• 3. 语境衔接:语句的内在含义存在着共性化(并列,列
举、解释等)或差异化(没有连接词的转折对比等)现象。 共性化指的是语句围绕同一主题多角度阐述或列举等;差异 化指的是不同主题,或者同一主题不同方面形成鲜明的对比。 • Now there are still many problems in the economic development of the country. Low product quality, low profitability and high resource-consumption are among the most serious ones. Terrorist attacks have been on the rise thus threatening its economic progress. Environmental pollution has also been acute enough to be addressed. Brain drain to other countries is becoming a popular trend followed by many young and promising talents. • However the government is coming to realize all this. It has sent many teams of experts abroad for advanced expertise. It is also getting tougher with potential terrorists so as to guarantee a peaceful environment. Many environmental campaigns have been launched and some measures have been taken to clear the pollutants.
4000基础英语词汇背诵Unit4Unit 4 (20词+1故事)61appropriateadj. 适当的When a thing is appropriate, it is right or normal.表示正确地或正常的。
→ It's appropriate to wear a suit whenyou go to the office.上班应该穿正装。
62avoidv. 避免To avoid something is to stay away from it.表示远离某物。
→ Avoid the broken bottle on thefloor.小心地上的杯子碎片。
63behavev. 行为,举止To behave is to act in a particular way, especially to be good.以特别的方式做事,尤其指好的方式。
→ She always behaves well when herfather is around.她爸爸在场时她就会表现得很乖。
64calmadj. 平静的,冷静的When someone is calm, they do not get excited or upset. 表示不激动或不沮丧。
→ A nice warm bath makes me feelso calm.洗个舒服的热水澡能让我平静下来。
65concernn. 关心,关注Concern is a feeling of worry.表示担心的感觉。
→ I was filled with concern afterreading the newspaper.报纸上的消息让我很担心。
66contentadj. 满足的To be content is to be happy and not want more.表示满意的并且不想要求更多。
→ The baby lookedvery content sitting on the floor.宝宝坐在地上,看起来很满足。
(一)并列关系名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers名胜古迹 scenic spots and historical sites湖光山色 landscape of lakes and hills青山绿水 green hills and clear waters奇松怪石 strangely-shaped pines and grotesque rock formations平等互利 equality and mutual benefit扬长避短 play up strengths and avoid weaknesses反腐倡廉 fight corruption and build a clean government简政放权 streamline administration and institute decentralization集思广益 draw on collective wisdon and absorb all useful ideas国泰民安 the country flourish and the people live in peace and harmony 政通人和 the government functions well and people cooperate well国计民生national welfare and the people’s livelihood辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new徇私舞弊 bend the law for personal gain and engage in fraud流连忘返 linger on with no thought of leaving for home国际局势复杂多变 the complex and volatile international situation开拓进取 blaze new trails and forge ahead求同存异 seek common ground while shelving differences(二)语意重复广袤无垠的中华大地 the boundless expanse of the Chinese territory高瞻远瞩的决策 a visionary/far-sighted decision贯彻落实重大决策carry out/ implement a series of major policy decisions 层峦叠嶂 peaks rising one after another优胜劣汰 survival of the fittest延年益寿prolong one’s life灵丹妙药 panacea / miraculous cure长治久安 a long period of stability求真务实 pragmatic审时度势 size up the trend of events招商引资 attract investment誉满全球举世闻名 world-renowned功在当代,利在千秋 in the interest of the current and future generations 继往开来,承前启后 (continue the past and open up the future ) break new ground for the future路遥知马力,日久见人心 Time will tell.吃的苦中苦,方知甜中甜 no sweet without sweat车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直in the end things mend /there’s always a way out急功近利 eager for instant success and quick profits大黑扫黄 crack down on gangland and pornography德高望重 of high ability and integrity互利互补 mutually complementary and beneficial互谅互让mutual understanding and accommodation遵纪守法 observe the relevant code of conduct and the law(三)目的关系减员增效 downsize (and cut payroll) to improve efficiency (for efficiency)退耕还林 return cultivated land to forest or pastures集资办学 raise money to set up new schools结党营私 form cliques for private gain扭亏为盈 turn a loss-making enterprise into a profitable one(四)途径方式寓教于乐 teach through lively activities因材施教 teach students according to their aptitude按劳分配 distribution according to performance以商养文 support /sponsor cultural activities with