北京航空航天大学《 数据库系统概论 》期末考试卷

《数据库原理及应用》试题 1■、选择题1、 数据库系统的基本特征是 ________ 。
A 、数据的统一控制C 、数据共享性、独立性和冗余度小 (难度系数C )正确答案:C2、 DB 、DBMS 和DBS 三者之间的关系是A 、DBS 与DB 和DBMS 无关C 、DB 包括 DBMS 和 DBS(难度系数B )正确答案:D3、设有关系R 和S ,关系代数 R -(R -S )表示的是 _____________ 。
A 、R Q SB 、R — SC 、R -SD 、R U S(难度系数B )正确答案:A4、自然连接是构成新关系的有效方法。
一般情况下,当对关系R 和S 使用自然连接时,要求 R 和S 含有一个或多个共有的 ____________ 。
A 、行B 、属性C 、记录D 、元组(难度系数C )正确答案:B5、 以下是信息世界的模型,且实际上是现实世界到机器世界的一个中间层 次的是 _________ 。
A 、数据模型 B 、概念模型 C 、关系模型D 、E-R 图(难度系数C )正确答案:C6、 构成E — R 模型的三个基本要素是 ________ 。
A 、实体、属性值、关系;B 、实体、属性、联系;C 、 实体、实体集、联系;D 、实体、实体集、属性;(难度系数C )正确答案:B7、 在关系代数运算中,五种基本运算为 __________ 。
A 、并、差、选择、投影、连接 B 、 并、交、选择、投影、笛卡尔积 C 、并、差、选择、投影、笛卡尔积D 、 并、除、投影、笛卡尔积、选择(难度系数B )正确答案:CB 、数据共享性和统一控制D 、数据共享性和数据独立性B 、DBMS 包括 DBS 和 DB D 、DBS 包括 DB 和 DBMS&在下列关于规范化理论的叙述中,不正确的是_____________ 。
SDETP char(12) check (SDEPT IN( IS','MA','CS')))13、允许取空值但不允许出现重复值的约束是 ____________A 、NULLB 、PRIMARY KEYC 、UNIQUED 、FOREIGN KEY(难度系数B )正确答案:CA 、 ( 'T0203' ,'刘刚’, NULL , NULL , IS 'B 、 ( NULL ,王芳’, '女’,‘ 1200',‘ CS ')C 、 ( 'T0111' ,NULL ,'男’,23,‘ MA ') D 、( 'T0101' ,'李华’ ,男,2100, ‘ EN ' )o可以插入到Teacher 表中的元组是(难度系数A )正确答案:A12、SQL 语言中,条件年龄 BETWEEN 18 AND 30表示年龄在18至30之间,B 、 任何一个包含两个属性的关系模式一定满足C 、 任何一个包含两个属性的关系模式一定满足D 任何一个包含三个属性的关系模式一定满足(难度系数B )正确答案:D9、 设有关系模式 R(A,B,C)和S(C,D)。
《数据库系统概论》期末考试试题 B卷

《数据库系统概论》期末考试试题 B卷(除填空题、选择题、判断题外,所有答案都必须写在答题纸上,写在试题上及草稿纸上无效,考完后试题随答题纸交回)班级:____________学号:____________姓名:____________分数:__________一、填空题(每空1分,共20分)1.数据库系统的体系结构是数据库的一个总体框架。
北京航空航天大学《 数据库系统概论 》期末考试卷A卷2013答案

