









三、安装与准备1. 将咖啡机放置在干燥平稳的台面上,并确保咖啡机和电源插座之间有足够的间隙,以便插拔电源线。

2. 检查咖啡机的电压规格是否适配您所在的地区,并确保电源稳定可靠。

3. 打开咖啡机的水箱盖,倒入清洁的水至标准水位线。


4. 确保咖啡机的咖啡豆容器内充满咖啡豆,并将其紧密盖好。

四、使用步骤1. 打开咖啡机的电源开关,并等待几秒钟,直至显示屏上的标识符显示正常。

2. 使用触摸屏上的功能选项,选择所需的咖啡类型和口味设置。

3. 如果需要,您可以自定义咖啡的浓度、温度和杯数。

4. 根据您的需要,在咖啡机上选择加入奶泡或巧克力等辅助调料。

5. 确认设置后,点击确认按钮开始咖啡冲泡过程。

6. 在咖啡冲泡过程中,请等待咖啡机自动完成。


7. 当咖啡冲泡完成后,取下咖啡杯。

五、保养与清洁1. 在使用咖啡机之前和之后,务必清洁咖啡机的水箱、咖啡渣收集器和咖啡杯托盘等易脏污的部件。

2. 每隔一段时间,您还需注意清洁咖啡机内部。

3. 请根据咖啡机的使用说明和清洁指南,使用所附带的清洁剂进行清洁。

4. 注意:在清洁咖啡机之前,请确保断开电源并等待咖啡机完全冷却。

5. 定期检查咖啡机的电源线是否完好无损。




高品质的全自动咖啡机按照最科学的数据和程序来酿制咖啡,而且都设 有完善的保护系统,使用起来既方便,只需轻轻一按就可得到的咖啡,其便 捷性优于传统咖啡机的产品。
1、调查任务:全自动咖啡机 2、调查目的:(1)根据全自动咖啡机的外形、材料、颜色、价格、人们对
全自动冲泡咖啡机喜好情况等各个方面进行调查,统计分析并写出报告。 (2)了解全自动咖啡机,设计出新的全自动咖啡机。 (3)确定设计方案方向,明确设计方案。
│ ┌─ →
┌─┐ │^^^^^^^^^^^^ │水位
冷水─┴ ┴─┴──┐┌──┴──┐
→ ─┬ ┬─┬─┐││┌─┬─┐│
└─┘ │ │└┘│ │ 莲蓬头
pump │ └──┘ │
└──────┘ 锅炉boiler
• 全自动咖啡机的材料与工艺分析
小家电的外观材料主要有塑料、金属、金属合金这几种。 针对咖啡机的功能一般使用的外观塑料品种有:透明部分(PC)、不透 明部分(ABS、高光泽PP)。 商用的咖啡机多选用不锈钢、 金属合金座位外观材料,从视觉 上显得专业,容易清洗, 咖啡机的外观材料加工 工艺主要有:金属拉丝、金 属烤漆、塑料成型、塑料抛 光、镜面抛光、表面抛光表 面装饰、热处理等。饭店咖 啡机,考虑到它的使用环境, 选用金属拉丝作为它的外观 材料,让它和饭店这样的使 用环境更贴合。
• 选定课题--全自动咖啡机的改良设计 通过一定的观察和分析以及得部分群体的调查,在自己有限的范围之内,
我们选定全自动冲泡咖啡机为课题,按照产品设计的作业要求来完成全自动 咖啡机的改良设计。
• 课题背景 咖啡是世界上最流行的饮品之一,它给人们带来愉悦 和兴奋。随着我国

Saeco Xelsis 系列咖啡机用户手册说明书

Saeco Xelsis 系列咖啡机用户手册说明书

繁體中文 6內容重要防護措施__________________________________________________________________________________________6請保存使用說明________________________________________________________________________________________7警告:_________________________________________________________________________________________________7電源線的指示__________________________________________________________________________________________7重要安全資訊__________________________________________________________________________________________7簡介 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________9咖啡機概觀 (圖 1)______________________________________________________________________________________9首次安裝_______________________________________________________________________________________________10使用控制面板__________________________________________________________________________________________10AquaClean 濾水器_____________________________________________________________________________________11測試水質硬度__________________________________________________________________________________________11沖煮飲品_______________________________________________________________________________________________12客製化飲品,建立個人設定____________________________________________________________________________13調整咖啡機的設定_____________________________________________________________________________________13處理沖煮組件__________________________________________________________________________________________14清潔與維護____________________________________________________________________________________________14除鈣程序_______________________________________________________________________________________________16錯誤碼_________________________________________________________________________________________________17訂購配件_______________________________________________________________________________________________17疑難排解_______________________________________________________________________________________________17飲品類型與份量________________________________________________________________________________________20技術規格_______________________________________________________________________________________________21處理方式_______________________________________________________________________________________________21保固與支援____________________________________________________________________________________________21重要防護措施重要防護措施使用電子產品時,必須隨時遵照基本的安全防護措施進行,包括下列項目:1閱讀所有指示。



⾃动咖啡机概要设计说明书⾃动咖啡机概要设计说明书1 引⾔本项⽬是华中科技⼤学2017年14级机械本科《实施控制软件设计》课程第四次作业,也是课程设计的作业内容。







1.4参考资料2总体设计2.1 需求规定需要提供三种咖啡,美式咖啡(沸⽔和咖啡粉),拿铁(咖啡粉,沸⽔,⽜奶),卡布奇洛(咖啡粉,沸⽔,糖、⽜奶)2.2 运⾏环境操作系统在WindowsXP以上客户端具备Matlab 20142.3 基本设计概念和处理流程2.4 结构Container 液体容器,⽤于保存各种液体Doser 定量器,⽤于量取⼀定量的液体Heater 加热器,⽤于提供热⽔Brewing Assembly 混合器,⽤于将咖啡,⽜奶,糖和热⽔混合Cup Feeder 杯架,⽤于提供纸杯Conveyor Belt 传输带,⽤于物体传输Control System 核⼼控制模块,⽤于各模块之间的调度ContainerSettingFlow(Input)当前出⼝开关⼤⼩Amount(Output)当前液体余量OutFlow(Output)当前液体实际流出流量DoserInflow(Input)当前液体实际流⼊流量SettingAmount(Input)液体需要量取的量OutFlow当前液体实际流出流量***DoserEvent(Output)Doser完成操作的事件FlowControl(Output)控制对应容器的出⼝流量HeaterSettingFlow(Input)当前出⼝开关⼤⼩OutFlow(Output)当前热⽔实际流出流量WaterAmount(Output)当前可⽤热⽔余量WaterTemp(Output)当前热⽔温度Brewing AssemblyWaterInput(Input)热⽔流⼊流量CoffeeInput(Input)咖啡流⼊流量MilkInput(Input)⽜奶流⼊流量SugarInput(Input)糖流⼊流量Mixtrue(Output)混合液体输出流量MixFinishEvent(Output)混合完成的事件Cup FeederGetCup(Input)需要杯⼦的事件JustaCup(Output)杯⼦的输出FeedFinishEvent(Output)供应杯⼦完成的事件CupRemain(Output)当前是否有杯⼦剩余Conveyor BeltStep(Input)每次步进的距离AddMixtrue(Input)混合液体⼊⼝AddCup(Input)杯⼦⼊⼝TakeOutEvent(Input)杯⼦被拿⾛的事件JustaCupofCoffee(Output)⼀杯咖啡的输出StepEvent(Output)步进完成的事件Control SystemCoffeeRemain(Input)当前剩余咖啡的输⼊MilkRemain(Input)当前剩余⽜奶的输⼊SugarRemain(Input)当前剩糖的输⼊WaterRemain(Input)当前剩余⽔的输⼊WaterTemp(Input)当前⽔温的输⼊CoffeeAmount(Output)需要咖啡的量MilkAmount(Output)需要⽜奶的量SugarAmount(Output)需要糖的量WaterAmount(Output)需要⽔的量NextStep(Output):每次步进的量GetCupEvent(Output):需要被⼦的事件2.5 功能需求与程序的关系2.6 ⼈⼯处理过程⽆2.7 尚未解决的问题⽆3 接⼝设计3.1⽤户接⼝三个按钮,取杯⼝3.2 外部接⼝⽆3.3 内部接⼝各个模块之间采⽤信号传递、返回值得⽅式进⾏信息传递。

