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1. identify vt. ~ sb. /sth. as sb./ sth. 确认,证明某人/某物系某人/某物她认出那个男子就是袭击她的人。

The police are trying to identify the dead body.

Scientists have identified the gene that causes abnormal growth. identification n. 鉴别;身份证明identification card 身份证identity n. 身份;特征identical adj. 完全相同的,一样的

2. alternative adj. (作定语)供选择的,可代替的

We recommend using alternative sources of fuel such as charcoal(木炭).

As there is less and less coal and oil, scientists are exploring new ways of making use of alternative energy, such as sunlight, wind and water for power and fuel.

n. 可能的选择;替代物

Minibuses with seats for 12 passengers offer an alternative to expensive

taxis and crowded public transport.

I'm sorry, there 'sno alternative but to sell the car.

另»无选择只好做 . have no alter native but to do

= have no choice but to do = have nothing to do but do

除了放弃那个计划,我另无选择I have no alternative but to give up the plan.

= I have no choice but to give up the plan. = I have nothing to do but give up the plan.

3. Review the words: starve; accurate

1) _______________________________ T hey got lost in the desert and (starve) to death.

2) She is starving ______ trying to lose weight.

3) By the year 2025, no one will die of __________ (starve) because there

will be food for everyone.

4) He is getting back this afternoon, to be _____ (accurate), at four o


5) It 's impossible to predict the weather ________ (accurate).

6) ________ (accurate) is most important in translation.

4. Interrupt

①vt. vi.打断(讲话或讲话人),打扰

I wish you wouldn 't interrupt me all the time.

Sorry to interrupt you, but I have something urgent to tell you.


The war interrupted the trade between the two countries.

My studies were interrupted by the Cultural Revolution.

Will you stop ___________ (interrupt) me when I 'm talking?

He burst into the room, __________ my teaching.

5. acute adj.

①敏锐的; 聪明的,机敏的Dogs have an acute sense of smell.

His hearing is so _____ that he can even hear a pin drop.

②剧烈的;强烈的acute pain acute embarrassment

There is an acute shortage of water and food.

③急性的SARS stands for severe acute respiratory syndrome.

acute pneumonia 急性肺炎

6. assume vt. 假定; (想当然地)认为

I didn 'tsee your car, so I assumed you 'd gone out.

I assumed she was American but she was actually Canadian.

Let 's just assume the statement to be true.

It's generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work.

assuming 分词可以充当连词使用=supposing 或suppose 意为“假如;假设”Assuming it rains tomorrow, what shall we do?

Assuming we have won a lottery, how shall we use the money?

We reserved a big table on the assumption that fifteen people would come.

We can 't just make an assumption but must get the accurate evidence.

The assumed enemy sometimes will disturb your life.

7. regardless of 不管;不顾

We strongly advocate equal treatment for all, regardless of race, religion, or

sex. All our proposals were rejected regardless of their merits.

This special school accepts all disabled students, ___ educational level and background. A. according to B. regardless of C. in addition D.in terms of Joe is a good basketball player _______ being short and fat.

_________ ups and downs, she never takes her fate lying down.

8. Review “at (the) most; at least ”

You could buy a good washing machine for about $350, $400 ____ (至多). _______________ (最高) the temperature in summer goes up to about 38

It will take you ________ ( 至少) 20 minutes to get there.