the profits from doing business(五)偏正词组廉洁奉公honestly perform one’s official duties环境绿化 environmental greening超前消费 premature consumption; Over-consume; excessive consumption 以强凌弱 the strong domineering over the weak以人为本 people foremost; People-oriented(六)动宾关系优势互补complement each other’s advantages自主经营,自负盈亏make one’s own management decisions, take full responsibility for one’s own profits and losses(七)条件关系不进则退 no progress simply means regression(八)省略意象瞻前顾后 overcautions and indecisive源远流长 have a long history呕心沥血 spare no efforts画龙点睛 bring out the crucial point花天酒地 go on the loose汗马功劳 exploits闻名遐迩 famous独具匠心 original中流砥柱 mainstay, chief cornerstone鱼米之乡 a land of milk and honey世外桃源 a haven of peace浩如烟海的文化典籍 numerous volumes of literature。
major['meɪdʒə]occasion [ə'keɪʒ(ə)n]Apply [ə'plaɪ]Conference ['kɒnf(ə)r(ə)ns] Security [sɪ'kjʊərətɪ] Announcement [ə'naʊnsm(ə)nt] Leisure ['leʒə]make a contribution 对……作贡献[kɒntrɪ'bjuːʃ(ə)n]extracurricular activities 课外活动local=native [ekstrəkə'rɪkjʊlə]['ləʊk(ə)l]['neɪtɪv] native speaker 本土语言使用Human Resource 人力资源['hjuːmən] [rɪ'sɔːs]What’s more 除此之外in the fall 秋天rural areas 偏远的地方['rʊər(ə)l] ['eərɪəz]a cirous school 马戏团学校['sɜːkəs]N Go 非盈利wealthy people 富有的朋友['welθɪ]guardion 守护者,监护人['gɑːdɪən]downtown=city center 市中心college interview 大学面试['kɒlɪdʒ]['ɪntəvjuːgoal 目标[gəʊl]make full use of sth. = bring sth. Full play 充分发挥provide sb. with sb. [prə'vaɪd]strategy 战略['strætɪdʒɪ]give priority to 优先考虑[praɪ'ɒrɪtɪ]as 作为complete national education system 完善的国际教育体系establish system 建成……体系[ɪ'stæblɪʃ] ['sɪstəm]In > 1 daynine-year compulsory education 九年制义务教育[kəm'pʌls(ə)rɪ][edjʊ'keɪʃ(ə)n] universal=general 普及[juːnɪ'vɜːs(ə)l]['dʒen(ə)r(ə)l]eliminate 扫除,消除[ɪ'lɪmɪneɪt]literate-literacy-illiteracy 文盲['lɪtərət] ['lɪtərəsi] [ɪ'lɪt(ə)rəsɪ]among youth 在青少年之中[ə'mʌŋ]potential 潜能[pə'tenʃl]value 价值['væljuː]promote促进[prə'məʊt]all-around development全面发展[dɪ'veləpmənt]modernization 现代化建设['mɒdənaɪ'zeɪʃn]labor and intellectual support 人力和智力['leɪbə(r)] ['ɪntə'lektʃuəl] [sə'pɔːt] realize the transformation from sth. to sth. 实现……转变['riːəlaɪz] ['trænsfə'meɪʃn] significant 重大课题[sɪɡ'nɪfɪkənt]undertaking 重大事业['ʌndə'teɪkɪŋ]。
口译中国特色基础词汇1. 素质教育:Quality Education2. EQ:分两种,一种为教育商数Educational quotient,另一种情感商数Emotional quotient3. 保险业:the insurance industry4. 保证重点指出:ensure funding for priority areas5. 补发拖欠的养老金:clear up pension payments in arrears6. 层层转包和违法分包:mutlti-level contract ing and illegal subcontracting7. 城乡信用社:credit cooperative in both urban and rural areas8. 城镇居民最低生活保障:a minimum standard of living for city residents9. .城镇职工医疗保障制度the system of medical insurance for urban workers10. 出口信贷:export credit11. 贷款质量:loan quality12. 贷款质量五级分类办法:the five-category assets classification for bank loans13. 防范和化解金融风险:take precautions against and reduce financial risks14. 防洪工程:flood-prevention project15. 非法外汇交易:illegal foreign exchange transaction16. 非贸易收汇:foreign exchange earnings through nontrade channels17. 非银行金融机构:non-bank financial institutions18. 费改税:transform administrative fees into taxes19. 跟踪审计:foolow-up auditing20. .工程监理制度:the monitoring system for projects21. 国有资产安全:the safety of state-owned assets22. 过度开垦:excess reclamation23. 合同管理制度:the contract system for governing projects24. 积极的财政政策:pro-active fiscal policy25. 基本生活费:basic allowance26. 解除劳动关系:sever labor relation27. .金融监管责任制:the responsibility system for financial supervision28. 经济安全:economic security29. 靠扩大财政赤字搞建设:to increase the deficit to spend more on development30. 扩大国内需求:the expansion of domestic demand31. 拉动经济增长:fuel economic growth32. 粮食仓库:grain depot33. 粮食收购企业:grain collection and storage enterprise34. 粮食收购资金实行封闭运行:closed operation of grain purchase funds35. 粮食销售市场:grain sales market36. 劣质工程:shoddy engineering37. 乱收费、乱摊派、乱罚款:arbitrary charges, fund-raising, quotas and fines38. 骗汇、逃汇、套汇:obtain foreign currency under false pretenses, not turn over foreign owed to the government and illegal arbitrage39. 融资渠道:financing channels40. 商业信贷原则:the principles for commercial credit41. 社会保险机构:social security institution42. 失业保险金:unemployment insurance benefits43. 偷税、骗税、逃税、抗税:tax evasion, tax fraud and refusal to pay taxes44. 