印染助剂原料组成:蓖麻油聚氧乙烯醚类型:非离子〔1〕1%水溶液〔2〕10%活性物在25%BDG溶液中〔3〕1%活性物在5%NaCl溶液性能应用: HMEL系列产品根据EO加成数的不同有多种规格,该系列产品在水中呈分散状或易溶于水、脂肪酸或其它有机溶剂中,具有优良的润滑、乳化、扩散、增容性能,作乳化剂,用于各种植、动、矿物油的乳化。
DIN 53505-2000中文
附录 A
硬度试验方法的适用范围 邵尔 A 依照 DIN 53505 IRHD,低硬度范围 依照 DIN 53519-1,5mm 直径球 IRHD,一般硬度范围 依照 DIN 53519-1,2.5mm 直径球 邵尔 D 依照 DIN 53505 球印硬度 依照 DIN EN ISO 2039-1 软←硬度→硬 图 A.1 :硬度试验方法的适用范围 (各方法之间不存在线性关系)
附录 A 中给出了不同的硬度试验方法的适用范围的概述。
第 2 到 5 页继续
标准编号 DIN 53505:2000-08
第2页 DIN 53505:2000-08
2 引用标准
本标准包括了,通过指定日期或未指定日期引用的来自其它出版物的规定。这些参考标准在本文的相应地方被引 用,并且出版物的名称在下面列出。对于指定日期的引用,只有当经过修改或修订而包括在内时,这些出版物的任何 改动或修订才适用于本标准。对于未指定日期的引用,所涉及到的出版物的最新版本适用。
邵尔 A 及邵尔 D 橡胶硬度试验
2000 年 8 月
ICS 83.060
本标准,连同 DIN EN ISO 868 1998 年 1 月版本,取代了 1987 年 6 月版本。
DIN Adaptors
DIN Adaptor for RGS SSRs
Installation Instructions
Ordering Key
DIN rail adaptor module for mounting the RGS series on DIN rail.
Suffix H8 added to SSR part no. refers to factory mounted DIN clip. Conditions apply. Please ask your Sales representative for further details.
Ordering Key
Ordering Key
RGN-TERMRES termination resistor to be fitted on the last RG..N on the NRG bus chain. Packing qty. 4 pc.
Specifications are subject to change without notice (30.07.2019)
3-pin socket to mate with RM1E..V.. 4-pin socket to mate with RA2A..C 4-pin socket to mate with RA2A..C
5-pin socket to mate with RA..S 4-pin socket to mate with RKD2..C 2-pin socket to mate with RK2..C
Material Thermal resistance
液压注意 – 用户方责任 错误或不当地选择或使用本样本或有关资料阐述的产品,可能会导致人生伤亡及财产损失! 本样本以及其它由派克汉尼汾公司及其子公司、销售公司与授权分销商所提供的资料,仅供用户专业技术人员在对产品和系统的选型进行深入调查考证时参考。
目录目录页次概述 1 订货代号 2 技术参数 4 变量控制器 5 控制选项 “C”, 压力限定(恒压)变量控制器 5 控制选项 “L”, 负载传感及压力限定变量控制器 6 控制选项 “AM”, 带遥控口的标准型先导式压力限定变量控制器 7 控制选项 “AN”, 带ISO 4401 NG06先导阀安装界面的先导式压力限定变量控制器 8 控制选项 “AE”及“AF”, 带电磁比例调节的先导式压力限定变量控制器 9 控制选项 “AMT”, “ALT”及“LOT”, 带最高压力限定的扭矩限定(恒功率)变量控制器 10 P1性能特性 11典型流量特性 11 典型总效率特性 13 典型轴输入功率特性 15 典型噪声特性 18 典型轴承寿命 20 PD性能特性 22典型流量特性 22 典型总效率特性 24 典型轴输入功率特性 26 典型噪声特性 29 典型轴承寿命 31 安装尺寸 33 P1/PD 018 33 P1/PD 028 36 P1/PD 045 40 P1/PD 060 44 P1/PD 075 49 P1/PD 100 54 P1/PD 140 59 变量控制器安装尺寸 65 可提供的扩展的液压产品 75派克汉尼汾备记派克汉尼汾概述简介, 优点派克汉尼汾简介 • 开式回路用轴向柱塞式变量液压泵 • 中压,连续工作压力280 bar • 高驱动转速型,适用于行走机械; 低噪声型,适用于工业应用 • 静音及高效的控制效能 优点 • 总结构尺寸紧凑 • 低噪声• 流量脉动小,进一步降低噪声• 采用弹性密封,不使用密封垫,从而避免外泄漏的产生• 总效率高,功耗小,减小发热• 采用带无泄漏调节装的简单变量控制器 • 符合SAE 及ISO 标准的安装法兰及油口 • 采用圆锥滚柱轴承,使用寿命长 • 全功率后驱动能力• 后部或侧面油口配置可选• 泄油口的配置对水平安装及驱动轴向上垂直安装均适用• 带有最大及最小排量调节选项 • 具有壳体至吸口单向阀选项,可延长轴封寿命 • 使用、维修方便 脉动容腔技术下列图表所示为侧向油口配置P1/PD 18, 28及45泵采用 “脉动容腔” 技术的效果,脉动容腔可降低泵出口处的压力脉动幅值40-60%,这样,无需增加成本来加装噪声缓冲元件,便可大大降低液压系统的整体噪声,P1系列 PD 系列出口压力p / bar平均压力脉动 / b a rP1 045出口压力脉动2600 rpm 无脉动容腔2600 rpm 带脉动容腔订货代号18 ml, 28 ml, 45ml派克汉尼汾P 类型 01 驱动轴 转向R 5密封材料E 油口配置0 壳体-吸口 单向阀 0 排量调节 018 排量 S 安装法兰 及油口 S 轴封 M 应用范围A 设计系列0 通轴驱动选项 C0控制选项0附加控制选项 00油漆 00修改代号系列 P D * 仅适用于045排量, “S”型安装法兰及油口00 标准型, 无修改M2 按要求修改 代号修改代号 * 适用于028及045排量 ** 仅适用于045排量 代号设计系列 A 现行设计系列5 氟碳橡胶 (FPM) 代号密封材料 A 82-2 SAE A M33x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 3/8” 101-2 SAE B M42x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 1/2” 101-2SAE B M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25BSPP 1/4”, 1/2”B ISO M33x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”,3/8”ISO M42x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 1/2” ISO M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25BSPP 1/4”, 1/2”代号 018排量 028排量 045排量 安装法兰及油口 安装 法兰 螺纹 油口 辅助 油口 安装 法兰 螺纹 油口 辅助 油口 安装法兰螺纹油口法兰 油口辅助 油口 S 82-2 SAE A SAE 16/12 SAE 4/6 101-2 SAE B SAE 20/12 SAE 4/8 101-2SAE B SAE 24/16Ø38/2561系列SAE 4/10M ISO M33x2 M27x2 M12x1.5 M16x1.5 ISO M42x2 M27x2 M12x1.5 M22x1.5 ISO M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25M12x1.5M22x1.5代号 018驱动轴 028驱动轴 045驱动轴 01 SAE A 11T 花键SAE B-B 15T 花键 SAE B-B 15T 花键02 SAE 19-1平键Ø0.75” SAE B-B 平键Ø1” SAE B-B 平键Ø1” 08— SAE B 13T 花键 SAE B 13T 花键 04 ISO/DIN 平键, Ø20ISO/DIN 平键, Ø25ISO/DIN 平键, Ø25 06 SAE A 9T 花键— — PD 工业液压用 代号 系列P1 行走机械用 代号 排量 018 18 ml/rev (1.10 in 3/rev) 028 28 ml/rev (1.71 in 3/rev) 045 45 ml/rev (2.75 in 3/rev) 代号 类型 P 开式回路用变量柱塞泵 U*通用 代号应用范围 S 工业液压 (PD) M 行走机械 (P1) R 顺时针 (右转)L 逆时针 (左转)代号 转向 代号 轴封 S 单唇轴封 * 并不具有控制功能,仅在运输时予以防护,详情见第7页的控制说明。
连续和逻辑控制 连续策略是由从丰富的模拟和逻辑 功能块库调出的功能块连接而成 的。
除了固定功能块外,还有一些支持 在标准模板内采用 ST(结构化文 本)编写用户算法的 ACTION 块。 它们特别适合于实现模件以表示现 场设备如阀门、泵和马达,这些均 可利用
控制系统是以 T103 控制器及 T303 监控单元两个主要部件为基础建立 的。
T103 单元控制器是对成功的 T100 和 T102 控制单元的改进,实现所有 I/O 及连续和逻辑控制,同时具有 强大的顺控功能。
T303 单元监控器在一些工厂子系 统要求策略协调时用来辅助 T103, 此结构直接映射至批量控制 SP88 标准草案中的控制活动模型。
T7540 机 柜 标准机柜满足最具共性的需求,从 安装一台 T103 单元的墙挂式机箱 到安装 4 台 T103 单元和可选 T303 单元监控器的带单独端子区的落地 式机柜。
如果需要一个就地操作员接口,一 台 T1500 盘装工作站或一组 T640 回路处理器可安装于前门上。
所有种类均已预组,且都包括标准 端子单元,系统和变送器供电。供 电及配电部件作为置于安装板上的 分部件被提供,包括用于故障监视 的 LED/继电器单元以及一个用于 RAM 备份的电池/充电器组件。
CPU 选 项 有两种不同的 CPU: T920-标准 CPU;通过前面板端口 (DB9 连结器)支持 MODBUS T921 -具大容量文件系统的高性 能 CPU;通过底板上的专用
插口(RJ45 连结器)支持 MODBUS
CPU 冗 余 只需插入第二个 CPU 和 PSU 即可 完成 CPU冗余的双重化运行可用于 连续控制(无 MODBUS 或顺控选 项)。两个 CPU 以主/备用配置, 其间的高速数据链路提供对控制数 据库的跟踪,以便主 CPU 故障时, 备用单元的切换无振荡。
批准浙江盈华消防检测 公司计量认证产品 参数
证书号:2004110821L批准日期:2009年 4月 27日 有效期止:2009年8月1日
JGJ/J16-1992 《民用建筑电气设计规范》第11.5.8条GA503-2004《建筑消防设施检测技术规程》第4.4条,第4.5条
GB50084-2001《自动喷水灭火系统设计规范》第10.2.3 10.2.4条
Copyright © 1988, Texas Instruments Incorporated PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.PACKAGING INFORMATIONOrderable Device Status(1)PackageType PackageDrawingPins PackageQtyEco Plan(2)Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp(3)5962-7603701VEA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 5962-7603701VFA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 5962-7603701VFA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 7603701EA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 7603701EA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 7603701FA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 7603701FA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 76038012A ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 76038012A ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 7603801EA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 7603801EA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 7603801FA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 7603801FA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 8002301EA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 8002301EA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 8002301FA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 8002301FA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCJM38510/07906BEA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCJM38510/07906BEA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCJM38510/07906BFA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCJM38510/07906BFA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCJM38510/30906B2A ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCJM38510/30906B2A ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCJM38510/30906BEA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCJM38510/30906BEA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCJM38510/30906BFA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCJM38510/30906BFA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SN54LS257BJ ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SN54LS257BJ ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SN54LS258BJ ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SN54LS258BJ ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SN54S257J ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SN54S257J ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SN54S258J ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SN54S258J ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SN74LS257BD ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS257BD ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS257BDE4ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS257BDE4ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMOrderable Device Status(1)PackageType PackageDrawingPins PackageQtyEco Plan(2)Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp(3)SN74LS257BDR ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS257BDR ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS257BDRE4ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS257BDRE4ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS257BN ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NCSN74LS257BN ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NC SN74LS257BN3OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS257BN3OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS257BNE4ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NCSN74LS257BNE4ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NCSN74LS257BNSR