpongeBob: I'm a quitter! (Spongebob cries out)(Patrick enters into the dome and slams the door shut)Patrick: You can't leave now! You'll blow it!SpongeBob: Air is not good, Patrick! Air is not good!(Patrick pries him off the door and carries him around)Patrick: You're just being shy. Don't worry, buddy. You're doing fine. (starts getting weak) I won't let you blow.... this... (he drops SpongeBob and crawls on the floor, panting. He coughs and sputters) What kind of place is this?! (runs toward the door and tries to open it) There's no water in here!(SpongeBob joins in on the door-opening struggle)SpongeBob: I tried to tell you!Patrick: We've got to get out of here!SpongeBob: You're...doing it...wrong! (the two collapse on each other)Patrick: Wait, no! We've got...to get...out... (cut to the blaring sun. Sandy walks out of the tree with tea and cookies)Sandy: Come and get it! You're all gonna like this..(she screams and drops her tray. On the floor is a live-action sponge and starfish.)(Cut to SpongeBob and Patrick leaning against a ladder with two goldfish helmets on. Sandy, on top of the ladder, uses a hose to fill these helmets withwater)Sandy: There, that ought to do it! If y'all wanted water, you should of asked.(Sandy carries over a tray with three tea glasses. Everyone takes one)Sandy: I propose a toast: to new friends!(she drinks it. SpongeBob and Patrick lift their drinks up and they clink the glasses on the helmets, causing them to spill)Sandy: Wait, hold on a second. (she places a tea bag in each helmet, allowing the two to drink the tea water.)I hope you like your tea strong. Drink up!(Patrick nudges SpongeBob and they both put their pinky up. The three drink up again and give a heartfelt sigh)2 *Bubblestand*DialogueSpongeBob: Ah, what a wonderful day. The sun is out, the water is shimmering,scallops are chirping. So peaceful.(SpongeBob grabs wood, hammer, and nails, then starts building a bubblestand.)Squidward: Can we lower the volume, please? I can't work with all that racket going on!SpongeBob: Oh, sure thing, Squidward.Squidward: Ha, yeah right.SpongeBob: Okay.(SpongeBob taps on the nail lightly, then looks up at Squidward's window, and repeats this 5 times.)Squidward: And now,for some soothing sounds from Squidward's clarinet. Thank you, thank you.(Squidward starts to play. SpongeBob looks up and sees that Squidward is playing his clarinet, so he decides to finish building the stand quickly. Squidward looks out at SpongeBob.)Squidward: I thought I... wha?SpongeBob: Hey Squidward! Wanna blow some bubbles? Only 25 cents. Squidward: Oh, right. Like I would spend a moment of my time blowing bubbles. SpongeBob: Uh huh!Squidward: Oh puh-leeze. I mean, who in the world would pay to blow bubbles? (Patrick's rock opens.)Patrick: Good morning!(Patrick falls off his rock.)Squidward: Oh, boy.(Patrick walks over to SpongeBob.)SpongeBob: Good morning to you sir. Would you care to blow a bubble? Patrick: Hmmm, how much is it?SpongeBob: Only a quarter.Patrick: Sounds reasonable. Um, I'm going to need to borrow a quarter.SpongeBob: Sure thing, Patrick.(SpongeBob pulls out a quarter and gives it to Patrick.)Patrick: Ah, one quarter.(Patrick hands SpongeBob the quarter. SpongeBob bites it to see if it's real, and it bends.)SpongeBob: Thank you.Squidward: Ha, business is booming. How did I ever get surrounded by such loser neighbors? Heh.SpongeBob: One bubble wand, dipped and ready to go.(Patrick grabs the wand from SpongeBob, inhales deeply and begins to blow, but nothing happens. After a while, SpongeBob puts up a lessons sign.)SpongeBob: Could I interest you in some lessons? Only 25 cents.Patrick: Uh, very well then. Hey, Sponge, can I borrow another quarter? (SpongeBob hands Patrick a quarter.)Patrick: Thanks.SpongeBob: Okay, Patrick, it's all in the technique! First go like this, spin around. Stop! Double take three times. One, two three. Then pelvic thrust. Whooooooo, whooooooo. Stop on your right foot, don't forget it! Now it's time to bring it around town. Bring-it-a-round-town. Then you do this, then this, and this, then this, then that, then this and that, and then...(SpongeBob blows three bubbles; one big duck and two small ducks.)Patrick: Oooooh.(SpongeBob pops out of nowhere and blows a box. Patrick giggles as SpongeBob blows a caterpillar.)Patrick: Ahahaha.(SpongeBob blows a boat bubble. It floats off, then pops and makes a foghorn noise.)Squidward: Huh?(Squidward looks at his clarinet.)SpongeBob: And now... with two hands!(SpongeBob inhales deeply, and blows an elephant bubble while circus music starts playing. Patrick starts laughing.)Patrick: It's a giraffe!(The elephant floats into Squidward's house and explodes. Squidward angrily walks outside and goes toward the bubblestand.)SpongeBob: Excuse me sir, but we are cl...Squidward: Don't give me any of that! How can you two possibly make all this noise just blowing bubbles?SpongeBob: We're not just blowing bubbles, we're making bubble art! Watch carefully. First go like this, spin around. Stop! Double take three times. One, two three. Then pelvic thrust. Whooooooo, whooooooo. Stop on your right foot, don't forget it! Now it's time to bring it around town. Bring-it-a-round-town. Then you do this, then this, and this, then this, then that, then this and that, and then... (SpongeBob blows a butterfly which flies over to Squidward, lands on his head, and finally pops.)Squidward: That's not art! That's just annoying! Blowing bubbles, that's the lamest idea I have ever heard!(SpongeBob and Patrick put their head down as they walk to Sponge's house.)Squidward: You should be ashamed of yourselves! Bubbles. Ha. Art. (Squidward mumbles, then picks up bubble wand, sniffs it, and inhales to blow a bubble. SpongeBob pops up out of nowhere.)SpongeBob: That'll be 25 cents, sir.Squidward: Ah, whoa, what? Oh, who would pay 25 cents to blow bubbles?SpongeBob: We also offer lessons for beginners.Squidward: Beginners? What could be more simple than blowing a stupid bubble? Here's your 25 cents!(Squidward hands SpongeBob a quarter. SpongeBob bites it to see if it's real,and it bends.)Squidward: Watch and learn.