

visual basic 2012 大学教程(第7章下)

visual basic 2012 大学教程(第7章下)

7.13. Searching a Sorted Array with Array Method BinarySearchLinear searches work well for small or unsorted arrays, but, for large unsorted arrays, linear searching is inefficient. If the array is sorted, the high-speed binary search technique can be used with class Array’s BinarySearch method. Our app that demonstrates method BinarySearch is nearly identical to the one in Fig. 7.14, so we show only the differences here. The complete code is located in the Fig07_15 folder with this chapt er’s examples. The sample outputs are shown in Fig. 7.15. The GUI for this app is identical to the one in Fig. 7.13.a) Creating random values to searchb) Searching for a value that is in the arrayc) Searching for a value that is not in the arrayFig. 7.15. Binary search of an array.As in Fig. 7.14, the user clicks the Create Data Button to generate random values. For method BinarySearch to perform correctly, the array must have been sorted. Method createDataButton_Click uses the following call to Array method Sort before displaying the values in the dataListBox:Array.Sort(searchData) ' sort array to enable binary searchingIn method searchButton_Click, we replaced lines 40–48 of Fig. 7.14 withDim index As Integer = Array.BinarySearch(searchData, searchKey)which uses Array method BinarySearch to perform a binary search for a key value. The method receives two arguments—the sorted integer array searchData (the array to search) and integer searchKey (the search key). If the value is found, method BinarySearch returns the index of the search key; otherwise, it returns a negative number.7.14. Rectangular ArraysThe arrays we’ve studied so far are one-dimensional arrays—they contain a list of values and use only one index to access each element. In this section, we introduce multidimensional arrays, which require two or more indices to identify particular elements. We concentrate on two-dimensional arrays—also known as rectangular arrays—which are often used to represent tables of values consisting of data arranged in rows and columns (Fig. 7.16). Each row is the same size, and each column is the same size (hence the term ―rectangular‖). To identify a particular table element, we specify two indices—by convention, the first identifies the element’s row, the second the element’s column. Figure 7.16 illustrates a rectangular array, a, containing three rows and four columns. A rectangular array with m rows and n columns is called an m-by-n array; the array in Fig. 7.16 is a 3-by-4 array.Fig. 7.16. Two-dimensional array with three rows and four columns.Every element in array a is identified in Fig. 7.16 by an element name of the form a(i, j), where a is the name of the array and i and j are the indices that uniquely identify the row and column, respectively, of each element in array a. Array indices are zero based, so the names of the elements in row 0 all have a first index of 0; the names of the elements in column 3 all have a second index of 3.Declaring and Initializing Rectangular ArraysA two-dimensional rectangular array numbers with two rows and two columns can be declared and initialized withClick here to view code imageDim numbers(1, 1) As Integer' numbers in a 2 by 2 arraynumbers(0, 0) = 1' leftmost element in row 0numbers(0, 1) = 2' rightmost element in row 0numbers(1, 0) = 3' leftmost element in row 1numbers(1, 1) = 4' rightmost element in row 1Alternatively, the initialization can be written on one line, as shown with and without local type inference below:Click here to view code imageDim numbers = {{1, 2}, {3, 4}}Dim numbers(,) As Integer = {{1, 2}, {3, 4}}In the second declaration, the comma in (,) indicates that numbers is a two-dimensional array. The values are grouped by row in braces, with 1 and 2 initializing numbers(0, 0) and numbers(0, 1), respectively, and 3 and 4 initializing numbers(1, 0) and numbers(1, 1), respectively. The compiler determines the number of rows by counting the number of sub-initializer lists (represented by the sets of data in curly braces) in the main initializer list. Then the compiler determines the number of columns in each row by counting thenumber of initializer values in the subinitializer list for that row. The subinitializer lists must have the same number of elements for each row.Manipulating a Rectangular ArrayThe app in Fig. 7.17 initializes rectangular array values and uses nested For...Next loops to traverse the array (that is, to manipulate every array element). The contents of the array are displayed in outputTextBox.Click here to view code image1' Fig. 7.17: RectangularArray.vb2' Initializing and displaying a rectangular array.3Public Class RectangularArray4' display the contents of a rectangular array5Private Sub RectangularArray_Load(sender As Object,6 e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load78Dim values(,) As Integer = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}}910' output elements of the values array11For row = 0To values.GetUpperBound(0)12For column = 0To values.GetUpperBound(1)13 outputTextBox.AppendText(values(row, column) & vbTab)14Next column1516 outputTextBox.AppendText(vbCrLf)17Next row18End Sub' RectangularArray_Load19End Class' RectangularArrayFig. 7.17. Initializing and displaying a rectangular array.The app declares rectangular array values (line 8) and uses an initializer list to determine the number of rows, number of columns and initial values of the array’s elements. The initializer list contains two sublists. The number of sublists determines the number of rows in the array. The compiler uses the number of elements in the first sublistto determine the number of columns in each row. All subsequent sublists must have the same number of initializers as the first sublist; otherwise, a compilation error occurs. The first sublist initializes row 0 of the array to the values 1, 2 and 3; the second sublist initializes row 1 of the array to the values 4, 5 and 6.The nested For...Next statements in lines 11–17 display the elements of rectangular array values. The outer For...Next statement traverses the rows; the inner For...Next statement traverses the columns within a row. Each For...Next statement calls method GetUpperBound to obtain the upper bound of the dimension it traverses. GetUpperBound with the argument 0 (line 11) returns the number of rows. GetUpperBound with the argument 1 (line 12) returns the number of columns in each row.7.15. Case Study: Maintaining Grades Using a Rectangular ArrayWe now present a substantial case study using rectangular arrays. Consider the following problem statement:An instructor gives three tests to a class of 10 students. The grades on thesetests are integers in the range from 0 to 100. The instructor has asked you todevelo p an app to keep track of each student’s average and the class average.The instructor has also asked that there be a choice to view the grades as eithernumbers or letters. Letter grades should be calculated according to thefollowing grading system:Th e app should allow a user to input each student’s three test grades, thencompute each student’s average and the class average for all grades entered sofar. The app should display numeric grades by default. It should also display agrade distribution chart showing how many of the numeric grades fall into theranges 0–9, 10–19, ... 90–99 and 100.We’ll use a rectangular array with 10 rows and three columns to store the student grades. This app uses most of the programming concepts you’ve learned up to now i n this book. Figure 7.19 shows sample outputs for the Grade Report app.a) Grade Report window after the user has enter ed the first student’s grades and isabout to submit them.b) Grade Report window after five students’ grades have been entered.c) Grade Report window after the user has entered all 10 students’ grades.d) Grade Report window after the user has ente red all 10 students’ grades andclicked the Letter RadioButton to display letter grades.Fig. 7.18. Sample outputs for the Grade Report app.GUI for the Grade Report AppFigure 7.19 presents the GUI for the Grade Report app. In this app, we introduce RadioButton controls to allow the user to select between displaying grades in numeric or letter format. A RadioButton is a small white circle that either is blank or contains a small dot. When a RadioButton is selected, a dot appears in the circle. A RadioButton is known as a state button because it can be in only the ―on‖ (True) state or the ―off‖ (False) state. You’ve previously used the CheckBox state buttons (introduced in Chapter 5).Fig. 7.19. GUI for the Grade Report appRadioButton s are similar to CheckBox es, but RadioButton s normally appear as a group—only one RadioButton in the group can be selected at a time. Like car radio preset buttons, which