外汇收支:foreign exchange revenue and spending45. 安居工程:housing project for low-income urban residents46. 信息化:information-based; informationization47. 智力密集型:concentration of brain power; knowledge-intensive48. 外资企业:overseas-funded enterprises49. 无偿献血:blood donation without repayment50. 分流:reposition of redundant personnel51. 素质教育:education for all-round development52. 假文凭:fake diplomas53. 社会治安情况:law-and-order situation54. 民族国家:nation state55. "台独":"independence of Taiwan"56. 台湾当局:Taiwan authorities57. 台湾同胞:Taiwan compatriot s58. 台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分:Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory.59. 西部大开发:Development of the West Regions60. 可持续性发展:sustainable development61. 风险投资:risk investment62. 通货紧缩:deflation63. 扩大内需:to expand domestic demand64. 假日经济:holiday economy65. 网络空间:cyberspace66. 计算机辅助教学:computer-assisted instruction ( CAI )67. 虚拟现实:virtual reality68. 网民:netizen ( net citizen )69. 电脑犯罪:computer crime70. 电子商务:the e-business71. 网上购物:shopping online72. 应试教育:exam-oriented education73. 学生减负:to reduce study load74. "厄尔尼诺":(EL Nino)75. "拉尼娜":(La Nina)76. "第三产业":(third/tertiary industry,service sector,third sequence of enterprises)77. ."第四产业":(quaternary/information industry)78. "军嫂":(military spouse)79. "峰会"(香港译"极峰会议")":summit(conference)80. "冰毒":ice81. "摇头丸":dancing outreach82. "传销":multi level marketing83. "(计算机)年问题":YK problem(y for year, k for kilo or thousand)84. "白皮书":white paper(不是white cover book)85. "傻瓜相机":Instamatic(商标名,焦距、镜头均固定,被称为foolproof相机);86. "白条":IOU note(IOU:债款、债务,由I owe you 的读音缩略转义而来)87. "巡回招聘":milk round(一种招聘毕业生的方式,大公司走访各大学及学院,向求职者介绍本公司情况并与报名者晤谈)。
Stock market
listening practice
• • • • • • • • • • • 1. wealth 2. financial advisers 3. mutual funds 4. securities 5. stocks 6. debt-based 7. financial share 8. dividend 9. bond 10. maturity 11. repaid
• English-Chinese Interpretation
• 1. 亚洲的股票市场,同美国的主要指数一样,出现了明显的 回落。 • 2.优先股是指继债券持有人之后对公司的收入和资产拥有第 一债券的股票。 • 3. 保罗相信,大体上说,投资中国股票的人仍应保持乐观。 • 4. 一旦公司倒闭,它的净资产将首先在债券持有人中分配, 然后是优先股持有人,最后是普通股票持有人。 • 5. 不过,古德温还是警告说,中国就业市场的任何疲软都会 对该股造成伤害。
Chinese-English Interpretation
• (1) Although it is the first overseas acquisition for Bocom, Chinese financial institutions are not opposed to snapping up assets abroad, having spent a total of $4.8bn on 30 overseas deals in 2014, following $5.1bn in deals in 2013. • (2) The Las Vegas Money Show coincided with a significant pullback both in the US and Chinese stock markets. As such, many of the advisors at the show were focused on the question of whether or not this pullback was simply a correction within a long-term uptrend or the start of a bear market. The advisors appear to be in general agreement that this is a healthy pullback.
英语口译教程unit 4
![英语口译教程unit 4](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c113417b168884868762d608.png)
Zhejiang University (founded in 1897): Seek Truth and Be Creative
Peking University (founded in 1898): Patriotism, Advancement, Democracy and 20 Science
Memory Exercise – Making use of memory aids.
D. Exercise 2: Information stored in an incorporative way (its logical hierarchy): Two chunks: 1. general statement of demand exceeding supply 2. a parallel illustration of the imbalance between the supply and the demand.
1. What contributes to a good university?
2. Why is Oxford Brookes considered a new
university in Britain although it has a long history? It is called a new university because it started in Oxford in 1865 as a school of art and then it has gradually grown. After being a school of art, it became a college of technology. After the college of technology, it became a polytechnic and about ten years ago, it became a university. It is a new university in that sense even though it has a very long history.
Unit 4词汇讲解
![Unit 4词汇讲解](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4ffd6cc908a1284ac850433d.png)
Tell me how the accident came about?
他为什么退学了 How did it come about that he left school?
3. subscribe
vt. 捐赠,出资,同意;签署(文件)
subscribe to 同意, 赞成 ( 多用于否定,疑问句) subscribe to /for 订购, 订阅
Compared to/with his mother, he is tall.