(Squidward inhales deeply and begins to blow, but nothing happens.)Squidward: Uhh, wait, wait, wait. One more time. Wait.Squidward inhales and blows again. A small bubble comes out and quickly falls to the ground and pops. Squidward looks over ant SpongeBob and Patrick. They gulp then whistle. Squidward places another quarter on the stand.Squidward: Just a mere warm-up.SpongeBob: Hey Squidward, remember the technique.(Squidward keeps trying while SpongeBob and Patrick are trying to show him the technique.)SpongeBob and Patrick: Technique, technique, tech-(Squidward looks at them annoyed.)SpongeBob: You're not doing the technique.Squidward: Technique? Technique? Technique, technique, technique, technique, technique! First I do this, spin around. Stop. Double take three times. And here we go... pelvic thrust. Whooooooo, whooooooo. Oh, stop on your right foot, don't forget it. Then bring it around town. And a little of this, a little of that, a little of this, a little of that, this, that, and this. And that and this. this that this that. Then ahhhhh! Ahhhhh!! Squidward blows huge bubble that lifts him off of the ground.)SpongeBob and Patrick: Wow!SpongeBob: All right Squid! That was so good!。

下面就让我们来回顾一些《海绵宝宝历险记》中,海绵宝宝唱过的经典歌曲吧!1. 海洋之歌在大海的深处有一个美丽世界那里有鲨鱼和鲸鱼还有桃花鱼和螃蟹哪里有阳光普照哪里有欢声笑语我喜欢在这里游泳在这个美妙的大海中畅游大家一起来唱首歌大声欢呼让我们高兴起来在这个美好的世界中嬉戏玩耍我们都是快乐的海洋之子这首歌是《海绵宝宝历险记》中最经典的开场曲,通过欢快的旋律和歌词,展示了海底世界的美妙和快乐。
2. 朋友就是一切朋友就是一切在我们彼此之间不管发生什么我们都会在一起当你需要我时我会在你身边我们会互相扶持直到永远不分离朋友就是一切在我们彼此之间无论天有多灰暗我们都会互相照亮当你感到孤独时请记得你并不孤单因为我将永远陪伴着你朋友,就是一切!这首歌表达了海绵宝宝对友谊的重视和珍惜。
3. 做自己最好的自己我只是一个小海绵在这个大海世界里虽然我有时感到迷茫但我知道我要做最好的自己不管别人怎么说我会坚持自己的梦想我相信自己的能力努力去实现我的目标每一天都是一个新的开始每一次失败都是一个机会只要坚持不懈地努力我相信成功将会属于我做自己最好的自己无论遇到什么困难和挑战相信自己,勇往直前!这首歌鼓励人们要保持积极向上的心态,相信自己的能力,并且勇敢面对困难和挑战。
4. 快乐无限大快乐无限大,笑容灿烂多美妙!快乐无限大,在阳光下尽情飞舞!让我们一起手牵手,畅游在欢乐的海底世界。

• • 《海绵宝宝》(SpongeBob)这个在美国可是相当之有名,不过引进的时候改了名字,原名 是《穿方形裤子的海绵鲍勃》(SpongeBob Squarepants)。 海绵宝宝 海绵宝宝是方块形的黄色海绵,住在比奇(基)堡海滩深海的一个菠萝(凤梨)里,他的宠物 是一只会“猫~猫~”叫(注意,不是“喵”)的小蜗(海蜗牛),海绵宝宝喜欢捕捉水母,职 业是蟹堡王里的头号厨师。派大星,章鱼哥和姗迪都是他的朋友。海绵宝宝总是能给平静的 比奇(基)堡海滩制造麻烦,虽然闹出一些笑话,不过他总能摆脱困境,然后又制造新的麻 烦。 《穿方形裤子的海绵鲍勃》(SpongeBob SquarePants) /是美国电视节目历史上最受孩子们喜爱的动画系列片之一。该片 曾获得全美儿童电视动画片收视冠军,每个月都有将近6000万观众收看,除了儿童观众以外, 还有一半观众都是成年人。曾连续于2002年~2004年获得艾美奖最佳儿童节目奖,并于 2004年获得美国电视评论家奖最佳儿童节目奖。而该片创作者及执行制片人史蒂芬· 希伦伯 格是尼克儿童频道最受欢迎的创作者之一,曾获2002年格雷斯公主电影基金奖,并获得南加 州首个环保公益组织“拯救海滩”的最高荣誉。2004年推出剧场版(《棉球方块历险记》), 2006年央视引进国内,中文片名定为“海绵宝宝”。《纽约时报》编辑梅尔曼对它的评价: “这是电视上所曾出现的最有魅力的卡通,它有着干净单纯的快乐,集合了成人的幽默和儿 童的纯真。” 故事场景设定于太平洋中,是一座称为比奇(基)堡(Bikini Bottom) 的城市。这部动画除了绘制的卡通场景与人物之外,也会穿插一些真实物件或是人物,例如 曾经演出海滩游侠与霹雳游侠的大卫· 霍索夫(David Hasselhoff),以本人的身份出演了 几集。 《海绵宝宝》虽然是低龄动画(早已不是),但由于剧情幽默而充满想象力,同 时也吸引了很多成人喜欢,成为风靡世界的作品。 本动画的主角是一块居住在海洋深处 的黄色海绵(住所是一个大菠萝(即凤梨)中),他是一个可爱、慷慨大方、友好、可信赖的朋友。 他露出龅牙的笑容,非常富有表现力的脸和身体,以及他纯真美好的天性使他非常可爱。

Chapter 36:The REAL boat battle
Chapter 37:End of the stalling
Chapter 38:It's not too late to go to BB
Chapter 38.5:No!
Chapter38/1/4:Plankton cheats
Chapter 18: Gas Station Teasing
Chapter 19: The Inevitable Has Happened
Chapter 20: Meet Dennis
Chapter 21: Thug Tug Trouble
Chapter 21.5: Level 4
Chapter 22: Squidward Finds Out
Pirates: Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
SpongeBob SquarePants
Absorbent and yellow and porous is he?
SpongeBob SquarePants
If nautical nonsense be something you wish?
(Continues from dream) SpongeBob:Gary, I had that dream again. And it's finally gonna come true. Today. Sorry about this, calendar. (Rips calendar page off, reviling the KK2 page.) Because today is the grand-opening ceremony for The Krusty Krab 2 where Mr. Krabs will announce the new manager.Gary: Meow. SpongeBob:Who's it gonna be,Gary? Well, let's ask my wall of consecutive employee-of-the-month awards. (Camera pulls up, revealing many "employee of the month" portraits)

悦 悦 和舒心,满满的欢 满满的竺正 能量曲让和人孳印绵象宝深宝刻们, 的搞笑,形成很谐趣的画面,观感 怂 愉。刖
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vummY!(太美味 了 !)
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整]( ]( )< X堕
主 持 棉 花 糖
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名 言 警 句 分 享 玉 林 市 兴 业 县 高 峰 镇 中心 小 学 三 甲班 陈 业 欣 :读 万 巷 书 ,行 万里 路
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e(真 爱 )。瞧 ,他那 沉
名 言 警 句 分 享


海绵宝宝大电影解说英语作文80词全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Oh my gosh, guys! Have you seen the new SpongeBob SquarePants movie? It's totally epic! Today, I'm going to tell you all about it in my own words.So, the movie starts with SpongeBob and his best pals Patrick, Squidward, Mr. Krabs, and Sandy all living their best lives in Bikini Bottom. But then, this evil pirate dude namedBurger-Beard steals the Krabby Patty formula and chaos ensues!SpongeBob and his friends have to team up and go on this crazy adventure to save their beloved Krabby Patties. They travel to all these cool places like a magical underwater world and even outer space! Along the way, they meet all sorts of wacky characters and have to overcome some super tough challenges.But you know what? SpongeBob and his friends never give up. They work together as a team and show us that anything is possible when you believe in yourself and your friends. They even have this awesome song that's all about friendship and it's so catchy!In the end, they defeat Burger-Beard, save the day, and bring back the Krabby Patty formula. Everyone in Bikini Bottom is happy again and they all celebrate with a big party.I loved this movie so much! It was funny, exciting, and had such a great message about friendship. SpongeBob is always the best! I can't wait to watch it again with all my friends..spongeBob is the best! I love SpongeBob so much!