班号学号姓名成绩《数据库系统概论》期末考试卷注意事项:1、考试时间2小时;2、答案写在答题纸上题目:一、……………………………………………………………( 分)二、……………………………………………………………( 分)三、……………………………………………………………( 分)四、……………………………………………………………( 分)五、……………………………………………………………( 分)六、……………………………………………………………( 分)Problem 1: TRUE or FALSE QUESTIONS (30 points).For each of the following statements, indicate whether the entire statement is TRUE or FALSE1. There are five different entities and five binary relationships in an ER diagram. Two of therelationships are 1:1 relationship; 3 of them are M:N. After translating from ER model to Relation model, we can probably get 9 relations (tables). TURE2. An E-R diagram will translate uniquely to a relational schema. FALSE3. 3. A relation with two attributes is always in 3NF, but may not be in BCNF.FALSE4. R ▷◁(S ∩T) = (R ▷◁S)∩(R ▷◁T) TRUE5. In relational algebra, join is a derived operator. TRUE6. In a table, there is exactly one key, but there can be multiple candidate keys.TRUE7. The natural join of two relations R(A,B) and S(C,D), which have no common attributes, is equivalent to their Cartesian product. TRUE8. In SQL, without GROUP BY, we cannot use HAVING.TRUE9. Triggers can operate on insertion, deletion, and updates. TRUE10. There are two relations: Stu_Course(stu_name, course, score), Score_Sum(stu_name, Sum). The user wants to define a constraint as: for the same student, the value of Sum attribute in score_sum table equals the sum of all score attribute values in stu_course table. We can use Check constraint to apply this requirement. FALSEProblem 2: (10 Points)(a) What serial schedule is this equivalent to? If none, then explain why.The serializability graph for the above schedule is: T1→T2 ← T3. Any order that complies with the topological order of the graph like T1 → T3 → T2 is an equivalent serial schedule for our schedule(b) Is this schedule consistent with two phase locking? Explain why.If we assume that all transactions get the locks exactly before the operation and release them afterwards, it is not consistent with two phase locking. This is because T1 releases its lock on B after its second operation while acquiring a lock on D at its last two operations. By removing the last two operations of T1 the schedule becomes 2PL.If we assume that the transactions get all the locks they need at the beginning of the transaction, and release them after the finish the operation, this schedule will be 2PL. The minimum operations that could be added to the schedule will be "T1 reads item A". In this case, T1 has to acquire the lock on A again after releasing its lock on A after its first write.Problem 3: (5 Points)There are two relations:S:Give the answers to the two queries:∏R.A, S.B (σR.A=S.D(R▷◁S)),R]▷◁S (left outer join of R and S).Problem4: (5 points)Consider a relation R(A,B,C,D,E), with FDs AB → C, C → A, C → BD, D → E Remember Armstrong’s Axioms:1) XY → X (reflexive)2) X → Y => XZ → YZ (augmentation)3) X → Y & Y → Z => X → Z (transitivity)4) X → Y & X → Z => X → YZ (union)5) X → YZ => X → Y & X → Z (decomposition)6) X → Y & YZ →U => XZ → U (pseudo transitivity)(a) Is the FD: ABC -> E implied? Show your derivation. (5 points)ABC → C reflexiveC → BD givenC →D decompositionD →E given(b) Complete the missing values in the following table. The last column is filled in as an examplea. Consider the attribute subsets, X, in the table below.b. Compute the attribute closure of each subset X+(e) Is this relation in BCNF? If you answer is yes, explain why it is. If you answer is no, decompose relation into BCNF, showing your decomposition steps.No it is n ot, the FD, D → E, violates BCNF. We can separate into two relations:1: R (ABCD)2: R (DE)Problem 5: (20 points)Tables 1, 2, and 3 below show an example instance of corporate(企业)database for a coalition(联合)of retail(零售)stores. Those tables maintain information about stores, products, and the inventories(库存) of products in different stores. We assume that all the stores sell each product at the same price in Table 2.Write down queries in relational algebra for the following questions. Please refer to the Store relation, Product relation, and Inventory relation as S, P, and I respectively in your solutions.(a) Return the name of the stores that have at least one product in their inventories whose unit price is greater than 2 USD.(b) Return the name of the products with the maximum unit price.(c) Each store has an average unit price. It is the average of the unit prices of the products available at the store. Return the average unit prices of all stores. Your query should produce pairs of store names and their average unit prices此题不算分(d) Return the product(s) that are available in at least three stores.Inventory: I1, I2, I3Π(productname)σ(I1.productname=I2.productname and I1.productname=I3.productname and I1.storeid<>I2.storeid and I1.storeid<> I3.storeid and I2.storeid <> I3.storeid)Consider the relations given above. Write down the following queries in SQL.(e) Return the names of the stores that have Tomato and Lettuce(莴苣)in their inventories.(Select StoreNameFrom Store,InventoryWhere Store.StoreID = Inventory.StoreID and Inventory.Product ='Tomato')INTERSECT(Select StoreNameFrom Store,InventoryWhere Store.StoreID = Inventory.StoreID and Inventory.Product ='Lettuce')(f) Return the names of the products whose unit prices are below the average unit price of all the products.Select ProductNameFrom ProductWhere UnitPrice <( Select Avg(UnitPrice)From Product)(g) Each store has an average unit price. It is the average of the unit prices of the products available atthe store. Return the average unit prices of all stores. Your query should produce pairs of store namesand their average unit prices.Select StoreName, Avg(UnitPrice)From Store, Inventory,ProductWhere Store.StoreID = Inventory.StoreID and Inventory.ProductName = Product.ProductNameGroupBy StoreName(h) Return the product(s) that are available in at least three stores.Select ProductNameFrom InventoryGroupBy ProductNameHaving (Count(distinct StoreID) >= 3)Problem 6: (10 points)Consider the following information about a company.• Company has departments.• Department has a name, number, and at most one manager.• Manager is an employee.• Manager has a starting date.• Department controls projects.• Project has name, number.• Each employee has a name, social security number, address, birthdate.• An employee is in exactly one department but may work on several projects.• Record is kept of hours each employee works on each project.• Some employees have a supervisor.(a) Design and draw an ER diagram that captures the information about the company. Pick the most suitable key for each entity. Try to minimize the number of resulting entities and relationships. Be sure to indicate keys and multiplicity constraints. State all assumptions you make.(b) Translate your ER diagram into schema. Try to minimize the number of resultingrelations. Specify the key of each relation in your schema. Solution:Project(Name, Number)Department(Name, Number, managerSSN, ManagerStartDate) Employee(SSN, Name, Address, Birthdate, SupervisorSSN) WorksOn(EmployeeSSN, ProjectName, Hours)Controls(DepartmentName, ProjectName)。

北京航空航天大学数据库与操作系统试题(2001 年)一、请给出以下名词的定义(2'5)1■实体2■关系3■关系键4■传递函数依赖5■关系规范化二、问答题(4'2)1■试述相对于文件系统来说,数据库系统具有哪些优点。
三、设有如下关系(2'4)T1. RU S2.R-S3.口A,B (% ^(R))4.口歸(冃汉T — R四、(3'2)设R(ABC)和S(DE),其中B,C,D来自同一个域,请把表达式--A,E 0~B =D C =D (R S))转换为:1■元组演算表达式2.SQL语言五、试证明:(3'2)1■若存在函数依赖X—Y及W—乙则必有函数依赖XW —YZ。
2■若存在函数依赖X—YZ及—CW,则必有函数依赖X —CWYZ。
六、设有一个投资股票公司的数据库,它包含以下属性:(4'x3)rn rnc13C2UJB(broker,即经纪人)O(office,即经纪人工作的办公室)l(investor,即投资人)S(stocK即投资人所拥有的某种股票)Q(quantity,即投资人所拥有的上数股票数量)D(dividend,即股息,上述股票的利息率)假设有以下函数依赖,S f D,IS f Q,I f B,B f0,请: 1.找出关系模式R(BOlSQD) 的关系键,请给出求解过程。
2■如果把上述关系模式分解为R i(ISQD),R2(IB0),试说明:a. R i,R2满足的最高范式,为什么?b. 上述两个关系模式存在什么弊端,为什么?3■找出关系模式R(BOISQD)到3NF的一个无损分解,并给出规范化过程。
七、名词解释题(4'x3)1.进程2.临界区3.重定位八、判断题(1'x8)1. 在作用调用时,采用最高响应比优先的作业调度算法可以得到最短的作业平均周转时间。
( )2. 在虚存系统中只要磁盘空间无限大,作业就能拥有任意大的编址空间。