青岛喜客咖啡 Saeco 魔术豪华咖啡机OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 说明书

青岛喜客咖啡 Saeco 魔术豪华咖啡机OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 说明书

Saeco 魔术豪华咖啡机Automatic espresso coffee machine SAECO MAGIC COMFORTOPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 说 明 书青岛喜客咖啡有限公司目录索引一、安全预防............................................................2 二、前言..................................................................3 三、机器参数............................................................3 四、基本介绍............................................................4 五、安装..................................................................6 六、使用..................................................................7 七、菜单与设置......................................................10 八、调节与设定......................................................14 九、清理与保养......................................................15 十、故障处理.........................................................20 十一、保证书 (21)青岛喜客咖啡有限公司一、 安全预防1、 本机不能在户外使用,不要靠近热源。



UN LIENZO EN BLANCO PARA LA INNOVACIÓN EN BEBIDASSure Tamp®1-Step |Automatic (Autoservicio)2-Step | Vapor (Vapor – Manual para Baristas)Pantallas Táctiles Build-A-Drink ™El proceso de pasar agua caliente a través de granos recientemente molidos que se han formado en un disco apretado es una función crítica de cualquier máquina de café espresso. Las especificaciones de diseño de calidad son esenciales para asegurar la producción correcta del disco para que este proceso se pueda repetir con precisión una y otra vez por una superautomática en entornos de servicio de volumen mediano.Dedicamos n uestros m ejores c onocimientosde ingeniería y materiales para el diseño de nuestro proceso de patente pendiente Sure T amp ® en el Ensamblaje del Sistemade Percolación. Su construcción metálica utiliza un sensor de proximidad para asegurar una compactación correcta y una presión de compresión precisa a cada disco para lograr el mejor espresso. Una ventaja adicional es que este proceso único también protege el motor.Para obtener más información sobre la calidad del disco y apisonamiento, descargue nuestro Informe Oficial, “Espresso Basics” de nuestro sitio web.bebidas a base de leche.El BUNN Espress ® Superautomatic utiliza un proceso pendiente de patente para la entrega de la leche. El sistema Milk T exturing Fusion™ dispone de una hoja de cuchillo de vapor de agua que se inyecta en la cámara que calienta la leche. El resultado es una leche que es rica y cremosa. Este sistema de espuma de leche de alta intensidad entrega nuestra espuma caliente. BUNN Espress es un equipo para la futura innovación de bebidas, ya que está diseñado para alojar dos tipos de leche y espuma tanto fría y caliente.Sure Tamp ®Milk Texturing Fusion ™Leche Rica y Cremosa Sin EsfuerzoEl Diseño Exclusivo AseguraDiscos de Espresso Apretados yEspressos de la Mejor CalidadLos programas de bebidas espresso líderes se componen de varios elementos clave. Una es contar con personal comprometido activamente en el sistema de producción de leche. La vara BUNN Espress ®Intellisteamestá ideado para el Barista, pero diseñado para que personal con diferentes niveles de experiencia puedan incrementar de forma cómoda y rápidamente su nivel de habilidad.La producción de vapor de última generación permite un control sin precedentes en el lanzador de vapor, mientras que también permite la plena participación en la producción de leche y la limpieza.La vara misma está aislada con un material de diseño único para un alto rendimiento continuo que es impermeable al uso repetido de agua caliente y vapor. El mismo material cubre el exterior la vara, lo cual la hace resistente a la cocción de la leche y la abrasión, lo que significa una experiencia de limpieza sin problemas, menos reparaciones, y un ciclo de vida de producto más largo.Picture Prompted Cleaning ™Diagnósticos En-Pantalla ella necesita para producir un menú completo de bebidas a base de café espresso. La pantalla táctil de Build-A-Drink™ tiene la opción de colocación para nueve de sus bebidas más populares. Los íconos se escogen de una biblioteca, que luego pueden organizarse en la pantalla frontal para sus situaciones de servicio. Es especialmente agradable trabajar con la producción de leche y el control del tubo de vapor en la pantalla táctil Espress. Por ejemplo, la función Intellisteam ® está diseñada para producir vapor y espuma de leche a la misma temperatura programada cada vez. Dos opciones adicionales pueden atender las solicitudes de bebidas, tanto a temperaturas más frías como más cálidas.Los Baristas y los operadores más experimentados podrán disfrutar de la función manual que permite un proceso de vaporización de la leche auto-programada. Y la función de Purga es una forma eficiente y fácil de limpiar el tubo de vapor para un sabor de bebida ideal. El Barista llegará a depender de su ubicación ideal en la pantalla táctil.Para que el programa de café espresso sea rentable depende de que el personal sea entrenado y que no tenga miedo de utilizar al máximo la inversión de equipos de alto rendimiento. La pantalla táctil Picture Prompted Cleaning ™ en el BUNN Espress ® Superautomatic es un nuevo enfoque a este requisito diario para una gran ejecución de bebidas. En lugar de tratar de encontrar tiempo para leer manuales o ver videos de capacitación, nuestras grandes pantallas táctiles de 7 pulgadas muestran tutoriales fotográficos de alta resolución (no ilustraciones) para guiar al operador, paso a paso, a través de las técnicas de limpieza correctas. En menos de 7 minutos para el de 2-Pasos y 13 para el de 1-Paso, el proceso se completa con la confianza de que se ha hecho correctamente. Una bebida de buena calidad es el resultado directo de la limpieza diaria completa. Deje que nuestra Pantalla T áctil Picture Prompted Cleaning haga de su programa el mejor de la clase.BUNN Espress ® Superautomatic le permite al operador concentrarse en la ejecución de grandes bebidas que rápidamente incrementan las ventas y la repetición de negocio. Esto es posible porque la máquina auto-monitorea componentes de trabajo individuales y proporciona alertas de estado cuando se ve afectado el funcionamiento normal. La gran pantalla táctil de 7 pulgadas es el centro de mensajes de alerta ideal para las actualizaciones de estado, tales como:• La tolva de descafeinado bajo en granos • El ciclo de limpieza no se ha completado • El contenedor de leche está bajoDespués de que el operador es alertado de la situación, los Diagnósticos En Pantalla muestran un tutorial fotográfico de alta resolución que sirve como una guía paso a paso a través del ajuste realizado correctamente. Reduzca el tiempo de inactividad y aumente las ventas de bebidas diarias eliminando el misterio de ajustes rutinarios que devuelven rápidamente el funcionamiento normal del equipo.Ideado para el Barista peroDiseñado para el Personal conDiferentes Niveles de Experiencia Intellisteam ®El Programa de Bienestar BUNNlink ®(Para uso dentro de Estados Unidos solamente.Favor consultar con su Representante de Ventas)Socio de Elección Usted invierte en una máquina de espresso superautomática de alta ingeniería porque las bebidas a base de espresso están en demanda, más que nunca por sus clientes. Así que, ¿Por qué gastar más tiempo en llamadas de reparación o mantenimiento en vez de estar sumando órdenes de bebidas? Al elegir a BUNN ® como su socio de equipamiento, usted también elige un Programa de Bienestar que reduce al mínimo el tiempo inactivo del equipo y maximiza sus ganancias.BUNNlink utiliza un soporte de servicio progresivo, basado en la nube. Tanto el mantenimiento de rutina como el de demanda se(M2M) que permite el monitoreo remoto, la configuración y la gestiónde equipos geográficamente conectividad en tiempo real ofrece un estado preciso, actual de la máquina instalada, y la tecnología identifica el apoyo de las mejores prácticas para el operador. La ventaja de ahorro de tiempo es que los códigos de error y los informes de diagnóstico en pantalla pueden ser analizados simultáneamente por el operador y el equipo de servicio BUNN para volver el equipo a su funcionamiento normal tan pronto como sea posible. Qué está incluido: • La planificación y la consulta pre-instalación • Instalación y entrenamiento operacional por un técnico BUNNserve ® • Desarrollo de un plan de mantenimiento programado para promover el máximo rendimiento por ciclo de vida del equipo • Asistencia telefónica continua que utiliza la tecnología BUNNlink ® para ayudar con el diagnóstico • Capacitación en video para el personal sobre la preparación de bebidas y el protocolo de limpieza Consideramos al Programa de Bienestar como un ciclo que se renueva continuamente, que le ayuda a hacer bebidas de primera clase consistentemente a través de un proceso de operaciones fluidas.de su inversión en función de su plan de negocios de ventas diarias de bebidas.La calculadora tiene pantallas de entrada interactivas donde puede introducir sus valores. Se usan sus datos para dar una imagen completa de los costos de la ejecución de un programa de espresso.La Calculadora Espress Beverage Profit Calculator de BUNN le da la capacidad de proyectar sus ventas diarias de bebidas para bebidas espresso, cappuccino y latte. ¡Desarrolle su plan de negocios con precisión! Le da una herramienta para proyectar las ganancias basándose en escenarios que usted diseña para su menú espresso, en función del tamaño de la bebida y el precio de venta.Se puede calcular una imagen completa de ganancias anuales en una página de resumen detallada.Muchos de nuestros productos están etiquetados “Ensamblados en EE.UU.”. La mayoría de los modelos de equipos comerciales se ensamblan a mano en las instalaciones en los EE.UU. o Canadá. Nosotros controlamos estrictamente a los proveedores de los componentes que son necesarios conseguir de terceros para asegurarnos de que no vacilan de nuestros estándares de seguridad y calidad, lo cual resulta en la fiabilidad por la que BUNN se ha dado a conocer.Estamos comprometidos con ofrecer la más alta calidad y el valor total a los clientes, y cada paso de nuestros procesos de diseño y fabricación se guía por este compromiso.。