篇2Hey guys! Today I'm gonna tell you all about the SpongeBob SquarePants movie! Woohoo!First of all, let me introduce you to the main characters. There's SpongeBob, he's a yellow sponge who lives in a pineapple under the sea. Then there's his best friend Patrick, who is a funny pink starfish. And of course, we can't forget about Squidward, the grumpy octopus who lives next door to SpongeBob.Now let me tell you about the story of the movie. SpongeBob and Patrick set off on a journey to retrieve King Neptune's stolen crown and save their boss, Mr. Krabs. Along the way, they face tons of crazy adventures and meet some wackycharacters, like the evil Plankton who is always trying to steal the Krabby Patty secret formula.The movie is super funny and full of silly jokes that will make you laugh out loud. There's also some awesome songs that you can sing along to. The animation is really cool too, with bright colors and cool underwater scenes.Overall, the SpongeBob SquarePants movie is a great movie for kids and adults alike. It's a fun and heartwarming story about friendship and bravery. So grab some popcorn and get ready to dive into the underwater world of Bikini Bottom with SpongeBob and his friends!篇3Hey guys, today I'm going to tell you all about the awesome SpongeBob SquarePants movie! It's super cool and I can't wait to share all the fun details with you.The movie starts off with SpongeBob and his best pal Patrick going on a crazy adventure to save their town Bikini Bottom from the evil Plankton. They travel to the surface world and meet some funny characters along the way, like King Neptune and David Hasselhoff!SpongeBob and Patrick have to face lots of challenges and obstacles, but they never give up. They show us the power of friendship and teamwork, and how important it is to believe in yourself.There are so many funny moments in the movie that will make you laugh out loud. From SpongeBob and Patrick singing goofy songs to the hilarious jokes and slapstick comedy, you'll be entertained from start to finish.But it's not all fun and games – there are also some important lessons to be learned. Like how it's okay to be different and embrace your quirks, and how it's important to stand up for what you believe in.In the end, SpongeBob and his friends save Bikini Bottom and defeat Plankton, proving that anything is possible when you work together.So grab some popcorn, get comfy, and enjoy the SpongeBob SquarePants movie – it's a wild ride you won't want to miss!篇4Oh my goodness! Have you heard about the latest SpongeBob SquarePants movie? It's called "SpongeBob SquarePants: The Great Movie" and it's super awesome!The movie starts with SpongeBob, Patrick, Sandy, Mr. Krabs, and Squidward all hanging out in Bikini Bottom. They are having so much fun until Plankton shows up and tries to steal the Krabby Patty secret formula. But don't worry, our favorite underwater friends won't let him get away with it!SpongeBob and his pals go on a thrilling adventure to stop Plankton and save the secret formula. They travel to faraway lands, meet new friends, and even discover hidden treasures along the way. Can you believe it?And guess what? There are so many catchy songs in the movie that you'll want to sing along to. From "F.U.N. Song" to "Best Day Ever," you won't be able to resist dancing in your seat!But the best part of the movie is the hilarious jokes and puns that will have you laughing non-stop. SpongeBob and Patrick are up to their usual antics, getting into all sorts of silly situations that will leave you rolling on the floor with laughter.So grab your popcorn, put on your 3D glasses, and get ready for the best SpongeBob movie experience ever. "SpongeBobSquarePants: The Great Movie" will have you laughing, singing, and cheering for our favorite underwater friends from start to finish. Don't miss it!篇5Title: SpongeBob SquarePants: The MovieHey guys! Today I'm gonna tell you all about the coolest movie ever - SpongeBob SquarePants: The Movie! It's all about our favorite sponge who lives in a pineapple under the sea - SpongeBob SquarePants!In this movie, SpongeBob goes on a big adventure to save Mr. Krabs and the Krusty Krab from the evil Plankton. Plankton wants to steal King Neptune's crown and frame Mr. Krabs for it, so SpongeBob has to step up and be the hero. He teams up with his best friend Patrick, and they go on a crazy journey to Shell City to get the crown back.There are so many funny and exciting parts in the movie! Like when SpongeBob and Patrick ride on the David Hasselhoff as he swims them across the ocean, or when they meet a goofy seagull named Scrad. And don't forget about all the catchy songs like "Now That We're Men" and "Goofy Goober Rock"!But it's not all fun and games - there are also some touching moments in the movie. Like when SpongeBob and Patrick have a falling out, but then they make up and become even better friends. It's a great reminder that friendship is super important.So if you haven't seen SpongeBob SquarePants: The Movie yet, you gotta check it out! It's funny, exciting, and full of heart. Just remember - I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready to watch SpongeBob save the day!篇6Title: SpongeBob SquarePants: The MovieHi guys! Today I want to tell you all about the coolest movie ever - SpongeBob SquarePants: The Movie! It's super funny and exciting, and you're gonna love it!So, the movie starts in Bikini Bottom, where SpongeBob lives in a pineapple under the sea. He works at the Krusty Krab with his best friend, Patrick the starfish. They have a boss named Mr. Krabs who loves money more than anything.But one day, Plankton, the evil owner of the Chum Bucket, comes up with a plan to steal the Krabby Patty secret formulaand take over the world! SpongeBob and Patrick have to go on a crazy adventure to save the day.They meet lots of wacky characters along the way, like King Neptune and his daughter Mindy, who helps them on their quest. There's also a tough hitman named Dennis who tries to stop them at every turn.But SpongeBob and Patrick never give up, and with help from their friends, they finally defeat Plankton and save Bikini Bottom. The movie ends with a big celebration and everyone singing and dancing together.I won't spoil the ending for you, but let me tell you - SpongeBob SquarePants: The Movie is a must-watch for all ages! It's funny, heartwarming, and full of adventures that will make you laugh and cheer. So grab some popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the show!