解:本题各个查询语句对应的关系代数表达式表示如下:(1). ∏C#,CNAME(σTEACHER=‘程军’(C))(2). ∏S#,SNAME(σAGE>21∧SEX=”男”(C)) (3). ∏SNAME{s[∏S#,C#(sc )÷∏C#(σTEACHER=‘程军’(C))]}(4). ∏C#(C)- ∏C#(σSNAME=‘强’(S) SC) (5). ∏S#(σ[1]=[4]∧[2]≠[5] (SC × SC))(6). ∏C#,CNAME(C (∏S#,C#(sc)÷∏S#(S)))(7). ∏S#(SC∏C#(σTEACHER=‘程军’(C)))(8). ∏S#,C#(sc )÷∏C#(σC#=’k1’∨ C#=’k5’(C)) (9). ∏SNAME{s[∏S#,C#(sc )÷∏C#(C)]}(10). ∏S#,C#(sc )÷∏C#(σS#=’2’(SC))(11). ∏S#,SNAME{s[∏S#(SCσCNAME=‘C 语言’(C))]}2、关系R 和S 如下图所示,试计算R ÷S 。

A、数据的统一控制B、数据共享性和统一控制C、数据共享性、独立性和冗余度小D、数据共享性和数据独立性(难度系数 C)正确答案:C2、DB、DBMS 和DBS 三者之间的关系是。
A、DBS 与DB 和DBMS 无关B、DBMS 包括DBS 和DBC、DB 包括DBMS 和DBSD、DBS 包括DB 和DBMS (难度系数 B)正确答案:D3、设有关系R 和S,关系代数R - (R -S) 表示的是。
A、R∩SB、R―SC、R÷SD、R∪S(难度系数 B)正确答案:A4、自然连接是构成新关系的有效方法。
一般情况下,当对关系R 和S 使用自然连接时,要求R 和S 含有一个或多个共有的。
A、行B、属性C、记录D、元组(难度系数 C)正确答案:B5、以下是信息世界的模型,且实际上是现实世界到机器世界的一个中间层次的是。
A、数据模型B、概念模型C、关系模型D、E-R 图(难度系数 C)正确答案:C6、构成E—R 模型的三个基本要素是。
A、实体、属性值、关系;B、实体、属性、联系;C、实体、实体集、联系;D、实体、实体集、属性;(难度系数 C)正确答案:B7、在关系代数运算中,五种基本运算为。
A、并、差、选择、投影、连接B、并、交、选择、投影、笛卡尔积C、并、差、选择、投影、笛卡尔积D、并、除、投影、笛卡尔积、选择(难度系数 B)正确答案:C8、在下列关于规范化理论的叙述中,不正确的是。
(难度系数 B)正确答案:D9、设有关系模式R(A,B,C)和S(C,D)。
与SQL 语句“SELECT A,B,D FROMR,S WHERE R.C=S.C”等价的关系代数表达式为。

B.数据模型 C.记录形式
where Sage<20; 或 select Sname,Sage from Student where not Sage>=20; 2)select Sname,Sdept,Sage from Student where Sage not between 20 and 23; 3)select Student.*,SC.* from Student,SC where Student.Sno=SC.Sno; 学生选课关系E-R图
答:答案 主要任务是保障数据的正确性,有效性,协调性,提高数据对用户的可 用性。其措施如下: 适时检查完整约束条件,保证语义完整。 控制并发操作,使其不破坏完整性。 在系统出现故障后,即时恢复系统。
5、在倒排文件中,如果只建立了部分关键字的辅索引,如何进行查 找? 答:答案 对询问中涉及的关键字,首先在已建立的辅索引中求指针的交集P,而 后对P中所指记录逐个验证其它关键字是否与询问条件匹配,所有匹配 的记录即为查询结果。 五、综合题(每小题10分,共20分) 1.1)select Sname,Sage from Student
课程名 Cname 数据库 数学 信息系统 操作系统 数据结构 数据处理 PASCAL语言

试题十一、单项选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要 求的,错选、多选或未选均无分。
1. 数据库系统的特点是( )、数据独立、减少数据冗余、避免数据不一致和加强了数据保护。
A .数据共享 B .数据存储 C .数据应用 D .数据保密 2. 数据库系统中,物理数据独立性是指( )。
A .数据库与数据库管理系统的相互独立 B .应用程序与DBMS 的相互独立 C .应用程序与存储在磁盘上数据库的物理模式是相互独立的 D .应用程序与数据库中数据的逻辑结构相互独立 3. 在数据库的三级模式结构中,描述数据库中全体数据的全局逻辑结构和特征的是( )。
A .外模式 B .内模式 C .存储模式 D .模式 4. E-R 模型用于数据库设计的哪个阶段( )? A .需求分析 B .概念结构设计 C .逻辑结构设计 D .物理结构设计 5. 现有关系表:学生(宿舍编号,宿舍地址,学号,姓名,性别,专业,出生日期)的主码是( )。
A .宿舍编号 B .学号 C .宿舍地址,姓名 D .宿舍编号,学号 6. 自然连接是构成新关系的有效方法。
一般情况下,当对关系R 和S 使用自然连接时,要求R 和S 含有一个或多个共有的( )。
A .元组 B .行 C .记录 D .属性 7. 下列关系运算中,( )运算不属于专门的关系运算。
A .选择 B .连接 C .广义笛卡尔积 D .投影 8. SQL 语言具有( )的功能。
(考生答题不得超过此线)A.关系规范化、数据操纵、数据控制B.数据定义、数据操纵、数据控制C.数据定义、关系规范化、数据控制D.数据定义、关系规范化、数据操纵9.如果在一个关系中,存在某个属性(或属性组),虽然不是该关系的主码或只是主码的一部分,但却是另一个关系的主码时,称该属性(或属性组)为这个关系的()A.候选码B.主码C. 外码D. 连接码10.下列关于关系数据模型的术语中,()术语所表达的概念与二维表中的“行”的概念最接近?A.属性B.关系C. 域D. 元组11.假定学生关系是S(S#,SNAME,SEX,AGE),课程关系是C(C#,CNAME,TEACHER),学生选课关系是SC(S#,C#,GRADE)。

