I.若该文件的数据不在内存中,则该进程进入睡眠等待状态II.请求rcad系统调用会导致CPU从用户态切换到核心态III.read系统调用的参数应包含文件的名称A.仅I、IIB. 仅I、IIIC.仅II、IIID. I、II和III5、下列选项中,导致创建新进程的操作是()。
I.用户登录成功 II.设备分配 III.启动程序执行A.仅I和IIB.仅II和IIIC. 仅I和IIID. I,II,III6、采用分段存储管理的系统中,若段地址用24位表示,其中8位表示段号,则允许每段的最大长度是()。
A.224BB.216BC.28BD.232 B7、对重定位存储管理方式,应()。
A.在整个系统中设置一个重定位寄存器B.为每个程序设置个重定位寄存器C.为每个程序设置两个重定位寄存器D.为每个程序和数据都设置一个重定位寄存器8、下列选项中,会导致用户进程从用户态切换到内核态的操作是()I.整数除以零 II.sin函数调用 III.read系统调用A.仅I、IIB.仅I、IIIC.仅II、IIID. I、II和II9、所谓(),是指将一个以上的作业放入内存,并且同时处于运行状态。
2019-2020学年八上物理期中模拟试卷含答案一、填空题(每空2分,共30分)1.在氧气瓶中装满密度为4g /m 3的氧气,若用去一半,剩余部分氧气的密度为______ _______g /m 32.一般测不规则固体密度时,要用量筒测量固体的体积,在用量筒测量其体积时,要在量筒内先倒入适量的水,适量的标准应当是______和______________.3.我国“神舟七号”航天载人飞船在返回地球时,其返回舱的“防热衣”发生了极大的保护作用,它主要通过三种方式使返回舱内部的温度控制在航天员能够忍受的40℃以下.一是吸热式防热,二是辐射式防热,三是烧蚀防热.其中吸热式防热是在返回舱的某些部位,采用导热性能_____(填好或差)、熔点_____(填高或低)和热容量大的金属吸热材料通过________过程来吸收大量的热.4.在国际单位制中,温度的量度使用热力学温标(也称开氏温标、绝对温标),它的单位是开,用“”来表示.在表示温度变化时,每1的大小与1℃的大小是______的(填相同或者不同).如果一个人的体温是36℃,则若用开氏温标表示,其体温应该为________.5.在第一次世界大战时期,一个法国飞行员在2000m 高空飞行时,发现脸旁有一个小东西,但令他吃惊的是,当他抓到这个小东西时发现它竟是一个颗子弹,你猜想这种事情______(可能或不可能)发生,理由是_______________________________.6.近年来,地震灾害频频发生,我们需要对地震有一定的了解,下面是地震的一些有关知识:地震波的传播形式分横波和纵波,地震时从震源同时传出横波和纵波,横波和纵波的传播速度分别为3.7×103m /s 和9.1×103m /s ,某地发生地震时,一地震观测站距离震源4.55×104m ,则先传到观测站的地震波形式是________(填横波或纵波),此波从震源传到观测站的时间约为_______秒.7.在练习用刻度尺和秒表测平均速度的实验中,测得小车在前0.1s 、0.3s 、0.5s 内通过的路程分别..为1cm 、8cm 、36cm ,则小车在前0.3s 的平均速度等于_________cm /s ,在后0.2s 的平均速度等于_________cm /s ,全程的平均速度等于__________cm /s .二、选择题(每题3分,共30分)8.在一个标准大气压下,海波的熔点是48℃,如果海波处在48℃,则其状态是( )A .一定是固态B .一定是液态C .一定是固液共存D .以上三种情况都可能9.如图是甲、乙两物体的时间和路程图像,请你判断( )A .甲比乙的速度大B .甲比乙的速度小C .两者速度一样大D.条件不足,无法判断10.在日常生活中,我们常常看到以下现象:①春天,冰雪融化,汇成小溪流;②夏天,可以看见水管“出汗”;③秋天,小草的叶面上常常会有露珠;④冬天,冰冻的衣服也能晾干.在以上的现象形成的过程中,吸热的是( )A.①②B.②③C.①④D.③④11.在测量物体长度时,由于下列原因造成测量结果有差异,其中属于误差的是( )A.尺没有沿着被测物体的长度放置B.测量者在读数时,其视线与刻度尺成20°角C.测量者对分度值的下一位估计值时偏大D.刻度尺末紧贴被测物体12.甲、乙、丙、丁四位同学都用一把长20cm,分度值为1mm的刻度尺去测量一本书的厚度,测得结果分别为:甲6.1mm,乙6.11mm,,丙5.87mm,丁6mm,四个数据中正确的是( )A.甲B.乙C.丙D.丁13.甲乙两实心物体,其体积之比是2︰3,其质量之比是1︰3,则甲乙的密度之比是 ( ) A.1︰2 B.2︰1 C.2︰9 D.9︰214.下列数据基本符合实际情况的是( )A.这张试卷的厚度大约为2mm B.步行上学的速度约为10m/sC.某同学的质量约为45g D.一般木头的密度约为6g/cm315.物体下列关于物体运动的描述,以地面为参照物的是( )A.月亮躲进云里B.太阳从东方升起C.列车内的乘客看到树木后退D.观光电梯上的乘客看到地面远去16.以下四个图像中,能正确表示晶体凝固过程图像是( )17.一人坐在小船上沿河顺流而下,河岸上有树,如果以树为参照物,人和船是运动的,如果用人作参照物,则船和树分别是( )A.船是运动的,树是静止的B.船是静止的,树是运动的C.船和树都是运动的D.船和树都是静止的三、实验探究题(第18题4分,第19题12分,第20题10分,共26分)18.某个小学生的父母让她去买2500个小钉子,到了商店,售货员却说小钉子不能按个数卖,只能用秤称.请你利用学过的物理知识帮助这个小学生“称”出2500个钉子.如果这个小学生称了0.5g的小钉子,请问够不够2500个?(要求写出需要测量的物理量和必要的语言叙述).19.同学们到了九年级将参加实验操作考试,其中密度的测量是实验考试的内容之一.下面是测量某种液体密度的有关知识,请根据实验回答下列问题:(1)某同学的实验操作步骤如下:A.将盛有液体的量杯放在天平上,测出总质量m1;B.将游码放在标尺的零刻度线处,调节横梁上的螺母,使横梁平衡;C.把天平放置在水平桌面上;D.将量杯中的部分液体倒入量筒中,并记录量筒内液体的体积V;E.把盛有剩余液体的量杯放在天平上,测出剩余液体和量杯的质量m2;F.利用公式计算这种液体的密度.①正确的实验步骤是:____________________________________(只填顺序号)②在调节横梁上的螺母时,发现天平左边下沉,应将横梁右端的平衡螺母向_____(填左或右)调节.③在放量杯时,量杯应放在天平的________(填左或右)托盘上.④用已知的物理量表示出这种液体的密度ρ=_________________.(2)第二位同学的实验与第一位同学相比,除其他步骤不变外,他对测量液体的质量进行了调整:测出空量杯的质量m1;将量筒中的液体倒入量杯,测出液体和量杯的总质量m2,计算出液体的质量.请你对第二位同学的实验进行评估:这个方案测的液体的密度比真实值________(填“偏大”、“偏小”或“不变”),理由是:_____________________________________________________________.20.在瞬息万变的世界里,一切物质都在永不停息的运动,请回答:(1)如果让你比较物体运动的快慢,你可以采取选定相同的_________,比较物体运动的_________长短的方法,请举一个与你选定方法相同的实例__________.(2)如图是“测平均速度”实验,实验器材中除小车、斜面、金属片外,还必须有_________和________.(3)在这个实验中,如果S1=S2,通过S1的平均速度为V1,通过S2的速度为V2,则通过全程的平均速度为_________.四、综合应用题(第21题7分,第22题7分,共14分)21.一个质量为0.3g的水壶,装满水后的总质量为0.8g,装满另一种液体后总质量为0.7g,则这种液体的密度是多少g/m322.一粗细均匀的圆柱形状的筒内装0.5kg的水时,水柱高10cm,当1g密度为0.8g/cm3的油滴漂浮在圆铜中的水面上形成一层厚薄均匀的油膜,油膜刚好盖满量筒内的水面,求此油膜的厚度.2019-2020学年八上物理期中模拟试卷含答案(考试时间:90分钟满分100分)第Ⅰ卷 (共58分)一、选择题:(本大题16小题,每小题2分,共32分)1.“稻花香里说丰年,听取蛙声一片”“姑苏城外寒山寺,夜半钟声到客船”,诗人之所以能分辨出“蛙声”和“钟声”,从物理学角度看,主要是依据( )A.音调B.响度C.音色D.声速2.下列现象中不能..用光的直线传播知识解释的是:( )A.小孔成像B.探照灯在空中射出一条光柱C.月食的形成D.我们能看到本身不发光的桌子3.在图1所示的几幅交通标志牌中,能明显表示出用于防治噪声的是( )4.一个同学用毫米刻度尺测一本物理书的长度,以下记录的测量结果正确的是( )A.2.58dm B.25.82cm C.0.258m D.258mm5.下列现象中属于光的反射的是( )A.在嘉陵江的水中可看到碚东大桥的倒影B.注满水的游泳池,池底看起来变浅了C.人在阳光下,地面上出现影子D.筷子斜插入水中,水下的部分看起来上折了6.小明在水中看岸上的小鸟,图2中,能正确表示其光线传播大致路径的是( )7.下列我们观察到的现象中,属于实像的是( )A.在岸上看到的水中的鱼B.镜子里的人C.树荫下的圆形光斑D.海边看到海市蜃楼8.三峡广场附近某酒店建有观光电梯,乘客在竖直上下的过程中可欣赏到三峡广场繁华的商圈,在这一过程中,下列说法正确的是( )A.以电梯内的某一乘客为参照物,其他乘客是运动的B.以地面上的树为参照物,乘客是运动的C.以电梯为参照物,所有乘客是运动的D.以三峡广场旁边的道路上行驶的汽车为参照物,乘客是静止的9.在湖边,小丽看到了平静的湖水中金鱼游弋于蓝天白云之间.她看到的金鱼和白云( ) A.都是经水折射而成的像B.分别经水面反射和水折射而成的像C.都是经水面反射而成的像D.分别经水折射和水面反射而成的像10.小华做实验时,拿起一个装满水的烧瓶,透过烧瓶看到了讲台上老师倒立缩小的像,下列光学器材中,与上述现象的成像原理相同的是( )A.放大镜B.平面镜C.投影仪D.照相机11.图3中物体在高速运动时,它们速度的由大到小的排列顺序是( )A.①②③B.③②①C.②③①D.①③②Array 12.如图4所示是通过凸透镜观察烛焰的示意图,人所观察到的烛焰的像是( )A.实像,这个像能用光屏承接B.实像,这个像不能用光屏承接C.虚像,这个像能用光屏承接D.虚像,这个像不能用光屏承接13.一个做匀速直线运动的物体,4s内通过20m的路程,则它在前一半路程内的速度一定是( ) A.5m/s B.10m/s C.2.5m/s D.无法判断14.甲、乙两同学从家到学校所用时间之比是5∶3,从家到学校的路程之比是3∶2.甲、乙两同学从家到学校的速度之比是( )A.5∶2B.3∶5C.10∶9 D.9∶1015.站在100m赛跑终点的计时员,如果他听到起跑的枪声才开始计时,则他测出的比赛成绩比真实时间( )A.稍短一些B.稍长一些C.没有变化D.不能确定16.2008年北京奥运会全面运用人脸识别系统,人们进入场馆距门口0.5~1.2 m 范围内时,安装在门上的人脸识别系统的摄像机就可以对其面部特征进行快速核对,如图5.由此判断,人脸识别系统的摄像机的镜头( )A .相当于凸透镜,焦距可能为0.5 mB .相当于凸透镜,焦距可能为0.1 mC .相当于凹透镜,焦距可能为0.5 mD .相当于凹透镜,焦距可能为0.1 m二、填空题:(每空1分,共26分)17.请根据实际情况填写下面的空格:(1)一扇门的高度约为2.3_________;(2)和谐号动车组的速度约为200____________.18.读数:图6中物体的长度是__________cm ,秒表的分度值是________s .19.声音是由发声体的__________而产生,如图7所示,人耳能听到鼓声,是通过__________传播进人的耳朵的.水中的鱼会被岸上的人的说话声吓跑,说明声音能在____________中传播.20.公元前2世纪,我国就有人用磨成球形的冰对着太阳光来“取火”,这个冰球相当于一个________镜,它对光线有__________作用.21.多媒体教室中的投影银幕是用粗糙的白布做成的,其优点在于:一是利用________使教室里各座位上的同学都能看到画面;二是白布能反射各种颜色的光,使同学们能看到色彩正常的画面.22.有一束光沿与平面镜成40度角入射,则反射角是________度;当入射角减小了10度,则反射光线与入射光线的夹角是__________度.23.小明身高1.76m ,站在平面镜前,镜中的像与他相距4 m .则他离镜子的距离为________m ,镜中的像的高度是________m ;当他向着平面镜以0.5m /s 的速度运动时,镜中的像相对于该同学的速度是___________m /s .24.电影《泰坦尼克号》中有两句旁白:“冰山迎面压了过来”“泰坦尼克号最终撞上了冰山”,前一句是以__________为参照物,后一句是以__________为参照物.25.把一个凸透镜正对太阳光(可视为平行光),可在距凸透镜20 cm 处得到一个最小、最亮的光斑,若将一物体放在此透镜前50 cm 处,可在凸透镜的另一侧得到一个____________(选填“正立”或“倒立”)的、_____________(选填“放大”或“缩小”)的实像.26.做匀速直线运动的两只昆虫,其路程s 随时间t 变化的图像如图8(A )所示.从图像可知,昆虫______(选填“甲”或“乙”)的速度大;5s内昆虫乙通过的路程是______m.图8(B)是另一只昆虫做直线运动时的路程s随时间t变化的图像.请根据图像判断,这只昆虫在整个运动过程中的平均速度是______m/s,其中4s~8s之间它的运动状态是___________.(1)左边的标志牌的含义是_____________________________右边标志版牌的含义是_____________________________(2)在遵守交通规则的前提下,汽车从这两个标志牌到西大桥最快要________min.第Ⅱ卷(共42分)三、作图题(共3小题,共8分)28.一束光线射到平面镜的O点,反射光的方向如图10所示.请作出入射光线,并标出入射角的大小.(2分)29.如图11所示的平面镜前有一物体AB,请画出物体AB在平面镜内所成的像.(2分) Array)30.根据图12中的入射光线或折射光线,分别作出相应的折射光线或入射光线.(4分Array四、实验与探究题(本大题3小题,每空1分,共16分)31.如图13,是某实验小组做“测平均速度”实验的情形,显示时间的数字钟的时间格式是“时∶分∶秒”.则小车从甲到乙所通过的路程是_________cm,小车的平均速度是_________cm/s;全程中的平均速度是____________cm/s.32.如图14是“探究平面镜成像特点”的情景:竖立的透明玻璃板下方放一把刻度尺,刻度尺与玻璃板垂直;两支相同的蜡烛A 、B 竖立于玻璃板两侧的刻度尺上,以A 蜡烛为成像物体.(1)为便于观察,该实验最好在____________环境中进行(选填“较明亮”或“较黑暗”);此外,采用透明玻璃板代替平面镜,虽然成像不如平面镜清晰,但却能在观察到A 蜡烛像的同时.也能确定_____________________.