

On Listening Skills解读

On Listening Skills解读
The difficulties with listening: • the listener cannot control how quickly a speaker speaks • the listener is not always in a position to get the speaker to repeat what has been said • the choice of vocabulary is in the hands of the speaker
III. Can’t remember so much? – Learn to select, learn to simplify
One common unpleasant / frustrating experience with listening: • while listening, you seem to understand everything that you hear, but as soon as the voice stops, all is gone!
V. Don’t attempt to write too much
• Note-taking is essential in
listening. It helps us organize facts and retain concepts for later use.
V. Don’t attempt to write too much
III. Can’t remember so much? –
Learn to select, learn to simplify
Two perspectives: • differences between comprehension & production



英语听力技巧知识点总结Listening is an essential skill in language learning, especially in acquiring a foreign language like English. Improving English listening skills can greatly enhance overall language proficiency, as it helps in understanding spoken language, vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Here are some tips for improving English listening skills:1. Choose the right materialsOne of the most important factors in improving English listening skills is choosing the right materials. It is crucial to listen to a wide variety of English materials, including podcasts, audiobooks, radio programs, news broadcasts, TV shows, and movies. Different materials have different language styles, speaking speeds, and accents, which can help learners adapt to various listening situations.2. Listen activelyActive listening involves taking an active role in the listening process, rather than just passively hearing the words. To improve listening skills, learners should focus on the speaker's main ideas, key details, and important information. They should also pay attention to the speaker's tone, intonation, and emphasis, as these can provide important clues about the speaker's feelings and intentions.3. Practice regularlyImproving English listening skills requires regular and consistent practice. Learners should make it a habit to listen to English materials every day, even if it is just for a short period of time. Regular practice can help train the ears to understand different accents, speaking speeds, and language styles, and improve overall comprehension.4. Use visual aidsUsing visual aids can greatly enhance English listening skills. Watching videos with subtitles or transcripts can help learners associate spoken words with written language, improve vocabulary, and understand grammar and sentence structures. Visual aids can also provide context and help learners follow the storyline or topic of the conversation more easily.5. Take notesTaking notes while listening to English materials can help improve memory retention and comprehension. Learners can jot down important keywords, phrases, or key information they hear, which can help them remember and understand the content better. Note-taking also helps learners stay focused and engaged during the listening process.6. Use English subtitlesUsing English subtitles can be a helpful way to improve listening skills, especially for learners who are not yet confident in their listening abilities. English subtitles can provide a written representation of the spoken words, which can help learners follow along and improve understanding. However, it is important for learners to gradually reduce their reliance on subtitles as they improve their listening skills.7. Listen to different accentsEnglish is spoken in many different accents around the world. Listening to a variety of accents can help learners become familiar with different speech patterns, intonation, and pronunciation. This can be particularly useful for learners who plan to communicate with speakers of different English accents, such as British, American, Australian, or Canadian.8. Record and listen to yourselfRecording your own voice and listening to it can be a useful way to identify areas for improvement in pronunciation, intonation, and speaking speed. This can help learners become more aware of their own speaking habits and enable them to make adjustments to sound more natural and fluent.9. Focus on specific listening skillsImproving English listening skills involves a range of specific skills, including understanding main ideas, listening for details, identifying context, and inferring meaning. It is important for learners to focus on each of these skills individually and practice them regularly to improve overall listening proficiency.10. Seek feedbackSeeking feedback from teachers, tutors, or native English speakers can provide valuable insights into areas for improvement in listening skills. Constructive feedback can help learners identify their strengths and weaknesses and make targeted efforts to enhance their listening abilities.In conclusion, improving English listening skills is a crucial aspect of language learning. By choosing the right materials, practicing regularly, using visual aids, taking notes, and focusing on specific listening skills, learners can significantly enhance their listening abilities and overall language proficiency. With dedication and consistent effort, learners can become more confident and proficient in understanding spoken English.。


• Despite the fact that the people in real life listen to a diversity of texts, their approaches to understanding them are more or less the same.
What are the major listening skills?
What is real-life listening?
• "Listening" is receiving language through the ears. Listening involves identifying the sounds of speech and processing them into words and sentences. When we listen, we use our ears to receive individual sounds (letters, stress, rhythm and pauses) and we use our brain to convert these into messages that mean something to us.
3.Listening for detailed information
This is another important skill used by the listener
to obtain a detailed knowledge of a topic, and tries
to secure an exact and detailed picture.
Focus on listening



