

必修一unit 4词汇练习


1.The thief is(颤抖)with fear when he is being questioned by the policeman.

2.The soldiers are trying to help rescue the(幸存者)after the earthquake.

3.Two -thirds of the people died or(受伤)in the earthquake.

4.Life would be very difficult without(电).

5 .The whole city lay in(废墟)after the earthquake.

6.The soldiers built s for those homeless people.

7.Every year natural5s d can cause heavy loss to the world.

8.Most of the buildings were completely d in the earthquake.

9.It's a great h for the scientist to give a speech to the students.

10.As we all know, Italy is a(欧洲)country.

It is an area where natural (灾难)often happen.

The firemen(营救)the boy from the burning house.

Teachers have(表达)concern about the emphasis on testing.

The hurricane left the whole city in(严重受损)

A great many houses were (破坏)in the earthquakes and many people became homeless. The machine is driven by e.

We b into laughter when we heard the funny story.

Many men were b underground when the accident at the mine happened.

The sun r in the east every day.

When food goes bad, it becomes s?

Back from the cinema, the couple were s on seeing their house broken in.

They o the youths to form a group to protect the environment.

The soldiers t their enemies and forced them to give in.

B are still a main kind of building material now.

When water is heated to 100°C, s comes out from it.


1.People were sleeping soundly when the earthquake suddenly happened.


B. took the place

C. came out

D. broke out

2.Most people thought little qf these strange phenomena (现象),they just went to bed as usual.

A. didn't like

B. didn't pay much attention to

C. never noticed

D. were interested in

3.The terrible earthquake ruined the whole city, which caused a heavy loss to the local people.

A. injured

B. hurt

C. destroyed

D. buried

4.He was very surprised to find all his money gone.

A. leaving

B. missing D. losing D. flying

5.Such a great number of people died because the quake happened while they were sleeping.

A. So many

B. Such many

C. Such lots of

D. So much

6.Many shelters were put up for the homeless people.

A. set up

B. taken up

C. sat up

D. built up

7.The strange noise woke up all the people who were asleep.

A. sleeping people

B. people were sleeping

C. slept people

D. asleep people

8.Workers built shelters for survivors, whose homes had been destroyed.

A. their homes

B. the homes of them

C. the homes of theirs

D. the homes of whom

9.1asked a man standing next to me what happened, but he made no answer.

A. who stood beside me

B. who is standing beside me

C.stood beside me

D. who stood towards me

10. The cyclists hope to raise money to help thousands of blind children in Tibet.

A. pay

B. collect

C. save

D. rise


1.The room is very(smell). Someone must be smoking here.

2.As is known to all, earthquakes are(nature) disasters which can cause great damage to human beings.

3.(late) that afternoon, another earthquake shook the city.

4.With the help of the soldiers, the damaged city began to(breath) again.

5.It was a(frighten) night because of the terrible earthquake.

6.(congratulate) on your success. We are all proud of you.

7.1saw many(frighten) cows rush up the street.

8.You can write to get more information if you are(interest) in this activity.

9.The meeting to be held tomorrow is of great(important).

10.The government has to build more building to house all the(home) people.


1.The next morning people put up shelters the open air all kinds of things which

they can find.

2.We invite you to bring your family and friends that special day.

3.The city Tang Shan is well known the “Brave City of China". We are all proud

____ i t.

4.Thank you so much helping me my spoken English.

5.The whole city laid ruins after the bombing. The number of the injured and dead

A. I'd rather you didn't,

actuallyC. Great! I love pets reached 40000.

6. the north of the city, most of the 10000 miners were rescued the coal mines-

7. It seemed that the whole world was an end.

8. Two -thirds of the people died or were injured the earthquake. Many children were left parents.

9. People went to bed usual. They thought little these events.

10. Nothing can stop the soldiers rescuing the people trapped the ruins. wake up in ruins destroy rescue give out prepare put up honour be proud of organize 1. A terrible earthquake hit the city and in a few seconds the whole city lay.

2. A group of doctors and nurses to the flooded area to help those in trouble.

3. The newly-built house was completely by the big fire.

4. The policeman tried his best to the boy who fell into the river.

5. The whole class the boy student who won the first prize in the English Contest.

6. The children were busy a tent and it would be completed before dark.

7. So far all the students have been well for the coming examination.

8. The monument (2己念碑)was set up to those who died in the terrible disaster.

9. The monitor helped the teacher the graded test papers.

10. The ternble shaking of the building all the people who were sleeping. 2、单项选择

1. —Shall I help you with that suitcase?


