how to train your dragon" is not only a warrior in the Vikings, and also has many kinds of dragon. So the dragon with a story of people pulled open heavy curtain. One of the biggest attraction is the “hiccup" and "toothless”‟s friendship between a them, and more has fascinated audiences is that "toothless”‟s cute behavior.
今年上映的《驯龙高手 2》,看点更是连连不 断,剧情也是跌宕起伏。 主人公小嗝嗝与他的龙 无牙在探索新大陆时意 外找到了自己失散多年 的母亲,而高潮部分的 龙族之战也是影片的又 一大看点。
Sadly, however, The protagonist in two episodes have suffered setbacks, in the second film, he even lost his father. director said in reply is "rather than make the movie a simple comedy, we prefer to let it become a inspirational story about the subject." From the first to the second, The protagonist did from a weak when the Vikings grow up to be a responsible leader. 然而令人遗憾的是,主人公在两部剧集中都遭受了巨大挫折,第 二部中他更是失去了父亲,导演在回复记者是说:“与其让这部 电影成为一部单纯的喜剧,我们更愿意让其成为一部讲述主人公 成长的励志故事。”从第一部到第二部,主人公也的确从一个令 维京人讨厌的软弱的人成长为一个有责任感的领袖。
它有七代人的历史 It's been here for seven generations
但每所建筑仍崭新如初 but every single building is new.
我们打渔 狩猎 享受迷人的日落 We have
可你指着我全身上下 But you just pointed to
all of me. 正是如此 Yes, that's it. 你从头到尾都要改 Stop being all of you.
明白了吧 Oh, yes. 先生 你在玩火 You sir, are playing a
dangerous game...
卡嗝 他怎么又出来了 Hiccup! What is he doing out again...
你出来干什么 回去 What are you doing out? Get inside!
他是伟岸的史推克 部落首领 That's Stoick the Vast, Chief of the tribe.
鼻涕唠 Snotlout 双胞胎悍夫奈和暴芙奈 The twins, Ruffnut and
Tuffnut... 还有 And...
雅丝翠 Astrid. 他们的工作酷多了 Aww, their job is so much
cooler. 让我出去 我要立功扬名 Oh, come on. Let me
would leave, but not us.
我们是维京海盗 We're Vikings. 我们以顽固著称 We have stubbornness issues.
我名叫卡嗝 My name is Hiccup. 不是个好名字 但好歹不算最差 Great name, I
• A hapless young Viking who aspires to
hunt dragons becomes the unlikely friend of a young dragon himself, and learns there may be more to the creatures than he assumed .
• The dragon lands in the
woods some distance from the village and no one believes that he hit anything, so it‘s the next day before Hiccup can go looking for it. It turns out to be a rare and deadly Night Fury, but Hiccup can’t make himself kill it. Instead he releases(释 放,解放) it – whereupon(因此) it also refrains(忍住,克制) from killing Hiccup -- and it flies off through the trees.
• Before long, Hiccup is able to use
some things he’s learned while
working with Toothless to soothe (安慰,抚慰)and manage the school’s practice dragons. (It turns out dragons are just big kitty-cats: they like to be petted, there’s a kind of grass that’s like cat-nip to
同時,中國也正以史無前例的速度,不斷匯集動能而且繼 續加快速度。從九零年代開始直到現在,甚至在20032006年間,中國每年經濟成長都至少達到10%, 完全顛覆 了傳統經濟理論的預測
此外中國的外匯存底也以每年至少2000億的速度迅速累積, 截至2009年底,已經超過了兩兆美元!
中國經濟發展的加速度讓中國陷入一個「騎虎難下」的局 面,跳下這個虎背很危險,但是想騎在這個虎背上也不是 那麼簡單~
「外企/內企」市場不必然是由外資企業所寡 佔,在這個市場裡,外企、以及獲得國外技術 指導的內企既互相合作也同時競爭。
這個「純本土」的市場在過去的三十年來,多 數隱藏在外國觀察家的雷達之下。但隨著中國 經濟的成長,這個市場也逐漸地在擴大,而且 多半比西方競爭者所預期的市場規模還大!
而且這個「純本土」市場,更是培養未來全球 競爭者的溫床,所以我們不得不重視!
