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芬兰是圣诞老人的故乡,最早的居民为拉普人,故芬兰又称拉普兰,芬兰人迁入后,建立了芬兰大公国。十二世纪后 半期被瑞典统治。1809年俄瑞战争后并入俄罗斯帝国,成为大公国。1917年12月芬兰共和国宣布独立 ,成为一个永久 中立国。
芬兰是一个高度发达的资本主义国家,也是一个高度工业化、自由化的市场经济体,芬兰是欧盟成员国之一,但人均 产出远高于欧盟平均水平,与其邻国瑞典相当。国民享有极高标准的生活品质,芬兰政府公务员清廉高效,并且在社会 形成广泛共识。监督世界各国腐败行为的非政府组织“透明国际”公布2012年全球清廉指数报告,在176个国家和地区 中,芬兰名列第一,为最清廉国家。
Start your travel
The Republic of Finland
芬兰共和国,简称芬兰,位于欧洲北部,北欧五国之一,与瑞典、挪威、俄罗斯接壤,南临芬兰湾,西濒波的尼亚湾。 海岸线长1100公里,内陆水域面积占全国面积的10%,有岛屿约17.9万个,湖泊约18.8万个“湖之国”之称。芬兰冬季 严寒漫长,夏季温和短暂,全国1/3的土地在北极圈内。
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Today I am really glad to take you guys to take a trip to Finland,to experience their culture.When we think about finland, Nokia mobile phones, Sibelius ,Santa claus are what may spring to mind .but Finland is much more than that.With just a population of around 5 million people, the economy is strong, the standard of living is high. and when you next have an X ray or scan at a hospital, there’s a good chance that the equipment will be Finnish: this country is a world leader in technological research.Fi nland’s landscapes are of forest and water, where the comforts of modern life are never far away. Y et each region has its distinct character, from the wilds of Lapland to the inspiring lakes of the east to the groups of islands of the south-west and the lively attractions of the capital, Helsinki.The capital, around 500,000 people. Easy to get around on foot or using the excellent tram service. This is a seaside city stretching out to pretty islands where green expanses are never far away. Cafésociety springs to life in summer when people sit and watch the world go by.Lets go to the 1 scenery: Helsinki Cathethal. It was built in 1830---1852 in Neoclassical style. It Regular uses for worship services and special events.Next,here we are at Sibelius Monument.the monument was built to honor the great composor, Jean Sibelius.Our last station is The Arctic Circle The most exciting place to cross the Arctic Circle is the Santa Claus' Village in Finnish Lapland. Here is the magical line.It is a line on the surface of the Earth, which marks the northern latitude, north of which the sun does not rise on the winter solstice or set on the summer solstice.。


圣诞老人的故乡----罗凡涅米Rovaniemi 圣诞老人的故乡----罗凡涅米Rovaniemi
罗凡涅米位于赫尔辛 基以北800公里,面积 基以北800公里,面积 101平方公里,人口 101平方公里,人口 35,000,是芬兰北部拉 35,000,是芬兰北部拉 普兰省省会,也是世界 上唯一设在北极圈上的 省会. 省会.罗凡涅米是通往 拉普兰的大门,是芬兰 北部政治、经济、文化 与旅游中心。这里有满 眼的晶莹剔透,这里有 最正宗的圣诞老人,还 有北纬66度33分的北极 有北纬66度33分的北极 圈线。
• 【面积】33.8145万平方公里。 • 【人口】约532万人 • 【首都】 赫尔辛基(Helsinki), 人口55.9万人 • 【国家元首】 总统塔里娅·哈洛 宁 • 【重要节日】独立纪念日(12月 6日) • 【语言】 芬兰语,瑞典语 • 【货币】 欧元 • 【国际电话码】 358
国树——栎树 国树——栎树
Hale Waihona Puke Northern Lights in Finland
著名景点---芬兰堡 著名景点---芬兰堡
• 芬兰堡建在赫尔辛基外海上的一串小岛上,建于250 多年 前,是现存世界上现存最大的海防军事要塞,也是芬兰最 为重要及著名的景点。是世界上不可多得的完整海上军事 遗迹,在1991年,芬兰城堡就已经被联合国教科文组织列 入了世界遗产名录受到了保护,世界文化遗产。