can select only one station at a time, RadioButton s represent a setof options in which only one option can be selected at a time—also known as mutually exclusive options. By default, all RadioButton s become part of the same group. To separate them into several groups, each group must be in a different container (typically a GroupBox).A RadioButton’s Boolean Checked property indicates whether the RadioButton is checked (contains a small dot) or unchecked (blank). If the RadioButton is checked, the Checked property returns True; otherwise, it returns False.A RadioButton also generates an event when its checked state changes. Event CheckedChanged occurs when a RadioButton is either selected or deselected. We use this event to switch between the numeric grade and letter grade views in the gradesListBox.Grade Report AppOver the next several figures we’ll discuss the Grade Report app’s code. Due to the size of this app, we’ve split the source code into several small figures.Figure 7.20 declares class GradeReport’s instance variables and Load event handler. The rectangular array grades (line 4) has 10 rows and 3 columns to store the grades for 10 students and three exams per student. Variable studentCount (line 5) keeps track of the number of students processed so far. After 10 students are processed, the app disables the input TextBox es and Submit Button. The GradeReport_Load event handler (lines 8–13) displays the column heads in the gradesListBox.Click here to view code image1' Fig. 7.20: GradeReport.vb2' Grade report using a rectangular array.3Public Class GradeReport4Dim grades(9, 2) As Integer' stores 10 students' grades on 3 tests5Dim studentCount As Integer = 0' number of students entered67' display heading in gradeListBox8Private Sub GradeReport_Load(sender As Object,9 e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load10' headings row for gradesListBox11 gradesListBox.Items.Add(vbTab & vbTab & "Test 1" & vbTab &12"Test 2" & vbTab & "Test 3" & vbTab & "Average")13End Sub14Fig. 7.20. Grade Report app: Instance variables and method GradeReport_Load. Method submitButton_ClickWhen the user enters three grades, then presses the Submit Button, method submit-Button_Click (Fig. 7.21) processes the three grades and displays the current class average and a bar chart showing the grade distribution for all grades entered so far. Lines 20–22 get the three grades from the TextBox es and assign them to the elements of the grades array in row studentCount. Lines 25–37 build a String representing the current student’s grades and average. Lines 28–37 loop through the current row of the grades array and append either a letter grade or numeric grade, based on whether the letterRadioButton’s Checked property is True. If so, line 32 calls method LetterGrade to get the letter representation of the numeric grade. Otherwise, line 35 appends the numeric grade. Line 40 calls method CalculateStudentAverage to obtain the current student’s average for the three exams.Click here to view code image15' process one student's grades16Private Sub submitButton_Click(sender As Object,17 e As EventArgs) Handles submitButton.Click1819' retrieve the student's grades20 grades(studentCount, 0) = Convert.ToInt32(test1TextBox.Text)21 grades(studentCount, 1) = Convert.ToInt32(test2TextBox.Text)22 grades(studentCount, 2) = Convert.ToInt32(test3TextBox.Text)2324' begin creating String containing the student's grades and average 25Dim output As String = "Student " & studentCount & vbTab2627' append each test grade to the output28For column = 0To grades.GetUpperBound(1)29' if the Letter RadioButton is checked30If letterRadioButton.Checked = True Then31' append letter grade to the output32 output &= vbTab & LetterGrade(grades(studentCount, column))33Else34' append number grade to the output35 output &= vbTab & grades(studentCount, column)36End If37Next3839' append the student's test average to the output40 output &= vbTab & CalculateStudentAverage(studentCount)4142 gradesListBox.Items.Add(output) ' add output to the ListBox43 studentCount += 1' update number of students entered44 averageLabel.Text = CalculateClassAverage() ' display class average45 DisplayBarChart() ' display the current grade distribution4647' clear the input TextBoxes and set focus to first TextBox48 test1TextBox.Clear()49 test2TextBox.Clear()50 test3TextBox.Clear()51 test1TextBox.Focus()5253' limit number of students54If studentCount = grades.GetUpperBound(0) + 1Then55 inputGroupBox.Enabled = False' disable GroupBox's controls56End If57End Sub' submitButton_Click58Fig. 7.21. Grade Report app: Method submitButton_Click.Line 42 displays the information for the current student. Line 43 updates the student count. Line 44 and 45 call the methods CalculateClassAverage and DisplayBarChart to determine the current class average and to display a grade distribution chart based on the grades that have been entered so far. Lines 48–51 prepare the user interface to receive the next student’s grades by clearing the TextBox es and giving the focus to the test1-TextBox. Finally, lines 54–56 check whether grades have been entered for 10 students. If so, line 55 sets the inputGradeGroupBox’s Enabled property to False, which disables all the controls in the GroupBox, preventing the user from entering more grades.Method RadioButton_CheckChanged: Handling Multiple Events with One Event HandlerAt any time, the user can select the Numeric or Letter RadioButton to change how the grades are displayed in the gradesListBox. When the selected RadioButton changes, method RadioButton_CheckedChanged (Fig. 7.22) is called. In this example, we handle both RadioButton’s CheckedChanged events with the same event handler. To do this, double click the Numeric RadioButton, then rename the event handler to RadioButton_Checked-Changed. Next, add letterRadioButton.CheckedChanged to the Handles clause of the event handler (lines 62–63). Now this method is called when the CheckChanged event occurs for either RadioButton. In this case, as long as at least one student has been processed, line 67 calls method DisplayGrades to update the presentation of the grades in gradesListBox.Click here to view code image59' handles Numeric and Letter RadioButtons' CheckChanged events60Private Sub RadioButton_CheckedChanged(sender As Object,61 e As EventArgs) _62Handles numericRadioButton.CheckedChanged,63 letterRadioButton.CheckedChanged6465' if there are grades to display, call DisplayClassGrades66If studentCount > 0Then67 DisplayClassGrades()68End If69End Sub' RadioButton_CheckedChanged70Fig. 7.22. Grade Report app: Method RadioButton_CheckedChanged. Method CalculateStudentAverageMethod CalculateStudentAverage (Fig. 7.23) processes one row of the grades array to determine the corresponding s tudent’s average. The method returns a String containing either the letter grade for that student’s average or the numeric value, depending on whether the letterRadioButton’s Checked property is True.Click here to view code image71' calculates a student's test average72Function CalculateStudentAverage(row As Integer) As String73Dim gradeTotal As Integer = 0' student's total grade7475' sum the grades for the student76For column = 0To grades.GetUpperBound(1)77 gradeTotal += grades(row, column)78Next7980Dim studentAverage As String = String.Empty' output string8182' calculate the student's test average83If letterRadioButton.Checked = True Then84 studentAverage =85 LetterGrade(gradeTotal / (grades.GetUpperBound(1) + 1))86Else87 studentAverage = String.Format("{0:F}",88 (gradeTotal / (grades.GetUpperBound(1) + 1)))89End If9091Return studentAverage ' return the student's average92End Function' CalculateStudentAverage93Fig. 7.23. Grade Report app: Method CalculateStudentAverage. Method CalculateClassAverageMethod CalculateClassAverage (Fig. 7.24) processes the grades array to determine the class average for all the grades entered so far. The method returns a String containing either the letter grade for the class average or the numeric value, depending on whether the letterRadioButton’s Checked property is True.Click here to view code image94' calculates the class average95Function CalculateClassAverage() As String96Dim classTotal As Integer = 0' class's total grade9798' loop through all rows that currently contain grades99For row = 0To studentCount - 1100' loop through all columns101For column = 0To grades.GetUpperBound(1)102 classTotal += grades(row, column) ' add grade to total103Next column104Next row105106Dim classAverage As String = String.Empty' output string107108' if the Letter RadioButton is checked, return letter grade109If letterRadioButton.Checked = True Then110 classAverage = LetterGrade(classTotal /111 (studentCount * (grades.GetUpperBound(1) + 1)))112Else' return numeric grade113 classAverage = String.Format("{0:F}", (classTotal /114 (studentCount * (grades.GetUpperBound(1) + 1))))115End If116117Return classAverage ' return the class average118End Function' CalculateClassAverage119Fig. 7.24. Grade Report app: Method CalculateClassAverage.Method LetterGradeMethod LetterGrade (Fig. 7.25) receives a numeric grade and returns the corresponding letter grade as a String.Click here to view code image120' determines a letter grade corresponding to a numeric grade121Function LetterGrade(grade As Double) As String122Dim output As String' the letter grade to return123124' determine the correct letter grade125Select Case grade126Case Is >= 90127 output = "A"128Case Is >= 80129 output = "B"130Case Is >= 70131 output = "C"132Case Is >= 60133 output = "D"134Case Else135 output = "F"136End Select137138Return output ' return the letter grade139End Function' LetterGrade140Fig. 7.25. Grade Report app: Method LetterGrade.Method DisplayClassGradesMethod DisplayClassGrades (Fig. 7.26) displays the student grades and averages in the gradesListBox. Line 143 clears the ListBox’s current contents and lines 146–147 display the column heads in the ListBox. Lines 150–169 processes the grades array to display all the grades entered so far, displaying letter grades if letterRadioButton’s Checked property is True. Line 172 updates the class average and displays the result in averageLabel.Click here to view code image141' display the grades for all students entered142Sub DisplayClassGrades()143 gradesListBox.Items.Clear() ' clear the ListBox144145' add the header to the ListBox146 gradesListBox.Items.Add(vbTab & vbTab & "Test 1" & vbTab &147"Test 2" & vbTab & "Test 3" & vbTab & "Average")148149' loop through all the rows150For row = 0To studentCount - 1151Dim output As String = "Student " & row & vbTab152153' loop through all the columns154For column = 0To grades.GetUpperBound(1)155If letterRadioButton.Checked = True Then156' add letter grade to output string157 output &= vbTab & LetterGrade(grades(row, column))158Else159' add number grade to output string160 output &= vbTab & (grades(row, column))161End If162Next column163164' add the student's average to the output165 output &= vbTab & CalculateStudentAverage(row)166167' add the output to the ListBox168 gradesListBox.Items.Add(output)169Next row170171' update the class average172 averageLabel.Text = CalculateClassAverage()173End Sub' DisplayClassGrades174Fig. 7.26. Grade Report app: Method DisplayClassGrades.Method DisplayBarChartMany apps present data to users in a visual or graphical format. For example, numeric values are often displayed as bars in a bar chart. In such a chart, longer bars represent proportionally larger numeric values (see Fig. 7.18). Method DisplayBarChart (Fig. 7.27) displays a graphical summary of the grade distribution by creating a bar chart that shows how many numeric grades fall into each of the ranges 0–9, 10–19, ... 90–99 and 100. Click here to view code image175' display a bar chart of the grade distribution176Sub DisplayBarChart()177 barChartListBox.Items.Clear() ' remove current items178179' stores frequency of grades in each range of 10 grades180Dim frequency(10) As Integer181182' for each grade, increment the appropriate frequency183For row = 0To studentCount - 1184For column = 0To grades.GetUpperBound(1)185 frequency(grades(row, column) \ 10) += 1186Next column187Next row188189' for each grade frequency, display bar of asterisks190For count = 0 To frequency.GetUpperBound(0)191Dim bar As String' stores the label and bar192193' create bar label ( "00-09: ", ..., "90-99: ", "100: " )194If count = 10Then195 bar = String.Format("{0, 5:D}: ", 100)196Else197 bar = String.Format("{0, 2:D2}-{1, 2:D2}: ",198 count * 10, count * 10 + 9)199End If200201' append bar of asterisks202For stars = 1To frequency(count)203 bar &= ("*")204Next205206 barChartListBox.Items.Add(bar) ' display bar207Next count208End Sub' DisplayBarChart209End Class' GradeReportFig. 7.27. Grade Report app: Method DisplayBarChart.Lines 180–187 summarize the number of grades in each range using the elements of the 11-element array frequency. Next, lines 190–207 build a String containing the range of values represented by the current bar (lines 194–199) and a bar of asterisks representing the number of grades that fall into that range (lines 202–204). Line 206 then displays this String in the barCharListBox. The format String s in lines 195 and 197 use field widths to control the number of characters in which each value is output. The format specifier {0, 5:D} (line 195) indicates that an integer value will be displayed in a field of 5 characters right justified by default. So, if the number contains fewer than 5 characters, it will be preceded by an appropriate number of spaces. The format specifier {0, 2:D2} (line 197) indicates that an integer will be displayed in a field of 2 characters. The D2 forces the number to use two character positions—single digit numbers are preceded by a leading 0.7.16. Resizing an Array with the ReDim StatementAn array’s size cannot be changed, so a new array must b e created if you need to change the size of an existing array. The ReDim statement ―resizes‖ an array at execution time by creating a new array and assigning it to the specified array variable. The old array’s memory is eventually reclaimed by the runtime. Figure 7.28 demonstrates the ReDim statement.Click here to view code image1' Fig. 7.28: ReDimTest.vb2' Resize an array using the ReDim statement.3Public Class ReDimTest4' demonstrate ReDim5Private Sub ReDimTest_Load(sender As Object,6 e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load78' create and initialize two 5-element arrays9Dim values1() As Integer = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}10Dim values2() As Integer = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}1112' display array length and the elements in array13 outputTextBox.AppendText(14"The original array has " & values1.Length & " elements: ")15 DisplayArray(values1)1617' change the size of the array without the Preserve keyword18ReDim values1(6)1920' display new array length and the elements in array21 outputTextBox.AppendText("New array (without Preserve) has " &22 values1.Length & " elements: ")23 DisplayArray(values1)2425' change the size of the array with the Preserve keyword26ReDim Preserve values2(6)27 values2(6) = 7' assign 7 to array element 62829' display new array length and the elements in array30 outputTextBox.AppendText("New array (with Preserve) has " &31 values2.Length & " elements: ")32 DisplayArray(values2)33End Sub3435' display array elements36Sub DisplayArray(array() As Integer)37For Each number In array38 outputTextBox.AppendText(number & " ")39Next4041 outputTextBox.AppendText(vbCrLf)42End Sub' DisplayArray43End Class' ReDimTestFig. 7.28. Resize an array using the ReDim statement.Line 9 creates and initializes a five-element array values1. Line 10 creates a second array named values2 containing the same data. Lines 13–15 display the size and elements of values1. Line 18 uses a ReDim statement to change the upper bound of values1 to 6, so that the array now contains seven elements. The ReDim statement contains keyword ReDim, followed by the name of the array to be "resized" and the new upper bound in parentheses. Lines 21–23 then display the size and elements of values1 again. The output of Fig. 7.28 shows that after the ReDim statement executes, the size of values1 is changed to 7 and the value of each element is reinitialized to the default value of the type of the array element (that is, 0 for Integer s). To save the original data stored in an array, follow the ReDim keyword with the optional Preserve keyword. Line 26 uses Preserve in the ReDim statement to indicate that the existing array elements are to be preserved in the now larger array after the array is resized. If the new array is smaller than the original array, the existing elements that are outside the bounds of the new array are discarded. If the new array is larger than the original array, all the existing elements are preserved in the now larger array, and the extra elements are initialized to the default value of the type of the array element. For example, after line 26 executes, the value of values2(5) is 0. Line 27 assigns the value 7 to values2(6), so that the now larger array values2 contains elements 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0 and 7. Lines 30–32 display the size and elements of values2.7.17. Wrap-UpThis chapter began our discussion of data structures, using arrays to store data in and retrieve data from lists and tables of values. We demonstrated how to declare an array, initialize an array and refer to individual elements of an array. We showed how to pass arrays to methods. We discussed how to use the For Each...Next statement to iterate。

