
1. commodity [kəˈmɒdəti] - n. 商品;日用品。
- 例句:This commodity is in great demand in the international market.(这种商品在国际市场上需求量很大。
)2. merchandise [ˈmɜːtʃəndaɪs] - n. 商品;货物;v. 买卖;推销。
- 例句:The company merchandises a wide range of products.(这家公司经销各种各样的产品。
)- 例句:They are checking the merchandise in the warehouse.(他们正在仓库里检查货物。
)3. product [ˈprɒdʌkt] - n. 产品;产物;结果。
- 例句:Our new product has a high - quality standard.(我们的新产品有很高的质量标准。
)4. goods [ɡʊdz] - n. 商品;货物(复数形式)- 例句:These goods are ready for export.(这些货物准备出口。
1. order [ˈɔːdə(r)] - n. 订单;命令;顺序;v. 订购;命令。
- 例句:We received a large order from an overseas client.(我们收到了一个海外客户的大订单。
)- 例句:Please order the goods as soon as possible.(请尽快订购货物。
)2. purchase order [ˈpɜːtʃəs ˈɔːdə(r)] - n. 采购订单。
- 例句:The purchase order has been sent to the supplier.(采购订单已经发送给供应商了。

外贸常用英语词汇大全1.商品品质数量包装价格品质条件品质quality 规格specifications 等级grade 标准standard样品sample 色彩样品colour sample 款式样品pattern sample原样original sample 复样duplicate sample对等样品countersample 参考样品reference sample封样sealed sample 代表性样品representative sample商品目录catalogue 宣传小册pamphlet 说明书description公差tolerance 货号article No.花色(搭配)assortment 增减5% plus or minus大路货(良好平均品质)fair average quality数量条件个数number 长度length 面积area 体积volume 容积capacity净重net weight 毛重gross weight 皮重tare 毛作净gross for net溢短装条款more or less clause 重量weight 装运重量shipping weight卸货重量landed weight 理论重量theoretical weight公吨metric ton 长吨long ton 短吨short ton 公斤kilogram, kilo, kg磅pound, lb 盎司ounce, oz件piece 双pair 打dozen 令ream 套setl 立方米cubic meter 升litre 加仑gallon 蒲式耳bushel公制metric system 英制british system 美制U.S.System包装方法起泡包装blister packing 中性包装neutral packing 吸塑包装skin packing挂式包装hanging packing 引某人注目catch sb's eye唛头mark 无牌的包装unlabelled packing 散装in bulk 散装in loose packing 裸装nude packing 整批包装bulk pack 零售包装consumer pack大包装large packing 小包装inner packing, external packing, end packing,压缩包装shrunk packaging 喷泡沫包装foam-spary packaging礼品包装gift-wrap 袋bag, sack麻袋jute bag 塑料袋polythelene bag, plastic bag尼龙绳网袋polythelene net 拉链袋zippered bag箱case, chest 盒box 木箱wooden case 纸箱carton集装箱container 板条箱rate 纤维板箱fibre board case小包packet 包bale 捆bundle 罐头tin , can篮,篓,筐basket 竹篓bamboo basket 瓶bottle小木桶wooden keg 大桶hogshead 铁桶iron drum 铁桶cylinder琵琶桶barrel 圆桶drum防水纸waterproof paper 玻璃纸cellophone 牛皮纸kraftpaper 沥青纸tar paper 蜡纸wax paper帆布canvas 油布、防水帆布tarpaulin纤维板fibreboard 尼龙腰子nylon strap 塑料腰子plastic strap胶带adhesive tape 填料stuffing material 尼龙丝nylon plastic泡沫塑料fermented plastic 纸屑paper scrap 木屑saw dust润滑油slushing compound价格条件价格术语trade term (price term) 价目表price list 总值total value 金额amount净价net price 零售价retail price 批发价wholesale price 单价unit price运费freight 码头费wharfage 卸货费landing charges 码头费wharfage港口税port dues 关税customs duty 印花税stamp duty折扣discount, allowance 佣金commission 回佣,回扣return commission含佣价price including commission .装运港port of shipment 卸货港port of discharge 目的港port of destination进口许口证import licence 出口许口证export licence现货价格spot price期货价格forward price 现行价格(时价)current price prevailing price 国际市场价格world (International)Market price 参考价格indicative price进口附加税import surcharge import variable 进口差价税duties海关估价customs valuation外汇foreign exchange 法定贬值devaluation 外币foreign currency法定升值revaluation 汇率rate of exchange 浮动汇率floating rate国际收支balance of payments硬通货hard currency 软通货soft currency直接标价direct quotation 间接标价indirect quotation金平价gold standard 买入汇率buying rate 卖出汇率selling rate固定汇率fixed rate 通货膨胀inflation金本位制度gold standard 黄金输送点gold points 铸币平价mint par纸币制度paper money system 国际货币基金international monetary fund黄金外汇储备gold and foreign exchange reserve汇率波动的官定上下限official upper and lower limits of fluctuatio2.国际贸易术语FCA (Free Carrier) 货交承运人FAS (Free Alongside Ship) 装运港船边交货FOB (Free on Board) 装运港船上交货CFR (Cost and Freight) 成本加运费CIF (Cost,Insurance and Freight) 成本、保险费加运费CPT (Carriage Paid To) 运费付至目的地CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid To) 运费、保险费付至目的地DAF (Delivered At Frontier) 边境交货DES (Delivered Ex Ship) 目的港船上交货DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay) 目的港码头交货DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) 未完税交货DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) 完税后交货进出口贸易出口信贷export credit 出口津贴export subsidy 商品倾销dumping外汇倾销exchange dumping优惠关税special preferences 保税仓库bonded warehouse贸易顺差favorable balance of trade 贸易逆差unfavorable balance of trade进口配额制import quotas 自由贸易区free trade zone对外贸易值value of foreign trade 国际贸易值value of international trade普遍优惠制generalized system of preferences-GSP最惠国待遇most-favored nation treatment-MFNT3.国际货物运输交货条件交货delivery 轮船steamship(缩写S.S) 装运、装船shipment租船charter (the chartered ship)交货时间time of delivery 定程租船voyage charter 装运期限time of shipment定期租船time charter托运人(一般指出口商)shipper, consignor 收货人consignee班轮regular shipping liner 驳船lighter舱位shipping space 油轮tanker 报关clearance of goods 陆运收据cargo receipt 提货to take delivery of goods空运提单airway bill 正本提单original BL 选择港(任意港)optional port选港费optional charges选港费由买方负担optional charges to be borne by the Buyers 或optional charges for Buyers’ account一月份装船shipment during January 或January shipment一月底装船shipment not later than Jan.31st.或shipment on or before Jan.31st.一/二月份装船shipment during Jan./Feb.或Jan./Feb. shipment在......(时间)分两批装船shipment during....in two lots在......(时间)平均分两批装船shipment during....in two equal lots分三个月装运in three monthly shipments 分三个月,每月平均装运in three equal monthly shipments立即装运immediate shipments 即期装运prompt shipments收到信用证后30天内装运shipments within 30 days after receipt of L/C不允许/允许分批装船partial shipment not allowed /partial shipment not permitted /partial shipment not unacceptable4.国际货物运输保险贸易保险术语All Risks 一切险F.P.A. (Free from Particular Average) 平安险W.A. / W.P.A (With Average or With Particular Average) 水渍险War Risk 战争险 F.W.R.D. (Fresh Water Rain Damage) 淡水雨淋险Risk of Intermixture and Contamination 混杂、玷污险Risk of Leakage 渗漏险Risk of Odor 串味险Risk of Rust 锈蚀险Shortage Risk 短缺险T.P.N.D. ( Theft, Pilferage & Non-delivery) 偷窃提货不着险Strikes Risk 罢工险5.国际国务买卖合同交易磋商、合同签订订单indent 订货;订购book; booking 电复cable reply实盘firm offer 递盘bid; bidding递实盘bid firm 还盘counter offer 发盘(发价)offer 发实盘offer firm询盘(询价)inquiry;enquiry指示性价格price indication 速复reply immediately 参考价reference price习惯做法usual practice交易磋商business negotiation 不受约束without engagement业务洽谈business discussion限**复subject to reply ** 限* *复到subject to reply reaching here **有效期限time of validity有效至**: valid till ** 购货合同purchase contract 销售合同sales contract购货确认书purchase confirmation 销售确认书sales confirmation一般交易条件general terms and conditions以未售出为准subject to prior sale 需经卖方确认subject to seller’s confirmation需经我方最后确认subject to our final confirmation6.贸易方式stocks 存货,库存量cash sale现货purchase 购买,进货bulk sale 整批销售,趸售distribution channels 销售渠道wholesale 批发retail trade 零售业hire-purchase 分期付款购买fluctuate in line with market conditions 随行就市unfair competition不合理竞争dumping 商品倾销dumping profit margin 倾销差价,倾销幅度antidumping 反倾销customs bond 海关担保chain debts 三角债freight forwarder 货运代理trade consultation 贸易磋商mediation of dispute 商业纠纷调解partial shipment 分批装运restraint of trade 贸易管制RTA (Regional Trade Arrangements) 区域贸易安排favorable balance of trade 贸易顺差unfavorable balance of trade 贸易逆差bonded warehouse 保税仓库transit trade 转口贸易tariff barrier 关税壁垒tax rebate 出口退税TBT (Technical Barriers to Trade) 技术性贸易壁垒INT (拍卖auction) 寄售consignment 招标invitation of tender投标submission of tenderagent 一般代理人general agent总代理人agency agreement 代理协议accumulative commission累计佣金compensation trade补偿贸易(或抵偿贸易)compensating/compensatory trade(又叫:往返贸易)counter tradeprocessing on giving materials来料加工assembling on provided parts 来料装配exclusive right独家经营/专营权exclusivity agreement 独家经营/包销/代理协议sole agency; sole agent; exclusive agency;exclusive agent独家代理7.商检仲裁索赔claim 争议disputes 罚金条款penalty 仲裁arbitration不可抗力force Majeure 仲裁庭arbitral tribunal产地证明书certificate of origin 品质检验证书inspection certificate of quanlity重量检验证书inspection certificate of weight (quantity)**商品检验局**commodity inspection bureau (*.C.I.B)品质、重量检验证书inspection certificate8.贸易机构及贸易伙伴词汇WTO (World Trade Organization) 世界贸易组织IMF (International Monetary Fund) 国际货币基金组织CTG (Council for Trade in Goods) 货币贸易理事会EFTA (European Free Trade Association) 欧洲自由贸易联盟AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Area) 东盟自由贸易区JCCT (China-US Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade) 中美商贸联委会NAFTA (North American Free Trade Area) 北美自由贸易区UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) 联合国贸易与发展议GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) 关贸总协定trade partner 贸易伙伴manufacturer 制造商,制造厂middleman 中间商,经纪人dealer 经销商wholesaler 批发商retailer, tradesman 零售商merchant 商人,批发商,零售商concessionaire, licensed dealer 受让人,特许权获得者consumer 消费者,用户client, customer 顾客,客户buyer 买主,买方carrier 承运人consignee 收货人。

wooden case
[ˈwudn keis]
state-owned enterprise
shipping order
call at
[kɔ:l æt]
stamp duty
exchange dumping
Representative sample
[ˈletə ɔv ˈkredit]
metric system
[ˈmetrik ˈsistəm]