ACTIVE SO NS162000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS257BNSR ACTIVE SO NS162000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS257BNSRE4ACTIVE SO NS162000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS257BNSRE4ACTIVE SO NS162000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS258BD ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS258BD ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS258BDE4ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS258BDE4ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS258BDR ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS258BDR ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS258BDRE4ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS258BDRE4ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS258BN ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NCSN74LS258BN ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NCSN74LS258BN3OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS258BN3OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS258BNE4ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NCSN74LS258BNE4ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NCOrderable Device Status(1)PackageType PackageDrawingPins PackageQtyEco Plan(2)Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp(3)(RoHS)SN74LS258BNSR ACTIVE SO NS162000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS258BNSR ACTIVE SO NS162000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS258BNSRE4ACTIVE SO NS162000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS258BNSRE4ACTIVE SO NS162000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74S257D ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74S257D ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74S257DE4ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74S257DE4ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74S257N ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NCSN74S257N ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NC SN74S257N3OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74S257N3OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74S257NE4ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NCSN74S257NE4ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NC SN74S258DR OBSOLETE SOIC D16TBD Call TI Call TISN74S258DR OBSOLETE SOIC D16TBD Call TI Call TISN74S258N OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74S258N OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74S258N3OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74S258N3OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISNJ54LS257BFK ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS257BFK ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS257BJ ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS257BJ ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS257BW ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS257BW ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS258BFK ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS258BFK ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS258BJ ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS258BJ ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS258BW ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS258BW ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54S257FK ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54S257FK ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCOrderable Device Status(1)PackageType PackageDrawingPins PackageQtyEco Plan(2)Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp(3)SNJ54S257J ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54S257J ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54S257W ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54S257W ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54S258FK ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54S258FK ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54S258J ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54S258J ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54S258W ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54S258W ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC (1)The marketing status values are defined as follows:ACTIVE:Product device recommended for new designs.LIFEBUY:TI has announced that the device will be discontinued,and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.NRND:Not recommended for new designs.Device is in production to support existing customers,but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.PREVIEW:Device has been announced but is not in production.Samples may or may not be available.OBSOLETE:TI has discontinued the production of the device.(2)Eco Plan-The planned eco-friendly classification:Pb-Free(RoHS)or Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)-please check /productcontent for the latest availability information and additional product content details.TBD:The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined.Pb-Free(RoHS):TI's terms"Lead-Free"or"Pb-Free"mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all6substances,including the requirement that lead not exceed0.1%by weight in homogeneous materials.Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures,TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes.Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br):TI defines"Green"to mean Pb-Free(RoHS compatible),and free of Bromine(Br)and Antimony(Sb)based flame retardants(Br or Sb do not exceed0.1%by weight in homogeneous material)(3)MSL,Peak Temp.--The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications,and peak solder temperature.Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided.TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties,and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information.Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties.TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals.TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary,and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release.In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s)at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis.元器件交易网IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty. T esting and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Except where mandated by government requirements, testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components. T o minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications, customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any TI patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or process in which TI products or services are used. Information published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement thereof. Use of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party, or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. Reproduction of this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for such altered documentation.Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements. Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and application solutions:Products ApplicationsAmplifiers Audio /audioData Converters Automotive /automotiveDSP Broadband /broadbandInterface Digital Control /digitalcontrolLogic Military /militaryPower Mgmt Optical Networking /opticalnetwork Microcontrollers Security /securityTelephony /telephonyVideo & Imaging /videoWireless /wirelessMailing Address:Texas InstrumentsPost Office Box 655303 Dallas, Texas 75265Copyright 2005, Texas Instruments Incorporated。