中國在1978年打開門戶,但是高品質、高技術的外 國商品並未如預期地把效率低的當地企業擠出市場, 而是在原先純內資企業競爭的「內企」市場 (例如 熊貓 vs 康佳 vs 長虹 vs海爾),又出現了一個 「外企 vs 內企」,外資企業(中國 SONY, PANASONIC, SAMSUNG) 與內資企業貼身肉搏的局面
望實現2,西方世界所主導,以資本主義搭配 多元、民主、人權、自由貿易的成長經濟模式體制, 的確為全人類文明開始以來,帶來前所未見的繁榮與進步! 但是在此同時,我們幾乎只認定這是唯一成功的樣版 很多西方的學者、思想家、政治人物「拒絕」相信有一天,
• 隨著時間經過,中國收入水準將逐漸 成長,「本土市場」的技術落差將會 慢慢接近,兩個市場的價格差距也隨 之縮小,然而「中國價格」仍會停留 在兩個市場可接受價格間的某個位置
驯龙高手英文影评集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-The comments of the movie How to Train YourDragonFirst of all ,i want to give you the plot summary for "How to Train Your Dragon"Long ago up North on the Island of Berk, the young Viking, Hiccup, wants to join his town's fight against the dragons that continually raid their town. However, his macho father and village leader, Stoik the Vast, will not allow his small, clumsy, but inventive son to do so. Regardless, Hiccup ventures out into battle and downs a mysterious Night Fury dragon with his invention, but can't bring himself to kill it. Instead, Hiccup and the dragon, whom he dubs Toothless, begin a friendship that would open up both their worlds as the observant boy learns that his people have misjudged the species. But even as the two each take flight in their own way, they find that they must fight the destructive ignorance plaguing their world.In the film, the Vikings have a long time between nationals and dragon , long connection to each other through violence to sanctions. Thus, Hiccup also succeeded the tradition of the Vikings, hoping to prove himself through killing the Dragon, and to get his father's esteem and blue eyes. Because of Hiccup body weak, he was always making mistake. However, more and more failures inspired Hiccup to do many movements of killing dragons, until he hit the Toothless accidently.The film touched me the most is the Hiccup outstretched hand to the Toothless. The queue too long between the hate and divide, resulting in a Hiccup and Toothless meeting will be tense, nervous atmosphere. Actually discard the queue to see our world, and people then why not this predicament. Impatience of the world is a little bit of invasion of crimes, a sense of trust between people less and less. In fact, we have to, justautomatically hand outStory was told a shallow reason, but just using 100 minutes of stunning images to make a deep impression on the viewers. The superb of DreamWorks is to carefully written about the process of the ice, between the dragon was about the human emotional development understatement. Just a Few pen, we see the friendship between them impregnable. Hard to love easy to get along, get along easily break the ice than done.In addition to the main line, there are many flash movie wisdom. For example, conflict between Hiccup and his father, is that they only have to listen a little more condensate; example of Hiccup girl Astrid complaints, in fact, just want to know a little bit. When these flashes of wisdom hidden in the great epic movie picture, the audience's heart soar along with the Dragon has nine north wind fluctuations unconventional, they are only bits and pieces of the early Guanghua. This no lack of narrative tension method , resulting in change of DreamWorks. In addition to the Shrek and effort fired Black Panda, DreamWorks animated image of a new surface, there was deep in my mind to remember the precursor. Do not get too happy, however, Pixar have long been films like Wall-E sits, DreamWorks temporary or only hold a candle. In any event, this year's How to train your dragon, relatively carry tripod for DreamWorks, Pixar and Disney, the face of the truculent oncoming Toy Story3, Train Your Dragon leader first , and intimate knowledge.Clearly, the DreamWorks film was beyond the audience's expectations£?It shines in Guilin, one of this year's animated films . Whether intended to break the height from the film, the plot level to ease the consequences of still images, the DreamWorks are using How to train your Dragon highlights his growth, no wonder everyone says, "DreamWorks will be tellingstories."In short,it is really a good movie that's worthy of being watched.。
-Hiccup: That's Stoick the Vast, Chief of the tribe.
vast: 巨大的 chief: 族长,酋长 tribe: 部落,种族
They say that when he was a baby he popped a Dragon's head clean off its shoulders. Do I believe it? Yes, I do.
-Stoick: Good.
-Viking: Light the torches!
light: 点火,点燃 torch: 火炬
in the party. I thought you'd been carried off.
看电影学英语 How To Train Your Dragon 《驯龙高手》
-Hiccup: This is Berk. It's 12 days North of hopeless and a few degrees South of freezing to death.
north: 北方 hopeless: 绝望的 a few: 少数,几个 degree: 度数,程度 freezing: 严寒的 death: 死亡
You see, most places have mice or mosquitoes. We have...Dragons.
mice: mouse的复数形式,老鼠 mosquito: 蚊子 dragon: 龙
夜煞 night fury
无牙是被当地人称为夜煞的 神秘种类的一员,他所喷出的是极具冲击力的强 有力的雷电,而不是像其他人那样的火焰,可以 对对手造成致命的打击。他是龙族非常稀有且最 危险聪明的龙。他也是敏捷而又灵活的飞行者, 但他却并不像他的其它同伴那样粗暴,他们从不 偷取食物,人们对他凶残的理解是错误的,他实 际上很温顺、很可爱、有丰富的面部表情,被驯 服后就忠诚无比,愿意冒着危险救出主人。
• • • • •
除了制片阵容强大之外,本片的配音 阵容也巨星如云,以下依次有: 杰伊· 巴鲁切尔(饰/希卡普) 杰拉德· 巴特勒(饰/史图依克) 克雷格· 佛格森(饰/戈伯) 亚美莉卡· 费雷拉(饰/亚丝翠) 乔纳· 希尔(饰/乔根森)
电影原声怎么听都是那么津津有味, 仪态万千,丝毫不会 想到自己听到的 其实就是同一段旋律的多种变奏而已。 • 约翰在创作技法一方面继续采用的自己 • 一贯较为擅长的昂扬基调,另一方面在 • 旋律的编配上输入更加完整统一的框架 • 和丰富多样的点缀,最终取得的效果自 • 然比之前的水准之作《史莱克》和《功 • 夫熊猫》还要成熟丰满,具有独立欣赏 • 的艺术品格。这种经过纯正古典配乐技 • 法严谨完整的思路深思熟虑之后所完成 • 的乐章,无论是影响力还是持久力都远 • 远超出MV配乐人以往那种仅仅能在聆听 的第一时间抓住观众的听觉快餐。总体 • 来说,这部《驯龙记》的出现,为绝无 • 废章的原声佳作榜又添上了一个耀眼的 名字,对此,我很想赞一声:“好个鲍 威尔,干得漂亮,加油!”
3. 丑陋双头龙
Hideous Zippleback
4. 极度恐惧 TerribleTerror
5. 葛伦科
6.丑陋双头龙 Hideous Zippleback
• Hiccup like wearing blond fur and leather shoes.He looks casual but just right.and father is dragonslayer and pirate leader. But we can find Hiccup don’t follow them. He is very weak and short. So children are always laugh at him.