外贸常见英文词汇汇总出口信贷export credit 出口津贴export subsidy商品倾销dumping 外汇倾销exchange dumping优惠关税special preferences 保税仓库bonded warehouse贸易顺差favorable balance of trade贸易逆差unfavorable balance of trade进口配额制import quotas 自由贸易区free trade zone对外贸易值value of foreign trade国际贸易值value of international trade普遍优惠制generalized system of preferences-GSP最惠国待遇most-favored nation treatment-MFNT价格条件价格术语trade term (price term)运费freight 单价price码头费wharfage 总值total value卸货费landing charges 金额amount关税customs duty 净价net price印花税stamp duty 含佣价price including commission 港口税port dues 回佣return commission .装运港port of shipment 折扣discount, allowance卸货港port of discharge 批发价wholesale price目的港port of destination 零售价retail price进口许口证import licence 现货价格spot price出口许口证export licence 期货价格forward price现行价格(时价)current price prevailing price国际市场价格world (International)Market price离岸价(船上交货价)FOB-free on board成本加运费价(离岸加运费价)C&F-cost and freight到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价)CIF-cost,insurance and freight交货条件交货delivery 轮船steamship(缩写S.S)装运、装船shipment 租船charter (the chartered ship) 交货时间time of delivery 定程租船voyage charter装运期限time of shipment 定期租船time charter托运人(一般指出口商)shipper, consignor收货人consignee 班轮regular shipping liner驳船lighter 舱位shipping space油轮tanker 报关clearance of goods陆运收据cargo receipt 提货to take delivery of goods 空运提单airway bill 正本提单original BL选择港(任意港)optional port 选港费optional charges选港费由买方负担optional charges to be borne by the Buyers 或optional charges for Buyers’ account一月份装船shipment during January 或January shipment一月底装船shipment not later than Jan.31st.或shipment on or before Jan.31st.一/二月份装船shipment during Jan./Feb.或Jan./Feb. shipment 在......(时间)分两批装船shipment during....in two lots在......(时间)平均分两批装船shipment during....in two equal lots分三个月装运in three monthly shipments分三个月,每月平均装运in three equal monthly shipments立即装运immediate shipments即期装运prompt shipments收到信用证后30天内装运shipments within 30 days after receipt of L/C不允许/允许分批装船partial shipment not allowed /partial shipment not permitted /partial shipment not unacceptable交易磋商、合同签订订单indent 订货;订购book; booking电复cable reply 实盘firm offer递盘bid; bidding 递实盘bid firm还盘counter offer 发盘(发价)offer发实盘offer firm 询盘(询价)inquiry;enquiry 指示性价格price indication 速复reply immediately参考价reference price 习惯做法usual practice交易磋商business negotiation 不受约束without engagement业务洽谈business discussion 限**复subject to reply ** 限* *复到subject to reply reaching here **有效期限time of validity 有效至**: valid till **购货合同purchase contract 销售合同sales contract购货确认书purchase confirmation销售确认书sales confirmation一般交易条件general terms and conditions以未售出为准subject to prior sale需经卖方确认subject to seller’s confirmation需经我方最后确认subject to our final confirmation贸易方式INT (拍卖auction) 寄售consignment招标invitation of tender 投标submission of tender一般代理人agent 总代理人general agent代理协议agency agreement 累计佣金accumulative commission 补偿贸易compensation trade (或抵偿贸易)compensating/compensatory trade(又叫:往返贸易)counter trade来料加工processing on giving materials来料装配assembling on provided parts独家经营/专营权exclusive right独家经营/包销/代理协议exclusivity agreement独家代理sole agency; sole agent; exclusive agency; exclusive agent品质条件品质quality 原样original sample规格specifications 复样duplicate sample说明description 对等样品countersample 标准standard type 参考样品reference sample 商品目录catalogue 封样sealed sample宣传小册pamphlet 公差tolerance货号article No. 花色(搭配)assortment 样品sample 5% 增减5% plus or minus代表性样品representative sample大路货(良好平均品质)fair average quality商检仲裁索赔claim 争议disputes罚金条款penalty 仲裁arbitration不可抗力force Majeure 仲裁庭arbitral tribunal 产地证明书certificate of origin品质检验证书inspection certificate of quanlity重量检验证书inspection certificate of weight (quantity)商品检验局**commodity inspection bureau (*.C.I.B)品质、重量检验证书inspection certificate数量条件个数number 净重net weight容积capacity 毛作净gross for net体积volume 皮重tare 毛重gross weight溢短装条款more or less clause外汇外汇foreign exchange 法定贬值devaluation外币foreign currency 法定升值revaluation汇率rate of exchange 浮动汇率floating rate国际收支balance of payments 硬通货hard currency直接标价direct quotation 软通货soft currency间接标价indirect quotation 金平价gold standard买入汇率buying rate 通货膨胀inflation卖出汇率selling rate 固定汇率fixed rate金本位制度gold standard 黄金输送点gold points铸币平价mint par 纸币制度paper money system 国际货币基金international monetary fund黄金外汇储备gold and foreign exchange reserve汇率波动的官定上下限official upper and lower limits of fluctuatio。

外贸英语词汇大全外贸英语词汇大全:1. Export - 出口2. Import - 进口3. Trade - 贸易4. Goods - 商品5. Product - 产品6. Manufacturer - 制造商7. Supplier - 供应商8. Buyer - 买家9. Seller - 卖家10. Distributor - 分销商11. Wholesaler - 批发商12. Retailer - 零售商13. Freight forwarder - 货代14. Customs - 海关15. Tariff - 关税16. Negotiation - 谈判17. Agreement - 协议18. Contract - 合同19. Invoice - 发票20. Payment - 付款21. Letter of credit - 信用证22. Bill of lading - 提单23. Certificate of origin - 原产地证明24. Incoterms - 国际贸易术语第1页/共6页25. FOB (Free On Board) - 船上交货价26. CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) - 到岸价27. EXW (Ex Works) - 工厂交货价28. DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) - 进口税全包交货价29. LCL (Less than Container Load) - 拼箱30. FCL (Full Container Load) - 整箱31. Customs declaration - 报关32. Inspection - 检验33. Certificate of inspection - 检验证明34. Incoterm - 贸易术语35. Letter of intent - 意向书36. Quotation - 报价单37. Proforma invoice - 形式发票38. Sample - 样品39. Carton - 纸箱40. Pallet - 托盘41. Container - 集装箱42. Bill of exchange - 汇票43. Bank transfer - 银行转账44. Letter of guarantee - 保函45. Freight - 运费46. Insurance - 保险47. ATA Carnet - 货物临时进出口卡车和旅行用品的通行单证48. Air waybill - 空运提单49. Door to door - 门到门50. Free trade - 自由贸易51. Embargo - 禁运52. Trade barrier - 贸易壁垒53. Dumping - 倾销54. Counterfeit goods - 假冒商品55. Intellectual property - 学问产权56. Patent - 专利57. Trademark - 商标58. Copyright - 版权59. Brand - 品牌60. Market research - 市场调研61. Market share - 市场份额62. Market segmentation - 市场细分63. Competitive advantage - 竞争优势64. Pricing strategy - 定价策略65. Distribution channel - 分销渠道66. E-commerce - 电子商务67. Supply chain - 供应链68. Logistics - 物流69. Warehouse - 仓库70. Inventory - 库存71. Stock - 股票72. Freight forwarder - 货代73. Import duty - 进口关税74. Export subsidy - 出口补贴75. Anti-dumping measures - 反倾销措施76. Exchange rate - 汇率77. Cost of goods sold - 产品销售成本78. Gross profit - 毛利润79. Net profit - 净利润80. Return on investment - 投资回报率81. Agent - 代理商第3页/共6页82. Sales representative - 销售代表83. Customer - 客户84. Market - 市场85. Promote - 推广86. Advertisement - 广告87. Public relations - 公关88. Branding - 品牌建设89. Marketing strategy - 营销策略90. Consumer - 消费者91. Product life cycle - 产品生命周期92. Target market - 目标市场93. Trade show - 贸易展览会94. Advertising campaign - 广告宣扬活动95. Sales promotion - 销售促销96. Market share - 市场份额97. Consumer behavior - 消费者行为98. Direct marketing - 直销99. Social media - 社交媒体100. Online advertising - 网络广告101. Currency - 货币102. Exchange rate - 汇率103. Devaluation - 货币贬值104. Inflation - 通货膨胀105. Recession - 经济衰退106. Gross domestic product (GDP) - 国内生产总值107. Balance of trade - 贸易差额108. Economic growth - 经济增长109. Inward investment - 内部投资110. Foreign direct investment (FDI) - 外商直接投资111. Joint venture - 合资企业112. Multinational corporation - 跨国公司113. Business ethics - 商业道德114. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) - 企业社会责任115. Sustainable development - 可持续进展116. Outsourcing - 外包117. Offshoring - 境外外包118. Corporate culture - 企业文化119. Labor market - 劳动力市场120. Economic indicators - 经济指标121. Business cycle - 商业周期122. Stock market - 股市123. Bull market - 牛市124. Bear market - 熊市125. Hedge fund - 对冲基金126. Mergers and acquisitions - 兼并收购127. Venture capital - 风险投资128. Initial public offering (IPO) - 首次公开募股129. Stock exchange - 股票交易所130. Dividend - 红利131. Capital gain - 资本收益132. Financial statements - 财务报表133. Cash flow - 现金流134. Asset - 资产135. Liability - 负债136. Debt - 债务137. Equity - 股权138. Audit - 审计第5页/共6页139. Market value - 市值140. Gross margin - 毛利率141. Working capital - 营运资金142. Return on investment (ROI) - 投资回报率143. Earnings per share (EPS) - 每股收益144. Price-to-earnings ratio (P/E ratio) - 市盈率145. Balance sheet - 资产负债表146. Income statement - 损益表147. Statement of cash flows - 现金流量表148. Depreciation - 折旧149. Amortization - 摊销150. Leverage - 杠杆效应。

