

lecture 11_中值定理

lecture 11_中值定理

b x
几何意义: 在两个高度相同的点之间的连续曲线上 若除端点外,每一点都有不垂直于轴的切线,则其中必
M 和最小值 m . 若M=m,则 因此
故在[ a , b ]上取得最大值
若 M > m , 则 M 和 m 中至少有一个与端点值不等,
( 1 x 1).
x (1, 1)
由推论1 f ( x ) C ,
arcsin x arccos x .1 x [ 1, 1] (arccos x ) 2 2 1 , x 例5(p.96) arctan x arc cot x x ( , ).
其他求导公式都可由它们及求导法则推出; 2) 求分段函数在分界点处的导数 , 及某些特殊
函数在特殊点处的导数; 3) 由导数定义证明一些命题. 2.用导数定义求极限 3.微分在近似计算与误差估计中的应用
二、 导数和微分的求法
1. 正确使用导数及微分公式和法则 2. 熟练掌握求导方法和技巧
(1) 求分段函数的导数 注意讨论界点处左右导数是否存在和相等
f ( x 0 x ) f ( x 0 ) f ( x 0 ) x
令 x x0 x , 则
( x 很小时)
f ( x ) f ( x 0 ) f ( x 0 ) ( x x 0 ).
第一节 中值定理
(2) 隐函数求导法 (对数微分法)
(3) 复合函数求导法 (链式法则、可利用微分形式不变性)

Lecture 11 词语互借与文化

Lecture 11 词语互借与文化

Dragon boat

是汉语“龙舟”字面的直译语。 “Dragon boat racing is now popular in Western countries with large Chinese communities, and in the eighties was officially established in Canada and the United Kingdom.” (E. Knowles, 1997:93) 以 上dragon-boat fleet (龙舟队),dragon-boat festival (龙舟节), dragon-boaters (龙舟赛 参加者)。
Lecture 11
Borrowing Words and Culture 词语互借与文化
Chinese and English Borrowing Words and Culture

汉语语言中借用了许多英语词汇,同样, 英语中也有不少汉语借用词 ,例 如: tea 茶; kowtow 叩头; cheongsam 旗袍; typhoon 台风;sampan 舢板; bohea 武夷 茶; kaolin 高岭瓷土;等等。
Special economic (development) zone

汉语“经济(发展)特区)”的直译,缩 写词为SEZ, 指:a region specially designated and with its own set of laws and regulations to facilitate and encourage economic development, normally by offering special concessions to foreign investors. (MDNW, p.339)“经济特区”是中国改革开 放的产物,这种经济区域模式在世界上有 较大影响。

Lecture 11 汉英科技翻译常见问题(1) 科技翻译

Lecture 11 汉英科技翻译常见问题(1) 科技翻译


英语词语搭配往往是固定的,不可随意改动 。搭配涉及动词、名词、介词等等。

1. 目前生物工程的研发主要集中在基因工程 产品的开发上。 ? The recent R&D of bioengineering is focused in the development of genetic engineering products. 改译: The recent R&D of bioengineering is focused on the development of genetic engineering products.

标点符号对书面语言的表达非常重要, 而且在英语中的使用比汉语严格,所以 汉译英时要引起注意。

有位记者采访报道一位女明星,文稿中的一个 逗号的误用引起一场笑话。试看下面的两个句 子。 1.I would like to wear no clothes which will distinguish me from others. 我不爱穿使我显得与众不同的衣服(原意) 2.I would like to wear no clothes, which will distinguish me from others. 我喜欢不穿衣服,这样就可以与众不同了。

如果出现这种情况,只需用螺丝刀拧紧螺丝 ,如果不拧紧螺丝,就会导致把手脱落。 A. In such a case, simple application of a screwdriver should be used to tighten screw. Failure to tighten the screw can eventually lead to disengagement of the handle. B. If this happens, simply tighten the screw with a screwdriver; otherwise, the handle may come off.