Synopsys OptoDesigner 2020.09安装指南说明书

Synopsys OptoDesigner 2020.09安装指南说明书
Accidental full scan proliferation by a build server farm..................................................................... 25 Solution......................................................................................................................................25
3. Troubleshooting scanning issues........................................................25
Accidental full scan proliferation by folder paths which include build or commit ID............................ 25 Solution......................................................................................................................................25
1. Scanning best practices......................................................................... 8















________________________________________________ Session S3C MINORITY ENGINEERING PROGRAM C

________________________________________________ Session S3C MINORITY ENGINEERING PROGRAM C

________________________________________________ 1Joseph E. Urban, Arizona State University, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, P.O. Box 875406, Tempe, Arizona, 85287-5406, joseph.urban@ 2Maria A. Reyes, Arizona State University, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Po Box 874521, Tempe, Arizona 852189-955, maria@ 3Mary R. Anderson-Rowland, Arizona State University, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, P.O. Box 875506, Tempe, Arizona 85287-5506, mary.Anderson@MINORITY ENGINEERING PROGRAM COMPUTER BASICS WITH AVISIONJoseph E. Urban 1, Maria A. Reyes 2, and Mary R. Anderson-Rowland 3Abstract - Basic computer skills are necessary for success in an undergraduate engineering degree program. Students who lack basic computer skills are immediately at risk when entering the university campus. This paper describes a one semester, one unit course that provided basic computer skills to minority engineering students during the Fall semester of 2001. Computer applications and software development were the primary topics covered in the course that are discussed in this paper. In addition, there is a description of the manner in which the course was conducted. The paper concludes with an evaluation of the effort and future directions.Index Terms - Minority, Freshmen, Computer SkillsI NTRODUCTIONEntering engineering freshmen are assumed to have basic computer skills. These skills include, at a minimum, word processing, sending and receiving emails, using spreadsheets, and accessing and searching the Internet. Some entering freshmen, however, have had little or no experience with computers. Their home did not have a computer and access to a computer at their school may have been very limited. Many of these students are underrepresented minority students. This situation provided the basis for the development of a unique course for minority engineering students. The pilot course described here represents a work in progress that helped enough of the students that there is a basis to continue to improve the course.It is well known that, in general, enrollment, retention, and graduation rates for underrepresented minority engineering students are lower than for others in engineering, computer science, and construction management. For this reason the Office of Minority Engineering Programs (OMEP, which includes the Minority Engineering Program (MEP) and the outreach program Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA)) in the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences (CEAS) at Arizona State University (ASU) was reestablished in 1993to increase the enrollment, retention, and graduation of these underrepresented minority students. Undergraduate underrepresented minority enrollment has increased from 400 students in Fall 1992 to 752 students in Fall 2001 [1]. Retention has also increased during this time, largely due to a highly successful Minority Engineering Bridge Program conducted for two weeks during the summer before matriculation to the college [2] - [4]. These Bridge students were further supported with a two-unit Academic Success class during their first semester. This class included study skills, time management, and concept building for their mathematics class [5]. The underrepresented minority students in the CEAS were also supported through student chapters of the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES), the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), and the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE). The students received additional support from a model collaboration within the minority engineering student societies (CEMS) and later expanded to CEMS/SWE with the addition of the student chapter of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) [6]. However, one problem still persisted: many of these same students found that they were lacking in the basic computer skills expected of them in the Introduction to Engineering course, as well as introductory computer science courses.Therefore, during the Fall 2001 Semester an MEP Computer Basics pilot course was offered. Nineteen underrepresented students took this one-unit course conducted weekly. Most of the students were also in the two-unit Academic Success class. The students, taught by a Computer Science professor, learned computer basics, including the sending and receiving of email, word processing, spreadsheets, sending files, algorithm development, design reviews, group communication, and web page development. The students were also given a vision of advanced computer science courses and engineering and of computing careers.An evaluation of the course was conducted through a short evaluation done by each of five teams at the end of each class, as well as the end of semester student evaluations of the course and the instructor. This paper describes theclass, the students, the course activities, and an assessment of the short-term overall success of the effort.M INORITY E NGINEERING P ROGRAMSThe OMEP works actively to recruit, to retain, and to graduate historically underrepresented students in the college. This is done through targeted programs in the K-12 system and at the university level [7], [8]. The retention aspects of the program are delivered through the Minority Engineering Program (MEP), which has a dedicated program coordinator. Although the focus of the retention initiatives is centered on the disciplines in engineering, the MEP works with retention initiatives and programs campus wide.The student’s efforts to work across disciplines and collaborate with other culturally based organizations give them the opportunity to work with their peers. At ASU the result was the creation of culturally based coalitions. Some of these coalitions include the American Indian Council, El Concilio – a coalition of Hispanic student organizations, and the Black & African Coalition. The students’ efforts are significant because they are mirrored at the program/staff level. As a result, significant collaboration of programs that serve minority students occurs bringing continuity to the students.It is through a collaboration effort that the MEP works closely with other campus programs that serve minority students such as: Math/Science Honors Program, Hispanic Mother/Daughter Program, Native American Achievement Program, Phoenix Union High School District Partnership Program, and the American Indian Institute. In particular, the MEP office had a focus on the retention and success of the Native American students in the College. This was due in large part to the outreach efforts of the OMEP, which are channeled through the MESA Program. The ASU MESA Program works very closely with constituents on the Navajo Nation and the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation. It was through the MESA Program and working with the other campus support programs that the CEAS began investigating the success of the Native American students in the College. It was a discovery process that was not very positive. Through a cohort investigation that was initiated by the Associate Dean of Student Affairs, it was found that the retention rate of the Native American students in the CEAS was significantly lower than the rate of other minority populations within the College.In the spring of 2000, the OMEP and the CEAS Associate Dean of Student Affairs called a meeting with other Native American support programs from across the campus. In attendance were representatives from the American Indian Institute, the Native American Achievement Program, the Math/Science Honors Program, the Assistant Dean of Student Life, who works with the student coalitions, and the Counselor to the ASU President on American Indian Affairs, Peterson Zah. It was throughthis dialogue that many issues surrounding student success and retention were discussed. Although the issues andconcerns of each participant were very serious, the positiveeffect of the collaboration should be mentioned and noted. One of the many issues discussed was a general reality that ahigh number of Native American students were c oming to the university with minimal exposure to technology. Even through the efforts in the MESA program to expose studentsto technology and related careers, in most cases the schoolsin their local areas either lacked connectivity or basic hardware. In other cases, where students had availability to technology, they lacked teachers with the skills to help them in their endeavors to learn about it. Some students were entering the university with the intention to purse degrees in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) areas, but were ill prepared in the skills to utilize technology as a tool. This was particularly disturbing in the areas of Computer Science and Computer Systems Engineering where the basic entry-level course expected students to have a general knowledge of computers and applications. The result was evident in the cohort study. Students were failing the entry-level courses of CSE 100 (Principals of Programming with C++) or CSE 110 (Principals of Programming with Java) and CSE 200 (Concepts of Computer Science) that has the equivalent of CSE 100 or CSE 110 as a prerequisite. The students were also reporting difficulty with ECE 100, (Introduction to Engineering Design) due to a lack of assumed computer skills. During the discussion, it became evident that assistance in the area of technology skill development would be of significance to some students in CEAS.The MEP had been offering a seminar course inAcademic Success – ASE 194. This two-credit coursecovered topics in study skills, personal development, academic culture issues and professional development. The course was targeted to historically underrepresented minority students who were in the CEAS [3]. It was proposed by the MEP and the Associate Dean of Student Affairs to add a one-credit option to the ASE 194 course that would focus entirely on preparing students in the use of technology.A C OMPUTERB ASICSC OURSEThe course, ASE 194 – MEP Computer Basics, was offered during the Fall 2001 semester as a one-unit class that met on Friday afternoons from 3:40 pm to 4:30 pm. The course was originally intended for entering computer science students who had little or no background using computer applications or developing computer programs. However, enrollment was open to non-computer science students who subsequently took advantage of the opportunity. The course was offered in a computer-mediated classroom, which meantthat lectures, in- class activities, and examinations could all be administered on comp uters.During course development prior to the start of the semester, the faculty member did some analysis of existing courses at other universities that are used by students to assimilate computing technology. In addition, he did a review of the comp uter applications that were expected of the students in the courses found in most freshman engineering programs.The weekly class meetings consisted of lectures, group quizzes, accessing computer applications, and group activities. The lectures covered hardware, software, and system topics with an emphasis on software development [9]. The primary goals of the course were twofold. Firstly, the students needed to achieve a familiarity with using the computer applications that would be expected in the freshman engineering courses. Secondly, the students were to get a vision of the type of activities that would be expected during the upper division courses in computer science and computer systems engineering and later in the computer industry.Initially, there were twenty-two students in the course, which consisted of sixteen freshmen, five sophomores, and one junior. One student, a nursing freshman, withdrew early on and never attended the course. Of the remaining twenty-one students, there were seven students who had no degree program preference; of which six students now are declared in engineering degree programs and the seventh student remains undecided. The degree programs of the twenty-one students after completion of the course are ten in the computing degree programs with four in computer science and six in computer systems engineering. The remaining nine students includes one student in social work, one student is not decided, and the rest are widely distributed over the College with two students in the civil engineering program and one student each in bioengineering, electrical engineering, industrial engineering, material science & engineering, and mechanical engineering.These student degree program demographics presented a challenge to maintain interest for the non-computing degree program students when covering the software development topics. Conversely, the computer science and computer systems engineering students needed motivation when covering applications. This balance was maintained for the most part by developing an