A --- BA/P accounting period 会计期间A/P advise and pay 付款通知A/R account receivable 应收帐款A/R at the rate of 以 ....... 比例a/r all risks (保险)全险 Arr. arrivals, arrived 到货、到船A/S, a/s after sight 见票即付A/S ,acc/s account sales 承销帐、承销清单,售货清单ASAP as soon as possible 尽快ASR acceptance summary report 验收总结报告 ass. assessment 估征、征税assimt. assignment 转让、让与ATC average total cost 平均总成本ATM at the money 仅付成本钱ATM Automatic Teller MachineATS automated trade systemATS automatic transfer serviceAttn. attention 注意代理人 拍卖 审计员、审计师 平均值 纯羊毛A/W air waybill 空运提单A/W actual weight 实际重量BA bank acceptance 银行承兑汇票 bal. balance 余额、差额 banky.bankruptcy 破产、倒闭Bat battery 电池b.b. bearer bond 不记名债券 B. B., B/B bill book 出纳簿 B/B bill bought 买入票据、买入汇票 b&b bed & breakfast 住宿费和早餐费 b.c. blind copy密送的副本 BC buyer credit 买方信贷 B/C bills for collection 托收汇票B.C. bank clearing 银行清算 b/d brought down转下页Bd. bond 债券B/D bills discounted 已贴现票据B/D bank draft 银行汇票b.d.i. both dates inclusive, both days inclusive B/E bill of entry 报关单 b.e., B/E bill of exchange 汇票 BEP breakevenpoint 保本点、盈亏临界点 b/f brought forward 承前 BF bondedfactory 保税工厂 Bfcy. Beneficiary 受益人 B/G, b/g bonded goods 保税货物 BHC Bank Holding Company 银行控股公司 BIS Bank of 自动取款机(柜员机) 自动交易系统 自动转移服务Atty. attorneyauct. auction Aud. auditor Av. average a.w. all wool 包括头尾两天International Settlements 国际清算银行bit binary digit 两位数Bk. bank 银行Bk. book 帐册b.l., B/L bill of lading 提货单B/L original bill of lading original 提货单正本bldg. building 大厦BMP bank master policy 银行统一保险BN bank note 钞票BO branch office 分支营业处BO buyer ' s optic买者选择交割期的远期合同BOM beginning of month 月初b.o.m. bill of materials 用料清单BOO build-operate-own 建造—运营—拥有BOOM build-operate-own-maintain 建造—运营—拥有—维护BOOT build-operate-own- transfer 建造—运营—拥有—转让b.o.p. balance of payments 收支差额BOT balance of trade 贸易余额BOY beginning of year 年初b.p., B/P bills payable 应付票据Br. branch 分支机构BR bank rate 银行贴现率b.r., B/R bills receivable 应收票据Brok. broker or brokerage 经纪人或经纪人佣金b.s., BS, B/S balance sheet 资产负债表B/S bill of sales 卖据、出货单B share B share B 股B. T.T. bank telegraphic transfer 银行电汇BV book value 票面价值b.l., B/L bill of lading 提货单B/L original bill of lading original 提货单正本bldg. building 大厦BMP bank master policy 银行统一保险BN bank note 钞票BO branch office 分支营业处BO buyer ' s optic买者选择交割期的远期合同BOM beginning of month 月初b.o.m. bill of materials 用料清单BOO build-operate-own 建造—运营—拥有BOOM build-operate-own-maintain 建造—运营—拥有—维护BOOT build-operate-own- transfer 建造—运营—拥有—转让b.o.p. balance of payments 收支差额BOT balance of trade 贸易余额BOY beginning of year 年初b.p., B/P bills payable 应付票据Br. branch 分支机构BR bank rate 银行贴现率b.r., B/R bills receivable 应收票据Brok. broker or brokerage 经纪人或经纪人佣金b. s., BS, B/S balance sheet 资产负债表B/S bill of sales 卖据、出货单B share B share B 股B. T.T. bank telegraphic transfer 银行电汇BV book value 票面价值C---DC/- case;currency 现金、息单C/A capital account 资本帐户Cat catalogue 目录C. B cash book 现金簿C/D custome declartion 现金账C. d cum dividendo 附股息报关单Cert certifieate 说明书C. /F carrige forward 转下页Cge carriage 运费C. H custom house 海关C/i certifcate of insurance 保险说明书C&I cost insurance 保险费在内价C.I.F 到岸价格C/O cost order 现金汇票C/o cash of carried over 转交c. o.d cash on delivery 货到付款Com coummerical 商业;佣金Cont contract 合同Cr credit;creditor 货方Ctge cartage 车费Curt current 本月,现金Cy currency 货币D degree; draft 度、汇票D/A deposit account 存款帐户D/A document against acceptance 承兑交单d/a days after acceptance承兑后 日(付款)D. A. debit advice 欠款报单D. B day book 日记帐、流水帐DB method declining balance (depreciation) method递减余额折旧法 D. C. F. method discounted cash flow method现金流量贴现法 D/D documentary draft 跟单汇票 D. D.; D/D demand draft 即期汇票d. d. dry dock 干船坞DDB method double declining balance (depreciation) method D. D. D deadline delivery date交易最后日期def. deficit 赤字、亏损dem. demurrage 滞期费Depr. depreciation 折旧d. f; D. F.; d. frt. dead freight 空舱费 D. G dangerous goods 危险货物 diff. difference 差额Dis. discount 折扣、贴现 dish'd; dishd dishonored 不名誉、拒付D. I. T double income-tax(relief)双重所得税(免征) div.; divd dividend 红利、股息D-J Dow Jones & Co. 美国道 —琼斯公司DJIA Dow Jones Industrial Average (Stock Index)道 —琼斯工业股票指数 DJTA Dow Jones Transportation Average道 —琼斯运输平均数 DJUA Dow Jones Utility Average道—琼斯公用事业平均数DK Don't know 不知道DL direct loan 直接贷款DL discretionary limit 无条件限制DLD deadline date 最后时限Dls. ; Dol(s); Doll(s) dollars 元DM Deutsche Mark; D-mark; Deutschmark; 德国马克 DMCs developing membercountries 发展中国家 DN date number 日期号DN; D/N debit note 借记通知单DNR do not reduce 不减少 do.; dto. ditto 同上、同前 D/O delivery order 发货单Doc(s) documents 凭证、单据、文件 doc. att. documents attached 附单据、附件Doc. code document code 凭证(单据)编号D. O. G. days of grace 宽限日数 D/d; d/d days after date出票后 日 (付款 ) 双倍递减余额折旧法DOR date of request 要求日DP; D/P document against payment 交单付款DPI disposable personal income 个人可支配收入DPOB date and place of birth 出生时间和地点DPP damp proofing 防潮的Dr. debit 借记、借方D. R.; DR discount rate 贴现率、折扣率Dr debtor 债务人DR deposit receipt 存单、存款收据dr. drawer 借方DS; d/s days after sight(days' sight) 见票后日(付款) ds.; d's days 日dstn. destination 日的地( 港)DTC Deposit taking company 接受存款公司DTC Deposit Trust Company 储蓄信托公司dup.; dupl.; dupte. duplicate 副本DVP delivery versus payment 付款交货dy.; d/y day; delivery 日、交货E---G ea. each 每,各e. e. E.E. error excepted 错误除外EEC The European Economic Community 欧洲经济共同体e. g. exempli gratia (for example) 例如EIB Export-Import Bank 进出口银行enc., encl. enclosure 附件E. &O.E. errors and omissions excepted 错误和遗漏不在此限Esq. Esquire 先生(信内尊称)ETA estimated time of arrival 预计到达时间etc., & c. et cetera (and so forth) 等待ex out of, without 自,无,交货ex. example, executive, exchange, extract 例子,执行官,外汇,f feet 英尺F dealt in flat 无息交易的FABB Fellow of the British Association of Accountants and Auditors FAC facility 设施、设备摘要f. following (page) f. fairs 定期集市F. A. face amount F. A. fixed assets F. A freight agent FA free alongside接下页票面金额固定资产货运代理行启运港船边交货英国会计师和审计师协会会f.a.c. fast as can 尽快FACT factor analysis chart technique 因素分析图解法fad. free delivery (discharge, dispatch)免费送货F. A. F. free at factory 工厂交货国际会计协会会员FAIA Fellow of the Association of International AccountantsF. A. Q fair average quality (货品)中等平均质量F. A. S. free alongside ship 发运地船边交货价FASB Financial Accounting Standards Boards 财务会计标准委员会FAT fixed asset transfer 固定资产转移FAT factory acceptance test 工厂验收试验FB foreign bank 外国银行F. B. E. foreign bill of exchange 外国汇票F. C. fixed capital 固定资本F. C. fixed charges 固定费用F. C. future contract 远期合同fc. franc 法郎FCA Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants 特许会计师学会会员FCG foreign currency guarantee 外币担保FCL full container load 整货柜装载FCL/LCL full container load/less (than)full container load 整装/ 分卸FCR forwarder's cargo receipt 货运代理行收据FCT forwarding agent's certificate of transport 货运代理行领货证fd. fund 资金FDB method fixed rate on declining balance method 定率递减余额折旧法FDI foreign direct investment 外商直接投资FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 联邦储蓄保险公司FE foreign exchange 外汇FE future exchange 远期外汇FF French franc 法国法郎fib free into barge 驳船上的交货价FIBC financial institution buyer credit policy 金融机构买方信贷险FIFO first in, first out 先进先出法fin. stadg.(stndg.) financial standing 资信状况fin. stat. (F/S) financial statement 财务报表fin.yr. financial year 财政年度FINA following items not available 以下项目不可获得FIO free in and out 自由进出F. I. T free of income tax 免交所得税fl. florin 盾FLG finance lease guarantee 金融租赁担保flt. flat 无利息FMV fair market value 合理市价FO free out 包括卸货费在内的运费fo. folio 对折、页码FOB free on board (启运港)船上交货、离岸价格FOB airport FOB airport (启运)机场交货(价)FOBST free on board stowed and trimming 包括清理及平仓的离岸价格F.O.C. free of charge 免费FOCUS Financial and Operations Combined Uniform Single Report 财务经营综合报告FOK fill or kill 要么买进或卖出,要么取消FOR free on rail (or road)铁路或(公路)上交货价for'd., fwd forward; forwarded 转递FOREX foreign exchange 外汇FOS free on steamer 蒸汽船上交货(价)FOUO for official use only 仅用于公事FOW, f. o. w. free on wagon (启运站)火车上交货(价)FOX Futures and Options Exchange 期货和期权交易所FP floating policy 浮动政策FP fully paid 已全付的FRA forward rate agreement 远期利率协议FRCD floating rate certificate of deposit 浮动利率存单frt., frgt. forward 期货、远期合约free case no charge for case 免费事例FREF fixed rate export finance 固定利率出口融资frt. & grat. freight and gratuity 运费及酬金Frt. fwd freight forward 运费待付Frt. ppd freight prepaid 运费已付FS final settlement 最后结算FSR feasibility study report 可行性研究报告FTW free trade wharf 码头交易FTZ free trade zone 自由贸易区fut. futures 期货、将来FV face value 面值FVA fair value accounting 合理价值法FWD forward (exchange) contract 远期合约F.X. foreign exchange 外汇FX broker foreign exchange broker 外汇经纪人fxd fixed 固定的FXRN fixed rate note 定息票据FY fiscal year (financial year)财政(务)年度fy. pd. fully paid 全部付讫FYI for your information 供您参考g gallon; grain; gram (s); gold 加仑;格令;克; 金G. A. general agent 总代理商、总代理人GA go ahead 办理、可行GAAP general Accepted Accounting Principles 通用会计准则GAAS Generally Accepted Auditing Standard 通用审计标准GAC General Administration of Customs 海关总署gal., gall gallon 加仑gas. gasoline 汽油GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关税及贸易总协定GCL government concessional loan 政府优惠贷款GDP gross domestic product 国内生产总值gds. goods 商品、货物GJ general journal 普通日记帐GL general ledger 总分类帐gm. gram(s) 克GMP graduated payment mortgage 递增付款按揭GND gross national demand 国民总需求GNE gross national expeditures 国民支出总额GNP gross national product 国民生产总值GOFO gold forward rate 黄金远期利率GP gross profit 毛利GPP general purchasing power 总购买能力gr. (grs.) wt. gross weight 毛重GR gross revenue 毛收入GS gross sales 销售总额GSP generalised system of preferences 普惠制GTM good this month 本月有效GTW good this week 本星期有效H --- IHAB house air bill 航空托运单HAWB house air waybill 航空托运单HCA historical cost accounting 历史成本会计hdqrs. headquarters 总部hg. hectogram 一百公克HIBOR Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate 香港银行同业拆借利率hifo highest-in, first-out 高入先出法H. in D. C. holder in due course 正当持票人Hi-Q high quality 高质量HIRCS high interest rate currencies 高利率货币hi-tech high technology 高技术HKD Hong Kong dollar 香港元HKI Hong Kong Index 香港指数hl. hectoliter 百升hldg. holding 控股Hon'd honored 如期支付的HSCPI Hang Seng Consumer Price Index 恒生消费价格指数HSI Hang Seng Index 恒生指数hwevr. however 无论如何Hz hertz 赫兹I. A. intangible assets 无形资产I & A inventory and allocations 库存和分配IAS International Accounting Standard 国际会计标准IB investment banking 投资银行(业)I. B. invoice book 发票簿IBA International Bank Association 国际银行家协会IBBR interbank bid rate 银行间报价利率I. B. I invoice book inward 购货发票簿IBNR incurred but not reported 已发生未报告I. B. O. invoice book outward 销货发票簿IBOR inter-bank offered rate 银行间的拆借利率ICB international competitive bidding 国际竞标ICIA International Credit Insurance Association 国际信用保险协会ICJ International Court of Justice 国际法庭ICM international capital market 国际资本市场ICONs index currency option notes 指数货币期权票据ICOR incremental capital-output ratio 资本—产出增量比I. C. U. International Code Used 国际使用的电码IDB industrial development bond 工业发展债券IDB Inter-American Development Bank 泛美开发银行IDB inter-dealer broker 交易商之间经纪人IDC intangible development cost 无形开发成本IDR international depositary receipt 国际寄存单据IE indirect export 间接出口I. F. insufficient fund 存款不足IFB invitation for bids 招标邀请I. G. imperial gallon 英制加仑IL, I/L import licence 进口许可证ILC irrevocable letter of credit 不可撤销信用证IMF International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织imp. import 进口,输入Inc. incorporated 注册(有限)公司incl. inclusive 包括在内incldd. included 已包含在内incldg. including 包含inl. haul inland haulage 内陆运输费用INLO in lieu of 代替Ins, ins. insurance 保险inst. instant 即期、分期付款Instal., instal. installment 分期付款Int., int. interest 利息inv., Inv. invoice 发票、付款通知in trans (I. T.) in transit. 在(运输)途中inv.doc./attach. invoice with document attachedInv't., invt. inventory 存货I-O input-output 输入-- 输出IOU I owe you 借据IOV inter-office voucher 内部传票附提货单的发票IPN industrial promissory note 工业汇票IPO initial public offering 首次发售股票IQ import quota 进口配额IR Inland Revenue 国内税收I. R. inward remittance 汇入款项IRA individual retirement account 个人退休金帐户IRA interest rate agreement 利率协议IRR interest rate risk 利率风险IRR internal rate of return 内部收益率irred. irredeemable 不可赎回的IRS interest rate swap 利率调期IS International System 公制度量衡ISIC International Standard Industrial Classification国际标准产业分类IT information technology IT international tolerance I/T income tax 所得税ITC investment tax credit 信息技术国际允许误差投资税收抵免ITO International Trade Organization 国际贸易组织ITS intermarket trading system 跨市场交易系统IV investment value 投资价值Inv't., invt. inventory 存货I-O input-output 输入-- 输出IOU I owe you 借据IOV inter-office voucher 内部传票IPN industrial promissory note 工业汇票IPO initial public offering 首次发售股票IQ import quota 进口配额IR Inland Revenue 国内税收I. R. inward remittance 汇入款项IRA individual retirement account 个人退休金帐户IRA interest rate agreement 利率协议IRR interest rate risk 利率风险IRR internal rate of return&nbs, p; 内部收益率irred. irredeemable 不可赎回的IRS interest rate swap 利率调期IS International System 公制度量衡ISIC International Standard Industrial ClassificationIT information technology 信息技术国际标准产业分类IT international tolerance 国际允许误差I/T income tax 所得税ITC investment tax credit 投资税收抵免ITO International Trade Organization 国际贸易组织 ITS intermarket trading system 跨市场交易系统IV investment value 投资价值J--NJ. , Jour. journal 日记帐J. A. (J/A) joint account 联合(共管)帐簿J. D. B. journal day-book分类日记帐J/F, j/f journal folio 日记帐页数J. V. joint venture 合资经营企业J. V. journal vJ. V. journal voucher&nbs J. V. journal voucher 分录凭单 JVC joint venture company 合资公司K. D. knocked down 拆散K. D. knocked down price 成交价格 kg kilogram 千克 kilom. kilometer 千米 kv kilovolt 千 伏 kw kilowatt 千瓦KWH kilowatt-hour 千瓦小时L. B. letter book 书信备查簿LB licensed bank 许可银行lb pound 磅LC (L/C) letter of credit 信用证LCL/FCL less than container load/full container loadLCL/LCL less than container load/less than container loadL.