材料成型及控制工程专业英语Mechanical property机械性能austenitic奥氏体的martensite 马氏体Plastic deformation塑性变形stress concentrator应力集中点bar棒材beam线材sheet板材ductile可延展的stress relief应力松弛austenitie奥氏体 martensite马氏体normalize正火temper回火anneal正火harden淬火close-die forging模锻deformation rate变形速度diffusion扩散overheat过热Work hardening加工硬化dislocation density位错密度die模具residual strain残留应变as-forged锻造的injection mold注射模molding shop成型车间clamping force合模力grind磨削drop stamping锤上模锻nickel-base superalloy镍基合金insulation 隔热burr毛刺injection capacity注射容量deterioration变化、退化discrete不连续的abrasive磨损welding焊接metallurgical 冶金的Formation of austenite奥氏体转变The transformation of pearlite(珠光体)into austenite can only take place at the equilibrium critical point(临界温度)a very slow heating as follows from the Fe-C constitutional diagram(状态图). under common conditions, the transformation is retarded and results in overheating,i.e.occurs at temperatures slightly higher than those indicated in the Fe-C diagram.The end of the transformation iS characterized by the formation of austenite and the dis—appearance of pearlite(ferrite+cementite).This austenite is however inhomogeneous even in the volume of a single grain.In places earlier occupied by lamellae(层片)(or grains)of a pearlitic cementite,the content of carbon is greater than in places of ferritic lamellae.This is why the austenite just formed is inhomogeneous.In order to obtain homogeneous (均匀的)austenite,it is essential on heating not only to pass through the point of the end of pearlite to austenite transformation,but also to overheat the steel above that point and to allow a holding time to complete the diffusion(扩散) processes in aus-tenitie grains.为了获得均匀的奥氏体,在加热过程中通过珠光体的结束点向奥氏体转变是必要的,而且对过热刚以上的点,允许持续一定时间来完成奥氏体晶粒的扩撒过程。
毕业设计外文文献译文及原文学生:学号:院(系):机电工程学院专业:材料成型与控制工程指导教师:2011 年 6 月 8 日Solid-State Microcellular Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene FoamsSUMMARYMicrocellular ABS foams are a novel familv of materials with the potential to significantly reduce material costs in a number of applications that currently use solid polymer. ABS foams were produced using carbon dioxide in a solid-state process. Solubility and diffusivity of C02 in ABS was measured, and the latter was found to depend significantly on the gas concentration. The useful range of process-space for ABS-CO2 was characterized. Closed cell ABS foams were produced with densities ranging from 1.03 g/cm3 (almost completely solid) to 0.09g/cm3.It was determined that there are many different processing conditions that can produce microcellular ABS foams that have the same density. The cell nucleation density was of the order of 10 cells per cm3, and the average cell sizes observed ranged from 0.5 um to 5.6 um.INTRODUCTIONABS (Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene) has grown to become one of the most widely used thermoplastic in the world because of the wide range of available properties. ease of processing, and a good balance between price and performance. ABS is an amorphous copolymer alloy, with acrylonitrile bringing chemical resistance and heat stability, butadiene bringing toughness, and styrene providing good processing characteristics.These qualities provide an excellent engineering thermoplastic that is used for a wide range of products, including computer housings, automotive interiors, appliances, and building materials. In many applications, the solid ABS can be replaced by relatively high density microcellular foams, since the properties of solid ABS are not fully utilized. Currently, the only process than can produce foams suitable for thin cross-sections is the solid-state microcellular process originally developed at MIT as a way to produce high strength polymer foams which can reduce the amount of material used in manufactured products.This process produces foams with a very large number of very small cells, typically on the order of 10 um diameter, and thus the phase "microcellular foams" was coined.The batch microcellular process has two stages. In the first stage a thermoplastic sample is placed in a pressure vessel which is then pressurized with a non-reacting gas. Carbon dioxide and nitrogen are typically used as the foaming agents because of their low cost and high solubility in most polymers. The polymer sample absorbs the gas until an equilibrium gas concentration is reached. At this point. the sample is removed from the pressure vessel. In the second stage of the microcellular process the sample is heated, typically in a hot bath, to induce foaming. The temperature of the hot bath is in the neighbourhood of the glass transition temperature of the polymer, and thus the polymer remains in a solid, or rubbery state, well below the melting point, during the entire process. To distinguish these foams from the common foams made from polymer melts, they are described as "solid state" foams.The process described above is a batch process used to produce relatively small amounts of foam specimens at a time. The production capability of the solid-state microcellular foams has increased with the development of the semi-continuous process.In the semi-continuous process the sheet of polymer placed in the pressure vessel is replaced with a roll of polymer which has a gas permeable material rolled up in it to allow gas to diffuse into the entire surface of the roll. The polymer roll and gas permeable material are first separated, and then the polymer sheet is drawn through a hot bath to foam, and a cold bath if necessary to quench the structure.Microcellular foams can be produced with a wide range of densities and with an integral skid. Due to their potential as a novel family of materials, a number of polymer-gas systems have been explored in recent years, including polystyrene, polycarbonate, PET, PETC, and PVC.In this paper we present a detailed experimental characterization of the ABS-C02 system, and explore the effects of key process parameters on the microstructure.EXPERIMENTALCommercially available Cycolac GPX 3700 ABS, manufactured by General Electric was used in this study. All of the specimens were produced from 1.5 mm thick sheet with natural colour. The unprocessed material has a density of 1.04 g/cm3, and a glass transitions temperature of about 116℃.Solubility and diffusivity measurementsSpecimens were cut from 1.5 mm thick sheet to dimensions of 2.5 x 2.5 cm. Each sample was then saturated in a pressure vessel at 26.7℃(80°F) controlled to±1℃. The temperature and pressure used to saturate the specimens will be referred to as the saturation temperature and saturation pressure respectively. The saturation pressure was controlled to within ±35 kPa (±5 psi). The samples were periodically removed from the pressure vessel and weighed on a precision balance with accuracy of ±10ug to determine the amount of gas absorbed. Because the amount of gas absorbed by the samples was on the order of 10 mg, this method provided sufficient accuracy.Desorption measurements were made from fully saturated samples. After reaching equilibrium C02 concentration, the samples were allowed to desorb the C02 while held at 26.7℃(80°F) and atmospheric pressure. During the desorption experiments, the samples were weighed on a precision balance to determine the remaining C02 concentration.Foam sample preparation and characterizationSamples were cut to dimensions of 2.5 cm×2.5 cm and saturated in a pressure vessel maintained at 26.7±1℃(80°F) until an equilibrium CO2concentration was reached. The time required to reach equilibrium was determined from the sorption measurements discussed above. After saturation. all specimenswere allowed to desorb gas for five minutes prior to foaming. The same desorption time, 5 minutes, was used for all specimens to ensure that the integral unfoamed skin thickness was negligibly small. After desorption, the samples were foamed by heating in a glycerin bath for a length of time that will be referred to as the foaming time. The temperature of the glycerin bath used to foam the specimens will be referred to as the foaming temperature. All samples were foamed for five minutes. Once the foaming time had elapsed, the foamed specimens were immediately quenched in a water bath maintained at room temperature. Specific values of the saturation pressures,foaming temperatures, and foaming times will be discussed later. After foaming, the samples were immersed in liquid nitrogen and then fractured to expose the internal microstructure. The fractured surfaces were made conductive by deposition of Au-Pd vapour and then studied under a scanning electron microscope (SEM). All SEM micrographs were taken along the centre-line of the sample.Determination of cell size and cell nucleation densityThe average cell size, cell size distribution, and number of bubbles per unit volume of foam were determined by Saltikov's method described in detail by Undenvood. Saltikov's method allows the characteristics of a three dimensional distribution of spheres to be estimated from a two dimensional image, such as a micrograph. Previously it was assumed that the fracture plane passed through the centre of all bubbles in a micrograph, introducing a small error in the estimation of the average cell size. cell size distribution, and cell nucleation density. In addition, it was also assumed previously that the number of bubbles per unit volume (i.e. bubble density) could be determined by cubing the line density. Saltikov's method provides a more robust procedure for estimating the bubble density, and is applicable to a wider range of microstructures. Saltikov's method was implemented by digitizing an SEM micrograph with approximately 200 bubbles, and using NlH lmage to determine the areas of the bubbles. NIH Image is a public domain image processing and analysis program developed at the Research Services Branch (RSB) of the National lnstitute of Mental Health (NIMH), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The mean bubble diameter and standard deviations reported in this paper are based on the lognormal distribution proposed by Saltikov.The cell nucleation density was determined by a method described previously and is the number of bubbles that nucleated in each cm3 of unfoamed polymer. The volume fraction of the bubbles was taken to be the area fraction of the bubbles in a micrograph as suggested by Underwood. The density of each sample was determined by the weight displacement method, ASTM D792.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe solubility and diffusivity of C02 in ABSFigure 1 shows the gas sorption of CO2 into 1.5 mm thick ABS sheet subjected to saturation pressures of350 kPa, 1MPa, 2MPa, 3MPa, 4MPa, 5MPa, and 6MPa at a saturation temperature of 26.7℃(80°F). The CO2concentration in mg gas/g polymer is plotted vs time. Over time, the concentration of CO2increases within the polymer until the polymer absorbs no more gas and can be considered saturated. As expected, the concentration of gas at equilibrium increases as the saturation pressure is increased. For the ABS formulation studied here, equilibrium concentrations as high as 150 mg C02/g polymer were achieved at a saturation pressure of 6 MPa. Figure 1 also shows that the diffusion of CO2 in ABS isFigure 1 Sorption curves for 1.5 mm thick ABS in CO2 at 26.7℃(8O°F), and pressures ranging from 350kPa to 6MPa. Increasing saturation pressures result in short er saturation times and higher equilibrium concentrationsdependent on gas pressure. We see that it takes approximately 50 hours to reach equilibrium at a saturation pressure of 3 MPa, while at 6 MPa the equilibrium is reached in 20 hours. The faster diffusion at 6 MPa is a result of effective Tg of the gas-polymer system approaching the saturation temperature of 26.7℃. This isevident from Figure 5 where, for 6 MPa saturation. the onset of bubble nucleation is around 27°C.The equilibrium concentration in milligrams of C02 per gram polymer is plotted in Figure 2 as a function of the saturation pressure. The set of points in Figure 2 define the sorption isotherm for 26.7℃. Usually this isotherm can be characterized using the Dual Mode Sorption Model.In this system at 26.7℃however, a straight line passing through the origin represents all of the data accurately, and therefore Henry's Law can be used to predict the equilibrium concentration at a given saturation pressure:C=HP s(1)where C is the equilibrium gas concentration, mg/g; H is Henry's Law constant (or solubility), mg/g..MPa; and Ps is the saturation pressure, MPa.Figure 2 Sorption isotherm for C02 in ABS at 26.7℃(80°F). Note that equilibrium concentration increases linearly with saturation pressure and the linear regression passes through the origin, indicating Henry's Law is valid for a wide range of pressures in this systemFigure 2 shows that Henry's Law is valid for all of the saturation pressures explored. From a least squares fit of the data in Figure 2, the Henry's Law constant was determined to be 25.0 mg/g.MPa for a saturation temperature of 26.7℃.Figure 3 shows desorption results for ABS at 26.7℃. where the fraction of the gas remaining from the fully saturated condition is plotted as a function of time. The rate of desorption seen in Figure 5 is a function of the initial C02 concentration; increasing saturation pressure (or equivalently the equilibrium concentration) results in a faster rate of desorption. This behaviour is consistent with our observations from Figure 1 where higher saturation pressures led to significantly lower sorption times.The average diffusion coefficient, D, can be estimated from Figure 1 using the solution of the diffusion equation for a plane sheet. This diffusion coefficient is an average over the entire range of gas concentrations experienced by the sample, and is given by:2/121049.0⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=t D (2) Figure 3 Desorption curves for 1.5 mm ABS at 26.7℃and atmospheric conditions. The gas concentration is given as a fraction of the initial concentration. A higher initial saturation pressure results in a faster desorptionwhere t is the sorption time, 1 is the thickness of the sheet, and(t/12)1/2 is the value of t/12 when half of the equilibrium amount of gas has been absorbed. Table 1 presents the approximate time to reach saturation, and the average diffusion coefficients for C02 in ABS for different gas pressures. We see that the diffusion coefficients range from 2.14 x10-8cm2/sec for saturation at 350 kPa to 19.2 x 10-8cm2/sec at 6.0MPa. As a result of this concentration dependent diffusivity, the saturation time decreases (see Table 1) with increasing saturation pressure. from about 120 hours at 350 kPa to about 8 hours at 6.0 MPa.Conditions for steady-state structureThe objective of this portion of the study was to determine the foaming time required to produce ABS foams with a steady-state, or equilibrium, density. From the instant a saturated sample is placed in the glycerin bath, the bulk density of the specimen decreases at an ever decreasing rate until a steady sate value is achieved. After the foam density has reached steady-state, the density stops decreasing. For a given specimen thickness, the time required to reach steady-state is a function of the saturation pressure and temperature, and foaming temperature.In this experiment, samples were saturated with C02maintained at 350kPa (50.8 psi) and 22℃, and foamed at 120℃for various lengths of time. The lowest gas pressure was chosen for this experiment so as to find the longest time needed to achieve steady-state structure. The foam density as a function of foaming time is plotted in Figure 4. Recall that the density of the original. unfoamed ABS was 1.04 g/cm3. Figure 4 shows that it takes