



高清解码器快速使用说明书目录第一章产品介绍 (2)1.1产品概述 (2)1.2产品主要功能特点 (2)第二章设备线缆连接 (3)第三章基本操作 (4)3.1开机 (4)3.2关机 (4)3.3登录 (4)3.4预览 (5)3.5报警功能 (5)3.5.1移动侦测 (5)3.6网络设置 (6)3.7通道管理 (6)3.8公网访问设备(云操作) (7)3.8.1向导 (7)3.8.2按用户登录,管理设备(按用户登录,可以管理多台设备) (10)3.8.3按序列号登录,访问设备 (12)第四章远程监控 (13)1.远程监控 (13)1.1多机管理平台软件CMS (13)1.2web监控 (13)2.基本远程操控 (15)2.1画面分割 (15)2.2回放 (15)2.3日志 (15)2.4本地配置 (15)2.5通道操控 (15)2.6远程进行设备端配置 (15)第一章产品介绍1.1产品概述本设备是专为安防领域设计的一款优秀的数字监控产品。










目录1 引言.......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.1 编写目的 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.2 使用范围 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2 产品介绍 .................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

2.1 产品简介 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.2 产品技术规格 .................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

3 设备说明 .................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

3.1 运行环境 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

3.2 支持解码设备 .................................................. 错误!未定义书签。



高清解码器快速使用说明书目录第一章产品介绍 (2)1.1产品概述 (2)1.2产品主要功能特点 (2)第二章设备线缆连接 (3)第三章基本操作 (4)3.1开机 (4)3.2关机 (4)3.3登录 (4)3.4预览 (5)3.5报警功能 (5)3.5.1移动侦测 (5)3.6网络设置 (6)3.7通道管理 (6)3.8公网访问设备(云操作) (7)3.8.1向导 (7)3.8.2按用户登录,管理设备(按用户登录,可以管理多台设备) (10)3.8.3按序列号登录,访问设备 (12)第四章远程监控 (13)1.远程监控 (13)1.1多机管理平台软件CMS (13)1.2web监控 (13)2.基本远程操控 (15)2.1画面分割 (15)2.2回放 (15)2.3日志 (15)2.4本地配置 (15)2.5通道操控 (15)2.6远程进行设备端配置 (15)第一章产品介绍1.1产品概述本设备是专为安防领域设计的一款优秀的数字监控产品。
























目录1产品概览 (1)1.1 产品简介 (1)1.2 产品特性 (1)1.3 前面板介绍 (1)1.4 后面板介绍 (2)2WEB客户端配置 (3)2.1 登录 (3)2.2 视频源配置 (4)2.2.1 视频源管理 (4)2.2.2 视频源分组管理 (6)2.3 解码配置 (7)2.3.1 预案配置 (7)2.3.2 输出配置 (9)2.3.3 显示配置 (10)2.4 设备配置 (10)2.4.1 设备升级 (10)2.4.2 系统重启 (10)2.4.3 恢复出厂设置 (11)2.4.4 级联配置 (11)2.5 系统配置 (12)2.5.1 基本配置 (12)2.5.2 时间配置 (12)2.5.3 网络配置 (13)2.5.4 用户配置 (13)2.5.5 备份恢复 (14)3技术参数 (15)1产品概览1.1产品简介本解码器是一款专业型2路解码器,采用高性能SOC解码芯片,支持多路标清、高清网络视频解码上墙显示,可不依赖视频监控管理平台独立使用(设备模式),也可和视频监控管理平台配套使用(平台模式),可广泛用于银行、学校、智能大厦、交通、环保、超市、加油站、小区、工厂等各种监控场所。

8100系列网络视频解码器 快速使用指南

8100系列网络视频解码器 快速使用指南

8100系列网络视频解码器快速使用指南8100系 列 网 络 视 频 解 码 器 (Network Video Decoder)快 速 使 用 指 南(V1.0)第 1 页 共 33 页8100系列网络视频解码器快速使用指南注明:本手册可能在某些技术细节方面描述不够准确或存在印刷错误,假如您在使用过程中按照快速使用指南无法解决问题时,请致电我公司客服部垂询相关操作方法。


第 2 页 共 33 页8100系列网络视频解码器快速使用指南目 录1.功能简介 (4)2.外观与说明 (5)3.解码器的连接 (7)4. 软件的基本操作 (8)4.1遥控器控制解码器 (8)4.1.1通过遥控器操作叠加菜单 (9)4.1.2主菜单 (10)4.2通过软件设置解码器 (12)4.2.1解码器参数设置 (16)4.2.2解码器通道设置 (18)4.2.3报警参数设置 (19)4.2.4音频、对讲 (22)4.2.5轮巡设置 (23)4.2.6云台控制及工具 (25)4.2.7工具 (26)4.2.8使用软件IMagineWorldDMatrix升级 (29)5.常见问题解答 (32)附录球型摄像机键盘的使用 (33)第 3 页 共 33 页8100系列网络视频解码器快速使用指南1.功能简介支持1/4路D1同时解码,用户可以根据实际使用情况选择单画面、四画面或者轮巡监视;支持485接口的键盘的使用,通过该接口,用户可以控制GUI菜单及连接视频服务器端的云台功能;该产品具有画面联动放大功能,如果系统参数设置了联动放大,则当编码器有报警信息时,报警画面会放大显示;支持H.264视频解码,支持D1、Half-D1、CIF分辨率;支持双向语音对讲,音频支持G711U、G722解码,对讲功能采用G722编码;支持解码器管理软件、遥控器(带VGA接口设备专有)及键盘控制设备。

第 4 页 共 33 页8100系列网络视频解码器快速使用指南第 5 页 共 33 页2.外观与说明4路/1路增强型H.264网络视频解码器4路/1路增强型H.264网络视频解码器(带遥控器及VGA 输出接口)8100系列网络视频解码器快速使用指南第 6 页 共 33 页经济型H.264网络视频解码器接口说明:【DC12V】:电源插口,与配套DC12V/ 2.0A 电源相连。