字母码数字码中文名英文名AE 42或43 按扭式喷雾器瓶AerosolAM 31 未加保护玻璃瓶Ampoule, non-protectedAP 31 加保护玻璃瓶Ampoule, protectedAT 42或43 喷雾器AtomizerBA 44或45 桶BarrelBB 91 细绳BobbinBC 29 带有瓶架的板条箱Bottle crate, bottlerackBD 16 板BoardBE 61-65 捆扎BundleBF 42或43 未加保护球形瓶Ballon, non-protectedBG 62-64 袋BagBH 61-65 线束BunchBI 21或25 料箱BinBJ 51 吊桶BucketBK 27 筐BasketBL 65 已压缩包Bale, compressedBN 65 未压缩包Bale, non-compressedBO 32或33 未加保护圆柱形瓶Bottle, non-protected, cyl-indrica BP 42或43 加保护球形瓶Ballon, protectedBQ 32或33 加保护圆柱形瓶Bottle, protected cylindricaBR 16 棒BarBS 42或43 未加保护球形瓶Bottle, non-protected, bulbousBT 13 纸卷BoltBU 44或45 大桶ButtBU 散装In bulkBV 42或43 加保护球形瓶Bottle, protected bulbousBX 21或25 盒BoxBY 16 以堆/束/捆形式的板Board, in bundle/bunch/trussBZ 16 以堆/束/捆形式的钢条Bars, in bundle/bunch/trussCA 22 矩形罐Can, rectangularCB 23或27 装啤酒板条箱Beer crateCC 32或33 盛奶器ChurnCE 27 柳条鱼篮CreelCF 24 保险箱CofferCG 26 笼CageCH 25 箱, 柜ChestCI 21或22 金属罐CanisterCJ 54 屏蔽容器CoffinCK 44或45 木桶CaskCL 14 圈CoilCN ConesCO 43 未加保护的坛Carboy, non-protecteCP 43 加保护的坛Carboy, protectedCQ 罐头CanCR 24-25 板条箱CrateCS 21或25 箱CaseCT 22-24 纸板箱CartonCU 51 杯CupCV 67 包裹CoverCX 32 圆柱形罐Can, cylindricalCY 12 圆筒CylinderCZ 67 帆布CanvasDJ 43 未加保护细颈坛Demijohn, non-protected DP 43 加保护细颈坛Demijohn, protectedDR 34 金属桶DrumEN 67 包, 封EnvelopeFC 23-27 装水果板条箱Fruit crateFD 26 框架板条箱Framed crateFI 44或45 小桶FirkinFL 42或43 细颈瓶FlaskFO 23 底箱FootlockerFP 67 薄膜包装FilmpackFR 26 框架FrameGB 31或35 气瓶Gas bottleGG 粗麻袋Gunny bagGI 16 (支)袈GirderGL 粗麻包Gunny baleGZ 16 以堆/束/捆形式的(支柱)架Girders, in bundle/bunch/trussHG 44或45 大啤酒桶HogsheadHR 23 带盖的篮HamperID 铁桶Iron drumIN 17 锭IngotIZ 17 以堆/束/捆形式的锭Ingots, in bundle/bunch/truss JC 23 矩形五加仑液体罐Jerrican, rectangularJG 41 带柄的水罐JugJR 41 大口瓶JarJT 61或65 黄麻包JutebagJY 33 圆柱形五加仑液体罐Jerrican, cylindricalKG 44或45 小桶(小于30加仑) KegLG 12 木材LogLV 吊装货箱Lift vanLZ 12 以堆/束/捆形式的木材Logs, in bundle/bunch/truss MB 62-64 多用包Multiply bagMC 27 装奶板条箱Milk crateMS 62-64 多层包Multiwall sackMT 67 麻袋MatMX 21 火柴盒Match boxNE 00 无包装Unpacked or unpackaged NS 24 成套器具NestNT 66 网NetNT 集装箱ContainerPA 21-3 小包裹PacketPB 纸袋Paper bagPC 21-23或61-63 包裹ParcelPE 托盘PalletPG 15 金属板PlatePH 41 大水瓶PitcherPI 11 管子PipePK 21-23 包PackagePL 51 桶PailPN 16 厚木板PlankPO 61 袋装PouchPO PolybagPS PiecesPT 41 罐PotPU 27 托盘TrayPU 27 托盘包装Tray packPY 15 以堆/束/捆形式的金属板Plates, in bundle/bunch/truss PZ 11 以堆/束/捆形式的管子Pipes, in bundle/bunch/truss PZ 11 以堆/束/捆形式的厚木板Planks, in bundle/bunch/truss RD 12 钢筋RodRG 14 环RingRL 91 卷筒ReelRO 13 卷钢RollRT 66 红色网RednetRZ 12 以堆/束/捆形式的钢筋Rods, in bundle/bunch/truss SA 65 袋SackSC 27 薄板条箱Shallow crateSD 91 轴SpindleSE 22或23 海运箱Sea-chestSH 61 小包装袋SachetSI SkidSK 26 箱Skeleton caseSL 67 薄衬纸SlipsheetSM 15 薄板金属SheetmetalST 15 薄板SheetSU 21-23或61-63 手提箱SuitcaseSW 67 收缩包装ShrinkwrappedSZ 15 以堆/束/捆形式的薄板Sheets, in bundle/bunch/truss TB 51 盆TubTC 21-23 茶叶箱Tea-chestTD 62-64 收缩管Collapsible tubeTD 61-65 管, 可拆(收缩) Ttube, collapsibleTK 24或25 矩形油箱Tank, rectangularTN 21或22 马口铁TinTO 44或45 大桶TunTR 24或25 衣箱TrunkTS 16 捆TrussTU 11 管TubeTY 34或35 圆柱形油箱Tank, cylindricalTZ 11 以堆/束/捆形式的管Tubes, in bundle/bunch/truss UN UnitVA 35 桶VatVG 06 散装气体(1031毫巴,15/C) Bulk,gas(at 1031 mbar and 15/c)VI 31 小玻璃瓶VialVL 04 散装液体Bulk, liquidVO 03 散装大粒子(颗粒)固体Bulk, solid, large particles("nodules")VP 67 真空包装VacuumpackedVQ 05 散装液化汽(在非正常温度/压力)Bulk,liquefied gas(at abnormaltemperature/pressureVR 02 散装粗粒子(粉状)固体Bulk,solid, granular particles("grains")VY 01 散装微粒子(粉状)固体Bulk, solid, fine particles("powders")WB 42或43 柳条包Wickerbottle WG 编织袋Woven bag。
保管注意事项1 请不要在淋雨的地方、存放有害气体和液体的地方存放,否则有可能发生故障。
2 不要在振动大的地方或直接放在地上存放,否则有可能发生故障。
3 请在无阳关直射的地方及规定的温度和湿度范围内(-25~85[℃] 、10~90[%RH]以下,不结霜)存放。
4 如需长时间保管时,请与我公司联系。
安装时的注意事项1 请不要在CNC系统上放置重物,否则CNC系统有可能发生故障。
2 不要施加强烈的冲击,否则CNC系统有可能发生故障。
3 如果CNC系统的使用环境是有可能会被溅到大量的水滴和油滴,则请在设备方面采用防水水滴和防油滴的遮盖等。
4 绝对不要私自拆改CNC系统,否则后果自负。
配线注意事项1 配线要正确、接牢。
操作时注意事项1 过度调整和变更系统参数都会导致CNC系统的运行不正常,请不要随意进行,否则会造成人身或设备事故。
2 请确认电源规格正确。
日常维护注意事项:1 请参照本公司提供的技术标准使用CNC系统,以确保CNC能正常工作。
2 定期检查各联接部件的连接是否可靠,确保信号的正常传输。
3 及时清除控制器及其附件上面的灰尘和油污等。
4 对于转动部件:档位开关、手摇脉冲发生器等,请勿用力操作。
5 请勿敲击各个键盘部分,以免损坏按键。
6 在相对湿度较大的环境中使用时,请及时清除CNC系统表面的结露或结霜,必要时采取除湿措施。
7 在高温环境中使用时,请采取降温措施。
8 如果在强烈电磁辐射环境中使用CNC系统,则应采取屏蔽措施,消除干扰。
使用条件1 保存温度在未通电的情况下保存系统时,请在以下环境中保存。
保存环境温度:-25~85[℃]保存环境湿度:10~90[%RH]以下(不结霜)2 使用环境请在以下使用环境中使用系统。
分光光度法测定新鲜蔬菜中维生素C的含量李占清;魏海英【摘要】水溶性的维生素C是一种人体必需的营养物质.维生素C是含有烯二醇基的多羟基内酯结构,利用其水溶液在波长265 nm处有较强烈的紫外吸收峰,建立了直接用紫外分光光度法测定新鲜蔬菜中维生素C含量的方法.实验结果表明,维生素C的含量在1.0~12.0 μg/mL内线性关系良好,线性方程为A=0.066 03c+0.019 74(R2 =0.997 51),检出限为0.044 μg/mL,样品加标回收率为97.5%~105.4%.方法操作简单,准确度高,对新鲜蔬菜的测定结果令人满意.【期刊名称】《中国无机分析化学》【年(卷),期】2014(004)003【总页数】3页(P79-81)【关键词】新鲜蔬菜;维生素C;紫外分光光度法【作者】李占清;魏海英【作者单位】河北大学化学与环境科学学院,河北保定071002;河北大学化学与环境科学学院,河北保定071002【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O657.32;TH744.12+20 前言水溶性维生素C又名L-抗坏血酸,主要存在于新鲜蔬菜和水果中,具有美白养颜、预防感冒、增强免疫系统功能等作用,对坏血病、动脉硬化、贫血等有一定疗效,可以预防癌症、心脏病、中风,保护牙齿和牙龈等,是维持人体正常代谢的必需物质。
根据维生素C的结构特点确定了其水溶液最大吸收波长为265 nm,并且分光光度法应用普遍[6-10],因此,建立了紫外分光光度法的工作曲线,选取了几种新鲜蔬菜作为样品进行测定。
REACH,附件十七限制物质列表59种 中文
CAS:7349-97-6 EC:231-106-7
杭州日升电气设备 屏显三边封制袋机控制器 说明书
PXZDJ Series屏显三边封制袋机控制器用户手册杭州日升电气设备有限公司Sunrise Electric地址:杭州市富强路48号电话:0571—88185343,88186075网址:Email:risesun@目录:1.总介2.使用说明3.注意事项4.常见问题解答5.附录一:错误码说明6.附录二:接线端子说明7.附录三:机箱接线端子说明§总介本文档内容为杭州日升电气设备有限公司屏显三边封制袋机电脑控制器之使用说明与注意事项。
▲ 上方的6项为制袋状态监控,在实际运行的时候将显示当前状态下面的运行参数,其中数字会有两种颜色显示。
▲ 中间的12项为制袋参数设置,通过键盘输入。
图二人机界面——制袋b图三人机界面——制袋c▲ 下方的柱状条是温控指示界面,此界面只有带温控的机型才有,如果没有温控的界面如图四所示。
美国☆VARCO顶驱TDS-11SA配件全系列型号(华高配件)☆VARCO内防喷器IBOP滚轮(71847)☆VARCO内防喷器IBOP曲柄(98898)☆VARCO锁销密封(ROD SEAL ASSEMBLY)(110056)☆VARCO锁销密封(ROD SEAL ASSEMBLY)(110061-326)☆VARCO锁销密封(O-RING)(51300-226-8)☆VARCO导轨连接销N(PI,JOINT)☆VARCO导轨安全销(PIN,LYNCH)☆VARCO风压开关 76841 TDS-3 SWITCH PRESSURE EEX☆VARCO 风压开关 83095-1 PHM3I SW,PRESS UL/CSA☆VARCO风压开关 87541-1 SWITCH, 30" Hg-20 PSI (EExd)☆VARCO电位器 81736-2 POTENTIOMETER,2W,10K☆VARCO电源板 96290 TP PCB,+5V REGULATBD☆VARCO编码器 115299 ENCODER,DIGITAL☆VARCO速度手轮 116551 THROTTLE,VDC,TGS9S☆VARCO触发板 116199-5☆VARCO电路板 116199-6 TDS-9S INVERTER INTERFACE BOARD (IVI) ☆VARCO电路板 116199-9 PARAMERTERRIZATION UNIT (PMU1) TDS-9S ☆VARCO 熔断器 116199-14 FUSE,INVERTER,250V,30A☆VARCO熔断器 116199-15 FUSE,INVERTER,1000V,630A☆VARCO控制板 116199-16 POWER SUPPLY MODULE PSU2) TDS-9S☆VARCO连接插头116199-20☆VARCO电路板 116199-21 CONTROL PCB FINPUT RECTIFIER TDS-9S ☆VARCO触发板 116199-22 PCB,CONTROL,PER3,INVERTER☆VARCO保险管 116199-25 FUSE,INVERTER,2A☆VARCO熔断器 116199-26 FUSE,INVERTER,800V,800A:☆VARCO保险管 116199-27 FUSE,INVERTER,250V,7A☆VARCO接口板 116199-34 INVERTER,TACH,DIGITAL,BOARD,TDS9S☆VARCO制动模块116199-42 SIEMENS AC 575V DB CHOPPER☆VARCO熔断器 116199-46 600V,30A FUSE TDS-9S☆VARCO熔断器 116199-48 250V,1/2A FUSE TDS-9S4☆VARCO熔断器 116199-49 250V,2A FUSE TDS-9S☆VARCO电路板 116199-76 CUCV BOARD, AC INVERTER SIEMENS☆VARCO电路板 116199-77 CBP BOARD, AC INVERTER SIEMENS☆VARCO熔断器 116199-87 FUSE,BRAKING UNIT☆VARCO电源 116199-88 POWER SUPPLY,24VDC,20A,WALLMOUNT☆VARCO熔断器 116199-104 FUSE, 80A,1000VOLT SITOR☆VARCO熔断器 116199-105 GOULD FUSE (SIEMENS AJT30)☆VARCO熔断器 116199-128 GOULD FUSE (SIEMENS AJT35)☆VARCO电源 122627-131 输入:AC230/120V 50/60HZ 输出:24VDC/20A☆VARCO模块 122627-03 CPU SIEMENS 315-2DP☆VARCO模块 122627-09 MODULE,16PT,24VDC,INPUT☆VARCO模块 122627-18 MODULE,8PT,24VDC,OUTPUT,SIEMENS S7☆VARCO总线连接器 122627-34 CONNECTOR,BUS(PROFIBUS),SIEMENS S7☆VARCO模块 122627-45 REMOTE-I/O,4PT,ANALOG☆VARCO模块 122627-46 REMOTE-I/O,DIGITAL,24IN/8OUT☆VARCO模块 122627-47 REMOTE-I/O,4ANALOG☆VARCO熔断器 122627-54 FUSE,2.5A,250V (1PK = 10 UNITS)☆VARCO熔断器 122627-55 FUSE,1.6A,250V (A BOX OF 10 = 1)☆VARCO模块 122627-57 BASE,ANALOG,SIEMENS S7☆VARCO模块 122627-58 BASE,DIGITAL,SIEMENS S7☆VARCO模块 122627-64 MODULE,16PT,OUTPUT,SIEMENS☆VARCO处理器 122627-143 CPU SIEMENS 315-2DP,W/MMC SLOT "SEE TEXT" ☆VARCO内存卡 122627-144 MICRO MEMORY CARD (USE WITH 122627-143) ☆VARCO防爆电磁阀 127908-D2 SOLENOID,VALVE,3-POS 24 VDC☆VARCO防爆电磁阀 127908-J2 SOLENOID VALVE,D03,UL☆VARCO按钮 30087708-02 PUSHBUTTON,FLUSH LR/BLKDC☆VARCO二位开关 30087708-26 SEL SWITH MT 2POS LR DC☆VARCO转换开关 30087708-30 SEL SWITCH 3 POS RET CTR☆VARCO转换开关 30087708-33 SEL SWITCH 3 POS SRFRLRDC☆VARCO三位开关 30087708-36 SEL SWITH 3POS MT/LR 3☆VARCO指示灯 30087708-38 INDICATING LIGHT, 24V DC RED ☆VARCO指示灯 30087708-40 INDICATING LIGHT, 24V DC AMBER ☆VARCO灯泡 30087708-44 LAMP MIN. BAYONET 24V☆VARCO扭矩给定电位器 30087708-46 DC OPERATOR,POT☆VARCO指示灯 30087708-48 INDICATING LITE 230VCLEAR☆VARCO急停按钮 30087708-67 SW,PB MUSHROOM HD LR/RED☆VARCO断路器 30157674-2.2 2.2 KW MOTO/L☆VARCO断路器 30157674-7.5 7.5 KW MOTO/L(BRKR)☆VARCO接触器 30157674-9-120 CONTACTOR,9A,120VAC☆VARCO接触器 30157674-12-120 CONTACTOR, 12A, 120VAC☆VARCO垫片 110014 GASKET,BLOWER,7.6X12.5☆VARCO垫片 110015 GASKET,BLOWER,7.6X8.5☆VARCO垫片 110016 GASKET,BLOWER,7.6X11.6☆VARCO垫片 110110 GASKET,DUCT,BLOWER☆VARCO垫片 110111 GASKET,MOTOR-PLATE☆VARCO垫片 110112 (MT)GASKET,BLOWER,SCROLL☆VARCO垫片 110116 (MT)GASKET,MOTOR-PLATE☆VARCO垫片 110017+30 GASKET,BLOWER,7.5X7.6☆VARCO顶丝 87196-10-S PLUG, O-RING SRT THD REC HEX☆VARCO顶丝 87196-2-S PLUG, O-RING .437-20 THD☆VARCO顶丝 87196-4-S PLUG, O-RING .437-20 THD☆VARCO顶丝 87196-6-S PLUG, O-RING .562-18 THD☆VARCO顶丝 87196-8-S PLUG, O-RING .750-16 THD☆VARCO顶丝 93018-08 PLUG,ORIFICE .028☆VARCO顶丝 93018-10 PLUG,ORIFICE,.039☆VARCO顶丝 93018-14 ORIFICE PLUG, #10-32X.055☆VARCO顶丝 94041-18 PLUG,ORIFICE,.071,PHM3I☆VARCO堵头 93024-4SAE FITTING,SAE-4☆VARCO堵头 93024-6SAE FITTING,SAE-6☆VARCO堵头 93667-M11 PLUG, CAVITY☆VARCO堵头 93667-M13 PLUG,CAVITY,TDS9S☆VARCO接头 30123563 ASSY,BOX-PACKING,3"WASH-PIPE,TDS☆VARCO接头 83444-01 GLAND,EEXD/EEXE, ARM.CABLE, PHM1☆VARCO接头 86625-01 TDS CABLE GL1/2" NPT☆VARCO 接头 86625-02 TDS CABLE GLAND, 3/4" NPT☆VARCO卡子 107052 WASHER, LOCK, TAB, .56 DIA☆VARCO卡子 110844-18 PLUG,ORIFICE,.250 NPT(.071)(PRS8)☆VARCO卡子 110844-52 PLUG,ORIFICE,.250NPT(.205)☆VARCO卡子 118844-16-08 BUSHING,SLEEVE,1.00x0.50,FIBERGLIDE ☆VARCO卡子 118844-16-12 BUSHING,SLEEVE,1.00x0.75,FIBERGLIDE ☆VARCO卡子 118844-22-22 BUSHING.SLEEVE,1.38x1.38,FIBERGLIDE ☆VARCO 卡子 51402-12 PIN, COTTER☆VARCO卡子 94042-12 PLUG,ORIFICE .047,PHM☆VARCOo型圈 110011 (MT)GASKET,COVER,ACCESS☆VARCOo型圈 110056 SEAL,ROD,1.5BORE☆VARCOo型圈 109567-S TDS9S SEAL,BODY☆VARCOo型圈 110061-326 SEAL,PISTON (same as 110061)☆VARCOo型圈 51300-011-B PHM-1 O-RING☆VARCOo型圈 51300-016-B O RING☆VARCOo型圈 51300-152-B O-RING☆VARCOo型圈 51300-223-F O-RING☆VARCOo型圈 51300-226-B O-RING☆VARCOo型圈 51300-258-B O-RING☆VARCOo型圈 51300-273-B O-RING☆VARCOo型圈 51300-277-B O-RING☆VARCOo型圈 51300-279-B O-RING☆VARCOo型圈 51300-381-B O-RING☆VARCOo型圈 51300-385-F O-RING☆VARCOo型圈 51300-387-F O-RING☆VARCOo型圈 51300-425-B 0-RING, "S" TUBE, TDS☆VARCOo型圈 98006-12N AR3200 SEAL KIT☆VARCOo型圈 98006-13N AR3200 SEAL KIT☆VARCOo型圈 98006-14N SEAL KIT,VALVE CARTRIDGE☆VARCOo型圈 98291+30 SEAL,POLYPAK,3.875,STD.BORE,TDS☆VARCOo型圈 110008 (MT)O-RING,.275x50.5☆VARCOo型圈 127908-54J2-SP-GUARN-DHA SEAL KIT☆VARCO垫圈 72219 SEAL,PISTON☆VARCO垫圈 30154362 SHIELD, BEARING,SMALL BORE, TDS 4S☆VARCO导轨销 117782 PIN,JOINT,2.0DIAX12.5,MS28☆VARCO安全销 117783 PIN,RETAINER,5DIAX7.0☆VARCO扳手 141559-1 COMBINATION WRENCH SET☆VARCO扳手 141559-2 OPEN END WRENCH SET☆VARCO扳手 88905-2 12 IN. ADJUSTABLE WRENCH☆VARCO保护接头 80098 SUB,SPACER(6 5/8" BOX/6 5/8" PIN) (T)☆VARCO保护接头 109521 (MT)BEARING,ROLLER,CYLINDRICAL,200X360MM☆VARCO保护接头 79410-3 SUB,CROSSOVER,NC50x6 5/8☆VARCO保护套 30175561 LINER, STABILIZER☆VARCO冲管 30123289 WASH PIPE, 3\"BORE, 7,500 PSI☆VARCO冲管胶盘根 30123290-PK KIT,SEAL, WASHPIPE PACKING, 7500PSI☆VARCO冲管总成 30123290 ASSY,WASH-PIPE,3"BORE, 7500PSI☆VARCO变量泵到阀组的软管线(变量泵输出管线) 30124191 HOSE,ASSY,PRESSURE MANIFOLD ☆VARCO背钳牙座 30125051 JAW,NC38-N6,ASSY,PH100☆VARCO刹车液压管线(倾斜油缸管线) 59046P08X036 HOSE,ASSY☆VARCO充油阀至平衡油缸管线 59124P290093 HOSE,ASSY☆VARCO充油阀至平衡油缸管线 59143P290086 HOSE,ASSY,C`BAL,TDS9S☆VARCO储能器至平衡阀管线 59144P290099 HOSE,ASSY☆VARCO阀 30171921 VALVE W/REWORKED HANDLE, DIRECTIONAL CON☆VARCO阀 107029-175N TDS9S VALVE CART,CHECK☆VARCO阀 108216-12 PDM4 BALL VALVE 3/4-14 BRASS☆VARCO阀 109858-1AN TDS9S VALVE CART,RED/REL☆VARCO阀 111664-1EN CARTRIDGE, VALVE, RELIEF, TDS9S☆VARCO单向阀 107028-1ANB PDM VALVE CART,DIFF UNLDG☆VARCO单向阀 107031-1AN IDS VALVE, RELIEF CART.☆VARCO定量泵至阀组的软管线 59024P080032☆VARCO单向阀 94520-1AN CARTRIDGE,VALVE,RELIEF,PHM3I☆VARCO单向阀 94520-1NN CARTRIDGE,VALVE,PRESSURE RELIEF TDS9S☆VARCO单向阀 94522-1EN CARTRIDGE,VALVE,RELIEF TDS9S☆VARCO单向阀 94536-230N TDS9S VALVE CART,CHECK☆VARCO单向阀 94537-130N TDS9S VALVE CART,CHECK☆VARCO流量阀 98402-800D VALVE,CONTROL,FLOW☆VARCO逻辑阀 94534-1CXN CARTRIDGE,LOGIC,PHM3I☆VARCO滤芯 30111013-Kit KIT, FILTER, GEAR-OIL (FILTER O-RING ☆VARCO滤芯 30173216-Kit ELEMENT,FILTER,HYD☆VARCOo型圈 51300-341-B☆VARCO滤芯 94536-14N CARTRIDGE,CHECK,PHM3I☆VARCO电缆插头 1102-0463-00 CONNECTOR-SINGLE PIN, MALE☆VARCO电缆插座 31T00066 CONN-RECP,F,535MCM,P,BK☆VARCO防爆连接头 110022-1B(ZP-W-5624-A) TDS9S RECEPT, POWER BLACK☆VARCO防爆连接头 110022-1R(ZP-W-5624-A) TDS9S RECEPT, POWER RED☆VARCO防爆连接头 110022-1W(ZP-W-5624-A) TDS9S RECEPT, POWER WHITE☆VARCO轴承 77039 SEAL,LIP 8.25x9.5x.62☆VARCO轴承 109519 (MT)BEARING,ROLLER,TAPER,200X310MM☆VARCO轴承 109522 (MT)BEARING,ROLLER,CYLINDRICAL,75X160MM☆VARCO轴承 117987 (MT)BEARING,ROLLER,SPHERICAL,80X170☆VARCO主轴承盖油封 91250-1 (MT)OIL SEAL(VITON),STD.BORE,TDS☆VARCO滚轮轴承 109567-B TDS9S BEARING,ROLLER☆VARCO滑动架上4寸轮 30158767-04 BEARING,CAM FOLLOWER☆VARCO滑动架上4寸轮固定垫圈 51024-C WAHSER,LOCK-HEAVY☆VARCO滑动架上4寸轮固定螺母 55324-C NUT,HEX-JAM(UNF-2B)☆VARCO滑动架上6寸轮 30155438 CAM,FOLLOWER 6"☆VARCO滑动架上6寸轮固定垫圈 51132-C WASHER,LOCK-HI COLLAR☆VARCO滑动架上6寸轮固定螺母 80569+30 NUT,HEX,JAM,2.0-12UN☆VARCO耐磨套固定螺丝 50008-8-C5D SCREW,CAP-HEX HD DRILLED☆VARCO耐磨套固定螺丝防滑垫片 50008-12-C SCREW,CAP-HEX HD (UNC)☆VARCO皮带 120117 (MT)BELT,TIMING☆VARCO平衡阀门 99353-1AN TDS9S REDUCING VALVE CART,RED/REL☆VARCO钳头固定螺丝(用于各种钳头) 50108-20-C SCREW,CAP-SCK HD☆VARCO钳头固定螺丝弹簧垫 50108-10-C SCREW,CAP,SOCKET-HEAD(UNC)☆VARCO钳牙 16401-2 PYRAMID,TONG,DIE(TYPE"C"ROTARY-TONG)☆VARCO倾斜油缸 30119592 ACTUATOR,ASSY☆VARCO倾斜油缸启动曲柄 30158189 CRANK ASSEMBLY☆VARCOIBOP小滚轮 71847 CAM FOLLOWER☆VARCO上IBOP扳手 77408 WRENCH,SOCKET,HEX,.88☆VARCO上IBOP启动摇臂 30158164 PIN,CRANK☆VARCO上IBOP修理包 114859 REPAIR KIT,UPPER IBOP, PH-50 STD NAM☆VARCO上IBOP总成 110103-500 UPPER IBOP,PH50 ASSY,6-5/8 X6-5/8,C/☆VARCO下IBOP修理包 99498-1 RPR KIT,LWR IBOP STD&NAM☆VARCO下IBOP修理包 99498-2 REPAIR KIT,LOWER IBOP STD&NAM☆VARCO下IBOP总成 114706-500 ASSY,LWR,IBOP,65/8X65/8W/REL,GRV-STD,C/ ☆VARCOIBOP油缸 125594 CYLINDER,HYD,IBOP,ACTUATOR,ASSY,PH100☆VARCO油嘴 53201+50 FTG, GREASE, 1/8"NPT☆VARCO支架 79489-14 TDS UPPER IBOP ASSY TOOL☆VARCO止动销 117496-1 RETAINER,SELF-LOCK,TDS9S☆VARCO扭矩表 96219-11 METER,TORQUE,FT-LB,60000,TDS11☆VARCO转速表 96218-3 METER,TACHOMETER TDS9S☆VARCO变频器 20AE011A3AYYNNC0☆VARCO端子和工具 3221091☆VARCO冲管O型密封圈 51300-348-F O-RING☆VARCO冲管黄油嘴 53219-1 FITTING, GREASE STRAIGHT☆VARCO顶驱冲管卡簧 30123562 RING,SNAP,3\"WASH-PIPE,TDS☆VARCO曲柄凸轮随动(从动)件 79824 CAM-FOLLOWER,1.0DIAx.62STUD☆VARCO曲柄凸轮随动(从动)件 99168+30 SPACER,SLEEVE,.88ODx.636IDx.250THK☆VARCO上IBOP密封件包 114859-1 REPAIR KIT,IBOP SEAL,PH50☆VARCO储能器修理包 P/N87605 JOB 5350965:000:003 BIN:C250E ITEM:87605 DESC ☆VARCO平衡油缸总成 110703☆VARCO平衡油缸总成 110704☆VARCO上IBOP曲柄 98898+30☆VARCO低速/高转距液压马达 30156326-36S☆VARCO马达/泵连接 109579+30☆VARCO锁销轴承 30112626☆VARCO齿轮箱润滑泵总成 117603-1☆VARCO编码器皮带 120117-3☆VARCOIBOP液压管线 59024P170021☆VARCOIBOP液压管线 59024P170024☆VARCO背钳液压管线 59044P230074☆VARCO背钳液压管线 59044P230073☆VARCO背钳管汇液压弯接头 56557-8-8-S☆VARCO倾斜臂阀汇液压弯接头 56519-4-4-S☆VARCO倾斜臂阀汇液压弯接头 56519-8-8-S☆VARCO倾斜臂阀汇液压弯接头 56519-12-8-S☆VARCO旋转头马达液压弯接头 56519-6-6-S☆VARCO平衡阀汇液压弯接头 56519-12-12S☆VARCO回转头马达 30158011☆VARCO电容组 116199-122☆VARCO顶驱空调排风机电机 30155030-25☆VARCO主动力电缆接头 114869-PL-WHT☆VARCO主动力电缆接头 114869-PL-BLK☆VARCO主动力电缆接头 114869-PL-RED☆VARCO弯头ELBOW 56519-8-6-S ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO弯头ELBOW 56506-16-16-S ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO弯头ELBOW 56506-4-4-S ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO接头 CONNECTOR 56529-8-8-S ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO接头 CONNECTOR 56529-8-6-S ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO接头 CONNECTOR 56529-6-6-S ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO接头 CONNECTOR 56529-10-8-S ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO接头 CONNECTOR 56529-8-4-S ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO接头 CONNECTOR 56529-16-16-S ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO接头 CONNECTOR 56511-16-12-S ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO接头 CONNECTOR 56556-12-6-S ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO接头 CONNECTOR 56501-4-4-S ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO三通TEE 56513-12-S ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO三通TEE 56500-12-12S ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO三通TEE 56555-4-4-S ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO内六角螺丝钉COCKET CAP SCREW 50103-16-B ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO平衡阀门 94518-13HN ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO单向阀ARTRIDGE,CHECK,PHM3I 94536-14N ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO单向阀TDS11S VALEV CART, CHECK 94536-230N ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO单向阀TDS11S VALEV CART, CHECK 94537-130N ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO逻辑阀CARTRIDGE,LOGCO,PHM3I 94534-1CXN ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO铁盘根 30173166 ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO冲管紧固螺钉 30123564 ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO上IBOP曲柄 99898-30 ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO电缆 117372-135-22-4-B ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO电缆插头 117472-PL-WHT ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO转速表 96218-3 ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO风机电机 30172028-1 ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO液压泵电机 109755-2 ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO扭矩表 96219-11 ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO1/16堵头 PLUG, EXT PIPE-CTSK HEX 53000-6-S ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO1/8堵头 PLUG, EXT PIPE-CTSK HEX 53000-4-S ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO1/4堵头 PLUG, EXT PIPE-CTSK HEX 53000-2-S ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO3/8堵头 PLUG, EXT PIPE 1/16-27 NPT 53000-1-S ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO堵头 PLUG, O-RING .437-20 THD 87196-2-S ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO护帽 CAP, FEM 37DEG SEAT 56544-4-S ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO护帽 CAP, FEM 37DEG SEAT 56544-6-S ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO弯头 Elbow, O RiNG 56519-4-4-S ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO弯头☆VARCO顶驱配件 BJ Elbow, O-Ring Boss 56519-6-6-S ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO弯头 ELBOW, O-RING BOSS/37DEG 56519-4-6-S ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO弯头 Elbow, O-Ring / 37 56519-6-4-S ☆VARCO顶驱配件☆VARCO弯头☆VARCO顶驱配件 BJ Connector, O'Ring Boss 37' 56529☆VARCODERRICK 原装筛布☆VARCO筛布110目 PMD48-30DX-A80 PMD48-30DX110筛布140目 PMD48-30HP-A140 PMD48-30HP180筛布84目 PMD48-30DX-A70 PMD48-30DX84螺栓总成 UN3/8(12048-00)进线保护套(含电线)UNIVERSAL EX-PROOF MOTCORD 11881-01-002T型扳手 5925-01管夹PIPE CLAMP VIC-4-75管帽PIPE CAP VIC-4-60。
