



MXT902TL 精密授时模块用户手册Copyright © 2015-2020Wuhan Mengxin Technology Co., Ltd.修订记录版本号修订记录日期V1.0用户手册更新2020年2月免责声明本文档提供有关武汉梦芯科技有限公司产品的信息。









目录产品介绍 (5)1.1 产品概述 (5)1.2 主要特征 (5)1.3 应用领域 (5)1.4 性能指标 (6)1.5 模块框图 (7)PIN脚定义 (8)2.1 PIN脚示意图 (8)2.2 PIN脚功能描述 (8)硬件接口描述 (10)3.1 天线 (10)3.2 电源 (10)3.3 PPS (10)3.4 UART (10)3.5 EXTINT (10)3.6 RST_N (11)3.7 I2C (11)固件默认配置 (12)4.1 串口设置(CFGPRT) (12)4.2 消息设置(CFGMSG) (12)4.3 卫星系统设置(CFGSYS) (12)4.4 导航系统设置(CFGNAV) (13)4.5 授时输出参数配置(CFGTPO) (13)4.6 时间脉冲模式设置(CFGTPM) (13)授时特性 (15)电气特性 (16)6.1 绝对最大值 (16)6.2 运行条件 (16)6.3 工作环境 (17)机械规格 (18)硬件集成指南 (19)8.1 最小参考设计 (19)8.2 天线注意事项 (20)8.3 电源注意事项 (20)8.4 其它注意事项 (21)生产要求 (23)包装及运输 (24)10.1 包装 (24)10.2 ESD防护 (24)订购信息 (25)产品介绍1.1 产品概述武汉梦芯科技有限公司设计生产的MXT902TL 精密授时模块,基于公司完全自主知识产权的多模多频基带射频一体化芯片设计,是一款专门针对授时市场推出的精密授时模块。

PCIE-ZM5161 数据手册 V1.00

PCIE-ZM5161 数据手册 V1.00

——————————————概述PCIE-ZM5161 ZigBee 模块是广州致远电子股份有限公司基于ZM5168P2-2C 模块开发的低功耗、高性能的Mini PCI Express 接口ZigBee 模块。

模块采用串口通讯接口,支持FastZigBee 协议,可快速应用于工业控制、数据采集等场合。

广州致远电子配套评估底板有IoT-3960网络控制器、阿波罗免费硬件计划Mini PCI Express 无线扩展板AP-287Wirel ,提供完整的软硬件架构使您只需专注于开发产品的应用程序,使嵌入式系统设计更加简洁方便,极大地提高了开发效率,大大缩短了产品的开发周期,使产品能够更快投入市场,明显增强产品的市场竞争力。

——————————————产品特性◆ 信号频段:2.4-2.5GHz IEEE802.15.4; ◆ 采用串口通讯接口,TTL 电平; ◆ 支持模块休眠及唤醒; ◆ 采用双层板金手指工艺; ◆ PCB 尺寸:30mm ×34.98mm ;◆ 支持Linux/Wince6.0软件驱动; ◆ 单电源供电,供电电压:3.3V ±5%; ◆ 工作温度-40~+85℃; ————————————产品应用数据采集终端 工业控制 农业控制 矿区人员定位 智能家居 智能遥控器PCIE-ZM5161ZigBee 模块广州致远电子股份有限公司修订历史目录1. 产品简介 (2)1.1产品概述 (2)1.2产品特性 (2)1.3产品选型 (3)1.4机械尺寸 (3)2. 硬件描述 (4)2.1电气特性 (4)2.1.1极限参数 (4)2.1.2工作参数 (4)2.2产品规格 (4)2.2.1DC特性 (4)2.2.2RF特性 (4)3. 接口特性 (6)3.1引脚说明 (6)3.2电源 (7)3.3状态指示灯 (7)3.4外接天线 (7)3.4.1天线选择 (7)4. 免责声明 (9)1. 产品简介1.1 产品概述PCIE-ZM5161 ZigBee模块是广州致远电子基于ZM5168P2-2C模块开发的低功耗、高性能的Mini PCI Express接口ZigBee模块。

成都亿佰特电子科技有限公司E72-2G4M23S1A ZigBee 6LoWPAN无线模块产品规格书

成都亿佰特电子科技有限公司E72-2G4M23S1A ZigBee 6LoWPAN无线模块产品规格书

E72-2G4M23S1A产品规格书CC2630+PA+LNA ZigBee 6LoWPAN 无线模块第一章概述1.1 简介E72-2G4M23S1A是基于美国德州仪器(TI)生产的CC2630为核心自主研发的最大发射功率为100mW的小体积贴片型ZigBee、6LoWPAN无线模块,采用24MHz工业级高精度低温漂有源晶振。

CC2630芯片内部集成有 128KB 系统内可编程闪存和 8KB 缓存静态RAM(SRAM)与ZigBee、6LoWPAN无线通信协议,由于其内部具有独特的超低功耗传感器控制器,因此非常适合连接外部传感器。



1.2 特点功能⚫内置PA+LNA,理想条件下,通信距离可达1.5km;⚫最大发射功率100mW,软件多级可调;⚫内置ZigBee、6LoWPAN协议栈;⚫内置TI原装射频范围扩展器CC2592;⚫内置32.768kHz时钟晶体振荡器;⚫支持全球免许可ISM 2.4GHz频段;⚫内置高性能低功耗Cortex-M3与 Cortex-M0双核处理器;⚫丰富的资源,128KB FLASH,28KB RAM;⚫支持2.0~3.6V供电,大于3.3V供电均可保证最佳性能;⚫工业级标准设计,支持-40~+85℃下长时间使用;⚫双天线可选(PCB/IPX),用户可根据自身需求选择使用。

1.3 应用场景⚫智能家居以及工业传感器等;⚫安防系统、定位系统;⚫无线遥控,无人机;⚫无线游戏遥控器;⚫医疗保健产品;⚫无线语音,无线耳机;⚫汽车行业应用。

第二章规格参数2.1 极限参数主要参数性能备注最小值最大值电源电压(V)0 3.8 超过3.8V 永久烧毁模块阻塞功率(dBm)- 10 近距离使用烧毁概率较小工作温度(℃)-40 +85 工业级2.2 工作参数主要参数性能备注最小值典型值最大值工作电压(V) 1.8 3.3 3.8 ≥3.3V 可保证输出功率通信电平(V) 3.0 使用5V TTL 有风险烧毁工作温度(℃)-40 - +85 工业级设计工作频段(GHz) 2.402 - 2.480 支持ISM 频段功耗发射电流(mA)182.5 瞬时功耗接收电流(mA)11.1休眠电流(μA) 1.4 软件关断最大发射功率(dBm)22.6 23.0 23.2接收灵敏度(dBm)-100.5 -102.0 -103.5 空中速率为250kbps空中速率(bps)250k - 1M 用户编程控制主要参数描述备注参考距离1500m 晴朗空旷,天线增益5dBi,高度2.5米,空中速率250kbps 晶振频率24MHz/32.768KHz支持协议ZigBee封装方式贴片式接口方式 1.27mmIC全称CC2630F128RGZRFLASH 128KBRAM 28KB内核Cortex-M3+Cortex-M0外形尺寸17.5*33.5 mm天线接口PCB/IPEX 等效阻抗约50Ω第三章机械尺寸与引脚定义引脚序号引脚名称引脚方向引脚用途1、2、3 GND 地线,连接到电源参考地4 DIO_0 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)5 DIO_1 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)6 DIO_2 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)7 DIO_3 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)8 DIO_4 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)9 DIO_5 输入/输出高驱动通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)10 DIO_6 输入/输出高驱动通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)11 DIO_7 输入/输出高驱动通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)12 DIO_8 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)13 DIO_9 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)14 DIO_10 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)15 DIO_11 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)16 DIO_12 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)17 DIO_13 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)18 DIO_14 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)19 DIO_15 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)20 JTAG_TMS 输入/输出JTAG_TMSC, 高驱动能力(详见CC26xx 手册)21 JTAG_TCK 输入/输出JTAG_TCKC, 高驱动能力(详见CC26xx 手册)22 DIO_16 输入/输出高驱动通用IO口,JTAG_TDO(详见CC26xx 手册)23 DIO_17 输入/输出高驱动通用IO口,JTAG_TDI(详见CC26xx 手册)24 DIO_18 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)25 DIO_19 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)26 DIO_20 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)27 GND 地线,连接到电源参考地28 DIO_21 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)29 VCC 电源,1.8~3.8V30 DIO_22 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)31 DIO_23 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)32 nRESET 输入复位,低电平(详见CC26xx 手册)33 DIO_24 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)34 DIO_25 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)35 DIO_26 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)36 DIO_27 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)37 DIO_28 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)38 DIO_29 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)39 DIO_30 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)40、41、42 GND 地线,连接到电源参考地第四章基本操作4.1硬件设计⚫推荐使用直流稳压电源对该模块进行供电,电源纹波系数尽量小,模块需可靠接地;⚫请注意电源正负极的正确连接,如反接可能会导致模块永久性损坏;⚫请检查供电电源,确保在推荐供电电压之间,如超过最大值会造成模块永久性损坏;⚫请检查电源稳定性,电压不能大幅频繁波动;⚫在针对模块设计供电电路时,往往推荐保留30%以上余量,有整机利于长期稳定地工作;⚫模块应尽量远离电源、变压器、高频走线等电磁干扰较大的部分;⚫高频数字走线、高频模拟走线、电源走线必须避开模块下方,若实在需要经过模块下方,假设模块焊接在Top Layer,在模块接触部分的Top Layer铺地铜(全部铺铜并良好接地),必须靠近模块数字部分并走线在Bottom Layer;⚫假设模块焊接或放置在Top Layer,在Bottom Layer或者其他层随意走线也是错误的,会在不同程度影响模块的杂散以及接收灵敏度;⚫假设模块周围有存在较大电磁干扰的器件也会极大影响模块的性能,跟据干扰的强度建议适当远离模块,若情况允许可以做适当的隔离与屏蔽;⚫假设模块周围有存在较大电磁干扰的走线(高频数字、高频模拟、电源走线)也会极大影响模块的性能,跟据干扰的强度建议适当远离模块,若情况允许可以做适当的隔离与屏蔽;⚫通信线若使用5V电平,必须串联1k-5.1k电阻(不推荐,仍有损坏风险);⚫尽量远离部分物理层亦为2.4GHz的TTL协议,例如:USB3.0;⚫天线安装结构对模块性能有较大影响,务必保证天线外露,最好垂直向上。