& D. loans and discounts 放款及贴现 L&D loss and damage 损失和损坏 ldg. loading 装(卸)货 L/F ledger folio 分类帐页数 LG letter of guarantee 保函 Li. liability 负债LI letter of interest (intent)意向书 lifo (LIFO) last in, first out 后进先出法L. I. P. (LIP) life insurance policy人寿保险单 LIRCs low interest rate currencies 低利率货币L/M list of materials 材料清单LMT local mean time 当地标准时间LRP limited recourse project 有限追索项目LRPF limited recourse project financing有限追索项目融资 拼装 /整拆 拼装 / 拼拆i. s. lump sum 一次付款总额i. s. t. local standard time 当地标准时间LT long term 长期Ltd. limited 有限(公司)m million 百万M matured bond 到期的债券M mega- 百万M milli- 千分之一m. meter, mile 米、英里M&A merger & acquisition 兼并收购MA my account 本人帐户Mat. maturity 到期日Max., max maximum 最大量M. B. memorandum book 备忘录MBB mortgage-backed bonds 抵押支持的债券MBO management by objectives 目标管理M/C marginal credit 信贷限额m/c metallic currency 金属货币MCA mutual currency account 共同货币帐户MCP mixed credit program 混合信贷计划M/d months after deposit 出票后月M. D. maturity date 到期日M. D. (M/D) memorandum of deposit存款(放)单M. D. malicious damage 恶意损坏mdse. merchandise 商品MEI marginal efficiency of investment 投资的边际效率mem. memorandum 备忘录MERM multilateral exchange rate model 多边汇率模型M. F. mutual funds 共同基金MF mezzanine financing 过渡融资mfg. manufacturing 制造的MFN most favoured nations 最惠国mfrs. manufacturers 制造商mg milligram 毫克M/I marine insurance 海险micro one millionth part 百万分之一min minimum 最低值、最小量MIP monthly investment plan 月度投资计划Mk mark 马克mks. marks 商标mkt. market 市场MLR minimum lending rate 最低贷款利率MLTG medium-and-long-term guarantee 中长期担保M. M. money market 货币市场mm millimeter 毫米MMDA money market deposit account 货币市场存款帐户MMI major market index 主要市场指数MNC multinational corporation 跨(多)国公司MNE multinational enterprise 跨国公司MO (M. O.) money order 汇票mo. month 月MOS management operating system 经营管理制度Mos. months 月MP market price 市价M/P months after payment 付款后...... 月MPC marginal propensity to consume 边际消费倾向Mrge.(mtg. ) mortgage 抵押MRJ materials requisition journal 领料日记帐MRO maintenance, repair and operation 维护、修理及操作MRP manufacturer's recommended price 厂商推荐价格MRP material requirement planning 原料需求计划MRP monthly report of progress 进度月报MRR maintenance, repair and replace 维护、修理和替换M/s months of sight 见票后....... 月msg message 留言MT medium term 中期M/T mail transfer 信汇mthly monthly 每月MTI medium-term insurance 中期保险MTN medium-term note 中期票据MTU metric unit 米制单位n. net 净值N. A. net assets 净资产n. a not available 暂缺N. A. non-acceptance 不承兑NA not applicable 不可行N. B. nota bene 注意NC no charge 免费N/C net capital 净资本n. d. no date 无日期N. D. net debt 净债务n. d. non-delivery 未能到达ND next day delivery 第二天交割NDA net domestic asset 国内资产净值N.E. net earnings 净收益n. e. no effects 无效n. e. not enough 不足negb. negotiable 可转让的、可流通的Neg. Inst., N. I. negotiable instruments 流通票据nego. negotiate 谈判N. E. S. not elsewhere specified 未另作说明net. p. net proceeds 净收入N/F no fund 无存款NFD no fixed date 无固定日期NFS not for sale 非卖品N. G. net gain 纯收益NH not held 不追索委托N. I. net income 净收益N. I. net interest 净利息NIAT net income after tax 税后净收益NIFO next in, first out 次进先出法nil nothing 无NIM net interest margin 净息差NIT negative income tax 负所得税N. L. net loss 净损失NL no load 无佣金n. m. nautical mile 海里NM no marks 无标记N. N. no name 无签名NNP net national product 国民生产净值NO. (no.) number 编号、号数no a/c no account 无此帐户NOP net open position 净开头寸NOW a/c negotiable order of withdrawal 可转让存单帐户N/P net profit 净利NP no protest 免作拒付证书N. P. notes payable 应付票据NPC nominal protection coefficient 名义保护系数NPL non-performing loan 不良贷款NPV method net present value method 净现值法N. Q. A. net quick assets 速动资产净额NQB no qualified bidders 无合格投标人NR no rated (信用)未分等级N/R no responsibility 无责任N. R. notes receivable 应收票据N. S. F. (NSF) no sufficient fund 存款不足NSF check no sufficient fund check 存款不足支票nt. wt. net weight 净重NTA net tangible assets 有形资产净值NTBs non-tariffs barriers 非关税壁垒ntl no time lost 立即NTS not to scale 不按比例NU name unknown 无名N. W. net worth 净值NWC net working capital 净流动资本NX not exceeding 不超过N. Y. net yield 净收益NZ$Content$nbsp;New Zealand dollar 新西兰元O ----- Ro order 订单o. (O.) offer 发盘、报价OA open account 赊帐、往来帐o/a on account of 记入帐户o. a. overall 全面的、综合的OAAS operational accounting and analysis system 经营会计分析制OB other budgetary 其他预算O. B. ordinary business 普通业务O. B. (O/B) order book 订货簿OB/OS index overbought/oversold index 超买超卖指数OBV on-balance volume 持平数量法o. c. over charge 收费过多OC open cover 预约保险o/d, o. d.,(O. D.) overdrawn 透支OD overdraft 透支O/d on demand 见票即付O. E. (o. e. ) omission excepted 遗漏除外O. F. ocean freight 海运费OFC open for cover 预约保险O. G. ordinary goods 中等品O. G. L. Open General License 不限额进口许可证OI original issue 原始发行OII overseas investment insurance 海外投资保险ok. all correct 全部正确o. m. s. output per manshift 每人每班产量O. P. old price 原价格O. P. open policy 不定额保险单opp opposite 对方opt. optional 可选择的ord. ordinary 普通的OS out of stock 无现货O/s outstanding 未清偿、未收回的O. T. overtime 加班OTC over-the -counter market 市场外交易市场OVA overhead variance analysis 间接费用差异分析OW offer wanted 寻购启示OWE optimum working efficiency 最佳工作效率oz ounce(s)盎司ozws. otherwise 否则p penny; pence; per 便士;便士;每P paid this year 该年(红利)已付p. pint 品托(1/8 加仑)P. A. particular average; power of attorney 单独海损;委托书P.A. personal account; private account 个人账户、私人账户p.a., per ann. per annum 每年P&A professional and administrative 职业的和管理的P&I clause protection and indemnity clause 保障与赔偿条款P&L profit and loss 盈亏,损益P/A payment of arrival 货到付款P/C price catalog; price current 价格目录;现行价格P/E price/earning 市盈率P/H pier-to-house 从码头到仓库P/N promissory note 期票,本票P/P posted price (股票等)的牌价PAC put and call 卖出和买入期权pat. patent 专利PAYE pay as you earn 所得税预扣法PAYE pay as you enter 进入时支付PBT profit before taxation 税前利润pc piece; prices 片,块;价格pcl. parcel 包裹pd paid 已付per pro. per procurationem (拉丁)由... 代理PF project finance 项目融资PFD preferred stock 优先股pk peck 配克(1/4 蒲式耳)PMO postal money order 邮政汇票P.O.C. port of call 寄航港,停* 地P.O.D. place of delivery 交货地点P.O.D. port of destination; port of discharge 目的港;卸货港P.O.R. payable on receipt 货到付款P.P. payback period (投资的)回收期P.P.I. policy proof of interest 凭保证单证明的保险利益POE port of entry 报关港口POP advertising point-of-purchase advertising 购物点广告POR pay on return 收益PR payment received 付款收讫PS postscript 又及PV par value; present value 面值;现值q. quarto 四开,四开本Q. quantity 数量QB qualified buyers 合格的购买者QC quality control 质量控制QI quarterly index 季度指数qr. quarter 四分之一,一刻钟QT questioned trade 有问题交易QTIB Qualified Terminal Interest Property Trust 附带可终止权益的财产信托quad. quadruplicate 一式四份中的一份quotn. quotation 报价q.v. quod vide (which see) 参阅q.y. query 查核R option not traded 没有进行交易的期权R. response; registered; return 答复;已注册;收益r. rate; rupee; ruble 比率;卢比;卢布RAD research and development 研究和开发RAM diverse annuity mortgage 逆向年金抵押RAN revenue anticipation note 收入预期债券R&A rail and air 铁路及航空运输R&D research and development 研究与开发R&T rail and truck 铁路及卡车运输R&W rail and water 铁路及水路运输R/A refer to acceptor 洽询(汇票)承兑人R/D refer to drawer (银行)洽询出票人RB regular budget 经常预算RCA relative comparative advantage 相对比较优势RCMM registered competitive market maker 注册的竞争市场自营商rcvd. received 已收到r.d. running days=consecutive days 连续日RDTC registered deposit taking company 注册接受存款公司Re. subject 主题re. with reference to 关于RECEIVED B/L received for shipment bill of lading 待装云提单REER real effective exchange rate 实效汇率ref. referee; reference; refer(red) 仲裁者;裁判;参考;呈递REO real estate owned 拥有的不动产REP import replacement 进口替代REP Office representative office 代办处,代表处REPO, repu, RP Repurchase Agreement 再回购协议req. requisition 要货单,请求REVOLVER revolving letter of credit 循环信用证REWR read and write 读和写RIEs recognized investment exchanges 认可的投资交易(所)Rl roll 卷RLB restricted license bank 有限制牌照银行RM remittance 汇款rm room 房间RMB RENMINBI 人民币,中国货币RMS Royal Mail Steamer 皇家邮轮RMSD Royal Mail Special Delivery 皇家邮政专递RMT Rail and Maritime Transport Union 铁路海运联盟ROA return on asset 资产回报率ROC return on capital 资本收益率ROE return on equity 股本回报率ROI return on investment 投资收益ROP registered option principal 记名期权本金ro-ro roll-on/roll-off vessel 滚装船ROS return on sales 销售收益率RPB Recognized Professional Body 认可职业(投资)机构RPI retail price index 零售物价指数RPM resale price maintenance 零售价格维持措施(计划)rpt. repeat 重复RRP Reverse Repurchase Agreement 逆回购协议RSL rate sensitive liability 利率敏感性债务RSVP please reply 请回复RT Royalty Trust 特权信托RTM registered trade mark 注册商标Rto ratio 比率RTO round trip operation 往返作业RTS rate of technical substitution 技术替代率RTW right to work 工作权利RUF revolving underwriting facility 循环式包销安排RYL referring to your letter 参照你方来信RYT referring to your telex 参照你方电传S---TS no option offered 无期权出售S split or stock divided 拆股或股息S signed 已签字s second; shilling 秒;第二;先令SA semi-annual payment 半年支付SA South Africa 南非SAA special arbitrage account 特别套作账户SAB special assessment bond 特别估价债券sae stamped addressed envelope 已贴邮票、写好地址的信封SAFE State Administration of Foreign Exchange 国家外汇管理局SAIC State Administration for Industry and Commerce (中国)国家工商行政管理局SAP Statement of Auditing Procedure 《审计程序汇编》SAR Special Administrative Region 特别行政区SAS Statement of Auditing Standard 《审计准则汇编》SASE self-addressed stamped envelope 邮资已付有回邮地址的信封SAT (China) State Administration of Taxation (中国)国家税务局SATCOM satellite communication 卫星通讯SB short bill 短期国库券;短期汇票SB sales book; saving bond; savings bank 售货簿;储蓄债券;储蓄银行SBC Swiss Bank Corp. 瑞士银行公司SBIC Small Business Investment Corporation 小企业投资公司SBIP small business insurance policy 小型企业保险单SBLI Savings Bank Life Insurance 储蓄银行人寿保险SBN Standard Book Number 标准图书号SC sales contract 销售合同sc scilicet namely 即SC supplier credit 卖方信贷SCF supplier credit finance 卖方信贷融资Sch schilling (奥地利)先令SCIRR special CIRR 特别商业参考利率SCL security characteristic line 证券特征线SCORE special claim on residual equity 对剩余财产净值的特别要求权SD standard deduction 标准扣除额SDB special district bond 特区债券SDBL sight draft, bill of lading attached 即期汇票,附带提货单SDH synchronous digital hierarchy 同步数字系统SDR straight discount rate 直线贴现率SDRs special drawing rights 特别提款权SE shareholders' equity 股东产权SE Stock Exchange 股票交易所SEA Single European Act 《单一欧洲法案》SEAF Stock Exchange Automatic Exchange Facility 股票交易所自动交易措施SEATO Southeast Asia Treaty Organization 东南亚公约组织sec second(ary); secretary 第二,次级;秘书sect. section 部分Sen senator 参议院Sept. September 九月SET selective employment tax 单一税率工资税***tuplicate (文件)一式六份中的一份SEC special economic zone 经济特区SF sinking fund 偿债基金Sfr Swiss Frank 瑞士法郎SFS Summary Financial Statementssgd. signed 已签署财务报表概要SHEX Sundays and holidays excepted SHINC Sundays and holidays included 星期日和假日除外星期日和假日包括在内shpd. shipped 已装运shpg. shipping 正装运shpt. shipment 装运,船货SI Statutory Instrument; System of Units SIC Standard Industrial Classification有效立法;国际量制标准产业分类SIP structured insurance products 结构保险产品SITC Standard International Trade Classification 国际贸易标准分类sk sack 袋,包SKD separate knock-known 部分散件SLC standby LC 备用信用证SMA special miscellaneous account 特别杂项账户SMEs small and medium-sized enterprises 中小型企业SMI Swiss Market Index 瑞士市场指数SML security market line 证券市场线SMTP supplemental medium term policy 辅助中期保险SN stock number 股票编号Snafu Situation Normal, All Fouled Up 情况还是一样,只是都乱了SOE state-owned enterprises 国有企业SOF State Ownership Fund 国家所有权基金sola sola bill, sola draft, sola of exchange (拉丁)单张汇票sov. sovereign 金镑=20 先令SOYD sum of the year's digits method 年数加总折旧法spec. specification 规格;尺寸SPF spare parts financing 零部件融资SPQR small profits, quick returns 薄利多销SPS special purpose securities 特设证券Sq. square 平方;结清SRM standard repair manual 标准维修手册SRP Salary Reduction Plan 薪水折扣计划SRT Spousal Remainder Trust 配偶幸存者信托ss semis, one half 一半SS social security 社会福利ST short term 短期ST special treatment (listed stock)特别措施(对有问题的上市股票)St. Dft. sight draft 即期汇票STB special tax bond 特别税债务STIP short-term insurance policy 短期保险单sub subscription; substitute 订阅,签署,捐助;代替Sun Sunday 星期日sund. sundries 杂货,杂费sup. supply 供应,供货t time; temperature 时间;温度T. ton; tare 吨;包装重量,皮重TA telegraphic address=cable address 电报挂号TA total asset 全部资产,资产TA trade acceptance 商业承兑票据TA transfer agent 过户转账代理人TAB tax anticipation bill (美国)预期抵税国库券TACPF tied aid capital projects fund 援助联系的资本项目基金TAF tied aid financing 援助性融资TAL traffic and accident loss (保险)交通和意外事故损失TAT truck-air-truck 陆空联运TB treasury bond, treasury bill 国库券,国库债券T.B. trial balance 试算表t.b.a. to be advised; to be agreed; to be announced; to be arranged 待通知;待同意;待宣布;待安排t.b.d. to be determined 待(决定)TBD policy to be declared policy 预保单,待报保险单TBL through bill of lading 联运提单,直达提单TBV trust borrower vehicle 信托借TBW Thompson Bankwatch, a rating agent 托马逊银行评估公司TC tariff circular 关税通报TC telegraph collation 校对电报T.C. traveler's check 旅行支票TCI trade credit insurance 贸易信用保险TCIC technical credit insurance consultants 技术信用保险顾问TCM traditional Chinese medicine 中国传统医学,中医TD time deposit 定期存款TD Treasury Department (美国)财政部TDA Trade Development Authority 贸易发展当局TDC technical development corporation 技术开发公司TDC Trade Development Council (香港)贸易发展局TDR Treasury Deposit Receipt 国库券存据Tech technical 技术的Tel. telephone number 电话号码telecom telecommunications 通讯temp temperature; temporary (secretary)温度;临时(秘书)TESSA Tax Exempt Special Savings Account 免税特别储蓄帐户TEU twenty-foot-equipment unit (货柜、集装箱)20 英尺当量单位TF trade finance 贸易融资t.f. till forbid 直到取消为止tgm. telegram 电报three T's type, terms, technique 交易三要素,即交易类型,交易条件,销售技术。