approximately 300 seconds (5 min) to reach steady-state in the ABS-C02 system for the given processing conditions. Since most other processing conditions will reach an equilibrium foam density faster than at these conditions, we used a foaming time of 300 seconds for all experiments in this study. In addition. Figure 4 shows that at a foaming temperature of 120℃, the original density is reduced by approximately 50% during the 300 seconds of foaming.Figure 4 Plot of foam density as a function of foaming time, showing that a foaming time of approximately 300 seconds is required to reach equilibrium in the ABS-C02system. Samples weresaturated at 350 kPa, allowed to desorb for 5 minutes, then foamed at 120°CThe effect of saturation pressure and foaming temperatureTo explore the effect of foaming temperature and saturation pressure on microstructure, samples were saturated at different pressures and then foamed over a range of temperatures. After the samples had been produced, the foam density, average cell size, cell size distribution, and cell nucleation density were determined.Figure 5 shows a plot of the relative density (density of the foam divided by the density of the solid material) as a function of foaming temperature for the saturation pressures explored. A wide range of relative densities can be produced in the ABS-C02 system. Foams can be produced with relative densities from 0.99 (i.e. almost fully dense) to as low as 0.09. In addition, most densities can be produced by using more than one processing condition. In other words, different saturation conditions and foaming temperatures can be used to produce the same density foam. Similar to other microcellular systems, Figure 5 shows that foaming can occur in ABS at temperatures significantly below the glass transition temperature of the unsaturated material due to plasticizing of the polymer matrix by the absorbed C02. As the saturation pressure is increased, the effective glass transition temperature drops, allowing foams to be producedFigure 5 Process space for the ABS-CO2, system, showing a plot of the relative density as afunction of foaming temperature for saturation pressures from 350kPa to 6MPa. All samples were saturated at 26.7℃. allowed to desorb for five minutes before foaming, then foamed for five minutes. The useful part of the process space lies to the left of the minimum density for a given gas pressureat lower temperatures. At a saturation pressure of 6 MPa. Figure 5 shows that foaming is possible at approximately 27℃, just above room temperature.The relative density of microcellular ABS is affected strongly by the foaming temperature. As the foaming temperature increases, the relative density decreases in near linear proportion. The fact that relative density decreases nearly linearly with foaming temperature is a great processing advantage. allowing precise control over this vital foam property. As the foaming temperature increases, the foam density reaches a minimum, and can start to increase with increasing temperature. At 5 MPa, Figure 5 shows that using foaming temperatures higher than 100℃produces foams with a higher relative density. At 140℃, for example, a relative density of approximately 0.8 is produced, significantly higher than the relative density of 0.3 produced at a foaming temperature of 100℃. At higher temperature, the cells begin to collapse leading to a denser structure. Foams produced at these higher temperatures are typically of poor quality, with 1 to 2 mm blisters on the surface. This minimum in the density versus foaming temperature can be observed at several other gas pressures in Figure 5.Figure 6 shows SEMs of four different microcellular ABS foams. The first two images, A and B, demonstrate the large effect of saturation pressure on foam density and cell size. Figure 6 A and B wereproduced with different saturation pressures, 3 and 6 MPa respectively, but the same foaming temperature of 70℃. The foams in A and B have relative densities of 0.70 and 0.42 respectively. The cell sizes vary from approximately 5 um for A to less than 1 um for B. Images C and D in Figure 6 show two foams produced from the same saturation pressure, 350 kPa, but foamed at different temperatures, 105 and 120℃. The foams have relative densities of 0.88 for C and 0.31 for D and show markedly different foam structures.Table 2 presents the results of the scanning electron micrograph analysis, and shows it is possible to produce microcellular ABS foams with a wide range of cellular properties. Not all foams were suitable for analysis using Saltikov's method. To be suitable for analysis, the foam structure should have spherical cells, and the cells must be distinct in the micrograph. For example, in Figure 6 images A and C can be analyzed, while B and D can not. Thus the test pressures and foaming temperatures not reported in Table 2 are the conditions that produced cells not suitable for a Saltikov analysis. The measured average cell diameters in Table 2 vary from 5.58 pm to 0.54 pm, and the cell nucleation density ranges from 4.0 x 1 010 to 1.8 x 1013 cells per cm3. Microcellular ABS foams generally have small cell sizes and high cell nucleation densities.Figure 6 Micrographs of four different microcellular ABS foams. A and B were saturated at different pressures, 3 MPa and 6 MPa respectively, but were foamed at the same temperature, 70℃. C and D were both saturated at the same pressure, 350 kPa, but were foamed at different temperatures, 105 and 120℃, respectively. All samples were allowed to desorb for five minutes before being foamed for five minutesCONCLUSIONSProcessing conditions have been presented for producing solid-state microcellular ABS foams using carbon dioxide as the blowing agent. It was found that, at a given temperature, the rate of C02 sorption and desorption in ABS is dependent on the gas concentration. It was also discovered that the ABS-C02 system exhibited a unique microstructure with a relatively narrow distribution of bubble sizes. An experimentalinvestigation of the major processing variables, foaming time, saturation pressure, and foaming temperature yielded several insights into the processing behaviour of the ABS-C02 system. It was determined that it takes a maximum of approximately 300 seconds for foam growth to complete. It was also determined that, for all saturation pressures explored, foam density decreases nearly linearly with increasing foaming temperature until a minimum density is reached. Foams with densities ranging from 0.09 g/cm3 to almost fully dense, 1.03 g/cm3 were produced. The useful range of process space for the ABS-C02 system was established.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis research was primarily supported by the University of Washington-Industry Cellular Composites Consortium. Partial support was provided by National Science Foundation Grant MSS 9114840. This support is gratefully acknowledged.1. Brisimitzakis A.C., Styrenic resins - ABS, Modern Plastics, 68,(1991), 85-86;2. Martini J.E.. Suh N.P. and Waldman F.A., The Production and Analysis of Microcellular Thermoplastic Foams, Society of Plastics Engineers Technical Papers, XXVIII, (1982), 674-676;3. Kumar V. and Schirmer H.G., Semi-continuous Production of Solid State PET Foams, Society of Plastics Engineers Technical papers, XLI, (1995), 2189-2192;4. Kumar V. and Schirmer H.G., A Semi-continuous Process to Produce Microcellular Foams, US Patent 5,684.055 (1997);5. Kumar V. and Weller J.E., A Model for the Unfoamed Skin on Microcellular Foams. Polymer Engineering and Science, 34, (1994), 169-173;6. Kumar V. and Weller J.E., Production of Microcellular Polycarbonate Using Carbon Dioxide for Bubble Nucleation, Journal of Engineering for Industry, 116. (1994). 413-420;7. Handa V.P.. Wong B., Zhang Z., Kumar V., Eddy S. and Khemani K., Some Thermodynamic and Kinetic Properties of the System PETG-C02, and Morphological Characteristics of the C02-Blown PETG Foams, Polymer Engineering and Science, 39, (1999), 55-61;8. Kumar V. and Stolarczuk P.J., Microcellular PET Foams produced by the Solid State Process, Society of Plastics Engineers Technical Papers. XLII, (1996). 1894-1899;9. Kumar V. and Weller J.E., A Process to Produce Microcellular PVC, International Polymer Processing, 7, (1993), 73-80;10. Shimbo M., Baldwin D.F. and Suh N.P., Polym. Eng. Sci., 35, (1995), 1387;11. Park C.B. and Suh N.P., Polym. Eng. Sci., 36, (1996), 34;12. Collias D.I., Baird D.G. and Borggreve R.J.M., Polymer, 25, (1994), 3978;13. Underwood E.E.. Quantitative Stereology, Adison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, (1970);14. Michaels A.S., Vieth W.R. and Barrie J.A., Solution of Gases in Polyethylene Terephthalate, Journal of Applied Physics, 34, (1963),1-12;15. Crank J.. 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1.1 Metals and Non-metalsWords and termsdefinite-确定的、明确的defect-缺陷plastic deformation塑性变形stress concentrator 应力集中点self-strengthening自强化the tip of a crock裂纹尖端☐Among numerous properties possessed by materials,their mechanical properties,in the majority of cases,are the most essential and therefore,they will be given much consideration in the book.☐在一些主要应用场合,机械性能是材料的各种性能中最重要的性能,因此,本书中将重点讨论。
▪consideration 考虑,需要考虑的事项,报酬☐All critical parts and elements,of which a high reliability (可靠性)is required,are made of metals, rather than of glass,plastics or stone.☐由于各种关键零部件的可靠性要求高,均用金属而不是玻璃、塑料或石头制造。
▪is required 翻译时将英文中的被动语态,改译为汉语中的主动语态。
▪rather than 而不是☐As has been given in Sec.1-1,metals are characterized by the metallic bond(金属键),where positive ions (正离子)occupy the sites of the crystal lattice (晶格)and are surrounded by electron gas(电子云).☐正如Sec1-1中所说,金属主要由金属键组成(其特征主要……)。
WELDING FOR THE RAILROAD INDUSTRYBy Brian MeadeManager of Railroad Technical ServicesThe Lincoln Electric CompanyCleveland, Ohio. To meet their demanding service conditions, railroads continue to advance welding technology.There are several distinct differences between railroad welding and that of other industries. The bulk of all railroad welding is performed by either the engineering (track) department or the mechanical (car) department. Welding in the car and locomotive department generally uses the common arc welding processes to join materials such as mild steel, stainless, cast iron, and some manganese. The track department, however, is far more unusual and uses fewer, more specialized types of welding.The most common track welding functions are electric arc, thermite,, and flash butt. Standard arc welding processes such as SMAW, GMAW, and FCAW are used to weld manganese and carbon steel track components. However, thermite and flash butt are used for joining continuous welded rail. The flash butt method is used in the plant to create quarter-mile ribbon rails, which are then transported by a rail train to the location where they will be installed. Both flash butt and thermite (sometimes known as aluminothermic) are then used in the field, to join the larger lengths of rail together into continuous welded rail. They are also used in maintenance welding for replacing defective rail and for light construction.Following are some of the considerations that separate railroad welding from other fields. Most of the differences occur in the welding of rails and other track components, such as frogs(the parts of switches where the two tracks join) and crossing diamonds. Therefore, this article will focus most heavily on this area.Classes of Rail WeldingWelding is a process that joins rail ends by melting them with superheatedThermiteliquid metal from a chemical reaction between finely divided aluminum and iron oxide. (Fig.A5—from AWS D15.2). Filler metal is obtained from a combination of the liquid metal produced by the reaction and pre-alloyed shot in the mixture.Flash Butt Welding is a resistance welding process that produces a weld at the closely-fit surfaces of a butt joint, by a flashing action followed by the application of pressure after heating is substantially completed. Very high current densities at small contact points between the rail ends causes the flashing action, which forcibly expels the material from the joint as the rail ends are moved together slowly. A rapid upsetting of the two workpieces completes the weld.Welding refers to the standard arc welding processes used elsewhere, particularly Electricshielded metal arc welding (SMAW) or “stick welding (Fig. A1-- from AWS D15.2);gas metal arc welding (GMAW) (Fig. A2 --from AWS D15.2); and flux-cored arc welding (FCAW), with or without additional gas shielding (Fig. A3-- from AWS D15.2.) These processes are used on frogs and crossing diamonds (both manganese and carbon steel); for carbon steel rail ends, switch points, and wheel burns; and for joining carbon steel rails.Rail Service and Chemical CompositionPart of what makes rail welding different from other welding is the composition of the rail.Carbon content limits are 0.72% to 0.82%, while manganese can range between 0.80% and1.10%. Rail is subjected to continually varying loads, forces and stresses, in all kinds of temperatures and environments, and must carry out its task without failure for many years. Service demands on modern rail continue to become more severe, with loaded freight cars approaching 286,000 pounds. Wheel loads may reach 36,000 pounds, applied to a contact patch approximately the size of a dime. The resulting contact and shear stresses are severe, both in and on the railhead.While the first cast iron rail was produced in England in 1776, modern steel rail incorporates steelmaking techniques such as vacuum degassing and multiple-station argon gas stirring. Continuously cast, fully pearlitic, in-line head hardened rail is now being produced with head hardness values exceeding 380 Brinell.The result of these improvements is rail with better static and dynamic properties, in addition to more metallurgical cleanliness. The chemical composition limits for standard steel rail are shown in the AREA (American Railway Engineering Association) Manual for Railway Engineering (Table 2-1, Chapter 4, AREA Manual).Related mechanical properties are also spelled out in the AREA manual (Table 2-2, Chapter 4). These include a surface hardness of at least 300 Brinell for standard rail and between 341 and 388 Brinell for high-strength rail (alloy and heat-treated). The 388 Brinell upper limit may be exceeded, providing a fully pearlitic microsructure is maintained. Tensile properties required include a minimum yield strength of 70 ksi for standard rail and 110 ksi for high-strength rail; tensile strength minimums of 140 ksi and 170 ksi respectively; and minimum elongation in 2 inches of 9 percent for standard and 10 percent for high-strength.Thermite WeldingAlthough widely used in the railroad industry, thermite welding is probably one of the least understood processes in the balance of industry. Developed as an improvement to the earlier practice of bolting rail joints together, thermite welding still produces some closures with impact and fatigue properties that may be less than desirable. A 1996 Conrail1 study showed that, in 1994, 26.5 percent of total rail defects were attributable to weld failures, 18.3 percent were due to defective thermite welds and 8.2 percent were due to defective flash butt welds. However, the portability, cost-effectiveness, and convenience of thermite welding results in its continued extensive use.Thermite welds are actually as much a casting as they are a weld, and consistency may be difficult to achieve. Weld charge manufacturers have made significant improvements to thermite weld quality and hardness in recent years. Comparisons of welds made using thermite charges