1. 前言全自动咖啡机是一款方便快捷的咖啡制作设备,它可以自动完成研磨咖啡豆、提取浓缩咖啡、调节热水温度等一系列操作。


2. 外观及配件全自动咖啡机外观精致简约,主要由以下几个组成部分:(1)咖啡机主体:包括显示屏、控制按钮、咖啡萃取部件等。








3. 使用步骤(1)准备咖啡豆:选择您喜欢的咖啡豆,并保持其新鲜度。













4. 注意事项(1)使用前请仔细阅读本说明书,并按照要求进行操作。

全自动咖啡机 EQ.700 classic TP70.C. 使用说明书

全自动咖啡机 EQ.700 classic TP70.C. 使用说明书

Siemens Home AppliancesAH I12zh7更多信息,请参考《数字用户指南》。

目录1安全性............................................ 91.1一般注意事项............................... 91.2使用范围...................................... 91.3用户群的限制............................... 91.4安全须知...................................... 92环境保护和节约............................ 122.1处理包装材料............................. 122.2节能........................................... 123安装和接通................................... 123.1供货范围.................................... 123.2安装和连接电器.......................... 124了解机器...................................... 124.1电器........................................... 124.2控制元件.................................... 135附件............................................. 136首次使用前................................... 146.1准备和清洁电器.......................... 146.2确定水硬度 (14)6.3净水滤芯1................................... 146.4进行首次启动............................. 156.5一般注意事项............................. 157操作基本知识............................... 157.1开启或关闭电器.......................... 157.2制作饮品.................................... 157.3doubleShot 和 tripleShot............ 167.4制作含牛奶的咖啡饮品............... 167.5同时制作两杯咖啡...................... 168研磨器.......................................... 168.1调整研磨度 (17)9童锁 (17)9.1激活童锁.................................... 179.2停用童锁.................................... 1710暖杯架. (17)10.1激活和停用暖杯1....................... 1711收藏夹........................................ 1711.1保存饮品选项中的饮品............. 1711.2在菜单中保存饮品.................... 1811.3更改饮品设置........................... 1811.4删除收藏夹............................... 1811.5对收藏夹进行分类.................... 1812Home Connect 晶御智能 ........ 1812.1设置 Home Connect 晶御智能 ............................................ 1812.2Home Connect 晶御智能 设置............................................. 1812.3数据保护.................................. 1913基本设置.................................... 1913.1更改基本设置........................... 1913.2基本设置概览........................... 2014清洁和保养................................. 2114.1适用于洗碗机清洗的组件.......... 2114.2清洁产品.................................. 2114.3清洁本电器............................... 2114.4清洁接水盘和咖啡渣盒............. 2214.5清洁奶罐.................................. 2214.6养护程序. (22)1视机器配置而定zh815处理故障.................................... 2416运输、储存和废弃处理............... 2916.1激活防冻保护........................... 2916.2处理旧机器............................... 2917客户服务.................................... 2917.1产品编号(E-Nr.)、制造编号(FD)及货号(Z-Nr.)........ 2917.2保修......................................... 2918技术参数.................................... 2918.1有关自由开源软件的信息.......... 2919执行标准 (30)安全性 zh91 安全性请注意以下安全注意事项。



目录全自动咖啡机的设计 (1)摘要 (1)1 绪论 (2)1.1 咖啡机的历史 (2)1.2 国内咖啡机发展现状 (3)1.3 课题的意义及目的 (4)2 总体方案设计 (4)2.1 咖啡机的工作原理 (4)2.2研磨机构设计 (5)2.2.1方案设计及原理 (5)2.2.2 磨盘的选择与计算 (7)2.2.3 磨豆电机的计算与选择 (7)2.2.4 电机输出轴的强度校核 (8)2.2.5 键的选用与校核 (8)2.2.6 送粉电机与送粉螺旋轴 (8)2.2.7 联轴器 (9)2.2.8调节齿轮与调节齿 (9)2.2.9 螺钉与螺纹的选用 (10)2.2.10 调节齿轮的精度 (11)2.3 液压系统的设计 (12)2.3.1液压系统原理 (12)2.3.2 泵的选择与计算 (14)2.3.3 其他液压元件的选择 (14)2.4酿造器的设计 (15)3 控制部分方案的设计 (16)3.1 全自动咖啡机控制系统方案基本原理 (16)3.2电源 (17)3.2.1电源的作用与组成 (18)3.2.2 电源工作原理 (18)3.2.3稳压器的选用与介绍 (19)3.3 控制系统硬件的选择与简介 (20)3.3.1 硬件的选择 (20)3.4 霍尔流量传感器 (22)3.5 驱动芯片ULN2003 (23)3.6温度传感器 (24)3.7各部分电路说明 (25)3.7.1单片机控制部分 (25)3.7.2传感器数据采集电路 (26)3.7.3 流量计数据采集控制电路 (27)3.7.4 拨码开关电路图 (28)3.7.5 电机控制电路图 (29)3.7.6 电磁换向阀控制电路 (30)3.7.7 整个主板电路接线图 (33)3.8 咖啡机工作流程图 (34)4 结论与感悟 (36)4.1毕业设计总结 (36)4.2 毕业设计感想 (36)5致谢 (37)参考文献 (38)附录1 控制主板接线图 (39)附录2 自动咖啡机程序 (40)附录3 (45)外文翻译 (45)中文翻译: (53)全自动咖啡机的设计摘要本论文主要是设计一种全自动咖啡机。

CA3000 小型全自动咖啡机说明书

CA3000  小型全自动咖啡机说明书

CA3000 小型全自动咖啡机说明书图示说明1喷水/ 汽嘴 12 “准备就绪”指示灯2盛咖啡豆容器及盖 13 “缺水”指示灯3 水箱松紧杆 14 “缺咖啡豆”指示灯4 可拆卸式水箱 15 “残渣盒满”指示灯5 前部可拆卸式顶板(用于检查及清洁) 16 “清洗”按钮6 可拆卸式残渣盒 17 “1 小杯”按钮7 喷嘴 18“2小杯”按钮8 可拆卸式残液盒 19“1普通杯”按钮9 总开关(电源开关) 20“2 普通杯”按钮10咖啡豆研磨调节旋钮 21“1 大杯”按钮11 水/汽调节旋钮 22“蒸汽喷射”按钮23“个性化咖啡”按钮(即用户自己配制)3 4操作说明向水箱里注水并且将咖啡豆倒入容器中打开松紧杆(3),向水箱(4)里注水(图1)。



