第十章Chapter 10


Chapter 10滨海与浅海沉积体系

Chapter 10滨海与浅海沉积体系

对海底沉积物 影响不大
波长大, 波高近等; 周期短,似正弦波
在陆棚区或深水区,波浪图像呈近正弦曲线,为长而缓、斜率小的波,波浪摆动的直径向下呈指数 函数减小(图 10-3A)。当水深超过浪的半波长时,向前传播的浪成为一系列的脊和槽的正弦图像切面, 因此,陆棚区或深水区底部水的动荡通常是很小的,一般没有沉积物的运动,所以常把水深等于 1/2 波 长处,作为浪基面。故当水深大于波长的一半时,沉积物所受到的波浪的扰动已很弱,这就是地质学上
把此深度作为浪基面的理由。 当深水的波浪进入浅水区时,随着波速的减小,除了波浪产生波浪折射现象外,将发生以下的变化:
波长减小,陡度(波高/波长)增大,即波形从对称变为不对称,当深度接近于 4/3 波高时,波浪的破 碎作用就发生了;水的质点运动轨道从圆形变为椭圆形、直到往复的直线运动。只有波浪的一个特征, 即周期保持不变;这就形成了水动力的分带。
根据波浪的起因不同,海洋波浪有风浪、暴风浪和津浪(Tsunami也称海啸)。其中风浪是经常性持 续起作用的波浪,是影响沉积作用和海滩过程的主要因素;而暴风浪与津浪均为突变性的短暂事件,但 它们的作用巨大。
正常气候时,当风吹过海平面时所形成的海(湖)面波动,由于风的流动带有涡流和阵发性,它以 不规则的切线应力作用于水面,将能量传递给水面。起初在水面上吹起波纹,波纹不断发展成波浪。它 是海岸带向沿岸传送能量的主要形式,不仅本身具有侵蚀海岸和搬运改造沉积物的作用,而且还可派生 沿岸流(Longshore current)和回流(Rip current)。前者引起沉积物的沿岸漂流,后造成沉积向海迁移。 风浪从其生成区传播到沿岸地带,波谱不断发生变化;随着海水深度变浅,依次出现风浪、涌浪(Swell)、 升浪(Build—up)、破浪(Breaker)、拍岸浪(碎浪)或激浪(Surf)和冲浪(Swash)(图 10-3)。因

第十章 矩形波导

第十章 矩形波导
Chapter 10. 矩形波导
导波的一般特性 矩形波导
§10.1 导波的一般特性
一、均匀直波导中的电磁场的波动方程 1、几种常见的波导类型及三种基本场型
导 体
内 导 体
外 导 体

z y
x Ex Ez

Hale Waihona Puke z y Hz

z y
分别为 TE 波的各分量表达式。 TE 波的波阻抗可由切向分量定义:
E0 t H0 t
2 2 E0 x E0 y 2 2 H0 x H0 y

E0 y E0 x H0 y H0 x
§10.2 矩形波导
一、矩形波导中的TM、TE模 1、矩形波导的结构和模式特点
Er , t AETEM Bn ETMn Cm ETEm
频率为、 沿波导+z 方向传播的电磁波的电场的一 般表达式为:
it i t z E( x, y, z, t ) Ee E0 ( x, y)e

TE 模式的纵向分量满足的方程为:
H z (k ) H z 0
2 t 2 2
Hz Hz 2 2 (k ) H z 0 2 2 x y
2 2
令 Hz ( x, y) X ( x)Y ( y) ,则上式可用分离变量法求解
1 d X 1dY 2 2 k 2 2 X dx Y dy



10.1 Introduction
Describe a car
★ box-like shape, wheels, doors, windows, engine, brakes, seat… ★ comfortable, fast, social status… ★ personal affairs connected with cars, e.g. car accident
three major hypotheses of cognitive linguistics: 1) Language is not an autonomous; 2) Grammar is conceptualization; 3) Knowledge of language emerges from language use.
2) parts of organisms (another type of entities): a. knees, ankles and feet of human beings and animals; b. the trunk, branches and twigs of a tree. The boundaries of these entities are far from clear; they are vague. So classification seems to be forced upon us by the boundaries provided by reality.
Cognitive Linguistics is the study of language based on human bodily experience of the world and the way they perceive and conceptualize the world. 认知语言学是基于人类对世界的经验以及他 们感知和概念化世界的方式。



E pV T s
W e kT
1 2
2E S 2
(S )2
2E V 2
(V )2
W e e 2E / 2kT
T S V p 2 kT
T S V p
W e 2kT
上式中的4个偏差量,只有2个独立。任取2个作为独立变量 可得到了涨落的几率分布。

~ 107
x2 2kT t
C(r1, r2 ) [B(r1) B(r1)][B(r2 ) B(r2 )]
C(r, r ) 代表空间某一点r处的关联函数——涨落。 C(r, r ') C(r r ')
dx2 dt
d 2 x2 d x2 2kT
dt 2
1 mx2 kT ;
xF (t) xF (t) 0
d 2 x2 dt 2
d x2 dt
2kT m
c1e m
s0 sr
s sr ? Er pVr
E pV T

语言学概论第十章Language Acquisition

语言学概论第十章Language Acquisition

LAD-language acquisition device
LAD 语言习得机制
Chomsky referred to the innate language ability as language acquisition device (LAD). The Language Acquisition Device (LAD) is a postulated “organ” of the brain that is supposed to function as a inborn device for language acquisition.
the innatist view(语法天生主义论)
proposed by Chomsky
According to the innatist view of language acquisition, human beings are biologically programmed for language.
Chapter 10 Language acquisition
Language acquisition----refers to the child’s acquisition of his mother tongue, i.e. how the child comes to understand and speak the language of his community.
Discussion!! How do children accomplish this? What enable children to learn words and string them together into meaningful sentence? What facilitate children to develop the grammatical system of their language? What help them to achieve the communicative competence using the language to express their various needs?



Chapter 10 Language Acquisition(Ⅲ)第二语言习得一、第二语言习得及其学科性质与属性什么是第二语言习得学科性质或属性什么是第二语言习得第二语言习得Second Language Acquisition(SLA)研究始于20世纪60年代末或70年代初,Corder于1967年发表其经典论文The Significance of Learners’Errors开始。