A cartoon character from Dragon Chaser
• Hiccup is week boy with long blond hair.His hair is medlum length hair.Under his hair is two big blue eyes.He has pale skin and a oval face.Overall he is thin and tall.
• But Hiccup doesn’t give up. His intelligence and wisdom set off his weak body. In fact, cleverness are much more important.
• It’s many reason why I like Hiccup most. First ,the cartoon is successful to make Hiccup interesting. Then I really admire his rich ideal. This is the premise that he do what others think him can not do .
出品公司: 梦工厂动画部
编剧: Sanders
Dean DeBlois / Chris
杰伊·布鲁切尔, 杰拉
德·巴特勒, 亚美莉卡·费雷拉, 乔纳·希尔
(John Lasseter)产生分歧而离开迪士尼
的一位导演。 杰伊·巴鲁切尔《驯龙记》的
英文名:Deadly Nadder 他是龙族最漂亮、精力最充沛的一
员,皮肤色彩斑斓,有鹦鹉一样的习性。 鸸鹋的步态和雷克斯暴龙的姿势,是
鸟类的祖先。纳德的性格暴躁,经常发 脾气。在对手攻击失败时,会庆幸的笑 笑,然后盯着对手看看,再闻闻。闲暇时, 会像鸟一样啄啄翅膀。视野较小,盲点 在鼻子前面,脑袋向右转后左眼只能看 左边,看不见右边。纳德满身尖刺,从 而获得了一项引人注目的独特技能:它 能使周身82根尖刺呈扇形弩张,形成一 道防御系统;也能使利刺抽离身体,如 长鞭出鞘,刺向对手。他的火力明亮得 好似烟火,以镁粉助燃,在一团白色的 朦胧中喷薄而出,如繁星闪烁。 进攻:火柱.
Part Three
Awards & Nomination
Annie Awards
Annie Awards is an animation award , and is also one of the highest honors in the field of animation, held by the ASIFAHollywood members of the International Animated Film Association since 1972. This award was originally designed to reward animation Director, production, work, design, writing, voice acting, sound effects and music for lifetime achievement in the field. Annie Award start to evaluate the animation as a whole and establish the best animation Award.
Fury and didn’t communicate with
it ,who knows it was a that lovely “Toothless”.
It is about dragons, and so do our humans. We
can’t affirm a man is a
bad one just by judging what he looks. We should
charm of Hiccup.
• But when he met and made friends with a wounded dragon, his life changed completely, but also change the whole tribe of the future.
史图依克 Stu Bea J
希卡普 Shikap 希卡普是一个瘦弱的少 年,也是维京族族长的 儿子,他的聪明在族里 被归为异类。
Shikap is a thin boy, is also a Viking chief ‘s son, his intelligence is classified as a heterogeneous in the family.
亚丝翠 Diaz Cui 强悍又充满活力的亚丝翠是维京女勇士,她 是希卡普喜欢的人。
Strong and vibrant Diaz Cui is virgin female warrior, she is Shikap love person.
• From “Dragon Master”, we can see the good and evil are relative, the dragon in human’s eyes is just struggling for survival. • Everyone needs to be friendly, because human nature is good. • If everyone gave a love , the world will become much more beautiful.
史图依克是是典型的维京人领袖,他一心希 望培养儿子成为接班人,但却不了解儿子的 聪明才智。 Stu Bea J is a typical Viking leader, he hoped to cultivate his son to become his successor, but don't know son one's ability and cleverness.
高一英语The story of Atlanta(PPT)5-4
Reading-I----skimming (2m)
Skim the text and find out the main idea of the story.
The story is about a princess who races to marry the man that can run faster than her. In order to win the race, a man asks for help from the Goddess of Love.
3. Who did she want to marry?
She wanted to marry a man who could run faster than her.
4. How could he Hippomenes win Atlanta? He asked for help from the Greek Goddess of Love. The Greek Goddess of Love gave him three golden apples to attract Atlanta’s attention and make her slow down.