冬天的池塘也很美。池塘结冰了,雪 又给池 塘盖上 了一层 白棉被 ,一脚 踩上去 ,会发 出“咔 哧咔哧 ”的声 音,又 会觉得 脚被又 松又软 的积雪 埋住了 。冬天 的池塘 粉妆玉 砌,有 着别样 的美。
奥卢城堡位于Linnansaari,在城堡的遗址上建成了 一座公园,遗迹现已改为咖啡馆,可以买杯咖啡, 然后上到城堡楼上欣赏整座奥卢。
冬天的池塘也很美。池塘结冰了,雪 又给池 塘盖上 了一层 白棉被 ,一脚 踩上去 ,会发 出“咔 哧咔哧 ”的声 音,又 会觉得 脚被又 松又软 的积雪 埋住了 。冬天 的池塘 粉妆玉 砌,有 着别样 的美。
冬天的池塘也很美。池塘结冰了,雪 又给池 塘盖上 了一层 白棉被 ,一脚 踩上去 ,会发 出“咔 哧咔哧 ”的声 音,又 会觉得 脚被又 松又软 的积雪 埋住了 。冬天 的池塘 粉妆玉 砌,有 着别样 的美。
拉普兰德位于挪威、瑞典、芬兰和俄罗斯 在北极圈附近的地区,它有四分之三处在 北极圈内,独特的极地风光和土著民族风 情,使它成为旅游胜地。
冬天的池塘也很美。池塘结冰了,雪 又给池 塘盖上 了一层 白棉被 ,一脚 踩上去 ,会发 出“咔 哧咔哧 ”的声 音,又 会觉得 脚被又 松又软 的积雪 埋住了 。冬天 的池塘 粉妆玉 砌,有 着别样 的美。
冬天的池塘也很美。池塘结冰了,雪 又给池 塘盖上 了一层 白棉被 ,一脚 踩上去 ,会发 出“咔 哧咔哧 ”的声 音,又 会觉得 脚被又 松又软 的积雪 埋住了 。冬天 的池塘 粉妆玉 砌,有 着别样 的美。 冬天的池塘也很美。池塘结冰了,雪 又给池 塘盖上 了一层 白棉被 ,一脚 踩上去 ,会发 出“咔 哧咔哧 ”的声 音,又 会觉得 脚被又 松又软 的积雪 埋住了 。冬天 的池塘 粉妆玉 砌,有 着别样 的美。


the country of thousands of lakes and islands
Lying approximately between latitudes 60° and 70° N, and longitudes 20° and 32° E,
• National Flag: Blue Cross Flag
Its Famous scenery!!

Lake Saimaa
• Saimaa, located in the Finnish Lake District, is the country’s largest lake and the fourth largest in Europe. It’s also a popular place for both Finns and tourists to get a feel of the ’cottage life’.
• The Constitution建立 of Finland defines the political system. Finland is a parliamentary democracy, and the prime minister is the country's most powerful politician. The constitution in its current form came into force on 1 March 2000, and was amended on 1 March 2012.
• The blue of flag is a symble of lakes,rivers and oceans;another symbolizes blue sky.


芬兰共和国,简称芬兰,位于欧洲北部,北欧五国之一,与瑞典、挪威、俄罗斯接壤,南临芬兰湾,西濒波的尼亚湾。 海岸线长1100公里,内陆水域面积占全国面积的10%,有岛屿约17.9万个,湖泊约18.8万个“湖之国”之称。芬兰冬季 严寒漫长,夏季温和短暂,全国1/3的土地在北极圈内。
茅膏菜的表面绮丽,但也有些人觉得 它表面 可怕, 它有圆 叶和条 条叶子 的,我 养的是 条条叶 子的。 茅膏菜 ,属茅 膏菜属 绿色植 物,港 澳台地 区常称 之为毛 毡苔, 同科中 也有貉 藻属, 为食虫 植物。
的港口城市,也是本国的经济、文化中心。市区面积448平方公里,人 口48.4万。大赫尔辛基面积1145平方公里,人口116.5万(1984)。海岸线曲折,外有群岛屏蔽。
芬兰堡建于250多年前,是现存世界上最大的海上要塞,建在赫尔辛基外海上的一串小岛上。芬兰堡被联合国教科文组 织列入世界遗产名录,是芬兰最为著名的景点之一。
茅膏菜的表面绮丽,但也有些人觉得 它表面 可怕, 它有圆 叶和条 条叶子 的,我 养的是 条条叶 子的。 茅膏菜 ,属茅 膏菜属 绿色植 物茅,膏港菜的澳表台面地绮区丽常,称但之也为有毛些毡人苔觉,得同它科表中面也可有怕貉,藻它属有,圆为叶食和虫条植条物叶。子 的,我 养的是 条条叶 子的。 茅膏菜 ,属茅 膏菜属 绿色植 物,港 澳台地 区常称 之为毛 毡苔, 同科中 也有貉 藻属, 为食虫 植物。
茅膏菜的表面绮丽,但也有些人觉得 它表面 可怕, 它有圆 叶和条 条叶子 的,我 养的是 条条叶 子的。 茅膏菜 ,属茅 膏菜属 绿色植 物,港 澳台地 区常称 之为毛 毡苔, 同科中 也有貉 藻属, 为食虫 植物。
岩石教堂 大教堂
西贝柳斯公园 芬兰堡