6. tend
倾向于…. 有… 的趋势 tendency n.
tend to do 易于…..
tend to/ towards + n. 倾向于….
tend + n. 服侍,看护(病人),护理(伤口),
别人反对他的意见时,他很容易生气 He tends to get angry when people are against his opinions. 他很容易忘事
他们反对新税 They opposed the new tax.
我反对你单独去那里 I oppose your going there alone. 他强烈反对他们的计划 She is strongly opposed to their plan.
10. state
Vt. 陈述,说明
n. 状态, 情况,形势
61.容器;罐头 can
62.环境;情况 circumstance
63.微波炉;微波 microwave
64.使恢复;使振作 refresh
65.教育工作者;教育家 educator
67.祈使语气;命令 imperative 68.标题 heading 69.标语;口号 slogan 70.显示;演出 presentation 71.核的;核能的;原子核的 nuclear 72.分歧;不一致 disagreement
建议:拆分成四个部分翻译,翻译词序调整。在翻译时, 对于长句的处理要灵活。
Alternative Interpretation
terms of shipment: 装运条款; the time of delivery: 交货日期; effect shipment: 装船; advance the time of shipment to : 将装运提前到; sell at profitable prices: 以盈利的价格销售; be fully/heavily committed: 订货过多; be compelled to: 不得不; work three shifts: 三班倒地工作; the balance: 余货;
draw on在这句话里可理解为相信或信任,翻译时 要注意句中出现的虚拟语气there were …, 全句的 意思是: “你可以相信我,就跟开了信用证一样。 ”
E-C Interpretation
If we make an exception here, we don’t know where to stop.
建议:注意“tie up”的翻译,原意为“捆住”, 此处引申翻译为“限制了资金”。
E-C Interpretation
As this is our first transaction concluded at a time when the world competition is rather keen,I would suggest that you give me more favorable terms so as to promote trade between our two parties.
Dan: This is cunning Carla and Long-Limbs Lenora.
Lenora: Where you been Baby cakes? Huh? I haven’t seen you around lately. You know you should have been here for Christmas because Tommy bought a round on the house and gave everybody a turkey sandwich. 《阿甘正传》
A: Please! Mom!
Saving petrol, you know, that’s the beauty of buying a smallcar.
The beauty of his new job is that he works his own hours. (flexible hours)
babyish (幼稚的);
baby-sitter/baby-minder (保姆);
babyfaced (娃娃脸的);
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
小儿语 --- baby talk
乳齿 --- baby tooth
嫩萝卜--- baby carrots(very small,tender carrots,not fullygrown)
A: Rebecca, I got a D in maths this term. What do I do?
B: Sorry about that, Freddie. Cheer up! You can make it next term.But frankly speaking, if you weren’t such a party animal, you’d have more time for studying. (喜欢参加聚会的人)
1.国家环境保护总局:the State Environmental Protection Administration of China(SEPA)2.云南省人民政府:People’s Government of Yunnan Province3.隆重开幕:formally commence4.自然保护区:nature reserve5.七彩云南保护行动:Initiative to Protect Colorful Yunnan6.全面:in an all-round way7.和谐共处:harmonious co-existence8.协调发展:well-coordinated development9.保护:conservation on…10.衷心感谢:heartfelt thanks11.盛情款待:gracious hospitality12.美好印象:memorable impression13.巨大变化:tremendous changes14.共同愿望:shared desire15.和平相处:peaceful co-existence16.国际社会:international community17.持久和平与共同繁荣:enduring peace and prosperity18.互补性很强:be highly complementary19.广泛的共同利益:extensive converging interests20.符合:serve21.根本利益:fundamental interests22.战略高度:from a strategic perspective23.全面合作:all-round cooperation24.互利共赢:mutual benefit and win-win outcome25.政治交流:bilateral political exchange26.战略对话:strategic dialogue27.健康有序发展:sound and orderly development28.区域合作:regional cooperation29.崇高事业:lofty cause30.看到莘莘学子青春洋溢的脸庞,呼吸着书香浓郁的空气:with its distinctiveacademic flavor,and looking at the eager young faces in the audience31.独特的办学风格,卓著的学术成就:unique way of teaching and excellence inacademic pursuit32.并存:coexist33.融合:intermingle34.国情:national conditions35.相互借鉴,取长补短:learn from each other and draw on each other’s strengths36.巨大影响:far-reaching significance37.阻断:stand in the way of38.中美两国人民相互学习,相互帮助,谱写了世界不同文明相互借鉴的美好篇章:Many moving episodes of mutual learning and mutual help between our two peoples who represent different civilizations have been recorded.39.稳定发展的大方向:steady momentum of growth40.曲折:twists and turns41.仍是当今时代的主题:remain the calling of our times42.彼此尊重,相互理解:in a healthy and steady manner43.长江后浪推前浪,世上新人换旧人:As in the Yangtze river where the wavesbehind drive on those before,so a new generation always excels the last one。
口译教程 unit1-4
![口译教程 unit1-4](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d3691d42fe4733687e21aa81.png)
I am more pleased to learn that all of you have a keen interest in China. Though our two countries are geographically far apart, we have a great deal in common. While many Chinese enjoy Hollywood movies and McDonald’s fast food, many Americans find that their clothes and daily necessities are made in China. I hope that today’s seminar will help you gain a better understanding of China and its foreign policy, thus deepening further our friendship and cooperation.