uc 24e 20V t t 0 i1 uC 4 6 e 20 A
5F + i1
uC 4

2 3

20 A

1 3

t 20

Lecture_11 零输入响应和零状态响应
2. RL电路的零输入响应
作业 3.8,3.12,3.13
Lecture_11 零输入响应和零状态响应
L (0+)= L (0-) 抢答开始!
+ u (t)
iL(0+)= iL(0-)
换路瞬间,若电容电流保持为有限值, 则电容电压(电荷)换路前后保持不变。
令 =RC , 称为一阶电路的时间常数



库 伏


Lecture_11 零输入响应和零状态响应
p 1 1
时间常数 的大小反映了电路过渡过程时间的长短
大 → 过渡过程时间长 小 → 过渡过程时间短
Lecture_11 零输入响应和零状态响应

lecture 11(物称与人称)

lecture 11(物称与人称)

the conference room at 2 P· Friday. M. (All faculty and staff are requested to meet in the conference room at 2 P· Friday.) M.
三、物称与人称的翻译策略 (一)有灵主语与无灵主语的转换 汉语句子多为有灵主语;而英语善用无灵主语。 在翻译中,为了符合英汉各自的思维方式,在叙述 方式上必须注意主语的转换。请看下例英汉互译 中的转换: (12)Business took him to the town. 他因事进城去了。 (13)A great elation overcame them. 他们欣喜若狂。

2.非人称代词“it”和there be句型的使用。
王力先生曾对英语形式主语做过精辟的论述:就 句子结构而言,西洋语言(英语)是法治的,中国语 言是人治的,法治的不管主语用得着用不着,总要 呆板地求句子形式的一律;人治的用得着就用,用 不着的就不用,只要能使对话人听懂说话人的意 思,就算了。这也为英汉互译中“it”形式主语和 零位主语的处理提供了依据。
与此形成对比的是,中国人相信“天人合一 (oneness between man and nature)”。 而且, 这种“天人合一”儒家的代表人物孟子认为“万 物皆备于我” 。因此,从“我”就可以掌握“万 物”的本质,而“万物”的特征也显现在“我” 之中。这即是中国文化传统意义上的人本文化。 这种人本文化的长期积淀,形成了汉民族主体型 的思维方式,即以人文为中心来观察、分析、推 理和研究事物的思维

(英文中出现了七个动词被动式,而中文里却 一个“被”字也没有,翻译时还添加了多个“我 们”“你们”等人称词。英汉语民族思维习惯之

Lecture 11英文修辞学课件排比、重复、对比

Lecture 11英文修辞学课件排比、重复、对比

A. repetition of the words in reverse order One should eat to live, not to live to eat. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways. Live Simply---So That Others May Simply Live (newspaper heading)
• Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
a series of words 单词平行排列 Women were running out to the line of march, crying and laughing and kissing the men goodbye. The mail-coach lumbered, jolted, rattled and bumped upon its tedious way. a group of phrases Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability.
Einstein was a fair amateur violinist, a great mathematician, and a deeply philosophical man.
a row of clauses …they vanish from a world where they were of no consequence; where they achieved nothing; where they were a mistake and failure and a foolishness; where they have left no sign that they had existed. a successive of sentences We shall fight him(Hitler) by land; we shall fight him by sea; we shall fight him in the air, until, with God’s help, we have rid the earth of his shadow and liberated its peoples from his yoke.



A cycloaddition reaction is the union of two smaller, independent pi systems. Sigma bonds are created at the expense of pi bonds. A cycloaddition can occur in an intramolecular sense, but it must be between two independent pi systems. Cycloaddition reactions are referred to as [m + n] additions when a system of m conjugated atoms combines with a system of n conjugated atoms. A cycloreversion is simply the reverse of a cycloaddition. Examples:
s Woodward-Hoffmann Theory R. B. Woodward and R. Hoffmann, The Conservation of Orbital Symmetry, Verlag Chemie, Weinheim, 1970. s Frontier Molecular Orbital Theory I. Fleming, Frontier Orbitals and Organic Chemical Reactions, John-Wiley and Sons, New York, 1976. s Dewar-Zimmerman Theory T. H. Lowry and K. S. Richardson, Mechanism and Theory in Organic Chemistry, 3rd Ed., Harper & Row, New York, 1987. s General Reference R. E. Lehr and A. P. Marchand, Orbital Symmetry: A Problem Solving Approach, Academic Press, New York, 1972.