网络视频解码器 说明书

网络视频解码器 说明书

2.1 前面板
电源指示灯 网络传输指示灯 遥控指示灯 遥控接收窗口
LINK: ALARM:源自网络连接指示灯 报警指示灯

2.2 后面板
1. Vout:复合视频输出; 3. DC9V:电源输入,DC9V(1A) , 4. MIC:麦克风输入, 5. LAN:网络(ETHERNET)接口, 6. RESET:系统参数复位按钮,所有参数恢复到缺省值(出厂值) 注意:非专业人员不能按动 RESET 钮 7.Aout:音频输出接口 6/ 22
网 络 视 频 解 码 器 用 户 手 册
Network Video Decoder User Manual
本手册可能有印刷错误或某些细节描述不够准确,如果您按照手册使用时有无法解决的问题, 请与本公司技术支持部或产品供应商联系。 本手册内容将不定期更新,恕不另行通知。
4/ 22
1.3 技术参数
视 频 输 出
1 路复合视频(PAL 或 NTSC 制式) BNC 接口,电平:1.0Vp-p,阻抗:75Ω
音 频 输 出 语音对讲输入 通 讯 接 口
1 路,RCA 接口,线性输出 1 路,MIC 接口 1 个 10M/100M 自适应以太网口 1 个 RS485 口
7/ 22
3.1 遥控器
【 】 【 】 【状态】 【软键盘】 【0 - 9】
电源开关 音频监听开关 显示系统信息(菜单输入时为字符’ .’ ) 打开关闭软键盘 数字键 菜单状态下为数字输入键 非菜单状态下为通道选择键 【<——】 退格键 【C】 清除 【+ -】 设置时的数字、选项加减,列表框中为翻页键 【】 菜单状态下为移动光标 非菜单状态为云台上下左右控制 【退出】 退出本级菜单 【确定】 确定 【菜单】 打开关闭操作界面 【对讲】 打开关闭对讲 【时间】 时间及状态显示开关 【多画面】 预览模式选择(多画面选择) 【切换】 单画面时通道切换 【清除报警】 清除报警信息 【单路连接】 打开单路连接操作界面 【多路连接】 打开多路连接操作界面 【停止】 断开所有连接 【调焦 变倍 光圈】 云台、球机的镜头控制键 【灯光】 解码器灯光控制 【雨刷】 解码器雨刷控制 【自动】 云台、球机自动控制 【预置 调用】 球机预置点设置、调用 【预置 调用】+ 【数字】+【确定】 【设备】 选择要控制的 NVD(【设备】+ 【数字】+【确 定】), 可以用一个遥控器分别控制某台 NVD 【注销】 菜单锁定(注销)--- 备用 【F1 F2 F3 F4】 备用 【Fn】 刷新屏幕

视频解码器 用户手册说明书

视频解码器 用户手册说明书

























1.安装环境1.1水平放置,避免安装在剧烈震动的环境中;1.2勿将其他设备直接放置于解码器上,切忌在设备上方放置盛有液体的容器(如花瓶);1.3将设备安装在通风良好的场所,切勿堵塞设备的通风口;1.4使设备工作在技术指标允许的温度和湿度范围内,避免阳光直接照射;1.5检查电源电压,避免出现因电压不配导致器件损坏;1.6电路板上的灰尘在受潮以后,容易引起短路,为使设备能够长期正常工作,应定期对设备空间除尘,保持设备清洁;1.7请不要随意拆卸本产品,切忌带电打开机箱;产品介绍1 产品概述解码器系列是我司专门针对视频联网监控系统而设计、开发的网络音视频解码设备。



NVS0404DF 一台设备既可支持4路D1图象解码输出,也可支持16路CIF 图象同时解码输出;NVS0204DF 一台设备既可支持2路D1图象解码输出,也可支持8路CIF 图象同时解码输出;NVS0104DH 一台设备支持一个720p 或者4D1输出,输出接口可以是VGA、HDMI 和TV,输出可以是4分割或者是单分割。




2 产品技术参数设备型号 NVS0404DFNVS0204DFNVS0104DH主处理器 高性能工业级嵌入式微控制器; 操作系统 嵌入式LINUX;输入设备 前面板按键,键盘控制; 系统参数快捷功能 无; 视频标准: MPEG4/H.264;音频标准 PCM/G711/ADPCM;解码显示分辨率QCIF/CIF/2CIF/HD1/4CIF/ VGA/QVGA/QQVGA;QCIF/CIF/2CIF/HD1/4CIF/ VGA/QVGA/QQVGA 720P/1280*960/UXGA;视频帧率 PAL:1~25帧/秒;NTSC:1~30帧/秒; 码流类型 复合流、视频流; 视频输出路数 4路;2路;1路;视频输出接口 BNC(电平1.0VP-P,阻抗:75Ω); VGA、HDMI 和TV 辅助输出; 音频输出路数 4路;2路;只有HDMI 接口有音频; 音频输出接口 BNC(电平200-3000 mv,阻抗5KΩ);HDMI;通讯接口 1个RJ45 10M/ 100M/1000M 自适应以太网口;1个RS232口;1个RS485口; 硬件接口参数语音对讲路数1路;语音对讲接口BNC(电平2Vrms,输出阻抗10k ohms);报警输入 4路;报警输出 4路继电器输出(30VDC 2A,125VAC 1A 联动输出);电源DC12V,3.3A; 功耗≤10W;工作温度 0℃-+55℃;工作湿度 10%-90% 86kpa-106kpa;尺寸(mm ) 440×300×42.1 mm;工作环境及其他物理参数重量2.65—2.75KG;开箱检查和线缆连接注:工程商在安装解码器时,具体要求请参考工程施工规范相关国家标准。