from two suppliers showed that the premium charges of one firm were typically harder and stronger than the standard charges produced by the other, although there was a substantially greater spread in the strength values obtained with the first firm’s welds. Thermite weld charge manufacturers can provide a variety of weld hardnesses, depending on customer needs. Higher hardness is deemed to be better, considering the desire of the railroads to have the rail last longer under increasingly severe axle loadings and tonnages. The higher hardness also improves fatigue and deformation resistance and more closely matches the hardness of new head-hardened rail,1An Investigation of Thermite Rail Weld Composition and Properties; Lonsdale. C.P., and Luke, S.T., Conrail Technical Services Laboratory, Altoona, PA; Proceedings of the 1996 International Conference on Advances in Welding Technology, Columbus, Ohio, pp. 447-460.which approaches 400 Brinell. Harder welds also stand up better to heavy traffic and help prevent localized railhead depressions and deformation at the weld.Aluminum plays a key role in thermite welding, where it not only reacts with iron oxide to provide the original heat for welding but also serves as a deoxidizer in the weld charge. Here, it tends to react with oxygen in the still-liquid casting as it solidifies, reducing weld porosity and increasing tensile strength. However, too much aluminum will embrittle the steel. To ensure weld quality and consistency, it is important to control all weld charge alloying elements and residuals to keep them within specificationsMany variables can affect the properties of welds produced by thermite field welding. Among them are welding procedures, including the amount of gap, preheat, rail movement, rail end cleanliness, weather during welding, crucible cleanliness, and welder skill.Flash Butt WeldingBecause aluminothermic rail weld failure rates tend to increase with higher axle loads, railroads are looking for viable alternative rail welds. In-track flash butt rail welding has gained great acceptance as an alternative. The process has proven to make strong, reliable welds in field conditions. However, because rail steel is consumed during the course of the process, in-track flash butt welding cannot presently be used as an alternative for all in-track applications.The flash butt welding process originally was developed in the former Soviet Union. However, it was improved and perfected in the U.S. by the Holland Company, a major flash butt welding contractor and builder of flash butt welding equipment. Large fixed plant flash butt rail welding plants are commonly used on major railroads units, but mobile truck-mounted units (Fig.6) can also take the equipment directly to the weld site. A typical unit aligns the rail ends, charges them electrically, and hydraulically forges the ends, melting the two ends together. Thewelderhead automatically shears upset metal to within 1/8" of rail profile. A base grinder then removes the 1/8" flashing material, leaving a smooth base and reducing the likelihood of stress risers that could shorten the life of the rail. A magnetic particle inspection, in addition to visual inspections, verifies the quality of the final weld.The flash butt welding process tends to produce a weld with a heat-affected zone that is much narrower than that of a typical thermite weld (Fig.7). This also results in a more consistent Brinell hardness profile across the finished weld, which signifies a lack of hard or soft spots that can cause welds to deform and ultimately fail.Electric Arc Welding of Frogs and Crossing DiamondsThe extra stresses incurred by frogs and crossing diamonds require a material with high strength and durability, and one that will resist failure under impact and heavy loading. To achieve these properties, they are typically cast from austenitic manganese steel, an extremely tough, nonmagnetic alloy with unique properties that differ from common structural and wear-resistant steels. One of these properties is its capacity for work hardening at the surface under impact while the underlying body retains its original toughness. Metal-to metal wear resistance is excellent, which is essential in rail applications.For trackwork castings, AREA requires conformance with ASTM A128, Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Austenitic Manganese, except for slightly modified chemical requirements that include:Carbon 1.00/1.30%Manganese 12.00% minimummaximumSilicon1.00%Phosphorus 0.07% maximumThe high manganese content stabilizes the austenite by retarding its transformation to other structures. Silicon acts mainly as a deoxidizer, while phosphorus is limited because it tends to promote hot cracking, during casting as well as in subsequent welding operations.Other than these special limits, the metallurgy of cast rail components is similar to other austenitic manganese castings. Understanding the basic metallurgy of this material will make it easier to relate to the special aspects of welding it. At high temperatures, the structure of all types of steel is essentially austenitic. Although most carbon and alloy steels transform to other structures as they cool, the addition of large amounts of manganese combined with sufficiently fast cooling suppresses this transformation. Manganese steel castings may be relatively brittle before heat treatment, as normal cooling rates in the mold are too slow to retain a fully austenitic structure. This is rectified by heating and holding at the appropriate austenitizing temperature (generally 1850 to 1950 F), then quenching in cold, agitated water. Proper procedures are important, since either inadequate austenitizing or too slow cooling can result in excessive carbides that will lower the mechanical properties.Reheating of manganese steels can also cause carbide precipitation and resulting embrittlement, with the degree depending upon both exposure time and temperature. Thus, it is necessary to use welding procedures that will minimize or avoid prolonged overheating.This and other considerations make electric arc welding of manganese frogs an area that can sometimes confuse a newcomer to this field. Without the ability to properly focus on all data generated by the manufacturer of welding materials, the weldor can easily be perplexed by the erratic results achieved with different welded track castings. The difficulty can arise from a number of areas.Lincoln Electric conducted a study of manganese frog welding failures in October, 1996.A team of engineers, assembled to evaluate weld metal fatigue in a #10 rail bound manganese casting, studied these areas:Number of times weldedGross MGT (million gross tons/year) on track segmentAge and type of castingsWelding procedureWelding materials compositionComposition of the base castingThere have been claims of premature cracking in weld deposits made with manual electrode and wire on frog castings for nearly 60 years. Lincoln Electric has recorded data from 1937 that supports the usage of a manganese-based formulation in a product developed to rebuild manganese frog castings. At that time, Lincoln supplied a 12-14% manganese electrode to the railroads along with a stainless electrode to seal cracks that were in the original castings. The stainless steel electrode was used only in the flangeways and deep in the bottom of the casting, prior to buildup with the manganese-based electrode. The 1996 study supported the earlier data and also yielded some interesting conclusions for improvements in the technique used.The as-received casting is shown in Fig. 1. A closeup view of the cracking area is shown in Fig. 2. Sections AA and BB were made with a carbon arc torch to remove the cracked portion for further study.Sections CC and EE in Fig. 3a were made to study the region near the point that seemed to be free of cracks on the surface. Cracks were observed in the base metal and in the weld. The morphology of the cracks indicates that the preexisting cracks in the base metal have grown intothe weld during or at the end of welding, and these have subsequently opened up under load in service (Fig. 3b and 3c). In addition, the presence of a repair weld near the base metal can be seen in Fig. 3b. This was identified as a 312 stainless weld, which was put down to repair cracks in the base casting prior to building up with a manganese electrode.The cracks in the base casting follow the austenite grain boundaries, as shown in the higher magnification view, Fig. 3d. As they grow into the weld, they continue along the austenite grain boundaries as seen in Fig. 3e. A full section of the weld with the whole casting (Section EE) is shown in Fig. 4a. As is evident, there are cracks in the base metal that subsequently run into the weld metal (Fig. 4b). Based on this evidence, this cracking phenomenon appears to be a form of hot cracking.Sections FF, GG, and HH were taken in the cracked region (Fig. 5a). Section GG is shown in Fig. 5b and indicates that the cracks at the top have opened up under the loading during service.Conclusions for Improving Weld Repair PerformanceIn summary, the welding in this example was done in a situation that caused hot cracking. Chemical analysis reveals that the phosphorus level in the base casting is somewhat on the high side. The effect of phosphorus in causing hot cracking is well known (See AWS D15.2 Annex B for discussion of phosphorus under B2 and B6.2).The evidence of the stainless bead (used to seal a crack prior to buildup with manganese electrode) shows that the cracks in the base casting grew along the austenite boundary until they reached the stainless deposit. This deposit retarded the growth of the cracks and protected the weld deposit. Changing the technique to include a light layer of 308L or 312 stainless steel canonly improve the performance of the weld repair. Lower heat input while welding can help reduce hot cracking. Wirefeed welding processes that favor lower heat input are highly recommended, as opposed to “stick” welding. Lincoln Electric continues to conduct experiments to determine whether manganese electrode deposit chemistry can be further optimized to provide greater resistance to weld cracking growing from preexisting cracks in the base casting.# # #15-195CP/11-17-97。
最新消息1-2the benefits of civilization which we enjoy today are essentiallydue to the improved quality of products available to us .文明的好处我们享受今天本质上是由于改进质量的产品提供给我们。
the improvement in the quality of goods can be achieved with proper design that takes into consideration the functional requirement as well as its manufacturing aspects. 提高商品的质量可以达到与适当的设计,考虑了功能要求以及其制造方面。
The design process that would take proper care of the manufacturing process as well would be the ideal one. This would ensure a better product being made available at an economical cost.设计过程中,将采取适当的照顾的生产过程将是理想的一个。
Manufacturing is involved in turning raw materials to finished products to be used for some purpose. 制造业是参与将原材料到成品用于某些目的。
In the present age there have been increasing demands on the product performance by way of desirable exotic properties such as resistance to high temperatures, higher speeds and extra loads.在现在的时代已经有越来越多的产品性能要求的理想的异国情调的性能如耐高温,更高的速度和额外的负载These in turn would require a variety of new materials and its associated processing.这些反过来需要各种新材料及其相关的处理Also, exacting working conditions that are desired in the modern industrial operations make large demands on the manufacturing industry.这些反过来需要各种新材料及其相关的处理。
polystyrene (PS) 聚苯乙烯;poly-tetra-fluoro-ethylene (PTFE)聚四氟乙烯;vacuum forming吸塑;ram injection moulding machine柱塞式注射成型机;计算机辅助设计computer aided design;热塑性塑料thermoplastics;ram injection moulding machines;模具维持费用;聚合物分子的几何形状the geometrical form of polymer molecule;模具设计die design;注射成型机injection moulding;热处理heart treatment;抗拉强度tensile serength;对焊buttwelding;自由锻open die forging;粉末冶金powder metalurgy;注射模塑injection molding;线状聚合物linear polymer;球化spheroidzing;正火normalizing;回火tempering;临界温度critical temperature。
1. The time has probably come to adapt a new name more worthy of the exciting range of polymer materials with many different properties which are available to engineers.目前塑料定义已可能迎来新的术语,以阐述具有不同属性可用于工程领域的聚合物材料。
2.It should be noticed that compression moulding would be impracticable for thermoplastics which have no curing stage during which a chemical reaction take place; because the mould would require cooling each cycle in order to allow the component to harden sufficiently for extraction. 需要指出的是,热塑性塑料压缩成型是不可行的。
材料成型及控制工程外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)在模拟人体体液中磷酸钙涂层激光消融L. Cle`ries*, J.M. FernaHndez-Pradas, J.L. Morenza德国巴塞罗那大学,西班牙1999年七月二十八日-2000年2月文摘:三种类型的磷酸钙涂层基质,在钛合金激光烧蚀技术规定提存,沉浸在一个模拟的身体# uid为了确定条件下他们的行为类似于人的血浆。
关键词:磷酸钙,脉冲激光沉积,SBF1 介绍激光消融技术用于沉积磷酸钙涂层金属基体上,将用作植体骨重建。
然而,真正的身体条件# uid饱和对羟基磷灰石的阶段,这是钙离子的浓度高于均衡的这个阶段。
2 实验模拟身体化学溶解试剂级严格依照以下的顺序,除氢钠,NaHCO3:)3,K2HPO4 H2O,MgCl2)6 H2O,氯化钙和Na2SO4)2 H2O,在去离子水。
毕业设计(论文)英文翻译课题名称系部材料工程系专业材料成型及控制工程班级学号姓名指导教师2 0 10年3 月 10日4 Sheet metal forming and blanking4.1 Principles of die manufacture4.1.1 Classification of diesIn metalforming,the geometry of the workpiece is established entirely or partially by the geometry of the die.In contrast to machining processes,ignificantly greater forces are necessary in forming.Due to the complexity of the parts,forming is often not carried out in a single operation.Depending on the geometry of the part,production is carried out in several operational steps via one or several production processes such as forming or blanking.One operation can also include several processes simultaneously(cf.Sect.2.1.4).During the design phase,the necessary manufacturing methods as well as the sequence and number of production steps are established in a processing plan(Fig.4.1.1).In this plan,the availability of machines,the planned production volumes of the part and other boundary conditions are taken into account.The aim is to minimize the number of dies to be used while keeping up a high level of operational reliability.The parts are greatly simplified right from their design stage by close collaboration between the Part Design and Production Departments in order to enable several forming and related blanking processes to be carried out in one forming station.Obviously,the more operations which are integrated into a single die,the more complex the structure of the die becomes.The consequences are higher costs,a decrease in output and a lower reliability.Fig.4.1.1 Production steps for the manufacture of an oil sumpTypes of diesThe type of die and the closely related transportation of the part between dies is determined in accordance with the forming procedure,the size of the part in question and the production volume of parts to be produced.The production of large sheet metal parts is carried out almost exclusively using single sets of dies.Typical parts can be found in automotive manufacture,the domestic appliance industry and radiator production.Suitable transfer systems,for example vacuum suction systems,allow the installation of double-action dies in a sufficiently large mounting area.In this way,for example,the right and left doors of a car can be formed jointly in one working stroke(cf.Fig.4.4.34).Large size single dies are installed in large presses.The transportation of the parts from one forming station to another is carried out mechanically.In a press line with single presses installed one behind the other,feeders or robots can be used(cf.Fig.4.4.20 to 4.4.22),whilst in large-panel transfer presses,systems equipped with gripper rails(cf.Fig.4.4.29)or crossbar suction systems(cf.Fig.4.4.34)are used to transfer the parts.Transfer dies are used for the production of high