A 、数据的统一控制B 、数据共享性和统一控制C 、数据共享性、独立性和冗余度小D 、数据共享性和数据独立性(难度系数C )正确答案:C2、DB 、DBMS 和DBS 三者之间的关系是_________。
A 、DBS 与DB 和DBMS 无关 B 、DBMS 包括DBS 和DBC 、DB 包括DBMS 和DBSD 、DBS 包括DB 和DBMS(难度系数B )正确答案:D3、设有关系R 和S ,关系代数 S)(R R -- 表示的是_________。
A 、R ∩SB 、R ―SC 、R ÷SD 、R ∪S(难度系数B )正确答案:A4、自然连接是构成新关系的有效方法。
一般情况下,当对关系R 和S 使用 自然连接时,要求R 和S 含有一个或多个共有的__________。
A 、行B 、属性C 、记录D 、元组(难度系数C )正确答案:B5、以下是信息世界的模型,且实际上是现实世界到机器世界的一个中间层次的是_________。
A 、数据模型B 、概念模型C 、关系模型D 、E-R 图(难度系数C )正确答案:C6、构成E —R 模型的三个基本要素是_________。
A 、实体、属性值、关系;B 、实体、属性、联系;C 、实体、实体集、联系;D 、实体、实体集、属性;(难度系数C )正确答案:B7、在关系代数运算中,五种基本运算为_________。
A 、并、差、选择、投影、连接B 、并、交、选择、投影、笛卡尔积C 、并、差、选择、投影、笛卡尔积D 、并、除、投影、笛卡尔积、选择(难度系数B )正确答案:C8、在下列关于规X 化理论的叙述中,不正确的是_________。
A 、任何一个关系模式一定有键。
B 、任何一个包含两个属性的关系模式一定满足3NF 。
C 、任何一个包含两个属性的关系模式一定满足BF 。

A 、数据的统一控制B 、数据共享性和统一控制C 、数据共享性、独立性和冗余度小D 、数据共享性和数据独立性(难度系数C )正确答案:C2、DB 、DBMS 和DBS 三者之间的关系是_________。
A 、DBS 与DB 和DBMS 无关 B 、DBMS 包括DBS 和DBC 、DB 包括DBMS 和DBSD 、DBS 包括DB 和DBMS(难度系数B )正确答案:D3、设有关系R 和S ,关系代数 S)(R R -- 表示的是_________。
A 、R ∩SB 、R ―SC 、R ÷SD 、R ∪S(难度系数B )正确答案:A4、自然连接是构成新关系的有效方法。
一般情况下,当对关系R 和S 使用自然连接时,要求R 和S 含有一个或多个共有的__________。
A 、行B 、属性C 、记录D 、元组(难度系数C )正确答案:B5、以下是信息世界的模型,且实际上是现实世界到机器世界的一个中间层次的是_________。
A 、数据模型B 、概念模型C 、关系模型D 、E-R 图(难度系数C )正确答案:C6、构成E —R 模型的三个基本要素是_________。
A 、实体、属性值、关系;B 、实体、属性、联系;C 、实体、实体集、联系;D 、实体、实体集、属性;(难度系数C )正确答案:B7、在关系代数运算中,五种基本运算为_________。
A 、并、差、选择、投影、连接B 、并、交、选择、投影、笛卡尔积C 、并、差、选择、投影、笛卡尔积D 、并、除、投影、笛卡尔积、选择(难度系数B )正确答案:C8、在下列关于规范化理论的叙述中,不正确的是_________。
A 、任何一个关系模式一定有键。
B 、任何一个包含两个属性的关系模式一定满足3NF 。
C 、任何一个包含两个属性的关系模式一定满足BCNF 。

A 、数据的统一控制B 、数据共享性和统一控制C 、数据共享性、独立性和冗余度小D 、数据共享性和数据独立性(难度系数C )正确答案:C2、DB 、DBMS 和DBS 三者之间的关系是_________。
A 、DBS 与DB 和DBMS 无关 B 、DBMS 包括DBS 和DBC 、DB 包括DBMS 和DBSD 、DBS 包括DB 和DBMS(难度系数B )正确答案:D3、设有关系R 和S ,关系代数 S)(R R -- 表示的是_________。
A 、R ∩SB 、R ―SC 、R ÷SD 、R ∪S(难度系数B )正确答案:A4、自然连接是构成新关系的有效方法。
一般情况下,当对关系R 和S 使用 自然连接时,要求R 和S 含有一个或多个共有的__________。
A 、行B 、属性C 、记录D 、元组(难度系数C )正确答案:B5、以下是信息世界的模型,且实际上是现实世界到机器世界的一个中间层次的是_________。
A 、数据模型B 、概念模型C 、关系模型D 、E-R 图(难度系数C )正确答案:C6、构成E —R 模型的三个基本要素是_________。
A 、实体、属性值、关系;B 、实体、属性、联系;C 、实体、实体集、联系;D 、实体、实体集、属性;(难度系数C )正确答案:B7、在关系代数运算中,五种基本运算为_________。
A 、并、差、选择、投影、连接B 、并、交、选择、投影、笛卡尔积C 、并、差、选择、投影、笛卡尔积D 、并、除、投影、笛卡尔积、选择(难度系数B )正确答案:C8、在下列关于规范化理论的叙述中,不正确的是_________。
A 、任何一个关系模式一定有键。
B 、任何一个包含两个属性的关系模式一定满足3NF 。
C 、任何一个包含两个属性的关系模式一定满足BCNF 。