常用的外贸英语词汇大全commerce, trade, trading 贸易inland trade, home trade, domestic trade, internal trade, interior trade 国内贸易international trade 国际贸易cash sale 现货hire-purchase 分期付款购买(美作:installment plan)competition 竞争competitor 竞争者competitive 竞争的unfair competition 不合理竞争dumping profit margin 倾销差价,倾销幅度trademark 商标registered trademark 注册商标registered office, head office 总公司,总店,总部foreign trade, external trade 对外贸易,外贸terms of trade 贸易条件free-trade area 自由贸易区import, importation 进口importer 进口商export, exportation 出口exporter 出口商commercial channels 商业渠道customs 海关customs duty 关税quota 配额,限额item 项目,细目commercial transaction 买卖,交易manufacturer 制造商,制造厂middleman 中间商,经纪人dealer 经销商wholesaler 批发商retailer 零售商tradesman 零售商merchant 商人(英)批发商,(美)零售商concessionaire, licensed dealer 受让人,特许权获得者consumer 消费者,用户client, customer 顾客,客户buyer 买主,买方stocks 存货,库存量purchase 购买,进货sale 销售bulk sale 整批销售,趸售wholesale 批发retail trade 零售业。

1. import [ˈɪmpɔːt] (n./v.)- 名词:进口;进口商品。
例如:The import of high - tech products has increased in recent years.(近年来高科技产品的进口增加了。
)- 动词:进口;输入。
例如:This country imports a large amount of oil every year.(这个国家每年进口大量石油。
)2. export [ˈekspɔːt] (n./v.)- 名词:出口;出口商品。
例如:The export of agricultural products is an important part of the country's economy.(农产品出口是该国经济的一个重要部分。
)- 动词:出口;输出。
例如:China exports a lot of manufactured goods to the world.(中国向世界出口大量制成品。
)3. tariff [ˈtærɪf] (n.)- 关税;税率。
例如:The government has decided to raise the tariff on imported cars.(政府决定提高进口汽车的关税。
)4. quota [ˈkwəʊtə] (n.)- 配额;限额。
例如:There is a quota on the import of textiles.(纺织品进口有配额限制。
)5. customs [ˈkʌstəmz] (n.)- 海关;关税。
例如:You have to go through customs when you enter a foreign country.(当你进入外国时,你必须通过海关。
1. wholesale [ˈhəʊlseɪl] (n./adj./v.)- 名词:批发。

常用外贸英语词汇主要贸易术语:(1)FCA (Free Carrier) 货交承运人(2)FAS (Free Alongside Ship) 装运港船边交货(3)FOB (Free on Board) 装运港船上交货(4)CFR (Cost and Freight) 成本加运费(5)CIF (Cost,Insurance and Freight) 成本、保险费加运费(6)CPT (Carriage Paid To) 运费付至目的地(7)CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid To) 运费、保险费付至目的地(8)DAF (Delivered At Frontier) 边境交货 (9)DES (Delivered Ex Ship) 目的港船上交货(10)DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay) 目的港码头交货 (11)DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) 未完税交货(12)DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) 完税后交货主要船务术语简写:(1)ORC (Origen Recevie Charges) 本地收货费用(广东省收取)(2)THC (Terminal Handling Charges) 码头操作费(香港收取)(3)BAF (Bunker Adjustment Factor) 燃油附加费(4)CAF (Currency Adjustment Factor) 货币贬值附加费 (5)YAS (Yard Surcharges)码头附加费(6)EPS (Equipment Position Surcharges) 设备位置附加费(7)DDC (Destination Delivery Charges) 目的港交货费 (8)PSS (Peak Season Sucharges) 旺季附加费(9)PCS (Port Congestion Surcharge) 港口拥挤附加费 (10)DOC (DOcument charges) 文件费(11)O/F (Ocean Freight) 海运费 (12)B/L (Bill of Lading) 海运提单(13)MB/L(Master Bill of Lading) 船东单(14)MTD (Multimodal Transport Document) 多式联运单据(15)L/C (Letter of Credit) 信用证(16)C/O (Certificate of Origin) 产地证(17)S/C (Sales Confirmation)销售确认书(Sales Contract) 销售合同(18)S/O (Shipping Order)装货指示书 (19)W/T (Weight Ton)重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费)(20)M/T (Measurement Ton)尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费)(21)W/M(Weight or Measurement ton)即以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费(22)CY (Container Yard) 集装箱(货柜)堆场 (23)FCL (Full Container Load) 整箱货(24)LCL (Less than Container Load) 拼箱货(散货)(25)CFS (Container Freight Station) 集装箱货运站(26)TEU (Twenty-feet Equivalent Units) 20英尺换算单位(用来计算货柜量的多少)(27)A/W (All Water)全水路(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)(28)MLB(Mini Land Bridge) 迷你大陆桥(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)(29)NVOCC(Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier) 无船承运人1:二次电池(Rechargeable battery): 电池电力用完后,可以经充电重复使用的电池,如:铅酸,镍氢,锂离子电池等。

外贸英语词汇全HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】stocks 存货,库存量cash sale 现货purchase 购买,进货bulk sale 整批销售,趸售distribution channels 销售渠道wholesale 批发retail trade 零售业hire-purchase 分期付款购买fluctuate in line with market conditions 随行就市unfair competition 不合理竞争dumping 商品倾销dumping profit margin 倾销差价,倾销幅度antidumping 反倾销customs bond 海关担保chain debts 三角债freight forwarder 货运代理trade consultation 贸易磋商mediation of dispute 商业纠纷调解partial shipment 分批装运restraint of trade 贸易管制RTA (Regional Trade Arrangements) 区域贸易安排favorable balance of trade 贸易顺差unfavorable balance of trade 贸易逆差special preferences 优惠关税bonded warehouse 保税仓库transit trade 转口贸易tariff barrier 关税壁垒tax rebate 出口退税TBT (Technical Barriers to Trade) 技术性贸易壁垒贸易伙伴术语trade partner 贸易伙伴manufacturer 制造商,制造厂middleman 中间商,经纪人dealer 经销商wholesaler 批发商retailer, tradesman 零售商merchant 商人,批发商,零售商concessionaire, licensed dealer 受让人,特许权获得者consumer 消费者,用户client, customer 顾客,客户buyer 买主,买方carrier 承运人consignee 收货人进出口贸易词汇commerce, trade, trading 贸易inland trade, home trade, domestic trade 国内贸易international trade 国际贸易foreign trade, external trade 对外贸易,外贸import, importation 进口importer 进口商export, exportation 出口exporter 出口商import licence 进口许口证export licence 出口许口证commercial transaction 买卖,交易inquiry 询盘delivery 交货order 订货make a complete entry 正式/完整申报bad account 坏帐Bill of Lading 提单marine bills of lading 海运提单shipping order 托运单blank endorsed 空白背书endorsed 背书cargo receipt 承运货物收据condemned goods 有问题的货物catalogue 商品目录customs liquidation 清关customs clearance 结关国际贸易英语词汇集锦一贸易价格术语trade term / price term 价格术语world / international market price 国际市场价格FOB (free on board) 离岸价C&F (cost and freight) 成本加运费价CIF (cost, insurance and freight) 到岸价freight 运费wharfage 码头费landing charges 卸货费customs duty 关税port dues 港口税import surcharge 进口附加税import variable duties 进口差价税commission 佣金return commission 回佣,回扣price including commission 含佣价net price 净价wholesale price 批发价discount / allowance 折扣retail price 零售价spot price 现货价格current price 现行价格 / 时价indicative price 参考价格customs valuation 海关估价price list 价目表total value 总值贸易保险术语All Risks 一切险. / (With Average or With Particular Average) 水渍险War Risk 战争险Risk of Intermixture and Contamination 混杂、玷污险Risk of Leakage 渗漏险Risk of Odor 串味险Risk of Rust 锈蚀险Shortage Risk 短缺险Strikes Risk 罢工险贸易机构词汇WTO (World Trade Organization) 世界贸易组织IMF (International Monetary Fund) 国际货币基金组织CTG (Council for Trade in Goods) 货币贸易理事会EFTA (European Free Trade Association) 欧洲自由贸易联盟AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Area) 东盟自由贸易区JCCT (China-US Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade) 中美商贸联委会NAFTA (North American Free Trade Area) 北美自由贸易区UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) 联合国贸易与发展会议GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) 关贸总协定商务合同英译应注意的问题(2)二、慎重处理合同的关键细目实践证明,英译合同中容易出现差错的地方,一般来说,不是大的陈述性条款。

国际贸易英语常用词汇1. import - 进口2. export - 出口3. trade - 贸易4. tariff - 关税5. customs - 海关6. duty - 关税7. quota - 配额8. subsidy - 补贴9. free trade - 自由贸易10. protectionism - 爱护主义11. trade deficit - 贸易逆差12. trade surplus - 贸易顺差13. trade agreement - 贸易协定14. trade barrier - 贸易壁垒15. trade war - 贸易战16. embargo - 禁运17. dumping - 倾销18. trade liberalization - 贸易自由化19. trade imbalance - 贸易不平衡20. market access - 市场准入21. intellectual property - 学问产权22. patent - 专利23. copyright - 版权24. trademark - 商标25. standardization - 标准化26. quality control - 质量把握第1页/共6页27. logistics - 物流28. exchange rate - 汇率29. currency - 货币30. foreign direct investment - 外商直接投资31. multinational corporation - 跨国公司32. supply chain - 供应链33. container - 集装箱34. trade fair - 贸易展览会35. trade mission - 商务访问团36. goods - 商品37. services - 服务38. negotiation - 谈判39. agreement - 协议40. contract - 合同41. invoice - 发票42. payment - 付款43. delivery - 交货44. insurance - 保险45. dispute - 争议46. arbitration - 仲裁47. compliance - 符合48. documentation - 文件49. logistics provider - 物流服务供应商50. transportation - 运输51. export license - 出口许可证52. import license - 进口许可证53. trade finance - 贸易融资54. letter of credit - 信用证55. bill of lading - 提单56. customs clearance - 海关清关57. incoterms - 贸易术语58. CIF - 成本加保险加运费价59. FOB - 离岸价60. EXW - 工厂交货价61. DDP - 目的地交货价62. L/C - 信用证63. T/T - 电汇64. B/L - 提单65. NAFTA - 北美自由贸易协定66. WTO - 世界贸易组织67. ASEAN - 东南亚国家联盟68. EU - 欧洲联盟69. APEC - 亚太经济合作组织70. GATT - 关税和贸易总协定71. World Bank - 世界银行72. IMF - 国际货币基金组织73. developing countries - 进展中国家74. developed countries - 发达国家75. emerging markets - 新兴市场76. market economy - 市场经济77. command economy - 方案经济78. mixed economy - 混合经济79. inflation - 通货膨胀80. recession - 经济衰退81. economic growth - 经济增长82. purchasing power - 购买力83. economic indicators - 经济指标84. GDP - 国内生产总值85. inflation rate - 通货膨胀率第3页/共6页86. unemployment rate - 失业率87. interest rate - 利率88. exchange rate - 汇率89. stock market - 股市90. commodity - 商品91. consumer goods - 消费品92. capital goods - 生产资料93. raw materials - 原材料94. agricultural products - 农产品95. energy resources - 能源资源96. manufacturing - 制造业97. agriculture - 农业98. services sector - 服务业99. technology - 技术100. innovation - 创新101. demand - 需求102. supply - 供应103. market - 市场104. price - 价格105. cost - 成本106. profit - 利润107. competition - 竞争108. market share - 市场份额109. marketing - 市场营销110. branding - 品牌建设111. advertising - 广告112. promotion - 推销113. distribution - 分销114. consumer - 消费者115. producer - 生产者116. retailer - 零售商117. wholesaler - 批发商118. e-commerce - 电子商务119. online shopping - 网上购物120. market research - 市场调研121. target market - 目标市场122. market segmentation - 市场细分123. product life cycle - 产品生命周期124. branding - 品牌建设125. customer relationship management - 客户关系管理126. business-to-business - 企业对企业127. business-to-consumer - 企业对消费者128. business-to-government - 企业对政府129. supply and demand - 供需关系130. economic sanctions - 经济制裁131. quota system - 配额制度132. foreign exchange - 外汇133. trade deficit - 贸易逆差134. protectionist policy - 爱护主义政策135. foreign investment - 外国投资136. market share - 市场份额137. global market - 全球市场138. economic integration - 经济一体化139. international trade rules - 国际贸易规章140. trade dispute - 贸易纠纷141. trade organization - 贸易组织142. trade policy - 贸易政策143. balance of trade - 贸易平衡144. current account - 经常账户第5页/共6页145. capital account - 资本账户146. foreign exchange rate - 外汇汇率147. interest rate - 利率148. central bank - 中心银行149. monopoly - 垄断150. globalization - 全球化。