A. It's all right, thanks

B. Yes, go ahead please

C. I don't want to trouble you too much

D. No. please don't do it

2. —You've given us a wonderful Chinese dinner Mrs. Wang.

A. Oh, I'm afraid I didn't cook very well

B. I'm glad you enjoyed it

C. Come again when you are free

D. It's not necessary for you to say so

3. Do you mind if I keep pets in this building?

B. Of course not, it's not allowed here

D. No, you can't

4.I don't have any change with me .Will you pay the fare for me ?

A. That's all right.

B.I don't believe you.

C.How dare you say that?

D. Sorry, but that's no excuse.

5.…Good morning, Grand Hotel.

——Hello, Td like to book a room for the nights of the 18th and 19th.

A. What can I do for you?

B. Just a minute, please.

C. What's the matter? C. At your service.

6.—You haven't said a word about my new coat, Brenda. Do you like it?

一Fm sorry I anything about it sooner. I certainly think it's pretty on you.

A. wasn't saying

B. don't say

C. won't say

D. didn't say

7.一Go for a picnic this weekend, OK?

一.1 love getting close to nature.

A. I couldn't agree more

B. I'm afraid not

C. I believe not

D. I don't think so

8.一I just heard that the tickets for tonight's show have been sold out.

一Oh, no!.

A. I was looking forward to that

B. It doesn't matter

C. I knew it already

D. It's not at all interesting

9.一I'm taking my driving test tomorrow. —!

A. Cheers

B. Good luck

C. Come on

D. Congratulations

10.一Will you be able to finish the job this week?

—, but I'm not skilled enough, you know.

A. I can't say so

B. I expect so

C. I'm sure so

D. I don't know so


.精品文档. 人教版2018 高一英语必修一Unit4 单词表 人教版2018 高一英语必修一Unit 4 单词表Unit 4 earthquake n. 地震quake n. 地震right away 立刻;马上well n. 井 △ rak n. 裂缝;噼啪声 vt. ≈ vi. (使)开裂;破裂 △ selly ad. 发臭的;有臭味的 △ faryard n. 农场;农家pipe n. 管;导管burst vi. (burst, burst) 爆裂;爆发n. 突然破裂;爆发illin n. 百万event n. 事件;大事as if 仿佛;好像at an end 结束;终结 natin n. 民族;国家;国民anal n. 运河; 水道stea n. 蒸汽;水汽 .精品文档. dirt n. 污垢;泥土ruin n. 废墟;毁灭vt. 毁灭;使破产in ruins 严重受损;破败不堪suffering n. 苦难;痛苦extree ad. 极度的inure vt. 损害;伤害 △ survivr n. 幸存者;生还者;残存物 destry vt. 破坏;毁坏;消灭brik n. 砖;

砖块da n. 水坝;堰堤trak n. 轨道;足迹;痕迹useless ad. 无用的;无效的;无益的shk vt. ≈ vi. (使)震惊;震动n. 休克;打击;震惊resue n. ≈ vt. 援救;营救 trap vt. 使陷入困境n. 陷阱;困境eletriity n. 电;电流;电学disaster n. 灾难;灾祸dig ut 掘出;发现bury vt. 埋葬;掩埋;隐藏 .精品文档. ine n. 矿;矿山;矿井iner n. 矿工shelter n. 掩蔽;掩蔽处;避身处 a (great) nuber f 许多;大量的title n. 标题;头衔;资格reprter n. 记者bar n. 条;棒;条状物daage n. ≈ vt. 损失;损害frighten vt. 使惊吓;吓唬frightened ad. 受惊的;受恐吓的 frightening ad. 令人恐惧的ngratulatin n. 祝贺;(复数)贺词udge n. 裁判员;法官vt. 断定;判断;判决sinerely adv. 真诚地;真挚地express vt. 表示;表达n. 快车;速递utline n. 要点;大纲;轮廓headline n. 报刊的大字标题ylist n. 骑自行