(2)点燃A 蜡烛,小心地移动B 蜡烛,直到与A 蜡烛的像__________为止,这时会发现像与物的大小__________;通过进一步观察A 、B 两支蜡烛在刻度尺上的位置发现,像和物的连线与玻璃板__________,且像和物到玻璃板的距离___________.当我们使蜡烛远离镜面,则像将_________镜面(填“远离”或“靠近”).(3)移去后面的蜡烛B ,并在其所在位置上放一光屏,则光屏上_______接收到蜡烛烛焰的像(选填“能”或“不能”).(4)做实验时,其中有一组同学怎么也不能使物体与像重合,你认为原因可能是:___________________________________________________________________33.在进行“观察凸透镜成像”的实验中:(1)提供的实验器材有:凸透镜、光屏、蜡烛、火柴,还缺少___________________.(2)应把凸透镜、蜡烛、光屏放在同一直线上,调节烛焰、凸透镜、光屏的高度,使它们的中心大致在___________________.(3)当蜡烛在凸透镜左侧距透镜20 cm 处时,在右侧光屏上得到一个倒立、等大的像,则凸透镜的焦距为_________cm .(4)在实验过程中,随着蜡烛的燃烧变短,烛焰在光屏上的像会_________(填“上升”或“下降”).五、计算题(本大题3小题,共18分)34.(8分)如图15所示,轿车从成都往重庆方向匀速行驶.当到达A 地时,车内的钟表显示为10时15分;到达B 地时,钟表显示为10时45分.(1)轿车从A 地到B 地用时多少小时?(2)轿车从A 地到B 地的速度是多少km /h ?(3)若轿车以该速度继续匀速行驶,从B 地到达重庆需要多长时间?35.(4分)初,载有200多人的法航447失事坠毁在大西洋,法国出动军舰搜寻失事的黑匣子,假设法国军舰在某处海面接收到黑匣子发出的声脉冲,随即利用声呐向海底探测,经过6s收到海底返回的声波.则该处海深是多少?(超声波在海水中的传播速度约为1500m/s)36.(6分)一列长200米,由重庆开往上海的73次列车正以72km/h匀速运行在渝怀铁路秀山段上,正要通过前方一个5000米的山洞,(1)列车完全通过山洞需要多少时间?(2)列车全车都在山洞内的时间是多少?2019-2020学年八上物理期中模拟试卷含答案一、填空题(每题2分,共40分)1、敲打铜锣,因锣面而发出声音,而在月球上由于没有空气,宇航员即使再用力敲打,另一宇航员也不能直接听到锣声,这是因为不能传声。
I.物理层Ⅱ.数据链路层Ⅲ.网络层Ⅳ.传输层A. I、IIB. II、III.C. I、ⅢD.Ⅱ、Ⅳ3、在TCP/IP网络中,为各种公共服务保留的端口号范围是()。
A.1~255B.0~1023C.1~1024D.1~655354、假设TCP的拥塞窗口的慢启动门限值初始为8(单位为报文段),当拥塞窗口上升到12时,网络发生超时,TCP开始慢启动和拥塞避免,那么第12次传输时拥塞窗口大小为()5、将物理信道的总频带宽分割成若干个子信道,每个子信道传输一路信号,这种复用技术称为()A.同步时分多路复用B.码分多路复用C.异步时分多路复用D.频分多路复用6、在OSI参考模型中,下面哪些是数据链路层的功能?()I.帧同步II.差错控制III.流量控制IV.拥塞控制A. I、III和IIIB. I、II和IVC. I、III和IVD.II、III和IV7、下列关于卫星通信的说法中,错误的是()A.卫星通信的通信距离大,覆盖的范围广B.使用卫星通信易于实现广播通信和多址通信C.卫星通信不受气候的影响,误码率很低D.通信费用高,时延较大是卫星通信的不足之处8、在互联网设备中,工作在物理层的互连设备是()。
I.集线器 II.交换机 III.路由器 IV.中继器A.I、IIB. II,IVC.I,IVD. III,IV9、电路交换的优点有()I.传输时延小II.分组按序到达III.无需建立连接IV.线路利用率高A.I、IIB.II,IIIC.I,IIID.II,IV10、下面关于SMTP,()是错误的。
西安科技大学继续教育学院《大学英语》期末统一考试题答案Part One Multiple Choice本题共30小题,计45分,每选对一题1.5分1. He was too__________ in his book to hear the bell. () [单选题] *A. devotedB. absorbingC. keenD. absorbed(正确答案)2. Government officials are trying to seek a__________to the problem of unemployment.() [单选题] *A. absolutionB. solution(正确答案)C. resolutionD. dissolution3. Our conversation came to __________ end when Harrison burst into the room.()[单选题] *A. a suddenB. a surprisingC. a surprisedD. an abrupt(正确答案)4. He was looking forward to putting his ideas into__________.() [单选题] *A. action(正确答案)B. behaviorC. activityD. doing5. You may have known someone else for ten years and yet he will never be more than a casual __________.() [单选题] *A. friendB. ColleagueC. acquaintance(正确答案)D. associate6. He still played an__________role in running the business even after his retirement.() [单选题] *A. passiveB. important(正确答案)C. actingD. passionate7. After three months of practice, the children progressed in the __________ of basic language skills. () [单选题] *A. acquisition(正确答案)B. accomplishmentC. achievementD. absorption8. You gain __________ to the data by typing in a user name and password.() [单选题] *A. admissionB. wayC. access(正确答案)D. right9. The cost of the eight-day trip includes flight, meals and __________.() [单选题] *A. roomsB. accommodation(正确答案)C. housesD. lodgings10. A number of social welfare reforms have come __________as a result of the report.() [单选题] *A. about(正确答案)B. outC. throughD. up11. Measures to stimulate the domestic economy will be high on the President’s__________.() [单选题] *A. listB. agenda(正确答案)C. procedureD. timetable12. She was leaning __________ a tree with her eyes closed.() [单选题] *A. against(正确答案)B. onC. offD. onto13. They managed to agree __________ a date for the meeting.() [单选题] *A. on(正确答案)B. inC. forD. with14. The Vice President openly admitted__________ being wrong. () [单选题] *A. to(正确答案)B. forC. inD. as15. The idea of having enough money to retire at the age of 40 is very__________.()[单选题] *A. agreeableB. temptingC. Appealing(正确答案)D. charming16. It never __________ to him for a moment that she meant that.() [单选题] *A. happenedB. cameC. occurred(正确答案)D. thought17. I looked upset but _________ I was quite exited. ( A_ ) [单选题] *A. actually(正确答案)B. reallyC. genuinelyD. truthfully18. How did you manage to stay __________ during boring lectures? () [单选题] *A. wake upB. wakeC. awake(正确答案)D. awaken19. A beautiful sunrise is a(n) __________ sight. () [单选题] *A. awfulB. surprisingC. awesome(正确答案)D. astonishing20. The professor was so __________ that hardly anyone came to the lecture. () [单选题] *A. boredB. boring(正确答案)C. bearableD. borne21. The two villages were __________ together by a common history.() [单选题] *A. being boundB. bindingC. bound(正确答案)D. bounded22. He took a deep__________ and controlled herself.() [单选题] *A. breatheB. breath(正确答案)C. gaspD. sigh23. His __________ ambition is to be the world champion. () [单选题] *A. burning(正确答案)B. burntD. glowing24. Jane was a thoughtful, kind, and __________ girl.() [单选题] *A. well-behavingB. nicely-behavingC. well-behaved(正确答案)D. nicely-behaved25. She is of the__________ that he loves her. () [单选题] *A. believingB. thoughtC. ideaD. belief(正确答案)26. He looked at me with a __________ expression. () [单选题] *A. blanketB. blank(正确答案)C. dullD. uninteresting27. The soldier was __________ like crazy from the stomach. () [单选题] *A. bleeding(正确答案)B. bloodingC. bled28. The 12-year-old girl was _________ with the responsibility for taking care of the family. () [单选题] *A. burdened(正确答案)B. BurdeningC. carriedD. carrying29. Suddenly a man burst in __________ the opposite door. () [单选题] *A. throughoutB. fromC. through(正确答案)D. by30. When we arrived there the football match __________ already started. () [单选题] *A. hasB. had(正确答案)C. haveD. had beenPart Two Reading Comprehension本题共20小题,计40分,每选对一题2分Passage 1Professor Smith recently persuaded 35 people, 23 of them women, to keep a diary of all their absent-minded actions for a fortnight(两星期). When he came to analyze theirembarrassing lapses (差错) in a scientific report, he was surprised to find that nearly all of them fell into a few groupings. Nor did the lapses appear to be entirely random (随机的).One of the women, for instance, on leaving her house for work one morning threw her dog her earrings(耳环) and tried to fix a dog biscuit on her ear. "The explanation for this is that the brain is like a computer," explains the professor. "People program themselves to do certain activities regularly. It was the woman's custom every morning to throw her dog two biscuits and then put on her earrings. But somehow the action got reversed in the program," About one in twenty of the incidents the volunteers reported were these “program assembly(集合,装配)failures.”Altogether the volunteers logged(存入数据)433 unintentional actions that they found themselves doing — an average of twelve each. There appear to be peak(顶峰)periods in the day when we are at our zaniest (荒谬可笑的). These are two hours some time between eight am and noon, between four and six pm with a smaller peak between eight and ten pm. "Among men the peak seems to be when a changeover(逆转) in brain 'programs' occurs, as for instance between going to and from work." Women on average reported slightly more lapses —12.5 compared with 10.9 for men — probably because they were more reliable reporters.A startling finding of the research is that the absent-minded activity is a hazard of doing things in which we are skilled. Normally, you would expect that skill reduces the number of errors we make. But trying to avoid silly slips by concentrating more could make things a lot worse — even dangerous.31. In his study Professor Smith asked the subjects __________ .