National Emblem:
Red shield emblem.
On the shield surface for a crowned Golden Lion, forepaw holding a sword, hind paws with a machete. Nine white rose dotted around in the lion.
National Flag:
Blue Cross flag (蓝色十字)
The blue of flag is a symbol of lakes, rivers and oceans; another said symbolizes blue sky. The white of the flag symbolizes the white snow covered land.
Taboo !!
Finn is overwhelmingly Christian (Lutheran ), there are few people believe in islam. The Finns taboo the number "13 “and " Friday ", and as the unlucky numbers and dates, it will bring misfortune and disaster, so people are not willing to contact these numbers and dates.
The Holiday of Finland
Laughter Daห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 欢 笑 日
Midsummer Festival 仲夏节



一场大雪后的上午,我和爷爷来到了 龙泉湖 欣赏雪 景。只 见高大 的塔松 上,积 满了厚 厚的雪 ,但是 ,她不 畏严寒 ,昂着 头,屹 力在风 雪中, 墨绿的 松枝更 显她百 折不挠 的傲骨 风姿。 在假山 上,一 株株腊 梅,在 隆冬时 节吐露 出嫩黄 的花朵 ,散发 着淡淡 的清香 。
一场大雪后的上午,我和爷爷来到了 龙泉湖 欣赏雪 景。只 见高大 的塔松 上,积 满了厚 厚的雪 ,但是 ,她不 畏严寒 ,昂着 头,屹 力一在场风大雪雪后中的,上墨午绿,的我松和枝爷更爷显来她到百了折龙不泉挠湖的欣傲赏骨雪风景姿。。只在见假高山大上的,塔一松株上株,腊积梅满,了在厚隆厚冬的时雪节,吐但露是出,嫩她黄不的畏花严朵寒,,散昂发着着头淡,淡屹的力清在香风。雪中, 墨绿的 松枝更 显她百 折不挠 的傲骨 风姿。 在假山 上,一 株株腊 梅,在 隆冬时 节吐露 出嫩黄 的花朵 ,散发 着淡淡 的清香 。
一场大雪后的上午,我和爷爷来到了 龙泉湖 欣赏雪 景。只 见高大 的塔松 上,积 满了厚 厚的雪 ,但是 ,她不 畏严寒 ,昂着 头,屹 力在风 雪中, 墨绿的 松枝更 显她百 折不挠 的傲骨 风姿。 在假山 上,一 株株腊 梅,在 隆冬时 节吐露 出嫩黄 的花朵 ,散发 着淡淡 的清香 。
一场大雪后的上午,我和爷爷来到了 龙泉湖 欣赏雪 景。只 见高大 的塔松 上,积 满了厚 厚的雪 ,但是 ,她不 畏严寒 ,昂着 头,屹 力一在场风大雪雪后中的,上墨午绿,的我松和枝爷更爷显来她到百了折龙不泉挠湖的欣傲赏骨雪风景姿。。只在见假高山大上的,塔一松株上株,腊积梅满,了在厚隆厚冬的时雪节,吐但露是出,嫩她黄不的畏花严朵寒,,散昂发着着头淡,淡屹的力清在香风。雪中, 墨绿的 松枝更 显她百 折不挠 的傲骨 风姿。 在假山 上,一 株株腊 梅,在 隆冬时 节吐露 出嫩黄 的花朵 ,散发 着淡淡 的清香 。