S o m e b a s i c t e r m s●S e c o n d L a n g u a g e A c q u i s i t i o n(S L A):r e f e r s t o t h e s y s t e m a t i c s t u d y o f h o wo n e p e r s o n a c q u i r e s a s e c o n d l a n g u a g e s u b s e q u e n t t o h i s n a t i v e l a n g u a g e.●T a r g e t l a n g u a g e(T L)(目的语):t h e l a n g u a g e w h i c h a p e r s o n i s l e a r n i n g,i nc o n t r a s t t o a f i r s t l a n g u a g e o r m o t h e r t o n g u e.S o m e b a s i c t e r m s●S e c o n d l a n g u a g e(L2):a l a n g u a g e w h i c h i s n o t a n a t i v e l a n g u a g eb u t i s w i d e l y u s e d a s a m e d i u m o fc o m m u n i c a t i o n a nd i s u se d a l o n gw i t h a n o t h e r l a n g u a g e o r l a n g u a g e s.●e.g.E n g l i s h u s e d i n S i n g a p o r e●F o r e i g n l a n g u a g e(F L):a l a n g u a g e w h i c h i s n o t a n a t i v e l a n g u a g e i na c o u n t r y,a n d i s a l w a y s t a u g h t i n s c h o o l s a n d n o t u s e d t oc o m m u n i c a t e w i t h i n a c o u n t r y.●e.g.E n g l i s h i n C h i n a,J a p a n,e t c.Second Language:●In narrow sense, second language refers to the language that one learns orpicks up after his (or her) mother tongue;●In broad sense, second languagerefers to all languages (including foreign languages) that one learns or picksup after his (or her) mother tongueQ u e s t i o n s t o b e c o n s i d e r e d●D o e s a n a d u l t l e a r n a s e c o n d l a n g u a g e t h e w a y a c h i l d l e a r n s a f i r s t l a n g u a g e?●I f n o t,w h a t h a p p e n e d t o t h e L A D?●I s t h e r e a c r i t i c a l p e r i o d f o r L2a c q u i s i t i o n?●W h i c h i s b e t t e r…c l a s s r o o m l e a r n i n g o r i m m e r s i o n e x p e r i e n c e?C o n n e c t i o n s b e t w e e n L1a c q u i s i t i o n a n d L2a c q u i s i t i o n●I n t h e o r y,t h e n e w f i n d i n g s a n d a d v a n c e s i n L1a c q u i s i t i o n a r e e n l i g h t e n i n gi n u n d e r s t a n d i n g L2a c q u i s i t i o n.●T h e f i r s t l a n g u a g e s t u d y h a s s e r v e d a s a b a c k c l o t h f o r p e r c e i v i n g a n du n d e r s t a n d i n g n e w f a c t s a b o u t s e c o n d l a n g u a g e l e a r n i n g(L i t t l e w o o d,1986).D i f f e r e n c e s b e t w e e n L1a n d L2a c q u i s i t i o n●T h e f i r s t l a n g u a g e i s a c q u i r e d s u b c o n s c i o u s l y,w h i l e t h e s e c o n d(o r f o r e i g n)l a n g u a g e i s l e a r n e d c o n s c i o u s l y.●I n a c q u i r i n g t h e f i r s t l a n g u a g e,c h i l d r e n a l w a y s c o n c e n t r a t e o n m e a n i n g,n o to n p a t t e r n,i.e.s t r u c t u r e,w h i l e t h e L2l e a r n i n g c o n c e n t r a t e s o n r u l e s,i.e.t h e s y s t e m o f t h e t h o u g h t(t h e g r a m m a t i c a l r u l e s).D i f f e r e n c e s b e t w e e n L1a n d L2a c q u i s i t i o n●O n e l e a r n s h i s f i r s t l a n g u a g e d i r e c t l y f r o m t h e r e a l i t y,w h i l e t h e s e c o n dl a n g u a g e i s l e a r n t i n m a n a g e a b l e s e q u e n c e,i.e.s y l l a b u s a n d c o u r s e b o o k s.●I n L1a c q u i s i t i o n c h i l d r e n a p p l y t h e r u l e s s u b c o n s c i o u s l y,w h i l e t h e L2l e a r n e r s a r e a b l e t o v e r b a l i z e t h e r u l e s a f t e r a p e r i o d o f t r a i n i n g.Second language learningpainstakingunsuccessfulFirst language acquisitionunconscioussuccessful●first language- mother tongue●second language(bilingual or multilingual social context )●foreign language (monolingual social context )学科性质或属性性质:二语习得研究不是一门单一的学科,它从众多相关学科中吸取营养,但又并非这些学科的简单综合,它具有跨学科的特点。