() [单选题] *A. to keep track of people who tend to forget thingsB. to report their embarrassing lapses at randomC. to analyze their awkward experiences scientificallyD. to keep a record of what they did unintentionally(正确答案)32. Professor Smith discovered that_____________ .() [单选题] *A. certain patterns can be identified in the recorded incidents(正确答案)B. many people were too embarrassed to admit their absent-mindednessC. men tend to be more absent-minded than womenD. absent-mindedness is an excusable human weakness33. "Program assembly failures" (Line 6, Para. 2) refers to the phenomenon that people _______ .() [单选题] *A. often fail to program their routines(常规性工作) before handB. tend to make mistakes when they are in a hurryC. unconsciously change the sequence(顺序)of doing things(正确答案)D. are likely to mess things up if they are too tired34. We learn from the third paragraph that ______________ .() [单选题] *A. absent-mindedness tends to occur during certain hours of the day(正确答案)B. women are very careful to perform actions during peak periodsC. women experience more peak periods of absent-mindednessD. men's absent-mindedness often results in funny situations35. It can be concluded from the passage that _____________ .() [单选题] *A. people should avoid doing important things during peak periods of lapsesB. hazards can be avoided when people do things they are good atC. people should be careful when programming their actionsD. lapses cannot always be attributed to(由于) lack of concentration(正确答案)The word "hotel" is derived from the Latin word "hospitale”. It means a rented place for sleeping. Webster defines a hotel as "a building or institution providing lodging(寄宿), meals, and service for the public."The hotel industry rebounded during and immediately after World War II, as the volume of travel increased. The postwar hospitality industry, however, has been markedly different from that of the prewar period with the automobile and the jet plane radically (根本地)affecting the industry, changing travel patterns and leading to the development of different types of hotels. Motels, resort hotels, and convention hotels have been developed to cater to the varied needs of today's traveling public.Motels really came of age during the 1950s. Two main factors contributed to the boom (繁荣) in motel construction. One was the development of the interstate highway system, beginning in 1956, which encouraged more and more travelers to take to the roads on long distance journeys. The other was the entry of motel chains into the market. Motels increased in size and, for the first time, added a number of services. Restaurants, swimming pools, and in-room televisions became standard features. Motels began to attract growing numbers of vacationers in addition to commercial travelers.A resort hotel is one that people visit for relaxation, recreation, and entertainment. With the rise in mass tourism, they have been established in great numbers at destinations throughout the world. The idea of the resort hotel was born in the 18th and 19th centuryin Europe. And the resort hotel developed with the expansion of the railroads in the second half of the nineteenth century. All catered exclusively to the rich and to the upper middle class. Families stayed for two or three months and returned to the same hotel year after year.A convention hotel is one that caters to large group gatherings. The rise of convention hotels has been one of the developments in the hotel industry, and conventioneers now account for almost 20 percent of all hotel guests. Many downtown hotels saw occupancy levels drop during the 1950s and early 1960s as motels captured a larger segment of the market. In response, some hotels began to add facilities for conventions and other group gatherings as a means of survival. At first, conventions were scheduled for off-peak periods, but as the volume of convention business increased, they began to be scheduled36. According to Para. 2, _____________ after World War Il.() [单选题] *A. the public demanded for automobiles and jet planesB. the development of transportation changed travel patterns(正确答案)C. more and more people liked to stay in hotelsD. the hotel industry developed slowly37. During the 1950s, motels _______________ .() [单选题] *A. encouraged people to travel with familiesB. mainly met the needs of commercial travelersC. appeared in the market to compete with other hotelsD. provided services in addition to furnishing lodging(正确答案)38. According to the passage, wealthy people who want to escape from the cities during hot summer months will most probably stay in _____________ .() [单选题] *A. motelsB. resort hotels(正确答案)C. convention hotelsD. down hotels39. As one of the developments in the hotel industry, conventional hotels ___________ .() [单选题] *A. have made a lot of profitsB. attract more businessmen than tourists(正确答案)C. make up a major part of the marketD. are not run all-year-round40. What is the author's purpose in writing this article?() [单选题] *A. To give a brief history of hotel industry.