Network Video Decoder NVD-253 Port Forwarding on your firewall / router (22)Setup Diagrams (23)Frequently-Asked Questions (25)Specifications (26)Service & Support (28)Network Video Decoder NVD-254 Warnings and Precautions1. Read all of these warnings and save them for later reference.2. Follow all warnings and instructions marked on this unit.3. Unplug this unit from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid or aerosolcleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning.4. Do not use this unit in or near water.5. Do not place this unit on an unstable cart, stand, or table. The unit may fall,causing serious damage.6. Slots and openings on the cabinet top, back, and bottom are provided forventilation. To ensure safe and reliable operation of this unit, and to protect it from overheating, do not block or cover these openings. Do not place this unit on a bed, sofa, rug, or similar surface, as the ventilation openings on the bottom of the cabinet will be blocked. This unit should never be placed near or over a heat register or radiator. This unit should not be placed in a built-in installation unless proper ventilation is provided.7. This product should only be operated from the type of power source indicated onthe marking label of the AC adapter. If you are not sure of the type of power available, consult your Datavideo dealer or your local power company.8. Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord. Do not locate this unit where thepower cord will be walked on, rolled over, or otherwise stressed.9. If an extension cord must be used with this unit, make sure that the total of theampere ratings on the products plugged into the extension cord do not exceed the extension cord’s rating.10. Make sure that the total amperes of all the units that are plugged into a single walloutlet do not exceed 15 amperes.11. Never push objects of any kind into this unit through the cabinet ventilation slots,as they may touch dangerous voltage points or short out parts that could result in risk of fire or electric shock. Never spill liquid of any kind onto or into this unit.12. Except as specifically explained elsewhere in this manual, do not attempt toservice this product yourself. Opening or removing covers that are marked “Do Not Remove” may expose you to dangerous voltage points or other risks, and will void your warranty. Refer all service issues to qualified service personnel.13. Unplug this product from the wall outlet and refer to qualified service personnelunder the following conditions:a. When the power cord is damaged or frayed;b. When liquid has spilled into the unit;c. When the product has been exposed to rain or water;d. When the product does not operate normally under normal operatingconditions. Adjust only those controls that are covered by the operating instructions in this manual; improper adjustment of other controls may result in damage to the unit and may often require extensive work by a qualified technician to restore the unit to normal operation;e. When the product has been dropped or the cabinet has been damaged;f. When the product exhibits a distinct change in performance, indicating a needfor service.Network Video Decoder NVD-255Warranty Standard Warranty• Datavideo equipment is guaranteed against any manufacturing defects for one year from the date of purchase.• The original purchase invoice or other documentary evidence should be supplied at the time of any request for repair under warranty.• Damage caused by accident, misuse, unauthorized repairs, sand, grit or water is not covered by this warranty.• All mail or transportation costs including insurance are at the expense of the owner.• All other claims of any nature are not covered.• Cables & batteries are not covered under warranty.• Warranty only valid within the country or region of purchase.• Your statutory rights are not affected.Two Year Warranty• All Datavideo products purchased after 01-Oct.-2008 qualify for a free one year extension to the standard Warranty, providing the product is registered with Datavideo within 30 days of purchase. For information on how to register please visit or contact your local Datavideo office or authorized Distributors• Certain parts with limited lifetime expectancy such as LCD Panels, DVD Drives, Hard Drives are only covered for the first 10,000 hours, or 1 year (whichever comes first).Any second year warranty claims must be made to your local Datavideo office or one of its authorized Distributors before the extended warranty expires.Network Video Decoder NVD-256Disclaimer of Product & ServicesThe information offered in this instruction manual is intended as a guide only. At all times, Datavideo Technologies will try to give correct, complete and suitable information. However, Datavideo Technologies cannot exclude that some information in this manual, from time to time, may not be correct or may be incomplete. This manual may contain typing errors, omissions or incorrect information. Datavideo Technologies always recommend that you double check the information in this document for accuracy before making any purchase decision or using the product. Datavideo Technologies is not responsible for any omissions or errors, or for any subsequent loss or damage caused by using the information contained within this manual. Further advice on the content of this manual or on the product can be obtained by contacting your local Datavideo Office or dealer .DisposalFor EU Customers only - WEEE MarkingThis symbol on the product indicates that it will not betreated as household waste. It must be handed over to theapplicable take back scheme for the recycling of WasteElectrical and Electronic Equipment. For more detailedinformation about the recycling of this product, pleasecontact your local Datavideo office.Packing ListThe following items should be in the box. If any items are missing please contact your supplier.Item No.Description Quantity 1NVD-25 Unit 1 2Mains Power Supply 1 3Instruction Manual 1 4 CD Containing IP Finder Software 1Network Video Decoder NVD-257 Product OverviewThe Datavideo NVD-25 is a wired IP video decoder with SDI , Composite and analogue audio outputs.The NVD-25 decodes all common protocols including RTP/RTSP , RTMP , UDP , TCP , HTTP , HLS and MPEG-TS and can output SD/HD video at resolutions up to 1080p60.The NVD-25 is the perfect partner to the Datavideo NVS-25 IP encoder allowing full HD point to point video links over Ethernet, WiFi or the Internet.That’s Datavideo, sharing the value!Features•Operates on standard 10/100Mb Ethernet networks •Excellent image quality with very low delay •Unicast and multicast support •Supports RTP/RTSP (Unicast / Multicast), RTMP, UDP (Unicast / Multicast), TCP, HTTP, HLS and MPEG-TS •Feature-rich WebUI for configuration and control •Built in video scaler •Supports Full HD video and audio •Supports simultaneous digital embedded and analogue audio output • Small form factor, rack mountable using RMK-1•12V DC inputVideo Outputs – Choose from: • SDI (Digital)• Composite [CVBS via BNC socket]Audio Outputs: • Unbalanced RCA Phono sockets• Embedded SDI audioNetwork Video Decoder NVD-258 Front PanelPower On/Off SwitchSwitches the power On / OffNetwork Video Decoder NVD-259 Rear PanelAUDIO OUT (RCA) RCA stereo for a line level analogue audio.SDI OUTSDI digital signal output connector.CVBS OUT (BNC)Composite video outputEthernet Port (RJ-45)10/100M base Ethernet Network interfaceDC In SocketConnect the supplied 12V PSU to this socket. The connection can be secured by screwing the outerfastening ring of the DC In plug to the socket.USB Used for connecting a USB mouse, required to installthe automatic updates.Network Video Decoder NVD-2510 Workflow optionsHow to find the NVD-25 on an IP networkBy default, once the physical connections have been made, the NVD-25 will try to obtain an IP Address from a DHCP network server. As we will see this can be changed later to a Static IP address if required.How to use the NVD-25 IP Finder utility softwareDatavideo supplies a free, Windows based utility, called NVD-25 IP Finder. The first time this software is used on the computer you may need to grant permission through your computers firewall / anti-virus software in order for it to be able to scan or search the local network.When the utility scans the LAN that the computer is connected to, it displays the current IP address for any NVD-25 units found on this local IP network. Double clicking on the device listed will automatically open your computer’s default web browser and navigate to the login page of the NVD-25.If you are using an Apple computer then you can use an alternative utility app such as Fing or Network Analyzer Lite.NVD-25 Login using a web browserType the numbers of the IP address for the NVD-25 into the search bar of the browser. Remember to include the dots in between the numbers. When entered you will then be asked to login to the NVD-25. Alternatively you can simply double click the IP address listed in the NVD-25 IP finder.Default Login detailsAll NVD-25 units are delivered from the factory with the same default user name and password. This can be changed at a later stage to suit your needs.User = adminPassword = 000000 [Zero six times]Please Note: We recommend the Mozilla Firefox web browserNVD-25 web browser Home pageOnce we have logged into the NVD-25 we are presented with the Home page. Settings optionWhen clicked, the Settings option tab will open a new page. There are five sections of settings which can be looked at. These are:•Audio Setup•Display Setup•Network Setup•Live Stream Setup•Account SetupSettings > Audio SetupBy default the NVD-25 will output audio over the digital SDI connection and the analogue stereo connections. Alternatively you can choose to output digital or analogue audio only. Available audio decoders are Software (MP3+AAC) and Hardware (AAC).Settings > Display SetupBy default the NVD-25 will output video over the digital SDI port at a resolution of 720P 50 fps.Please note: The set resolution is only applied when the stream is decoding, the device will output your monitor’s preferred resolution as it boots.Output ToHere you can select to output video digitally over SDI or over the SD analogue composite connection.SDI (Digital)When digital is selected you can select a screen resolution from SD PAL/NTSC right up to HD 1080P60. The NVD-25 will scale your source video to match the output resolution however the aspect ratio (4:3 or 16:9) should be matched to avoid black space on the output. For optimal performance, match the output resolution to the source video.Composite (Analogue)When analogue is selected, the UI will change and you can only selectbetween PAL and NTSC resolution with a 4:3 or 16:9 aspect ratio.Settings > Network SetupBy default the NVD-25 will obtain its IP address automatically from a DHCP server.If you intend to connect the NVD-25 directly to a PC or network without a DCHP server then you should assign a manually set IP address by selecting ‘Static Configuration’.We recommend that only advanced users who are aware of IP addressing set the manual ‘Static Configuration’ IP address. Your local network administrator or I.T. support may be able to help you with this.Settings > Live Stream SetupFrom this page you can configure the source stream for the decoder. The NVD-25 supports the following stream types:•RTSP over UDP (Unicast / Multicast)•RTSP over TCP•RTSP over HTTP•MPEG-TS over UDP•RTMP over TCP•UDP raw (Unicast/Multicast)•HLS over HTTPInput StreamEnter the URL for the source stream hereBuffer SizeThis determines how much video is buffered before playback starts, the default 0.5 seconds is fine for streaming over Ethernet but a larger buffer may be required to achieve smooth video when streaming over the internet or WiFi.RTSP protocolOnly valid if the RTSP stream is being used, the transport protocol can be manually specified.MISC. OptionsEnable Safe Buffering (TCP Only) must be checked if the stream type being used is HLS over HTTP.Settings > Account SetupThe NVD-25 has one admin user account and password. This account is used to keep the NVD-25 secure and gives access to the streaming settings.Default user name = admin Default password = 000000 [Zero six times] This section describes how you can change the default username andpassword shown above to something new which is more secure.1. Log in the NVD-25 server as normal using the computer webbrowser.2. Click Setting3. Click Account Setup4. Click admin and then enter the new user name and password.5. Click ‘Save Changes’Please Note:Please be careful and memorize the new login details as the old or default login is deleted during this process. Decoding video from the NVS-25 encoderThe decoded video from the NVS-25 and to the NVD-25 must be on the same local network (Ethernet/WiFi) or be able to access the NVS-25 stream over the internet.When the NVS-25 is in RTSP TCP/UDP mode (Recommended for LAN)Simply copy the RTSP URL from the ‘Live’ tab of the NVS-25 and enter it into the ‘Input Stream’ field on the NVD-25. When streaming over LAN it is recommended to set the NVS-25 in RTSP (TCP/UDP)mode.When the NVS-25 is in RTMP mode Local server modeSimply copy the RTSP URL from the ‘Live’ tab of the NVS-25 and enter it into the ‘Input Stream’ field on the NVD-25When the NVS-25 is in HLS modeThe NVS-25 does not currently publish its full HLS stream URL. To decode its local HLS stream please copy the URL below replacing the IP address with that of your NVS-25 unit and enter it into the ‘Input Stream’ field on the NVD-25.http://admin:**************.16.69/hls/live.m3u8If on the NVS-25 you have changed the password from the default of 000000 please also replace the six zeros in the URL above with your new passwordPlease Note: When in HLS mode the buffer size should be set to 0.7 seconds or higher.Decoding other stream typesTo decode other stream types such as UDP multicast, simply enter the stream URL into the ‘Input Stream’ field of the NVD-25.Listening for a Pushed UDP StreamTo listen for a pushed UDP stream, enter the following URL into the ‘Input Stream’ field of the NVD-25.UDP://@:9710Replace 9710 with the port number of the pushed stream.Automatic Firmware UpdatesThe NVD-25 features an automatic update system to avoid the need for the user to have to manually install firmware upgrades.The NVD-25 will automatically check for updates whenever it is connected to the internet.You will be notified if an update is available when the unit is next started. A firmware update question will appear for 10 seconds on the selected video output (SDI or Composite), to update simply click on the Yes button and then follow the prompts.Please note: A USB mouse must be connected to install updates.Port Forwarding on your firewall / routerSo that an NVS-25 video stream can be seen on the internet (beyond the default gateway) certain network related ‘ports’ should be opened on your router or firewall. Your local network administrator or I.T. support should be able to help you with this.Enable the “port forwarding” function or open below ports within the router settings.Web Server/HLS RTSP RTMP808554 (over TCP)1935 (RTMP)8000 (over HTTP)8080 (RTMPT)8080 (over HTTP)8081 (RTMPS)Setup DiagramsFrequently-Asked QuestionsThis section describes problems that you may encounter while using NVD-25. If you have questions, please refer to related sections and follow all the suggested solutions. If problem still exists, please contact your distributor or the service center.No. Problems Solutions1. Do I need to enable safebuffering for HLS playback? HLS playback should work without safe buffering enabled however if the buffer is set below 1.0 it will stutter.Safe buffering is recommended for HLS due to the way the protocol works.SpecificationsAudio/Video Input Stream Input•RTSP over UDP (Unicast / Multicast) •RTSP over TCP•RTSP over HTTP•MPEG-TS over UDP•RTMP over TCP•UDP raw (Unicast/Multicast)•HLS over HTTPAudio Output 2 x Phono Connectors SDI embedded audioVideo Output Composite (analogue) SDI (digital)Network Feature 1x RJ-45 Female (10/100M Ethernet) DHCP/Static IPSupported Video Resolution 480i 60 (NTSC)576i 50 (PAL)720 @ 50p / 60p1080 @ 50i / 60i1080 @ 24p / 25p / 30p / 60pControl Web browser UI for configuration and control Update Automatic firmware upgradePower Input AC 100 ~ 240V Switching Adaptor Output DC 12V / 1.0 AEnvironmental Conditions Operating temperature.:0~50°C Storage temperature:-10~60°CNotesService & Support。