篇7Title: SpongeBob SquarePants: The Great MovieHey guys, have you ever seen the super funny and exciting movie about SpongeBob SquarePants? Let me tell you all about it!The movie starts with SpongeBob and his best friend, Patrick Star, going on a big adventure to find the lost treasure of Bikini Bottom. They face so many challenges along the way, like battling an evil pirate named Captain Redbeard and escaping from a giant jellyfish swarm.But don't worry, SpongeBob and Patrick are not alone. They have their friends Sandy Cheeks, Squidward Tentacles, and Mr. Krabs to help them out. Together, they use their teamwork and bravery to overcome every obstacle in their path.The best part of the movie is when SpongeBob and Patrick finally reach the treasure and discover that it was not gold or jewels, but friendship and love that mattered most. They learn that the real treasure was their bond as friends and how they could always rely on each other no matter what.In the end, SpongeBob and his friends return to Bikini Bottom as heroes, with a newfound appreciation for the true value of friendship. The movie teaches us all an important lesson about the power of teamwork, trust, and friendship.So, if you want to laugh, cry, and cheer along with SpongeBob and his pals, make sure to watch SpongeBob SquarePants: The Great Movie! It's a fun and heartwarming adventure that will make you smile from beginning to end.篇8Hey guys! Do you like SpongeBob SquarePants? I love him so much! Today, I want to tell you all about the SpongeBob SquarePants movie!The movie starts with SpongeBob and his best friend Patrick on a mission to find King Neptune's stolen crown. They want to prove that Mr. Krabs is innocent and stop the evil Plankton from taking over Bikini Bottom.SpongeBob and Patrick go on a crazy adventure through Jellyfish Fields and downtown Bikini Bottom. They meet lots of new friends along the way, like Sandy Cheeks and Squidward Tentacles. They even visit the famous Shell City!But things get tough when they have to face off against the evil Dennis, who works for Plankton. Will SpongeBob and Patrick be able to save the day and bring back the crown to King Neptune?I won't spoil the ending for you, but let me tell you, this movie is full of action, laughs, and friendship. It's a must-watch for all SpongeBob fans!So grab some popcorn, sit back, and get ready for a sponge-tastic time with SpongeBob SquarePants and his pals. Don't forget to sing along to the theme song too – who lives in a pineapple under the sea?That's right, SpongeBob SquarePants! Enjoy the movie, guys!篇9Once upon a time, there was a cute little sponge who lived in a pineapple under the sea. Yes, you guessed it right, it's SpongeBob SquarePants! SpongeBob was a happy-go-lucky sponge who worked at the Krusty Krab with his best friend, Patrick Star.One day, SpongeBob heard about a big movie being made in Bikini Bottom and he was super excited. He couldn't wait to see all his friends on the big screen! The movie was called "The Adventures of SpongeBob SquarePants", and it was going to be the biggest movie of the year.SpongeBob and Patrick got their tickets early and waited in line for hours to get the best seats in the theater. The lights dimmed, the movie started, and SpongeBob's eyes widened in amazement. The movie was filled with action, laughter, and even a little bit of drama.As the movie played on, SpongeBob couldn't help but feel proud of his friends and the adventures they were having on the big screen. He laughed, he cried, and he cheered as the credits rolled at the end.After the movie ended, SpongeBob turned to Patrick and said, "That was the best movie ever! I can't wait to see it again." And with that, the two friends walked out of the theater with smiles on their faces, ready to take on whatever adventures came their way.And so, the little sponge and his starfish friend continued to live their lives in the pineapple under the sea, knowing that no matter what, they would always have each other and the memories of their big movie adventure.篇10Once upon a time in Bikini Bottom, there was a little sea sponge named SpongeBob SquarePants. He lived in a pineapple house with his pet snail Gary, and worked at the Krusty Krab with his best friend Patrick Star.One day, SpongeBob and his friends found out that there was going to be a big movie premiere in Bikini Bottom. It wasgoing to be a movie all about the adventures of SpongeBob and his friends, and everyone in town was excited to see it.SpongeBob and Patrick were so excited that they decided to dress up as superheroes for the premiere. SpongeBob put on a cape and a mask, while Patrick wore a big star on his chest. They looked so cool!As they sat in the theater, the lights dimmed and the movie started. It was an action-packed adventure, with SpongeBob and his friends going on a journey to save Bikini Bottom from an evil villain. There were laughs and tears, but in the end, SpongeBob and his friends saved the day and everyone in town cheered.After the movie, SpongeBob and Patrick couldn't stop talking about how awesome it was. They pretended to be superheroes all the way home, and even saved a jellyfish from a net along the way.The next day, SpongeBob woke up with a huge smile on his face. The movie had inspired him to be even braver and kinder than before. He knew that no matter what adventures came his way, he would always have his friends by his side.And so, the little sea sponge and his friends continued to live happily in Bikini Bottom, knowing that they were the true heroes of their own story.。