volumes of smaller and medium size parts(Fig.4.1.2).They consist of several single dies,which are mounted on a common base plate.The sheet metal is fed through mostly in blank form and also transported individually from die to die.If this part transportation is automated,the press is called a transfer press.The largest transfer dies are used together with single dies in large-panel transfer presses(cf.Fig.4.4.32).In progressive dies,also known as progressive blanking dies,sheet metal parts are blanked in several stages;generally speaking no actual forming operation takes place.The sheet metal is fed from a coil or in the form of metal ing an appropriate arrangement of the blanks within the available width of the sheet metal,an optimal material usage is ensured(cf.Fig.4.5.2 to 4.5.5). The workpiece remains fixed to the strip skeleton up until the laFig.4.1.2 Transfer die set for the production of an automatic transmission for an automotive application-st operation.The parts are transferred when the entire strip is shifted further in the work flow direction after the blanking operation.The length of the shift is equal to the center line spacing of the dies and it is also called the step width.Side shears,very precise feeding devices or pilot pins ensure feed-related part accuracy.In the final production operation,the finished part,i.e.the last part in the sequence,is disconnected from the skeleton.A field of application for progressive blanking tools is,for example,in the production of metal rotors or stator blanks for electric motors(cf.Fig.4.6.11 and 4.6.20).In progressive compound dies smaller formed parts are produced in several sequential operations.In contrast to progressive dies,not only blanking but also forming operations are performed.However, the workpiece also remains in the skeleton up to the last operation(Fig.4.1.3 and cf.Fig.4.7.2).Due to the height of the parts,the metal strip must be raised up,generally using lifting edges or similar lifting devices in order to allow the strip metal to be transported mechanically.Pressed metal parts which cannot be produced within a metal strip because of their geometrical dimensions are alternatively produced on transfer sets.Fig.4.1.3 Reinforcing part of a car produced in a strip by a compound die setNext to the dies already mentioned,a series of special dies are available for special individual applications.These dies are,as a rule,used separately.Special operations make it possible,however,for special dies to be integrated into an operational Sequence.Thus,for example,in flanging dies several metal parts can be joined together positively through the bending of certain metal sections(Fig.4.1.4and cf.Fig.2.1.34).During this operation reinforcing parts,glue or other components can be introduced.Other special dies locate special connecting elements directly into the press.Sorting and positioning elements,for example,bring stamping nuts synchronised with the press cycles into the correct position so that the punch heads can join them with the sheet metal part(Fig.4.1.5).If there is sufficient space available,forming and blanking operations can be carried out on the same die.Further examples include bending,collar-forming,stamping,fine blanking,wobble blanking and welding operations(cf.Fig.4.7.14 and4.7.15).Fig.4.1.4 A hemming dieFig.4.1.5 A pressed part with an integrated punched nut4.1.2 Die developmentTraditionally the business of die engineering has been influenced by the automotive industry.The following observations about the die development are mostly related to body panel die construction.Essential statements are,however,made in a fundamental context,so that they are applicable to all areas involved with the production of sheet-metal forming and blanking dies.Timing cycle for a mass produced car body panelUntil the end of the 1980s some car models were still being produced for six to eight years more or less unchanged or in slightly modified form.Today,however,production time cycles are set for only five years or less(Fig.4.1.6).Following the new different model policy,the demands ondie makers have also changed prehensive contracts of much greater scope such as Simultaneous Engineering(SE)contracts are becoming increasingly common.As a result,the die maker is often involved at the initial development phase of the metal part as well as in the planning phase for the production process.Therefore,a much broader involvement is established well before the actual die development is initiated.Fig.4.1.6 Time schedule for a mass produced car body panelThe timetable of an SE projectWithin the context of the production process for car body panels,only a minimal amount of time is allocated to allow for the manufacture of the dies.With large scale dies there is a run-up period of about 10 months in which design and die try-out are included.In complex SE projects,which have to be completed in 1.5 to 2 years,parallel tasks must be carried out.Furthermore,additional resources must be provided before and after delivery of the dies.These short periods call for pre-cise planning,specific know-how,available capacity and the use of the latest technological and communications systems.The timetable shows the individual activities during the manufacturing of the dies for the production of the sheet metal parts(Fig.4.1.7).The time phases for large scale dies are more or less similar so that this timetable can be considered to be valid in general.Data record and part drawingThe data record and the part drawing serve as the basis for all subsequent processing steps.They describe all the details of the parts to be produced. The information given in theFig.4.1.7 Timetable for an SE projectpart drawing includes: part identification,part numbering,sheet metal thickness,sheet metal quality,tolerances of the finished part etc.(cf.Fig.4.7.17).To avoid the production of physical models(master patterns),the CAD data should describe the geometry of the part completely by means of line,surface or volume models.As a general rule,high quality surface data with a completely filleted and closed surface geometry must be made available to all the participants in a project as early as possible.Process plan and draw developmentThe process plan,which means the operational sequence to be followed in the production of the sheet metal component,is developed from the data record of the finished part(cf.Fig.4.1.1).Already at this point in time,various boundary conditions must be taken into account:the sheet metal material,the press to be used,transfer of the parts into the press,the transportation of scrap materials,the undercuts as well as thesliding pin installations and their adjustment.The draw development,i.e.the computer aided design and layout of the blank holder area of the part in the first forming stage–if need bealso the second stage–,requires a process planner with considerable experience(Fig.4.1.8).In order to recognize and avoid problems in areas which are difficult to draw,it is necessary to manufacture a physical analysis model of the draw development.With this model,theforming conditions of the drawn part can be reviewed and final modifications introduced,which are eventually incorporated into the data record(Fig.4.1.9).This process is being replaced to some extent by intelligent simulation methods,throughwhich the potential defects of the formed component can be predicted and analysed interactively on the computer display.Die designAfter release of the process plan and draw development and the press,the design of the die can be started.As a rule,at this stage,the standards and manufacturing specifications required by the client must be considered.Thus,it is possible to obtain a unified die design and to consider the particular requests of the customer related to warehousing of standard,replacement and wear parts.Many dies need to be designed so that they can be installed in different types of presses.Dies are frequently installed both in a production press as well as in two different separate back-up presses.In this context,the layout of the die clamping elements,pressure pins and scrap disposal channels on different presses must be taken into account.Furthermore,it must be noted that drawing dies working in a single-action press may be installed in a double-action press(cf.Sect.3.1.3 and Fig.4.1.16).Fig.4.1.8 CAD data record for a draw developmentIn the design and sizing of the die,it is particularly important to consider the freedom of movement of the gripper rail and the crossbar transfer elements(cf.Sect.4.1.6).These describe the relative movements between the components of the press transfer system and the die components during a complete press working stroke.The lifting movement of the press slide,the opening and closing movements of the gripper rails and the lengthwise movement of the whole transfer are all superimposed.The dies are designed so that collisions are avoided and a minimum clearance of about 20 mm is set between all the moving parts.4 金属板料的成形及冲裁4. 模具制造原理4.1.1模具的分类在金属成形的过程中,工件的几何形状完全或部分建立在模具几何形状的基础上的。
本科毕业论文外文文献及译文文献、资料题目:The effects of heat treatment onthe microstructure and mechani-cal property of laser melting dep-ositionγ-TiAl intermetallic alloys 文献、资料来源:Materials and Design文献、资料发表(出版)日期:2009.10.25院(部):材料科学与工程学院专业:材料成型及控制工程班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期:2011.4.3中文译文:热处理对激光沉积γ-TiAl金属间化合物合金的组织与性能的影响摘要:Ti-47Al-2.5V-1Cr 和Ti-40Al-2Cr (at.%)金属间化合物合金通过激光沉积(LMD)成形技术制造。
结果表明:由γ-TiAl 和α2-Ti3Al构成的γ-TiAl基体试样具有全密度柱状晶粒和细的层状显微组织。
Ti-47Al-2.5V-1Cr基体合金和Ti-40Al-2Cr基体合金沿轴向的室温抗拉强度大约分别为650 MPa、600MPa,而最大延伸率大约为0.6% 。
Optimal mould design for the manufacture by compression moulding of high-precisionlensesM. Sellier†1, C. Breitbach†, H. Loch† and N. Siedow‡August 7, 2006† Schott AG, Hattenbergstrasse 10, 55122 Mainz, Germany‡ Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik (ITWM)Fraunhofer-Platz 1, 67663 Kaiserslautern, GermanyAbstractThe increasing need for low-cost, high-precision optical devices requires innovative manufacturing techniques or the optimization of existing ones. The present study focuses on the latter alternative and proposes a computer-aided, mould optimization algorithm for the manufacturing of high-precision glass lenses by compression moulding. The intuitive, yet very efficient, algorithm computes at each optimization loop the mismatch between the desired and deformed glass shapes and uses this information to update the mould design. To solve this optimal shape design problem, a finite element model representative of the real industrial process is developed and solved in the commercial package ABAQUS. This model solves the several stages involved in the process and includes the thermo-mechanical coupling, the varying mechanical contact between the glass and the mould, and the stress and structure relaxation in the glass. The algorithm is successfully tested for the mould design for a plano-concave and a bi-concave lens as the residual error between the deformed and desired glass profiles is decreased to a value of the order of one micron.Keywords: optimal shape design, compression moulding, glass forming, finite element model.1 mathieu.sellier@itwm.fhg.de1.IntroductionIn the competitive industry of optics manufacturing, there is a growing need for the mass production of high-precision glass parts. To date, however, there is still a conflict between the productivity and accuracy requirements. Indeed, existing techniques relying on the grinding and polishing of the moulded glass piece can achieve sub-micron accuracy but at a prohibitive cost. A much more time- and cost-effective alternative would be to predict directly the mould design which yields the net, desired glass shape at the end of the forming process without requiring further post-processing.The compression moulding process, illustrated in Figure 1, consists of three stages: heating of the glass preform/mould assembly to a temperature above the glass transition temperature, pressing of the softened glass to transfer the mould shape onto the glass and, cooling down to room temperature. The mould design in this process is a challenging task because of the deformations induced during cooling stage (thermal shrinkage, residual stresses). Although the profile of the mould might be perfectly transferred to the softened glass at the end of the pressing stage, a strategy is required to compensate for these deformations. Existing compensation techniques rely, according to Yi and Jain in [1], on a simple first-order theory of thermal expansion but such an approach comes to a limit when accuracy of the order of one micron is targeted. Other studies related to the computer-aided tool design for glass forming include, for example, that of Moreau et al. in [2] who optimize the press design in the forming of an automotive rear side panel, that of Lochegnies et al. in [3] who determine the required mould yielding a prescribed glass thickness distribution in the blow and blow process, or that of Agnon and Stokes in [4] who derive the former shape that produces a prescribed top surface curvature profile in the thermal replication process.The aim of the present work is to present a numerical algorithm to optimize the mould shape in the context of high-precision compression moulding and demonstrate its ability toproduce challenging lens designs with an accuracy of the order of one micron. The intuitive idea of the algorithm is to iteratively “test and correct”. The residuals giving a measure of the mismatch between the final and desired glass piece geometries are computed at each optimization loop and used to update the previous mould design.The next section is devoted to the description of the process and its modelling in the finite element package ABAQUS. The details of the computer-aided mould optimization algorithm follow. Lastly, results supporting the success of the method for the mould design for a plano-concave and a bi-concave lens shape are reported.2.Modelling of the processThe first requirement to tackle numerically the optimal shape design problem described above is to be able to model accurately the forward problem, i.e. “what is the final glass profile for a given mould design?” Modelling the entire process is a complicated task because of the many stages involved, the thermo-mechanical coupling, the varying mechanical contact between the glass and the mould, and the complex rheology of the glass. To reduce the computational cost, only a simplified model representative of the whole industrial process is considered. The model is solved in the commercial finite element package ABAQUS and user-defined subroutines were developed to implement the complex rheology of the glass. Since the forming temperature is slightly above the glass transition temperature, the glass is in the viscoelastic range and the combined effects of stress and structure relaxation must be accounted for in order to achieve the necessary accuracy. The glass behaviour is represented by the Tool-Narayanaswamy model, [5, 6]. This model has become a standard to handle stress relaxation in glassy materials under non-isothermal conditions. The interested reader is referred to [8] for a thorough description of the model and to [7] for an overview. It suffices here to say that the glass has a transition temperature of 505 °C. Other glass properties and relaxation parameters are not reported since the optimization method described is entirely based ongeometric considerations and its success is therefore independent of the precise material properties or operating conditions. The mould is modelled in ABAQUS as a rigid body since its stiffness is much greater than that of the glass.The