外贸商务英语词汇对外贸易亦称“国外贸易” 或“进出口贸易”,简称“外贸”,接下来小编为大家整理了外贸商务英语词汇,希望对你有帮助哦!wholesaler 批发商retailer, tradesman 零售商merchant 商人,批发商,零售商concessionaire, licensed dealer 受让人,特许权获得者consumer 消费者,用户client, customer 顾客,客户buyer 买主,买方carrier 承运人consignee 收货人fob (free on board) 离岸价c&f (cost and freight) 成本加运费价cif (cost, insurance and freight) 到岸价freight 运费wharfage 码头费landing charges 卸货费customs duty 关税port dues 港口税import surcharge 进口附加税import variable duties 进口差价税commission 佣金return commission 回佣,回扣price including commission 含佣价net price 净价wholesale price 批发价discount / allowance 折扣retail price 零售价spot price 现货价格current price 现行价格 / 时价indicative price 参考价格customs valuation 海关估价price list 价目表total value 总值贸易保险术语all risks 一切险f.p.a. (free from particular average) 平安险w.a. / w.p.a (with average or with particular average)水渍险war risk 战争险f.w.r.d. (fresh water rain damage) 淡水雨淋险risk of intermixture and contamination 混杂、玷污险risk of leakage 渗漏险risk of odor 串味险risk of rust 锈蚀险shortage risk 短缺险t.p.n.d. ( theft, pilferage & non-delivery) 偷窃提货不着险strikes risk 罢工险贸易机构词汇wto (world trade organization) 世界贸易组织imf (international monetary fund) 国际货币基金组织ctg (council for trade in goods) 货币贸易理事会efta (european free trade association) 欧洲自由贸易联盟afta (asean free trade area) 东盟自由贸易区jcct (china-us joint commission on commerce and trade) 中美商贸联委会nafta (north american free trade area) 北美自由贸易区unctad (united nations conference on trade and development)联合国贸易与发展会议gatt (general agreement on tariffs and trade) 关贸总协定stocks 存货,库存量cash sale 现货purchase 购买,进货bulk sale 整批销售,趸售distribution channels 销售渠道wholesale 批发retail trade 零售业hire-purchase 分期付款购买fluctuate in line with market conditions 随行就市unfair competition 不合理竞争dumping 商品倾销dumping profit margin 倾销差价,倾销幅度antidumping 反倾销customs bond 海关担保chain debts 三角债freight forwarder 货运代理trade consultation 贸易磋商mediation of dispute 商业纠纷调解partial shipment 分批装运restraint of trade 贸易管制rta (regional trade arrangements) 区域贸易安排favorable balance of trade 贸易顺差unfavorable balance of trade 贸易逆差special preferences 优惠关税bonded warehouse 保税仓库transit trade 转口贸易tariff barrier 关税壁垒tax rebate 出口退税tbt (technical barriers to trade) 技术性贸易壁垒commerce, trade, trading 贸易inland trade, home trade, domestic trade 国内贸易international trade 国际贸易foreign trade, external trade 对外贸易,外贸import, importation 进口importer 进口商export, exportation 出口exporter 出口商import licence 进口许口证export licence 出口许口证commercial transaction 买卖,交易inquiry 询盘delivery 交货order 订货make a complete entry 正式/完整申报bad account 坏帐bill of lading 提单marine bills of lading 海运提单shipping order 托运单blank endorsed 空白背书endorsed 背书cargo receipt 承运货物收据condemned goods 有问题的货物catalogue 商品目录customs liquidation 清关customs clearance 结关trade partner 贸易伙伴manufacturer 制造商,制造厂middleman 中间商,经纪人dealer 经销商。

1. product [ˈprɒdʌkt] - n. 产品;制品。
- 例句:Our company has a wide range of products.(我们公司有各种各样的产品。
)2. goods [ɡʊdz] - n. 商品;货物(复数形式)- 例句:These goods are ready for shipment.(这些货物已准备好装运。
)3. merchandise [ˈmɜːtʃəndaɪs] - n. 商品;货物 - v. 买卖;推销。
- 例句:The store has a lot of new merchandise.(这家商店有很多新商品。
)- They merchandise their products all over the world.(他们在世界各地推销他们的产品。
)4. cargo [ˈkɑːɡəʊ] - n. 货物(船或飞机装载的)- 例句:The ship is carrying a heavy cargo.(这艘船载着沉重的货物。
1. import [ˈɪmpɔːt] - v. 进口;输入 - n. 进口;进口商品。
- 例句:We import a large amount of raw materials every year.(我们每年进口大量原材料。
)- The import of these goods has increased recently.(这些商品的进口最近有所增加。
)2. export [ˈekspɔːt] - v. 出口;输出 - n. 出口;出口商品。
- 例句:China exports a lot of manufactured goods.(中国出口大量制成品。
)- Textiles are one of our main exports.(纺织品是我们的主要出口商品之一。

常用外贸英语单词1.Export (出口)2.Import (进口)3.Freight (货运)4.Customs (海关)5.Tariff (关税)6.Invoice (发票)7.Bill of Lading (提单)8.Certificate of Origin (原产地证书)9.Incoterm (国际贸易术语)10.Container (集装箱)11.Clearance (清关)12.FOB (离岸价格)13.CIF (成本、保险加运费价)14.LCL (散货)15.FCL (整柜)16.Letter of Credit (信用证)17.Trade Agreement (贸易协定)18.Exchange Rate (汇率)19.Duty (关税)20.Forwarder (货代)21.Exporter (出口商)22.Importer (进口商)23.Trade (贸易)24.Trade Fair (交易会)25.Trade Show (展会)26.Trade Agreement (贸易协定)27.Free Trade Zone (自由贸易区)28.Customs Broker (报关行)29.Duty-Free (免税)30.Import License (进口许可证)31.Export License (出口许可证)32.Quota (配额)33.Sanction (制裁)34.Embargo (禁运)35.Packaging (包装)36.Carton (纸箱)37.Pallet (托盘)38.Consignment (委托)39.Trade Surplus (贸易顺差)40.Trade Deficit (贸易逆差)。

外贸英语词汇总结下面是一些常见的外贸英语词汇总结:1. Export - 出口2. Import - 进口3. Goods - 商品4. Products - 产品5. Trade - 贸易6. Shipping - 航运7. Freight - 运费8. Customs - 海关9. Tariff - 关税10. Invoice - 发票11. Bill of lading - 提单12. Commercial invoice - 商业发票13. Proforma invoice - 形式发票14. Packing list - 装箱单15. Certificate of origin - 产地证明16. Letter of credit - 信用证17. Payment terms - 付款条件18. Incoterms - 货物贸易术语19. FOB (Free On Board) - 离岸价20. CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight) - 成本和运费加保险费到港价21. EXW (Ex Works) - 工厂交货价22. DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) - 到岸交税价23. Container - 集装箱24. LCL (Less than Container Load) - 拼箱运输25. FCL (Full Container Load) - 整柜运输26. Incoterm - 货物贸易术语27. Letter of credit - 信用证28. T/T (Telegraphic Transfer) - 电汇29. L/C (Letter of Credit) - 信用证30. Negotiable - 可议价的31. Sample - 样品32. Quotation - 报价33. Order - 订单34. Contract - 合同35. Delivery - 交货36. Payment - 付款37. Warranty - 保修38. Quality control - 质量控制39. Incoterms - 货物贸易术语40. Negotiation - 谈判希望可以帮到你!。

国际贸易专业英语单词1. Import - 进口2. Export - 出口3. Trade - 贸易4. Goods - 商品5. Services - 服务6. Tariff - 关税7. Duty - 关税8. Customs - 海关9. Free trade - 自由贸易10. Balance of trade - 贸易平衡11. Trade deficit - 贸易赤字12. Trade surplus - 贸易顺差13. Trade barrier - 贸易壁垒14. Quota - 进口限额15. Embargo - 禁运16. Dumping - 倾销17. Dumping margin - 倾销幅度18. Anti-dumping duty - 反倾销税19. Subsidy - 补贴20. Trade agreement - 贸易协议21. World Trade Organization (WTO) - 世界贸易组织22. Free trade agreement - 自由贸易协议23. Preferential trade agreement - 优惠贸易协议24. Trade dispute - 贸易争端25. Trade war - 贸易战争26. Bilateral trade - 双边贸易第1页/共6页27. Multilateral trade - 多边贸易28. Exchange rate - 汇率29. Currency - 货币30. Foreign exchange - 外汇31. Importer - 进口商32. Exporter - 出口商33. Trade deficit - 贸易赤字34. Trade surplus - 贸易顺差35. Inflation - 通货膨胀36. Deflation - 通货紧缩37. Cross-border trade - 跨境贸易38. Trade finance - 贸易融资39. Letter of credit - 信用证40. Bill of lading - 提单41. Incoterms - 货物贸易术语42. FOB (Free On Board) - 离岸价43. CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight) - 到岸价44. EXW (Ex Works) - 工厂交货价45. Port of entry - 入境口岸46. Port of exit - 出境口岸47. Shipping - 运输48. Logistics - 物流49. Clearing agent - 清关代理商50. Inbound logistics - 入境物流51. Outbound logistics - 出境物流52. Customs duty - 海关税53. Import license - 进口许可证54. Export license - 出口许可证55. Import quota - 进口配额56. Export quota - 出口配额57. Import restrictions - 进口限制58. Export restrictions - 出口限制59. Trade policy - 贸易政策60. Trade negotiations - 贸易谈判61. Market access - 市场准入62. Non-tariff barriers - 非关税壁垒63. Intellectual property rights - 知识产权64. Counterfeit - 仿冒65. Trademark - 商标66. Patent - 专利67. Copyright - 版权68. Royalties - 版权使用费69. Anti-counterfeiting - 打击假冒70. Dumping investigation - 倾销调查71. Import substitution - 进口替代72. Export promotion - 出口促进73. Trade facilitation - 贸易便利化74. Trade dispute settlement - 贸易争端解决75. Trade remedy - 贸易救济措施76. Dumping margin - 倾销幅度77. Safeguard measures - 保障措施78. Countervailing duty - 反补贴税79. Anti-dumping duty - 反倾销税80. Tariff escalation - 关税递增81. Product standards - 产品标准82. Technical barriers to trade - 技术贸易壁垒83. Sanitary and phytosanitary measures - 卫生和植物检疫措施84. Trade remedy investigation - 贸易救济调查85. Dispute settlement mechanism - 争端解决机制第3页/共6页86. Preferential tariffs - 优惠关税87. Most favored nation (MFN) - 最惠国待遇88. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) - 关税与贸易总协定89. Regional trade agreement (RTA) - 区域贸易协定90. Free trade area - 自由贸易区91. Customs union - 关税同盟92. Common market - 共同市场93. Economic integration - 经济一体化94. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) - 北美自由贸易协定95. European Union (EU) - 欧盟96. Single market - 单一市场97. Customs union - 关税同盟98. European Economic Community (EEC) - 欧洲经济共同体99. Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) - 东南亚国家联盟100. Pacific Alliance - 太平洋联盟101. Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) - 跨太平洋伙伴关系102. World Bank - 世界银行103. International Monetary Fund (IMF) - 国际货币基金组织104. International trade law - 国际贸易法105. International trade finance - 国际贸易融资106. International trade dispute resolution - 国际贸易争端解决107. Import substitution industrialization (ISI) - 进口替代工业化108. Outward processing trade - 外加工贸易109. Offshore trade - 离岸贸易110. Advance payment - 预付款111. Documentary credit - 跟单信用证112. Documentary collection - 跟单托收113. Factoring - 让与114. Forfaiting - 福费廷115. Letter of indemnity - 不足保证书116. Standby letter of credit - 保函117. Open account - 开立账户118. Bill of exchange - 汇票119. Commercial invoice - 商业发票120. Packing list - 装箱单121. Certificate of origin - 原产地证书122. Import declaration - 进口申报123. Export declaration - 出口申报124. Insurance certificate - 保险凭证125. Bill of lading - 提单126. Bill of lading - 佣提单127. Bill of lading - 非佣提单128. Air waybill - 空运提单129. Phytosanitary certificate - 植物检疫证书130. Certificate of inspection - 检验证书131. Certificate of conformity - 符合性证明132. Certificate of quality - 质量证明书133. Country of origin - 原产国134. Harmonized System (HS) code - 统一编码135. Tariff code - 关税编码136. Value-added tax (VAT) - 增值税137. Excise tax - 特别消费税138. Withholding tax - 扣缴税139. Customs valuation - 海关估价140. Transfer pricing - 转让定价141. Import duty - 进口关税第5页/共6页142. Export duty - 出口关税143. Import restrictions - 进口限制144. Export restrictions - 出口限制145. Inventory - 库存146. Supply chain - 供应链147. Market research - 市场调查148. Trade show - 贸易展览会149. Market segmentation - 市场细分150. Market entry strategy - 进入市场策略。

