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英语教案封面设计模板(共8篇)第1篇:英语教案封面设计英语教案封面设计【篇1:小学英语学科教案封面设计】pepenglishteachingplansforprimaryschool(2012—2013the1stperiod)grade:subject:teacher:contents:dayaojinlongmingdeprimaryschoolpepenglishteachingplansforpr imaryschool(2012—2013the1stperiod)grade:subject:teacher:contents:dayaojinlongmingdeprimaryschoolpandengenglishlevel1ateachin gplan(unit1----7)by:yangjiahuadayaojinlongmingdepramaryschoolpandengenglishlevel1ateachin gplanby:yangjiahuadayaojinlongmingdepramaryschool2012—2013学年度第一学期车辋镇李村小学英语教案备课教师:宋高松班级:六年级备课日期:2012.9【篇2:英语教案封面参考】2016--2017学年度第一学期英语教学设计学校:年级:教师:【篇3:打印教案封皮以及格式】“提升学习力构建高效课堂”教学设计课题总课时本课时授课时间优秀教学设计标准教育方针坚持教育为社会主义现代化建设服务,为人民服务,与生产劳动和社会实践相结合,培养德、智、体、美全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人。

【篇⼀】⼀、教材分析:本课是冀教版⼩学英语(三年级起始版)第四册第三单元(All about me)的第4个新授课,Lesson16:How do you go to school? 经过⼀年半的学习,四年级下学期孩⼦们学习的重点逐渐过渡到各种基本句型。
本单元前⾯三课分别学习了关于年龄、⾝⾼、住处的句⼦,本课教材以How do you go to school?为切⼊点,重点学习关于出⾏⽅式的交流:询问别⼈、介绍⾃⼰的出⾏⽅式。
本课内容对于孩⼦们来说并不陌⽣,Book3 L16已学习过四种出⾏⽅式by bus, by car, by bike, by taxi和句⼦:How do you go to school? I go to school by ____? 另⼀种出⾏⽅式on foot /walk,dives me及选择此种出⾏⽅式的原因表述学⽣相对陌⽣。
三、教学⽬标:1、知识技能⽬标:A. 学⽣能够运⽤所学句型Do you walk to school? How do you go to school? I go to ___ by___ / on foot...询问、表达适合⾃⼰的出⾏⽅式。


小学英语教案模板英文版教案小学英语教案模板英文版教学目标:1. 学生能够掌握本节课所学的单词和句型。
2. 学生能够运用所学单词和句型进行简单的对话。
3. 学生能够通过活动提高英语听、说、读、写能力。
教学重点:1. 掌握单词:apple, banana, orange, pear, grape2. 掌握句型:What’s this? It’s an apple. I like apples.教学难点:1. 学会正确发音和拼写单词。
2. 学会运用句型进行对话。
教学准备:1. 单词卡片:apple, banana, orange, pear, grape2. 图片:apple, banana, orange, pear, grape3. 教学课件教学过程:一、热身活动(5分钟)1. 歌曲导入:播放一首关于水果的歌曲,如《Fruit Salad》。
2. 舞蹈动作:引导学生跟随歌曲做简单的舞蹈动作,活跃课堂气氛。
二、新授环节(15分钟)1. 教师展示单词卡片,带领学生跟读单词:apple, banana, orange, pear, grape。
2. 教师展示图片,引导学生说出对应的单词。
3. 教师教授句型:What’s this? It’s an apple. I like apples。
4. 学生跟读句型,教师纠正发音。
三、互动环节(15分钟)1. 小组活动:将学生分成若干小组,每组发放一套单词卡片和图片。
2. 学生在小组内进行对话练习,一人问:“What’s this?”,另一人回答:“It’s an apple. I like apples.”。
3. 教师巡视,纠正发音和句型错误。
四、游戏环节(10分钟)1. 猜水果游戏:教师将水果图片贴在黑板上,让学生闭上眼睛,随机拿掉一张图片,学生猜猜哪个水果被拿掉了。
2. 学生回答:“I think it’s anapple/banana/orange/pear/grape.”3. 教师揭示答案,并给予鼓励和表扬。
小学英语教学设计全英 小学英语教学设计一等奖汇总(5篇)

