



1.5欧+/-10% 2.0mH+/-20%
screw Dia. (in) 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250
'(%85$1' %5($.6+$53 ('*(6
( 0



2. 可选螺杆和电机搭配原则。
电机尺寸 (mm)
screw Dia. (in)
20x20 20x20
0.138 0.138
20x20 20x20
0.138 0.138
28x28 28x28
0.188 0.188
28x28 28x28
0.188 0.188
28x28 35x35/42x42
0.188 0.250
每相电感 39mH+/-20%

椿中岛 直线运动产品 滚珠丝杠 滚珠导轨 产品型录说明书

椿中岛 直线运动产品 滚珠丝杠 滚珠导轨 产品型录说明书

TSUBAKI NAKASHIMAA、滚珠丝杠B、滚珠导轨滚珠丝杠1.14刚性...............................................................................................................................................................(1)输送螺杆类的刚性.....................................................................................................................................(2)滚珠丝杠的轴方向刚性............................................................................................................................1.15热变位...........................................................................................................................................................1.16输送轴类的驱动扭矩..................................................................................................................................1.17滚珠丝杠润滑..............................................................................................................................................1.18滚珠丝杠的防锈..........................................................................................................................................1.19安装滚珠丝杠时的注意事项.....................................................................................................................1.20滚珠丝杠的选定要领..................................................................................................................................2.“椿中岛TBK ”滚珠丝杠的公称型号与标准尺寸.....................................................................................(1)精密滚珠丝杠FB 系列..............................................................................................................................(2)高负荷用滚珠丝杠HN.FB 系列..............................................................................................................(3)高负荷用滚珠丝杠HN 系列....................................................................................................................(4)精密滚珠丝杠.............................................................................................................................................3. 精密滚珠丝杠..................................................................................................................................................(1)STS 系列......................................................................................................................................................(2)STD 系列.....................................................................................................................................................(3)SZD 系列.....................................................................................................................................................(4)精密滚珠丝杠的标准轴端形状................................................................................................................(5)STS 系列......................................................................................................................................................(6)SNS 系列.....................................................................................................................................................(7)机电一体化机器用滚珠丝杠的标准轴端形状.......................................................................................(8)SMS 系列....................................................................................................................................................4.中空轴滚珠丝杠TH 系列...............................................................................................................................5.精密滚轧滚珠丝杠系列...................................................................................................................................6.一般工业用滚珠丝杠系列..............................................................................................................................7.一般工业用滚珠丝杠的轴端形状..................................................................................................................8.支承单元...........................................................................................................................................................9.轴承螺母...........................................................................................................................................................A 35A 35A 35A 38A 39A 40A 41A 41A 42A 45A 45A 45A 57A 63A149A151A155A157A159A167A178A180A181A198A199A207A245A249A253目录1.设计手册.............................................................................................................................................................1.1特点...................................................................................................................................................................(1)滚珠丝杠的特点...........................................................................................................................................(2)“椿中岛TBK ”滚珠丝杠的特点.............................................................................................................(3)构造................................................................................................................................................................(4)循环方式........................................................................................................................................................(5)预压方式........................................................................................................................................................1.2“椿中岛TBK ”滚珠丝杠的体系..................................................................................................................(1)FB 系列..........................................................................................................................................................(2)HN.FB 系列..................................................................................................................................................(3)CB 系列(安装有陶瓷滚珠).....................................................................................................................(4)VB 系列(安装有保持器).........................................................................................................................(5)UHD 系列......................................................................................................................................................1.3螺杆轴外径与导程的组合..............................................................................................................................(1)在相关半导体中普遍使用的尺寸...............................................................................................................(2)在射出成形机中普遍使用的尺寸...............................................................................................................(3)在机床中普遍使用的尺寸...........................................................................................................................(4)在一般产业机械、搬运装置中普遍使用的尺寸......................................................................................1.4导程精度...........................................................................................................................................................(1)C5级以上......................................................................................................................................................(2)C7级以下......................................................................................................................................................(3)按用途推荐的导程精度...............................................................................................................................1.5安装部位精度...................................................................................................................................................1.6预压扭矩...........................................................................................................................................................1.7轴向间隙...........................................................................................................................................................1.8容许轴方向负载...............................................................................................................................................(1)基本静态额定负载C 0.................................................................................................................................(2)屈曲负载........................................................................................................................................................1.9螺杆轴截面的容许应力..................................................................................................................................1.10容许转数.........................................................................................................................................................(1)自振值............................................................................................................................................................(2)Dn 值..............................................................................................................................................................1.11滚珠丝杠的支撑方法....................................................................................................................................1.12滚珠丝杠的使用寿命....................................................................................................................................(1)基本动态额定负载C a .................................................................................................................................(2)使用寿命的计算...........................................................................................................................................1.13摇动规格的滚珠丝杠....................................................................................................................................A 1A 1A 1A 2A 3A 3A 5A 7A 9A11A12A13A14A15A15A16A17A18A19A19A21A21A22A26A28A29A29A29A30A30A30A31A31A33A33A33A35(2)“椿中岛TBK ”滚珠丝杠的特点TSUBAKI NAKASHIMA 株式会社(原椿本精工株式会社)是日本首家生产、销售一般工业用滚珠丝杠的生产商,其所生产的 “椿中岛TBK” 滚珠丝杠除具有普通功能外,还具有以下诸多特点。


- 91 -
传动系统 导轨滑台
DSXP 系列同步带导轨
外形 / 电气原理图
产品名称 材质 皮带
最高速递 最大负载 定位精度 配套电机 电机参数 能否定做 安装螺母 建议长度
铝合金 + 不锈钢 + 铁 3M
800MM/S 20KG 0.3MM
42/57/60 42 24V 1.5A 4.5KG/CM 57 24V 3.0A 10KG/CM
- 89 -
传动系统 导轨滑台
ETX 系列双圆轴 T 型丝杠直线导轨
外形 / 电气原理图
产品名称 材质 丝杆
最高速递 一圈位移 最大负载 定位精度 配套电机 电机参数 能否定做 安装螺母 建议长度
铝合金 + 不锈钢 + 铁 T8*2/T8*4/T8*8 20MM/S-80MM/S 2MM/4MM/8MM 30KG 0.3MM 42/57
42 24V 1.5A 4.5KG/CM 57 24V 3.0A 10KG/CM
能 滑块 M6 底部型材 M6 (可根据要求打孔 M3以上)
有效 700MM 以内
14 25 10
50 30
80 60.5
58 58
31 60
47 77.5
※ 以上仅为常规产品,可根据客户要求制作各种尺寸的派生产品。
- 94 -
- 86 -
CTX 系列线性导轨
外形 / 电气原理图
时代超群 导轨滑台
产品名称 材质 丝杆 线轨
最高速递 一圈位移 最大负载 定位精度 配套电机