Practice(练习).发音有问题是难免的,因此很多人会 害怕说错而不开口。没关系,多练习就好了,不要害羞。
Find a partner(找伙伴).从别人那里得到反馈是很重 要的。找个也对提高英语水平感兴趣的伙伴,互相鼓励, 互相比赛,多对话。
Be poetic(充满诗意).大声地念诗、演讲,专注在字的 重音和音调。因为,诗歌通常都是琅琅上口,有节奏感 的,多多练习有助于提高英语水平。发音准了,语调对 了,语感慢慢出来了,这对记忆单词和交流都有好处。
泛听目的有二:一是练习捕捉大意,让理解单位从 “词汇”到“句子”再到“大意”;二是熟悉语速和 语境,既真实英语的使用环境。切忌把泛听当精听。 战胜“细节完美主义”的办法是重大意而非细节,重 内容而非语言,重正在听的内容而非听过的内容。
“拳不离手,曲不离口”,泛听要形成“磨耳朵” 的习惯,充效果。
在阅读过程中、从书本例句中、从对话中 看、听到地道、标准、典型、或优美的句 子摘抄下来。
将每一个摘抄的句子分别记在不同卡片或 纸条上随身携带。
随时取出尽量做到大声、快速、清晰地读 几遍。
Listen to yourself(听自己).如果你不能听出你自 己的发音问题,就很难去改正它。试着把你的朗读或 演说录下来,并与以英语为母语的外国人士做个比较。
Listen for key words. Key words are stressed. They are louder, longer, and higher pitched than other words. These are the words that the speaker thinks are most important in a sentence. For example, notice the stress and intonation in this dialogue: A: I went to the store. B: Which store?



(六) 留意有关货币
• 在听力材料中,有很多是围绕有关外国货币的内容设计的,因此,熟 悉一些主要国家的货币名称也很重要。常见的货币名称可以提示你对 话发生在什么国家或地区,也为证明说话者身份提供了信息。下面列 举一些常见货币名称: Dollar Franc Lira Mark Peso 墨西哥比索 Pound Ruble Yen 另外,还应知道在美元体系中,还有dime(一角银币),nickel(5分镍 币),cent(分)等单位及其之间关系。 • 讲到货币,还要对银行系统相关词汇有所了解。存款(deposit),汇款 (remittance),兑换(exchange),外币(foreign currency), 汇率(rate), 信用卡(credit card),旅行支票(traveling check),遗产委托(heritage entrustment),有的银行还经营金融市场(financial market)、证券 交易所(stock exchange),用信用卡结算时,由银行扣除(deduct)。
• 四级题目中有不少是通过条件句来表达建议、想法、结果和趋势等。因此, 能正确理解和抓住说话者所要表达的真实意图至为重要。条件句有两种,一 是真实条件句,二是虚拟条件句。真实条件句表达的意思是直接而明显的, 一般指有可能实现;虚拟条件句是间接而含蓄的。对后者应有足够的谨慎。 M:If I go to the store, will you make dinner for us tonight? W:Bring back enough food. Q:What will the woman do if the man shops? A) The woman will cook. B) He won’t buy enough. C) He’ll get in a bad mood. D) He will make dinner 应选A) 又如: W:Did you see film last night? M:I wouldn’t have gone to see it if I’d known it was boring. Q:Where was the man last night? A) In a bar. B) In a cinema. C) At a lecture. D) Unreasonable. 应选 B) 条件句中以if引导居多,注意这种句式的表达特点。 它们经常用省略的形 式,如if possible, if any, if not, if so, if necessary, if needed等,听省略形式 的条件句,主要应该抓住主句的基本内容,因为条件句不易听错,只要抓住 了主句的基本内容,就能正确做题。此外,表示条件的连词,除了if外,还有 as long as, so long as, suppose, supposing, let’s say, unless, without等。

listening skills.ppt

listening skills.ppt

Problems: 听到后面忘记前面的内容。
做笔记策略 听到后面忘记前面的内容,一般是由于短时记忆 不能容纳所有听力内容造成的,需用记笔记策略 来解决。听到长句子、讲座、独白等听力材料时, 要养成做笔记的好习惯。笔记不可能记得很详细, 可以很潦草,记关键词。刚开始进行该项训练时, 可能会出现记不过来、记笔记和听力顾此失彼或 者过后看不懂笔记的情况。针对这些情况,可以 从短一点的文章开始,听完一段立刻回头看能从 笔记中回忆起多少听力内容,发明一些只有自己 能看懂的简写和符号。经过多次反复的练习,可 以逐步提高记笔记的能力。
Problems: 我的发音不好,听不懂听力材料中的 发音。 两个单词如果连读或失去爆破时,本 来认识的单词也听不懂了。 在听的时候,有些单词很快就过去了, 听不清楚。
Solution: 模仿语音策略
听音困难主要是因为头脑中单词的形与音不匹配造成的。 如果你的发音与录音材料中的发音不一致,即便你认识该 单词,也很难听出来。在正常语速中,很多单词的发音发 生异化。常见的异化有连读和失去爆破。连读指以辅音结 尾的单词与以元音开头的单词相邻时会发生的读音变化, 如feel it的读音会变成/fi:lit/。失去爆破指当前一个单词的 尾音和后一单词的首音为b, p, d, t,k等爆破音或破擦音时, 前一单词的尾音把气流堵在里面,但不爆破,直接发出后 词的首音。如good night听上去就像/gu’nait/。此外还有弱 读(即不重要的或没有具体意义的单词发音很轻)等现象。
数字练习策Leabharlann :对数字反应较慢一般是因为练习不够造成的。除 了对数字进行专项练习外,还要总结数字题的一 些规律。 数字题有几种常见形式:一种是作为数 量的数字,如数、量、时间等。由于英语的数字 表达方式与中文不同,听到的英文数字需要快速 转化,如从ten thousand转化为1万。 其次,电 话号码类的数字。英语的电话号码一般在前三位 数字读完会有个停顿,如6534210 读成6534210。 还有一种是门牌号。一般会有个No.或 Room在前面。 如果在听数字上有较为突出的问 题,最好找一些数字题,进行专项练习。