提示:水箱可完全取出(松开松紧杆,将水箱朝外倾斜即可)开机接通电源,按下总开关(9), 机器开始运行。










出咖啡程序放一只杯(或2只杯)在咖啡出口(7)处(图2 和3),安照所需量揿下(17)~(21)按钮,按钮灯亮,表示工作开始。


意大利原装进口 全自动研磨咖啡机
SYNCRONY Logic 逻辑型
一、操作保养说明书目录..............................................................................1 二、基本资料介绍…………………………………………....…………….2 三、机体各部名称及功能说明……………………………….…………3~5 四、安装使用注意事项……………………………………………….……6 五、使用前准备事项………………………………………………….……7 六、使用操作说明……………………………………………….…..…8~10 七、清洁与保养………………………………………………....…….11~12 八、简易状况与排除方法……………………………………….………..13 九、保证书……………………………………………………….………..14
1. 按压蒸气选择键,蒸气温度指示灯开始闪烁,此时表示正在加温中,需 等指示灯不再闪烁而恒亮时,依逆时针转动热水/蒸气控制旋钮,先让前 段热水自管口流出,直到蒸气喷出,再将旋钮往其反方向转回,
2. 再让蒸气管口伸入欲加温之饮料里,再依顺时针转动热水/蒸气控制旋 钮,作上下及圆圈摇动,全自动咖啡机便以蒸气达到饮料加温效果,结 束时将旋钮往其反方向转回即可。
2-1 热水/蒸气涡轮的保养
水质杂质很多,请于每六个月即清洗涡轮一次,以保持涡轮的正常运作及 寿命。如果水质很差时,则更需经常清先。 清洗方法:
1. 请以容器盛装适量的温水,将适量的柠檬酸剂(约 1/3 磅,约 150 公克) 倒入温水中,并搅拌至完全溶解为止,待水温冷却或加入冷水,使其 降温至常温,再倒入机器的水箱。



Super-automatic espresso machine• Brews 8 coffee varieties• Integrated milk jug & frother• Silver• 5-step adjustable grinderHD8847/15Great espresso and the taste of filter coffee Always from fresh beansIn the mood for your morning coffee, or up for a strong espresso? The unique CoffeeSwitch allows you to swap from espresso to the taste of filter coffee for those who like filter coffee, both from fresh beans, at the flip of a lever.BenefitsAny coffee for any moment•The taste of Filtercoffee from fresh beans with CoffeeSwitch •One-touch creamy cappuccinos with the integrated milk carafeYour fresh coffee experience•20,000 cups of finest coffee with durable ceramic grinders •Adjustable grinding settings for your preferred taste •Customize your coffee with the coffee strength selectionEasy to use •Easily operate your machine via the Intuitive display •Fits your cup thanks to the adjustable coffee spoutEasy to clean and maintain•Delight without hassle: high capacity in a compact design •Easy cleaning thanks to the fully removable brewing group •Auto-cleaning cycle & descaling program[field not found 'leaflet_type'] (2018, February 22)FeaturesCoffeeSwitchFinally the taste of filter coffee from a full automatic espresso machine! Enjoy your morning coffee or your strong espresso by simply pulling the lever. The unique CoffeeSwitch allows you to choose the perfect type of coffee for any moment or mood, from freshly ground beans.Integrated milk carafeEnjoy super creamy cappuccinos at the perfect temperature, in the easiest way possible. Simply pour milk into the carafe, plug it into the machine, and select your preferred beverage. Whether it's a cappuccino or frothed milk, your drink will be served within seconds, with a splash-free flow at the ideal temperature.100% ceramic grindersOur grinders are 100% pure ceramic: extremely hard and precise, so you can enjoy fresh aromatic coffee, for at least 20.000 cups.Adjustable grinding settingsYou can adjust the granularity of the grinders at 5 different levels.Choose the finest grinding for a full bodied espresso, all the way up to the coarsest for a lighter coffee, all according to your preferred taste.Customize your coffeeYou will always get a perfect cup of coffee brewed to your personal preference thanks to the temperature, length and strength selection.Moreover, the memo function allows you to save the coffee length for each drink. Enjoy a superb coffee in your favorite cup, all at the touch of a button.Intuitive DisplayThe intuitive display shows you all relevant information to easily interact with your machine and get the best performance. The buttons on the front panel offer you a selection of one-touch beverages ready at your fingertips.Adjustable coffee spoutNo matter the size of your favorite glass or cup, with one movement thecoffee spout adjusts so that all the aromas are preserved and your coffee stays perfectly hot, right in your cup. At its highest position the spout can even fit a 5.9 in. (15 cm) latte macchiato glass.High capacity & compact designEnjoy more room and go longer without refill thanks to the high-capacity bean, water, and waste containers in a super-compact design. This smart, fully automatic machine provides you with maximum convenience, top notchperformance, and large capacities (a 60.8 oz. (1.8 l) water tank, 16.9 oz. (0.5 l)milk carafe, 0.5 lb (250 g) bean container, and a waste container capacity of up to 15 servings).Fully removable brewing groupThe brewing group is the heart of every fully automatic coffee machine, and should be cleaned once a week. Our brewing group is easily accessible from the side, and can be removed with just one click for easy washing under the tap.Auto-cleaning & descalingThis espresso machine is designed to automatically clean its coffee circuit with water when starting up or turning off to ensure a great, fresh taste with each cup of coffee. Regular descaling prolongs the life of your espresso machine.This machine will not only warn you when descaling is needed, but will guidedata subject to change 2018, February 22you through the automated descaling process with clear on-screen messages when necessary.Specifications[field not found 'disclaimer_text']Design Color SilverFinishingMaterial boiler Stainless steel (Inox)Material drip tray Stainless steel Material of main body PlasticMaterial of spout Metal & plastic Material water tank Plastic Country of origin Made inRomaniaGeneral specifications Coffee strength settings 5Suitable for Whole coffee beans, ground coffee powder Cups at the same time2Customizing per drinkAdjustable coffee strength Adjustable cup volume Ease of cleaning &maintenanceAutomatic de-scaling cycle Automatic rinse cycle Optional Brita water filter Descale indicatorAutomatic carafe cleaning Removable brewing group Ease of use and comfortAdjustable spout Automatic stand-by DisplayRemovable drip-tray Removable water tank Automatic shut-off Grinder settings 5One touch variety 4Special functionsCeramic grinder CoffeeSwitch Hot water option Integrated carafeManual milk frother Pannarello Ground coffee option Pre-brewing Steam option Type of carafe Basic carafe Type of display LCD Coffee drinks EspressoService2-year guarantee YesSustainability Power consumption brewing1850 WTechnical specifications Brewing time one cup45 (espresso) to 100 (long coffee) sec Capacity bean container250 gr Capacity milk carafe 500 LCapacity waste container15 servings Capacity water tank 1.8 L Frequency60 Hz Max. cup height 152 mm Voltage230 V Water boilers 1Cord length80 cmProduct dimensions 215 x 330 x 429 mm Weight of product 7.2 kgPackaging dimensions Height 46.50 cm Width 49.70 cm Depth29.00 cm Nett weight 8.00 kg Gross weight 9.28 kgEAN08710103766414Number of products included1Country of origin RO Harmonised Systems Code851671data subject to change 2018, February 22Version: 2.1.1EAN: 08710103766414© 2018 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective 。