Chapter 10Discussion Questions10-1. How is valuation of any financial asset related to future cash flows?The valuation of a financial asset is equal to the present value of future cash flows.10-2. Why might investors demand a lower rate of return for an investment in Exxon Mobil as compared to Armco Steel?Because Exxon Mobil has less risk than Armco Steel, Exxon Mobil has relatively highreturns and a strong market position; Armco Steel has had financial difficulties.10-3. What are the three factors that influence the required rate of return by investors?The three factors that influence the demanded rate of return are:a.The real rate of returnb.The inflation premiumc.The risk premium10-4. If inflationary expectations increase, what is likely to happen to yield to maturity on bonds in the marketplace? What is also likely to happen to the price of bonds?If inflationary expectations increase, the yield to maturity (required rate of return) willincrease. This will mean a lower bond price.10-5. Why is the remaining time to maturity an important factor in evaluating the impact of a change in yield to maturity on bond prices?The longer the time period remaining to maturity, the greater the impact of a differencebetween the rate the bond is paying and the current yield to maturity (required rate ofreturn). For example, a two percent ($20) differential is not very significant for one year,but very significant for 20 years. In the latter case, it will have a much greater effect on thebond price.10-6. What are the three adjustments that have to be made in going from annual to semiannual bond analysis?The three adjustments in going from annual to semiannual bond analysis are:1.Divide the annual interest rate by two.2.Multiply the number of years by two.3.Divide the annual yield to maturity by two.10-7. Why is a change in required yield for preferred stock likely to have a greater impact on price than a change in required yield for bonds?The longer the life of an investment, the greater the impact of a change in the required rateof return. Since preferred stock has a perpetual life, the impact is likely to be at a maximum.10-8.What type of dividend pattern for common stock is similar to the dividend payment for preferred stock?The no-growth pattern for common stock is similar to the dividend on preferred stock.10-9.What two conditions must be met to go from Formula 10-8 to Formula 10-9 in using the dividend valuation model?()910g-K D P e 10-=To go from Formula (10-8) to Formula (10-9):The firm must have a constant growth rate (g).The discount rate (k e ) must exceed the growth rate (g).10-10.What two components make up the required rate of return on common stock?The two components that make up the required return on common stock are:a. The dividend yield D 1/P o .b. The growth rate (g). This actually represents the anticipated growth in dividends,earnings, and stock price over the long term.10-11.What factors might influence a firm's price-earnings ratio?The price-earnings ratio is influenced by the earnings and sales growth of the firm, the risk (or volatility in performance), the debt-equity structure of the firm, the dividend policy, the quality of management, and a number of other factors. Firms that have bright expectations for the future tend to trade at high P/E ratios while the opposite is true of low P/E firms.10-12.How is the supernormal growth pattern likely to vary from the normal, constant growth pattern?A supernormal growth pattern is represented by very rapid growth in the early years of a company or industry that eventually levels off to more normal growth. The supernormal growth pattern is often experienced by firms in emerging industries, such as in the early days of electronics or microcomputers.10-13.What approaches can be taken in valuing a firm's stock when there is no cash dividend payment?In valuing a firm with no cash dividend, one approach is to assume that at some point in the future a cash dividend will be paid. You can then take the present value of future cash dividends.A second approach is to take the present value of future earnings as well as a futureanticipated stock price. The discount rate applied to future earnings is generally higher thanthe discount rate applied to future dividends.Problems(For the first nine bond problems, assume interest payments are on an annual basis.)10-1. Burns Fire and Casualty Company has $1,000 par value bonds outstanding at 11 percent interest. The bonds will mature in 20 years. Compute the current price of the bonds if thepresent yield to maturity is:a. 6 percent.b. 8 percent.c. 12 percent.Solution:Burns Fire and Casualty Companya. 6 percent yield to maturityPresent Value of Interest PaymentsPV A = A x PV IFA (n = 20, i = 6%) Appendix D PV A = $110 x 11.470 = $1,261.70Present Value of Principal Payment at MaturityPV = FV x FV IF (n = 20, i = 6%) Appendix B PV = 1,000 x .312 = $312Present Value of Interest Payment $1,261.70 Present Value of Principal Payment 312.00 Total Present Value or Price of the Bond $1,573.70 10-1. Continuedb. 8 percent yield to maturityPV A = A x PV IFA (n = 20, i = 8%) Appendix D PV A = $110 x 9.818 = $1,079.98PV = FV x PV IF (n = 20, i = 8%) Appendix B PV = $1,000 x .215 = $215$1,079.98215.00$1,294,88 c. 12 percent yield to maturityPV A = A x PV IFA (n = 20, i = 12%) Appendix D PV A = $110 x 7.469 = $821.59PV = FV x PV IF (n = 20, i = 12%) Appendix B PV = $1,000 x .104 = $104$821.59104.00$925.59 10-2. Midland Oil has $1,000 par value bonds outstanding at 8 percent interest. The bonds will mature in 25 years. Compute the current price of the bonds if the present yield to maturityis:a. 7 percent.b. 10 percent.c. 13 percent.Solution:Midland Oila. 7 percent yield to maturityPresent Value of Interest PaymentsPV A = A x PV IFA (n = 25, i = 7%) Appendix D PV A = $80 x 11.654 = $932.32Present Value of Principal Payment at MaturityPV = FV x PV IF (n = 25, i = 7%) Appendix BPV = $1,000 x .184 = $184Total Present ValuePresent Value of Interest Payments $ 932.32 Present Value of Principal Payments 184.00 Total Present Value or Price of the Bond $1,116.32 b. 10 percent yield to maturityPV A = A x PV IFA (n = 25, i = 10%) Appendix D PV A = $80 x 9.077 = $726.16PV = FV x PV IF (n = 25, i = 10%) Appendix B PV = $1,000 x .092 = $92$726.1692.00$818.16 10-2. Continuedc. 13 percent yield to maturityPV A = A x PV IFA (n = 25, i = 13%) Appendix D PV A = $80 x 7.330 = $586.40PV = FV x PV IF (n = 25, i = 13%) Appendix B PV = $1,000 x .047 = $47$586.4047.00$633.4010-3. Exodus Limousine Company has $1,000 par value bonds outstanding at 10 percent interest.The bonds will mature in 50 years. Compute the current price of the bonds if the percentyield to maturity is:a. 5 percent.b. 15 percent.Solution:Exodus Limousine Companya. 5 percent yield to maturityPresent Value of Interest PaymentsPV A = A x PV IFA (n = 50, i = 5%) Appendix D PV A = $100 x 18.256 = $1,825.60Present Value of Principal PaymentPV = FV x PV IF (n = 50, i = 5%) Appendix B PV = $1,000 x .087 = $87Present Value of Interest Payment $1,825.60 Present Value of Principal Payment 87.00 Total Present Value or Price of the Bond $1,912.6010-3. Continuedb. 15 percent yield to maturityPresent Value of Interest PaymentsPV A = A x PV IFA (n = 50, i = 15%) Appendix D PV A = $1,000 x 6.661 = $666.10PV = FV x PV IF (n = 50, i = 15%) Appendix B PV = $1,000 x .001 = $1Present Value of Interest Payment $666.10 Present Value of Principal Payment 1.00 Total Present Value or Price of the Bond $667.10 10-4. Harrison Ford Auto Company has a $1,000 par value bond outstanding that pays 11 percent interest. The current yield to maturity on each bond in the market is 8 percent.Compute the price of these bonds for these maturity dates:a. 30 years.b. 15 years.c. 1 year.Solution:Harrison Ford Auto Companya. 30 years to maturityPresent Value of Interest PaymentsPV A = A x PV IFA (n = 30, i = 8%) Appendix DPV A = $110 x 11.258 = $1,238.38Present Value of Principal PaymentPV = FV x PV IF (n = 30, i = 8%) Appendix B PV = $1,000 x .099 = $9910-4. ContinuedTotal Present ValuePresent Value of Interest Payment $1,238.38 Present Value of Principal Payment 99.00 Total Present Value or Price of the Bond $1,337.38 b. 15 years to maturityPV A = A x PV IFA (n = 15, i = 8%) Appendix D PV A = $110 x 8.559 = $941.49PV = FV x PV IF (n = 15, i = 8%) Appendix B PV = $1,000 x .315 = $315$ 941.49315.00$1,256.49 c. 1 year to maturityPV A = A x PV IFA (n = 1, i = 8%) Appendix D PV A = $110 x .926 = $101.86PV = FV x PV IF (n = 1, i = 8%) Appendix B PV = $1,000 x .926 = $926.00$ 101.86926.00$1,027.86 10-5. Kilgore Natural Gas has a $1,000 par value bond outstanding that pays 9 percent annual interest. The current yield to maturity on such bonds in the market is 12 percent. Computethe price of the bonds for these maturity dates:a. 30 years.b. 15 years.c. 1 year.Solution:Kilgore Natural Gasa. 30 years to maturityPresent Value of Interest PaymentsPV A = A x PV IFA (n = 30, i = 12%) Appendix D PV A = $90 x 8.055 = $724.95PV = FV x PV IF (n = 30, i = 12%) Appendix B PV = $1,000 x .033 = $33Total Present ValuePresent Value of Interest Payments $724.95 Present Value of Principal Payment 33.00 Total Present Value or Price of the Bond $757.95b. 15 years to maturityPV A = A x PV IFA (n = 15, i = 12%) Appendix D PV A = $90 x 6.811 = $612.99PV = FV x PV IF (n = 15, i = 12%) Appendix B PV = $1,000 x .183 = $183 $612.99 183.00 $795.9910-5. Continuedc. 1 year to maturity PV A = A x PV IFA Appendix D PV A = $90 x .893 = $80.37PV = FV x PV IF Appendix B PV = $1,000 x .893 = $893.00 $ 80.37 893.00 $973.37 10-6. For Problem 5 graph the relationship in a manner similar to the bottom half. of Figure 10-2.Also explain why the pattern of price change occurs.Solution:Kilgore Natural Gas (Continued)30 25 15 5 0$1,000 Years10-7.Go to Table 10-1 which is based on bonds paying 10 percent interest for 20 years. Assume interest rates in the market (yield to maturity) decline from 11 percent to 8 percent:a. What is the bond price at 11 percent?b. What is the bond price at 8 percent?c. What would be your percentage return on investment if you bought when rates were 11percent and sold when rates were 8 percent?Solution:a. $920.30b. $1,196.80c. Sales price (8%) $1,196.80 Purchase price (11%) 920.30 Profit $ 276.50%04.3030.920$50.276$Price Purchase Profit ==10-8.Using Table 10-2:a. Assume the interest rate in the market (yield to maturity) goes down to 8 percent forthe 10 percent bonds. Using column 2, indicate what the bond price will be with a 5-year, a 15-year, and a 30-year time period.b. Assume the interest rate in the market (yield to maturity) goes up to 12 percent for the10 percent bonds. Using column 3, indicate what the bond price will be with a 5-year, a 10-year, and a 30-year period.c. Based on the information in part a , if you think interest rates in the market are goingdown, which bond would you choose to own?d. Based on information in part b , if you think interest rates in the market are going up,which bond would you choose to own?Solution: a.MaturityBond price 5 year $1,080.30 15 year 1,170.9030 year1,224.80b. . MaturityBond price 5 year 927.50 15 year 864.11 30 year 838.50c. Based on information in Part a, you would want to own the longest-term bond possible to maximizeyour gain.d. Based on information in Part b, you would want to own the shortest-term bond possible to minimizeyour loss.10-9. Jim Busby calls his broker to inquire about purchasing a bond of Disk Storage Systems.His broker quotes a price of $1,180. Jim is concerned that the bond might be overpricedbased on the facts involved. The $1,000 par value bond pays 14 percent interest, and it has25 years remaining until maturity. The current yield to maturity on similar bonds is 12percent. Compute the new price of the bond and comment on whether you think it isoverpriced in the marketplace.Solution:Jim Busby – Disk Storage SystemsPresent Value of Interest PaymentsPV A = A x PV IFA (n = 25, i = 12%) Appendix D PV A = $140 x 7.843 = $1,098.02Present Value of Principal Payment at MaturityPV = FV x PV IF (n = 25, i = 12%) Appendix B PV = $1,000 x .059 = $59$1,098.0259.00$1,157.02 The bond has a value of $1,157.02. This indicates his broker is quoting too high a price at $1,180.10-10. Tom Cruise Lines, Inc., issued bonds five years ago at $1,000 per bond. These bonds had a 25-year life when issued and the annual interest payment was then 12 percent. This returnwas in line with the required returns by bondholders at that point as described below:Real rate of return .................................................... 3%Inflation premium (5)Risk premium (4)Total return ............................................................ 12%Assume that five years later the inflation premium is only 3 percent and is appropriatelyreflected in the required return (or yield to maturity) of the bonds. The bonds have 20 yearsremaining until maturity.Compute the new price of the bond.Solution:Tom Cruise Lines, Inc.First compute the new required rate of return (yield to maturity).Real rate of return 3%Inflation premium 3Risk premium 4Total return 10%Then use this value to find the price of the bond.Present Value of Interest PaymentsPV A = A x PV IFA (n = 20, i = 10%) Appendix D PV A = $120 x 8.514 = $1,021.68Present Value of Principal Payment at MaturityPV = FV x PV IF (n = 20, i = 10%) Appendix B PV = $1,000 x .149 = $149$1,021.68149.00$1,170.68 10-11. Further analysis of problem 10:a. Find the present value of 2 percent x $1,000 (or $20) for 20 years at 10 percent. The$20 is assumed to be an annual payment.b. Add this value to $1,000.c. Explain why the answers to problem 11b and problem 10 are basically the same.