



广东财经大学试题参考答案及评分标准2013-2014学年第1学期 课程名称 线性代数(B 卷) 课程代码 101044 共3页……………………………………………………………………………………………………一、 填空题(每题3分,共30分)1, 正号; 2,相关; 3,-12; 4,32; 5,3; 6,;()()r A r B ≥ 7,(,)()r A b r A =; 8,1; 9,0; 10,1A A。

二 、选择题(每题3分,共15分)1,C ;2,B ;3,C ;4,B ;5,B ;三、计算题(每题10分,共40分)1. 解:14142143423113092D -=14140765014750121210---=----………4分 7651475121210--=----16577501210--=---1650353001210--=--………4分3530(1)1210-=-⨯-530(1)210-=-⨯-10=。

………2分 2. 解:1111()233132A b λλ-⎡⎤⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦111101210141λλ-⎡⎤⎢⎥→+⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦1111012100(3)(2)2λλλλ-⎡⎤⎢⎥→+⎢⎥⎢⎥-+--+⎣⎦………4分可知(1)3λ=-时,()2,(,)3r A r A b ==线性方程组无解; ………2分 (2)2λ≠时,且3λ≠-()(,)3r A r A b ==线性方程组有唯一解; ………2分 (3)2λ=时, ()(,)2r A r A b ==线性方程组有无穷多解。

………2分3 .解:111100()213010344001A I --⎛⎫⎪=-- ⎪ ⎪-⎝⎭111100011210011301--⎛⎫⎪→-- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭ ………6分 102110011210002511--⎛⎫⎪→-- ⎪ ⎪-⎝⎭ ………2分 100401111010222511001222⎛⎫ ⎪⎪ ⎪→ ⎪⎪ ⎪-⎝⎭. ………2分1401111222511222A -⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦4 .解:21112112144622436979--⎡⎤⎢⎥-⎢⎥⎢⎥--⎢⎥-⎣⎦11214011100001300000-⎡⎤⎢⎥-⎢⎥→⎢⎥-⎢⎥⎣⎦10104011030001300000-⎡⎤⎢⎥-⎢⎥→⎢⎥-⎢⎥⎣⎦得12,,αα4α是极大无关组。


F () lim F ( x)


F () lim F ( x)

f ( x)dx f ( x)dx


f ( x)dx
其中 c 为任意取定的常数. 当且仅当右端两个广义积分都收敛时,左端的广义积分 才收敛,否则发散.
9.已知f ( x) sin x,则 f ( x)dx •••••• • ;
10.• lim 若
x 0
arctan xdx x
1,则 •••••• ;
x 2n 1 x 12.• e ,则级数 若 ••••••• ; n! n 0 n ! n2 n
五、(1).求 xy 2 dxdy, 其中D ( x, y) |1 x 2 y 2 2
(2).求 ( x x 2 y 2 )d,其中D : x 2 y 2 1.
六、1.设D ( x, y ) | ( x 1) y 1, y 2 x, x 2 ,
2 1 1 x2 II : 1.• 2. 3. x x 1 dx•••• •0 4 x 2 dx ••••• •0 arctan xdx
y 2Z 2Z 四、设z arctan ,求dz和 2 2 1. x x y
2.•求分程y y y x的通解
2Z 3.设z f ( x y, x sin y ),求dz和 xy
1.• z x 2 2 x y 2的驻点为•••••••••• 求 ;
2.已知f ( x)的弹性函数为 x,则f ( x) •••••• • ;

江西财经大学13-14 西经B卷

江西财经大学13-14 西经B卷

江西财经大学现代经济管理学院13—14学年第二学期期末考试试卷课程名称:西方经济学(B卷) 课时:64课程代码:05024 任课教师:适用对象:12级本科各专业一、名词解释(每小题2分,共10分)1、供给2、需求价格弹性3、无差异曲线4、国内生产总值5、LM曲线二、单项选择题(每小题1分,共10分)1、如果供给曲线和需求曲线同时右移。



A.互补品 B.替代品 C.正常品 D.劣等品3、无差异曲线上任一点上商品X和Y的边际替代率等于它们的()。

A.价格之比 B.数量之比 C.边际效用之比 D.边际成本之比4、消费品价格变化时,连结消费者诸均衡点的曲线称为()。

A.价格——消费曲线 B.收入——消费曲线C.恩格尔曲线 D.需求曲线5、当羽毛球拍的价格下降时,对羽毛球的需求量将()。

A.减少 B.不变 C.增加 D.视情况而定6、下列哪一项计入GDP?()。



A.向左移动10亿元B.向右移动10亿元C.向右移动投资乘数乘以10亿元D. 向左移动投资乘数乘以10亿元9、在从原点出发的直线(射线)与TC曲线的切点上,AC()。