动线较理想的基础动力部件动态功能好. 直线模组刚度高,热变形小,进给安稳性高,从而确保了加工状态下(负荷下)的实际精度。








Point A
Point B
● 何谓自动滑台……
▪ 由驱动电机(步进或伺服),传送机构滚珠丝杆、蜗轮、导向机构导轨和轴承组成,配合光电传
▪ 自动滑台的基本构成如下。
例 PG615-L)
直线滚珠导轨:在滑台上下面加工出双圆弧沟槽的导轨一体型的直线导轨机构。 骏河独有的机构中,有3个优点:
1.部品数变少,成本降低 2.滑台变得更薄 3.有限轨道、无限限轨道都成为可能
滚珠 有限滚珠导轨例:PG615
端盖 端面封条
直线轴承: 滚珠与圆柱轴组合使用,组成无限直线运动导轨机构。
外筒 密封圈 轴
轴承 交叉滚柱导轨 滚珠丝杆
马达 联轴器
交叉滚柱导轨 蜗轮蜗杆








































A丝杆滑台硬件配置说明:1.丝杆导程5mm,有效行程440mm2.触摸屏型号:松下GT01. PLC型号:松下FPX0-L30R3.步进电机:57,两相,驱动器细分数=16,200*16=3200.脉冲转一圈4.一个三色指示灯。