新人教必修一 Unit 4 单词默写

Unit 4 词汇默写 1._______________n.灾难;灾害 2._________________ n.龙卷风;旋风 3._________________ n.旱灾;久旱 4._________________ n.(山地或悬崖的) 崩塌;滑坡 5._________________ vi.&vt.(使)滑行;滑动 6._________________ n.海啸 7._________________ n.洪水;大量vi.淹没;大量涌入vt.使灌满水;淹没 8._________________ 火山喷发 9._________________ n.(地)震级;重大 10._________________ n.&vt.营救;救援 11._________________ vt.损害;破坏n.损坏;损失 12._________________ vt.摧毁;毁灭 13._________________ vt. 疏散;撤出vi.撤离 14._________________ n.直升机 15._________________ n.死;死亡 16._________________ vt.影响;(疾病)侵袭;深深打动 17._________________ n.避难处;居所;庇护vt.保护;掩蔽vi.躲避(风雨或危 险) 18._________________ n.裂纹;裂缝vi.&vt.(使)破裂 19._________________ 似乎;好像;仿佛 20._________________ n.& vt. 破坏;毁坏 21._________________ 严重受损;破败不堪 22._________________ n.百分之…… adj.& adv. 每一百中 23._________________ n.砖;砖块 24._________________ n.金属 25._________________ n.震惊;令人震惊的事;休克vt.(使)震惊; 26._________________ 震惊;吃惊 27._________________ n.电;电能 28._________________ vt.使落入险境;使陷入圈套n.险境;陷阱


高中英语必修一第4单元单词及默写 贵阳市乌当中学高力超(注:词汇不含带Δ的) earthquake地震 quake 地震 right away 立刻马上 well井 pipe 管;导管 burst爆裂;爆发突然破裂,爆发 million 百万 event事件;大事 as if 仿佛.好像 at an end 结束;终结 nation民族.国家国民 canal 运河.水道 steam 蒸汽.水汽 dirt污垢;泥土 ruin 废墟.毁灭.毁灭.使破产 in ruins 严重受损破败不堪 suffering苦难.痛苦 extreme极度的 injure /损害.伤害 destroy 破坏;毁坏.消灭 brick砖.砖块 dam水坝.堰堤 track轨道.足迹.痕迹 useless无用的.无效的.无益的 shock(使)震凉震动n休克打击 rescue 援救:营救 trap陷入困境n 陷阱;困境 electricity 电,电流;电学 disaster 灾难.灾祸 dig out 掘出.发现 bury埋葬;掩埋.隐藏 mine矿.矿山矿井 miner矿工 shelter掩蔽.掩蔽处避身处 a (great) number of许多.大量的 title标题;头衔.资格 reporter 记者 bar 条;棒;条状物 damage损失损害 frighten使惊吓;吓唬 frightened受惊的.受恐吓的

frightening令人恐俱的 congratulation 祝贺.(复数) judge裁判员.法官以断定;判断;判决sincerely真诚地.真挚地 express表示.表达快车;速递 outline 要点;大纲.轮廓 headline报刊的大字标题 cyclist 骑自行车的人 英语默写 地震 地震 立刻马上 井 管;导管 爆裂;爆发突然破裂,爆发 百万 事件;大事 仿佛.好像 结束;终结 民族.国家国民 运河.水道 蒸汽.水汽 污垢;泥土 废墟.毁灭.毁灭.使破产 严重受损破败不堪 苦难.痛苦 极度的 损害.伤害 破坏;毁坏.消灭 砖.砖块 水坝.堰堤 轨道.足迹.痕迹 无用的.无效的.无益的 (使)震凉震动n休克打击 援救:营救 陷入困境n 陷阱;困境 电,电流;电学 灾难.灾祸 掘出.发现 埋葬;掩埋.隐藏 矿.矿山矿井 矿工 掩蔽.掩蔽处避身处