understanding that each could help the other in the long run by working together.The computer applications covered during the semester included e-mail, word processing, web searching, and spreadsheets. The original plan included the use of databases, but that was not possible due to the time limitation of one hour per week. The software development aspects included discussion of software requirements through specification, design, coding, and testing. The emphasis was on algorithm development and design review. The course grade was composed of twenty-five percent each for homework, class participation, midterm examination, and final examination. An example of a homework assignment involved searching the web in a manner that was more complex than a simple search. In order to submit the assignment, each student just had to send an email message to the faculty member with the information requested below. The email message must be sent from a student email address so that a reply can be sent by email. Included in the body of the email message was to be an answer for each item below and the URLs that were used for determining each answer: expected high temperature in Centigrade on September 6, 2001 for Lafayette, LA; conversion of one US Dollar to Peruvian Nuevo Sols and then those converted Peruvian Nuevo Sols to Polish Zlotys and then those converted Polish Zlotys to US Dollars; birth date and birth place of the current US Secretary of State; between now and Thursday, September 6, 2001 at 5:00 pm the expected and actual arrival times for any US domestic flight that is not departing or arriving to Phoenix, AZ; and your favorite web site and why the web site is your favorite. With the exception of the favorite web site, each item required either multiple sites or multiple levels to search. The identification of the favorite web site was introduced for comparison purposes later in the semester.The midterm and final examinations were composed of problems that built on the in-class and homework activities. Both examinations required the use of computers in the classroom. The submission of a completed examination was much like the homework assignments as an e-mail message with attachments. This approach of electronic submission worked well for reinforcing the use of computers for course deliverables, date / time stamping of completed activities, and a means for delivering graded results. The current technology leaves much to be desired for marking up a document in the traditional sense of hand grading an assignment or examination. However, the students and faculty member worked well with this form of response. More importantly, a major problem occurred after the completion of the final examination. One of the students, through an accident, submitted the executable part of a browser as an attachment, which brought the e-mail system to such a degraded state that grading was impossible until the problem was corrected. An ftp drop box would be simple solution in order to avoid this type of accident in the future until another solution is found for the e-mail system.In order to get students to work together on various aspects of the course, there was a group quiz and assignment component that was added about midway through the course. The group activities did not count towards the final grade, however the students were promised an award for the group that scored the highest number of points.There were two group quizzes on algorithm development and one out-of-class group assignment. The assignment was a group effort in website development. This assignment involved the development of a website that instructs. The conceptual functionality the group selected for theassignment was to be described in a one-page typed double spaced written report by November 9, 2001. During the November 30, 2001 class, each group presented to the rest of the class a prototype of what the website would look like to the end user. The reports and prototypes were subject to approval and/or refinement. Group members were expected to perform at approximately an equal amount of effort. There were five groups with four members in four groups and three members in one group that were randomly determined in class. Each group had one or more students in the computer science or computer systems engineering degree programs.The three group activities were graded on a basis of one million points. This amount of points was interesting from the standpoint of understanding relative value. There was one group elated over earning 600,000 points on the first quiz until the group found out that was the lowest score. In searching for the group award, the faculty member sought a computer circuit board in order to retrieve chips for each member of the best group. During the search, a staff member pointed out another staff member who salvages computers for the College. This second staff member obtained defective parts for each student in the class. The result was that each m ember of the highest scoring group received a motherboard, in other words, most of the internals that form a complete PC. All the other students received central processing units. Although these “awards” were defective parts, the students viewed these items as display artifacts that could be kept throughout their careers.C OURSE E VALUATIONOn a weekly basis, there were small assessments that were made about the progress of the course. One student was selected from each team to answer three questions about the activities of the day: “What was the most important topic covered today?”, “What topic covered was the ‘muddiest’?”, and “About what topic would you like to know more?”, as well as the opportunity to provide “Other comments.” Typically, the muddiest topic was the one introduced at the end of a class period and to be later elaborated on in the next class. By collecting these evaluation each class period, the instructor was able to keep a pulse on the class, to answer questions, to elaborate on areas considered “muddy” by the students, and to discuss, as time allowed, topics about which the students wished to know more.The overall course evaluation was quite good. Nineteen of the 21 students completed a course evaluation. A five-point scale w as used to evaluate aspects of the course and the instructor. An A was “very good,” a B was “good,” a C was “fair,” a D was “poor,” and an E was “not applicable.” The mean ranking was 4.35 on the course. An average ranking of 4.57, the highest for the s even criteria on the course in general, was for “Testbook/ supplementary material in support of the course.” The “Definition and application of criteria for grading” received the next highest marks in the course category with an average of 4.44. The lowest evaluation of the seven criteria for the course was a 4.17 for “Value of assigned homework in support of the course topics.”The mean student ranking of the instructor was 4.47. Of the nine criteria for the instructor, the highest ranking of 4.89 was “The instructor exhibited enthusiasm for and interest in the subject.” Given the nature and purpose of this course, this is a very meaningful measure of the success of the course. “The instructor was well prepared” was also judged high with a mean rank of 4.67. Two other important aspects of this course, “The instructor’s approach stimulated student thinking” and “The instructor related course material to its application” were ranked at 4.56 and 4.50, respectively. The lowest average rank of 4.11 was for “The instructor or assistants were available for outside assistance.” The instructor keep posted office hours, but there was not an assistant for the course.The “Overall quality of the course and instruction” received an average rank of 4.39 and “How do you rate yourself as a student in this course?” received an average rank of 4.35. Only a few of the students responded to the number of hours per week that they studies for the course. All of the students reported attending at least 70% of the time and 75% of the students said that they attended over 90% of the time. The students’ estimate seemed to be accurate.A common comment from the student evaluations was that “the professor was a fun teacher, made class fun, and explained everything well.” A common complaint was that the class was taught late (3:40 to 4:30) on a Friday. Some students judged the class to be an easy class that taught some basics about computers; other students did not think that there was enough time to cover all o f the topics. These opposite reactions make sense when we recall that the students were a broad mix of degree programs and of basic computer abilities. Similarly, some students liked that the class projects “were not overwhelming,” while other students thought that there was too little time to learn too much and too much work was required for a one credit class. Several students expressed that they wished the course could have been longer because they wanted to learn more about the general topics in the course. The instructor was judged to be a good role model by the students. This matched the pleasure that the instructor had with this class. He thoroughly enjoyed working with the students.A SSESSMENTS A ND C ONCLUSIONSNear the end of the Spring 2002 semester, a follow-up survey that consisted of three questions was sent to the students from the Fall 2001 semester computer basics course. These questions were: “Which CSE course(s) wereyou enrolled in this semester?; How did ASE 194 - Computer Basi cs help you in your coursework this semester?; and What else should be covered that we did not cover in the course?”. There were eight students who responded to the follow-up survey. Only one of these eight students had enrolled in a CSE course. There was consistency that the computer basics course helped in terms of being able to use computer applications in courses, as well as understanding concepts of computing. Many of the students asked for shortcuts in using the word processing and spreadsheet applications. A more detailed analysis of the survey results will be used for enhancements to the next offering of the computer basics course. During the Spring 2002 semester, there was another set of eight students from the Fall 2001 semester computer basi cs course who enrolled in one on the next possible computer science courses mentioned earlier, CSE 110 or CSE 200. The grade distribution among these students was one grade of A, four grades of B, two withdrawals, and one grade of D. The two withdrawals appear to be consistent with concerns in the other courses. The one grade of D was unique in that the student was enrolled in a CSE course concurrently with the computer basics course, contrary to the advice of the MEP program. Those students who were not enrolled in a computer science course during the Spring 2002 semester will be tracked through the future semesters. The results of the follow-up survey and computer science course grade analysis will provide a foundation for enhancements to the computer basics course that is planned to be offered again during the Fall 2002 semester.S UMMARY A ND F UTURE D IRECTIONSThis paper described a computer basics course. In general, the course was considered to be a success. The true evaluation of this course will be measured as we do follow-up studies of these students to determine how they fare in subsequent courses that require basic computer skills. Future offerings of the course are expected to address non-standard computing devices, such as robots as a means to inspire the students to excel in the computing field.R EFERENCES[1] Office of Institutional Analysis, Arizona State UniversityEnro llment Summary, Fall Semester , 1992-2001, Tempe,Arizona.[2] Reyes, Maria A., Gotes, Maria Amparo, McNeill, Barry,Anderson-Rowland, Mary R., “MEP Summer Bridge Program: A Model Curriculum Project,” 1999 Proceedings, American Society for Engineering Education, Charlotte, North Carolina, June 1999, CD-ROM, 8 pages.[3] Reyes, Maria A., Anderson-Rowland, Mary R., andMcCartney, Mary Ann, “Learning from our MinorityEngineering Students: Improving Retention,” 2000Proceedings, American Society for Engineering Education,St. Louis, Missouri, June 2000, Session 2470, CD-ROM, 10pages.[4] Adair, Jennifer K,, Reyes, Maria A., Anderson-Rowland,Mary R., McNeill, Barry W., “An Education/BusinessPartnership: ASU’s Minority Engineering Program and theTempe Chamber of Commerce,” 2001 Proceeding, AmericanSociety for Engineering Education, Albuquerque, NewMexico, June 2001, CD-ROM, 9 pages.[5] Adair, Jennifer K., Reyes, Maria A., Anderson-Rowland,Mary R., Kouris, Demitris A., “Workshops vs. Tutoring:How ASU’s Minority Engineering Program is Changing theWay Engineering Students Learn, “ Frontiers in Education’01 Conference Proceedings, Reno, Nevada, October 2001,CD-ROM, pp. T4G-7 – T4G-11.[6] Reyes, Maria A., Anderson-Rowland, Mary R., Fletcher,Shawna L., and McCartney, Mary Ann, “ModelCollaboration within Minority Engineering StudentSocieties,” 2000 Proceedings, American Society forEngineering Education, St. Louis, Missouri, June 2000, CD-ROM, 8 pages.[7] Anderson-Rowland, Mary R., Blaisdell, Stephanie L.,Fletcher, Shawna, Fussell, Peggy A., Jordan, Cathryne,McCartney, Mary Ann, Reyes, Maria A., and White, Mary,“A Comprehensive Programmatic Approach to Recruitmentand Retention in the College of Engineering and AppliedSciences,” Frontiers in Education ’99 ConferenceProceedings, San Juan, Puerto Rico, November 1999, CD-ROM, pp. 12a7-6 – 12a7-13.[8] Anderson-Rowland, Mary R., Blaisdell, Stephanie L.,Fletcher, Shawna L., Fussell, Peggy A., McCartney, MaryAnn, Reyes, Maria A., and White, Mary Aleta, “ACollaborative Effort to Recruit and Retain UnderrepresentedEngineering Students,” Journal of Women and Minorities inScience and Engineering, vol.5, pp. 323-349, 1999.[9] Pfleeger, S. L., Software Engineering: Theory and Practice,Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1998.。