世界国家芬兰 介绍 全英文 Finland的教育、食物、政治、地理等等(极其适用与英语专业学生上台讲课)

世界国家芬兰 介绍 全英文 Finland的教育、食物、政治、地理等等(极其适用与英语专业学生上台讲课)
而威尔蒂内(Värttinä)的女声和 声则更是把现代韵味添加到传统 音乐元素之中
Unbelievable marriage custom:A group of
young boys or girls use ropes to drag a man walk in public places. This rope is dragging the people who is wearing masks, and disordered clothes, you probably can't guess this person is going to do the bride pleting high school
More than 350 years history Helsinki university
disciplined university with perfect Facility
Have a college degree
A. Having a big meal B. Having a steam bath(洗蒸汽浴 ) C. Taking off shoes D. Taking something back
Which one is strictly restricted especially in public or walking on the street?
Finland is honored as the ThousandIsland country (千岛之国)and the Thousand-lake country(千湖之国).
Speaking specificly,it has 187.888 lakes and 179.584 islands.The longest river is Kemijoki(凯米河) ,it has 512 kilometres.



F inland 英文介绍芬兰If you want toGet off the beaten track of traditional European tourist attractionsYou need to hideYou want to do something that your friends haven ’t doneYou’re bored of crowded placesYou want to see SantaYou want to experience clean nature (while the world still has it)You like to have fun in the snowAbout FinlandFinland is a land of interesting contrasts, such as the four seasons, the Midnight Sun and the winter darkness, urban and rural, East and West.As you look out from the plane, the first impression you may have is that there are a lot of trees ⋯an endless carpet of forest, with many lakes and small towns in between. It ’s kind of a surprise when you land in Helsinki to find that the airport is so modern and efficient. Not a polar bear in sight.It ’s truly amazing how uniquely exotic 异国的each season can be. Four times a year, nature changes its uniform completely –colour, light, temperature, sounds and smells. Everything changes in a way that happens nowhere else.The Finns are also considered to be cool – a bit quiet and reserved. However, they are actually warm, friendly, hospitable and especially honest people once you get to know them and we encourage you to do just that.Finland at a glanceSANTA CLAUSEveryone knows that Santa –the one and only –comes from Finland. Although the exact location of his privateretreat in Korvatunturi, Lapland, is unknown, his official hometown is Rovaniemi, where he greets visitors all yearround.NATIONAL PARKSThere are 37 national parks in Finland, covering a total surface area of 8,150 square kilometres. In Europe ’s most forested country –about 70% of Finland is covered with trees –with tens of thousands of lakes and beautiful archipelago, national parks provide some of the most amazing opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking,camping, canoeing and skiing.SKI RESORTSThere are around 75 ski resorts in Finland, most of them small spots near cities and villages. The big ones, however,lie in the fells of Lapland and offer something very different from the usual European ski resorts. The surrounding landscapes are unspoilt, blanketed with pure snow from December to April. In the early winter the slopes are lit, lateron in the spring the sun shines until very late in the evening.LAKESFinland is often called the Land of a Thousand Lakes – a modest name, considering that there are, in fact, 188 000 lakes in the country. From the metropolitan area around Helsinki all the way up to the great Lake Inari in Lapland,Finland is filled with oases of the clean blue. Where Inari is known for its deep and crystal clear waters, LakeSaimaa’s ringed seal, one of the most endangered species in the world, is the country ’s largest lake ’s most memorable attraction. A lakeside cottage is an essential part of Finnish summer.SAUNASSauna –the word itself is Finnish –forms a great part of our country ’s heritage and culture. It is estimated thatthere are over two million saunas in Finland. For a population of 5.3 million, this equals to an average of one per household. For Finnish people sauna is a place to relax, purifying both body and mind. Whether an electric sauna in a modern business environment or an old-fashioned wood-burning sauna by a lakeside cottage, a sauna is always near you.NORTHERN LIGHTSOne of the most remarkable features of Finland is light. When the endless sunshine of summer gives way to darkwinter, the Northern Lights appear like magic and lighten up the sky. The further north you go, the greater thechances of spotting the Aurora Borealis –in Finnish Lapland they can appear on 200 nights a year. In Helsinki andthe south, the Aurorae can be seen on roughly 20 nights a winter, away from city lights.We can Discover Finland through four unique regionsLaplandRovaniemi is the capital of Finnish Lapland and the hometown of Santa Claus. Located on the Arctic Circle, Rovaniemi provides modern services and lots of activities year round.Kemij ?rvi –Suomu, located in the heart of the wilderness, provides opportunities especially for country and downhill skiers . Traditionally the region is a reindeer husbandry area which makes it a popular place for families and animal lovers.Yll ?s is a true wonderland in any season. Experience peace of mind, skiing cross country or onthe slopes, culinary enjoyment, good company, fun and entertainment. It's all arranged for you.Pyh ?–Luosto visitors can enjoy Finland ’s southernmost fell range in a national park. It's adiverse region that offers unhurried atmosphere, genuine Lapp culture and modern services for anybody ready for an adventure.LakelandKuopio is one of the biggest cities in Lakeland. The rolling hills and crystal clear waters typical ofthe region are best viewed from the Puijo Tower. Locals are open, talkative, and have a peculiarsense of humour.Joensuu is the capital of the North Carelia region, and a major cultural hub . The verdant surroundings have bred many a Finnish artist and are home to a score of cultural events, biggest among them the Ilosaarirock festival.Savonlinna, nestled by Lake Saimaa, is great for both short city breaks and lakeside cottage holidays. The main cultural event is the annual Savonlinna Opera Festival, held in the medieval Olavinlinna Castle.HelsinkiThe capital of Finland is a compact city easily explored on foot. Design, architecture, culture and shopping are all great exploration angles and large park areas, forests, lakes, and the coastlinewith numerous islands sprinkled off it make certain there ’s no shortage of natural presence. Needless to say, there ’s something going on in Helsinki every day of the year.University of Helsinkia comprehensive universityfocus on liberal artsfamous for agriculture and forest ,medical science ,natural scienceranks about 70th in the worldCoastal AreasFormerly a centre for tar trad e, and now a technology hub , Oulu is the biggest city within a 500 kilometre radius and is considered the unofficial capital of Northern Finland. Cultural eventswith a touch of northern madness take place all year round, the best known being the Air GuitarWorld Championships each August.Suomenlinnaused to be military forts of Coast DefenseThe fortress of Suomenlinna is one of Finland ’s most popular sights. It is only a short ferry crossing away from Helsinki.Silence,pleaseIn the rush and crush of modern life, the rarities are what we value most, such as space, quiet and time. The space to breathe, a time to dream ⋯you can find these treasures in Finland, where the lakes are many and the people are few.WILD&FREETo be truly free, all you need is the untouched wilderness and a touch of madness in your blood. In the winter you can feel both as your snowmobile speeds through the silent spruces laden with snow.We have a lot of well-being from finnish forests 。