新厂房标志着公司对中国业务的重视和承诺。 各位供应商,我们希望与你们携手共进,使 我们的业务更上一层楼。 各位经销商,我们将继续向你们提供尖端的 高质量产品,以协助你们做好客户支持,改 善中国和东南亚许许多多人士的生活。 各位邻居和朋友,我们将成为良好的企业公 民,与各位同行一起维护在中国开展业务的 规范性。 最后,我们承诺给员工们提供一个安全、舒 适的工作环境。 再次感谢各位与我们共同庆祝今天的典礼!
2.4 CNN Interview with Jet Li
CNN 记者:祝贺《英雄》所取得的成功。请问您在 《英雄》里扮演的角色是否与你通常演的角色很相 似呢? JL: It is a very special part and a very special movie. I think it’s one of the most important action movies in my life. CNN 记者:为什么你会这样说呢?你演过近30部 电影,而《英雄》是如何与其他影片不同的呢? JL: Usually action films have a formula: a child whose parents have been murdered by the bad guys tries hard to learn martial arts and he grows up into an outstanding Kongfu master. He takes revenge and kills the bad guys. But “Hero” has a much broader theme.
Do meaningful work and do it well
Spend our money where it counts the most
Keep theinitiativeof our work
Keep a good grasp of theintensity, pace and focusof their implementation
Reform to require payment of official business expenses with credit cards
Public forests
Public-service jobs
Non-profitcultural programs
VATrebateson exports
Skillfully handle the relationship between maintaining steady and rapid economic development, restructuring the economy and managing inflation expectations
Make access to basic public services more equal
Energize the development of the central region
(四)词汇预习据说It's said that…由汽车驱动的国家 a country driven by automobiles 夸张的说法exaggerationcorrect observation 正确的看法way of life 生活方式drive-in bank/restaurant/church 免下车银行/餐馆/教堂international driver's license 国际驾照行车限速speed limitfederal expressway 联邦高速公路minimum speed 最低速度出公差on a business trip租车服务行业car rental service付款方式way of paymentcredit card 信用卡Master card 万事达卡Visa 维萨卡American Express 美国运通deposit 押金special offer 特别优惠Amtrak 美国铁路公司passenger rail service 铁路客运服务Greyhound 灰狗巴士long distance coach 长途汽车monthly pass 月票regulated(price) 规定的(票价)lower rates 更低的利率shuttle and commuter flights 穿梭于两地之间的距离不尽如人意undesirablesubway 地铁cab/cabby 出租车Yellow Pages 黄页telephone directory 电话簿target audience 目标观众mode of interpretation 翻译形式take turns doing sth. 轮流audio system with headsets 带耳机的音频系统soundproof booth 隔音间tune in to listen 收听open avenue of dialogue 可以相互对话rephrase 改述meet the deadline 最后期限work in nuance 细微差别fine-tune 进行微调skip to the end of a speech 跳到演讲的结尾mental strain/fatigue 精神疲劳highly individualistic 因人而异fast drain like sprinting 像冲刺一样快速用脑stretch both memory and intellect 记忆力和理解力都要延伸personal observations 个人的观察connection fee 电话接通费advisory 咨询的double-check 复核Bon appetite 愿你胃口好business communication style 商务沟通模式work ethic 工作理念,工作观念counterpart 副本prospective business contact 未来的生意伙伴the "get-down-to-business-first" mentality “公务为先”的心态time-consuming 耗时的keep to 遵循bottom-up 自下而上top-down 自上而下top management 最高层管理人士business practices 商务活动咄咄逼人的aggressivestraightforward 直截了当管理模式type of managementefficiency 效率give priority to 优先frustrate 打击,挫败fulfilment 完成,成就membership 会员身份,资格sense of belonging in a community 团体归属感individual oriented 个人倾向的,个体取向的accomplishment 成果,成就dedication 奉献利与弊merits and demerits; advantages and disadvantages the Oriental way of management 东方的管理方式humane 人性化的executive 管理人士debut album 首张专辑忌讳wish...wouldn'tinquiry 提问the press people 新闻记者献给……的音乐专辑dedicated debut album tovocalist 歌唱家tremendous individual 非常了不起melodic 旋律中心思想common messagethe icing on the cake 锦上添花creative avenue and outlet 创造途径和方法sort out one's emotional distress 走出伤感阴影的良药enjoy catching up with one's friends 跟朋友泡在一起play pool 打落袋台球get around to 抽出时间(做某事)break up 散伙first gigs 初演sing a cappella 无伴奏延长endurance 忍耐之心take criticism constructively 以积极的态度看待批评句子精炼1. This is basically a correct observation, which says something about the American way of life.这种看法基本正确,它反映了美国人的生活方式。
