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the Great Expectation story is divided into three phases of Pip's life expectations. Now i will introduce you the second phase and then have a brief study of the Bible’s influence on the characterization of two people in the book - havisham and Joe gargery.

The second stage of Pip's expectations has Pip in London, learning the details of being a gentlemen, having tutors, fine clothing, and joining cultured society. Whereas he always engaged in honest labour when he was younger, he now is supported by a generous allowance given by the attorney Mr.Jaggers, which he frequently lives beyond. He learns to fit in this new milieu, and experiences not only friendship but rivalry as he finds himself in the same circles as Estella, who is also pursued by many other men, especially Bentley Drummle, whom she favours.

As he adopts the physical and cultural norms of his new status, he also adopts the class attitudes that go with it, and when Joe comes to visit Pip and his friend and roommate Herbert to deliver an important message, Pip is embarrassed to the point of hostility by Joe's unlearned ways, despite his protestations of love and friendship for Joe.

During this time, He learns that 20 years ago, havisham was swindled a large amount of money by brother Arthur and her fiance compeyson, thus became dispirited and dwell on the past memories. Pip asks why the fiance didn’t marry her to get the assets instead of choosing to obtain the half wealth sharing with her brother,Herbert explains that it is perhaps because the fiance was a married man,if he married havisham,his wife and arthur would conspire to expose his deceit,which would make him lose the trust and assets from havisham,so he has to give in.At the end of this stage, Pip is introduced to his benefactor, again changing his world.

He turns out to be the outlaw who pip once helped and offers the story from a different perspective:he is another accomplice of the tragedy.under the guidance of compeyson,he and compeyson’s wife killed arthur and grabbed his assets to do some illegal trade. Later they got arrested imprisoned. The outlaw’s wife who was charged with a murder just delivered the daughter estella, the attorney of miss havisham helped her to escape the imprisonment , in return , estella was sent to havisham.threatened with the future of the outlaw and their daughter ,the wife had to be the attorney’s slave for over 20 years.


In the israeli culture of early stage described by hebrew Bible ,women’s subordinate status is a very obvious fact , it not only exists in all aspects of social and economic arrangements, but also permeates into each phase of social development. Female inferiority means their value and status are subordinate,second-rated ,as well as that their bodies and lives are controlled by men. Under such cultural circumstance, women were born to be weak in personality.when in trouble, they lack the ability to fight back and save themselves. That is why they either give in or take some extreme actions to revenge. But however the result is they don’t revenge against the true enemy, hurting themselves instead.

狄更斯作为一个虔诚的基督徒,他的小说也深受这种思想的影响。“女性不是以自己的价值而存在,而是成为男性的附属品,成为男性价值的一种标志。”[7] 《远大前程》的郝薇香小姐的例子极好地表明了狄更斯的宗教观在小说创作中的影响。小说中郝薇香小姐因怪异的服装、不同寻常的生活方式以及独特的经历深深地吸引着读者。她是一位处在上层阶级中的单纯而又傲慢的女士。她疯狂地爱上了温培森,但她又如何能知道温培森真正在意的是她的财产。因此在结婚当晚,当她被抛弃时,她根本无法接受这一沉重的打击,从而过着痛苦的生活。多年后,当匹普第一次看到郝薇香小姐时,她仍然穿着结婚当天所穿的衣服,