一、贸易词汇1、贸易方式stocks 存货,库存量cash sale 现货purchase 购买,进货bulk sale 整批销售,趸售distribution channels 销售渠道wholesale 批发retail trade 零售业hire-purchase 分期付款购买fluctuate in line with market conditions 随行就市unfair competition 不合理竞争dumping 商品倾销dumping profit margin 倾销差价,倾销幅度antidumping 反倾销customs bond 海关担保chain debts 三角债freight forwarder 货运代理trade consultation 贸易磋商mediation of dispute 商业纠纷调解partial shipment 分批装运restraint of trade 贸易管制RTA (Regional Trade Arrangements) 区域贸易安排favorable balance of trade 贸易顺差unfavorable balance of trade 贸易逆差special preferences 优惠关税bonded warehouse 保税仓库transit trade 转口贸易tariff barrier 关税壁垒tax rebate 出口退税TBT (Technical Barriers to Trade) 技术性贸易壁垒2、贸易伙伴trade partner 贸易伙伴manufacturer 制造商,制造厂middleman 中间商,经纪人dealer 经销商wholesaler 批发商retailer, tradesman 零售商merchant 商人,批发商,零售商concessionaire, licensed dealer 受让人,特许权获得者consumer 消费者,用户client, customer 顾客,客户buyer 买主,买方carrier 承运人consignee 收货人3、进出口贸易commerce, trade, trading 贸易inland trade, home trade, domestic trade 国内贸易international trade 国际贸易foreign trade, external trade 对外贸易,外贸import, importation 进口importer 进口商export, exportation 出口exporter 出口商import licence 进口许口证export licence 出口许口证commercial transaction 买卖,交易inquiry 询盘delivery 交货order 订货make a complete entry 正式/完整申报bad account 坏帐Bill of Lading 提单marine bills of lading 海运提单shipping order 托运单blank endorsed 空白背书endorsed 背书cargo receipt 承运货物收据condemned goods 有问题的货物catalogue 商品目录customs liquidation 清关customs clearance 结关4、贸易价格trade term / price term 价格术语world / international market price 国际市场价格FOB (free on board) 离岸价C&F (cost and freight) 成本加运费价CIF (cost, insurance and freight) 到岸价freight 运费wharfage 码头费landing charges 卸货费customs duty 关税port dues 港口税import surcharge 进口附加税import variable duties 进口差价税commission 佣金return commission 回佣,回扣price including commission 含佣价net price 净价wholesale price 批发价discount / allowance 折扣retail price 零售价spot price 现货价格current price 现行价格/ 时价indicative price 参考价格customs valuation 海关估价price list 价目表total value 总值5、贸易保险All Risks 一切险F.P.A. (Free from Particular Average) 平安险W.A. / W.P.A (With Average or With Particular Average) 水渍险War Risk 战争险F.W.R.D. (Fresh Water Rain Damage) 淡水雨淋险Risk of Intermixture and Contamination 混杂、玷污险Risk of Leakage 渗漏险Risk of Odor 串味险Risk of Rust 锈蚀险Shortage Risk 短缺险T.P.N.D. ( Theft, Pilferage & Non-delivery) 偷窃提货不着险Strikes Risk 罢工险6、贸易机构WTO (World Trade Organization) 世界贸易组织IMF (International Monetary Fund) 国际货币基金组织CTG (Council for Trade in Goods) 货币贸易理事会EFTA (European Free Trade Association) 欧洲自由贸易联盟AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Area) 东盟自由贸易区JCCT (China-US Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade) 中美商贸联委会NAFTA (North American Free Trade Area) 北美自由贸易区UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) 联合国贸易与发展会议GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) 关贸总协定7、词组及固定用法foreign trade 对外贸易overseas trade 海外贸易international trade 国际贸易to trade with 和,,进行贸易to do business in a moderate way 做生意稳重to do business in a sincere way 做生意诚恳to make a deal 做一笔交易deal 交易,经营,处理,与,,交往to deal in 经营,做生意to explore the possibilities of 探讨,,的可能性trade circles 贸易界to handle 经营某商品to trade in 经营某商品business scope/frame 经营范围trading firm/house 贸易行,商行trade by commodities 商品贸易visible trade 有形贸易invisible trade 无形贸易barter trade 易货贸易bilateral trade 双边贸易triangle trade 三角贸易multilateral trade 多边贸易counter trade 对销贸易;抵偿贸易counter purchase 互购贸易buy-back 回购贸易compensation trade 补偿贸易processing trade 来料加工贸易assembling trade 来料装配贸易leasing trade 租赁贸易in exchange for 用,,交换,,trade agreement 贸易协议8、示例词汇:China Scooter 中国踏板车China Scooter Exporter 中国踏板车出口商China Scooter Producers 中国踏板车生产商China Scooter Suppliers 中国踏板车供货商Scooter China Exporter 中国踏板车出口商Scooter China Producers 中国踏板车生产商Scooter China Suppliers 中国踏板车供货商Scooter Exporter 踏板车出口商Scooter Exporter China 中国踏板车出口商Scooter Exporters 踏板车出口商Scooter Factories 踏板车工厂Scooter Factory 踏板车工厂Scooter Manufacturer 踏板车制造厂家Scooter Manufacturers 踏板车制造商Scooter Manufacturing 踏板车制造Scooter Producer 踏板车生产商Scooter Producers 踏板车生产商Scooter Producers China 中国踏板车生产商Scooter Product 踏板车产品Scooter Products 踏板车产品Scooter Supplier 踏板车供货商Scooter Suppliers 踏板车供货商Scooter Suppliers China 中国踏板车供货商二、贸易语句They mainly trade with Japanese firms.他们主要和日本商行进行贸易。
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插竹领插角片COLLAR STAY 打枣打结BARTACK狗牙车牙FEED DOG后浪后档BACK RISE急钮四合扣SNAP FASTENER 间棉绗缝QUILT拉冚车绷缝机COVERING STITCH MACHINE拉筒车门襟机PLACKET MACHINE埋夹缝合袖底骨和侧缝JOIN THE UNDER ARM SEAM AND SIDE SEAM魔术贴尼龙搭扣VELCRO纳膊缝合小肩JOIN THE SMALL SHOULDER纳膊位肩缝SHOULDER SEAM钮牌门袢FLY啤机冲压裁剪机DIE CUTTING MACHINE梭仔梭芯BOBBIN乌蝇扣钩棒扣EYES & HOOKS纵纹斜纹BIOS CUT CONTRAST COLOR STITCHES 撞色线COTTON STRING 棉绳EYES & HOOKS 乌蝇扣, 钩棒扣FUSIBLE-INTERLINING 粘朴GODET 三角形布GUSSET 三角形插布HALF MOON PA TCH 半月形龟背NON-FUSIBLE-INTERLINING 非粘朴, 生朴PLASTIC STRING 胶针RIVET 撞钉, 包头钉RUBBER STRING 橡筋SHANK (钮扣)绕脚线SMOCKING (装饰用的)缩褶STRIPE 带条, 绳子TRIANGLE GUSSET 三角脚贴VELCRO 魔术贴ZIPPER STOPPERABS AREA BOUNDED STAPLE FABRIC面粘非织造布ADL ACCEPTABLE DEFECT LEVEL允许疵点标准C.V.C. CHIEF VALUE OF COTTON 棉为主的混纺物CBL CENTER BACK LINE 后中线CBN-W CENTER BACK NECK POINT TO WAIST 后颈点至腰CI CORPORA TE IDENTIFY 企业标识CMT CUTTING, MAKING,TRIMMING来料加工CORD. CORDUROY 灯心绒D. & K. DAMAGED &KEPT 染厂对疵布的认赔DIP 深石洗E.G. EXAMPLI GRATIA / FORFAQ FAIR A VERAGE QUALITY中等品FQC FIELD QUALITYCONTROL 现场质量控制GL GRAIN LINE 布纹L. LINE 莱尼/号(纽扣大小单位)MHL MIDDLE HIPS LINE 中臀围线N. to W.(N.-W.) NAPE TO WAIST腰直P/C POL YESTER/COTTON 涤棉混纺织物PA POL YAMIDE 聚酰胺PAP POSTERIOR ARMPITPOINT 腋窝后点P-O-R PRODUCT-O-RIALSYSTEM 吊挂系统PP POLY PROPYLENE 聚丙烯PV POL YVINYL FIBRE 聚乙烯纤维PVC POL YVINYL CHLORIDE聚氯乙烯R.T.W. READY TO WEAR 成衣S/B 喷沙sand blastS.B. SINGLE BREASTED 单排纽扣, 单襟SGL NDL SINGLE NEEDLE 单针T/C TERYLENCE/COTTON 涤棉织物T/S TOP STITCHES 间面线V. VIOLET 紫色WIP半成品X KING SIZE 特大号XL EXTRA LARGE 特大号XXL EXTRA EXTRA LARGE 超特大号YD. YARDAGE 码数(车缝)(车位:machinist)BARTACK 打枣BARTACKER 打枣车BASTING 挑缝BINDER 滚边蝴蝶BLIND STITCH 暗线BLIND STITCH MACHINE 盲缝车BLINDING 挑脚BUNDLE SYSTEM 执扎系统CHAIN STITCH 锁链线步CHAIN STITCH MACHINE 锁链车CLEAN FINISH 还口COVERING STITCH 拉覆线步CREASE LINE 裤中骨CROSS CROTCH 十字骨CROTCH 浪顶CUT & SEWN 切驳FOLD BACK FACING 原身出贴FOLDER 拉筒蝴蝶FUSING INTERLINING 粘朴IRON-SHINE 烫起镜NOTCH 扼位OFF PRESSING 终烫OPERA TION BREAK DOWN 分科OVERHEAD 厂皮(企业一般管理费)PIPER 镶边蝴蝶PRESS OPEN 烫开骨PUCKERING 起皱QUILTING 间棉RUN STITCH 运线SET IN SLEEVE 上袖SEWING WAISTBAND WITHWAISTBAND M/C (用拉裤头车)拉裤头SINGLE NEEDLE LOCKSTITCHMACHINE 单针平车STAY TAPE 胸衬条THREE THREADS OVERLOCKMACHINE 3线及骨车TOP STITCHING 间线TUCKING 打排褶TWO LAYER YOKE 双层担干UNDER PRESSING 中烫WAISTBAND IS EXTENSIONOF BODY原身裤头WRAPSEAM 包骨WRINKLE 不平服,皱褶BIAS CUT 斜纹裁/纵纹裁BUNDLING 执扎BEND KNIFE 万能式电剪C.M.T. 来料加工CROSS CUT 横纹裁DIE 刀模DIE CUTTING MACHINE 冲床DRILL 锥子DRILLING 钻孔位DRINKING 缩水HAND SHEAR 剪刀MARKER COPIER 唛架复印机PLAID MATCHING 对格PLANNING BOARD 经济排唛PREDRINKING 预缩REMNANT 布尾, 零码布ROTARY KNIFE 圆刀式电剪SPLICING 驳布位SPREADING MACHINE 拉布机STRAIGHT CUT 直纹裁STRAIGHT KNIFE 直刀式电剪TOLERANCE 抛位, 宽松量WEIGHTS 压铁COLLAR FALL 上级领COLLAR NOTCH 领扼位COLLAR STAND 下级领JETTED POCKET 唇袋PLACKET 明筒POCKET BAG 袋布SLANT POCKET 斜插袋SLEEVE SLIT 袖叉服装专业英语(度尺部位)COLLAR BAND HEIGHT 下级领高COLLAR POINT SPREAD 领尖距COLLAR POINT 领尖长FLY LENGTH 钮牌长FLY WIDTH 钮牌阔SWEEP(HALF)裙阔(裙底半度)BAD JOIN STITCHES 驳线不良CENTER BACK RIDES UP 后幅起吊COLLAR POINT HI/LOW 领尖高低COLOR SHADING 色差COLOR THREAD LEFT INSIDE藏色线CREASE MARK 摺痕CROSSED BACK VENT 背叉搅CUFF FACING VISIBLE 介英反光EXCESS EXTENSION 突咀FLAP STRICKING UP 袋盖反翘FRONT HORIZONTAL SEAMNOT LEVEL 前幅水平缝骨不对称HIKING AT BOTTOM OFPLACKET 前筒吊脚HIKING UP 起吊IMPROPER CROSS SEAM A TJOINING SIDE SEAM 袖底十字骨不对MISMA TCH CHECKS/STRIPES格仔/条子不对称OFF GRAIN 布纹歪OVERLAPPED COLLAR 叠领OVERLAPPED LIPS 叠唇POOR BACK-STITCHES 回针不佳POOR IRONING 烫工不良PUCKER 起皱PULLING AT INSIDE/OUTSIDE SEAM 吊脚RUBBLING 起泡RUN OFF STITCHES 落坑SCRIMP 印花裂痕SEAM OVERTURN 止口反骨SHADING GARMENT TO GARMENT 衫与衫之间色差SLUB 毛粒SMILING POCHET 袋“笑口”STRIPES/CHECKS NOT MA TCHING 不对条/格THREAD VISIBLE OUTSIDE 缝线外露TWIST LEG 扭髀UNDER THREAD VISIBLE 底线露出UNDERPLY TURN OUT 反光UNDERPLY VISIBLE OUTSIDE 反光UNDERPRESS 熨烫不够UNEVEN COLOR 深浅色UNEVEN LIPS 大小唇UNEVEN SLEEVE LENGTH 长短袖UNEVEN STITCHING DENSITY 针步密度不均匀UNMATCHED CROTCH CROSS 下裆十字骨错位UNMEET BACK VENT 背叉豁WA VY A T PLACKET 前筒起蛇(皱)WRONG COMBO 颜色组合错误WRONG PATTERN 图案错误WRONG SIZE INDICATED 错码acetate 醋脂纤维acetate醋脂纤维acrylic 腈纶aliginate fiber 藻酸纤维asbestos fibre 石棉纤维bast 树内皮blend fiber 混合纤维cashmere山羊绒cellulose ester 醋、人造丝cellulose纤维素felting 制毡材料filament 长纤维flax亚麻纤维jute黄麻modacrylic 变性腈纶mohair马海毛polyamide 聚烯烃纤维polyester涤纶、聚脂纤维polyethylene 聚乙烯纤维polymer高聚物polyolefin聚烯烃纤维polypropylene丙沦rayon 人造丝regenerated fiber 再生纤维spandex/elastomer 弹性纤维staple 短纤纱synthetic 合成纤维textuered yarn变形纱tufting 裁绒6 FEED PIQUE 6模珠地ACRYLIC 腈纶ADHESIVE / FUSIBLEINTERLINING 粘衬ANTIQUE BRASS COATING 镀青古铜ANTISTA TIC FINISH 防静电处理BACK COVER FRONT 后搭前BAR-TACK 打枣BASTE 假缝BATILK 蜡染BEARER 袋衬BEARER & FACING 袋衬袋贴BEDFORD CORD. 