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基础口译教程词汇短语表U4 Humanity and EnvironmentWarming-up Practice1. Plant and animal habitats will be changed by global warming.habitat /'hæbɪtæt/ n. the natural home of a plant or animal〔动植物的〕生活环境;栖息地global /'gləʊb(ə)l/ warming: a general increase in world temperatures caused by increased amounts of carbon dioxide around the Earth全球变暖predict /prɪ'dɪkt/ v. to say that something will happen, before it happens预言,预料,预测one-third 1/3significantly /sɪg'nɪfɪk(ə)ntlɪ/ adv. in an important way or to an important degree显著地species /'spiːʃiːz/ n. a group of animals or plants whose members are similar and can breed together to produce young animals or plants〔动植物的〕物种,种carbon dioxide: /'kɑːb(ə)n/ /d aɪ'ɒksaɪd/ the gas produced when animals breathe out, when carbon is burned in air, or when animal or vegetable substances decay二氧化碳content /'kɒntent/ n. the amount of a substance that is contained in something含量atmosphere /'ætməsfɪə/ n. the mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth〔地球的〕大气(层)give top priority to 给予优先考虑pollution /pə'luːʃ(ə)n/ n. the process of making air, water, soil etc dangerously dirty and not suitable for people to use, or the state of being dangerously dirty污染summit /'sʌmɪt/ n. an important meeting or set of meetings between the leaders of several governments首脑会议,最高级会议,峰会miss the chance错过机会catastrophe /kə'tæstrəfɪ/ n. a terrible event in which there is a lot of destruction, suffering, or death 灾难,大祸,严重的不幸2. Asia is facing serious environmental problems.face: v. if you face or are faced with a difficult situation, or if a difficult situation faces you, it is going to affect you and you must deal with it面临〔困难〕,面对〔困境〕serious /'sɪərɪəs/ adj. extremely bad or dangerous〔情况、问题、事故等〕严重的release /rɪ'liːs/ v. to let news or official information be known and printed公开发表,发布threat /θret/ n. a statement in which you tell someone that you will cause them harm or trouble if they do not do what you want威胁,恐吓rapid /'ræpɪd/ adj. happening or done very quickly and in a very short time快速的,迅速的shrink /ʃrɪŋk/v. to become smaller使缩小; 缩小rain forest: a tropical forest with tall trees that are very close together, growing in an area where it rains a lot(热带)雨林especially /ɪ'speʃ(ə)lɪ/ adv. used to emphasize that something is more important or happens more with one particular thing than with others尤其Malaysia /məˈleɪʒə/ n. 马来西亚Philippines /'filipi:nz/ n. 菲律宾Thailand /'taɪlænd/ n. 泰国according to根据……3. The pandas are facing a crisis?reserve /rɪ'zɜːv/ n. an area of land where wild animals and plants are protected〔野生生物〕保护区crisis /'kraɪsɪs/ n. a situation in which there are a lot of problems that must be dealt with quickly so that the situation does not get worse or more dangerous危机;紧要关头article /'ɑːtɪk(ə)l/ n. a piece of writing about a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine〔报刊的〕文章,论文imagine /ɪ'mædʒɪn/ v. to form a picture or idea in your mind about what something could be like 想象flower /'flaʊə/ v. to produce flowers开花bamboo /bæm'buː/ n. a tall tropical plant with hollow stems that is used for making furniture竹wither /'wɪðə/ v. to become drier and smaller and start to die(使)〔植物〕枯萎,干枯strict /strɪkt/ adj. a strict order or rule is one that must be obeyed〔命令、规则〕必须严格遵守的regulation /regjʊ'leɪʃ(ə)n/ n. an official rule or order规则;条例;法令set up建立safeguard /'seɪfgɑːd/ v. to protect something from harm or damage保护,保卫〔某物〕rescue /'reskjuː/ v. to save someone or something from a situation of danger or harm营救,解救,救援Passage InterpretationPart A English-Chinese InterpretationPassage 1Paragraph 1industrial /ɪn'dʌstrɪəl/ adj. relating to industry or the people working in it工业的;产业工人的machinery /mə'ʃiːn(ə)rɪ/ n. machines in general机器; 机械form /fɔːm/ n. a type or kind种类Paragraph 2at one’s worst处于最坏的情况下densely /denslɪ/ adv. 稠密地populate /ˈpɒpjʊˌleɪt/ v. 聚居; 栖息hearing loss失聪stress /stres/ n. continuous feelings of worry about your work or personal life, that prevent you from relaxing压力;忧虑;紧张high blood pressure高血压sleep loss睡眠减少distraction /dɪ'strækʃ(ə)n/ n. something that stops you paying attention to what you are doing使人分心的事物productivity /prɒdʌk'tɪvɪtɪ/ n. the rate at which goods are produced, and the amount produced, especially in relation to the work, time, and money needed to produce them生产效率;生产力Paragraph 3decibel /'desɪbel/ n. a unit for measuring the loudness of sound分贝〔声音强度单位〕intensity /ɪn'tensɪtɪ/n. the quality of being felt very strongly or having a strong effect强烈;剧烈range from A to B:从A到Brock /rɒk/ n. a type of popular modern music with a strong loud beat, played using guitar s and drums摇滚乐concert /'kɒnsət/ n. a performance given by musicians or singers音乐会;演唱会intensity /ɪn'tensɪtɪ/ n. the strength of something such as light or sound〔光、声等的〕强度jet /dʒet/ n. a fast plane with a jet engine喷气式飞机long-lasting: continuing for a long time持久的Paragraph 4solution /sə'luːʃ(ə)n/ n. a way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation〔对问题或困难局面的〕解决,解决方法soundproof /'saʊn(d)pruːf/ v. to make something soundproof使隔音ceiling /'siːlɪŋ/ n. the inner surface of the top part of a room天花板vegetation /vedʒɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n/ n. plants in general植物,草木〔总称〕absorb /əb'zɔːb/ v. to take in liquid, gas, or another substance from the surface or space around something吸收〔液体、气体或其他物质〕maintain /meɪn'teɪn/ v. to make something continue in the same way or at the same standard as before保持,维持separation /sepə'reɪʃ(ə)n/ n. when something separates or is separate分开,分离residential /rezɪ'denʃ(ə)l/ adj. a residential part of a town consists of private houses, with no offices or factories住宅区的zone /zəʊn/ n. a large area that is different from other areas around it in some way〔有别于周围的〕地区,地带,区域excessive /ɪkˈsesɪv/ adj. much more than is reasonable or necessary过度的;过多的Passage 2Paragraph 1brief /briːf/ adj. using very few words or including few details简洁的,简明的make a brief report做简要报告climate change气候变化in the past decade在过去十年Paragraph 2evidence /'evɪd(ə)ns/ n. facts or signs that show clearly that something exists or is true证据,证明Paragraph 3inhabitant /ɪn'hæbɪt(ə)nt/ n. one of the people who live in a particular place居民Pacific /pə'sɪfɪk/ n. 太平洋island /ˈaɪlənd/ n. a piece of land that is completely surrounded by water 岛Pacific Islands太平洋岛国practical /'præktɪk(ə)l/ adj. relating to real situations and events实践的,实际的argue /'ɑːgjuː/ v. to disagree with someone in words, often in an angry way争论,争吵low-lying : not far above the level of the sea〔土地〕高出海面不多的,低洼的suffer /'sʌfə/ v. If you suffer something bad, you are in a situation in which something painful, harmful, or very unpleasant happens to you. 遭受costal /'kəʊstl/ in the sea or on the land near the coast近海的,沿海的,海岸的erosion /ɪ'rəʊʒən/n. the process by which rock or soil is gradually destroyed by wind, rain, or the sea〔风、雨或海水的〕侵蚀,腐蚀crop failure庄稼歉收Paragraph 4ice core冰芯Tibetan /tɪˈbɛtən/ adj. belonging or relating to Tibet, or to its people, language, or culture. 西藏的; 西藏人的; 西藏语言的; 西藏文化的plateau /'plætəʊ/ n. a large area of high and fairly flat land高原Tibetan plateau青藏高原drought /draʊt/ n. a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water for plants and animals to live旱灾,干旱spell /spel/ n. a period of a particular kind of activity, weather, illness etc, usually a short period 〔某种活动、天气、疾病等的〕一段时间〔通常时间较短〕Paragraph 5significant /sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt/ adj. large enough to be important or affect a situation to a noticeable degree. 重大的; 显著的recent /ˈriːsənt/ adj. happened only a short while ago最近的Passage 3Paragraph 1desertification /dɪˌzɜ:tɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ n. the process by which useful land, especially farmland, changes into desert〔土地,尤指农田的〕荒漠化,沙漠化alarming /ə'lɑːmɪŋ/ adj. making you feel worried or frightened令人担忧的;令人恐慌的degradation /,degrə'deɪʃ(ə)n/ n. the process by which something changes to a worse condition退化,恶化obscure /əb'skjʊə/ v. to prevent something from being seen or heard clearly遮蔽;使朦胧;使听不清misperception /,mɪspə'sepʃən/ n. an idea or impression that is not correct误解; 错误想法biological /ˌbaɪəˈlɒdʒɪkəl/ adj. relating to the natural processes performed by living things生物的,与生物有关的productivity /prɒdʌk'tɪvɪtɪ/ n. the rate at which goods are produced生产效率;生产力induce /ɪn'djuːs/ v. to induce a state or condition means to cause it引起human-induced factor: 人为因素Paragraph 2drought /draʊt/ n. a long period of time during which no rain falls干旱estimate /'estɪmeɪt/ v. to try to judge the value, size, speed, cost etc of something, withoutcalculating it exactly估计,估算agricultural /æɡrɪ'kʌltʃərəl/ adj. involving or relating to agriculture农业的agriculture /'ægrɪkʌltʃə/ n. the practice or science of farming农业;农学substantial /səb'stænʃ(ə)l/ adj. large in amount or degree大量的; 很大程度的contribute /kən'trɪbjuːt/ v. If you contribute to something, you say or do things to help to make it successful. 