(There is a slight difference due to rounding in the tables.)Solution:Further Analysis of Problem 10a. PV A = A x PV IFA (n = 20, i = 10%) Appendix DPV A = $20 x 8.514 = $170.28b. $1,000.00170.28$1,170.28c. The answer to problem 11b of $1,170.28 and problem 10 of $1,170.68 are basically the same because inboth cases we are valuing the present value of a $20 differential between actual return and required return for 20 years.In problem 11b we take the present value of the $20 differential to arrive at $170.28. We then add this value to the $1,000.00 par value to determine a value of $1,170.28.In problem 10, we accomplish the same goal by valuing all future benefits at a two percent differential between actual return and required return to arrive at $1,170.68.10-12. Wilson Oil Company issued bonds five years ago at $1,000 per bond. These bonds had a 25 year life when issued and the annual interest payment was then 8 percent. This return was inline with the required returns by bondholders at that point in time as described below:Real rate of return .................................................... 2%Inflation premium (3)Risk premium (3)Total return ............................................................ 8%Assume that 10 years later, due to bad publicity, the risk premium is now 6 percent and isappropriately reflected in the required return (or yield to maturity) of the bonds. The bondshave 15 years remaining until maturity. Compute the new price of the bond.Solution:Wilson Oil CompanyFirst compute the new required rate of return (yield to maturity).Real rate of return 2% Inflation premium 3% Risk premium 6% 11% total required returnThen use this value to find the price of the bond.Present Value of Interest Payments PV A = A x PV IFA (n = 15, i = 11%) Appendix D PV A = $80 x 7.191 = $575.28Present Value of Principal Payment at Maturity PV = FV x PV IF (n = 15, i = 11%) Appendix B PV = $1,000 x .209 = $209.00 $575.28 209.00 Bond Price = $784.2810-13. Bonds issued by the Crane Optical Company have a par value of $1,000, which is also theamount of principal to be paid at maturity. The bonds are currently selling for $850. They have 10 years remaining to maturity. The annual interest payment is 9 percent ($90). Compute the approximate yield to maturity, using Formula 10-2.Solution:Crane Optical CompanyApproximate Yield to Maturity is represented by Y'payment)(Principal .4 bond) the of (Price .6maturity to years of Number bondthe of Price payment Principal payment interest Annual Y'+-+=()()%54.11910$105$910$1590$400510$10150$90$000,1$ 4.850$ 6.10850000,1$90$==+=++=+-+=10-14.Bonds issued by the West Motel Chain have a par value of $1,000, are selling for $1,100, and have 20 years remaining to maturity. The annual interest payment is 13.5 percent ($135). Compute the approximate yield to maturity, using Formula 10-2 on page 277.Solution:West Motel ChainApproximate Yield to Maturity is represented by Y'payment)(Principal .4 bond) the of (Price .6maturityto years of Number bondthe of Price payment Principal payment interest Annual Y'+-+=()()%26.12060,1$130$060,1$5135$400660$20100$135$000,1$ 4.100,1$ 6.20100,1000,1$135$==-=+-+=+-+=10-15.Optional —for Problem 14, use the techniques in Appendix 10A to combine a trial and error approach with interpolation to find a more exact answer. You may choose to use a handheld calculator instead.Solution:West Motel Chain (Continued)In using the trial and error approach in this instance, we can reasonably infer the answer is between 12 and 13 percent based on the information in problem 14. Even if we did not have this information, we could infer the yield is somewhat below 13.5 percent because the bonds are trading above the par value of $1,000. Let'sbegin the trial and error process at 12 percent.Present Value of Interest PaymentsPV A = A x PV IFA (n = 20, i = 12%) Appendix D PV A = $135 x 7.469 = $1,008.32Present Value of Principal Payment at MaturityPV = FV x PV IFPV = $1,000 x .104 = $104$1,008.32104.00$1,112.32 The discount rate of 12 percent gives us too high a present value in comparison to the bond price of $1,100. So we next use a higher rate of 13 percent.Present Value of Interest PaymentsPV A = A x PV IFA (n = 20, i = 13%) Appendix D PV A = $135 x 7.025 = $948.3810-15. ContinuedPresent Value of Principal Payment at MaturityPV = FV x PV IF (n = 20, i = 13%) Appendix B PV = $1,000 x .087 = $87$ 948.3887.00$1,035.38 The discount rate of 13 percent provides too low a value. The actual value falls between 12 and 13 percent. Using interpolation:$1,112.32 PV at 12% $1,112.32 PV at 12%–1,035.38 PV at 13% –1,100.00 bond price$ 76.94 $ 12.3212% + $12.32/$76.94 (1%) = 12% + .16 (1%) = 12.16%The answer is 12.16%.(For the next two problems, assume interest payments are on a semiannual basis.)10-16. Robert Brown III is considering a bond investment in Southwest Technology Company. The $1,000 bonds have a quoted annual interest rate of 8 percent and interest is paid semiannually.The yield to maturity on the bonds is 10 percent annual interest. There are 25 years tomaturity. Compute the price of the bonds based on semiannual analysis.Solution:Robert Brown III—Southwest Technology8% interest/2 = 4% semiannual interest rate4% x $1,000 = $40 semiannual interest25 x 2 = 50 number of periods (n)10%/2 = 5% yield to maturity expressed on a semiannual basis (i)Present Value of Interest PaymentsPV A = A x PV IFA (n = 50, i = 5%) Appendix D PV A = $40 x 18.256 = $730.24Present Value of Principal Payment at MaturityPV = FV x PV IF (n = 50, i = 5%) Appendix B PV = $1,000 x .087 = $87$730.2487.00$817.24 10-17. You are called in as a financial analyst to appraise the bonds of the Holtz Corporation. The $1,000 par value bonds have a quoted annual interest rate of 14 percent, which is paidsemiannually. The yield to maturity on the bonds is 12 percent annual interest. There are 15years to maturity.a. Compute the price of the bonds based on semiannual analysis.b. With 12 years to maturity, if yield to maturity goes down substantially to 8 percent,what will be the new price of the bonds?Solution:Holtz Corporationa. Present Value of Interest PaymentsPV A = A x PV IFA (n = 30, i = 6%) Appendix D PV A = $70 x 13.765 = $963.55Present Value of Principal Payment at MaturityPV = FV x PV IF (n = 30, i = 6%) Appendix B PV = $1,000 x .174 = $174$ 963.55174.00$1,137.55 b. PV A = A x PV IFA (n = 20, i = 4%) Appendix DPV A = $70 x 13.590 = $951.30PV = FV x PV IF (n = 20, i = 4%) Appendix B PV = $1,000 x .456 = $456$ 951.30456.00$1,407.30 10-18. The preferred stock of Ultra Corporation pays an annual dividend of $6.30. It has a requiredrate of return of 9 percent. Compute the price of the preferred stock.Solution:Ultra Corp.70$09.30.6$K D P p p p ===10-19.North Pole Cruise Lines issued preferred stock many years ago. It carries a fixed dividend of $6 per share. With the passage of time, yields have soared from the original 6 percent to 14 percent (yield is the same as required rate of return).a. What was the original issue price?b. What is the current value of this preferred stock?c. If the yield on the Standard & Poor's Preferred Stock Index declines, how will the priceof the preferred stock be affected?Solution: North Pole Cruise Linesa. Original price100$06.00.6$K D P p p p ===b. Current value86.42$14.00.6$=c. The price of preferred stock will increase as yields decline. Since preferred stock is a fixed incomesecurity, its price is inversely related to yields as would be true with bond prices. The present value of an income stream has a higher present value as the discount rate declines, and a lower present value as the discount rate increases. 10-20. Venus Sportswear Corporation has preferred stock outstanding that pays an annual dividendof $12. It has a price of $110. What is the required rate of return (yield) on the preferred stock?Solution:Venus Sportswear Corporation%91.10110$12$P D K p p p ===10-21.Analogue Technology has preferred stock outstanding that pays a $9 annual dividend. It has a price of $76. What is the required rate of return (yield) on the preferred stock?Solution:Analogue Technology%84.1176$9$P D K p p p ===(All of the following problems pertain to the common stock section of the chapter.)10-22.Static Electric Co. currently pays a $2.10 annual cash dividend (D 0). It plans to maintain the dividend at this level for the foreseeable future as no future growth is anticipated. If the required rate of return by common stockholders (K e ) is 12 percent, what is the price of the common stock?Solution:Static Electric Co.50.17$12.10.2$K D P e 00===10-23.BioScience, Inc., will pay a common stock dividend of $3.20 at the end of the year (D 1).The required return on common stock (K e ) is 14 percent. The firm has a constant growth rate (g) of 9 percent. Compute the current price of the stock (P 0).Solution:BioScience Inc.00.64$05.20.3$$K D P g -e 10==-==10-24.Friedman Steel Company will pay a dividend of $1.50 per share in the next 12 months (D 1). The required rate of return (K e ) is 10 percent and the constant growth rate is 5 percent.a. Compute P 0.(For parts b, c, and d in this problem all variables remain the same except the one specifically changed. Each question is independent of the others.)b. Assume K e , the required rate of return, goes up to 12 percent, what will be the newvalue of P 0?c. Assume the growth rate (g) goes up to 7 percent, what will be the new value of P 0?d. Assume D 1 is $2, what will be the new value of P 0?10-24. ContinuedSolution:Friedman Steel CompanygK D P e 10-=00.40$05.00.2$$ d.00.50$03.50.1$$ c.43.21$07.50.1$$ b.00.30$05.50.1$$ a.==-==-==-==-10-25. Maxwell Communications paid a dividend of $3 last year. Over the next 12 months, thedividend is expected to grow at 8 percent, which is the constant growth rate for the firm (g). The new dividend after 12 months will represent D 1. The required rate of return (K e ) is 14 percent. Compute the price of the stock (P 0).Solution:Maxwell Communications()()54$06.024.3$$P 24.3$08.1 00.3$g 1 D D gK D P 001e 1==-===+=-=10-26.Haltom Enterprises has had the following pattern of earnings per share over the last five years: Year Earnings per Share 2000 ............................................. $3.00 2001 ............................................. 3.18 2002 ............................................. 3.37 2003 ............................................. 3.57 2004 ............................................. 3.78The earnings per share have grown at a constant rate (on a rounded basis) and will continue to do so in the future. Dividends represent 30 percent of earnings.a. Project earnings and dividends for the next year (2005). Round all values in thisproblem to two places to the right of the decimal point.b. If the required rate of return (K e ) is 10 percent, what is the anticipated stock price at thebeginning of 2005?10-26. ContinuedSolution:Haltom Enterprisesa. Earnings have been growing at a rate of 6 percent per year.2000 Base Period 2001 $3.18/3.00 6% growth 2002 $3.37/3.18 6% growth 2003 $3.57/3.37 6% growth 2004 $3.78/3.57 6% growthThe projected EPS for 2005 is $3.78 (1.06) = $4.01Dividend for 2005 represent 30% of earnings or $1.20.This is the value for D 1.b. K e (required rate of return) is 10% and the growth rate is 6%.()30$04.20.1$$g K D 2005 P e 10==-=-=10-27. A firm pays a $4.90 dividend at the end of year one (D 1), has a stock price of $70, and a constant growth rate (g) of 6 percent. Compute the required rate of return.Solution:%13%6%7%600.70$90.4$K g P D K e 01e =+=+=+=10-28.A firm pays a $1.90 dividend at the end of year one (D 1), has a stock price of $40 (P 0), and a constant growth rate (g) of 8 percent.a. Compute the required rate of return (K e ). Also indicate whether each of the followingchanges would make the required rate of return (K e ) go up or down. (For parts b , c , and d below, assume only one variable changes at a time. No actual numbers are necessary.)b. The dividend payment increases.c. The expected growth rate increases.d. The stock price increases.Solution:%75.12%8%75.4%800.40$90.1$K g P D K a.e 01e =+=+=+=b. If the dividend payment increases, the dividend yield (D 1/P 0) will go up, and the required rate of return(K e ) will also go up.10-28. Continuedc. If the expected growth rate (g) increases, the required rate of return (K e ) will go up.d. If the stock price increases, the dividend yield (D 1/P 0) will go down, and the required rate of return (K e )will also go down. 10-29. Cellular Systems paid a $3 dividend last year. The dividend is expected to grow at aconstant rate of 5 percent over the next three years. The required rate of return is 12 percent (this will also serve as the discount rate in this problem). Round all values to three places to the right of the decimal point where appropriate.a. Compute the anticipated value of the dividends for the next three years. That is,compute D 1, D 2, and D 3; for example, D 1 is $3.15 ($3.00 x 1.05). Round all values throughout this problem to three places to the right of the decimal point.b. Discount each of these dividends back to the present at a discount rate of 12 percentand then sum them.c. Compute the price of the stock at the end of the third year (P 3).g-=e 43K D P(D 4 is equal to D 3 times 1.05)d. After your have computed P 3, discount it back to the present at a discount rate of 12percent for three years.e. Add together the answers in part b and part d to get P 0, the current value of the stock.This answer represents the present value of the first three periods of dividends, plus the present value of the price of the stock after three periods (which, in turn, represents the value of all future dividends).f. Use Formula 10-9 to show that it will provide approximately the same answer as part e .gK D P e 10-=For Formula 10-9 use D 1 = $3.15, K e = 12 percent, and g = 5 percent. (The slight difference。