国经lecture 11

国经lecture 11

2.Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)

Purchasing Power Parity states that an exchange rate between two countries should equal the ratio of the price level in one country to the price level in the other country.
%△Pus %△Puk
For example: suppose inflation rate is 10% in the U.S. ,5% in the U.K. The R($/£) increases 5% in the long-run.
3.Purchasing Power Parity In The Short Run And The Long Run
Big Mac index ,Jan 22nd 2009
• Helpfully, a UBS report published this week offers a handy guide to how long it takes a worker on the average net wage to earn the price of a Big Mac in 73 cities. Fast-food junkies are best off in Chicago, Toronto and Tokyo, where it takes a mere 12 minutes at work to afford a Big Mac. By contrast, employees must toil for over two hours to earn enough for a burger fix in Mexico City, Jakarta and Nairobi.



Interest rate r1 Eq’m interest rate MS MS curve is vertical: Changes in r do not affect MS, which is fixed by the Fed. MD curve is downward sloping: A fall in r increases money demand.
B. Suppose P rises, but Y and r are unchanged. What
happens to money demand? If Y is unchanged, people will want to buy the same amount of goods & services. Since P is higher, they will need more money to do so. Hence, an increase in P causes an increase in money demand, other things equal.
Fiscal policy: the setting of the level of government spending and taxation by government policymakers Expansionary fiscal policy

More precisely, the federal funds rate – which banks charge each other on short-term loans



2002年1月,易趣网状告某网民案一审终结。原告状告被 告违反“服务协议”,多次使用网站提供的付费服务,发 布个人出售商品的信息,却迟迟不肯缴纳相关费用。被告 在诉讼中认为原告提供的服务协议过于冗长,根本不可能 在一个页面上显示全文,这家网站的注册用户通常不读完 协议全文就按下“确认”键,所以不应该受到协议内容的 约束。法院认定原告的服务协议虽然长达67页,却可以被 用户全文阅读,原告与被告之间的合同关系成立,“服务 协议”对双方有约束力。上海静安区人民法院依法判决被 告支付原告网络平台使用费。 先例表明,在线合同的法律效力是可以被认可的。
合同订立的运营 成本、交易费用 不同
传统合同的订约过程中,收集和调查商品信息以及厂家资料 都比较困难,因而运营成本、交易费用会相对提高 采用电子合同形式订约,不受时空限制,交易速度快捷,交 易的当事人进行交易的手续简单,因而运营成本、交易费用 相对低廉
合同条款的格式 不同
传统合同的书写形式通常会有条文式、表格式、条本表格三 种,实践中多采用条文式。
在线合同内容的分类 明示条款 (express terms):用户可直接得到的条款 最重要的条款 应简洁、明确 合同中更改过的条款
嵌入条款(terms incorporated by reference):超文本链接存在于另一个网 页上的条款 本身内容要清晰 用户阅读与否并不影响其成为合同内容的一部分 合同次要部分可作嵌入条款(争议解决的方式、法律适用等) 默示条款 (implied terms):没有出现在合同中,但仍然成为合同内容的 一部分。 来自交易习惯或事实
In general, 一起完整的电子商务活动可以分解为三个阶段:一是 寻找商品、服务和交易前的准备阶段,二是订立合同阶段,三是 支付和履行阶段。