(正确答案)B. To draw a line between different kinds of hotels.C. To show the functions of hotels.D. To stress the importance of hotels.Passage 3It is easier to negotiate initial salary requirement because once you are inside, the organizational constraints (约束) influence wage increases. One thing, however, is certain: your chances of getting the raise you feel you deserve are less if you don't at least ask for it. Men tend to ask for more, and they get more, and this holds true with other resources, not just pay increases. Consider Beth's story:I did not get what I wanted when I did not ask for it. We had cubicle (小隔间) offices and window offices. I sat in the cubicles with several male colleagues. One by one they were moved into window offices, while I remained in the cubicles. Several males who were hired after me also went to offices. One in particular told me he was next in line for an office and that it had been part of his negotiations for the job. I guess they thought me content to stay in the cubicles since I did not voice my opinion either way.It would be nice if we all received automatic pay increases equal to our merit(功绩), but "nice" isn't a quality attributed to most organizations. If you feel you deserve a significant raise in pay, you'll probably have to ask for it.Performance is your best bargaining (交涉) chip (筹码) when you are seeking a raise. You must be able to demonstrate (证明) that you deserve a raise. Timing is also a good bargaining chip. If you can give your boss something he or she needs (a new client or a sizable contract, for example) just before merit pay decisions are being made, you are more likely to get the raise you want.Use information as a bargaining chip too. Find out what you are worth on the open market. What will Some ne else pay for your services?Go into the negotiations prepared to place your chips on the table at the appropriate time and prepared to use communication style to guide the direction of the interaction.41. According to the passage, before taking a job, a person should ___________ .()[单选题] *A. demonstrate his capabilityB. give his boss a good impressionC. ask for as much money as he canD. ask for the salary he hopes to get(正确答案)42. What can be inferred from Beth's story? [单选题] *A. Prejudice(偏见) against women still exists in some organizations.(B. If people want what they deserve, they have to ask for it.(正确答案)C. People should not be content with what they have got.D. People should be careful when negotiating for a job.43. We can learn from the passage that ___________ . () . [单选题] *A. unfairness exists in salary increases(正确答案)B. most people are overworked and underpaidC. one should avoid overstating one's performanceD. most organizations give their staff automatic pay raises44. To get a pay raise, a person should ___________ .() [单选题] *A. advertise himself on the job marketB. persuade his boss to sign a long-term contractC. try to get inside information about the organizationD. do something to impress his boss just before merit pay decisions(正确答案)45. To be successful in negotiations, one must _______________ . () [单选题] *A. meet his boss at the appropriate timeB. arrive at the negotiation table punctuallyC. be good at influencing the outcome of the interaction(正确答案)D. be familiar with what the boss likes and dislikesPassage 4A highly gifted dyslexic (阅读困难) boy, who became the youngest child this century to win a place at Cambridge University, asked a High Court judge yesterday to overturn (推翻) his local authority's decision to refuse him financial support.Alexander Faludy, who is 15 and plans to go to Peterhouse in October, claimed that he had the right to get the support from Portsmouth city council because of his special education needs.At 14, Alexander was believed to be the youngest student accepted by Cambridge since William Pitt the Younger in 1773. He has an IQ that is "off the normal scale" but can write only two words a minute.He was offered a place by Peterhouse after the university agreed to waive (免除) the normal entry requirements because of Alexander's "unusual circumstances".To overcome his difficulties, he will use special equipment to read books and write his essays during his studies for a degree in the history of art and theology (神学).Mr. Engleman, Alexander's counsel, told Mr. Justice Tucker that Alexander was a special case because of the wide gap between his high intellectual (智力的) age and his performance caused by his dyslexia.Alexander learns from taped books and then dictates his essays into a tape recorder, which are then transcribed (转录) by his father.The city council said it refused to give Alexander financial support because, under the special educational needs legislation in the Education Act of 1996, it had no power tofund a university course.The High Court judge Mr. Tucker said that he would give his judgment today.46. People knew Alexander was intelligent because of _____________ .() [单选题] *A. his reading abilityB. his writingC. his ageD. his IQ(正确答案)47. We know from the passage that Alexander ___________ .() [单选题] *A. was actually slow and stupidB. could not read and write at allC. was good at listening and speaking(正确答案)D. was poor and needed financial help48. Judging from the passage, usually the city council can only ____________ .() [单选题] *A. give educational help to adultsB. give financial support to high school students(正确答案)C. give financial support to university studentsD. give educational help to special people who are powerful49. Alexander's situation was unusual because ______________ .() [单选题] *A. he needed people to take care of him all the timeB. he was young and energeticC. he needed financial support from his familyD. he was highly intelligent but dyslexic(正确答案)50. This passage was probably________________ .() [单选题] *A. a news report(正确答案)B. an advertisementC. a part of a bookD. a piece of research workPart Three Cloze (15 Points)本题共10小题,计15分,每选对一题1.5分Sending and reading email has quickly become one of the most popular daily activities around the world,_______for business or pleasure. Now, more and more teachers and students are using this form of_______to improve their language skills, particularly English.The reason _______email has become a great tool is that it is fast, convenient,and_______. One particular activity that takes advantage of these points is a keypal exchange. In the past, teachers often organized pen friends project _______ their students would exchange letters with another group of students in another country._______, the turn-around time for sending and receiving traditional letters (and then follow-up replies) can take up to a month for the whole process, and by that time, students might _______ interest in the project or the class might end before a series of meaningful exchanges can take place._______, students have to pay international postage to send the letters, something the students might be unwilling to do.With email, however, messages can be sent at a _______ of a button at school, home, or an Internet cafe, and if you are using a free email account, the cost is free (not taking into account any Internet Service Provider fees you have to pay)._______ waiting days or weeks for a response, students can receive a reply within days, hours, or even minutes. [填空题] *空1答案:either空2答案:communication空3答案:why空4答案:affordable 空5答案:where空6答案:However 空7答案:lose空8答案:Besides空9答案:click空10答案:Instead of。