finite element analysis is restricted to an axisymmetric geometry and only a two-dimensional radial cross section of the model is represented in Figure 2 for the plano-concave lens and in Figure 3 for the bi-concave one. The glass preform is enclosed in the upper and lower parts of the mould and the outer ring prevents it from flowing outwards during the pressing stage. The outer ring is simply represented in ABAQUS by a rigid surface since its influence on the overall process is minor. In the real industrial process, the glass preform is produced in a low-cost, low-precision, preliminary stage with a near optimal shape and volume. For the plano-concave case, the preform has a flat lower surface and a spherical, concave upper one of radius of 44 mm. This radius is 10% greater than that of the desired final lens design (40 mm). For the bi-concave lens design, the upper and lower preform surfaces are both spherical and concave with a radius of 44 mm which is again 10% greater than the radii of the desired lens design.The thermo-mechanical coupling is included in the three stages of the transient analysis (heating, pressing, and cooling) but the effects of radiative heat transfer are neglected. The required symmetry conditions are imposed along the axis and the nodal vertical displacements are prescribed to vanish on the lower side of the lower mould (see the boundary conditions on the left-hand side of Figures 2 and 3).The glass and both parts of the mould are initially in contact along the axis. Thermal boundary conditions of the Dirichlet-type are applied on the top of the upper and the bottom of the lower mould and the lateral walls of the moulds are assumed to be insulated. All other boundaries are grouped in contact pairs. For the two surfaces of a contact pair, which don’t necessarily have to be in contact, mechanical and thermal surface interaction models are defined. In this set-up two nodes of the contact pair surfaces 1 and 2 exchange heat fluxes perunit area taking into account surface to surface radiation and heat conduction through the air layer between the two surfaces.The heating stage consists of imposing a steadily increasing temperature on the upper side of the upper mould and the lower side of the lower one (time-dependent Dirichlet boundary conditions). The temperature rises from 50 °C to 600 °C in 180 s and then remains constant for 180 s to reach a uniform temperature field. This temperature is about 95 °C above the glass transition temperature, a sufficiently high temperature to shape the glass preform. During this stage, the upper mould is moved upwards by a small amount to allow the glass to expand freely.In the pressing stage, the temperature is held constant at 600 °C and a downward stroke is imposed on the upper mould. The value of the displacement is chosen so that the lens thickness at the centreline is equal to the desired one. The displacement is ramped linearly in a time interval of 360 s. At the end of the pressing stage, the mould shape is transferred onto the mould.Finally, the temperature at both ends of the glass and mould assembly is decreased from 600 °C to 20 °C in 360 s during the cooling stage. This steady cooling is followed by a period of 180 s during which the temperature is kept at 20 °C. The position of the mould is held constant during this stage and a gap between the glass and the mould appears and grows because of the thermal shrinkage and the residual stresses in the glass. The right-hand side of Figures 3 and 4 shows the glass/mould assembly at the very end of the forming process when the desired glass profile is given to the mould. Although the magnitude of the gap is small in magnitude, the consequent mismatch between the contour of the glass piece and the one of the closed mould needs to be compensated for if an accuracy of the order of one micron is targeted.3.Description of the mould optimization algorithmThe optimization algorithm described in the following ignores the very details of the compression moulding process. It simply considers it as an operator F which maps the initialmould contour j mC into the final glass shape j g C at iteration j (see Figure 4). Although the glass contour is a closed curve, the upper and lower curves are considered independently in the range[0]i r ,. The curves are represented, in the scientific computing program MATLAB, bycubic splines fitted through the nodes of the mesh. Introducing the arc-length s , the curves j mC and j g C are defined in parametric form by the points ()()()j j m m r s z s , and ()()()j j g g r s z s ,,respectively, in intervals of s to be defined. Moreover, the initial glass contour 0C and thatdesired d C are described by the points ()00()()r s z s , and ()()()d d r s z s ,, respectively. The total length of the initial glass contour in the r -range of interest ([0]i r ,) is denoted by i l and iscomputed according to 122001i r i dz l dr dr /⎛⎞⎛⎞=+.⎜⎟⎜⎟⎜⎟⎝⎠⎝⎠∫ (1) The end point of the initial glass contour ()00()()i i r l z l , is displaced to ()()()()000000()()()()()()j j e e i r i i i z i i r z r l u r l z l z l u r l z l ,=+,,+, in the deformed glass geometry, where ()()()j j r z u r z u r z ,,, is the displacement vector at the location ()r z , and iteration j . Thus, the length i l in the initial glass geometry becomes j e l in the deformed geometry with 12201e j r gj e dz l dr dr /⎛⎞⎛⎞⎜⎟=+.⎜⎟⎜⎟⎜⎟⎝⎠⎝⎠∫ (2) The curves j m C ,j g C ,d C , and 0C are now completely defined by the points ()[0]()()i j j m m s l r s z s ∈,,, ()[0]()()j e jj g g s l r s z s ∈,,,()[0]()()j e d d s l r s z s ∈,,, and ()00[0]()()is l r s z s ∈,,, respectively. These curves are split into N equal intervals and the optimization loop proceeds on the 1N + corresponding control points.Although the operator F can not be completely characterized, two features, illustrated in Figure 4, may be expected and assumed:1. A point i P initially located at ()00()()i i r s z s , on the glass surface will be locatedaround ()()()j j i g f g f G r s z s =, in the deformed glass geometry (here,i l i Ns i =, j e l f N s i = and the index i ranges from 0 to N ). For example, a point located halfway through the initial glass contour may be expected to be located halfway through the deformed glass contour providing the curves remain reasonably smooth.2. The modification of the mould at ()()()j j i m i m i M r s z s =, only has a local effect on the initial glass surface at ()00()()i i i P r s z s =,.Based upon these assumptions, one can build a one to one operator F between ()()()j j m i mi r s z s , and ()()()j j g f g f r s z s ,, i.e.:()()()()j j g f m i j j g f m i r s r s F z s z s ⎧⎫⎧⎫⎪⎪⇒,⎨⎬⎨⎬⎪⎪⎩⎭⎩⎭ (3)and construct an iterative scheme to identify the required mould geometry as follows 11()()()()j j j m i r f m j j j m i z f m r s s r z s s z +⎧⎫⎪⎪⎪⎪⎨⎬⎪+⎪⎪⎪⎩⎭⎧⎫+Δ⎪⎪=,⎨⎬+Δ⎪⎪⎩⎭(4)where()()()()()()j j r f d f g f j j z f d f g f s r s r s s z s z s ⎧⎫⎧⎫Δ−⎪⎪⎪⎪=,⎨⎬⎨⎬Δ−⎪⎪⎪⎪⎩⎭⎩⎭ (5)is the residual vector. After updating the location of the 1N + control nodes on the mould surface, the mesh of the upper and lower mould contour is reconstructed.4. Mould design resultsThe optimization algorithm is applied to identify the required mould design which yields the desired plano-concave and bi-concave lenses described in the previous section. The mould design is optimized up to a radius r i of 18 mm and the number of intervals N is chosen equal to20. The only requirement on the number of nodes is that the number of control nodes should be sufficient to describe the curves accurately. The desired glass profile at room temperature is chosen as a first guess for the required mould shape. At each optimization loop, the same downward displacement which yields the desired centreline thickness is imposed on the upper mould and all other forming parameters apart from the unknown required mould contours remain identical.Figures 5 and 6 plot the nodal distance from the desired to the deformed glass profiles, in the direction normal to the desired profile, for the bi-concave and the plano-concave lens designs, respectively. Of course, as the nodal residuals become smaller, the mismatch between the deformed and desired glass geometries decreases. These two figures confirm the success of the optimization algorithm since the best mould design from a total of 6 loops, allows a substantial drop in the average value of the nodal residuals and the micron target is almost achieved everywhere. Indeed for the flat surface of the plano-concave lens design, a reduction of the nodal residuals of almost two orders of magnitude is achieved. Iterating further does not reduce further the residuals as these become oscillatory, i.e. regions of decreasing and increasing residuals alternate. Finally, Figure 7 shows the lower profile of the plano-concave lens at the end of the process for each optimization loop. This figure clearly illustrates that this surface becomes flatter and flatter, and therefore gets closer and closer to the desired design, as the optimization algorithm proceeds.5.ConclusionsA computer-aided optimization algorithm is presented in this paper for the mould design in high-precision compression moulding. Only a simplified model representative of the real industrial process is solved in the commercial finite element package ABAQUS. This model takes into account the multi-stage nature of the process, the thermo-mechanical coupling, the varying mechanical contact between the glass and the mould, and the complex rheology of theglass. The intuitive concept of the algorithm consists of computing at each optimization loop the mismatch between the final and desired lens profiles and using this information to update the previous mould design. Results for the mould design for a plano-concave and a bi-concave lens design confirm the feasibility of the method and its fast convergence rate. Indeed, only a few iterations are necessary to reduce the mismatch between the deformed and desired glass shapes to the targeted value of one micron. Although the true success of the optimization algorithm can only be assessed when applied to the real industrial process, this could provide a valuable alternative to other mould compensation technique. AcknowledgementsThe authors gratefully acknowledge the funding of the European Union through the MAGICAL project.References[1] Yi, A.Y. and Jain, A. Compression molding of aspherical lenses-a combined experimental and numerical analysis. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2005, 88, 579-586.[2] Moreau, P., Lochegnies, D. and Oudin, J. Optimum tool geometry for flat glass pressing. Int. J. Form. Proc., 1999, 2, 81-94.[3] Lochegnies, D., Moreau, P. and Guibaut, R. 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Proc., 2006, 9, 61-78.Figure captionsFigure 1: Schematic view of the compression moulding process with the corresponding temperature treatmentFigure 2: Two-dimensional radial cross section of the finite element model of the glass/mould assembly for the plano-concave lens in the initial (left) and deformed (right) configurationsFigure 3: Two-dimensional radial cross section of the finite element model of the glass/mould assembly for the bi-concave lens in the initial (left) and deformed (right) configurationsFigure 4: Schematic description of the algorithm and the operator F which transforms the initial mould geometry into the final glass oneFigure 5: Normal distance (in mm) between the desired and deformed glass profiles in a direction normal to the desired profile for each of the control nodes and for the bi-concave lens designFigure 6: Normal distance (in mm) between the desired and deformed glass profiles in a direction normal to the desired profile for each of the control nodes and for the bi-concave lens designFigure 7: Lower lens profile at each optimization loop for the plano-concave designFigure 1: Schematic view of the compression moulding process with the corresponding temperaturetreatmentFigure 2: Two-dimensional radial cross section of the finite element model of the glass/mould assembly for the plano-concave lens in the initial (left) and deformed (right) configurationsthe bi-concave lens in the initial (left) and deformed (right) configurationsgeometry into the final glass oneFigure 5: Normal distance (in mm) between the desired and deformed glass profiles in a direction normal to the desired profile for each of the control nodes and for the bi-concave lens designFigure 6: Normal distance (in mm) between the desired and deformed glass profiles in a direction normal to the desired profile for each of the control nodes and for the bi-concave lens designFigure 7: Lower lens profile at each optimization loop for the plano-concave design。
外文原文:Metal heat treatmentMetal heat treatment is a kind of craft to heat pieces of metals at the suitable temperature in some medium and to cool them at different speed after some time.The metal heat treatment is one of the important crafts in the machine-building, comparing with other technologies, the heat treatment seldom changes the form of the work pieces and chemical composition of the whole .it improve the serviceability of the work piece through changing their micro- work pieces, chemical composition, or surface. Its characteristic is improving inherent quality of work pieces which can not be watched by our eyes.In order to make the metal work piece have mechanics , physics and chemical property which are needed, besides the use of many materials and various kinds of crafts which are shaped , the heat treatment craft is essential. Steel is a wide-used material in the mechanical industry, its complicated micro-composition can be controlled through the heat treatment , so the heat treatment of the steel is a main content of the metal heat treatment . In addition aluminium, copper, magnesium, titanium and their alloys also can change their mechanics , physics and chemical property through the heat treatment to make different serviceability.During the process of development from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age and to the Iron Age, the function of the heat treatment is gradually known by people. As early as 770 B.C.