JURA Typ 623 IMPRESSA X9 使用说明Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Fig. 8 Fig. 9 Fig. 10Fig. 11 Fig. 12 Fig. 13 Fig. 14Fig. 15 Fig. 16 Fig. 17 Fig. 18ABB A机器各部说明A 废水盘B 废水盘盖C 粉渣盒D 可调节高低的咖啡/牛奶出口E 打奶沫键F 玛琪雅朵咖啡键G 奶咖键H 双杯键I 瑞丝崔朵咖啡键J 意式浓缩咖啡键K 普通咖啡键L 卡布基诺咖啡键M 语言显示系统N 豆槽O 预磨咖啡粉槽/添加药片槽P 咖啡杯围栏Q 程控外盖R 水箱S 蒸汽键T 热水键U 热水喷口V 蒸汽喷口W 附件盒X 水箱盖程序设置按键A 开关键B 过滤器键C 除垢键D 杯数统计键E 进入程式键F +G 润湿键H 清洗牛奶系统I 清洗咖啡系统J 清洗牛奶及咖啡系统K 退出L –1使用说明IMPRESSA X9■屏幕显示:正在运行显示的程序■屏幕显示:请根据提示操作= 注意 = 重要 = 提示Jura Elektroapparate AG, CH-4626 Niederbuchsiten,Internet 目录1. 咖啡机说明 ....................................................... page 31.1 标准功能 ............................................... page 31.2 JURA工程师操作 ................................ page 32. 安全操作须知 ................................................... page 32.1 警告 ....................................................... page 32.2 预防 ....................................................... page 43. 使用咖啡机之前 ............................................... page 43.1 检查电源电压 ....................................... page 43.2 检查电源保险负荷 ............................... page 43.3 加水 ....................................................... page 43.4 加豆 ....................................................... page 44. 初次使用 ........................................................... page 45. 开机 ................................................................... page 56. 润湿 ................................................................... page 57. 调节磨豆器 ....................................................... page 58. 调节水硬度 ....................................................... page 5 9. 过滤器 .............................................................. page 69.1 安装过滤器 .......................................... page 610. 咖啡 .................................................................. page 610.1 制作普通咖啡/意式浓缩/瑞丝崔朵 .... page 610.2 卡布基诺/玛琪雅朵 ............................. page 610.3 奶咖 ...................................................... page 610.4 打奶沫 .................................................. page 610.5 双杯键 .................................................. page 711. 热水 .................................................................. page 712. 蒸汽 .................................................................. page 713. 关机 .................................................................. page 714. 程序设定 .......................................................... page 714.1 设置水硬度 .......................................... page 814.2 自定义咖啡设置 .................................. page 814.3 设置时间 .............................................. page 914.4 设置自动开机时间 .............................. page 914.5 设置自动关机时间 .............................. page 1014.6 指定某天激活/关闭自动开关机 ......... page 1014.7 设置待机自动关机 .............................. page 1014.8 设置语言 .............................................. page 1114.9 设置显示 .............................................. page 1114.9.1 水量单位 (ml/oz) ...................... page 1114.9.2 时间模式 ................................... page 1114.10 设置开机润湿 ...................................... page 1214.11 信息统计 .............................................. page 1214.11.1 制作杯数 .................................. page 1214.11.2 保养次数 ................................. page 1315. 杯数统计 .......................................................... page 1316. 保养 .................................................................. page 1316.1 加水 ...................................................... page 1316.2 自动进水系统 ...................................... page 1316.3 清空粉渣盒 .......................................... page 1316.4 清空废水盘 .......................................... page 1416.5 找不到粉渣盒 ...................................... page 1416.6 加豆 ...................................................... page 14216.7 清除异物 .............................................. page 1416.8 清洗须知 .............................................. page 1416.9 拆除并清洗咖啡喷口 .......................... page 1416.10 清洗牛奶系统 ...................................... page 1416.11 清洗咖啡系统 ...................................... page 1516.12 清洗咖啡喷口 ...................................... page 1516.13 更换滤芯 .............................................. page 1616.14 除垢 ...................................................... page 1717. 教您做一杯好咖啡 ........................................... page 1818. 提示 ................................................................... page 1819. 报废 ................................................................... page 1920. 法律声明 ........................................................... page 1921. 技术参数 ........................................................... page 19前言感谢您购买IMPRESSA X9. 为了确保您对这台机器的正确使用,请认真阅读并掌握此操作手册。