下面一行为SPEED: MM/S 上限80mm/s,下限10mm/s。




















If proper attention is paid to ball bearing screw selection and installation, virtually no maintenance will be required except for routine lubrication.All Thomson ball screw assemblies are designed for maximum life and trouble-free operation when adequately serviced and maintained. Ball screw disassembly should be attempted only after complying with the general inspection and maintenance instructions outlined in this section. Be positive that the ball screw is at fault. Disassembly should be done only by persons familiar with ball screw assembly principles. In any unusual circumstances, contact Thomson.TroubleshootingMisalignment is one of the most common problems. Evidence of misalignment can generally be detected by one of the following situations:•Squealing noise caused by the balls sliding in one or more of the circuits.•Roughness in the form of vibrations or slightly erratic operation. This can normally be detected by “feel” when placing your hand on the return circuits.•Excessive heat at the ball nut. Any appreciable temperature above the ambient of adjacent components should be considered excessive.Gouging or scoring marks on the ball contact area of the screw may be caused by trapped balls between the circuits, broken balls, broken pick-up fingers or deflectors, or foreign objects which may have been digested by the ball nut.When any of these conditions are encountered, examine the installation and, if necessary, immediately take corrective action to eliminate the cause and prevent further damage.General Inspection of the Screw ShaftInspect the shaft ball grooves for signs of excessive wear, pitting, gouges, corrosion, or brinelling. Normally, where any of these conditions exist on most Thomson Precision units, it may be more economical and advisable to replace the screw shaft. Consult Thomson for evaluation and possible repair of Precision Plus units.BacklashSecure the screw shaft rigidly in a table clamp or similar device. Make sure it cannot rotate. Push firmly on the ball nut, first in one direction, then in the opposite direction. The axial movement of the ball nut is the backlash. This measurement can be taken with a dial indicator. Make sure that neither member rotates while the readings are taken.Backlash with the following limits is considered acceptable:† Values based on wear resulting from foreign material contamination and/or lack of lubrication.If, after inspection, the screw shaft appears to be usable but has excessive backlash, proceed with further disassembly and component inspection.DisassemblyGeneral Instructions: Have a clean container, such as a tote tray or cardboard box, handy for each ball return circuit of the ball nut assembly. A piece of clean cloth should be placed on the work table and gathered around the edge to form a pocket to retain the balls. Place the ball nut assembly over the cloth and remove the clamp. Where more than one guide is held in place by a single clamp, secure each remaining guide with a strip of tape around the diameter of the ball nut to prevent accidental guide removal before you are ready for that circuit.Remove both halves of the guide simultaneously to prevent distortion to either half. Catch all the balls from this circuit on the cloth by rotating the screw or ball nut slowly. Place the removed components into a container. Identify the container, the guide, and the circuit of the ball nut so the components can be reassembled in the same circuit from which they were removed. Repeat for each circuit.General Description Array A Thomson ball screw is a force and motion transfer device belonging to the family of power transmission screws. It replaces sliding friction of the conventional power screw with the rolling friction of bearing balls. The balls circulate in hardened steel races formed by concave helical grooves in the screw and nut. All reactive loads between the screw and nut are carried by the balls which provide the only physical contact between these members.As the screw and the nut rotate relative to each other, the balls are diverted from one end and carried by ball guides to the opposite end of the nut. This recirculation permits unrestricted travel of the nut in relation to the screw.Method I:Ball nuts using a deflector return system are identified by threaded deflector studs extending through holes in the nut and the guide clamp. Lock nuts on the deflector studs are used to secure the clamps that hold the guides in place.Method II:Ball nuts with pick-up fingers are identified by the finger projections integral with the guide. In this method, capscrew fasteners are used to fasten the clamp that holds the guide in place. Pick-up Finger Method:Refer to the Component Inspection section. Deflector Method:To remove the deflectors from the ball nut assembly, remove the ball nut from the screw shaft. The ball nut must be rotated since the deflectors engage loosely in the screw ball grooves and act as a thread. The deflectors now can be removed from the opposite ends of the ball nut so that you can use them forreference during component inspection.Component Inspection and ReplacementBalls: If there is more than one circuit in the ball nut, count the balls in each of the separate containers to be sure each has the same number (within a variation of three balls). Check random samples (about 1/4 of the balls for a circuit) for the following:•True roundness, with a .0001 in. maximum variation.•Signs of scuffing or fish scaling.•More than .0001 in. diameter variation between balls of the same circuit.Where the random sampling shows balls out of round, signs of scuffing or variation of diameter in excess of .0001 in., or short count in any circuit, all balls in the unit must be replaced with a complete set of new balls. Ball kits are available from Thomson.To ensure proper operation and long life of the serviced assembly, it is imperative that the diameters of all the replacement balls do not vary in excess of .00005 in. If Thomson kits are not used for service, make sure the balls meet the above specification. (Note: Use only chrome alloy steel balls, Grade 25 or better. Carburized balls or carbon steel balls will not provide adequate life.) See Ball Chart table.Deflectors:Examine the ends of the deflectors for wear or brinelling. Wear can be determined by comparison with the unused ends of the two outside deflectors. Since these ends have not been subjected to wear from balls, they are in a like-new condition. Where wear or brinelling is evident, it is best to replace the deflectors with new ones. Pick-up Fingers: Inspect the pick-up fingers, which consist of short extensions at the end of the guides. Replace with new guides if a ball brinell impression appears on the tip. Remove any burrs on the fingers. If the guides were distorted during removal, replace with new guides. Ball Nut:Inspect the internal threads of the ball nut for signs of excessive wear, pitting, gouges, corrosion, spalling, or brinelling in the ball groove area. On large ball nuts, running the tip of your finger along the groove which is accessible will enable you to detect a secondary ridge in the ball groove area when wear is excessive or brinelling has occurred. (The extended lead of a mechanical pencil can also be used as a groove probe.) If inspection indicates any of these flaws, the ball nut assembly should be replaced.Wipers:Prolonged use and environmental conditions will generally determine the condition of wipers. After cleaning wipers, reassemble over the screw shaft to determine whether a snug fit is maintained over the complete contour of the screw shaft. Any loose fitting or worn wipers should be replaced. Wiper kits are available for Thomson ball screws.Note: If the assemblies have had extended use, it is recommended that all low cost items be replaced with new parts (i.e., balls, guides, deflectors, clamps). These can be ordered by simply referring to the assembly part number purchased.ReassemblyCleaning: Clean all components with a commercial solvent and dry thoroughly before reassembly.Deflector Method: Where the ball nut is equipped with deflectors, install these and secure temporarily by running the lock nuts down the studs and tightening.General Instructions: Position the ball nut on the screw shaft. Ball nuts with deflectors have to be screwed on. Other ball nuts will slide on. Using dowels with an O.D. approximately equal to the diameter of the balls, center the ball nut grooves with the shaft grooves by inserting dowels into each of the ball nut return circuit holes.Remove the second dowel from one end. With the ball return holes up, fill the circuit with balls from the container corresponding to that circuit. Turning the screw in the ball nut will help to feed the balls into the groove. When the circuit is full, the balls will begin to lift the end dowel from its position. To be sure there are no voids, lightly tap the top bearing ball and see if the end dowel moves.The remaining ball in the container should fit into one of the halves of the return guide with space for about three to six left.Note: There must be some free space in the ball circuit so the balls will roll and not skid. Do not try to add extra balls into the circuit. Place a dab of bearing grease at each end of the half return guide to hold the balls in place. Now, take the other half of the return guide and place it over the half guide you have filled with balls and insert two ends of the ball guide into the respective hole in the ball nut. Seat by tapping gently with a rawhide or plastic mallet.Note: Where more than one ball circuit must be filled in the ball nut, tape the ball return circuit to the ball nut to prevent accidental removal. Repeat the filling procedure for the remaining circuits. With all ball circuits filled and all return guides in place, secure the return guides with the retaining clamp.CAUTION: Care should be taken to ensure that balls are not accidentally trapped between circuits in units having pick-up fingers. In deflector units, the deflectors will fill this space.Inspection: Wrap tape around the ball grooves at the ends of the screw shaft to prevent the ball nut from rolling off. Now inspect the assembly for free movement of the ball nut along the entire stroke. There should be no binding, squeal, or roughness at any point. Reducing Backlash: Backlash can be reduced by replacing all the balls with a larger size. If the diameters of the bearing balls are increased by .001 in., backlash is decreased by .003 in. (Ball kits are available for these applications.)Ball Chart (Grade 25 or Better)240Inspection and Existing Preload Check: Whenever possible, the complete ball screw assembly should be removed from the machine prior to a thorough inspection. Preliminary screw inspection can be made while the unit is still in the machine. Preload can be determined by measuring movement of the nut in respect to the screw shaft. Clamp an indicator to the screw shaft with its probe resting on the face of the nut. Apply a load to the machine carriage in both directions. Be sure that the screw cannot rotate or move axially. Any measurable backlash between the ball nut and screw is an indication that preload does not exist. (See Figure 18.)If no backlash exists, proceed further as outlined to determine whether proper preload remains in the unit. Existing preload, Wp, can be determined by measuring torque, Tp, using the following formula: Wp =Tp.007where:Wp = Preload force, in lb.Tp = Torque, in lb-in. (due to preload only) Note: The above check is to determine preload only, and does not take into account torque due to seal drag or operating load.Torque can be measured by means of a spring scale mounted to any projection on the ball nut or by means of a lever or rod secured to the ball nut. In taking this measurement, be sure the exact lever arm distance is measured. (See Figure 18.) This measurement (inch) multiplied by the scale reading (lb.) equals Tp (torque lb-in.). Existing preload can now be determined using the above formula.Preload adjustment of a Precision ball screw (Figure 18) requires no disassembly. Possible removal of the ball nut from the machine housing may be necessary to expose the adjusting nut. Disassembly: If in doubt about disassembly of preloaded ball nuts, contact Thomson Application Engineering. If the unit is to be disassembled for general repair, follow the steps previously outlined in this section.If being disassembled for preload adjustment, follow the guidelines except remove only one-half of the ball nut assembly to an arbor. If a standard arbor is not available, one can be made from a piece of shafting or tubing with a diameter approximately .005 inch less than the root diameter of the ball grooves in the screw shaft. Both halves of the ball nut will come apart as soon as the last ball in the nut is free of the grooves in the screw shaft. It is not necessary to remove the other half from the screw.Preload Adjustment: The adjusting nut unit in Figure 18 can be adjusted to the desired preload with the use of additional shims. To make further adjustment, loosen the set screw lock located on the periphery of the lock nut. Use a spanner wrench to rotate the adjusting nut to the desired setting. Recheck the preload.For all other standard units in Figure 18, a shim increase of .001 inch will, as a general rule, increase preload by 500 to 1,000 lb. This varies depending upon screw size; therefore, some judgement and trial and error may be necessary before the desired preload is achieved. Preload force, Wp, can be determined by measuring torque, Tp, after the desired preload has been established using the following formula: Tp = .007 x Wpwhere:Tp = torque, lb-in. (due to preload only)Wp = preload force, lb.This section is intended to provide basic necessary information to properly service and maintain Thomson ball screws. Other forms of preloaded units may be encountered which have been designed for particular applications. Please contact Thomson Application Engineering for other specific information.Figure 18。


