Listening Skills

Listening Skills

Nature of listening as a skill
• Besides the division of the skills as „receptive‟ and „productive‟, another subdivision focuses on „one-way reception‟ and „interactive reception‟ in this age of active learning. Reading and writing are one-way skills where learners don‟t get direct feedback. But in speaking and listening, learners may have their understanding and reproduction checked instantly. Thus active and self-learning takes place.
What will be checked?
• What „listening‟ really means is „listening and understanding what we hear at the same time‟. So, two concurrent actions are demanded to take place in this process.
• Even as a receptive skill, listening differs greatly with reading as reading materials are printed and permanent enough where the learners are required to interact with the next sentence using the knowledge of the previous one while listening involves continuous material presentation where they have to respond to the immediate expression. From the view point of “product” or “process”, listening is more a process than a product which instantly shapes the understanding and utterances of the learners.

listen skills 聆听技巧

listen skills 聆听技巧
ts 减少争论
• Show that I Care 显示关心 • Better Understand My World 更好了解自身 • Improve My Memory 提高记忆力 • Be a Better Manager 成为较好的经理
Active Listening 生动地来听
Rule #4) – Take Notes 作记录
Active Listening 生动地来听
Rule #5) – Response to the total communication. 外部答复 (content, intent & non-verbal communication) Rule #6) – Control your anger (you know what makes you red, be prepared) 控制发怒
controlling your emotions. (worry about kids’
school records) 取消内部干扰 Rule #3) – Come to meeting prepared look over the agenda, do your home work. (bring writing pad) 打有准备之仗-会议有日程
• and ………… 其他很多.
Active Listening 生动地来听
Body Language 肢体语言55% Tone of Voice 语调 35%
Verbal 口头 10%
Active Listening 生动地来听
1 – Inactive Listening 被动地听 2 – Selective Listening 选择地听 3 – Active Listening 主动地听 4 – Reflective Listening 沉思地听

Listening skills

Listening skills

What? Where?
News Item 1
News Item 2
• 细心地阅读题目指示 • 须留意的关键词或句,知道什么时候轮 到什么问题 • 主要说话的人有没有改变主意
• 1. 先看地图,后看题目 2. 看地图,先抓图例、指向标、说明文字、起 始点(实质:从某一点走向另外一点entrance gate exit door 标志词) 3. 扫描图中其他信息:街名、建筑物名、过 道名、街区名 4. 在做题时,可以按照听力磁带的叙述,用 笔在图中画出路线 5. 图中方向以说话人前进方向为左右,不能 用自己的主观视角
• 确定核心话题 • 记录与其相关的细节. 主要的细节为 what , when, where , who , why和 how等 1)主要记录实词:名词,动词,形容词。这次 词用简写、符号和缩写的速记法方法记录
Listening skills
1)预测是听力的关键.在预测时还要注意这些词语的 变体,以及所缺部分的变体 • 2)短暂记忆 • 3)集中而脱离 • 4)跟随转换信息。留意记号字或句 And now (we will) .../- Before I move on to .../- And what about ...? ./- Next, I’d like to .../- Right, so the first thing .../- I"d like not to move on to ... ./Well, that"s about it, except for ...- Finally, can you tell us ... ./- To start with .../- One more thing… •



II. Letting things go – Speed and vocabulary
• The good language learner is the one who can tolerate vagueness and incompleteness of knowledge.
II. Letting things go – Speed and vocabulary
II. Letting things go – Speed and vocabulary
Train focus: keeping up with the speaker
• let things that have passed go • do not dwell upon half-missed
points • wait for the second, or even
Training focus: learning to select and simplify
• listen with a purpose • grasp the key words and the
main points • turn the complicated sentence
structures into simple ones, interrogative into affirmative, passive into active
III. Can’t remember so much? –
Learn to select, learn to simplify
Two perspectives:
• differences between comprehension & production


ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
I. Thinking ahead of the speaker – Anticipation helps
The skill to anticipate depends on: • the listener’s familiarity with the theme of the message • the listener’s knowledge of the speaker as well as the setting
IV. Focus on the main idea
Training focus: recognizing the main idea • stated in a topic sentence • more often than not: the first sentence of a paragraph • difficult idea / to persuade and convince: at the end of the paragraph • hinted at by the sentences in the paragraph as a whole
I. Thinking ahead of the speaker – Anticipation helps
Training focus: pre-listening preparation • discuss the topic • read related materials • do some vocabulary work
III. Can’t remember so much? –
Learn to select, learn to simplify
Two perspectives: • differences between comprehension & production



具体化指老师协助学生清楚、准确地表达他们的观点、 所用的概念、所体验到的情以及所经历的事件。
1.澄清模糊不清的观念、情感以及遇到的问题,明了 学生的真实感受、真实事件; 2.把话题引向深入,鼓励表达; 3.让学生弄清自己的所思所感,明白自己的真实处境; 4.提供具体性的榜样。
⒈建立良好的关系。 ⒉鼓励来访者进行宣泄,开放自己,坦诚表 白。 ⒊澄清问题,促进对学生的理解和来访者对 自己的了解。
倾听中引导的技巧。常用词是什么、为 什么、怎么等词,开始的句式可用“能不 能……”、“能……”。这类问题的答案不是 用“是”或“否”可以包含的,能够引出老 师想要的东西。
一般来说,老师以不同的词语开始的提问得到的来访 者回答也不同。具体如下:
(1)“那么以后又发生了什么事情?”“当时你有些什 么反应?”“还有什么人在场?”,帮助学生找出某 些与问题有关的特定的事实资料。
(2)“对这件事你是怎样看的?”“你是如何知道别人 的这些看法的呢?”,引导出学生对事情经过的描述 及其对此问题的想法和情绪反应。
12 2022/1/25
有些老师喜欢对学生的所言所行作正确与否或道德上的评 判。比如,“你这种想法是不符合社会道德的”,“这件事 明明是你错了,你还说别人的不对”,“你这种价值观念是 不正确的”,等等。
并非说不能作这样的评判,但这样的评判一是不要轻易下; 二是不要在学生还在叙述问题时就讲;三是不要仅仅只下判 断而没有具体而有说服力的解释;四是尽量少用或者改用别 的方式。一般来说,如果师生关系较好,老师的分析适时适 度,有根有据,则效果较好,否则可能会起反作用。


Narrow Down by Reasoning(2) 通过推理锁定范围
2011年北京中考 Alex’s Free-time Activities
听力理解 (共26分) 三、听对话,记录关键信息。对话你将听两遍。 (共10分,每小题2分)
பைடு நூலகம்
Teaching Objectives 教学目标
At the end of this class, Ss will be able to: learn and practice some useful test skills, including pre-reading and narrowing down by reasoning; watch and find the most possible key points of the Q17-Q21; get some necessary vocabulary and find out the unfamiliar parts; form the idea of watching-to-finding, sharing, learning from each other and asking-for-help when have problems; experience the happiness of getting high marks.
Task 1: Dictation 听写 1.park 2.by bus 7:00/ 3. seven o’clock 4. bread Sunday 2/ two hours lunch 2. 6158573 6. 7. 8. 1-5: 2010年北京中考 3.Watch 9. TV 10. Silva