Hale Waihona Puke 住:读到精彩之处,他~大声叫好。 【不仅】①副表示超出某个数量或范围;不止:这~是我个人的意见。②连不但:~方法对头,而且措施得力|他们~ 提前完成了生产任务,而且还支援了兄弟单位。 【不尽然】不一定是这样;不完全如此:要说做生意能赚钱,也~,有时也会亏本。 【不近人情】不合乎人 之常情。多指性情、言行怪僻,不合;短信群发 短信群发 ;情理。 【不经一事,不长一智】īī,ī不经历一件事情,就不能增长对于那件事 情的知识。 【不经意】ī动不注意;不留神:稍~,就会出错。 【不经之谈】īī荒诞的、没有根据的话(经:正常)。 【不胫而走】没有腿却能跑,形容传布 迅速(胫:小腿)。 【不久】形指距离某个时期或某件事情时间不远:水库~就能完工|我们插完秧~,就下了一场雨。 【不咎既往】见页〖既往不咎〗。 【不拘】①动不拘泥;不计较;不限制:~一格|~小节|字数~|长短~。②连不论:~他是什么人,都不能违反法律。 【不拘小节】不为无关原则的琐 事所约束,多指不注意生活小事。 【不拘一格】ī不局限于一种规格或方式:文艺创作要~,体裁可以多样化。 【不绝如缕】ǚ像细线一样连着,差点儿就要 断了,多用来形容局势危急或声音细微悠长。 【不刊之论】ī比喻不能改动或不可磨灭的言论(刊:古代指削除刻错了的字,不刊是说不可更改)。 【不堪】 ①动承受不了:~其苦|~一击。②动不可;不能(多用于不好的方面):~入耳|~设想|~造就。③形用在消极意义的词后面,表示程度深:疲惫~| 破烂~|狼狈~。④形坏到极深的程度:他这个人太~了。 【不堪回首】不忍再去回忆过去的经历或情景。 【不堪设想】事情的结果不能想象,指会发展到 很坏或很危险的地步。 【不亢不卑】见页〖不卑不亢〗。 【不可】①动助动词。不可以;不能够:~偏废|~动摇|二者缺一~。②助跟“非”搭配,构成 “非…不可”,表示必须或一定:今天这个会很重要,我非去~。 【不可告人】不能告诉别人,多指不正当的打算或计谋不敢公开说出来。 【不可更新资源】 īī经人类开发利用后,在相当长的时期内不可能再生的自然资源。如金属矿物、煤、石油等。也叫非再生资源。 【不可救】病重到已无法救治,比喻人或事 物坏到无法挽救的地步。 【不可开交】无法摆脱或结束(只做“得”后面的补语):忙得~|打得~。 【不可抗力】名法律上指在当时的条件下人力所不能 抵抗的破坏力,如洪水、地震等。因不可抗力而发生的损害,不追究法律责任。 【不可理喻】不能够用道理使他明白,形容固执或
This is Berk.It's 12 days north of Hopelessand a few degrees south of Freezing to Death.It's located solidly on the Meridian of Misery.My village. In a word: sturdy.It's been here for seven generationsbut every single building is new.We have fishing, hunting, and a charming view of the sunsets. The only problems are the pests.You see, most places have mice or mosquitoes.We have...... dragons.Most people would leave, but not us.We're Vikings.We have stubbornness issues.My name is Hiccup.Great name, I know. But it's not the worst.Parents believe a hideous name willfrighten off Gnomes and Trolls.Like our charming Viking demeanor wouldn't do that. Morning.- What are you doing here? - Get inside!Get back inside!Hiccup! What is he doing out again...What are you doing out? Get inside!That's Stoick the Vast, Chief of the tribe.They say that when he was a baby he poppeda dragon's head clean off its shoulders.Do I believe it? Yes, I do.What have we got?Gronckles, Nadders, Zipplebacks... Oh,and hordes of Monstruous Nightmares.Any Night Furys?- None so far. - Good.Light the torches!Oh, nice of you to join the party.I thought you'd been carried off.Who? Me? Nah, come on...I'm way too muscular for their taste.They wouldn't know what to do with all... this. Well, they need toothpicks, don't they?The meathead with the attitude and interchangeable hands, is Gobber.I have been his apprentice ever since I was little. Well, littler.We move to the moor defenses.We'll counterattack with the catapults.See? Old village. Lots and lots of new houses. Fire!Oh, and that's FishlegsSnotloutThe twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut...And...Astrid.Aww, their job is so much cooler.Oh, come on. Let me out, please. I need to make my mark! Oh, you have made plenty of marks. All in the wrong places. Please, 2 minutes. I'll kill a dragon.My life will get infinitely better.I might even get a date.You can't lift a hammer. You can't swing an axe.You can't even throw one of these.Okay, fine, but this will throw it for me.See, now this right here is what I'm talking about.But it... it's a mild calibration issue.Hiccup, if you ever want to get out there to fight dragons, you need to stop all....... this.But you just pointed to all of me.Yes, that's it.Stop being all of you.Oh, yes.You sir, are playing a dangerous game...... keeping this much raw Vikingness contained.- There will be consequences! - I take my chances. Sword, sharpened, now!One day I'll get out there.Because killing a dragon is everything around here.A Nadderhead is sure to get me at least noticed.Gronckles are tough.Taking down one of those would definitely get me a girlfriend.A Zippleback...Exotic, two heads, twice the status.They found the ship!Concentrate fire over the lower bank!Hurry up!Fire!And then, there's the Monstruous Nightmare.Only the best Vikings go after those.They have this nasty habit of setting themselves on fire. Reload!I'll take care of this.But the ultimate prize is the dragon no one's ever seen.We call it the...- Night Fury! - Get down!Jump!This thing never steals food, never shows itself, and...... never misses.No one has ever killed a Night Fury.That's why I'm going to be the first.Mind the fort, Hiccup. They need me out there.Stay!... Put!There.You know what I mean.- Hiccup, what are you doing? - Come back here!Yeah, I know, be right back!Mind yourself!The devils still have some juice in them.Come on.Give me something to shoot at. Give me something to shoot at. Oh! I hit it? Yes, I hit it!Did anybody see that?Except for you.- Do not let them escape! - Right!You're all out.Oh, and there's one more thing you need to know...Sorry, Dad.Okay, but I hit a Night Fury.It's not like the last few times, Dad!I mean, I really actually hit...You guys were busy and I had a very clear shot.It went down just off Raven Point.Let's get a search party out there before...Stop!Just, stop!Every time you step outside disaster falls.Can you not see that I have bigger problems?Winter is almost here and I have an entire village to feed! Between you and me, the village could dowith a little less feeding, don't you think?This isn't a joke, Hiccup!Why can't you follow the simplest orders?I, I can't stop myself. I see a dragon and I have to just... ... kill it. You know, it's who I am, Dad.Oh, you are many things, Hiccup,but a dragon killer is not one of them.Get back to the house. Make sure he gets there.I have his mess to clean up.Quite the performance.I've never seen any one mess up that badly. That helped! Thank you. Thank you. I was trying.- I really did hit one. - Sure, Hiccup.