【用户手册】ZM5168 DEMO BOARD 用户手册 V1.00

【用户手册】ZM5168 DEMO BOARD 用户手册 V1.00
I/O Input
功能 模拟输入
无 固件升级使用
无 无 模拟输入 模拟输入 无 无 数字输入输出 数字输入输出 串口发送 串口接收
工作指示灯 电源 地 唤醒 无
数字输入输出 复位输入
数字输入输出 数字输入输出
ACK 接受指示
数字输入输出 模拟输入
描述 ADC0 输入
将该管脚拉低后上电,进入 ISP 固件升级模式
下降沿有效,使模块从休眠中唤醒 注:ZNET 固件只有终端设备才能进入休眠
低电平有效,模块上电时需提供正确的复位电 平,低电平复位时间至少保持 1ms
初始状态为低电平,收到 ACK 回复后产生高电 平脉冲。 注意:用户 MCU 可通过检测该管脚判断数据 是否已成功到达目标节点。该管脚输出脉冲时 间短,直接驱动 LED 无明显效果。
ZM5168P2 模块提供了丰富的外设总线接口。可以在军工级温度范围(-40℃~125℃)内稳 定工作,可以满足各种条件苛刻的工业应用,如:工业控制、现场通信、远程监控等领域; 也可以满足一般的消费类应用,如:智能家居、智能照明等领域。
©2013 Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics Co., Ltd. 1
-95 dBm 到 -10 dBm +/-25ppm 50Ω
典型 RF 特性
ZM516XP1 ZM5168P2
-96dBm -100 dBm
10 dBm
5 dBm
-102 dBm -105 dBm
到-17 dBm 到-20 dBm
+/-25ppm +/-25ppm 不包括因温度和老化引起的额外+/-15ppm