目录1引言 (3)1.1编写目的 (3)1.2使用范围 (3)2产品介绍 (3)2.1产品简介 (3)2.2产品技术规格 (3)3设备说明 (3)3.1运行环境 (3)3.2支持解码设备 (4)4产品使用 (4)4.1装箱清单 (4)4.2产品安装注意事项 (4)4.3连接示意图 (5)4.4设置解码器 (6)4.4.1搜索解码器 (6)4.4.2添加解码器 (7)4.4.3解码器参数设置 (8)4.4.4设备列表设置 (10)4.4.5系统参数配置 (13)4.4.6轮巡设置 (13)4.4.7云台控制 (14)4.4.8播放任务列表 (15)4.4.9系统日志查询 (16)4.4.10版本查询 (16)4.5使用软件DecManage升级 (17)2网络视频解码器使用手册1引言1.1编写目的本手册为商务人员及最终用户了解产品性能、设计方案、合理使用产品而编制。





2.2产品技术规格视频制式支持NTSC或PAL格式视频输出方式模拟视频输出视频解码尺寸支持D1、 CIF格式视频解码格式H.264或MPEG4输入法支持方便输入域名画面延迟小于200毫秒(局域网)多画面轮巡支持通道选择及多任务巡检网络接口10/100Mbps RJ45整机尺寸(mm) 180*48*1203设备说明3.1运行环境工作及环境条件电源12V/3A工作温度-10℃~55℃3工作湿度85%RH以下工作环境室内3.2支持解码设备支持7000系列和8000系列设备的解码4产品使用4.1装箱清单名称数量视频解码器主机1台DC12V/3A电源适配器1套《网络视频解码器使用手册》1本配套光盘1张合格证以及保修卡各1张4.2产品安装注意事项安装步骤1.拆开包装箱,根据装箱清单核对部件完整性;2.取出安装需要的各部件;3.按照《网络视频解码器使用手册》连接相关部件及线缆;4.取出电源适配器,确认部件及线缆连接无误后接通电源。