Lecture11 频率综合器

Lecture11 频率综合器

CMOS 射频集成电路设计2006年12月1日唐长文助理研究员zwtang@/faculty/personweb/tangzhangwen/RFIC/RFIC.htm复旦大学专用集成电路与系统国家重点实验室版权©2005-2006, 版权所有,不得侵犯频率综合器z频率综合器基础知识z射频频率综合器的结构z射频分频器复旦大学专用集成电路与系统国家重点实验室唐长文复旦大学专用集成电路与系统国家重点实验室唐长文频率综合器的概况z 0.9/1.8GHz接收机中如何产生30kHz 的频率步长?z射频频率综合器的三个主要设计指标:相位噪声(Phase Noise) 杂散(Spur)锁定时间(Lock Time)2复旦大学专用集成电路与系统国家重点实验室唐长文简单锁相环的基本结构z 相位增量的负反馈系统z不随时间变化,系统是“锁定”的输入和输出的频率相同,但存在相位差 波形图φφ−in out锁定条件下的参考时钟的微小变化z参考时钟的频率发生微小变化z参考时钟的相位发生微小变化()()ωωω=+∆⋅−11int u t t复旦大学专用集成电路与系统国家重点实验室唐长文线性模型:锁定情况下分别是输入和输出的相位增量信号1z鉴相/鉴频器鉴频器的三种状态z鉴相/复旦大学专用集成电路与系统国家重点实验室唐长文复旦大学专用集成电路与系统国家重点实验室唐长文z三态鉴相/鉴频器z鉴相特性复旦大学专用集成电路与系统国家重点实验室唐长文z锁定时需要消除“死区”现象如果PFD/CP/LPF 不再是的函数,将没有电荷泵电流注入控制线,环路增益变为0。

环路没有校正将会产生抖动(Jitter)φ∆“死区”现象复旦大学专用集成电路与系统国家重点实验室唐长文z鉴相/频器输出到电荷泵的时延不等z电荷泵上/下电流不等z电荷分配效应减小电荷分配效应z复旦大学专用集成电路与系统国家重点实验室唐长文唐长文z问题参考时钟频率的杂散信号锁定时间分频器out refMωω=复旦大学专用集成电路与系统国家重点实验室唐长文复旦大学专用集成电路与系统国家重点实验室唐长文zPulse-swallow 计数器预分频数N/N+1 计数器P 的分频数P可配置计数器S 的分频数Sz分频数振荡频率为1.0-1.2GHz ,参考时钟频率25MHz ,N=4,P=10,S=0~8()()1M N S N P S NP S=+⋅+⋅−=+复旦大学专用集成电路与系统国家重点实验室唐长文参考时钟频率的杂散信号(Reference Spurs)z因为电荷泵的开关频率为参考时钟频率,因此在中心频率频偏整数倍参考频率处会出现杂散信号。