- He never listens. - Well, it runs in the family.And when he does, it's always with this disappointed scowl like someone skimped on the meat in his sandwich. Excuse me, barmaid. I'm afraid youbrought me the wrong offspring.I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms.Extra guts and glory on the side.This here. This is a talking fish bone!Now, you're thinking about this all wrong.It's not so much what you look like.It's what's inside that he can't stand.Thank you for summing that up.Look, the point is, stop trying sohard to be something you're not.I just want to be one of you guys.Either we finish them or they'll finish us.It's the only way we'll be rid of them.If we find the nest and destroy it, the dragons will leave.They'll find another home.One more search, before the ice sets in.Those ships never come back.We're Vikings. It's an occupational hazard.Now who's with me?Alright,... those who stay will look after Hiccup.That's more like it.I'll pack my undies.No, I need you to stay, and train some new recruits.Oh, perfect, yeah. And while I'm busy Hiccup can cover the store. Molten steel, razor sharp blades, lots of time to himself...What could possibly go wrong?Oh, what am I going to do with him, Gobber?Put him in training with the others.- No, I'm serious. - So am I.He'd be killed before you let the first dragon out of its cage.- Oh, you don't know that. - I do know that.- No, you don't - No, actually, I do.- No, you don't. - Listen, you know what he's like.From the time he could crawl he's been... different.He doesn't listen.He has the attention span of a sparrow.I take him fishing and he goes hunting for.. for Trolls!Trolls exist! They steal your socks.But only the left ones. What's with that?- When I was a boy... - Oh, here we go.My father told me to bang my headagainst a rock,... and I did it.I thought it was crazy, but I didn't question him.And you know what happened?- You got a headache. - That rock split in two.It taught me what a Viking could do, Gobber.He could crush mountains, level forests,...... tame seas!Even as a boy I knew what I was, what I had to become... Hiccup is not that boy.You can't stop him, Stoick.You can only prepare him.I know it seems hopeless, but the truth isyou won't always be around to protect him.He's going to get out there again. He's probably out there now. Oh, the Gods hate me.Some people lose their knife or their mug.No, not me! I managed to lose an entire dragon.Oh, wow? I.. I did it? Oh, I did it!This fixes everything. Yes!I have brought down this mighty beast!I'm gonna kill you, dragon.I'm gonna... I'm gonna cut out yourheart and take it to my father.I'm a Viking.I'm a Viking!I did this.Hiccup.Dad? Uh...I have to talk to you, Dad.I need to speak with you too, son.- I think it's time you to learned to fight dragons. - I don't want to fight dragons. - What? - What?- Uh, you go first. - No, no, you go first.All right. You got your wish.Dragon training. You start in the morning.Oh man, I should have gone first.Uh, cause I was thinking. You know,we have a surplus of dragon fighting Vikings but,...Do we have enough bread-making Vikings,or small home repair Vikings...- You'll need this. - I don't want to fight dragons.Oh come on, yes you do.Rephrase. Dad, I can't kill dragons.But you will kill dragons.No, I'm really very extra sure that I won't.- It's time, Hiccup. - Can you not hear me?This is serious, son.When you carry this axe, you carry all of us with you.Which means, you walk like us. You talk like us.You think like us.No more of... this.You just gestured to all of me.- Deal? - This conversation is feeling very one-sided.Deal?Deal.Good.Train hard.I'll be back. Probably.And I'll be here, maybe.Welcome to dragon training.No turning back.I hope I get some serious burns.I'm hoping for some mauling, like on my shoulder or lower back. Yeah, it's only fun if you get a scar out of it.Yeah, no kidding, right? Pain, love it.Oh, great, who let him in?Lets get started. The recruit who does best,will win the honor of killing his firstdragon in front of the entire village.Hiccup already killed a night fury,so does that disqualify him or...?Can I transfer to the class with the cool vikings?Don't worry. You're small and you're weak,that will make you a less of a target.They'll see you as sick or insane and goafter the more viking-like teens instead.Behind these doors are just a few of themany species you will learn to fight.- The Deadly Nadder. - Speed: 8, Armor: 16.- the Hideous Zippleback. - 11 stealth, times two.- The Monstrous Nightmare. - Fire Power: 15.- The Terrible Terror. - Attack: 8, Venom: 12.Can you stop that!- And the Gronckle. - Jaw Strength: 8.Woah, woah, wait, aren't you going to teach us first?I believe in learning on the job.Today is about survival.If you get blasted, you're dead.Quick! What's the first thing you're going to need?- A doctor? - Plus 5 speed?- A shield? - shield. Go.Your most important piece of equipment is your shield.If you must make a choice between a sword or a shield.Take the shield.- Get your hands off my shield. - There's like a million shields. Take that one. It has a flower on it. Girls like flowers. Oops, now this one has blood on it.Tuffnut, Ruffnut, your out.- What? - What?Those shields are good for another thing. Noise. Make lots of it and throw off a dragon's aim.All dragons have a limited number of shots.How many does a gronckle have?- Five? - No, six.Right, six. That's one for each of you.Fishlegs, out.Hiccup, get in there!So anyway, I moved into my parent's basement? You should come by sometimes to work out,you look like you work out.Snotlout, your done.