COM Express Type 6 PMC XMC Ultra Lite Carrier 用户指南

COM Express Type 6 PMC XMC Ultra Lite Carrier 用户指南

COM Express® PMC/XMC Ultra LiteCarrierConnect Tech Inc.Tel:519-836-129142 Arrow Road Toll:800-426-8979 (North America only)Guelph, Ontario Fax:519-836-4878N1K 1S6 Email:********************* *********************** CTIM-00431 Revision 0.06 2018-01-08Table of ContentsPreface (4)Disclaimer (4)Customer Support Overview (4)Contact Information (4)Limited Product Warranty (5)Copyright Notice (5)Trademark Acknowledgment (5)ESD Warning (6)Revision History (6)Introduction (7)Product Features and Specifications (7)Product Overview (8)Block Diagram (8)Connector Locations (9)Connector Summary (10)Jumper Summary (11)Detailed Feature Pinouts and Functional Descriptions (11)Serial/GPIO Connector (11)VGA Video Connector (12)COM Express Module Connector (12)LVDS Video Connector (13)miniPCIe/mSATA Slots (14)Dual Function miniPCIe/mSATA Slots (14)Jumper Selection (14)Half and Full Length miniPCIe/mSATA module Installation (14)External SATA Connector (16)CPU Fan (16)System and Miscellaneous Connector (17)SIM Socket (17)HD Audio Connector (18)Software Support for the CS4207 (18)USB 2.0 Connector (18)DisplayPort Connector (19)HDMI / DVI / VGA from DisplayPort++ (19)10/100/1000 Ethernet (GBE) (20)USB 3.0/2.0 Connector (20)microSD CARD Connector (21)Power Connector (21)SATA/LVDS Power Connector (22)XMC Connector (22)PMC Connector (23)Typical Hardware Installation Procedure (24)On-board Indicator LEDs (24)Jumper Settings (25)J1 Jumper – LVDS PANEL (25)J2 Jumper – RTC Battery (25)J3 Jumper – RTC Battery (25)J6 Jumper – Shutdown Battery (25)J6 Jumper – Power Control (26)J4 Jumper – mSATA/miniPCIe (26)J8 Jumper – USB (26)J7 Jumper – GPIO-V (26)Thermal & Current Consumption Details (27)Thermal Details (27)Mechanical Details (27)Cables and Cable Kit Information (28)Cable Kits (28)CKG028 –“Full” Cable Kit (28)CKG021 –“Starter” Cable Kit (28)PrefaceDisclaimerThe info rmation contained within this user’s guide, including but not limited to any productspecification, is subject to change without notice.Connect Tech assumes no liability for any damages incurred directly or indirectly from anytechnical or typographical errors or omissions contained herein or for discrepancies between theproduct and the user’s guide.Customer Support OverviewIf you experience difficulties after reading the manual and/or using the product, contact theConnect Tech reseller from which you purchased the product. In most cases the reseller can help you with product installation and difficulties. In the event that the reseller is unable to resolveyour problem, our highly qualified support staff can assist you. Our support section is available24 hours a day, 7 days a week on our website at: /support/resource-center/.See the contact information section below for more information on how to contact us directly. Our technical support is always free.Contact InformationMail/CourierConnect Tech Inc.Technical Support42 Arrow RoadGuelph, OntarioCanada N1K 1S6Email/Internet********************************************Telephone/FacsimileTechnical Support representatives are ready to answer your call Monday through Friday, from8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Our numbers for calls are:Toll Free: 800-426-8979 (North America only)Telephone: 519-836-1291 (Live assistance available 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST,Monday to Friday)Facsimile: 519-836-4878 (on-line 24 hours)Limited Product WarrantyConnect Tech Inc. provides a two-year Warranty for the COM Express® PMC/XMC Ultra LiteCarrier. Should this product, in Connect Tech Inc.'s opinion, fail to be in good working orderduring the warranty period, Connect Tech Inc. will, at its option, repair or replace this product atno charge, provided that the product has not been subjected to abuse, misuse, accident, disaster or non-Connect Tech Inc. authorized modification or repair.You may obtain warranty service by delivering this product to an authorized Connect Tech partner or to Connect Tech Inc. along with proof of purchase. Product returned toConnect Tech Inc. must be pre-authorized by Connect Tech Inc. with an RMA (Return MaterialAuthorization) number marked on the outside of the package and sent prepaid, insured andpackaged for safe shipment. Connect Tech Inc. will return this product by prepaid groundshipment service.The Connect Tech Inc. Limited Warranty is only valid over the serviceable life of the product.This is defined as the period during which all components are available. Should the product prove to be irreparable, Connect Tech Inc. reserves the right to substitute an equivalent product ifavailable or to retract the Warranty if no replacement is available.The above warranty is the only warranty authorized by Connect Tech Inc. Under nocircumstances will Connect Tech Inc. be liable in any way for any damages, including any lostprofits, lost savings or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of, orinability to use, such product.Copyright NoticeThe information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Connect TechInc. shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental consequential damages inconnection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. This document containsproprietary information that is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of thisdocument may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the priorwritten consent of Connect Tech, Inc.Copyright 2016 by Connect Tech, Inc.Trademark AcknowledgmentConnect Tech, Inc. acknowledges all trademarks, registered trademarks and/or copyrights referred to in this document as the property of their respective owners.Not listing all possible trademarks or copyright acknowledgments does not constitute a lack ofacknowledgment to the rightful owners of the trademarks and copyrights mentioned in thisdocument.ESD WarningElectronic components and circuits are sensitive toElectroStatic Discharge (ESD). When handling any circuitboard assemblies including Connect Tech COM Expresscarrier assemblies, it is recommended that ESD safetyprecautions be observed. ESD safe best practices include,but are not limited to:∙Leaving circuit boards in their antistatic packaginguntil they are ready to be installed.∙Using a grounded wrist strap when handling circuitboards, at a minimum you should touch a groundedmetal object to dissipate any static charge that maybe present on you.∙Only handling circuit boards in ESD safe areas,which may include ESD floor and table mats, wriststrap stations and ESD safe lab coats.∙Avoiding handling circuit boards in carpeted areas.∙Try to handle the board by the edges, avoidingcontact with components.Revision HistoryIntroductionConnect Tech’s PMC/XMC Ultra Lite Carrier is an extremely small carrier board featuringrugged, locking connectors and offers the ultimate durability. The PMC/XMC Ultra Lite Carrier is ideal for space constrained applications, harsh environments, demanding conditions and supports extended temperature ranges of -40°C to +85°C.Product Features and SpecificationsProduct Overview Block DiagramConnector LocationsConnector SummaryJumper SummaryDetailed Feature Pinouts and Functional Descriptions Serial/GPIO ConnectorThe CCG013 allows access to the COM Express modules GPIO by routing them out to a GPIO header. Also present is a direct connected RS-232 signal that utilizes the COM Express module’s UART.VGA Video ConnectorTo allow for greater flexibility, the CCG013 provides a VGA Video output. Routed directly from the COM Express Type 6, this provides additional video output formats for operation.COM Express Module ConnectorThe processor and chipset are implemented on the CCG013s COM Express Type 6 module, whichconnects to the CCG013 Carrier Board via a Tyco fine pitch stacking connector.LVDS Video ConnectorThe CCG013 provides dual 18 or 24 bit LVDS display channels via P9, which are connected directly from the COM Express Type 6 module.Note [1]: This voltage can be selected from Jumper J2 to be +3.3V, +5V, or +12VminiPCIe/mSATA SlotsDual Function miniPCIe/mSATA SlotsThe CCG013 has two special dual purpose miniPCIe/mSATA slots. Each of these slots can accept either a miniPCIe module or an mSATA SSD module. These slots have special circuitry that allows for the selection between connecting PCIe lanes or SATA lanes.Each of these slots are also provided with a USB 2.0 in addition to the PCIe as per the mini PCIe specification, see below for a block diagram of the slots functionality.miniPCIe/mSATA Dual Functionality Diagram**Please note, a SIM card is only availabe on miniPCIe/mSATA slot 0Jumper SelectionHalf and Full Length miniPCIe/mSATA module InstallationThe CCG013 comes with dual mounting solutions to allow for the population of a half and a full length module. If you would prefer to have a single slot or both slots populated with half-length hardware at the ****************************************************************************.External SATA ConnectorThe CCG013 provides two SATA plugs that are SATA-PCIe/104 switched. Please see SATA-PCIe/104 switching description for additional details.CPU FanSystem and Miscellaneous ConnectorThe System header can be used to connect the power button, reset button, and LED’s required to monitor the module performance or state.SIM SocketHD Audio ConnectorThe CCG013s features HD Audio capabilities with the assistance of the Cirrus Logic CS4207 Codec device. From the codec, 1 microphone input and 1 headphone output are available.Software Support for the CS4207The audio codec used on the PMC/XMC Ultra Lite Carrier board is the CS4207 from Cirrus Logic.Additional drivers will be needed to properly operate audio on the PMC/XMC Ultra Lite Carrier . Some downloadable links can be found below.Windows XP Driver :/en/support/lic/lic3.html?uri=/en/pubs/software/ Windows 7/8 Driver :/en/support/lic/lic3.html?uri=/en/pubs/software/CS4207_LogoedDriverPackage_6-6001-1-39.zipLinux Driver : Included in kernels 2.6.30 and up.USB 2.0 ConnectorThe CCG013 has multiple USB Ports. USB 2.0 Port 6 is sourced directly from the COM Express module. USB 2.0 Port 7 however has multiple functionality options. Using Jumper J727, Port 7 can either be a Client USB, or it can be used to connect the SD Card to the COM Express module.Note [2]: USB 2.0 Port 7 can be optionally be used as client USB. Simply remove the Jumper from J8A to enable Note [3]: USB 2.0 Port 7 can be optionally be used to enable the SD Card. Simply remove the Jumper from J8B to enableDisplayPort ConnectorTwo DisplayPort++ connections from the COM Express module are available and can be configured to output DisplayPort, or HDMI/DVI/VGA through the use of a dongle. The configuration of each interface is setup via the COM Express module’s BIOS settings. Refer to the COM Express module’s documentation for more details.Note [4]: Cable assembly must tie high (+3.3V) for adapter output (HDMI/DVI/VGA) and low (GND) for DisplayPort outputHDMI / DVI / VGA from DisplayPort++The COM Express Type 10 Mini Carrier’s DisplayPort++ connector can be used for display outputs other than DisplayPort. The use of HDMI, DVI or VGA can be done through a simple dongle or cable assembly like the ones shown below. These can be purchased from any OEM vendor (such as ) or directly through Connect Tech.10/100/1000 Ethernet (GBE)The CCG013 features dual 10/100/1000 Ethernet Ports. GBE 0 is sourced from the COM Express module. Meanwhile, GBE 1 is sourced from an Intel 82574 PCIe PHY Controller located on the CCG013 Carrier Board, connected via PCIe x1 to the COM Express module.USB 3.0/2.0 ConnectorThe CCG013 provides up to a maximum of 4 USB 3.0 Ports. The USB 3.0 signals are sourced directlyfrom the COM Express Type 6 module, and run through a Pericom Semiconductor PI3EQX7502AIZDE re-driver. Over current protection, power supply filtering and ESD protection is provided.microSD CARD ConnectorThe CCG013 provides a microSD Card Slot. This microSD can be accessed by the COM Express module[9]Note [9]: USB 2.0 Port 7 can be optionally be used to enable the SD Card. Simply remove the Jumper from J8B to enablePower ConnectorThe CCG013 accepts a single power input to power all on-board devices. The CCG013 accepts a wide input range of +12V to +48V for operation.SATA/LVDS Power ConnectorThe CCG013 also provides power for external SATA Hard Drives and/or LVDS screens. The power connectors can be found next the External SATA connectors.XMC ConnectorThe CCG016 allows for I/O expansion with two XMC slots, both capable of x8 PCI Express connectivity.The XMC connectors comply with the VITA 42.0/42.3 standard. +VPWR is +5V, with an option to move to +12V +VPWR power.PMC ConnectorThe CCG016 allows for I/O expansion with two PMC slots, both capable of 32bit PCI connectivity. TheTypical Hardware Installation Procedure1.Ensure all external system power supplies are OFF.2.Install the necessary cables for the application. At a minimum, this would include:a)Power cable to the input power connectorb)Connect a video display cablec)Keyboard and mouse via USBd)SATA or mSATA hard driveFor additional information on the relevant cables, please see the Cables and Interconnects section of this manual.3.Connect the power cable to power supply4.Ensure your power supply is in the range of +12V to +48V DC5.Switch ON the power supply. DO NOT power up your system by plugging in live power.On-board Indicator LEDsThe CCG013 has 10 on-board indicator LEDs.** D32 Only on when on-board NAND option is implemented.Jumper SettingsThe CCG013 utilizes jumper blocks to control various features like LVDS, mSATA/miniPCIe switching, and Client USB.J1 Jumper – LVDS PANELJ2 Jumper – RTC BatteryJ3 Jumper – RTC BatteryJ6 Jumper – Shutdown BatteryJ6 Jumper – Power ControlJ4 Jumper – mSATA/miniPCIeNote [11]: See mSATA/miniPCIe Slots for detailed description of functionalityJ8 Jumper – USBJ7 Jumper – GPIO-VThermal & Current Consumption DetailsBelow are measurements taken with the CCG013 running in various configurations. Some values will change depending on what COM Express module, and what PMC/XMC modules are installed. Please refer to the module or card m anufacturer’s manual for full details on the current consumption of the particular module or peripheral you are using.Note [12]: COM Express Type 6 Module used for measurements - 4th Gen i7-4700Thermal DetailsAll components on the CCG013 are rated to a maximum operating temperature of -40°C to +85°C. Mechanical DetailsA complete 3D STEP Model file of the carrier can be downloaded here:/ftp/3d_models/CCG013_3D_MODEL.zipCables and Cable Kit InformationCable KitsThe following tables summarize the PMC/XMC Ultra Lite Carrier’s available cable kits from Connect Tech.CKG062 –“Full” Cable KitCKG021 –“Starter” Cable Kit。