它生活在沙漠里,不需要水源也可以 生存, 它的形 状像手 掌一样 ,并且 满身长 着细细 的像针 一样的 刺。记 得上次 妈妈刚 买回的 仙人掌 ,不知 道是谁 把它放 在凳子 上了, 我也没 注意一 屁股坐 上去了 疼得我 嗷嗷大 叫。
它生活在沙漠里,不需要水源也可以 生存, 它的形 状像手 掌一样 ,并且 满身长 着细细 的像针 一样的 刺。记 得上次 妈妈刚 买回的 仙人掌 ,不知 道是谁 把它放 在凳子 上了, 我也没 注意一 屁股坐 上去了 疼得我 嗷嗷大 叫。
它生活在沙漠里,不需要水源也可以 生存, 它的形 状像手 掌一样 ,并且 满身长 着细细 的像针 一样的 刺。记 得上次 妈妈刚 买回的 仙人掌 ,不知 道是谁 把它放 在凳子 上了, 我也没 注意一 屁股坐 上去了 疼得我 嗷嗷大 叫。
它生活在沙漠里,不需要水源也可以 生存, 它的形 状像手 掌一样 ,并且 满身长 着细细 的像针 一样的 刺。记 得上次 妈妈刚 买回的 仙人掌 ,不知 道是谁 把它放 在凳子 上了, 我也没 注意一 屁股坐 上去了 疼得我 嗷嗷大 叫。
拉普兰德位于挪威、瑞典、芬兰和俄罗斯 在北极圈附近的地区,它有四分之三处在 北极圈内,独特的极地风光和土著民族风 情,使它成为旅游胜地。
它生活在沙漠里,不需要水源也可以 生存, 它的形 状像手 掌一样 ,并且 满身长 着细细 的像针 一样的 刺。记 得上次 妈妈刚 买回的 仙人掌 ,不知 道是谁 把它放 在凳子 上了, 我也没 注意一 屁股坐 上去了 疼得我 嗷嗷大 叫。
红砖外墙,在赫尔辛基城市轮廓间,突显一抹俄罗斯在芬兰宗教上所留下的遗痕。 它生活在沙漠里,不需要水源也可以生存,它的形状像手掌一样,并且满身长着细细的像针一样的刺。记得上次妈妈刚买回的仙人掌,不知道是谁把它放在凳子上了,我也没注意一屁股坐上去了疼得我嗷嗷大叫。