江西财经大学09-10 微积分答案

江西财经大学09-10  微积分答案

江西财经大学09-10学年第一学期期末考试试卷答案和评分标准试卷代码:03023B 授课课时:48课程名称:微积分 Ⅰ 适用对象:2009级试卷命题人 杨寿渊 试卷审核人 邹玉仁、罗世华一、填空题(每小题2分,共14分)1.2133x x -- 2.0 3.1-4.不存在 5.xα 6.22ln ln y xy y x xy x--7.1ln p C+二、单项选择题(每小题2分,共14分)1.B2.D3.B4.B5.A6.D7.C三、求极限(请写出主要计算步骤及结果,每小题4分,共12分.)1.21lim 0, sin cos 2,n n n n →∞=+≤ (2分)21lim (sin cos )0n n n n→∞+= (4分)2. 22222222000111lim 1limexp ln 1exp lim ln 122222x x x x x x x x x →→→⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫-=-=- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭(1分) 221111exp lim ln 1exp lim ln 1222t t t t t t →+∞→+∞⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=-=- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭ (2分)111212exp lim exp(0)11t t →+∞⎛⎫∙ ⎪- ⎪ ⎪=== ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭(4分) 3. 2220001sin 1sin 1sin limln lim ln 1lim x x x x x x x xx x x x x x →→→--⎛⎫=+= ⎪⎝⎭(2分) 3200sin cos 1limlim 3x x x x x x x →→--== (3分) 2202sin 12lim.36x xx →-==- (4分) 四、求导数(请写出主要计算步骤及结果,每小题4分,共12分.)1.()()'21'ln ln y x x =-(2分) ()21ln x x =-(4分)2.两边取对数,得ln csc ln y x x = (1分)两边对x 求导数,得'1csc cot ln csc ,y x x x x y x=-∙∙+ (2分) 得csc 1'csc cot ln csc .x y x x x x x x ⎛⎫=-∙∙+ ⎪⎝⎭(4分)3. ''y x =(2分)'1x ⎛⎫=⎪⎪⎭ (3分)11⎛⎫=+⎪⎪⎭(4分)五、(请写出主要计算步骤及结果,共8分.)解:由导数的定义,得()00()(0)()(0)()()limlim x x f ax f f bx f f ax f bx x x→→----= (3分) 00()(0)()(0)limlim x x f ax f f bx f a b ax bx→→--=- (6分) '(0)'(0).af bf a b =-=- (8分)六、(请写出主要计算步骤及结果,共8分.) 解:方程两边取对数,得 211ln ln ,22x y xy --= (3分) 两边取微分,得2112,22dx dyy dx xydy x y--=+ (6分) 解得()32224y xy dy dx x y x+=-+ (8分) 七、(请写出主要计算步骤及结果,共8分.)解:'1ln ,y x =+ (2分)()''1''1ln ,y x x=+=(4分) (2)()(2)11(2)!(1).n n n n n yx x----⎛⎫==- ⎪⎝⎭(8分)八、(请写出主要计算步骤及结果,共8分.)解:(1), 0,(2), 0,'1, 0 '', 0,(1), 0.(2), 0.x x x x x e x x e x y x y x x e x x e x --⎧⎧->->⎪⎪====⎨⎨⎪⎪+<+<⎩⎩不存在 (3分)令''0y =解得12当(,2)x ∈-∞-时''0y <,图像下凹; 当(2,0)x ∈-时''0y >,图像上凹; 当(0,2)x ∈时''0y <,图像下凹;当(2,)x ∈+∞时''0y >,图像上凹; (6分) 函数的拐点为22(2,2), (2,2), (0,0).e e ---- (8分)九、应用题(请写出主要计算步骤及结果,共8分.)解:(1)需求价格弹性为:'()2()EQ Q p p Ep Q p ==- (1分) 总利润函数为1/2()()()()()100100L Q R Q C Q Q p Q C Q Q Q =-=∙-=-- (2分)1/23/250'()501, ''(),2L Q Q L Q Q --=-=-由'()0L Q =解得02500Q = (3分) 且在这一点处的二阶导数值小于0,因此这一点是极大值点,也是最大值点,此时的价格为0 2.p = (4分) (2)新的税收政策出台后厂商的总利润函数为1/2()()()1001002L Q R Q C Q T Q Q =--=-- (5)1/23/250'()502, ''(),2L Q Q L Q Q --=-=-由'()0L Q =解得1625Q = (7分) 且在这一点处的二阶导数值小于0,因此这一点是极大值点,也是最大值点,此时的价格为1十、证明题(请写出推理步骤及结果,8分.)(1).证明:设M 是()f x 与()g x 共有的最大值,并设()f x 在1(,)x a b ∈处取得最大值M ,()g x 在2(,)x a b ∈处取得最大值M ,令()()()x f x g x ϕ=-,则 12()0, ()0.x x ϕϕ≥≤ (2分) 如果12x x =,则令1x η=便有()()f g M ηη==。



5.函数 f (x) 在点 x0 处取得极大值,则必有____.
A. f ′(x0 ) = 0
B. f ′′(x0 ) < 0
C. f ′(x0 ) = 0 且 f ′′(x0 ) < 0
D. f (x0 + ∆x) < f (x0 )( ∆x 很小)
三、 (8×2=16)
1.求 lim esin x − e x . x→0 sin x − x
求函数 y = 4(x + 1) 的凹向区间,拐点和渐近线. x2
某商品需求函数 Q = 150 − P , Q 为需求量(单位:件), P 为价格(单位:百元/件), 生产该商品的固定成本为 3 万元,多生产一件该商品的成品增加 3 百元. 假定产销均衡,试确定利润达到最大时的价格.
纸的相应位置.答案选错或未选者,该题不得分.每小题 3 分,共 15 分.) 1.设 f (x) 是偶函数, g(x) 是奇函数,则函数 f [g(x)]是________.
A. 偶函数 B. 奇函数 C. 非奇非偶函数 D.以上均不对.
2.若 x → 0 时, etan x − e x 与 x k 是同阶无穷小,则 k = ________.
2.求 lim ( 2 arctan x) x . π x→+∞
1.设 y = x ln( x + x2 +1 ),求 dy .
[第 1页,共 3 页]
2.设 e x+y − xy = 1 ,求 y′ .
设 y = 1 ,求 y(n) . ax + b