中达电通 滚珠丝杆 直线导轨 线性模组 综合技术手册

中达电通 滚珠丝杆 直线导轨 线性模组 综合技术手册

型式页码型式页码滚珠丝杆Ballscrews(1)高信赖性PMI 之滚珠丝杆是十多年来所累积制造技术为基础,从材料、热处理、设计、生管、品管到出货,都有一定的处理作业,其制度化的管理让我们的滚珠丝杆给顾客高度的信赖性。

(2)高精度的保证PMI 之滚珠丝杆其丝杆与螺帽都在恒温室内做精密加工、研磨、装配及品管,可保证高精度的品质,如图1.1精度检验证明。

图1.1 精度检验证明图1.2 歌德式螺纹(3)优异的耐久性PMI 以累积十多年的滚珠丝杆的生产技术,采用德制钢材施以本公司特有之处理及研磨技术,可供给耐久性优异的滚珠丝杆。



(5)无背隙与高刚性PMI 之滚珠丝杆采用哥德式 (Gothic arch) 沟槽形状如图1.2、使钢珠与沟槽能有最佳接触以便轻易运转。


螺帽丝杆螺帽丝杆2.1 导程精度PMI 精密滚珠丝杆,以JIS 规格为基准,各特性之定义与容许值如下:表2.1 导程曲线各名词定义表2.2 累积导程的误差(±E)和变动(e)的容许值表2.3 精度等级0+-图2.1 导程量测曲线任意300mm (e 300 )以及任意导程(e 2π)单位:μm 单位:μm 单位:μm e 2π3002.2 预压扭矩转动施有预压之滚珠丝杆时,所产生之预压扭矩的名词如图2.2所示。

预压扭矩变动率的容许范围是以JIS 规格为基准,如表2.4所示。

2.3滚珠丝杆的几何公差检验,本公司的必要检验项目如下:1.肩部相对于螺纹沟槽面的轴线B ,测定丝杆支持部位的半径方向圆周偏摆值。

2.肩部相对于螺纹沟槽面的轴线B ,测定丝杆支持部位的端面的垂直度。

3.螺帽相对于螺纹沟槽面的轴线A ,测定螺帽安装部的半径方向圆周偏摆值。



www.hiwin.tw多軸機器人Multi-Axis Robot取放作業/組裝/整列與包裝/半導體/光電業/汽車工業/食品業• 關節式機器手臂• 並聯式機器手臂• 史卡拉機器手臂• 晶圓機器人• 電動夾爪• 整合型電動夾爪• 旋轉接頭單軸機器人Single-Axis Robot高精密產業/半導體/醫療自動化/FPD 面板搬運• KK, SK • KS, KA • KU, KE, KCTorque Motor 迴轉工作台Torque Motor Rotary Table航太/醫療/汽車工業/工具機/產業機械• RAB 系列• RAS 系列• RCV 系列• RCH 系列滾珠螺桿Ballscrew精密研磨/精密轉造• Super S 系列 (高 Dm-N 值/高速化)• Super T 系列 (低噪音/低振動)• 微小型研磨級• E2 環保潤滑模組• R1 螺帽旋轉式• Cool Type 節能溫控螺桿• RD 高DN 節能重負荷• 滾珠花鍵線性滑軌Linear Guideway精密機械/電子半導體/生技醫療• 滾珠式—HG 重負荷型, EG 低組裝, WE 寬幅型, MG 微小型, CG 扭矩型• 靜音式—QH 重負荷型, QE 低組裝型, QW 寬幅型, QR 滾柱型• 其他—RG 滾柱型, E2自潤型, PG 定位型, SE 金屬端蓋型, RC 強化型特殊軸承Bearing工具機產業/機械手臂• 交叉滾柱軸承 • 滾珠螺桿軸承• 精密線性軸承• 軸承座諧波減速機DATORKER ® Robot Reducer機器人/自動化設備/半導體設備/工具機• WUT-PO 型• WUI-CO 型• WTI-PH 型• WTI-AH 型AC伺服馬達&驅動器AC Servo Motor & Drive半導體設備/包裝機/SMT 機台/食品業機台/LCD 設備• 驅動器—D1, D1-N, D2T/D2T-LM • 伺服馬達—50W~2000W醫療設備Medical Equipment醫療院所/復健中心/療養中心• 下肢肌力訓練機• 沐浴水療系統• 內視鏡扶持機器手臂線性馬達Linear Motor自動化搬運/AOI 光學檢測/精密加工/電子半導體• 鐵心式線性馬達 • 無鐵心式線性馬達 • 棒狀線性馬達 • 平面馬達• 空氣軸承定位平台• X-Y 平台 • 龍門系統力矩馬達&直驅馬達Torque Motor &Direct Drive Motor檢測設備/工具機/機器人• 旋轉平台系列—TMS,TMY,TMN • 水冷式系列—TMRW • 高轉速水冷系列—TMRI工業4.0 最佳夥伴INDUSTRIE 4.0 Best PartnerG99UC01-19061線性滑軌Linear Guideway安裝使用說明目錄1 線性滑軌的安裝 (02)1-1 基準軌與從動軌 (02)1-2 床台受到振動及衝擊力作用,且要求高剛性、高精密度的安裝 (03)1-3 滑軌無側向固定螺釘的安裝 (05)1-4 滑軌無側向定位裝配面的安裝 (07)1-5 線性滑軌安裝注意事項 (07)2 潤滑 (14)2-1 潤滑油脂(Grease) (14)2-2 潤滑油(Oil) (21)3 線性滑軌維護注意事項 (22)G99UC01-19062從動側基準側1.線性滑軌的安裝線性滑軌必須根據機台使用狀況,如受振動、衝擊力的程度,要求的行走精度及機台限制而設定其安裝方法。