A.数据库系统 B.文件系统 C.人工管理 D.数据项管理答案:A2.数据库的概念模型独立于。
A.具体的机器和DBMS B.E-R图 C.信息世界 D.现实世界答案:A3.数据库的基本特点是。
A.(1)数据可以共享(或数据结构化) (2)数据独立性 (3)数据冗余大,易移植 (4)统一管理和控制B.(1)数据可以共享(或数据结构化) (2)数据独立性 (3)数据冗余小,易扩充 (4)统一管理和控制C.(1)数据可以共享(或数据结构化) (2)数据互换性 (3)数据冗余小,易扩充 (4)统一管理和控制D.(1)数据非结构化 (2)数据独立性 (3)数据冗余小,易扩充 (4)统一管理和控制答案:B4. 是存储在计算机内有结构的数据的集合。
A.数据库系统 B.数据库 C.数据库管理系统 D.数据结构答案:B5.数据库中存储的是。
A.数据 B.数据模型 C.数据以及数据之间的联系 D.信息答案:C6. 数据库中,数据的物理独立性是指。
A.数据库与数据库管理系统的相互独立 B.用户程序与DBMS的相互独立C.用户的应用程序与存储在磁盘上数据库中的数据是相互独立的 D.应用程序与数据库中数据的逻辑结构相互独立答案:C7. .数据库的特点之一是数据的共享,严格地讲,这里的数据共享是指。
A.同一个应用中的多个程序共享一个数据集合 B.多个用户、同一种语言共享数据C.多个用户共享一个数据文件D.多种应用、多种语言、多个用户相互覆盖地使用数据集合答案:D8.数据库系统的核心是。
A.数据库B.数据库管理系统C.数据模型D.软件工具答案:B9. 下述关于数据库系统的正确叙述是。
A.数据库系统减少了数据冗余 B.数据库系统避免了一切冗余 C.数据库系统中数据的一致性是指数据类型一致D.数据库系统比文件系统能管理更多的数据答案:A10.将数据库的结构划分成多个层次,是为了提高数据库的①和②。
北京航空航天大学《 数据库系统概论 》期末考试卷A卷2013答案

班号学号姓名成绩《数据库系统概论》期末考试卷注意事项:1、考试时间2小时;2、答案写在答题纸上题目:一、……………………………………………………………( 分)二、……………………………………………………………( 分)三、……………………………………………………………( 分)四、……………………………………………………………( 分)五、……………………………………………………………( 分)六、……………………………………………………………( 分)Problem 1: TRUE or FALSE QUESTIONS (30 points).For each of the following statements, indicate whether the entire statement is TRUE or FALSE1. There are five different entities and five binary relationships in an ER diagram. Two of therelationships are 1:1 relationship; 3 of them are M:N. After translating from ER model to Relation model, we can probably get 9 relations (tables). TURE2. An E-R diagram will translate uniquely to a relational schema. FALSE3. 3. A relation with two attributes is always in 3NF, but may not be in BCNF.FALSE4. R ▷◁(S ∩T) = (R ▷◁S)∩(R ▷◁T) TRUE5. In relational algebra, join is a derived operator. TRUE6. In a table, there is exactly one key, but there can be multiple candidate keys.TRUE7. The natural join of two relations R(A,B) and S(C,D), which have no common attributes, is equivalent to their Cartesian product. TRUE8. In SQL, without GROUP BY, we cannot use HAVING.TRUE9. Triggers can operate on insertion, deletion, and updates. TRUE10. There are two relations: Stu_Course(stu_name, course, score), Score_Sum(stu_name, Sum). The user wants to define a constraint as: for the same student, the value of Sum attribute in score_sum table equals the sum of all score attribute values in stu_course table. We can use Check constraint to apply this requirement. FALSEProblem 2: (10 Points)(a) What serial schedule is this equivalent to? If none, then explain why.The serializability graph for the above schedule is: T1→T2 ← T3. Any order that complies with the topological order of the graph like T1 → T3 → T2 is an equivalent serial schedule for our schedule(b) Is this schedule consistent with two phase locking? Explain why.If we assume that all transactions get the locks exactly before the operation and release them afterwards, it is not consistent with two phase locking. This is because T1 releases its lock on B after its second operation while acquiring a lock on D at its last two operations. By removing the last two operations of T1 the schedule becomes 2PL.If we assume that the transactions get all the locks they need at the beginning of the transaction, and release them after the finish the operation, this schedule will be 2PL. The minimum operations that could be added to the schedule will be "T1 reads item A". In this case, T1 has to acquire the lock on A again after releasing its lock on A after its first write.Problem 3: (5 Points)There are two relations:S:Give the answers to the two queries:∏R.A, S.B (σR.A=S.D(R▷◁S)),R]▷◁S (left outer join of R and S).Problem4: (5 points)Consider a relation R(A,B,C,D,E), with FDs AB → C, C → A, C → BD, D → E Remember Armstrong’s Axioms:1) XY → X (reflexive)2) X → Y => XZ → YZ (augmentation)3) X → Y & Y → Z => X → Z (transitivity)4) X → Y & X → Z => X → YZ (union)5) X → YZ => X → Y & X → Z (decomposition)6) X → Y & YZ →U => XZ → U (pseudo transitivity)(a) Is the FD: ABC -> E implied? Show your derivation. (5 points)ABC → C reflexiveC → BD givenC →D decompositionD →E given(b) Complete the missing values in the following table. The last column is filled in as an examplea. Consider the attribute subsets, X, in the table below.b. Compute the attribute closure of each subset X+(e) Is this relation in BCNF? If you answer is yes, explain why it is. If you answer is no, decompose relation into BCNF, showing your decomposition steps.No it is n ot, the FD, D → E, violates BCNF. We can separate into two relations:1: R (ABCD)2: R (DE)Problem 5: (20 points)Tables 1, 2, and 3 below show an example instance of corporate(企业)database for a coalition(联合)of retail(零售)stores. Those tables maintain information about stores, products, and the inventories(库存) of products in different stores. We assume that all the stores sell each product at the same price in Table 2.Write down queries in relational algebra for the following questions. Please refer to the Store relation, Product relation, and Inventory relation as S, P, and I respectively in your solutions.(a) Return the name of the stores that have at least one product in their inventories whose unit price is greater than 2 USD.(b) Return the name of the products with the maximum unit price.(c) Each store has an average unit price. It is the average of the unit prices of the products available at the store. Return the average unit prices of all stores. Your query should produce pairs of store names and their average unit prices此题不算分(d) Return the product(s) that are available in at least three stores.Inventory: I1, I2, I3Π(productname)σ(I1.productname=I2.productname and I1.productname=I3.productname and I1.storeid<>I2.storeid and I1.storeid<> I3.storeid and I2.storeid <> I3.storeid)Consider the relations given above. Write down the following queries in SQL.(e) Return the names of the stores that have Tomato and Lettuce(莴苣)in their inventories.(Select StoreNameFrom Store,InventoryWhere Store.StoreID = Inventory.StoreID and Inventory.Product ='Tomato')INTERSECT(Select StoreNameFrom Store,InventoryWhere Store.StoreID = Inventory.StoreID and Inventory.Product ='Lettuce')(f) Return the names of the products whose unit prices are below the average unit price of all the products.Select ProductNameFrom ProductWhere UnitPrice <( Select Avg(UnitPrice)From Product)(g) Each store has an average unit price. It is the average of the unit prices of the products available atthe store. Return the average unit prices of all stores. Your query should produce pairs of store namesand their average unit prices.Select StoreName, Avg(UnitPrice)From Store, Inventory,ProductWhere Store.StoreID = Inventory.StoreID and Inventory.ProductName = Product.ProductNameGroupBy StoreName(h) Return the product(s) that are available in at least three stores.Select ProductNameFrom InventoryGroupBy ProductNameHaving (Count(distinct StoreID) >= 3)Problem 6: (10 points)Consider the following information about a company.• Company has departments.• Department has a name, number, and at most one manager.• Manager is an employee.• Manager has a starting date.• Department controls projects.• Project has name, number.• Each employee has a name, social security number, address, birthdate.• An employee is in exactly one department but may work on several projects.• Record is kept of hours each employee works on each project.• Some employees have a supervisor.(a) Design and draw an ER diagram that captures the information about the company. Pick the most suitable key for each entity. Try to minimize the number of resulting entities and relationships. Be sure to indicate keys and multiplicity constraints. State all assumptions you make.(b) Translate your ER diagram into schema. Try to minimize the number of resultingrelations. Specify the key of each relation in your schema. Solution:Project(Name, Number)Department(Name, Number, managerSSN, ManagerStartDate) Employee(SSN, Name, Address, Birthdate, SupervisorSSN) WorksOn(EmployeeSSN, ProjectName, Hours)Controls(DepartmentName, ProjectName)。