SINGLE SERVING AUTOMATIC POD MACHINENEWCO ENTERPRISES INC, 3650 NEW TOWN BLVD SAINT CHARLES, MO 633011-800-325-7867 FAX 1-636-925-0029Features/ Specifications• AUTOMATIC POD REMOVAL • FLOWMETER OPTION • 20 OZ TRAVEL MUG •LARGE POD WASTE TRAY / THRU COUNTER OPTION •ADJUSTABLE DRINK STRENGTH •ADJUSTABLE DRINK VOLUMETABLE OF CONTENTSSPECIFICATIONS (3)NEWCO PRODUCT WARRANTY (4)MACHINE SET-UP (5)MACHINE OPERATION (6)MACHINE PROGRAMMING & CALIBRATION (7)SERVICING THE MACHINE (11)TANK REMOVAL (12)POD BREWING MECHANISM (13)ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS (17)ERROR MESSAGES (18)FLOW ADJUSTMENT CONTROL (19)WIRING DIAGRAM (20)SPECIFICATIONSTANK WATTAGESUS 1700W 120V- CANADA 1400W 120V- INTERNATIONAL 1700W 220VTANK CAPACITY-1 US GALLONDRIP TRAY CAPACITY 8 OUNCESPOD WASTE TRAY CAPACITY 80 PODS-USE WASTE TRAYPN780306 FOR THRU-COUNTER USEUP TO 20 OZ CUP SIZESHIPPING WT-APPROX 35 LBSNEWCO PRODUCT WARRANTYNewco warrants equipment manufactured by it for 1 Year Parts & LaborThese warranty periods run from the date of installation Newco warrants that the equipment manufactured by it will be commercially free of defects in material and workmanship existing at the time of manufacture and appearing within the applicable warranty period. This warranty does not apply to any equipment, component or part that was not manufactured by Newco or that, in Newco’s judgment, has been affected by misuse, neglect, alteration, improper installation or operation, improper maintenance or repair, damage or casualty. This warranty is conditioned on the Buyer 1) giving Newco prompt notice of any claim to be made under this warranty by telephone at (800) 556-3926 or by writing to PO Box 852, Saint Charles, MO 63302; 2) if requested by Newco, shipping the defective equipment prepaid to an authorized Newco service location; and 3) receiving prior authorization from Newco that the defective equipment is under warranty.THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IS IN LIEU OF ANY OTHER WARRANTY, WRITTEN OR ORAL, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF EITHER MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The agents, dealers or employees of Newco are not authorized to make modifications to this warranty or to make additional warranties that are binding on Newco. Accordingly, statements by such individuals, whether oral or written, do not constitute warranties and should not be relied upon.If Newco determines in its sole discretion that the equipment does not conform to the warranty, Newco, at its exclusive option while the equipment is under warranty, shall either 1) provide at no charge replacement parts and/or labor (during the applicable parts and labor warranty periods specified above) to repair the defective components, provided that this repair is done by a Newco Authorized Service Representative; or 2) shall replace the equipment or refund the purchase price for the equipment.THE BUYER’S REMEDY AGAINST NEWCO FOR THE BREACH OF ANY OBLIGATION ARISING OUT OF THE SALE OF THIS EQUIPMENT, WHETHER DERIVED FROM WARRANTY OR OTHERWISE, SHALL BE LIMITED, AT NEWCO’S SOLE OPTION AS SPECIFIED HEREIN, TO REPAIR, REPLACEMENT OR REFUND.In no event shall Newco be liable for any other damage or loss, including, but not limited to, lost profits, lost sales, loss of use of equipment, claims of Buyer’s customers, cost of capital, cost of down time, cost of substitute equipment, facilities or services, or any other special, incidental or consequential damages.MACHINE SET-UPNOTE: The FRESH KUP machine weighs approximately 35 LBS. Use CAUTION when unpacking and lifting machine. LIFT MACHINE FROM MACHINE BOTTOM ONLY. DO NOT MOVE MACHINE UNLESS THE HOT WATER TANK IS DRAINED AND EMPTY.1. Open and install the drip tray grill and place drip tray into pod tray2. Connect water fitting with strainer on the rear of machine under the power switch.Plumber's Installation Instructions1) Brewer must be installed to comply with all applicable federal, state and local plumbingcodes and ordinances.2) Plumb brewer in to water supply using 1/4 inch copper tubing. Flush water line beforeinstalling brewer to remove sediment. Brewer should be connected to COLD WATERLINE for best operation.3) Water pressure should be at least 20 lbs. For less than a 25 ft run, use 1/4" tubing andconnect to 1/2" or larger water line. The inlet water fitting on the back of the brewer is a 1/4" flare fitting. It may be necessary to remove the plumbing cover box on the rear ofbrewer to access water connection point.4) If installed with saddle valve, the valve should have a minimum of 1/8" porthole for up to25 ft run, and 5/16" porthole for over 25 ft runs.5) Turn on water supply and check for leaks.WARNING: - Read and follow installation instructions before plugging or wiring in machine to electrical circuit. Warranty will be void if machine is connected to any voltage other than that specified on the serial tag.Turn the power switch to the “OFF “ position and plug the machine into a properly installed and grounded electrical circuit. Turn on power switch to start the initial WATER FILL CYCLE.When tank is filled, the heater circuit will turn on-allow up to 20 min for the tank to reach brewing temperature. Machine is now ready for programming or operation.MACHINE OPERATIONBREWING LIGHT PUSH & HOLD FOR HOT WATER PUSH TO RETURN BREW WHEN DRAWER IS OPENMACHINE PROGRAMMING AND CALIBRATIONMACHINES EQUIPPED WITH A FLOWMETER - Please run your Fresh Cup pod brewer a few times. If the volume dispensed is comparable to the amount expected from your Button Settings (which are set in the programming menu as described BELOW) and consistent and the pulsing is acting as expected you are done . However, if your dispensed calibration volume is larger or smaller than the volume setting for each brew button, then adjust the “OZ Per tick” until volumes match. For example, calibration volume delivers 6.5 oz, but the volume setting on a brew button is 7 oz, adjust the Oz Per tick until 7 oz is delivered in the calibration volume.To enter the maintenance menu turn the unit off then hold the Hot Water (Reset) key and the Open key (Button A) while turning on the power to the Fresh Cup pod brewer. Hold both keys down until “DRAIN LINE” scrolls across the display. Press the Mild key (Button B) until “OZ PER TICK” is scrolling across the display.Press the Hot Water (Reset) key to enter. A number will be displayed, 43 is the default value. Pressing the Open key (Button A) will decrease the number. Pressing the Mild key (Button B) will increase the number. A change of one number (example; 43 to 44) will alter the dispensed volume by approx. 0.2 oz for a 7oz dispense. If you want more in your cup decrease the number and if you want less in your cup increase the number. (Example; 43 to 44 will reduce your cup volume and 43 to 42 will increase your cup volume.) Press the Hot Water (Reset) key to exit. The display will show “END”. Press the Hot Water (Reset) key again to save your changes and to exit to the normal Run mode .FOR OTHER ITEMS IN THE MAINTENANCE MENU, SEE ‘MAINTENANCE MENU”, BELOWNOTE: THE MACHINE HAS BEEN CALIBRATED AT THE FACTORY AND HAS BEEN ADJUSTED TO BREW INTO AN 8 OUNCE CUP WITH APPROX 7 OUNCES OF COFFEE FOR BREW STRENGTHS OF MILD, REGULAR AND BOLD. NO FURTHER ADJUSTMENTS ARE NECESSARY IF THE FACTORY DEFAULTS ARE USED.The Fresh Kup pod brewer has a menu that consist of scrolling menu entries that can be scanned through backward and forward using button A and button B (see Fig 1). To enter aprogramming record, press and hold the Reset Key when powering up machine (see Fig 1) then use button A and button B (see Fig 1) to change the entry. Pressing the Reset key (see Fig 1) will exit the entry, saving the entire Parameter structure to memory upon exiting the programming menu using the END entry. There are nine entries on the Main menu and four on one sub menu, which is accessed through the BUTTON SET UP entry. The current entries in the Main menuare as follows:Fig 1: Fresh Kup KeysPROGRAMMING AND CALIBRATION CONT’D TEMPERATURE: In this entry the user may set the tank temperature in the range of 170 to 205 degrees Fahrenheit with the default at 200 degrees F. Pressing button D (see Fig 1) will toggle the display so the user may view the real tank temperature. The real temperature display has all three decimal points illuminated. Pressing button D (see Fig 1) again will switch the display back to show the current set point. As with most of the entries, button A and button B (see Fig 1) will change the set point, incrementing or decrementing by one. Pressing Reset key (see Fig 1) will exit.POWER SAVE: This entry allows the user to select the Power Save mode. Use button A and button B (see Fig 1) to change the entry then press the Reset key to exit.Off (default) – Turns Power Save function off.Prt – Partial Power Save Mode. After the user selectable time out the tank temperature set point is set to 180 until a key is pressed. When this mode is selected the right most decimal point in the display is on.FuL – Full Power Save Mode. After the user selectable time out the tank heater is disabled until a key is pressed. When this mode is selected the left most decimal point in the display is on.POWER SAVE TIME: This entry will not be displayed if the Power Save function has been turned off. This entry sets the time the machine will operate normally until the power save function is activated. The user can choose 1 through 4 