FS L 40直线模组是本司推出的一款高性价比丝杆直线模组,本体宽度40mm,最大有效行程可达1000mm。


40丝杆直线模组用户使用简易说明书模组外观尺寸:模组安装尺寸:技术参数:模组使用环境及注意事项参数测试条件为标准配置:电机 FM 5756SFD04 驱动器 FMDD50D40NOM 驱动电压 24VDC 电流 2A40丝杆模组常见组合台搭建展示FS L40XY-X FS L40XY-SFS L40XY-T FS L40XY-H1FS L40XY-H2FS L40XYZ-XFS L40XYZ-T FS L40XYZ-L 以上为40丝杆模组常见的8种组合台的搭建展示,具体的安装步骤请移至本司官网-技术支持栏目-产品使用手册里面下载安装步骤图纸本司官网网址:/丝杆模组通用控制方法实施一、模组的控制流程/控制原理(步进电机的控制)二、模组的控制框架/接线方法A、控制基本框架B、通用控制接线(按照基本的控制思路)控制器驱动器步进电机与电源端连线(都需要外部电源供电,应根据不同需求选择合适的电源)接电机相线(电机由驱动器供电)接控制线(PU 为脉冲端,DR 为方向端,且根据自己的控制器采取共阴极或者共阳极的接线方式)上位机(常用PC ):程序编译/指令下达控制器:信号处理/发出脉冲功能:发送一串信号,其代表有具体的意义(例如:速度,距离,停留时间等,常支持Modbus 等协议)功能:接收信号,并通过内部存储的逻辑运算或微程序,将信号转换得出脉冲频率、数量等信息,并将脉冲输出给执行部件(步进电机驱动器等其它)驱动器:接收脉冲/驱使步进电机功能:接收脉冲信号,将脉冲信号转化为驱使步进电机精确转动的相电流。




specializing in the development, production, and sales of single-axisand multi-axis linear module, motion controllers industrial equipment.LINEAR MOTION SYSTEM INTELLIGENTPRODUCTS MANUFACTURER3.0LTD 关于我们/ABOUT US P01-08公司简介研发技术生产工艺品质检验客户与案例公司资质产品概述产品详情/PRODUCT DESCRIPTION P09-89 FSK模组FSL系列模组FBL系列模组FPB系列模组FTH系列模组FTB系列模组二轴直角坐标机器人三轴直角坐标机器人定制工作台控制器配件选型我们的服务/OUR SERVICE P90-92售前技术售后服务FUYU TECHNOLOGY CO.,成都福誉科技有限公司成立于2011年11月,专注于直线运动系统的研发、生产、销售和服务。


“福誉科技”已获国家相关部门认证:“国家高新技术企业”,“双软企业”,ISO9001-2015,知识产权管理体系,知识产权已授权82项,涉及发明专利6项,实用新型、外观专利及软件著作权76项;已获国际相关认证:德国莱茵机构“TUV”认证,及CE, ROHS FCC Ip等级认证。


Chengdu Fuyu Technology Co., Ltd. was established in November 2011, focusing on the research and development, production, sales and service of linear motion systems. We continue to introduce high-end talents and improve the industrial chain cluster. At the same time, we attach great importance to the mode of production-university- research cooperation with universities and research institutes, and sincerely cooperate with domestic and foreign powerful brand enterprises.FUYU Technology has been certified by relevant national departments: "National High-tech Enterprise", "Double Soft Enterprise", ISO9001-2015, Intellectual Property Management System, 82 intellectual property rights have been authorized, involving 6 invention patents, utility model, appearance patents and 76 software copyrights; The products also have obtained international certifications, such as German Rheinland organization "TUV" and CE, ROHS, FCC, IP66, etc.Fuyu's products have been sold to more than 90 countries around the world, we uphold the values of "Authentic, Responsible and Keep Improving", constantly iteratively optimize products and services to get win-win opportunities with more partners.国家高新技术企业双软企业National High-Tech Enterprise D o u b l e S o f t E n t e r p r i s e专利认证patent certificates一带一路重点推荐企业One Belt One Road Highly Recommeded Enterprise智造商industry qualification certificationsaccumulated coverage companies知识产权82项资质认证19项产品辐射国家地区96个累计客户资源12K个intellectual property rights年均增长幅度146cover 96 countries and regionsSales growth位于成都的福誉科技研发中心,从设备的结构有限元分析,材料分析到加工工艺、装配技术、检测方式、智能软件、底层算法等。



数控技术课程设计说明书题目:丝杠年产量为10000件开始日期:2013年12月30号完成日期:2014年1月14号答辩日期:2014年1月16号学生姓名:陈业班级:机电101201指导教师:贾育秦教研室主任:贾育秦学校名:太原科技大学数控技术课程设计任务书题目:设计“丝杠”零件的机械加工工艺规程及工艺装备生产纲领:年产10000件内容:1、零件图:丝杠一份2、零件的毛坯图一份3、机械加工工艺过程卡一份4、机械加工工序卡一份5、课程设计说明书一份6、仿真工序及编程一份班级:机电101201学生:陈业指导教师:贾育秦教研室主任:贾育秦2013年12月30日目录序言一、零件的分析------------------------------------------------------3二、工艺规程的设计------------------------------------------------4 (一)确定毛坯的制造形式---------------------------------------4 (二)基准的选择---------------------------------------------------5 (三)工艺路线的拟订及工艺方案的分析---------------------5 (四)机械加工余量,工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定---------7 (五)各工序的定位夹紧方案及切削用量的选择------------9 (六)各工序的基本工时-----------------------------------------15三、总结--------------------------------------------------------------23四、主要参考资料--------------------------------------------------24序言机械制造工艺学课程设计,是我们在学完了大学的全部基础课和大部分专业课后进行的。