Commitment v. flexibility?
Lecture 4
UNSW © 2009
Page 10
Evidence of Rollback
The Ultimatum Game:
Players and game: Mortimer and Hotspur are to divide $100 between themselves. The game structure is common knowledge. ¢ Mortimer offers Hotspur an amount $x of the $100.
UNSW © 2009
Page 7
The game tree, and first-mover advantage.
If Alpha preempts Beta, then use the game tree:
0 12 18
Players look forward and reason back: “If I do this, how will my opponent respond?”
Q: When is it to a player’s advantage to move first, and when second? Or last?
Use a game tree, in which the players, their actions, the timing of their actions, their information about prior moves, and all possible payoffs are explicit.

机器人学 海森矩阵

机器人学 海森矩阵

海森矩阵(Hessian matrix)是机器人学中一个重要的工具,



对于一个具有 n 个自变量的函数 f(x1, x2, ..., xn),其海森矩阵
定义为一个 nxn 的矩阵,其中第 i 行第 j 列的元素为
∂^2f/∂xi∂xj,表示函数 f 在第 i 个自变量 x_i 和第 j 个自变量
x_j 方向上的二阶偏导数。









和秋叶一起学Word Excel PPT
程杰 著
(美)Silvia Botros(西尔维亚・博特罗斯), Jeremy Tinley(杰里米・廷利)
[美] Martin Kleppmann(马丁・科勒普曼)著译者:赵军平吕云松耿煜李三平
(美)布鲁克斯(Brooks, F. P.)著



movers考试技巧-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述在文章“movers考试技巧”中,我们将探讨如何提高Movers考试的应对能力。










在本文中,我们将按照以下结构来展开讨论movers考试技巧:1. 引言1.1 概述:介绍movers考试的背景和重要性,引出本文将要探讨的主题。

1.2 文章结构:明确列出本文的目录和大纲,让读者了解文章整体架构。

1.3 目的:说明本文的写作目的和意义,为读者提供清晰的导向。

2. 正文2.1 熟悉考试内容:详细介绍movers考试的内容和题型,提出在备考过程中熟悉考试要点的重要性。

2.2 有效时间管理:分享关于如何在考试中有效利用时间的技巧和策略,提高答题效率。

2.3 控制考试焦虑:探讨考试焦虑对考试表现的影响,提供一些应对焦虑的方法和建议。

3. 结论3.1 总结考试技巧:总结本文中提到的movers考试技巧,强调其重要性和实用性。

3.2 实践与反思:鼓励读者将所学到的技巧付诸实践,并不断反思和提升自己的备考水平。

3.3 成功备考心得:分享一些成功备考者的经验和心得,鼓励读者积极备考,取得理想成绩。


7. Exercise. Let A be a ring in which every element x satisfies xn = x for some n > 1 (depending on x). Show that every prime ideal in A is maximal.
Solution. Let p be a prime ideal. Choose nonzero x ∈ A/p. Then there is an n > 1 such that xn = x, or x(xn−1 − 1) = 0. Since A/p is an integral domain, xn−1 = 1. If n = 2, then x = 1; otherwise, the inverse of x is xn−2. Thus, A/p is a field, which means p is a maximal ideal.
ii) ⇒ iii) If p is an ideal with N p, then p must contain a unit, so N is maximal, and A/N is a field.
iii) ⇒ i) Since N is maximal and is the intersection of all prime ideals of A, it must be the only prime ideal of A.
iii) every finitely generated ideal in A is principal. Solution.
(a) Note that (2x)2 = 2x = 4x2 = 4x, so 2x = 4x leads to 2x = 0. (b) The fact that every prime ideal is maximal follows from exercise 7. In A/p, if x = 0, then



10.1理解ROS- 1
OpenCV开发接 口软件包
10.2理解ROS- 2
PCL开发接口 软件包
3 10.3在ROS中
4 10.4 ROS与相
10.5在ROS中 连接Kinect与
0 1
10.6将英 特尔Real Sense相机 与ROS连接
0 2
10.7在ROS 中连接 Hokuyo激 光雷达
0 3
1.3为什么 有些人不愿 意选择ROS
0 4
1.4理解 ROS的文件 系统
0 6
1.6 ROS 的社区
0 5
1.5理解 ROS的计算 图
1.7学习ROS需要做 哪些准备
2.1创建一个ROS软 件包
2.2添加自定义的 msg和srv文件
2.3使用ROS服务 2.4创建启动文件
144 . 1 6 为 IRB 6640 机器人生成 IKFast CPP文件
0 6
14.18本章 小结
0 5
115 . 1 在 Ubuntu中 安装 RoboWare
0 2
15.2 ROS 的最佳实战 技巧与经验
0 4
15.4 ROS 中的重要调 试技巧
0 6
15.6本章 小结
13.3用Simulink开 发一个简单的控制
13.5本章小 结




第三章指令系统课程名称 3.1位逻辑指 Bit Logic Instructions(3.1.1)(章、节)教学目的使学生熟练掌握西门子S7-300 系列可编程控制器的基本位逻辑指令。


教学难点STL、 FBD、LAD三种编程语言的特点及相互转换主要教具投影仪、 S7-300 可编程控制器、计算机及编程软件设备材料学生初次接触可编程序控制器,注意讲解过程由浅入深,注意结合生产实际。


教案教学内容备注第一章绪论3.1 位逻辑指令3.1.1基本位逻辑指令概括:十分钟位逻辑指令的运算结果用两个二进制数字 1 和 0 来表示。

可以对布尔操作数( BOOL )的信号状态扫描并完成逻辑操作。

逻辑操作结果称为 RLO(resultof logic operation)。

语句表 STL 表示的基本位逻辑指令利用投影仪A And逻辑“与”AN And Not逻辑“与非”O Or逻辑“或”ON Or Not逻辑“或非”X Exclusive Or逻辑“异或”XN Exclusive Or Not逻辑“异或非”= Assign赋值指令NOT Negate RLO RLO 取反SET Set RLO (=1)RLO=1CLR Clear RLO (=0)RLO=0SAVE Save RLO in BR Register 将 RLO 的状态保存到 BR。




梯形图 LAD 表示的基本位逻辑指令---| |---Normally Open Contact (Address)常开触点---|/|---Normally Closed Contact (Address) 常闭触点---(SAVE)Save RLO into BR Memory将 RLO 的状态保存到 BRXOR Bit Exclusive OR逻辑“异或”---() Output Coil输出线圈---( # )--- Midline Output中间标志输出---|NOT|---Invert Power Flow RLO 取反功能图 FBD 表示的位逻辑指令将在后面的指令详解中给出教案教学内容备注1.逻辑“与”操作当所有的输入信号都为“1”则输出为,“1;”只要输入信号有一个不为注意编程语言“1,”则输出为“0。