9、在间歇制气过程中,要求在正常生产条件下,吹出物量不应超过总入炉燃料量的4%,一般生产1 m3的半水煤气,约消耗0.95-1.05m3的空气。
西安科技大学继续教育学院2020级英语专科期末统考试题Part I. Vocabulary & structure 25%Directions: This part is to test your ability to use words and phrase correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically correct sentences. In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1.Those who have _________ big contributions to the company should be [单选题] *A. affordedB. givenC. includedD. made(正确答案)2.As a parent, you will _________ full responsibility for what you say and do to [单选题] *A. commitB. take(正确答案)C. giveD. do3. I believe that I am ________ for the position because of my education background and work experience. [单选题] *A. qualified(正确答案)B. demandedC. appliedD. collected4. We supply different telephone communication products, some of ________ are particularly useful for small businesses. [单选题] *A. whatB. which(正确答案)C. whomD. these5. She found it difficult to concentrate while ________ her new novel. [单选题] *A. writeB. wroteC. writing(正确答案)D. written6. Healthcare is one of the areas _______ the successes of Al have the greatest practical value. [单选题] *A. from thatB. of whomC. by themD. in which(正确答案)7 Since 1949, our country _________ remarkable progress in reducing poverty. [单选题] *B. madeC. is makingD. has made(正确答案)8. If I _______ his telephone number, I would have turned to him for help. [单选题] *A. have knownB. will knowC. had known(正确答案)D. knew9. A good business plan helps you _________ and grow your business. [单选题] *A. setB. run(正确答案)C. exciseD. relate10. If you have received several job ________ during your job searching, how do you choose the best one? [单选题] *A. offers(正确答案)B. regulationsC. benefitsD. answers11. Each passenger is _______ to carry one piece of hand luggage. [单选题] *B. designedC. allowed(正确答案)D. brought12. We all believe that the role he has ________ in this project is very important. [单选题] *A. putB. reachedC. offeredD. played(正确答案)13. William is considered as one of the most ________ employees in this company. [单选题] *A. fluentB. efficient(正确答案)C. convenientD. sufficient14. The recent earthquake in this area may ______ our company's future business. [单选题] *A. arrangeB. achieveC. affect(正确答案)D. approve15. As so many people were absent, the meeting had to be ______ until next Monday. [单选题] *A. put off(正确答案)B. set upC. given awayD. taken over16. The newly-built hotel is ideally placed for easy access _______ major attractions in the city [单选题] *A. atB. byC. withD. to(正确答案)17. It has been more than five years _______ they met last time in Wuhan. [单选题] *A. since(正确答案)B. althoughC. forD. until18. Nowadays, it seems that no one can ever avoid _______ the Internet. [单选题] *A. being usedB. to useC. usedD. using(正确答案)19. A recent study shows that a person's living conditions only _______ about 50 percent of his or her happiness. [单选题] *A. account for(正确答案)B. turn onC. take offD. send out20.If ________ in a hot place, these flowers will soon begin to die and fall. [单选题] *A. be putB. to putC. put(正确答案)D. putting21. The time I spent _______ with the team has enabled me to learn more about business management. [单选题] *A. workB. workingC. to workD. worked(正确答案)22. The sports meeting had hardly begun ________ heavy rain poured down. [单选题] *A. as(正确答案)B. thanC. whileD. when23. He expressed the hope _______ they could start a business relationship with us. [单选题] *A. thatB. whether(正确答案)C. whatD. which24. By the time you get this letter, we ______ the project. [单选题] *A. were completing(正确答案)B. will have completedC. had completedD. are completing25. The small village where we spent our holiday lies _______ the hillside [单选题] *A. forB. inC. on(正确答案)D. withPart II Reading Comprehension 50%Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are two sections in it.Section IDirections: There are 4 passages In this section. After each passage there are 5 questions. Each question is followed by four choices A). B). C). and D). You should choose the bestanswers to the questions and mark the corresponding letters on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage IPassage IMost Americans switch careers at least three times throughout their lives. Gone are the days when people retired from the company where they first worked. The progressive mentality (心态) regarding business and technology often ensures that people move from position to position as they try to find the right career for them.Recent college graduates ask "what career is right for me?" many times in the months before and after graduation Now more than ever, people are also asking “what career is right for me?" into their thirties, forties and fifties. Even baby boomers (生育高峰期出生的人)are asking “what job is right for me?" as they retire and reenter the workforce in their sixties and seventies. It seems that every employee in America is wondering which career path fits him or her best.When you find yourself asking "what career is best for me?", follow some of these simple tips to set yourself straight on the best path for you.1. Consult a website and take its test to see which career path might be right for you.2. Think about whether you are happy with your current job.3. Emphasize your skills in your resume.4. Do more research about the new career.Recent college graduates ask "what career is right for me?" many times in the months before and after graduation Now more than ever, people are also asking “what career is right for me?" into their thirties, forties and fifties. Even baby boomers (生育高峰期出生的人)are asking “what job is right for me?" as they retire and reenter the workforce in their sixties and seventies. It seems that every employee in America is wondering which career path fits him or her best.When you find yourself asking "what career is best for me?", follow some of these simple tips to set yourself straight on the best path for you.26. According to the first paragraph, most Americans now ______. [单选题] *A. are more satisfied with their career than their parentsB. change their careers at least three times in their life(正确答案)C. move their home more frequently than ever beforeD. retire from the company where they first worked27. People change their position frequently in order to _________. [单选题] *A. find a right career(正确答案)B. support their familiesC. start their own businessD. adapt to the new technology28.All American employees seem to be asking about ________. [单选题] *A. which company they will retire fromB. when they should change a positionC. what career path is right for them(正确答案)D. where they can find another job29.Why are you advised to consult a website and take its test? [单选题] *A. To find information about job fairs.B. To improve your professional skills.C. To decide the right career path.