文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!SpongeBob SquarePants is a popular cartoon character loved by people of all ages. He lives in a pineapple under the sea and works as a fry cook at the Krusty Krab. The SpongeBob SquarePants movie takes us on a hilarious and adventurous journey with SpongeBob and his friends.In the movie, SpongeBob and his best friend Patrick set out on a mission to retrieve King Neptune's stolen crown. They believe that their boss, Mr. Krabs, is innocent and embark on a journey to Shell City, a dangerous place where the crown is believed to be held. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles and face their fears, but their determination and friendship keep them going.One of the most memorable scenes in the movie is when SpongeBob and Patrick ride on the "Patty Wagon," a burger-shaped vehicle, and go on a wild and crazy chase to catch the thief. The scene is filled with fast-paced action and humorous moments, making it a favorite among fans.Throughout the movie, SpongeBob's optimism and positive attitude shine through. He never gives up, even when faced with difficult challenges. This teaches us the importance of perseverance and staying true to ourselves, no matter what.The movie also introduces us to new characters, such as David Hasselhoff, who helps SpongeBob and Patrick in their quest. His cameo appearance adds an extra layer of excitement and surprises to the story.In addition to the thrilling adventure, the movie also explores the theme of friendship. SpongeBob and Patrick's bond is tested, but they always find a way to resolve their differences and come back together. This reminds us of the value of true friendship and how it can overcome any obstacle.The SpongeBob SquarePants movie is not just a fun and entertaining film, but also a heartwarming story that teaches important life lessons. It captures the essence ofthe beloved cartoon series and brings it to the big screen in a way that both children and adults can enjoy.So, if you're looking for a movie that will make you laugh, cheer, and maybe even shed a tear, then the SpongeBob SquarePants movie is definitely worth watching. Get ready for an underwater adventure like no other!。




1.海绵宝宝历险记 [J], 意意
2.谁动了我的秘方——《海绵宝宝历险记:海绵出水》 [J], 王岗;
3.炸弹绵宝宝大电影:海绵出水 [J], ;
4.浅论动画电影《海绵宝宝历险记》的主观色彩意向 [J], 邓诗元; 宋晓昱
5.海绵宝宝历险记之海绵出水 [J],

下面店铺为大家带来海绵宝宝的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!海绵宝宝的英语意思SpongeBob SquarePants海绵宝宝的英语词汇搭配海绵宝宝历险记 The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie海绵宝宝餐厅 SpongeBob Diner Dash Deluxe海绵宝宝电影版 The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie ;海绵宝宝汉堡冒险 Sponge Bob Eating Crab Fort逃出海绵宝宝房间 SpongeBob Escape海绵宝宝的双语例句1. Includes SpongeBob , Squidward , Patrick , and Gary minifigures, plus plenty of jellyfish!套装中包括海绵宝宝,沃得, 派克和盖瑞人物玩偶和很多的水母!2. Set includes SpongeBob, Squidward , Mr. Krabs and Plankton minifigures.套装中包括海绵宝宝, 沃得, 卡比先生和普拉肯人物玩偶!3. Finally, push the green button ( circled ), switch back to SpongeBob, and collect the Krabby Patties.没关系, 一直按着绿色按钮, ( 译者写 ) 切换到海绵宝宝搜集蟹皇堡.4. SpongeBob SquarePants play, through a series of mini - games anxious to get back the stolen material!扮演海绵宝宝, 努力通过一系列的令人忐忑不安的小型游戏去找回被盗的原料!5.Michael Jordan did fast food companies, kobe Bryant, and then you of course get all the cartoon characters like Sponge Bob and other things that over the years have been associated with anumber of these products, so that--those attachments are very important. Yes?迈克尔·乔丹为快餐店代言,还有科比·布莱恩特,当然,还有那些卡通角色,像海绵宝宝等其它角色,多年以来,它们都与,一系列产品紧密联系,所以这些联系是十分重要的,对吧6.My nephew smashing my brand new guitar to be like Spongebob. FML过了一会儿我去厨房给他准备点心,只听得一声巨响……我外甥像海绵宝宝那样把我的新吉他砸得粉碎。



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海绵宝宝历险记:海绵出水噢,原来你在这儿啊!我的小心肝儿!Oh, there you are, my lovely. 嗯,你说什么?Hmm! What's that?把书拿走?Take the book?我不会太客气的I don't mind if I do.总算是到手了At last, it is mine.最终,你还是成了我的Finally, you are mine.好吧,开打吧!只管放马过来!All right. Let's do this. Bare knuckles. 来吧小骷髅,你吓不到我的Bring it on, skinny. You don't scare me. 你们有没有7 ?You got any sevens?去屎吧注:牌桌上称很弱的玩家为FishGo fish.就这么点儿本事?Is that all you got?啊吼Ooh.自动驾驶嗯Hmm.伙计,超期未还哦Man, this is way overdue.“曾几何时,在大海的深处”"Once upon a time, under the sea,“有一个小镇,被称为:比奇堡”"there was a little town called Bikini Bottom.“这个小镇里,有一个餐厅”"In this town, there was a place“叫做:蟹堡王餐厅”"called The Krusty Krab,“那里的居民都会去吃一种汉堡”"where folks would come to eat athing“叫做:蟹黄堡”"called the Krabby Patty.“那么说到这里就不得不提一提”"Every greasy spoon has a fry cook, “在这里工作的这个厨师了”"and the one who worked here“那就是穿方裤子的:海绵宝宝”"was named SpongeBob SquarePants."海绵宝宝主题曲是谁住在水下的菠萝屋里?Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?海绵宝宝!SpongeBob SquarePants!都闭嘴,别唱了黄颜色的他吸收又吐气!Just hold it. Hold it.Absorbent and yellow and porous is he海绵宝宝!SpongeBob SquarePants!如果你想要打发航海的无趣!If nautical nonsense be something youwish海绵宝宝!SpongeBob SquarePants!就趴在甲板上扑打像鱼!Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish海绵宝宝!SpongeBob SquarePants!住嘴!Stop!哈?Huh?那唯一不爽的事There's only one thing worse就是那些会说话的鸟……than talking birds, and that would be...太聒噪了!Singing birds!好吧,我保证不太噪~~Okay, I promise not to si-i-i-ng.看看我们Take it from us.他真的是很讨厌会唱歌的鸟He really does hate singing birds.请继续讲吧,海盗先森Just keep weading. Pwease, Mr. Piwate, sir.过来靠近点,我继续给你们讲故事Come closer while I tell you the tale.-OK,开始吧-别那么近!!Okay, start reading. No. Not that close! 嘢,嗯哼Yeah. Hmm.好吧,开始了All right, here we go.那么,海绵宝宝很喜欢Now, SpongeBob loved his job他的厨师工作……as a fry cook...……爱的胜过任何事...more than anything.那真的是真爱And that is saying a lot因为他什么都喜欢because he loved everything!他喜欢他的宠物蜗牛,小蜗He loved his pet snail, Gary.他喜欢他的朋友,派大星He loved his best friend, Patrick.他喜欢吹泡泡He loved blowing bubbles以及水母~and jellyfishing. Whee!他喜欢做蟹黄堡He loved making Krabby Patties给比奇堡的居民吃for the folks of Bikini Bottom就如同他们爱吃蟹黄堡一样just as much as they loved eating them. 为什么?你可能会问……Why, you may ask,为什么他们这么爱这个油油的小三明治?do they love this greasy little sandwich so much?为什么他们早上吃……Why did they eat them for breakfast...中午吃……...lunch,晚上还吃and dinner,甚至无视医生的警告despite their doctor's warnings?他只剩一周的寿命了He'll be gone in a week.噢,哈罗德!Oh, Harold!喔,这是个秘密Oh. It was a secret.没有人知道No one was sure what was为什么这个汉堡如此好吃in these patties that made them so delicious. 甚至没人在意这一点And, frankly, no one cared,除了痞老板except for Plankton. Meh.痞老板在蟹堡王的街对面Plankton owned a restaurant right across the street也有一家餐厅from The Krusty Krab,但是没人去吃where no one ate因为那里做的东西实在是烂because the food was really bad.有必要这么说吗?Now, is that really necessary?痞老板穷尽了他的一生Plankton had made it his life's work都想要偷取配方to steal the recipe.海绵宝宝,别这样,我们谈谈吧SpongeBob, please, let's talk about this!而海绵宝宝永远都会守护这个配方And SpongeBob was always there to protect it.但是今天,事情……But today, things就完全不同了would be different.