hours in 1-hour increments with the default set to 4 hours. As with most of the entries, button A and button B (see Fig 1) will change the time, incrementing or decrementing by one. Pressing Reset key (see Fig 1) will exit.BEEPER VOLUME: The range is from 1 to 24. The default is 13.AIR PUMP SPEED: In this entry the user may set the air pump strength in the range of 5 to 10 strength with the default at 9. As with most of the entries button A and button B (see Fig 1) will change the Air Pump Strength, incrementing or decrementing by one. Pressing Reset (see Fig 1) key will exit.AIR PUMP TIME: In this entry the user may set the air pump time in the range of 2 to 10 seconds with the default at 5. As with most of the entries button A and button B (see Fig 1) will change the Air Pump Time, incrementing or decrementing by one. Pressing Reset (see Fig 1) key will exit.POD COUNT: In this entry the user may set the number of pods the brewer will hold before signaling that the bin is full. The range is 10 to 100 pods, with the default at 40. Setting the pod count under 10 turns off the count so the bin full alarm will never go off. As with most of the entries button A and button B (see Fig 1) will change the Pod Count threshold, incrementing or decrementing by one. Pressing Reset key (see Fig 1) will exit.PROGRAMMING AND CALIBRATION CONT’DCALIBRATION*: (NON-FLOWMETER MACHINES ONLY) This entry shows the amount of water the brewer dispenses in 30 seconds with no pauses. To run calibration, place a container able to hold at least 10 oz preferably greater. Press button D (see Fig 1) and the brewer will enter a brew cycle. The door will open to allow the user to place a beverage pod in the drawer. After the pod has been placed press the button D button (see Fig 1) again to start the brew cycle. After the cycle has completed, measure the amount of water dispensed and adjust the Calibration number shown in tenths of an ounce to match the amount dispensed by using button A and button B (see Fig 1) to increment or decrement by one. Press the Reset key (see Fig 1) to advance to the brew button programming selections. Range for the calibration volume is 10 to 320 tenths of an ounce. The default is 100 tenths of an ounce.BUTTON SET UP: This entry takes the user into a sub menu to program the parameters unique to each key. When this entry is accessed the display will change to SELECT BUTTON indicating that the user should press the brew key (button B, C or D (see Fig 1)) to be programmed. When a brew key is selected the display will show the first entry in the Button Set up sub menu, PRE-INFUSION. While SELECT BUTTON is displayed the user may exit back to the Main menu by pressing the Reset key (see Fig 1).With these four entries in the BUTTON SET UP sub menu:PRE-INFUSION: This entry sets the time of the pre-infusion pulse of water in tenths of a second. Range is 1 to 30, the default is 15 tenths of a seconds.BREW VOLUME: This entry sets the volume in tenths of an ounce for this key to dispense.The Range is from 20 to 160 tenths of an ounce with the default set to 70 tenths of an ounce BREW TIME: This entry sets the brew time in seconds for a 7-ounce cup of coffee with on/off pulses. The range is from ~30 to 99 seconds with the default being 35 seconds. RETURN: Exit to Main Programming Menu.FILTER SELECT: This entry allows the user to select the filter size for the filter used on the inlet for the water. Choices include OFF, 500 GAL, 1000 GAL and 1500 GAL. These set the counter for the filter warning. Whenever water is dispensed the counter is incremented to account for the water dispensed. When the counter is above 90% of the capacity of the chosen filter a warning message, “REPLACE WATER FILTER”, is displayed in place of the “READY” message. To reset the counter the user must enter the programming menu and enter the RESET FILTER entry described below. The following entries are only shown when a filter is selected. If the filter selection is OFF then following entries are not available. Press the Reset key (see Fig 1) to leave the entry and return to the Main Programming menu.FILTER REMAINING: This entry scrolls the number of Gallons left before the filter should be replaced. Press the Reset key (see Fig 1) to leave the entry and return to the Main Programming menu.RESET FILTER: When in this entry the message “PRESS OPEN TO RESET’. Press the Open Door key will reset the Filter Use counter to the value chosen in the FILTER SELECT entry above. Press the Reset key (see Fig 1) to leave the entry and return to the Main Programming menu.“MAINTENANCE” MENUThe Fresh Cup pod brewer has a maintenance menu that consist of scrolling menu entries that can be scanned through, backward and forward, using button A and button B (see Fig 1). The letter to the right of the button is the buttons letter assignment. To enter the maintenance menu, hold Button A (Open) and the Reset key (Hot Water) down while turning on the Fresh Cup machine. Hold the keys down until the Drain Line message appears on the display. This is the first entry of the maintenance menu. Until the Drain Line message appears on the display the current version will be displayed. To enter a maintenance record, press the Reset key (see Fig 1) then use button A and button B (see Fig 1) to change the entry.The current entries in the Main menu are as follows:FLOWMETER ADJUST: This entry displays the value used to represent the amount of liquid in thousandths of an ounce seen for one tick of the flow meter count. While in this entry, pressing the A key will decrement and the B key will increment this value. This can be used to fine-tune the amount of liquid that is dispensed. The default value is 43.CYCLE COUNT: This entry shows the number of brew cycles that has occurred on this machine since the last time the count was cleared. To clear the count hold button C down for 10 seconds while in this entry.RESET TO FACTORY DEFAULTS: When in this option, pressing the “OPEN” key resets the unit to its factory defaults then exits to the Maintenance Menu. To exitto the Maintenance Menu without resetting press the “HOT WATER” key.DRAIN LINES: In this entry the user may run the pump for 15 seconds in order to drain any water from the lines for transportation. This function runs similarly to the calibration function. The display will prompt “RUN PUMP” once the user has entered this entry. To run the pump first press the ‘D’ key. The drawer will go to the open position. At this point pressing any brew key (B, C, or D) will cause the drawer to go to the brew position and then, once the drawer is in position, run the pump for 15 seconds, then return the drawer to the home position. At this point pressing ‘RESET’ will exit to the menu and pressing the ‘D’ key will start the process again. Pressing any key while running will abort the process.END – Exit to Main and save parameters.BREW MECHANISM ACCESS SCREWS(VIEW FROM BOTTOM FRONT OF MACHINE)REMOVE BRASS KNURLED NUTSNUTS (4)DRAINING THE HOT WATER TANKTHE DRAIN TUBE IS CLIPPED TO THE TANK PLATE IN FRONT OF THE TANK. THE HOT WATER TANK CAN BE DRAINED FROM THE FRONT OF THE MACHINE –UNPLUG MACHINE FROM POWER SOURCE. REMOVE POD WASTE TRAY.CAUTION-UNLESS THE TANK IS LEFT TO COOL THE WATER IS EXTREMELY HOT AND CAN CUASE HARMFUL BURNS. REPLACE DRAIN PLUG, ENSURE HOSE CLAMP IS TIGHT AND REPOSITION DRAIN HOSE BEFORE RE-FILLING THE HOT WATER TANK.SERVICING THE MACHINEThe Fresh Kup machine has a modular Water Tank Assembly and Brew Mechanism. These assemblies can be easily removed from the machine by removing or looseningMachine nuts as noted in drawings below:Front Of BrewerNOTE: TO REMOVE BREW MECHANISM, UNSNAP WATER& HARNESS FITTINGSTANK REMOVAL & ACCESS AREASLOOSEN BUT DO NOT REMOVE THESE 2 SCREWS THEN LIFT & PULL CONTROL BOARD &BRACKET OUT OF MACHINE TO ACCESS TRANSFORMERREMOVE (3) 8-32 NUTS TO PREPARE TANK FOR REMOVAL (TWO ON TOP OF TANK & ONE ON BOTTOM OF PUMPBRACKETREMOVE (2) 6-32 SCREWS TO REMOVE SIDE PANEL FOR PUMP ACCESS (REMOVE TOP COVER BEFORE REMOVING SIDE PANELS)LOOSEN SCREWS TO REMOVE TOP & BACKCOVERSPOD BREWING MECHANISM780234-61MM and 780330 –56MMPOD BREWING MECHANISM CONT’D*MACHINE IS ORDERED FOR 56MM OR 61MM POD SIZEITEM #NEWCO PN DESCRIPTIONQTY/EA1 780230 BREW MECH MOTOR2 2 780231 DELTROL SOLENOID 13 780257 780329 UPPER BREW CHAMBER-61MMUPPER BREW CHAMBER-56MM1 4 773246 U-CUP SEAL RING 1 5 780262 780314 LOWER BREW CHAMBER-61MMLOWER BREW CHAMBER-56MM1 6 780418 EJECT SLOPE CAM ASS’Y1780234 TANK ASS’Y10123 945780234 TANK ASS’Y CONT’DELECTRICAL COMPONENTSELECTRICAL COMPONENTS CONT’DERROR MESSAGESMessage - "THERMISTOR ERROR"THERMISTOR IS OPEN OR SHORTED-REPLACE PN 151677Message - "HIGH TEMP ERROR"RAPID TEMPERATURE RISE-HEATER ON WITH LOW WATER LEVEL-CHECK FILL VALVE OR WATER SUPPLY LINEMessage - "UPPER/LOWER MOTOR ERROR"BREW CHAMBER DRIVE MOTOR ERROR-CHECK FOR JAM OR OBSTRUCTION IN BREW CHAMBERMessage - "BOARD ERROR"CONTROL BOARD WRITE ERROR-REPLACE BOARD IF MESSAGE DOES NOT CLEAR PN 780225Message - "FILL TIMEOUT ERROR"WATER NOT REACHING LEVEL PROBE-CHECK WATER SUPPLY OR CHECK FOR WATER LEAKMessage - "HEATER TIMEOUT ERROR"WATER NOT HEATED DURING TIMEOUT PERIOD-CHECK HEATER RELAY PN 110958 OR HEATING ELEMENT PN 704166-10(1700W US) OR 704161-10 (1400W CANADA) OR HI-LIMIT THERMOSTAT PN 111593FLOW ADJUSTMENT CONTROLVIEW FROM TOP OF MACHINECOVER REMOVEDONLY USED FOR ADJUSTING WATER FLOWRATE(FACTORY SET)CALIBRATION PUMP FLOWCLOCKWISE DECREASE FLOWCOUNTER INCREASE FLOWWIRING DIAGRAMPOWERCORD。

