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Agricultural Bank of China


Listing or capsizing?


A huge public offering tests global sentiment about China


Jun 10th 2010 | HONG KONG

THE long-planned public offering of Agricultural Bank of China (ABC) is being launched in a market storm. For devout believers in China, ABC’s 320m customers, in a sector largely shielded from competition, are reason enough to go ahead regardless of turbulent conditions. Others think that it is madness for a company with a sketchy record and no desperate need for capital to come forward now, and they whisper that the deal cannot possibly get done.


The bank’s listing process will be a prolonged test of sentiment on China. On June 9th the bank was approved for listing in Shanghai. It was due to be approved by the Hong Kong stock exchange the next day. On June 14th underwriters will begin pitching to clients. A number of sovereign-wealth funds are said to be lined up as investors, along with as many state-affiliated Chinese institutions as may be necessary. Pricing will be on July 6th—long enough for enthusiasm, or panic, to take hold.


Bulls make two arguments. The first is ABC’s market position. According to a preliminary offering document released in Shanghai, it has 23,624 branches, by far the most of any bank in the world. It holds over $1 trillion in deposits, many paying low interest, meaning it has come close to the banking fantasy of free money. Its scattered operations position it perfectly for a spread of wealth inland.



The second leg of the bullish case rests on the benefits that will accrue if ABC can become more efficient. Were it to close the gap with other Chinese banks in its cost-income ratio, for example, the impact on its bottom line would be dramatic. Already, as part of a government-led cleanup, its proportion of non-performing loans has fallen from 24% in 2007 to 3% in 2009.


That, however, leads straight to the sceptical view of ABC. Its vast network is inefficient. Past credit decisions have resulted in staggering losses. In 2008 the Ministry of Finance took 818 billion yuan ($120 billion) of bad loans off ABC’s books in exchange for an equity stake worth $19 billion; Central Huijin Investment, a state investment vehicle, injected another $19 billion in capital.


Its books may have had a facelift but ABC’s branches remain grotty and underused. Its staff, of more than 440,000, will need to be transformed from bureaucrats to commercially oriented bankers. As recently as last year the government re-emphasised the need for ABC to continue a sannong policy, meaning a commitment to agriculture, rural areas and peasants. One of the surprises in the initial prospectus is how small and profitable this business is said to be. Sceptics think it loses money.


These narrow concerns are on top of broader fears about the banking system. As part of its stimulus programme in 2009 lending by every financial institution in China spiked dramatically. The inevitable consequence will be a welter(混乱)of bad loans. In particular, there is concern about banks’ property lending. Even though ABC is not thought to be a backer of the big developers, it could suffer. The bank is also exposed to suspect municipal projects.