listening skill 2

listening skill 2
பைடு நூலகம்



On Improving Listening Ability:From the Perspective of the listening Anxiety1.IntroductionEnglish is well-established as a world language. As is known, language learning consists of four basic skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. But now, it is generally recognized that listening is a highly integrative skill. As Rivers and Temperly put it, for the language used in social practice, 45% of that is done through listening. It shows that listening plays an important role, facilitating the emergence of other language skills. But at the same time, some statistics show that nearly 50% students regardlistening as the most difficult part. So the training of listening ability takes up a very important position and it is also a technical barrier difficult to break down.2.The classification and demonstration of the listening anxietyAnxiety is almost impossible to define in a simple sentence. Brown puts, it is associated with feelings of uneasiness, frustration, self-doubt or worry. It has been proved that the anxiety has a negative effect on language learning, and it is considered to be an important factor affecting listening comprehension. Kreshen puts it, all the other factors may fail to encourage listening comprehension when students are inclined to be anxious.2.1The classificationIn listening comprehension, the anxiety can be divided into two kinds. The first is called “the facilitating anxiety ”, which can be transformed into the study power. Itwill help students build up the confidence, meet the new study challenge, focus their attention, urge them to endeavor toward the target spontaneously, and facilitate them to make greater progress. But the second one, “the debilitating anxiety ”, which can be used to promote listening comprehension only through students can first overcome it, because it will hinder the process of language learning and the possibility of students' contacting the new study, hurt students 'confidence, and destroy the study mood of students. In this case, it is necessary to help students avoid the negative influence of the second one, and know what kinds of negative demonstration belong to the debilitating anxiety.2.2The demonstrationThe first is “students'passive input ”. They will impose some intangible pressure on their psychology when they are doing listening, and they may use the passive attitude to treat what they have heard. That 's all because they never regard themselves as an active element in the process of listening.The second is “students'constant tiredness”. In listening, the tempo of the whole information is controlled by others; students can not control the speed of the tape or even stop or rewind what they haven't heard clearly. So, they will listen to the tape attentively, and then their cerebrum must be extremely nervous. Gradually, they are tired and feel sleepy. The third is “students'worries and nervousness”. The reason is thattheir listening ability is limited and they are lack of confidence.Undoubtedly, it will block the progress of the thought and stop the input of the information. The last isstudents'vulnerability to disturbance ”. They can easily be disturbed by something, andtheir attention can quickly be scattered. At this time, they forget what they are doing, and when they remember to listen, they have lost most of the information.3.The causes of the anxiety in listening comprehensionWe can give the understatement that most students are once confused by the listening anxiety.Someone may overcome it, but there are still some people who can 't find the essential reasons that cause the listening anxiety. So here, these aspects those students should pay attention to if they have being puzzled by the listening anxiety.3.1The insufficient storage of linguistic knowledgeLinguistic knowledge is an essential requisite. It is very difficult for one to know what they heard without any definite elementary information. The first is“pronunciation ”. Many words in English sound in such a way as to conceal their original pronunciation and show a lot of phonetic phenomena. If students are not familiar with it, they just can't distinguish the right pronunciation. The second isvocabulary ”. Vocabulary is an important part in one 's ability of communication. If students 'storage ofvocabulary is not enough, it will surely influence theirgrammar ”. Grammar can listening. The last is help us to catch the implication of thevocal sounds and understand them well, and it is also an essential condition of a whole passage comprehension. If students don't have a solid foundation, it'll directly influence their listening and cause the anxiety.3.2The deficient knowledge of cultural backgroundAs Ander and Lynch put it, Language is the means used by a community to express its culture. So gaps in our knowledge of second language culture, of the associations and references available to native users, can present obstacles to comprehension.”So it is very necessary for students to know some background about English countries. The first kind exists in the interior world of English-speaking countries. The most obvious phenomenon is between BE and AE. The second kind is betweenEnglish-speaking countries and our nation, as our history, culture, customs, habits, life style, social system, etc. are completely different from theirs. Many students are lack of this kind of knowledge, no wonder they are making mistakes about them and dominated by the anxiety.3.3The poor psychological qualityThe process of listening comprehension is a complicated psychological one. Linguists tell us that it is very easy for one to produce some frightened feelings when he has poor psychological diathesis. Put it briefly, there are three important reasons. First, these people are always afraid of being given some bad or negative evaluation. Second, they never believe they can finish the work perfectly. Third, they canachieve the target which they expected to, and then they will despise them. In fact, these unfavorable factors can be avoided if they can treat themselves objectively.4.The countermeasures of alleviating the listening anxiety4.1Training the good listening skills and habitsThe first is “predicting skills ”. Prediction is one of the most important factorsof linguistic ability, is one of the most essential elements on improving listening comprehension, and it is the primary condition if they want to master the material. The second is “guessing ability ”. Guessing is an important skill for foreign language learning, especially for listening. We should try to find some clues from the context to guess the meaning of the new word, the new sentence structure in listening, but not stop to listen.Guessing ability will help us not to make the mistake of attending to one thing and losing another. The third is “listening for the main idea”. They must pay attention to the logical relations between the sentences, try to catch the main words and sentences and learn to summarize by more practice. They ought to receive the information purposefully, and bear in mind that the fundamental thought, principal content are the key points. The last is “taking notes”. In order to capture the information given in listening, students have to take notes, or else they 'll forget what they 've heard. To take intelligent notes, first, don 'ttry to take down the passage word by word, just make special note of striking or important words. Second, make notes on main idea and on sub-ideas presented. Third, listen to the tape or the teacher carefully, but don 't stop to ponder the ideas presented. Fourth, leave blanks for the missed words, phrases, or ideas.4.2The help of the teacherDuring the process of helping students to overcome the listening anxiety, teachersplay an important role in class. Then, how to become a good teacher? First, give students more chances, let them have the opportunities to fill the blanks in their mind which they may think them later. Second, set different tasks according to the listening stages. Third, giving a hand when students don 't understand the listening material may take students out of the depression and the anxiety. Fourth, give them enough time to do the task and use alternatives may reduce students'anxiety.4.3Cultivating the interest in listening comprehensionAs students begin to learn the listening part, they always keep a curious state. But soon, they will find they can 't understand the material even it doesn 't contain new words or new structures. If it happens, they will lose the interest and underestimate themselves. In this situation, for teachers, there are three aspects they should pay attention to. The first one, give them the encouragement of each progress which students made in time. Second, provide some interesting materials which are not very difficult for them, let them understand a lot. And at the same time, tell them the listening anxiety is a very common phenomenon in the process of listening. Third, design the varied class activities. We find that a strongly motivated student with great interest is easier to study well.4.4Combining speaking with listeningWe know that speaking and listening are the first two steps in the process of language learning.They have the high correlation. Listening is the prerequisite of the existence of speaking. The aim of listening tries to understand, it emphasizes the meaning of language while speaking 'aism tries to express;it not only emphasizes the meaning of language, but also pays attention to the structure of language.They interact with each other. If the ability of speaking is improving, meanwhile, the ability of listening will certainly get improvement.ConclusionListening is an essential skill for successful communication. Effective listeners utilize a wide range of information sources simultaneously. This paper tries to from the perspective of the listening anxiety introduce some useful listening skills, let 's have a general realization about the listening anxiety.Although the problem of the listening anxiety is very serious, we believe, practice makes perfect, as long as we try to practice it, our listening comprehension will be improved and our interest in foreign language will be aroused, too.。