贡献; 做出贡献insecurity /ˌɪnsɪ'kjʊərətɪ/ n. 不安全security /sɪ'kjʊərətɪ/ n. things that are done to keep a person, building, or country safe from danger or crime保安措施,安全工作famine /'fæmɪn/ n. a situation in which large numbers of people have little or no food, and many of them die饥荒give rise to: to cause … to happen引发political /pə'lɪtɪk(ə)l/ adj. Political means relating to the way power is achieved and used in a country or society. 政治的tension /'tenʃ(ə)n/ n. the feeling that is produced in a situation when people are anxious and do not trust each other, and when there is a possibility of sudden violence or conflict紧张局面conflict /'kɒnflɪkt/ n. a state of disagreement or argument between people, groups, countries etc 〔意见等的〕抵触,冲突,矛盾urgency /'ɜːdʒ(ə)nsɪ/ n. 紧急的事urgent /'ɜːdʒənt/ adj. very important and needing to be dealt with immediately紧急的;急迫的;需迅速处理的United/jʊ'naɪtɪd/ Nations联合国general assembly 联合国大会proclaim /prə'kleɪm/ v. to formally make it known to the public宣布reminder /rɪ'maɪndə/ n. something that makes you notice, remember, or think about something起提醒作用的东西address /ə'dres/ v. if you address a problem, you start trying to solve it(着手)解决,处理〔问题〕far-reaching: having a great influence or effect影响深远的implication /ɪmplɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n/ n. a possible future effect or result of an action, event, decision etc〔行动、事件、决定等的〕可能的影响[后果]summarize /'sʌməraɪz/ v. to make a short statement giving only the main information and not the details of a plan, event, report etc总结,概括,概述civil /'sɪv(ə)l/ adj. relating to the ordinary people or things in a country that are not part of military, government, or religious organizations普通公民的;平民的;民用的;非军事的;非宗教的society /sə'saɪətɪ/ n. an organization or club with members who share similar interests, aims etc社团,协会civil society民间团体sector /'sektə/ n. a part of an area of activity, especially of business, trade etc〔尤指商业、贸易等领域的〕部门;行业public/private sector (=business controlled by the government or by private companies)公营/私营部门focus attention on sth.集中注意力于……crucial /'kruːʃ(ə)l/ adj. something that is crucial is extremely important, because everything else depends on it至关重要的,关键性的reverse /rɪ'vɜːs/ v. to change something, such as a decision, judgment, or process so that it is the opposite of what it was before推翻,彻底改变〔决定、判决、过程等〕reverse the trend of…扭转……的趋势sustainable /sə'steɪnəb(ə)l/ adj. able to continue without causing damage to the environment可持续的,不破坏环境的Paragraph 3opportunity /ˌɒpəˈtju:nətɪ/ n. a chance to do something or an occasion when it is easy for you to do something机会,时机a golden opportunity(=a very good opportunity) 绝佳的机会provide/present/open up an opportunity 提供/展现/创造一个机会ignore /ɪg'nɔː/ v. to behave as if you had not heard or seen someone or something不顾;忽视;不理peril /'perɪl/ n. great danger, especially of being harmed or killed巨大的危险do sth at your peril: 做某事要自担风险〔用于告诫某人他打算做的事情很危险〕magnificent /mæg'nɪfɪs(ə)nt/ adj. very good or beautiful, and very impressive宏伟的,壮丽的;华丽的,富丽堂皇的ecosystem /'iːkəʊsɪstəm/ n. all the animals and plants in a particular area, and the way in which they are related to each other and to their environment生态系统witness /ˈwɪtnɪs/ n. A witness to an event such as an accident or crime is a person who saw it. 目击者bear witness to sth: 见证某事,为某事证明bygone /ˈbaɪˌɡɒn/ adj. happening or existing a very long time ago. 很久以前的era /'ɪərə/ n. a period of time in history that is known for a particular event, or for particular qualities时代,年代bygone age/era/days : 过去的时期/年代/岁月therefore /'ðeəfɔː/ adv. as a result of something that has just been mentioned因此,由此,所以celebrate /'selɪbreɪt/ v. to show that an event or occasion is important by doing something special or enjoyable庆祝fragile /'frædʒaɪl/ adj. easily broken or damaged脆弱的,易碎的,易损坏的unique /juː'niːk/ adj. unusually good and special极好的;难得的,不同寻常的;特别的heritage /'herɪtɪdʒ/ n. the traditional beliefs, values, customs etc of a family, country, or society〔文化〕遗产;传统cultural heritage文化遗产desert /'dezət/ n. a large area of land where it is always very dry, and there is a lot of sand沙漠,荒漠。