CAREL ir33 快速参考手册说明书
CAREL ir33 Quick reference HandbookMAIN FEATURES OF THE INSTRUMENTUSER INTERFACE1. ON/OFF switch button – UP button to increase temperature values2. DOWN button to decrease values - Activates/deactivates the manual defrost3. SET temperature button4. Prg/mute button5. Malfunctioning or failure warning icon6. High/Low temperature alarm icon7. icon is ON when defrost process starts8. icon is ON when compressor starts9. icon is ON when evaporator fans starts10. icon is ON when an auxiliary output is activePOWER OFFWhen the instruments is switched off the display shows the label OFF andall internal relays are disabled (not energized)POWER ONWhen the controller is switched on a special procedure tests the display and the keypad. The display is completely ON for 2 secondsThree segments “---“ on the display are visualized for 2 seconds and thenthe controller becomes operativeCompressor icons flashes and the compressor activation is delayed by safety timesSET CAVITY TEMPERATURETo display or to set the temperature, proceeds as follows:Keep SET button pressed for more than 1 second. The instruments displays the temperature valueIncrease or decrease the set point using UP/DOWN buttons, until reaching the desired valuePress SETbutton again to confirm the new value FREQUENT USE PARAMETER(TYPE F)Press Prg/mute button more than 5 seconds the instruments shows the code of the first adjustable parameter (type “F”) – if an alarm is active,pressing this button, the buzzer is muted first.FREQUENTLY USE PARAMETER LIST : St, rd, rt, rH, rL, dI, dt1, dt2, dP1, dP2, dd, d8, d/1, d/2, AL, AH, Ad, F1, Fd CONFIGURATION PARAMETER (TYPE C)Access to the configuration parameters is protected by password that avoid unwanted modifications or access by unauthorized personel. Proceeds as follows:1. Press Prg/Mute and Set buttons together for more than 3seconds; display shows a flashing numerical code “0” that indicates the password prompt 2. Press UP button to set the password – CAREL thermoregulators are provided with password set to 11 (the code of the password allows access to the configuration parameters) 3. Confirm by pressing the Set button to enter in the programming mode and scroll up/down the operating parameters list4. Display shows the code of the first adjustable type “C” parameter/2MANUALDEFROSTManual defrost is activated or deactivated ifDEF/DOWNbutton is keep pressed more than 5 seconds.When defrost starts display shows dFb (defrost begining)Defrost’s warning icon is ON when defrost is activeDefrost can be interrupted simply by pressing again the DEF/DOWN button more than 5 seconds. Display shows the message dFE (defrost End)MODIFYING THE PARAMETERSAfter having displayed the first operating parameter, either type C or type F, it is necessary to procedes as follows:1. PressUP/DOWN button until reaching the parameter to bemodified. When scrolling the list, an icon appears on the displaythat indicates the category the parameter belongs to2. Press SET button to display the parameter’s value3. Increase or decrease its value using UP/DOWN button4. Press again SET button to temporarily save the new value, closing the parameter adjustment and return to the display of theparameter codeRepeat the operations from point 1 to 4STORING THENEW ASSIGNED VALUESTo definitively store the new values of the modified parameters, procede as follows: 1. Press the Prg/mute button more than 5 seconds 2. Display shows the label ProThe controller step out the parameter setting procedure and the displayshows current temperature value.RESET ANYMODIFICATIONS All modifications made to the parameters, temporarily stored into the internally memory of the controller, can be cancelled and normal operation resumed by not pressing any button for 60 second, thus allowing theparameter setting session to expire due to timeoutHOW TO CHECKCAVITY PROBE TEMPERATURETo check current temperature measured by a single installed probe, proceeds as follow: 1. refers to the previous step how to get in the configuration parameter session - type C parameter2. scroll the configuration parameter list, by using UP/DOWNbuttons, until display shows the parameter /C1 (calibration or offset for cavity probe) 3. press SET button4. display shows the probe calibration value, used to correct thetemperature measured by the probe by means of an offset5. Press again SET button6. display shows the current temperature value measured by theprobe7. press SET button to return to display of the parameter code /C1HOW TO CHECK EVAPORATOR TEMPERATURECurrent evaporator probe temperature is available by means of theparameter /C2 (calibration or offset for evaporator probe) To check temperature value proceeds as previously indicated from step 1 to step 2, considering the configuration parameter /C2HOW TO CHECKCONDENSER TEMPERATUREIf the condenser probe is installed it is possible to check condenser temperature by means of the parameter /C3 (calibration or offset for condenser probe) To check temperature value proceeds as previously indicated from step 1to step 2, considering the configuration parameter /C3BE CAREFUL ⇒ DO NOT ADJUST THE CALIBRATION VALUETABLE OF OPERATING PARAMETERS N° Code Range U.M. Description TEMPERATURE PROBE MANAGEMENT PARAMETERS 1/2 0...15 -- Measurement stability 2/3 0...15 -- Probe display response 3/4 0…100 -- Virtual probe 4/5 0/1 Flag Selection °C or °F 5/6 0/1 Flag Decimal point 6/tl 1…6 -- Display on terminal 7/tE 0...6 -- Display on external terminal 8/P 0…2 -- Type of probe 9/A2 0…3 -- Configuration probe 2 10/A3 0…3 -- Configuration probe 3 11/c1 -20…20 °C/°F (/10) Calibration probe 1 12/c2 -20…20 °C/°F (/10) Calibration probe 2 13 /c3-20…20 °C/°F (/10) Calibration probe 3 TEMPERATURE CONTROL PARAMETERS 14 Str1…r2 °C/°F set point temperature 15 rd0.1…20 °C/°F Control delta 16 rn0…60 °C/°F Dead band 17 rr0.1…20 °C/°F Reverse differential for control with dead band 18 r1-50...r2 °C/°F Minimum set point allowed 19 r2r1…200 °C/°F Maximum set point allowed 20 r30...2 Flag Operating mode 21 r4-20...20 °C/°F Automatic night-time set point variation 22 r50...1 °C/°F Enable temperature monitoring 23 rt0...999 °C/°F Temperature monitoring interval 24 rH- °C/°F Maximum temperature read 25 rL- °C/°F Minimum temperature read COMPRESSOR SAFETY TIME AND ACTIVATION PARAMETERS 26 c00...15 Minutes Compressor and fan delay on start-up 27 c10…15 Minutes Minimum time between two sequent compressor starts 28 c20...15 Minutes Minimum compressor OFF time 29 c30...15 Minutes Minimum compressor ON time 30 c40…100 Minutes Duty setting 31 cc0…15 Hours Continuous cycle duration 32 c60…15 Hours Alarm bypass after continuous cycle 33 c70...900 Seconds Maximum pump down time 34c8 0...60 Seconds Compressor start delay after open PD valve35 c9 0...1 Flag Enable autostart function in PD36 c10 0...1 Flag Select Pump down by time or pressure37 c11 0...250 Seconds Second compressor delayDEFROST MANAGEMENT PARAMETERS38 d0 0...4 Flag Type of defrost40 dI 0…250 Hours Interval between defrosts41 dt1 -50…200 °C/°F End defrost temperature, evaporator42 dt2 -50…200 °C/°F End defrost temperature, aux evap.43 dtP 0...200 °C/°F Defrost end temperature when defrost has done with compressor OFF and fans ON44 dP1 1…250 Minutes Maximum defrost duration, evaporator45 dP2 1…250 Minutes Maximum defrost duration, aux evap.46 d3 0...250 Minutes Defrost start delay47 d4 0/1 Flag Enable defrost on start-up48 d5 0…250 Minutes Defrost delay on start-up49 d6 0...2 -- Display on hold during defrost50 dd 0…15 Minutes Dripping time after defrost51 d8 0…15 Hours Alarm bypass after defrost52 d8d 0…250 Hours Alarm bypass after door open53 d9 0/1 Flag Defrost priority over compressor protectors54 d/1 - °C/°F Defrost probe 1 read55 d/2 - °C/°F Defrost probe 1 read56 dC 0/1 Flag Time base (0=h/m;1=m/s)57 d10 0...250 Hours Compressor running time for defrost58 d11 -20...20 °C/°F Running time temperature for defrost59 d12 0...3 -- Advanced defrost60 dn 1...100 % Nominal defrost duration61 dH 0...100 -- Proportional factor, variation in dI ALARM MANAGEMENT PARAMETERS62 A0 0.1…20.0 °C/°F Alarm (fan) differential63 A1 0/1 Flag Relative or Absolute Alarm64 