英语初中听力技巧知识点梳理English Listening Skills for Middle School StudentsListening is a crucial component of language learning, and developing strong listening skills is essential for middle school students studying English. Effective listening skills enable students to understand spoken English, improve their pronunciation, expand vocabulary, and enhance overall language proficiency. In this article, we will explore some important tips and techniques to help middle school students improve their English listening skills.1. Active Listening Techniques:Active listening involves fully engaging with the speaker and focusing on understanding the intended message. Here are some techniques to enhance active listening skills:a. Concentrate on the Speaker: Pay close attention to the speaker's words, intonation, and gestures to grasp the complete meaning. Avoid distractions and maintain eye contact.b. Take Notes: Jot down important keywords or phrases that you hear during the conversation. These notes can later serve as references to review and reinforce your understanding.c. Ask for Clarification: If you do not understand something, do not hesitate to ask for clarification. It is better to seek clarification and fully understand than to move forward with incomplete comprehension.d. Summarize Key Points: Summarizing the main ideas or key points of a conversation can help consolidate your understanding and reinforce the information in your memory.2. Listening Comprehension Strategies:Developing effective listening comprehension strategies can greatly enhance your ability to understand spoken English. Consider the following techniques:a. Predicting: Before listening to a dialogue or a passage, try to predict the topic, the context, or even specific vocabulary that might be used. This predictive skill will help you focus on important details and understand the overall message more effectively.b. Listening for Specific Information: Train yourself to listen for specific information, such as dates, names, or numbers, while hearing a conversation or a lecture. This skill is particularly useful for answering comprehension questions accurately.c. Understanding Context: Often, it is possible to infer the meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases by considering the context in which they are used. Pay attention to surrounding sentences or information to help deduce the intended meaning.d. Noticing Stress and Intonation: English words are often stressed and pronounced differently, depending on their position in a sentence or the importance of the information they carry. Notice these patterns of stress and intonation to better understand the message.3. Listening Resources and Practice Activities:A variety of resources and practice activities can aid in developing English listening skills. Here are a few suggestions:a. Authentic Listening Materials: Listening to authentic English materials, such as movies, TV shows, or podcasts, can expose students to real-life conversations and various accents. This exposure helps improve listening comprehension and adaptability.b. Interactive Listening Apps: Utilize interactive listening apps and online platforms that provide exercises, quizzes, and audio samples to practice listening skills. These resources often provide instant feedback and progress tracking, making learning more engaging and motivating.c. English Songs and Lyrics: Listening to English songs and reading the lyrics simultaneously can be an enjoyable way to improve listening skills. Pay attention to thepronunciation, vocabulary, and rhythm, and try to sing along to further enhance your English listening abilities.d. Audio Books and Podcasts: Engage with audio books or podcasts on topics that interest you. This extended exposure to spoken English can significantly enhance your listening comprehension and introduce you to a wide range of vocabulary.By implementing these strategies and regularly practicing listening skills through various resources, middle school students can greatly enhance their English listening abilities. Remember, effective listening requires dedication, effort, and consistent practice. Develop a routine, allocate specific time for listening practice, and constantly challenge yourself with more complex listening materials. With time and perseverance, you will witness significant improvement in your English listening skills, contributing to your overall language proficiency.。

