新视野大学英语第三版第二册 ection A课件ppt

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A Section
Spend or save – The student’s dilemma
Warming-up Activities Text Study Language Application Summary
A Section
Spend or save – The student’s dilemma
A man who both spends and saves money is the happiest man, because he has both enjoyments.
— Samuel Johnson (English writer)
You must learn to save first and spend afterward. — John Poole (English playwright)
To be continued
Listen to a short passage concerning money markets and fill in the missing information.
Other money market instruments they are not large in-volume of standing are important in __re_s_p_e_c_t_i_v_e__ market and represent invest mental ternaries for money market _p_a_r_t_ic_i_p_a_n_ts__. It is a closed substitute ability of market instruments, it _l_in_k_s__ all the money markets.
• Prioritize one’s finances by identifying the areas in
which one need to spend money; • Remember to save; • Avoid credit cards; •…
2. What do college students spend their money on?
Tips Because when the government encourages people to _s_p_e_n_d__m_o_n__e_y to get out of the recession, they also advice people to_s_a_v_e__m_o__re_. Similarly, when banks offer higher _i_n_t_e_re_s_t_r_a_t_e_s to increase savings they send __c_r_e_d_it_c_a_r_d__o_ff_e_r_s to let people spend more.
4. What costs most of your money as a college student?
□ Food,Байду номын сангаасclothing and other necessities □ Books □ Entertainments □ Other (specify) __________
5. If you have extra money, do you prefer to save it or spend it immediately?
A Section
Text Study
Spend or save – The student’s dilemma
Main Idea & Structure Language Focus Critical Thinking
According to the writer, why do the messages we get from our environment seem to defy common sense and contradict each other? (Para. 1)
• Tuition and fees; • Textbooks or other school supplies; • Food and drink; • Transportation in the form of bus or train tickets; • Electronics, such as laptops and smart phones; • Entertainment ; •…
• The ability to understand financial matters; • The set of skills and knowledge; • Allows an individual to make informed and
effective decisions through understanding of finances.
To be continued
Listen to a short passage concerning money markets and fill in the missing information.
Dealers buy securities for the own _p_o__s_it_io_n__ and sell from the security inventers when the trades __t_a_k_e_p_l_a_c_e__. Brokers do not actually buy or sell securities, and they only accentuate the _c_l_ie_n_t__ transactions at the best possible price. Their profits comes from commissions charged for that services.
2 5 UNIT The money game
Section A Spend or save – The student’s dilemma
To talk about money To further understand the text To apply the phrases and patterns To master the essay writing skill
Unit 5 Section A
Spend or save – The student’s dilemma
2 5 UNIT The money game
Another familiar example.(Para. 2)
Credit Card Bill
Don’t pay on time
As soon as we pay
we get demanding, nasty emails saying : “Your failure to pay is unacceptable. Pay immediately or you’ll be in trouble!”
□ 500 yuan or less □ 501-800 yuan □ 801-1,000 yuan □ 1,001-1,500 yuan □ Over 1,500 yuan
3. Do you spend money based on your budget?
□ Always □ Sometimes □ Never
Read the following survey questions regarding spending habits of college students. Then check (√) all the responses that are true for you.
1. What’s the main source of your daily expenses?
□ Save it □ Spend it
Listen to a short passage concerning money markets and fill in the missing information.
In the money markets, businesses governments and sometimes individuals borrow or lend funds for short period of time. Usually 1 to 120 days. US Treasurybills are the _d_o_m__in_a_n__t money market instrument. They are followed by negotiable certificate deposit and _c_o_m_m__e_r_c_ia_l_ paper.
To be continued
Listen to a short passage concerning money markets and fill in the missing information.
The money market consist of collection of markets each trading at d_i_s_ti_n_c_ti_v_e financial instrument. There is no formal organization such as The New York Stock Exchange for the equity markets. Central activity to the money market are the _d_e_a_le_r_s__a_n_d_b_r_o_k_e_r_s_ who specializing one or more money market instruments.
□ From parents □ From student loan or subsidy □ From scholarship □ From part-time job □ Other (specify) __________
2. How much are your monthly expenses?
2. In the United States , what does Student Financial Aid refer to?
The funding intended to help students pay education expenses including tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, etc. for education at a college, university, or private school.
Questions Previewing 1. What does financial literacy refer to ?
2. In the United States , what does Student Financial Aid refer to?
1. What does financial literacy refer to ?
Warming-up Activities
Pre-reading Activities
Cultural Background
1. How to manage money as a college student?
• Create a strict budget and commit to sticking with it;