红楼梦第十章内容概括英文回答:Chapter 10 of "Dream of the Red Chamber" revolves around the Lantern Festival, which is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the 15th day of the first month in the lunar calendar. The chapter begins with the Jia family preparing for the festival and organizing a grand feast. The main character, Jia Baoyu, is excited about thefestival and eagerly participates in the preparations.During the festival, Baoyu and his cousin, Lin Daiyu, visit the Lantern Market together. They enjoy the lively atmosphere and the various lantern displays. Baoyu buys a lantern for Daiyu, symbolizing their close relationship. They also witness a performance by a group of acrobats, which adds to their enjoyment.After the Lantern Festival, Baoyu's grandmother, Lady Wang, arranges for a play to be performed in the garden.The play is called "The Story of the Stone" and is based on a famous Chinese novel. Baoyu and Daiyu play the leading roles in the play, which further strengthens their bond. The play also serves as a platform for Baoyu to display his artistic talents.In addition to the festivities, Chapter 10 also delves into the complex relationships within the Jia family. Baoyu's mother, Lady Dowager, is unhappy with the attention Baoyu receives from his grandmother and other family members. She feels neglected and resents Baoyu's close relationship with Daiyu. This tension adds a layer of drama to the chapter and foreshadows future conflicts.Overall, Chapter 10 showcases the vibrant and festive atmosphere of the Lantern Festival, while also exploring the dynamics of the Jia family. It highlights Baoyu's relationships with his family members, particularly his grandmother and cousin, and sets the stage for future developments in the story.中文回答:《红楼梦》第十章围绕着元宵节展开,这是中国传统节日,农历正月十五。