1.2.1 NVS0104DH-4K 系列............................................................................................................................ 3 1.2.2 NVS0104DH、NVS0404DH 系列 ........................................................................................................ 3 1.2.3 NVS0904DH、NVS1604DH 系列 ........................................................................................................ 4 1.2.4 NVS0404DF-T 系列............................................................................................................................... 5 1.2.5 NVS0904DF 系列 .................................................................................................................................. 6 2 开箱检查和线缆连接 ........................................................................................................................................... 8 2.1 检查拆开包装的解码器 ................................................................................................................................. 8 2.2 设备安装图解及操作 ..................................................................................................................................... 8 2.2.1 前面板介绍............................................................................................................................................ 8 2.2.2 后面板介绍.......................................................................................................................................... 10 2.2.3 安装连接介绍...................................................................................................................................... 14 3 系统基本操作 ..................................................................................................................................................... 15 3.1 开机............................................................................................................................................................... 15 3.2 关机............................................................................................................................................................... 15 3.3 网络连接操作............................................................................................................................................... 15 3.4 登录系统....................................................................................................................................................... 17 3.5 融合屏功能................................................................................................................................................... 20 3.6 添加或删除前端设备 ................................................................................................................................... 23 3.6.1 添加设备 ............................................................................................................................................. 23 3.6.2 删除设备 ............................................................................................................................................. 24 3.7 解码通道设置............................................................................................................................................... 24 3.8 录像回放....................................................................................................................................................... 25 3.8.1 按文件回放.......................................................................................................................................... 26 3.8.2 按时间回放.......................................................................................................................................... 28 3.9 解码器配置................................................................................................................................................... 28 3.9.1 解码轮巡 ............................................................................................................................................. 28 3.9.2 解码信息 ............................................................................................................................................. 30 3.9.3 解码策略 ............................................................................................................................................. 31




2.接口简介3.基本安装3.1 音频设备在音频接口处接入音频输入信号线。

3.2 网口后面板网口接上水晶头即可(10M/100M以太网口,黄灯常亮,绿灯闪亮)。



4.客户端操作4.1 IP设置步骤一:网线将电脑和摄像机直连(若成功,网卡灯黄色常亮,绿色闪动);步骤二:【光盘资料】>【中文】>【配套工具】找到UpgradeTool并安装;步骤三:设置电脑的IP和摄像机的IP在同一网段内;(设备默认 IP:;子网掩码;;)步骤四:打开UpgradeTool,点击IP搜索,若搜索到,在列表中显示设备IP;步骤五:选中列表中的IP点击【设置设备】,在设置界面修改设备的IP,把IP设置为需要使用的路由器网段内如图3:图4 设置IP界面步骤六:修改完毕保存,即可将该摄像机接入局域网内使用。




4.2.1 多机管理平台软件CMS多机管理平台软件CMS可在一台PC机,同时对不同场所的网络编解码器进行统一管理。

步骤一: 从配件盒的光盘中,获取CMS软件,根据提示信息进行安装;步骤二:安装成功后,进行登录,登录后系统页面如图4所示。




网络视频解码器使用手册网络视频解码器使用手册1、简介1.1 概述本文档是网络视频解码器的使用手册,旨在提供详细的操作指南和使用说明,帮助用户更好地使用网络视频解码器。

1.2 适用范围本手册适用于所有型号的网络视频解码器,无论是软件解码器还是硬件解码器。

2、安装和配置2.1 系统要求在安装网络视频解码器之前,请确保您的计算机或设备符合以下最低系统要求:- 操作系统:Windows 7或更高版本,或者Mac OS X 10.10或更高版本。