1、总体方案设计1.1 设计任务课程设计任务:设计两轴联动的数控X-Y运动平台,完成机械系统设计、控制系统设计与相应软件编程,根据实验条件进行调试,完成整个开发系统。

主要参数见下表:行程台面尺寸底座外形尺寸系列型号X Y C B H C1B1H1最大长度L负载重量NXY最大移动速度重复定位定位精度HXY-4025400250240254156505001847785001M/分± 总体方案确定优点:同步带传动无相对滑动,传动比准确,传动精度高,齿形带的强度高,厚度小、重量轻,故可用于高速传动;传动比恒定,同步带无需特别涨紧,因而作用于轴和轴承等上的载荷小,传动效率高。












1.2.2 方案对比分析与确定综合课程设计要求,精度为0.04mm,最大载荷是500N,相比同步带和齿轮齿条传动,滚珠丝杠传动更符合精度要求,因为丝杠传的动的精度可以达到±0.01mm,而同步带传动时会产生弹性变形,具有一定的蠕变性。



4、控制系统软件设计4.1 控制系统软件总体方案设计硬件电路采用AT89C52单片机作为处理器,ULN2003驱动板作为电机驱动电路,单片机和上位机采用DB9接头连接。

FESTO 电动线性滑台 ELGA-BS 系列说明书

FESTO 电动线性滑台 ELGA-BS 系列说明书

Spindle axes ELGA-BSElectromechanical drivesSelection aidOverview of toothed belt and spindle axesToothed belt axes Spindle axes Coordinate system• Velocities of up to 10 m/s• Acceleration of up to 50 m/s2• Repetition accuracy of up to ±0.08 mm • Strokes of up to 8500 mm (longer strokes on r equest)• Flexible motor mounting • Velocities of up to 2 m/s• Acceleration of up to 20 m/s2• Repetition accuracy of up to ±0.003 mm •Strokes of up to 3000 mm2d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2020/04Electromechanical drives Selection aidOverview of toothed belt and spindle axesToothed belt axes Spindle axes Coordinate system• Velocities of up to 10 m/s• Acceleration of up to 50 m/s2• Repetition accuracy of up to ±0.08 mm • Strokes of up to 8500 mm (longer strokes on r equest)• Flexible motor mounting • Velocities of up to 2 m/s• Acceleration of up to 20 m/s2• Repetition accuracy of up to ±0.003 mm •Strokes of up to 3000 mm3 2020/04 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Electromechanical drivesSelection aidOverview of toothed belt and spindle axesToothed belt axes Spindle axes Coordinate system• Velocities of up to 10 m/s• Acceleration of up to 50 m/s2• Repetition accuracy of up to ±0.08 mm • Strokes of up to 8500 mm (longer strokes on r equest)• Flexible motor mounting • Velocities of up to 2 m/s• Acceleration of up to 20 m/s2• Repetition accuracy of up to ±0.003 mm •Strokes of up to 3000 mm4d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2020/0452020/04 – Subject to changed Internet: /catalogue/...Spindle axes ELGA-BS-KF, with recirculating ball bearing guideCharacteristicsAt a glance• Stainless steel cover strip with magnetic seal provides basic protection for guide and spindle. This also minimises particulate emissions for use in clean environments• Internal, precision recirculating ball bearing guide with high load capacity for high torque loads• Easy maintenance thanks to easily accessible lubrication connectionsDisplacement encoder (optional)Sealing air connections1[1] Displacement encoder (optional)The position of the slide can be sensed directly when using the incremental displacement encoder. This means that all elasticities of the drive train can be detected and can be adjusted by the motor controller (a page 13)1[1] Sealing air connections • By applying negative pressureabraded particles can be prevented from dispersing into the environment• By applying gauge pressure dirt can be prevented from getting into the axisCharacteristic values of the axesThe specifications shown in the table are maximum values.The precise values for each of the variants can be found in the relevant data sheet in the catalogue.H- -NoteEngineering software PositioningDrives 6d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2020/04Spindle axes ELGA-BS-KF, with recirculating ball bearing guideCharacteristicsComplete system comprising spindle axis, motor, motor controller and motor mounting kitMotora Page 32Servo motor:EMMT-AS, EMME-AS, EMMS-AS Stepper motor:EMMS-STH- -NoteA range of specially matched com-plete solutions is available for the spindle axis ELGA and the motors.Servo driveServo drive:CMMT-ASServo drive for extra-low voltage:CMMT-STMotor mounting kitAxial kitaPage 32Parallel kit aPage 38Complete kits are available for both parallel and axial motor mounting.Spindle axes ELGA-BS-KF, with recirculating ball bearing guide CharacteristicsSystem product for handling and assembly technology7 2020/04 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Spindle axes ELGA-BS-KF, with recirculating ball bearing guidePeripherals overview8d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2020/04Spindle axes ELGA-BS-KF, with recirculating ball bearing guide Peripherals overview9 2020/04 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Spindle axes ELGA-BS-KF, with recirculating ball bearing guideType codes10d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2020/04Function-N-Size70 (150)-T-Stroke length50 ... 3000 mm-É- 1) The feed force affects the service life. (a Page 16)2) At the drive shaft3) Rotational speed and speed are stroke-dependent1) Including slideThe mass moment of inertia J rot of the rotating parts of the axis is calculated as follows:J rot = J O + J H x working stroke [m]MaterialsSectional view4123561)For information about the area of use, see the EC declaration of conformity at: /sp d Certificates.If the devices are subject to usage restrictions in residential, commercial or light-industrial environments, further measures for the reduction of the emitted interference may be necessary. Note regarding useThe spindle axis with displacement en-coder is not designed for the following application examples:• Magnetic field•Welding applicationCharacteristic load valuesThe indicated forces and t orques refer to the centre of the guide. The point of application of force is the point where the centre of the guide and the longitu-dinal centre of the slide intersect.These values must not be exceeded during dynamic operation. Special attention must be paid to thedeceleration phase.Distance from the slide surfaceto the centre of the guideH- -NoteIf the axis is subjected to two or more of the indicated forces and torques simultaneously, the following equation must be satisfied in addition to the indicated maximum loads:Calculating the load comparison factor: ffff vvvv =�FFFF yyyy 1�FFFF yyyy 2+|FFFF zzzz 1|FFFF zzzz 2+|MMMM xxxx 1|MMMM xxxx 2+�MMMM yyyy 1�MMMM yyyy 2+|MMMM zzzz 1|MMMM zzzz 2≤1F 1/M 1 = dynamic value F 2/M 2 = maximum valueFor a guide system to have a service life of 5000 km, the load comparison factor must have a value of fv š 1, based on the maximum permissible forces and torques for a service life of 5000 km.Service life of the guideThe service life of the guide depends on the load. To be able to make a statement as to the service life of the guide, the graph below plots the load comparison factor fv against the service life.These values are only theoretical. You must consult your local Festo contact for a load comparison factor fv greater than 1.5.Load comparison factor fv as a function of service lifeExample:A user wants to move an x kg load. Using the formula (a page 14) gives a value of 1.5 for the load comparison factor fv. According to the graph, the guide would have a service life of approx. 