M z Fy (l x) F(l x) cos M y Fz (l x) F(l x)sin
M zmax Fl cos
M ymax Fl sin
2. 应力分析
x 截面上任意一点(y,z) 正应力
Mzy Myz
F (l x)( y cos z sin )
四、两个相互垂直平面内的弯曲问题分析 (即斜弯曲的研究方法 ) 1.分解:外载沿横截面的两个形心主轴分解,得到两个
z y
z jPz
Fy F cos Fz F sin
1. 内力分析
叠加原理的成立要求:内力、应力、应变、变形等与外力之 间成线性关系.
二、工程实例 (Engineering eA
y B
P q
三、分析组合变形的总思路(基本方法) (Basic method for solving combined deformation)
3.应力分析(Stress analysis)
画出危险截面的应力分布图,利用叠加原理 将基本变形下的
拉(压)弯组合变形 弯扭组合变形

语言学概论第十章Language Acquisition课件

语言学概论第十章Language Acquisition课件
Chapter 10 Language acquisition
• Language acquisition----refers to the child’s acquisition of his mother tongue, i.e. how the child comes to understand and speak the language of his community.
it refers to first language not second languaT
• Children all over the world learn to speak at about the same time unless they suffer from extreme external deficiency.
• Traditional behaviorists view language as behavior and believe that language learning is simply a matter of imitation and habit formation.
Imitation Recognition Reinforcement
Behaviorist view
Innatist view
Three main different theories concerning how
language is learned
the behaviorist(行为主义论)
• proposed by B.F.Skinners(斯 金纳)