小学英语教学设计全英小学英语教学设计一等奖汇总(5篇)小学英语教学设计全英小学英语教学设计一等奖篇一一、英语unit 1《e with me》教学设计一、教学目标:1、认识目标: is this your dictionary? no,it's 'stony's does she do? she's a doctor.2、能力目标:listen and look3、情感目标:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,用英语打招呼二、教学内容:listen and look三、教学重难点:重难点是句型的综合运用。
四、课前准备:录音机单词卡挂图五、教学过程:1、listen and sing.“what do you want to do?”2、ask and answer:--what's his name?(point to gogo)--his name's gogo.--can he fly?--yes,he can.--can he use magic?--yes,he can.3、让学生观看vcd,跟读,并把句子板书出来,学生认读。
--where are you going?--i'm going to an island.--we can't fly.--e withme./let's go.4、师生操练、生生操练句型。
5、呈现listen and look,要求学生把听到的句子说出来。
6、pair work and act.7、point and say.8、homework(1)把课文读给家长听。
六、板书设计: unit one e with me--where are you going?--i'm going to an island.--we can't fly.--e with me./let's go.七、教学反思:小部分学生比较难上口,需要反复读说。

小学英语教学设计5篇作为一无名无私奉献的教育工作者, 总不可避免地需要编写教案, 教案是教学活动的根据, 有侧重要的地位。
下面给您带来小学英语教学设计, 期望能够帮助到您。
小学英语教案1教学内容: 小学英语第一册第四单元Part A 中的 Let`s learn .(单词: rabbit、duck、dog、panda、bird、bee、monkey ) , 句子: I havea ……。
教学重点、难点: 听说、认读三会单词。
教具:有关六种小动物的头饰、玩具, 相干单词卡片。
多媒体制作要点:创设情境引入新课、出示六种小动物的动态图片、小队比赛成绩表、根据书上练习制作小动物相应的动作(突破句子这个难点, 帮助学生知道, 同时调动课堂学习惯氛)教学方法: 小组合作学习教学设计:一、组织教学:师: 看谁坐得最精神!(学生整理坐资)师:(手指多媒体)同学们, 这节课我们要乘坐Welcome 列车到动物王国里游玩一番, 你们愿意吗?(生:愿意!)OK!Are you ready ?(生: Yes.) Now ,class begin !师生问好:Good morning ,class.(S:Good morning , Miss Lin .) OK,sit down ,please .二、导入新课:师: (多媒体展现)同学们看, 动物王国的小动物可真淘气, 有的露出一只小耳朵, 有的露出了一只半截小尾巴, 还有的露出了一只小手。
那么你们能猜出它们是谁吗?(学生纷纭举手发言)——猜, 是小学生的一大嗜好。
一石激起千层浪, 学生的热情被点燃。
师: 那让我们来看个究竟吧!(多媒体展现各种小动物的动态图片)——生动有趣的动画成效, 激起学生的学习爱好师:第一个出场的是谁……(在多媒体展现的进程中, 学生说出各种小动物, 老师借此板贴单词卡片)——结合个别学生课外参加补习班的情形, 而这一课的单词又比较常见, 很多同学能直接说出这些小动物用英语怎么说。

---课程名称:小学英语授课年级:年级授课班级:班级授课教师:教师姓名授课时间:年月日教学内容:- 单元主题:_________________________- 教学目标:- 知识与技能目标:1. 学生能够听懂并正确使用本单元的核心词汇和句型。
2. 学生能够通过听、说、读、写等活动,提高英语表达能力。
3. 学生能够理解并运用本单元的语法结构。
- 过程与方法目标:1. 通过情境教学,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。
2. 通过小组合作,培养学生的合作意识和团队精神。
3. 通过角色扮演,提高学生的口语表达能力。
- 情感态度与价值观目标:1. 培养学生对英语学习的热爱和兴趣。
2. 增强学生的自信心,提高自我表达能力。
3. 培养学生的跨文化交流意识。
教学重点:- 本单元的核心词汇和句型。
- 本单元的语法结构。
教学难点:- 学生对复杂句型的理解和运用。
- 学生在真实语境中运用英语进行交流的能力。
教学准备:- 教学课件、图片、实物等教学辅助材料。
- 多媒体设备、录音机等。
- 学生准备:预习本单元内容,准备相关话题的词汇和句子。
教学过程:1. 导入(5分钟)- 通过歌曲、游戏或视频等方式,激发学生的学习兴趣,引入本单元主题。
2. 新课导入(10分钟)- 引导学生复习上一单元的知识,为新知识的学习做好铺垫。
- 通过提问、小组讨论等方式,让学生对本单元的主题有一个初步的了解。
3. 新课讲解(20分钟)- 讲解本单元的核心词汇和句型,通过例句和实际应用,让学生掌握其用法。
- 介绍本单元的语法结构,并通过练习题让学生进行巩固。
4. 实践活动(15分钟)- 小组合作,进行角色扮演,运用所学知识进行对话。
- 进行听力练习,提高学生的听力理解能力。
5. 总结与作业布置(5分钟)- 总结本节课的学习内容,强调重点和难点。
- 布置课后作业,巩固所学知识。
教学反思:- 本节课的教学效果如何?- 学生对哪些内容掌握较好,哪些内容还有困难?- 教学方法是否合理,是否需要调整?---备注:- 本教案仅供参考,教师可根据实际情况进行调整。