AC800FPM802F 现场控制器主单元(包括机架,CPU,8M)PM803F 现场控制器主单元(包括机架,CPU,16M)SA801F 现场控制器220VAC-24VDC电源SA811F 现场控制器220VAC-24VDC电源SD802F 现场控制器24VDC-24VDC电源SD812F 现场控制器24VDC-24VDC电源TK807F SA801F/SA811F供电电缆TK808F SA801F/SA811F供电电缆,带欧标插头TK809F SA801F/SA811F供电电缆,带美标插头TK802F SD802F供电电缆TK821F 串口通讯电缆,0.5mTK831F CAN通讯电缆,0.5mTK811F CAN通讯电缆,3mTK817F CAN通讯电缆,100mTK890F 诊断电缆 5mTK891F 诊断电缆 10mTB870F 通讯接线板EI803F 10Base T模件EI811F 10Base2模件EI812F AUI模件EI813F 10Base T模件FI810F CAN 模件FI820F Modbus模件FI830F Profibus-DP V1 模件FI840F FF 模件AM811F 电池模件AM895F(4) 前面板(4块1包)SB808F RAM后备电池 (用于EI8**F模件) SY809F 电池支架S800CI801 Profibus 通讯接口CI801kit CI801附件CI810B AF100 通讯接口CI820V1 FCI冗余通讯接口CI840A Profibus 通讯接口,可冗余CI840kit CI840附件TK212A CI840固件升级通讯电缆,3m,FCI-PC FS801K01 CI801固件升级工具TU846 CI840底座(用于冗余I/O)TU847 CI840底座(用于非冗余I/O)AI801 模拟量输入模件 0/4-20mA 1*8通道AO801 模拟量输出模件 0/4-20mA 1*8通道DI801 数字量输入模件 24VDC 1*16通道DI802 数字量输入模件 120VAC 1*8通道DI803 数字量输入模件 230VAC 1*8通道DO801 数字量输出模件 24VDC,1*16通道DO802 数字量输出模件 24-230VAC,常开, 1*8通道AI810 模拟量输入模件 0/4-20mA ,0/2-10V 1*8通道AI815 模拟量输入模件 0/4-20mA ,0/2-10V 1*8通道支持HARTAI820 模拟量输入模件 4-20mA ,0-5V 4*1通道AI825 模拟量输入模件 -20_ 20mA ,0/4-20mA ,0/2_10V,-10_ 10V 4*1通道AI830A 模拟量输入模件 RTD(Pt100,Cu10) 1*8通道AI835 模拟量输入模件 TC(B,C,E,J,K,N,R,S,T) 1*7 1通道AI843 模拟量冗余输入模件 TC(B,C,E,J,K,N,R,S,T) 1*7 1通道AI845 模拟量冗余输入模件 0/4-20mA ,0/2-10V 1*8通道AI890 模拟量输入模件 1*8通道安全栅AI893 模拟量TC输入模件 1*8通道安全栅AI895 模拟量输入模件 1*8通道安全栅,HARTAI880A 模拟量输入模件 1*8通道安全栅,可冗余AO810V2 模拟量输出模件 0/4-20ma R=1000/500欧 1*8通道AO815 模拟量输出模件 0/4-20ma 1*8通道支持HART AO820 模拟量输出模件 0/4-20mA,0-5V,0-10V R=500/1000欧隔离4*1通道AO845A 模拟量冗余输出模件 0/4-20ma R=1000/500欧 1*8通道AO890 模拟量输出模件 0/4-20mA,0-5V,0-10V R=500/1000欧 1*8通道安全栅AO895 模拟量输出模件 0/4-20mA,0-5V,0-10V R=500/1000欧 1*8通道安全栅,HARTDI810 数字量输入模件 24VDC 2*8通道DI811 数字量输入模件 48VDC 2*8通道DI814 数字量输入模件有源24VDC 2*8通道DI820 数字量输入模件有源24VDC 1*8通道DI821 数字量输入模件 220VAC 1*8通道DI825 数字量输入模件 125VAC 1*8通道 SOEDI830 数字量输入模件 24VDC 2*8通道,SOEDI831 数字量输入模件 48VDC 2*8通道,SOEDI840 数字量冗余输入模件 24VDC 2*8通道,SOE,可冗余DI885 数字量输入模件 24V/48VDC 8通道,SOEDI890 数字量输入模件 8*1通道安全栅DO810 数字量输出模件 24VDC,0.5A, 16通道DO814 数字量输出模件有源24VDC,0.5A, 2*8通道DO815 数字量输出模件有源24VDC 2*4通道DO820 数字量输出模件 24-230VAC,常开,3A, 1*8通道DO821 数字量输出模件 24-230VAC,常关,3A, 1*8通道DO840 数字量输出模件 24VDC,3A, 2*8通道,可冗余DO890 数字量输出模件 1*4通道安全栅DP820 脉冲计数模件 RS-422,有源,5V,(12V),24V,2通道,1.5MHZDP840 脉冲计数冗余模件 RS-422,有源,5V,(12V),24V,8通道,可冗余,20KHZTU805K01 接线端子板用于DI801,DO801,两/三线连接TU810V1 紧凑型模件端子板绝缘电压50V,16个信号端子TU811V1 紧凑型模件端子板绝缘电压250V,16个信号端子TU812V1 紧凑型模件端子板 50V 25孔D型接头TU813 紧凑型模件端子板 250VTU814V1 紧凑型模件端子板 ,2*8个信号端子TU830V1 扩展型模件端子板绝缘电压50V,2*16个信号端子,24VDCTU831V1 扩展型模件端子板绝缘电压250V,2*8个信号端子,230VACTU835V1 扩展型模件端子板用于AI810,带保险TU836V1 紧凑型模件端子板用于DO820,DO821,带保险2*4TU837V1 扩展型模件端子板用于DO820,DO821,带保险1*8TU838 扩展型模件端子板带保险2*4 ,16个信号端子TU839 扩展型模件端子板用于DI820,DI821,DI825,250V TU833 扩展型模件端子TU834 扩展型模件端子TU842 冗余模件端子板 for DI840,DO840,AO845,水平安装TU843 冗余模件端子板 for DI840,DO840,AO845,垂直安装TU844 冗余模件端子板 for AI845,DP840,水平安装TU845 冗余模件端子板 for AI845,DP840,垂直安装TU850 扩展模件底座,50VTU890 本安模件端子板TY801K01 AI845用电阻,安装于TU844/TU845上(8个一组) TY804K01 DP840用电阻,安装于TU844/TU845上(8个一组),1000ohmTB805 模件总线出线口TB845 双模件总线出线口TB806 模件总线入线口TB825 TB825光纤转换器TB846 双模件总线入线口TK801V003 模件总线连接电缆,0.3mTK801V006 模件总线连接电缆,0.6mTK801V012 模件总线连接电缆,1.2mTK812V150 模件总线连接电缆,15mTK812V015 模件总线连接电缆,1.5mTK812V050 模件总线连接电缆,5mTB807 模件总线终端电阻TB820V2 模件总线光纤接收器TB840A 模件总线光纤接收器,可冗余TB810 模件总线光纤接口TB811 模件总线光纤接口TB815 TB815与CI820通讯TB842 模件总线光纤接口TU807 TB840/TB840A底座,带1个TB807TU840 TB840/TB840A底座,用于冗余I/O,带2个TB807 TU841 TB840/TB840A底座,用于非冗余I/O,带1个TB807 TU848 TB840/TB840A底座,冗余I/O,冗余电源接口TU849 TB840/TB840A底座,非冗余I/O,冗余电源接口TK811V015 双塑料光纤,1.5mTK811V050 双塑料光纤,5mTK811V150 双塑料光纤,15mSD821 电源24VDC,2.5ASD822 电源24VDC,5ASD823 电源24VDC,10ASS822 电源切换单元SS823 Voting deviceSD831 电源24VDC,3ASD832 电源24VDC,5ASD833 电源24VDC,10ASD834 电源24VDC,20ASS832 电源切换单元CI801Z Profibus 通讯接口CI840AZ 冗余Profibus 通讯接口TU847Z CI840底座(用于非冗余I/O)AI893Z 模拟量TC/RTD输入模件 1*8通道安全栅AI895Z 模拟量输入模件 1*8通道安全栅,HARTAO895Z 模拟量输出模件 0/4-20mA,0-5V,0-10V R=500/1000欧 1*8通道安全栅,HARTDI810Z 数字量输入模件 24VDC 2*8通道DI820Z 数字量输入模件 120VAC 1*8通道DI821Z 数字量输入模件 230VAC 1*8通道DO810Z 数字量输出模件 24VDC,0.5A, 16通道DO815Z 数字量输出模件有源24VDC 2*4通道DO820Z 数字量输出模件 24-230VAC,常开,3A, 1*8通道DP840Z 脉冲计数冗余模件 RS-422,有源,5V,(12V),24V,8通道,可冗余,20KHZTU810V1Z 紧凑型模件端子板 24VDC,16个信号端子TU811V1Z 紧凑型模件端子板 230VAC,16个信号端子TU891Z 本安模件端子板TB805Z 模件总线出线口TB806Z 模件总线入线口SD822Z 电源24VDC,5A,G3 CompliantSS822Z Voting device,G3 Compliant。