根据时间的安排,每门课成绩最佳估计分数如下:经济学英语数学复习时间(天数)成绩复习时间(天数)成绩复习时间(天数)成绩0 20 0 40 0 801 45 1 52 1 902 65 2 62 2 953 75 3 71 3 974 83 4 78 4 985 90 5 83 5 996 92 6 86 6 99该生应如何让分配复习时间才能使总成绩最高?说明理由三、论述题(本类题共50分,每题25分)1.多数人认为偏好在完全竞争市场经济下经济效率一定会好于垄断条件下这一判断,但也有经济学家认为完全竞争市场经济是一种理想状态,离我们现实的生活、生产太遥远,而垄断更似乎是一种常态,于是认为垄断也可能会促进经济效率,你认同这一观点吗?请说明理由。















江西财经大学精品课件【历年试题】01-02 微积分

江西财经大学精品课件【历年试题】01-02 微积分

江西财经大学试卷试卷代号:03023 适用对象:2001级课程学时:48 课程名称:微积分I一、 填空题(每小题2分,共14分)[在答题纸上写明各题题号,并写出正确答案]1、 设21)11(++=+x x x f ,则)(x f =______________________.2、当0→x 时,x sin 是x 的___________无穷小。

3、曲线)2sin(2-=x x y 在点(2,0)处的切线斜率为___________________。

4、函数434x x y -=的上凹区间为__________________。

5、 函数32)52(x x y -=的极大值为________________________。

6、 曲线x e y 1=的垂直渐近线为_______________________。

7、 已知某产品的需求函数为Q=50-5P ,则P=6时的需求弹性为___________。

(P 为价格,Q 为需求量)二、 单项选择题(每小题3分,共15分)[在答题纸上写明各题题号,并写出正确答案]1、 设)(x f 与)(x g 都是无界函数,则________。

A 、)()(x g x f +必是无界函数B 、)()(x g x f -必是无界函数C 、)()(x g x f ⋅必是无界函数D 、)()(22x g x f +必是无界函数 2、 若)0(),0(00+-x f x f 均存在,则必有_______。

A 、)(lim 0x f x x →存在 B 、)(lim 0x f x x →不存在 C 、)(lim 0x f x x →可能存在,也可能不存在 D 、以上都不对3、 若⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=≠-=000cos 1)(x x x x x f ,则)0('f =______。

A 、0 B 、—2 C 、2 D 、44、 点(0,0)是曲线_________的拐点。

江西财经大学13-14 西经A卷

江西财经大学13-14 西经A卷

江西财经大学现代经济管理学院2013-2014学年第一学期期末考试试卷试卷代码: A 授课课时:64课程名称:西方经济学适用对象:12级本科试卷命题人:戴达远试卷审核人:一、名词解释(每小题2分,共10分)1、均衡价格2、边际效用3、显性成本4、边际消费倾向5、IS曲线二、单项选择题(每小题1分,共10分)1、一国生产可能性曲线以内的点表示()。














试卷一五、简答题(每题5分,共10分) 1.简述静态平均数和动态平均数的区别. 2.平均数指数和平均指标有何区别? 六、计算分析题(共45分)试计算该企业第二季度平均每月全员劳动生产率。



()4(025.0t =2.776)(8分)4.某药厂为了检验瓶装药片的数量,从成品库随机抽检100瓶,结果平均每瓶101.5片,标准差为3片。

试以F(t)=99.73%的把握程度推断成品库中该种药片平均每瓶数量的置信区间,如果允许误差减少到原来的一半,其他条件不变,问需要抽取多少瓶?(5分)已知经过计算乙工人生产零件的平均长度为9.96mm,标准差为0.254mm 。