(正确答案)D. To get in touch with a potential boss.30. The last part of the passage is mainly about ________. [单选题] *A. ways to build a websiteB. steps to take an online testC. courses to train resume writingD. tips to find a right career path(正确答案)Passage 2Being your own boss is the dream of most people, but it comes with a price. Since you do not have to answer to someone else, you have to be responsible for your own business. In this sense, the business becomes the new boss. Here are some tips for you to observe. Work-life balance: Staring a business will consume a lot of time and energy. Not letting the business prevent you from having personal time is a challenge. The failure to manage a work-life balance can lead to health problems and lost relationships with family and friends.Making decisions: Since you are the owner, you have the final decision. This can be a tough challenge because you know that you alone have to bear the consequences of your decisions.Self-doubt and criticism: In the beginning, customers and competitors will not take you seriously. Everyone will be quick to share their opinions on what you are doing wrong and why it will not work.With all this, self-doubt will start to occur. Maybe they are all right. Maybe starting this business was a bad idea. If you have done your homework, this is the moment to overcome the fear of failure and have the confidence in yourself to keep going.31.According to the first paragraph. being your own boss means that you should _______. [单选题] *A. meet your customers' demandB. take responsibility of your own business(正确答案)C. have the freedom to do what you likeD. take other people's needs into consideration32. The writer believes that not being able to manage a work-life balance can result in____. [单选题] *A. big debtsB lost profitsC. legal issuesD. health problems(正确答案)33. Making a final decision can be a tough challenge to business owners because [单选题] *A. they have to be responsible for its consequences(正确答案)B. they are unable to turn to others for adviceC. they find it hard to achieve a work-life balanceD. they are prevented from having their personal time34. What will your competitors react at the very beginning of your business? [单选题] *A. They will not accept your products.B. They will not take you seriously.(正确答案)C. They will criticize your business strongly.D. They will congratulate you on your success.35. By saying “you have done your homework”, the writer means _____. [单选题] *A. you are well-prepared(正确答案)B. you are fully satisfiedC. you are highly confidentD. you are less worriedPassage 3When people move from one city or country to another, the spread of diseases may result. People often bring in germs (病菌) that may not have been present there before. Thesenew germs can spread quickly and cause previously unknown diseases. If a germ is completely new to a region, people who already live there have no natural protection against it. As a result, they become ill more easily and die more often. In turn, newcomers may catch diseases that were not present in their own country. If they go back, they may carry the diseases with them and spread the diseases there, too.Changes in the heating system of a building can also lead to disease. In the 1970s, there was a worldwide shortage of heating oil. As a result, hotels in the United Sate lowered the temperature in their heating systems in order to save fuel. This low temperature led to a deadly germ that grows in heating pipes. When the heated air was blown into the rooms of a hotel, it carried the germs. Many visitors became ill and several died.36. The spread of new diseases may result from the move of people who _____. [单选题] *A. carry the germs(正确答案)B. have no protectionC. become ill more easilyD. work in a crowded place37. When a new germ is spread to a region, ________. [单选题] *A. it will cause the whole region to suffer from a deadly diseaseB. newcomers are seldom affected by the newly-spread germC. people there usually have no natural protection against it(正确答案)D. people in that region can hardly escape from the disease38. From the passage we learn that changes in the heating system of a building can result in _________. [单选题] *A. an oil shortageB. certain diseases(正确答案)C. the air pollutionD. a high temperature39. What caused the growth of a deadly germ in the heating pipes of the hotels? [单选题] *A. The dry air.B. The polluted oil.C. The heated pipes.D. The low temperature.(正确答案)40. The passage is mainly about _______. [单选题] *A. the protection against new diseasesB. the danger of visiting new placesC. the spread of new diseases(正确答案)D. the worldwide shortage of fuelPassage 4Some workplace stress is normal, but when stress at work begins to weaken your ability to perform in your job, it's time for you to take action, Start by paying attention to your physical and emotional health.Get movingRegular exercise is an effective way to help you to relax both your mind and body. Try to get at least 30 minutes of activity on most days. If it's easier to fit into your schedule, break up the activity into two or three shorter periods of time each day.Get enough sleepA lack of sleep can make you suffer from more stress. When you're well-rested, it’s much easier to keep your emotional balance. Try to improve the quality of your sleep by keeping a sleep schedule and aiming for 8 hours a night.Get supportClose relationships are important to helping you through times of stress Simply sharing your feelings face to face with another person can help relieve some of the stress. Accepting support is not a sign of weakness and it won’t mean you’re a burden to others. In fact, most friends will be willing to help you to reduce your stress, and this will only strengthen your relationship.41. You should take action to handle your workplace stress when______. [单选题] *A. it affects your job performance(正确答案)B. it begins to damage your healthC. it influences your emotionD. it shows its first signs42. If possible, you are advised to _______. [单选题] *A. exercise before you start your work each dayB. do exercise together with your friendsC. arrange your activities based on your healthD. divide your activity into shorter periods of time(正确答案)43. It you follow an 8-hour sleep schedule, you are more likely to______. [单选题] *A. get used to getting up earlyB. improve your sleep quality(正确答案)C. achieve positive effects of