CMS5108 可编程遥控器专用芯片 用户手册说明书

CMS5108 可编程遥控器专用芯片 用户手册说明书








中微半导体公司拥有不事先通知而修改产品的权利,对于最新的信息,请参考我们的网站目录1.产品概述 (1)1.1功能特性 (1)1.2管脚分布 (2)1.2.1CMS5108-8引脚图 (2)1.2.2CMS5108-9引脚图 (2)1.2.3CMS5108-16引脚图 (3)2.应用图 (4)2.18PIN不带LED输出电路图(20键) (4)2.28PIN带LED输出电路图(14键) (5)2.39PIN不带LED输出电路图(27键) (6)2.49PIN带LED输出电路图(20键) (7)2.516PIN不带LED输出电路图(104键) (8)2.616PIN带LED输出电路图(90键) (9)3.电气参数 (10)3.1极限参数 (10)3.2直流电气特性 (10)4.封装 (11)4.1SOP8 (11)4.2ESOP8 (12)4.3SOP16 (13)5.IR GENERATOR操作说明 (14)5.1DIY模式 (14)5.1.1界面介绍 (14)5.1.2快速生成 (15)5.2固定格式模式 (17)5.2.1界面介绍 (17)5.2.2快速生成 (18)6.遥控码格式 (20)6.1DIY模式 (20)6.2固定格式模式 (21)6.2.1支持的遥控码格式 (21)7.版本修订说明 (22)附录:遥控码格式解析 (23)0773 (23)2188 (23)3004 (24)3010 (24)5104 (25)6122 (25)6124C5 (26)6124C8 (26)6124C13 (27)7461 (27)9012 (28)9012_FULL (29)50462 (29)50560_8M0 (30)50560_8M4 (30)ECHOSTAR (31)JVC (31)PHILIPS (32)PHILIPS_RC_6 (33)PHILIPS_RC_6(3) (34)RCA (35)Y261 (35)1. 产品概述1.1 功能特性⚫宽工作电压范围:1.7~3.6V⚫低静态电流:<1uA (VDD=3V)⚫外部应用线路元器件少⚫友好的开发环境界面,方便易用⚫可配置不同载波频率⚫可配置不同载波占空比:1/2,1/3,1/4⚫内置大电流驱动管,可配置不同电流⚫可配置LED驱动电流⚫16pin管脚芯片最大支持104个按键⚫SOP16/SOP8/ESOP8封装型号说明1.2管脚分布1.2.1 CMS5108-8引脚图ICSPDAT/LED/S12ICSPCLK/S11S10S1IROUT/VPPVDD CMS5108-8GND S91.2.2 CMS5108-9引脚图ICSPDAT/LED/S12ICSPCLK/S11S10S1IROUT/VPPVDD CMS5108-9GNDS91.2.3 CMS5108-16引脚图ICSPDAT/LED/S12ICSPCLK/S11S10S9S8S7S0S1S2S3S4IROUT/VPPVDDCMS5108-16S6GND S52. 应用图2.1 8PIN不带LED输出电路图(20键)图2-1:8PIN不带LED输出电路图2.2 8PIN带LED输出电路图(14键)图2-2:8PIN带LED输出电路图2.3 9PIN不带LED输出电路图(27键)图2-3:9PIN不带LED输出电路图2.4 9PIN带LED输出电路图(20键)图2-4:9PIN带LED输出电路图2.5 16PIN不带LED输出电路图(104键)图2-5:16PIN不带LED输出电路图2.6 16PIN带LED输出电路图(90键)图2-6:16PIN带LED输出电路图3. 电气参数3.1 极限参数电源供应电压………………………………………………………………….….………GND-0.3V~GND+4.0V 存储温度…………………………………………………………………….….…………………….-50℃~125℃工作温度………………………………………………………………...………..……………………-40℃~85℃端口输入电压………………………………………………………......…………………GND-0.3V~VDD+0.3V 所有端口最大灌电流…………………………………………………...…………………………………..500mA 所有端口最大拉电流………………………………………………………………………………………-150mA3.2 直流电气特性(VDD=3.3V,T A= 25℃,除非另有说明)4. 封装4.1 SOP85. IR Generator 操作说明5.1DIY 模式5.1.1 界面介绍◆ 当前模式:- 显示当前的模式,可选DIY 模式、固定格式模式。