AL -50…200 °C/°F Low temperature alarm threshold65 AH -50…200 °C/°F High temperature alarm threshold66 Ad 0…250 Minutes Low and high temperature signal delay67 A4 0…15 Flag Digital input 1 configuration68 A5 0…15 Flag Digital input 1 configuration69 A6 0…100 Minutes Stop compressor from external alarm70 A7 0…250 Minutes External alarm detection delay71 A8 0/1 Flag Enable alarms ‘Ed1’ and ‘Ed2’72 Ac 0...200 °C/°F High condenser temperature alarm73 AE 0.1...20 °C/°F High condenser temperature alarm differential74 Acd 0…250 Minutes High condenser temperature alarm delay75 AF 0…250 Seconds Light sensor OFF time76 ALF -50...200 °C/°F Antifreeze alarm threshold77 AdF 0…15 Minutes Antifreeze alarm delay78 ACS -50...200 °C/°F Alarm Clean Setpoint79 ACd 0.1...50 Minutes Alarm Clean differentialEVAPORATOR FAN MANAGEMENT PARAMETERS81 F0 0...2 Flag Fan management82 F1 -50...200 °C/°F Fan stop temperature83 F2 0/1 Flag Fan OFF with compressor OFF84 F3 0/1 Flag Fans in defrost85 Fd 0…15 Minutes Fan OFF after dripping86 F4 -50...200 °C/°F Condenser fan stop temperature87 F5 0.1...20 °C/°F Condenser fan start differentialGENERAL CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS88 H0 0…207 -- Serial address89 H1 0...10 Flag Function of relay 490 H2 0...6 Flag Disable keypad/IR91 H4 0/1 Flag Disable buzzer92 H6 0...255 -- Lock keypad93 H8 0/1 Flag Select activation of output with time band94 H9 0/1 Flag Enable set point variation with time band95 Hdh -50...200 °C/°F Anti-sweat heater offset96 CCd 0...999 -- Clean Counter Days97 Cd 0...999 -- Clean days98 SAn 0...255 -- Service Alarms number99 SAr 0...1 Flag Service Alarms counter reset San100 CAn 0...255 -- Clean Alarm counter101 CAr 0...1 Flag Clean Alarm counter resetNOTE 1:Above operating parameters are available for all range of CAREL thermoregulators. Particularly all green highlighted parameters are available on new CAREL controller ir33 IRELF0HN245, currently installed on HD cabinets and countersNOTE 2:Blu highlighted operating parameters listed above are not influential for the functioning of the appliance.SERVICE ALLARMS AND SIGNALSSERVICE ALARMSSERVICE ALARMS DUE TO MALFUNCTIONING OR FAILURE PRODUCE A WARNING SIGNALS ON THE DISPLAY BY MEAN OF THE SERVICE ICONCAVITY PROBE FAULTIn case of cavity probe faulty or malfunctioning display shows the error signal rE and E0 (cavity probe S1 fault) alternately The appliance works however and compressor starts are controlled by time (15 mins is ON and 15 mins is OFF) until the fault is resolved.This alarm signal is automatically restored when the faulty erased and the probe replacedDuring this time interval the service alarm icon flashes on display and an acoustic signal is ENABLEDEVAPORATOR PROBE FAULTYIn case of evaporator probe faulty or malfunctioning display shows an error signal E1 (evaporator probe S2 fault).This alarm signal is automatically restored when the faulty erased and the probe replaced During this time interval the service alarm icon flashes on display. Acoustic signal is DISABLED CONDENSER PROBE FAULTY (WHEN INSTALLEDON BOARD)In case of condenser probe faulty or malfunctioning display shows the error signal SEr and E2 (condenser probe S3 fault) alternately This alarm signal is automatically restored when the faulty erased and the probe replaced During this time interval the service alarm icon flashes on display. Acoustic signal is DISABLEDCLEAN ALARMIf a probe is set as the condenser probe, the condenser temperature can be monitored to signal the high temperature alarm, due to obstruction orfoulingIn this case a warning signal is visualized and display shows the errorsignal CLn and the temperature measured by the condenser probe alternatelyService alarm icon is flashing and the acoustic signal DISABLED The clean alarm is reset to zero by pressing the Prg/mute button and the service alarm icon cancelled on displayTEMPERATURE ALARMS AND SIGNALSTEMPERATUREALARMS HIGH OR LOW TEMPERATURE ALARMS DUE TO MALFUNCTIONING OR COMPONENTS FAILURE PRODUCE A WARNING SIGNALS ON THE DISPLAY BY MEAN OF THE ALARM ICON .LOWTEMPERATURE ALARMIn case of low cavity temperature, referred to the cavity probe, the display shows a flashing error code LO . Temperature alarm icon is flashing and the acoustic signal ACTIVE. This alarm is automatically reset when cavity temperature increase over the minimum temperature threshold, depending from the parameter ALHIGHTEMPERATURE ALARMIn case of high cavity temperature, referred to the cavity probe, the display shows a flashing error code HI . Temperature alarm icon is flashing and the acoustic signal ACTIVE. This alarm is automatically reset when cavity temperature decrease under the maximum temperature threshold, depending from the parameter AHCONDENSER FAN ALARMIn case of condenser fan faulty or malfunctioning display shows a flashing error code SErTemperature alarm icon is flashing and the acoustic signal ACTIVEPressing Prg/mute button the buzzer is DISABLED but the alarm signal is still active and shown on the displayCONNECTIONSFollows all electrical connections available on ir33 CAREL controller , currently used in productionIRELC0HN215 (646R05100) Æ installed on STD BEN and CL freezer counter and STD BEN cabinet provided with internal lightIRELF0EN215 (646R04700) Æ installed on all STD BEN refrigerated counters, 400Lt refrigerated cabinets and all STD BEN cabinets without lightIRELF0HN245 (646R09300) Æ installed on HD counters and cabinetsIRELF0EN225 Æ installed on digital ROLL–INIRELF0EHD15 Æ installed on 400Lt FREEZER cabinet。
AP1512/A50KHz, 2A/3A PWM Buck DC/DC ConverterFeatures- Output voltage: 3.3V, 5V, 12V and adjustable output version- Adjustable version output voltage range, 1.23V to 37V+4%- 50KHz +15% fixed switching frequency- Voltage mode non-synchronous PWM control - Thermal-shutdown and current-limit protection - ON/OFF shutdown control input - Operating voltage can be up to 60V - Output load current: 2A (for AP1512)3A (for AP1512A)- Low power standby mode- Built-in switching transistor on chip - TO220-5L, TO220-5L(R) and TO263-5L Pb-free packagesApplications- Simple High-efficiency step-down regulator - On-card switching regulators - Positive to negative converterGeneral DescriptionThe AP1512/A is a monolithic IC that design for a step-down DC/DC converter, and own the ability of driving a 2A (3A for AP1512A) load without additional transistor component. Due to reducing the number of external component, the board space can be saved easily. The external shutdown function can be controlled by logic level and then come into standby mode. The internal compensation makes feedback control have good line and load regulation without external design. Regarding protected function, thermal shutdown is to prevent over temperature operating from damage, and current limit is against over current operating of the output switch. The AP1512/A operates at a switching frequency of 50KHz thus allowing smaller sized filter components than what would be needed with lower frequency switching regulators. Other features include a guaranteed +4% tolerance on output voltage under specified input voltage and output load conditions, and +15% on the oscillator frequency. The output version included fixed 3.3V, 5V, 12V, and an adjustable type. The packages are available in a standard 5-lead TO-220 package and a 5-lead TO-263.Pin AssignmentsTO220-5L( Top View )( Top View )TO263-5L INMetal Tab GNDINPin DescriptionsNameDescriptionV IN Operating voltage input Output Switching output Gnd Ground FBOutput voltage feedback controlSD ON/OFF ShutdownAP1512/A50KHz, 2A/3A PWM Buck DC/DC ConverterOrdering InformationPackage T5: TO220-5LK5: TO263-5LOutput Version AP1512 X XX X XPacking Blank : Tube A : TapingBlank : Adjustable -33 : 3.3V -50 : 5.0V -12 : 12VT5R: TO220-5L(R)Part Number Blank: 2A A : 3ABlock DiagramCurrent Source bias1.235V Reference2.5V Regulator50KHz OSC.Start up++_+_Thermal LimitPre-driverComp CompGndOutput V INSDFB220mV200mV2A Switch +__Amp CompFrequecy compen-sation(3A for AP1512A)AP1512/A50KHz, 2A/3A PWM Buck DC/DC ConverterAbsolute Maximum RatingsSymbol Parameter RatingUnit V CC Supply Voltage +63 V V SD ON/OFF Pin input voltage -0.3 to +40 V V FB Feedback Pin voltage -0.3 to +40V V OUT Output voltage to Ground -1V P D Power dissipation Internally limited W T ST Storage temperature -65 to +150 o C T OP Operating temperature -40 to +125 o C V OP Operating voltage+4.5 to +60VElectrical Characteristics (All Output Voltage Versions)Unless otherwise specified, V IN =30V for all version. I LOAD = 0.5ASymbol ParameterConditionsMin.Typ.Max. Unit 8I