早上好,海绵宝宝Good morning, SpongeBob!好啊,派大星Morning, Patrick!你的餐前蟹黄堡吃过了吗?You here for your pre-lunch Krabby Patty?我今天吃了两个I'm getting two today.你个我吃,一个给了我朋友One for me and one for my friend.噢,我见过你的朋友吗?Oh. Have I met this friend?“当然认识了,海绵宝宝”"You know me, SpongeBob."用餐愉快,派肚皮Enjoy, Patrick's tummy.13Thirteen,14、15……fourteen, fifteen...嘿,蟹老板,我觉得那是我们Hey, Mr. Krabs, I thought we got周四的调味酱our tartar sauce delivery on Thursday.调味……Tartar...酱?Sauce?正中靶心!哈哈哈~Bull's-eye!痞老板!Plankton!所以,他想来个食物大战吗,啊?So it's a food fight he wants, eh?欢迎乘坐痞老板航空Welcome to Air Plankton.请调回你的座椅并收起小桌板Please put your seat backs and tray tables up我们就要接近目的地了as we're now approaching our final destination. 好了,派大星,装填土豆炮弹Okay, Patrick, load the potatoes!土豆泥还是土豆片,长官?Mashed or scalloped, sir?不是,派大星,土豆弹No, Patrick. Raw.是,遵命,长官!Sir, yes, sir!锁定并装填完毕!Locked and loaded!不要担心,小配方,你在这是安全的Don't worry, little formuler, you'll be safe in this,恩,安全uh, safe.开火!Fire!土豆?Potatoes?敌军正在接近!He's closing in!我觉得离他到达这里还需要几分钟~I think we have a few minutes before he gets here.他就在我们上方!He's right on top of us!嘿,下薯条了!Hey, it's raining fries!想把我的小心肝打下来你还需要再多点土豆呢It's gonna take a lot more than potatoes to bring this baby down.或者,也许不需要Or maybe not.喔!Whoo!等一下,派大星,看他又弄了辆坦克!Wait a minute, Patrick, look! He's got a tank!好吧,蟹堡王,送你们根腌黄瓜尝尝吧Well, Krabs, you're certainly in a pickle now!嘿,下腌黄瓜了Hey, it's raining pickles!现在又下……Now it's raining...坦克了~Tanks.不用谢了!You're welcome!惨了Finland.请下命令,长官!Your orders, sir!我要两个蟹黄堡I'll have two Krabby Patties-extra ketchup,番茄酱加量、芥末酱加量、超多蛋黄酱extra mustard, and hold the mayo.打错了!Wrong channel!请下命令,长官!Your orders, sir!番茄酱加量、芥末酱加量、超多蛋黄酱!Extra ketchup! Extra mustard! Hold the mayo!遵命,长官!Yes, sir!番茄酱加量、芥末酱加量Extra ketchup! Extra mustard!超多~蛋黄酱~Hold the mayo!准备释放美味啦!Unleash the condiments!加量不加价With relish.不好意思Excuse me.哈喽?Hello?哈喽?Hello?-我猜你们不想要钱了-收钱?Guess y'all don't want my money. Money?谢谢,欢迎光临!Thank you! Come again!我拿不住蛋黄酱了~I can't hold the mayo any longer!蛋黄酱?好吧,再多的蛋黄酱也不能……Mayo? Well, it's going to take a lot more than mayo to stop...还有什么啊?Now what?噢!Oh!刚想起来,我不是蟹老板的员工……I just remembered, I don't work for Mr. Krabs!机器人!机器人!Robot! Robot!机器人!进击的巨人!Robot! Giant robot!机器人!机器人!Robot! Robot!蟹老板,痞老板来了,而且还开着个超大机器人Mr. Krabs, Plankton's here and he's got a giant robot!快点,伙计,堵住门!Quick, boy, bar the door!搞定!Got it!那我就把秘方……I'll take one secret formula...……带走了...to go.噢,我勒个去,没油了?Oh, barnacles. I'm out of gas?我还没完呢I'm not through yet.我还有能让你乖乖交出秘方的东西呢I've got something that will make you hand over that formula.一些你完全不能拒绝的东西Something you can't resist.现金!Money!没错,哈?Yes! Huh?这是……这是……不可能的!That's... That's... That's impossible!上周钱还是满的呢啊Well, it was full of money just last week.我买了架飞机,又买了辆坦克And then I bought that airplane and built that tank.听起来好像Sounds to me like某个人要破个小产咯!someone's just a wee bit broke!好吧,蟹老板,好像你赢了Well, Krabs, I guess you've won.为了把你从这生意里搞走I've spent every penny I've ever made我花掉了所有积蓄trying to put you out of business.除了我这最后的一枚硬币Except this one. My last penny.我能拿这可怜的一枚硬币干什么呢?Besides, what can I do with one measly cent anyway?给你个建议,你可以交给我You could give it to me. Just a suggestion. 给,拿去吧Here, take it.你已经夺走了一切,多一枚又何妨You've taken everything else. Why not?那么,痞老板,像回锅蟹黄堡一样Well, Plankton, like a reheated Krabby Patty,你又一次失败了you've been foiled again.我想这意味着那秘方I guess this means the secret formula永远安全了,对吗,蟹老板?is safe forever, right, Mr. Krabs?当然了,孩子!It sure does, boy.还不赶快夹着尾巴滚?Why don't you scurry along?感谢惠顾!生活愉快!Thanks for coming! Have a nice day!他在外面哭了有20分钟了He's been out there crying for 20 minutes. 悲哀Pathetic.我要过去幸灾乐祸一下I'm just going to go out there and gloat a little. 独眼龙呼叫笔记本!听到请回答,笔记本!Cyclops to Laptop. Come in, Laptop.“笔记本”?你要明白这昵称实在太烂了"Laptop." You do realize that nickname is demeaning?我可比笔记本多一块电源呢!I have twice the processing power of a laptop.算了,保持信道畅通吧Never mind. Maintain radio silence.终于!Finally!啊?Huh?压力感应器吗?蟹老板?A pressure plate, eh, Krabs?小菜一碟Amateur hour.嗯Hmm.完美啊!Perfect!看起来还不错Not a bad likeness.对付那蠢货蟹老板足够了!Good enough to fool that idiot Krabs.慢点,慢点Easy, easy.痞老板破产咯,噢吼Plankton's broke! Ooh-ooh.看蟹老板那样子Look at Mr. Krabs go.从来没见过他这么刻薄I've never seen him gloat this hard before. 嘿,好吧,痞老板Hey, well, Plankton,我觉得是时候停止幸灾乐祸了me bunions are telling me it's time to stop gloating.嗯?你看起来好像开线了噢Huh? Looks like you're falling apart at the seams.-啊?-我真可怜~Huh? Poor me.-呜咽,呜咽~-机器人?Sob, sob. A robot?痞老板?Plankton?啊噢Uh-oh.这下遭了That ain't good.启动锁定程序Initiating lockdown sequence.我的秘方!Me formuler!啊?噢!Huh? Ow!No, no, no! No!No, no, no! No!章鱼哥,开门!Squidward! Open up!哈-哈-胜利之舞-Boo-yaHa-ha, victory dance. Boo-ya.拿过来!Give me that!摆脱,海绵宝宝,跟我干吧!Come on, SpongeBob, join me!我们会非常有钱有势的And we'll be rich and powerful,~在我背叛你之前until I eventually betray you.-呃,加入吧!-不,不可能!Uh, join me! No! Never!我跟定蟹老板了!I'm on Team Krabs for life!痞老板!Plankton!啊?秘方哪去了?What? Where'd it go?等一下,分子解构?Wait a minute. Molecular deconstruction?这个不可能的科学现象我证明过7 次啊!I proved that to be a scientific impossibility seven times!等一下Wait a minute.我今天好像忘了给小蜗清垃圾了I think I forgot to empty Gary's litter box today.我的秘方呢?痞老板!Where's me formuler, Plankton?我……我不知道,它消失了!I... I don't know! It just disappeared!我为什么会相信你啊,你这个诈骗犯?!Why should I believe you, you lying liar?正常情况下,我举双手赞成你说的,蟹老板Normally, I'd agree with you, Mr. Krabs,但是这次他说的是真的,秘方突然消失了!but this time he's telling the truth. It just vanished!是真的!It's true!蟹老板,我跟你说,他是无辜的Mr. Krabs, I'm telling you he's innocent!你要干什么啊,蟹老板What are you going to do, Krabs?要在我身上倒热油吗?Pour hot oil on me?还是要在我的指甲上插竹签?Or put bamboo shoots under my nails? 不,敲敲门No. Knock, knock.玩敲门游戏?我能跟你玩一整天,老蟹Knock-knock jokes? I can do this all day, Krabs.咚咚,敲门啦Knock, knock.噢,天哪,是谁啊?Oh, boy. Who's there?吉米Jimmy.吉米什么?Jimmy who?吉米秘方!痞老板!还我秘方!痞老板!注:Jimmy 谐音Gave meJimmy back my formuler, Plankton!好吧,蠢死了,但是这就是你的大刑伺候?Well, that's stupid, but how is it torture?你会明白的You'll see.“吉~米~秘~方”?"Jimmy back my formula"?嗯Hmm.喔!Oh!我明白了!I get it!快让他停下,蟹老板,快停下!Oh, make it stop, Krabs! Make it stop! 蟹老板?闭嘴!海绵宝宝Mr. Krabs? SpongeBob, zip it!谢谢你,章鱼哥Thank you, Squidward.客户都被你们搞毛了!The customers are getting restless!他们纷纷要求They're asking for退款refunds.退款Refunds.退款?Refunds?退款!退款!Refund! Refund!听着,臭小子,快点进去Listen up, boy. Get in there快给他们做些蟹黄堡!and make me customers some Krabby Patties! 