Saeco Xsmall 自动咖啡机说明书

Saeco Xsmall 自动咖啡机说明书

Saeco XsmallSuper-automaticespresso machine•Brews 2 coffee varieties•Classic Milk Frother•Beige•5 step adjustable grinderHD8645/57 Array Taste the aroma of your favourite coffee beansOne touch super-automatic espresso machineWhatever blend of coffee you wish to try next, the Xsmall will grind the beans fresh on thespot at the touch of a button. It comes also equipped with a manual frother to add a touchof velvety pleasure to all your fresh coffee drinks.Advanced technology designed for coffee perfection•Delicious milk froth thanks to the classic milk frother•20,000 cups of finest coffee with durable ceramic grinders•Fine-tune the coffee's richness with 5 grinder settings•Enjoy hot coffee in no time with the Quick Heat BoilerSet the beverages to suit your taste•Save your favorite coffee lengthEase of cleaning and maintaining•Always a clean machine thanks to automatic circuit cleaning•Easy cleaning thanks to dishwasher-safe drip tray•The fully removable brewing group can be cleaned in no timeHighlightsClassic milk frotherThis Saeco espresso machine comes with the classic milk frother that baristas call a “Pannarello”. It dispenses steam and is immersed in milk to prepare gorgeous milk foam. Unleash your inner barista by preparing your delicious milk specialties the traditional way!100% Ceramic grindersOur grinders are made of high-tech ceramic: exceptionally hard and precise. Fresh beans are gently ground, without risk of overheating: extracting all the best flavors and aroma, delivering a superior coffee taste for at least 20,000 cups.5-steps adjustable grinders When it comes to the fineness of the grind, this machine never fails to satisfy. Different coffee blends require different levels of granularity for the full flavor to unfold. So the grind granularity of this machine has five adjustable settings - from the finest grind for a full-bodied espresso, to the coarsest for a lighter coffee.Automatic circuit cleaningSaeco designed this espresso machine toautomatically clean its coffee circuit with water upon starting up or switching off of the machine, this delivers a great, fresh taste with each cup of coffee.Saves your coffee lengthYou will always get a perfect cup of espresso brewed according to your personal preference thanks to our memo function which allows you to adjust the coffee length to suit your taste. Enjoy a superb coffee drink with just the press of a button.Dishwasher-safe drip trayFor your convenience, you can wash the drip tray of your Saeco in the dishwasher. This will save time and ensure a hygienic cleaning.SpecificationsWeight and dimensions •Dimensions of product (WxDxH): 420 x 325 x 295 mm•Weight of product: 6.9 kgService•1-year guaranteeTechnical specifications •Frequency: 50 Hz•Voltage: 230 V•Capacity bean container: 180 gr•Capacity waste container: 8 servings •Capacity water tank: 1 L•Cord length: 0,8 m•Pump pressure: 15 bar•Water boilers:1•Max. cup height: 95 mmCountry of origin•Made in: Romania General specifications•Ease of cleaning & maintenance: Automatic rinse cycle, Removable brewing group•Ease of use and comfort: Removable water tank •Special functions: Pre-brewing, Manual milk frother Pannarello•Suitable for: Whole coffee beans Accessories•Included: Descaler pack, Water filterDesign•Color: BeigeFinishing•Material panarello: Plastic•Material boiler: Stainless steel (Inox)•Material of main body: ABS Plastic Sustainability•Power consumption brewing: 1400 WIssue date 2020-04-20 Version: 7.0.1EAN: 00 07502 00524 14© 2020 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.。



咖啡机说明书咖啡机说明书1. 引言欢迎使用我们的咖啡机!本说明书将为您提供有关如何正确使用和保养咖啡机的相关信息。


2. 产品概述我们的咖啡机采用先进的技术和设计,旨在为用户提供一杯浓香的咖啡。

以下是其主要特性:- 多功能控制面板:方便易用的控制按钮,可根据个人口味选择不同的咖啡类型和大小。

- 自动冲泡系统:根据预设的程序和水温调节,自动完成咖啡冲泡过程。

- 可调节咖啡温度和浓度:可以根据个人喜好调节咖啡的温度和浓度。

3. 安全使用在使用咖啡机前,请务必阅读以下安全提示:- 仔细检查咖啡机是否有损坏或缺陷。


- 在使用或清洁咖啡机之前,请确保将电源插头从插座中拔出。

- 请勿将咖啡机放置在易燃和潮湿的地方,远离水源和火源。

- 请勿将咖啡机浸入水中进行清洗。


- 不允许儿童或没有使用经验的人操作咖啡机。

4. 准备咖啡机在使用咖啡机之前,请按照以下步骤准备咖啡机:1. 将咖啡机放置在一个平稳的表面上,确保有足够的空间容纳咖啡机和咖啡杯。

2. 将咖啡机连接到电源插座,并确保插头接触良好。

3. 检查水箱是否装满清水。


4. 将咖啡滤网安装到过滤篮中,并将过滤篮插入咖啡机的滤筒。

5. 使用咖啡机现在,您可以开始使用咖啡机冲泡咖啡了。

根据以下步骤进行操作:1. 打开咖啡机的电源开关。

2. 使用控制面板上的按钮选择您想要的咖啡类型和大小。

3. 根据需要调节咖啡温度和浓度。


4. 确保咖啡机的喷嘴对准咖啡杯,并按下“开始”按钮开始冲泡咖啡。

5. 等待冲泡过程完成。


6. 关闭咖啡机的电源开关,并等待咖啡杯冷却一段时间后即可享用。

6. 清洁和维护为了保持咖啡机的性能和寿命,请定期进行清洁和维护。




一、咖啡机概述1. 外观介绍咖啡机外观时尚简约,采用不锈钢材质制作,具有耐用性和易于清洁的特点。

2. 功能简介我们的咖啡机配备了多种咖啡制作功能,包括浓缩咖啡、美式咖啡、拿铁、卡布奇诺等。


二、咖啡机的使用方法1. 准备工作(1)将咖啡机放置在平稳的台面上,确保插头与电源连接。



2. 制作浓缩咖啡(1)将咖啡粉放入咖啡机的过滤器篮中,并轻轻拍紧。



3. 制作美式咖啡(1)将咖啡机的过滤器篮中加入适量的咖啡粉,并轻轻拍紧。



4. 制作拿铁和卡布奇诺(1)将鲜牛奶倒入适量的容器中,放入咖啡机的奶泡器。



三、清洁和维护1. 清洁咖啡机(1)每次使用后,务必清洗过滤器篮和过滤器头,避免咖啡渣残留。


2. 维护咖啡机(1)定期检查水箱和咖啡粉收集盒的清洁情况,如有需要清理。


四、使用注意事项1. 请确保咖啡机的电源插头与电源连接正确,避免电流不稳定影响使用安全。

2. 制作咖啡时,请务必按照说明选择适当的功能,并遵循操作步骤。

3. 在咖啡机工作时,避免触摸热表面,以免烫伤。

4. 使用前和使用后请检查咖啡机是否正常,如有异常请及时联系售后服务。


Dunkin’ Donuts® is a registered trademark of DD IP Holder LLC.
请勿忽略以下步骤 初次冲泡咖啡前,请用清水冲洗咖啡机。
8 盎司刻度线
14 盎司刻度线
按照以上所示的量取说明,将研磨咖啡粉直接舀入 Scoop™ 冲泡 器。或者,如果您喜欢采用传统的咖啡量取方法,请按如下方式量 取咖啡:
Place the Scoop™ filter into coffeemaker,
close lid, and press or button.
Please refer to your full Use and Care Guide for warnings, additional instructions, tips, and guidance on how to use this product.
使用 (加浓)设置 可冲泡如 Starbucks® 和 Dunkin’ Donuts® 等 高档品牌的研磨咖 啡,或冲泡风味浓郁 型、脱因型或细磨型 咖啡。
Starbucks® 为 Starbucks U.S. Brands, LLC 公司的注册商标。
Dunkin’ Donuts® 为 DD IP Holder LLC 公司的注册商标。
8-oz. cup = 2 tablespoons ground coffee
14-oz. cup = 3 tablespoons ground coffee
To get the perfect taste you prefer, adjust measurements up or down accordingly.
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