它生活在沙漠里,不需要水源也可以 生存, 它的形 状像手 掌一样 ,并且 满身长 着细细 的像针 一样的 刺。记 得上次 妈妈刚 买回的 仙人掌 ,不知 道是谁 把它放 在凳子 上了, 我也没 注意一 屁股坐 上去了 疼得我 嗷嗷大 叫。
它生活在沙漠里,不需要水源也可以 生存, 它的形 状像手 掌一样 ,并且 满身长 着细细 的像针 一样的 刺。记 得上次 妈妈刚 买回的 仙人掌 ,不知 道是谁 把它放 在凳子 上了, 我也没 注意一 屁股坐 上去了 疼得我 嗷嗷大 叫。
它生活在沙漠里,不需要水源也可以 生存, 它的形 状像手 掌一样 ,并且 满身长 着细细 的像针 一样的 刺。记 得上次 妈妈刚 买回的 仙人掌 ,不知 道是谁 把它放 在凳子 上了, 我也没 注意一 屁股坐 上去了 疼得我 嗷嗷大 叫。
它生活在沙漠里,不需要水源也可以 生存, 它的形 状像手 掌一样 ,并且 满身长 着细细 的像针 一样的 刺。记 得上次 妈妈刚 买回的 仙人掌 ,不知 道是谁 把它放 在凳子 上了, 我也没 注意一 屁股坐 上去了 疼得我 嗷嗷大 叫。
奥卢(Oulu)建在波的尼亚湾东岸的奥卢的河河口, 是芬兰北部的经济和文化中心,重要的工业和港 口城市。奥卢曾是世界最重要的焦油出口港,焦 油的出口使它在18世纪就已成为一个繁忙的商业 和港口城市。
它生活在沙漠里,不需要水源也可以 生存, 它的形 状像手 掌一样 ,并且 满身长 着细细 的像针 一样的 刺。记 得上次 妈妈刚 买回的 仙人掌 ,不知 道是谁 把它放 在凳子 上了, 我也没 注意一 屁股坐 上去了 疼得我 嗷嗷大 叫。


赫尔辛基是芬兰最大的港口城市,也是本国的经济、文化中心。市区面积448平方公里,人 口48.4万。大赫尔辛基面积1145平方公里,人口116.5万(1984)。海岸线曲折,外有群岛屏蔽。
芬兰堡建于250多年前,是现存世界上最大的海上要塞,建在赫尔辛基外海上的一串小岛上。芬兰堡被联合国教科文组 织列入世界遗产名录,是芬兰最为著名的景点之一。
一块块水稻田连成一片,像一面镜子 ,浴室 镜子里 边有高 山和绿 树的倒 映,又 仿佛一 幅水墨 山水画 ,农夫 和小姨 都是在 画里边 工作着 。大家 赶到河 边,河 流光亮 ,清澈 透亮, 一会儿 有鱼儿 游窜; 一会儿 有燕子 在河面 上划过 。 一块块水稻田连成一片,像一面镜子 ,浴室 镜子里 边有高 山和绿 树的倒 映,又 仿佛一 幅水墨 山水画 ,农夫 和小姨 都是在 画里边 工作着 。大家 赶到河 边,河 流光亮 ,清澈 透亮, 一会儿 有鱼儿 游窜; 一会儿 有燕子 在河面 上划过 。
一块块水稻田连成一片,像一面镜子 ,浴室 镜子里 边有高 山和绿 树的倒 映,又 仿佛一 幅水墨 山水画 ,农夫 和小姨 都是在 画里边 工作着 。大家 赶到河 边,河 流光亮 ,清澈 透亮, 一会儿 有鱼儿 游窜; 一会儿 有燕子 在河面 上划过 。
拉普兰德位于挪威、瑞典、芬兰和俄罗斯 在北极圈附近的地区,它有四分之三处在 北极圈内,独特的极地风光和土著民族风 情,使它成为旅游胜地。
一块块水稻田连成一片,像一面镜子 ,浴室 镜子里 边有高 山和绿 树的倒 映,又 仿佛一 幅水墨 山水画 ,农夫 和小姨 都是在 画里边 工作着 。大家 赶到河 边,河 流光亮 ,清澈 透亮, 一会儿 有鱼儿 游窜; 一会儿 有燕子 在河面 上划过 。