- 处理器:双核2 GHz或更高。

- 内存.4GB或更高。

- 显卡:支持OpenGL 2:0或更高版本。

- 存储空间:至少100MB的可用硬盘空间。

2.2 安装步骤在以下步骤中,我们将向您展示如何安装和配置网络视频解码器:1、网络视频解码器安装程序。






3、使用说明3.1 连接到视频源网络视频解码器可以连接到各种不同的视频源,包括网络摄像头、网络视频流等。







3.2 解码和播放视频一旦您成功连接到视频源,可以按照以下步骤解码和播放视频:1、在网络视频解码器主界面中,找到您已连接的视频源。




以下是一些常见问题和解决方法的示例:- 问题1:无法连接到视频源。




Video DecoderUser Manual Manual Version:V1.00Thank you for purchasing our product. If there are any questions, or requests, please do not hesitate to contact the dealer.CopyrightCopyright 2016 Zhejiang Uniview Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be copied, reproduced, translated, or distributed in any form or by any means without prior consent in writing from our company.Trademark Acknowledgementand other Uniview's trademarks and logos are the property ofZhejiang Uniview Technologies Co., Ltd. Other trademarks, company names and product names contained in this manual are the property of their respective owners.DisclaimerCAUTION!The default password is used for your first login. To ensure account security, please change the password after your first login. You are recommended to set a strong password (no less than eight characters).●To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the productdescribed, with its hardware, software, firmware and documents, isprovided on an "as is" basis.●Best effort has been made to verify the integrity and correctness ofthe contents in this manual, but no statement, information, orrecommendation in this manual shall constitute formal guaranteeof any kind, expressed or implied. We shall not be held responsiblecontents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice.Update will be added to the new version of this manual.●Use of this manual and the product and the subsequent result shallbe entirely on the user's own responsibility. In no event shall we beliable for any special, consequential, incidental, or indirectdamages, including, among others, damages for loss of businessprofits, business interruption, or loss of data or documentation, orproduct malfunction or information leakage caused by cyber attack,hacking or virus in connection with the use of this product.●Video and audio surveillance can be regulated by laws that varyfrom country to country. Check the law in your local region beforeusing this product for surveillance purposes. We shall not be heldresponsible for any consequences resulting from illegal operationsof the device.●The illustrations in this manual are for reference only and may varydepending on the version or model. The screenshots in this manualmay have been customized to meet specific requirements and userpreferences. As a result, some of the examples and functionsfeatured may differ from those displayed on your monitor.●This manual is a guide for multiple product models and so it is notintended for any specific product.●Due to uncertainties such as physical environment, discrepancymay exist between the actual values and reference values providedin this manual. The ultimate right to interpretation resides in ourcompany.Environmental ProtectionThis product has been designed to comply with the requirements onenvironmental protection. For the proper storage, use and disposal ofthis product, national laws and regulations must be observed.Safety and Compliance InformationSafety SymbolsThe symbols in the following table may be found on installation-related equipment. Be aware of the situations indicated and take necessary safety precautions during equipment installation and maintenance.The symbols in the following table may be found in this manual.Carefully follow the instructions indicated by the symbols to avoid hazardous situations and use the product properly.Symbol DescriptionWARNING!Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in bodily injury or death.CAUTION!Indicates a situation which, if not avoided, could result in damage, data loss or malfunction to product.NOTE!Indicates useful or supplemental information about the use of product.Safety InformationRead through the instructions carefully before starting installation and operation.Installation and maintenance must be performed by qualified●This device is a class A product and may cause radio interference.Take measures if necessary.●While shipping, the device should be packed in its original packing.●Disconnect power before installation and cable connection. Powerdown the device before connecting and disconnecting cables, accessories and peripherals.●Verify installation and cable connection are correct before use.Incorrect installation and connection may cause personal injury and device damage.●Protect the power cable from being stepped on or pressed,particularly at the plug, receptacle, and the part leading out of the device.●Follow the procedure to shut down the device properly. Use anUninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) if possible. Sudden power failures can cause disk damage or device malfunction.●Improper use or replacement of the battery may cause risk ofexplosion. Use the manufacturer recommended battery. Dispose of the used battery according to local regulations or the battery manufacturer's instructions. Never dispose of the battery in fire.●Ensure a proper operating environment, including temperature,humidity, ventilation, power supply, and lightning protection. Make sure the device is always properly grounded. Keep the device from dust, excessive vibration and strong electromagnetic radiation.●Do not use the device near water or expose to rain or moisture.Never spill liquid of any kind on the device. Never let liquid of any kind enter the device.●Never stare at the optical module or optical fiber connector duringoperation.●Take necessary measures to ensure data security and protect thedevice from network attack and hacking (when connected toInternet). Possible risks and consequences are at user's solediscretion.● Contact your dealer if the device does not work properly. Neverattempt to disassemble the device yourself. User shall assume allresponsibility for damage, loss, or injury caused by unauthorizedrepair or maintenance.WARNING!● Never look at the transmit laser while the power is on. Never look directly at the fiber ports and the fiber cable ends when they are powered on.●Use of controls or adjustments to the performance or procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous laser emissions.Regulatory ComplianceFCC Part 15This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.This product complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject1.This device may not cause harmful interference.2.This device must accept any interference received, includinginterference that may cause undesired operation.LVD/EMC DirectiveThis product complies with the European Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC and EMC Directive 2004/108/EC.WEEE Directive–2002/96/ECThe product this manual refers to is covered by the Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive and must be disposed of in a responsible manner.Contents1 Introduction (1)2 Login (1)3 Common Functions (2)4 Network (3)TCP/IP (3)Telnet (4)SNMP (5)5 Audio and Video (7)Audio (7)Video (8)Media Stream (8)6 Service (9)Image (9)Transparent Channel (11)7 System (12)User (12)Time (12)Management Platform (13)Serial Port (14)8 Maintenance (16)Maintenance (17)Device Status (17)Decoding Status (18)1 IntroductionThis manual describes how to manage the device on a Web browser.The figures in this manual are only for illustration purpose. Theparameters, options and values actually displayed on the Web pages ofyour device may be different from those in this manual.2 LoginBefore you start, check that:The device is operating properly.The computer is connected to the device.The computer is installed with Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 7.0 or higher, and no proxy server is being used.NOTE!●The default IP address of your device is; the defaultsubnet mask is; the default gateway is●Use admin as the username and password for first-time login. Pleasechange the default password under System to ensure accountsecurity.Follow the steps to log in to the device:1.Enter the device's IP address in the address bar and then pressEnter.2.Log in with the correct username and password. The Commonpage is displayed to list the frequently used functions. For details,see Common Functions.3 Common FunctionsThe Common page lists functions that are frequently used to manage the device. The table below describes the meaning of the icons on this page.firmware version, network settings, and management mode.For more details, seethe screen, image resolution and refresh rate, and remainingdecoding capacity of the device. For more details, seeDecoding StatusSet network parameters such as IP address for the device.For more details, seeSet parameters required if the device is to be managed by amanagement platform (central server). For more details, seeManagement PlatformSet vidoe output parameters, including the number ofwindows that appear on the screen, image resolution andrefresh rate. For details, seeSet maintenance parameters. For details, see4 NetworkSet network settings include TCP/IP and Telnet so that the device can communicate with other devices on the network.TCP/IPAssign a static IP address manually, or obtain one using the DHCP server.1.Click Network > TCP/IP.2.Set the parameters. Some are described in the table below.3.Click Save.TelnetEnable Telnet if you want to access the device from a computer with Telnet. The username and password for Telnet are the one you use to access the device on a Web browser. If the password for Web access is changed, the Telnet password changes too. By default the admin username cannot be changed.1.Click Network > Telnet.2.Select the check box to enable Telnet, and then click Save. SNMPEnable Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv3) if the device operates in server mode (managed via a central server). Through SNMP the central server synchronizes audio/video channel configurations and some of the scheduled tasks to the device, and the device reports device alarms to the central server.1.Click Network > SNMP.2.Set the parameters. Some are described in the table below.5 Audio and VideoSet video, audio and media stream parameters. The major functionsprovided on the Video&Audio menu are listed in the table below.NOTE!●In standalone mode, all parameters under Video & Audio can beconfigured on the client computer.●In server mode, only Display Mode can be configured on the clientcomputer; other parameters can only be configured on the centralserver.AudioSelect the output channel and adjust the sound volume as needed.1.Click Audio & Video > Audio.2.Set the parameters and then click Save.VideoSelect the output channel and then set the number of windows on the screen, image resolution and refresh rate.1.Click Audio & Video > Video.2.Set the parameters and then click Save.Media StreamSet media stream parameters, including the stream source address and address format, so that the device can receive media streams from the connected cameras.1.Click Audio & Video > Media Stream.2.Set the parameters. Some are described in the table below.6 ServiceSet image parameters and a transparent channel as needed. The major functions provided on the Service menu are listed in the table below.ImageSet the image display ratio, width and color of the divider line on the screen, and crop images as needed.1.Click Service > Image.2.Set the parameters. Some are described in the table below.Transparent ChannelSet the transparent channel to transfer video and audio signals through a serial port.1.Click Service > Transparent Channel.2.Set the parameters. Some are described in the table below.7 SystemSet system parameters, including the user password, system time, system language, management platform, and serial port.UserChange the default password to a strong one (at least 8 digits) after your first login. It is also recommended that you change the password periodically to ensure account security.1.Click System > User.2.Enter the old and new passwords.3.Click Save.TimeSet system time for your device and how the time is updated.1.Click System > Time.2.Set the parameters. Some are described in the table below.NOTE!The device synchronizes time with the central server when operating in server mode.Management PlatformConfigure the management platform only when the device operates inserver mode (managed by a central server).1.Click System > Platform.2.Select Connect to Platform.3.Set the parameters. Some are described in the table below.4.Click Save.Serial PortSet the serial port on the device, including the port type, baud rate, parity check, and flow control method.1.Click System > Serial Port.2.Select the desired port and then set parameters accordingly. Theparameters displayed vary with the serial port selected. Thefigure below shows the parameters displayed when COM 1isselected.The figure below shows the parameters displayed when COM 2is selected.3.Some parameters are described in the table below.NOTE!In server mode, only Duplex can be configured on the Web browser, and all the other parameters can be configured only on the central server. 8 MaintenanceThe major functions provided on the Maintenance menu are listed inthe table below.MaintenanceClick Maintenance> Maintenance and then perform maintenance operations as needed. You can restart the device, restore some factory default settings, import and export configuration files, export logs, and upgrade the device.Device StatusClick Maintenance> Device Status to view basic information of the device, its network settings and operation status. The following shows an example.Decoding StatusClick Maintenance> Decoding Status to view decoding status, including the output channel, number of windows on the screen, image resolution and refresh rate, remaining decoding capacity, and stream source address. The following shows an example.。