80X01and80X02Electrical Sampling Module Extender InstructionsWarrantyWarranty Tektronix warrants that the parts and modules(“parts”)that it manufactures andsells will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of three(3)months from the date of shipment.If any such part proves defective duringthis warranty period,Tektronix,at its option,either will repair the defective partwithout charge,or will provide a replacement in exchange for the defectivepart.Parts and modules used by Tektronix for warranty work may be new orreconditioned to like new performance.All replaced parts and modules becomethe property of Tektronix.In order to obtain service under this warranty,Customer must notify Tektronixof the defect before the expiration of the warranty period and make suitablearrangements for the performance of service.Customer shall be responsible forpackaging and shipping the defective part to the service center designated byTektronix,with shipping charges prepaid.Tektronix shall pay for the return ofthe part to Customer if the shipment is to a location within the country in whichthe Tektronix service center is located.Customer shall be responsible for payingall shipping charges,duties,taxes,and any other charges for parts returned toany other locations.This warranty shall not apply to any defect,failure or damage caused by improperuse or improper or inadequate maintenance and care.Tektronix shall not beobligated to furnish service under this warranty a)to repair damage resulting fromattempts by personnel other than Tektronix representatives to install,repair orservice the part;b)to repair damage resulting from improper use or connection toincompatible equipment;c)to repair any damage or malfunction caused by theuse of non-Tektronix supplies;or d)to service a part that has been modified orintegrated with other products or parts when the effect of such modification orintegration increases the time or difficulty of servicing the part.THIS WARRANTY IS GIVEN BY TEKTRONIX WITH RESPECTTO THE PART IN LIEU OF ANY OTHER WARRANTIES,EXPRESSOR IMPLIED.TEKTRONIX AND ITS VENDORS DISCLAIM ANYIMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE.TEKTRONIX'RESPONSIBILITY TO REPAIR ORREPLACE DEFECTIVE PARTS IS THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDYPROVIDED TO THE CUSTOMER FOR BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY.TEKTRONIX AND ITS VENDORS WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANYINDIRECT,SPECIAL,INCIDENTAL,OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGESIRRESPECTIVE OF WHETHER TEKTRONIX OR THE VENDOR HASADV ANCE NOTICE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.Copyright©Tektronix*P071320600*Important safety informationImportant safety informationThis manual contains information and warnings that must be followed by the userfor safe operation and to keep the product in a safe condition.To safely perform service on this product,additional information is provided atthe end of this section.(See page2,Service safety summary.)General safety summaryUse the product only as specified.Review the following safety precautions toavoid injury and prevent damage to this product or any products connected to it.Carefully read all instructions.Retain these instructions for future reference.To avoidfire or personalinjury Do not operate without covers.Do not operate this product with covers or panels removed,or with the case open.Hazardous voltage exposure is possible.Do not operate with suspected failures.If you suspect that there is damage to this product,have it inspected by qualified service personnel.Disable the product if it is damaged.Do not use the product if it is damagedor operates incorrectly.If in doubt about safety of the product,turn it off and disconnect the power cord.Clearly mark the product to prevent its further operation.Examine the exterior of the product before you use it.Look for cracks or missing pieces.Do not operate in wet/damp conditions.Be aware that condensation may occur if a unit is moved from a cold to a warm environment.Do not operate in an explosive atmosphere.Keep product surfaces clean and dry.Remove the input signals before you clean the product.Service safety summaryThe Service safety summary section contains additional information required tosafely perform service on the product.Only qualified personnel should performservice procedures.Read this Service safety summary and the General safetysummary before performing any service procedures.Do not service alone.Do not perform internal service or adjustments of thisproduct unless another person capable of renderingfirst aid and resuscitation ispresent.Important safety informationDisconnect power.To avoid electric shock,switch off the product power anddisconnect the power cord from the mains power before removing any covers orpanels,or opening the case for servicing.Terms in this manualThese terms may appear in this manual:WARNING.Warning statements identify conditions or practices that could resultin injury or loss of life.CAUTION.Caution statements identify conditions or practices that could result indamage to this product or other property.Symbols and terms on the productThese terms may appear on the product:DANGER indicates an injury hazard immediately accessible as you readthe marking.WARNING indicates an injury hazard not immediately accessible as youread the marking.CAUTION indicates a hazard to property including the product.When this symbol is marked on the product,be sure to consult the manualtofind out the nature of the potential hazards and any actions which have tobe taken to avoid them.(This symbol may also be used to refer the user toratings in the manual.)The following symbol(s)may appear on the product:Product descriptionEnvironmental considerationsThis section provides information about the environmental impact of the product.Product end-of-lifehandling Observe the following guidelines when recycling an instrument or component: Equipment recycling.Production of this equipment required the extraction and use of natural resources.The equipment may contain substances that could be harmful to the environment or human health if improperly handled at the product’s end of life.To avoid release of such substances into the environment and to reduce the use of natural resources,we encourage you to recycle this product in an appropriate system that will ensure that most of the materials are reused or recycled appropriately.This symbol indicates that this product complies with the applicable EuropeanUnion requirements according to Directives2002/96/EC and2006/66/ECon waste electrical and electronic equipment(WEEE)and batteries.Forinformation about recycling options,check the Support/Service section of theTektronix Web site().Restriction of hazardoussubstances This product is classified as an industrial monitoring and control instrument accessory,and is not required to comply with the substance restrictions of the recast RoHS Directive2011/65/EU until July22,2017.Product descriptionThe80X01(one-meter)and80X02(two-meter)electrical sampling moduleextender cables(referred to as the extender cable or the extender in this document)are for use with supported electrical sampling modules.(See page5,Supportedmodules.).Use the extender to move the sampling module from its instrument compartment,closer to the device under test,so that you can use shorter signal ing theextender avoids input-signal degradation that can occur when using long-lengthsignal cables between the sampling module and the device under test.Product descriptionSupported sampling oscilloscopesThe extender cable is for use with the following sampling oscilloscopeinstruments:DSA8300Digital Serial AnalyzerLegacy sampling oscilloscope instruments:DSA8200Digital Serial AnalyzerCSA8000,CSA8000B,and CSA8200Communications Signal AnalyzersTDS8000,TDS8000B,and TDS8200Digital Sampling OscilloscopesSupported modules80E01,80E02,80E03,80E04,80E06,80E11,and80E11X1Electrical samplingmodulesOther modules82A04BGuidelinesObserve the following guidelines to avoid damaging your sampling modules orinstruments:The extender cannot be used with any large-compartment modules.Some small modules are mechanically blocked from use with the extender.When connecting an80X02extender to an80X01extender,connect theextenders in the following order:Instrument-80X02-80X01-samplingmodule.Always wear a grounded wrist strap,grounded foot strap,and static resistantapparel while installing module extenders and modules.Observe standard anti-static handling precautions when connecting signalcables to sampling modules.Change to instrument operating temperature range when using80X01or80X02When you install one or more of the extenders in an instrument,the upper end ofthe instrument operating temperature range changes as follows:No extender cable(s)installed:+10°C to+40°CWith extender cable(s)installed:+10°C–+35°CInstallation instructionsChange to minimum horizontal position when using80X01or80X02Installing the80X01or80X01extender cable increases the minimum horizontalposition setting as follows:80X01:+5ns80X02:+10nsThis affects waveforms acquired from all modules,extended or not.Horizontalposition is a global setting.Installation instructionsCAUTION.For the DSA8300with TekScope software version6.1.X or greater,follow proper module exchange procedures to remove,install,or exchangemodules or module extenders with the instrument powered on(View/ChangeModule Config tool).Refer to the product documentation for instructions.For all legacy instruments(DSA8200Digital Serial Analyzer,CSA8000,CSA8000B,and CSA8200Communications Signal Analyzer,TDS8000,TDS8000B,and TDS8200Digital Sampling Oscilloscopes),andDSA8300instruments with TekScope software version6.0.X,power off theinstrument before removing,installing,or exchanging modules or moduleextenders.Removing or installing modules in these instruments while powered onmay result in damage to the module and/or mainframe instrument.Always wear a grounded wrist strap,grounded foot strap,and static resistantapparel while installing this module extender and any modules.Observe standard anti-static handling precautions when connecting signal cablesto sampling modules.NOTE.DSA8300Digital Serial Analyzer instruments with TekScope softwareversion6.1.X or greater have a View/Change Module Config function that allowsremoving,installing,or exchanging modules or module extenders while the maininstrument is powered on.All earlier instruments,and earlier TekScope softwareversions,require that you power off the main instrument before removing,installing,or exchanging modules or extenders.NOTE.The80X02sampling module extender is keyed to prevent connecting todevices not intended to be extended and to prevent two or more80X02extendersfrom being connected in series.To connect an80X02extender to an80X01extender,connect the cables in thefollowing order:Instrument-80X02-80X01-sampling module.Installation instructions Do the following steps to install the extender between the instrument and the electrical sampling module:1.Connect an antistatic wrist strap to the instrument front-panel groundconnection.Place the strap on your wrist.2.Remove power:DSA8300(with TekScope software version6.1or later):Run theUtilities>View/Change Module Config tool;follow on-screeninstructions to remove a module and/or install the“To Instrument”end ofthe extender in a small module slot.Then go to step4.DSA8300with TekScope software version6.0X,and all Legacyinstruments:Push the On/Standby button on the front panel to poweroff the instrument.If there is a module in the slot where you are installing the extender,remove the module after the instrument has powered off. 3.Install the extender connector labeled To Instrument into a suitable slot inthe instrument.See the sampling module user manual if you require more information.4.Attach the connector marked To Sampling Module to a supported samplingmodule.(See page5.)5.Apply power to the module:DSA8300(with TekScope software version6.1or later):Click theFinish button in the View/Change Module Config tool.This appliespower to the module slot.DSA8300with TekScope software version6.0X,and all Legacyinstruments:Push the On/Standby button on the front panel to poweron the instrument.Wait for the boot-up cycle to complete.Installation instructions6.Run a compensation on each channel of all newly installed modules or moduleextenders(select Utilities>Compensation).You must run compensation,even if module(s)and/or extenders were moved from one slot to another.Seethe instrument documentation or TekScope application help for instructionson how to run compensation.7.You can now use the instrument to take measurements.NOTE.Check the module compensation status for thefirst20minutes byviewing the compensation status icon on the instrument user interface,or byquerying the compensation status from the programmatic interface.It may takeup to20minutes for the sampling module on the extender cable to reach astable temperature.If the compensation status indicates that a module requirescompensation,rerun compensation on the module to be sure that the instrumentand module are within measurement accuracy specifications.。