PART IIANSWERS TO END-OF-CHAPTER QUESTIONSCHAPTER 7: DEMAND MANAGEMENT, ORDER MANAGEMENT, AND CUSTOMER SERVICE7-1. What is the relationship between demand management, order management, and customer service?There is a key link between order management and demand forecasting in that a firm does not simply wait for orders to arrive in order to learn what is happening. Forecasts are made of sales and of the inventories that must be stocked so that the firm can fill orders in a satisfactory manner. There is also a key link between order management and customer service because many organizations analyze customer service standards in terms of the four stages of the order cycle.7-2. Discuss the three basic demand forecasting models.Judgmental forecasting involves using judgment or intuition and is preferred in situations where there is limited or no historical data, such as with a new product introduction. Judgmental forecasting techniques include surveys and the analog technique. An underlying assumption of time-series forecasting is that future demand is solely dependent on past demand. Time-series forecasting techniques include simple moving averages and weighted moving averages. Cause and effect forecasting assumes that one or more factors are related to demand and that the relationship between cause and effect can be used to estimate future demand. Simple regression and multiple regression are examples of cause and effect forecasting.7-3. Discuss several demand forecasting issues.Demand forecasting issues include the situation at hand, forecasting costs in terms of time and money, and the accuracy of various forecasting techniques. With respect to the situation at hand, judgmental forecasting is appropriate when there is little or no historical data. As for time and money, survey research, for example, can cost a great deal of money and/or take a great deal of time depending on the media. Forecasting accuracy refers to the relationship between actual and forecasted demand. Accurate forecasts have allowed some companies to reduce finished goods inventory; one company, for example, had to carry nearly twice as much inventory as actually needed because of inaccurate demand forecasts.7-4. Define and describe the order cycle. Why is it considered an important aspect of customer service?The order cycle is the elapsed time from when a customer places an order until the customer receives the order. It is an important aspect of customer service in part because the order cycle is frequently used to determine the parameters of customer service goals and objectives. The order cycle is also being used by some firms as a competitive weapon (generally, the shorter the better), and technological advances now make it extremely easy (and fast) for customers to determine the exact status of their order(s).7-5. What are some causes of order cycle variability? What are the consequences of order cycle variability?Order cycle variability can occur in each stage of the order cycle. For example, order transmittal by mail sometimes results in the mailed item never reaching its intended destination; variability, in the form of unreliable transit times, can occur during order delivery. One consequence of order cycle variability might be an increase in inventory levels to guard against stockouts. If inventory levels are not increased, then stockouts could occur because of order cycle variability, or a company might be forced to use expedited transportation to make sure orders arrive on time.7-6. List the various methods of order transmittal and discuss relevant characteristics of each.•In person greatly reduces the potential for order errors, but it is not always convenient or practical in situations where the supplier is geographically distant.•Mail is more convenient than ordering in person, but mail is relatively slow and there are occasions when the order never reaches the intended destination.•Telephone is fast and convenient, but order errors may not be detected until the order is delivered.•Fax is fast, convenient, and provides hard copy documentation of an order.However, there is the potential for junk (unwanted) faxes, and the quality oftransmission may be problematic.•Electronic is fast, convenient, and potentially very accurate; the major concern is the security of the data being transmitted.7-7. What are some advantages and disadvantages to checking all orders for completeness and accuracy?It can be argued that all orders, regardless of transmission method, should be checked for completeness and accuracy. Incomplete or inaccurate orders can negatively affect customer satisfaction and increase costs in the sense of addressing order irregularities. However, checking all orders for completeness and accuracy adds costs and time to the order cycle.7-8. Define order triage and explain how it can affect order processing.Order triage refers to classifying orders according to pre-established guidelines so that a company can prioritize how orders should be filled. Companies that choose to do order triage must decide the attribute(s) used to prioritize (e.g., first in, first served; customer longevity). Although there is no one right attribute to use for order prioritization, the chosen attributes are likely to delight some customers and disappoint other customers.7-9. Discuss how the effectiveness and efficiency of order processing can be improved without large expenditures.One suggestion is to analyze order pickers’ travel time, in part because travel time accounts for between 60 and 80 percent of total pick time. One way to reduce travel time involves combining several orders into one larger order so that the order picker can make one pick trip rather than several pick trips. Another low-cost suggestion for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the pick process is to match the picker to the order being picked. For example, an order consisting of fragile items might be assigned to a picker who exhibits a low percentage of damaged picks.7-10. What is pick-to-light technology, and how can it improve order picking?In pick-to-light technology, orders to be picked are identified by lights placed on shelves or racks. Pick-to-light systems simplify the pick process because the worker simply follows the light from pick to pick, as opposed to the worker having to figure out an optimal picking path. Pick-to-light can yield impressive operational improvements with respect to faster picking of orders and improved order accuracy.7-11. Discuss the order delivery stage of the order cycle.Order delivery refers to the time from when a transportation carrier picks up a shipment until it is received by the carrier. Customers now have increasing power in terms of delivery options, and companies such as UPS and FedEx offer prospective shippers a diverse menu of transit time options. In addition, shippers are emphasizing both elapsed transit time and transit time variability, and some companies are utilizing delivery windows, or the time span within which an order must arrive. Another key delivery change is that the overnight range for truck service has been pushed from 500 miles to between 600 and 700 miles.7-12. How can customer service act as a competitive weapon?Customer service is more difficult for competitors to imitate than other marketing mix variables such as price and promotion. The text cites an example of Nordstrom’s, a high-end retailer that has a long-standing reputation for excellent customer service. Their devotion to excellent customer service leads Nordstrom’s to do things that competitors cannot or will not match.7-13. How are macroenvironmental factors causing organizations and individuals to demand higher levels of customer service?Macroenvironmental changes, such as globalization and advances in technology, are causing organizations and individuals to demand higher levels of customer service. Customer expectations continue to increase over time; if the associated performance (service) levels fail to keep up, then customer dissatisfaction is a likely outcome. In addition, reliable service enables a firm to maintain a lower level of inventory, especially safety stocks, which provides lower inventory holding costs. Finally, the relationships between customers and vendors can become dehumanized and the ability to offer a high level of service, especially on a personal basis, could be quite valuable.7-14. List and discuss the three elements of the dependability dimension of customer service.The three elements are consistent order cycles, safe delivery, and complete delivery. Quite simply, inconsistent order cycles necessitate higher inventory requirements. Safe delivery brings loss and damage considerations into play; a lost or damaged product can cause a variety of negative ramifications for a customer, such as an out-of-stock situation. One way of measuring the completeness of delivery involves the order fill rate or the percentage of orders that can be completely and immediately filled from existing stock; incomplete deliveries generally translate into unhappy customers.7-15. What are some advantages and disadvantages of technological advances designed to facilitate buyer–seller communications?Cell phones, smart phones, and the Internet have certainly helped buyer–seller communications. These technological advances allow for less costly and more frequent contact between the two parties. Having said this, technology such as text messaging and the Internet can depersonalize the communication process, which is why periodic telephone interaction and even face-to-face contact between seller and customer are recommended.7-16. What is customer profitability analysis and how might it be used in logistics? Customer profitability analysis (CPA) refers to the allocation of revenues and costs to customer segments or individual customers to calculate the profitability of the segments or customers. From a resource allocation perspective, an organization should pursue different logistical approaches for different customer groups. With respect to product availability, organizations might provide a substantial volume of product offerings for their best customers, while limiting product selection among less desirable customers.7-17. Define and explain how organizations might engage in benchmarking.Benchmarking refers to a process that continuously identifies, understands, and adapts outstanding processes found inside and outside an organization. Well-run organizations benchmark not only against competitors (where possible) but also against best-in-class organizations. For maximum results, organizations should engage in performance benchmarking, which compares quantitative performance (e.g., fill rate performance), as well as process benchmarking, which is qualitative in nature and compares specific processes (e.g., how organizations achieve their fill rates).7-18. How do characteristics such as substitutability and product life cycle stage influence the development of customer service goals and objectives?If a firm has a near monopoly on an important product (i.e., few substitutes are available), a high level of customer service is not required because a customer who needs the product will buy it under any reasonable customer service standard. As for stage in the PLC, a product just being introduced needs a different kind of service support than one that is in a mature or declining market stage. When introducing a new product, companies want to make sure that there is sufficient supply of it to meet potential customer demand, and so companies might use expedited transportation to protect against out-of-stock situations.7-19. Describe some of the key issues associated with measuring customer service.Ideally, an organization might want to collect measurement data from internal (e.g., credit memos) and external sources (e.g., actual customers). Another key issue associated with customer service measurement is determining what factors to measure. In addition, the metrics that are chosen to measure customer service should be relevant and important from the customer’s—and not the service provider’s—perspective.7-20. What is meant by service recovery? How is it relevant to logistics?Service recovery refers to a process for returning a customer to a state of satisfaction after a service or product has failed to live up to expectations. Service failure, the precursor to service recovery, is particularly relevant to the order cycle. Examples of order-related service failures include lost delivery, late delivery, early delivery, damage delivery, and incorrect delivery quantity.PART IIICASE SOLUTIONSCASE 7-1: HANDY ANDY, INC.Question 1: Is this a customer service problem? Why or why not?The text defines customer service as the ability of logistics management to satisfy users in terms of time, dependability, communication, and convenience. While there doesn’t appear to be much of a customer service problem with the product itself (i.e., the compactors seem to perform well), there do seem to be some problems with respect to product-related attributes such as installation and post-sale support, particularly on the part of the licensed retailers. More specifically, the licensed retailers regularly missed delivery windows, which falls into the dependability area of customer service. In addition, some installation personnel didn’t do a very good job of communicating with certain customers.Question 2: It appears that the factory distributors are exploiting the licensed retailers. Yet from what we can tell, Handy Andy in St. Louis has heard no complaints from the licensed retailers. Why would n’t they complain?The smaller dealers might not complain because they are so dependent on the factory distributors for product. Complaining about factory distributors might result in some distributors “punishing” the complaining dealers, perhaps by being slow to process orders, slow to pick and ship orders, and slow to deliver orders.Question 3: What should Han dy Andy’s marketing vice president do? Why?Bixby is faced with multiple issues, namely, distributors exploiting licensed retailers as well as inconsistent performance by the licensed retailers. Can both issues be addressed simultaneously? If not, then Bixby needs to decide which issue to address first. Because organizations can’t exist without customers, it can be argued that Bixby should first work on the inconsistent performance by the licensed retailers. The problem may be more complicated than the text indicates because the dealers and factory distributors likely market other lines of appliances produced by other manufacturers. So the focus may be on the marketing arrangements for all types of appliances, not just Handy Andy compactors.Question 4: In the case is the statement, “The factory distributors in these few cities indicated that they, not Handy Andy, Inc., stood behind the one-year warranty.” Is this a problem for Handy Andy? Why or why not?In today’s business environment, which emphasizes c lear, consistent, and compelling messages from seller to buyer, this might be a problem for Handy Andy. For example, a buyer might be confused (i.e., lack clarity) about whether Handy Andy or the factory distributor is standing behind the product—or are both Handy Andy and the factorydistributor standing behind the product? Alternatively, might a buyer perceive that the factory distributor is offering a service (one-year warranty) that Handy Andy is unwilling or unable to provide (i.e., not compelling)?Question 5: Bixby, Booher, and Ortega recognize that Handy Andy needs a better way to learn about the buyer’s installation experience. One alternative is to add an open-ended question, dealing with the installation experience, to the warranty activation form. Another alternative is to email a brief survey about the installation experience within three to five days of receiving a warranty activation form. Which of these alternatives should Handy Andy choose? Why?There are pros and cons to both alternatives. One advantage to adding an open-ended question to the warranty might be that the one question isn’t likely to keep people from returning the warranty form. One disadvantage is that open-ended questions can be difficult to analyze because someone is needed to classify the responses. One advantage to the brief survey is that Handy Andy might be able to collect more, as well as more uniform, data than with one open-ended question. Alternatively, the email survey isn’t likely to be completed and returned by all potential respondents.Question 6: Discuss the pros and cons of allowing Handy Andy trash compactors to be sold only through licensed retailers (i.e., factory distributors would no longer be able to sell to consumers).An initial issue that might be discussed involves determining the pros and cons from each party’s perspective. For example, the licensed retailers are likely to have a different set of pros and cons than the factory distributors. At minimum, allowing sales only through licensed retailers would likely reduce, if not eliminate, the factory distributors’ exploitation of the retailers—which the retailers should really like. However, allowing sales only through licensed retailers likely will reduce the sales potential of the factory distributors—and what might these distributors do to recover the lost sales? Would some distributors choose to altogether eliminate the Handy Andy brand? If so, how quickly—if at all—would Handy Andy be able to add new factory distributors?Question 7: Is it too late for Handy Andy to attempt service recovery with customers who reported a less-than-satisfactory installation experience? Why or why not?The text defines service recovery as a process for returning a customer to a state of satisfaction after a service or product has failed to live up to expectations, and also indicates that there is no set formula for service recovery. There is no right or wrong answer to Question 7, and answers are likely to reflect a student’s opinion on how far a company should go to satisfy customers who have experienced a service failure of some type. For example, one argument is that Handy Andy might be better off not attempting service recovery in the sense that the c ompany’s efforts might rekindle unpleasant memories for some customers. An alternative argument is that it’s never too late to attempt service recovery—even if it rekindles unpleasant memories—because superior service recovery can result in increased customer loyalty.。