开关:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
对应的值:1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128





图1-1 解码器登录界面输入用户名:admin,密码:12345。


图1-2 解码器配置主界面2.配置主界面说明配置主界面有3个选项卡,分别是解码操作、参数配置和设备管理。






图3-1 动态解码配置界面如图3-1所示,对各个解码通道进行配置。




图3-2 轮询解码配置界面图3-2对轮询解码进行配置。






图3-3 远程回放配置界面d)显示配置,如图3-4所示。

图3-4 显示配置界面显示配置,须结合解码器的输出端口进行配置。





















目录1产品介绍 (1)2使用向导 (2)3设备清单和接口说明 (3)3.1设备清单 (3)3.2设备接口说明 (3)3.3信号指示灯 (4)4设备安装与连接 (4)4.1连接电源和视频信号 (4)4.2连接模拟音频信号 (5)4.3连接网络 (5)5设备登录与网络配置 (6)5.1解码器通过WEB登录到管理界面 (6)5.2网络配置 (9)6功能参数配置 (11)6.1媒体(视频解码) (11)6.1.1视频源 (11)添加RTSP视频源 (11)添加SRT视频源 (12)添加NDI|HX视频源 (14)视频源列表 (16)6.1.2设置解码输出 (17)解码参数 (17)解码输出字符和图片叠加 (19)6.2系统设置 (20)6.2.1用户管理 (20)6.2.2系统时间 (20)6.2.3快速复位 (20)6.2.4设备重启 (21)6.2.5恢复出厂设置 (21)6.2.6固件升级 (21)1产品介绍D300-4K超高清解码器,是一款专业型硬件解码设备,无需依靠电脑,可将多路网络视频流解码后(如IP-Camera、基于RTSP/RTMP/RTP/UDP/SRT/HTTP/NDI|HX等媒体流),输出SDI信号和HDMI信号视频,支持4K分辨率,且支持多路视频流分屏上墙和动态切换。



增 强 型网 络 视 频 解 码 器使 用 手 册版本:V1.19声明本手册可能在某些技术细节方面描述不够准确或存在印刷错误,假如您在使用过程中按照使用手册无法解决问题时,请致电我公司技术部垂询相关操作方法。




2、避免电击和失火✋切记勿用湿手触摸电源和服务器;✋勿将液体溅落在服务器上,以免造成机器内部短路或失火;✋勿将其它设备直接放置于本服务器上部;✋非专业人员请勿自行拆开机壳,避免损坏和电击;3、运输与搬运✋本机的包装经过抗震设计和实验,确保在运输过程中服务器不会受到意外损坏,所以在搬运本机时,最好使用原来的包装材料和纸箱;✋避免在过冷、过热的场所间相互搬动服务器,以免机器内部产生结露,影响机器的使用寿命;目录1.产品简介 (4)1.1产品简介 (4)1.2功能简介 (4)1.3技术规格 (4)1.4外观与说明 (5)2.设备安装 (6)2.1固定安装服务器 (6)2.2服务器物理连接 (7)2.3连接示意图 (8)3.功能操作说明 (8)3.1添加解码器 (8)3.2通过虚拟键盘和叠加菜单设置解码器 (10)3.2.1主菜单说明 (11)3.2.2连接菜单 (11)3.2.3断开菜单 (13)3.2.4循环连接菜单 (13)3.2.5循环设置菜单 (13)3.2.6添加循环服务器菜单 (14)3.2.7播放音频菜单 (15)3.2.8显示模式菜单 (16)3.2.9启动对讲菜单 (16)3.2.10停止对讲菜单 (17)3.2.11系统设置菜单 (17)网络设置 (18)系统参数 (19)版本信息 (19)保存设置 (20)重新启动 (20)3.2.12云台控制 (20)3.2.13报警状态 (21)3.2.14报警设置 (22)3.3通过软件设置解码器 (23)3.3.1输出模式 (24)3.3.2解码通道 (25)连接/断开服务器 (25)音频 (26)循环控制 (26)云台控制 (27)对讲 (28)3.3.3设置解码器参数 (29)3.3.4报警参数设置 (29)4.使用软件REALWORDDMATRIX升级 (31)5.常见问题解答 (32)1.产品简介1.1产品简介本系列网络视频解码器是基于嵌入式的视频处理、控制及传输设备,其核心是运行实时操作系统的嵌入式计算机和高性能视频DSP。




2.接口简介3.基本安装3.1 音频设备在音频接口处接入音频输入信号线。

3.2 网口后面板网口接上水晶头即可(10M/100M以太网口,黄灯常亮,绿灯闪亮)。



4.客户端操作4.1 IP设置步骤一:网线将电脑和摄像机直连(若成功,网卡灯黄色常亮,绿色闪动);步骤二:【光盘资料】>【中文】>【配套工具】找到UpgradeTool并安装;步骤三:设置电脑的IP和摄像机的IP在同一网段内;(设备默认 IP:;子网掩码;;)步骤四:打开UpgradeTool,点击IP搜索,若搜索到,在列表中显示设备IP;步骤五:选中列表中的IP点击【设置设备】,在设置界面修改设备的IP,把IP设置为需要使用的路由器网段内如图3:图4 设置IP界面步骤六:修改完毕保存,即可将该摄像机接入局域网内使用。




4.2.1 多机管理平台软件CMS多机管理平台软件CMS可在一台PC机,同时对不同场所的网络编解码器进行统一管理。

步骤一: 从配件盒的光盘中,获取CMS软件,根据提示信息进行安装;步骤二:安装成功后,进行登录,登录后系统页面如图4所示。


  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。


1.安装环境1.1水平放置,避免安装在剧烈震动的环境中;1.2勿将其他设备直接放置于解码器上,切忌在设备上方放置盛有液体的容器(如花瓶);1.3将设备安装在通风良好的场所,切勿堵塞设备的通风口;1.4使设备工作在技术指标允许的温度和湿度范围内,避免阳光直接照射;1.5检查电源电压,避免出现因电压不配导致器件损坏;1.6电路板上的灰尘在受潮以后,容易引起短路,为使设备能够长期正常工作,应定期对设备空间除尘,保持设备清洁;1.7请不要随意拆卸本产品,切忌带电打开机箱;产品介绍1 产品概述解码器系列是我司专门针对视频联网监控系统而设计、开发的网络音视频解码设备。