坑纹布,经条灯心绒BELL BOTTOM 喇叭裤脚BELLOWS POCKET 风琴袋BIAS CUT 斜纹裁,纵纹裁BIFURCATE 分叉BINDING OF SLV. OPENING R折BINDING OF TOP VENT 面叉包边BLEACH 漂白BLEACH SPOT 漂白污渍BLEEDING 洗水后褪色BLEND FIBRE 混纺纤维BLIND STITCH 挑脚线步BOTTOM VENT OF SLEEVE 细侧BRIEFS 男装紧身内裤BROCADE 织锦,织带BUNDLE CODE 扎号BUNDLING 执扎BUTTONING WITH BUTTONSEWER 用钉钮机钉钮CALICO / GRAY CLOTHES 胚布CANVAS 马尾衬,帆布CARDED 粗疏CATCHING FACING 钮子CENTER CREASE FOLD 中骨对折CENTER CREASE LINE 中骨线CERTIFIEDSUB-CONTRACTOR 认可加工厂CHAMPRAY 皱布CHEMISE 宽松服装CHIC 时髦的,流行的CIRCULAR KNIT 圆筒针织布CLEAN FINISH OF TOP VENT面叉还口CLEAN FINISH WITH 1/4"SINGLE NEEDLE 1/4" 单针还口CLOSE SIDE SEAM 埋侧骨COLLAR BAND 下级领COLLAR FALL 上级领COLLAR NOTCH 领扼位COLLAR STAND 下级领COMBED 精梳CONTINUOUS PLACKET R折CONTROL OF LABORTURNOVER 劳工流失控制CORDUROY 灯心绒COTTON STRING 棉绳COVERING STITCHING 拉冚线步(600类)CREASE & WRINKLYRESISTANT FINISH 防皱处理CREASE LINE 折线CREPE DE-CHINE 皱布CROSS CROTCH 十字缝CROSS CUT 横纹裁CROTCH POINT 浪顶点CUFF A TTACHING TO SLEEVE车鸡英到袖子上CUFF VENT/CUFF OPENING袖侧CUFFED BOTTOM HEM 反脚,假反脚,脚级CUFFLESS BOTTOM 平脚CURVED POCKET 弯袋CUT & SEWN 切驳DECORATIVE STITCHING 装饰间线DENIM 牛仔DIMENSION 尺寸、尺码DINNER JACKET 晚礼服DISCOUNT / SALES OFF 打折DOBBY 织花布DOUBLE END 双经DOUBLE JETTED POCKET 双唇袋DOUBLE NEEDLE FELL SEAM双针埋夹DOUBLE PICK 双纬ELASTIC WAISTBAND ISEXTENSION OF BODY 原身出橡筋裤头EVENING GOWN SET 晚睡袍EXTENSION OF WAISTBAND裤头搭咀FACING TO OUT-SIDE 折向侧骨FALSE FLY 暗钮牌FALSE PLACKET 假明筒,假反筒FELL SEAM 埋夹FILAMENT 长纤丝FINAL APPEARANCE 最终外观FINISHED APPEARANCE 完成后的外观FLANNEL 法兰绒FLARE SKIRT 喇叭裙FLAX 亚麻FOLD BACK FACING 原身出贴FOLD BACK HIDDENPLACKET 原身双层钮筒FORM AND FOLD GARMENT定型折衫FROCKS 礼服FULLY FASHION SWEATER 全成型毛衫FUR GARMENT 裘皮服装FUSE INTERLINING 粘衬FUSIBLE INTERLINING 粘朴FUZZ BALLS 起球GABARDINE 斜纹呢GARMENT DYE 成衣染色GIRLS STYLE FLY / RIGHT FLY女装钮牌,右钮牌GLACED FINISH 压光加工GRAY CLOTH 胚布GROMMET 凤眼GROWN-ON SLEEVE 原身出袖HEMMING WITH FOLDER 用拉筒卷边HERRINGBONE TWILL 人字斜纹布HEXAGONAL POCKET 六角袋HIDDEN BARTACK 隐形枣HIGH-WAISTED SKIRT 高腰裙HOOD HEIGHT 帽高HORIZONTAL PLAID 水平格INNER EXTENSION 搭咀内层INTERLACING 交织INTERLINING FOR FACING 贴粘衬INTERLOCK 双面布(针织)INVERTED PLEA T 内工字褶IRON OVERALL BODY 熨烫衫身IRON SPOT 烫痕JOIN CROTCH 埋小浪JUTE 黄麻KNITTED RIB COLLAR 针织罗纹领L/G=LETTER OF GUARANTEE 担保证LACOSTE 双珠地LAPEL 襟贴LEFT COVER RIGHT 左搭右LEISURE WEAR SHOW 休闲装展示会LIGHT CURVED POCKET 微弯袋LINEN 亚麻LINKING & CUP SEAMING 缝盆LUSTROUS 光泽MACHINE MAINTENANCE 机械保养MAGIC TAPE 魔术贴MARK BUTTONHOLE & BUTTON POSITION 标出钮门与钮扣的位置MARK POCKET POSITION WITH TEMPLATE 用纸板点袋位MELTON 领底绒MILDREW RESISTANT FINISH 防霉处理MOTH RESISTANT FINISH 防虫处理NAIL-BUTTON 钉脚钮扣NATURAL FIBRE 天然纤维acetate醋脂纤维acrylic 腈纶aliginate fiber 藻酸纤维asbestos fibre 石棉纤维bast 树内皮blend fiber 混合纤维braid饰带cashmere山羊绒cellulose ester 醋、人造丝cellulose纤维素felting 制毡材料filament 长纤维flax亚麻纤维jute黄麻modacrylic 变性腈纶mohair马海毛polyamide 聚烯烃纤维polyester涤纶、聚脂纤维polyethylene 聚乙烯纤维polymer高聚物polyolefin聚烯烃纤维polypropylene丙沦rayon 人造丝spandex/elastomer 弹性纤维staple 短纤纱synthetic 合成纤维textuered yarn变形纱tufting 裁绒包边压靴hemming foot包缝缝型wrap-seam绷缝线步covering stitch比尺guide哔叽呢serge边脚corner边脚处理edge-finishes变形distortion变形纱textured yarn变性腈纶modacrylic丙纶polypropylene波浪,卷曲crimp波浪纹线步wavy stitches玻璃纤维glass fibre驳线over-lapping stitch布边selvedge布料瑕疵fabric flaws布纹歪斜off grain裁绒tufting长袍robes长纤丝filament超出松容位out of tolerance粗纺woolen粗梳carded醋,人造丝cellulose ester醋酸纤维acetate打结机,打枣车bartacker打线结thread tacking打枣,套结bartack打褶,打裥fix pleats大烫,终烫off-pressing大皱边ruffle袋衬,背带bearer袋卡pkt. flasher单股长丝mono-filament单嵌线袋single jetted pocket担保走货letter of guarantee,L/G弹性纤维elastomer弹袖wadding刀口,刻口,扼位notch灯心绒corduroy涤棉混纺织物polyester/cotton底层布料ply stratum底领,领里under collar底面领top & under collar电脑牌kim-ball钉纽机button sewer镀黄铜的brass coating短数/少出货short-ship短纤丝staple断经broken end/warp断纬broken pick/weft对称线迹counter stitch多股长丝multi-filament多股纱multiply yarn法兰绒flannel帆布duck帆布,马尾衬canvas翻贴边裤脚cuffed bottom hem反领机collar pressing & turningmachine反领线,反襟线break line / foldline反袖口机cuff turning & pressingmachine方平织物hopsack防虫加工moth resistant finish防臭加工odorless&perfumedfinish防汗加工perspiration resistantfinish防火测试flammability test防静电加工antistatic finish防霉加工mildrew resistant finish防水water repellent防缩加工shrink-resistant/preshrunk finish防透光加工opaque finish防褪色加工atmospheric fadingresistant finish防绉加工crease & wrinklyresistant finish防蛀加工antiseptic finish仿天鹅绒velveteen纺成纱spun yarn纺纱spinning非纯白色,黄白色off-white非粘衬non-fusible interlining分工序operation break-down风琴袋bellows pocket风琴褶accordion缝骨皱褶seam pucker缝肩线,纳膊join shoulder seam缝盘缝制lingking & cup seaming缝线落坑run off stitches缝线张力thread tension浮经warp float府绸,毛葛poplin钢质纤维steel fibre高聚物polymer格子不均匀uneven plaids格子布plaids跟单员merchandiser工票work-ticket/cutting ticket固定款式服装staple garment固强度tenacity挂面,襟贴lapel柜台板,回板counter sample合成纤维synthetic横裆barre横贴纸inscription paper厚绒针织布terry knit厚毯,小地毯rug还口clean finish/turn finish还口,锁边serge黄麻jute混合纤维blend fibre活胸衬floating chest piece基本纸样block pattern缉边线edge-stitched缉面线topstitching加工厂source mill假缝baste假缝,绷缝basting间边线edge-stitching间线top-stitching肩斜shoulder slope交织interlacing脚贴hem facing经编针织warp-knitting经条灯心绒bedford cord.经织弹簧针织布tricot经织舌针布raschel腈纶acrylic精纺worsted精纺羊毛worsted精梳combed精致的delicate旧式的,古代的antique聚苯乙烯polystyrene聚烯烃纤维polyolefin聚酰胺纤维polyamide聚乙烯纤维polyethylene聚脂纤维,涤纶polyester卷边靴hemmer foot拷贝纸tissue paper可伸长的tensile可弯曲的pliability捆条binding tape拉覆线步covering stitch拉筒folder蜡染battik来料加工 C.M.T./cut,make & trim领底绒melton领贴阔neck band width六角袋hexagonal pocket氯纶chloro fibre罗纹带条rib tape骆驼毛camel hair落坑线slipped stitches落里的lined马海毛mohair马尾衬布,帆布canvas码数yard/yardage埋侧骨close side-seam毛圈针织布pile knit毛圈织布loop pile毛绒布tweed棉绒针织布velour knit棉纱支数counts棉绳cotton string面布shell fabric魔术贴velcro莫代尔纤维modal fibre木棉kapok内工字褶inverted-pleat耐用的durability男西装men’s tailored jacket捻成丝状的spun牛仔布denim扭脾twisting leg扭前筒twisted placket纽扣开口button closure纽牌fly纽子catch facing纽子贴catch facing钮脚button shank钮牌fly facing钮牌front fly抛位fullness泡状布,泡泡纱sucker胚布gray cloth / calico配额quota膨体纱bulk yarn漂白bleaching起镜面shiny起镜面,反光glaring shine marks 起毛头pilling起毛织布pile fabric起皱puckering前襟贴,挂面front facing前筒,三尖袖叉placket嵌边袋jetted/welt pkt青白色bluish-white曲尺袋ruler shaped pkt.全成型针织衫fully fashioned sweater全里fully lined全围circumference人造丝rayon人字斜纹herringbone三醋酸纤维triacetate三尖袖叉slv. placket散口seam slippage色彩鲜艳的运动上衣blazering 沙滩装beachwear 山羊绒,开士米毛cashmere上级领collar fall上浆sizing上袖sleeve joining绱领attach collar绱袖set in sleeve绱袖级attach cuff烧毛scorches & flame省裥tuck湿冷的clammy十字裤裆骨crotch meet point十字浪,十字裆cross crotch石棉纤维asbestos fibre使成为可塑体plasticize手工艺workmanship树内皮bast树脂加工resin finish双反面针织布purl双面针织布interlock双针平缝机double needlelockstitch machine双绉布vrepe de-chine碎片scrap损耗量spared quantity太阳褶sunray碳质纤维carbon fibre烫袋机pocket creasing machine烫袋形crease pkt. shape烫糊burns烫开缝骨press open seam体型contour of body挑缝blinding挑脚线步blind stitch条形码标签bar coded sticker凸嘴,不紧贴not closing外箱贴纸case pack label外形拉紧tension appearance维纶polyvinyl alcohol纬编针织weft-knitting乌蝇扣eyes & hoops五线保险包缝线迹 5 threadssafety overlock stitch物料运输material handling西裤trousers西装料suiting矽石纤维silica fibre洗涤,漂洗rinsed洗水痕water streak洗水后褪色bleeding下摆围sweep下级领collar stand下级领高collar stand width纤维素cellulose线步松grinning stitch线落坑run-off stitching线圈形成loop formation镶边器piper小山羊皮suede小绉边褶frill斜袋slant pocket斜纹,纵纹bias斜纹布twill斜纹的diagonal斜纹呢gabardine杏型袋peach shaped pkt.修补行为remedy action袖侧slit opening袖叉sleeve vent袖底缝骨underarm-seam压光加工glazed finish亚麻linen亚麻布linen亚麻纤维fiax亚铜的cuprous衍缝quilt羊毛衫sweater羊绒衬衫sweat-shirt洋裁,裁缝tailored腰卡waist tag腰直nape to waist一股,股数strand有光泽的lustrous原身出贴fold back facing原身出袖magyar sleeve再生纤维regenerated fibre藻酸纤维aliginate fibre扎号bundle code粘衬fusible interlining粘衬条adhesive tape粘合性的fusible折痕crease line褶皱回复wrinkle recovery针/夹pins / clips针织服装knitwear织花布dobby织锦brocade织片panel knitting直贡呢,威尼斯缩绒呢venetian直角perpendicular直径diameter直线装配linear assemble中骨线center crease line中骨线crease line中烫under-pressing终烫off-pressing / final pressing绉布chambray绉布crepe皱褶wrinkles装配线/组合线assemble line纵纹裁剪,斜纹裁剪bias cut纵行线圈wale。