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-Cambridge Young Learners
——MOVERS Date: 27th 10, 2013
Teaching contents:
2)学习,掌握本单元重点句型:Where are you going? I’m going to…Teaching process:
a)Warming up(课前朗读)
b)Revision:bank、cinema、supermarket、hospital、library、park c)Part 1:Listen,look,follow and learn.
a)Revision(Part 1):
b)Part 6:Read,find out and write.
a)Part 3:Listen,read and act.
b)Part 2 :Read and answer.
c) 校内知识小结与练习
2、书写Part 1 地点词汇二英一中,下次听写
——MOVERS Date: 3rd11, 2013
Teaching contents:
Teaching process:
a)Warming up(课前朗读)
b)Revision (U1 Part 1:过关单词、对话)
c)Part 5: Listen, read and write.
d)Part 4:Listen, read and retell.
a)Reading(U1 Part 3):
b)Part 7:Look,match and say.
c)Practice:Part 8 + Part 9
——MOVERS Date: 10th 11, 2013 (a.m.)
Teaching contents:
Teaching process:
a)Warming up(Hide and seek)
b)Listen practice
c)Part 1:Listen, look, match and talk.
a)Reading(Part 1):
b)Part 3:Look and match.
c)Practice:Part 2 + Part 4 + Part 5
a)Reading(Part 2)
b)Practise:Part 7 + Part 8 + Part 9
c)Part 6:Listen, read and answer.

——MOVERS Date: 17th 11,2013 (p.m.)
Teaching contents:
Teaching process:
a)Warming up(Ask and answer)
b)Lead in (引出疾病单词):
c)Part 2:Look,read and match.
b)Part 1:Listen, read and act. (Act 1 + Act 2)
d)Practice:Part 4+ Part 5
a)Reading(Part 1)
b)Part 6:Look,read and write.
1、每天听读10分钟:U3 Part 1 Act I、Act II
2、Unit 3 Part 2 单词,二英一中,并背诵,下次听写
——MOVERS Date: 24th 11, 2013
Teaching contents:
Teaching process:
a)Warming up(课前朗读)
b)Lead in(词汇复习):
1. 复习词汇(猜词游戏)
2. 听写比赛
c)Part 1:Listen, read and act. (Act 3 + Act 4)
a)Listening(Part 1):
b)Part 3:Read and answer.
c)Practice:Part 6 + Part 8 + Part 9
——MOVERS Date: 1st 12, 2013
Teaching contents:
Teaching process:
a)Warming up(课前朗读)
b)Lead in(五官在哪里?):
1. 通过游戏复习身体部位单词
2. 引导说出各部位的作用,从而学习句型:Ican … with my …
c)Part 8:Pairwork.
a)Reading(Part 8):
b)Games:Part 4:Look and play.
c)Practice:Part 6 + Part 9
a)Reading(Part 6)
b)Part 1:Look,read and say.
1、每天听读10分钟:U4 Part 1
2、书写Part 8词汇与句子各二英一中,并背诵。

3、绘制PEP 5 U4 知识点思维脑图。