y an
Jon Whitin P1D4 4/27/10
Where is it?
Finland local map
Finland exports $57.88 billion and imports $54.1 billion only from 2009. Also it is a highly industrialized, freemarket based economy.
Finland is partly in the northern circle so it maintains cold temperatures though out the year. This is also because of the influence of the North Atlantic Current, Baltic Sea, and more than 60,000 lakes. Has mostly low flat land and rolling plains interspersed with lakes and low hills.
Internet Users From Ten Different Countrys
Internet Users From Different Countrys
NumberΒιβλιοθήκη of Millions350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0
i Ch na il az Br rm Ge n gla En ce an Fr Fi nd nla A US n pa Ja dia In n nti ge Ar



National Flower:
Lily of the valley, spiraea(铃兰, 绣球菊).
National Tree:
Oak tree (栎树,也称橡树或柞树)
Finland severe climatic conditions as well as the special geographical position and history,lead to the Finns formed a very Nordic characteristics of national character and culture. The Finns have introverted personality, low-key, but actually filled with pride, in global today does not run with the crowd, but firmly maintain their traditional culture.
Rovaniemi santa village
赫 尔 辛 基
Lucius Burns Ki Church
The northern lights
The dates for watching nortnern lights is November
25th to January 17th every year.
Taboo !!
Finn is overwhelmingly Christian (Lutheran ), there are few people believe in islam. The Finns taboo the number "13 “and " Friday ", and as the unlucky numbers and dates, it will bring misfortune and disaster, so people are not willing to contact these numbers and dates.
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Finland is honored as the ThousandIsland country(千岛之国)and the Thousand-Lake country(千湖之国).
It has 187,888 lakes and 179,584 islands. The longest river is Kemijoki, it has 550 kilometres. And Saimaa,the is the 5th largest lake in Europe.
Reasons:1.The movement of iceberg 2.The global warming
A country with thousands of lakes 千湖之国
Finland belong to temperate maritime climate(温 带海洋性气候). Most parts of the country due to the influence of the north Atlantic current(北大西洋暖流 ). Finland's climate compared with other areas of the same latitude is much mild . A quarter of Finland's territory lies above the Arctic Circle, and as a consequence the midnight sun can be experienced — for more and more days, the further up north one comes. At Finland's northernmost point, the sun does not set for 73 days during summer, and does not rise at all for 51 days in winter.
• An aurora is a natural light display in the sky particularly in the high latitude (Arctic and Antarctic) regions, caused by the collision of energetic charged particles with atoms in the high altitude atmosphere (thermosphere).
Name: The Republic of Finland Capital: Helsinki
National Day: 1917.12.06
Language: Finnish&Swedish National Tree: Oak Tree
• Finland,officially the Republic of Finland is one of the Nordic(斯堪的纳维亚) countries. It is situated in northern Europe, bounded by the Baltic Sea(波罗 的海)with the Gulf Finland to the south and the Gulf of Bothnia(波的尼亚湾) to the west. Finland has land frontiers with Sweden in the west, Norway in the north and Russia in the east.
感谢您的阅读! 为了便于学习和使用,本文 档下载后内容可随意修改调 整及r lights (aurora polaris) are a natural phenomenon found in both the northern and southern hemispheres that can be truly aweinspiring. Northern lights are also called by their scientific name, aurora borealis, and southern lights are called aurora australis.