(注: (3.09)=0.999)(5分)*7.下面用假设资料说明国内生产总值的计算。







江西财经大学XX —XX 第一学期期末考试试卷课程代码:XX (A ) 授课课时:60 考试用时:150分钟课程名称:Calculus (I) 适用对象:XX 级国际学院本科生 试卷命题人: 聂XX 试卷审核人: XXProblem 1(3×5=15pts.)Fill in the blank of each unfinished statement such that it is right. Mark your answer on the answer sheet.(1) lim (x x →-∞= -1 . (2) If 0lim[()()]2x f x g x →+= and 0lim[()()]1x f x g x →-=, then 0lim ()()x f x g x →= 3/4 .(3) 141sin )1x dx x-=+⎰ 1/2 . (4) Let 1sin if 0()0if 0x x f x x x ⎧≠⎪=⎨⎪=⎩. Then ()f x '= . (5)= . Problem 2(3×5=15pts.)For each blank in the following statement, choose the best answer from the choice given below. Mark your choice on the answer sheet.(6) If )(x f is differentiable at 0=x such that 0)0(=f and (0)1f '=, then xx f x f x )3()2(lim 0+→=_____D__. A.0 B.1 C.3 D.5 (7) Let ()f ⋅ be a differentiable function. Then()()f x d f e dx =_____A___. A. ()()()()f x f x e f x f e '' B. ()()()()f x f x e f x f e '''C. ()()()f x f x f e ''D. ()()()f x f x e f e ''(8) =⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-→xx x 1071lim ___B_____.A. 71e B. 71-e C. 7e D. 7-e(9) If f and g are continuous and ()()f x g x ≥ for a x b ≤≤, then BA. ()()f x g x ''≥ for a x b ≤≤B.()()b b a a f x dx g x dx ≥⎰⎰ C. ()()f x dx g x dx ≥⎰⎰ D. ()lim 1()x c f x g x →≥ for a c b ≤≤ (10) Suppose that )(x f is continuous on ],[b a , and 0x is a fixed number in ],[b a , then ⎰0)(x adt t f dx d = ______C___. A. )(0x f B. )(0x f ' C. 0 D. )(0x f -Please show all your work on answer sheet, unless instructed otherwise. Partial credit will be given only for work shown. The point value of each problem is written next to the problem – use your time wisely.Problem 3(8pts.) Find the equation of the tangent line to the curve32cos()2y xy xy -+=at the point (0,1). y=1/3x + 1Problem 4(8pts.) Evaluate 011lim()sin 1x x x e →--.1/2 Problem 5(8pts.) Let sin if 0()if 0x x f x x ax bx ⎧<⎪=⎨⎪+≥⎩ Determine a and b such that f is differentiable everywhere. Problem 6(8pts.)Find 40⎰. Problem 7(8pts.) Let R be the region bounded by the curve 2y x =, and the line 2y x =. (a)Evaluate the area of the region R.(b)Find the volume of the solid generated by revolving the R about the y -axis .Problem 8(8pts.) Determine the production level that will maximize the profit for a company with cost and demand functions2()0.1460,()160.2C x x x p x x =++=-Problem 9(8pts.) Sketch the graph of 21()f x x x=-. Problem 10(8pts.)(a) (3pts.)Use the Mean Value Theorem to prove that0x →∞= (b) (5pts.) Let ()f x be continuous on [,]a b and suppose that ()f x '' exists for all x in (,)a b . Prove that if there are three values of x in [,]a b for which ()0f x = then there is at least one value of x in (,)a b such that ()0f x ''=.。

江西财经大学精品课件【历年试题】02-03 微积分

江西财经大学精品课件【历年试题】02-03 微积分

江西财经大学02-03学年第一学期期末考试试卷试卷代码:03023 课时:48课程名称:微积分I 适用对象:2002级一、 填空题(2×5=10)1.函数x x y -=1ln arcsin 1的定义域为______. 2.设)0(~cos 12→-x x ax ,则=a ______.3.若2)1(',2)1(-==g g ,则极限12)(lim 31--→x x g x x =________. 4.曲线x x y =在0=x 处的切线方程为_______.5.已知需求函数为P Q 510-=,则1=P EP EQ=_______.二、 单项选择题(2×5=10) 1.=+-∞→n n n n n sin cos lim_______A. 0B. 1C. ∞D.不存在2.值为2的极限是______ A. n n n 2sin lim ∞→ B. x x x arctan lim 0→ C. x x x )11(lim +∞→ D. 88)32()21(2lim +-∞→x x x 3.已知函数)(x f 对一切x 满足1)(')("3-=+-x e x xf x f x ,若)0(0)('00≠=x x f ,则0x 是)(x f 的______A.极大值点B.极小值点C.拐点D.最小值点4. ____式中未知函数C x x f +=arctan )(,C 为任意常数.A. )(x df xdx =B. )(112x df dx x =+C. )(2x df dx xe x =D. )(tan x df xdx =5.函数x x y ln 2+=的上凸区间为_____ A. )21,(--∞ B.),21(+∞ C. ),(+∞-∞ D. )21,21(- 三、 计算题(6×5=30) 1.求x x x ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛++→11lim 0 2.求30sin arctan lim x x x x -→3.设)1ln(211222++-+=x x x x y ,求'y .[第1页,共2页]4.设33222-+=x xx y ,求dy .5.设)(x f 在1=x 的某邻域内有连续的导数, 2)1('-=f ,求)(cos lim 0x f dx d x +→. 四、 计算题(8×4=32)1.求⎪⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎪⎨⎧>≤<=-<+=1110sin 00111sin )(x x x x x x x x f 的间断点,并指出它们的类型.2.设xy e y x -=++)sin(1,求)0,0("y .3.设)0()(≠-++=bc ad d cx b ax x f ,求)()(x f n . 4.求曲线x e y x+=1的全体渐近线. 五、 应用题(8×1=8)设某产品的需求函数为Q P 25.010-=,Q 为需求量, P 为价格(单位:万元),若固定成本为1万元,多生产一个单位产品成本增加5万元,假定产销平衡,求:利润最大时的价格和最大利润.六、 证明题(5×2=10)1.设)(x f 在]1,0[上连续, 0)0(=f ,在)1,0(内可导且0)(>x f ,证明存在)1,0(∈ξ使得)1()1(')(5)('3ξξξξ--=f f f f .[第2页,共2页]。

江西财经大学 计量经济学 B卷

江西财经大学 计量经济学 B卷

江西财经大学10-11第1学期期末考试试卷试卷代码: 01074 授课课时:64 考试时间:150分钟课程名称: 金融计量学适用对象:本科班试卷命题人 王清生; 邹朋飞 试卷审核人 刘紫云一、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1.对于i i i X X Y 22110ˆˆˆˆβββ++=,在给定置信水平下,减小2ˆβ的置信区间的途径主要有________________、________________、________________。