《数据库系统概论》期末考试试卷附答案一、单选题(共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)1. 数据库系统的核心是()A.数据库B.数据库管理系统C.数据模型D.软件工具2. 下列四项中,不属于数据库系统的特点的是()A.数据结构化 B.数据由DBMS统一管理和控制C.数据冗余度大D.数据独立性高3. 概念模型是现实世界的第一层抽象,这一类模型中最著名的模型是()A.层次模型B.关系模型 C.网状模型D.实体-联系模型4. 数据的物理独立性是指()A.数据库与数据库管理系统相互独立B.用户程序与数据库管理系统相互独立C.用户的应用程序与存储在磁盘上数据库中的数据是相互独立的D.应用程序与数据库中数据的逻辑结构是相互独立的5.要保证数据库的逻辑数据独立性,需要修改的是()A.模式与外模式之间的映象 B.模式与内模式之间的映象 C.模式 D.三级模式6.关系数据模型的基本数据结构是()A.树B.图C.索引D.关系7.有一名为“列车运营”实体,含有:车次、日期、实际发车时间、实际抵达时间、情况摘要等属性,该实体主码是()A.车次B.日期 C.车次+日期D.车次+情况摘要8.己知关系R和S,R∩S等价于()A. (R-S)-SB. S-(S-R)C. (S-R)-RD. S-(R-S)9.学校数据库中有学生和宿舍两个关系:学生(学号,姓名)和宿舍(楼名,房间号,床位号,学号)假设有的学生不住宿,床位也可能空闲。
如果要列出所有学生住宿和宿舍分配的情况,包括没有住宿的学生和空闲的床位,则应执行()A. 全外联接B. 左外联接C. 右外联接D. 自然联接10.用下面的T-SQL语句建立一个基本表:CREATE TABLE Student(Sno CHAR(4) PRIMARY KEY,Sname CHAR(8) NOT NULL, Sex CHAR(2), Age INT)可以插入到表中的元组是()A.'5021','刘祥',男,21B.NULL,'刘祥',NULL,21C.'5021',NULL,男,21D. D. '5021','刘祥',NULL,NULL二、填空题(共10空,每空3分,共30分)1.关系数据模型由、和三部分组成。