- So I guess its just you and me. - Nope, just you. One shot left.Hiccup!And that's 6. Go back to bed you overgrown sausage. You'll get another chance. Don't you worry. Remember, a dragon will always...... always go for the kill.So why didn't you?Well this was stupid.Why don't you just fly away?Alright, where did Astrid go wrong in the ring today?I mistimed my sommersault dive. It was sloppy.It threw off my reverse tumble.- Yeah, we noticed. - No, no you were great.That was so Astrid.She's right. You have to be tough on yourselves.Where did Hiccup go wrong?- Uh, he showed up? - He didn't get eaten.He's never where he should be.Thank you, Astrid. You need to live and breathe this stuff.The dragon manual...everything we know about every dragon we know of.No attacks tonight. Hurry up.- Wait? You mean read? - While we're still alive?Why read words when you can just kill thestuff the words tell you stuff about?Oh, I've read it like 7 times.There's this water dragon that sprays boiling water at your face And there's this other one that buries itself for like a week... Yeah, sounds great. There was a chance I was going to read that. But now...You guys read, I'll go kill something.- So I guess we'll share? - Read it.All mine then? Wow. So, okay. I'll see you uh,... tomorrow. Dragon classificationsStrike class, fear class, mystery class.Thunder Drum. This reclusive dragoninhabits sea caves and dark tide pools.When startled, the Thunder Drum produces a concussive sound that can kill a man at close range.Extremely dangerous. Kill on sight.Timberjack: This gigantic creature has razor-sharp wingsthat can slice through full-grown trees.Extremely dangerous. Kill on sight.Skulldren: Sprays scalding water on its victim. Extremely dangerous... Changeling: Even newly hatch dragons can spray acid. Kill on sight. Gronckle, Zippleback, the Skrill,Bonesnapper, Whispering Death.Burns its victims. Buries its victims. Chokes its victims.Turns victims inside out.Extremely dangerous.... Extremely dangerous....Kill on sight.... Kill on sight.... Kill on sight....Night Fury.Speed unknown. Size unknown.The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself.Never engage this dragon.Your only chance: Hide and pray it does not find you.I can almost smell them. They're close.Steady.- Take us in. - Hard to port.The hell hounds gate.Hard to port.Hey, you know, I just happened to notice,the book had nothing on night furys.Is there like another book? Or a sequel?Maybe a little night fury pamphlet?Focus Hiccup! You're not even trying.Today is all about attack!Nadder's are quick and light on their feet.You be quicker and lighter.I'm really beginning to question your teaching methods. Look for its blind spot. Every dragon has one.Find it. Hide in it, and strike.- Do you ever bathe? - You don't like it,then just get your own blind spot.How about I give you one?Blind spot, yes. Death spot, not-so-much.Hey, hey, so how would one sneak up on a night fury? No one's ever met one, and lived to tell the tale. Now, get in there!I know, I know but hypothetically...Watch out, babe, I'll take care of this.The sun was in my eyes, Astrid.What do you want me to do? Block out the sun?I can do that. I don't have time right now.- Has anyone ever seen one napping? - Hiccup! Hiccup!- Love on the battlefield. - She could do better.L-let me... Why don't you..Well done, Astrid.Is this some kind of a joke to you?Our parent's war is about to become ours.Figure out which side your on.Huh? Toothless.I could of sworn you have...... teeth.Uh, uh,... no, no,... no...I... I don't have anymore.And with one twist, he took my hand and swallowed it whole. And I saw the look in his face. I was delicious.He must have passed the word, because it wasn't a month Before another one of them took my leg.Isn't it weird to think that your hand was inside a dragon? Like, if your mind was still in control of it,you could have killed the dragon from the inside.By crushing his heart or something.I swear, I'm so angry right now.I'll avenge your beautiful hand and your beautiful foot.I'll chop of the legs of every dragon l fight... with my face! No. It's the wings and the tails you really want.If it can't fly, it can't get away.A downed dragon is a dead dragon.Alright, I'm off to bed.You should be too. Tomorrow we get to the big boys.Slowly but surely, making our way up to monstrous nightmare. But who'll win the honor of killing it?It's gonna be me. It's my destiny. See?Your mom let you get a tattoo?It's not a tattoo. It's a birth mark.Okay, I've been stuck with you since birthand that was never there before.Yes, it was. You've just never seen me to the left side until now. Hey, toothless. I brought breakfast.I hope... I hope you're hungry.Okay, that's disgusting.I got some salmon, some nice lcelandic cod,and a whole smoked eel.No, no, no, no,... no.... okay.Yeah, I don't really like eel much either.That's it. That's the good stuff. Aah, don't you mind me.I'll just be back here, minding my own business.Its okay...Okay, okay...Okay, that's not too bad. It works.No, no, no, no, no, no... !Oh my... its working!Yes, yes, I did it.Today, is about teamwork.Now, a wet dragon head can't light its fire.The hideous zippleback is extra tricky.One head breathes gas. The other head lights it.Your job is to know which is which.Razor-sharp serrated teeth, and injects venom for predigestion. Prefers ambush attack, crushing its victims.Will you please stop that?!If that dragon shows either of his faces, I'm gonna...There!Hey, its us, idiots!Your butts are getting bigger we thought you were a dragon. Not that theres anything wrong with a dragon-ass fig... Wait...I'm hurt! I am very much hurt!Chances of survival are dwindling into single digits now. Oh! Wrong head.Fishlegs!Now Hiccup!Aww, come on...Hiccup!Back,... Back, back!Now don't you make me tell you again!Yes, thats right. Back into your cage!Now think about what you've done.Okay, sooo, were we done?Cause I have some things I need to uh...Yep, I'll see you tomorrow.