2. 当随机误差项不存在自相关时,用__________进行单位根检验;当随机误差项存在自相关时,用__________进行单位根检验。


4.对于总体线性回归模型i i i i i X X X Y μββββ++++=3322110,运用最小二乘法欲得到参数估计量,所要求的最小样本容量n 应满足____________。

5. 总体平方和TSS 反映____________________之离差的平方和;回归平方和ESS 反映了____________________之离差的平方和;残差平方和RSS 反映了____________________之差的平方和。

二、选择题 (在每小题的备选答案中,选出一个正确的答案,多选、少选、错选均不得分。


)1.最小二乘准则是指使( )达到最小值的原则确定样本回归方程。

A.()∑=-nt tt Y Y 1ˆ B.∑=-nt ttY Y1ˆC.tt Y Y ˆmax - D.()21ˆ∑=-nt ttY Y2. 下列哪个模型的一阶线性自相关问题可用D-W 检验( )。

A.有限多项式分布滞后模型 B.自适应预期模型 C.库伊克变换模型 D.局部调整模型3.平稳性检验的方法有()。



------------------------- 赠予 ------------------------【名师心得】1. 因材施教,注重创新。




2. 学高为师,身正为范。



因此,必须树立起终身学习的观念,不断的更新知识、总结经验,取他人之长来补己之短,才1江西财经大学2013级期中(上)试卷(参考答案) 课程代码:12003(A ) 授课课时:48 考试时间:110分钟 课程名称:Calculus (I) 适用对象:13级AR1、AR6等班级的学生 试卷命题人: . 试卷审核人: .1. Full in the blank of each statement in the following five statements such that the statement is right. Then write the corresponding answer on the answer book by the title number. You can be gained 3 points for the right thing on per blank.(1) 2(2)x x '+=________.(2) 22121lim 1x x x x →++=+_________. (3) 2d (log )d e x x=________. (4) 226lim 345x x x x →±∞=++________.------------------------- 赠予 ------------------------【名师心得】1. 因材施教,注重创新。