1. 数据库系统的核心是()A.数据库B.数据库管理系统C.数据模型D.软件工具2.下列四项中,不属于数据库系统的特点的是()A.数据结构化B.数据由DBMS统一管理和控制C.数据冗余度大D.数据独立性高3.概念模型是现实世界的第一层抽象,这一类模型中最著名的模型是()A.层次模型B.关系模型C.网状模型D.实体-联系模型4.数据的物理独立性是指()A.数据库与数据库管理系统相互独立B.用户程序与数据库管理系统相互独立C.用户的应用程序与存储在磁盘上数据库中的数据是相互独立的D.应用程序与数据库中数据的逻辑结构是相互独立的5.要保证数据库的逻辑数据独立性,需要修改的是()A.模式与外模式之间的映象B.模式与内模式之间的映象C.模式D.三级模式6.关系数据模型的基本数据结构是()A.树B.图C.索引D.关系7.有一名为“列车运营”实体,含有:车次、日期、实际发车时间、实际抵达时间、情况摘要等属性,该实体主码是()A.车次B.日期C.车次+日期D.车次+情况摘要8.己知关系R和S,R∩S等价于()A. (R-S)-SB. S-(S-R)C.(S-R)-RD. S-(R-S)9.学校数据库中有学生和宿舍两个关系:学生(学号,姓名)和宿舍(楼名,房间号,床位号,学号)假设有的学生不住宿,床位也可能空闲。
如果要列出所有学生住宿和宿舍分配的情况,包括没有住宿的学生和空闲的床位,则应执行()A. 全外联接B. 左外联接C. 右外联接D. 自然联接10.用下面的T-SQL语句建立一个基本表:CREATE TABLE Student(Sno CHAR(4) PRIMARY KEY,Sname CHAR(8) NOT NULL,Sex CHAR(2),Age INT)可以插入到表中的元组是()A. '5021','刘祥',男,21B. NULL,'刘祥',NULL,21C. '5021',NULL,男,21D. '5021','刘祥',NULL,NULL11. 把对关系SPJ的属性QTY的修改权授予用户李勇的T-SQL语句是()A. GRANT QTY ON SPJ TO '李勇'B. GRANT UPDA TE(QTY) ON SPJ TO '李勇'C. GRANT UPDA TE (QTY) ON SPJ TO 李勇D. GRANT UPDA TE ON SPJ (QTY) TO 李勇12.图1中()是最小关系系统A B C D图113.关系规范化中的插入操作异常是指 ( )A.不该删除的数据被删除B.不该插入的数据被插入C.应该删除的数据未被删除D.应该插入的数据未被插入14.在关系数据库设计中,设计关系模式是数据库设计中()阶段的任务A.逻辑设计B.物理设计C.需求分析D.概念设计15.在E-R模型中,如果有3个不同的实体型,3个m:n联系,根据E-R模型转换为关系模型的规则,转换后关系的数目为()。
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简答题:(1)事务,串行化调度,两阶段锁协议(2)Sql语句和关系代数语句写出查询(3)ER图设计并写出关系主键,外键等(4)给出函数依赖,并且推断属于何种范式(BCNF,第三范式)(5)题目给出关系表与关系代数表达式,求出运算结果班号学号姓名成绩《数据库系统概论》期末考试卷注意事项:1、考试时间2小时;2、答案写在答题纸上题目:一、……………………………………………………………( 分)二、……………………………………………………………( 分)三、……………………………………………………………( 分)四、……………………………………………………………( 分)五、……………………………………………………………( 分)六、……………………………………………………………( 分)一:单选题(本大题共12小题,每小题3分,共36分)1. 对现实世界进行第一层抽象的是【 D 】A. 用户数据模型B. 物理数据模型C. 逻辑数据模型D. 概念数据模型2. 以下不属于集合运算的是________。
【 C 】A. 并B. 广义笛卡尔积C. 除D. 差3. 若一个关系有函数依赖集(AB→CD, A→D),则可确定它最高属于:【 A 】A. 1NFB. 2NFC. 3NFD. BCNF4. 以下哪个SQL语句没有语法错误【 A 】A. Grant select on TableA to User1 with grant optionB. select count(a) from b where count(a)>3C. insert into TableA set a=1, b=2D. drop TableA where a=15. 定义学生对象来表示张三、李四等学生个体,这种抽象方法被称为【A】A. 分类B. 聚集C. 类比D. 概括6. 哪一级封锁协议解决了读脏数据问题?【B】A. 一级封锁协议B.二级封锁协议C. 三级封锁协议D. 以上都不是7. 工资表(职工号,岗位级别,岗位工资)中有如下约束:岗位级别低的职工的岗位工资应低于岗位级别高的职工的岗位工资。
这种约束属于什么约束类型?【E】A. 静态列级约束B. 动态列级约束C. 静态元组约束D. 动态元组约束E. 静态关系约束F. 动态关系约束8. 设有关系R(A,B,C)的值如下:下列叙述正确的是:【 D 】A. 关系中存在函数依赖A→CB. 关系中存在函数依赖BC→AC. 关系中存在函数依赖C→AD. 无法获知函数依赖关系9.有关系模式A (a, b, c, d, e, f),存在如下函数依赖集:F={(a)→b,(a, c)→d,(c, d)→e, (e)→f }可知其候选键是【 B 】A. (a, c, e)B. (a, c)C. (b, d, f)D. (a, c, d, e)10.如果有5个不同的实体,存在5个不同的二元联系,其中2个为1:1联系,3个为M:N联系,那么根据转换规则,转换出来的关系表个数不可能是:【 A 】A. 7个B.8个C.9个D. 10个11. 以下不属于数据库保护数据安全的机制的是:【 A 】A. 索引B. 并发控制C. 存取控制D. 数据完整性约束12. 以下属于数据库逻辑结构设计阶段工作内容的是:【 C 】I.数据字典II. 范式分解III. ER图IV. 数据流图V. 用户模式A. I, IVB. II, III, VC. II, VD. I, III, IV二:简答题:(3题,每题6分)1.试述数据库三层模式结构的含义。
三:本题6分S: A B C134342156734D B C 13null 234 342请给出∏R.A, S.B(σ()R.A=S.D(R▷◁S)),R]▷◁S (R与S的左外连接) 的结果。
五.本题30分设关系数据库的模式包含下列关系:国家(国名, 首都名, 面积)(首都名为外键,它所引用的是城市表的主键—城市名)城市(城市名,首都名,人口) (‘首都名’字段为外键,它所引用的本表的主键—城市名。
3. 查找与德国的所有邻国都接壤的国家请用SQL语言实现下列操作:4.查找没有邻国的国家名。
班号学号姓名成绩《数据库系统概论》期末考试卷注意事项:1、考试时间2小时;2、答案写在答题纸上题目:一、……………………………………………………………( 分)二、……………………………………………………………( 分)三、……………………………………………………………( 分)四、……………………………………………………………( 分)五、……………………………………………………………( 分)六、……………………………………………………………( 分)Problem 1: TRUE or FALSE QUESTIONS (30 points).For each of the following statements, indicate whether the entire statement is TRUE or FALSE1. There are five different entities and five binary relationships in an ER diagram. Two of therelationships are 1:1 relationship; 3 of them are M:N. After translating from ER model to Relation model, we can probably get 9 relations (tables).TURE2. An E-R diagram will translate uniquely to a relational schema. FALSE3. 3. A relation with two attributes is always in 3NF, but may not be in BCNF.FALSE4. R ▷◁(S ∩T) = (R ▷◁S)∩(R ▷◁T) TRUE5. In relational algebra, join is a derived operator. TRUE6. In a table, there is exactly one key, but there can be multiple candidate keys.TRUE7. The natural join of two relations R(A,B) and S(C,D), which have no common attributes, is equivalent to their Cartesian product. TRUE8. In SQL, without GROUP BY, we cannot use HAVING.TRUE9. Triggers can operate on insertion, deletion, and updates. TRUE10. There are two relations: Stu_Course(stu_name, course, score), Score_Sum(stu_name, Sum). The user wants to define a constraint as: for the same student, the value of Sum attribute in score_sum table equals the sum of all score attribute values in stu_course table. We can use Check constraint to apply this requirement.FALSEProblem 2: (10 Points)(a) What serial schedule is this equivalent to? If none, then explain why.The serializability graph for the above schedule is: T 1→T 2 ← T 3. Any order that complies with the topological order of the graph like T 1 → T 3 → T 2 is an equivalent serial schedule for our schedule(b) Is this schedule consistent with two phase locking? Explain why.If we assume that all transactions get the locks exactly before the operation and release them afterwards, it is not consistent with two phase locking. This is because T1 releases its