必修一unit 4词汇练习 A、单词拼写(根据句意及所给首字母或汉语提示写出下列单词) 1.The thief is(颤抖)with fear when he is being questioned by the policeman. 2.The soldiers are trying to help rescue the(幸存者)after the earthquake. 3.Two -thirds of the people died or(受伤)in the earthquake. 4.Life would be very difficult without(电). 5 .The whole city lay in(废墟)after the earthquake. 6.The soldiers built s for those homeless people. 7.Every year natural5s d can cause heavy loss to the world. 8.Most of the buildings were completely d in the earthquake. 9.It's a great h for the scientist to give a speech to the students. 10.As we all know, Italy is a(欧洲)country. It is an area where natural (灾难)often happen. The firemen(营救)the boy from the burning house. Teachers have(表达)concern about the emphasis on testing. The hurricane left the whole city in(严重受损) A great many houses were (破坏)in the earthquakes and many people became homeless. The machine is driven by e. We b into laughter when we heard the funny story. Many men were b underground when the accident at the mine happened. The sun r in the east every day. When food goes bad, it becomes s? Back from the cinema, the couple were s on seeing their house broken in. They o the youths to form a group to protect the environment. The soldiers t their enemies and forced them to give in. B are still a main kind of building material now. When water is heated to 100°C, s comes out from it. B、单词释义(从四个选项中选出与提干中斜体词意思相同的单词) 1.People were sleeping soundly when the earthquake suddenly happened. A.appeared B. took the place C. came out D. broke out 2.Most people thought little qf these strange phenomena (现象),they just went to bed as usual. A. didn't like B. didn't pay much attention to C. never noticed D. were interested in

高一英语必修一单词默写 打印版(使用新)

必修1 Unit 1 1、n.调查;测验__________ 2、合计__________ 3、adj.心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的__________ vt.(______ _______)过去式过去分词使不安;使心烦 4、vt.不理睬;忽视__________ 5、vt. & vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定__________ adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着的__________ 6、(使)平静下来;(使)镇定下来__________ 7、不得不;必须__________ 8、vt.(使)担忧;涉及;关系到__________ n.担心;关注;(利害)关系__________ 9、关心;挂念__________ 10、遛狗__________ 11、adj.松的;松开的__________ 12、n.兽医__________ 13、经历;经受__________ 14、n.阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都)__________ 15、n.荷兰(西欧国家)__________ 16、犹太人的;犹太族的__________ 17、adj.德国的;德国人的;德语的__________ n.德国人;德语__________ 19、记下;放下;登记__________ 20、n.连续;系列__________ 21、一连串的;一系列;一套__________ 23、adv. 在户外;在野外__________ 24、迷住;迷惑__________ 25、故意__________ 26、为了……__________ 27、n.黄昏;傍晚__________ 28 、在黄昏时刻__________ 29t、vi.打雷;雷鸣n.雷;雷声__________ 30、adj.整个的;完全的;全部的__________ 31、adv. 完全地;全然地;整个地__________ 32、n.能力;力量;权力__________ 33、面对面地__________ 34、n.窗帘;门帘;幕布__________ 35、adj.积满灰尘的__________ 36、不再……__________ 37、n.伙伴;合作者;合伙人__________ 38、vi.安家;定居;停留__________ vt.使定居;安排;解决__________ 39、vt. & vi.遭受;忍受;经历__________ 40、遭受;患病__________ 41、n.孤单;寂寞__________ 42、n.公路;大路__________ 43、vi. & vt.痊愈;恢复;重新获得__________ 44、对……厌烦__________ 45、vi. & vt.捆扎;包装;打行李__________ n.小包;包裹__________ 46、将(东西)装箱打包__________ 47、n.手提箱;衣箱__________ 49、n.大衣;外套__________ 50、n.十几岁的青少年__________ 51、与……相处;进展__________ 52、vi. & n.闲话;闲谈__________ 53、相爱;爱上__________ 54、adv. 确实如此;正是;确切地__________ 55、vi.不同意__________ 56、adj.感激的;表示谢意的__________ 57、n. & vt.不喜欢;厌恶__________ 58、参加;加入__________ 59、n.提示;技巧;尖;尖端;小费__________ vt.倾斜;翻倒__________ 60、adv.第二;其次__________ 61、vt.交换__________ 62 、n.项目;条款__________ Unit 2 63、n.地下人行道;<美>地铁__________ 64 n.电梯;升降机__________ 65、n. <英>汽油(=<美>gasoline)__________ 66、n.汽油;气体;煤气;毒气__________ 67、adj.官方的;正式的;公务的__________