~222 B.C., the Chinese in production practices had already found the performance of the copper and iron changed by press and temperature . White mouthfuls of casting iron’s gentle-treatment is a important craft to make farm implements.In the sixth century B.C., the steel weapon was gradually adopted. In order to improve the hardness of the steel, quench craft was then developed rapidly. Two sword and one halberd found in YANXIA, Hebei of China , had “MA structure” in its micro-composition which was quenched.With the development of quenching technology, people gradually found the influence of cold pharmaceutical on quality of quenching. Pu yuan a people of theThree Kingdoms(now, Shanxi province Xiegu town)made3000 knives for Zhu Ge-liang.the knives were quenched in Chengdu according to legend. This proved that the chinese had noticed the cooling ability of waters with different quality in ancient times, and the cooling ability of the oil and urine at the same time were found. People found a sword in Zhongshan tomb which were up to the Western Han Dynasty (B.C. 206 -A.D. 24 ),in whose heart department carbon was about 0.15-0.4%, but on whose surface carbon was about more than 0.6%.this has shown the use of the carburization craft. But as the secret of individual's " craftsmanship " at that time, the development was very slow.In 1863, Britain metallo graphy expert and geologist's discoverity that six kinds of different metallography organizations existed in the steel under the microscope, proved that the inside of steel would change while heating and cooling. the looks of steel at the high temperature would change into a harder looks when urgently colded. Frenchmen Osmon established Allotropic theory , and Englishmen Austin first made the iron- carbon looks picture .these tow theories set the theoretical foundation for the modern heat treatment craft . Meanwhile, people also studied the metal protection in the heating to avoid the metal's oxidizing and out of carbon in the course.1850~1880s, there were a series of patent to use kinds of gases to heat (such as hydrogen , coal gas , carbon monoxide etc. ). Englishman's Rec obtained the patent of bright heat treatment of many kinds of metal in 1889-1890.Since the 20th century, the development of metal physics and transplantation application of other new technologies,make the metal heat treatment craft develop on a large scale even more. A remarkable progress was carburizition of gas in a tube of stoves in industrial production during 1901~1925; 1930s the appeariance of the electric potential different count and then the use of carbon dioxide and oxygen made stove carbon of atmosphere under control . In 1960s, hot treatment technology used the function of the plasma field, developed the nitrogen, carburization craft.The application of laser , electron beam technology, made the metal obtain new method about surface heat treatment and chemical heat treatment.The metal heat treatment craftThe heat treatment craft generally includes heating, keeping and cooling andsometimes only heating and cooling two progresses . The course links up each other.Heating is one of the important processes of the heat treatment . There are a lot of heating methods of the metal heat treatment . the first heat source were the charcoal and coal , then liquid and gaseous fuel. The application of the electricity is easy to control the heating, and no environmental pollution. the heat source could be heated directly or indirectly by the use of salt or metal of melting or the floating particle.While metal heated, the work piece in air , is often oxidized or take off carbon ( steel's surface carbon content reduces).this does harm to the metal's surface performanc which is heated. Therefore metal should heat in the the vacuum or the melted salt, in controlled atmosphere or protected atmosphere . Sometimes it is heated in the protect means of coating or pack .Heating temperature is one of the important craft parameters of the heat treatment craft , choosing and controling heating temperature is a main matter of guaranting heat treatment quality. Heating temperature may change according to the different purposes of the heat treatment and different metal materials , but usually it is up to the temperature at which high temperature frame could be abtained.it must keep some time at the high temperature to make the inside and outside of the metal reach the some heating level,so that its micro-frame would turn out wholely.we call this period of time "keep-heat"time. There is no "keep-heat"time when adopting density heating and surface heat treatment of high energy because of the rapidity. But the chemical heat treatment often need much more time to sustain the heat .Cooling is an indispensable step in the craft course of heat treatment too . cooling methods are different because of crafts , mainly at controling the speed of cooling. generally anneals is slowest in speed, the cooling normalizing is a little fast in speed, the quenched cooling is much faster in speed. But there are different demands according to the kindof steel, for example empty hard steel can be cooled with normalize as quick as the speed by hard quench .The metal heat treatment craft can be divided into whole heat treatment , surface heat treatment and chemical heat treatment.Every kind could be divided into different crafts according to heating medium , heating temperature and cooling method. The same kind of metal adopting different heat treatment crafts can getdifferent organizations which have different performance . The steel is the widest-used metal on the industry, and its micro- organization is the most complicated, so the steel heat treatment craft is various in style.The whole heat treatment is to change the whole mechanics performance of work piece through heating the work piece wholely and then cooling at the proper speed. The whole heat treatment of steel roughly has four basic crafts of annealing , normalizing , quenching and flashing back .Annealing means heating the work piece to the proper temperature ,then adopting different temperature retention time according to the material and size of work piece and then cooling slowly, whose purpose is to make the metal organization to achieve or close to the balance state, obtain good craft performance and serviceability, or prepare for quench further. normalizing is to cool in the air after heating the work piece at suitable temperature , its result is similar to annealing except that the organization out of normalizing are more refined which is often used to inhance the cutting performance of the material and is occationally used for the final heat treatment of material which are not high-requested. .Quenching is to cool work piece which has been heated and kept in warm fast in the cold medium as water , oil , other inorganic salts ,or organic aqueous solution and so on . The steel quenched becomes hard and fragile too. To reduce its fragility , we must first keep the quenched piece of steel in a certain temperature which is higher than room temperature but lower than 650℃for a long time,and then cool it again. this progress is called the flashing back . Annealing , normalizing, quenching , flashing back is " four fires " in the whole heat treatment . the quenching contact close to flashing back ,and they are often used together." Four fire "is divided into kinds of heat treatment crafts by different heating temperatures and diferent ways of cooling. What is " quality adjust " is a kind of craft combining "quench" with "high-temper a ture flash back" to make the work piece obtain certain intensity and toughness. Some alloy saturation out of quench can improve its hardness, intensity, electricity and magnetism after it is kept in the high proper temperature for a little long time . Such heat treatment craft is called “effective dealing”.Deformation-heat-treatment is the combination of pressure-deformation and heat treatment on work piece ,this mothod could enhance its intensity; and vacuum-heat-treatment is that work piece is heated in atmosphere or vacuum.It can make the work piece not oxidize or take off carbons , keep its surface bright and neat and improve its performance. At the same time ,it can carry on the chemical heat treatment by the pharmaceutics.Surface heat treatment on work piece is only to heat its cover to change the metal-layer's mechanics performance. In order to only heat the layer of work piece without making too much heat spreading into the inside, the heat source used must be of high density of energy , namely it can offer greater heat energy on the unit's area of the work piece and make its layer or parts reach high temperature in short-term or instantaneously. The main method of the surface heat treatment is "flame quenching" and "reaction heat" treatment and the heat source used commonly are flame as oxygen acetylene or propane, reaction electric current, laser and electron beam,ect.The chemical heat treatment is to alter the chemical composition, organization and performance of the top layer of work piece.The difference between Chemical and surface heat treatment is that the latter just change the chemical composition of the top layer of work piece . The former is to set the work piece heating in the medium (the gas , liquid , solid ) including carbon , nitrogen or other alloying elements,and then to keep it warm for longer time, thus to make elements as the carbon,nitrogen,boron and chromium,etc permeate through the top layer of work piece.Sometimes after permeation, there is other heat treatment craft to carry on such as quenching and flashing back . The main method of the chemical heat treatment include carbon,nitrogen, and metal permeation.The heat treatment is one of the important processes in machine components and tool and mould manufacture. Generally speaking, it guarantees and improves various kinds of performance of the work piece , for instance wear proof and anti-corrosion. It also improve the organization and state of the tough work piece to ensure various kinds of cooling and heating work.For example tin are annealed for a long time to turn into malleable cast iron which is of plasticity. proper heat treatment craft can prolong the gear wheel's servicelife at double or dozens of times than these without heat treatment ; In addition, the cheap carbon steel with some alloying elements permeated will own the alloy steel performance whose prices hold high so that it can replace some heat-resisting steel , stainless steel ; all tool and mould need to be through the heat treatment before in use..中文译文:金属热处理金属热处理是将金属工件放在一定的介质中加热到适宜的温度,并在此温度中保持一定时间后,又以不同速度冷却的一种工艺。
外文原文:1 Physical Properties of MaterialsIn the selection of materials for industrial applications, many engineers normally refer to their average macroscopic properties, as determined by engineering tests, and are seldom concerned with microscopic considerations. Others, because of their specialty or the nature of their positions, have to deal with microscopic properties.The average properties of material are those involving matter in bulk with its flaws, variations in composition, and variations in density that are caused by manufacturing fluctuations. Microscopic properties pertain to atoms, molecules, and their interactions. These aspects of material are studied for their direct applicability to industrial problems and also so that possible properties in the development of the new materials can be estimated.In order not to become confused by apparently contradictory concepts when dealing with the relationship between the microscopic aspects of matter and the average properties of materials, it is wise to consider the principles that account for the nature of matter at the different levels of our awareness. These levels are the commonplace, the extremely small, and the extremely large. The commonplace lever deals with the average properties already mentioned, and the principles involved are those set forth by classical physics. The realm of theextremely small is largely explained by means of quantum mechanics, whereas that of the extremely large is dealt with by relativity.Relativity is concerned with very large masses, such as planets or stars, and large velocities that may approach the velocity of light. It is also applicable to smaller masses, ranging down to subatomic particles, when they move at high velocities. Relativity has a definite place in the tool boxes of nuclear engineers and electrical engineers who deal with particle accelerators. For production engineers, relativity is of only academic interest and is mentioned here for the sake of completeness.2 Mechanical Properties of MaterialsOnce the important physical properties of a material have been established, mechanical properties such as yield strength and hardness must be considered. Mechanical properties are structure-sensitive in the sense that they depend upon the type of crystal structure and its bonding forces, and especially upon the nature and behavior of the imperfections that exits within the crystal itself or at the grain boundaries.An important characteristic that distinguishes metals from other material is their ductility and ability to be deformed plastically without loss in strength. In design, 5 to 15 percent elongation provides the capacity to withstand sudden dynamic overloads. In order to accommodate such loads without failure, materials need dynamictoughness, high moduli of elasticity, and the ability to dissipate energy by substantial plastic deformation prior to fracture.To predict the behavior of a material under load, engineers require reliable data on the mechanical properties of materials. Handbook data is available for the average properties of common alloys at 68℉. In design, the most frequently needed data are tensile yield strength, hardness, modulus of elasticity, and yield strengths at temperatures other than 68℉. Designers less frequently use resistance to creep, notch sensitivity, impact strength, and fatigue strength. Suppliers’catalogs frequently give more recent or complete data.Production-engineering data that is seldom found in handbooks include strength-to-weight ratios, cost per unit volume, and resistance to specific service environments.A brief review of the major mechanical properties and their significance to design is included to ensure that the reader is familiar with the important aspects of each test.3Selecting MaterialsAn ever-increasing variety of materials is available, each having its own characteristics, applications, advantages, and limitations. The following are the general types of materials used in manufacturing today: Irons and steels (carbon, alloy, stainless, and tool and die steels)Nonferrous metals and alloys (aluminum, magnesium, copper, nickel, titanium, superalloys, refractory metal, beryllium, zirconium, low-melting alloys, and precious metals)Plastics (thermoplastics, thermosets, and elastomers)Ceramics, glass ceramics, glasses, graphite and diamond.Composite materials (reinforced plastics, metal-matrix and ceramic-matrix composites, and honeycomb structures).1)Properties of materialsWhen selecting materials for products, we first consider their mechnical properties:strength, toughness, ductility, hardness, elasticity, fatigue, and creep. The strength-to-weight and stiffness-to-weight ratios of material are also important, particularly for aerospace and automotive applications. Aluminum, titanium, and reinforced plastics, for example, have higher ratios than steels and cast irons. The mechanical properties specified for a product and its components should of course be for the conditions under which the product is expected to function. We then consider the physical properties of density, specific heat, thermal expansion and conductivity, melting point, and electrical and magnetic properties.Chemical properties also play a significant role in hostile as well as normal environments.Oxidation corrosion, general degradation of properties, toxicity, andflammability of materials are among the important factors to be considered. In some commercial airline disasters, for example, many deaths have been caused by toxic fumes from burning nonmetallic materials in the aircraft cabin.Manufacturing properties of materials determine whether they can be cast formed, machined, welded, and heat treated with relative ease. The method used to process materials to the desired shapes can adversely affect the product’s final properties and service life.2)Availability and costAvailability and cost of raw and processed materials and manufactured components aremajor concerns in manufacturing. Competitively, the economic aspects of material selection are as important as the technological considerations of properties and characteristics of materials.If raw or processed material or manufactured components are not available in the desired quantities, shapes, and dimensions, substitutes and/or additional processing will be required, which can contribute significantly to product cost. For example, if we need a round bar of a certain diameter and it is not available in standard form, then we have to purchase a larger rod and reduce its diameter by some means, such as machining, drawing through a die, or grinding.Reliability of supply, as well as demand, affects cost. Mostcountries import numerous raw materials that are essential for production. Note the reliance of the United States on imported raw materials. The broad political implication of such reliance on other countries is self-evident.Different costs are involved in processing materials by different methods. Some methods require expensive machinery, others require extensive labor, and still others require personnel with special skills or a high level of education or specialized training.3)Appearance, service life, and disposalThe appearance of materials after they have been manufactured into products influences .their appeal to the consumer. Color, feel, and surface texture are characteristics that we all consider when making a decision about purchasing a product.Time and service-dependent phenomena such as wear, fatigue, creep, and dimensional stability are important. These phenomena can significantly affect a product’s performance and, if not controlled, can lead to total failure of the product.Similarly, compatibility of materials used in a product is important. Friction and wear, corrosion, and other phenomena can shorten a product’s life or cause it to fail. An example is galvanic action between mating parts made of dissimilar metals, which corrodes the parts.Recycling or proper disposal of materials at the end of their usefulservice lives has become increasingly important in an age conscious of maintaining a clean and healthy environment. None, for example, the use of biodegradable packaging materials or recyclable glass bottles and aluminum beverage cans. The proper disposal of toxic wastes and materials is also a crucial consideration.中文译文:1.材料的物理性能在选择工业用材料时,许多工程师通常都只考虑其平均的宏观性能,因为这些特性是由工程实验确定的,而很少考虑其微观特性。