江西财经大学2013-2014学年第一学期期末考试试卷(B)课程代号:04464 课程名称:大学英语Ⅰ总课时:64课时适用班级:重修Part ⅠReading Comprehension (40%)Passage 1Space is a dangerous place, not only because of meteors(流星) but also because of rays from the sun and other stars. The atmosphere again acts as our protective blanket on earth. Light gets through, and this is essential for plants to make the food what we eat. Heat, too, makes our environments tolerable and some ultraviolet(紫外线的) rays penetrate(穿透) the atmosphere. Cosmic(宇宙) rays of various kinds come through the air from outer space, but enormous quantities of radiation from the sun are screened off. As soon as men leave the atmosphere they are exposed to this radiation but their spacesuits or the walls of their spacecraft, if they are inside, do prevent a lot of radiation damage.Radiation is the greatest known danger to explorers in space. The trouble is that it is extremely difficult to be sure about radiation damage -- a person may feel perfectly well, but the cells of his or her sex organs may be damaged, and this will not be discovered until the birth of (deformed) children or even grandchildren.Drugs might help to decrease the damage done by radiation, but no really effective ones have been found so far. At present, radiation seems to be the greatest physical hazard to space travelers, but it is impossible to say just how serious the hazard will turn out to be in the future.1. According to the passage, without atmosphere ____________________.spaceships can never be shot into spacesunlight can’t reach the earthplants can produce varied foodour environment would be intolerable2. When men spend long periods in space they will protect themselves by ________________________.taking special drugswearing special suitsusing a protective blanketno solution has been found yetmeteorsweightlessnessradiationmagnetic force4. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?The grandchildren of astronauts are deformed.The children of astronauts have damaged sex organs.Radiation damage may show only in later generations.Radiation does not seem to be very harmful.5. Radiation is dangerous to men, ____________________________.but we don’t know exactly how dangerous it isbut only in spaceso we should build up our healthand we can do nothing about it at the present timePassage 2How often one hears children wishing they were grown up, and old people wishing they were young again. Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets.Youth is a time when there are few tasks to make life difficult. If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved whatever he may do. It is impossible that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child—things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well—known. But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to do; he is continually being told not to do things, or being punished for what he has done wrong.When the young man starts to earn his own living, he can no longer expect others to pay his food, his clothes, and his room, but has to work if he wants to live comfortably. If he spends most of his time playing about in the way that he used to as a child, he will go hungry. And if he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to prison. If, however, he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has good health, he can have the great happiness of building up for himself his own position in society.6. People can experience happiness if they _______________.A. always think of the past and regret itB. are no longer youngD. value the present7. When people were young, they used to __________________.A. be in charge of many businessesB. look after their younger sisters and brothersC. have few things to think about and take onD. face a lot of difficulties8. The pains of children lie in the fact that _____________.A. they are not allowed to do what they like to doB. no one helps them make right decisionsC. they are often beaten by their parentsD. they can not be accepted and praised by others9. Children are usually happy because ____________________.A. old people lose interest in themB. they are free to do wrongC. they are familiar with everything going on around themD. things are new to them10. Which of the following is NOT needed for a young man to be happy?A. Hard work.B. Wealth.C. being free from troubles.D. Health.Passage 3High school graduation—the bitter-sweet feelings are as much a part of me now as they were twenty-one years ago.As graduation day approached, excitement increased. Being out of high school meant I was finally coming of age. Soon I would be on my own, making my own decisions, doing what I wanted and it meant going to school with boys—a welcome change coming from an all-girl high school. There was never any question in my mind that I would go to a college away from home. My mother’s idea, in the other hand, was just the opposite. Trying her best not to force her ideas on me. She would subtly ask whether I had considered particular schools—all of which happened to be located in or near my hometown of Chicago. Once it was established that, if it was financially feasible, I would go away anyway, my family’s ideas changed. Their concern shifted from whether I was going away to how far I would go. The schools I was considering on the East Coast suddenly looked far more attractive than those in California.But which college I would attend was just one of what seemed like a never-ending list of unknowns. What would college be like? Would I be unbearably lonely not knowing anyone else who was going to the same school? … What if the college I selected turned out to be a horrible mistake?Then panic set in. My feelings took a 180-degree turn.11. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the writer according to the passage?She graduated from a high school for girls only.She wanted to leave home forever.Her hometown is on the West Coast.Her family was strongly against her leaving home.12. The writer was excited about her graduation because _______________.that means she could go to work away from homethat means she would be independentshe could invite her friends homeshe would be allowed to go out with boys13. The writer’s mother asked her whether she had considered particular schools because her mother wanted _____________________.her to try different schoolsher to stay at homeher to go to an all-girl collegeher to go to a college near home14. The writer would go away from home _______________________.to find a better universityif her parents agreed to let her goif she had the moneyno matter what might happen to her15. Why did the writer’s feelings take a 180-degree turn in the end?Because she was lonely in her choice of college.Because in fact she was afraid of leaving her family.Because the college she selected was a horrible mistake.Passage 4All of us communicate with one another nonverbally(不使用语言地), as well as with words. Most of the time we’re not aware that we’re doing it. We gesture with eyebrows or a hand, meet someone else’s eyes and look away, change positions in a chair. These actions we assume are occasional. However in recent years researchers have discovered that there is a system to them almost as consistent and understandable as language.One important kind of body language is eye behavior. Americans are careful about how and when they meet one another’s eyes. In our normal conversation, each eye contact lasts only about a second before one or both of us look away. When two Americans look searchingly into each other’s eyes, they become more intimate. Therefore, we carefully avoid this, except in suitable situations.Researchers who are engaged in the study of communication through body movement are not prepared to spell out a precise vocabulary of gestures. When an American rubs his nose, it may mean he is disagreeing with someone or refusing something. But there are other possible interpretations(解释), too. Another example: when a student in conversation with a professor holds the older man’s eyes a little longer than is usual, it can be a sign of respect; it can be a challenge to the professor’s authority(权威); it can be something else entirely. The researchers look for patterns in the situation, not for a separate meaningful gesture.Communication between human beings would be just dull if it were all done with words.16. The main idea of this article is that _________________.A. study of communication through body movement is a new scienceB. all of us communicate with one anotherC. eye behavior is the most important part in body languageD. body movements are as important as words in communication17. What do researchers think of body language?A. Body language is more important than spoken language in communication.B. Body language can be understood and used by people in communicationC. Body language has been discovered in recent years.D. Body language is the study of communication through body movement.18. The word “intimate” in paragraph 2 probably means _____________.A. greatB. goodC. closeD. important19. According to the passage, you make an American person feel uncomfortable, if you ___________________________.A. Look into his eyes for a long timeB. avoid meeting his eyesC. meet his eyesD. stare into his eyes for one second20. The sentence “The researchers look for patterns in the situation, not for a separate meaningful gesture” means ________________________.A. the researchers believe that one gesture has only one meaningB. the researchers think that one gesture can not be used in different situationsC. the researchers look for patterns in textbooks to explain the meaning of a gestureD. the researchers explain the meaning of a gesture according to the situation in which it is usedPart ⅡVocabulary and structure (20%)21. Everyone knows that our government has determined to _________ the natural resources of the west to promote economic progress.A. look forward toB. cut down onC. make the most ofD. count for much22. The famous scientist ______________ the virus twice in his lecture.C. looked inD. focused on23. I was _____________ by all this hard work.A. worn upB. worn awayC. worn outD. worn off24. No one listened, _______________ the children.A. least of allB. all of the leastB. not least D. at least25. You should __________ yourself __________ the new environment.A. suit…toB. adapt…toC. fit…toD. match…to26. The picture exhibition bored me to death. I wish I _________ to it.A. had not goneB. have not goneC. did not goD. can not have gone27. It was suggested that this naughty boy ______________________.A. will be punishedB. could be punishedC. was punishedD. be punished28. I _____________ you the book as soon as possible, I promise you.A. would sendB. will sendC. sentD. send29. We are late. I expect the film ______________ by the time we get to the cinema.A. will already have startedB. would already have startedD. has already been started30. A wise and experienced employer will assign a job to _______ is qualified.A. no matter whoB. whoeverC. whomeverD. who31. Because of his degree, he refused to ___________ he thought low work.A. thatB. whatC. whichD. who32. In one country which I visited _______________ the climate is very cold all the year round people have to wear a lot to keep warm.A. thatB. whichC. whenD. where33. He is from the south of England, ___________ is evident from his accent.A. whichB. from whichC. asD. that34. He jotted the name down _____________ he should forget it.A. in thatB. as ifC. for fear thatD. except that35. ________________ you live next door to Mr. Robert, you ought to be able to recognize them.A. Assuming thatB. On condition thatC. For fear thatD. Seeing that36. Bread and butter _____________ what Americans usually have for breakfast.A. are B is C. was D. were37. Two hundred and fifty pounds ______________ too unreasonable a price for a second-hand car.A. isB. areC. wereD. be38. “let’s hurry. The president is coming.” “Oh, I am afraid that we _________________.”A. already miss himB. had already missed himC. will miss him alreadyD. have already missed him39. Even though they ________________ for twenty years, the two neighbors are not on good terms.A. have been lived side by sideB. had been living side by sideC. have been side by side livingD. have been living side by side40. I don’t remember _______________ the chance to try this method.A. having been givenB. to have been givenC. having givenD. to have givenPart ⅢCloze (10%)I went to London by train on the day I left university, and sat opposite a man who was so absorbed in his newspaper at first 41 I could not see his face.After a few minutes he put the paper down with an impatient 42 . He had not realized I was there, and, probably because of his surprise, made some 43 about the weather. Then he glanced at me and said, “End of term?” “The end of university 44 me,” I said. I had not 45 got used to the idea that from then on I was 46 a student. “Well, now you’ve got your 47 , I expect you’re looking 48 a long summer break.” “The first thing I must do is look for a job. I’ve got my name down for three or four interviews. But to 49 the truth, they don’t excite me much.”For the rest of the journey, we talked about my studies. As I was saying good-bye, he handed me a business card with his name on it and the address of Merrick Enterprises Ltd. in the city. “If you 50 ideas during the summer” he said, “give me a ring.”41. A. as B. such C. when D. that42. A. gaze B. gesture C. glimpse D. grasp43. A. claim B. word C. speech D. remark44. A. of B. for C. with D. to45. A. really B. truly C. mainly D. finally46. A. once B. never C. no longer D. any longer47. A. grade B. education C. degree D. scholarship48. A. forward to B. out for C. down upon D. up to49. A. say B. speak C. give D. tell50. A. run out of B. go back onC. come up againstD. get down toPart ⅣTranslate the following sentences into English. (20%)1. 这个十岁的男孩小提琴拉得如此娴熟,在场的人都惊叹不已。