第十章兼并与收购Chapter Ten Merger and Acquisition公司治理结构内部控制外部控制•董事会•大股东•激励•收购•兼并•代理表决权—董事会规模—董事会构成—董事会会议频率—董事成员持股—总经理辞退—收购(Acquisition)—兼并(Merger )—代理表决权(proxy right )—收购(Acquisition )—收购(Acquisition )—兼并(Merger )—兼并(Merger )—代理表决权(proxy right )—代理表决权(proxy right )100200300400500196819701972197419761978198019821984198619881990199219941996实际支付额净资产:50港币/每股收购价格:105港币/每股收购股数:九龙仓总价值:98亿港币Chapter 10 Merger and Acquisition 和记黄浦善意收购战收购价格:7.1港币/每股收购股数:9000万股净资产:14.5港币/每股汇丰银行贷款:2亿港币和记黄浦总价值:10亿港币置地每股净资产:28港币每股市场价格:94港币面值:5港币牛奶每股净资产:80港币每股市场价格:135港币面值:7.5港币2换11986年Dr. Pepper可口可乐百事可乐七喜-34.4亿元A & WH&HDLJ CVC七喜2.4亿美元A&WDr.Pepper七喜收购费用:2.4亿美元法律、会计费用:0.2亿美元银行抵押贷款过桥贷款发行股票亿美元1.55亿美元0.14亿美元0.17亿美元0.48亿美元过桥贷款1.4亿美元银行抵押贷款0.8亿美元发行股票0.45亿13亿美元49%6.37亿美元普坦士-巴奇公司DWACC CF CV ttt−+=∑)(1现金流量年限债务贴现率反收购立法:公司章程修正案:其他:。



LOGO Figure 10.6 A scene from Shrek 2 by Dreamworks SKG (© Dreamworks/The Kobal Collection)图10.6 由梦工厂 由梦工厂SKG制作的 0-10
2D Versus 3D Graphics 2D和3D图形学 和 图形学 2D Graphics: Deals with manipulating twodimensional images 2D图形学:处理生成二维 的图像 3D Graphics: Deals with producing and displaying images of three-dimensional virtual scenes.3D图形学:处理生成三维的虚拟场景
Chapter 10: Computer Graphics第十章:计算机图形学 第十章: 算机图 第十章
Computer Science: An Overview Tenth Edition by J. Glenn Brookshear
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley
Chapter 10: Computer Graphics 第十章: 算机图 第十章:计算机图形学
10.1 The Scope of Computer Graphics计算机 图形的范围 10.2 Overview of 3D Graphics 3D图形概述 10.3 Modeling建模 10.4 Rendering渲染 10.5 Dealing with Global Lighting处理全局照 明 10.6 Animation动画

【VIP专享】chapter10 通货膨胀与通货紧缩

【VIP专享】chapter10 通货膨胀与通货紧缩

PPI-Producer Price Index
批发价格是商品进入零售,形成零售价格之前,由中 间商或批发企业所订,其水平决定于出厂价格或收购 价格,对零售价格有决定性影响。
批发物价指数既可按全部商品综合编制,也可按不同 部门或各类商品分别编制,但不包括劳务价格。
批发物价指数的优点在于对商品流通比较敏感。其缺 陷在于统计范围狭窄,所以许多国家没有将批发物价 指数列为测定通货膨胀的代表性指标。
第三节 通货膨胀对经济的影响
政府可通过赤字财政和通货膨胀的货币政策, 在增加政府实际投资的同时,保证私人部门的 投资不被挤出,达到促进经济增长的目的。
通胀有利于富裕阶层的收入分配,而富裕阶层 的边际储蓄倾向比较高,因而,通胀会提高储 蓄率,从而促进经济增长。
强调把商品和服务的价格作为考察对象; 强调“货币价格”,即商品、服务与货币
的关系; 强调“总水平”,即普遍的物价水平波
动; 强调“持续上涨”,即通货膨胀并非偶然
判断:非典时期部分医药品、消毒用品涨 价是否属通货膨胀现象?
公开型通货膨胀(开放的通货膨胀) 隐蔽型通货膨胀(抑制的通货膨胀)
需求拉上型通货膨胀 成本推进型通货膨胀 混合型通货膨胀 结构型通货膨胀
第二节 通货膨胀的成因



海底两万里故事梗概各章节英文回答:Chapter 1: A Shifting Reef.In this chapter, the protagonist, Professor Pierre Aronnax, is invited to join an expedition to investigate the mysterious creature that has been causing havoc in the world's oceans. He meets his loyal servant Conseil and together they board the USS Abraham Lincoln. The chapter introduces the main characters and sets the stage for the adventure that lies ahead.Chapter 2: The Pros and Cons.In this chapter, Professor Aronnax and Conseil meet the harpooner Ned Land, who becomes an important member oftheir group. They discuss the pros and cons of their mission and the possibility of encountering danger during their journey. The chapter also highlights the contrastingpersonalities of the characters and their different motivations for joining the expedition.Chapter 3: An Invitation in Writing.The chapter begins with the USS Abraham Lincoln encountering the mysterious creature. Professor Aronnax, Conseil, and Ned Land witness the creature attacking a ship and manage to escape by jumping overboard. They are later rescued by the creature, which turns out to be a highly advanced submarine called the Nautilus. Captain Nemo, the enigmatic and eccentric commander of the Nautilus, invites the three men to join him on his underwater adventures.Chapter 4: An Underwater Tour.In this chapter, Captain Nemo gives Professor Aronnax, Conseil, and Ned Land a tour of the Nautilus. They explore the various compartments of the submarine, including the library, the dining room, and the observation deck. Captain Nemo showcases the advanced technology and capabilities of the Nautilus, leaving the visitors in awe of its wonders.Chapter 5: The Coral Realm.The Nautilus enters the coral reefs, and the crew witnesses the vibrant and diverse marine life. Professor Aronnax is particularly fascinated by the underwater world and takes notes on the different species they encounter. They also come across a pearl oyster bed, which leads to a discussion on the value of pearls and the dangers of pearl diving. The chapter highlights the beauty and fragility of the underwater ecosystem.Chapter 6: An Unexpected Encounter.During their underwater exploration, the Nautilus encounters a giant squid. A thrilling battle ensues as Captain Nemo and his crew try to fend off the aggressive creature. Professor Aronnax, Conseil, and Ned Land witness the intense struggle and are amazed by the Nautilus'ability to withstand the attack. The chapter showcases the Nautilus' strength and the bravery of its crew.Chapter 7: A Whale of a Tale.The Nautilus continues its journey, and the crew comes across a herd of whales. Captain Nemo explains his disdain for whalers and his mission to protect marine life. He shares stories of his encounters with whaling ships and his efforts to sink them. The chapter explores the moral dilemma of hunting whales and raises questions about the balance between human progress and environmental preservation.Chapter 8: The Ice Bank.The Nautilus reaches the freezing waters of the South Pole and navigates through the ice banks. Professor Aronnax and his companions witness the harsh conditions and the struggle for survival in this unforgiving environment. They also learn about the various exploration missions to the South Pole and the challenges faced by early explorers. The chapter emphasizes the power and unpredictability of nature.Chapter 9: The Lost Continent.The Nautilus discovers a hidden underwater civilization known as Atlantis. Professor Aronnax and his companions explore the magnificent city and learn about its advanced technology and culture. They witness the utopian society and the harmony between humans and nature. However, they also uncover the dark secrets of Atlantis and the tragic fate that awaits its inhabitants. The chapter explores themes of human ambition, progress, and the consequences of unchecked power.Chapter 10: The Submarine Coal-Mines.In this chapter, the Nautilus ventures into underwater coal mines. Captain Nemo explains the importance of coal as a source of energy and the exploitation of natural resources by humans. Professor Aronnax reflects on the environmental impact of industrialization and the need for sustainable energy alternatives. The chapter raises questions about the balance between technological advancement and responsible resource management.中文回答:第一章,变动的礁石。