好了,痞老板……啊?All right, Plankton... Huh?海绵宝宝,怎么啦,孩子?SpongeBob! What's wrong, boy?我们没有蟹黄堡了?We're out of Krabby Patties?我们没了秘方怎么做蟹黄堡啊?How can we make more Krabby Patties without the secret formula?那现在只能靠你的记忆做了!You've got to have that formuler memorized by now!话虽如此,先生But as you are aware, sir,但是员工规章上明文规定了以下内容:the employee handbook clearly states, and I quote,“任何员工不得以任何形式”"No employee may, in part or in whole, “私自使用蟹黄堡制作秘方”"commit the Krabby Patty secret formula “包括但不限于书面形式……”"to any recorded written or visual form,“以及记忆中、梦境中等类似情况下”"including memories, dreams, and/or needlepoint."我勒个草,TMD 什么条款啊!Curse you, fine print!退款!退款!退款!Refund! Refund! Refund!停一下!Stop!我也是受害者!I'm not your enemy!痞老板才是你们的敌人!Plankton is your enemy!那么敌人是个海葵或者海虫?So is he an anemone or a plankton?总之,是要有人负责的Well, someone had to do it.但是,蟹老板……But Mr. Krabs...他窃取了你们的这个!He took this from you!-蟹黄堡……-我差点就吃到了Krabby Patty... I can almost taste it. 呃,蟹老板,痞老板没拿秘方Uh, Mr. Krabs, Plankton didn't take the secret formula.现在别说这个,海绵宝宝Not now, SpongeBob!嘿,我还叫了双份蟹黄堡呢Hey! I ordered a double Krabby Patty!那么跟我一起找回秘方吧!So join me! Help get the formuler back,然后我会给你们每人一份免费的蟹黄堡!and I'll give each and every one of you a free Krabby Patty!噢,不,等等!Oh, no! Wait!还是~给优惠券吧!Even better, a slight discount!打倒海之霸!To The Chum Bucket!但是他没有拿But he didn't do it.我明明用我贪婪的小手抓到了I had it right in my greedy little mitts, 然后……嘭的一声and then... Poof!不见了,一去不复返了!And now it's gone. Gone forever.噢,我几乎就得到了人们的尊重/恐惧Oh, I was so close to gaining the people's respect-slash-fear.呃,痞老板?Um, Plankton?噢,那将是我结束沮丧/耻辱的一刻啊Oh, when will my frustration-slash-humiliation end?痞老板?别插嘴啊!Plankton? Not now, hon!我正在咆哮/呓语I'm ranting-slash-raving.好吧,到底怎么了?All right, what is it?那么,我刚才想告诉你有一群愤怒的暴民在外面Well, I was trying to tell you there's an angry mob outside.但是现在已经进来了But now they're inside.噢~Oh.-哼-我只是个上班的Hmm? I just work here.我们有几句话找你聊聊!We'd like to have a word with you!你们应该都饿了吧You all look very hungry.有没有人来过海霸堡尝尝?Can I get anybody a Chum Burger?我们对你太客气了,痞老板!Enough with the niceties, Plankton!我再问你最后一次!This is the last time I'm going to ask you.我的秘方哪去了?!Where is me formuler?我说过了,蟹老板,我没拿~I told you, Krabs, I don't have it.回答错误!Wrong answer.住手!Stop!好了,蟹老板,这个让我来吧!All right, Mr. Krabs, let me get in on this. 到底是要怎么着啊?What's going on around here?你可能要往后退一点,蟹老板You may want to step back a little, Mr. Krabs.可能会乱七八糟的This could get messy.我倒希望这样Let's hope so.怎么你还不老实交代吗,痞老板?So you won't talk, eh, Plankton?这么做其实我是拒绝的I didn't want to have to do this.痞老板,承受痛苦吧Plankton, here comes the pain.肥皂水弄他眼睛里吗?够毒辣!Soap in the eye, eh? Diabolical!不!不要!别介!No! Stop! Don't!等等,好像不是很痛苦的样子Wait. That didn't look painful.蟹老板,你可能不明白我今天为什么要这么做Mr. Krabs, you may not understand what I'm about to do today,但是总有一天,我们会和好如初的but someday we'll look back and have a good laugh.等一下Wait a minute.嘿,他们要跑了!Hey, they're getting away!对不起了,蟹老板!Sorry, Mr. Krabs!这么说你是一直都在骗我咯,啊?So, you've been running a long con on me, eh?这些年你一直在当痞老板的卧底?!All these years you've been working for Plankton!他们是一伙的!They're in cahoots!没错,简单来说是那样的Yeah, I guess that's a short way of saying it. 打掉那个泡泡!Stop that bubble!拜托请告诉我下面是软的Please tell me there's something soft below me.嗯~~不是Mmm, nope.海绵宝宝!SpongeBob!哦,虽然工资不高但我一直对你视如己出Oh. You were like an underpaid son to me.我一直觉得章鱼哥会在我背后捅刀子I would've expected Squidwardto stab me in the back.啊?什么?啊?Huh? What? Huh?但海绵宝宝?我最信任的员工?But SpongeBob?竟然是敌人的卧底?Me most trusted employee? Working with me sworn enemy?你知道这意味着什么吗?章鱼哥You know what this means, Mr. Squidward.我们要放一天假?We get the rest of the day off?不!No!这就是我最担心的预兆啊This be but a harbinger of what I fear lies ahead.对你来说,也对我来说For you. For me.对所有比奇堡的居民来说For all of Bikini Bottom!蟹黄堡就是我们之间的纽带The Krabby Patty is what ties us all together!没有它,我们的社会秩序将彻底破裂Without it, there will be a complete breakdown of social order.战争即将降临A war of all against all!黑暗时代正在揭幕Dark times are ahead.动荡即将到来!Dark times indeed!真的吗?Seriously?你是不是反应过度了?Aren't you overreacting a bit?哈?Huh?欢迎来到创世纪,章鱼哥Welcome to the apocalypse, Mr. Squidward. 希望你喜欢这身皮革I hope you like leather.我喜欢麂皮I prefer suede.然后,比奇堡开始变成了And so Bikini Bottom became世界末日的化粪池,永永远远an apocalyptic cesspool forevermore. 剧终The end.等一等,这结局太可怕了Wait a minute. That's a terrible ending.-噢,这太不好了,太不好了-什么?什么?Oh, this is bad. Really bad. What? What?海绵宝宝麻烦大了,然后就结束了?SpongeBob's in trouble and the story's over?啊噢!啊噢!啊噢!Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.嘿,给我找个医生!Hey, call a therapist!我要抑郁了!I have anxiety!这不可能是故事的结局!There is no way that that's the end of this story.当然是了!不信等下给你看Of course it is. I'll show you.转过身去Just turn around.噢,就是这样!Oh, all right.嘿!Hey!我靠这个飞呢,你个傻逼!I need that to fly, you jerk.“剧"The终!”"End"!这才不是剧终呢!That's not the end!当然是了!Of course it is!放开这本书,赶快松嘴!Unhand that book! You let go of that!快松开,你这蠢货!Let go, you numbskull!你最好读下去,海盗先生You better keep reading, Mr. Pirate,要不然~or else!我知道我不该乱丢垃圾,但是这结局实在是太烂了I know I shouldn't be littering, but that ending was rubbish!哈哈哈哈~Rubbish!早上好,章鱼哥,我还是来份老套餐Good morning, Squidward. I'll have the usual.多加芝士With cheese.我们现在已经没有蟹黄堡了!We're out of Krabby Patties right now! 没蟹黄堡了?!No Krabby Patties?不要啊!!No!看看比奇堡都变成啥了Look what's become of Bikini Bottom.我们真的需要找回秘方了We've really gotta get that formula back. 嗯,你说要找回秘方?Hmm. Get the secret formula, you say?抱歉,给我点时间Excuse me, I need a moment.有了秘方的话,我就可以统治世界啦With that formula, I could rulethe world!你知道我能听到的,对吧?You know I can hear you, right?好吧,我们要怎么做呢?Well, what do we do now?现在我们要一起做这件事,懂得吧?团队合作Now we work together. You know, teamwork.什么是……呃……土-安~队合作What's, uh, "tee-am work"?不是,痞老板,团队合作No, Plankton, teamwork.土-安~队合作Tee-am work.-团队合作-秃队合作Teamwork. Tie-'em work.-团队合作-土堆和桌Teamwork. Tie 'em up!-说“团”,就像那个旅游……-团Say "team," like a sports... Team.-团,然后说“队”-队Team. Now say "work." Work.然后放在一起,怎么说?Put them together. What do you got?图案的味……合作Time bomb work.进展不错!Getting better!现在播报比奇堡突发新闻Now, Bikini Bottom Action News!噢,嘿,派大星Oh, hey, Patrick!蟹黄堡!蟹黄堡!蟹黄堡!蟹黄堡!Krabby Patty, Krabby Patty, Krabby Patty, Krabby Patty!蟹黄堡!蟹黄堡!蟹黄……Krabby Patty, Krabby Patty, Krabby...蟹黄堡!蟹黄堡!蟹黄……Krabby Patty, Krabby...蟹黄堡!蟹黄……Krabby Patty...蟹黄堡!……Krabby...蟹黄堡!Krabby!走吧,肚皮Come on, tummy,今天会很难过……it's gonna be a long day.