Listening Skills听力技巧

Listening Skills听力技巧

Listening Skills:One Key to Successful NegotiationThe best listeners almost always turn out to be the best negotiators. Why? Invariably, the best negotiators observe the communication skills, both verbal and nonverbal, of their counterparts; they note how other negotiators use word choice and sentence structure for effect; and they study vocal skills like pitch, tonal quality and rate of speech.Experts on listening suggest that we all make at least one major listening mistake each day. For negotiators, such mistakes can be costly.Common Listening MistakesNegotiators tend to run into three pitfalls that hinder effective listening:*They think of negotiation primarily as a job of persuasion—and to them, this means talking. They seem to forget that it is difficult to persuade other people when you don’t kno w what motivates them!*They tend to overprepare for what they are going to say next, and use their listening time just waiting for their next opportunity to speak. In doing so, they may miss information vital to the negotiation.*They fail to hear what they do not want to hear. They may not even be good enough listeners to know when people have no intention of buying their product or using their service—and thus they waste their time in fruitless negotiations.Attentive Listening SkillsLearning to be a great listener is hard work, but the rewards make it worth the effort. The following rules of attentive listening will help you become a successful negotiator.1. Be motivated to listen. Realize that the person with the most information usually receives the better outcome in a negotiation. This fact should be incentive enough to be a better listener! The more you can learn, the better off you will be.2. If you must speak, ask questions. Your questions should have two goals: to get more specific and bet ter refined information, and to uncover your counterpart’s needs and wants. With this in mind when asking questions, move from the broad to the narrow, and eventually you will have the information you need to make the best decision.3. Be alert to nonverbal cues. Although it is critical to listen to what is being said, it is equally important for you to understand the attitudes and motives behind the words. A negotiator doesn’t usually put his entire message into words. His verbal message may convey honesty and conviction while his gestures, facial expressions and tone of voice convey doubt.4. Let the other party tell her story first. A printing salesperson once told me how he had tried to impress a new prospect by mentioning that his company specialized in two- and four-color printing. The prospect then told the salesperson that her primary need was for one-color printing. The salesperson replied that, of course, his company also did one-color printing, but the prospect had already made the decision not to give him her business.5. Do not interrupt when the other party is speaking. When you interrupt a speaker, you are not only being rude, you may also be cutting off information that could help you later in the negotiation.6. Fight off distractions. Try to create a situation in which you can think clearly and avoid interruptions. Interruptions tend to prevent negotiations from proceeding smoothly, and may even cause a setback.7. Write everything down. It is amazing how much conflicting information will come up later in the negotiation. If you are able to correct your counterpart or refresh his memory with facts and figures from earlier in the session, you will earn both credibility and power.8. Listen with a goal in mind. Know what you want to find out, and then listen and look for verbal and nonverbal cues that provide the information you are seeking. When you hear specific bits of information, such as your counterpart’s willingness to concede on the price, proceed to more specific questions.9. Give the other party your undivided attention. Your goal is to create awin/win outcome so your counterpart will be willing to negotiate with you again. Thus, he needs to think you are fair, honest and decent. One way to help achieve this goal is to pay close attention to your counterpart. Look him in the eyes when he is speaking. Also observe his nonverbal behavior--what message is it sending? Does he seem nervous and desperate to complete the negotiation? Is he lying or tellingthe truth? Careful observation will help you determine the true meaning behind your counterpart’s words.10. React to the message, not the person. If you are going to react to something the other party says or does, attack the message, not the person. If you offend your counterpart’s dignity, she will not be willing to negotiate with you again. Try to understand why your counterpart says the things she does. Negotiators are people who are trying to change a relationship. Your counterpart is trying to change it according t o her best interests. If you were in her shoes, wouldn’t you do the same thing?11. Don’t get angry. In the angry mode, you tend to shut out your counterpart, and you are probably not in a frame of mind to make the best decisions. Emotions of any kind hinder the listening process. If you are going to get angry, do it for the effect, but retain control of your emotions so you can keep control of the negotiations.12. Remember, it is impossible to listen and speak at the same time. If you are speaking, you are tipping your hand and not getting the information you need from your counterpart. Obviously, you will have to speak at some point in order to meet your needs and goals, but it is more important for you to learn your counterpart’s frame of reference. Wi th this information, you will be in control of the negotiation.In your next negotiation, make a point of speaking less and listening more. Remember that to achieve a win-win outcome, you must understand your counterpart's needs. To gain this understanding, your listening effectiveness is critical.'Do you hear what I hear?' That's the flashing, neon question mark at crucial moments in our negotiations. When people, and this includes negotiators, gather together after hearing someone speak, we often hear dissimilar versions about what was said. People digest what others tell them and provide their own unique interpretation about what was said to them. It sometimes makes you wonder