Lecture 11 Four lessons about climate crisisI’m really scared. I don’t think we’re gonna make it. Probably by now most of you have seen Al Gore’s amazing talk. Shortly after I saw that, we had some friends over for dinner with the family. The conversation turned to global warming, and everybody agreed, there’s a real problem. We’ve got a climate crisis. So, we went around the table to talk about what we should do. The conversation came to my 15-year-old daughter, Mary. She said, “I agree with everything that’s been said. I’m scared and I’m angry.” And then she turned to me and said, “Dad, your generation created this problem, you’d better fix it.” Wow. All the co nversation stopped. All the eyes turned to me. (Laughter) I didn’t know what to say. Kleiner’s second law is, “There is a time when panic is the appropriate response.” (Laughter) And we’ve reached that time. We cannot afford to underestimate this problem. If we face irreversible and catastrophic consequences, we must act, and we must act decisively. I’ve got to tell you, for me, everything changed that evening.And so, my partners and I, we set off on this mission to learn more, to try to do much more. So, we mobilized. We got on airplanes. We went to Brazil. We went to China and to India, to Bentonville, Arkansas, and to Washington, D.C. and to Sacramento. And so, what I’d like to do now is to tell you about what we’ve learned in thosejourneys. Because the more we learned, the more concerned we grew. You know, my partners at Kleiner and I were compulsive networkers, and so when we see a big problem or an opportunity like avian flu or personalized medicine, we just get together the smartest people we know. For this climate crisis, we assembled a network, really, of superstars, from policy activists to scientists and entrepreneurs and business leaders. Fifty or so of them. And so, I want to tell you about what we’ve learned in doing that and four lessons I’ve learned in the last year.The first lesson is that companies are really powerful, and that matters a lot. This is a story about how Wal-Mart went green, and what that means. Two years ago, the CEO, Lee Scott, believed that green is the next big thing, and so Wal-Mart made going green a top priority. They committed that they’re gonna take their existing stores and reduce their energy consumption by 20 percent, and their new stores by 30 percent, and do all that in seven years. The three biggest uses of energy in a store are heating and air conditioning, then lighting, and then refrigeration. So, look what they did. They painted the roofs of all their stores white. They put smart skylights through their stores so they could harvest the daylight and reduce the lighting demands. And third, they put the refrigerated goods behind closed doors with LED lighting. I mean, why would you try to refrigerate awhole store? These are really simple, smart solutions based on existing technology.Why does Wal-Mart matter? Wel l, it’s massive. They’re the largest private employer in America. They’re the largest private user of electricity. They have the second-largest vehicle fleet on the road. And they have one of the world’s most amazing supply chains, 60,000 suppliers. If Wal-Mart were a country, it would be the sixth-largest trading partner with China. And maybe most important, they have a big effect on other companies.When Wal-Mart declares it’s gonna go green and be profitable, it has a powerful impact on other great institutions. So, I tell you this: When Wal-Mart achieves 20 percent energy reductions, that’s gonna be a very big deal. But I’m afraid it’s not enough. We need Wal-Mart and every other company to do the same.The second thing that we learned is that individuals matter, and they matter enormously. I’ve got another Wal-Mart story for you, OK? Wal-Mart has over 125 million U.S. customers. That’s a third of the U.S. population. Sixty-five million compact fluorescent light bulbs were sold last year.And Wal-Mart has committed they’re gonna sell another 100 million light bulbs in the coming year. But it’s not easy. Consumers don’t really like these light bulbs. The light’s kind of funny, theywon’t dim, takes a while for them to start up. But the pay-off is really enormous. A hundred million compact fluorescent light bulb means that we’ll save 600 million dollars in energy bills, and 20 million tons of CO2 every year, year in and year out. It does seem really hard to get consumers to do the right thing. It is stupid that we use two tons of steel, glass, and plastic to haul our sorry selves to the shopping mall. It’s stupid that we put water in plastic bottles in Fiji and ship it here. (Laughter)It’s hard to change consumer behavior, because consumers don’t know how much this stuff costs. Do you know? Do you know how much CO2 you generated to drive here or fly here? I don’t know, and I should. Those of us who care about all this would act better if we knew what the real costs were. But as long as we pretend that CO2 is free, as long as these uses are nearly invisible, how can we expect change? I’m really afraid, because I think the kinds of changes we can reasonably expect from individuals are gonna be clearly not enough.The third lesson we learned is that policy matters. It really matters. In fact, policy is paramount. I’ve got a behind-the-scenes story for you about that green tech network I described. At the end of our first meeting, we got together to talk about what the action items would be, how we’d follow up. And Bob Epstein raised a hand. Hestood up. Y ou know, Bob’s that Berkeley techie type who started Sybase. Well, Bob said the most important thing we could do right now is to make it clear in Sacramento, California that we need a market-based system of mandates that’s gonna cap and reduce greenhouse gases in California. It’s necessary and, just as important; it’s good for the California economy.So, eight of us went to Sacramento in August and we met with the seven undecided legislators and we lobbied for AB32. Y ou know what? Six of those seven voted yes in favor of the bill, so it passed, and it passed by a vote of 47 to 32. (Applause) Please don’t. Thank you. I think it’s the most important legislation of 2006. Why? Because California was the first state in this country to mandate 25 percent reduction of greenhouse gases by 2020. And the result of that is, we’re gonna generate 83,000 new jobs, 4 billion dollars a year in annual income, and reduce the CO2 emissions by 174 million tons a year. California’s only 7 percent of U.S. CO2 emissions. It’s only a percent and a half of the country’s CO2 emissions. It’s a great start, but I’ve got to tell you—where I started—I’m really afraid. In fact, I’m certain California’s not enough.Here’s a story about national policy that we could all learn from. You know Tom Friedman says, “If you don’t go, you don’t know?” Well, we went to Brazil to meet Dr. Hussain Goldemberg. He’s thefather of the ethanol revolution. He told us that Brazil’s government mandated that every gasoline station in the country would