各位观众十分抱歉We interrupt your regular program现在插播一条重要新闻for an important news bulletin.伯奇伯金向您报道Perch Perkins reporting live比奇堡现场~实况from downtown Bikini Bottom.今天我们的小镇完全陷入混乱之中Complete chaos here today as our town attempts to deal with这是因为蟹黄堡突然供应短缺~哇噢!a sudden and complete shortage of Krabby Patties. Whoa!现在甚至连我们记者都想知道Events here have this reporter wondering,蟹黄堡的秘密成分到底是什么呐?what is the secret ingredient in Krabby Patties anyway?是爱!秘方就是爱!It's love! The secret ingredient is love!再也没有蟹黄堡了?No more Krabby Patties?早知道的话……If I'd have known that,我就吃慢一点了……啊?I'd have chewed it slower. Huh?那是神马玩意儿啊?What the corndog is that?拜托,痞老板,很简单的!Come on, Plankton, it's easy!也就是我帮你,你帮我!It means, I help you, you help me,然后完成的时候and when we accomplish our goal,我们把手放在一起then we do hands in the middle.把手放一起?不,不,听起来很傻耶!Hands in the middle? No, no. Sounds idiotic.还有,就凭我们俩就想对抗下面那些暴民了吗?!Besides, the two of us are no match for that cranky mob!也许我们是该试试……We could probably use a few more图-案队合作tee-am works.那是必须的,我就这意思!That's exactly what I was thinking!等等,你要干……嘛?!Wait, what are you doing?我 (I)要……蟹黄堡!Need Krabby Patties!派大星,你干嘛呢?Patrick, what are you doing?蟹黄堡!Krabby Patties!砸东西呢Vandalizing stuff.砸你自己的房子吗?Isn't that your house?嘿,你有什么意见嘛?!Hey, what's with all the questions?你们是谁啊?Who are you guys?我啊,你的好朋友!海绵宝宝?It's me, your best friend! SpongeBob? 噢,是吗?好吧,如果你是海绵宝宝……Oh, yeah? Well, if you're SpongeBob,那么通关密码是什么?then what's the secret password? 呃……Uh...正确!真的是你!Correct! It is you!-海绵宝宝!-哇噢!SpongeBob! Whoa!-海绵宝宝-派大星!SpongeBob. Patrick!海绵宝宝!SpongeBob!你为什么不在蟹堡王做蟹黄堡了?Why aren't you at The Krusty Krab making Krabby Patties?呃,我想做来着,但是秘方不见了Well, I'd love to, but the formula's gone.呃啊,蟹老板说你跟痞老板合伙偷走了Yeah, Mr. Krabs says you and Plankton took it.不对,事情不是那样的!No, that's not what happened.是突然不见的!It just disappeared.我们要组成团队去找秘方We're putting a team together to find it.团队?A team?噢!噢!选我!选我!选我!Oh! Oh! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! OK,派大星,算你一个Okay, Patrick, you're in.我不太同意,海绵宝宝I don't know, SpongeBob.为啥要跟这活宝组成图案队?What exactly does this clown bring to the tee-am?他是很忠诚的,痞老板He brings loyalty, Plankton.忠诚,对吧,派大星?Loyalty. Isn't that right, Patrick?当然了,我很忠诚Yeah, yeah, loyalty.我抓到的海绵宝宝!I've got SpongeBob!他在这儿呢!He's over here!快去抓住他!Let's go get him!拜托,海绵宝宝!我们快走吧!Come on, SpongeBob, let's get out of here!派大星~Patrick!派大星,为什么你要这么做?!Patrick, why are you doing this?因为我……要……吃……Because I need蟹黄堡!Krabby Patties!快点!我饿了!Hurry up! I'm hungry!就在这儿!Over here!伙计们,我还是团队一员吗?Guys, am I still on the team?嘿,你看什么看?Hey, what are you looking at?珊迪?!Sandy!珊迪?!Sandy!珊迪~Sandy?珊迪,你在家吗?Sandy, are you home?天~痞老板,真希望她在家~Gee, Plankton, I wonder where she is. 这都是些什么啊?What is all this stuff?珊迪?Sandy?别碰这个!Don't touch that!语无伦次~喃喃自语~Incoherent muttering.珊迪?你没事吧?Sandy? Are you okay?没事?!Okay?你没看外面吗?这像“没事”吗?!Have you looked outside? Does that seem "okay" to you?我要搞清楚到底发生了什么?I'm trying to figure out what happened to society.如果我们不赶快解决这个If we don't fix it soon,那就彻底完蛋了!there won't be anything left to fix!珊迪?Sandy?看来吃不到蟹黄堡已经把她搞疯了The lack of Krabby Patties has driven her mad.我觉得,我搞清楚了!And I think I figgered it out.看!Look.当这东西落下来的时候When this came down from above,我就知道这只意味着一件事!I knew it could only mean one thing.意味着什么?And that would be?意味着剧终!It means it's the end!汉堡之神生气了!The sandwich gods are angry with us!汉堡之神?Sandwich gods?我只是不知道该如何安抚神灵!I just don't know how we're going toappease them!你还有其他朋友吗?You got any other friends比如修灯泡的或者卖坚果的?who aren't dim bulbs or nut jobs?好吧,我还有一个最忠诚的朋友呢Well, I have one friend who's loyal to the very end.小蜗,我回来了Gary, I'm home.小蜗蜗?Gare-bear?小蜗?Gary?小蜗?Gary?呃……啊?Ugh. Huh?真恶心!Revolting!但这意味着小蜗就在附近But it means Gary is close by!小蜗,我回来了Gary, I'm back!哇噢……Whoa.噢,小蜗,我和痞老板需要你帮我们找蟹黄堡秘方Oh, hey, Gary, Plankton and I need you to help us find the Krabby Patty formula然后恢复往常的比奇堡and fix Bikini Bottom.不用按我说的做?你什么意思?What do you mean, you don't have to do as I say anymore?“蜗牛之王”?你什么意思?What do you mean, "King of Snails"? 臭小蜗,你赶快给我下来,然后跟我们一起走Gary The Snail, you get down here right now and join this team!“抓住他们”?你什么意思?What do you mean, "Seize them"?你跑什么啊?Why are you running?因为他们在后面追啊!Because they're right on our tail.噢对了,他们是蜗牛~Oh, right, snails.你的图案队还真不少……Well, so much for your tee-am.组建一个团队比我想象的难多了Putting together a team is a lot harder than I thought it would be!在这边!This way!风头过去之前,我们最好还是离开这里先We better get out of here until things cool off.所有我们喜欢的事情都变糟了Everything we know and love has been destroyed.噢,是的,看样子他们要Oh, yeah, looks like they're gonna have to 把比奇堡改成垃圾堡了change the name of Bikini Bottom to Dirty Bottom.对吧,海绵宝宝?Right, SpongeBob?好像是挺恶心的,痞老板That's kind of gross, Plankton.是啊,对,太快了,是吧?Yeah. Yeah, too soon, huh?感觉好像真的要结束了~This feels like it really is the end.别担心,海绵宝宝Don't worry, SpongeBob,我们会找到秘方的,然后一切都会恢复如初we'll find the secret formula and everything will go back to the way it was,你懂的,所有的快乐和悲伤you know, all happy and junk.现在,试着睡一觉吧Now let's try and get some sleep.对啊,我想你是对的Yeah, I guess you're right.快快睡吧,舒服点了吗?Here you are. Feel comfy?知道吗,痞老板You know, Plankton,我觉得你应该是明白了一些I think you might know a little bit more 什么是团队合作about teamwork than you let on.晚安吧,海绵宝宝Good night, SpongeBob.晚安,痞老板Good night, Plankton.你确实要“好好睡觉”哦"Good night," indeed.就是这样,海绵宝宝,睡吧~That's right, SpongeBob, sleep.秘方应该就存在你脑袋里的某个地方吧You're hiding that formula in there somewhere.哈?Huh?好吧,这里好像没什么东西啊Well, here goes nothing.咦?Huh?这里到底是哪儿啊?What is this place?糖浆大战!Fudge fight!噢,弄得我浑身都是!Oh, it's all over me!呃!这里甜过头了吧!!Ew! It's so sweet in here!甜的我的眼都要牙疼了!I think my eyeball is getting a toothache!你好啊,痞老板Hello, Plankton.快来和我们一块玩啊Come and play with us.快点Hurry在我们融化之前~before we melt.哇噢……Whoa...真的甜过头了啊!So much sweetness.都要给我甜出病来啦!I think I'm going to be sick!啊?Huh?爹地!Daddy!噢,痞老板?喔,痞老板!Uh, Plankton? Oh, Plankton!我刚才做了个很疯的梦,里面还有你I just had the craziest dream! And you were in it!我觉得肯定没我!I'm sure it was nothing.现在,赶紧继续睡吧Now go back to sleep.你刚才进到我脑袋里了?Were you in my brain?什么?怎么可能?!什么疯话!What? No! That's crazy talk!那为什么你的小天线上都是我的棉花糖?!Then why is there cotton candy on your antenna?因为,呃……因为,呃……Because, uh, because, uh...好吧,我刚进了你的脑袋Okay, fine, I was in your brain.你都在里面干了什么?What were you doing in there?你觉得我会干什么啊?What do you think I was doing?当然是找秘方了!Looking for the secret formula.。