欧洲药典中英文翻译 EP8.0干燥失重

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2.2.32. LOSS ON DRYING 干燥失重

Loss on drying is the loss of mass expressed as per cent m/m.

干燥失重指重量损失,表述为% 重量/重量

Method. Place the prescribed quantity of the substance to be examined in a weighing bottle previously dried under the conditions prescribed for the substance to be examined. Dry the substance to constant mass or for the prescribed time by one of the following procedures. Where the drying temperature is indicated by a single value rather than a range, drying is carried out at the prescribed temperature +/- 2?C.

方法:将要求数量的待检样品放置于预先干燥的称量瓶中,按要求条件进行干燥,直至样品干至恒重或下述程序指定的时长。如果干燥温度给定的是一个值而不是一个范围,则在指定温度+/- 2?C进行干燥。

a) “in a desiccator”: the drying is carried out over diphosphorus pentoxide R at atmospheric atmostpheric pressure and at room temperature;


b) “in vacuo”: the drying is carried out over diphosphorus pentoxide R, at a pressure of 1.5 kPa at room temperature;


c) “in vacuo within a specified temperature range”: the drying is carried out over diphosphorus pentoxide R, at a pressure of 1.5kPa to 2.5kPa within the temperature range prescribed in the monograph;


d) “in an oven within a specified temperature range”: the drying is carrie d out in an oven within the temperature range prescribed in the monograph;


e) “under high vacuum”: the drying is carried out over diphosphorus pentoxide R at a pressure not exceeding 0.1kPa, at the temperature prescribed in the monograph.


If other conditions are prescribed, the procedure to be used is described in full in the monograph.