carry ethanol. And they mandated that their new vehicles would beflex-fuel compatible, right? They’d run ethanol or ordinary gasoline. And so, here’s what’s happened in Brazil. They now have 29,000 ethanol pumps—this versus 700 in the U.S., and a paltry two in California—and in three years their new car fleet has gone from 4 percent to 85 percent flex-fuel. Compare that to the U.S., 5 percent are flex-fuel. And you know what? Most consumers who have them don’t even know it. So, what’s happened in Brazil is, they’ve replaced 40 percent of the gasoline consumed by their automotive fleet with ethanol. That’s 59 billion dollars since 1975 that they didn’t ship to the Middle East. It’s created a million jobs inside that country, an d it’s saved 32 million tons of CO2. It’s really substantial. That’s 10 percent of the CO2 emissions across their entire country. But Brazil’s only 1.3 percent of the world’s CO2 emission. So, Brazil’s ethanol miracle I’m really afraid is not enough. In fact, I’m afraid all of the best policies we have are not gonna be enough.The fourth and final lesson we’ve learned is about the potential of radical innovation. So, I want to tell you about a tragic problem and a breakthrough technology. Every year a million and a half people die of a completely preventable disease. That’s malaria. Sixthousand people a day. All for want of two dollars worth of medications that we can buy at the corner drugstore. Well, two dollars, two dollars is too much for Africa. So, a team of Berkeley researchers with 15 million dollars from the Gates Foundation is engineering, designing a radical new way to make the key ingredient, called artemisinin, and they’r e gonna make that drug 10 times cheaper. And in doing so, they’ll save a million lives—at least a million lives, a year. A million lives. Their breakthrough technology is synthetic biology. This leverages millions of years of evolution by redesigning bugs to make really useful products. Now, what you do is, you get inside the microbe, you change its metabolic pathways, and you end up with a living chemical factory.Now, you may ask, John, what has this got to go with green and with climate crisis? Well, I’ll tell you a lot. They’ve now formed a company called Amyris, and this technology that they’re using can be used to make better biofuels. Don’t let me skip over that. Better biofuels are a really big deal. That means we can precisely engineer the molecules in the fuel chain and optimize them along the way. So, if all goes well, they’re gonna have designer bugs in warm vats that are eating and digesting sugars to excrete better biofuels. I guess that’s better living through bugs. Alan Kay is famous for sayin g the best way to predict the future is to invent it. And, of course, atKleiner we, kind of, apologize and say the second best way is to finance it. And that’s why we’re investing 200 million dollars in a wide range of really disruptive new technologies for innovation in green technologies. And we’re encouraging others to do it as well. We’re talking a lot about this.In 2005, there were 600 million dollars invested in new technologies of the sort you see here. It doubled in 2006 to 1.2 billion dollars. Bu t I’m really afraid we need much, much more. For reference, fact one: Exxon’s revenues in 2005 were a billion dollars a day. Do you know, they only invested 0.2 percent of revenues in R&D? Second fact: the President’s new budget for renewable energy isbar ely a billion dollars in total, less than one day of Exxon’s revenues. Third fact: I bet you didn’t know that there’s enough energy in hot rocks under the country to supply America’s energy needs for the next thousand years. And the Federal budget calls for a measly 20 million dollars of R&D in geothermal energy. It is almost criminal that we are not investing more in energy research in this country.And I am really afraid that it’s absolutely not enough.So, in a year’s worth of learning we found a bunch o f surprises. Who would have thought that a mass retailer could make money by going green? Who would have thought that a database entrepreneur could transform California with legislation? Who would havethought that the ethanol biofuel miracle would come from a developing country in South America? And who would have thought that scientists trying to cure malaria could come up with breakthroughs in biofuels? And who would have thought that all that is not enough? Not enough to stabilize the climate. Not enough to keep the ice in Greenland from crashing into the ocean. The scientists tell us—and they’re only guessing—that we’ve got to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by one half, and do it as fast as possible. Now, we may have the political will to do this in th e U.S., but I’ve got to tell you, we’ve got only one atmosphere, and so somehow we’re gonna have to find the political will to do this all around the world.Well, I’ll tell you what. Well, I’ll tell you what. Well, I’ll tell you what. Well, I’ll tell you what. Well, I’ll tell you what. Well, I’ll tell you what. Well, I’ll tell you what. Well, I’ll tell you what. Well, I’ll tell you what. Well, I’ll tell you what. Well, I’ll tell you what. Well, I’ll tell you what. Well, I’ll tell you what. Well, I’ll tell you what. Well, I’ll tell you what. Well, I’ll tell you what. Well, I’ll tell you what. Well, I’ll tell you what. Green technologies—going green—is bigger than the Internet. It could be the biggest economic opportunity of the 21st century. Moreover, if we s ucceed it’s gonna be the most important transformation for life on the planet since, as Bill Joy says, we went from methane to oxygen in the atmosphere. Now, here’s the hardquestion, if the trajectory of all the world’s companies and individuals and policies and innovation is not gonna to be enough, what are we gonna do? I don’t know. Everyone here cares about changing the world and has made a difference in that one way or another.So, our call to action—my call to you—is for you to make going green your next big thing, your gig. What can you do? You can personally get carbon neutral. Go to or and buy carbon credits. You could join other leaders in mandating, lobbying for mandated cap and trade in U.S. greenhouse gas r eductions. There’s six bills right now in Congress. Let’s get one of them passed.And the most important thing you can do, I think, is to use your personal power and your Rolodex to lead your business, your institution, in going green. Do it like Wal-Mart, get it to go green for its customers and its suppliers and for itself. Really think outside the box. Can you imagine what it would be like if Amazon or eBay or Google or Microsoft or Apple really went green and you caused that to happen? It could be bigger than Wal-Mart. I can’t wait to see what we TEDsters do about this crisis. And I really, really hope that we multiply all of our energy, all of our talent, and all of our influence to solve this problem. Because if we do, I can look forward to theconvers ation I’m gonna have with my daughter in 20 years.。