【篇⼀】教学内容: Unit 12 I can swim Lesson Four 教学⽬标: 1、Vocabulary: Understand listening and saying the words :x-ray , yo-yo, zebra, zoo. 2、Structures. What is it? It’s a (yo-yo,). 教学⽬标的检测途径 1.根据⽼师的提⽰,指出相应的图⽚2.阅读反馈. 重点难点: 1、Learn the words and say the rhyme. 2、Make the dialogue. 突破教学难点的⽅法个别学⽣混淆可能会net与 nest读⾳和意思,加强两者在因、形、意上的⽐较。
教具准备: 图⽚ PPT 教学过程: ⼀、Warm-up 1、Sing the Animal song together. 2、Greetings. T: Hello, good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, good morning, Miss Liu . T: Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you. 3、Review the names of animals. Respond to with the correct animal movement or imitation. What’s this? Ss:It’s dog, fish, cat, bird, lion, tiger, panda, rabbit, monkey. 4.T: What can the elephant do? T: It’s can walk. Walk, walk, an elephant can walk. ( do action) T: Can you walk? S: Yes, I can. 阅读反馈:让学⽣在⿊板上找出该动作的单词。

小学英语教案封面设计相关热词搜索:封面设计小学英语教案封面设计手绘幼儿园教案封面设计手工幼儿教案封面设计篇一:小学英语学科教案封面设计PEP English Teaching Plansfor Primary School(2012—2013 The 1st period)Grade :Subject :Teacher :Contents:Dayao Jinlongmingde primary schoolPEP English Teaching Plansfor Primary School(2012—2013 The 1st period)Grade :Subject :Teacher :Contents:Dayao Jinlongmingde primary schoolPandeng English Level 1 ATeaching Plan(Unit 1---- 7 )By: Yang JiahuaDayao Jinlongmingde pramary schoolPandeng English Level 1 ATeaching Plan(Unit 8----14)By: Yang JiahuaDayao Jinlongmingde pramary school2012—2013学年度第一学期车辋镇李村小学英语教案备课教师:宋高松班级:六年级备课日期:2012 . 9篇二:封面:小学英语教学设计小学英语教学设计执教人:黄前刚学校:铜仁市第三小学2008 年6月篇三:pep五年级下册全册英语教案精美封面五年级下册教案潮州市实验学校陈曼荣全册教材分析内容与目标1.能听懂、会说12组会话,并能进行简单的交流。

小学英语优秀教案设计(篇1)一、教学目标:1. 能够听、说、读、写词语:drew(draw的过去式), piece, paper 和scissors.2. Target Language:I drew a dragon on a piece of yellow papeI painted it.二、教学重、难点:1. 重点:重点掌握4个四会单词。
2. 难点:几个动词的过去式,了解词语:sticks 和 strings 的意思。
三、课前准备:1. 单词卡片,彩纸等。
2. 多____课件。
四、教学过程:1.greetings:2. warm up:Enjoy a chant and do the actions:Black,black. Stand up.Pink,pink. Sit down.Brown,brown. Touch the ground.Orange,orange. Touch the head.White,white. Turn around.(在此活动中同学们利用课前领到的彩纸来配合做动作,既活跃了课堂气氛拉近了师生间的距离,也为后面的教学打下了基础)2. 新词呈现:T: Boys and girls, I have so much colorful paper. Look, a piece of red paper, a piece of yellow paper, and… 引导学生回答a piece of green paper… 接着板书a piece of 并学习,然后让学生利用自己手中的彩纸来练习a piece of yellow/red/green paper等等。