它从图3.1可以看出,εp增加系统与ZenerMn钢,但较低的值的270和286 kJ / mol的范围,也被观察到。
外文原文:The Ultimate Extrusion Scrap Remelt and Casting CenterPrepared by一Roger A. P.Fielding一BENCHMARKSGeorge E,Macey一Macey heat Transfer AssociatesD .Hugh Barnard一Aluminium Industry ConsultingABSTRACT一Recent advances in scrap processing,melting,metal treatment, andcasting technologies have a major impact on the economics of recycling aluminumextrusion scrap. Technologies that permit rapid charging,melting,and melt preparation,are combined with processes that remove potential pollutants and particulates,refine themelt, and cast uniform ingot structures.The resulting facility is capable of producing a wide range of alloys and ingot sizes with minimum inventory levels while operating at high levels of productivity and energy efficiency. The facility is intrinsically safe to operate and meetsall current and near-term environmental standards.INTRODUCTIONThe Source of Aluminum Extrusion ScrapAluminum extrusion scrap comprises reject incoming log and billet, log and billet (and part-billets) rejected or damaged during or after the pre-heat furnace,part-billets and billets withdrawn from the extrusion press, butt ends of billet recovered from the press shear, and lumps of aluminum recovered from the extrusion die. After extrusion from the die, some scrap lengths-usually the front ends of the extrudate-are collected at the rough- cut saw, and some (in the same area of the press installation) as back-end samples.If there are significant differences in rod-length (the length of the extrudate emerging from multi-hole dies,)extruded scrap lengths must be collected from the press run-out table. Uneven extrusion lengths-which can still be seen in some extrusion operations-often have to be cut off at the stretcher tail stock; although some designs of stretcher allow for stretching with the excess length still in place.The excess extrudate known as stretcher scrap comprising front and back-ends of the extrudate which has been damaged at the stretcher, is removed at the finish-cut saw. Also removed arethe transverse weld from the extrusion of successive billets into a single length at the run-out, and the transverse weld allowance, which is much longer and must often be removed from the production of hollow extrusions.Although common alloy (AA6xxx) scrap generated at the extrusion press should be no more than 10 percent of the log or billet delivered to the extrusion press, it is not unusual to find that press scrap is closer to 25 percent due to a combination of the events listed above.If only because of the requirement to leave a larger butt (thereby ensuring that extrusions which might be subject to coring are not extruded),the scrap generated when extruding medium and hard alloys will theoretically be greater than that from AA6xxx operations.From the above.it is evident that the scrap aluminum generated in a typical extrusion plant can be divided into five distinct families:1)The heavy logs and billet-each piece of which is the density of aluminum.2) Heavy butts which,because each is distorted during the shearing operation,are somewhat less den3) Extruded lengths, ranging from stretcher scrap to rejected full lengths, which,when bundled,are about 10 percent of theoretical density.se in bulk than the aluminum metal.4) Assorted pieces of extrusions, usually transported in boxes which,depending on where they are generated, can have a density of more than 10 percent.5) The saw chips-either loose or compressed into bricks of various sizes-which must be collected before the extrusion press at the log saw(s), or after the extrusion press at the rough-cut saw, where chips are deposited along the press run-out, at the finish-cut saw, and at any downstream cut-to-length or fabricating operationsThe Conversion of Aluminum Extrusion Scrap Into Prime IngotAluminum extrusion scrap is converted into prime ingot by melting,treating (cleaning), casting into logs,and homogenizing.The process itself generates additional scrap in the form of aluminum oxides (dross), liquid metal spills, metal trapped in filters, head and butt scrap, scrap logs, and saw chips.The cost of the conversion process is made up of the cost of the capital employed in the remelt and casting plant, the cost of metal lost (oxidized) during melting,the cost of the energy required in the melting process,the cost of alloy materials, the cost of all labor employed in the plant, the cost of the maintenance of furnaces and other production equipment, the cost of effluent treatment facilities (including the cost and treatment of water required in the casting process),and the additional costs (over and above labor) of handling the aluminum and alloying materials in all their forms.Incomplete understanding of the remelt and casting process as it is applied to the scrap from aluminum extrusion operations,and the impact of the process equipment-and its operation on the cost of converting scrap to prime billet, results in an extraordinary range of conversion costs for what is actually a relatively simple operation.But it is not only conversion costs that suffer from lack of understanding of the processes and technologies involved.The quality of billet produced varies significantly between remelt and casting operations ostensibly designed to do the same job. And the environmental impact of the processes used range from the benign to the unacceptable.Establishing GoalsThe goal of the ultimate aluminum extrusion scrap remelt and casting center is to convert all forms of aluminum extrusion scrap to billet equivalent quality and prime (smelter) material at minimal total cost, with minimal impact on the environment.The Quality of Prime (Smelter) Billet. At the risk of stating the obvious: not all smelter-billet is created equal.Aluminum log cast from smelter metal contains impurities that affect the performance of the extruded product. The casting processes-which vary from smelter to smelter- can result in the production of cast structures which vary sufficiently such that they can be detected at the extrusion press.And,homogenizing facilities (and their operation),although ostensibly the same, also vary from smelter to smelter, again producing variations that can be detected at the extrusion press.Recycled aluminum scrap, or for that matter re-melted ingot originating at a smelter, can be processed in the ultimate remelt and casting center. This can be achieved at conversion costs that are lower than the traditional smelter premium to produce extrusion log and billet indistinguishable from prime-provided that alloy composition is maintained.Obviously, sorting and segregation of the incoming scrap feed-stock is essential if the quality of the remelted and cast product is to be maintained.Defining The IssuesThe issues affecting the efficient operation of an aluminum extrusion scrap remelt and casting center can be clearly stated as follows:1)Segregating mixed scrap2) Processing contaminated scrap3)Maximizing the recovery of metal units4) Maximizing energy (fuel) efficiency5) Maximizing product mix: alloy, compositiorand diameter6)Maximizing utilization of equipment7) Maximizing labor productivity8) Maintaining control of quality.Each of the issues can be aaaressea1)Separately as follows:1) Segregating Mixed Scrap. Scrap arisingthe remelt and casting center, which is limitedmetal recovered from dross, the occasionalog, the tops and tails of logs, saw chips anoff-composition material, is segregated and recvcled as appropriate.Scrap from extrusion plant "customers" is routinely segregated at the extrusion press and the finish-cut saw, as is the scrap arising in finishing and fabricating operations.Other aluminum scrap, which is priced lower than the mill scrap listed above because or its condition and dubious origin, must be sorted. Obviously, the purchase price will have retlectea the costs involved in sorting this scrap. Whatever can be recovered is added to those alloys havinghigher tolerance to compositional variation._.’balance must be downgraded,and rejected ror secondary uses.2)Processing Contaminated Scrap.Aluminum extrusion scrap can be contaminated with water and with oil,which is mixed with saw chips and is used to protect bright finishes;scrap can also be contaminated with paints and lacquers,thermal break materials, other plastics, rubber, and,in the case of fabricated components,with rivets and other fasteners made from many different materials. All these materials must be removed and/or separated from the aluminum before it is melted.Manv attempts have been made to process this contaminated material in the melting furnace, combining the processes of de-contamination, separation and melting.They have not been successful.The solutions include placing the contaminated material on an extended furnace hearth and allowing the contaminants to burn-off prior to charging.Another solution is to use dual or multi-chamber furnaces that contain,and attempt to re-circulate,the burning effluents to recover some of the energy released,adding it to that required to melt the scrap charge.While the capital cost of these solutions is high,the energy efficiency of each is relatively low. All require extensive effluent treatment facilities if they are to meet even the least stringent environmental regulations. This is because the large volumes of combustion products (and unburnt volatile materials), released at the instant the charge enters the furnace,are rapidly carried from the furnace towards the effluent treatment systems. Incinerators, coolers and bag-houses must be sized to accommodate the maximum flow rates.There is a better wayl Contaminated scrap can be treated continuously, before it is charged into the furnace,at instantaneous rates that are a fraction of the common charge rates. For example,an efficient furnace-charging system might be designed to load ten tons into the furnace in a matter of seconds: a rate of (say) 20 tons per minute. On the other hand,a system for continuouslytreating contaminated scrap for the same furnace will be required to treat scrap at a rate of (about) 200 pounds(100kg) per minute.3)Maximizing the Recovery of Metal Units. Clean,segregated scrap should be rapidly charged into the melting furnace, and the furnace should be completely closed. The melt should not be disturbed.However, if the dross formation is considered excessive, the furnace should be skimmed,and the skim immediately transferred to a closed chamber and covered with inert gas.When the melt reaches the correct temperature,it should be transferred (in a transfer system that eliminates turbulence) to the holding or casting furnace. Most remelt operations appear to ignore these simple rules.Operators are allowed to stir the melt. Metal is allowed to cascade from melting furnace to holding furnace, often creating mountains of dross where it enters the holder.4)Maximizing Energy (Fuel) Efficiency. Scrap aluminum, much of which will have been pre- heated when it was de-contaminated,together with pre-heated pig and some cold scrap,is rapidly charged into a hot furnace. As stated above, efficient scrap melting is done in a closed (sealed might be a better word) furnace. The combustion air, which must be pre-heated,must be rigorously controlled. Recuperation of heat from the furnace gases must not affect the combustion process.The holding furnace, and homogenizing furnaces, must likewise be designed and operated to maximize energy efficiency.5)Maximizing Product Mix:Alloy, Composition and Diameter. An efficient remelt and casting center will serve many customers,combining pig and available scrap,and recycling their scrap back to the customer's preferred composition(s), required log and billet dimensions.The product of the number of alloy compositions and the log diameters is the measure of product mix. Depending on the number of customers and their require, alloy-diameter variants can run into hundreds.To accommodate these variations, furnace campaigns must be planned to start melting and casting the pure aluminum alloys, then the common AAA6xxx alloys, followed by the hard alloys.6) Maximhefng Utiilzation of Equipment In an aluminum scrap remelt and casting center, the melting fumace(s)must inevitably be the production bottlenecks. All other equipment and operations must be designed, installed, and operated to ensure that the furnaces reach their full potential.This means that furnaces must be available at an rimes. Pumwe and utilization measured agakVt.standard of 24 X 7 X 52 i.e. 8736 annual hours. Maintenance time must therefore be minimized. This is accomplished by engineering all the equipment and operations (including the furnaces) to minimize the possibility of damage, and to maximize the life under normal operating conditions.Traditional aluminum scrap remelt and casting operations have been designed to accept a wide range of materials-smelter pig and ingot, customer scrap, reject log, billet and butts, extrusion scrap-often bundled or compressed-but also in mill lengths up to 21 feet (7m), and saw chips-loose and compressed into briquettes. This is usually loaded into rectangular furnaces through large doors, or if contaminated, into rectangular open wells. The loading (charging) operation is done using fork trucks or custom designed charging machines. The furnace doors, charging wells and roofs are inevitably damaged. The faster the charging operation, the greater is the resulting damage.7)Maximizing Labor bor productivity as measured in thousands of tons per person-year, is maximized when the plant throughput is maximized and the total number of people employed is at a minimum.8) Maintaining control of quality. Rigorous segregation of scrap, control of alloy additions and composition, together with the control of all processes-temperatures and times-including