- What was that? - How did you do that?I left my axe back in the ring. You guys go on ahead.I'll catch up with you.Meet the Terrible Terror.It's like the size of my...Get it off!Oh, I'm hurt! I am very much hurt!Wow! He's better than you ever were.What?Ooh, great.Hiccup.Hiccup? Are you in there?Astrid, hey. Hi, Astrid. Hi astrid. Hi AstridI normally don't care what people do, but you're acting weird. Well, weirder.Well, I trust you found the nest at least?Not even close.Excellent.I hope you had a little more success than me.Well, if by success, you mean that yourparenting troubles are over with...then, yes.Congratulations Stoick! Everyone is so relieved.Out with the old, and in with the new, right?No one will miss that old nuisance.The village is throwing a party to celebrate.He's gone?Um, yeah, most afternoons, but who can blame him?I mean, the life of a celebrity is very rough.He can barely walk through the villagewithout being swarmed by his new fans.- Hiccup? - Who would have thought it, eh?He has this way with the beasts.Okay there, bud, were gonna take this nice and slow. Here we go. Here we go. Position three, no, four. Alright, it's go time. It's go time.Come on, buddy. Come on, buddy.Yes, it works!Sorry!That's my fault.Yeah, yeah, I'm on it. Position four, uh, three. Yeah! Go baby!Oh, this is amazing! The wind in my...... cheat sheet!Stop!No!Oh, gosh! Oh, God!Oh no!Alright. Okay. You gotta kinda angle yourself! Okay. No, no, no... come back down towards me. Come back down... oww!Come on...Uh, no thanks. I'm good.Not so fire-proof on the inside, are you?Here you go.Everything we know about you guys is wrong. Dad, you're back!Gobber's not here, so...I know.I came looking for you.- You did? - You've been keeping secrets.I have?Just how long did you think you could hide it from me? I... I don't know what you...Nothing happens on this island, without me hearing about it. So, lets talk... about that dragonDad, I'm so sorry.I was going to tell you, I just didn't know how to uh...- You're not upset? - What? I was hoping for this!- Ah, you were? - And believe me...It only gets better. Just wait till youspill a Nadder's guts for the first time...... and mount your first Gronckle head on a spear.What feeling! You really had me going there, son.All those years of the worst Viking Berk has ever seen. Odin, it was rough. I almost gave up on you.And all the while you were holding out on me.Oh, Thor almighty!With you doing so well in the ring...... we finally have something to talk about.I uh, I brought you something...... to keep you safe in the ring.Wow, thanks.Your mother would wanted you to have it.It's half of her breast plate.Matching set. Keeps her... keeps her close, you know? Wear it proudly. You deserve it.You've held your end of the deal.I should really get to bed.- Yes, good, okay, good talk. - Yeah...I'll see you back at the house. Great.Thanks for stopping by and...- ... The uh... breast hat. - I hopeyou like the, umm,... the hat.Well, good night.Stay out of my way. I'm winning this thing!Good. Please. By all means.This time! This time for sure!No! No, son-of-a half troll, rat-eating munch bucket...! Wait! Wait.So... later.- Oh, oh! Not so fast! - I'm kinda late for...What! Late for what, exactly?Okay, quiet down. The elder has decided.Boy, you've done it! You've done it, Hiccup!You get to kill the dragon!That's my boy!Yeah! Yes, I can't wait. I am so...... leaving. We're leaving.Let's pack up.Looks like you and me are taking a little vacation. Forever.What the... ? Uh, w.. what are you doing here?I want to know what's going on.No one just get as good as you do. Especially... you.- Start talking. - I... I...Are you training with someone?Training? I didn't...It better not involve this.I know, this looks really bad but you see, this is... You're right. You're right. You're right.I... I'm through with the lies.I've been making... outfits!So, you got me. It's time everyone knew.Drag me back. Go ahead. Here we go.Why would you do that?That's for the lies!And that's... for everything else!Oh man.Get down!Run! Run!No! No! it's okay. It's okay. She's a friend.You just scared him.I scared him?Who is him?Astrid, Toothless. Toothless, Astrid.Dut, da da... we're dead.Woah, woah woah. Where do you think your going? Oh, great Odin! Don't. Oh, this is...Hiccup, get me down from here!You have to give me a chance to explain.I am not listening to anything you have to say!Then I won't speak. Just let me show you.Please, Astrid.Now get me down!Toothless, down. Gently.See, nothing to be afraid of.Toothless?What is wrong with you? Bad dragon!He's uh, he's not usually like this.Oh, no!Toothless, what are you doing? We need her to like us! And now he's spinning!Thank you for nothing you useless reptile!Okay, I am sorry, I'm sorry. Just get me off of this thing. Alright, I admit it. This is pretty cool.It's amazing. He's amazing.So what now?Hiccup, your final exam is tomorrow!You know your gonna have to kill a...Kill a dragon...Don't remind me.Toothless, what happening?Whoa, what is it?Get down!