江西财经大学07—08第一学期期末考试试卷【请注意:将各题题号及答案写在答题纸上,写在试卷上无效】一、 填空题(要求在答题纸相应位置上,不写解答过程,本大题共5个小题,每小题3分,共15分)。

1.设4⨯4矩阵A=()234,,,αγγγ,B=()234,,,βγγγ,其中,α234,,,,βγγγ均在4维列向量,且已知A =4,B =1,则行列式A B += ;2.设A 为n 阶矩阵,A ≠0,*A 为A 的伴随矩阵,若A 有特征值λ,则*A 的一个特征值为 ;3.设n 阶矩阵A 的各行元素之和均为零,且()R A =n-1,则线性方程组AX=0的通解为 ;p133 4.设()1,2,,T n a a a α=,()12,,Tn b b b β=为非零向量,且满足条件)(,0αβ=,记n 阶矩阵TA αβ=,则2A = ; 5.设二阶矩阵A=712y x ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦与B=1324⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦相似,则x = ,y = 。

二、 单项选择题(从下列各题四个备选答案中选出一个正确答案。




1. 设三阶矩阵A 的特征值为1,2,3,则22A I -=【 】 A. 0 B. 24 C. -14 D. 20 2. 设有向量组()11124α=-,()20312α=,()330714α=,()41220α=-,()521510α= 则该向量组的极大无关组是【 】123.,,A ααα 124.,,B ααα 125.,,C ααα 1245.,,,D αααα3. n 阶方阵A 具有n 个不同的特征值是A 与对角阵相似的【 】 A. 充分必要条件 B. 充分而非必要条件 C. 必要而非充分条件 D.即非充分也非必要条件4.设A 为n 阶方阵,且A =0,则 【 D 】 A. A 中至少有一行(列)的元素为全为零 B. A 中必有两行(列)的元素对应成比例C. A 中任意一行(列)向量是其余各行(列)向量的线性组合D. A 中必有一行(列)向量是其余各行(列)向量的线性组合 5.设A 、B 为同阶可逆矩阵,则【 D 】 A. AB=BAB.存在可逆矩阵P ,使1P AP B -=C.存在可逆矩阵C ,使T C AC B =D.存在可逆矩阵P 和Q ,使PAQ B =三、 计算题(要求在答题纸相应位置上写出详细计算步骤及结果,本题12分)计算行列式abac ae D bdcd de bfcfef-=--四、 计算题(要求在答题纸相应位置上写出详细计算步骤及结果,本题12分)设A 满足100020001A ⎡⎤⎢⎥=-⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦满足*A BA=2BA-8I ,求B五、 计算题(要求在答题纸相应位置上写出详细计算步骤及结果,本题12分)根据K 的取值求解非齐次线性方程组123123123322kx x x k x kx x x x kx ++=-⎧⎪++=-⎨⎪++=-⎩六、 计算题(要求在答题纸相应位置上写出详细计算步骤及结果,本题12分) 设A 为三阶矩阵,123,,ααα是线性无关的三维列向量,且满足1123,A αααα=++ 2232,Aααα=+ 32323,A ααα=+ (1)求三围矩阵B ,使()123A ααα= ()123B ααα;(2)求矩阵A 的特征值。