高一英语材料 1、词汇(M1 unit4) A、单词拼写(根据句意及所给首字母或汉语提示写出下列单词) 1.The thief is ____________ ( 颤抖 ) with fear when he is being questioned by the policeman. 2.The soldiers are trying to help rescue the ____________ ( 幸存者 ) after the earthquake. 3.Two –thirds of the people died or ___________( 受伤 ) in the earthquake. 4. Life would be very difficult without ______________(电) . 5.The whole city lay in ____________ ( 废墟 ) after the earthquake. 6.The soldiers built s____________ for those homeless people. 7.Every year natur al ’ s d_________ can cause heavy loss to the world. 8.Most of the buildings were completely d ____________in the earthquake. 9. It ’ s a great h for the scientist to give a speech to the students. 10. As we all know, Italy is a _____________ ( 欧洲 )country. B、单词释义(从四个选项中选出与提干中斜体词意思相同的单词) 1. People were sleeping soundly when the earthquake suddenly happened. A. appeared B. took the place C. came out D. broke out 2. Most people thought little of these strange phenomena (现象 ), they just went to bed as usual. A. didn ’ t like B. didn ’ t pay much attention to C. never noticed D. were interested in 3. The terrible earthquake ruined the whole city, which caused a heavy loss to the local people. A. injured B. hurt C. destroyed D. buried 4. He was very surprised to find all his money gone. A. leaving B. missing D. losing D. flying 5. Such a great number of people died because the quake happened while they were sleeping. A. So many B. Such many C. Such lots of D. So much 6. Many shelters were put up for the homeless people. A. set up B. taken up C. sat up D. built up 7. The strange noise woke up all the people who were asleep. A. sleeping people B. people were sleeping C. slept people D. asleep people 8. Workers built shelters for survivors, whose homes had been destroyed. A. their homes B. the homes of them C. the homes of theirs D. the homes of whom 9. I asked a man standing next to me what happened, but he made no answer. A. who stood beside me B. who is standing beside me C. stood beside me D. who stood towards me 10. The cyclists hope to raise money to help thousands of blind children in Tibet. A. pay B. collect C. save D. rise C、配对题 ( ) 1.a very long water way for boats a. nervous ( ) 2.get ready b. canal ( ) 3.people who remain alive c. injure ( ) 4. put sth. under the earth d. rise ( ) 5.go up e. pipe ( ) 6.help to get someone out of danger f. prepare ( ) 7.worried or frightened g. well ( ) 8.hurt h. rescue


人教版必修一Unit 5词汇测试 1. n. 质量;品质;性质 2.warm-hearted adj. 3.mean adj. 4. adj. 积极的;活跃的 5.generous adj 6.easy-going adj. 7.selfish adj. 8.selfless adj. 9. vt. (与to连用)献身;专心 于 10. adj. 忠实的;深爱的 11.invader n. 侵略者 12.found vt. 13.principle n. 14.nationalism n. 15.livelihood n. 16. adj. 和平的;平静的;安宁的 17.giant adj. ______________ 18.leap n. _______________ 19.mankind n. 20. n. 律师 21.guidance n. 指导;领导 22. adj. 法律的;依照法律的 23.fee n. 24.(短语)失业 25. adj. 有希望的 26.youth n. 27. n. 舞台;阶段;时期 28. v. 投票;n.选票;表决班级姓名 29. vt. 进攻;攻击;抨击 30.violence n. 31.(短语)事实上 32.(短语)使充气;爆炸 33.equal adj. 34.(短语)在危险;受罚;痛 苦;忧虑等的处境中 35. adj. 乐意的;自愿的 36. adj. 不公正的;不公平的 37.(短语)求助于;致力于 38.release vt. 39.(短语)丧失勇气或信心 40.vi. 逃脱;逃走;泄露 41.blanket n. 42. vt. 教育;训练 43. adj. 受过教育的;有教养的 44.(短语)当权;上台 45. vi. 请求;乞求 46. n. 亲戚;亲属 47.terror n. 48.cruelty n. 49. n. 报酬;奖金vt. 酬劳; 50.(短语)设立;建立 51.(短语)被判处……(徒刑) 52.anti-black adj. __________ 53.president n. 54. n. 意见;看法;