EDS-516A Series16-port managed EthernetswitchesFeatures and Benefits•Turbo Ring and Turbo Chain (recovery time <20ms @250switches),andSTP/RSTP/MSTP for network redundancy•TACACS+,SNMPv3,IEEE 802.1X,HTTPS,and SSH to enhance networksecurity•Easy network management by web browser,CLI,Telnet/serial console,Windows utility,and ABC-01•Supports MXstudio for easy,visualized industrial network managementCertificationsIntroductionThe EDS-516A standalone 16-port managed Ethernet switches,with their advanced Turbo Ring and Turbo Chain technologies (recovery time <20ms),RSTP/STP,and MSTP,increase the reliability and availability of your industrial Ethernet network.Models with a wide operating temperature range of -40to 75°C are also available,and the switches support advanced management and security features,making the EDS-516A switches suitable for any harsh industrial environment.Additional Features and Benefits•Command line interface (CLI)for quickly configuring major managed functions•DHCP Option 82for IP address assignment with different policies •Supports EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP protocols for device management and monitoring•Compatible with PROFINET protocol for transparent data transmission•Lock port function for blocking unauthorized access based on MAC address•IGMP snooping and GMRP for filtering multicast traffic•Port-based VLAN,IEEE 802.1Q VLAN,and GVRP to ease network planning•QoS (IEEE 802.1p/1Q and TOS/DiffServ)to increase determinism •Port Trunking for optimum bandwidth utilization•RMON for proactive and efficient network monitoring•SNMPv1/v2c/v3for different levels of network management•Bandwidth management to prevent unpredictable network status •Automatic warning by exception through email and relay outputSpecificationsInput/Output InterfaceAlarm Contact Channels Resistive load:1A @24VDC Digital Inputs+13to +30V for state 1-30to +3V for state 0Max.input current:8mAEthernet Interface10/100BaseT(X)Ports (RJ45connector)EDS-516A Series:16EDS-516A-MM-SC/MM-ST Series:14All models support:Auto negotiation speed Full/Half duplex modeAuto MDI/MDI-X connection100BaseFX Ports (multi-mode SC connector)EDS-516A-MM-SC Series:2100BaseFX Ports (multi-mode ST connector)EDS-516A-MM-ST Series:2Optical Fiber800Typical Distance4km5km40km80kmWavelength Typical(nm)130013101550TX Range(nm)1260to13601280to13401530to1570RX Range(nm)1100to16001100to16001100to1600Optical PowerTX Range(dBm)-10to-200to-50to-5RX Range(dBm)-3to-32-3to-34-3to-34Link Budget(dB)122929DispersionPenalty(dB)311Note:When connecting a single-mode fiber transceiver,we recommend using anattenuator to prevent damage caused by excessive optical power.Note:Compute the“typical distance”of a specific fiber transceiver as follows:Linkbudget(dB)>dispersion penalty(dB)+total link loss(dB).Standards IEEE802.3for10BaseTIEEE802.3u for100BaseT(X)and100BaseFXIEEE802.1X for authenticationIEEE802.1D-2004for Spanning Tree ProtocolIEEE802.1w for Rapid Spanning Tree ProtocolIEEE802.1s for Multiple Spanning Tree ProtocolIEEE802.1Q for VLAN TaggingIEEE802.1p for Class of ServiceIEEE802.3x for flow controlIEEE802.3ad for Port Trunk with LACPEthernet Software FeaturesFilter802.1Q VLAN,GMRP,GVRP,IGMP v1/v2,Port-based VLANIndustrial Protocols EtherNet/IP,Modbus TCPManagement IPv4/IPv6,SNMPv1/v2c/v3,LLDP,Port Mirror,Back Pressure Flow Control,BOOTP,DDM,DHCP Option66/67/82,DHCP Server/Client,Flow control,RARP,RMON,SMTP,SNMP Inform,Syslog,Telnet,TFTPMIB MIB-II,Bridge MIB,Ethernet-like MIB,P-BRIDGE MIB,Q-BRIDGE MIB,RMON MIBGroups1,2,3,9,RSTP MIBRedundancy Protocols STP,MSTP,RSTP,LACP,Link Aggregation,Turbo Chain,Turbo Ring v1/v2Security HTTPS/SSL,RADIUS,TACACS+,Port Lock,SSH,Broadcast storm protectionTime Management NTP Server/Client,SNTP,IEEE1588v2PTP(software-based)Switch PropertiesIGMP Groups256MAC Table Size8KMax.No.of VLANs64Packet Buffer Size2MbitsPriority Queues4VLAN ID Range VID1to4094LED InterfaceLED Indicators PWR1,PWR2,FAULT,10/100M(TP port),100M(fiber port),MSTR/HEAD,CPLR/TAIL Serial InterfaceConsole Port RS-232(TxD,RxD,GND),10-pin RJ45(115200,n,8,1)DIP Switch ConfigurationEthernet Interface Turbo Ring,Master,Coupler,ReservePower ParametersConnection2removable6-contact terminal block(s)Input Voltage24VDC,Redundant dual inputsOperating Voltage12to45VDCInput Current EDS-516A Series:0.35A@24VDCEDS-516A-MM-SC/MM-ST Series:0.44A@24VDCOverload Current Protection SupportedReverse Polarity Protection SupportedPhysical CharacteristicsHousing MetalIP Rating IP30Dimensions94x135x142.7mm(3.7x5.31x5.62in)Weight1586g(3.50lb)Installation DIN-rail mounting,Wall mounting(with optional kit)Environmental LimitsOperating Temperature Standard Models:0to60°C(32to140°F)Wide Temp.Models:-40to75°C(-40to167°F)Storage Temperature(package included)-40to85°C(-40to185°F)Ambient Relative Humidity5to95%(non-condensing)Standards and CertificationsSafety EN60950-1,UL60950-1,CSA C22.2No.60950-1,UL508Hazardous Locations ATEX,Class I Division2EMC EN55032/24EMI CISPR32,FCC Part15B Class AEMS IEC61000-4-2ESD:Contact:6kV;Air:8kVIEC61000-4-3RS:80MHz to1GHz:10V/mIEC61000-4-4EFT:Power:1kV;Signal:0.5kVIEC61000-4-5Surge:Power:2kV;Signal:1kVIEC61000-4-6CS:10VIEC61000-4-8PFMFMaritime DNV-GLShock IEC60068-2-27Vibration IEC60068-2-6Freefall IEC60068-2-31MTBFTime247,676hrsStandards Telcordia(Bellcore),GBWarrantyWarranty Period5yearsDetails See /warrantyPackage ContentsDevice1x EDS-516A Series switchCable1x DB9female to RJ4510-pinInstallation Kit4x cap,plastic,for RJ45port2x cap,plastic,for SC fiber port(-SC models)2x cap,plastic,for ST fiber port(-ST models)Documentation1x quick installation guide1x warranty card1x product certificates of quality inspection,Simplified Chinese1x product notice,Simplified ChineseDimensionsOrdering InformationEDS-516A16––0to60°CEDS-516A-T16––-40to75°CEDS-516A-MM-SC142–0to60°CEDS-516A-MM-SC-T142–-40to75°CEDS-516A-MM-ST14–20to60°CEDS-516A-MM-ST-T14–2-40to75°C Accessories(sold separately)Storage KitsABC-01Configuration backup and restoration tool for managed Ethernet switches and AWK Series wirelessAPs/bridges/clients,0to60°C operating temperaturePower SuppliesDR-120-24120W/2.5A DIN-rail24VDC power supply with universal88to132VAC or176to264VAC input byswitch,or248to370VDC input,-10to60°C operating temperatureDR-452445W/2A DIN-rail24VDC power supply with universal85to264VAC or120to370VDC input,-10to50°C operating temperatureDR-75-2475W/3.2A DIN-rail24VDC power supply with universal85to264VAC or120to370VDC input,-10to60°C operating temperatureMDR-40-24DIN-rail24VDC power supply with40W/1.7A,85to264VAC,or120to370VDC input,-20to70°Coperating temperatureMDR-60-24DIN-rail24VDC power supply with60W/2.5A,85to264VAC,or120to370VDC input,-20to70°Coperating temperatureSoftwareMXview-50Industrial network management software with a license for50nodes(by IP address)MXview-100Industrial network management software with a license for100nodes(by IP address)MXview-250Industrial network management software with a license for250nodes(by IP address)MXview-500Industrial network management software with a license for500nodes(by IP address)MXview-1000Industrial network management software with a license for1000nodes(by IP address)MXview-2000Industrial network management software with a license for2000nodes(by IP address)MXview Upgrade-50License expansion of MXview industrial network management software by50nodes(by IP address) Wall-Mounting KitsWK-46Wall-mounting kit,2plates,8screws,46.5x66.8x1mmRack-Mounting KitsRK-4U19-inch rack-mounting kit©Moxa Inc.All rights reserved.Updated Dec06,2021.This document and any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Moxa Inc.Product specifications subject to change without notice.Visit our website for the most up-to-date product information.。

JZX896A B 组网模块说明书

JZX896A B 组网模块说明书

JZX896A/B组网模块说明书V3.0深圳市技卓芯通信技术有限公司SHENZHEN JZX TELECOM TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD电话**************8603878186541600传真:(0755)22676585地址:深圳市南山区西丽桃源街道平山一路世外桃源创意园B栋3楼邮政编码:518055网址: EMAIL:**************一、产品系统图JZX896自组网络是平面式的对等网状网络,网络中每个节点都能作为路由节点使用。





3、1系统需求操作系统:Windows98,Windows Me,Windows2000,Windows2003,Windows XP,Win7 CPU:赛扬 1.0G以上硬盘容量:50M内存:128M以上显卡:1024*768以上分辨率3、2软件主界面软件界面由操作主面板以及状态栏组成。

义隆电子股份有限公司EM78P516N 8888位微控制器产品规格书说明书

义隆电子股份有限公司EM78P516N 8888位微控制器产品规格书说明书

8位微控制器产品规格产品规格书书1.0义隆电子股份有限公司2015.3商标告知:IBM 为一个注册商标,PS/2是IBM 的商标之一。

Windows 是微软公司的商标。

ELAN 和ELAN 标志 是义隆电子股份有限公司的商标。

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E18系列产品规格书CC25302.4GHz ZigBee3.0无线模块目录第一章产品概述 (3)1.1产品简介 (3)1.2特点功能 (4)1.3应用场景 (5)第二章规格参数 (6)2.1射频参数 (6)2.2电气参数 (6)2.3硬件参数 (6)2.4网络系统参数 (7)第三章机械尺寸与引脚定义 (8)第四章硬件设计 (11)第五章软件设计 (11)第六章常见问题 (13)6.1传输距离不理想 (13)6.2模块易损坏 (13)6.3误码率太高 (13)第七章焊接作业指导 (7)7.1回流焊温度 (7)7.2回流焊曲线图 (7)第八章相关型号 (8)第九章天线指南 (8)第十章产品包装图 (8)修订历史 (9)关于我们 (9)第一章产品概述1.1产品简介E18系列是亿佰特设计生产的2.4GHz频段的ZigBee通信协议转串口无线模块,贴片型,PCB板载天线或IPEX-1接口,引脚间距1.27mm,出厂自带自组网固件,到手即用,适用于多种应用场景(尤其智能家居)。




1.2ZigBee 3.0优势E18系列模块固件基于Z-Stack3.0.2协议栈(ZigBee 3.0),该版本为CC2530/CC2538系列芯片最优协议栈,因此我司也此基础上做了许多优化,确保系统长期稳定运行。

ZigBee3.0与早前版本的应用方式区别:1.组网方式发生变化:ZigBee 3.0取缔了一上电就组网的方式,而是根据实际需要进行组网。




MCG516-12864中⽂说明MCG516-12864内置HD61202控制驱动器图形液晶显⽰模块HD61202 液晶显⽰控制驱动器的应⽤HD61202液晶显⽰控制驱动器是⼀种带有驱动输出的图形液晶显⽰控制器,它可直接与8位微处理器相连,它可与HD61203配合对液晶屏进⾏⾏、列驱动。






以上为与LCD接⼝信号三、HD61202的时序HD61202具有能与68系列微处理器直接接⼝的时序,各种信号波形对照如下:四.HD61202显⽰RAM的地址结构Y address012 61 62 63 ROW1 DB0PAGE0 X=0ROW8 DB7ROW9 DB0PAGE1 X=1ROW16 DB7… … …DB0PAGE6 X=6DB7DB0X=7 ROW64DB7四、HD61202的指令系统HD61202的指令系统⽐较简单,总共只有七种。