exerciseD. be able to work longer every daySection 2Directions: There is I passage in this section. Read the passage and complete the outlinebelow it(No.46 to No. 50) You should write your answers briefly (in no more than three words) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.Booster Seats(幼儿保护座椅) are more than a good idea. It is the law. Until children are 8 years old or 4.9 feet tall, they can be too big for a child car seat but too small for a safety belt. A booster seat makes safety belts fit properly and reduces the risk of injury in a crash.Which seat should I use? Either a proper-fitting child safety seal or booster seat installed (安装) correctly will meet the requirements of Michigan's new law for children under the age of 8 or not yet 4.9 feet tall. This includes using a booster seat with both a lap (膝部) and shoulder belt.Where do I get a booster seat, and how much do they cost? Booster seats are available at many stores. They cost between $15 and $100 depending on the style.Important: All booster seats are safest when used in the back seat and with both the car's lap and shoulder belt. Never use a lap belt only.Booster SeatsPurposes: used for children under 46 or 4.9 feet tallAdvantages:1. making safety belts fit properly2. reducing the risk of 47 in a crashPlaces to buy: available at 48Prices: between 49Proper way of use: with both a lap and 50 belt46:_________47:_________48:_________49:_________50:_________ [填空题] *空1答案:8 years old空2答案:injury空3答案:many stores空4答案:$15 and $100空5答案:shoulder44 To relieve your stress, you are encouraged to________. [单选题] *A. show your weaknesses to your friendsB. avoid becoming a burden to others(正确答案)C. make as many friends as possibleD. share your feelings with others45. The passage is mainly about________. [单选题] *A. how to do exercise regularlyB. how to seek help from othersC. how to deal with workplace stressD. how to keep your emotional balance(正确答案)Part III Translation — English into Chinese 15%Directions: This part is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. After each of the 5 sentences, numbered 51 to 55, you will read three choices of suggested translation marked A). B). and C). You should choose the best translation and mark the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. And for the paragraph numbered 56, you should write your translation in the corresponding space on the Translation/ Writing Sheet.51. Please let me know your schedule in advance, and I'll have my secretary book a ticket for you. [单选题] *A)请告诉我您旅行的日程,秘书将会为您提前订票。
2019-2020学年九上数学期末模拟试卷含答案一、选择题1.如图,两个圆柱体紧靠在一起,它的主视图是( ).DC BA 从正面看2.方程240x -=的根是( ).A. x =2B. x =-2C.122,2x x ==-D. x =4 3.用配方法解一元二次方程245x x -=,配方正确的是( )A.2(2)1x += B. 2(2)1x -= C. 2(2)9x += D.2(2)9x -=4.如图,AC=AD ,BC=BD ,则下列结论正确的有( ) A. AD 垂直平分CD B. CD 垂直平分AB C. AB 与CD 互相垂直平分 D. CD 平分∠ACB5.如图所示,若点A 在平行四边形区域上作随机运动,则点A 落在阴影区域内的概率是( ) A.16 B. 15 C. 14 D.136.如图,在菱形ABCD 中,对角线AC ,BD 相较于点O ,E 为BC 的中点,则下列式子中,不成立...的是( ) A.OE=BE=CE B.BC=2OE C. AC=2OE D.AB=2OE第6题图第5题图第4题图DCBA7.一元二次方程2520x x -+=的两个根分别为121212,,x x x x x x +-则的值是( )A. -7B. 7C. 3D. -3 8.电影院座位号呈阶梯状或下坡状的原因是( )A.减小盲区B. 增大盲区C. 盲区不变D. 为了美观 9.反比例函数3k y x-=的图像,当x >0时,y 随x 的值增大而增大,则k 的取值范围是( ) A. k <3 B. k≤3 C. k >3 D. k≥310.如图,在等腰梯形ABCD 中,AD ∥BC ,过D 作DF ⊥BC,垂足为F ,若AD=3,BC=9,AB=5,则DF 的长为( )第17题图ODCBADCBAA. 5C. 3D. 411.菱形OABC 在平面直角坐标系中的位置如图所示,∠AOC=45°,,点B 的坐标为( )A. 1,1)B. (1,1)C.1)D.(1,FDCCBBAA第12题图第11题图第10题图12.如图所示,A,B,C 分别表示三个村庄,AB=1000米,BC=600米,AC=800米,拟建一个文化活动中心,若活动中心P 到这个村庄的距离相等,则,P 的位置应在( ).A. AB 的中点B. BC 的中点C. AC 的中点D. ∠C 的平分线与AB 的交点13.若关于x 的一元二次方程220x x k --=有两个不相等的实数根,则k 的取值范围是( ). A. k <1 B. k <-1 C. k >1 D. k >-114.小稠和小海两人都要从甲、乙、丙三个社区中随机选取一个社区参加综合实践活动,那么他们选到同一个社区参加实践活动的概率为( ). A.12 B. 13 C. 16 D. 1915.关于x 的函数y=k(x+1)和(0)ky k x=≠在同一坐标系中的图像大致是( )二、解答题16.解方程: 2(3)(3)0x x +--=.17.如图,已知∠C=∠D=90°,AC 与BD 交于O ,AC=BD. (1)求证:BC=AD(2)求证:点O 在线段AB 的垂直平分线上.18.如图,AB和DE是直立在地面上的两根立柱,AB=5m,某一时刻AB在阳光下的投影BC=2.5m.(1)请你再图中画.出此时DE在阳光下的投影EF;(2)测量AB的投影时,同时测量出DE在阳光下的投影EF长为5m,请你计算DE的长.第18题图19.一个袋子中装有3个红球和两个黄球,它们除颜色外,其他都相同.(1)求从袋中摸出一个球是红球的概率;(2)将n个绿球(与红、黄球除颜色外,其他都相同)放入袋中摇均匀,从袋中随机摸出一个球,记下颜色,再把它放回袋中,不断重复上述的过程,共摸了500次,其中60次摸到红球.请通过计算估计n的值.20.某物质在质量不变的情况下,她的密度ρ(kg/m3)与体积V(m3)成反比例函数关系,根据以下条件,解答下列问题:(1)已知V=3(m3),ρ=2(kg/m3),求ρ与V之间的函数关系式;(2)若该物质的体积由a(m3)增加到a+2(m3),而密度却由6(kg/m3)减少到b(kg/m3),求a和b的值.21.如图,BD为矩形ABCD的对角线,∠ADB,∠DBC的平分线分别交于AB,CD于E,F点.(1)求证:四边形DEBF为平行四边形;(2)连接EF,若EF⊥BD,且AD=6,求菱形DEBF的面积.第21题图FEDCBA22.某校初中义务交于服务范围内学生人数持续增加,2012年学生数比2011年增加了a %,2013年学生数比2012年多了100人,这样2013年学生人数就比2011年增加了2a%. (1)求2012年学生人数比2011年多多少人?(2)由于教学楼改造,2013年的教室总面积比2011年增加了2.5a %,因而2013年每个学生人平均教室面积比2011年增加了124,达到了21()8a m .求该校2013年的教室总面积.23.如图①,A (4,0),C (0,n )分别是x 和y 轴上的点,n >0,以OA,OC 为边在第一象限内作矩形OABC ,对角线OB ,AC ,交于点D 双曲线ky x=(x >0,k >0)交边BC 于G ,交边AB 于H ; (1(2(3.第23题图②第23题图①24.正方形ABCD中,将一个直角三角板的直角顶点与点A重合,一条直角边与边BC交于点E(点E不与点B和点C重合),另一条直角边与边CD的延长线交于点F.(1)如图①,求证:AE=AF;(2)如图②,此直角三角板有一个角是45°,它的斜边MN与边CD交于点G,且点G是斜边MN的中点,连接EG,求证:EG=BE+DG.(3)在(2)的条件下,如果56ABGF,那么点G是否一定是边CD的中点?请说明理由.九年级数学一.选择题(3分×15=45分)第24题图①第24题图②二.解答题(计75分)16.解:(3)(+31)0x x +-= …………………………………… 3分∴13x =- 22x =- …………………………………… 6分 17.解:(1) 在ACB Rt △和BDA Rt △中,AB=BA ,AC=BD ,则ACB Rt △≌BDA Rt △,∴AD=BC ……3分 (2) ∠CAB=∠DBA…………………………4分,∴OA=OB, …………………………5分∴点O 在线段AB 的垂直平分线上.…………………………6分18. 解:(1)图略 …………………………3分(注:不写画图结论扣1分,不标字母扣1分,不要求很精确,可以用尺规作图;) (2)AC ∥DF, ∠ACB=∠DFE …………………………4分 ∵∠ABC=∠DEF=90°,∴△ABC ∽△DEF…………………………5分 ∴DE EFAB BC =…………………………6分 ∴55 2.5DE =∴10DE =(m ) …………………………7分 答:DE 的长为10米. (注: 不答不扣分) 19.解:(1)从袋中摸出一个球是红球的概率=35; ………………2分 (2)3605500n =+…………………5分 ∴20n = …………………7分 20. 解:(1)设mvρ=,…………………1分 当3,2v ρ==时,23m=…………………2分 6m =;…………………3分∴ρ=6v …………………4分(2)当v a =时,6ρ=;∴66a=,…………………5分 ∴1a =…………………6分当2v a =+时,b ρ=;∴62b a =+,………………7分 ∴2b =.…………………8分21.(1)证明:在矩形ABCD 中,DC ∥AB ,AD ∥BC , ∴∠ADB=∠CBD…………………1分 ∴12∠ADB=12∠CBD 即∠EDB=∠FBD…………………2分 ∴DE ∥BF ,…………………3分∴四边形DEBF 是平行四边形;…………………4分(注:还有其它证法)(2)解:由∠EDB=∠FDB=∠ADE ,且∠ADC =90°, ∴∠ADE =30°…………………5分 又∠A =90° AD=6, ∴BE=2 3 ,…………………6分 ∴DE=43=BE …………………7分∴S 菱形DEBF =BE×AD=24 3 …………………8分22.解:(1)设2011年学生人数为x 人, 则2012年学生数为(1%)x a +, 则2013年学生数为(12%)x a +, (12%)x a +-(1%)x a +=100,即%x a ⋅=100…………………2分∴(1%)x a +-x =%x a ⋅=100答:2012年学生数比2011年多100人. …………………3分(注:本题算术解法也可.)(2)设2011年教室总面积为m 平方米,则2013年的教室总面积为(1 2.5%)m a +平方米∴(1 2.5%)(12%)m a x a ++=1(1)24m x +,…………………5分(1 2.5%)(12%)m a x a ++=8a…………………6分(注后两个方程联写得(1 2.5%)(12%)m a x a ++=1(1)248m ax +=,也得3分 )解得10a =;,…………………7分 ∴1000x =,…………………8分 ∴1200m =…………………9分 ∴(1 2.5%)m a +=1500…………………10分 答:略(注:本题可简“设”,对格式可降低要求,每解出一个“值”得1分) 23.