- What's going on? - I don't know.Toothless, you gotta get us out of here, bud.It looks like they're hauling in their kill.What does that make us?What my dad wouldn't give to find this.Oh, it's satisfying to know that all ofour food has been dumped down a hole.They're not eating any of it.What... was that?Alright, bud, we gotta get out of here. Now!No, no, it totally makes sense. It's like a giant beehive. They're the workers, and that's their queen.It controls them. Let's find your dad.No, no.No. Not yet. They'll kill Toothless.Astrid, we have to think this through, carefully. Hiccup, we just discovered the dragon's nest.The thing we've been after since Vikings first sailed here. And you want to keep it secret?To protect your pet, dragon? Are you serious?Yes.Okay. Then what do we do?Just give me until tomorrow. I'll figure something out. Okay....That's for kidnapping me.That's for... everything else.What are you looking at?Well, I can show my face in public again.If someone had told me that in a few short weeks Hiccup will go from, well being... uh... Hiccup,to placing first in dragon training.Well, I would have tied him to a mast andshipped him off. For fear he'd gone mad.And you know it.But, here we are.And no ones more surprised or more proud than I am. Today my boy becomes a Viking!Today he becomes one of us!Be careful with that dragon.It's not the dragon I'm worried about.What are you going to do?Put an end to this.I have to try.Astrid, if something goes wrong,just make sure they don't find Toothless.I will, just promise me it won't go wrong.It's time, Hiccup.Knock 'em dead.I'd have gone for the hammer.I'm ready.Go on Hiccup, give it to him!What is he doing?It's okay, it's okay.I'm not one of them.Stop the fight!No! I need you all to see this.They're not what we think they are.We don't have to kill them.I said stop the fight!Out of my way!Hiccup!Hiccup!This way!Night fury!Alright, Toothless. Go! get out of here.Go, go!No, dad! dad, he won't hurt you!Don't... oh, no, no, no... You're making it worse. Toothless, stop!No. No!Get him!No, no, please. Just don't hurt himPlease. Don't hurt himPut it with the others.I should have known.I should have seen the signs.- Dad? - We had a deal!I know! We did, but that was before I...oh, it's all so messed up.So everything in that ring... A trick? A lie?I screwed up. I should have told you before now. Take this out on me, be mad at me, but please, just don't hurt Toothless.The dragon? That's what you're worried about? Not the people you almost killed?He was just protecting me! he's not dangerous. They've killed hundreds of us!And we've killed thousands of them.They defend themselves, that's all.They raid us because they have to.If they don't bring enough food back,they'll be eaten themselves.There's something else on their island,Dad. It's a dragon-like...Their island? So, you've been to the nest?- Did I say nest? - How did you find it?No, no, I didn't. Toothless did.Only a dragon can find the island.No, no, dad, no please. Its not what you think. You don't know what your up against.。
电影学英语 How To Train Your Dragon 《驯龙高手》-Hiccup: This is Berk. It's 12 days North of hopeless and a few degrees South of freezing to death.north: 北方 hopeless: 绝望的 a few: 少数,几个 degree: 度数,程度freezing: 严寒的 death: 死亡这里是Berk岛。
It's located solidly on the Meridian of Misery. My village. In a word: sturdy.locate: 位于,坐落于 solidly: 牢固地 meridian: 子午线 misery: 痛苦village: 村庄 sturdy: 坚定的,不退让的岛就坐落在“悲剧子午线”上。
It's been here for seven generations but every single building is new. generation: 一代人,代 single: 单一的 building: 建筑物,房屋现在这里是第七代人了,但是房子都还很新。
We have fishing, hunting, and a charming view of the sunsets. The only problems arethe pests.fishing: 捕鱼 hunting: 打猎 charming: 可爱的,令人陶醉的 view: 景色sunset: 日落 problem: 问题 pest: 有害的人或物我们打渔,打猎,还可以欣赏迷人的夕阳。
You see, most places have mice or mosquitoes. We have...Dragons. mice: mouse的复数形式,老鼠 mosquito: 蚊子 dragon: 龙一般来说,害虫都是老鼠或是蚊子,但我们的是……龙。
电影学英语 How To Train Your Dragon 《驯龙高手》
电影学英语 How To Train Your Dragon 《驯龙高手》-Hiccup:This is Berk. It's 12 days North of hopeless and a few degrees South of freezing to death.north: 北方 hopeless: 绝望的 a few: 少数,几个 degree: 度数,程度 freezing: 严寒的 death: 死亡这里是Berk岛。
It's located solidly on the Meridian of Misery. My village. In a word: sturdy.locate: 位于,坐落于 solidly: 牢固地 meridian: 子午线 misery: 痛苦 village: 村庄 sturdy: 坚定的,不退让的岛就坐落在“悲剧子午线”上。
It's been here for seven generations but every single building is new.generation: 一代人,代 single: 单一的 building: 建筑物,房屋现在这里是第七代人了,但是房子都还很新。
We have fishing, hunting, and a charming view of the sunsets. The only problems are the pests.fishing: 捕鱼 hunting: 打猎 charming: 可爱的,令人陶醉的 view: 景色 sunset: 日落 problem: 问题 pest: 有害的人或物我们打渔,打猎,还可以欣赏迷人的夕阳。
You see, most places have mice or mosquitoes. We have...Dragons.mice: mouse的复数形式,老鼠 mosquito: 蚊子 dragon: 龙一般来说,害虫都是老鼠或是蚊子,但我们的是……龙。
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希卡普 Shikap
希卡普是一个瘦弱的少 年,也是维京族族长的 儿子,他的聪明在族里 被归为异类。
Shikap is a thin boy, is also a Viking chief ‘s son, his intelligence is classified as a heterogeneous in the family.
• But when he met and made friends with a wounded dragon, his life changed completely, but also change the whole tribe of the future.
史图依克 Stu Bea J
制作:杜争 周怡婷
策划:崔杰 程玉琪 华文慧
Dragon Master
By drst a joke!!~
• The story is about a Viking teenager named Shikap, he lived in the island of berk. The boy is very clever and very humorous, but his sense of humor can't please his father and the villagers. When Shikap attend to dragon training camp, he felt that this is he proved himself to be a good opportunity to dragon master.
• Everyone needs to be friendly, because human nature is good.
• If everyone gave a love , the world will become much more beautiful.
亚丝翠 Diaz Cui
强悍又充满活力的亚丝翠是维京女勇士,她 是希卡普喜欢的人。
Strong and vibrant Diaz Cui is virgin female warrior, she is Shikap love person.
• From “Dragon Master”, we can see the good and evil are relative, the dragon in human’s eyes is just struggling for survival.
史图依克是是典型的维京人领袖,他一心希 望培养儿子成为接班人,但却不了解儿子的 聪明才智。
Stu Bea J is a typical Viking leader, he hoped to cultivate his son to become his successor, but don't know son one's ability and cleverness.