BFeedback bias currentV FB =1.3V(Adjustable version only)5 10µA42.5 50 57.5F OSC oscillator frequency40 60KHz1.4V SAT saturation voltage I OUT =2A no outside circuitV FB =0V force driver on1.3 1.5VMax. Duty Cycle(ON) V FB =0V force driver on100DCMin. Duty cycle(OFF) V FB =12V force driver off%4.5I CL current limit for AP1512 peak currentno outside circuitV FB =0V force driver on 2.5 3 5.5A5I CL current limit for AP1512A peak current no outside circuitV FB =0V force driver on3.2 4 6 A Output = 0no outside circuitV FB =12V force driver off-250 uA I L Output = -1 Output leakage currentV IN =60V -2 -60 mA I Q Quiescent Current V FB =12V force driver off 5 10 mA450 I STBYStandby Quiescent Current ON/OFF pin=5VV IN =60V 350 500uA V IL Low (regulator ON) - 0.6 V IH ON/OFF pin logic inputthreshold voltage High (regulator OFF) 2.0 1.3 - VI H ON/OFF pin logic input currentV LOGIC =2.5V (OFF) 0 -5I L ON/OFF pin input current V LOGIC =0.5V (ON) -0.8 -10uA TO220-5L 2.5 θJC Thermal Resistance TO263-5L Junction to case3.5 oC/WTO220-5L 28 θJA Thermal ResistanceWith copper area ofapproximately 3 in 2TO263-5L Junction to ambient 23 oC/WAP1512/A50KHz, 2A/3A PWM Buck DC/DC ConverterElectrical Characteristics (Continued)AP1512Symbol Parameter Conditions Typ. Limit Unit AP1512-ADJ FB V Output Feedback 10V < V IN < 60V 0.2A < I LOAD < 2AV OUT programmed for 3V 1.231.193/1.18 1.267/1.28 V V MIN V MAX AP1512-3.3V OUT V Output voltage 10V < V IN < 60V 0.2A < I LOAD < 2A 3.3 3.168/3.135 3.432/3.465 V V MIN V MAX AP1512-5VOUT V Output voltage 10V < V IN < 60V 0.2A < I LOAD < 2A 5 4.8/4.75 5.2/5.25 V V MIN V MAX OUT V Output voltage15V < V IN < 60V 0.2A < I LOAD < 2A12 11.52/11.4 12.48/12.6V V MIN V MAX AP1512-12VηEfficiency V IN = 30V, I LOAD = 2A 83 % AP1512ASymbol Parameter Conditions Typ. Limit Unit AP1512A-ADJ FB V Output Feedback 10V < V IN < 60V 0.2A < I LOADV OUT programmed for 3V 1.231.193/1.18 1.267/1.28 V V MIN V MAX AP1512A-3.3V OUT V Output voltage 10V < V IN < 60V 0.2A < I LOAD 3.3 3.168/3.135 3.432/3.465 V V MIN V MAX AP1512A-5VOUT VOutput voltage10V < V IN < 60V 0.2A < I LOAD54.8/4.755.2/5.25V V MIN V MAX OUT V Output voltage15V < V IN < 60V 0.2A < I LOAD12 11.52/11.4 12.48/12.6V V MIN V MAX AP1512A-12VηEfficiency V IN = 30V, I LOAD = 3A80%Specifications with boldface type are for full operating temperature range, the other type are for T J =25ºC.Typical Performance CharacteristicsAP1512A Current Limit v.s. Temperature(Vcc=60V, Vout=5V) (TA) (°C)C u r r e n t L i m i t (A )AP1512A Efficiency v.s. Supply Voltage(Vout=5V, Iout=3A)10203040506070809010001224364860Supply Voltage(V)E f f i c i e n c y (%)AP1512/A50KHz, 2A/3A PWM Buck DC/DC ConverterTypical Performance Characteristics (Continued)AP1512 Efficiency v.s. Temperature(Vin=12V,Vout=5V,Io=2A)102030405060708090100-50-30-101030507090*********Temperature (TA) (°C)E f f i c i e n c y (%)AP1512 Efficiency v.s. Temperature(Vin=12V,Vout=3.3V,Io=2A)102030405060708090100-50-30-101030507090*********Temperature (TA) (°C)E f f i c i e n c y (%)AP1512 Supply Current v.s. Temperature(Vcc=12V , No Load ,Von/off =0V(Switch ON) ,Von/off =5V(Switch OFF))12345678-40-25-105203550658095110125S u p p l y C u r r e n t (m A )Temperature (TA) (°C)Switch ON102030405060708090100-40-25-105203550658095110125S u p p l y C u r r e n t (u A )Temperature (TA) (°C)Switch OFFAP1512 Output Voltage v.s. Temperature(Vin=12V, Vout=5V, Io=1A)4.704.754.804.854.904.955.005.055.10-50050100150O u t p u t V o l t a g e (V )Temperature (TA) (°C)AP1512 Threshold Voltage v.s. Temperature(Vcc=12V, Vout=5V) h r e s h o l d V o l t a g e (V )Temperature (TA) (°C)AP1512/A50KHz, 2A/3A PWM Buck DC/DC ConverterTypical Performance Characteristics (Continued)AP1512 Frequency v.s. Temperature(Vcc=12V, Io=1A, Vout=5V)4045505560-50-30-101030507090110130150Temperature (TA) (°C)F r e q u e n c y (K H z )AP1512 Current Limit v.s. Temperature(Vcc=60V, Vout=5V)2.833.23.43.6-5050100150C u r r e n t L i m i t (A )Temperature (TA) (°AP1512 Quiescent Current v.s. Supply Voltage(force driver off) u i e s c e n t C u r r e n t (A )Supply Voltage(V)AP1512/A50KHz, 2A/3A PWM Buck DC/DC ConverterTypical Application Circuit(1) Adjustable Type CircuitA. Vin=10V~60V, Vout=5V; Iout=0.3A~2A, Iout below 0.3A DCMC51nL147uH12R23KVinC21uD1SR360ON/OFFR31KC1100uF/100VAP1512/A15243VinSDOUTPUTFBGND 0.1uC3470uF/16VC7B. Vin=10V~60V, Vout=3.3V, Iout=0.3A~2A, Iout below 0.3A DCMC51nL147uH12R22KVinC21uD1SR360ON/OFFR31.2KC1100uF/100VAP1512/A15243VinSDOUTPUTFBGND 0.1uC3470uF/16VC7(2) Fixed Type CircuitA. Vin=10V~60V, Vout=5V, Iout=0.7A~2A, Iout below 0.7A DCML147uH12VinC21uD1SR360ON/OFFC1100uF/100VVoutAP1512/A15243VinSDOUTPUTFBGND 10nC3470uF/16VC7AP1512/A50KHz, 2A/3A PWM Buck DC/DC ConverterTypical Application Circuit (Continued)B. Vin=10V~60V, Vout=3.3V, Iout=0.7A~2A, Iout below 0.7A DCML133uH12VinC23.3uD1SR360ON/OFFC1220uF/100VVoutAP1512/A15243VinSDOUTPUTFBGND 3.3uC31500uF/16VC7Function Description+V INThis is the positive input supply for the IC switching regulator. A suitable input bypass capacitor must be present at this pin to minimize voltage transients and to supply the switching currents needed by the regulator.GroundCircuit ground.OutputInternal switch. The voltage at this pin switches between (+V IN – V SAT ) and approximately – 0.5V, with a duty cycle of approximately V OUT / V IN . To minimize coupling to sensitive circuitry, the PC board copper area connected to this pin should be kept a minimum.FeedbackSenses the regulated output voltage to complete the feedback loop.ON /OFFAllows the switching regulator circuit to be shutdown using logic level signals thus dropping the total input supply current to approximately 150uA. Pulling this pin below a threshold voltage of approximately 1.3V turns the regulator on, and pulling this pin above 1.3V (up to a maximum of 40V) shuts the regulator down. If this shutdown feature is not needed, the SD pin can be wired to the ground pin or it can be left open, in either case the regulator will be in the ON condition.Thermal ConsiderationsThe AP1512/A is available in two packages, a 5-pin TO-220 and a 5-pin surface mount TO-263.The TO-220 package needs a heat sink under most conditions. The size of the heatsink depends on the input voltage, the output voltage, the load current and the ambient temperature. The AP1512/A junction temperature rises above ambient temperature for a 2A load and different input and output voltages. The data for these curves was taken with the AP1512/A (TO-220 package) operating as a buckswitching regulator in an ambient temperature of 25o C (still air). These temperature rise numbers are all approximate and there are many factors that can affect these temperatures. Higher ambient temperatures require more heat sinking.The TO-263 surface mount package tab is designed to be soldered to the copper on a printed circuit board. The copper and the board are the heat sink for this package and the other heat producing components, such as the catch diode and inductor. The PC board copper area that the package is soldered to should be at least 0.4 in 2, and ideally should have 2 or more square inches of 2 oz. Additional copper area improves the thermal characteristics, but with copper areas greater than approximately 6 in 2, only small improvements in heat dissipation are realized. If further thermal improvements are needed, double sided, multilayer PC board with large copper areas and/or airflow are recommended.AP1512/A50KHz, 2A/3A PWM Buck DC/DC ConverterFunction Description (Continued)The AP1512/A (TO-263 package) junction temperature rise above ambient temperature with a 2A load for various input and output voltages. This data was taken with the circuit operating as a buck switching regulator with all components mounted on a PC board to simulate the junction temperature under actual operating conditions. This curve can be used for a quick check for the approximate junction temperature for various conditions, but be aware that there are many factors that can affect the junction temperature. When load currents higher than 2A are used, double sided or multilayer PC boards with large copper areas and/or airflow might be needed, especially for high ambient temperatures and high output voltages.For the best thermal performance, wide copper traces and generous amounts of printed circuit board copper should be used in the board layout. (Once exception to this is the output (switch) pin, which should not have large areas of copper.) Large areas of copper provide the best transfer of heat (lower thermal resistance) to the surrounding air, and moving air lowers