1500 km. Reducing the acceleration reduces the Myand Mz values. A load comparison factor fv of 1 now gives a service life of5000 km.H- -NoteEngineering software PositioningDrives The engineering software can be used to calculate the guide workload for a service life of 5000 km.f v > 1.5 are only theoretical compari-son values for the recirculating ball bearing guide.Comparison of the characteristic load values for 5000 km with dynamic forces and torques of recirculating ball bearing guides The characteristic load values of the bearing guides are standardised to ISO and JIS using dynamic and static forces and torques. These forces and torques are based on an expected service life of the guide system of 100 km according to ISO or 50 km according to JIS.As the characteristic load values are dependent on the service life, the maximum permissible forces and torques for a 5000 km service life cannot be compared with the dynamic forces and torques of bearing guides to ISO/JIS.To make it easier to compare the guide capacity of linear axes ELGA with bearing guides, the table below lists the theoretically permissible forces and torques for a calculated service life of 100 km. This corresponds to the dynamic forces and torques to ISO.These 100 km values have been calculated mathematically and are only to be used for comparing with dynamic forces and torques to ISO. The drives must notbe loaded with these characteristic values as this could damage the axes.Service life of the spindle• The service life of the spindle axis depends on the service life of the guide (a page 15 ) and of the ball screw.The operating coefficient plays a considerable role in determining the possible service life and it can be determined with the help of the table (a page 17 )• The service life ends when the maximum number of switching cycles or maximum running performance has been reached:– 5 million switching cycles or 5000 km running performance • The distance between the foremost and rearmost positions must be at least 2.5 times the spindle pitch per travel cycle• The specifications for running performance are based on experimentally determined and theoretically calculated data (at room temperature). The running performance that can be achieved in practice can deviate considerably from the specified curves under different parametersCalculation of the mean feed force F xm with ball screwF xm = Mean feed force F x1/n = Feed force of sections 1/n= Part of movement cycle that is travelMean feed force F xm as a function of running performance L, with an operating coefficient f B of 1.0 at room temperature Size 70Size 80FF xxxx=√FF xx13∙ss 1+ … +FF nn 3∙ss nnss 1+ … +ss nn3F x [N]s [100%]F xmax F xmF x3F x2F x1s1s2s3Mean feed force F xm as a function of running performance L, with an operating coefficient f B of 1.0 at room temperature Size 120Size 150B 1) Loads caused by impact, temperature, contamination, shock and vibrationsVelocity v as a function of working stroke lSize 70Size 80ELGA-70-10P ELGA-80-10PELGA-80-20PSize 120Size 150ELGA-120-10PELGA-150-40P ELGA-120-25PVelocity v as a function of rotational speed n-NoteH-Rotational speed is stroke-depend-ent. N ote maximum rotational speed.ELGA-70-10P/-80-10P/-120-10PELGA-80-20PELGA-120-25PELGA-150-40PMax. acceleration a as a function of payload m Size 70Size 80Size 120Size 150Horizontal mounting position Vertical mounting positionTheoretical feed force F as a function of input torque MELGA-70-10P ELGA-80-10P ELGA-80-20PELGA-120-10P ELGA-120-25P ELGA-150-40PStroke reserveL19 = Nominal stroke L20 =Stroke reserve• The stroke reserve is a safety distance from the mechanical end position and is not used in normal operation • The sum of the nominal stroke and 2x stroke reserve must not exceed the maximum permissible working stroke • The length can be freely selected • The stroke reserve is defined via the "stroke reserve" characteristic in the modular product systemExample:Type ELGA-BS-KF-70-500-20H-...Nominal stroke = 500 mm 2x stroke reserve = 40 mm Working stroke = 540 mm (540 mm = 500 mm + 2x 20 mm)Maximum permissible support spacing L (without profile mounting MUE/central support EAHF) as a function of force F In order to limit deflection in the case of large strokes, the axis may need to besupported.The following graphs can be used to determine the maximum permissible supportspacing l as a function of force F acting on the axis. The deflection is f = 0.5 mm.Force Fy Force FzELGA-70ELGA-80ELGA-120ELGA-150Recommended deflection limitsAdherence to the following deflection limits is recommended so as not to impairthe functionality of the axes.Greater deformation can result in increased friction, greater wear and reducedservice life.Central lubrication systemThe lubrication connections enable the guide and the ball screw of the spindle axis ELGA-BS-KF to be permanently lubricated in applications in humid or wet ambient conditions using semi- or fully automatic relubrication devices.• The axes are suitable for oils andgreases• The connection option is availableon the standard version of the axes• There is a dedicated lubricationconnection for the spindle nut andthe two ball cassettesSlide dimensionsa Page 23Structure of a central lubrication systemA central lubrication system requires various additional components. The illustration shows different options (using a hand pump, pneumatic con-tainer pump or electric container pump) required as a minimum for de-signing a central lubrication system. Festo does not sell these additional components; however, they can be ob-tained from the following companies:• Lincoln• Bielomatik• SKF (Vogel)Festo recommends these companies because they can supply all the necessary components.