NVS0404DF 一台设备既可支持4路D1图象解码输出,也可支持16路CIF 图象同时解码输出;NVS0204DF 一台设备既可支持2路D1图象解码输出,也可支持8路CIF 图象同时解码输出;NVS0104DH 一台设备支持一个720p 或者4D1输出,输出接口可以是VGA、HDMI 和TV,输出可以是4分割或者是单分割。




2 产品技术参数设备型号 NVS0404DFNVS0204DFNVS0104DH主处理器 高性能工业级嵌入式微控制器; 操作系统 嵌入式LINUX;输入设备 前面板按键,键盘控制; 系统参数快捷功能 无; 视频标准: MPEG4/H.264;音频标准 PCM/G711/ADPCM;解码显示分辨率QCIF/CIF/2CIF/HD1/4CIF/ VGA/QVGA/QQVGA;QCIF/CIF/2CIF/HD1/4CIF/ VGA/QVGA/QQVGA 720P/1280*960/UXGA;视频帧率 PAL:1~25帧/秒;NTSC:1~30帧/秒; 码流类型 复合流、视频流; 视频输出路数 4路;2路;1路;视频输出接口 BNC(电平1.0VP-P,阻抗:75Ω); VGA、HDMI 和TV 辅助输出; 音频输出路数 4路;2路;只有HDMI 接口有音频; 音频输出接口 BNC(电平200-3000 mv,阻抗5KΩ);HDMI;通讯接口 1个RJ45 10M/ 100M/1000M 自适应以太网口;1个RS232口;1个RS485口; 硬件接口参数语音对讲路数1路;语音对讲接口BNC(电平2Vrms,输出阻抗10k ohms);报警输入 4路;报警输出 4路继电器输出(30VDC 2A,125VAC 1A 联动输出);电源DC12V,3.3A; 功耗≤10W;工作温度 0℃-+55℃;工作湿度 10%-90% 86kpa-106kpa;尺寸(mm ) 440×300×42.1 mm;工作环境及其他物理参数重量2.65—2.75KG;开箱检查和线缆连接注:工程商在安装解码器时,具体要求请参考工程施工规范相关国家标准。

1 开箱检查当运输公司将您所需的解码器送到您手中时,首先请检查它的外观有无明显的损坏。



2 前面板按键介绍NVS0X04DX 前面板介绍:名称 标志功能名称 标志功能电源开关电源开关(按住该键3秒钟开关机) USB 接口接外部USB 设备电源指示灯 当电源开关打开后,指示灯点亮报警指示灯暂没使用网络指示灯当网络异常(网线拔出、IP 冲突)时,指示灯点亮硬盘指示灯暂没使用TV 指示灯TV工作状态,NVS0404DF 全部指示灯有效,NVS0204DF 只有第1、第2指示灯有效,NVS0104DH 只有第1指示灯有效3 后面板接口说明NVS0404DF 后面板介绍:序号 接口名称序号 接口名称 序号 接口名称1 音频输出接口2 视频输出接口3 语音对讲输入接口4 语音对讲输出接口5RS232接口6 报警输入、报警输出接口(C1/O1:报警输出1公共端;C2/O2 :报警输出2公共端;C3/O3:报警输出3公共端;C4/O4:报警输出4公共端;A~B:RS485接口;1~4: 报警输入接口 ;G :接地) 7网络接口(10M/100M/1000M 自适应以太网口)8电源插头接口9电源开关NVS0204DF 后面板介绍:序号 接口名称 序号 接口名称 序号 接口名称 1 塑料套堵住 2 视频输出接口 3 音频输出接口 4 语音对讲输入接口5语音对讲输出接口6RS232接口7 报警输入、报警输出接口(C1/O1:报警输出1公共端;C2/O2 :报警输出2公共端;C3/O3:报警输出3公共端;C4/O4:报警输出4公共端;A~B:RS485接口;1~4: 报警输入接口 ;G :接地) 8网络接口(10M/100M/1000M 自适应以太网口)9电源插头接口10电源开关NVS0104DH 后面板介绍:序号 接口名称 序号 接口名称 序号接口名称 1 塑料套堵住 2 TV 辅助输出 3 语音对讲输入接口 4 语音对讲输出接口 5 HDMI 接口 6RS232接口 7 VGA 接口8 报警输入、报警输出接口(C1/O1:报警输出1公共端;C2/O2 :报警输出2公共端;C3/O3:报警输出3公共端;C4/O4:报警输出4公共端;A~B:RS485接口;1~4: 报警输入接口 ;G :接地) 9网络接口(10M/100M/1000M 自适应以太网口)10电源插头接口11电源开关以太网口的连接时请注意:当与电脑的网卡接口直接连接时,使用反线;当通过集线器或交换机与电脑连接时,使用正线。

4 安装连接示意图5 报警输入输出设备的连接在进行设备连接前,请注意以下情况 1、报警输入首先确定报警输入设备的报警类型,然后在NVS0X04DX网络端做报警类型匹配(如:接地报警时,NVS0X04DX需要设置为常开;反之,则设为常闭);注意:报警输入,低电平有效,接地即可。





参数 NVS0X04DX(接地报警)G 地线C1、O1;C2、O2;C3、O3;C4、O4 报警输出接口(常开型)A、B 485通信接口5.1报警输入端口说明z4路报警输入,输入类型不限(可以是常开型也可以是常闭型)。





z RS485的A、B线说明:用于云台解码器的A、B线的连接。




3网络连接操作1、确认解码器正确接入网络,连接电脑串口;2、给电脑主机和解码器分别设置IP地址、子网掩码和网关(如网络中没有路由设备请分配同网段的IP地址,若网络中有路由设备,则需设置好相应的网关和子网掩码),解码器的网络设置如下:解码器正常开机后,在电脑串口中输入用户名admin及密码admin,再输入net –a后依次输入IP、NETMASK、GATEWAY,命令格式为net -a [IP] [NETMASDK] [GATEWAY],例如:username:adminpassword:adminDeBug>net -a 192.168.XXX.XXX 255.255.XXX.XXX 192.168.XXX.XXX3、利用ping ***.***.***.***(解码器IP)检验网络是否连通,返回TTL值一般等于255。



6、删除控件方法:运行uninstall web.bat(web卸载工具),删除控件。

7、同时兼容WIN VISTA的WEB控件。




安装控件完成,连接成功后弹出如图所示的界面:输入用户名和密码,公司出厂默认管理员用户名为admin, 密码为admin。




(下图是NVS0404DF的界面;NVS0104DH的界面除了(1)(2)(3)(4)没有4分割外,其他的和NVS0404DF一样;NVS0204DF只有2个TV输出,所以界面中(3)(4)无效;)51243(1)TV1对应输出的1-4解码通道 (2)TV2对应输出的5-8解码通道 (3)TV3对应输出的9-12解码通道 (4)TV4对应输出的13-16解码通道直接单击选择任一解码通道,进行连接实时解码输出,解码通道介绍如下图: 1、前端设备IP 地址。