f [ϕ(x)] =
⎪⎪ ⎨
⎪⎩ x
x ≥ 0,
⎧ ⎨
x ≥ 0, = x. x<0
6. f (x) = 1 (x2 + 2x −1) . 3
7. 由 x2 + 5 > 1 ,故 f (x2 + 5) = 1 ;又 sin x ≤ 1 , 4x − x2 − 6 = − ⎡⎣(x − 2)2 + 2⎤⎦ < −1 ,故 f (sin x) = sin x ,且
(2) 若不亏本,必须有 π(q) = 5q − 2000 ≥ 0, q ≥ 400.
⋅ 4. π(q) = R(q) − C(q) = p q( p) − 270 000 −10q = ( p −10)(45 000 − 900 p) − 270 000 ,所以 p = 30 时,利润
5. (1) C(Q) = 600 + 5Q ;
3 x3 −1
ln3 y
解得 x = 3 1 +
,故原函数的反函数为 y = 1+
,它的定义域 x > 0 ,且 x ≠ 1 ,所以原函数的值域为
ln3 y
ln3 x
(0,1) ∪ (1, +∞) .
9. R(x) = 4x − 1 x2 . 2
10. 证明 由 f (1+ x) + 3 f (1− x) = x2 − x ,可得 f (1− x) + 3 f (1+ x) = x2 − (−x) .



广东财经大学试题纸2013-2014学年第_1__学期考试时间共120分钟课程名称微积分I(B 卷)课程代码100013课程班号13级经管、理工类_共_2_页-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------一、填空题(每题3分,共30分)1、函数xx y 1arctan3+-=的定义域是____________.2、设xx f -=11)(则=))((x f f ________________.3、已知432lim23=-+-→x kx x x ,则k =________________.4、=-→20cos 1limxxx ____________.5、设函数⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=≠+=0,0,)1()(1x a x x x f x 为),(+∞-∞上的连续函数,则a =____________.6、已知)(0x f '存在,则=-+→hx f h x f h )()3(lim000.7、若)(xe f y =,f 可导,则=''y .8、曲线2224+-=x x y 的单调递减区间是__________________.9、若xxsin 是)(x f 的一个原函数,则⎰='dx x f x )(_____________.10、=⎰xdx 2tan _____________.二、单选题(每题3分,共15分)1、=++→xx x x x 21sin)3(lim 32()A .∞; B.1;C.2; D.0.2、设12)11(-=-x x x f ,则)(x f '=()A .x +11 B.x-11 C.2)1(1x --D.2)1(1x -3、24)(2--=x x x f 的间断点是()A.2=x 与2-=x B.2=x C.2-=x D.无间断点4、当0→x 时,3tan x 是)21ln(3x +的()。

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江西财经大学现代经济管理学院 2013-2014学年第一学期期末考试试卷 试卷代码: B 卷 授课课时:48
课程名称:微积分I 适用对象:2013级ACA 班 试卷命题人 试卷审核人

1、已知x x x f -=1)(,则)]2([x f f =______________________.
2、当0→x 时,)(tan 正整数∈+n nx x 是x 的________无穷小。

3、曲线x y ln =在),1(e 处的切线斜率为__________。

4、函数3)1(x x y ⋅-=的单调递减区间为__________________。

5、曲线434x x y -=的一个拐点为________________________。


1、设)(x f 是偶函数,)(x g 是奇函数,则)]([x g f 是________。

A 、偶函数
B 、奇函数
C 、非奇非偶函数
D 、不能确定
2、设)(x f 在区间),(b a 内二阶可导,则0)(">x f 是)(x f 在),(b a 内上凹的_______。

A 、充分非必要条件
B 、必要非充分条件
C 、充要条件
D 、无关条件
3、函数)(x f 在0=x 处可导,0)0(=f ,1)0('=f ,则
x x f x f x )s i n 3()2(lim 0-→=___。

A 、5 B 、2 C 、3 D 、—1
4、已知函数ax e
x f x ln )(⋅=-在21=x 处有极值,则a =_________。

A 、2e B 、2
2e C 、e D 、2e 5、若变量1
)1(332--x x x 为无穷小量,则x 的变化过程有________个。

A 、1 B 、2 C 、3 D 、4
n x n n -⋅+∞→π。

]1)1ln([20lim x x x n -+→。

⋅=x x x x x f ,求)('x f 。

x y -+=11arctan ,求dy 。

5、方程1)cos(=⋅-x e y xy 决定了y 是x 的函数,求0
22=x dx y d 。

1、验证函数⎩⎨⎧≤<≤≤-=21112)(221x x
x x x f 关于拉格朗日中值定理的正确性,并求出相应的中间值。

2、求)1,0(2≠>⋅=a a a x y x 的10阶导数。

3、已知函数)(x f ,)(x ϕ在0=x 的某邻域内连续,且1)(lim 0-=→x x x ϕ,2)
()(20lim =→x x f x ϕ,求)0('f 。

设某种产品的需求函数为Q=12000—80P ,总成本C=25000+50Q ,每单位产品要纳税2元,试求销售利润最大时的产品价格。

(Q 为需求量,P 为产品价格)
1、求证:)0,2(11>≥+>+x n x x n n
2、设)(x f 在],[b a 上连续,且满足b b f a a f ><)(,)(,求证至少存在一点),(b a ∈ξ使得ξξ=)(f 。