control of the dimensions of the product, ensure that the resulting homogenized log or billet meets quality The Ultimate Remelt and Casting Center.standards equivalent to prime smelter metal.Technology is available to deliver all the objectives listed above while meeting or exceeding all current and perceived future environmental regulations. All of the technologies are employed in aluminum scrap remelt and casting operations but, to the writer’s knowledge,to one installation combines all the technologies required to maximize the performance and financial returns. The technologies:1 Breaking bundles (bales), fabrications, and shearing long extrusions into short lengths, thereby maximizing the density of the extrusion scrap prior to charging into the melting furnace.2 Breaking bundles (bales), fabrications and shearing long extrusions into short lengths, thereby minimizing the possibility of damage to furnace walls and roof when the scrap is charged into the melting furnace.3 Continuously de-coating the short lengths of extrusion scrap, small pieces or fabricated aluminum, and saw chips to minimize the equipment required to eliminate effluents and meet all current environmental standards.4 Utilizing the energy released by the coatings, associated plastics:rubbers, and oils to preheat the scrap aluminum.5 Storing the heated aluminum to retain the energy.6 RaDidlv changing the heated aluminum scrap into the melting fumace.7 Employing circular top-charging melting fumace(s) equipped with a charging system that eliminates the possibility of damage to furnace floor, walls and roof.8 Employing circular top-charging melting furnace(s) with small sealed doors to ensure control of combustion.9 Using stack recuperators to pre-heat the combustion air.10 Employing circular top-charging melting fumace(s) constructed to extend the life between major repairs from months to years.Tilting the melting furnace(s) and thenoiaing turnace(s) to ensure that transfer ofmetal between the furnaces is turbulent-ree throughout the transfer of metal.Employing straight launder systems for all metal transfer and castinq,minimizing bothturoulence and the resulting wear. Engineering the holding furnace to enable complete access to the surface of the molten aluminum.Using stack recuperators to pre-heat the combustion air. Using in-line continuous addition of grain refiner rod.Using in-line degassing systems.Using in-line filtering systems.Using internally guided hydraulic casting machine to eliminate the potentially high maintenance external guide systems.Employing off-line set up station for the casting table.Using hot-top and Air-Slip casting technology.Using batch-homogenizing systems designed to ensure that the load is uniformly processed from end-to-end and side-to-side.Using continuous homogenizing systems designed to ensure that all logs are processed in the same manner.Using sawing systems that maximize the recovery of billet from each sawn log.CONCLUSIONBy selecting a number of available technologies and combining them into a state-of-the-art aluminum extrusion scrap remelt and casting center, the recycling industrty can produce billet wquialent to prime while minimizing its concersion cosrs and meeting all current encironmental saandsrds.REFERENCESArticles and papers relecant to the recycling of aluminum extrusion scrap prepared by the associates of BENCHMARKS and The Virtual Company Inc.,which have appeared since May 1996:1 .Fielding, Roger A. P.,D. Hugh Barnard, and George. E. Macey, "The Role of Modeling in the Design and Operation of Remelt and Casting Facilities," Sixth International Extrusion Technology Seminar, V ol. I,Chicago, Illinois, May 1996, 437-442.2. Fielding,Roger A. P. and Carol F. Kavanaugh,"The Role of Grain Refining, Degassing,and Filtration in the Production of Quality Ingot Products," Light Metal Age, Vol.54,Nos. 9, 10 October 1996,46-59. (Contribution by Carol Kavanaugh on Effective and Efficient Measurement: The Design of Experiments.)3. Fielding, Roger A. P., "The Aluminum Association Standard Test Procedure for Aluminum Alloy Grain Refiners 1990: TP-1,A Case Study in Cooperative Development," Light Metal Age, Vol.55, Nos. 5,6, June 1997, 66-80.4. Fielding, Roger A. P.,"Recycling Secondary Aluminum Scrap at Roth Bros, Syracuse, N.Y.," Light Metal Age, Vol. 56, Nos.1,2, February 1998,99=101.5. Fielding, Roger A. P., "The Economy of Extrusion Scrap Recycling.The Metallurgical, Minerals and Metals Conference, TMS San Antonio TX, March 1998,”Light Metals, 1998,1137-1142.6 .Bryant, A. J.,and Roger A. P. Fielding,"The Impact of Recent Developments in Billet and Extrusion Metallurgy on the Development of Equipment Technology," Light Metal Age, V ol. 56, Nos. 3,4, April 1998, 6-34.7. Bryant, A. J., and R. A. P. Fielding, "The Evaluation of Extrusion Billet from the Cast house 一Part I,,’Light Metal Age, V ol.57, Nos. 1,2, February 1999, 80-86.8. Bryant, A. J. and R. A. P. Fielding, "The Evaluation of Extrusion Billet from the Cast house 一Part II,,,Light Metal Age, V ol. 57, Nos. 3,4, April 1999, 78-82.9. Bryant, A. J.,W. Dixon, R. A. P. Fielding,and G. E. Macey, "Defects in Medium and High Strength Extrusion Alloys," Light Metal Age, V ol. 57,Nos. 5,6,June 1999,30-54.10. Bryant, A. J. and R. A. P. Fielding, "Recent Developments in Grain Refining,Degassing, and Filtration for the Production of Quality Ingot Products," Unpublished Report, August 2000. 11.Barnard,Hugh,"Evaluating Melting Furnace Combustion Systems," Light Metal Age, V ol.59, Nos.9, 10, October 2001,16, 17.12. Bryant, A. J., G. E. Macey, and R. A. P. Fielding, "Homogenization of Aluminum Alloy Extrusion Billet, Part I,,”Light Metal Age, Vol. 60, Nos. 3, 4, April 2002, 6-15.13. Bryant, A. J., G. E. Macey, and R. A. P. Fielding,"Homogenization of Aluminum Alloy Extrusion Billet, Part I.,"Light Metal Age, V ol 60,Nos. 5,6,June 2002,18-27.中文译文:基本挤压冶炼和铸造的根源编写——罗杰托维奇菲尔丁——基准乔治英, Macey——Macey传热协会D 。
毕业设计(论文)的外文文献翻译原始资料的题目/来源: Blow forming of AZ31 magnesiumalloys at elevated temperatures/ORIGINAL RESEARCH 翻译后的中文题目: AZ31镁合金在高温下的吹塑成型院(系)材料科学与工程学院专业材料成型及控制工程中文翻译AZ31镁合金在高温下的吹塑成型1.摘要:本文研究和报道了关于AZ31B镁合金商业片在高温下的成形行为。
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中文2500字本科毕业设计翻译学生姓名:*****班级:*****班学号:*****学院:材料科学与工程学院专业:材料成型及控制工程指导教师:***** 副教授2011年3月25日Section 4 – Die Design and Construction Guidelines for HSS Dies General Guidelines for Die Design and ConstructionDraw DiesHigher than normal binder pressure and press tonnage is necessary with H.S.S. in order to maintain process control and to minimize buckles on the binder. Dies must be designed for proper press type and size. In some cases, a double action press or hydraulic press cushion may be required toachieve the necessary binder forces and control. Air cushions or nitrogen cylinders may not provide the required force for setting of draw beads or maintaining binder closure if H.S.S. is of higher strength or thickness.Draw beads for H.S.S. should not extend around corners of the draw die. This will result in locking out the metal flow and cause splitting in corners of stamping. D raw beads should “run out” at the tangent of the corner radius to minimize metal compression in corners, as shown in figure 16 on page 47. Better grades of die material may be necessary depending on the characteristics of the HSS, the severity of the part geometry, and the production volume. A draw die surface treatment, such as chrome plating, may be recommended for outer panel applications.Form and Flange DiesPart setup in form and flange dies must allow for proper overbend on all flanges for springback compensation. Springback allowance must be increased as material strength increases; 3 degrees for mild steels, but 6 degrees or morefor HSS.Punch radii must be fairly sharp. 1t for lower strength steels. Higher strength steels may require larger radii, but keeping them as small as practical will reduce springback in the sidewalls.Flange steel die clearance must be held to no more than one metal thickness clearance to reduce springback and sidewall curl.Form and flange steels should be keyed or pocketed in the casting to avoid flexing.Flange steels should be designed to wrap over and coin the flange break in order to set the break and reduce springback. See figure 17 on page 48.Die strength must not be compromised with light-weight die construction. High strength steel will require a stiffer die to resist flexing and the resultant part distortions, especially for channel or “hat-section” parts. This type of part can also cause serious die damage if double blanks occur.Cutting DiesTo reduce press tonnage requirements and extend die life, a minimum shear of four to six times metal thickness in twelve inches of trim steel length is recommended.To reduce die maintenance, maximum trim angles should be about 5° to 10°less than those used for mild steel. Trim steels should be keyed or pocketed in casting to avoid flexing. Die clearance should be 7 to 10% of metal thickness.Drawbead TypesConventional Drawbeads Run-out Drawbeads For H.S.S.Lock Beads for Stretch-Form DieFigure 161. Providing a vertical step in the flange stiffens and straightens the flange, stopping sidewall curl as well as springback.2. The addition of stiffening darts helps maintain a 90-degree flange.3. By adding a horizontal step along the flange, the flange is stiffened, resulting in reduced springback.4. Back relief on the upper flange steel allows for extra pressure to be applied futher out on the formed radius.Section 5 – Die Tryout Guidelines for High Strength Steel DiesGeneral Guidelines for Die TryoutDraw DiesHigher draw die binder pressure and press tonnage will be necessary in order to maintain process control and draw parts without buckles. A double action press or a press with hydraulic cushion may be required in some cases to achieve the required binder forces.HSS draw die operations will require sheet steel lubricants that are formulated for extreme pressures. Mill oils will not provide sufficient lubricity for most applications. Pre-lubes or dry film lubricants may be necessary for process control.Die plan view punchline corner radii should be larger than with mild steels to avoid buckling in the corners of the binder.Stretch Form DiesLock beads may require modification to avoid cracking or tearing with higher strength grades of HSS. Opening side walls of beads and enlarging corner radii will avoid cracking of high strength sheet steel. Lock beads should be continuous around the punchline for stretch form dies.For large panels from stretch-form dies, such as a roof panel or hood outer, elastic recovery may result in a shrunken panel that does not fit well on the male die member of the trim or flange dies. This problem is corrected by adding a “plus” factor to the overall part dimensions of the draw die or stretc hform die punch. This “plus” is usually no more than 2.5 mm at the center of the sides and the front, tapering to 0.0mm at the corners of the part profile on the punch. Finish part profile is defined, and plus is removed, in the main flange die.Form and Flange DiesThe punch radius should be fairly sharp with 1 or 2t used for lower strength steel. HSS may require larger radii, but as small as practical to reduce springback of sidewalls.The flange steel radius affects sidewall curl and springback on any offset flanges. This radius should also be small to reduce springback of side flanges. Overbend for springback compensation must be increased as tensile strength increases: 3 degrees is standard for mild steels, but 6 degrees or more will be required for HSS.Flange steel die clearance should be tight, maintaining no more than one metal thickness clearance to reduce springback and sidewall curl.Cutting DiesTo reduce press tonnage requirements and extend die life, a minimum shear of four to six times metal thickness in twelve inches of trim steel length is required.Die clearance should be 7 to 10% of metal thickness for HSS.To reduce trim steel maintenance, reduce maximum trim angles by about 5° to 10° from those used for mild steel. Trim steels should be keyed or pocketed in the casting to avoid flexing.Die Tryout When Using Bake Hardenable SteelIn order to obtain the maximum benefits of BHS, tryout of the dies should be performed as follows: Circle grid analysis must be performed on a panel before any die rework is attempted. With the gridded panel as a reference, the die can be modified to provide a minimum biaxial stretch of 2.0%. Stretch-form or draw dies are best for this material.For rough or functional tryout, it is possible to use mild steel with a 6% to 8% gauge increase to perform the normal process of die preparation. This alleviates complications when the BHS strengthens between each die being tried out. The reason for this is the time lag that normally occurs between a panel being formed and its use in the next operation.When the entire line of dies is ready for approval, all dies must be set in line. Panels should be run through all the die operations consecutively. This will avoid some of the strengthening effects of time delays between stamping operations that can cause variation in panels. Dimensional approval of the panel will be most difficult if this procedure is not followed.The strengthening reaction in the BHS can cause dimensional variation in flanges since springback will vary with time as the strength increases. This is why running the panel through all die operations consecutively is crucial to a successful buyoff.Part BuyoffTo reduce the part buyoff time and eliminate many hours of tryout time, the benefits of functional build must be considered. This procedure has beenproven to save time and money by concentrating on an acceptable sub-assembly rather than making each stamping to part specifications. Those parts that are easiest to change are revised to suit the sub-assembly dimensional targets. Those parts that do not affect the sub-assembly quality are not changed, but the detail part specifications are revised. The functional build process will eliminate excessive tryout hours if used for part buyoff on HSS stampings.In addition to saving tryout time and die rework costs with functional build, lower part variation can also be realized. Two dimensional challenges faced by the die maker when first trying out dies are to reduce the dimensional variation from nominal specifications, and to reduce the short term variationfrom part to part. The typical priority is to first minimize part-to-part variation and later address nominal deviation. A strong argument for this strategy is that the deviation from nominal is not precisely known until a dimensionally consistent part can be evaluated. The results are a dimensionally consistent part even though a number of checkpoints may deviate from nominal, and perhaps even be out of tolerance. In many situations when dimensions on the die are reworked to shift them closer to nominal, they become less stable and result in higher part-to-part variation. The functional build philosophy evaluates the acceptability of the part after it becomes stable, and before minor dimensional shifts are made. Large deviant or critical dimensions may be identified for rework even with functional build. There are dimensions that can often be spared rework based on a functional build approach. In these cases, the part remains more stable and the die more robust because less rework occurs while attempting to shift dimensions.For more information on functional build, refer to the Auto/Steel Partnership publication. “Event-Based Functional Build: An Integrated Approach to Body Development”.第四节-高强度钢模具设计和制造指南对模具设计和制造的一般准则拉深模具为了控制高强度钢的成形并减少板料边缘的弯曲,高强度钢成型时的压力和吨位高于一般情况是必要的。