解:(1)设y = qx+p由A (4,0)得0= 4 q + p ,……………1分 由C (0,n )得n= p ……………2分 ∴q =4n-, p =n; ………3分(2)H(4,4k ), G(k n,n) BG=44k n k n n --=BH=444k n kn --=…………………5分 ∴4BG BC BH n AB ==即BG BC =BHBA…………………6分 (注:若此问,学生误用第三问的条件“双曲线过D 点”,得k n =,而其它过程都正确,则扣1分,得2分)(3)D (2,2n)…………………7分 当2x =,2n y =时,22n k=,k n =,∴n y x =…………………8分 由4n y x n n y x ⎧=-+⎪⎪⎨⎪=⎪⎩得4n n x n x-+= …………………9分 ∴4n nx n x-+=即244nx nx n -+=, 244x x -+=,122x x ==或用0∆=说明…………10分∴点D 是双曲线与直线AC 唯一的交点.…………………11分(注:此结论写在前面也得1分) 24. 解:(1)正方形ABCD 中,AB=AD , ∠ABC=∠ADC=∠BAD= 90° ∴∠ABC=∠ADF=90°,∵∠EAF=90°∴∠BAE=∠DAF …………………1分 ∴ABE △≌ADF △, …………………2分 ∴AE=AF…………………3分 (2)连接AG ,∵点G 是斜边MN 的中点,∴∠EAG=∠FAG=45°…………………4分 AG=AG,则AEG △≌AFG △,…………………5分 ∴EG=GF ∴EG=DG+DF ∵BE=DF∴EG=BE+DG…………………7分(3)设6AB k =,5GF k =, 设BE x =,则6CE k x =-,5EG k =,6CF CD DF k x =+=+65CG CF GF k x k k x =-=+-=+∴ECG Rt △中,222(6)()(5)k x k x k -++=…………………9分(注:此方程2分) ∴22210120x kx k -+= 即22560x kx k -+= 解得122,3x k x k ==…………………10分 ∴3CG k =或4CG k =…………………11分 两种情况都成立,∴点G 不一定是边CD 的中点. …………………12分 (注:此结论在前面写也得1分)2019-2020学年九上数学期末模拟试卷含答案(满分150分 、时间120分钟)一、选择题(本大题共有8小题,每小题3分,共24分.在每小题所给出的四个选项中,恰有一项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母代号填在答题纸相应格子里........) 1. 化简(-3)2的结果是A .3B 。
西安科技大学大学物理期末考试试卷(含答案)一、大学物理期末选择题复习1. 一带电粒子垂直射入均匀磁场中,如果粒子的质量增加为原来的2倍,入射速度也增加为原来的2 倍,而磁场的磁感应强度增大为原来的4倍,则通过粒子运动轨道所围面积的磁通量增大为原来的:( )(A)2 倍(B)4 倍(C)0.5 倍(D)1 倍答案B2. 无限长直圆柱体,半径为 R, 沿轴向均匀流有电流.设圆柱体内(r<R) 的磁感强度为B₁, 圆柱体外(r>R) 的磁感强度为Be, 则有( )(A)B; 、B₆均与r 成正比(B)B₁、B 均与r成反比(C)B ₁与r 成反比,B 与r 成正比(D)B₁与r成正比,Be与r成反比答案D3. 下列说法正确的是( )(A)闭合回路上各点磁感强度都为零时回路内一定没有电流穿过(B)闭合回路上各点磁感强度都为零时回路内穿过电流的代数和必定为零(C)磁感强度沿闭合回路的积分为零时回路上各点的磁感强度必定为零(D)磁感强度沿闭合回路的积分不为零时回路上任意一点的磁感强度都不可能为零答案B4. 如图所示,半径为R的均匀带电球面,总电荷为Q, 设无穷远处的电势为零,则球内距离球心为r 的P 点处的电场强度的大小和电势为:( )(C),可答案B5. 对质点组有以下几种说法:(1)质点组总动量的改变与内力无关;(2)质点组总动能的改变与内力无关;(3)质点组机械能的改变与保守内力无关。
下列对上述说法判断正确的是( )(A) 只有(1)是正确的(B)( 1) 、(2) 是正确的(C) ( 1) 、(3) 是正确的(D)(2)、(3) 是正确的答案 C6. 有两个倾角不同、高度相通、质量一样的斜面放在光滑的水平面上,斜面是光滑的,有两个一样的物块分别从这两个斜面的顶点由静止开始滑下,则()(A) 物块到达斜面低端时的动量相等(B) 物块到达斜面低端时动能相等(C) 物块和斜面(以及地球)组成的系统,机械能不守恒(D) 物块和斜面组成的系统水平方向上动量守恒答案 D7. 对功的概念有以下几种说法:(1)保守力作正功时,系统内相应的势能增加;(2)质点运动经一闭合路径,保守力对质点作的功为零;(3)作用力和反作用力大小相等、方向相反,所以两者所作功的代数和必为零。
2020-2021学年陕西省西安市科技大学附属中学高二语文上学期期末试卷含解析一、现代文阅读(35分,共3题)1. 阅读下面的文字,完成小题。
材料一:人工智能(Artificial Intelligence),英文缩写为AI,是指研究、开发用于模拟、延伸和扩展人的智能的理论、方法、技术及应用系统的一门新技术科学。
)1. 2HCHO + NaOH(浓)—→CH3OH + HCOONa 反应中,甲醛发生的反应是()A.仅被氧化 B.仅被还原C.既被氧化又被还原 D.既未被氧化又未被还原参考答案:C略2. 已知锰的核电荷数为25,以下是一些同学绘制的基态锰原子外围电子的电子排布图,其中最能准确表示基态锰原子核外电子运动状态的是()参考答案:D略3. 蛋白质在胃蛋白酶和胰蛋白酶的作用下变成氨基酸的反应属于()A消去反应 B聚合反应 C水解反应 D酯化反应参考答案:C略4. 科学家研制的一种使沙漠变绿洲的新技术,即在沙漠中喷洒一定量的聚丙烯酸酯COOR与水的混合物,使其与沙粒结合,形成既能阻止地下的盐分上升又能拦截、蓄积雨水作用。
下列对聚丙烯酸酯的叙述中正确的是()A.聚丙烯酸酯的单体的结构式为CH2=CHCOORB.聚丙烯酸酯没有固定的熔沸点 C.聚丙烯酸酯能发生加成反应D.合成聚丙烯酸酯的反应属于缩聚反应参考答案:A略5. 下列钠的化合物与其性质或用途不相符的是()A.Na2O2—淡黄色固体,可用作漂白剂 B.Na2O—白色固体,性质不稳定C.Na2CO3—性质稳定,可治疗胃酸过多 D.NaHCO3—受热易分解,可用作发酵粉参考答案:C略6. 下列有机实验操作或叙述正确的是()A.甲烷和氯气在室温下的黑暗环境中可以稳定存在B.将乙烯和乙炔气体分别通入溴的四氯化碳溶液中前者退色,后者不退色C.苯能使溴水退色是因为二者反应生成了溴苯D.要除去乙烷中的乙烯制得纯净的乙烷,可将混合气通入酸性高锰酸钾溶液中参考答案:A略7. 下图是一种航天器能量储存系统原理示意图。
下列说法正确的是A.该系统中只存在3种形式的能量转化B.装置Y中负极的电极反应式为:C.装置X能实现燃料电池的燃料和氧化剂再生D.装置X、Y形成的子系统能实现物质的零排放,并能实现化学能与电能间的完全转化参考答案:C略8. 把a、b、c、d四块金属片浸入稀硫酸中,用导线两两相连可以组成几个原电池。
在每小题的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题目要求的)1. 下列说法中正确反映物质与意识的关系何为第一性的是()①人病则忧惧出,忧惧则鬼出②天地之变,阴阳之化③宇宙便是吾心,吾心便是宇宙④理在气先⑤气者,理之依也A. ①②⑤B. ①②④C. ②③⑤D. ①④⑤参考答案:A2. 反思当今时代的问题,人们越来越意识到不能只关心科学技术的发展,必须高度关注哲学的发展。
下列关于哲学作用的认识正确的是①哲学是时代精神的精华,真实反映了社会生活各方面的内容②哲学可以动员和掌握群众,是变革社会的巨大物质力量③真正的哲学正确反映了时代的要求和指明历史的前进方向④真正的哲学通过对时代的批判、塑造和引导,指引社会变革、推动时代前进A.①②③④B.②③④ C.①② D.③④参考答案:D3. [2011?东城一练]在房价居高不下的背景下,一些所谓“专家”提出了雷人言论:“丈母娘推高房价”“房价太低,勤劳的人都会变成懒汉”。
这些观点的错误在于A.忽略了联系的多样性B.价值观错误,价值判断没有从群众利益出发C.不能正确认识意识对物质的反作用D.违背了社会存在决定社会意识的原理参考答案:D略4. 某景区的一块提示牌上写道:“你所在的地方就是中国,你怎么样,中国就怎么样;你有光明,中国就不黑暗。
”该牌子上的观点蕴涵的哲学道理是A.矛盾的同一性寓于斗争性之中 B.矛盾的普遍性通过特殊性表现出来C.价值观对人的行为有导向作用 D.事物的性质由矛盾的主要方面决定参考答案:B5. 中华民族历来具有在艰难困苦中不屈不挠、团结奋战的光荣传统。
)1. 一定量的某饱和一元醇和金属钠完全反应可得2gH2,将相同质量的这种醇完全燃烧,可生成176gCO2,则该醇是A.甲醇 B.乙醇 C.丙醇 D.丁醇参考答案:B2. 对元素周期表和元素周期律的发现有突出贡献的科学家是A.拉瓦锡 B.阿伏加德罗 C.门捷列夫 D.道尔顿参考答案:C门捷列夫是首位绘制元素周期表、总结出元素周期律的科学家3. 一定条件下,通过下列反应可以制备特种陶瓷的原料MgO:MgSO4(s)+CO(g)MgO(s)+CO2(g)+SO2(g) ΔH>0该反应在恒容的密闭容器中达到平衡后,若仅改变图中横坐标x的值,重新达到平衡后,纵坐标y随x变化趋势合理的是D试题分析:A、硫酸镁是固体,增大固体的量,平衡不移动,所以CO的转化率不变,与图不符,错误;B、CO的物质的量增加,平衡正向移动,尽管二氧化碳的物质的量也增加,但相对于CO而言增加的少,所以比值减小,与图不符,错误;C、增大二氧化硫的浓度,平衡逆向移动,但平衡常数只随温度变化而变化,所以增大二氧化硫的浓度,平衡常数不变,与图不符,错误;D、该反应是吸热反应,温度升高,平衡正向移动,硫酸镁固体的质量大于氧化镁固体的质量,所以气体的质量增加,容器的体积不变,所以气体的密度增大,与图符合,正确,答案选D。
考点:考查对化学平衡图像的分析,平衡移动的判断4. 已知:Fe2O3(s)+C(s)===CO2(g)+2Fe(s) ΔH=234.1 kJ·mol-1C(s)+O2(g)===CO2(g)ΔH=-393.5 kJ·mol-1则2Fe(s)+O2(g)===Fe2O3(s)的ΔH是()A.-824.4 kJ·mol-1B.-627.6 kJ·mol-1C.-744.7 kJ·mol-1D.-169.4 kJ·mol-1参考答案:A根据2Fe(s)+O2(g)===Fe2O3(s),结合已知反应可设计如下转化途径:反应(2)×-反应(1)即得2Fe(s)+O2(g)===Fe2O3(s),所以根据盖斯定律可知该反应的ΔH=×(-393.5 kJ·mol-1)-234.1 kJ·mol-1=-824.4 kJ·mol-1,故选A。
)1. 在下列各图所示的实验装置气密性检查中,根据现象不能判断是否漏气的是()2.下列用电器或设备中,应用了电磁铁的是()A.日光灯B.电铃C.电热毯D.电热水壶3.如图所示为叶片结构示意图,下列对有关结构和功能的叙述不正确的是()A.①⑤为上皮组织,具有保护作用B.②④为营养组合,能制造营养物质C.③为输导组织,其运输养料的作用D.⑥为气孔,是植物与外界进行气体交换的“窗口”4.月球表面有月壤.月壤主要由月球岩石碎屑、粉末、角砾、撞击熔融玻璃物质组成,其中绝大部分颗粒在30微米到1毫米之间,摸上去和面粉一样细腻,但不适合植物生长.科学家设想:人类移民月球的时候,把月壤改造成类似地球上的土壤来栽培植物.改造过程中,不需要提供的是()A.空气 B. 水 C.腐殖质 D.矿物质5.下图所示的关系,下列叙述正确的是()A.若最大圆圈表示反应类型,则①可以表示化合反应,②可以表示分解反应,③可以表示氧化反应B.若最大圆圈表示能量变化,则①可以表示放热反应,②可以表示吸热反应,③可以表示燃烧反应C.若最大圆圈表示纯净物,则①可以表示单质,②可以表示化合物,③可以表示含氧化合物D.若最大圆圈表示单质类型,则①可以表示非金属,②可以表示金属,③可以表示稀有气体6.用做漂泊剂等的过二硫酸钾(K2S2O8)在高于100℃的条件下能发生反应:2K2S2O8≜2K2SO4+2SO3↑+O2↑,则有( )A. K2SO4中的硫元素显+4价B.该反应属于化合反应C.生成物都是由分子构成的D.反应前后氧元素和硫元素的化合价都发生了变化7.如图是探究“溶液浓度大小对植物吸水的影响”实验.小金取两个大小相同的萝卜,各从其顶端向下挖一个大小一样的洞.在图1中萝卜的洞内装上浓盐水,在图2中萝卜的洞内装上等量的清水.过一段时间后,观察现象.下列有关叙述错误的是()A. 图1中萝卜会变软B. 图2中萝卜洞里的水会变多C. 细胞内溶液浓度大于外界溶液浓度时,细胞吸水 D. 对栽培作物施肥时,要注意“薄肥勤施”8.2019年6月2日杭州复兴南苑一住户私拉电线,到用钢管搭建的帐篷里办丧事,一小女孩与钢管接触发生触电事故。
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西 安 科 技 大 学20 —20 学 年 第 学 期 期 末(中)考 试 模 拟 题(卷)
院系: 班级: 姓名: 学号:
装 订 线 装 订 线 以 内 不 准 作 任 何 标 记 装 订 线
1. 0.6875D 的二进制为
( )
A. 0.0111B
B. 0.1101B
C. 0.1011B
D. 0.1111B 2. 一条指令执行完后,CS =1000H ,IP=1052H ,则下一条指令的地址为
( )
A. 2025H
B. 11052H
C. 01052H
D. 10520H
( )
A. MOV DS, 0200H
D. MOV BYTE PTR [BX], 1000
4. 在 AR DB 10 DUP (5,2 DUP (6))中,含数据字0506H 的个数是 ( ) A. 10 B. 20 C. 0 D. 9
5. AL 高4位请0,应执行的指令是 ( ) A. AND AL ,0F0H B. AND AL ,0FH C. OR AL ,0FH D. TEST AL ,0FH
6. 将变量的偏移地址及段地址存入数据区宜用伪操作助记忆符是 ( ) A. DW B. DB C. DD D. DQ
7. 条件转移指令的转移范围是 ( ) A. -128~127
B. 0~255
C. -32768~32767
D. 0~65535 8.若AX =65ACH ,BX =0B79EH ,则
( )
A. 执行ADD AX,BX 指令后,CF=1,OF=1
B. 执行SUB AX,BX 指令后,SF=1,OF=0
C. 执行TEST BX,AX 指令后,CF=0,OF=0 C. 执行XOR AX,BX 指令后,PF=1,IF=0 9. DOS 功能调用的功能号是 ( ) A. 21H
B. 20H
C. 22H
D. 10H
10. 不能实现将AX 清零和CF 清零的指令是 ( ) A. SUB AX ,AX
B. MOV AX ,0
D. AND AX ,0
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西 安 科 技 大 学20 —20 学 年 第 学 期 期 末(中)考 试 模 拟 题(卷)
院系: 班级: 姓名: 学号:
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院系: 班级: 姓名: 学号:
装 订 线 装 订 线 以 内 不 准 作 任 何 标 记 装 订 线。