pep小学英语课程设计一、教学目标本节课的教学目标是让学生掌握PEP小学英语课本中关于Unit 3 My family (第一课时)的主要词汇和句型,如father, mother, brother, sister, grandma, grandpa等词汇和“This is my…”句型。
二、教学内容本节课的教学内容主要包括以下几个部分:1.词汇教学:通过图片和实物展示,让学生掌握关于家庭成员的词汇,如father, mother, brother, sister, grandma, grandpa等。
2.句型教学:引导学生运用所学的词汇进行句型练习,如“This is my…”句型,让学生在实际语境中运用所学知识。

小学英语教案全英文版(优秀13篇)小学英语全英文教案范文篇一Goood moring, Im glad to interpret my lesson here . The lesson plan I am going to talk about is Part A lets learn of unit1 PEP Primary English book7. I will explain how to teach and the reason for doing this from following aspects.Ⅰ analysis of the teaching content.Ⅰ ways of teaching and learning .Ⅰ teaching proceduresⅠ blackboard designV assessmentNow Let;s focus on the analysis of teaching content. It can be divided into 3 parts as followed: the status and the function, the teaching objectives , the main points and difficult points, I;ll talk about it one by one.This lesson is the first lesson of unit 1, book7 . It includes two parts: Let;s learn and let;s play. In section 1, it mainly deals with these key phrases: on foot, by bike, by bus, by train, by subway. And in section 2, it provides a game for the Ss to prastise the patterns: How do you go to? And the answer: I go by../ on foot.Our students have already known some vehicles in the daily life. It;s not difficult for them to understand and use these words . If students can learn it well, it will help students to learn the rest of this unit. So, I set the following aims:The first is language objectivesTo make sure that students can read, recognize and use these key phrases :on foot ,by bike,by bus,by train skillfully.The next is ability objectives(1) To develop Ss; abilities of listening and speaking.(2) To train the Ss; ability of working in groups.moral objectives(1)to help students know some vehicles and comprehend the traffic rules(2) To foster Ss; consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition.The main points and difficult points about this lesson is:(1) To make sure that Ss can use these key phrases correctly and skillfully.(2) To enable Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.(3) To develop Ss; interest in English.Difficult pointsTo help the Ss ask and answer the question “How do you go to?part Ⅰways of teaching and learningAs we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in primary school is to cultivate pupils; basic abilities of listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I;ll mainly use “Task-based” teaching method. That is to say, I will let the Ss learn in real situations, finish a task by making a survey”How do you go to school?” to help Ss to get a better understanding of the key phrases. I will arrange these activities: guessing game, finishing a survey and having a competition. And in this lesson a recorder, CAI, will be needed.partⅠ teaching proceduresI;ll finish this lesson in five steps.step1 lead--in activitiesI will begin my class with drawing and guessing game, just like this : I show students some vehicles such as bike ,bus ,jeep which they learned before by Stick Figures and ask them guess what;s it.Purpose: It is important to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss by guessing game. and at the same time it provides situations to review learned knowledge for the next step.step2 prestentationNow I;ll mainly talk about this step.1、first there is a Free talk between T and Ss. For example: I show many pictures of beautiful cities and ask students some questions, such as do you like this city?where do you want to go ?and help Ss to answer them with by train ,by plane,by ship.By the way, I show the picture of a school, and say“ I go to schiool by bus” ,Ss read this sentence. do the actions and ask how do you go to school?,show many pictures of tools such as ,on foot by bike ,by bus to help students answer my question one by one.To present the key structures one by one is much easier for the Ss to learn and grasp the meanings.2 With the help of the CAI I set a situation to help Ss understand the way of using these key phrases:A boy is coming, who is going to school. He says: I go to school byThen play the sounds of bus, bike ask students to listen carefully and tell “I go to school by according to the different sounds, by the way , I present another new phrases:by subwayPurpose:Make Ss use these new phrases with sentence structures, to help Ss use the language in a real situation.step3 practise3 I order to make every student read these new phrases correctly, I design a drill in this step,I show cards as soon as possible ,students should read the words quickly and spell them. Then I ask How do you go to school?students answer I go to ......also I will quicken the speed to ask .The purpose is to draw the whole studentsattention to the spelling of the words4 After this, I ask Ss to do Lets play in fours. They use places cards and vehicle cards, ask and answer:How do you go to ? I go to by”5, If Ss can ask and answer expertly, I will ask them to make a short dialogue.the purpose of this is to help students to learn those sentenses through a ture situation and make the dialogues in order to check if Ss can usse these key prases、sentences structures skillfullystep 4 consolidationlet students do a survey about how do you go to school?and the table like this :write down names and tools another Ss chooseTask-based teaching method is used here to develop Ss; ability of ; communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained.step 5 homeworkask students to collect other kinds of transport tools through the library ,computer.the purpose of this is to stimulate the interest of learning english and to wide the studentsknowledgestep6 blackboard designmy blackboard design like this :on the left Ishow the phrases:on foot,by bus.......on the right there are many sentences:how do you go to school?I go to ......step 7 assessmentdue to the studentsage ,I make every students work in class through many activities in order to stimulate the studentsinterest and provide they a wide thinking room. I make students learn this lesson very well through desiring scene statuesthats all,thank you for your listening !Unit 1 Lesson 篇二Part A Let;s say, Let;s chant Part C CultureTeaching Aims :1、Be able to listen, say, recognize the words: apple, ant, boy, bag, Coke, coffee.2、Be able to listen, say, read and write these three letters: A a; B b; C c3、Through the chant review the letters of ABC, train a sense of group identity.Focus Points amp; Difficult Points :Read the letters: Big letter C, small letter c; Write down them correctly and handsomely.Teaching Preparation:1、Letter cards ,some word pictures, word cards: apple boy eraser ant crayon body head cake Coke coffee bag ball2、A little blackboard with four-line format and a ball.Designing for the blackboard:panda beaver eagle kangaroo (pictures)China Canada America Australia (words)Teaching Steps:Step1. Warm ndash;up1、Sing a song.2、Free talkT: Hello. I;m Wendy. I;m from Hangzhou.S1: Hello! I;m 。