Chapter 10 Language Acquisition 语言习得1.First language acquisition 第一语言习得a)The biological basis of language acquisition 语言习得的生物基础Language acquisition is a genetically determined capacity that all humans are endowed with. Human is biologically programmed to acquire at least one language.Any child who is capable of acquiring some particular human language is capable of acquiring any human language spontaneously and effortlessly.语言习得是全人类均具备的通过遗传而得来的能力。



b)Language acquisition as the acquisition of grammatical rules 语言习得即语法规则的习得Language acquisition is primarily the acquisition of the grammatical system of language. It doesn’t mean that every specific rule allowed by the grammatical system of a language must be acquired. What is actually acquired by young children are some general principle that are fundamental to the grammaticality of speech.语言习得主要是语言的语法体系的习得。

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3. 研究生教育与专业教育
研究生院 (Graduate School) 招收已取 得学士或学士以上学位的学生,开设的是
(Master of Arts, Master of Science)。
至五年,才能取得博士学位 (Doctor of
(Community College),有的叫初级学院
(Junior College)。地方学院通常是地方 政府兴办的。因为学生对象主要是本地 居民,学校往往没有学生宿舍。
二年制学院学费比较低,招生要求 也不高,所开课程适应不同学生的需要, 使众多的美国青年有机会接受高等教育。 这是美国中学生毕业后能有半数以上进
7. 大学学习
要通过大学入学考试就能升入高等院校 学习,60%以上的高中毕业生都能进大 学继续深造。成绩优秀的学生可以优先 进入好的大学学习。
专业学院 (Professional School) 招收
4. 学士学位
耶鲁大学 (Yale University)
耶鲁大学是位于美国康涅狄格州南 部城市纽黑文的一所著名私立大学。该 校始建于1701年,是在美国建立的第三 所大学,也是世界上最有声望的大学之 一。多位诺贝尔奖获得者和美国总统都 毕业于此。
著名校友包括:总统杰拉尔德· 福特、
周,分三个学季,每学季十至十一个学习 周,另外还有一季是暑假。起止时间一般 是九月中至十二月初为第一学季,即秋季 (Fall Quarter);
一月至三月为第二季,即冬季 (Winter
Quarter) ;四月初至六月中为第三季, 即春季 (Spring Quarter);暑季是假期, 长约十三周。大约百分之二十四的美国 院校使用这种校历。
《退伍军人法案》以及1958年颁布的《国 防教育法》等在美国高等教育的发展过程 中起到了很大的作用。
有文学家,如拉尔夫· 爱默生、亨利· 梭罗、
罗伯特· 弗罗斯特等。
我国近代也有许多科学家、作家和 学者曾就读于哈佛大学,如竺可桢、赵
Institute of Technology,MIT)
麻省理工学院创建于1861年,至今 已有140多年的历史,属于私立大学, 学制四年,并有五年制联合培养计划, 可同时获得硕士和学士双学位。最著名 的专业是工程和计算机科学,在全美是
美国高等学校通过多种途径为大学 生提供各类经济资助,如奖学金、助学 金、校内长期低息贷款、短期贷款、校 外长期低息贷款、联邦政府勤工俭学计 划、学校内外兼职工作和打工等。
哈佛大学 (Harvard university)
美国最早的私立大学之一。以培养 研究生和从事科学研究为主的综合性大学。
麻省理工学院设立了五个学院,并拥 有八个顶尖的研究所。120多年来,该校 一直是工程教育界的巨擘,星球大战计划 的高级雷达电子装置,就是由该学院研究 的。学校非常注重培养学生的创新、独立 研究及工程能力,设有一系列的实践创新 能力培养项目。
2. 大学教育
二年制学院 (Two-year College) 提 供初级阶段的高等教育,学生学完两年 的课程之后可以取得准学士学位 (Associate in Arts/Associate in Science)。
这种教育又分成两类,一类是一般 性教育,学生学习相当于四年制大学一、 二年级课程,所得的学分可以转到四年 制大学;另一类是职业教育,所开设课 程是为学生在社会上就业做准备,学生 完成学业就可以从事技术工作,不再攻 读学位。
中小学教育,但必须经州政府许可,取 得办学执照,并接受政府的监督。
美国各州和地方政府对初、中等教育 的管理模式为:绝大多数州设有教育委员 会,该委员会根据有关法规制定公立中小 学教育政策,由州教育厅长及其下属的专
课程的立足点,走发展学生的理解 能力和批判评估本专业领域最前沿知识 的争论问题能力。为此,学生须与富有 教学和科研经验的教授紧密合作。学生 毕业时,要提交论文及答辩。
6. 校历制
美国大学行政管理分散,各院校使 用的校历制度也不同。常用学期制
(Early Semester) 或学季制 (Quarter
一些论题让学生练习写作。对于高年级学 生,教授则要求学生提出自己论题,并在 图书馆或实验室进行独立研究。
5. 研究生学位
硕士学位课程包括一组相关联的课程。 随后是一系列考试和论文,或是与之相关 的一个有创造性的项目。硕士学位课程通
硕士学位课程有两种:一种授予 学术性学位,即文学硕士学位或理学 硕士学位;另一种授予某一职业的硕 士学位,引导学生进入一个实践性较 强的专业领域,为今后职业做准备。
四年制学院 (Four-Year College) 和大
学(University) 提供学士学位 (Bachelor of Arts,Bachelor of Science) 课程。多数四 年制学院的专业设置范围包括文理科的一 般教育 (Liberal Arts),即人文社会科学和 自然科学的基础学科,有的也开设一些较 专门的或应用性的课程,入学要求比两年 制学院的高。
月份有一个月的过渡性学期 ,学生在这
三学期制 (Trimester System),开学时
二 、初等教育与中等教育
美国的初等教育包括一至两年的学前 幼儿教育,一年的幼儿园,五至八年的小
哈佛大学前身为哈佛学院。哈佛大 学的文、史、医、商科是美国公认最好 的。哈佛大学已发展为拥有两个本科学 院、十一个研究生院、四十多个系科、 一百多个专业的大型院校。正式注册有 18,000名学位候选人,以研究生为主, 也包括本科生。
学生平均每学期能修满16—18个 学分,四年制本科生要想获得学士学 位,必须按规定修满120—128个学分, 通过考试和撰写学位论文,合格后才 能获得学位。
起止时间一般是九月初到十二月 末是第一个学期,也叫秋学期 (Fall Semester);一月至五月中是第二个学 期,也叫春学期 (Spring Semester)。