精品文档 Unit 1 1、n.调查;测验__________ 2、合计__________ 3、adj.心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的 vt.(upset, upset) 使不安;使心烦__________ 4、vt.不理睬;忽视__________ 5、vt. & vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定 adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着的__________ 6、(使)平静下来;(使)镇定下来__________ 7、不得不;必须__________ 8、vt.(使)担忧;涉及;关系到 n.担心;关注;(利害)关系__________ 9、关心;挂念__________ 10、遛狗__________ 11、adj.松的;松开的__________ 12、经历;经受__________ 13、n.荷兰(西欧国家)__________ 14、adj.德国的;德国人的;德语的 n.德国人;德语__________ 15、记下;放下;登记__________ 16、n.连续;系列__________ 17、一连串的;一系列;一套__________ 18、adv. 在户外;在野外__________ 19、故意__________ 20、为了……__________ 21、n.黄昏;傍晚__________ 22 、在黄昏时刻__________ 23、vi.打雷;雷鸣 n.雷;雷声__________ 24、adj.整个的;完全的;全部的__________ 25、adv. 完全地;全然地;整个地__________ 26、n.能力;力量;权力__________ 27、面对面地__________ 28、n.窗帘;门帘;幕布__________ 29、adj.积满灰尘的__________ 30、不再……__________ 31、n.伙伴;合作者;合伙人__________ 32、vi.安家;定居;停留 vt.使定居;安排;解决__________ 33、vt. & vi.遭受;忍受;经历__________ 34、遭受;患病__________ 35、n.公路;大路__________ 36、vi.& vt.痊愈;恢复;重新获得__________ 37、对……厌烦__________ 38、vi. & vt.捆扎;包装;打行李__________ n.小包;包裹__________ 39、将(东西)装箱打包__________ 40、n.手提箱;衣箱__________ 41、n.大衣;外套__________ 42、n.十几岁的青少年__________ 43、与……相处;进展__________ 44、相爱;爱上 __________

英语必修一unit4 课文原文+单词+音标

Unit4 A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN'T SLEEP Strange things were happening in the countryside of northeast Hebei.For three days the water in the village wells rose and fell, rose and fell.Farmers noticed that the well walls had deep cracks in them. A smelly gas came out of the cracks.In the farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat.Mice ran out of the fields looking for places to hide. Fish jumped out of their bowls and ponds.At about 3:00 am on July 28,1976,some people saw bright lights in the sky.The sound of planes could be heard outside the city of Tangshan even when no planes were in the sky. In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst. But the one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night. At 3:42 am everything began to shake.It seemed as if the world was at an end!Eleven kilometres directly below the city the greatest earthquake of the 20th century had begun.It was felt in Beijing, which is one hundred kilometres away. One-third of the nation felt it.A huge crack that was eight kilometres long and thirty metres wide cut across houses, roads and canals. Steam burst from holes in the ground.Hard hills of rock became rivers of dirt.In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins.The suffering of the people was extreme.Two-thirds of them died or were injured. Thousands of families were killed a nd many children were left without parents. The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000. But how could the survivors believe it was natural?Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed.All of the city's hospitals,75%of its factories and buildings and 90% of its homes were gone.Bricks covered the ground like red autumnleaves. No wind, however, could blow them away.Two dams fell and most of the bridges also fell or were not safe for travelling.The railway tracks were now useless pieces of steel.Tens of thousands of cows would never give milk again. Half a million pigs and millions of chickens were dead.50People were shocked.Then, later that afternoon,another big quake which was almost as strong as the first one shook Tangshan.Some of the rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins.More buildings fell down. Water, food, and electricity were hard to get.People began to wonder how long the disaster would last. All hope was not lost.Soon after the quakes, the army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to help the rescue workers. Hundreds of thousands of people were helped.The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.To the north of the city, most of the 10,000 miners were rescued from the coal mines there.Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.Fresh water was taken to the city by train, truck and plane.Slowly, the city began to breathe again. 单词: Book 1 Unit 4 earthquake /'?:θkweik/ n. 地震 quake /kweik/ n. 地震 right away 立刻;马上 well /wel/ n. 井 △ crack /kr?k/ n. 裂缝;噼啪声 vt. & vi. (使)开裂;破裂 △ smelly /'smeli/ adj. 发臭的;有臭味的 △ farmyard /'fɑ:mjɑ:d/ n. 农场;农家 pipe /paip/ n. 管;导管 burst /b?:st/ vi. (burst, burst) 爆裂;爆发 n. 突然破裂;爆发 million /'milj?n/ n. 百万 event /i'vent/ n. 事件;大事 as if 仿佛;好像 at an end 结束;终结 nation /'nei??n/ n. 民族;国家;国民 canal /k?'n?l/ n. 运河;水道 steam /sti:m/ n. 蒸汽;水汽 dirt /d?:t/ n. 污垢;泥土 ruin /'ru:in/ n. 废墟;毁灭 vt. 毁灭;使破产