Lecture 11英文修辞学课件排比、重复、对比

Lecture 11英文修辞学课件排比、重复、对比

Chiasmus is a device that consists of two balanced statements, the second of which reverses the order of the words in the first, with or without a repetition of words. The word “chiasmas” comes from Greek word “chiasmos”, meaning “cross-wide”. Chiasmas serves diferent purposes in different contexts. On many occasions it serves the purpose of being serious or solemn, witty or humorous. It often achieves aphoristic effect. It is a construction involving the repetition of words or syntactic elements in reverse order.
A figure of balance identified by a similarity in the syntactical structure of a set of words in successive phrases, clauses, sentences. It helps make a sentence brief, smooth and coherent and give it rhythm, balance and force. In parallel construction it is necessary to balance word for word , phrase with phrase, clause with clause, sentence with sentence. Parallel constructions are also introduced by correlative conjunctions such as either… or, neither… nor, both… and, not only… but also, whether… or, and rather… than.


❖ It should be noted that anaphora refers to an item whose referent is retrievable in the preceding part of the text.
❖ Cataphora refers to an item whose referent can be retrieved within the succeeding part of the text.

It is generally accepted that revolves around the sun.
❖ Do you want to have another biscuit?
❖ Secondly the grammatical device worth mentioning here is ellipsis and substitution.
❖ Here, cohesive ties refer to one occurrence of a pair of cohesively related items, the single instance of cohesion.
❖ Three blind mice, three blind mice.
❖ Ellipsis refers to the omission of an item and substitution refers to the replacement of one item by another.
❖ Task 4 discussion
❖ Why do we often adopt ellipsis and substitution in writing and speaking?

Lecture Eleven

Lecture Eleven

urethra [ju'ri:θrə] n.

Questions from the Video
Next Class

Share professional words with others Topic: Exercise guidelines Discussion: reading materials (Exercises on BB)

urine ['juərin] n.

liquid excretory product urinary a. either of a pair of thick-walled tubes that carry urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder

What did we learn in the last class?
Sharing Time
Diseases and Illness

Kidney transplant and nursing
New Words

torso ['tɔ:səu] n.

the body excluding the head and neck and limbs the event of dying or departure from life the dead body of a human being
Kidney transplant and nursing

If kidney failure develops, kidney transplantation may be recommended to replace the damaged kidney with a healthy, donated kidney. The donated kidney can come from a live donor or from a recently deceased (cadaver) donor. As with any organ transplant, the kidney recipient will require life-long treatment with medications that suppress the immune response in order to prevent the body's immune system from rejecting the transplanted kidney. There are several potential complications associated with this procedure that should be discussed with a doctor prior to surgery.