lock on B after its second operation while acquiring a lock on D at its last two operations. By removing the last two operations of T1 the schedule becomes 2PL.If we assume that the transactions get all the locks they need at the beginning of the transaction, and release them after the finish the operation, this schedule will be 2PL. The minimum operations that could be added to the schedule will be "T1 reads item A". In this case, T1 has to acquire the lock on A again after releasing its lock on A after its first write.Problem 3: (5 Points) There are two relations:S:∏R.A, S.B (σR.A =S.D (R ▷◁S )), R]▷◁S (left outer join of R and S).Problem4: (5 points)Consider a relation R(A,B,C,D,E), with FDs AB → C, C → A, C → BD, D → E Remember Armstrong’s Axioms:1) XY → X (reflexive)2) X → Y => XZ → YZ (augmentation)3) X → Y & Y → Z => X → Z (transitivity)4) X → Y & X → Z => X → YZ (union)5) X → YZ => X → Y & X → Z (decomposition)6) X → Y & YZ → U => XZ → U (pseudo transitivity)(a) Is the FD: ABC -> E implied? Show your derivation. (5 points)ABC → C reflexiveC → BD givenC →D decompositionD →E given(b) Complete the missing values in the following table. The last column is filled in as an examplea. Consider the attribute subsets, X, in the table below.b. Compute the attribute closure of each subset X+(e) Is this relation in BCNF? If you answer is yes, explain why it is. If you answer is no, decompose relation into BCNF, showing your decomposition steps.No it is not, the FD, D → E, violates BCNF. We can separate into two relations:1: R (ABCD)2: R (DE)Problem 5: (20 points)Tables 1, 2, and 3 below show an example instance of corporate(企业)database for a coalition(联合)of retail(零售)stores. Those tables maintain information about stores, products, and the inventories(库存) of products in different stores. We assume that all the stores sell each product at the same price in Table 2.Write down queries in relational algebra for the following questions. Please refer to the Store relation, Product relation, and Inventory relation as S, P, and I respectively in your solutions.(a) Return the name of the stores that have at least one product in their inventories whose unit price is greater than 2 USD.(b) Return the name of the products with the maximum unit price.(c) Each store has an average unit price. It is the average of the unit prices of the products available at the store. Return the average unit prices of all stores. Your query should produce pairs of store names and their average unit prices此题不算分(d) Return the product(s) that are available in at least three stores.Inventory: I1, I2, I3Π(productname)σ(I1.productname=I2.productname and I1.productname=I3.productname and I1.storeid<>I2.storeid and I1.storeid<> I3.storeid and I2.storeid <> I3.storeid)Consider the relations given above. Write down the following queries in SQL.(e) Return the names of the stores that have Tomato and Lettuce(莴苣)in their inventories.(Select StoreNameFrom Store,InventoryWhere Store.StoreID = Inventory.StoreID and Inventory.Product ='Tomato')INTERSECT(Select StoreNameFrom Store,InventoryWhere Store.StoreID = Inventory.StoreID and Inventory.Product ='Lettuce')(f) Return the names of the products whose unit prices are below the average unit price of all the products.Select ProductNameFrom ProductWhere UnitPrice <( Select Avg(UnitPrice)From Product)(g) Each store has an average unit price. It is the average of the unit prices of the products available at the store. Return the average unit prices of all stores. Your query should produce pairs of store names and their average unit prices.Select StoreName, Avg(UnitPrice)From Store, Inventory,ProductWhere Store.StoreID = Inventory.StoreID and Inventory.ProductName = Product.ProductName GroupBy StoreName(h) Return the product(s) that are available in at least three stores.Select ProductNameFrom InventoryGroupBy ProductNameHaving (Count(distinct StoreID) >= 3)Problem 6: (10 points)Consider the following information about a company.• Company has departments.• Department has a name, number, and at most one manager.• Manager is an employee.• Manager has a starting date.• Department controls projects.• Project has name, number.• Each employee has a name, social security number, address, birthdate.• An employee is in exactly one department but may work on several projects. • Record is kept of hours each employee works on each project.• Some employees have a supervisor.(a) Design and draw an ER diagram that captures the information about the company. Pick the most suitable key for each entity. Try to minimize the number of resulting entities and relationships. Be sure to indicate keys and multiplicity constraints. State all assumptions you make.(b) Translate your ER diagram into schema. Try to minimize the number of resulting relations. Specify the key of each relation in your schema.Solution:Project(Name, Number)Department(Name, Number, managerSSN, ManagerStartDate)Employee(SSN, Name, Address, Birthdate, SupervisorSSN)WorksOn(EmployeeSSN, ProjectName, Hours)Controls(DepartmentName, ProjectName)。