五年级英语上册教案封面及进度一、教案封面1. 课程名称:五年级英语上册2. 课时安排:本册共36课时,每课时40分钟4. 教学内容:按照教材编排,包括词汇、语法、对话、听力、口语、写作等5. 教学对象:五年级学生6. 教学日期:2024年9月-2024年12月二、教学进度安排1. 第一周:Lesson 1-Lesson 42. 第二周:Lesson 5-Lesson 83. 第三周:Lesson 9-Lesson 124. 第四周:Lesson 13-Lesson 165. 第五周:Lesson 17-Lesson 206. 第六周:复习Lesson 1-Lesson 207. 后续周次:按照相同的教学进度进行教学,每四周进行一次复习三、教学方法与手段1. 采用情境教学法,让学生在实际情境中学习英语2. 运用任务型教学法,培养学生交流合作的能力3. 利用多媒体教学手段,提高学生的学习兴趣和效果4. 进行分组讨论,促进学生主动参与课堂活动5. 注重个体差异,给予学生个性化指导四、作业与评价1. 每课后布置适量作业,巩固所学知识2. 定期进行课堂测试,检查学生学习效果3. 开展小组活动,评价学生在团队合作中的表现4. 鼓励学生参加英语角、英语剧社等活动,提高综合素质5. 定期与家长沟通,共同关注学生英语学习进展五、教学资源1. 教材:人教版《英语》五年级上册2. 多媒体课件:PPT、视频、音频等3. 教学卡片:词汇卡片、图片卡片等4. 练习册:与人教版教材配套的练习册5. 网络资源:英语学习网站、在线教学平台等六、教学策略1. 激发学生兴趣:通过趣味性强的教学活动,如歌曲、游戏、故事等,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 情境教学:创设真实、生动的学习情境,让学生在实际情境中练习英语。
3. 任务型教学:设计具有实际意义的任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中运用英语。
4. 分组合作:将学生分成小组,进行合作学习,培养学生的团队合作能力。