[1] Hand pump[2] Pneumatic container pump[3] Electric container pump[4] Manually operated container pump[5] Nipple block[6] Distributor block[7] Tubing or piping[8] FittingsOrdering data – Standard design Characteristics:• Stroke reserve: 0 mm• Motor attachment position: leftOrdering data – Modular product systemOrientation guideO top U bottom R right L left V front H rearAccessoriesServo motor Stepper motor a Page 32Ordering data – Modular product system[1] ... H The sum of the nominal stroke and 2x stroke reserve must not exceed the maximum stroke length[2] B, F Only with displacement encoder M1, M2H- -NoteDepending on the combination of motor and drive, it may not be possible to reach the maximum feed force of the drive.When using parallel kits, the no-load driving torque of the particular kit must be taken into consideration.1) The input torque must not exceed the max. permissible transferable torque of the axial kit.1) The input torque must not exceed the max. permissible transferable torque of the axial kit.1) The input torque must not exceed the max. permissible transferable torque of the axial kit.1) The input torque must not exceed the max. permissible transferable torque of the axial kit.H- -NoteFor the optimum selection of axis/ motor combinations a Engineering software PositioningDrives 1) The input torque must not exceed the max. permissible transferable torque of the parallel kit.2) Gear unit output shaft diameter: EMGA-60-P-...-SAS/-SST: 11 mm; EMGA-60-P-...-EAS, EMGC-60-P: 14 mm1) The input torque must not exceed the max. permissible transferable torque of the parallel kit.2) Gear unit output shaft diameter: EMGA-60-P-...-SAS/-SST: 11 mm; EMGA-60-P-...-EAS, EMGC-60-P: 14 mm -NoteH-The clamping element EADT is required to adjust the toothed belt pretensionwith EAMM-U-110 and EAMM-U-145.Foot mounting HPE Material: Galvanised steel RoHS-compliantSpindle axes ELGA-BS-KF, with recirculating ball bearing guide AccessoriesProfile mounting MUEMaterial:Anodised aluminiumRoHS-compliant41 2020/04 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Spindle axes ELGA-BS-KF, with recirculating ball bearing guideAccessoriesCentral support EAHFMaterial:Anodised aluminiumRoHS-compliant42d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2020/04Spindle axes ELGA-BS-KF, with recirculating ball bearing guide AccessoriesAdjusting kit EADC-E15 Material:EADC-E15-80: wrought aluminium alloyEADC-E15-185: steelRoHS-compliant43 2020/04 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Spindle axes ELGA-BS-KF, with recirculating ball bearing guideAccessoriesAdjusting kit EADC-E16 Material:Wrought aluminium alloyRoHS-compliant44d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2020/04Spindle axes ELGA-BS-KF, with recirculating ball bearing guide AccessoriesSwitch lug SF-EGC-1Material:Galvanised steelRoHS-compliant45 2020/04 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Spindle axes ELGA-BS-KF, with recirculating ball bearing guide AccessoriesSwitch lug SF-EGC-2For sensing via proximity switch SIEN-M8B or SIES-8M Material:Galvanised steelRoHS-compliant Sensor bracket HWS-EGC For proximity switch SIEN-M8B Material:Galvanised steelRoHS-compliant46d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2020/04Spindle axes ELGA-BS-KF, with recirculating ball bearing guide Accessories1) Packaging unit47 2020/04 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Spindle axes ELGA-BS-KF, with recirculating ball bearing guide AccessoriesMounting options between axis and support profileDepending on the adapter kit, the spacing between the axis and the support profile is:x = 20 mm or 50 mm The support profile must be mountedusing at least 2 adapter kits. For longer strokes, an adapter kit must be usedevery 500 mm.Example1) Packaging unit48d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2020/04Spindle axes ELGA-BS-KF, with recirculating ball bearing guide Accessories1) Max. cable length 25 m.49 2020/04 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...BIANCHI INDUSTRIAL Spa - ItaliaVIBI Spa - ItaliaBIA AUTOMATION Srl - ItaliaB.T.B. Srl - ItaliaRODAMIENTOS FEYC SA - Spagna - PortogalloRJ INTERNATIONAL SAS - FranciaANTIFRICTION COMPONENTS Ltd - UKEHRCO Ltd - UKBianchi Industrial Spa a socio unicoSEDE LEGALE E DIREZIONE GENERALE:20125 MILANO - Via Zuretti, 100 - Tel. 02 6786.1****************************************************CENTRO DISTRIBUZIONE PRODOTTI NAZIONALE:20091 BRESSO (MI) - Via C. Romani, 25 - Tel. 02 6650 0615******************************************************CENTRO DISTRIBUZIONE PRODOTTI REGIONALE:40132 BOLOGNA - Via Giovanni Elkan, 5 - Tel. 051 414849*******************************************************FILIALI:20125 MILANO–ViaG.Zuretti100–Tel.026786.1–**************************40132 BOLOGNA-ViaGiovanniElkan,*********************************************25124 BRESCIA-ViadellaVolta,************************************************09122 CAGLIARI - Viale Monastir,************************************************21013 GALLARATE(VA)-ViaToscana,*************************************************70026 MODUGNO(BA)**********************************************************63076 MONTEPRANDONE(AP)-ViaScopa,****************************************************36010 MONTICELLO CONTE OTTO (VI)-ViaParmesana31/*********************************************** 35127 PADOV A-ViaPolonia,**********************************************10098 RIVOLI(TO)-ViaAcqui,51/********************************************50019 SESTO FIORENTINO(FI)-ViaLucianoLama,18/**********************************************。

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DGE 丝 杆 滑台
• DGE丝杆式电动滑台是直线滑台的一种,传动传动装置为 丝杆。滑台的移动单元为其上的滑板,而移动基数是丝 杆的导程。按总体结构称为丝杆滑台。
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