YM 系列智能模块

YM 系列智能模块

05 时钟设置 : 秒 / 分 (BCD 码) R/W
06 时钟设置 : 时 / 日(BCD 码) R/W
07 时钟设置 : 月 / 年(BCD 码) R/W
时钟设置允许位(1 : YES)
命令字 03 03 03 03 03
03/10 03/10 03/10 03/10
字节长度(字节) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
注: S O E 地 址 指 针 从 地 址 1 9 ( H ) 开 始 ,3 2 组 数 据 共 2 5 6 个 字 节 ( 每 组 数 据 8
4.1.3 安 装 与 接 线
外 形 尺 寸 (长 *宽 *高 ):200*100*38mm (见 附 录 )
安 装 :标 准 导 轨 TS35
运行 43 41
J32 J31 J30 J29 J28 J27 J26 J25 J24 J23 J22 J21 J20 J19 J18 J17

SM-5016 V1

SM-5016 V1

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完美触控引领时尚 尊贵产品触手可及
工作电压:2.4V~5.5V(启用内建稳压电路) 2.0V~5.5V(禁用内建稳压电路) 可外部选择启用/禁用内建稳压电路功能 待机电流 3V电压,低速采样率8Hz的睡眠模式下: 启用内部稳压器,待机电流 => 16键模式下典型值2.5uA => 8键模式下典型值2.0uA 禁用内部稳压器,待机电流 => 16键模式下典型值2.5uA => 8键模式下典型值2.0uA 提供Option选择8键或16键模式. 提供8个直接输出独立端口,仅限于8键直接输出模式下 具有两种串行输出方式,可以应用在8个和16个键及64个键模式 包括2-线串行模式和I2C通讯模式,由option所选择. 8个直接输出端口可以选择不同输出类型(CMOS/OD/OC具有高/低电平有效) 2-线串行模式可option选择高电平有效或低电平有效 提供option选择多键或单键有效功能 提供两种采样率,睡眠模式下采样率 8Hz,快速采样率 64Hz 具有Option选择有效键最大输出时间大约为60秒. 灵敏度可由外部电容(1~50pF)调节 上电后需要0.5秒稳定时间,在此期间内请勿触摸按键面板,所有的功能触摸也无效. 自动校准 当所有按键在一段时间内没有被触摸到时,芯片系统重新校准时间约为4.0秒


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MGate 5101-PBM-MN 产品说明书

MGate 5101-PBM-MN 产品说明书

P/N: 1802051010013*1802051010013*MGate 5101-PBM-MN Quick Installation GuideVersion 3.1, November 2019Technical Support Contact Information /support Moxa Americas:Toll-free: 1-888-669-2872Tel: 1-714-528-6777Fax: 1-714-528-6778 Moxa China (Shanghai office): Toll-free: 800-820-5036 Tel: +86-21-5258-9955 Fax: +86-21-5258-5505 Moxa Europe:Tel: +49-89-3 70 03 99-0Fax: +49-89-3 70 03 99-99 Moxa Asia-Pacific: Tel: +886-2-8919-1230 Fax: +886-2-8919-1231 Moxa India:Tel: +91-80-4172-9088Fax: +91-80-4132-10452019 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.OverviewThe MGate 5101-PBM-MN is an industrial Ethernet gateway for PROFIBUS-to-Modbus-TCP network communication.Package ChecklistBefore installing the MGate 5101-PBM-MN, verify that the package contains the following items:• 1 MGate 5101-PBM-MN gateway•Quick installation guide (printed)•Warranty CardPlease notify your sales representative if any of the above items are missing or damaged.Optional Accessories (can be purchased separately): •CBL-F9M9-150: DB9-female-to-DB9-male serial cable, 150 cm •CBL-F9M9-20: DB9-female-to-DB9-male serial cable, 20 cm •Mini DB9F-to-TB: DB9-female-to-terminal-block connector •WK-36-01: Wall-mounting kitHardware IntroductionLED IndicatorsLED Color FunctionPWR1 Green Power is on Off Power is offPWR2 Green Power is on Off Power is offReady GreenSteady on: Power is on and the MGate isfunctioning normallyBlinking: The MGate has been located by theMGate Manager’s Location functionRedSteady on: Power is on and the MGate is bootingupBlinking: Indicates an IP conflict, or the DHCP orBOOTP server is not responding properlyOff Power is off or fault condition existsCOMMOff No data exchangeGreen Data exchange with all slavesGreen,flashingData exchange with at least one slave (not allconfigured slaves can communicate with gateway) Red Bus control errorCFGOff No PROFIBUS configuration Green PROFIBUS configuration OKPBMOff PROFIBUS master is offlineRed PROFIBUS master is in STOP mode Green,flashingPROFIBUS master is in CLEAR mode Green PROFIBUS master is in OPERATE modeTOK Green Gateway holds the PROFIBUS tokenOff Gateway is waiting for the PROFIBUS tokenLED Color FunctionEthernet AmberSteady: 10Mbps, no data is transmittingBlinking: 10Mbps, data is transmitting GreenSteady: 100Mbps, no data is transmittingBlinking: 100Mbps, data is transmitting Off Ethernet cable is disconnectedReset ButtonThe reset button is used to load factory defaults. Use a pointed object such as a straightened paper clip to hold the reset button down for five seconds. Release the reset button when the Ready LED stops blinking. Hardware Installation ProcedureSTEP 1:Connect the power adapter. Connect the 12-48 VDC power line or DIN-rail power supply with the MGate 5101-PBM-MNdevice’s terminal block. Make sure the adapter is connected toan earthed socket.STEP 2:Use a PROFIBUS cable to connect the unit to a PROFIBUS slave device.STEP 3:Connect the unit to the Modbus TCP device.STEP 4:The MGate 5101-PBM-MN series is designed to be attached toa DIN rail or mounted on a wall. For DIN-rail mounting, pushdown the spring and properly attach it to the DIN-rail until it“snaps” into place. For wall mounting, install the wall-mountkit (optional) first and then screw the device onto the wall.Wall or Cabinet MountingTwo metal plates are provided for mounting theunit on a wall or inside a cabinet. Attach the platesto the unit’s rear panel with screws. With the platesattached, use screws to mount the unit on a wall.The heads of the screws should be 5 to 7 mm indiameter, the shafts should be 3 to 4 mm indiameter, and the length of the screws should bemore than 10.5 mm.For each screw, the head should be 6 mm or less in diameter, and the shaft should be 3.5 mm or less in diameter.The following figure illustrates the two mounting options:Software Installation InformationTo install MGate Manager, please download it from Moxa’s website at . For more detailed information about MGateManager, click the Documents button and select the MGate 5101-PBM-MN User’s Manual.The MGate 5101 also supports login via a web browser.Default IP address: account: adminDefault password: moxaPin Assignments PROFIBUS Serial Port (Female DB9)PINSignal Name 1– 2– 3PROFIBUS D+ 4RTS 5Signal common 65V 7– 8PROFIBUS D- 9 –Power Input and Relay Output PinoutsV2+ V2-V1+ V1- Shielded Ground DC Power Input 2 DC Power Input 2 N.O. Common N.C. DC Power Input 1 DC Power Input 1SpecificationsPower Input12 to 48 VDC Power Consumption(Input Rating)12 to 48 VDC, 360 mA (max.) Operating Temperature Standard Models: 0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F) Wide Temp. Models: -40 to 75°C (-40 to 167°F)Storage Temperature-40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F) ATEX and IECEx Information1. ATE X Certificate number: DEMKO 14 ATEX 12882. IECEx number: IECEx UL 14.0023X3. Certificate string: Ex nA IIC T4 GcAmbient range: 0°C ≤ Tamb ≤ 60°C (for suffix without –T)Ambient range: -40°C ≤ Tamb ≤ 75°C (for suffix without –T)4. Standards covered:EN 60079-0: 2012+A11:2013/IEC 60079-0: Ed 6.0EN 60079-15:2010/IEC 60079-15: Ed 4.05. Field-wiring connection:The device uses a terminal block, solder on the power distribution board, suitable for 12-24 AWG wire size, torque value 4.5 lb-in (0.51 N-m).6. Battery information: Battery is not user replaceable.7. Installation instructions:• A 4 mm 2 conductor must be used when the connection to theexternal grounding screw is utilized.• Conductors suitable for use at an ambient temperature of 84°Cmust be used for the power supply terminal.8. Special conditions for safe use:• The device is to be installed in an IECEx/ATEX Certified IP54enclosure and accessible only through the use of a tool.• The device is for use in an area of not more than pollution degree2 in accordance with IEC 60664-1.NOTE The equipment must be suitable for use in Class 1, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D, or nonhazardous locations only.Moxa Inc.Fl. 4, No. 135, Lane 235, Baoqiao Rd.Xindian Dist., New Taipei City, 23145, Taiwan, R.O.C.。

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