人教版2018高一英语必修一Unit4单词表 人教版2018高一英语必修一Unit 4单词表 Unit 4 earthquake n. 地震 quake n. 地震 right away 立刻;马上 well n. 井 △rak n. 裂缝;噼啪声 vt. ≈ vi. (使)开裂;破裂 △selly ad. 发臭的;有臭味的 △faryard n. 农场;农家 pipe n. 管;导管 burst vi. (burst, burst) 爆裂;爆发 n. 突然破裂;爆发 illin n. 百万 event n. 事件;大事 as if 仿佛;好像 at an end 结束;终结 natin n. 民族;国家;国民 anal n. 运河;水道 stea n. 蒸汽;水汽

dirt n. 污垢;泥土 ruin n. 废墟;毁灭 vt. 毁灭;使破产 in ruins 严重受损;破败不堪suffering n. 苦难;痛苦 extree ad. 极度的 inure vt. 损害;伤害 △survivr n. 幸存者;生还者;残存物destry vt. 破坏;毁坏;消灭 brik n. 砖;砖块 da n. 水坝;堰堤 trak n. 轨道;足迹;痕迹 useless ad. 无用的;无效的;无益的shk vt. ≈ vi. (使)震惊;震动n. 休克;打击;震惊 resue n. ≈ vt. 援救;营救 trap vt. 使陷入困境 n. 陷阱;困境 eletriity n. 电;电流;电学 disaster n. 灾难;灾祸 dig ut 掘出;发现 bury vt. 埋葬;掩埋;隐藏

新版牛津译林必修一 Unit4 单词默写纸(无答案)

unit 4 1.不做(应做的事情等);跳过蹦蹦跳跳地走;略过(43) 2.酸奶(43) 3.*炸薯条;芯片(43) 4.*可乐饮料(43) 5.昏倒;倒塌塌陷;昏倒;突然失败(44) 6.* 昏厥快要昏厥的;微弱的;可能性不大的(44) 7.立即,马上;一…就(44) 8.稳定的,稳固的;稳重的,沉稳的(44) 9.集中(注意力、思想等);全神贯注(45) 10.极端的;严重的极端不同的感情(或境况、行为方式等)(45) 11.变苗条,减肥苗条的;微薄的,小的(45) 12.变苗条,减肥(45) 13.百分之 (45) 14.药丸,药片(45) 15.担心的,忧虑的;关注的,关切的(45) 16.效果,作用;影响(45) 17.副作用(45) 18.后来被发现是;证明,证实(45) 19.稍微,略微(45) 20.节食;日常饮食节食,进行规定饮食(45)

21.营养(45) 22.起作用,正常工作,运转作用,功能,职能(45) 23.摄入,吸收(45) 24.精力充沛的,充满活力的(45) 25.有效的;生效的(45) 26.强身健体(45) 27.害怕的,惊吓的,受吓的(47) 28.在(某段时间)之内;在(某段距离、范围)之内;在…里(47) 29.相反,而是;相当;更准确地说(47) 30.方面,层面(47) 31.心理压力,紧张;压力;要求,催促(48) 32.是…的原因之一;捐赠,捐献;增加,添加(48) 33.从短期长期看(48) 34.记忆力,记性;记忆,回忆(48) 35.发作;攻击;抨击& 攻击;侵袭;抨击(48) 36.数量(49) 37.日程安排,工作计划;时间表(49) 38.*咖啡因(49) 39.消极的,负面的;坏的,有害的;否定的(49) 40.可塑的;塑料的塑料(50) 41.外科手术(50)


人教版 2018 高一英语必修一 Unit4 单词 表 人教版 2018 高一英语必修一 Unit 4 单词表 Unit 4 earthquake n. 地震 quake n. 地震 right away 立刻;马上 well n. 井 △rak n. 裂缝;噼啪声 vt. ≈ vi. (使)开裂;破裂 △selly ad. 发臭的;有臭味的 △faryard n. 农场;农家 pipe n. 管;导管 burst vi. (burst, burst) 爆裂;爆发 n. 突然破裂;爆发 illin n. 百万 event n. 事件;大事 as if 仿佛;好像 at an end 结束;终结 natin n. 民族;国家;国民