the thermal resistance even further.Package thermal resistance and junction temperature rise numbers are all approximate, and there are many factors that will affect these numbers. Some of these factors include board size, shape, thickness, position, location, and even board temperature. Other factors are, trace width, total printed circuit copper area, copper thickness, single or double-sided, multilayer board and the amount of solder on the board. The effectiveness of the PC board to dissipate heat also depends on the size, quantity and spacing of other components on the board, as well as whether the surrounding air is still or moving. Furthermore, some of these components such as the catch diode will add heat to the PC board and the heat can vary as the input voltage changes. For the inductor, depending on the physical size, type of core material and the DC resistance, it could either act as a heat sink taking heat away from the board, or it could add heat to the board.Marking Information(1) TO263-5L1512X-XX Blank: ADJ ( Top View )"02" = 2002"01" = 2001YY WW X01~52~Part Number:A: AP1512A(2) TO220-5L1512X-XX ID codeYear:"02" = 2002"01" = 2001YY WW XXth week:01~52~Blank: ADJ LogoPart Number:-Output Type: -33: 3.3V -50: 5.0V -12: 1.2V Blank: AP1512A: AP1512AAP1512/A 50KHz, 2A/3A PWM Buck DC/DC ConverterPackage Information(1) Package Type: TO220-5LD QEbe1AJ1FCΦPH1LeDimensions In Millimeters Dimensions In InchesSymbolMin. Nom. Max. Min. Nom. Max.A 4.07 4.45 4.82 0.160 0.175 0.190b 0.76 0.89 1.02 0.030 0.035 0.040C 0.36 0.50 0.64 0.014 0.020 0.025D 14.22 14.86 15.50 0.560 0.585 0.610E 9.78 10.16 10.54 0.385 0.400 0.415e 1.57 1.71 1.85 0.062 0.067 0.073e1 6.68 6.81 6.93 0.263 0.268 0.273F 1.14 1.27 1.40 0.045 0.050 0.055H1 5.46 6.16 6.86 0.215 0.243 0.270 J1 2.29 2.74 3.18 0.090 0.108 0.125 L 13.21 13.97 14.73 0.520 0.550 0.580 Øp 3.68 3.81 3.94 0.145 0.150 0.155 Q 2.54 2.73 2.92 0.100 0.107 0.115AP1512/A 50KHz, 2A/3A PWM Buck DC/DC ConverterPackage Information (Continued)(2) Package Type: TO263-5LEL2e B DLAC2CL11.02.515.710.99.11.7Land Pattern Recommendation (Unit: mm)Dimensions In Millimeters Dimensions In InchesSymbolMin. Nom. Max. Min. Nom. Max.A 4.07 4.46 4.85 0.160 0.176 0.191B 0.66 0.84 1.02 0.026 0.033 0.040C 0.36 0.50 0.64 0.014 0.020 0.025C2 1.14 1.27 1.40 0.045 0.050 0.055D 8.65 9.15 9.65 0.341 0.360 0.380E 9.78 10.16 10.54 0.385 0.400 0.415e 1.57 1.71 1.85 0.062 0.068 0.073L 14.61 15.24 15.88 0.575 0.600 0.625 L1 2.29 2.54 2.79 0.090 0.100 0.110 L2 - - 2.92 - - 0.115AP1512/A50KHz, 2A/3A PWM Buck DC/DC ConverterPackage Information (Continued)(3) Package Type: TO220-5L(R) Mechanical drawingEQDbAFH1d1d2J3J1J2eH2H3AJ1J2J3EDimensions In Millimeters Dimensions In Inches SymbolMin. Nom. Max. Min. Nom. Max.A 4.4 4.6 4.7 0.175 0.180 0.185b 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.027 0.032 0.037 D 8.4 8.7 8.9 0.330 0.340 0.350 d1 1.0 0.039 d2 6.3 0.248 E 9.91 10.16 10.41 0.390 0.400 0.410 e 1.6 1.7 1.8 0.062 0.067 0.072 F 1.2 1.25 1.3 0.048 0.050 0.052 H1 6.4 0.250 H2 20.8 21.6 22.4 0.820 0.850 0.880 H3 23.9 24.7 25.5 0.942 0.972 1.002 J1 2.7 0.105 J2 3.7 4.5 5.3 0.147 0.177 0.207 J3 8.4 0.331 Q 2.5 2.8 3.0 0.100 0.110 0.120。
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-GGX5••1$$ʷʷʷʷʷ ᮟ䕀
基本静额定负荷C0是指具有方向和大小都一定的静态负荷,其应满足使处于承受最大负荷状态下的滚柱 和滚动面之间的接触区域中心计算接触应力为 4000Mpa 的条件。(如果接触应力大于此数值 , 将影响旋 转。)此数值在尺寸表中以 C0 表示。当以静态或动态方式施加负荷时 , 必须考虑如下所示的静态安全系 数。
M =m1·gʷD1+m·2 gʷD2+(m·1 D1ʷ10-·3 ω 2+m2·D2ʷ10-3·ω 2)ʷH =100•9.807ʷ300+200•9.807ʷ150+ (100•300ʷ10-3•22+200•150ʷ10-3•22)ʷ200 =636420N·mm
'B 'S .EQ
(N) (N) (N) (N·mm) (X0=1) (Y0=0.44) (mm)
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∴X=1,Y=0.45 因此,动态等价径向负荷(Pc)如下计算。
( ) ( ) 1$9'S E.Q : • 'Bʷ • ʷ/
因在垂直排列的滚柱间装有间隔保持器 , 防止了滚柱的侧倒或滚柱的相互摩擦 , 所以能防止旋转扭矩的 增加。另外 , 与以往使用铁板保持器的类型相比 , 不会发生滚柱的一方接触现象或锁死现象。即使被施 加予压,也能获得稳定的旋转运动。 并且 , 因内环或外圈是分割的构造 , 轴承间隙可调整。另外 , 即使被施加予压 , 也能获得高精度的旋转运 动。
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Virtual Systems Architecturห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ Technology
Architecture allows OS independent (software) virtualization of hardware functions Provides compatible high performance legacy VGA core functionality Note: GUI (Graphical User Interface) graphics acceleration is pure hardware.
Packaged in: — 352-Terminal Ball Grid Array (BGA) or — 320-Pin Staggered Pin Grid Array (SPGA) 0.35-micron four layer metal CMOS process Split rail design (3.3V I/O and 2.9V core)
Geode™ GXm Processor Internal Block Diagram
Write-Back Cache Unit C-Bus
Integer Unit
Internal Bus Interface Unit X-Bus
Integrated Functions
Graphics Pipeline
Memory Controller
Display Controller
PCI Controller
National Semiconductor and Virtual System Architecture are registered trademarks of National Semiconductor Corporation. Geode and VSA are trademarks of National Semiconductor Corporation. For a complete listing of National Semiconductor trademarks, please visit /trademarks.
Display Controller
Video Generator (VG) improves memory efficiency for display refresh with SDRAM Supports a separate MPEG1 video buffer and data path to enable video acceleration in the CS5530 Internal palette RAM for use with the CS5530 Direct interface to CS5530 for CRT and TFT flat panel support which eliminates need for external RAMDAC Hardware frame buffer compressor/decompressor Hardware cursor Supports up to 1280x1024x8 bpp and 1024x768x16 bpp
Provides 16-bit XpressAUDIO subsystem
Revision 3.1
Geode™ GXm Processor
Table of Contents
1.0 Architecture Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Graphics pipeline performance significantly increased over previous generations by pipelining burst reads/writes Accelerates BitBLTs, line draw, text Supports all 256 raster operations Supports transparent BLTs Runs at core clock frequency Full VGA and VESA mode support Special "Driver level” instructions utilize internal scratchpad for enhanced performance
© 2000 National Semiconductor Corporation
Geode™ GXm Processor Features
General Features
2D Graphics Accelerator
Geode™ GXm Processor Integrated x86 Solution with MMX Support
April 2000
Geode™ GXm Processor Integrated x86 Solution with MMX Support
PCI Controller
Fixed, rotating, hybrid, or ping-pong arbitration Supports up to three PCI bus masters Synchronous CPU and PCI bus clock frequency Supports concurrency between PCI master and L1 cache
Power Management
Designed to support CS5530 power management architecture CPU only Suspend or full 3V Suspend supported: — Clocks to CPU core stopped for CPU Suspend — All on-chip clocks stopped for 3V Suspend — Suspend refresh supported for 3V Suspend
XpressRAM Subsystem
Memory control/interface directly from CPU 64-Bit wide memory bus Support for: — Two 168-pin unbuffered DIMMs — Up to 16 open banks simultaneously — Single or 16-byte reads (burst length of two)
General Description
The National Semiconductor® Geode™ GXm processor is an advanced 32-bit x86 compatible processor offering high performance, fully accelerated 2D graphics, a 64-bit synchronous DRAM controller and a PCI bus controller, all on a single chip that is compatible with Intel’s MMX technology. The GXm processor core is a proven design that offers competitive CPU performance. It has integer and floating point execution units that are based on sixth-generation technology. The integer core contains a single, six-stage execution pipeline and offers advanced features such as operand forwarding, branch target buffers, and extensive write buffering. A 16 KB write-back L1 cache is accessed in a unique fashion that eliminates pipeline stalls to fetch operands that hit in the cache. In addition to the advanced CPU features, the GXm processor integrates a host of functions which are typically implemented with external components. A full-function graphics accelerator provides pixel processing and rendering functions. A separate on-chip video buffer enables >30 fps MPEG1 video playback when used together with the CS5530 I/O companion chip. Graphics and system memory accesses are supported by a tightly-coupled synchronous DRAM (SDRAM) memory controller. This tightly coupled memory subsystem eliminates the need for an external L2 cache. The GXm processor includes Virtual System Architecture® (VSA™ technology) enabling XpressGRAPHICS and XpressAUDIO subsystems as well as generic emulation capabilities. Software handler routines for the XpressGRAPHICS and XpressAUDIO subsystems can be included in the BIOS and provide compatible VGA and 16bit industry standard audio emulation. XpressAUDIO technology eliminates much of the hardware traditionally associated with audio functions.