whether we heard the same speaker.If someone were to tell you that you have to hone-up on your listening skills, you would probably stare wide eyed in disbelief or at least be questioning their suggestion. Truth is we could all do with sharpening up our listening skills. You'd think that your hearing was one of the five senses you've been using since the cradle, so what can we do to improve our listening skills for negotiating more effectively? You'd be amazed how much we can gain in a negotiation through sharpening our ears. This article explores how to go about boosting our negotiating listening powers.What does listening mean?First, listening is actually broken down into two specific functions. The first obvious function is the reception portion where we receive the message from the person speaking.The second function of listening is how we decode or interpret the message that we receive. This is the tricky one.Three categories of listening have been identified. All of us actively engage in these three forms of listening when someone is speaking to us, and it's through dissected each negotiation listening skills that we can effectively take advantage to achieve our negotiation goals. In our negotiation courses, listening skills are an important feedback point, shared afterwards with the aid of our advanced camera equipment, with the video rolling on the big screen.1) Passive Negotiation Listening SkillsJust as the phrase implies, we sit there like a sponge and absorb the message from the sender without any form of active engagement. We do not acknowledge what is being said to us, nor do we provide any feedback that we are absorbing.Clearly, this underscores the importance of paying attention when we are listening. This strikingly illustrates why a negotiator should not be distracted by looking over or rifling through their notes and files, and not giving the speaker their full and undivided attention.We are being disrespectful to the speaker when we allow other things to distract us. Distractions will also cause us to miss some important information, or misunderstand a key section of the message. Passive negotiation listening skills requires single-mindedness and concentration.How else can this blaringly obvious titbit be of use to us?Consider this possibility - there are people who cannot tolerate long silences. They need to fill in a lengthy silence gap with conversation. They simply can't keep quiet. When we encounter this sort of person in a negotiation, we may use the tactic of silence. It highly likely that the person may begin a one way dialogue, or divulge information that we can use to our advantage. We can learn valuable information and perhaps enhance our agreement. Our negotiating counterparty may even talk themselves, into either accepting or deciding against a position, all on their own.This type of negotiator is also susceptible to speak when, not having got a satisfactory response from him, all you need do, is remain silent and stare at the person expectantly. The talkative negotiator can no longer tolerate the silence and will begin to add or provide more information. This technique is also referred to as 'The pregnant pause'.2) Acknowledgement Listening SkillsAcknowldgement listening skills involve a slightly more active role in the listening process. It simply means that we provide a sign of recognition to the speaker, by sending them subtle messages. We accomplish this by telegraphing physical or other non-verbal signals to the narrator, to show that we are involved in the listening process. This is a visual clue that is a form of positive engagement and encourages the person who is speaking.Using this listening skills, it is imperative we make eye contact with the speaker as much as possible. This will give the speaker validity and the confidence that their message is reaching us.Other physical signals to show that we are tracking the relevant points, include nodding our head, saying 'mm-hmm.', or 'I see', or by making other physical gestures such as grinning at a pun.Physical responses, like frowning or shaking our head, also informs the speaker whether we disagree with their position. This signifies that important issues are being resisted or disputed, and should perhaps be addressed immediately before proceeding further.3) Active Negotiation Listening SkillsThe final form of receiving the counterparty's message, involves verbal participation and is also referred to as 'reflective responding'. Essentially, the skilled negotiator listens and then repeats the phrase back to the speaker by re-phrasing what was said, best done using slightly different wording. For example, we might hear the speaker say something like ' I amparticularly puzzled about how we are going to resolve the distribution conflict.' You re-phrase it back to the speaker by saying 'I understand that you're stymied by this distribution challenge'The majority of times that we use reflective statements, we are making personal reference to the other party's feelings, positions or beliefs about something. In a sense, we commiserate with the speaker which acts as a bond or an abstract pat on the back as if to say, ' I hear you - I understand.'These type of active negotiation listening skills allows us to follow the speaker, without pressuring them, while permitting us to further explore this line of thought in greater detail. More importntly, we signal to the speaker that we are fully and actively engaged in what they have to share, and we often do so by responding to their feelings.SummaryThe listening process described above does not mean or suggest a negotiator should remain passive. We have our own business objectives and positions to put forward and persuade or defend. Effective negotiation skills in the arena of listening allows us to gain valuable information, information we can use to our benefit and advantage. At the same time enabling us to learn more about the other party's positions and business objectives. Having more information at our disposal also allows us to reach our negotiation goals without conceding as much along the way. These negotiation skills require training in order to enjoy the results, and most of us develop effective listening skills rather than being born effective listeners.。

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