anal n. 运河;水道 stea n. 蒸汽;水汽 dirt n. 污垢;泥土 ruin n. 废墟;毁灭 vt. 毁灭;使破产 in ruins 严重受损;破败不堪suffering n. 苦难;痛苦 extree ad. 极度的 inure vt. 损害;伤害 △survivr n. 幸存者;生还者;残存物destry vt. 破坏;毁坏;消灭 brik n. 砖;砖块 da n. 水坝;堰堤 trak n. 轨道;足迹;痕迹 useless ad. 无用的;无效的;无益的shk vt. ≈ vi. (使)震惊;震动n. 休克;打击;震惊 resue n. ≈ vt. 援救;营救 trap vt. 使陷入困境 n. 陷阱;困境 eletriity n. 电;电流;电学

disaster n. 灾难;灾祸 dig ut 掘出;发现 bury vt. 埋葬;掩埋;隐藏 ine n. 矿;矿ft;矿井iner n. 矿工 shelter n. 掩蔽;掩蔽处;避身处a (great) nuber f 许多;大量的title n. 标题;头衔;资格 reprter n. 记者 bar n. 条;棒;条状物 daage n. ≈ vt. 损失;损害frighten vt. 使惊吓;吓唬frightened ad. 受惊的;受恐吓的frightening ad. 令人恐惧的ngratulatin n. 祝贺;(复数)贺词udge n. 裁判员;法官 vt. 断定;判断;判决sinerely adv. 真诚地;真挚地express vt. 表示;表达 n. 快车;速递 utline n. 要点;大纲;轮廓


必修一 UNIT 1 ___________调查;测验 ___________合计(短) ___________心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的vt.使不安;使心烦 ___________不理睬,忽视 ___________(使)平静;(使)镇定adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着的 ___________(使)平静下来;(使)镇静下来(短) ___________不得不;必须(短) ___________(使)担忧;涉及;关系 ___________关心;挂念(短) ___________遛狗(短) ___________松的;松开的 ___________兽医 ___________经历;经受(短) ___________记下;放下;登记(短) ___________连续;系列 ___________一连串的;一系列;一套(短) ___________在户外;在野外 ___________迷住;迷惑 ___________故意(短)

___________为了…(短) ___________黄昏;傍晚 ___________在黄昏时刻(短) ___________打雷;雷鸣;n雷;雷声 ___________整个的;完全的;全部的 ___________完全地;全然地;整个地 ___________能力;力量;权力 ___________面对面地(短) ___________窗帘;门帘;幕布 ___________积满灰尘的 ___________不再(短) ___________伙伴;合作者;合伙人 ___________安家;定居;停留使定居;安排;解决 ___________遭受;忍受;经历 ___________遭受;患病(短) ___________孤单;寂寞 ___________公路;大路;<美>高速公路 ___________痊愈;恢复;重新获得 ___________对…厌烦(短) ___________捆扎;包装;打行李小包;包裹 ___________将(东西)装箱打包(短) ___________手提箱;衣箱 ___________大衣;外套 ___________十几岁的青少年

新版人教版高中英语词汇表必修一 Unit4

词汇表必修一Unit4 1. disaster/d??zɑ:st?(r)/ n. 灾难;灾害 2. tornado /t?:?ne?d?? /n. (pl. -oes or -os) 龙卷风;旋风 3. drought/ dra?t / n. 旱灾;久旱 4. landslide / ?l?ndsla?d /n.( landfall) (山地或悬崖的)崩塌;滑坡 5. slide/ sla?d / vi. & vt. (使)滑行;滑动 6. tsunami / tsu:?nɑ:mi /n.海啸 7. flood/fl?d /n.洪水;大量vi.淹没;大量涌入vt.使灌满水; 淹没 8. volcanic eruption / v?l?k?n?k ??r?p?n / 火山喷发 9. magnitude /?m?gn?tju:d / n. (地)震级;重大 10. rescue/?reskju:/ n.& vt.营救;救援 11. damage/?d?m?d? / vt. 损害;破坏 n.损坏;损失 12. destroy/d?'str??/ vt.摧毁;毁灭 13. evacuate /??v?kjue?t /vt. 疏散;撤出 vi.撤离 14. helicopter /?hel?k?pt?(r)/ n.直升机 15. death / deθ/n. 死;死亡 16. affect /?'fekt/ vt.影响;(疾病)侵袭;深深打动 17. shelter/'?elt?(r)/ n. 避难处;居所;庇护vt.保护;掩蔽vi.躲 避 (风、雨或危险) 18. crack /kr?k/ n. 裂纹;裂缝vi. & vt. (使)破裂