定理一也适用于更多堆的情况~ 定理一也适用于更多堆的情况~
定理一的证明…… 定理一的证明
思考(1): 思考( ):
有了定理一, 有了定理一,如果判断某个游戏 的先手是输还是赢? 的先手是输还是赢?
思考(2): 思考( ):
对于必胜点, 对于必胜点,如何判断有几种可 行的操作方案? 行的操作方案?
2011-3-15 27
Use of the Sprague-Grundy Function:
P-positions: Positions x for which g(x) = 0 N-positions: Positions x for which g(x) > 0
2008《 Programming》Exercise(12)_ )_博弈入门 2008《ACM Programming》Exercise(12)_博弈入门 1517 A Multiplication Game 1079 Calendar Game 2147 kiki's game 1404 Digital Deletions 1536 S-Nim 1729 Stone Game 1730 Northcott Game 1760 A New Tetris Game 1809 A New Tetris Game(2) 1524 A Chess Game
2011-3-15 25
Example about graph game:
2,0,0 1,0,0 0,1,0 0,0,0

Lecture 11

Lecture 11

We will now consider managing each of the risks by way of detailed examples.
3. Price Risk
Consider the following scenario:
– You are a fund manager holding a portfolio that mimics the ASX 200 index; – The ASX 200 Index started the year at 4,000 and is currently at 4,800; – The manager’s fund was valued at $80 million at the beginning of the year; and, – Since the fund has already generated a handsome return for the year, the manager wishes to lock in a value for the portfolio today.
Futures Payoff ($million)
2. What is Risk Management?
We will begin with a simple example. Suppose it is September and your company has just agreed to make a sale of machines to a Japanese customer in December. Further:
– It’s core business (making and marketing its products); and – It’s foreign exchange speculation business.
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6.The sailors swarmed into a laughing and cheering ring around the two men.
Key to Exercises
1. With the passage of time , my admiration for him grew more. 随着时间的消逝,我对他越来越敬慕。 2. My audience varied from tens to thousands 我的听众,少则数十人,多则上千人。
目前我国各地对各种消费品的饿需求量已大大 增加。
5.The thief made a trembling confession of his wrongdoing. 小偷颤抖着交代了自己干的坏事。
6. The sailors swarmed into a laughing and cheering ring around the two men.
Lecture 1tents of this Lecture
I. Conversion in C-E translation II. Exercises for conversion
I. Conversion in C-E translation
4. There is a big increase in demand for all kinds of consumer goods in every part of our country.
5. The thief made a trembling confession of his wrongdoing.
The products of this factory are chiefly characterized by their fine workmanship
and durability. 采用这种新装置可以大大降低废品率。
The adoption of this new device will greatly
the trade in opium must be preceded by the
destruction of the drug itself.
No violation of this principle can be
这种人闹什么东西呢? 闹名誉,闹地位, 闹出风头。
cut down the percentage of defective products.
II. Exercises
1. With the passage of time , my admiration for him grew more. 2. My audience varied from tens to thousands 3. Independent observers have commented favorably on the achievement you have made in this direction.
3. Independent observers have commented favorably on the achievement you have made in this direction.
有独立见解的观察家们对你们在这方面取得的 成就给予了很好的评价。
4. There is a big increase in demand for all kinds of consumer goods in every part of our country.
水手们兴高采烈,蜂拥而至,把这两个 人围了起来。
1.Verbs Converted Into Other Parts of Speech 徐悲鸿画马画得特别好。
Xu Beihong’s drawings of horses are
exceptionally good. 林则徐认为,要成功的制止鸦片买卖,就得首 先把鸦片焚毁。
Lin Zexu believed that a successful ban of
What are these people after? They are
after fame and position and want to be in the limelight.
2. Conversions Between Other Parts of Speech